#i also am supposed to work tomorrow and then friday we have a rehearsal dinner and then saturday the wedding which is two hours away.
ahricore · 3 months
i'm so fucking stressed out
#dude my dog had acl repair surgery in march#she's healed fine with that but developed stomach issues#so she's been back and forth to the vet with that#and now when i was at work she just randomly started walking weird as fuck. she kicks her leg that was operated on backwards as she walks#and sometimes looses balance in both legs#and then when i pick her up she acts like it hurts her spine or something#i'm gonna wake up in 4 hours to call the vet and see if they can see us today and pray that this isn't something that she'll need surgery#for again#i also am supposed to work tomorrow and then friday we have a rehearsal dinner and then saturday the wedding which is two hours away.#vets closed on sunday so if she can't get seen tomorrow it'll be a whole new fiasco trying to get her helped somewhere else#this dog is my lifeline like it#ruins me#seeing her like this#genuinely if i didn't have her i wouldnt be here#it's so hard to watch her not even be able to walk#but it's so fuckinf weird bc my mom said she was just laying in her bedroom and she came back out doing it? there's nothing she could've#gotten into it just makes no fuckinf sense#like it's possible either her kneecap or her acl implant thing popped out of place but#she stiffens her entire body when i pick her up#and she acts like she's losing balance#it's so fucking weird#i'm also terrified that i'm about to get told she has some kind of onset of neurological problems and she'll have to get put down#or something along those lines#it's just too much rn#pls keep my doggy in ur thoughts#we just spent 3k on her surgery in march if she has to get operated on again first of all the recovery process all over again sounds like#a nightmare#but just the cost alone#i'm gonna FUCKING KILL MYSELF
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dickwheelie · 4 years
okay so the other day this gorgeous comic by @tijela crossed my dash and I couldn’t stop thinking about a sequel to it where Jon and Martin actually get to go on their date. so. this is that. set sometime nebulously in season 3. also there is ace jontent (jon content) because against my better judgment I absolutely refuse to shut up about jon being ace. anyway I love you (yes, you) enjoyyyyy
It’s only two minutes after nine in the morning when Jon appears in the doorway of Martin’s cubicle, holding two steaming mugs in his hands. Martin pauses in the act of taking off his coat, eyes wide, and for a moment all they do is stare at each other.
“I—brought you tea,” says Jon at last, as though it’s something he does for Martin every morning. He makes a strange kind of abortive movement with his arm, half-offering one of the mugs. What is happening, thinks Martin. And why is it happening before I’ve even switched my laptop on.
He decides to roll with it. “Thanks,” he says, keeping his voice carefully neutral, as he sits down at his desk and takes one of the mugs. Jon’s hand shakes almost imperceptibly as he passes it over. Martin takes a sip. It isn’t very good. He smiles at Jon anyway. “Ta,” he says again.
Jon doesn’t appear as though he heard him. His brow is furrowed, distractedly, and Martin notices that he doesn’t even drink from his own mug before setting it down on the edge of Martin’s desk. A twinge of anxiety lances through him. “Alright, Jon?”
Jon’s eyes snap to his, and his expression softens. “Yes. Um. Well. Not entirely.”
“I’m sorry,” Jon says, and he looks it, tired and frayed at the edges as he always does these days, but there’s a softness in his eyes and regret in his lines of his face. “About what happened yesterday—I am so, so sorry, Martin. I let my guard down and I shouldn’t have . . . compelled you—”
Martin shakes his head. “It’s alright.” He’d just as soon put the whole thing behind him; being rejected is embarrassing enough on its own, never mind the rest of it. “You . . . you didn’t mean to.”
“That doesn’t make it okay,” Jon says, insistent.
“I—yeah. I know,” Martin sighs. It’s too early for this.
“And . . . I. Um. I would, actually.”
Martin pauses with the mug halfway to his mouth, and blinks up at Jon. “You would . . . what?”
“I . . . I would be happy to go out with you.”
Jon’s posture is ramrod straight, as it so rarely is, as though this is a speech he’s been rehearsing for.
“Oh! Um.” As the words sink in, Martin feels heat rise to his cheeks. He puts the mug down. “Really?”
Jon nods, once. “Yes.” Some of the confidence leaves his voice. “I-If you still want to, that is. Of course I—I understand if you’ve changed your mind.”
“No, I—or I mean, yeah, I’m . . . I’d love to, yeah.” At least it’s good to know that they’re both being articulate.
“Oh.” Jon looks genuinely relieved. “Good, then.”
Martin’s about to say something resembling a thank you, when Jon barrels onward.
“I was thinking we could get dinner.” Then, almost apologetically: “Is that alright?”
Martin would laugh if the whole thing wasn’t making him blush. “O-Okay. Yeah. Sure. Sounds good. When are you . . . ?”
“Tomorrow is Friday, yes?”
“Yeah,” Martin says, and he bites the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.
“Then . . . tomorrow night? A-After work? Or—” Jon winces slightly, slowing down. “I-It doesn’t have to be right after work. Would seven o’clock be alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s . . . that’s good for me.”
“Okay.” And Jon smiles, just the tiniest bit. “Okay, yes. Seven on Friday. For dinner. I’ll send you the details.”
“Sure.” Martin allows himself a grin, around the rim of the mug, and flashes Jon what he hopes is an appealing glance. “See you then, Jon.”
“Yes. Alright.” Jon stands there, staring at him for a second more, then turns around on his heel and disappears down the hallway.
It takes half an hour before Martin can actually focus enough to start work. It takes another full hour after that for Martin to notice that Jon forgot to take his mug of tea with him.
Jon taps his water glass pensively as he waits for Martin to arrive. The restaurant he’s invited Martin to is an Italian place in central London that Jon has never stepped foot in before today, but it seems romantic enough, with candles at every table and soft music playing in the background and lighting that makes reading the menu a chore, even with his reading glasses on. The table for two he’s reserved is minuscule, which he supposes must be a good thing. For . . . some reason.
He’s nervous. Which is ridiculous, given his life, but there it is. It feels less like a first date than it should; he knows Martin so well, and cares for him, and trusts him, but still, there’s that nagging anxiety. He just really doesn’t want to mess this up more than he already has.
Jon isn’t sure what he’s expecting Martin to look like when he arrives at the restaurant. He knows he’ll look nice, of course; Martin always looks nice, with his ties tucked neatly into his soft-looking sweaters, with his hair, and his smile . . . Jon gives himself a shake and stares daggers at the drink menu. He, himself, has worn one of the nicest outfits he owns, which he imagines is doing little to combat the bags under his eyes and the numerous scars. Still, he’s made an attempt with his hair, and traded in his usual square frames for horn-rimmed spectacles that, he’s been told, look nice on him.
When Martin shows up, though, fashionably late where Jon had been a quarter of an hour early for their reservation, he puts Jon to shame. He’s wearing a pale blue suit, with a lightly-patterned button-up that Jon can’t quite make out in the restaurant’s dim light, his hair nicely coiffed, his earrings catching the light and sparkling with every step. He approaches the small table where Jon can only sit and stare, already mumbling an apology for making Jon wait, and even after everything that’s happened Jon’s still incapable of filtering himself, so he says, “You look lovely.”
Martin beams at him as he pulls out the chair across from Jon and sits down. Inwardly, Jon winces; he should probably have offered to pull it out for him, shouldn’t he. “Thanks, Jon,” Martin says, happily. He gives Jon a once-over, but in an admiring way, which is not an experience Jon has had in a very, very long time. “You don’t look so bad, yourself.”
“Ah,” Jon says, “thank you,” and he dives back into the menu before Martin can notice that he’s blushing.
They make small talk as best they can, avoiding any topics relating to fears, until a waiter comes by. Neither of them want wine, as it turns out, Martin because of the tannins and Jon because he wants to maintain every bit of control he has to not say or do anything stupid that could ruin all of this.
As they wait for their food, Martin looks askance at Jon’s right hand, squinting curiously. Jon glances down, and his stomach sinks; he’d forgotten he was wearing it. It’s his ace ring, the simple black band he wears outside of work, when he can remember where he’s left it last. He’d put it on earlier in a fit of unearned confidence when he’d seen how his hair looked, and now he’s paying the price.
“Is that—?”
“Yes,” Jon sighs, twisting it around on his finger instinctively. “My ace ring.”
“Didn’t know you had one. I’ve never seen you wear it around the office.” Martin’s voice is soft and uninquisitive, offering Jon the option to drop the topic.
Jon doesn’t take it, because again, he lost his filter sometime in the nineties and he’s never gotten it back. “Yes, well, it’s a bit . . . unprofessional, isn’t it.”
Martin shrugs, his earrings swinging with the motion. “I mean, not really. Tim and I have pride stickers on our laptops and stuff. And—now I think of it, you do too, Jon.” Martin huffs a laugh, but the way he looks at Jon, he can tell it isn’t at his expense. “I don’t get why this is any different.”
“I—you—” Jon flounders for a moment before giving up. “You make a compelling argument. But—I don’t know. The ring feels . . . different.” His voice weakens slightly, along with his resolve. “Somehow.”
“More personal,” Martin says, softly.
“Yes.” Jon’s chest grows warm. “Yes, that’s . . . that’s exactly it.”
“I get it. I mean, I’m not ace, but—I get it.” Martin runs his thumb along the rim of his water glass. “Took me a long time to get that trans sticker up on my laptop.”
Jon nods. There’s a beat of silence, and then Martin leans forward in his chair slightly. They’re already in pretty close quarters, and in the candlelight, Jon can almost count Martin’s freckles.
Martin inches his hand toward Jon’s. “Can I . . . ?”
Jon really hopes his blush isn’t visible, but his luck has never been the best. “Um . . . yes. I-If you want to.”
Slowly, like he’s trying not to scare him off, Martin takes Jon’s hand in his, dwarfing it in his broad palm and wide fingers. The contrast, Jon thinks for a strange moment, is beautiful.
Almost immediately, Martin startles. “Jeez, Jon, your hand is so cold,” he says, and he takes both of Jon’s hands between his, rubbing warmth back into them. Jon’s hands, in fact, had been rather cold, though he hadn’t noticed until now, and they’re certainly not cold anymore, along with Jon’s face and chest, which are rapidly warming up by extension.
He manages to get out, “Ah—sorry. I, um, have bad circulation.”
“Don’t apologize,” Martin says, almost absentmindedly, still staring down at their hands. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
Jon wants to protest, and probably ruin the mood by bringing up topics that shouldn’t be discussed on a date, but at that moment Martin looks back up at him, meeting his eyes with a smile that makes him look even lovelier. “I like it,” says Martin, out of nowhere. Jon blinks at him. “Your ring.” He holds up Jon’s hand for him, demonstratively. “It looks right on you. It fits. You know?”
“Ah. Thank you,” Jon says. It doesn’t feel like the right thing to say, but he can’t find any other words, at the moment. He feels . . . he’s not sure what he’s feeling. His chest feels a bit full, but not necessarily in a bad way.
Martin is casually glancing around the restaurant, as though he isn’t actively taking Jon apart piece by smitten piece. “This place is posh,” he says. “You come here often?”
“All the time,” Jon says, mustering up some humor. “I’m only in the head archivist business for the salary.”
That makes Martin laugh, at least. “Thanks for asking me out, by the way,” he says.
“Oh,” Jon says, and his hands are still warmly pressed between Martin’s own, and he can see now that Martin’s shirt is dotted with tiny sunflowers, and for a moment he has no idea why Martin is the one thanking him. “Well, you, ah . . . sort of beat me to it.”
Martin laughs. “I mean, sort of.”
“It’s the thought that counts, anyway,” Jon says, borderline nonsensically, grasping at well-worn words and phrases, because it’s all starting to sink in now that he’s on a date with Martin, and it’s going well.
It’s at that moment that their food arrives, and Martin has to let go of his hands, but the warmth remains for a good long while afterwards.
The rest of the date is, as much as Jon has come to both loathe and cherish the word over the past two years, uneventful. Nothing is ruined, not even a tablecloth, and Martin seems genuinely, actually happy in Jon’s company, and Jon feels calmer and safer than he’s felt in a long, long time. They walk back to the Tube station hand in hand, and even in the chill autumn air, Jon feels absolutely warmed down to his bones.
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chairismaticchair · 4 years
Star Crossed Enemies
Happy Holidays @yellowartistsunshine ! @sanderssidesgiftxchange
Summary:  When two rival theatre majors get cast as the leads in "Romeo and Juliet", something blossoms between them. Something beautiful.
This is Roceit, there are some swears. I had lots of fun writing this, especially since this was my first roceit fic!
If Roman despised a single person in the world with all his body and soul, that would be Janus Taylor. He hated how snagging lead roles in plays and musicals always became a fight between them. He hated how smug Janus constantly acted. He hated his stupidly posh accent that was only really obvious when he was on stage performing Shakespeare. He hated how he couldn't have any straight (not that it was possible with Roman any other way) or slightly logical conversation with Janus. He hated him, from the tip of his dumb black beanie, to the soles of his beige loafers. Overall, he hated Janus.
Whenever they passed in the college, there would be a flurry of middle fingers and middle-school-grade insults like "shit head" and "dumbass" thrown about with as much malice as two theatre majors could. They seemed to lose all common sense when in the mere vicinity of each other, instead becoming caricatures of theatre rivals. Arguably, that was exactly what they were.
"Taylor." Roman spat out. "I heard the LGBTQ+ Club's  putting up another play soon. Suppose you're going to want the lead role. But it's mine." He declared, as if no one had expected Roman Diaz Santos to want the lead role. 
Decei - shit sorry, Janus hissed back. "I heard it's gonna be Shakespeare, and guess who always gets Shakespeare roles? Me. Shithead." He added the “shithead” as an afterthought, as if this was his first rivalry and he had almost forgotten rule #315 of the Rivalry Book of Rivals.
They then tossed each other middle fingers like mutual salutes and marched off, heads held up high and refusing to turn back.
"Man, Janus really is a dick isn't he?" Roman complained to his best friend Virgil Teo, who sighed.
"Yes, Roman. Just like the -" He pulled out a notebook and made a little mark. "534 other times you've told me. This year. I don't even know what's that bad about him." 
"Well of course you don't get it. You two dated freshman year. Honestly, I thought you had better taste."
"And I do. That's why we broke up." Virgil slapped Roman's shoulder playfully. "Who are you to insult my dating life? You haven't had a single date since the start of college."
"I've had dates." Roman protested.
"Bad dates, Princey. Those don't count. Maybe you could send it to the Guinness World Records."
Roman gasped in mock annoyance. "How dare you, Virgil.” He gave a wistful sigh. “Anyways, I just want to find my soulmate. They’re out there, I can just feel it. A Juliet or Julien to my Romeo.”
"You're always are full of bullshit, aren't you, Roman?"
Patton, a senior, walked up to the front of the leture theatre and tapped the teacher on the shoulder. He whispered something in her ear and the teacher sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose frustratedly. "Hi! The LGBTQ+ Club is putting up two Shakespeare plays for this November! The first one will be a gay Romeo and Juliet, called Romeo and Julien. The other will be a sapphic 'Much Ado about Nothing'. Audition sign ups start next week Monday and end on Friday! Thank you!" Patton was very chirpy for 8 a.m. .
Now, this was when shit hit the fan and our story gets exciting. Roman turned to Virgil enthusiastically. "I'm totally auditioning for Romeo." Meanwhile, all students in the near vicinity who wanted Romeo's role sighed in unison.
Across the lecture theatre, Janus turned to his friend Remus excitedly. "I'm auditioning for Julien! This is gonna be great."
"For fucks sake." Someone in the near vicinity groaned and his friend patted his back sympathetically. 
Roman sat outside the auditorium, swinging his feet while waiting for his turn to audition. Walking down the corridor, Janus turned to Roman and picked up the chair beside him. He moved 6 feet away and plopped the chair down.
"So, Santos." He started, staring intensely at the auditorium door.
Roman found his shoes absolutely riveting. "Yeah?"
"What role are you auditioning for?" 
Tapping the side of his chair, Roman said, "The lead one, obviously."
"Oh." Janus paused and turned to look directly at Roman. Sticking out his hand, he gave him a slight smile. "Well may the best one win."
Roman took the hand hesitantly. "Yeah Janus. Break a leg."
The large board outside the auditorium was a crowd favourite among students. It was constantly updated with rehearsal times, casting choices and upcoming performances, you know, the classic cool stuff.
Roman and Janus were the first to arrive at the board and glanced at each other before looking down the corridor with longing. 
A boy with big circular wire framed glasses bounded down the corridor, an A4 paper in his hand. He waved excitedly at the two in front of him. "Hi Roman! Hi Janus! Waiting for results?"
The two nodded in synchronisation. 
"Oh, well I got them here!" He got out a stapler and stapled the paper to the board, the sleeves of his turquoise hoodie large and dangly. 
Romeo: Roman Diaz Santos
Julien: Janus Taylor
The two boys turned to each other in horror.
"Y - you mean -"
"You thought-"
The boy, Patton, looked at them in amusement. "Well, you both got main roles, so congrats! Rehearsals start in two weeks and I'll give you guys your scripts tomorrow. Have fun!" 
He patted them both on the back before heading off, skip in his step.
Janus and Roman turned to look at each other in horror once more. 
There is a moment in one's life, where they will reflect on everything they have done, and wonder what mistakes they had made to lead them down this path. As Roman flipped through the script Patton had handed him, that was exactly what he was doing. "You mean to say, I have to kiss this - this snake 5 times? Outrageous. Unacceptable."
They sat in a circle, everyone who participated in the play knee against knee. It was far too close for comfort and Roman was probably going to vomit onto the rest of the cast.
Virgil, who was in charge of lights and sound and sitting next to him, smirked. "Princey, this is literally a play about you two in love. 5 kisses are the minimum."
"And I am right here, you know." Janus looked slightly offended, leaning over and looking at Roman, who was a Virgil away. "And I'm not that bad at kissing. Ask Virgil. "
Virgil choked. 
Before Roman could retort, Patton interrupted them. "Okay guys! Don't forget to practice your lines. Rehearsals start in two weeks so I hope you manage to memorise some of your lines."
As they left the auditorium, Roman whispered to Virgil. "Is Janus actually good at kissing?"
Virgil just shrugged.
Patton called after the leaving group. "Roman? Janus? Please get whatever feud is going on between you two and throw it away. You two need to cooperate so that we can all work together. Go bond over the next few days. Thanks!”
Bond? With Janus? Roman never wanted to hear those words in the same sentence ever again. There was an odd creeping feeling that grew in his stomach and crawled up his throat invasively. It was foreign and weird. Maybe an allergic reaction.
“Oy! Janus! We probably have to - to get to know each other better.” Roman could feel heat spreading from his toes all the way to his cheeks. Why was he blushing? He should not be blushing. “So, do you wanna go grab some food tonight?”
Janus’ eyes widened and he physically stepped back. He pointed at Roman, before pointing back at himself. “You? Offering me? Dinner?” 
Roman shot a wink at Janus cheekily, before turning around to hide his blush. What was he doing? He never flirted with his rival. Was that even flirting? Tugging his hair down in a pitiful attempt to hide his burning red ears, he turned to Virgil. 
Virgil wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, before elbowing Roman in the side. “Stepping up your game, Santos? Impressive.” 
Roman blushed even harder, and looked away. 
Roman had had his fair share of dates, if that was what you called a dinner like this, and he never knew what to say. He pulled out his best card. 
“So...ya like jazz?” 
Janus choked on his iced lemon tea. "Fucking Bee Movie?” 
“Well, you do wear black and yellow 80% of the time, so you clearly like bees. Ergo, Bee Movie.”
An eyebrow was raised. “Impressive. You almost sound as smart as Logan.”
“I wish. He’s an absolute genius.” Logan was studying law, would probably become the valedictorian, and was dating Patton. Truly a legend.
“What’s your favourite animated movie then?” Janus asked. “Mine certainly is not the Bee Movie. There are loads of better Dreamworks films. I love Megamind."
“Oh, Megamind is really good! Choosing a favourite… that’s so hard though!” Roman bounced in his seat. Another movie lover? Perhaps, Janus wasn't too bad.  
Janus laughed and the food must have been tainted or something, because Roman’s heart skipped several beats. 
“Right! Let’s start at Act 1, Scene 5. You guys are at the party and this is when Romeo meets Julien for the first time. Action.” Patton, perched on the edge of a chair, announced, eyes shining with excitement. 
Roman glanced over at Janus, clad in a hoodie and jeans. He was flipping through his script and mumbling lines to himself. It was their first rehearsal so they were still allowed to look at their scripts. It also happened to be their first kiss scene. Pink tinted Roman's cheeks at the thought. Kiss… Janus? The two words seemed so foreign next to each other, yet they felt as though they were meant to be. He couldn't stop his eyes lingering over Janus' light pink lips. He turned away quickly, glancing at his script. Romeo kisses Julien.
Shaking his head, he looked up at the people on stage, waiting for his cue. He had to stop thinking so much. Thoughts were dangerous. Who knows where they may lead?
Roman wondered what Janus' lips tasted like.
Oh for fucks sake. 
Okay, this was getting ridiculous. Roman shoved his face back into the script, mumbling his lines under his breath and waiting for his queue to come on stage.
Stepping onto the stage, he channeled Romeo Shakespearean thoughts. It was a little hard in his button up shirt and jeans, but he was a professional. “What lord is that which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight?” He gestured towards Janus. 
A server bowed politely. “I know not, sir.”
“Oh, he doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems he hangs upon the cheek of night. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear, beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows. As yonder lord o'er his fellows shows. The measure done, I’ll watch his place of stand. And, touching his, make blessèd my rude hand.” He spoke to the audience, but couldn’t help think about how accurate this was. Janus too, was really hot. 
Roman spoke some more about how hot Julien was, and the rest of the rehearsal was a blur. He wasn’t Roman anymore. In front of this audience? He was Romeo, a rich lovestruck teenager. 
Then suddenly, he found himself staring into Janus’ eyes, and he was Roman all over again. 
Janus’ eyes, a deep, rich brown that gave Roman a steady look, pierced into Roman’s heart. He spoke towards the audience, but he sounded so genuine and sincere as he uttered his lines. “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.”
Roman gave Janus a soft smile, eyes crinkling in the corners. “Then move not, while my prayers’ effect I take.”
Closing his eyes, he leaned in and brushed Janus’ lips. It was hesitant, and soft, and he could hear Janus' quiet gasp, as if he wasn't expecting it. It was barely a kiss, more like a peck, but Roman could feel heat rushing into his cheeks. “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.” He said, loud enough for the audience to hear him.
“Then have my lips the sin that they have took?” Janus cocked his head to the side, looking far more innocent and coy than Roman had ever seen him behave before.
“Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” This time, Janus stood on tiptoes and kissed him. A proper kiss that made the butterflies in his stomach flutter, and Roman wanted to stay like that forever and ever. The scent of Janus' cologne made him giddy and he took Janus' hands, pulling him closer. On one hand, they were playing parts in a play, and on the other hand, everything felt oh so real, from the hoodie toggles that tickled his button up shirt to Janus' soft fingers gripping his hands tightly.
When they finally pulled away, Roman gazed at Janus' shining brown eyes in what must have been a lovestruck expression. He found his Julien.
"You BITCH!" Virgil slapped the study table violently.
"What did I do?"
"1 year. 1 fucking year of you making fun of me falling for a white guy and here you are, falling for the exact same white guy." Virgil looked vaguely irritated. "Even my mom was like," He put his hand at his ear like a phone and did an exaggerated Chinese accent. "Aiyah ah boy, I know you like boys, but an angmoh gao is too too much already. But don't worry lah, 4 months is not long, you still can leave him.” Do you even know what that means, you ass?”
He suddenly burst out in laughter. "This is great, it's my turn to poke fun." He rubbed his hands together excitedly. "What was the kiss like? Was it...spicy?"
"Weren't you there?"
"Yeah, but I want a personal recount. Actually, no. Give me the P.E.E.L. format. Point, evidence, example and link on Janus' kissing skills. Go." 
"Oh, er. Janus was a… good kisser?" Roman didn't kiss much. "Um, point. His hair is all fluffy and I feel it brushing against my forehead, which gives me butterflies and this warm tingly sensation that ran through my body and gave me goosebumps. And he makes this noise whenever we kiss that is so cute, he honestly sounds genuinely surprised whenever it happens, even though we're following a script. And his cologne smells so good, oh my god I need to get the brand name, it's like kinda ashy, but not quite and it was a bit light, like a nice stroll in a forest. Holy shit it smelled nice. And-"
Virgil raised an eyebrow and paused Roman's tangent. "He wore cologne? He never wears cologne."
"Oh." Roman's eyes widened. 
"Maybe…" Virgil wiggled his eyebrows. "He wore it for the kiss scene." 
The heat that decided to congregate on Roman's cheeks was undeniable. "Why - why would he do that?" 
"He likes you, ya dumbass. And he wanted to impress you, so he decided that hoodie plus beanie plus cologne was a good combo."
Roman stared at his feet. "It was."
Virgil stood up and patted Roman on the head comfortingly. "There, there, it's alright. White guys aren't all that bad."
"Oh fuck off."
