#i also h8 this formatting i might change it
bazinjeanstm · 6 years
a day in the life
approx. 830 // should have no tw​
[january 1, 2013 — 'hello!!']
[simonsnows, 143 views, 10 likes, 2 dislikes]
Simon sits in front of the camera. Behind him, blurry from the slightly out of focus camera, is a messy room: the bed in the corner unmade, the desk filled with clutter, the floor covered with papers. It’s obvious that he’s still in school, whether it be from the crowded space or from the stacks of university textbooks placed randomly around the room. (A strand of fairy lights is hung up slightly crookedly along the ceiling. A lit candle sits just inside the frame. The flickering of both is quite distracting.)
There is a lot be learnt about Simon just from the first 30 seconds. The way he pauses after every few words alludes to unsureness and insecurity, but the set of jaw and the look in his eyes show defiance and determination. He seems like a spontaneous person; he has no script or plan on hand, he simply flits from one topic to another as he thinks of them. His blond curls practically bounce with his enthusiasm, and he gesticulates so much he almost hits his lamp four separate times. Nevertheless, he is quite endearing with his delighted smiles and quiet laughter. And his moles.
“Hey guys! Simon here. Simon Snow. Not that any of you guys would know who I am or my name. I’ve decided to start a YouTube channel, but I guess you guys know that. Wait, duh, of course you would if I post this. Penny says that it’ll help me talk more confidently and freely, as I’ll be talking to you guys here—“
“Shut up Simon, don’t bring me into this” could be heard from somewhere off camera.
“—but I won’t be able to see you guys physically so perhaps that would help in some way. I’m not sure what’s going to be posted here, so I guess I’ll just talk about my day for now…”
penny bunce: nice first video Simon!
ishipit62: he’s so cute!!! i can’t wait to see more of his videos!
[february 10, 2013 — 'welcome']
[basilton grimm-pitch, 318 views, 28 likes, 4 dislikes]
Baz sits slightly off center, taking note of the rule of thirds. (Split the picture into thirds. Place the subject, in this case Baz, on one of the lines that splits the picture into thirds. Baz chose the right one.) He sits on his freshly made bed. To his left is a potted plant. To his right is a small painting hung on the wall. (It is unclear as to what the painting is depicting.) His room is neat and tidy, not a single thing out of place. His desk completely void of anything except for two pens (placed in a small wire cup), a mug (written on it are the words untouchable by nature), and a lamp (white, modern, sleek). The only pop of color in the room is a small gay pride flag, pinned so that it’s in the upper right corner of the frame.
The video is only approximately 30 seconds long, but there are already traits that are distinctively Baz. He sits with his back straight, shoulders squared, head tilted a tiny bit up. It appears as though there is a permanent scowl fixed on his face. His speech is proper and doesn’t seem to include slang, and his vocabulary is (assumably) quite large. He speaks with a steadiness and precision that comes with years of training and natural charisma. He’s also placed his laptop (the newest MacBook Pro) on a stool in front of him, presumably with a script or notes pulled up. His hair just brushes his shoulders, moving a tiny bit when he turns his head, and his eyes are a stormy grey. His haughty and mysterious aura pull people in and keep them there, surprisingly.
“Hello. My name is Baz. Welcome. I’ve finally decided to start my own YouTube channel. You may know me from Ag’s channel, as I often appear in her vlogs, or from around the YouTube community in general. I’m not certain as to what type of content I’m going to be putting on this channel, so I’ll end this video here. Welcome to my life.” He gestures once around, as if showing a guest the room, before signing off with a wave.
aglovefafn58: this is so exciting i love baz and his music! he’s sooooo pretty
derek mann: i would def date him.. if only he wasn’t with agatha
              wut: +derek mann uhhh,,, they’re not together?!?
              frank frank: +derek mann i think ag was with some dude named “simon” or “si” or something
Agatha Wellbelove @agathawellbelove · 10 feb 2013
After much bribery and pleading, @basiltonpitch has finally started his own YouTube channel!! https://www.youtube.com/user/basilton
Baz Grimm-Pitch @basiltonpitch · 10 feb 2013
@agathawellbelove false. there was no bribery involved, just lots of tears and puppy dog faces.
huh @whatsinaname · 10 feb 2013
@agathawellbelove @basiltonpitch why is this interaction so funny their friendship is #goals
[keep reading here sometime]
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