#i also do my mtl ships a bit differently than others
dichromaticdyke · 5 months
re: skwisgaar attraction myth debunk turned feminist critique (AMAZING post btw) - feel free to ignore/not respond if it's too much/incomprehensible (english is fake)/rambly
honestly i feel like said post gets into the lesser discussed aspect of the mtl fandom as i believe a lot of us want to view it as different than other fandoms with a majority male cast; but it's not. this is a fandom full of misogyny-affected folks, especially of tme persuasion, who never outgrew or if new, elect to partake in, ye olde fandom habits of internalized misogyny shining through like it's their goddamn guiding light.
i dont know exactly how to phrase this in a demographically correct way, but it feels like despite the mtl fandom being overwhelmingly queer and a lot of the misogyny-affected tme folks being trans... the "i'm not like other girls" mentality was not broken out of; people decided "i am not a woman" and suddenly unpacking internalized misogyny wasn't a thing they decided they had to do anymore!
like. it feels like mtl fandom is about being "quirky" and shipping dethklok together but god forbid you wanna focus on the women in the show; abigail, amber, trindle, etc. it's... a tale as old as time (as those of us who have been in fandom spaces for a while would know) and it's so fucking saddening.
i've seen media analysis and critique of this show (MOSTLY YOURS!!) but more often than not it feels like the fandom doesn't want to delve into that either; they like mtl on the surface level. because it's edgy. because it's metal. because it's funny. because they find xyz member of the cast sexy. and i feel like this interwined internalized misogyny being projected out via mtl fandom behaviors with this complete lack of regard for the quality aspects of the show and the depths of the characters within it... i dunno. as i said, it's saddening.
...again, i hope this wasn't too word salad-like, or rambly, or long, or anything, but oh my god your post got the gears turning in my brain head so full of all the thoughts ever-
and yet again, AMAZING analysis, incredible dedication, and fantastic feminist critique.
don’t worry darling this wasn’t too long of an ask and i find it VERY intriguing.
because yeah i do absolutely fall into both camps of this to an extent. i love shipping the boys and talking about them, because i do love them as characters, but yeah it’s so easy to fall into the trap of not caring about the female characters in the show. and i would agree, again to an extent, that the female characters were not given much care or time from the show to properly be explored in a meaningful way (though, how much of that was a deliberate choice by the crew and how much of that just happened due to adult swim meddling in the latter years, we’ll probably never know). i always find it interesting, for example, how fandom will latch onto magnus but not care about abigail, despite abigail having more screentime and having a major impact on the plot of the show (had the band never broke up over her, salacia wouldn’t have attacked when he did, forcing them to finally learn about the prophecy and the doomstar arguably before they were ready, AND without salacia’s attack, the revengencers wouldn’t have been able to catch dethklok at the funeral and kidnap toki and abigail). of course with abigail, it’s not just misogyny playing a role there, but racism too, though luckily there have been some people calling out fandom treatment of her.
i’ve talked a bit before about how much it sucks that abigail wasn’t given really anything to work with, but it also makes sense given that the show is from dethklok’s point of view and they don’t really care about her either. that’s why it feels so strange (and SHOULD feel strange) to see nathan proposing to abigail in aotd—we didn’t know anything about her because he didn’t know anything about her, and that was kind of the whole point of that arc in the movie. women are objects to dethklok, and because of that, they become objects in the show, and i do think the statements “this is a deliberate critique of misogyny reinforced both by powerful men and metal culture” AND “this is a result of the crew failing to create and integrate meaningful female characters into the show” can both co-exist. honestly, i think mtl has a lot to say about gender (idk how much of that was intentional, but i’ve been thinking about it for a While and want to make a long analysis post or video about it at some point).
regarding the fandom spaces i mean. fuck, you’re talking to a decently popular lesbian mtl creator. i have one foot in the camp of being a misogyny-affected person (tme also, for reference) who makes up a majority of the fandom, but also the other foot is in the “not attracted to men” camp. as much as i like the shipping and smut writing for funsies, i genuinely feel like there’s more to this show than most people give it credit for. i have written so many analyses about it (with plans for more) for a reason. i’ve been in online fandom spaces for about half my life now, and no other piece of media has made me have this many fits of divine madness.
all this to say, yeah, it’s a silly adult swim show, i’m sure 95% of what we see on screen we’re not meant to think too much about. but the reality is that, the text belongs to the readers once it is out in the world, and the way readers respond to it can reflect internalized biases or thoughts. that’s not always the case! sometimes i just wanna see two silly long-haired men kiss because i think it would fix them. but you don’t leave your biases and oppressive thoughts at the door once you enter fandom. and i certainly don’t leave my literature MA or gender studies degree at the door either!
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istgimamess · 6 years
MTL Ship - EXO edition!
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Why are you perfect for each other? Easy! You're both wayyyyyy toooooo extra for your own good! When you first meet, it's like two atom bombs exploding at the same time; arms and words flying everywhere, nobody makes it out alive. His personality is one trait away from being your complete twin and usually this would frustrate you (I mean, who wants to date themselves, right?) But that's not the case with Chanyeol! "I'm hungry! You want some-" "Taco bell? Yeah, sure. Good idea!" "How....h-how did you do that?! Stay out of my head, Lucifer!" Your relationship is total goals!