Virgil bowed and shot Roman the finger. Truly a man of eloquence and class. Roman opened a picture on his phone from his date with Janus. Janus was smiling, and Roman could feel himself smiling too as he looked at the picture of Janus. Of his Julien.
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Chapter Fifteen
Where Did We Go | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 1982
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this one! :) (picture credit to jenna on twitter)
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You woke up before Tyler the next morning. He had flipped onto his stomach sometime during the middle of the night so his face was now pressed up into the pillow, smushing his cheek up. One of his arms was outstretched, so that his fingers were just barely brushing against your forearm. You took a moment to admire him resting until a pang of sadness shot through your chest. Although you two had slept in the same bed the night before, you knew that the issues between you two were far from resolved.
You quietly got out of bed and crept towards the door, not wanting to wake Tyler. Your plan was to make a nice breakfast for the two of you as a sort of peace offering and then the two of you could talk things out while you ate. After spending some time thinking about the entire situation yesterday, you finally felt like your head was clearer and you could say the things you needed to say, as well as apologize for the expectations you had placed on him.
You turned the radio on to a low volume before you started to gather ingredients to make some french toast for you and Tyler. The familiar feeling of loneliness was beginning to creep in, but you reminded yourself that Tyler was only upstairs asleep, not out at meetings for the millionth time that week. He had gone to bed at a reasonable time last night, so it wouldn’t be long before he joined you downstairs. If you were lucky, he might even be up before you finished cooking.
Tyler did eventually wake up and come downstairs, right as you were cooking the last few pieces of french toast. His hair was still a ruffled mess from sleeping, but he had taken the time to throw on a t-shirt over his sweatpants. It was loose enough that you could just see his chest tattoo peeking out above the collar. He rubbed at his eyes as he shuffled over and took a seat in one of the stools.
“Good morning.”
“Morning,” he mumbled. His voice was still hoarse from sleep.
“How did you sleep?”
“No nightmares.”
“That’s good.”
Tyler nodded slowly.
“Um, so I was thinking that we could talk through everything that happened yesterday while we eat breakfast,” you said, nervously pushing the piece of french toast around the pan. “There’s a lot of things that I need to say.”
“Me too.”
A chill ran down your spine, nearly making you shiver. Your mind was already preparing you for the worst.
“You can start serving yourself. I’ll join you at the table in a second.”
Tyler stood up and grabbed two plates from the cabinet, leaving one to the side for you. He piled his plate up with french toast and fruit, grabbed a Red Bull from the fridge, and walked off to the dining room. You cooked the rest of the french toast as quickly as you could, eager to have a conversation with him so that you could soothe some of your anxieties. Or at least, that’s what you hoped would happen.
The only thing Tyler had done by the time you joined him at the table was popped open his Red Bull and taken a couple sips. You had tried on multiple occasions to get him to stop drinking energy drinks with breakfast, but he was insistent that it was no different than having coffee. It was a losing battle.
“Where do you want to start?” Tyler asked. You barely even had time to pick up your fork.
“Um, well, I guess I want to start by apologizing for the things that I said yesterday. You were right, I was being selfish and I shouldn’t have implied that you don’t care about me, because I know that you do. It had just been a long day and I was frustrated and I said a lot of things that I didn’t mean.”
You sat frozen in place, waiting for whatever Tyler was going to say. This was the moment that you had been dreading.
“I’m sorry too. I got defensive instead of listening to what you had to say and that wasn’t fair to do. It’s not my place to tell you that what you’re feeling is wrong just because it’s hard for me to hear.”
You almost started crying because you were so relieved to hear that Tyler was sorry too. The night before, you had managed to convince yourself that this was finally the end of your relationship. It was by far one of the hardest nights of your life, especially since you didn’t have Tyler there to comfort you.
“I just hope you know that I do recognize how hard you are trying to make time for me and I need to be more appreciative of that. You’re dealing with a lot right now and while I try to be as supportive as I can, I know I fall short sometimes.”
Tyler nodded, “I do think that’s something that you could work on, but I also think that I need to work on spending time with you and not talking about the band the entire time, either. And I could definitely be better about multitasking when I am working. I have a bad habit of getting too focused on what I’m doing.”
“I agree.”
Tyler smiled and reached an arm out across the table. You placed your hand in his and squeezed.
“Also, I want to apologize for saying I wish things were like when we were 21 again. Yes, I do miss those days when we were kids sometimes, but we aren’t kids anymore. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in that and I forget to appreciate all the things that we get to do together now as adults. I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve done, Ty, and I’m incredibly happy with the place that we’re at now, not where we were five years ago.”
“Me too.”
“So are we ok?”
“Yes, and I think we both have some things that we plan to work on,” Tyler said.
“Definitely,” you nodded. “I still feel really bad about how I acted.”
“You don’t need to, Y/N. We were both tired and frustrated and acted out of emotion, but we’ve talked through it and figured out what to do from here on out.”
“I just…” It was hard to talk around the lump forming in your throat. “I’m terrified of losing you.”
Your breaths started to get shaky and uneven as you fought back tears. Tyler took notice of this and immediately stood up so that he could join you on the other side of the table. He pulled over a chair so that he could sit and pull you into his chest. The contact helped your body relax a little.
“You’re not going to lose me,” he said. “Especially not just because of one argument. You mean the world to me, Y/N, and I’m not going to give you up that easily. We get in fights sometimes, that’s just how life goes, but it never changes how I feel about you.”
“Promise?” you mumbled into his shoulder.
Tyler gently pushed you away. You were hurt at first, until you realized he was holding his pinky out towards you. A smile slowly spread across your face as you linked your pinky with his.
“I promise.”
He leaned forward and gently kissed you. The worry quickly began to melt away as you realized that nothing between you and Tyler had changed.
“A double promise,” you smiled.
“Exactly,” he said, matching your smile. “I love you, Y/N. I mean it.”
“I love you too.”
Tyler gently wiped away a tear that had slipped down your cheek with his thumb.
“Are you feeling ok?”
You nodded, “I’m ok now.”
Tyler gave you another quick kiss before getting up and sitting back down in his original spot at the table. Most of his food had still yet to be eaten because of the discussion you two had. Maybe having a serious conversation during a meal hadn’t been your best idea.
“This is really yummy,” Tyler said as he cut off another bite-sized piece of food. “Thank you for making breakfast.”
“Your welcome,” you smiled. “It’s my grandma’s recipe, my mom used to make it for Carter and I all the time when we were kids. I would make it more often, but we’re usually so busy that it’s not worth the time and effort to make.”
“Maybe that’s something we should make more time for too: having a proper breakfast,” he laughed.
“That’s probably not such a bad idea. It’s better than you having Red Bull and cereal every morning, at least.”
“Hey, Red Bull and cereal is a delicious tour breakfast.”
“Maybe when you were 23! I swear your diet hasn’t changed since we were in high school.”
“Why should it? It worked for me then and it works for me now.”
You shook your head, knowing this was a losing battle. “Ok, Ty.”
“Oh, hey, speaking of tour.”
“I just wanted to give you the rundown for this next week before we leave.”
In the midst of everything that had been happening over the last week, you had almost forgotten that there was only a week left until it would be starting again. Thankfully, this time you would be able to join him now that Carter and Marenna’s wedding was over and your schedule was cleared up. You were looking forward to it.
“I have a few things that I need to finish up either tonight or tomorrow, then there’s a meeting on Monday. It’s supposed to be the last one, but I have a feeling they’ll end up scheduling one final one on Tuesday. They gave us Wednesday off, which will probably end up being our packing day. Poor Josh has to fly home Tuesday night and then come back the next day so that he can pack up his stuff. Then, of course, Thursday and Friday are rehearsals in the morning and Saturday is our last free day,” Tyler smiled before popping another piece of french toast into his mouth. “Oh, and I managed to get all of our siblings, and their spouses, together for a last dinner together on Friday before we leave.”
“You did?” you asked. Leaving your family behind had always been one of the hardest parts of tour for you and Tyler.
“Yep. We have a reservation at that one restaurant we really like.”
“That’s amazing. Thank you, Ty.”
“Of course.”
He dramatically blew you a kiss from across the table, making you laugh.
“Also, do you think you would be able to give me a haircut on Monday after my meeting?” he smiled sweetly.
“Yeah, we can do that. It’s getting pretty long.”
“I know, look at it curling on the ends.” He picked up a small section of his hair and then let it fall back down.
“You’re not going to shave it all off, are you?”
“Not yet. Probably later in the tour.”
You sighed, but decided not to fight him on it. It was another battle that you could just never seem to win.
“Let’s try and make the most of this last week before tour, what do you say?” he asked.
“I say I’m in.”
The two of you fist bumped and then sat back in your chairs. You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you thought about the adorable idiot that you had grown to love. It was a huge relief to know that nothing had changed between the two of you, despite your argument. At this point, it didn’t seem like there was anything that could come between the two of you.
You hoped that never changed.
*     *     *     *     *
@tylersheavydirtysoul​ @faceofcontvsions​ @ohprettyweeper​ @shaytwentyonep​ @tyler-josephs-floof​ @angelicopioid​ @topownsmyheart​ @harishaanne​ @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah​ @somethingboutyou1​ @boiled-onionrings​ @heythereitm3​ @gaysludge​ @breadbinishigh​ @5secondsofmoxley​ @patdsinner33​ @littlerachelbee​ @royal-avengers​
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walkerismychoice · 5 years
Stripped Bare - Chapter 16 (Bryce X MC AU)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce X MC (Charlie Hawkins)
Summary: It’s the day of the wedding rehearsal, and Charlie introduces Bryce to another one of her family members. Also, there may be trouble in paradise for Katelyn and Landry.
Note: Just in case the relationship between Kyra isn’t clear, they are not related by blood or technically even by marriage. They are both related to Katelyn as her cousin, but they are from opposite sides of the family. Charlie only knows Kyra from when she would invite them both over as kids. This distinction will be necessary this chapter, lol.
Also another thing which I have failed to mention enough is that most of the locations and things in this series are real parts of this resort. There are mentions of a bar, specific bartender, and cocktail, all of which really exist at Half Moon resort.
Lastly, I appreciate all the feedback I got on where to take this series. I was able to merge several ideas with things I already had in mind, so there’s no specific credit to be given, but you may see bits and pieces of what you personally suggested from here on out. Thank you all again for your help.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2850
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"There's something different about you...." Kyra narrows her eyes and scans Charlie discerningly. "Is it new makeup? You're all glowy or something."
"No, I don’t think so." Charlie laughs nervously. Kyra knows, or if she doesn't she's about to figure it out. Not that Charlie would keep it from her, but she doesn't want to discuss it here, seated amongst the wedding party at the beachside set-up, waiting for the officiant to arrive to start the rehearsal.
"Oh my god! You and Bryce fu-"
"Kyra!" Charlie covers Kyra's mouth with her hand. "This is not the time nor the place."
Kyra smirks satisfactorily. "You didn't deny it. I expect full details later. And I mean everything."
Charlie rolls her eyes but can't hold back a smirk. "Okay, just keep it down for now."
Kyra glances off to the side where Bryce is waiting and winks at him. Bryce shoots a confused look to Charlie and she just shrugs and throws her hands up. As expected, Kyra is having difficulty with the concept of discretion.
The rehearsal is uneventful, but there seems to be extra tension between between Katelyn and Landry. Not that they’re a super affectionate couple to begin with, but the air is especially icy between them. Maybe it’s just stress and pre-wedding jitters, but whatever the case, seeing those two together makes Charlie even more thankful she’s not still with Andrew.
Bryce approaches Charlie as they are dismissed to head to the rehearsal dinner and loops his arm around her waist. “You walked down that aisle like a pro. You’re going to nail your performance tomorrow.”
Charlie giggles. “Well this is me we’re talking about. No guarantees I won’t fall flat on my face.
Bryce nods. “This is true. I’ll have to make sure you keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum tomorrow.
“But not tonight. I have to deal with my parents again. Oh, and did I mention my brother should be there too? His flight was supposed to get in this afternoon.”
“No you did not. Is he as hard to impress as your parents?”
“Nah,” Charlie shakes her head. “He never liked Andrew, but I have a feeling he’ll like you.”
“Sounds like a good judge of character then, so obviously he’ll love me.” Bryce smirks. 
“Hurry it up you two!” Kyra calls over her shoulder. “Cocktail hour starts now, and I don’t want to drink alone.”
“Guess who!” A pair of large hands cover Charlie’s eyes as she stands at the bar, but she’d know that voice anywhere.
“Will!” She spins around on her tiptoes and throws her arms around her much taller brother. "I’ve missed you!”
He squeezes her back tight. “You too, Chuck.”
“Okay, I don’t miss you anymore. You can get right back on that plane and go back to Africa.”
“Chuck?” Bryce questions with an amused expression on his face. “I haven’t heard that one yet.
“Just a nickname Will calls me to annoy the shit out of me. If you haven’t guessed, Bryce, this is my brother Will. Will this is my boyfriend, Bryce.” The word feels strange and uncertain coming off her tongue now that this thing between them is officially real, but she’s instantly reassured when she sees Bryce smile brighter when he hears it.
“Nice to meet you, Will.” Bryce extends his hand to will, but Will pulls him in for a hug and claps him on the back.
“Same to you. Charlie, I can’t believe you’ve been keeping him a secret from me.” Will puts a hand up to his lips as a shield. “He’s hot!” he mouths inaudibly to Charlie. 
“You know I could see that.” Bryce chuckles.
“Yeah, please don’t feed his ego. It’s already big enough,” Charlie teases and the guys both laugh. ”Anyway you’ve been so busy with your Peace Corps stuff, I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you lately,” Charlie offers as an excuse without having to reveal that Bryce didn’t exist in her life before two weeks ago.
“Fair enough. I’ll catch up with you two later, but I should go say hi to mom and dad. You wanna come with?”
“No.” Charlie shakes her head emphatically. “I’ve had enough of them already, mom especially.”
Will frowns sympathetically. “I’m sure as soon as mom sees her favorite baby boy and dad starts hounding me about deadlines for applying to grad school, they’ll forget whatever they were on you about.”
“Good luck with that.” Charlie waves him along with a tight-lipped grin.
“Oh my god!” Kyra walks up beside Charlie. “I haven’t seen Will since we were kids. When did get get so grown up...and hot.”
“Kyra!” Charlie smacks her in the shoulder. “That’s my little brother!”
“Well he’s not my brother. And in case you forgot, we aren’t related, and he’s not a kid anymore.”
“Hey, I don’t blame her.” Bryce joins in. “Good looks run in the Hawkins family. He’s got your gorgeous green eyes, and that stubble and ‘too busy doing humanitarian work to get my hair cut’ look is really working for him.”
“Ugh, now you are drooling over him too? Whose side are you on?”
“Aww, you know I’m on your side, babe.” Bryce pulls Charlie close, taking her breath away with a heated kiss. “You’re the only Hawkins I want.”
Kyra clears her throat. “You guys are disgusting...in the best possible way, of course.  
“Sorry,” Charlie steps away from Bryce sheepishly. “We should probably get to our table now. Looks like they are starting to serve dinner."
Charlie reluctantly sits with her family, but sticks to pleasantries with her parents. Kyra rounds out the 6 person table, providing a much needed buffer. Charlie's not sure if her mom is just pretending the whole thing never happened, like she so often does, or if she's just waiting to get into it again when nobody else is around, but she'll take the peace for now. It's not really awkward anyway with all the stories Will has to tell. Unsurprisingly Kyra is hanging on his every word, but he doesn't seem to mind the attention.
A short while after dinner is served Kyra nudges Charlie in the side and nods toward the corner. “Check that out.”
Charlie tries to turn her head inconspicuously and spots Katelyn and Landry seemingly in the middle of an argument. And then, without any notice or goodbyes, they leave the restaurant. “Well that doesn’t look good,” she mumbles under her breath.
Noticing the commotion, the tall Sarah stands up to cover for the couple. “The Bride and Groom wanted me to tell everyone they are retiring early for the evening so they can be well rested for tomorrow.” Landry and Katelyn’s parents all look confused but shrug it off and go back to eating their meals.
“Well,I think the party’s over here. Is there a good bar or somewhere we can go to hang out?” Will asks.
“How about Cedar Bar?” Bryce suggests. “I think Caswell is on tonight, and he’s the best.”
Will Chuckles. “I suppose I’d be familiar with all the bartenders here too if I had to put up with Katelyn for a whole week.”
Charlie laughs. “Bryce is just like that. He's made friends with just about all the staff here. It's unbelievable really."
"It's not fault people can't resist my charming, magnetic personality. It's just how I am." He winks at Charlie.
Charlie rolls her eyes but can't hold back a smirk. "Well then lets go and you can work your magic to get us some free drinks."
The night is warm and there’s a gentle breeze coming off the water into the open air bar. It’s busy, but not too crowded or loud to engage in conversation. The group finds an open table for four and Bryce goes up to the bar to do his thing. He shakes Caswell’s hand and returns to the table with a triumphant look on his face. “Four Yellowbird cocktails, coming up.”
“Uh, what’s in those?” Kyra asks skeptically.
Bryce shrugs. "When someone offers you their signature cocktail for free, you don't ask."
Moments later a cocktail waitress brings over four hurricane glasses filled with yellow-orange liquid and a colorful fruit garnish. Charlie takes a sip and is met with an interesting mix of flavors but it somehow works. "Not bad. Definitely rum, orange juice, bananas and.... something else. I feel like this is one of those dangerous drinks that could get you drunk real fast."
Kyra takes a big swig of her drink. "I'll be glad to test that theory out."
Will leans over to whisper something in Kyra's ear, a blush creeping over her cheeks before she pushes her drink off to the side. Charlie’s still not quite sure how to feel about whatever is going on between the two of them, but Will’s an adult and she trusts Kyra, so she’s just not going to interfere.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating someone new.” Will shakes his head at Charlie. “How did you two meet?”
This part is still tricky, they’ve practiced the story but it’s really hard to look Will in the eyes and lie. “Well we were both medical students,” she offers, which is technically true.
“But didn’t you say you went to Harvard, Bryce?”
“I did, but there is some overlap in the faculty and hospital appointments between Harvard and Boston University so sometimes the students end up in the same place.”
Charlie breathes a sigh of relief at Bryce’s quick-thinking answer, and Will seems satisfied. Bryce places on hand on Charlie’s knee under the table, idly rubbing soothing circles over her skin. He continues with these little touches here in there, but unlike before, these aren’t for anyone else to see. 
They finish their cocktails and order another round of less extravagant drinks while catching up. Unsurprisingly, Bryce and Will get along like old friends, and Will only embarrasses Charlie a little. With what Bryce has seen of her already, she’s not worried anything Will says will scare him away.
“Hey guys, mind if I crash your party?” A stunned silence falls over the table as a bleary eyed Katelyn stands before them.
“Um, not at all,” Charlie replies as Bryce pulls up an extra chair to the end of the table. 
“No offense, Katelyn, but you kind of look like shit,” Will adds. “Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep for the wedding?”
She rolls her eyes at the same time she wipes the mascara smudges with the back of her hand. “Who knows if there will even be a wedding.”
“What?” Charlie and Kyra both gasp. Although Charlie can think of a multitude of reasons why Katelyn and Landry aren’t right for each other, she couldn’t imagine Katelyn calling off the wedding at this point.
“Landry is just as much of a douchebag as you all thought. Even if you never said it, I could tell you all were thinking it.”
“What happened?” Charlie asks out of genuine concern. As much as she can’t stand the person who Katelyn has become, she’s still family and Charlie still cares. 
“Fucking Tanner showed up.” Katelyn pulls out her phone and shows them some screenshots of intimate conversations between Landry and his friend from college within the last few months. “He said they were just joking, but I’m not that naive. I forgave him so long as he cut off communication, and I thought he did. Then Tanner showed up today, and our arguing escalated until we went back to the room. I demanded to see his phone and found a thread of messages hidden under another name. He claimed Tanner’s only here because the invitations went out before I found everything out. He says he still loves me and begged me to go through with the wedding, but I don’t know if I can.”
“Screw him,” Kyra scoffs. “You can do so much better.”
Katelyn might be awful to put up with, but Kyra’s right. Landry’s still not good enough for her, but Charlie’s not sure that’s what Katelyn wants to hear right now. “What Kyra means is that you deserve someone you love and loves you just as much in return.”
Bryce stands up. “Maybe we should let you ladies have some time to talk this through. Will, come get a drink at the bar with me?”
The men leave and Katelyn picks up Wills half-full cocktail and downs it. “I don’t know what to do... Are you going to finish that?” She points to Charlie’s drink, and Charlie slides it over to her.
“What does your gut say you should do? You don’t have to feel obligated to marry him just because we are all here for the wedding.”
Kyra takes another sip of her drink. “Yes, what she said.”
“I don’t even know if I love him. I love what he is on paper. He can give me the life I’ve always wanted, and if I don’t have him, I’m left with nothing.”
“Psshht.” Kyra shakes her head. “Girl, you know you are way out of his league.”
“Who is this Katelyn and what did she do with my independent, intelligent, ambitious cousin? The Katelyn I grew up with wouldn’t need a man for anything,” Charlie echoes the sentiment. 
“But I’ve given up going to law school to be a wife. It’s all I have now.”
“Katelyn, you’re only twenty-six, and in case you forgot, still independently wealthy. You have the time and money to do anything you want. If you want to marry Landry because it makes you happy, do that, but not because you think it is what you are supposed to do.” 
“Trust me,” Kyra interjects. “You’ll look like much less of a loser if you call off the wedding than if you actually marry that pasty-ass white boy.”
“Kyra!” Charlie shoots her a glare. Sure they’ve all been thinking it but it’s a bit harsh to say out loud.
“Kyra’s right. I should have dumped the cheating, spineless, scrawny-ass bastard a long time ago.”
Charlie leans over to hug Katelyn, stifling a laugh. “We aren’t trying to tell you what you do, but we’ll support whatever decision is best for you. Right, Kyra?” Charlie arches her eyebrows at Kyra as a warning to keep her mouth filtered for Katelyn’s sake.
“Yep.” She gets up to give Katelyn said after Charlie retreats. 
“Good.” Katelyn dabs her tears away with a cocktail napkin. “Now I need all the drinks.” She reaches for another drink, but Charlie stops her.
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?”
“Yes.” Katelyn pushes away from the table and walks up to bar, ordering two shots and downing them immediately. Will and Bryce bring her back to the table, already another drink in hand.
Bryce leans in to whisper to Charlie. “We should probably try to keep her from over-doing it.”
“It might be a little late for that, but we’ll watch her.”
The night wears on and the group sneakily orders a couple more non-alcoholic beverages for Katelyn, but she’s already had quite enough. It’s getting late and Kyra and Will bow out first, Will volunteering to “walk Kyra back to her room” as if that isn’t obvious. Charlie finally convinces Katelyn to go back to Landry and face whatever is going to happen.
“I’m just going to use the restroom before we go. Do you need to go, Katelyn?”
“No, I’m good.” Katelyn stumbles back against the wall.
“I’ll wait out here with her,” Bryce offers. 
“Good call.” Charlie laughs and pushes through the women’s room door.
Katelyn is a fucking mess. Bryce has no idea how she and Charlie can be related. She’s good looking enough, but nowhere near as pretty as Charlie. But her personality...yikes. Charlie says Katelyn wasn’t always this way, and he’s grateful Charlie has managed to grow into the person she is despite a similar upbringing.
“Charlie’s so lucky to have you.” Katelyn slurs, stumbling forward and crashing into Bryce’s chest. He tips her back upright, but her hands remain planted on his pecs, giving them a squeeze. “You know how bad I’ve been wanting to feel these? I know you’re always showing off your muscles because you want everyone to look, and I’ve definitely been looking.”
Bryce removes Katelyn’s hands, placing them at her sides. Sure he’s proud of his body and likes to show it off, but he’s certainly not looking for this type of attention. ”That doesn’t mean everyone gets to touch me. That’s reserved for Charlie.” 
Katelyn pouts.”But is she as good of kisser as me?” 
Bryce should have been anticipating it from her question, but before he can make sense of what’s happening, Katelyn arms around around his neck and her lips are his. Initially shocked and frozen in place, he finally comes around, but it’s already too late.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Landry booms, his face red with anger, and next to him is a bewildered looking Charlie.
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devilatmydoor · 6 years
I Like Me Better- Chapter 15
***Authors note- I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG- I had a severe case of writer's block!!! I kept going back and forth on ideas and I couldn’t think of what to do with this chapter- so many ideas and I couldn’t get them on paper! I hope you love it as much as I do! ***
Previous Chapters 
10  11  12  13  14
Warning- Physical fighting 
Calum POV- 
I tried to focus on how beautiful Jade was and not what was underneath her clothes but it was so hard since I already knew what she was wearing. She was stunning, as per usual. She had no idea where I was taking her tonight and that was the plan, I put in the directions to an Italian restaurant called Olio e Piú and drove. My hand on her thigh and she played Coldplay. “Where are we going Cal?” “That’s for me to know, and you to find out baby.” I taunted.  “Mysterious, I like it.” She winked and I winked, she squeezed my hand.  I continued to drive and tried to focus on the road but her hands were so soft against my calloused hands from training all week. When we were a block away, I entreated “You like Italian right babe?” “I love it, why?” She pointed out, smiling. “Because we're going to Olio e Piú.” I exposed. “No way. I’ve always wanted to go there!” she squealed, squeezing my hand. “Now you will.” I grabbed her hand up to my face and kissed it. I pulled up to the closest parking spot I could find. I let go of Jade’s hand so I could cut the engine and park the car better. I unbuckled my seatbelt and I insisted, “Princess, please let me get your door for you.” 
