#i already know toq is perfect though
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mmikmmik · 9 months ago
Starting ToQger and OOO is really satisfying because they both have such smart, well-executed worldbuilding. When you watch a lot of iterations of formulaic shows/franchises, you start to notice the craft, in a good way.
The whole thing in OOO where the main Rider can transform/get additional transformation modes by using Core Medals, which are literally part of the Greeed and can be stolen from them when they're injured, creates stakes within all the battles between the Greeed and OOO, and it immediately gives the other Greeed an intense personal beef with Ankh and OOO for fucking with their stuff. The audience doesn't fully understand the Core Medals yet, but we can see from Ankh's diminished state that they must be important. (I think this does have some danger of falling into the issue I had with Ex-Aid, where the plot stakes revolved around transformation items, so they kept taking fun toys away from the heroes with very little actual impact on things like character development or personal goals, but so far that's not happening.) In general, the show about desire is doing a great job giving the characters things they want and are believably motivated to fight for. Themes!
Meanwhile in ToQ they established that at this point, the regular MOTW Shadows can use their gimmicks to be threatening, but go down pretty easily once the ToQgers work out ways around those. But the Shadow Line leaders like General Schwarz are almost impossible to injure in direct combat, much less defeat. But the Rainbow Line trains are much more powerful than the Shadow Line trains! So it all comes together - the ToQgers aren't in constant danger and can relax in their daily lives because they're safe on a Rainbow Line train. General Schwarz focuses on military power, natch, so he's being smart and tactical by trying to soup up the Shadow Line trains (and also he fucking loves trains). The ToQgers must leave the safety of their trains to restore Dark Stations to normalcy, but the Shadow Line doesn't have Shadow Cell Phones to use to call backup (get on that, guys) so there's not a huge chance they'll encounter a Shadow Line leader there. The Dark Stations can't hold off the ToQgers, but the ToQgers don't automatically know where they are, so the other Shadow Line leaders can spam Dark Stations and collect darkness until the ToQgers trip over them and they aren't just completely wasting their time. Within the fun little Bright Colorful Imagination Trains vs Dark Spooky Steampunk Trains setting, everyone has sensible goals that they're pursuing rationally.
No one is doing things Just Because. No one is bizarrely ignoring a huge massive problem for themselves that recurs in every episode. There's not really any "well, it's not clear why they're doing this, but there's no plot holes or anything and I can think of a few potential explanations so I won't worry about it". We love to see it.
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tulunnguaq · 7 years ago
Greenlandic Text Lesson 7: A letter
A nice easy lesson this time, as the text piece is not from a “real-life” Greenlandic source but is a mid-level extract from a Greenlandic text reader, Kalaallisut Sungiusaatit / Læsestykker i Grønlandsk ([Reading] Exercises in Greenlandic).
It’s a bit long but bear with me, there’s some interesting points in here!
Sadly no longer in print otherwise I would have provided a purchase link! A lucky visit to a Scandinavian antikvariat might turn up a copy though, and I would recommend it because it’s actually a really good book, with 55 chapters of graded complexity, with some vocabulary notes for each chapter for trickier words and phrases.  A revised version including just the first 28 chapters was also apparently published but that doesn’t seem to be available online either.
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A bonus with this book is that it also came with audio tapes! Click here to hear this lesson read out by a native speaker, in a very clear and unrushed manner (much slower than normal reading speed).
Text: Jensenip Ole Larsen allaffigaa
Ole Larsen Uummannami ilinniartitsisuuvoq. Jensenip Ole Larsen Hvidovremit ilisarisimavaa, ima allaffigaa:
Asasara Ole,
Ooqattaassavara kalaallisut allallunga. Maanna qaammatit arfinillit Maniitsumi najugaqareerpugut. Maniitsoq assut nuannerpoq. Inuit qassiit ilisarisimalerpavut, aamma Lenep Ebbellu Maniitsoq nuannaraat. Qassiinik ikinnguteqalerput.
Maani atuartut 800-upput ilinniartitsisullu 60-iullutik. Lene 4a-miippoq Ebbelu 5b-miilluni. Ilinniartitsisut ilaata Pele Barselajsenip kalaallisut atuartittarpaanga. Pele Nuummi ilinniarfissuarmi ilinniarsimavoq. Kalaallisut qallunaatullu pikkorippoq.