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Kai is basically sex on a stick and lets be honest, so are you! Put you two together and what do we have? Two sexy sticks, of course! (Lol...I..truly apologize for the way I am) your chemistry is truly AMAZING on both a physical and mental level! When you first meet, it's nothing but sly smirks and sultry stares. (^ gif ^) "Hey, you doing anything later tonight?" "Depends, you busy?" "For you? Never.." Honestly, nobody can beat your sexual compatibility, its next level!
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Lets be honest, Lay is a bit of a sweetheart and you tend to be more on the salty side (The good salty though! The 'Lay's Salt-n-Vinegar' type of salty! HA! See what I did there? Lay's?) The push and pull between you two is legit and the difference in dynamic makes your relationship soooo much better! "I swear to sweet baby Jesus, if he ate the last slice of cake, I will literally punch him in the face. Twice." "Umm, how about giving him a stern talking to, first..." "Nah, I'm more of a hit first kinda girl." It's really refreshing!
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I'm not saying you're like a mom sometimes, but yeah, you're like a mom sometimes. That's what makes your relationship with Suho so...complete! Your like a set; you can't have Bonnie without Clyde, just like you can't have Beavis without Butt-head! And you DEFINITELY can't have Suho without you, duh! "I told you to stop hitting him, Sehun!" "Listen to Suho, Sehun! And wash your hands, I made dinner!" "I am, literally, a grown man!" It's pretty hilarious!
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What makes you perfect for each other is your tendency to be kind of awkward and shy. When you first meet, it's nothing but red cheeks and long slightly uncomfortable silences! But after getting to really know each other, it's pretty amazing. Sure, sometimes, you're both more on the quiet side but it's like you have your own language and words aren't needed! "Eww, shut up, Sehun!" "Wait! What!? He literally didn't say anything!" "He didn't need to!" Sometimes it's really freaky!
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You've got one of those quirky sense of humors! Always making a joke out of the stuff that others take wayyyyy to seriously! That's what attracts you to Baekhyun; your similarities! You both have a quick wit and thick skin! "She told me her grandma died and I made a joke about dentures..." "And what? She didn't laugh?" "No, she threw a shoe at my face.." "Ahhh, is that why your so ugly now?" "Nah, that just came naturally, you know..." It's super funny!
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When you first meet Xiumin, you kind of, maybe, sort of accidently insulted his masculinity. But, weirdly enough, that's what gets you together! He's more soft and humorous and you are more edgy and clever; this works out perfectly for the both of you! "Sooo, serious question...how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" "I, honestly, dont know whether I should kiss you on the forehead or give it a good flick..." "Lucky for you, I will accept both!" Adorable!
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What makes your relationship with Kyungsoo work, is just how savage you both are! When you first meet, it's like a roast party x 1000, nobody is left without some kind of 3rd degree burn! "What do you call an EXO member without any lines?!" "Oooooohhh, I know! Pick me!!!...Sehun.." "I sincerely hope you both fall in a hole somewhere..." Savages!
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You didn't have a lot in common but that made you gravitate towards each other even more than you thought! Opposites really do attract, apparently! "Chocolate is better!" "In what universe? Vanilla is clearly superior! Get your life together!" It's definitely an interesting relationship!
@madeofsaltiness hiyaaa~ here is your MTL ship (EXO) and thanks sooo much for your request! I would typically like to get more information for one of these, just so I'm able to do your personality justice but you didnt leave me much info so I let my imagination take me~ haha I hope you like it anyways, sorry! 😅
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hamliet · 4 years
I can’t believe you’re reading 2ha too now! I started following u way back when you were posting tg and snk meta and it’s so weird in an amazing way how you started posting mdzs meta at the same time I started reading it! I’d like to ask you for your thoughts on 2ha so far? (Maybe on Nangong Si and Ye Wangxi’s relationship?) Thank you :)
Ahhhh hi Anon!!! Thank you for sticking with me through all my fandom phases! And hooray, my first 2ha ask!! My general thoughts on the story are that it is a highly enjoyable story with fantastic, compelling characters and genuine emotional beats, though it also was thematically contradictory. That said, I really enjoyed it, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the live action even if it’s going to be heavily censored! I love it and want to make more content for it.
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But onto the meat of your ask: Ye Wangxi and Nangong Si, the ship that tears our hearts out. *art is from the audio drama* So 2ha's cultivation world is, like the worlds in MXTX’s novels, utterly hypocritical, corrupt, and filled with people desperate for a justice that does not exist; it's also much more cynical than MXTX's novels in its view of humanity. Nangong Si's and Ye Wangxi's arcs are wrapped up in this view of the world, in concepts such as corruption and justice and the like, so I'm going to open by talking a bit about this before delving into their arcs, and keep in mind I will have discuss spoilers from the manual translation.  
I don't think there's a better summary of what 2ha thinks about justice than what Xue Zhengyong says in this scene when a horribly abused child is on trial for terrible things the child, now grown, went on to do: 
Some people were born rich. 
It's not fair.
When fate had poured injustice on those at the bottom, a mere price adjustment order could take the lives of the loved ones around them.
Where is justice?
They were all living people. How could they not hate him? How could they feel relieved?
Even if this child had missed it, even if he was not his blood kin, even if his fate played with him … Thinking of this, his heart still ached.
Xue raised his face and watched the clouds drift by."Okay, now that his sin has been repaid, he should at least repay the debt he owes this world." 
