#i also gave him a trans flag tattoo and the eye thing that’s on his bracelet as a wrist tattoo
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redbeantofu · 5 months ago
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i read this fic and couldn’t stop thinking about apollo with a half-sleeve tattoo
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ashtonisvibing · 2 years ago
big ol' list of jackie headcanons
@jselorekeeper's call for ego hcs has now made me wanna just... dump all my jackie hcs into a post. obviously, y'know, pre note, these are personal headcanons that i have for jackie. honestly this is just my fanon interpretation of him in general.
he's trans (trans man, he/him) and autistic, and his special interests are robotics and superhero comics (mostly marvel, he's slowly starting to dabble in dc as well)
speaking of marvel, he had a major crush on spiderman growing up (still does in terms of the adult iterations)
he has a german shepherd puppy named grimlock, named after one of his favorite transformers from the 1984 show (a personal favorite show of his)
his super hero identity "jackieboy man" is actually a herosona that he made as a kid! the video of jackieboy man that we've got, where he's in a red full body and cape and all that? yeah, that was the herosona. obviously now that he's an adult the suit looks much better, but he kept the name because... he honestly couldn't think of anything better
he taught himself how to play the drums when he was a young adult just for the fuck of it
as mentioned in the ask i sent to the lore keeper, jackie got his powers (super strength) from a group of scientists that had kidnapped and experimented on him when he was a teen to create a super weapon of sorts. it was extremely painful, and traumatizing for him. honestly the only reason he escaped (that i didn't originally mention cuz it was... a bit much, so warning for death) was because his body and mind just had enough, and with a huge burst of strength he broke out, killing quite a few in the process. afterwards his brain entirely repressed it, with the memories only appearing as nightmares. he only remembers now because marvin unlocked those memories when he tried figuring out why jackie was having the same nightmare since he was a teen. and because of all of this he's now terrified of getting any sort of injections (needles in general make him nervous but so long as he's not getting the injection he can stand to be around them).
on a brighter note, tattoos!! he's only got a couple, a trans flag on his right peck, and spiderman's logo on his left bicep. he might get another one but who knows, tattoos aren't his biggest thing (obviously he likes them, but he's not looking to go all out like chase)
his lip rings were a major impulse decision. they aren't really a thing for him, but this one time his brain said "get lip rings" and he went for it.
he's built his own little septiceye sam droid that acts as a camera of sorts, that he uses when out on lookouts and stuff, with a programmed personality to boot. its optic nerve even doubles as a laser! he also uses it whenever bing has parts that break down, sam can scan bing to help jackie identify the problem and fix it easier.
oh god, the dad jokes. i mean, he is a dad (yes i gave him (and marvin cuz marvelsepticeye my beloved) two fankids), but the amount of dad jokes he makes is enough to make a teenager groan and roll their eyes out of their skull. dad jokes and quick one liners are his specialty.
might be surprising but he's a huge fan of drawing, and has a realism style. although his sketchbook is 90% marvin drawings-
as a kid his preferred way of communicating important things with his parents was via slideshow presentation. i'm not joking, something about laying out everything he needed to say in a neat format always helped him when he got anxious about talking to them. it was actually how he came out to his parents as trans.