“Oh fine, I’ll let you get it.” She agreed and unbuckled her seatbelt and waited patiently.
I got out of my seat and closed the door and walked to her side of the car and opened the door for her and she got out, I grabbed her hand and she closed the door. We walked to the restaurant together, holding hands and she leaned in and whispered in my ear, “You smell amazing by the way.”
“Oh yeah? So do you! Did you get new perfume?” I questioned, knowing the answer already.
“I did, you see the girls took me to Victoria’s Secret on Friday after school where I got my lingerie and I got the perfume there. Want to know what it’s called?” She hinted.
I smiled at her and nodded, “Yeah, I’m curious.”
“Pure Seduction.” She blurted and then she turned bright red.
That was not what I was expecting.
“Princess, you know you don’t need that perfume to seduce me you know.” I pulled her in closer to me, she blushed even more.
“Your so sweet, what cologne do you even wear? I swear you always smell good.” She requested, she looked up to me and fluttered her eyelashes.  
I looked down at her, “You think I’m going to give away my secrets?” I’d joke, we continued to walk and she giggled.
She looked up at me and rolled her eyes and shook her head, she muttered: “Fuck you too then.”
“Babe, we did that already remember? Our date is a little backward. Usually, people do that after the date.” I pointed out and then I realized we were almost to the restaurant.
“And? I didn’t see you complaining!” She observed.
“No baby  I didn’t,” I said and I let go of her hand as we got to the place and I opened the door, “For my lady” I proclaimed.
“You're so dorky.” She acknowledged and smiled as she walked into the restaurant.
I followed behind her and closed the door, ‘You are just noticing that now?’
She nodded her head and rolled her eyes, “Oh no, I’ve known.”
“Good,” I smiled at her and then my eyes met the hostess of the restaurant. “Dinner for 2?”
“Perfect, There’s a table for two of you right over here!” She said and then grabbed two menus and then led us to our table.
Jade sat down and I sat down across from her and then the hostess handed us the menu’s, “A waitress will be with you shortly.”
“Thank you!” Jade cooed, looking at her.
I looked at the menu and Jade wasn’t even looking at the menu, she was looking at me. “Babe, why aren’t you looking at the menu?”
“Maybe because I can’t get over how handsome you are?” She gushed.
I’m pretty sure I blushed, “Thanks for making me blush, your too kind pretty girl. Aren’t you hungry?” I cooed 
“Of course I am, can’t I just admire my man?” She beamed, smiling brightly.
“I never said you couldn’t but look at the menu, get anything you want.” I insisted and winked at her.
She scrunched her face at me and then opened the menu to look, and I looked back at the menu. Since I was driving I decided not to just get a Coke. We waited for our waiter and she kept looking up at me and she thought I didn’t notice, but I did. I couldn’t stop staring at her either. The outfit she had on was so incredible. Every time I think she couldn’t get any more stylish, she proves me wrong.
By the time we got our drinks I think Jade had realized I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, “Hey Cal, you might want to take a picture it lasts longer.” She whispered.
I shrugged and grabbed my phone, listening to her and I took a picture and then she covered her face.
“Cal! I was kidding!” She shrieked, continuing to cover her beautiful face.
“Babe! Move your hands this instance, I wasn’t done!” I demanded, taking my free hand to move her hands and snapping a picture before she could fight me. “There! I got two- not the best pics but I got a pic of you.”
“Why Cal? I wasn’t even ready!” She argued.
“Uh, you told me to! Princess, That’s why.” I explained, smiling at her.
“You really are such a dork. Whatever will I do with you?” She guessed.
“Pose next time and not cover your face? It’s a simple request babe. All I ask.” I teased, smirking at her.
She laughed and then our waiter came and we ordered our food and I felt my phone vibrate and I didn’t even want to look at it and then a couple minutes later, Jade grabbed her phone and looked at it groaned “Damn it, it’s Johnny.”
I grabbed my phone and then looked to see that it was, he texted me.
Hey Calum! I forgot to mention this today, a friend of mine is going to stop by the gym on Wednesday (he’s also a boxer, he works in Long Island) to see you fight you are okay with that.
I looked back at Jade, “Apparently, his friend  is stopping by the gym on Wednesday to see me fight if I’m okay with it.”
“And are you okay with it?” She wondered,
“I’m not sure. I mean I don’t like, know who he is. And it’s random as hell you know?” I supposed, confused why he even wanted him to see me fighting.
“I don’t blame you! You can say no Calum, It’s so random and out of the blue! He hasn’t even mentioned it to me about someone coming over or anything.” She doubted.
“Yeah, that is weird! Usually when people visit do they stay with you?” I asked, taking a sip of my coke.
“It depends on where they are visiting from, where is the guy from?” She asked.
“Long Island.” I shared, putting my phone away.
“Weird, I don’t remember Johnny having any friends from there..” She trailed off.
“Don’t worry about it babe, I’ll talk to him tomorrow and I’ll sort it out,” I assured, grabbing her hand and she put her phone away.
“Good, I actually was going to ask you if you’d like to come to see me and my theater group, which luckily has Charlotte in it rehearse after class on Tuesday?” She asked, looking at me with her puppy eyes.
“Of course, what play are you guys doing?” I questioned, smiling at her.
“Shakespeare Macbeth, my favorite. We were assigned Shakespeare but the idiot in my class wanted to do Romeo and Juliet but everyone does that. So I suggested Macbeth because we have three girls because of the 3 witches.”
“Oh right, that’s a good play. I like that one better than Romeo and Juliet.” I asserted.
“Me too, I love Lady Macbeth. She’s a boss.” Jade proclaimed and then giggled.
“Yeah, she is! Until she loses her mind.” I implored.
“Well so does Macbeth, guilt takes over their conscious.” She indicated.
If you told me a year ago, I’d be sitting in an Italian restaurant talking about Macbeth with a beautiful girlfriend, I would’ve said you were crazy.
Mainly because I didn’t think I’d be in a relationship this soon into moving to New York.
But here I am.
And I didn’t care at all. It was perfect. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Tuesday came sooner than I anticipated, it was busier than I planned. I went to the gym to train with Johnny at 10 and had plans to go see Jade rehearse Macbeth with her group. I had no idea why she invited me but I was excited to see her in her element. Then work at 5, what a day.
After an intense training with Johnny, I was on my way to go shower, Johnny interjected, “So about tomorrow. Are you good with my friend coming to see how you fight?”
“Yeah sure, that’s fine.” I guessed, realizing I just agreed to let some stranger coming in tomorrow to watch me fight Jasper.
“Okay perfect, remember you fighting Jasper is just a practice round. He won’t take it personally.” Johnny reassured me for like the 8th time and then he let me go take a shower.
I tried not to think about tomorrow but it was all I could think about. I washed my body and then I quickly washed my hair. I dried off and changed into my work clothes so I wouldn’t have to worry about it later. I grabbed my duffle bag from my locker and then I left the gym. I walked to my car and unlocked it, I opened the door and put my duffle bag in the passenger seat and I sat down in the driver's seat. I put my seatbelt in and put the key in the ignition and put directions into the Marymount Manhattan Theater. That’s where Jade said they were rehearsing, their teacher had reserved the building after class for them.
As I drove I tried to not think about how hungry I was, as I got close to the theatre I realized there was a sushi place literally right across the way from her theatre building. I was actually early so I parked and ran across the street to the sushi place and got sushi. I ran across the street and I got my phone out of my pocket and texted Jade, I’m here!
Moments later I got a reply, Okay! I’m on my way, you can walk inside the door should be open!
I opened the front door and I waited knowing If I started walking I’d get lost and I didn’t want to get lost. Before I knew it, I saw Jade running down the hallway, “CALUM!!!” She yelled.
“Jade!” I yelled back, running to meet her halfway.
I opened my arms for her to run into and she gave me a huge hug and I held her tightly against me.
I didn’t want to let her go but she let go of me and she held my face in her hands and looked at me, “How was your day handsome?”
“Good now that I’m with you, how were your classes?” I asked, looking into her beautiful eyes.
“We learned how to do wounds Today, Scarlet was the volunteer. She’s in her other class, she looks intense.” Jade grabs my hand and we walk together and she leads me into a classroom with a group of college kids and Charlotte.
There were two other girls and three other guys, I sat down next to Jade and they looked at their scripts and ran through their lines again.
“Wait, who's this again?” A random guy asked.
“Josh, we told you already. This is Calum, Jade’s boyfriend.” Charlotte informed.
“Why is he here?” Josh asked, and I wanted to punch him in his face.
“Because he wanted to see me act, is that okay with you?” Jade barked, holding my hand tighter.
“No.” Josh argued, making it hard for me to not want to punch him. Jade looked at me and she rubbed her thumb on my hand to calm me down.
“We didn’t ask you if you wanted him here. Does anyone else have an issue with my boyfriend being here?” Jade fumed, looking at her group. No one spoke up and she sighed, “Good, now we can go back to our project.”
They ran through their lines and the let go of my hand and kissed my forehead, “We need to stage the scene, I’ll be right back.” She winked and everyone in her group got up and I watched them all get-up and they started figuring out how they were going to do their scene. It was definitely different to see how a play comes together, it was interesting too because there wasn’t a stereotypical director there to direct them so they had to figure it out themselves. I decided to finally eat my sushi since I had time.
After about 20 minutes they finally figured it out and they started to go through their scene with staging. It was really cool to see Jade acting, even if she didn’t have as many lines as I wanted her to have.
When they finished, they figured out when was a good time to practice again and decided to just do it again next Tuesday after class. Everyone left except Charlotte and Jade. They turned around to face me and I stood up and threw my trash away and walked up to them. “How did it go?” I asked.
“It went okay, sorry about Josh.” Jade sympathized, looking at me.
“Don’t worry about it princess. Is he always like that?” I urged, grabbing Jade's hand.
“Well no, we think he has a crush on Jade.” Charlotte implored.
“That’s why I invited you. I didn’t feel comfortable in here with him.” Jade added.
And that’s why he was so hostile towards me.
“I’m glad you invited me, I didn’t like the vibe I was getting from him anyway,” I remarked as we left the room and went down the hallway.
“I’m glad she did too, he’s annoying,” Charlotte commented.
“Yeah, thanks for coming Cal.” Jade continued.
“Anytime babe,” I promised, kissing Jade’s hand as I walked them out of the building.
Jade POV-
As I walked towards the gym, I tried not to think about the fact that Calum was going to be fighting Jasper. I know it was only to see how he was as a fighter but I was still nervous. Not for Calum, but for Jasper. I still had no idea who was coming to the gym to see Calum fight and Johnny hadn’t mentioned it at all to me.
Thankfully I didn’t have to work, My dad messed up on the schedule and he scheduled someone else to work my shift so I decided to just come in when Calum was coming in to fight.
I opened the front door, I saw Andy talking to my coworker Danielle. “Hey girls, Is Jonathan here with Calum?” I inquired.
“Yeah, they are all upstairs!” Andy answered, smiling.
“Including Johnny’s mystery friend?” I marveled, hoping he’d be here already.
“Yeah, he’s hot!” Danielle added.
I rolled my eyes and Andy laughed, “Yeah, they are all upstairs waiting for you.” Andy pleaded
“Okay, Send good vibes for Cal!” I cheered and I made my way upstairs. As I walked I felt my phone vibrate and I grabbed it from my pocket.
It was Calum, Hey babe! Where are you?
Before I could respond I had reached the top of the stairs. I was about to reply before I heard a familiar voice say.
I looked up and it wasn’t Calum, Johnny or Jasper.
It was the last person I thought I’d be seeing, Cameron.
My brothers best friend since elementary school. I hadn’t seen him since I was a senior in High School.
Ever since my freshman year of high school and he told me he was going to protect me from the other seniors, I had a huge crush on him. Johnny had no clue I had a crush on him, but Jasper always knew. The one thing Jasper and Johnny didn’t know about Jasper was that I lost my virginity to Cameron. I was 17. Charlotte and Scarlet knew because they were my best friends
He walked up to me and stated, “Jade! Don’t act like you don’t know me!”
I faked a smile, and opened my arms for a hug, “Cameron!”
He hugged me tighter than I expected and I noticed Calum’s eyes on me faster than ever before and I let go of Cameron and he let go of me getting the hint.
“What are you doing here Jade?” Cameron questioned, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes.  
“My boyfriend Calum, is the boxer you're here to see fight Cam!” I proclaimed, pressing my lips together.
“Oh, he’s your boyfriend?” Cameron marveled, crossing his arms. I looked over to Calum who was on his way over to us, thank God.
“Yeah he is, that’s why I’m here.” I indicated, putting my hands in my back pockets of my jeans.
Calum smiled when he made eye contact with me and when he reached us he interjected, “Cameron you know Jade?”
“Oh yeah, Jade and I go way back! Don’t we Jade?” Cameron teased, winking.
Calum clenched his jaw and looked at me. Before he could say anything Johnny interrupted, “We gonna fight or what?”
“Yeah, I’m coming Johnny!” Calum replied leaving Cameron and I and we walked over to the boxing ring where Jasper and Johnny were waiting for Calum.
“So Calum huh? How long has that been going on?” Cameron questioned, looking at me through those gorgeous eyes I tried so hard to forget.
“What the? Where did that even come from Cam?” I answered his question, with another.
“Last time I saw you, you were dating a guy named...Austin? Aidan? What the hell was his name?” Cameron thought out loud.
“You mean Alex?” I guessed, wondering how in the hell he knew about him.
“Yeah! That’s him! Did you forget I met him at your mom’s funeral?” He remembered.
Oh fuck. That’s right. Alex hated Cameron. Mainly because I was so infatuated with Cameron in high school.
“Oh shit! You were there! Oh my god, Cam! Honestly- I blurred that day out of my memory for so many reasons. I even forgot he was there if it makes you feel any better.” I defended, raising my eyebrows. I can’t believe Cameron AND Alex were both at my Mom’s funeral and I completely forgot.
“Don’t worry about it, that oddly makes me feel better. So you still won’t box?” He asked.
“No, you know me, Cam. I’m not athletic like Jasper and Johnny.” I argued.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Of course I do, I’ve seen you naked Jade.”
I glared at him and whispered back “Fucking shit Cameron! You just had to mention that! Not here. Calum and Johnny are right there.”
“You still haven’t told Johnny?” Cameron whispered, widening his eyes at me.
I looked at Calum who was getting in position to fight Jasper, “No I haven’t. The subject of my virginity hasn’t come up.” I whispered.
He’d laughed “You still friends with those crazy girls Charlotte and Scarlet?” Cameron asked.  
“Of course, those are my girls.” I continued, watching Calum throw the first punch at Jasper and Jasper not even trying to stop him.
“I remember them quite vividly.” He insinuated, Calum did an overhand punch and Jasper still didn’t try to block him.
“They hate you, don’t take it personally. They don’t like most guys who ghost me after sleeping with me.” I spat at him.
“Ooooh, that’s how it’s going to be now?” Cameron remarked, his eyes glued to the fight.
“Yeah, Cam it is. Will, you shut up so I can watch Calum fight?” I ordered, leaning in to watch Calum.
“Feisty, not much has changed has it, Jade?” He pleaded.
I ignored him and watched Calum fight Jasper, which he was winning. I knew he would win. I leaned forward to get a better look. Cameron noticed and leaned forward as well.
“Your man’s good, he knows how to fight.” He muttered.
“Of course he does, Johnny is training him.” I scolded and thankfully they were on their last round.
I waited for the round to finish so I could ditch Cameron for Calum. I was so done with talking to him. When they finished, I got in the ring to congratulate Calum and of course, Cameron followed me.
I ran to hug sweaty Calum,  I screamed “Cal!”
“Baby!” He yelled back, running up to me and giving me a hug holding me close to him.
“You did so good Calum!!” I cheered and he let me go to look at me.
“Yeah, baby?” He beamed, his eyes lighting up.
“Of course!” I gushed, smiling at him.
“You did really good Calum!” Cameron interrupted, and Calum shook his hand.
“Thanks, Man!” Calum grinned,
“Of course! Johnny wasn’t kidding! You’re definitely his new champion!” Cameron praised, funny. I didn’t think he was even paying attention to him.
Calum’s smile got even bigger, “Thank you so much, Johnny said your coming Saturday- is that true?” He asked. 
Oh god please be wrong.
“Yeah, I’ll be there!” Cameron confirmed and he smiled at us.
Of course.
“Great! We’ll see you then,” Calum mentioned and then grabbed my hand, “Jade and I are gonna go to lunch, aren’t we love?”
“Yes, we are. Let’s go.” I agreed and lead the way and we got out of the ring and we went downstairs.
“So what was up with that Cameron guy? You guys know each other?” Calum pointed out as we got to the end of the stairs.
I knew this was coming. But not so damn soon.
“I’ll explain later? Let’s focus on you, okay baby?” I assured and kissed his cheek before we got to the locker rooms.
“Okay babe, let me change and we’ll go,” Calum suggested, kissed my forehead and went into the locker room to change.
“Okay, I’ll be waiting,” I stated.
As I stood to wait. I heard Johnny and Cameron coming downstairs. I ran into the bathroom so I wouldn’t have to deal with them. I grabbed my phone and I texted Charlotte.Guess who’s in town? Cameron. He’s coming to Calum’s fight on Saturday.
I texted Scarlet - Cameron showed up to Cal’s thing today. He’s coming to Calum’s fight on Saturday too. #FML
I put my phone in my pocket and looked at the mirror to make sure I looked somewhat decent. I fixed my hair and I left the bathroom to see Calum talking to Johnny and Cameron.
“There you are babe! Ready to go?” Calum, smiling when he saw me come out of the bathroom.
“Yes, I’m starving!’ I informed and he grabbed my hand and we waved goodbye and left the gym in record time.
“Thanks for coming today babe to see me fight.” Calum purred in my ear as we walked arm in arm to his car
“Of course babe, I wasn't going to miss it.” I reassured looking up at him.
“I know, but you had the day off and you could’ve worked on homework and not came into the gym. But you did anyway.” Calum beamed 
“I barely have homework Calum, Plus I wasn’t going to miss our lunch date.” I expressed, holding on to him tightly.
“Good, I wouldn’t want to miss that either. You are coming home for dinner right? Ashton wants to see you.” Calum insisted.
“Of course Cal, I haven’t seen him in forever,” I revealed, Calum got his car keys out and unlocked his car.
“Good, I wanna cook for you. It’s been too long baby.” Calum promised and opened the door for me.
“It has, I can’t wait.” I agreed and I got in the car and he closed the door. I got my seatbelt on and I waited for him to get in the car.
Lunch with Calum was like it normally was, we went to visit Luke and he came out to see us since it’s always slow on Wednesdays. Calum told him he won his fight and Luke expressed how excited he was for Calum’s fight on Saturday. I was so excited about Calum’s fight. Just not to see Cameron again.
I was sitting on Calum’s couch while Calum was in the bathroom, my stomach in knots knowing I had to tell him about Cameron at some point. Hopefully before Ashton showed up but I had no idea when he was coming home and I didn’t want Calum to be mad. It was way before we even met or even knew about each other.
“You okay princess?” Calum observed, sitting on the couch noticing I was lost in my thoughts.
“Sorry, I must’ve zoned out.” I fretted and shook my head.
“It’s okay babe, do you wanna talk about what happened at the gym today?” He asked, grabbing my hands.
“Yeah, can we go in your room just in case Ashton comes?” I wondered, looking at him.
“Of course,” He reassured and got up grabbing my hand and I got up to follow him down the hall and he led me into his room.  He led me to his bed and he let go of my hand so he could sit on his bed and I sat down next to him.
“So, as you already know Cameron is Johnny’s best friend,” I sighed and took a deep breath, “But what you don’t know is that he isn’t from Long Island. He’s from New York City. Johnny has been his best friend since middle school. So I’ve known him since I was a kid.”
“Oh okay, is that it baby?” Calum guessed.
“I wish. I had a massive crush on Cameron when I was a freshman in high school to senior year. I came in very awkward and clueless, my only friends Charlotte, Scar, and Jasper and he protected me from all of the bullies along with Johnny of course but he was also making sure Jasper was okay. “
“That’s nice of him, I’m assuming there's more baby?” Calum speculated.
I nodded, and took a deep breath, “When I was 17,  My parents went out of town. Johnny decided to be so damn cliche and throw a party, Jasper and I decided to go along with it and not tell my parents if we could invite our friends at the time. Which was Charlotte and Scarlet and Jasper invited his girlfriend at the time. So, it was a rager. Cameron of course came, when I was 17- Johnny was 20 and he had friends who were obviously of age. I didn’t drink because I didn’t want too.” I took a deep breath and looked at Calum who was being very patient, “I was in my room and Cameron came to check on me because Johnny had noticed I went missing. I confessed to having an innocent crush on him in high school because he was always so nice to me and protecting me from assholes. He told me he had a crush on me too but never did anything because of Johnny.”
I took another deep breath, “Now this you can’t tell Johnny or Jasper, they don’t even know this. But that night. Cameron and I had sex. He actually took my virginity. It was completely consensual. I just never told them because I knew they’d freak out. He never talked to me afterward, I got my period afterward and life went on.”
Calum’s eyes were widened and his brows were creased, his jaw was slacked and but he didn’t say anything. For the first time, he was silent.
“Say something Cal. Anything.” I voiced.
“I’m happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me, baby, you didn’t have to tell me but you did anyway. Thank you so much for explaining all of that baby.” He mused, holding my hands.
“I had to tell you Calum, you needed to know. Especially after meeting him and him coming on Saturday.” I commented.
“Fuck, that’s right. Good thing all the boys are gonna be there. I’m sorry baby.” He comforted and kissed my hands.
I heard the front door close, Ashton yell “Calum? Jade? You guys here?”
“Yeah Ash, Were in my room! We’ll be out in a minute!” Calum yelled, and then looked at me. “We can go out whenever you want babe.”
“I’m okay to go out Cal, thank you for being so understanding.” I thanked, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.
“Anytime sweetheart. I don’t know about you but I am starving.” He resounded and grabbed my hand and we got off of his bed and we left his room and walked down the hall and into the kitchen and Ashton was leaning against the counter waiting for us.
“Hey lovebirds, how was lunch with Lu?” He questioned.
“It was good, he’s excited for Saturday! How was work?” I replied. 
“Amazing, I suppose Calum hasn’t told but I asked out my coworker Grace out! She’s coming to the fight on Saturday!” Ashton praised.
“Oh yeah? What she like?” I asked, hoping he would distract me from thinking about Cameron and what happened today.
Ashton has had a crush on her since the day he met with her, he’s had many shifts with her and I stayed in the kitchen hearing about her while Calum grilled our steaks. I chopped up asparagus and made mashed potatoes. Ashton set the table and Calum grabbed the asparagus to grill. When Calum finished the steaks and asparagus and Ashton and I were starving. 
We sat down at the table and I sat next to Calum across from Ashton, “So what are you guys doing for guys night tomorrow?”
“I literally have no idea, I think Luke’s in charge. Right, Ash?” Calum supposed.
“Yeah he is, he’s thinking of something to distract you from your fight Saturday.” Ashton
“That’s good, the girls and I are studying, which means we aren’t.” I giggled and the boys laughed and we finished dinner.
As Calum drove me home, his hand in mine I started to close my eyes completely relaxed in his car listening to Bon Iver.
“Baby, you okay?” He cooed.
“Hmm? Sorry, I’m just so relaxed Cal.” I emphasized.
“Your okay babe, I just don’t want you to fall asleep. We’re almost to your house.” He rubbed his thumb on my hand the rest of the way to keep me awake. I watched him drive and changed the music so I wouldn’t fall asleep. Calum parked in the front of my house and walked me to my door, like the gentleman that he is, his hand in mine
“Okay babe, I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow with the boys. Have fun with your girls.” Calum pleaded, looking at me with puppy eyes.
“You're going to miss me huh?” I supposed, cupping his face with my hand.
Calum leaned into my touch, “Of course I will, I always do when we’re apart.”
“It won’t be long, remember? I’m coming over Friday night after work and when you train to help distract you from the fight so you can sleep.” I reminded connecting our lips together and his tongue licked my bottom lip asserting his dominance and I let him win and we stood on my front step making out for who knows how long.
He pressed his forehead against mine, “That’s right babe. I’ll survive tomorrow.” He commented and kissed my forehead I opened the front door and he left.
                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
“Wait, you mean- Cameron the super hot asshole who popped your cherry from Senior year- was at the gym yesterday?” Charlotte blurted, shaking her head.
“Didn’t he ignore you after the whole thing?” Scarlet added, massaging her temples.
“Yes and yes,” I confirmed, laying on my bed.
