#i almost cried making this the art wasnt arting for a hot minute
shroombell · 7 months
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ive fallen victim to the tf>ultrakill pipeline help me v2 grabbed me by the neck and tossed me into ultrakill hell im so obsessed with her
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version without the streaks^
she stole the dress from mirage's closet btw
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baahsu · 1 year
ahem. apologies for yelling!!! but 2. op please do NOT delete ur twitter post (unless You want to, ofc) of my writing!! it made me so very happy to see that you liked my stuff sm that you went thru the effort of putting it on another site- like that is SO heartwarming and kind tf?? 🥺💗❤💙🖤💚
BUT happy yelling aside, im here to do my job and provide more content for ye. of many flavors, actually!! but ill start w this one and then probably continue my insane vscest ramblings in other asks lmao. if you don't vibe with this Mashup of characters then feel free to ignore this :]] <3<3
so. tumblr user baashu. i saw that you were in a ronami mood on Bird App. so. hear me out, maybe. robin, nami, and reiju all have a sleepover (emphasis on the Sleep part, but no one other than those 3 has to know that ;]) on the sunny!! reijus visiting, as she does
and sanji, hearing about this so-called sleepover through the grapevine, decides he's going to be a good nakama and little brother and surprise them with their favorite snacks and drinks!! sleepovers are always better with good provisions, especially for ones that go all night long
however. sanji was not expecting to open that door (yes it was unlocked for plot purposes and he didnt knock because he had like 7 different plates in his hands let me HAVE this) and see his 3 favorite girls going down on one another.
that boys cigarette fell STRAIGHT out his mouth- a tiny noise escaping him as all 3 girls heads snapped to look at him. he was ready to bolt SO fast, throwing the food he made as gently as he could onto a nearby counter and saying sorry about 40 times per second. he wasnt even halfway out the door before an array of arms sprouting from the floor dragged his ass towards the bed
you KNOW those girls are (lovingly, teasingly) bullying him the whole time, calling him sweetly degredating names. yet they refused to do more than that- not allowing him to touch/participate and yet refusing to let him leave the room
nami calling him a pervert, talking about how for every minute he's in there he gets 5% more debt added to what he already owes her (reijus head was between her thighs as she said all this, btw). robins flirtatiously scolding him about bad manners, leaning over to run her fingers across his cheek and neck as namis head layed on her naked lap. and reijus mouth was too busy to comment, but every once in a while she let out a giggle of agreement when one of her other two partners said something that really made blood drip out of sanjis nose
and once pretty boy was all hot and heavy, the only reason he was locked in place being the disconnected arms restricting his movements? they all take their sweet, sweet time in pleasing him.
AND HES NOT FUCKING COMPLAINING LMAO. this idiot got not one, not two, but THREE hot women to dom him, somehow, by just showing up at the right time. he's taking everything they put him through in stride, whether that be sudden overstimulation or tortuously slow edging, he's loving All Of It
they go the rest of the night until the sun is halfway up, the only reason they let him go being because if they didnt, luffy would come barging in, asking when and why breakfast hadnt been made
and so sanji walks out with an exhausted sense of satisfaction, rumpled close, weak knees, and a dopey smile on his face as he thinks about what to make that day to thank his lovely ladies for this equally as lovely gift
...or i should say he *limps* out, actually. what. you think all of of those girls didn't peg that man until he was screaming???
HAHAH OKOK IM DONE IM DONE I HOPE THIS WAS ALRIGHT AND NOT OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE??? you says you ship allsan so. i hold this rarepair of mine up for you to look at with big eyes and shakey hands lmao
ANYWAYS i need to go write like. actual vscest now that i can post on ao3 someday. uh. see you oshdafafafafwy??? <3<3
THEY'RE LIKE THE OFFICIAL BULLYING SANJI SQUAD FOR ME! And sure reiju might go soft on him because reasons, but she has no problem teasing him and calling him sweet names. She can just let the harder stuff for robin and nami while she busies herself with their bodies instead
And imagining all of robin's arms and hands sprouting everywhere and completely pinning sanji down?? It's so good and so hot, so effortless for her and so effective. Not that sanji really needs to restrained, only look from nami and he'd be motionless, but it's just the fact that robin wants to do it and she knows sanji will melt and let them do whatever they want with him afterwards
I can totally picture nami playing hot and cold with him, one second praising him for being a good boy, on the other calling him a pervert, then saying he's so good to them, so attentive, then saying he's crossed a line and he should've knocked, such a bad, naughty boy that he is
Sanji's lucky he didn't need a blood transfusion after all that. But I mean, reiju was right there, he would've been fine and it would've been worth it
Also I just have to mention how sweet it was of sanji to think about getting them snacks 😭 I think he deserves all the praises just for that
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Things that are hot and sexy (because i do them)
• being unable to cite sources no matter how long you spend on it or how long you try
• getting a boost of motivation to work but on the wrong thing
• actually don't mind doing school work and have a thirst for knowledge but hate failure and not having time to finish assignments
• "wow i can't believe i finished all my assignments for the week! So fast. I have time to study and actually perfect my work and get better grades" *gets more assignments* *cries*
• i can't meet my own high standards
• being so stressed because of mom that i have horrible mood swings and im in a constant state of rage and anxiety
• being relieved when my friends invite me to do things because then i see it as an obligation and im "forced" to go (even though they'd understand if i said no, i see it as an obligation for my own mental wellbeing)
• wanting desperately to help others but struggling to even take care of yourself
• i can do the work, i can handle the workload. But i can't handle the pressure of my mom checking my grades
• i know that I'm smart and i know that I can do it. Ive been working so hard and my work is paying off but i need my mom to trust me
• overeating due to stress and went on an etsy shopping spree. Had to force myself to stop "stress buying" stuff and "stress eating"
• my dumb little passion project went on hiatus because im busy. Which is fine but a bit dissapointing
• i love it here. I don't want to leave. I love the art program. The work is a lot but i love my classes and my friends and my life here. What if one day something horrible happens and i have to leave because its too expensive?