that's all i have for now but i can guarantee i will be adding more to this list as i come up with them
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half-doomed · 3 years ago
- we got to the venue at 2ish and set up camp
- we were around the 21st in line (dont remember exact #s but it was low 20s because somebody else had started a numbering system)
- we met somebody who we played uno with but we didnt really talk to too many other people that day other than to give the people in front of us an umbrella
- we ended up at the barricade to the far left of the stage
- savannah conley was funny and has a great voice but i wasnt super into her music (I tried listening to her set beforehand but i didnt rly like the vibe)
- joywave was incredible live and daniel has a great stage presence. Their set was so high energy right from the start to the very end
- during tongues dan pointed the mic at somebody in the crowd who shouted the line and his face was priceless (pretty sure this is a fan inside joke but I'm not the expert on them)
- their visuals were also on point
- idkhow time!!!! Their visuals were also super cute and everyone looked like they were having a great time
- lights go down and heaven is a place on earth were not on the set ):
- BUT someone gave dallon a trans flag ((:
- during jw's set dan told us to cheer as loud as possible when dallon did his bit at the end about forgoing the crowd chanting for encore and playing peekaboo so when we heard the word peekaboo the crowd went insane. It was very funny and dallon thought so too
- dan did his own verse for nltob, it was very funny. I had avoided the videos of it til that point
- after the show, we met daniel who had seen my tour bingo card on twitter so he took the card and checked off everything that had happened on tour so far. He also signed the card and tour poster i made
- I almost argued with him about one of the things he checked off because i forgot that a letter is technically an unreleased idkhow song 🤦🏽‍♀️
- I asked him if clibbus could open for dallas and he called beef over who said he would for $3000 but unfortunately he has a job to do so the answer was no 😔
- I also forgot to get a picture with dan bc i blanked but he was wearing an HHM shirt
- then anthony came out and i gave him the gift i made him and he talked about some gross strawberry water he had earlier that day
- he also commented on how me and my friend had matching strawberry shirts but it actually wasnt planned lol
- Ryan had run off as soon as we had gotten to the buses and anthony said he hadnt seen him since he got off stage
- he had said he would get the other guys their gifts but then dallon came out so i asked if i could give him his and he jokingly was like "you dont trust me?"
- dallon was very sweet, he was on vocal rest so couldnt talk but i gave him his gift and his appreciation was very clear through what i could see from his face (he was masked) and body language
- I'm an idiot and didnt even take pics of the completed gifts but trust me they were cute and when he heard how long they took to make his eye went wide (this is bc i only decided to make gifts after tour started and i saw they were meeting fans lol)
- I asked him to write out a lyric for a tattoo and told him that i've been a fan since basically the brobecks days and he made a motion like when i was little which i thought was rly cute
- he also wanted me to wait and think on it for a year before i got the tattoo
- he was incredibly nice and i forgot to ask him for a pic with his gift bc i was frazzled but i did get him to also sign the bingo card/poster
- We got there around 2 again but this time we started talking to more people and made a few friends including some people i knew from the jw discord server and one of my twitter mutuals
- The time went by much quicker when we had started making friends
- We saw ryan and anthony walking across the street at some point and they waved. I'm pretty sure anthony recognized some of us
- I wore glitter dots for this show and then right before doors I got sweat, makeup, dirt, and who knows what else in my eye so i went to the bar next door to use their bathroom and had to rush out bc they started letting ppl in
- We ended up barricade again on the right side this time
- Savannah's outfit was cute, and her music had started to grow on me at this point
- Joywave usually has a car on stage with car wash outfit/uniforms but the stage was too small so they instead played some older stuff from content which was a really special set just for us <3
‐ They also had everyone tweet about them being the best punk show that had ever played the venue
- Also this venue does not have a physical barricade and so we were pressed right up against the stage to the point where my friend got dan's sweat on her
- Overall a very fun silly intimate vibe
- Dan said this was the smallest venue on the tour and we'd be able to reach out to touch dallon's toothpick legs and he ran out on stage to whisper in his ear
- !!! He was in the shorts !!!