“Why did Johnny invite him to the gym? Why not any of his other boxing friends? I mean he’s in Long Island now right?” Scarlet wondered.
“I wish I had an answer for why he invited Cameron of all of his friends, and yes he’s in Long Island.” I disclosed.
“This is just insane, out of all the times to invite Cameron back- he picks NOW when you have the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.” Charlotte objected.
“It’s not like Johnny knows Char! Cam was at my moms funeral and I didn’t even remember.” I admitted.
“Oh yeah, we remember that. Don’t we Scar?” Charlotte cowered.
“Of course I do. I remember seeing him and wanting to punch him in the balls. But I didn’t. Enough about him, what movie were we going to watch?” Scarlet began getting off of my bed.
“I think we were going to watch Clueless” Charlotte encouraged.
“That’s right, it’s been forever since we’ve watched that!” I announced and sat up in my bed.
Scarlet put it in and came back on my bed and Charlet left my room and went to my kitchen to make popcorn since we ran out. I was tempted to text Calum and see how his boys night was going but I knew I would get in trouble for touching my phone during girls night. It was a good thing I was seeing him tomorrow after work. We had plans to watch movies to keep him distracted from being nervous for the fight. 
                     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The day of the fight came faster than any of us ever expected. Cameron was planning on staying at my house after the fight, and I did not want to be in the house with him. So I decided to stay at Calum’s apartment. Ashton asked the day off on Saturday so he could be with Calum and thankfully I didn’t have to work until 6 pm. Charlotte and Scarlet and I came over because they were planning on going to fight and they didn’t want me to have to deal with Cameron on my own. Luke was picking up Michael for the fight, so Charlotte picked Scarlet up on the way and then went to my house. Thankfully Cameron was at the gym with Johnny when they came over.
“I can’t believe he’s staying here.” Scarlet spat, looking through my perfumes.
“Don’t remind me. I don’t even want to think about him being in my house.” I muttered, grabbing my work clothes for Sunday and a set of pajamas.
“I hope he doesn’t come in here.” Charlotte fretted, sitting on my bed.
“He’s not some creepy stalker. He’s not gonna go through my underwear drawer or some shit.” I sneered and grabbed my deodorant, my tennis shoes, toothbrush, and toothpaste.
“You don’t know that! What if he does!” Charlotte asserted.
“Both of you watch too many scary movies, he’s not going to.” Scarlet assessed, turning around and put a pair of my sunglasses on.
“You’re just jealous we can watch them!” I imitated, and remembered she hadn’t returned my last pair, “You better return that pair of sunglasses, you sunglasses thief!”
“What can I say you have good taste!” Scarlet professed.
I heard my doorbell ring, and I looked at the girls and furrowed my eyebrows. “You don’t think.”
“Calum?” Scarlet guessed.
“It better fucking be him.” I spat and left my room and the girls followed, we went down the stairs and I went to the front door and opened it.
“Hi baby, Sorry I couldn’t wait to see you.” Calum blurted. He had his boxing outfit on and I was still in my sweats.
“Get your adorable ass in here.” I mused, motioning him to come inside.
“Why did all of you answer the door?” Calum asked, looking at the girls as we moved out of the way for him to get inside.
“Well, you see we were talking about-” Scarlet started.
“I know all about Cameron, and that he’s staying here.” Calum huffed.
“Oh well yeah, we were talking about him and we freaked out,” Charlotte whined, looking at Scarlet who was blushing.
“I wish he could stay at a damn hotel or something. Not at my girlfriend's house. How long is he supposed to stay?” Calum asked, looking at me.
“I think only Sunday, I’m hoping. He should be going back to work. Whatever he’s doing.” I answered.
“King of the douchebags,” Charlotte recalled and we all laughed.
“Are you wearing that to work babe? Don’t you have to wear something special for my match?” Calum asked looking at me up and down.
“Thanks for reminding me, I should go change since it’s getting close to that time anyway.” I sighed and walked up the stairs and into my room to change into my outfit for tonight. I changed into my work out leggings and crop top. I put on my Nikes and grabbed my backpack and purse.
I walked downstairs to see Calum, Charlotte and Scarlet having a serious conversation in the kitchen. I walked over to them and cleared my throat. They all stopped talking and looked at me as if nothing was going on.
“Hi babe, you ready?” Calum greeted.
“What were you guys talking about?” I inquired.
“Don’t worry about it, let’s get you to work.” Charlotte smiled.
“Yeah, are you going to ride with Calum?” Scarlet asked.
“Probably, that okay?” I put in, looking at Charlotte.
“Don’t worry about it. He probably needs your calming music to get him calm before his big match anyways.” Charlotte mentioned and Calum walked up to me grabbing my hand.
“Yeah, I definitely do.” Calum agreed and kissed my cheek and the girls went out the front door and I walked out the front door and Calum followed and I locked up and he rubbed his thumb on my hand.
“You gonna tell me what you and the girls were talking about?” I pressed as we walked to his car.
“Hey nosey, don’t worry about it. Let’s focus on the now okay?” He maintained and unlocked his door, “Backpack please babe.” and I handed him my backpack and he opened the backdoor and put it in the backseat. He opened the passenger door for me.
“Thanks, Calum, you know you don’t have to get the door all the time for me.” I cooed, kissing his cheek before getting inside of his car.
I put my seatbelt on and grabbed my phone from my purse and plugged it in and waited for him to start the car to play my calming playlist.
He got in and put his seatbelt on, he lit a cigarette and started the car and I turned on my playlist and he rolled down the window and smoked his cigarette and drove as I played City and Colour.
“I think your music might be calming me more down than this cigarette babe.” Calum breathed as he exhaled from his cigarette.
“Oh yeah? Good.” I confided.
As he drove, I played more City and Color and Coldplay. When we reached the gym I could feel my chest tightening and I could only imagine how Calum was feeling.
Calum pulled into the parking lot in the back of the gym and I tried not to think about Cameron. I was more worried about what Cameron might say to him.
“You going to be okay Calum?” I asked, looking at him as he parked the car.
“Yeah babe, I will. Don’t worry about me.” Calum encouraged, grabbing my hand and kissing it.
“I know but you know I will,” I added, grabbing his hand and kissing it.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed his face and kissing his lips, tasting like nicotine. I loved kissing his soft yet rough plump lips. His lips were so perfect and he knew how to always dominate mine whenever I’d try to be the one kissing him.
I breathed on his lips, “Not fair Calum”
He breathed on mine, the smell of nicotine enveloping my lungs. “What’s your point princess?” He unbuckled his seatbelt to get closer to me. His rough callused hand on my face as he kissed me. I could’ve sat in his car for hours if it wasn’t for his fight.
I sighed, “I wish I didn’t have to work.” I shrugged and pecked his lips softly.
“Tell me about it, I could kiss you for hours, babe.” He sighed and opened his door and I opened mine and got out to meet him. He grabbed his duffle bag and then closed the door. He put the duffle bag over his shoulder and grabbed my hand.
“Do I have to go?” I groaned as we got closer to the gym.
Calum chuckled and leaned in to kiss my forehead, “Babe, it’s a little late to turn back now babe.”
I giggled, I admitted “Yeah you have a point. As much as I want to see you win your first fight Calum- the last person I want to see is Cameron.”
“Join the club baby. I hope he doesn’t annoy you. I’d rather him annoy me over you.” He cooed, kissing my cheek before I grabbed my keys and opening the back door. As we walked in people were high fiving Calum and cheering him on. Johnny, my dad, and uncle were talking to Cameron and I could feel Calum’s hand squeezing mine.
I walked up to the front desk and was so relieved when I saw Andy sitting there with my coworker Danielle.
“Boy am I happy to see you two!” Andy beckoned and Calum let go of my hand and I turned to face him.
“It’s too late to turn back now?” I muttered.
He smiled and kissed my lips softly, “Way too late babe. I’ll see you in the ring love.” And he left and Danielle left the front desk and I went behind the desk.
“You two are literally so perfect.” Andy sighed.
I sat down on the chair and I smiled “Oh yeah? Are you living vicariously through me too?” I asked, putting my purse under the desk.
“Maybe. I’m so excited for his first fight tonight. I wish Cameron wasn’t here.” Andy groaned as he walked by us winking at her.
“Oh god, Don’t remind me,” I grunted and rolled my eyes thinking of him.
“What’s with you two anyways? He was asking me when you came in.” She stated and I could feel a lump in my throat and my stomach turning into knots.
“Okay so way back when I was like 17, Johnny had a party when my parents were out of town. Cameron popped my cherry. Johnny and Jasper have no idea.” I revealed and then put my index finger in front of my mouth.
“Holy shit! That’s why he’s been all tense! Does Calum know?” She gasped.
“Yeah, I told him on Wednesday after I saw him. Cameron’s spending the night at my house tonight and I’m going to Calum’s after the fight.” I explained realizing Cameron was walking up to the desk.
“Speak of the devil.” She muttered and he cleared his throat.
“Hey ladies. About time you showed up for work Jade Buddha.” Cameron teased.
“Oh fuck off Cam. No one calls me that.” I spat, rolling my eyes at him.
“Right, what does Calum call you? His princess. Gag me.” Cameron retorted pretending to gag.
“Oh go somewhere else would you Cam? We’ve got things to do here Cameron.” Andy fumed and smacked him on the arm.
“Alright, I’m going. See you, ladies, later.” Cameron shook his head and Calum came out of the locker room.
He looked at me and I could tell he could read my facial expression, “You okay babe?”
“Cameron was just here, Being his charming self as usual.” Andy conceded.
“Fuck I hate him. Guess who I just got off of the phone with?” Calum asked.
“Ashton? Luke?” I guessed.
“Ashton. Grace and Luke are on their way here. Hella early. Where the hell did Charlotte and Scarlet go..” Calum trailed off.
“Probably went to get food or something. They like to snack during fights. Are you worried about them?” I questioned.
“Maybe. I’m allowed to worry about your friends!” Calum grinned. 
“Well, I think it’s cute,” I observed. 
“You're cute.” He flirted, winking at me. 
“You two are literally so cute.” Andy chimed. 
We both laughed and Calum left to go answer his phone and we went back to work and the hours dragged on. Charlotte, Scarlet finally showed up with snacks and Luke, Ashton and Grace showed up right before the fight was going to start and I was itching for it to begin. Johnny and I were in the Men's Locker room with Calum and it was weird seeing Calum get his hands wrapped with Johnny. I was so used to Alex and Johnny, but this time it wasn’t.
I put the water bottle in the bucket with towels in the bucket and then got the door for Calum and we got out to the ring and the crowd was going crazy. I followed Johnny and Calum and I could feel my chest tighten up as we got closer. I tried not to think about the worst-case scenario; which was Calum getting hurt.
I knew he could fight. My dad and Johnny believed in him. They wouldn’t put him out there if they didn’t. But I was still worried. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone and I was so scared he was going to get hurt.
They introduced his opponent and then Calum talking about his weight and where he was from and my chest pain was getting worse. I could see Calum’s facial expression getting completely different as he was focusing. Johnny was getting his gloves on and it felt like my heart was beating out of its chest.
Round one.
Calum went straight for a jab to his face and he didn’t stand a chance. Calum wasn’t going to take a chance at losing. His opponent was realizing how serious Calum was and was trying to fight back with an uppercut and Calum fought back with a right cross and he fell right to the floor. Calum won that round hands down.
Calum came back to Johnny and me and I got the stool for him to sit down and I got the water for him and Johnny yelled “Doing amazing, you are taking no prisoners! Great right cross! You got him on the floor on the first round! He’s not going to be happy about that Cal. Second round lookout.”
His break was over and Calum knew his opponent was out for blood.
Round two.
His opponent came in strong with a jab and Calum got hit and I flinched for the first time and Johnny noticed and then went back to looking. Calum rolled it off his back and counter-punched him and his opponent attempted to do a right hook and Calum wasn’t haven’t it and gave him a left hook. His opponent came back with a left jab and Calum defended it and gave him a right hook and he was on the floor, again.
Of course, Calum won.
He came back and I got the stool for him, Johnny was smiling from ear to ear “Calum! You are doing fantastic!” He wiped the blood from his face and then threw it in the bucket. “One hit is nothing! You shook it off! You got it in the bag!”
His break was over and it was his final round.
Round three.
His opponent looked tired from losing to Calum and Calum looked like he was ready to throw him to the ground from getting hit. Calum came in strong and gave him two right jabs in a row and he hit the ropes instead of the floor and bounced back with a left uppercut and hit Calum. I flinched, with no shock to Johnny. He shook it off and hit him with two right crosses and he was on the floor, knocked out.
And to no one's surprise, Calum won. The gym went wild and Johnny and I were probably the loudest of them all. Calum and his opponent shook hands after his opponent.  Johnny congratulated him first as his coach and trainer and cleaned him up and got him water, then I let him breathe. I ran up to him sweaty and hugged him, his arms so tight around my body.
“Baby!” He cooed in my ear.
“I knew you’d win!” I purred.
“Oh yeah?” He said, letting go of me looking in my eyes.
“Of course, You’ve got some adoring fans who want to see you.” I cheered.
He grabbed my hand tightly and I leaned into him as we left the ring, cheers going crazy as people congratulated Calum on his triumphant win. I ignored Cameron as he shook his hand and Andy hugged him. We finally got to Luke, Ashton. Mikey and the girls, including Grace who was overwhelmed
“I can’t believe this is how you decided to have her meet Calum and I!” I declared, holding onto Calum’s hand.
“She wanted to see a boxing match!” Ashton insisted, and Grace nodded.
“I did, I promise! That was intense!” Grace noted, grabbing Ashton’s hand.
“Yeah it was, I knew he’d win.” I mused and kissed his cheek.
“We should celebrate!!!” Luke cheered and Scarlet and Charlotte all cheered.
I looked at Calum, and then at Ashton and Grace. “I have to be here until we clean up but we can after if you guys want to wait?” I suggested.
“I need to shower anyway, no one wants to around me when I’m sweaty babe,” Calum advised.
“Yeah so we all might as well, we can go hang out at your place!” Luke marveled, and to my surprise, everyone was game for waiting for us at Ashton and Calum’s place.
“Okay, I’m gonna go back to work. I’ll see you guys later!” I informed and I kissed Calum’s cheek and then let go of his hand and went back into the ring to clean up.
Calum POV-
I didn’t want to let go of Jade’s hand but I knew she had to go back to work. I almost forgot she was working. It was crazy that I met her here and now I’m a boxer here working with her brother.
Before I could make it to the locker rooms, her Father yelled “Calum!” and I turned around to face him.
“Mr. Reynolds!” I remarked and he stretched his hand to give me a firm handshake.
“Great job on your first fight! I haven’t seen the first fight like that since… I don’t know when!” He congratulated
“Really? I know you hated Alex but wasn’t he a good fighter?” I theorized, crossing my arms.
“He’s not as good at you, between you and me I think they just gave him opponents that weren’t that good. He has rich parents. That’s what I think.” He revealed, looking around.
“Really? I had no idea.” I explained.
“Yeah enough about him. Good job, I look forward to your next fight!” He beamed.
“Thank you, Sir! Have a good night!” I replied and then turned to walk to the locker room to grab my duffle bag. As I opened my locker and grabbed my body wash, shampoo and conditioner.
I went to the showers and took off my clothes and washed my body first since I was so sweaty from fighting. The warm water felt so good against my skin and I tried not clear my head. I finished washing my body and washed my hair and then used conditioner. I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel and dried off my body and hair. I put on a pair of shocks, I put on a new pair of underwear and then sweatpants and then a tee shirt. I put my dirty clothes and towel in my duffle bag and zipped it up. I walked out of the locker room and I saw Cameron talking to Jasper.
“So, do you need me to clean up the living room?” Jasper asked.
Cameron saw me walk by him, “I thought I was sleeping in Jade's bed?” He speculated.
I turned around to face him, “Don’t. You. Dare.” I spat.
Cameron stepped closer to me, I could feel his breath on me. “Why Calum? Do you have a problem with that?” He spat, crossing his arms.
Jasper cleared his throat, “I don’t know what’s going on with you Cameron. I was told you were sleeping on the couch.”
Within seconds, Jade walked by us with a giant trash bag and she dropped it when she saw us standing so close together.
“Cameron, what the fuck?” She fretted as she walked up to us, trying to figure out what was going on.
“I was just discussing my sleeping arrangements for tonight and your boyfriend here intruded,” Cameron said, slyly.
“He wouldn’t interrupt unless he had a reason to.” She shared, shook her head.
“Cameron said he was going to sleep in your bed tonight when Johnny told me he was sleeping on the couch. And Calum got mad.” Jasper revealed.
“Oh well that makes sense, Cameron stop being an asshole. Calum go hang out with your friends.” She commented and then grabbed the trash by the water fountain and winked at me.
Cameron glared at me and I grabbed my phone and noticed I got a ton of messages.
Luke (3)
Ashton (2)
Mali (2)
Fuck. I’d better text them back.
Luke - Hey! Scarlet, Charlotte and I went to Chipotle to get food. They were starving.
Charlotte has to go home because of her mom, she’s totally wasted and her siblings are too young to be alone without her.
She went home- Can you let Jade know?
Ashton - Charlotte went home, Lu and Scarlet went to my house with Michael.
Grace and I are heading back to our place- We’ll see you there?
Mali- Hey! How did your fight go?!
Call me bro! Ashton called me!
Fuck. She never wants me to call her.
I called Mali first. She answered after the second ring, “Calum??”
“Mali!” I answered.
“I’m assuming you got my texts!” She asserted.
“Yeah I did, I won my fight,” I revealed, walking towards the back of the gym and opening the back door and I leaned against the wall.
“Oh, that’s amazing Calum! I knew you’d win!” She cheered.
“Thanks, Mali!” I replied.
“Your welcome. Is there anything else you’d like to tell me, little brother?” She asked me, in a curious tone.
I heard the back door open and Jade came out with the trash bags and threw it in the dumpster. She smiled at me.
“What are you talking about Mali?” I asked her, confused.
“That you have a girlfriend! C’mon Cal! How long were you going to keep that from me!” She yelled. I looked over at Jade who looked at me, confused. Trying to figure out who I was talking about.
“Mali- did Ashton tell you about it?” I snorted, and Jade stepped closer to me turning her head.
“Of course he did! How come he had to tell me and not you?” Mali pleaded.
“I don’t know Mali! I wish I would’ve been the one to tell you. She’s amazing Mali. I met her through the gym I’m working out at. Her brother is training me, he’s my coach.” I explained.
“That’s great Calum but it’s been two months. How much longer would it have been before you told me?” Mali fretted.
“Don’t get upset about it. I didn’t know when the right time was. You’ve been so busy with work and taking care of Duke. I didn’t want you to worry about me like you did when I was in LA.” I insisted.
“I’m always going to worry about you, I’m your older sister. As long as she makes you happy that’s all that matters. I want to meet her of course.” Mali declared.
“Well, of course, I want you to meet her. Are you planning on coming here at some point?” I asked, and Jade’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, I want to see you fight and bring you, Duke! I’ll sort the details out later. I just wanted to check in with you. I love you, little brother!” Mali comforted.
“I love you Mali!” I grinned and she hung up.
Jade’s eyes widened, “Who in the hell?”
“My sister. She wanted to see if I won the fight. Ashton told her about you and I. Before you get mad;  I was planning on telling her. I didn’t tell her because I knew she’d worry about me. ” I explained.
“Oh, that’s right. You told me you had a sister. She’s coming here?” She asked nervously.
“At some point. Not anytime soon. Don’t worry about it, babe.” I insisted and kissed her lips sweetly.
“I won't, that was just so random. Where did everyone go?” She asked.
“Charlotte went home, something about her mom being drunk. Luke, Scarlet, Grace, Ashton and Mikey are all at my place. Which honestly. I don’t even want to go there.” I groaned.
“You don’t? Why not?” She asked.
“Because of fucking Cameron. I don’t trust him.” I conceded.
“Maybe we can just go to your apartment for a little while, get some clothes and then go to my place?” She suggested.
“That’s a good idea.” I realized and she smiled.
“I come up with them once and awhile.” She agreed and She went back to work and I went into my car and waited for her to finish up.
“Wait, Mali is coming here?” Luke asked, taking a sip of his beer.
“Yes, that’s what I just said,” I confirmed.
“When?” Ashton gasped.
“How the hell should I know?” I rolled my eyes at him and took a sip of my Bud light and looked around for Jade who was supposed to be packing my clothes up.
“I can’t believe she’s actually going to come here.” Mikey divulged.
“Me neither. I thought she hated New York.” Luke blurted, running his hands through his curls.
“Yeah, me too but she wants to meet Jade.” I spat, glaring at Ashton.
“She knows about her?” Luke cautioned, his eyes widening.
“Nothing’s getting past you tonight is it, Hemmings. Yes, Mali knows about her. Hence why she’s coming.” I addressed and took another sip of my Bud Light.
“Take it easy on the Bud light Cal, that’s your second. Aren’t you going to Jade’s?” Ashton retorted.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Irwin.” I spat and walked away from him, looking for Jade.
I passed by Grace and Scarlet who were talking about God knows what and walked to my room, I opened the door and Jade was sitting on my bed.
“Jade?” I asked.
“Hey, sorry. I just needed to sit down. I didn’t really want to go out there with all of them. I’m angry with Ashton and I don’t want to talk to the girls.” She admitted.
“S’okay babe. We can just go. I’m so tired from the fight and I’m already on my second beer, I’m feeling a little bit tipsy now.” I confessed, sitting down on my bed next to her.
“Want me to drive us to my place?” She asked, looking at me.
“Sure babe, that would be great. I feel bad getting here and just leaving when they wanna celebrate my win. But I’m so tired from it all.” I sighed, putting my head on her shoulder.
“I know babe. Fights take a lot out of you.” She comforted.
“Calum? Where did you go?” Luke yelled.
Of course. Just as I lay my head on her shoulder.
“IN MY ROOM!” I yell and I hear footsteps down the hallway.
The door opens, “Awwh you two are so cute. You two lovebirds going to come out and say goodbye to us or just sit here and be antisocial?” Luke announced
“I guess we’d better, huh Cal?” Grace decided.
“Damn it. We have to.” I groaned
“Yeah we do, since we are leaving.” Jade smiled and we got up from my bed and she grabbed my hand and Luke left my bedroom doorway and we left my room to say our goodbyes.
Ashton and Grace kept their distance from us since he caught on as to why I was angry with him. I said goodbye to Michael and Luke giving them hugs. Jade hugged Grace and Scarlet. She hugged Luke and Michael and then waved to Ashton. She grabbed my keys and she decided it was safer for her to drive my car to her house.
When we got to her house, Cameron was passed out on the couch and we snuck by him and everyone else must’ve been asleep because it was quiet.
We snuck up the stairs into Jade’s room and she grabbed a tank top and pair of shorts and started to change before I knew it. I opened my duffle bag and grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top and put them on her bed. I put my duffle bag on the side of her bed. I took off my sweat pants and sweater and I put my tank top on and then my pants on. Jade looked at me and asked, “Are you, hungry babe?”
“Starving babe.” I answered.
“You wanna order pizza?” She suggested, her eyes lighting up.
“That sounds amazing, but I can’t.” I sighed. Sitting on her bed shrugging.
“Oh because of your diet. You just won a fight! What Johnny won’t know won’t hurt him. If he asks, it’s my pizza.” She appealed, and then winked  sitting down next to me.
“Okay babe, I’ll eat anything. As long as it doesn’t have anchovies.” I explained, grabbing her hand.
“Okay babe. You want any sides?” She beamed, looking at me.
“Whatever you want princess, I’ll eat anything you get,” I answered, kissing her cheek.
“Except anchovies.” She smiled and grabbed her phone out of her purse which was lying on the bed and she ordered pizza for us. I watched her order and I let go of her hand and I went to grab my wallet from my duffle bag and sat back down on the bed and before I knew it Jade had already finished ordering Pizza.
“Hey!” I hesitated, realizing she paid for the pizza.
“What? You didn’t honestly think that you’d pay for the pizza did you Calum?” She shared, kissing my cheek and winking at me.
“I was planning on it but I guess not!” I fretted.
“It was my idea, so therefore I’m paying for it. I ordered garlic twists and cheesy bread.” She informed, smiling at me putting her phone down.
I groaned, looking at her pursing my lips. “That sounds expensive.”
“And? You won your first fight. So, therefore, you get pizza.” She mused.
I agreed, “Fine. Whatever you say, babe.”
As we waited for the pizza, she turned on her T.V and she checked for updates on the food every so often. When the pizza arrived, we both ran down the stairs and then we snuck back up the stairs to eat our pizza and we watched a scary movie before she passed out in my arms. 
@calumhampton @calumspeachy @bbycal @sublimehood @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind @c-dizzle-swizzlex @sinfulcth @toofadedtofight @gem-calum @lashtoncurls @lukescherrypie
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fymoanstax · 6 years
Monsta X Promposals
Here you go! Thank you so much for requesting and we hope you like it! 
