#i also got ideas that might be “spoilerly?”
muffinmoonn · 5 months
i need to draw more art of my delinquent magi gal story... dw i didnt forget abt her. art block has just been kicking my ass among other things lol
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 days
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The fact Mithrun can somehow still cry out of his eyehole is somehow the most horrifying thing to me. Really gives the creepy vibe. It's interesting that the demon actively chose to gouge out Mithrun's eye though. Was it just a random choice? My guess is it's:
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It was the sights he saw in the mirror that led to his desires overtaking him and making this bargain. That's why fucking up his eye is part of eating all his desires (notice even the other one is crying blood tears). You're gonna look in the mirror and be reminded about those visions and what they led to every time.
The other really visible sign of what happened to them are his ears, which are seemingly pretty important in elf culture. The Canaries all have their ears notched to indicate they're criminals. meanwhile, Mithrun's ears are chewed the fuck up to indicate he's something much worse. Chewed up and spat out by the dungeon.
(he might also be messed up under his clothes, he is shown to have a lot of wounds in an extra but uh. i think most of them were self inflicted. yeah. that part's rough.)
As for Misril (ill look up the name spelling later), we do know from one of the extras (not really spoilerly information, and you can infer it from this) is that she hated Mithrun before this, a guy who got everything he wanted, who she thought was just as "perfect" and shallow as she appeared, but she grew to like this version that's kinda twisted and fucked up like she is. His flaws and foibles are front and center now, so he's more relateable and interesting to her. And I think she really respects the idea of wanting revenge when your life is ruined.
That also adds a little bit of a darker connotation to adopting orphans have had their lives ruined (likely by elves? maybe? she might also consider her life to be ruined by elves, despite being one) and have a ton of baggage. Is she adopting them because she relates to them too? But she also doesn't go out of her way to make them more fucked up either, so it's not like that's BAD. She does want to protect and help them. With HER son, though, she discourages any sort of revenge or dangerous actions bought on by his trauma, after all. But also notable, she seems to respect his desires. She does everything to discourage him, but she still teaches him the skills he needs, she still lets him go and pursue his desires.
And she's helping Mithrun too. If he wants to live for this one thing, fine, let's help him do it, she'll support this fucked up little man.
Wow I talked to her for a while. Like a lot of Dunmeshi characters, she really is such an interesting and complex character despite limited screentime.
also i appreciate that even her stuffed cat is supporting Mithrun. I appreciate her floating stuffed cat in general.
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Okay so. This like a shamelessly obsession fueled side blog where I reblog fics I like and hope others will too. I haven't posted much original content here but I feel like @something-tofightfor and @its-my-little-dumpster-fire deserve special thanks right now because
I've been watching a lot of older ben stuff recently and his characters all have such ??? sad ??? endings?
Spoilerly stuff below ----
Character by Character
John: abandoned and divorced by father and wife and about to potentially lose the family estate
Dorian: led astray by someone he thought was a friend, he reclaims his soul i guess but he burns alive doing it. I've never read the book so I don't know if that last scene is really supposed to convey a measure of redemption or not
Caspian: becomes a king at a very young age, loses his father, then Peter and Susan then Edmund and Lucy after becoming like family with them. He is literally confronted with the choice to cross the boundary of death at the end of dawn treader
Ryan: the movie assumes he starts to settle down or finds another person to call home at the end but that song, well, it doesn't come from a place that has never known some really hard and alone times
Josh: the trailer is so bad I'm never going to watch locked in but the premise seems to be he caused an accident that put his daughter in a coma and then he thinks he might he going crazy hearing her voice. So again. Sad and distressing
Sam adams: reckless and angry and careless and ready to tear the world down but comes to the realization his talent for oration can help the revolution as much as his fists. Although he's still not steady this is arguably one of the happier endings. The scene where he stands like a dare on the deck of that ship puts my heart in my throat and has "standing point blank in front of a pistol with full knowledge of my own mortality" energy even if the range isn't point blank
Nic: literally dead by the end, loses his father and his girlfriend. his brother enters the one world nic didn't want him to have anything to do with. Also he's so deluded with the idea of belonging to something fraternal and powerful throughout the film. The scene where he burns the card in his hand makes my heart hurt too because hand burns are painful and cruel
Benjamin: this is also supposed to be a happy ending but the show leaves so many loose ends it makes me worry the environment of julia's family is going to just let him keep lying and manipulating without being sure of love as a moderating force for that part of his personality. And also he went to jail off screen as a younger man for something he didn't do. Also he has a panic attack on the bedroom floor that's never addressed. He just feels fragile and that just makes me feel defensive and protective.