Aallaaseqarpunga kusanartumik. Pisiniarfimmi pisiaraara 200 kronenik akilerlugu. Ilaanni aqisserniartarpunga. Issaq Ebbelu aqisserniaratta Ebbe ataatsimik aqisserpoq uangalu pingasunik.
Else napparsimmavimmi sulisarpoq. Taamaattumik kiffaqarpugut. Kiffarput Arnaalummik ateqarpoq. Ippassaq puisip neqaanik pisimmat unnukkut neqitorpugut. Puisip neqaa mamaraarput.
Maniitsumi ilinniartitsisut qassiit pujortuleeraqarput. Sila ajunngikkaangat ualikkut aalisariartarput. Ebbe ilaanni oqartarpoq: “Ataata, sooq uagut pujortuleeraqanngilagut?” – Immaqa illit pujortuleeraqarputit?
Tassa kalaallisut allakkakka. Paasivigit? Tullianik qallunaatut allakkumaarpunga.
Nuliallu inuulluaritsi. Aamma Elsep inuulluaqquaasi.
Uummannami – in Uummannaq. Ummannaq itself is derived from uummat heart + -naq something resembling and means “like a heart”, presumably referring to the shape of the large hill dominating above this island town in the northern part of west Greenland.
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ilinniartitsisuuvoq – he is a teacher. From ilinniartitsisoq teacher, itself derived from ilinniar- learn -tit(si)- cause to –soq one who does together with -u- be + -voq indicative 3sg ending
Jensenip and Ole Larsen - note that Jensen is the subject of the transitive verb ilisarisimavaa and takes the relative case marker –ip while Ole Larsen is the object remains unmarked in the absolutive case; whereas with intransitive verbs the subject remains in the absolutive case. This is a feature of Greenlandic being an ergative language (like Basque).
Hvidovremit from Hvidovre. A town in Denmark, a suburb of Copenhagen, with –mit ablative case marker (sg)
ilisarisimavaa he knows him, has him as an acquaintance. From ilisarisima- to know (a person) + -vaa he…it, indicative 3sg subject, 3sg object. Related to ilisaraa he/she recognises him/her with perfective aspect marker -sima-
ima so, thus, in this way
allaffigaa he writes to him. From alla*- write -ffigi- have something/someone as one’s place of doing [verb] (from -(f)fik place of doing [verb] and -gi- have something as one’s [noun]). -gaa is the standard short form of –givaa. So literally “he has him as his place (or destination) of writing.”
asasara (my) dear. From asa- love + -saq passive nominal ending (one who is [verbed]) + -ra my (sg, absolutive form). Lit “one who is loved by me”
ooqattaassavara I will try it. From ooqattaar- try + -ssa- future tense marker + -vara I..it, indicative 1sg subject, 3sg object. The object here is the “writing”, discussed below.
kalaallisut in Greenlandic. Derivation described in earlier lessons. 
allallunga while I write. Using the 1sg intransitive contemporative mood -(l)lunga to express simultaneity with the main verb in the sentence, but with the meaning of “I will try to write…”. Think of allallunga “my writing” as the implied object of ooqattaassavara.
maanna now
qaammatit months. Plural of qaammat month, moon
arfinillit six. See here for more about Greenlandic counting.
najugaqareerpugut we have (already) been living. From najugaq living place -qar- to have (hence najugaqar- to live [somewhere])) + -reer- already + pugut 1pl indicative, instranstive
assut very, much
nuannerpoq is fun, enjoyable
inuit people, plural of inuk person.
qassiit many. Note also qassit with one ‘i’– how many?
ilisarisimalerpavut we have got to know. With ilisarisima- to know + -ler- begin to + -pavut/-vavut we…them, 1pl subject, 3pl object.
aamma and, also
Lenep Jensen’s daughter, Lene with relative case –p as she is the subject of a transitive verb.