-Admin Ponyo and Admin Hyungwon
Shownu/Son Hyunwoo (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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You and Shownu are good friends
Since freshman year
You had the same music class and things just clicked
And he had kind of a huge crush on you
So Shownu really had no idea how he’s going to ask you to prom
He’s not really a plan it kind of guy
He’d much rather just straight up ask you
None of that fluff and mush and set up
He decides he’s just going to be blunt about it
So one day you’re standing at your locker picking up your things before leaving school
And you’re talking with a friend
And as he approaches he hears you talking to your friend
But all he really catches is
‘He asked me to prom’
And when your friend asked what you said you replied with yes
So Shownu basically thinks he’s missed his chance
But you were really TALKING ABOUT A GAME
So shownu leaves on his merry way a bit disappointed but still breathing so whatever
It’s like a week before prom and you have a dress. Perfect shoes. After prom plans. BUT NO DATE
At this point you’re thinking of just putting an ad up on the school bulletin board  
‘Seeking prom date; requirements: must be alive’
One day you’re stressing over your lack of prom date while lying face down on your bed
Then you feel the bed dip beside you and when you look up shownu is there
“What are you doing here?”
“My mom made like 6 batches of cookie for no reason and she told me to bring them over. Your mom let me in.”
“Well…where are the cookies? I need to stuff my face right now.”
“Is something wrong?”
You sit up on your bed with a sigh
“Nobody has asked me to prom
“Wait are you serious?”
You nod your head slowly
“Be my prom date.”
“Just go to prom with me.”
“Was,,,,that your promposal to me?”
“What’s a promposal?”
“Where you propose,,,,that we go to prom together you know.”
Shownu shrugs ( like he is literally this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
“You really don’t know what a promposal is?”
“I didn’t think prom was that serious. If it’s being compared to wedding proposals I guess I kind of have to step up my game then.”
“I’m a low maintenance girl. Don’t even worry about it.”
You kinda hold Shownu’s hand to reassure him you know
Over the next few days before prom your friend group has received an abundance of promposals.
One of your friends had a red carpet rolled out for her. Roses handed to her along the way. Big sign.
Another friend had a song written and performed for her.
You just stood by and watched with a small smile on your face.
Shownu notices bc he’s very observative
And he makes a plan.
He’s going to prompose to you
Prepare yourself
It’s literally the day before prom, a friday.
One of Shownu’s friends, Kihyun, is leading you to some undisclosed location blindfolded
“If I end up dead the whole world will know it was you because I don’t know anyone else with a tie that has the notes to their own song on it.”
“Jokes on you, Wonho has one too.”
“I-,,,,,,I’m not even gonna ask”
“We’re here!”
You feel Kihyun mess with the back of the blindfold (tie really) and soon enough it falls off of your face
When you look up you see five shirtless guys
Shownu is number one with a ‘P’ painted on his chest
Next is Wonho with an ‘R’
Third is Changkyun with an,,,,,’M’
Then there’s Jooheon with ‘O’
And finally Minhyuk with an exclamation point. E x c l a m a t i o n point !
Shownu obviously sees the look of confusion on your face and looks down the line
“Changkyun! Jooheon! You’re in the wrong order! And Minhyuk it’s supposed to be a question mark!”
Changkyun and Jooheon merely look at each other and shrug
“I had to run here from my student council meeting sue me for wanting excitement and stability in my life rather than uncertainty!”
“You guys ruined my promposal!”
Shownu is about to apologize to you but you’re,,,,,,,,,laughing
“This is honestly the best promposal ever. Look at Jooheon and Changkyun’s tummies!!! Not to mention McMuscles over here you and Wonho are literally McDreamy and McSteamy. Then there’s,,,,,Minhyuk. Keep up the good work buddy!”
“Does that mean I still have a chance?”
“Shownu I already said yes to going to prom with you I’m not changing my mind now.”
“Oh god that’s good.”
And you guys kind of hug like a little bit closer and maybe touchier than usual
“Wait,,am I McDreamy or McSteamy?”
Wonho/Hoseok (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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“If you were really my best friend you would do this for me.”
“ Uh Uh, don’t you pull the best friend card on me Wonho.”
“I’m just saying…”
“Last week I let you borrow my car to take your little girlfriend out on a date. And you nearly crashed it!”
“I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that. Come on please! I’ll even pay for your ticket.”
“Hmm,,,,,I’m interested now.”
“...and pay for dinner?”
“I’m sold.”
“Great. All you really have to do is accept my promposal in front of the entire school and make it believable.”
“I’m sure you of all people know how great I am at acting. We DID meet in theater club where we played the lead roles in 3, soon to be 4 consecutive plays.”
“Ah yes, you were my first kiss scene and my first death scene.”
“And don’t you forget it!”
“So tomorrow. School assembly. After my student body president speech. Don’t worry about a thing.”
“Wait, you already had this planned? How did you know I was going to s-”
Wonho begins turning down the school hallway to his class while you walk straight
“You’re my best friend I knew you’d help me out!”
That’s the last thing he says before disappearing into a classroom
Wonho is your best friend.
You met in theater club freshman year
Between practicing kissing (for scenes of  course), memorizing lines, and becoming comfortable around each other you just grew very close
Although this did leave you in hot water with his on and off girlfriend Mina it didn’t really affect your relationship
You starred as the lead roles in the theater clubs major productions every year, leaving the smaller works to other students of course.
But with your senior years production under way and Wonho spending most of his time rehearsing with you, his girlfriend Mina had had enough
She broke up with him,,,,,,,,,again
And his genius plan involved making her jealous
Prom was in two weeks
Wonho was going to ‘prompose’ to you at the school assembly but you had your friend date Jooheon and you would fill him in on everything later
So its assembly day and Wonho is just about to wrap up his speech
He’s a very charismatic guy you know so the entire student body swoons when the lights begin to dim and a video pops up on the projector screen
The screen flashes a whole bunch of short video clips sped up
‘Prom?’ flashes a couple of times and then the video clips slow down
It’s a bunch of off guard videos of you??
Videos of scenes from the plays you and Wonho have been in
Your favorite song is playing in the background
There are videos of the two of you taken by the other guys
You tear up a little bit,,,,,,,,,,,,in a fake way?
It’s a really really cute video, this wasn’t even acting you were actually surprised.
Suddenly there’s a spotlight on you.
And Wonho is running off stage with a bouquet of flowers
Straight to you
This is it.
This is the moment that Wonho told you to prepare for
You have an insanely shocked look on your face as he finally makes his way up the steps
Good thing you were sitting on the end of the row
So Wonho just kinda gets? Down? On? One? Knee?
Does he know this is just a PROMposal not a REAL proposal
“Y/N, you were by my side at my lowest point when I split my pants on stage will you be by my side when I’m at my best at prom?”
“Of course, Wonho. I’d love to be your prom date.”
Insert a series of ‘aww’ and ‘why didn’t you ask me to prom like that?’ or other variations of course
But out of all the aww and everything you hear the one scoff from the crowd
Wonho’s ex, Mina, is sitting in the row behind you
Wonho must have noticed her too
Because the next thing you know WONHO’S GOT HIS BABY SOFT LIPS ON YOURS
hE ! KISSinG ! yoU !
And you kiss him back,,,,,surprisingly quick
It wasn’t weird to do this?
You knew Wonho’s lips like the back of your hand.
You rehearsed this dozens of times
But this times its kinda different because he’s got one hand on the small of your back and the other one is cupping your face and your arms have magically wrapped around his neck and wow wow wow
She pretty much yanks him away from you like no joke
And you have to admit you’re upset
But also kinda happy bc this is what Wonho wanted
Wonho would be happy
The same Wonho that you were HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH
He. Would. Be. Happy
The entire student body is waiting for a catfight
But that doesn’t happen
Because Wonho grabs your hand?
Like intertwined,,,
And he very politely tells Mina to keep her hands off of him
You just kinda stand behind him very obviously confused
“Wonho isn’t this what you wanted?”
SURPRISE ! It’s not.
He wanted you
To go to prom with him
And the lil sob story he gave you was just that- a story
He wasn’t feeling it with Mina anymore
There was always something a little more than on stage chemistry between the two of you and he finally worked up the courage to build on it
He did have to lie lol
But at least he’s going to PROM WITH YOU
“I never wanted to go to prom with her. I wanted to go with you Y/N. It was always you I wanted to go with.”
You’re flattered
Like aww that’s cute and all but also
“Why did I practice my shocked face in the mirror for 2 hours last night then?”
Minhyuk (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Minhyuk had a whole ass crush on you, like it was very obvious.
Everyone knew it.
Your friends, his friends, the teachers at your school, probably the workers at the cafe that you guys always went to when you were walking home.
Except you lol
So when prom was coming up, people kept asking him if he was going to ask you.
He wasn’t even going to because you seemed like you didn’t like him like that.
But also, you were kind of really hoping that he would ask you but you weren’t very sure if he liked you like that.
(You weren’t….the best at noticing all the times he looked at you like you were the sun but it was chill)
It was only when your friends and his friends collaborated and told him that yeah you very much liked him and you were just very bad at hinting at it did he decide to ask you to prom.
But now he was very pressured to make sure he asked you in the best way possible.
He just didn’t know like,,,,how to do it.
He could go the cliche route that’s in movies.
You know the whole make a sign with a corny phrase.
Or a scavenger hunt that leads to the beach where his promposal is written in rocks placed strategically on the sand.
He looked online for ideas, and even asked friends for advice.
But suddenly prom was three weeks away and HE STILL HADN’T ASKED YOU.
A lot of people have asked you, and he was actually there for most of them since you guys always were together.
You didn’t see his sigh of relief whenever you rejected them.
And there was some...really good promposals too.
Someone found your favorite chocolates and just gave them to you.
One person did a whole musical number just to ask you out.
But you weren’t interested in any of them.
As time went by, you kind of numbed to the idea of prom.
Like it wasn’t a big deal if you didn’t go.
You didn’t actually see the big deal with prom anyway.
There was just a tiny bit of you that hoped Minhyuk would ask you and that maybe it’d be fun with him.
He wasn’t asking though so….
One day, after Prom Rejection #20, you two were walking home like you always did.
Rejecting prom dates have started to become sad for you because after each one Minhyuk still didn’t ask you.
He had sensed you were a little down, so he was trying to cheer you up.
The boy even bought you ice cream. Like what a sweetie pie.
Anyway, you guys were walking and the sun was setting, so it was vvvvv aesthetically pleasing.
You guys were joking around and he was trying to eat your ice cream and he finally succeeded after he had locked his arm with yours and leaned over.
You had pouted and he just laughed, offering his own ice cream.
After  a while, it had gone silent and you two were just walking when suddenly
“Hey, Y/N. Why do you keep rejecting everyone?”
He didn’t know what he wanted to hear, but he still asked it
“Oh. I just don’t wanna go to prom”
You said it so nonchalantly, but he was kind of very heartbroken?
Like he saw this as if he were to ask he was gonna get rejected to.
He wasn’t good at changing subjects though so he just kind of stayed silent and kept walking.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You stopped in your midst bc now HE  was upset and he helped you so now you gotta help him.
“Oh I..It’s nothing,” Minhyuk gave you a huge smile but you were not convinced.
You just kinda stood there with a worried expression.
“It’s just,” he finally sighed, “I was going to ask you to prom, but—”
“Wait you were?”
“Uh...yeah but if you don’t—”
“Yeah I’ll go to prom with you.”
He was taken aback by that like????
Everyone was going to the extremes???
And he had just mentioned it??????
“You— You will?”
“Yeah. I thought you weren’t going to ask so I didn’t wanna go,” you shrugged.
Minhyuk is vvv ?????
“I...rejected everyone because I didn’t want to go with them. I wanted to go with you. But I didn’t know if you felt the same.”
“Well...I do!” He was giving you the biggest smile
(It looked like sunshine oh my god)
“Well?” you looked at him, waiting.
“Are you going to ask me or not?”
Minhyuk was grinning from ear to ear.
The girl of the dreams was going to say yes to his promposal.
The setting was perfect.
And he didn’t even have to rent a horse.
“Y/N? Will you go to prom with me?”
“Of course Minhyuk.”
Kihyun (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Kihyun,,,,,had been trying to ask you to prom for the longest time.
But like, whenever he’d try you’d just kind of not know?
The ways it would fail got more intense that more he tried to ask.
He gave you a book and said that he really recommended that book to read?
“Oh I already read this book and yeah it’s really good!”
A note asking you?
You lost it.
He went inside your classroom?
You were absent.
He put balloons in your locker????
He decided to put a note on your dog’s collar
The dog BIT him
He got desperate and did the whole throwing a ball at you and hoping you caught it.
Yeah he was a whole ass mess.
It’s okay his friends were also huge ass messes that ruined most of his promposals.
At some point he tried to be original and when you and a group of friends went to a nearby theme park, he was going to ask you at the go karts.
Jooheon forgot and hit him so hard he just spun out of control so all you heard was high pitched screaming.
Wonho fell on the cake that Kihyun made for you.
Changkyun ate the SECOND cake.
Minhyuk forgot that Kihyun canceled the beach promposal because he thought it was tacky and everyone leFT HIM AT THE BEACH WITH 5 POUNDS OF ROCKS.
Shownu was in charge of flowers to give to you but he misinterpreted and he gave you FLOUR. You were very confused. He never gave you an explanation.
Hyungwon was literally the only one that didn’t do anything and that’s because he was dealing with his own failed promposal.
Finally, a few days before prom, Kihyun was exhausted.
Like what he gonna do now?
Thankfully, you were SUPER oblivious that you also didn’t know that other guys were asking you to prom.
You have a dress and everything, but you just didn’t have a date.
You didn’t really care if you had one.
You kinda wanted to go with Kihyun honestly.
But you also didn’t notice the entire time that he was asking you so….
Anyway, Kihyun finally just gave up.
Like, it was too late.
You probably already had your prom planned.
Maybe this was just your way of saying you wanted to be friends.
They kinda knew that yikes they probably had some part of you never actually knowing, so they decided that there would be one huge ask by all of them.
Kihyun,,,was not aware of this.
So you and Kihyun were just hanging out you know, things that friends do.
It was after school and you and Wonho were people’s rides home so like you had to wait for everyone to show up.
But when they showed up,,,,they had flowers?
Kihyun first thought that one of them was going to ask you and got kinda mad because most of them already had dates and Changkyun has a girlfriend.
He looked extremely irritated but then Wonho started talking.
“So, Kihyun failed at asking you to prom.”
“Like 30 times.”
Minhyuk continued.
And you’re very confused????
Like when did he ask you to prom??
You even turned and asked him.
“You asked me to prom???”
Kihyun caught on to what was happening a little, but was also kinda surprised that you didn’t know.
“I’ve been trying to yeah but it never worked out.”
“Well there was the book, I tried to use your dog, I threw a ball at you once, I made two cakes.”
Kihyun kept listing all the things he tried to do and you only had like vague memories of them?
Like you remember the book, and the time he hit you in the face with a ball, and that one time he tried to talk to you while you were on go karts.
But it never really hit you???
“Hey we’re in the middle of a promposal here”
Hyungwon interrupted you two.
“Right, sorry.”
You turned your attention back to them.
“Anyway, as we were saying. Kihyun obviously couldn’t do it. So we’re going to do it for him.”
Hyungwon continued their obviously practiced speech.
They made their way down a line (It was Wonho, Hyungwon, Shownu, Minhyuk, Changkyun, and then Jooheon) and said their parts.
“Go to”
“With Kihyun?”
You turned to Kihyun who looked equally surprised, but he got over it quickly.
“Well? Will you?”
He was smiling at you and it was the most precious smile ever like wow who could say no to that.
Not you!
“Yes, Kihyun I’d love to go to prom with you!”
Kihyun looked so happy when he gave you a hug like this boy deserved it.
The lengths he went through just to get you to go to prom with him wow.
Then it just kinda hit you.
“Wait is that why Shownu gave me flour?!”
Shownu gave you a thumbs up.
Jooheon (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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So Jooheon had a set plan.
He was going to do a little scavenger hunt and it would lead to his house where he’d ask you to prom.
Some of the boys had to be like checkpoints and clue givers and some had to help Jooheon decorate the front of his house while you looked.
He would probably be in a tux, to make it look more fancy.
Of course,,,,,that cost money,,,,
He did not want to ask until he had enough money to pay for everything.
So he took extra shifts at his job and set aside money.
He was a pizza delivery guy and he tried his best to be the best pizza delivery guy so he could get good tips.
It was working pretty well.
He got to houses early (probably by speeding) and people appreciated that.
Sure he might have destroyed a couple pizzas.
It’s fine they were still eatable.
He was working one last shift that would probably give him enough money to buy everything needed for the promposal and prom itself.
(He calculated everything so that he wouldn’t be asking you to prom one week before like some other guys)
And suddenly the phone rang and he was in front so he answered.
“Changkyun? Why are you yelling?”
“Okay but why are you calling?”
“Wait WHAT”
“How am I supposed to come up with a plan right this sec— I GOT IT.”
Jooheon could hear Kihyun faintly shouting “No!” in the background.
When he hung up, he immediately ran into the kitchen.
Everyone that was working there knew he was working more to ask you to prom tbh.
So when he ran in and said there was an emergency regarding prom they just kind of accepted it?
He told everyone the alternate plan that had to happen that second and everyone just kinda stepped aside and let him work.
His big plan was to make you a pizza with “Prom?” spelled on it with sausage.
Your house was fairly close to his work so that wasn’t a problem.
It was actually making the pizza and baking it before the guy asked you.
He was certain the guys could stall enough.
But also he was not certain the guys wouldn’t wreak havoc while stalling.
Anyway, he made the pizza and impatiently waited while it baked.
Once that pizza was out the oven, he put it in the box, scribbled something, and then rushed out while his coworkers were wishing him luck.
He’s pretty sure that he drove through around 3 red lights just rushing to your house.
He made it in like 5 minutes though so it was worth it.
But then,,,,he saw that,,,Kihyun’s car,,,,was parked on your front lawn????
He also saw another car parked in front of your house and his heart started racing.
He practically sprinted to your front door and rang the doorbell.
When the door opened, his heart dropped when he saw that it was Minhyuk.
“Am I too late???”
“No, no you’re just in time. The guy just got here.”
“Who’s at the door?”
He heard you spoke and he suddenly got super nervous.
Like he wasn’t nervous when Changkyun called, or when he was making the pizza, or running 3 red lights, but suddenly it kinda hit him that he was asking you to prom.
“Uhhhh pizza”
“I didn’t order pizza!”
“Changkyun did.”
“Actually yeah I did, but then I forgot my wallet. Do you think you could—”
“Fine I’ll pay for your stupid pizza that you had delivered to my house.”
Your voice got closer and closer and Jooheon got more and more nervous.
And then there you were!
Jooheon almost blanked like for a split second he completely forgot he was holding pizza and was supposed to ask you to prom.
Jooheon saw the boys look disappointed behind you.
“Hi? Changkyun ordered pizza and requested you as the delivery guy again huh?”
You were joking, getting money out your wallet.
“Wait no. This one’s on me,”
Jooheon suddenly remembered that he had a task to do! He could see the other guy impatiently waiting and he was not going to let HIM ask you to prom.
“You drove here to give me free pizza? That’s true friendship right there wow.”
“Well, actually I had a question.”
You were very confused.
Like what does he mean he drove all the way there with free pizza to ask a question????? Couldn’t he have texted it or something????
The guy caught on and went to go hurry but the boys are very very very good at stalling.
(Changkyun tripped him lol)
Jooheon opened the pizza box, looking for your reaction.
“Will you go to prom with me?”
He gave you such a cute smile that you knew that you were blushing intensely.
“Yes of course!”
You didn’t even hesitate, like you damn well knew you wanted to go to prom with Jooheon for weeks.
So the fact that he asked you just made you extremely happy.
And he was so happy, he laughed and went to go hug you before remembering he had the pizza so he stopped himself.
He looked so excited and you were also excited and wow can you believe you’re going to prom with Jooheon???
But something else was bugging you.
“Why did you open the pizza box?”
“Oh bec—”
He looked at the pizza and realized that,,,,,he brought the wrong pizza,,,,and someone else was going to get your prom pizza,,,,,
“I….you still want a free pizza?”
You laughed and agreed to it.
Later on, you learned that the guy didn’t come over for math help but to ask you to prom.
You would have said no anyway.
Looks like Jooheon had nothing to worry about after all.
Hyungwon (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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You and Hyungwon were actually childhood friends yay
You guys were inseparable and remained so until the present.
You were kind of opposites though?
Like he was vvvv lazy and really liked to sleep, and you were very energetic and liked to be on top of things.
But it’s okay, you guys balanced each other out.
You kept him in check so that he wouldn’t sleep for a whole week, and he made sure that you were you know,,,,sleeping.
Of course with a friendship as close as yours, people joked that you two would probably end up together and instead of being awkward about it, you humored them.
When you were kids, you guys even joked that Hyungwon would be the one to take you to prom.
Hyungwon did not forget about that joke tbh
He,,,,had developed a huge crush on you over the years and when prom was coming up he decided that was the perfect time to tell you.
He had it planned.
He didn’t really plan things often, but he knew him planning every single detail would both shock and impress you.
There was going to be a bouquet of your favorite candies, a corny song that he imagined you rolling your eyes to, and then he would ask.
But,,,,he,,,,was too late,,,,
The day he was planning to ask you, some guy had already asked you.
And you said yes.
He was vvv salty about that, but he didn’t let you see it.
He smiled, said congratulations, and tried to move on.
When you started to plan with your friends, he sat there and listened as you tried to decide what dress to pick and if you and your date should match.
And then,,,,,your date wanted advice from him,,,,bc Hyungwon is your best friend?????
It was pure torture for him, but hey, he was your best friend, he couldn’t just pretend it wasn’t happening.
So he did help.
He gave advice of floral arrangements for the corsage and boutonniere
(They were flowers that he wanted to give you at prom if you had said yes)
He offered your favorite color as a reference for what you would be looking for
(He had already bought his tie in that color)
Before he knew it, he had planned his perfect prom with you….with some other guy.
Whatever you were going to be happy and that’s what mattered.
He witnessed that for weeks.
At some point he got kind of sick of hearing about it so whenever prom came up, he just excused himself.
You noticed, and always wanted to go check on him, but were always dragged back into planning.
The thing is despite literally telling him your dream prom, the guy just ignored Hyungwon’s advice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So prom planning wasn’t going smoothly.
Hyungwon didn’t know that though.
Well one day, he was just chilling, laying down, scrolling through his phone
It was about a week before prom
And suddenly there was a knock on his window.
He went over and lo and behold
There you were, in the flesh.
He was used to you just randomly showing up, you did that a couple times a week.
But for some reason, seeing you in an oversized sweater and jeans, crouching in the tree outside his window with a huge grin on your face kind of made his heart hurt
It was weird and he hated it.
He let you in and you immediately started talking, like with no time for him to even say hi.
“Okay so I’ve been thinking right? Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? I haven’t!”
“It’s because they’re ugly Y/N.”
“Don’t talk about my babies like that!
“What’s the rest of that thought?”
“Oh right! Let’s go find baby pigeons!”
“It’s 2 in the morning.”
It was then he realized that you were trying to distract yourself from something and the baby pigeons were a cover for something.
“Baby pigeons!” You were so excited.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong I just want to see a baby pigeon!”
“You’re not going to see a baby pigeon at this time so what’s wrong?”
You stayed silent but then just sat on his bed.
“The guy I'm going to prom with? Yeah that's cancelled. He called it off so quick and immediately got a new date.”
Hyungwon sat next to you, feeling angry that someone did that to you, but also relieved because he never really liked that guy.
“I'm sorry he did that. But look on the bright side. We know he's a jerk and you dodged a bullet.”
You gave him an unenthusiastic laugh and then just looked sad.
THAT really made his heart hurt.
“I’m going to have to explain to face people now asking what happened and I don’t want that.”
“Then don’t. Refuse to comment and if they don’t then I’ll—”
“Are you going to threaten to beat people up again?”
“--give them a strict talk?”
You just laughed a little and shook your head.
“I’m not even that sad about it. I don’t think I really liked him? I just thought prom was required a date because that’s what we always were told and then it was getting close and he was the only option.”
He kinda felt bad bc he was not an option since he hold off on asking.
“You know it’s weird. Do you remember when we were kids and we said we’d go to prom with each other?”
Hyungwon’s heart skipped a beat because yeah! He really did remember that!
“I thought...this is stupid I know and I don’t know why I’m telling you this….I thought that maybe you were gonna ask me.”
You didn’t look at him since it was a little embarrassing (for you)
And Hyungwon just about flew off the bed.
You were waiting for him to ask and guess what he didn’t do!
Thankfully, he actually never threw away any of the stuff that he was going to give you because he just couldn’t be bothered to throw it away so his bright idea was to ask you to prom right that second
At 2 A.M, after you had just gotten dumped.
“You weren’t wrong, actually.”
He was,,,reaching for something under his bed? It was the candy bouquet
(Why the candy bouquet was under his bed we will never know)
“I...was going to give you this when I asked you to prom, but then he asked you. Wonho got rid of the sign that actually asked you, so I just kinda have this.”
He handed you the candy bouquet and you’re just ??????????????
You were still stuck on the fact that he wanted to ask you to prom?????
“I lost my chance and I’m going to keep apologizing for that but—”
“Wait are you really asking me to prom?”