The wind was blowing .Xue Zheng Yong suddenly choked with sobs.
"But this world owes him … Did someone give it back to him... Has anyone returned it to him … " 
What about the crimes done to this person to make them that way? Does punishing this person bring any justice? How do we live in a world that is--perhaps irretrievably--broken? Every character explores this idea, and Ye Wangxi and Nangong Si are no exception. 
Nangong Si and Ye Wangxi are both obvious foils: they're children used by their parents, tools more than people. They also both--but especially Nangong Si--foil Shi Mei and Mo Ran in this, in terms of something horrible happening to their mother, something that scarred them for the rest of their lives. For example, Nangong Si's last words to his mother were: 
"I don't understand, I don't want to understand, I …I …” Nangong Si raised his tearful eyes and cried out to his mother, who was outside the forbidden spell, "I hate you! I don't have a mother like you! "
Mo Ran’s mother died and he had to drag her rotting corpse for two weeks to get to a place where he could bury her; Shi Mei’s mother was brutally eaten alive for her power. From these incidents, all three boys learn that the world is cruel in a distinct flavor that will influence everything they do from then on: Mo Ran learns no one will help him even if he begs for it, leading to him being both extremely clingy and extremely mistrustful; Nangong Si learns fate can be cruel and that he, too, can be cruel; Shi Mei learns that he can’t protect everyone and that his heritage puts him and his loved ones, all his people really, in huge danger--and that people will do evil things for power. Guess what he ends up doing. 
Ye Wangxi is also a Mo Ran foil: adopting a false persona and different role to please the people who took them in and were kind to them. Mo Ran pretends to be Xue Zhengyong and Madame Wang's nephew, when he really isn't; Ye Wangxi pretends to be a man to please the father who adopted her. That father is gray; I mean, technically he's morally repulsive, but he did genuinely care for Ye Wangxi. However, Ye Wangxi's willingness to sacrifice her life is not entirely a positive thing: clearly, Nangong Si will do whatever he has to in order to protect her, even marry Song Qiutong; his sacrifice there, likewise, leads to unhappiness for them both. 
Ye Wangxi and Song Qiutong are definitively foiled, and I'm going to sound as if I'm saying Ye Wangxi=good and Song Qiutong=bad, when, while that may be how the novel frames it, is certainly not what the novel actually says (it's an objective contradiction) nor is it what I interpreted. But they are distinct foils, which is why they are the two characters romantically linked to Nangong Si, representing to him the two paths he could choose to go down. Ye Wangxi will sacrifice herself to protect others, as seen in the sacrifice of her love for Nangong Si and her sacrifice of her identity and willingness to sacrifice her life.  
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In contrast, Song Qiutong will throw others under the bus to save herself. For example, when she is accused of cheating on Nangong Si, she does not trust people to defend her and falsely accuses Ye Wangxi of rape--even though Ye Wangxi had previously risked her safety to save Song Qiutong from an auction. Now, I've an issue with how the novel frames Song Qiutong for this: I don't understand why Song Qiutong is condemned when (as far as we and Mo Ran himself know at the time) Mo Ran is himself a rapist and when she was entrapped into the situation (i.e. if many characters hadn't been put in certain situations, they wouldn't have done terrible things), especially given her past (constantly living under the threat of being killed or raped--let's be honest, if she was deemed at fault, do you really think they'd just let a Butterfly Bone Beauty go?) and given story otherwise stating that people shouldn't be faulted for wanting to live. Who has repaid her for the wrongs done for her? 
I digress. Still, the tl;dr is that Song Qiutong's way of surviving involves hurting others. Song Qiutong also directly foils Nangong Si. Nangong Si starts out as... well, also as a very self-centered person who didn’t care that Song Qiutong was about to meet a fate worse than death in the light of the inconvenience Ye Wangxi saving her caused him. Additionally, he takes his frustrations out on those around him:
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However, even after his father is revealed to be like, the literal worst, Nangong Si cannot condemn his father. He could easily abandon him: in fact, in this cruel world, it might be perceived as more righteous for him to do so, but he doesn't. He gives his father a chance, and when they need a sacrifice and the most logical one is his mentally de-aged father: Nangong Si faces a choice: does he want to be like Song Qiutong? Or does he want to be like Ye Wangxi? He chooses to be like Ye Wangxi. This is not, however, a solely beautiful choice, because remember 2ha's world sucks and its suckery infects everything. The world itself is wrong, and so righteousness--true righteousness--is utterly impossible. Nangong Si sacrifices his life to save them all, but that leaves Ye Wangxi alone and many characters (and readers) grieving. It also could be read as highlighting, for Mo Ran at least, where he has yet to go: a few chapters earlier he almost sacrificed his reputation to warn everyone, but panicked and did not in the end. Mo Ran, of course, is related to Nangong Si by blood and could have sacrificed himself (I'm not saying he should have; the circumstances suck), so I suppose you could view it as Mo Ran still slowly developing (and his callous treatment of Rong Jiu and then entrapment of Song Qiutong as him slowly learning, but if so I wish it had been called out as a "well, I handled that hypocritically" moment later on). Or maybe that's reaching on my part. *shrugs* Ye Wangxi is a moral character, perhaps the most righteous in the story. She is the only one who stands by Mo Ran when he's put on trial to be tortured, declaring confidently:
Ye Wangxi fed him some warm water.