Logan: one of the worst fates by far even though the "poor little rich boy" thing makes Logan hard to empathize with at the beginning I'm starting to think Ben could play almost anyone and I'd empathize with them. Anyways Logan ends up dehydrated for days in the desert, abandoned by father and sister, gaslighted by william, and ultimately succumbs to drug addiction. Then the (big spoiler) Forge takes on his face and voice and some weird echo of his personality in what would have been a personal hell for Logan - always trying to figure out if there was another path or lifetime in which his father didn't abandon him. And guess what, turns out everything "always ends up here" at the point where Logan is drowning and his father turns away anyways
Billy: selfish and greedy though he is, the glimpses we get of his past makes those character traits make sense and also read like defensive mechanisms as much as anything else. And those traits would be forgivable except his fatal flaw is? I'd say pride except he's bowed down to a man like Rawlins. He can't bend long enough to explain to Frank what his part in the carousel murders was. He supposedly didn't think that the ambush would kill the rest of the Castles, so he feels guilty and the part he did play hurts him enough he avoids thinking about it beyond the mantra that it wasn't him behind the guns. I get the sense that Billy is mad at Frank because Frank knows Billy's capable of terrible things but neither of them thought he'd ever be complicit in Maria and the kids' death. Billy doesn't want Frank to believe he's that kind of bad but he also isn't willing to reach back and make amends. They know one another too well to be anything less than infuriated at the others' pretenses. Punisher s1 feels like a little like if King Lear's Edmund and Edgar got a betrayal tragedy all to themselves; and then punisher 2 is painful because the score should be settled except the last fight shattered all Billy's already crooked pieces and the picture he puts back together from them is somehow both younger and more solidified and committed to following a betrayal to its logical conclusion than even s1. He's more wicked in s2 but also somehow raw for it. No more polish no more of anyone except himself. Except he doesn't know who he is so that's a fun acid trip
And the newest ben guy, Aleksander. He's just so Lonely. He's nearly immortal and finally running out of resources at one of the peaks of a war hundreds of years long. He's also manipulative and sort of casually dismissive and cold but this also makes sense in context. But he's also sweet and has this really bent righteous streak that's oddly on brand
They both have an amazing grasp of character and know how to write slow burn like pros. They also both really nice. Go check out their stuff and leave some likes!!
As much as I love ben's complicated characters, I think he's right. It may be time for a sweeter palate cleanser. Something that's not going to leave me feeling like my heart is cracked. Again. It doesn't have to be a romance or anything and honestly I'm a little romanced-out as far as movies go. Id just like One Thing without a romantic subplot. And just something with a little gentler of a resolution possibly. Although I'm going to he grateful whatever new content we end up getting from him 🙏🏼
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chessanator · 5 years
For the fanfic ask meme! K, L, M, V!
Thanks for the ask!
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
It’s working out at about three official drafts at the moment: first draft, edited after my parents have read it, edited after my beta-reader has read it (Thanks, @blackflirtlarping​!).
There are a couple of chapters which I like to re-read from time to time and I’ve occasionally noticed errors and fixed them then-and-there. But I don’t think I catch enough at once doing it like that for it to count as an extra revision.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I’ve got two sequels planned for TUoHS, the first of which is ridiculously spoilerly just from the concept of it alone, and the other of which is about what Nagito Komaeda is up to in this alternate timeline.
Once I’ve finished those (so, like, not for at least fifteen years) there’s a couple of other ideas I’ve been percolating. Probably the only one that’s developed enough to mention is the crossover between Pokemon and Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar I had some inklings of. It would basically be a reimagining of the Worldwar story but with Pokemon, so rather than the aliens having advanced technology they’d have IV-bred EV-trained Smogon move-setted pokemon. Where Worldwar had a character who was a representative of the Manhattan Project, here he’d be a Rocket Scientist trying to tell people about Mewtwo. And the role played by the belligerent governments of WWII would be played by the Champions and Elite Fours of each region. Also, there’d be a scene where the aliens declared Brock to be a superior specimen of humanity because he’s attracted to every lady he comes across. (That probably makes more sense in context.)
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Back before the second fic in the Game Theory ‘verse of Nanoha fanfics (by Immatrael) finished, I had this vague idea for how I might start a fic in that verse based just before the time period of the third season of Nanoha. Basically it drew on some connections in the world-building implied by the ending of the first fic, though I have no idea how I’d continue beyond that first scene to turn it into an entire story.
Unfortunately, the ending of the second fic churned up the status quo completely (not that I’d accept anything less from my favourite fanfic) such that I don’t think my idea works anymore, not without knowing quite a lot more about the setting Immatrael and her collaborators have developed.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
My angstiest idea is pretty spoilery (TBH, it’s the big spoiler of TUoHS, to the point where I’ve been calling everything related to it ‘The Spine’) so I’ll stick it under a read-more Stupid Tumblr isn’t letting read-more work, so I’ve ROT13′d it instead.
(@blackflirtlarping​: please, please don’t read.)
Gur sbhegu zheqre bs GHbUF unf Zvxheh Nfnuvan nf gur zheqrere. Gur oehgnyyl natfgl cneg vf gung ng gur cbvag bs gur Pynff Gevny, fur unfa’g npghnyyl pbzzvggrq gur zheqre lrg sebz ure crefcrpgvir. V whfg ubcr gung V’z hc gb jevgvat gur Ohyyrg Gvzr Onggyr sbe gung gevny, juvpu jvyy or nobhg arrqvat gb pbaivapr Zvxheh gb npghnyyl tb onpx naq qb vg fb gurer vfa’g n gvzr cnenqbk: gur svany jbeqf ng gur raq bs vg jvyy or ‘Rfgnoyvfurq Vasbezngvba’. 
C.F. Gur vqrn sbe gur bgure frdhry gung V zragvbarq rneyvre naq qvqa’g qrfpevor vf gung, fvapr Zvxheh qvrf qhevat gur nygreangr gvzryvar bs zl fgbel, zl gvzryvar vf gur bar gung Shwvjnen sebz pnaba genafcbegrq bire sebz.
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chaosmax · 6 years
Yugioh Vrains ep. 71 thoughts
Well, lots of things anwered, but now a lot of new questions. So Lightning was the one who destroyed Cyberse, because he's basically got this idea in his head of how to make the perfect creature, because both humans and AI's will inevitably fight each other the way they are now. Also Windy might not be completely gone. Bohman being based off of both Playmaker and Ai, doesn't that sorta just prove that Lightning thinks humans combined with Ai can accomplish more than just one on their own though?
The new ending is nice, like the visuals a lot and the spoilerly new monster xD. But I think I like "Boy" better.
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