- During sound check i asked val if he got his gift and he said it was above his bunker 😭💖 i almost asked him or eddie if they could give me a setlist but didnt wanna bother them while they were working. We also kept making awkward eye contact with beefus lol
- During idkhow's set anthony recognized us and gave us picks (:
- He was also wearing glitter! <3
- I'm pretty sure dallon heard us chanting die die die during choke bc he kept smiling in our direction
- When he said peekaboo a lot of us that were at the previous show cheered
- It was a very intimate show and not just bc dallon was showing off his legs lol
- Dallon was a lot more talkative and silly at this show!! He poked fun at guitar players and anthony's face was great
- Since lgd (and heaven is a place on earth btw) was back on the set he introduced it as they were playing an older song that was on the EP (he misremembered but none of us caught it til we were talking to him in dallas the next day) (more on this later)
- We also brought roses for both bands which will also be important later ! Some beautiful and iconic pictures came out of that, you can thank my roommate and i for getting dallon those flowers <3
- We didnt wait after the show to meet them bc we had a long drive the next day but we should have bc ryan was meeting people 😭
- We left late, then got stuck in rly bad traffic on the way in but dallon had a twitter q&a at that time so it made it just slightly more bearable
- We ended up getting there at like 5:30ish, about 30 mins til doors
- We actually still ended up 3rd row back from barriers and saw all our friends we made from the previous day (:
- Savannah's set was very enjoyable and her cousin and some other people were there
- Many ppl from the jw server were there so we went rly hard for their set and made plans to take a group photo with dan after the show
- I cant even remember much about jw's set bc i was going so hard but it was extremely fun. 3 nights in a row seeing them and i was still blown away each time
- We sat down in between sets bc we were all tired as hell and a lot of ppl joined us. I told them dallon would be very supportive of sitting in between sets. Everyone around us was very friendly <3
- Dallon was extremely silly during this show! The vibes were immaculate
- I'm actually gonna skip straight past the show bc i wanna talk about meeting them afterwards and I'm fighting for my life to stay awake rn
- We finally got to meet ryan!! I forgot to take a picture with him but my roomate got to talk with him and i got my cds and poster/card signed. I'm pretty sure he and paul got high after the show bc he completely misheard what i said when i asked if he got my cross stitching gift lol but we were both pretty out of it
- Like it literally took me 5 mins to realize dallon was standing near us bc i was busy talking to daniel
- I brought a the hoodies cd and he told dallon that that was his brobecks and that he would've hated them bc they were emo lol
- He signed my roommate's razzmatazz cd (lol) and i introduced him to my friend who shares his name
- I told him about how a lot of us from the server were there and he agreed to get a group pic with everyone
- Paul came out at some point completely zooted but i didnt get to talk to him bc i thought he was busy meeting other fans but he signed my roommate's hot dog bucket hat (we all had bought matching hats and dan was given one as well for the group photo)
- Dallon signed my pick that i got from anthony bc i didnt get a chance to talk to him again ):
- I did finally get a solo pic with dallon and he wasnt on vocal rest anymore so he stayed for a pretty long time to chat with everyone which was very sweet
- I did have a slightly personal question for him but i completely blanked and freaked out a tiny bit and he told me to wait a few minutes and it finally came back to me. I had wanted to ask him if he ever got my rose/gift card/letter in houston back in february. He said he didnt remember but that if he did it was probably in his house with the other letters he's gotten. He was very reassuring that he remembered faces and that having adhd made it hard to remember names but he always remembered faces. I said smth along the lines of it's great that he's learning more about himself since his diagnosis. Then he told me that he really appreciated the flowers (the ones from san antonio were in the tour bus) and that he enjoyed my presence and i didnt know what to say to that. I dont really know what happened immediately after that because that kind of a compliment coming from him completely scrambled my brain.