Mo Ran said in a low voice, "Why …."
"You helped A-Si." Ye Wangxi did not raise her head. "You helped me too."
"... On Mount Flood Dragon, if I was the one to die, Nangong will …" Ye Wangxi's hand paused slightly. She was trembling, but she still said in the end, "Everyone wants to live. I won't blame you just because you want to live."
"Drink it." She said, .”..you've been helping me and A-Si by risking our lives. Now, even if no one is willing to help you, I will still help you." Her expression was still dull, but it was firm. “I'm here." As she said 'here', she was indeed standing by the side of Mo Ran.
It's fitting, then, that Ye Wangxi's ending contrasts her with Shi Mei. She rescues refugees before the final battle and then travels the world with Nangong Si's wolf, because she will never forget the one she loves, and to presumably act justly and do righteousness, sow kindness into a world, rescue people despite how rescuing Song Qiutong actually endangered both her and Nangong Si. 
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Shi Mei wanted to change the world, quite literally rewriting time, but only made it worse in the end. Ye Wangxi's way of change might be slower, might be less fantastical, but it's not going to hurt people in the meantime. (Side note: I wish the novel would have been more optimistic and come up with some kind of justice for the Butterfly Bone Beauty people, but it really doesn't as far as I understood (this may be wrong; the MTL of the last twenty or so chapters are confusing!))
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aspirenanautilus · 4 years
Aspire Nautilus 2 Review
Aspire Nautilus 2 Intro
The Nautilus 2 has some interesting coil options. First of all, they have gone back to the original 1.8 BVC coils, so it is actually cross compatible with the OG Nautilus. Second of all, they now have .7 ohm coils available, so apparently you can do some sub ohm vaping with this badboy.
Aspire Nautilus 2 Product Picture
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Aspire Nautilus 2 Specs and Features
Kit Content
1x Nautilus 2 tank(Pre-installed a 0.7ohm coil)
1x Extra Coil(1.8ohm)
1x Extra Glass Tube
8x Orings
1x User Manual
1x Warning Card
1x Extra Drip tip
Height: 53mm
Diameter: 22mm
Capacity: 2ml
Material: Stainless steel / aluminum
Notable Remarks
Ok, so I am holding the Nautilus 2 in my hand and just admiring its sexy curves. It is almost like a throwback to the original bell-shaped Nautilus and Nautilus Mini. I like the looks of the Nautilus 2, and I’m intrigued by its airflow settings and just the overall aesthetics in general…
However, is this going to vape better than the original? I know many people were not happy with the Nautilus X, and my theory is that there is something up with the coils they use. They don’t seem to hold up too long. It will be a fresh breath of air to vape on the old school Nautilus coils.
I am very curious about the sub ohm coils too. I am a fan of sub ohm vaping, and I believe that it can be enjoyable, even when mouth-to-lunging it. I think it’s great that Aspire is providing an option for both sub ohm and above ohm coils for the different types of mouth-to-lung vapers.
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I mean, considering that I am vaping on the same exact coil that the original Nautilus uses, it vapes like a Nautilus with an updated shell. I love the airflow wide open, Aspire must have worked hard on creating the perfect airflow for mouth-to-lung vaping. The flavor is on point….
Filling this thing took some time to get used to, but it makes sense once you get the hang of it. The Nautilus 2 is technically a top-fill tank, because it fills from the top, but not the way I was expecting. Almost everything about this tank crushes the Nautilus X in performance thus far. One of the only cons with the Nautilus 2 is that you are going to blow through so much juice with these sub ohm coils. The capacity is 2m, in order to be TPD compliant. It seems as though I can’t even fill it all the way without it overflowing when I close it, so more like a 1.8mL capacity.
Other then that, the only thing I can say bad about this device is that the airflow control ring is a bit stiff, which will probably go away with time. Last but not least. it doesn’t have that nice, clicky airflow control ring that we have all grown to love about the Nautilus Mini. Oh well….
Great flavor
Perfect airflow for MTL vaping
Protected glass
Takes both .7 ohm and original 1.8 ohm Nautilus coils
I am loving the .7 ohm coil versus the 1.8 ohm ones so far, probably because I am used to vaping on lower sub ohm builds. At 20W it gives me the perfect vape for when I am on-the-go, and want that blast of flavor without creating a big scene. The Nautilus 2 is also very compact.
Overall, the Nautilus 2 is an excellent MTL tank. The way it is designed, the glass is actually protected by an outer shell, which also looks pretty dope. It definitely lives up to the Nautilus name, and the flavor is on par too. Yet another great option for mouth-to-lungers by Aspire….
Do you want to buy it?Click here,https://www.vapeciga.com/products/aspire-nautilus-2-tank-2ml New users can have 10% off,Free shipping worldwide.
If you want to know more information, Please visit our website https://www.vapeciga.com/
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Astrology Readings 💕
💕Hello! I've decided to start a little commissioning page incase anyone is interested in getting one! If you've enjoyed the way I've interpreted charts or just my personal tid bits on how the signs work, please feel free to message to get more information on doing yours! 💕
🚫Notice: Please be 18+ !! 🚫
*stay tuned for when it’s opened again! 💕
Paypal Link 💕
*USD price and whatever it converts to in THB is fine! 