Ebbellu and Ebbe [Jensen’s son]. Note that Ebbe is also in the relative case (Ebbep), but in this case the –p has been assimilated with –lu and
nuannaraat they like it. From nuannari- like it + -vaat 3pl subject, 3sg object. The object of the sentence is unmarked Maniitsoq in absolutive case.
qassiinik From qassiit many referred to above + -nik instrumental case (pl). The instrumental case often acts as a descriptor for an infixed noun, and can also be thought of as meaning “more specifically…”, but corresponding to an adjective in English.
ikinnguteqalerput they have made friends. From ikinngut friend –qar- have –ler- begin to –put 3pl indicative
maani here
atuartut (the) students
800-upput they are 800. Note that the number is pronounced in Danish i.e. otte hundrede. Followed by -u- be and –pput 3pl indicative
ilinniartitsisullu and the teachers. From ilinniartitsisoq teacher + -t plural + -lu and
60-iullutik [and them] being 60. Again the number is pronounced in Danish i.e. tres*. Note the glide vowel -i- after the consonant ending in tres, which is not required after hundrede (pronounced (h)unnoruju in Greenlandic). (NB * tres is short for tressindstyve – three times of twenty)
4a-miippoq is in [class] 4a. From -mi in + -i*- be + -poq 3sg, ind. Although -u- also means be, -i- is an alternative form which is found in a few situations, such as being in a location.
5b-miilluni. [and him] being in [class 5b]. As above, but with 4sg (reflexive) contemporative form -(l)luni. If you listen to the audio you’ll hear that the class numbers are spoken in Danish (fire-aamiippoq and femte-biimiilluni, interestingly with one as an ordinal and one as a cardinal!). This seems odd as there do exist Greenlandic words for the lower numbers below 13, but I guess this is probably an influence of Danish on the broader education system.
ilaata one of them (relative case). Ilinniartitsitut is also relative case (although plural form of relative case is the same as the absolutive plural), which governs ila “one of”, a member. Hence the phrase ilinniartitsisut ilaat means one of the teachers (absolutive form) [lit. of-the-teachers their-“one-of-their-members”]. And here appearing as ilaata which is itself in relative case form because it is the subject of the transitive verb below.
atuartittarpaanga he is teaching me. From atuar- to read, study + tit cause to + tar habitual action + paanga he…me 3sg subject, 1sg object.
Nuummi in Nuuk. See here for a description of some Greenlandic place names.
ilinniarfissuarmi in the university. From ilinniar- learn -fik- place where ®suaq big –mi in
ilinniarsimavoq he studied. From elements already described above.
qallunaatullu and Danish. Qallunaatut Danish + lu and. See here for a discussion of the derivation of this word.
pikkorippoq is fluent, is capable
aallaaseqarpunga I have a gun. Obviously we are all for arming teachers with guns nowadays J, I guess Greenland was way ahead of the curve here with this text being published in [ ]. From aallaasit gun, rifle qar have punga 1sg indicative.
kusanartumik lovely, beautiful. From kusanar  be beautiful + toq one which + mik instrumental case. As mentioned above, the instrumental case is used to provide further description, in an adjectival manner, to an infixed noun. Giving the meaning “I have a lovely gun”.
pisiniarfimmi in the shop. Lit. “in the place where one intends to buy things”. pi thing/dummy object si buy niar intend to fik place where mi in
pisiaraara I bought it. From pisiari- to buy which derives from pisiaq “bought thing” (pisi above + (g)aq passive participle) + ri to have as one’s [noun] + vaara I…it 1sg subject, 3sg object. Lit “I have it as my bought thing”
200 kronenik for 200 kroner. Note again the Danish number to hundrede. Here –nik (instrumental plural) provides further description of the act of payment in the following verb.
akilerlugu [me] paying for it. From akiler- pay for and -lugu 3sg object, contemporative form. Note the contemporative form can only show the subject (in intransitive forms) or the object (in transitive forms) but not both subject and object, unlike other moods like the indicative which is mostly used in this text.
aqisserniartarpunga I go hunting for ptarmigan. From aqisseq ptarmigan niar hunt for tar habitual action punga 1sg indicative
Parenthesis: what is a ptarmigan?
Extract from: http://atasteofgreenland.com/material/ptarmigan/
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“The ptarmigan is Greenland’s only gallinaceous* bird, the size of a small hen. It breeds all over Greenland and can be found in practically any terrain - although most commonly in the tundra, hiding between rocks or bushes. [* gallinaceous: like a fowl or chicken]
The ptarmigan lives year round in Greenland. Populations vary from year to year, but approximately every 10 years there is a “ptarmigan-year” where the bird is found in particularly large numbers. All the same ptarmigans are in general estimated to be in large numbers in Greenland.
