#i already reread the manhua in one night but should i start rereading the novel...
gureshinlover · 6 months
I blame (myself) for bringing back my obsession with wangxian. Why did i do this. Now i cant study and rewatch cql instead.
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jin-zixun · 5 months
MDZS Reread - Chapter 4 (Part Two) - The Elegant Flirt (Refinement 11-18)
Manhua Chapters 30- Well 35 in this post.
Ch 4.1 ; Ch 3.2 ; Ch 3.1 ; Ch 2 ; Ch 1
"When Wei Wuxian reflected on it later, the start of his poor relationship with Lan Wangji could probably be traced back to the year when he was fifteen."
Poor relationship, yeah sure. Last we saw these two like zero lines ago they were snuggling in bed together. Come on Wei Wuxian get it together man.
"There was a highly respected and reputable elder named Lan Qiren in the Lan Clan of Gusu. ... Over the years, he had raised countless exceptional Lan disciples. Anyone educated under him for a couple of years, no matter how terrible they were going in, would appear decent coming out—or, at the very least, their poise and etiquette would see considerable improvement. Many parents wept streaming tears of excitement when they picked up their sons upon completion of their tenure."
Okay I did not remember Lan Qiren specifically being so sought after but like good for him? Maybe my feelings are colored from watching CQL but like Lan Qiren's classes in CQL at least... Kind of suck? But you know what, if the novel says he's the best damn teacher there is and everyone wants their kids in his class then like, sure. Send your kids to Lan camp.
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What is with threatening to break legs? Is this a thing? I've gotta assume it's just a thing.
"Nie Huaisang continued, “And that Lan Zhan, he’s…sheesh. He’s the same age as us, but he’s not as lively as a boy should be. Stiff and strict. He’s the same as his shufu, or worse.” “Oh,” Wei Wuxian said. “Is he a pretty good-looking fellow?”
Presented without comment. I have no words. Okay okay, this is clearly Wei Wuxian's "hey this is the guy from last night" conversation but still "oh the hot guy?"
And Jiang Cheng's response like "Uh, they're Lans, they're ALL hot." Like thank you Jiang Cheng. What a great point.
Wei Wuxian: "no no but he wears all white and has a forehead ribbon and also a silver sword" Buddy in what way are you narrowing it down that's literally all Lans. All Lans wear white and have forehead ribbons and have silver swords, probably. Silver is the standard color for swords, I think?
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Yeah, Original/Novel Wei Wuxian absolutely was a little shit here.
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Nie Huaisang and co being fully engrossed in this story, but unwilling to do the troublemaking themselves I guess. Tiny Jiang Cheng's expression here though... He's so unimpressed. He's just like "*sigh* and then what happened? Did you make it worse? You made it worse didn't you? Why am I even asking that of course you made it worse."
"Wei Wuxian wasn’t scared in the least. He waved dismissively. “What’s there to be scared of? Didn’t they say Lan Zhan is a child prodigy? If he’s so precocious, then his shufu should’ve taught him everything by now, and he should be spending his days in secluded cultivation without any free time to keep eyes on me. I…”
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"Jiang Cheng tapped Wei Wuxian’s shoulder and whispered, “His eyes are on you. Best of luck.”"
Now I know (or at least Wei Wuxian does) what you might still be asking about all this...
"Lan Qiren was tall and thin, his back as straight as a brush. Although he had a long black goatee, he was most definitely not old, and in line with the Lan Clan of Gusu’s tradition of birthing beautiful men every generation, he was most definitely not ugly."
Is Lan Qiren hot? Well sure, but Wei Wuxian isn't really into dilfs. If you're into dilfs though... Well, just be careful he's very strict!
He then reads them out all 3000 rules one by one as the kids sit there in silence, gets mad about the kids not already knowing the rules, singles out Wei Wuxian (not unearned he's been a little troublemaker) and then scolds him for getting the right answers because he shouldn't be proud anyone could get right answers (but when Lan Wangji gets an answer right that's a reason to look up to him ok buddy). Then Wei Wuxian, the known troublemaker, the guy who Lan Qiren is apparently targeting as a known troublemaker and trying to humble because he's an arrogant little shit or whatever, that guy, he says some edgy shit and Lan Qiren gets immediately outraged and kicks him out of class.
Lan Qiren... He isn't THAT great my dudes.