You interrupted him, completely in shock.
“Will you let me finish?.”
“Oh! I’m sorry go on!”
You perked up significantly and it made him laugh a little.
“Y/N...Will you— Oh wait a song is supposed to be playing!”
“It’s that song that you hate that always plays on the radio. It was supposed to play in the background.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Please don’t play it.”
“Fine because you just got cancelled on, I won’t play the song. Okay. This time for real. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Even though I’m asking at 2 A.M in my pajamas with probably melted chocolate?”
That caught you off guard bc girlfriend???? You thought this was about prom???
“Yes, of course I will!”
You guys hugged and all the mushy stuff. He gave you the candy bouquet and everything.
It was rlly sweet.
P sure one of you cried.
“Oh and also go to prom with me?”
“Oh yeah sure of course.”
You got a boyfriend and a prom date!
I.M/Changkyun (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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Changkyun is the only one with a girlfriend
You’re his girlfriend
He’s dating you
And prom is coming up
And some people assume that because you’re dating you’re going together
But you’re still waiting on that promposal
Like two weeks before prom you see him with a lot of promposal-ly stuff
One day he just has an entire cake
And you think this is it
But he just eats? It?
Another day you see kihyun’s car parked on one of your friends lawns while you’re walking home and changkyun told you he’d be hanging out with kihyun that same day
You assume he’s asking her the best way to prompose to you
But here you are,,,,,,still waiting
There’s an entire song on some music sheets on his dresser one day
On the corner it says hyungwon
Is changkyun gonna ask hyungwon to prom?
Maybe who knows
Then another day you see him sprinting across campus,,,,,shirtless,,,,,,with an ‘M’ painted on his chest
You walked a little slower
Hoping one of your friends would come get you and take you to the site of the promposal
It is literally TWO DAYS BEFORE PROM
And out of the blue you get a text
‘What color should my tie be?’
You are MAd
Not only has he not formally asked you to prom
He also hasn’t been picking up on your subtle hints that your dress was maroon and that maybe he should be matching with you
You don’t respond to his message obviously
No lie 10 minutes later your doorbell is going off like crazy
Thinking its an emergency you run downstairs and open the door
It’s Changkyun
He’s doubled over, sweating, panting, trying to catch his breath
He looks like he’s gonna say something but instead he puts a finger up as if asking for a second
You stand there, hands on your hips and nothing but sass radiating off of you
“I…...came as ………...fast as I………..could…….because you left me on,,,,,,,,read.”
“Me leaving you on read is the last of your worries Changkyun.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“I-I did…..ask you?”
“I got you a CA-...oh wait no that was kihyun’s cake.”
“My friends and I spelled out prom on our che-.....That was Shownu…”
“I have now realized that I, Im Changkyun, forgot to ask my own entire girlfriend to prom”
“You big jerk! I bet you don’t even have tickets!”
“That’s not true! Wel-...actually it is you got me there. But I am also friends with the student body president and I’m sure he could pull a few strings for us.”
“You better hope so otherwise you can consider yourself single after prom”
“Oh come on babe don’t make any rash decisions”
You cross your arms over your chest when Changkyun pecks your lips
You’re kind of a brat but Changkyun likes it?
“Wear your black suit. Maroon tie. Your new pair of dress shoes. Not the glossy ones. The matte ones.”
“Anything for you.”
“I’ll see you on Saturday.”
“OR we could head upstairs and ‘watch’ a movie”
Prom day has arrived
Changkyun has not seen your dress but when you walk out your front door his jaw drops
You know how we fangirl over good ass pictures of the boys
That’s him @ you rn
He’s the personification of ‘i WOULD PAY HIM TO HIT ME WITH A CAR’ lol
That’s it.
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queermequeeryou · 5 years
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Rubi could not  find an explanation for her behaviour during a trip to Seville and it was driving her mad. She was used to stability she has created with Angie and it was a long time since she had been thinking about any other woman. Back in the days when she was single, Rubi was very open to new acquaintances and affairs. However, when she got back to Madrid and reunited with Angéline she stopped needing that. It was enough to have her close and it was a great feeling. When she realized after that crazy, strange weekend that it has changed, it scared her deeply. She wanted to have a family with Angie, to feel kind of purpose in life with somebody who understood her constant passion to act. Who could be better then Angie, an actress too who she knew since forever? That eyes and that voice. Finally, that kiss. It was something she was recalling throughout the entire weekend in Seville but she decided to fight with it. All she wanted was to come back to the burlesque bar, find Blanca and feel her lips and the pressure of her body again. Despite that, she convinced herself it will pass like many times before when she wanted a woman who did not feel it was mutual. Fascinations come and go. She knew that perfectly. However, the rest of the weekend was lacking any entertainment or pleasure. She just wanted to come back to Madrid and focus on work. It was hard to forget as kissing Angie was now bringing back the memories of Blanca’s smell and everything that happened between them. Rubi told her fiancé that it is just that she was worried about how the whole move in situation will go. That she was preoccupied with mother and the reaction of Angie made her feel even worse. She kissed her on the cheek and told that if that is really what is making her unhappy, they can stay with her mother. Rubi was really upset that she was like that. She cheated on the most loving person she has ever had in her life. All she could do was  to forget about it and move on. She could not imagine unveiling the truth. Angie would never forgive her. The weekend she thought, was a nightmare. If she would have known before, she would never go to Seville. When they got back home, her mother was sitting on an armchair, reading “Grapes of Wrath” for the fifth time probably and sipping white wine. Rubi greeted her and decided to talk about Angie. She sat near and intertwined her hands. “Would you mind if Angélica moves in?” it was very direct because Rubi was quite pressured and she wanted to fix it once and for all. It might be the next declaration that will help her forget and focus on what was important. Her mother put book on the table and sipped a bit of wine. “Of course I wouldn’t, darling!” she seemed very happy. Rubi smiled back and looked at her. “Thank you very much. You know it means a lot and it’s your house so I just want us all to feel comfortable so we can make a family” she explained. Her mother’s eyes were glassy. “But you're going to propose, aren’t you?” it was a joke, they were never religious so they laughed together. Then it was silent for a moment. Rubi stood up to walk away but her mother stopped her. “Thank you, darling” it was all her mother said afterwards.
In the evening, Rubi called Angie to deliver her the news. She could go to her by car but she felt like she was not having energy to face her at that time. Angélica was very glad and excited. They decided to pack her up and move in next week. It was also the time Rubi thought, she should think about the engagement ring. People don’t do that. People are usually more or less responsible. Or at least they try to. Nobody breaks up with a serious girlfriend after two years of being together just because of meeting a stunning, attractive stranger. That was what Rubi kept on trying to convince herself on. She did not want Angie anymore.
Days filled with work. Playing, rehearsing till the late night hours, avoiding Angélica. The days became quite trivial, bleached. It was something more than just a lust towards Blanca. That could be somehow revealed without even thinking of breaking up with her fiancé. That could be quite normal. Many people cheat on their loved ones which is not a wisest thing to do but it happens and it could happen to Rubi as well especially considering the fact that she was a womanizer once. However, it was more. She was losing entire interest in Angie, their life together, move-in, engagement. She did not want to propose. Despite that, after a month of living together she planned a weekend that was supposed to solve the entire thing. Friday morning before the rehearsals she went to the jewellery store. She asked a shop assistant to choose the most beautiful ring which was too pretentious for her regular behaviour but it was different. When she saw a nice looking, very shiny one with an emerald gem. That color was fitting Angie perfectly Rubi thought. Maybe it will not be that bad. Looking at this ring was making Rubi less stressful, like the greenness of it was really calming down. She took it. She invited Angélica for a dinner after rehearsals. They went to their favorite Italian restaurant. When they finished the meal, sipping the rest of the wine, Rubi proposed. She really wanted to have pure intentions. Looking into this girl’s eyes was making her feel calm and stable. She wanted to find back the passion and interest into building their life together. As happy beyond words Angie was looking at her emerald ring from different angles, Rubi was trying to convince herself it will all be fine. That night they got back when Rubi’s mother was already asleep. They will tell her tomorrow - they decided. Angie was expecting they will make love for hours that night. Rubi for the first time in her life has felt how is it to be pressured to make sex. It was not a pleasure that time. Something different she was not used to. It felt really bad to do it mechanically almost. She could not get aroused, it was all in vain. However, Angie was so happy with all the preparations she did not realize anything was wrong. Rubi woke up very early when Angie still was asleep. She took her laptop and typed in “Blanca Rodriguez - Rojo Sevilla”. Home page of the theatre appeared on the screen. Indeed, they were doing regular open calls. It was open also during the weekends and during the weekends there were rehearsals Blanca was leading. Rubi prepared herself a coffee and reflected on what to say. She decided to create a lie that was not completely it. When Angie woke up they told Rubi’s mother about the engagement and ate breakfast together, like a family. It was good to see mother that happy and comfortable with her fiancé. They really could be a family but Rubi was burning up like the sin was inevitable (if she had only believed in gods). After food, Dolores went to her workroom to paint. Rubi sat with Angie. She put on her favorite Bryan Ferry cassette. They were listening and Rubi was stroking her being quite absent. She was thinking about the play they were now preparing and calculating if it was very demanding. Song “Slave To Love” - her favorite in the world - went on when she finally started to speak. “Love, I want to talk about something. I don’t feel like I am actually fulfilled. Artistically. This rehearsals we have are not enough and we are about to have a premiere next week, you know my role is really small” she was explaining.Angie kissed her shoulder.“I know, you deserve the main role, honey but we need to be patient. Everything has its time” Angie was very sweet with her support.“I know that, babe but I have an other idea as well. I want to try something different. It really bothers me inside, you know. And this weekend, it is special for us” Rubi looked at the ring Angie was wearing. “But also for me. I want to audition for Seville theatre. I found information online, they have open calls all the time, it’s opened during the weekends. I want to go by myself, try it. I think it can be my place because of how great we felt in this city. I want to remember this weekend even better, to make it symbolic” she really hoped that her fiancé would understand.Angie looked at her quite surprised for a moment but than she massaged her hand and smiled.“Of course. I am very proud of you and always wish you artistic fulfilment. If this is what you want go. I will stay home and maybe try to bond up with my future mother-in-law” Rubi kissed her softly.Then, she went on the most important things. She was about to be back on Sunday afternoon. On the way she smoked a cigarette and listened to music very loud. That was the weekend that was meant to change everything in her life.
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lesbitchka · 7 years
alright, so i worked as a guide for one of the choirs at this competition for choirs from different parts of the world. three other people and i were assigned to the turkish group, which amounted to somewhere around 140 people, because along with the choir kids came their parents and a family run travel agency of 3 people
the choir by itself would have been perfectly fine, but the parents and the agency were set on treating the event as a personal holiday rather than an organized competition, and that’s where majority of the conflict arose
one other guide and i are going to prague (300+ km) by bus to pick up our half of the group. the dispatcher wrote down the wrong times, so we were running an hour late. the other bus is on its way from germany and hits traffic
my bus driver tells me that he doesn’t like tattoos on women and asks me if it’s true that tattooed women are hornier, slaps my ass, keeps asking tmi questions
we’re an hour late, the other bus is two hours late. we inform Aysen, the lady from the travel agency that’s coming along with our half, together with her son. Ali, the husband, is in the other half of our group that arrived in the morning and went on to have a prague tour
both Aysen and Ali keep calling the respective guides every 10 minutes, asking when we’re gonna be there (Z - the other guide - and me in Aysen’s case, K and D in Ali’s). K and D’s buses weren’t even late or anything
“how much longer” “we’ll be there in half an hour soonest, 45 minutes is more likely” ..... 10 minutes later ..... “where are you” “half an hour away”
finally we arrive and while Z stays to wait for the other bus, i go back with the first bus and the first batch of people. it’s 15:30. the second bus wont be coming for another hour. the opening ceremony of the competition is at 18:00, more than 300 km away (a 4 hours long drive by bus at best)
Aysen demands we stop at the first gas station and wait the hour until their bus catches up. i refuse - the choir is on my bus, we’re gonna try to get to the ceremony
the second bus (with Z and Aysen on it) leaves the airport at 16:30. the ceremony is starting in an hour and half. traffic is bad that day. Aysen announces, that they are gonna make it. “I don’t want to hear any ‘buts’!”
my bus passes by a recent accident on the road, about halfway through. we’re lucky, the road isn’t closed yet, but the police are about to stop traffic. my bus driver calls the other one to inform him of the situation, so they can take a different route instead of getting stuck in a traffic jam for who knows how long
Aysen shoves her phone screen in front of the 2nd bus driver’s face. “why are we going this way? google maps shows that going this route is faster”
this route being the blocked one, of course. this happens three more times
“one child needs to pee” says Aysen. Z explains that there’s no gas station on the way and won’t be for a while and asks if stopping by a tree or bushes is okay. “one child. one child” repeats Aysen
they stop by a cluster of bushes. the bus door opens, five children and four adults get off the bus. “where are they supposed to go here?” Aysen asks
the ceremony ends at 19:30. their bus arrives to the hotel after 21:30
it’s the day of the competition. there are too many people to transport at once, so we’re going in two halves by two buses. the first half is mostly parents and some children. the other half is most of the children, who are practicing at the hotel still, we’re told they’re gonna leave at 9:00. the children were assigned a changing and rehearsal room at the competition venue for 10:00-10:15
the first bus is ready at 8:30. there are about five people in front of the hotel, standing around and ignoring the bus completely. we finally leave a few minutes after 9
the entrance to the venue is from the main square. the square is pretty spacey, and as soon as we arrive to it, adults and children alike run in all worldly directions. we need them to stay together and get into the building
Ali is part of this half. we tell him to gather everyone and quietly follow us into the building. “okay” Ali says and walks away. everyone scatters even further
other choirs are already competing when K, me and our turks get there. one performance takes about 15 minutes
“parents can go to the competition hall and watch” parents and children both pour inside. the children were supposed to stay in the lobby and have the rehearsal at 10. they can’t leave the hall during performances. it’s 10:10. half of our group is inside the hall, the other is still on the way. another choir takes the rooms
back at the hotel, at 9:00, Z and D tell Aysen to gather everyone and get on the bus. “one more song” she says. the same repeats at 9:15 and 9:30. finally, they agree to get on the bus. one of the parents forgot something at the hotel and runs back inside. at 9:50, the bus hasn’t left the hotel
finally, they arrive to the venue. i grab one of the choir teachers and tell him to dive into the hall and grab the children. they won’t be allowed to compete if they’re not all gathered in the lobby at 10:20, which is when they’re to perform. the teacher is confused, but does what he’s asked. he’s one of the few reasonable people there, but communication is hard, since his english is mostly basic
finally, all the children are in the lobby, all the parents are seated inside. the teacher asks “why all children here? can they not watch?” i explain again that all the children need to be in the lobby if they want to be allowed to compete. we’re all operating on the assumption that all of the children are one choir group. the teacher is confused. i’m confused. finally, we find the root of the problem
“there are two choirs. some children sing in 4 hours in a different cathegory” this is the first time anyone is hearing about this. we had no idea and neither did the management. i let the teacher take the currently not competing children to go sit inside while the competing group gets on stage. they use the wrong doors to both enter and exit. i befriend the doorman and other staff. they sympathise with my misery
we have a lunch reservation for 12:00 for the first third of the group, 12:30 for the second third and 13:00 for the last. i tell Aysha to divide everyone into three groups so we know who’s who, so that we can arrive in time
“we’ll make groups at 12″ she ignores me when i explain that we need to already be seated in the restaurant by then
in the end, the first group are the youngest children along with the choir teachers and Ali + Z and D, second are the older children, Aysen and some parents + K and me, third are the remaining parents + K and D
Ali tells us to move the reservation to 11:30. the restaurant staff tell us that we can arrive whenever, so at roughly 11:15 the first group arrives
a tour of the city was scheduled with Z and D for after dinner and the other half of the competition, so after 14:30. Aysha insists that K and I, who are not prepared for a tour in the slightest, show the second group around
the third group of parents meanwhile scatter everywhere, and they’re due to meet at one spot at 13:00. which is some time after they’re supposed to already be post lunch with the new lunch times
we arrive with our group to the restaurant at 11:40. the first group is still eating. they’re still eating at 12. i ask Ali to speed things up. it takes 10 more minutes. D and Z take the group to visit two local churches
the reservation is inside the restaurant, but everyone gathers on the terrace, which is for other guests. the children are blocking the waiters’ path, children and adults both are taking up tables. then the first group joins in and there’s even more chaos while the staff get the inside ready again. i manage to send the first group off the terrace, but all our children sit down and take up even more outside tables
finally we can go eat, but Aysha and her group of adults refuse to move from the outside table. “our reservation is inside. you wont receive food here” i tell her. “dont organize” she tells me in a crude voice. organizing is literally my job. i leave to have my lunch and tell the staff to not worry and ignore them. they arent getting food unless they go sit inside. the staff are very friendly to me and K and we see the pity in their eyes
10 minutes before we’re supposed to be clearing out, Aysha&co finally find their way inside. when we have about 2 minutes left, i tell the children to go wait outside. i also tell Aysha that their table needs to clear out so the third group can come eat. K had gone to get them. “we leave when we’ve finished eating” says Aysha. i tell the staff to feel free to kick them out. they do. they also find out that we’re coming back for dinner and they wave me goodbye, terrified for me and them both
of course, everyone outside gathers in the middle of the terrace, blocking the path yet again. i tell them to leave. the children listen, but Aysha is ignoring me and an adult sarcastically asks me if she’s allowed to stay as a paying customer and have a coffee. they laugh
im going to meet up with our boss now and i call K that he’s clear to bring the third group inside. K is standing by the meeting spot, but he’s all alone. “guess they wont have lunch then” we’ve resigned
my boss fears whats gonna happen tomorrow, which is when i’m supposed to go to vienna with the adults by myself. so am i. she’s great and stands behind us in everything, already scheduling for us to meet with the director and main manager of the event so we can re-tell everything and see what can be done
then i come back after the second half of the competition to find out that while D was showing the kids feat. Ali the first church, the slovinian choir was inside, singing christian songs. they had it arranged with the church
but in the second church, our turkish bunch decided that they want to sing too. Ali asks D if they can do that, but when she’s explaining that they really can’t sing non-christian songs and wave the turkish flag inside a christian church, the kids have already gathered and are doing exactly that, and filming it on their phones. “one more song” repeats Ali and cheers them on. they sing for a good 15 minutes, while D stands outside, torn between yelling at them and crying
the city is the seat of the archbishop by the way. he’s literally one or two streets away from the church our entitled bunch of morons just desecrated
our boss nearly cries too when D calls her
we let everyone walk freely around the square for the next hour, while we wait for the awarding ceremony to begin on one of the stages standing in one of the square’s corners. we’re fearing dinner, and we have to get everyone to the hotel and back before that starts
Aysen asks about the buses when all four of us guides are standing by and waiting for everyone to gather. i start to answer. “i’m not talking to you” she bats her hand at me and drags K away. we’re all stunned
walking to the bus is a huge problem. we have two buses, so the first one has to drive the first group and come back for the third after. the nearest parking place where everyone can wait is a 10 minute walk away. Ali bitches constantly about the distance. he’s in the first group supposed to get on the bus, but everyone stops about 4 times and drags their feet. they stop traffic while crossing the street twice
in the end all three groups arrive to the parking lot at around the same time. Ali complains that only one bus is ready. there’s no space for the other bus until the first one has left
we plan for dinner differently. we only have one bus at out disposal now and we plan to send it out in 30 min intervals, so the groups aren’t in the city too early. we go over the schedule with Ali and Aysen, who write down the times and leave, saying nothing
dinner is at 18:00, 18:30 and 19:00. 19:00 till 20:30 is an open air concert at the square that everyone wants to go to. the first bus, which i’m coming with, is ready to leave at 17:45, but no one’s getting up, despite some children sitting in the hotel lobby. they tell me that they aren’t supposed to be leaving until 18:00, which is when the teachers who are coming along are coming down. the bus leaves at 18:20 and it’s past 18:30 when we get to the restaurant
Ali comes running to yell at Z when the second group is supposed to be getting on the bus that “everything is fucked up and everything would be great and perfect if he and Aysen were the ones organizing everything”. nor he nor Aysen remember agreeing to our time schedule, or that there was a time schedule
the waiter approaches me as soon as we arrive. Aysen and her table didnt pay for their beers and stuff they had at lunch
the second and third group insist on going right away and then complain that they have to wait on the square while the children finish eating. D joins me with the choir conductor and her right and left hand men, who were meeting with the jury. they help me get the kids seated, pick their food and finish it and leave the restaurant within a reasonable amount of time. they were hanging out with D for about an hour and bought her a perfume to “have something to remember them by”. we love these guys
the second group moves to lunch and my (and now also D’s) group arrive to the open air concert that had already started. the kids are supposed to depart to a children’s party at 20:00. i ask one of the right hand men if we can go there, since it’s 19:50 and the children are standing around and playing, bored. he tells me that the children are tired and won’t be going. i call Z, one of our group goes to talk to Ali
then Ali arrives and commands me to immediately take them to the bus, that everyone’s too tired to attend a party and that everyone’s going home right away. which, hey, good, we don’t have to stick it out with them and drive them to the hotel after the party, but the bus driver wasn’t expecting us to call so soon since we’d be going to the party on foot and so he takes half an hour to arrive for us
Ali is furious again that everything is taking too long and we had to walk too far meanwhile, even after i convince the driver to pick us up at a bus stop closer than the parking lot 10 minutes away
we meet with our boss after sending everyone to the hotel, and after telling her everything, she takes us to the main office to retell everything to the director and main manager. they are furious and leave to yell at Aysen, who stayed behind at the restaurant after dinner. we have no idea how to survive the remaining two days. K is coming to vienna with me
we already know that there’s gonna be a problem, because the travel to vienna is 4 hours. Aysen wants to leave at 16:00. the closing concert and absolute winner competition is at 19:00. there’s no way we can make it, but that’s what’s written in her itinerary. ours say to transfer back at 15:00. we dont care at this point. we’ll tell them that they can either stay longer and miss the show or follow our schedule and they can do whatever the fuck they want
the bus to vienna is supposed to leave at 7am. no one’s even outside the hotel yet. we leave at 7:30. we stop at a gas station before the borders. a ten minute break turns into another half an hour delay. Aysen&co sit inside the station by tables and drink coffee and have breakfast. we have a lunch reservation at Gutenberg at 12:00. they dont care
both K and i try to sleep on the way. at one point i hear Aysen say my name, start talking, then see that im sleeping and leave. when i open my eyes, she’s already gone and i have a tepid chuckle. she comes up again some time later. the driver is having none of it and tells her to go sit the fuck down. she hurries away. we have another tepid chuckle
i’m supposed to give the group a tour of vienna, we’re guides after all. an hour before vienna Aysen shows up again. K is sitting by the window, so she leans over me, totally ignoring me, and shows him her phone. “we have to pick up a guide in vienna. do you know this address?” explaining that she has to show it to the driver and ask him if he can even get there (and stop) by bus takes five minutes
the guide gets on. a woman goes to the front of the bus and asks the driver to stop somewhere. she leaves the bus and never comes back
when we get off the bus at 11:30, we tell the guide that there’s lunch reserved for us at Gutenberg at 12 and that it’s up to the group if they want to show up, but if they do, it has to be on time
Aysen is the one that cooperated with the main manager and our boss on ordering the lunch reservations and meals. she says she has no knowledge of a lunch reservation. the group decides to go
the guide gets us to Gutenberg at 11:45. we cant believe it. we’ve never managed to get anywhere on time with these morons. then the guide tells us to arrange with the restaurant and that he’ll take the group to Stephansdom and come back. we warn the waiter to cash in all additional orders right away so that the paying situation from yesterday doesnt repeat. other guests want to sit down at the reserved tables. the waiter gives us looks of both sympathy and annoyance. the group is 15 minutes late
all the food reservations were pre-paid by vouchers for the main course and one soft drink, anything else has to be paid for by the individual people. except in vienna, where they don’t accept vouchers from foreigners, so we were given cash to pay with after
we give the waiter a tip. he turns on his heel and commands the barman to pour us two shots of homemade strawberry vodka. “we’re gonna need it” we say. it’s delicious and the manager talks to us about the recipe. so far, the staff everywhere we’ve been has been amazing and i wish we could give out more tips. they deserve it for dealing with our shitfest of a choir
the guide asks us to come along, even though he is going to lead the group straight to the meeting place and even though i tell him that i know the centre and we can get there without him showing us the way. we’re stuck awkwardly standing around and listening to Vienna Sights 101 in turkish for the next hour
only half of the people are on the meeting spot by maria theresa platz at 16:00, which is when they decided to go. the bus is picking us up behind the naturhistorische museum, which is like 400 metres away. there’s a bus zone in front of the platz, but it’s for VIP vienna tour buses only
K asks Aysen if everyone’s ready to get up from the grass and go to the bus. she says that they will be once the bus arrives to the bus zone. K tells her that either they’re going or they’re staying in vienna. im proud
the bus arrives at 16:05. it’s only allowed to stand there for 10 minutes. we don’t have everyone until well going on 16:30
we sleep on the way back too. fuck them
there’s a car parked in the bus only zone in front of the hotel. it was there in the morning and it’s still there when we get back. the bus driver wants to call the cops. one of our turks gets off the bus and opens the car door. the bus driver goes off on him, yelling in czech. the man is terrified
“i didnt know” he insists. there’s a giant “BUS ONLY ZONE” sign at the parking place
Castle + nearby caves visit
Z and D are going with the rest of the turks to a nearby castle and caves. the whole thing was organized by Ali and Aysen, technically Z and D dont even have to be there. they were told by boss to go sit in the bus and leave them at it if they continue to be unmanageable
the caves manager said that if they’re not on time, they wont be getting a tour. there’s an hour and a half long delay before they even get to the castle
the reserved tour of the castle had passed and the group cant get one for another hour. Z begs the cashier with terror in her eyes. she knows she’ll be eaten alive by Ali, even though it’s his fault. the cashier agrees to give them a tour in 20 minutes after all. Ali is furious that they have to wait 20 minutes. “why cant they give us a tour now???”
in the middle of the tour, one of the adults goes up ahead. he’s nowhere to be found. the castle guide and Z both are desperate and looking for him everywhere, including closed off zones. they find him later, in front of the castle. he went for a smoke
they’re late to lunch. Z has to reschedule for a later time. 4 times. when they get their meal at last, the kids start throwing potatoes at each other. Ali doesnt care
no photos allowed in the caves. the choir is allowed to sing inside. after, they show Z videos they took of their singing
no touching of the walls or structures in the caves. we joked the day before about someone inevitably trying to break off stalagmites. it almost does happen. the cave guide sees the creeping hands and yells
Ali demands 140 seats for all the turks at the closing event. the director calls Z to ask how many people will be coming after all. Ali says: “probably no one” when D asks again later to be sure, he insists that everyone is coming. eventually, he tells Z to announce around 50 people
Ali and his pointer finger aimed up are infamous by now. it’s his go-to reaction. “okay” he says and walks away. nothing is okay
Back Again
there’s an after party for the choirs and the guides/management that night. everyone walks up to us with pity in their eyes. “you’re the turkish guides, right?” they ask in a solemn voice
“what did the turks do?” those who dont know, a minority, ask. “what didnt they do” we say, every time
thailand won the competition. none of the turks show up to the party. no one wants them there
60 people are going to prague to have a tour before heading to the airport, the rest is going straight to the airport
the day before, Aysen asked how long we’re gonna need to get to prague. the travel is about 4 hours with good traffic, and the driver needs a 45 minute break on the way by law. Aysen moves the go time from 8:30 to 8:00. the other group is to leave 15 minutes earlier. at 8:00, no one’s outside
there’s space for two buses only. the group going straight to the airport has to leave first. several people keep coming up to us, asking where the bus going for prague tour is and why cant they get on one of these buses
all four of us guides are sitting in front of the bus. Aysen comes up to K with her phone. “we need to pick up a guide on this address” she tells him. K is not going with her group, i tell her. she turns to Z, ignoring me entirely. the conductor hugs us goodbye
at last, it’s time for the first buses to go. K is on one of them. Aysen points at me and the second bus, “you can get on too”. i tell her im not going with those. she looks furious. im happy i ruined her day. K and D leave with their buses a little after 8:30. we only have one 65 person bus. we’re ready to go around 8:45
we make a stop halfway through and i announce the obligatory 45 minutes.