💕FULL DISCLOSURE: These are rough sketches of work I'll be offering, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask/dm me on the Tumblr direct messages (@thechopkins)!  I have my prices fairly cheap since I’m a novice and I’m just doing this for practice, I’ll let you know if I’ve raised the price or if I’m not taking commissions anymore. But I hope to be able to do this as a side hobby for people to learn more about astrology! 💕
PERSONAL READINGS 💕 (needs birth time):
Brief Natal Readings ($10)
(I'll be talking about the things that stood out: your chart shape *if there’s a significance, aspect patterns. Going through your houses and placements one by one, your axis, usually touch decans if I feel we need a closer look at things. Definitely includes asteroids: Juno | Ceres | Pallas | Chiron | Vesta | Lilith | Eros )
I like having a conclusion at the end, something to tie everything together. Usually with these Brief Natal Reading there’ll be a ‘summary’ at the beginning of the reading as well-- to give you a guide of what we got/what to look for, and then we dive into the analysis as we go. 
It’s usually around hmm, 30-40 pages? I write in bullet points so that might be why, it’s just easier to read and see that way.) 
FULL Natal Readings ($20)
Everything included in the above, but with these:  I like to give a further analysis into it as well. 
I usually go for looking at your Rulers-- Chart Rulers, House Rulers, explain your Empty Houses. I take a look at your Draconic's, Whole House (if it makes more sense) Side-reels if it helps. I try to be?? thorough about it?? And explain things carefully if you’re new or need a lil more tutorial or guidance. 
Ahhh most people like knowing their dominants, so I include that (full disclaimer it’s the walter-pullen method) --- but I’ll clearly tell you that ‘it’s just for fun’. 
I think one thing I should mention about this is that--- it can get pretty intense? And serious?? So usually when we talk/get started I’ll ask if you’re comfortable with me hitting on xx subject, and if you’re uncomfortable with it for any reason at all please tell me so I can move around it and give you the things you need without hitting a sensitive subject. 💕
 Usually takes longer to make, I also answer questions you might want to ask. Anything that could potentially be in your chart? There’s a Q&A section if you want.
For those who might want a narrative guide to what each sign does, what each axis, asteroid does. I also have an appendix you can use, but tell me if you’re interested (it’s 20 pages in total so oof) - approx. 60-100 pages? That’s like-- without the appendix.
Note: If you’re interested in Natal Readings here is an answered ask on the Content Outline of What I provide In Further Details 
Solar Return Reading -- $15
(It’s always nice to understand how this year is gonna go. Or maybe just this period in your life if you’re having a hard time/want to experiment? I offer these readings as kind of like, a birthday present for yourself. I guess this is what ‘2019 Horoscope’ kinda deal but actually based on your birthchart so it’s ksdjnfkskn probably more personal to you --- approx 15+pages) 
Draconic Chart Reading - $15 
(For those who wants to get to know their draconics and maybe how to incorporate it into their lives? I look at the Draconic overlaid over the Natal since it gives a lot more insights of how to work with the above and below layers? I know, it sounds mystic as shit but honestly I?? love draconics?? And I rec everything who ever talks to me to go read theirs?? -- Approx 10+ pages ) 
Brief Persona Reading ($8)
(I have to warn you that I’m still a novice, but I think practice makes perfect. So I’ll be offering only a brief interpretation of reading your persona chart, you can choose which chart you want me to read and I’ll do my best to interpret everything together in the most cohesive way possible  -- approx 4 pages +, definitely low balling, just in case there’s a specific q you want answers to and I don’t have much to write about it since its already in the placement ;; I learnt from my mistakes skdjnfskn) 
Note: This is for non-idol aka your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner or crush you have a BIRTHTIME with
Synastry Readings ($20)
(I’ve been looking to do some Overlays for a while, so this is where I spend my energy! We’ll look at houses overlays, aspects and your individual want/needs/charts as well. Since the latter is pretty important, it’ll include a brief ‘overview’ for you both individually if you haven’t done a natal reading with me before. Nevertheless, this can be romantic, sexual, platonic, friends, siblings, parent-child, co-workers, classmates. Any relationship you want-- as long as you tell me so I know what I’m looking for/at -- approx 12+ )
Composite Reading ($15)
(This is different from a synastry because composite reading looks at the tonality/dynamic of the relationship overall! 💕 It’s not just trying to mesh two different people together and try to fit them into each other, it’s looking at how they interact with each other and the tone of their relationship. It’s really nice and fun to read, I recommend getting this one as well since it’s abit cheaper than the synastry one ya know - approx 12+)
MTL - *cap. at 13 members ($10)
Note: If you’re interested in an Outline for MTL readings here’s an answered ask that briefly explains what’s included 
4 rankings (one conclusive one and 3 to start off with) because You Always Want To Know What Kind of Dynamic You Can Have With Someone In Full Details -- Platonic, Nemesis or Otherwise.
So I give you 3 rankings (no, trust me it’s NOT an overkill) -- and then we talk about Each Member and Your Aspects With Them. I’ll explain how the dynamic works, the little things about it to overall themes between you. Compare it to other members as we go so you get a cohesive idea of how you fit between all the members (kinda like, compare yourself to them as well).
And then we have a conclusive-- which I give you the last Rank (after the analysis) and explain briefly why I choose that order. You Will See.