The bird can be difficult to spot due to its well-camouflaged plumage: Ptarmigans change their plumage according to season and are thus brownish with dark stripes in summer, but completely white in winter. These changes in appearance are so they can hide when they eat. In summer, they blend into the tundra plants and look like shadows; in winter, they look like the snowy ground they walk on. It is furthermore worth noting that the feathers on the legs continue all the way out between the toes.
Once spotted it is however possible to get very close and it is not uncommon to see a ptarmigan stay put even if you shoot one right next to it! Previously ptarmigans were caught with snares; Children would simply creep up on the ptarmigans from behind and swing the noose around the neck of these winged delights.
Ptarmigans are a sought after delicacy that can be cooked in many ways - One example could be honey marinated ptarmigan-breast with confit of ptarmigan thigh. Furthermore the gizzard can be inflated like a balloon and hung to dry. Once dry the contents of the gizzard are the perfect essence for schnapps! Ptarmigan-schnapps will never taste the same since it inherently depends on what the ptarmigan has eaten. In the old days the dried gizzards were used as baby-rattles since the seeds, shells, pebbles and twigs rattled marvellously in the dried bags.”
Picture: NordForsk
issaq recently, the other day
Ebbelu aqisserniaratta When Ebbe and I went hunting for ptarmigan. Same verb as above but this time in the causative (“when(past)/because”) mood, with ending -ratta 1pl. Note that the combination of first person plural verb and Ebbelu (and Ebbe) gives the sense of “[I] and Ebbe, we went hunting…”
ataatsimik one (instrumental case)
aqisserpoq he caught/killed ptarmigan. Compare the verb nannuppoq to kill a bear discussed here. 
uangalu and I
pingasunik three (instrumental case)
Else Jensen’s wife
napparsimmavimmi in the hospital. From napparsima- to be sick + fik/vik place where + mi in. Note that the -(f)fik place where ending appears here as vik, but in so doing causes gemination of the previous consonant.
sulisarpoq she works. From suli- to work + tar habitual action
taamaattumik therefore. Lit “with it being so”
kiffaqarpugut we have a kiffaq or house-keeper/house-help.
kiffarput our housekeeper. With -rput our (sg object, absolutive case)
Arnaalummik Arnaaluk (instrumental case)
ateqarpoq she has a name. From ateq name. [name]+-mik + ateqarpunga = I am called [name]
ippassaq yesterday
puisip seal (relative case) from puisi (absolutive form).
neqaanik its meat (instrumental case). From  neqi meat + a + nik. Note the change from ia>aa discussed in previous lessons and here.
pisimmat because she bought. –mmat being causative, 3sg intransitive
unnukkut yesterday evening
neqitorpugut we ate (meat). Based on elements discussed above plus -tor- eat
mamaraarput we found it delicious. From mamaq it is delicious + ri consider something to be + we…it 1pl subject, 3sg object, indicative.
pujortuleeraqarput they have motorboats. From pujortuleeraq motorboat. Note related pujortarpoq meaning he smokes (cigarettes/pipe) and –araq diminutive ending
sila the weather
ajunngikkaangat whenever it is good. From ajor- bad + nngi negative + kkaangat 3sg intransitive form of “repeated action/whenever” mood, which is essentially a derived form of the causative mood with the infix -gaang-/-raang-/-kkaang- in place of the usual -ga-/-mm- marker for this mood.
ualikkut  in the afternoons. From ualeq afternoon + prosecutive case -kkut
aalisariartarput they go fishing. From aalisar- to fish (cf aalisagaq a fish lit. “a thing which is fished”)   riar to go and do something tar habitual action -(p)put 3pl indicative
ilaanni sometimes, now and again. Related to ila- discussed above with -at their + ni in, at
oqartarpoq says. From oqar- say with tar habitual action
ataata father
sooq why
uagut we
pujortuleeraqanngilagut we do not have a boat. Note that after the negative marker nngi the indicative verb ending is based on -la- not –vu-/-vo-
immaqa perhaps
illit you
pujortuleeraqarputit you have a boat. With –putit 2sg ending, indicative. If this had been a direct question (i.e. do you have boat? rather than perhaps you have a boat?), it would have taken the ending –pit which is the 2sg interrogative ending.