- He also talked about how he screwed up the lgd intro again in dallas and my friend mentioned that she thought he was introducing absinthe and that they should put it back on the setlist and he agreed. He talked about how lgd was supposed to be on the ep but they flipped a coin and got diatt i think instead
- He also told us that he was very excired about the idea for the new album and that it just needed to get recorded but he wouldnt give us any hints about the title or anything
- All my friends i had made at the previous show were there as well and we had a group pic taken with him. It was all so special and it was genuinely one of the best weekends of my life and I'm so sad that it's over 💔
And if you read this far thank you and I'm sorry
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getreadytosmash · 4 years ago
Small smash headcanons I was thinking of and to put out my reboot designs
Skaar took a more gladiator look from his time on Sakaar and no longer wears the loin cloth except for when he's on off days
His hair gets to around his upper back and often tends to be in buns and ponytails
Working on his reading and writing and gets help from Hulk and goes to the Xavier Institute for sessions with his mind control and memories
Got introduced to queer stuff by Rick and he was THRILLED to find out about this stuff and the footage of Skaar carefully picking out non binary, asexual and panromantic stuff was trending for a month
Yes I'm going into pridecanons a little more
Skaar's very happy with his own feelings of being nb. The rocks below him whisper about it always being fine and he doesn't need to care about what others say anyway. Not when they're too busy calling him a monster to care about his gender
Anyway. Skaar's sex neutral and I say this because its quite often the theory that all ace folks won't have kids blah blah but??? Some aces want sex to have kids and that's Skaar.
Ridiculously good sword fighter and often meets up with Nightcrawler and Shadowcat to have sword fights and compare tricks
Lots of whipping scars on his back and some around his mouth that hardly anyone knows are from
Has a matching scar with Red of a circle on the back of his neck as well as running lighting scars up his hands and feet with Rick, Red and Jen from where the Skrulls tried to harvest their gamma
Absolutely has the tattoo and has no clue about it
Occasionally has days where he can't remember the entire event and Skaar's become rather thankful that they can rely on Rick's cameras to guide him home if needed.
Adores the Savage Lands and is best friends with Kazaar and Zabu
Sometimes copies memes from Rick and it’s terrible
Likes having Jen help him with normal stuff, especially when she helps him learn stuff like reading and writing 
Yeah, can’t feel anything and that causes a few secret depression episodes aha 
Big on other sensory stuff now. Really likes to savour sights, sounds, taste and smells since he lacks a big ass part of it now. It really isn’t that uncommon for Rick to have a low of flowers within his bedroom and shit. 
Has to file down his spikes since they keep growing and often Hulk does it for him while Rick falls asleep
Rick needs a lot more protein now and often eats eggs or fish and gets into big fights with Red over it daily
Uses a stylish for everything since his fingers don’t work on touchscreens anymore
Often wears sleeveless jackets with different pins. Owns four of them with three of them entirely dedicated to alien, mutant and bi rights
Well known Youtuber and I really need to get around to writing some videos he’s done god someone remind me to put out that shit
Hardcore gamer and still screams at Samuel to help make a dating sim come oN-
Can hold his breath for an hour and a half and didn’t realise until he fell asleep in the bath and got woken up by Hulk panicking and tossing him out of the water
Very intent on mutant rights and often helps out with teenage mutants and raising the social status of the school 
Loves bi culture and is very defensive over aspects of his identity after years of feeling lost among the orphanages 
Has gotten more comfortable with his gender since he’s been wearing kilts and skirts for almost two years now
Used to have scars across his hands and thighs from years of canings from the nuns but now has a large cracked scar across his chest after Abomination ripped his shell off
Red unintentionally fathers him and blames Hulk 
Best pals with Jen and Betty and is the only one who gets to join them on Ladies Night with Lyra and Marlo
Stands on his tip toes when talking to Hulk often because he wants to be tall and it amuses Hulk to no end
Has a lot of different costumes she changes regularly and Rick always posts a vote on “What outfit has Jen got this week?”