Takes like, a day to finish. The Fastest out of all my readings (a day for 7 members, I’m not sure about more than that yet -- 20+ pages)
Compatibility Reading: 1 selected member ($ 15)
DISCLAIMER: It's all fun and games but please remember that your development is most important and no matter how fruitful or positive this dynamic might be, if you don't work on yourself then it's going to be harder to accomplish this 'potential' that you have. Also please don't feel discouraged to ask for the members you think you might not have compatibility with, as long as you like them or your curious, perhaps this can be a new way of looking past archetypes of the signs and help you gain hope in your shared dynamic 
I’m gonna be honest with you, sometimes I’ve done reading where the compatibility isn’t positive but I’ll do my best to pull some of it out and give you advice. If I feel really really bad, I include ‘other placements’ that might be good for you instead (or do a little ranking list with the other members so you can feel better with the ‘see and compare’ -- I just don’t want you to feel sad if the outcome isn’t what you wanted ;;
The fun of THIS one tho is that we can look at how THEIR planet falls into YOUR house and how it might conjunct stuff (esp asteroid or axis) and tweak it around 💕 Since we usually don’t have their birthtimes however, we can’t look at how you would impact/fall into their houses. 💕Approx 8+ pages (low-balling, just incase-- y know, some people just don’t have many aspects?? ;; it happens)
If you’re interested, here’s some directions on how to contact me! 💕
Please send a direct messaging (chat-system) to @thechopkins 💕(Since this blog has an editor/member besides me, we can’t use the messaging system right now) 💕
PS. If you’re not sure what exactly you’re looking fo, we can figure it out together as well ;; 💕
If you already know what you’re going for, I'll let you know what I’m (possibly) backed up on or if I can get started right away 💕 And then I’ll ask for your birth day, birth place and if possible your most accurate birth time! 💕
Once I have your information/type of reading, I’ll let you know how long it’ll take (since sometimes I’m stocked up, I don’t want you to wait/get anxious about it so you can just tell me!) --- and I’ll make your chart, confirm it with you again so you can check if anything’s amiss (sometimes people are -- specific about that) 💕
I’ll go over the questions, like if you have a preferred name/pronouns, if you’re comfortable with sexual stuff, sensitive stuff. 💕I’ll double check again throughout the reading when I touch on it, especially since some might be--- really sensitive and I just want to see if you’re doing ok/need some comfort in your reading about how to get better (I usually include like, little advice/productive things you can do anyways) 💕
I’m good at--- well, talking to you when I’m working. So most likely you WILL know that I’m working on your chart because I Will Be Constantly Talking To You The Entire Time 💕
Ah, and I usually insist you don’t pay me until I finish the reading. I’ll tell you when I do, and then I take payment through paypal 💕 
After that, I’ll ask for your email and send you a lil message and the PDF reading 💕 
If you want it in any other format, feel free to let me know! 💕
💕That’s all I have for now! Again, I’m still a novice at astrology so all that I’m offering is just my experience/interpretations and current knowledge in the field. 
If you’re looking for a traditional/someone who has been working in the field for longer than a few years, I can recommend/point you to a few astrologers who might be interested! 💕
Generally I'm pretty enthusiastic about learning/talking about astrology, I’m not really doing this professionally, but if you feel like it’s easier to talk to me/want some help, I talk on my dm pretty often so feel free to drop by and I’ll do my best! 💕
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More Information📃
Before I actually get started with this blog I’m going to address what type  of content I’ll be posting on this blog (though I don't have many followers yet lol)
Long post ahead
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Usually I’ll write scenarios because I’ve came up with this insanely good plot or a picture or something inspired me to write a story about whatever.
Though, you can request anything you’d want me to write, but don’t expect good action stories because I’m typically not good at those.
Jimin watches the pale boy sitting behind the piano gracefully moving his hands to hit every key with each finger, never missing a note.
He couldn’t take his eyes off him, not the piano, but him, Min Yoongi. There was something about the blonde haired older that makes Jimin’s heart flutter even if he never had the courage to talk to him in person.
He’s mesmerized from his beauty which is admired from a mile away and as always it was at the concerts that Yoongi mostly held in his hometown.
His concerts never last long enough as Jimin wish they could continue on forever.
Yoongi’s fingers smoothly strikes the last chord of the song, sitting still as he lets the chord echo through the auditorium.
Jimin watches as the blonde haired boy bows in front of the cheering audience and walks off stage for the next act to perform.
Of course, Jimin wasn’t going to stay to listen to them though.
He walks outside in the freezing cold where the rain continusly pours like hell from the sky.
Jimin places his cold hands in his nearly worn out gray jacket with his head down to block the rain from hitting his face, but it didn’t really matter he was soon to be soaked since he had to walk home without an umbrella.
Upon walking with he his head down, he bumped into a figure and he immediately began to apologize when he looked up to see his idol, Min Yoongi, bending down right in front of him…but the thing is he was too star struck to realize that he accidentally knocked Yoongi’s sheet music down onto the wet concrete.
“Great. What fuckery is this !” Yoongi yells at Jimin, picking up his music before they could become unreadable from the heavy downpour of the rain.
“O-Oh, Yoongi, I’m sorry!” Jimin bows, picking up the remains of soggy music sheets.
Jimin starts to feel quite upset when Yoongi pushes him away.