tassa this is
allakkakka  my letter. From allakkat a letter, which is plural in form
paasivigit do you understand them?. But here to be translated as do you understand it? because the “letter” is singular in English.
tullianik the next one. From tulleq next one + a its + nik instrumental case. The “its” is referring to the “occasion”, i.e. on its next occasion (of writing a letter)
allakkumaarpunga I will write. From alla*- write -kkumaar- will (definitely) (describes a belief that something will likely happen) + punga 1sg
nuliallu and your wife. From nulia wife, woman + t your (sg object) + lu and
inuulluaritsi (I wish that you both) live well! Best regards! Typical parting greeting, comprised of inuu- live (which is perhaps from inuk person + u be) + lluar well + ritsi 2pl imperative form. Similarly to Ebbelu above, the addition of nuliallu here effectively goes alongside an unspoken illit you to collectively make up the second person plural, i.e. “[I hope that] [you] and your wife both live well!”
inuulluaqquaasi she also passes on her regards. With interesting and sometimes tricky infix -qqu- to ask someone to do something, and ending –vaasi she…you(pl) (3sg subject, 2pl object, indicative). The -v- falls away between -u- and -a-  in Greenlandic orthography.
asasit yours. From asa- to love + si someone who does [verb] to [subject/owner] + t your (sg object). So literally “your person who loves [you]”
Ole Larsen Uummannami ilinniartitsisuuvoq. Jensenip Ole Larsen Hvidovremit ilisarisimavaa, ima allaffigaa:
Ole Larsen is a teacher in Uummannaq. Mr Jensen knows Ole Larsen from Hvidovre, and writes to him as follows:
Asasara Ole,
Dear Ole
Ooqattaassavara kalaallisut allallunga.
I shall try to write in Greenlandic.
Maanna qaammatit arfinillit Maniitsumi najugaqareerpugut.
We have been living in Maniitsoq for 6 months now.
Maniitsoq assut nuanneerpoq.
Maniitsoq is an enjoyable place.
Inuit qassiit ilisarisimalerpavut, aamma Lenep Ebbellu Maniitsoq nuannaraat. Qassiinik ikinnguteqalerput.
We have got to know many people, and Lene and Ebbe really like Maniitsoq. They have made a lot of friends.
Maani atuartut 800-upput ilinniartitsisullu 60-iullutik.
There are 800 students here, and 60 teachers.
Lene 4a-miippoq Ebbelu 5b-miilluni.
Lene is in Class 4a and Ebbe is in Class 5b.
Ilinniartitsisut ilaata Pele Barselajsenip kalaallisut atuartittarpaanga.
One of the teachers, Pele Barselajsen, is teaching me Greenlandic.
Pele Nuummi ilinniarfissuarmi ilinniarsimavoq. Kalaallisut qallunaatullu pikkorippoq.
Pele studied at the university in Nuuk. He is fluent in both Greenlandic and Danish.
Aallaaseqarpunga kusanartumik. Pisiniarfimmi pisiaraara 200 kronenik akilerlugu.
I have a lovely gun. I bought it in the shop for 200 kroner.
Ilaanni aqisserniartarpunga. Issaq Ebbelu aqisserniaratta.
Sometimes I go out hunting ptarmigan. Recently Ebbe and I went out hunting for them.
Ebbe ataatsimik aqisserpoq uangalu pingasunik.
Ebbe caught one and I caught three.
Else napparsimmavimmi sulisarpoq. Taamaattumik kiffaqarpugut. Kiffarput Arnaalummik ateqarpoq.
Else is working in the hospital, so we have a housekeeper. Our housekeeper is called Arnaaluk.
Ippassaq puisip neqaanik pisimmat unnukkut neqitorpugut. Puisip neqaa mamaraarput.
Yesterday evening she bought some seal meat so we had seal for dinner. We think seal meat is delicious.
Maniitsumi ilinniartitsisut qassiit pujortuleeraqarput. Sila ajunngikkaangat ualikkut aalisariartarput.
Many of the teachers in Maniitsoq have motorboats. Whenever the weather is good they go out fishing in the afternoons.
