#i also find it adorable that hifumi is really climbing up her way to the eldest sibling squad
k0uhi · 6 months
yozakura family and all the depictions of love just makes me so [kneels on the floor, head bowed] theyre so delightful to me. taiyo's entire arc being one that had lost his family and had discovered a new one who promised him that they won't leave him, that they wont just protect him, that they let him protect them. they trust him as their equal, and for him that need to protect was fulfilled from his 'failure' when his first family died. these siblings consider taiyo their family too; not just the separate entity of 'mutsumi's husband' but as brother, friend, family. he has integrated himself in their bond too! i like that his entire point is that everyone unanimously agrees he's a yozakura sibling too, even in the later chapters where people refer to him and his siblings. that when facing off ryu, he doesn't distinguish fake and real family, they just are his (and he too is theirs). he's just so consumed with the love and devotion that the family also has for each other.
now to get rambly about everything else about the siblings and how they love and how it kills me dead. time and time again they emphasize that the yozakura family loves each other. there's no other kind of bond for them, seemingly, but i'll think about that another time.
kyoichirou was created in the image to be perfect and it's part of his symbolism & design with the gloves that he never takes off. he's sentimental. he loves, deeply, he is made of it. he's an eldest sibling to his core and it physically hurts me how much he never tries to hide it / how much he cares. when the crux of his character is to be strong to protect others (taiyo's narrative foil and/or parallel) how can i not like him? he's atlas with the world on his shoulders, but where atlas carries it with punishment, kyoichirou would do it without hesitation if it means that his siblings are still there in the world. that we also very rarely ever saw him without his gloves, that he reached out without them towards kai and the twins and towards his father also just speaks to me so much. the connections that he wants to make as he fully sinks into his feelings.
over all i think the way the family dynamics/structure in the family is amusing though. momo and rei were out by the time (as characteristic of the family) they were independent, so it makes sense that they still act not just as siblings but as friends and colleagues. all of them love each other and that's what makes them strong, of course.
futaba is not just their eldest sister, but the closest thing to a mother they all had after rei. mutsumi is treated as the rightful matriarch, but clearly she still defers to futaba when needed. she says it herself that she raised the rest of the siblings, and she acts like a fussy aunt whenever she's flustered enough into acting a bit more irrationally.
i also find it interesting that nanao being the youngest is also their prodigy. he acts a little more mature than his siblings, but he's also a kid that they all baby and he lets them. that their specialties are also exemplifying how they care also sends me
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