• everything in my life is going good but my mom stresses me out so much that it's no longer going good
• I'm sorry for being incompetent... Even on my medicine. I am much better off than before and i can actually think but. I can't focus and i often miss intructions on assignments unless i write down absolutely everything. Why am i like this?
• my high empathy problems are coming up again because im so emotional.
• i am fine on 6 hours of sleep a night now but i wonder how long that will last. I don't have enough time to sleep for 8 hours every night. And maybe its because i take too many breaks but if i dont take breaks, i can't focus and everything just because thoughts that don't make sense
• im so stressed. Please just let me get my work done. All i ask is to be able to just sit down, relax, get my work done. I want to do so well on the exam later this week that I bump my B to an A or just even a high B.
• at least i enjoy school. High school and before was... Much worse. I don't enjoy spending hours trying to find out how to cite very specific topics and i dislike that one of my professors is a big perfectionist and so i often lose points on assignments (everyone does) no matter how hard i try to make it perfect. And i dislike having to check canvas so often because its difficult to navigate and i swear they try to hide assignments from us. And i hate that i have so much work that some weeks i wonder if i can possibly get it all done. And i hate group projects and i hate writing boring essays. But i love my classes at least. And i want to do well. I will do well. I am going to make all A's if it kills me. I was a B/C student in high school with occasional A's. If i just studied more (i never studied), i could have been one of the best students there, i believe. I didn't study, but I'm glad I didn't because it didn't matter as long as I got ok grades and I passed. I enjoyed my youth (not that im not still young...not that those years weren't the worst). But now i have to make A's or at least high B's because I know i can and I have to prove to my mom that I can do it. Maybe if i get good enough grades, she will back off some. Then I can prove to her that i really don't need her "help".
• this is way too specific of a list
• i want a job. If only i had time for a job. I have a strong work ethic. Im a good little capitalist slave. Please give me mone- i mean. Work. Yeah... Work...
But I dont have time for a job. Im very thankful that i dont need one. But I need to grow up and get a job because it will help me in the future
• speaking of which....a job i applied for months ago just called today... A lite late, buddy. Im 2 hours away now.
• but god... I so want to work there. I hear its a great place to work and the owner is gay (aka, not going to be homophobic to me)
• i wish i had my suitemate/neighbor's life. Like loudly talking on the phone and slamming doors as loud as possible all day long? And she's an RA so she gets paid.
• im calling my mom soon and getting this shit over with. Also i have somewhere to go with friends tonight so we can kidna- i mean recruit ppl for the theatre club. Im no theatre person but i am there for my friend and to make props.
• i can't do it.
• but if i do this, ill be free....
• maybe a quick meditation beforehand. Maybe self hypnosis so i can emotionally numb myself for a few minutes... Idk if im experienced enough to do that yet... But I've been doing it for years so might as well give it a try
• have i really resorted to self hypnosis to deal with the stress of calling my own mother?
• am i really so weak that even though everything is going well, something as simple as my mom calling to check my grades once a week makes me so upset that I cry almost every day about it?
• i know what she is doing is not legal. But what can I do about it?
• my mom thinks that im incompetent as well. That's why she checks my grades. She thinks I can't do it. She didn't even think that I had the ability to live by myself. I proved her wrong there.
• im working so hard partly because of her. So why does me working hard and thus not having time to call make her upset?
• it will all be over by tomorrow.
• perhaps calling her on the phone in a public space would be better. Maybe if she realizes that im not just in my dorm....
Luckily, my mom cares a little too much about social norms. She's used against me this all my life but perhaps it could be beneficial to me.
•thats right. I can just pack my stuff i need for my work. Then ill meditate for a bit and take a tea break. Ill go take everything to a public place with lots of people and call her then.