Ebbe ilaanni oqartarpoq: “Ataata, sooq uagut pujortuleeraqanngilagut?” – Immaqa illit pujortuleeraqarputit?
Ebbe sometimes says to me: “Dad, why don’t we have a motorboat?”. Maybe you have a motorboat?
Tassa kalaallisut allakkakka. Paasivigit? Tullianik qallunaatut allakkumaarpunga.
So this is my Greenlandic letter. Did you understand it? Next time I will write in Danish.
Nuliallu inuulluaritsi. Aamma Elsep inuulluaqquaasi.
My best regards to you and your wife. Else also sends her regards to you both.
Well I know this was a long one, but hopefully an interesting one. If you made it all the way down, let me know and I’ll give you a shout out next time!
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dollofdeath · 7 years ago
long time no text post, but oh my goodness i just wanted to gather my thoughts on lupinranger vs patranger because it’s reignited my love for super sentai www
if you guys follow me on twitter, then you’ll probably have seen most of this lol but i wanted to put everything into a semi-coherent post so without further ado i’ll be throwing my ramblings under the read more haha
i guess i’ll just preface this with saying that this is gonna be a mix of analyzing, headcanons, speculation, and me going “AAAAAAAAA” and will be pretty long ehe
haha anyways, i was verrryyy cautiously optimistic about this show -- still am, since it’s still in the first cour, but i’ve been very pleased with what we’ve been getting so far -- but i??? just don’t even know where to begin
the very concept of two opposing sentai teams is such a novel idea in the first place and so far the dynamic has been really fun to watch! i love both teams, though i have to admit i am just a biiit more into the pats haha
oh jeez, first off all, i love how well the teams parallel each other?? i’m sure kairi // keiichiro, touma // sakuya, and umika // tsukasa are noticeable so i won’t really get into it, but there’s also another way the teams act as parallels
okay so when the teams line up, the pats are tsukasa, keiichiro, and sakya; when the lupins line up, they’re touma, kairi, and umika. in this way, you can see another set of foils!!
kairi // keiichiro stay the same since they’re in the middle, but now we also have touma // tsukasa and sakuya // umika. touma and tsukasa are both the eldest of their teams and the most mature; touma is also described as “cold” and tsukasa is a “cool beauty” haha. sakuya and umika are both the youngest of their teams and also the most naive and least experienced
(also fun fact the pats are lined up shortest to tallest; the lupins tallest to shortest -- they literally mirror each other!)
and can i talk about how the team dynamics are kinda parallel each other?? because wow!! keiichiro and tsukasa know each other pretty well -- i’m not sure how close they would consider themselves, but they have a history since they spent time together in the police academy. personally, i see them as having a sort of supportive sibling kind of relationship and ground each other. then we have sakuya, who we can consider the outsider of the dynamic since he’s the youngest and least experienced
meanwhile with the lupins, kairi and umika are closer in age than with touma, which probably makes interactions with each other easier. i sorta see them as having one of those teasing, bantering sibling-like relationships (to contrast keiichiro and tsukasa’s haha). and then there’s touma, who’s a bit of an outsider in this dynamic since he’s the eldest and doesn’t necessarily have the same mentality as them
and goodness...!! i think the possible dynamics and interactions are so interesting!!
*wheezes* i’ve been trying to refrain from jumping onto ships this early, but... i’m like completely down for kairi/keiichiro --
shipping aside, i’m sure their dynamic will be explored throughout the show since they’re both the reds. i can totally see something like keiichiro eventually becoming an older brother figure to kairi in place of shori, but eventually keiichiro learns about who kairi really is and feels Betrayed TwT or perhaps kairi befriends keiichiro in order to gain more intel but eventually starts caring about him and is faced with a Moral Dilemma haha
nonetheless, i love how already we can see kairi and keiichiro slowly gaining respect for each other?? it’s more apparent with kairi -> keiichiro, since we see the moments where he stops and goes “huh... mr. hot blooded policeman isn’t so bad.” meanwhile, keiichiro is still learning to see that everything isn’t so black and white, what with how episode 6 ended, and i absolutely cannot wait for the day they team up together!!