Aysen bitches about the long stop, despite having known about the obligatory stop a day in advance. “it’s your fault we’re running late” she says when we’re on the way again and we say that we wont make it in time for our 13:00 lunch reservation. we explain yet again the obligatory pause
“the driver said the doors are open and we can go in any time” yes. he left the door open while people went out to buy stuff, they could go inside and outside the bus any time. Aysen tells us to do nothing about the reservation. “don’t worry, i’ll organize” she says
we want to call ahead, because it’s polite in the least, but we need to know the time for the reschedule. the driver told us that it will be another hour and half until prague, but then we still need to pick up the guide and we don’t know where he’ll want to take them and how long it’s gonna take to reach the restaurant from there. one of the adults sitting next to us, who until now was pretending he didnt know english, practically yells at us to ask the driver how long it’s gonna take
Aysen comes back a few minutes later, voice all honey. “i talked to the guide and he said to reschedule lunch, so call them” i want to point my finger and say “okay”
one of the women comes up to us to ask for the keys to the bus fridge to get a drink. we explain that the driver has to unlock it. she can’t just take the keys. in the end the driver gives me the keys and i go to unlock the fridge. one bottle costs one €, the woman asks if she can pay in CZK. i say that i’ll have to ask the driver, and she asks how much CZK one € is. a man sitting there says 26CZK. i say that it’s anywhere between 25-28CZK and again, i’ll have to ask the driver. he makes a hand talking gesture at me. im livid
we get off the bus where we picked up the guide. we remind him to take the group to lunch in time. “what lunch?” he asks
Z and I go off on our own and meet the group in the restaurant. they arrive on time, probably because it’s raining hard. after food, people start clearing out and going outside. Aysen is still sitting there, so i ask her what the plan is and where everyone’s going. “we’re meeting the guide in 10 minutes and he’ll take us to the bus” there’s no one outside when we step out
“what are you going to do?” asks Aysen. im confused and tell her that we’re also going back to the bus. “you’re going with us to the airport?” she asks, bewildered and disappointed
we drop them off at the airport, at long last. a few adults thank us and several say bye. Aysen’s son stops to say that he had a great time and to look him up on social media. Aysen pretends that she doesn’t see us, turns on her heel and walks away without a word
overall - dont bring in parents and a travel agency, because they’ll treat an organized competition like a holiday and fuck up the entire schedule. next time i want the thai choir
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Yes - Harry Styles Mini Series (Part 2)
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Part 1 
*Word Count 6,116
Love Is In The Air... Again? 
On again and off again couple, Y/N and Harry Styles are reportedly on again. The two were both in NYC last weekend, Styles for his appearance on SNL and Y/N for her show on her Y/Tour/Name Tour. Y/N was seen on Styles’ best mate, Nick’s snap chat in the SNL audience and fans took to twitter saying they saw Styles and his group of friends at Y/N’s show. 
It’s also rumored that Y/N’s newest song that she performed at that very concert was all about her rekindling a relationship with now Solo artist Harry Styles. 
We’ve reached out to both Harry and Y/N’s camp, but neither has responded to the rumors. 
One would guess we would just have to wait and see if our favorite Pop couple is once again a thing. 
You have had a long couple of days during your tour and since tonight was your off night, you decided just to have a quiet night in your hotel room. You put some candles on and some music before starting the water for a bath. You took off your robe and got into the water and closed your eyes. 
A few minutes later, your phone rang and you groaned. You reached over for it and saw that Harry was face timing you. You smirked and accepted the call. 
“Baby!” he smiled waving to you. “Wait, where are you?” 
You laughed. “I’m right here, hold on,” you said. “I’m in the tub, so I had to look a bit decent.” 
“Aw come on... You don’t have to do that,” he smirked. “I wouldn’t mind a little sneak peek.” 
You rolled your eyes turning the camera to face you. “You’re such a perv,” you joked. 
“It’s not pervy if you’re my girlfriend,” he smirked. 
“Whatever,” you giggled. “So, what have you been up to?” 
“I just finished rehearsing,” he said. “So, my voice is a bit gone, but it’s all good.” 
You nodded. “When do you have to record for the show?” 
“Um, it airs on Friday night, so sometime Thursday, I think,” he said. 
“Well, make sure you rest of your voice,” you said. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he laughed. 
“Did you that we’re trending again?” you asked. 
“Yeah, I did. My Mum called me and asked me about it,” he said. “I told her we spent time in New York and that we’re going to give ourselves a second chance.” 
“How did she react?” you asked. 
“I think she was a little hesitant at first, but then she asked me if this was what I really wanted and if being with you made me happy and when I told her it did and it is what I wanted more than anything, she said that was all that matters,”  he smiled. 
“Well, that’s good,” you smiled. “Especially since your mom hasn’t always liked me in the past.” 
“It wasn’t that she didn’t like you, she just didn’t like the situations surrounding our relationship,” he said. 
“Which is understandable,” you sighed. “Do you think you’re going to get asked about our relationship during the interview?” 
“I don’t know, maybe,” he said. “It’s only supposed to be a short interview so there might not be time for it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was though.”
“And if there is a question, what are you going to say?” You asked. 
“I’m not going to confirm our relationship,” he said. “I might just say we’re friends or something.” 
You nodded. “I think that’s best especially since we’ve only been back together for a few days. It’s one thing having the media and everyone speculating, but people actually knowing we’re together will cause a bit of a frenzy.” 
“And besides no one but us and our close friends and family need to know if we’re together or not,” he said. 
You smiled. “I miss you,” you sighed. 
“I know, it’s only been what three days since we saw one another and it feels like that didn’t even happen,” he sighed. 
“But you’re still coming at the end of the week, right?” You asked hopefully. 
“Yep. Since we finish recording the show on Thursday, I have a flight leaving on Friday morning,” he smiled.
“Really? So, you’ll be here Friday?” You asked. 
“Well, not there obviously, because you’ll be in Miami then, but yeah, we’ll be together on Friday,” he smiled. 
“I can’t wait!” you smiled. “And I can’t wait to go shopping!” 
“You’re waiting for me to go shopping?” He laughed. 
“No, I’m talking about going shopping for some things for when you get here,” you smirked. 
He looked at you confused and then it suddenly dawned on him. “Oh, OH, oh, now I really can’t wait for Friday to get here, especially looking at you right now,” he smirked. 
You giggled. “Well, I have a show Saturday Night and Sunday night, so that will give us a bit on Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday to enjoy each other and the sun,” you smirked. 
“We’ll there be any enjoying ourselves in the sun?” He said cocking his eyebrow. 
“Oh, of course. There will be swimming and be walking on the beach,” you smiled. “Oh and I’m sure we can rent some jet skis.” 
“That wasn’t exactly what I was implying, but okay.” he laughed. 
You giggled. “Don’t worry, they’ll be plenty of time for that.” 
“There better be,” he smirked. “We have lots to catch up on.” 
“Yes, we do,” you smiled. 
“I love you,” he whispered. “And I wish I was in that bath with you right now.”
“I do too, it’s been a bit lonely in this hotel,” you sighed dramatically. 
“Well, I’ll be there in a few days,” he smiled. 
“Can’t you just record your parts before Thursday and come now?” You pouted. 
“If I had that kind of power, I would already be on a plane to you right now,” he said. 
You smiled. “What time is it over there?” 
“Uh, just after 1 in morning,” he said. 
“Oh, well you better get in bed,” you said. 
“But I want to talk to you,” he whined. 
“I know, but you need your sleep,” you laughed. 
“Ugh, fine, fine,” he sighed. “You’re so bossy.” 
“You love me though,” you smirked. 
“That I do,” he smiled. 
You giggled. “I love you too.” 
“Night baby,” he whispered. 
“Night,” you smiled. 
It was the next day and Harry was going out to lunch with his sister. He had already told his Mom about the two of you, but he hadn’t told Gemma yet. He was a little more nervous about telling her than his Mom because there was actually a time where Gemma didn’t really like you with him. 
He never told you that and it was years ago, so hopefully, Gemma wouldn’t make a big deal about it. By the time Harry got there, Gemma was already there. She was typing away on her computer when he sat down. 
She looked up at him and finished what she was working on before putting her laptop away. 
“Finally,” he groaned dramatically. “So rude.” 
“Oh, piss off,” she laughed. “Anyway, how’s my baby brother doing.” 
“Great,” he said. 
“How was New York?” She asked. 
“It went well...” he coughed. 
“That wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain ex, would it?” She asked. 
He took a sip of his water and looked at the menu. 
“Don’t play coy with me,” she said. “The evidence is out there that you two were together at some point.” 
He sighed. “Yes, we were together in New York.” 
“Really?” She sighed. 
“Why are you saying it like that?” He asked. 
“Because you’ve been down that road plenty of times and it’s always ended the same,” she said. 
He sighed. “We’re in different places in our lives, Gem. It’s not going to end the same way.” 
“You’ve said that exact same thing the last two times you gave it a try with her,” she said. 
“Why don’t you like her?” He sighed. 
“It’s not that I don’t like her. Y/N and I were really close when you two first got together, but then I saw how your relationship with her was affecting you and how it hurt you were, so excuse me for not wanting to see you go through that again,” she said. 
“I get where you’re coming from and I don’t want to go through that ever again, but being without her in my life is just as painful if not more,” he sighed. “You don’t know what it’s like seeing all your friends or your sister being happy with their significant others and being in love. Or having to go home to an empty house every night and thinking about if you’re ever going to have someone to cook dinner with or open a bottle of wine and listen to music while sitting in front of the fire? And then you think about how you did have that, with that one person that you can’t get out of your fucking mind and heart because they’re the only one that you’ve ever felt anything with. Y/N, is my person and yeah, I’m scared as hell that it might not work out again, but at least I know that I gave it one more shot.” 
She sighed looking at him. “I know that you love her, and I know that she loves you. I’m not doubting that, but sometimes love isn’t enough and people aren’t meant to be.” 
“Wow,” he said shaking his head. “After everything I just told you, you’re really going to say something like that? I understand that you’re looking out for me and quite honestly I’m sure if roles were reversed, I would be the same way, but I would also support your decision if meant that you were happy.” 
“I do want you to be happy, but I also want you to really think this through and just not jump back into a relationship with someone that you haven’t even been around for over a year?” She said. 
“We’re not jumping into anything. Yes, she’s my girlfriend, but we’re taking things slow,” he said. 
“Then you didn’t sleep together in New York?” She asked. 
“That’s none of your business,” he said. 
“Damn it, Harry,” she sighed. 
“Who I have sex with is my decision,” he said. 
“I know, I know, but don’t you think it’s better to build your relationship emotionally instead of physically,” she said. 
“It’s not like we only have sex,” he sighed shaking his head. “Our relationship is more than that, it’s always been more than that.”
She sighed. “Okay, okay, I won’t say anything negative about Y/N or your relationship anymore. If you’re willing to give her another chance, then so am I,” she said. 
“That’s all I ask,” he sighed. 
You were now in Miami for the next few days and since Harry would be arriving tomorrow, you decided to go out shopping with your stylist, Maxy, and makeup artist, Manny, who were your best friends from over the years. 
“Not that I’m complaining, but what’s brought on this sudden shopping trip?” Maxy asked. 
“We’re in Miami, why wouldn’t we do a little shopping?” You said innocently. 
“Normally, I would accept that answer, but our shopping trips don’t usually involve purchasing new lingerie,”  she smirked holding up a red lacy see- through bra from the rack. 
“Girl, don’t you know? Y/N’s little boy toy is coming into town tomorrow for a few weeks,” Manny smirked. 
“He’s not my little boy toy, he’s my boyfriend,” you laughed looking through different options. “And I wanted to get some new things to wear to spice things up a bit.” 
“I didn’t realize that you and Harry were already official again,” Maxy said. “I mean, I know he was at the show and you two were quite on top of each other, but I didn’t know it was that serious again.” 
“It’s always been serious between me and Harry. After we first met initially, we only talked back and forth for about two weeks before we went out on our first date and then we became exclusive in a relationship after our third date,” you said. “If you know that you want to be with him, why should I wait a certain amount of time before we get back together.” 
“I don’t know, it just seems sort of fast, you know? You two were broken up and hadn’t spoken to one another in over a year, but then you meet up for one night and you’re already in a full blown committed relationship with him flying here to be with you,” she said. 
“I can see where you’re coming from, but it’s not like Harry was a one-night stand and now I’m in a relationship with him. We have history and we love each other, those feelings never went away even during our year apart, so to us it’s not like we’re rushing in or moving too fast,” you shrugged. “And honestly what’s so bad about us being together, we don’t want to see other people, so what’s wrong with already being exclusive.” 
“Nothing is wrong with it,” Manny said. “It’s your and Harry’s relationship and if you two love each other, that’s all that matters. We can tell you our thoughts or opinions, but at the end of the day as long as the two of you are happy and in love, then don’t worry about it.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“Now, that’s settled, let’s pick you out some things for your man to take off,” h smirked. 
You all laughed and finished looking through the store. Once you had a handful of lacy bra and underwear sets, you went back to the dressing room. As you were trying each set on, you smirked to yourself as you got a bit of an idea. You took a few pictures of yourself in the different sets. 
You went to your messages and clicked on Harry’s name. You picked a few pictures that you had just taken to send to him with, “Out shopping, which one is your favorite? ;)” as the message. 
You changed back into your clothes and grabbed the sets you tried on. 
“So, which ones are you getting?” Maxy asked. 
“Um, out of these probably the red, the black, and the dark purple,” you said. “ 
“Great choices!” Manny said. “He’s going to lose his shit when he sees you them.” 
You laughed. “He probably is already losing his shit. I might have snapped a few photos in the dressing room and sent him a bit of a sneak peek.” 
“Damn girl, I didn’t know you were the type to sext,” he gasped. 
“Usually, I’m not, mostly because of the whole like hacking and iCloud issues and things getting leaked, but there are ways around it. Especially, when you’re away from your significant other, it helps the time pass by a bit,” you smirked. 
“Ew. I don’t need that visual,” he said shaking his head. 
“Oh, but it’s perfectly fine picking out lingerie for me and talk about my sex life, but god forbid we talk me sexting with my boyfriend,” you giggled. 
“Oh my god, stop talking about it!” He laughed covering his ears. 
“Anyway, I’m going to go pay for these and then we can go get lunch,” you said. 
“Sounds good to me,” Manny said quickly.
Harry was finishing up his packing before he had to head to the studio to film for the Graham Norton show. He was literally counting down the hours until his flight would leave and he would be seeing you again. The conversation with his sister the other day had stuck with him a little bit and it made it wonder if she would ever really be happy that you and him were together. 
While it didn’t really matter to him about her opinion on you and your relationship, he still wanted his girl and his sister to get along. He heard his phone beep a few times, while he was packing, but he didn’t think anything of it. 
Once he zipped up his suitcase, he grabbed his phone from the bedside table and saw that you had sent him a few messages. He slid his finger to open and his eyes widen when he saw the pictures that you sent. 
“Bloody hell,” he mumbled to himself. 
“Out shopping, which is your favorite? ;)” he read the text along with your pictures. 
How was he supposed to choose just one? You looked fucking amazing in every single one of those and all he wanted to do was see you in them before he ripped them off of you. As he continued to stare at the pictures, it was obvious that a bit of a problem was growing. 
“Damn it, Y/N!” He typed into his phone. 
“What?” You sent back with an innocent looking emoji. 
“You know very well, what I’m talking about. You can’t just send me photos of you half naked looking fucking amazing without some sort of warning.”
“What? I was just asking for your opinion, but it’s nice to know that I looked good in all of them.”
“Of course you did! Please tell me you bought them all?”
“Nope, not gonna say, which or how many I bought. That’s something you’re going to have to wait and see.”
“But...but..but,” he sent with a pouty face. 
“You can whine all you want, but it’s not going to happen. Patience is a virtue.”
“Fuck patience, I want to know! It’s the least you could do since you’ve got me all hot and bothered over here! Did you forget that I’m going to filming a show in like two hours? I’m gonna have a fucking hard on and it’s all your fault!” 
“It’s not my fault you’re like a horny teenager.”
“Only for my beautiful, sexy, amazing, gorgeous, hot, girlfriend who I love more than anything in the world.” 
“You’re so sweet, but buttering me up is not going to work on me telling you which ones I bought.”
“I’m offended that you think I was trying to butter you up into getting what I want.”
“I’ve known you for almost 5 years, Styles, I know how you get when you want something.”
“And what I want is you...” 
“Tomorrow you can have me all day and night...”
“Fucking... You’re not helping my situation.”
“Maybe, I should let you go take care it before your big show.”
“Or you could help me take care of it... Video Chat?”
“I’d love too... but I’m out to lunch right now and I’m quite sure others around us wouldn’t be too keen on that type of video chatting.” 
“Damn it! Well, in that case, I’m gonna go have a nice cold shower. I’ll call you after the recording.” 
“Looking forward to it, and you never know you might get another little sneak peek then too ;)” 
“You’re having fun with this aren’t you?” 
“What am I going to do with you?” 
“Anything you want. ;)” 
“Okay. Cold Shower is definitely happening now.” 
“Sorry! ;) Talk to you later! I love you and you’re going to do great tonight!” 
“Thanks, baby and I love you too!” 
Harry was at the taping of the Graham Norton and as he sat in the dressing room with his parents, he wasn’t as nervous as he had been for SNL, but he still had a bit of nervousness. 
“You’re going to do great,” Anne smiled. “I’m so proud of you.” 
“Thanks, Mum,” he smiled. 
“So, how are things going with you and Y/N?” She asked. 
“Great,” he smiled. “You know I’m flying out to see her tomorrow morning right?” 
“Yes, I know,” she laughed. “I think that’s the real reason you have that stupid smile on your face.” 
He blushed. 
“It makes me so happy to see you happy,” she smiled. “This is all I’ve ever wanted for you and Gemma,” she sniffed. “And now you’re performing your own music that you’re so proud of and you’re with someone that you love and I’ve never seen you this happy before.” 
“Mum,” he laughed hugging her. “Why are you crying?” 
“Because I’m your Mum and that’s what I do.” she laughed dabbing her eyes. 
“Mum, you’re gonna make me cry,” he laughed rubbing her back. 
“Okay, I’ll stop. I’ll stop,” she said. 
He laughed kissing her head. One of the show’s producers peek their heads into the room, “The show starts in a few minutes,” she said. 
 “We better get to our seats,” Robin said. 
Harry nodded and hugged his mom one more time before they both left. He was alone in the room, except for his band. They were all trying to get into the zone for their performance that was coming up. 
It was a little more than halfway through the show when it was time for Harry to perform. After he nailed his performance, they brought him out onto the interview stage with the other guests. 
“Harry, Harry, welcome, you did a fabulous job,” Graham said. 
“Thank you,” Harry smiled. 
“So, we’re going to do this little game that we did with one of our guests last week and we’re going to talk about some of the craziest rumors about you and we’re just going to go off of your facial expression,” he said. 
“This could be fun,” he laughed. 
“Yeah, and there’s going to be camera zoomed in on your face,” he added. 
“Oh, god,” Harry laughed sitting up. 
“Okay, is it true that you took a carrot cake to a Fleetwood Mac concert?” He asked. 
Harry smirked and laughed. “I did, I didn’t take a carrot cake to a Fleetwood Mac concert. I like carrot cake,” he shrugged. 
“And Fleetwood Mac, hopefully,” Graham said. 
“Love,” he laughed. 
Graham continued to ask about different rumors and so far they were all easy, until the very last one. 
“Now, this next rumor is quite recent,” he said. “And is it true that you and Y/N have rekindled a bit of a romance.” 
Harry tried so hard to keep a straight a face and he did good for the most part, but then a little smile broke through before it went back to straight face. 
“Oh! That’s a yes, that’s definitely a yes,” one of the guests laughed pointing to him. 
“I didn’t say that,” Harry said. 
“You didn’t have too,” he joked. 
Harry coughed and sat back with a smirk. 
“Well, we’re out of time, thank you to our guests for joining us tonight and thank you to Harry Styles for performing his new single,” he said. 
Harry smirked and stuck his head into the view of the camera giving it a wave. 
It was the day Harry would be arriving. You didn’t have plans that day, so you used it to get ready for his arrival. You picked up your clothes that covered the floor and put them away. You went into the bathroom and tided up your hair and makeup products a bit and then you took a quick shower to freshen up and shave your legs and what not. You pulled out your candle stash and put them throughout the room, but away from the curtains and other possible flammable items. 
You then went over to the shopping bag from yesterday and tried to decide on which one you would wear. You decided on wearing the red lace one and quickly put it on before putting your robe on. You then went and fixed your hair a bit and put on a little bit of makeup. 
You knew that you didn’t have to put this much trouble into it, but you wanted to make it a little more romantic setting than just a random hotel room. You looked at the clock and saw that Harry should be arriving within the hour. 
You felt that nervous-excited feeling in the pit of your stomach. Seeing him this time was different than New York because you knew where the two of you stood and it wasn’t a short visit. You would actually have more than a few hours to be together. 
You kept pacing around the room as you waited. It felt like Christmas morning or the night before your birthday. You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on the door. You were sure it wasn’t Harry because he wasn’t supposed to be landing until about now and it would take a while to get here from the airport. You tightened the knot on your robe and walked over to the door and opened it. 
Harry was standing there with his bags in his hand and a huge smile on his face. 
“Oh! What are you doing here so early?” You smiled. 
“Where you expecting someone else?” He asked. 
“Of course not, I’m glad that you’re here, I just thought you wouldn’t be in for another hour,” you said. 
“I was able to get an earlier flight,” he smiled. “Can I come in or is your other boyfriend in there?” he joked. 
“Don’t worry. He snuck down the balcony,” you giggled. “So, come on in.” 
He smiled walking in the door and putting his bags and guitar on the floor. 
“Now, come here,” he said pulling you to him after you close the door. 