"“Wei-xiong! You’re amazing! He told you to get out and you actually left! Ha ha ha ha…” “He couldn’t wrap his head around what happened for the longest time after you left, his face was so sour!”"
Wei Wuxian is an arrogant little shit though. But like... Maybe Lan Qiren should ask... If he is the one... Who needed to be humbled... Hmm... What about that huh?
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Power move. No notes.
You know what? I'm gonna say it. Using your nephew like that in class, as an example to humble others... Hmm... Kinda shitty to Lan Wangji. That's literally an awful position to put him in oh my god. And LWJ is probably just like "this is normal" like why would you do that to him. And Lan Xichen like "uwu Wangji needs more friends" I WONDER WHY HE HAS NO FRIENDS OH MY GOD
"Nie Huaisang contemplated this. Then envy began to surface on his face. “What Wei-xiong said is actually very interesting. Obtaining spiritual qi requires cultivating and laboriously forming a golden core. Who knows how long that’ll take for someone like me? Any aptitude I have seems like it got chewed on by dogs in my mother’s womb. But resentful qi… That’s abundantly produced by all those nefarious creatures out there. If it could be put to use, how nice would that be?”"
Demonic Cultivator Nie Huaisang! Demonic Cultivator Nie Huaisang! Demo--
"Wei Wuxian laughed. “Why would I leave the grand avenue under the sun to walk the single-planked bridge in the shadows?"
Oh no an arc phrase that will reappear inverted ironically later on in the story oh nooooo what an emotional time to have emotions.
"The Righteousness Collection was the Lan family precepts. Their family precepts were so numerous that Lan Qiren had edited and assembled them into a thick collection, and the “Highest Justice” and “Standard Etiquette” chapters took up most of the work."
Stop! Stop! I already hate the Lan! I don't need any more incentive I am a Su She stan and you had me at 4000 rules. No one needs that many rules. You can cut those down. Some of those things probably just don't matter that much.
"Wei Wuxian spat out the sprig of grass in his mouth, dusted off his boots, and said, “Copy three times? I’ll ascend after the first time. I’m not a Lan, and I don’t plan on marrying into the Lans, so what do I need to copy their family precepts for? I refuse.”"
See it's funny because he does marry into the Lan and become a Lan. Bad Ending Should have realized it would be a Bad End after they killed JGY
"He was graceful and elegant, as if he himself were a tree of jade, mottled with the shadows of the leaves and the sun’s rays."
"Wei Wuxian, however, jumped down and went over to call after him, “Wangji-xiong!”"
"Wei Wuxian didn’t care. He chuckled aloud. “He can ignore me all he wants. It’s not like he’s even that pretty.” But then when he thought about it, yes, the boy was indeed that pretty. So he nonchalantly tossed that pouty feeling to the back of his mind."
Wei Wuxian falls first. He is smitten. Like, you're seeing this right?
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"“Please, I beg you, Wei-xiong. This is my third year attending school at Gusu..."
Huh really wow Lan Qiren must be such a great teacher lmao. (Sorry, I'm bagging on poor Lan Qiren now, does he deserve it? Probably not, but like... Maybe a little bit yeah.)
"This Wei Ying really was as he had expected—the largest threat to humanity!"
He's an edgy 15 year old. You know there's people actually killing each other. Dude there's at least four types of evil things you taught in class as standard stuff everyone should know about.
Is it because of the crush on Lan Zhan? It's the crush on Lan Zhan isn't it?
"Wei Wuxian blurted praise in spite of himself, “Beautiful writing! Best of the best.”"
"Seeing that he’d finally been able to tease Lan Wangji into talking, he was secretly delighted, like he’d seen the bright moon at last after waiting for the clouds to part."
Then he tricks Wangji into reading porn and I've got nothing to say to that. I'm sure that's very funny if you are an edgy 15 year old and very not if you are Lan Wangji.
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It's a very cute Lan Wangji though.
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Alright, I'll listen to him. No need to send him off.
We'll uh... Well I'll try to power through the rest next time (there's no chance it doesn't just devolve into me fawning over little baby minshan forever and delaying the end of Chapter 4 even more. No chance. It's Minshan all the way down.)