Freckles and curly hair galore 
Hulk paints her nails and she does the same for him and it isn’t long before Skaar joins in
Works in New York but stays at Vista Verde for her time off
Yes i do want a all female gamma mutate team and yes they are A-force
They consist of Jen, Betty, Lyra, Carmilla and Marlo but are sometimes joined by other female heroes
Wears sweatband wrists, left one is the bi flag and the right one is the trans flag
Was afraid about being open towards loving women for a few years since Jen knew her father didn’t do anything about Bruce’s abuse, what would happen to her if Brian found out she liked more than boys? Came out after hulking out and is happier than ever
The same goes for being trans since Jen’s form is based heavily on her mentality of her body. Gamma gave Jen the body she wanted and she was SO pleased with it
tbh I do imagine she was more comic/noodle armed at the start since Jen wanted to look rather feminine but over time she’s gotten more comfortable with her body and idea of who she wants to be and slowly she got beefier 
Has two wardrobes at the base and makes Red help rearrange stuff for laughs
Pals with Samuel and often enjoys sitting around and dragging him out for shopping and starbucks while discussing cases
The one who appears in Rick’s youtube videos the most 
Can never finish a book and feels deep seeded adhd guilt
Sings outloud to every thing she hears 
Likes grape flavoured stuff and she is so thankful that she can’t die for that sin
BEST pals with Betty and Rick. Like. There’s a reason my “Betty is the OG Hulk and is a lil wlw with Jen” has happened honestly 
Has vitiligo patches of grey around her arms that were left over from her more traumatic transformations
Watches Red bake if she’s having a panic attack and the videos don’t help
Has a lot of scars over his body from where Ghost Rider’s chain dug into him and left him burnt. idk seems really fucking cool
Like Jen, has yellow patches along his spine and hands from where he was joined mentally with Zzzax 
Still gets nightmares about said incident and is still scared for the day that a nightmare is actually happening
Started to bake because it helps from when he couldn’t control his heat powers or during ptsd attacks
Tends to get lost in work alongside Samuel, especially if they’re overly excited about a certain idea
Hulk fondly calls him a nerd for this exact reason and Red tackles him over it to this day
Tech reacts to him badly sometimes due to his possession issues and there’s been once or twice where he’s had some...odd experiences when it’s come to certain technology or alien tech
Stays the same mostly with his outfits but occasionally wears a leather jacket and fuck it takes his shirt off a lot he’s a dilf he can do that 
The one who crouches for humans the most and it isn’t uncommon for him to do it purely to unsettle the humans. Ass
Uh. Likes women but??? Sometimes there’s an annoying guy and shit being able to be easily suplexed now means that anyone who can do it can kinda catch his eyes and he fucked a demon- uh. Red has a lot of thoughts now about dating and it’s nerve-wracking
Still does missions with his Thunderbolt team and still hangs out with Hell’s Circle team when he met others that had been dragged down to hell as well
Gets courted by vampires and hates the fact that the others laugh at it 
Gets nightmares of crashing, of electric burning him away but doesn’t want to admit to the fact that he has some ptsd 
Not really Red but fuck it Betty has her own team and I’m shifting the Gamma Corps for Betty so her team involves; Betty (Harpy), Marlo (Sirin), Clay (Hulkverine), Lyra (Athen), Carmilla (Scorpion) and Gwen (Daydream) 
Right. Uh. So for those who don’t know who Daydream are, basically the writer at this time had been going through a bad divorce and he treated Betty like SHIT which involved breaking Bretty up before they could have a child, making Betty suffer a miscarriage, killing her and having the villain Nightmare raping her in her sleep and having Betty give birth to Daydream who appeared for one arc and was never seen again. So. I’m mad. 
anyway fuck him but I did like Daydream so instead she was an experiment from gamma base as a unique weapon that got used to infiltrate the Agents sleep but was later on rescued along with the rest of the gamma experiments. Got adopted by Betty when she found out Gwen had her DNA and went “oh worm?” to getting a baby i have more thoughts about this but u know. carry on.