You giggled wrapping your arms around him and he holds you close to him, kissing your head. 
“God, I’ve missed you,” he whispered. 
“I’ve missed you too,” you smiled. “These last four days were torture.” 
“I know, especially with you teasing me,” he laughed. 
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it,” you smirked. 
“That’s the problem, I loved it,” he laughed. 
You smiled. “Well, we have plenty of time to make up for it,” you whispered leaning up to kiss him. 
He smiled into the kiss bringing you closer to him as he deepens it. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you stood on your tip toes. After a bit, you pulled away. 
“No offense, but you smell like an airplane,” you laughed. 
“Is that your way of telling me I stink?” He pouted. 
“Pretty much, yep,” you giggled. 
“I guess I’ll jump in the shower really quick, wanna join?” he smirked. 
“Normally, I would, but I spent a good amount of time on this look and I’d hate to ruin it in the shower,” you said. 
“You know you don’t have to get all done up to impress me or anything,” he said. 
“I know, but I wanted to look nice,” you smiled. “Now, go and shower.” 
“Ugh, fine,” he said grabbing his toiletry bag. “I’ll be out in a few,” he said kissing you quickly and going into the bathroom. 
While Harry was in the shower, you lit all the candles and put on some music. You had some champagne brought to the room and you opened it to pour two glasses. You also had some fruit sent up as well. You set everything up and lowered the lights. 
The shower turned off and a few minutes later, he came out wrapped in a towel. He looked around at the candles and smiled. 
“Someone’s trying to be romantic,” he smirked walking over to you. 
“Well, I figured it would be nice to have a nice night in without feeling rushed,” you smiled handing him a glass of champagne. 
“A romantic night in sounds amazing,” he smiled. 
You grabbed the plate of fruit and climbed on the bed. Harry smiled joining you and laying next to you before grabbing a strawberry. 
“So, how did the show go?” You asked. 
“It went well. I had so much fun,” he smiled. “And the performance was amazing if I do say so myself.” 
“I’m sure you did great,” you smiled. “What about the interview?” 
“Really short, but we played this little game about asking about rumors about me and they zoomed in on my face. Most of them were ridiculous, but then they mentioned about us and I tried to keep a straight face, I really did, but I broke a bit and recovered quickly, but everyone was taking that as a yes,” he laughed. 
“Way to go,” you joked. 
“What? I’m not good at lying!” he laughed. 
“Apparently,” you said. 
“I’m just happy,” he smiled. 
“So am I,” you smiled. “Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” 
“Same here,” he said. “So, I told Gemma about us.” 
“How did she react?” you asked. 
“Not good at first,” he admitted. “She just kept bringing up our past and how it doesn’t seem like a good idea that we’re getting back together. And that she didn’t want to see me get hurt again, but I told her about how much I loved you and how happy being with you made me and she eventually decided that she would support my decision.” 
You sighed downing the rest of your champagne. 
“Hey,” he said taking your hand. “It’s okay, she’ll come around.” 
“I hope so,” you sighed. “We used to be really close, she was like my best friend, but then everything changed.” 
“Well, hopefully, the longer we’re together, the more you two can work on your friendship,” he smiled. 
“I’d like that,” you smiled. 
“You know what I’d like?” he smirked leaning closer to you. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Some of those kiwis,” he smirked leaning over you and grabbing some slices off the plate. 
You laughed. “Didn’t you eat on the plane?” 
“Yeah, but I’m still hungry,” he smirked. 
“We can order some food you know,” you laughed. 
“Nope. I don’t have time for that,” he said. 
“Oh, really?” You asked. “Why not?” 
“Because” he smirked pulling you on top of him. “We have things to do.” 
You giggled looking down at him. You tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned down to kiss him. He deepened the kiss as soon as you lips touched and put his hands on your hips as you straddled him. 
As you kissed him, you moved your hips a little causing him to let out a moan against your lips. He ran his hands up and down your thighs before sitting you both up. 
“Let’s see what’s under this, shall we?” he smirked pulling away and untying your robe. 
“I have a feeling you’re really going to like it,” you smirked. 
He let the sides of your robe fall and he pushed the robe off of your shoulders. 
“Fuck,” he whispered. “I see you got the red one.” 
“I did,” you smirked. “What do you think?” 
“I think I want to see more of it.” he smirked. 
You giggled getting off his lap to stand up next to the bed. He was staring at you with both lust and admiration. You smirked and turned around to show him the back. 
“Fucking hell,” he mumbled. “Now, get back over here.” 
You laughed as he pulled you back over him. He kissed your stomach and ran his hand over your bum. “You’re so beautiful,” he said with a kiss along your stomach. “And sexy,” he whispered with a kiss over the tops of your chest. “And fucking gorgeous,”  he whispered against your neck. “And funny,” he smirked kissing along your shoulder. “And talented,” he whispered. “And nice. And the best person I know. And did I mention beautiful?” 
You nodded. “You did.” 
He nodded turning back around you face you. “And you’re mine,” he whispered before pulling you in for a kiss. 
Later that night, Harry laid his head on your chest. You smiled playing with his hair. 
“I love you,” you whispered. 
He turned his head to look up at you. “I love you too, baby.” 
“So, we should probably order some dinner,” you laughed. “I’m starving.” 
He laughed. “Me too, but I don’t wanna move. Your boobs are the best pillows,” he smirked. 
“Oh my god,” you laughed. 
“What? It’s true,” he said. 
You giggled. “Remember that time after we first started dating and you were at backstage at my show and you didn’t realize I was changing, so you walked into my dressing room and you stood there forever before you realized I was a bit naked and then you tried to leave the room super fast and ended up running into the wall,” 
“Oh god, that was so painful,” he laughed. “I had a huge bruise on my forehead for weeks and the entire show, I kept thinking about you and I felt so bad because we obviously hadn’t taken that next step yet.” 
“Yeah, you were so embarrassed,” you giggled. “It was cute though.” 
He laughed. “I was just trying not to think about it so I didn’t pop a boner.” 
“Aww,” you laughed. 
He smiled. “You know this right here is what I think I missed the most about us being apart,” he said. “Just laying here and talking. Just being together.” 
“We used to do this all the time,” you nodded. “We would just stay in and be together. I think that’s why we grew so close because we didn’t always go out for fancy dinners or a night out at the club. We were both fine with just having a quiet night in watching movies or something.” 
“Among other things,” he smirked looking up at you. 
“That’s true,” you laughed. “Can you hand me the phone? I’m gonna call in an order.” 
He groaned dramatically before reaching over for the phone and handing it to you. 
You dialed the number for room service and waited for the to pick up. While you waited to place the order, Harry smirked to himself and started kissing down your stomach. 
You gave him a look and he looked back at you innocently. 
“Oh, hi, I would like to place a dinner order to be delivered,” you said. 
“Okay, whenever you’re ready,” they said on the other line. 
Harry had now disappeared under the sheets and was kissing your thighs. 
“Stop it,” you whispered pulling the phone away from you. 
You felt him smirk against your thigh and you rolled your eyes. 
“I need two cheeseburgers with everything and fries. I would like a bowl of the house salad with the dressing on the side,” you said. 
Harry smirked while he moved your legs apart a bit and kisses his way your thigh. 
You gasp and pull the phone away from you. “I’m on phone,” you gasp. 
He shrugged and you groaned. 
“Okay, so two cheeseburgers with everything, fries, a bowl of house salad with dressing on the side, and would you like more champagne?” They asked. 
You were holding back a moan as you listened to them list off the order. 
“Ah...yeah...that’s uh... fine,” you mumbled out. 
“Great. Everything will be delivered in about twenty minutes,” they said. 
“Sounds....Good,” you said before throwing the phone to the side. 
Harry sneaked out from under the sheets and looked at you. 
“What the hell was that?” You asked. 
“Nothing... Nothing at all,” he smirked. 
You playfully glared at him. “Well, you better finish where you left off with that nothing.” 
“Don’t mind if I do,” he smirked. 
By the time, you two had finished a quick round of fooling around there was a knock on the door. You quickly rolled off of Harry, who got up from the bed and wrapped the sheet around his waist before walking over to get the door. He took the cart of food from the guy and gave him a tip before thanking him and closing the door. 
“Food!” You laughed putting Harry’s shirt on. 
“Did I say you could borrow that?” He asked bringing the food over to the bed. 
“Didn’t have too. I’m pretty sure I bought it for you a few years ago and it looks better on me anyway,” you smirked. 
“Damn, you didn’t have to mean about it,” he whined. “But yeah, it does look pretty good on you.” 
You laughed and grabbed your plate of food and put some of the salad on the another plate. 
“Want some water?” He asked. 
You nodded and he grabbed two bottles and handed one to you. 
“Thank you,” you smiled giving him a kiss. 
After you both ate, you laid down on the bed and turned on a movie. Harry wrapped his arms around you and held you to his chest. You smiled as you cuddled into him and he kissed the top of your head. You two spent the rest of the night watching a movie before finally falling asleep. 
**LEt me know what you think! :) 
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Day 11- Betta werk!
Ni Hao! I'm reporting from the Chaiin hotel after a full day in the theatre. It was a hard but good day! Love those! In my opinion, the best days are the ones with hard work in them. More rewarding I guess? From the way the company dressing room smells, we definitely have been working hard! Haha I kid I kid (well kinda😝) The day started off with the breakfast club in the hotel where Maggi, our artistic director, told me that this blog has been picked up by Dance USA. If you're crazy enough to spend your time reading my rambling thoughts, let me preemptively caution you that there are many spelling/grammatical/sentencilogical malodies (I usually write these posts at peculiar hours and have yet to hire an editor😉). Also sometimes I make up words. And overuse emojis🙃🤷🏻‍♀️. And write terrible puns. You've been warned. Now enjoy your PUNishment by reading on. Heh😏 After breakfast I packed up all of my costumes and hairspray and shoes and makeup and backup shoes and backup hair supplies etcetcetc (I looked like an especially baggy bag lady) and made a move to the theatre. I love getting to dance early so I can stretch and get in the zone, especially before performance time. It's only a 20 minute walk from the hotel to the national theatre so we are practically neighbors! Before company class I stuck a couple pieces of glow tape in strategic places so I could spot them during quick turning parts and know where I am in relationship to the front, especially during "Aposiopesis" (that's the hard stamina piece that I'm doing the lead in this trip). I wanted to "turn things around" from yesterday's rehearsal😝 We took an hour and a half company class (first full length class in a while!) where we focused a lot on the shape of the stage and readjusting our positions to complement the long rectangular proportions. Part of being a professional is being able to make choreography look good no matter what the performance space is like. Then we quickly spaced both casts of "Ne Me Quitte Pas" before going into another tech run-through for Program A, our opening night show. I was able to fix most of the mistakes/disoriented parts from yesterday, but of course I had a few other weird things happen. Hopefully I can fix those during the last dress rehearsal tomorrow🙏 Oh the excitement of live theatre, as much as you want to control it, you never know what is going to happen on stage until it does! Body EDT provided boxed lunches and dinners for us at the theatre. I know I sound like a broken record, but we're all so appreciative!! Although a boxed lunch might seem somewhat standard in a business setting, the dance world does not usually come with these types of perks because of perpetually tight funding. Ming, Ping and BodyEDT are so generous! And these were killah boxed lunches! Each box had rice, deliciously cooked veggies, egg, and a choice of pork, beef, chicken, salmon, or tofu. Not your standard turkey sandwich and bag of chips from the states. We also got fancy teas to go with it. I'm sure my performance was enhanced by my lemon rose frothy tea!🥀 During our hour break Michael and I walked around the theatre district in search of a drugstore. My shopping list: liquid foundation, gum, peanuts, and good smelling spray. Michael needed tattoo coverup and bananas. So pretty standard performance time shopping outing😉Amazingly, we managed to find all of our quirky things quickly and in stores where they only spoke Mandarin. Have I mentioned thatI have gotten really good at charades? I chewed air gum like the best of 'em and it got the message across somehow! After giving our costumes a light spray of whatever Taiwanese fabreeze equivalent I ended up with (we usually wash them between shows but our resources are limited) we had another warmup class and got ready for a dress rehearsal of Program B, which is Anthony Krutzkamp's "Appropriated Memories," Daniel Precup's "Ne Me Quitte Pas" with myself and Michael dancing, and Ming's "Arrival from Departure." We will do Program B Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Program A is the same except Charles Anderson's "Aposiopesis" replaces "Appropriated Memories" and Omar and Lieneke perform "Ne Me Quitte Pas." We will do Program A Friday night and Saturday afternoon. It's exciting to bring 2 programs because it means we get to show more of our rep, but it also means more to rehearse! The Program B dress rehearsal went pretty well overall. We all had some things that we hope to fix for the show (my braid is supposed to unravel midway through "Ne Me Quitte Pas" but I must have braided it too tight because it only unraveled at the very end, woops!) but nothing too major went terribly wrong...knock on wood! We spent the second act watching Body EDT perform their new work "Initial-Space Starting." Imagine liquid quality modern dance performed to mind boggling optical illusion projections and thought provoking music. It was pretty incredible! As a beginning choreographer myself I have so much respect for Ming. 1- How can he think of movement that interesting to being with? And 2- How can he then incorporate other complicated elements of projection and lighting so seamlessly and tastefully? That's so much to coordinate in one brain! Everything was cohesive--although there was a lot of visual stimulation nothing was too much. It's an honor to share the stage with them! We set our final group bow and then we were released for the night. Kelly and I took our boxed dinner home and had a tasty picnic on our hotel floor before bed. Now it's sleepy time before another dress rehearsal and opening night tomorrow!! Ahh! Sweet dreams everyone ❤ Kate
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maple-keenes · 5 years
screwed up your lines, well that’s just fine
summary: roman falls in love with their best friend and now, their co-star in the most recent play at their school. virgil and logan think this is the perfect time to confess, roman knows it’s not that easy.
pairing: royality, background analogical
tw: cursing, kissing
wc: 946
a/n: alllll right, this is for my inbox cleaning, and i actually finished it last night at like... 1 am, so that’s not relevant :D
ask: royality and 9, which was “there’s something i have to tell you” 
suggestor(?): @sometimeswritingsometimesdying (thank you!!)
@analogical-chaos @theflatpancake @ilovemygaydad @alltimevirgilant @virgiliananxiety @romanticsanders @theincediblesulk @wroammin @creativity-killed-thekitten @bitchyybabyy400 @wooflesthatwoof @lyditist @heck-im-lost @max-is-tired @demurphart @thelowlysatsuma @land-of-dragons-and-frogs @theeternalspace @magicallygrimmwiccan @weirdsthenewnormal @romansleftshoulderpad @rusted-but-golden 
"So… you're leaving?" Patton asked, crossing his arms across his chest. "Tomorrow?" 
Roman bit their lip, nodding slightly. "I just--I don't know, something about this town isn't working for me anymore." 
They groaned, exasperated. "What the fuck did I do wrong now?" Roman glanced at their best friend and scene partner, Patton, who shrugged. 
The director stood up and sighed, shaking his head. "You're not feeling it. I can tell that the stakes aren't that high for you! You're telling the love of your life you're running away to New York City!" He waved his hand towards Patton, who smiled nervously. "I need to see that you're in love with Patton--"
His statement was interrupted by a loud laugh from the back of the room. The director whipped around to catch the perpetrator, which turned out to be Roman's other best friend, Virgil. He promptly shut up at the glare from the director (and the more noticeable one from Roman) and gave them both a thumbs-up. 
After rehearsal, Roman gathered up their script and keys and was heading out the door to meet Virgil when he was stopped by Patton. Their best friend patted them on the shoulder and smiled before saying, "You did good today. Regardless of what the director says." 
Roman grinned back, enjoying the brief contact while they could. "Don't you worry, I know I'm fantastic. See you tomorrow?" 
"See ya!" he replied brightly, giving Roman a quick hug before walking away. 
"Still haven't told him you're madly in love with him?" Virgil appeared out of nowhere next to them, causing Roman to jump. 
"Virgil, you bitch, watch what you're saying." Roman sighed. "And no, of course not. He'd let me down easy, but I'm not risking my heart." 
"He likes you." 
"In what universe?" they mumbled, opening the door for Virgil to walk out. "Am I grabbing Logan before we go to get food?" 
Virgil flushed. "I mean, I don't wanna bother--"
"You don't want to bother your boyfriend?" Roman laughed, twirling their keys on their finger. "Alright. I'll pick him up on the way to wherever you may choose for Friday night dinner." 
Friday night dinner, whether it occurred on a Friday or not, was a tradition Roman and Virgil had created after a breakdown Virgil had sophomore year over drifting apart from them. Their solution? At least one hour hanging out and talking about their week every week, theoretically over dinner on a Friday. Most did not happen to take place at night, on a Friday, or over dinner. 
As the year progressed, they added Patton to their small group and in junior year, they added Logan, the Italian transfer student, and their little group was complete. 
This Friday night dinner, however, was taking place on a Saturday afternoon specifically chosen because Patton had to babysit and Roman needed to talk to Logan and Virgil about… stuff. 
Logan is, in fact, Virgil's boyfriend, and Virgil is the most smitten dumbass on the planet. But they're doing relatively well, and Roman absolutely is not.
“So,” they concluded, shoving their third piece of pizza into their mouth, “I’m hopeless.” 
“Correct,” Virgil responded before getting smacked in the shoulder by his boyfriend. “He had a point!” 
Logan rolled his eyes. “Be supportive. Ask him to do an extra rehearsal or something, and then talk to him when it’s over,” he suggested. “I don’t suppose there’s any way you’ll be able to do that by yourself?” 
“You know me so well!” Roman laughed nervously. “I mean… would you guys come?” 
“To watch the inevitable disaster this is bound to be?” Virgil grinned. “Oh hell yes.” 
The following day, after a long discussion of the probability that Patton was also madly in love with Roman (which involved a lot of actual statistics and logic from Logan and cursing and berating in Spanish from Virgil), the aforementioned crush came over to hang out with the other three and to, theoretically, rehearse with Roman. 
Well, Logan and Virgil had left (re: been kicked out for making out in Roman’s room) and there was very little rehearsing going on and a lot more watching Youtube videos while Roman did Patton’s nails. 
Patton sighed and leaned over to pause the Youtube video, saying, “We ought to actually run a few lines while you’re doing this.” 
“Unfortunately, you are correct.” They shut their laptop and tried to think of the best place to start. “Um… let’s start at… ‘can we talk?’” 
He frowned and put a hand o Roman’s knee. “Is something the matter?”
“There’s something I need to tell you...” they said, continuing on the lines before looking into Patton’s eyes and realizing, oh, fuck, this is my chance, and going silent for a few seconds. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” 
“Roman, that’s not the--” Patton’s eyes widened as he realized what they were saying. “Oh.”
“And I love the little way your mouth twitches when I say something funny, or how patient you are when I’m having a bad day, and I think I want to be more than friends with you.” Roman flushed. “Unless you don’t want to! And then that’s perfectly okay.” 
He laughed, pulling Roman close in a hug. “You know you missed your line, right?” 
They rolled their eyes good-naturedly, replying by burying their head into Patton’s shoulder. “I don’t think I care.”
“I love you too, Roman. I would love to be more than friends with you.” 
Roman smiled into his shoulder. “Then I think we’re done rehearsing?” 
“Absolutely.” Patton kissed Roman briefly, and they blushed, turning even redder. 
“I think we need to try that again one more time…”
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spainmozsombi · 5 years
New course and some music
On monday I went to a new course, titled political economics, to see if I like that better than the one with the uncontrolled debates about feminism (Theory of democracy gender and interculturalism..)..I met a german dude (from the first night we went to get tapas with Oliver, and a bunch of his flatmates joined) in front of the class and he told me that there’s a test every week but it’s online, and you can use the internet to solve it so no need to worry. The class itself was pretty interesting, he explained some models, im pretty sure this was the first time I paid attention for more than 30 minutes (since I am attending classes here). Plus I was able to fully understand his english. As I later found out he’s british so no wonder why. There weren’t any politics in the course but it was still interesting so I decided to take it and drop the Gender course. After class I invited Oliver over for lunch cause I made a lot of pasta the previous day. 
On tuesday I went to the same class, it was rather group work then, and the teacher just created a few new ones from the ‘leftover’ people. I got into a group with a german dude (lol), a spanish guy and a palestinian girl. We got some math related excercises to solve. That was the moment when I changed my mind about being in the right place, but as it turned out the rest of the group also wasn’t very sure about how to solve it so that made things a bit better. The second part of the class was more about theoretical questions which I felt much more comfortable with. I went shopping after class, and first time ever, bought some seafood (shrimp!), which I made for lunch right when I got home. Surprisingly It turned out pretty darn good (made it in a pan with olive oil, lemon, garlic and some salt+pepper). For the same afternoon my plan was to meet with Óscar, my spanish friend from Magreb class, and play some tunes on his guitar. There was also a gathering that evening by some erasmus people who play any kind of instruments. After playing a few songs in the courtyard of a monastery we joined this gathering in a park (which is actually pretty nice, gonna go there just to walk around at some point, it definitely worth more than one visit!). People were nice, italian, spanish, german, polish(?), and the rest I can’t remember. We played some songs together, it was all very chill. In the end only Óscar, me, and an italian dude left. We quite enjoyed playing together. 
On wednesday I had no classes so I was planning to learn some spanish and python (programming) and even though I didn’t do much of that it was still a good day cause, well first of all, my thesis supervisor teacher, from my home university, finally replied to my email (I was waiting for his answer for 2 weeks) and I sent him another one on wednesday, what a surprise, he replied in about 5 minutes. I think I already wrote about it but if not then now’s the time, so my thesis for the masters is gonna be an application for mountain bike route planning inside the GIS (geographical information system, IT+geography) software ArcMap. And the plan is to record (by gps) as many routes as I can here in Granada, and put them into this software. So the thing I asked from my supervisor was if he knows any app for phone from which I can easily extract the gps data. His reply was “figure out how to export the data from the application and then..”..Cool. much help, thanks. I’ve been using the app Strava to record my routes and I had no idea how to do the above mentioned thing, but I managed to figure it out. The next question was how to import this data into the software (ArcMap) I am supposed to use for the application. After some googleING i was also able to find a solution for this problem. It may sound lame just reading this but this small step was the thing that already made my stomach hurt when I was thinking about the whole thesis, thus I am extremely happy that I could do it! (Haven’t had the gutts to write this in an email to my supervisor cause then he’s gonna give me the next task and I don’t want that..lol.)
On thursday was an open mic event (there’s a stage, instruments, and whoever wants to play any song can do that, the gathering on tuesday was basically a rehearsal for this), where we were planning to play a few songs with Óscar. (I had two courses that day, nothing extraordinary, on the first one we managed to distract ourselves with Oliver for most of the class so time passed pretty fast. I’m not proud of it, we got coffee after class...the second one was in the evening, that didn’t pass that fast...) So, the Open Mic was in a club/pub called Playmobil. Yes, the toy for kids Playmobil, they had some of them behind the bar. The place itself wasn’t very fancy (kinda like Kiskorsó/jobbmint at home only with less tables, more place to dance). Quite a lot of people gathered for the event, from all over the world, UK, Spain, Australia, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, etc, (it was an erasmus event so it was expected). There were all kind of performances, people singing together with ukulele, guitar+singing, acapella, cajon+guitar+singing, piano+singing etc etc. We played ‘Don’t look back in anger’ from Oasis, (I sang+played the guitar, Óscar played on the piano) and two Coldplay songs, ‘Fix you’, and ‘The Scientist’. We only planned to play fix you and don’t look back in anger but the crowd seemed to enjoy our silly little performance soooo I looked up the lyrics for the scientist and Óscar played it on guitar. The thing is I don’t have a lot of memories cause I was really, really nervous, my legs were shaking, I closed my eyes while singing, but as I recalled it after I got home (and Óscar also confirmed this) that the crowd was singing most of the songs, they were holding up their phones as lighters and all sooo I think it was good. I wish there would be some videos of it, but I haven’t found any yet. We might play some street music with Óscar at some point, I think we get along pretty well, plus we have kind of the a good match with songs that can be played on the street.
Well mostly because of that I skipped my class on friday morning (which I will drop if everything works out). I handed in my course changing-deleting papers (today was the deadline), hope it will work out. I need to have at least 3 courses. If there are no problem with the number of people for the economic course (there’s a limit. The guy at the international office, who’s in charge of erasmus students, told me that if there are still empty seats in the classroom then there shouldn’t be any problem..) and I can take that, and I can drop the democracy course then it’s all good, otherwise, if I drop the democracy course but I can’t get in to the economic course theeeen I’m gonna have a bit of a problem but let’s not think about that now. In the evening I had the Magreb course were we started working on this TED talk that’s one of the requirements of the course. Our topic is child labour in Morocco (now that i typing it, i think I wrote about this before. whatever.) Went shopping after and made some new new thing for dinner, suggested by my sister (thanks!). Couscous-tuna-olives-dried(?)tomatoes-and olive oil. It turned out okay.
Tomorrow I’m going bouldering for the first time with the group from the magreb course, I’m pretty curious how it will turn out, I still have some problems with my wrist, I actually wanna go and see a doctor next week cause this is getting way too annoying..
That’s all folks!
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