umika/sakuya is also another dynamic i’m on the look out for! omg it’s like... on one hand, i can feel umika for being internal screams whenever sakuya tries to talk to her, but i’m also down if they do become a couple. at the very least, sakuya seems respectful of umika and i’m glad for that -- he just doesn’t know how to be subtle about his feelings LOL but considering how things are now, i can see their relationship being like umika slowly gaining respect for sakuya and maybe eventually returning his feelings
i think something that would be cute would be if sakuya also fell for lupin yellow and was sort of “stuck” between them hehe either way, i could see sakuya taking a hit for umika (either while she’s a civilian or lupin yellow) and that could lead to umika changing her perspective on him www
but in the meantime, i am forever amused at how kairi just gives umika this shit-eating grin every time sakuya comes in to the bistro; i bet he teases her about sakuya’s crush on her all the time haha
touma and tsukasa is a ship i’d totally be down for if touma wasn’t so dedicated to aya haha but!! i think, once the teams start working together, touma and tsukasa could possibly get along. i can see them being the exasperated parents, bonding over how much shit they have to deal with from their teammates haha 
though... i’m not eliminating the possibility of touma/tsukasa --
could you imagine that, once they get to know each other better, tsukasa starts reminding touma of aya?? maybe in her mannerisms and beliefs, but wow, that would be heartbreaking haha
(man, just in general, i tend to gravitate towards cross-team pairings so that probably influences how i see things lol)
man, i’d also love to see tsukasa become like an older sister to umika and kairi?? haha idk, i think it’d be cute for them to call her “tsukasa-nee” and tsukasa looking out for them ;w; and also i want touma and sakuya to have moments together, mainly because i want sakuya to act over enthusiastically around him (”touma-san!!”) and touma to be like “wtf get lost” hahaha
omgggg, i know the whole point of the show is that the teams oppose each other, but i am completely ready for the day they join together *clenches fist*
and the characters!! are just so much fun ;w; i love all of them, but right now i think my faves are tsukasa and keiichiro. tsukasa is just highkey Relatable, being the mature one with deep dark secret of liking cute things hehe but i do hope we get to see more development from her, and i love love love how intuitive she is and how she was able to get a hunch about who the lupins really are. and keiichiro, he... had me at “ONORE KAITOU” lol but episode 6 really cemented how much i love him, he’s just so passionate and dedicated to his job?? sure, he’s reckless but i respect that he’s willing to keep himself in check. and like, underneath all the hot-bloodedness, he seems like a genuinely nice guy and very loyal ;u; 
umika is also making her way up my faves, especially with episode 7?? her backstory is so sad, i wish i could hug her ;u; and to me... she seems to exhibit symptoms of PTSD, seeing how she froze up after seeing kairi get eaten by the gangler and it reminding her of shiho ;o; i’m really proud of her though, for being able to get through her hardships and come up with a plan all on her own! hhh, i’m really looking forward to seeing everyone develop really!!
and aaaaaa omg, the cast themselves is perfect?? if you follow me on twitter, you probably see me gushing about them all the time haha but they seem to get along so well and have a lot of fun with each other -- there’s that chemistry among them and it really shows on screen! ;w;
i’d also like to talk about the OST, like... i’m forever sad that there’s no ED, but the OP, derivatives of it, and the BGM is amazing. i remember listening to the previews of “chase you up” and “spin the dial” and thought that, though they sounded nice, there was something lacking. then i heard the complete OP and my jaw literally dropped at hearing the two songs combined to create the OP -- it felt complete, like both teams complete each other ashdfsd
speaking of which, i think i prefer “chase you up” to “spin the dial” but when it comes to the BGM, i prefer the lupins’ theme hehe. something i found really neat in the lupins’ theme is that there’s this section that sounds like the “HA-SHI-RE~ HA-SHI-RE~” part from the OP and... idk if it really means much, i just love it when i can hear familiar motifs haha
hhh thanks if you read all this haha sentai has always been my fave toku series but i felt like recent years have been lackluster since go-busters?? of course, i enjoyed some of the past few years, like toq and zyuoh, but i didn’t feel that same passion i did when i first got into sentai. i was worried that maybe i was “getting too old” or maybe just falling out of love, but!! i’m so happy with lupinpat so far and i’m excited to be excited about sentai again ;w;
tl;dr i love japanese children’s cops and robbers
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