So Tired. Part time team leader and Avengers and even has his many own adventures of trying to help so many people out
I imagine he has a lot of the same issues as Steven in suf where Hulk often stresses out more about not being able to help people since he worries about the worst case scenarios 
Gets forced to take days off by each of the team and appreciates it but dear god if he doesn’t get anxiety about the whole situation every time
SomeTIMES he wears a blue shirt but only sometimes and that’s if he’s actually prepared for missions. Also has boots Red got him but Hulk keeps those clean and safe instead
Team dad for a reason. Fathers anything he can get his hands on and well known for it enough that Rick and Skaar get him something for fathers day every year and Jen gets him goofy ties because she KNOWS he doesn’t throw them out
Pretty relaxed about being pan and yes he makes jokes about being attracted to kitchenware he’s THAT terrible Rick wants to die and not come back pls 
Buys a lot of pride stuff for the others. Skaar owns so many nb and ace colour chalks he needs help
Really wants to own a guinea pig but he’s worried about scaring it or not being around all that often to take care of it properly
Falls asleep through almost every movie that he usually starts one half of it one day and finishes it the next day
Meets up with Ben Grimm and Logan Howlett every Wednesday for a night out. Usually they do bowling, play cards or go out to eat. It’s isn’t uncommon for other heroes like Spidey or Gambit to join them occasionally
Has business lunches with Betty to discuss movements of gamma mutates that turns into a fun brawl because they’re immortal children
Keeps a whiteboard in his room so that he can have arguments with Joe and Bruce.
Keeps his outfit relatively the same but adjusts it slightly so it isn’t the exact same outfit he wears back when he was evil
Tends to cover up more after he gains a power that lets him control people just by touch
Aware of this power and thus often awkwardly flitters when someone near him might be upset and keeps spare gloves or arm sleeves on hard just in case
Has the sharpest teeth of all the hulks and actually tends to file them down so he doesn’t need to “scare people off” when in reality he’s self conscious about his teeth and the fact that he keeps biting his tongue by accident 
Buys and redesigns Icarus’s cage every other month to make it more elaborate, is currently fighting the constant urge to buy more rats for this reason
Demiboy! Fine with what he is, doesn’t give a shit. He rules hell and he’ll send you there if you argue with him so who the fuck cares if Samuel wears dresses and makeup?
Big stupid bi. Cannonly into women who are more powerful than him with examples being Rikki (Aka Brilliance, a female Leader) who kicked his ass and threw him across the room with her more advanced mind, Betty Ross...who can blame him, and lately is that one scientist in Hulkverine who Samuel literally fell for within one night sksksk
Big manipulator for people he cares about. Samuel has and will make elaborate plans to keep someone he cares about safe and is more than willing to kill anyone who has hurt his loved ones
Owns a large collection of nail polishes and tends to vary them when he’s bored and creates amazing art. Red watched Samuel once spend and hour re-creating all of Van Gogh’s paintings on his nails
Really good friends with Betty surprisingly, mostly because she can make jokes about being dead and he’ll just snort and go “same” 
Has the second best sense of smell after Skaar as he can smell early signs of sickness as well as a wider range of emotions
Info dumps so much and has long winded theories about the oddest things that resonate really well on the Youtube channel
talks to his oversized rat so seriously
Suffers nightmares and currently runs the Down Below and is so tired
Has actually died from exhaustion twice already 
Has large sockets in his back due to the fact that Samuel physically cannot hold the information he knows all the time and uses it to charge his phone
Still hangs out with villains like Loki and Mystique tho
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tylerrjoeseph · 7 years ago
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I haven’t used tumblr for years and idk if anyone will even remember me but ! I wanted to write up a post about my past weekend at lfcc, where i got to finally meet peter capaldi, someone I've loved and looked up to for roughly five years. I’ve seen people writing posts about me and i thought it might be nice for me to put a more detailed post up for people.