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rigelmejo · 4 years
Updated Study Plan 9/30/2020
Listening Reading Method - attempt to do it as intended, with steps 1-3. In particular, do steps 2 and 3 in varying orders to see what helps most. Track how many chapters I get through. Currently doing L-R Method with: Silent Reading, SVSSS, DMBJ. Alternative options I already have the resources for: Guardian, Ever Night, The King’s Avatar, possibly 2ha and other fics if I adapt the method a bit depending on listening resources available. 1st Priority - I would like to get 20+ hours of it done in the month of October, ideally more. I want to do enough to see if it’s giving me any significant progress. What has been taking the longest in this method is the initial reread in english - so carve out time, or do with at least one story I can skip step 1 (like SVSSS). The other time consuming step is making sure audio matches (so dmbj is not a priority rn, since I am having difficulty getting the audio to match - perhaps for dmbj I’ll read in english and listen to the audio in pleco just for an easier time to match up audio to text without issues). Ideally do whatever gets me to do a new chapter regularly, its not mandatory to stick to one novel. (Although hopefully this goal will go well alongside my desire to reread/finish Silent Reading, DMBJ, SVSSS, and Guardian).
Reading - continue reading difficult chapters intensively, and also making sure to add some extensive reading every once in a while where I try not to look as much up. Track how many chapters I get through (tracking is in same as L-R note file). Currently reading: Hanshe fic, 818 fic. May start reading: Hao Yun (novel and manhua), Tamen de Gushi. 2nd Priority - its definitely giving me vocabulary improvement. 
Listen to Chinese Spoonfed audio files in the background in daily life. Attempt to progress through it - listening to one new file and one review file per session. Potentially track progress through. Consider using this as passive listening - its not critical I hear every single thing. Although if I’m struggling even with ‘old review’ listens, then maybe move it to active listening only. 3rd Priority - easy to do in background, helps with listening and vocabulary, and I’ve seen people do similar things alongside L-R Method and it’s seemed to help. 
Read through Alan Hoenig’s Chinese Characters if inclined. Just read through, don’t worry about memorizing. I think this will help if hanzi are giving me trouble. Alternatively, if hanzi are giving me trouble, go back to the Mnemonics Hanzi Anki deck and continue - aiming to get to 1500 hanzi, then 2000 hanzi. 
Other immersion: continue watching Chinese shows without eng subs when desired, keep track of episodes watched. Continue listening to audiobooks as desired, no need to keep track.
Novels and Shows for immersion:
Shows: Guardian (rewatch), Bureau of Transformer, Daomubiji (probably only rewatch episodes), L.O.R.D. Critical World, Xin Xiao Shi Yi Lang, Bordertown Progidal, The King’s Avatar, Goodbye My Princess (rewatch), Ancient Detectives, The Long Night, Love and Redemption, and other things on my list.
Novels: Hao Yun, Hao Yun 2, dmbj, Mo Du, Tamen de Gushi, hanshe, 818, Zhenhun, Tian Ya Ke, FGEP. 
And, in progressing difficulty, books I want to read and should be ready to read now, a la foxghost’s recommendations (even though I still haven’t gotten to them ToT):
那些風花雪月 by Gong Zi Huan Xi (I skimmed this last night, and it does seem to be around the same difficulty as tamen de gushi, I have to look words up but a lot of words are review I should know, or common words I should learn - so I could start it any time now probably)
不正當關係 by Gong Zi Huan Xi (foxghost said this was the same difficulty as the story above, so I’m probably ready for this one too).
*SCI 谜案集 by ErHa (I’ve heard this somewhat easy to read, is a good story, and since its case-centered I think it would be a good intro to later reading books like Silent Reading by Priest)
龍圖案卷集  by ErHa
黑風城戰記  by ErHa
Then the recommendation says you should probably watch a lot of shows for some vocab (I sort of do so I’ll see how that helps me out), and you can start tackling xianxia, like Priest’s “六爻, and then 鎮魂, then 殺破狼, and pretty much any other of GZHX’s works.” I would guess this point is when Tian Ya Ke would be more my reading level, when 六爻 is, at the beginning. I would guess after 鎮魂 is when I could try to tackle Can Ci Pin. Sha Po Lang is steampunk and fantasy, so I would guess it has some of the sci fi type words - so if I’d be ready for that, I might be ready for Can Ci Pin at the same time. Since Can Ci Pin is a futuristic setting I’m sure there’d be a vocab curve anyway, but it sounds like if I get through Zhen Hun that’s about as prepared as I’ll be.
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