“Move.” This wasn’t how he planned to meet THE Min Yoongi at least not as how he meet him in his dreams.
“You’ve done enough.. by ruining things.” Jimin’s heart sank in his chest when Yoongi walks away not daring to look Jimin in his eyes and take back what he said. Though for some reason Yoongi really wanted to turn around to apologize for being rude but his conscious reminded him that the historical music in his hand is now ruined.
Now you have at least a good feeling of how my writing is...
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Fake Posts/Accounts/Messages
I have an iPod and on that iPod I have installed an app that allows you to make a fake Instagram, iMessage’s, Snapchat’s, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Tumblr’s, Vines, YouTube Channels, and all that good stuff. As you can see in my edit up there in the little photo header, I made a quick little scenario where you and Jungkook had an argument and you broke up. Although I couldn't put the entire argument I used the end where Jungkook is officially d-o-n-e done with you lol.
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GIF Reactions, Smut Reactions, Whatever Reactions lol. Whatever you want to request is fine to me. Instead of doing an example reaction of a whole group I am going to do a example reaction for EXO-K’s leader, Suho.
EXO Reaction- When They Do Aegyo
Kim Jun Myeon/Suho
*cringingly forms a heart that makes you laugh*
“Am I cute?”
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Anything you want to confess without everyone or anyone that follows you on your profile knowing? Simply just click on “ask me anything”... can’t find it?
On mobile
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Type in minsugaprincess.tumblr.com (or click) into your address bar. My profile should come up. Click 2% in the little milk carton and then bam type in your question and click ask anonymously if you want.
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If you want to get shipped with your favorite group just ask and make sure to state the following information...
Which group/groups you want to be shipped with
Things about you
Selca Ships
As for Selca ships only thing you have to do is state
Which group/groups you want to be shipped with
A Selfie of your beautiful face
Girls and boys allowed so all you fan boys out there don't be shy!
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Same goes for Most to Least Likely. Just ask and I’ll give you my opinion
EX:  MTL to get a tattoo in GOT7
Mark to me seems like the type that’ll look really hot in a tattoo plus he seems rebel enough to get one. Plus wasn't there like a little rumor around saying that he has a tattoo on his leg. Pretty sure it was real.
Jinyoung probably doesn't want to go through the pain if he did get a tattoo I don't even know why. It really doesn't suit him though he just seems like the innocent type... why am I lying when I ship Jinson and I know the devilish things they do.
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Ask Box/Chats
Confess anything, talk about anything, and just be you. The Ask box will be considered like a community chat so don't be shy. No one will judge you unless you’re into Necrophilia. If you are... you are one hell of a sick minded person.
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YouTube Video Requests
So far I have two videos on my channel one of them being a fake sub that I uploaded last year and ended with like three thousands views. At that time my laptop caught a virus and like some months later I got a new one but if you’d like to request anything for me to upload don't hesitate to ask.
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Fanfiction Requests
I love writing so if there’s any type of genre or book you want me to write, make sure to request anything you’ll love to read. As said before, I suck at writing action so don’t expect much. Lol. Since I don't have many followers, I'm going to start working on a 5 chapter book that will definitely (hopefully) get you comfortable with how I write. I'm planning on each chapter will be about 2000+ words long and more than likely I'm going to start writing it about my UB lol. 
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Smut One Shots/ Reactions
I had to keep this edit a bit you know not as much 18+ since Tumblr is a B*tch.
I won’t say that I'm good at smut but I lack in some areas, but same with this as well...just request what you want me to write and I’ll always be up for it as long as its not weird.
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Little Space Things DD/lg
This blog wont just be all about Kpop its going to vary from different topics and basically anything to keep my followers amused. I'm going to usually post cute things or about my everyday life of being a little and what not, but for all you littles out there that's lonely and wants a Mommy I am here! Plus I would really love it if you call me Princess but K is ok too.😇.
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I don't know if you noticed but I really love to edit photos and what not so if you’re planning to write a book and you need someone to edit a book cover don’t be shy to ask me because I will love to help.
I have plenty of time on my hands since its summer break and I don't have to go to school till August so I can do a lot with this blog.
Also its best to access my blog via a mobile device because on pc the theme doesn't quite work well but its pretty and there are quick links that you can click on that’ll automatically send you to some of the other sources that I use.
Anyways that's it,  Bye👋✌
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Could I get a MTL got7 and BTS pls?im 175cm, curvy, I have short curly hair and rose cheeks and lots of freckles, INFP, (p much the hufflepuff version of yoongi😅), I like books, movies, acting, painting, sleeping, writing, listening to music, animals(SRSLY I had like 13 different animals while growing up) I'm very shy and insecure but I get very friendly and talkative after I get comfortable, also I close myself when I start to like sm1 but my friend says I'm cute, kind, honest, funny! Thank u!