I’ve always been adamant about peter supporting the lgbtqia+ community and never doubted him for a second but the kindness he displayed for me was something i really wasn’t expecting, I arrived on the Saturday morning and decided to go straight into his autograph queue, Luckily my diamond pass was 31 and i got to queue in the first batch of people, I was maybe in the queue for like half an hour before it was my turn at the front phew, I walked up to peter and he greeted me with a big grin and said hello ect, I was worried about not getting much time with him so i decided to just tell him what i wanted to say asap, I said firstly ‘I have a really hard time with my gender identity and your doctor has constantly shown me that the universe is worth staying alive for and there’s so much important stuff to see’ and he was so humbled and kept saying how much of a privileged it was to hear that and how important it is to him that i said it, i then gave him some gifts and he said my artwork was amazing, if anyone wants to see what i gave to him here’s some tweets (x) (x), anyway, he then glanced at my print i was getting signed and looked at the dedication that said Joseph, and then asked me again what i like to be called and i explained that all of my friends call me localjoseph cause its the @ i use for everything online but i felt weird about getting him to write that so Joseph would be fine but i still don’t know what i like to be called and that i have a hard time with that, and peter smiled really huge and was like ‘thats okay cause so does the doctor!’ he then paused for AGES while closing his eyes with his head down and after like 20 seconds i asked if he was okay because i thought the man was irl buffering lol but he smiled and was like ‘yeah i’m just trying to remember something’ and then kept looking down while quietly saying ‘name to himself’, after a good 45 seconds he started writing the dedication which is SO special to me. (see below)
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He wrote that not because my name is Joseph (because its not) but because i specifically said i don’t know what i want to be called, its basically letting me know that one day i will know what i want to be called and it will be heard and thats so special, like i can’t believe he took the time to write all that out, he then wrote out ‘be kind’ for me to get tattooed (x) and also signed my dreamboys vinyl which he was very shocked to find out i paid £100 for (x) (x), we then hugged and i told him i appreciate him so much and he said he really appreciate me sharing what i did with him and as i walked off he had a grin oh his face (x)
The diamond pass came with a photo op that same day so i queued up for that and went in the room with my pride flag (if you want to know why i wanted a pride flag photo op, i wrote a small thread of tweets here on why) but anyway as i walked up to him he excitedly almost yelled ‘THERE HE IS!!!!!’ and said hi a bunch, i asked him what i wanted to do for the pose and he was more than up for it, he held it up and held my hand and the photo came out so lovely, i think someone described it as ‘confident’ and that shook me, like he looks so proud in the photo. I thought that was the last time i was meeting peter so i said goodbye and he thanked me.
The next day was peters talk and i managed to get second row, at one point someone asked him how he prepared for playing a transgender role in prime suspect and his answer warmed my heart a lot, he said that he really got invested in the community and met with many trans people who were currently transitioning because he wanted to understand everything and that he understood being trans wasn’t just putting on an outfit and saying you were something else, he said that everyone he met were so brave and had the biggest hearts and how much he respected them. (psa :I don’t condone cis people playing trans parts at all, but i tend to brush this one off because of how long ago it was and i think now if asked peter would understand its not okay to take parts like that) anyway after that i knew i had to thank peter for saying that so my extra ass bought another photo op to see him again that evening.
we were in batch 17 and i thought it would be hilarious to recreate the ‘will smith and his wife’ pose with peter because i love peter a whole ton and in my head i thought it would be funny and what he deserved. I wasn’t entirely sure on how i was gonna pitch the pose to him but when i went in i saw how rushed the photos were being because it was running over slightly, so when i got there peter excitedly said hi again and i was like ‘hey listen peter i have a pose in mind’ and he said ‘yeah’ and I said ‘all you gotta do is just stand there straight and smile huge’ and he laughed and was like ‘smile huge? smile huge OKAY!’ and i just got on the floor and this happened.
