#i almost went with shadowzel again but this idea popped to mind and i had to poke at it :D
blackjackkent · 4 months
1. Don't Leave. Shadowheart for that micro story meme
(Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase)
1. Don't leave
Nocturne fidgets. She always has - Shadowheart can sort of remember that, although patches of her memory are always a little hazy, a little indistinct. But today the young tiefling seems particularly agitated, as if she doesn't want to let Shadowheart out of her sight.
"You need to hold still," Shadowheart finally says with the flicker of amusement, rapping her knuckles gently against Nocturne's arm. "I can't finish this braid if you keep turning around."
Nocturne sighs and goes still with an evident effort of will, staring intently at one of the night orchids growing in their hiding place within the cloister. "Sorry," she mutters.
Shadowheart's fingers resume their rapid, deft motions through the younger woman's hair, plaiting it into the style Nocturne prefers. "What's got you so worried?" she asks after a slight pause. "You're practically vibrating."
Nocturne's shoulders hunch up a little and she shakes her head. "Nothing. I shouldn't--"
"Oh, please." Shadowheart rolls her eyes. "I can tell when it's not nothing." Her eyes narrow. "Has Buddug been bothering you again?"
"No. You scared her properly," Nocturne says with a slight smile. "And besides... she'll be gone with you tomorrow, anyway..." The smile fades and she looks back at the gently swaying flowers.
"What, then?"
Nocturne swallows. "There's whispers, about your mission. That she's making you forget almost everything this time. That it's dangerous, whatever you need to do. That you could die." She smiles weakly. "I wouldn't mind if it was just Buddug, but you..." Her eyes squeeze tightly shut, ashamed of the plaintiveness of her own voice. "Don't leave. Don't go."
Shadowheart doesn't meet her eyes, focusing instead intently on finishing the end of the braid into a complex knot. "You know I can't disobey the Mother Superior, any more than you can," she says, keeping her voice deliberately steady. "This is Lady Shar's will. I welcome whatever sacrifice I must make in her name."
She's afraid. Of course she's afraid. But she can't admit it, not even here, not even to Nocturne. The Lady of Loss must see her strong in the face of fear and oblivion, if she is ever to be truly honored.
Nocturne settles a little at that, and nods firmly. "Yes-- yes, of course you do. Of course you should. You've always been so strong. I just..." She sighs. "I'll miss you."
Shadowheart smiles slightly. "I'll miss you too - even if I don't know it. And you'll be strong enough until I come back, too. Promise."
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