Hi Honey, here is your ship. Sorry it took so long, I've just had a busy couple of weeks but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy :) -Admin Frog 😊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mtl ship Got7Youngjae Youngjae and you would be a perfect match. Your heights would really compliment each other, and he would tease you for him being only JUST taller than you. He would worship your body and find your face adorable. Your personalities would coincide well with each other. He would understand and appreciate your shyness and find it utterly adorable, and would reassure you when you have insecure moments. You two would have a sweet relationship.JBJB is a total sweetheart and he would really love how adorable your face is. He would love to just lay around and watch movies with you and relax after practise. He would respect the fact that you may be shy at first and would find it so cute. You two would have such a loving relationship.MarkMark would love how adorable your face is and would love the fact that you're kind and honest. He would understand you not being able to come out of your shell until you get comfortable with someone, he's quite shy and non talkative himself, so he would completely understand. He would happily just lounge around and watch movies, how you two would cuddle up together under a heap of blankets and just enjoy being in each others company. You two would have such a chill and amazing relationship. Jackson Jackson would love the fact that you're curvy, he would find it incredible sexy and just find your face so cute. He would happily go to a Zoo or surprise you with an animal as a gift, or just stay home and sleep/turn music on loud volume and dance around 😂. He would understand you being shy and hesitant at first and would respect you, but once you open up and get more comfortable he would appreciate your humour. You two would have a playful relationship.JinyoungJinyoung would love and I mean love you. He would love your shyness and find it utterly adorable. Since you like acting, Jinyoung would often ask you, whenever he has an appearance in a drama, to run lines with him, you two would joke about the first few time before finally doing it seriously. I feel like one you have gotten comfortable with him, you two could just lie around and have conversations with each other or just simply enjoy each others company. You two would have a dramatic relationship (in the acting sense XD)YugyeomYugyeom would understand you being shy, because as we've seen he's pretty shy at first...however that can go from 0-100 really quick. Once you get comfortable with him and he gets comfortable with you, bam! Magic happens. Gyeomie would try to comfort you when you're feeling insecure about something and would always reassure you. He, too, would kinda shut himself away a little bit when he starts to like you, but either one of the boys would tell you that he likes you, or he would slip up at some point and reveal his feelings. You two would have a very playful and sincere relationship.BamBamNow Bam Bam would find you so adorable. He would love your hair and just everything about you. He would understand you being closed off at first, however he would try to get you to come out of your shell if he got the chance. BamBam would love the fact that you like acting and I think you two could just playfully act around with each other. He would make it painfully obvious that he's interested in you, and would just love to lounge around and listen to music with you. Now BamBam does have that serious side to him, it may be rare to see, but when he does show you that side to him, it shows how much he really cares for you. You two would have a fun loving relationship. BTS YoongiNow, Yoongi would love and enjoy the fact that you're only just taller than him in height, just by a few inches. Yoon KiMin would find you gorgeous, but would focus more on your personality. He may not show his emotions as much as the other boys, but around you he would be a smiley, giggley boy in love. You two would have a really deep and sweet relationship.JiminChimChim and you are the same height so he would have no problem with your height at all haha. Jiminie would find you just utterly adorable and would be smitten. He would understand you having insecurities because he has trouble with them as well so he would comfort you whenever you had those moments. Christian Chim Chim would be shy as well at first, but once he opens up he'll be even more of a sweetheart to you and would happily just sit down and chat with you for a few hours. You two would have such a caring relationship. JinJin would just be in love with you. This boy would love your curves and your adorable features. Genie would love and find your awkwardness and shyness absolutely the sweetest thing he's ever seen. You two would probably re create so many drama scenes or make up some of your own (refer back to BTS Gayo 😂) and he would comfort you so much when you're having some down time and would cook or act silly to try and see that beautiful smile back on your face. You two would have a really sincere and sweet relationship.Namjoon Rap Mon, like Yoongi would focus more on personality but he would love that you're curvy and that he's taller than you (because he could smother you in cuddles). And he would find you just absolutely adorable. Rap Mon would appreciate that you like books and he would happily just lie around with you and read whilst listening to music. Monie would appreciate you being honest and kind and would comfort you well in times of need as he is quite level headed and empathetic. You two would have a tender and grounded relationship. HoseokHobi would love how adorable and kind you are and would appreciate your height (like Rap Mon, smother you in hugs and kisses). He would love the fact that you like books and animals. You two would probably have a day where you just lounge at home and read while petting your pet or having a day at the zoo and watch J-Dope re enact the animal sounds and positions. Those days of sorrow and insecurities, Hoseok will be there for you every minute even if it hurts him, as we know he hides his pain abs sadness away from ARMY's so we won't sad, but he'll try to make you laugh and smile just so the sunshine of his life will be bright once more. You two would have a tender and sincere relationship (with a dash of Sunshine and silliness). TaehyungTae Tae would love how you are the most adorable and gorgeous human he has ever seen, this boy would fawn over you and and smother you in cuddles. Jack (Never let go~) would love that you like to act and would re create scenes from Titanic and also dramas and anime. He would most likely buy you a new pet every Christmas until you tell him to stop as it's getting out of hand 😂.As for those moments of sadness and insecurities, like Hobi he would be there for you and try to make you laugh and smile. You two would have a cheeky and caring relationship. Jungkook Now this boy would love that he's taller than you and would probably tease you a lot like how he teases his Jimin Hyung. He would love your curves and face, just you, he would love you. But Justin Seagull would be so awkward the first time you two meet because you're the most entrancing and beautiful girl he's ever seen and would eventually pluck up the courage to ask you for your number. He would enjoy just watching movies or painting with you, because as we know, this boy can draw really well. In those moments of sorrow and insecurities, like Rap Mon he would remain level headed and just wrap his arms around your shoulders and hold you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You two would have an honest and slightly awkward but fun loving relationship.
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