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after the photo was taken he was laughing and was like ‘WHAT DOES THIS MEAN’ and i said that it was based on a photo of will smith and his wife and it meant that he was amazing basically and he started beaming and said thank you. As i walked away he grabbed my hand and i turned round and said ‘thank you so much for what you said about trans people on stage earlier it really meant a lot to me’ and he said it was his pleasure while still not letting go of my hand lol, he thanked me a bunch for coming and nice it was to see me and i told him to enjoy the rest of his weekend and he FINALLY let go of my hand when i was like half way across the room to collect my photo.
if you want to see the videos of me meeting peter check here
This post was a little longer than what i expected to be but I just wanted to say that peter had absolutely no business being that kind to me, he could have just rushed through things with me and that be it but he stopped listened to me and so many others, I want you to believe me when i said that peter really cares about what you say to him and he really takes on board your presence because he remembers meeting so many people constantly after meeting thousands a day. He truly is a incredibly special human and we really don’t deserve him. I hope all of you can get to meet him one day too. check out my twitter for other candids of us meeting and stuff here 
also a small disclaimer, I don’t identify as a girl or a boy even though my expression is pretty much exclusively masc, I go by he/they pronouns ! thank you x
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golden-gucci · 8 years ago
Do 58 with Rich and Michael ty ily
Title: Temporary Tattoos
Pairing: Rich/Michael
Fandom: Be More Chill
Prompt: “That’s not permanent, right?”
(read it on ao3)
Michael knocked on the door to Rich’s room, getting a shout of “C’mon on in!” as an ok to enter. He stepped past the threshold and saw Rich sitting on his bed going through a bag of random things.
“So how was pride?” Michael asked casually. He took a seat in Rich’s desk chair and spun it around so that he was facing the other boy.
Rich perked up at this; he smiled, showing off the small tooth gap between his front teeth. Michael didn’t even bother hiding his blush, he loved when he was able to see Rich smile like that.
“Pride was great! I wish you could have come with me though, you would have loved it.” His smile dropped slightly, but he perked back up almost immediately. “I got a whole bunch of things though!” He started to pull stuff out of the bag he had being going through before.
Michael suddenly noticed that Rich had something on his shoulder. It looked like a tattoo of the Bi-pride flag. “That isn’t permanent, right?” Michael asked, a little worried that his boyfriend would get a tattoo like that at pride as a teenager. There were so many things that could possibly change and he didn’t want Rich to be stuck with something that might be different a few years later.
“Huh? Oh you mean this?” Rich pointed to his shoulder. “Yeah it’s a temporary tattoo! This lady was selling them and I bought one for myself. I also bought one for everyone in the squad!” He dived back into his bag and pulled out a bunch of other pride flags on card-stock.
Rich tossed a Gay pride flag one to Michael and smiled. “I also got myself an agender pride one,” He turned so that his other shoulder was facing Michael, “I grabbed a trans flag for you, but it’s totally ok if you don’t want to put it on.” He tossed said tattoo over to Michael.
Michael was beaming, he quickly ran to the bathroom in order to put them on. He came back to Rich’s room after five minutes and sat back down in the desk chair.
“So what else did you get?” Rich immediately pulled out what looked like a beach towel, a couple t-shirts, a couple necklaces, and a coffee mug.
“I also got something else, but uh I’ll show that to you later, if you catch my drift” Rich gave Michael a wink, and Michael felt his face heat up.
“If it’s a rainbow dildo, I’m gonna kick your ass.” Rich immediately flushed, his facial expression gave away that he had been caught. “Oh my god did you really buy a rainbow dildo?” Michael began laughing so hard that he snorted, which in turn sent Rich into a fit of giggles.
“Sorry, bro, it’s just that neither of us actually have dicks, so I figured it’d be useful.” Rich began to wipe some tears that had begun to form in his eyes from laughing so hard.
Michael got up from the desk chair and moved over so that he could sit next to Rich. “Hey I get it, and it’s a totally understandable purchase.” He gave Rich a kiss on the cheek. “I love you my tiny bi datemate.”
Michael immediately stood up and ran knowing that Rich would be after him for calling him tiny.
“MICHAEL GET YOUR HOT ASS BACK HERE SO I CAN KICK YOU!” Michael chuckled, he definitely loved Rich, and he lived for moments like this.
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