• i don't want to bring my friends into this, it wouldn't be right. But i wish that they would just sit next to me while I was on the phone. For emotional support at least. But i wouldn't ask them to do that, especially since we haven't known each other long. But i think it would make everything better if i had someone else to back me up
• people must be sick and tired of these posts. Im sorry.
• my mom says she's proud of me, but she doesnt act like it. She used to trust me. When i was 16/17, she would say that its up to me, my responsibility, that I knew what I was doing. Now, im 18. Why does she no longer trust me? I am an adult now. It doesn't make sense. I'm more responsible than I was at that age and im an adult now. It doesn't make sense at all, shouldn't she trust me more?
• i check my own grades religiously. Why is it necessary for her to do so too? What does that accomplish?
• i have an A, 2 almost A's, 2 low B's (but i know i can get the grade up and im studying hard to do so) and one C (it was an assignment that everyone did poorly on and another homework assignment that i did poorly on because I was exhausted). I know a C is bad but it's my drawing class. My favorite class. I do well in there and i think I'm probably one of the better peforming students in there. The C was just a small mistake and since we have more work in there now, getting that grade up will not be difficult. But i feel like all of my hard work just doesn't matter anymore. It will not satisfy her either way. Even if I had all A's, she would probably still be upset that I didn't have high enough A's. One of my professors says that she doesn't give A's on projects because "mistakes happen in art and you have to accept it".
• heavy workload... Im fine doing it but... I can't do it well with the amount of time I'm given. If i just had the weekend as well and not just the rest of the week. If i had just one full day more.
• this weekend will probably be dedicated to next week's work if i can do it early
• i can't call her. It's too stressful.
• im lightheaded just thinking about it
• i have every right to be angry. I have every fucking right to be angry.
• my day should revolve around schoolwork and studying. My weekends should revolve around taking breaks and light workloads. But every moment of every day revolved around my mom instead.
• and to think... If i lived in a place where college wasnt so expensive... Perhaps she would leave me be. Perhaps my grades would be so much better and perhaps I would be happy.
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Amici per Sempre
(I couldnt find a fancy word so i used a foreign language to make it look fancy)
Dear zozo, happy 19th birthday. We love you so much!💖💖. I wasnt able to do anything special but here is something I wrote for you-
• It had been only 20 minutes since your class started but it felt like an hour already.
•Johnny was sleeping next to you and Taeil passed his time by drawing random stuff on your hand. You tried focusing on what the teacher was saying but kept zoning out.
•"I have an exciting announcement to make." You teacher said in the most bland and unexciting voice. You swore to kill her if she was taking another test tomorrow.
•Someone knocked on the classroom door. "We have an exchange student!" Your teacher said pointing at the door.
•The classroom was suddenly alive and abuzz with activity. Johnny woke up with a jolt and combed his hair with his fingers "i hope its a hot girl".
•"Come in!" Your teacher said and a boy walked in through the door.
•He stood in front of the classroom and bowed "I am Qian Kun from China. Nice to meet you all."
•You could not see him clearly because of your deteriorating eyesight but heard the girls sitting behind you talk about how attractive he was. He took a seat somewhere in the front of the classroom.
•"Where were we.. ah yes" the teacher pointed at a picture of a painting on the presentation screen. "Does someone know what this style is called? Perhaps Kun? "
• "I think its called a Gongbi painting?" Kun answered. Gongbi is a careful realist technique in Chinese paintings. The technique uses highly detailed brushstrokes that delimits details very precisely. It is often highly colored and usually depicts figural or narrative subjects." The teacher nodded in approval.
•"What a nerd." Johnny whispered.
"He is from China, you idiot. He would be knowing this." Taeil whispered back .
•"I have another announcement to make." The teacher said a few minutes before the bell rang.
•"It better be a girl this time." Johnny said watching the door closely.
•"Im giving an assignment which must be submitted before 15th. You are supposed to go to the Art Museum and write a detailed report on the techniques used in 18th century paintings. This must be done in pairs."
•You turned to Taeil but Johnny cut you off before you could say anything, "im taking Taeil this time. You had him last time."
•"But I dont have any other friends!" You complained but Johnny shushed you.
•The bell rang for break and Johnny, a social butterfly, went to befriend the exchange kid.
•"Do you have anything to eat?"
Your introverted friend Taeil took out a bag of sandwiches from his bag, "The same."
•Johnny came back to his seat after a while. "Did you find a partner?" You shook your head.
"Okay dont worry. Kun, come here!" Johnny called for the exchange student.
•Now that you could see him from close up, he was pretty attractive. He had soft features and his eyes looked like those of a puppy.
•"This is Taeil and this is Zoe. Would you like to be Zoe's partner? She doesn't have any friends."
•You felt embarrassed and wanted to punch Johnny but Qian Kun held out his hand for you to shake, "Im Kun. We should become partners!"
•You nodded your head but couldnt say anything. Taeil talked to Kun for a bit but you were too shy 😭. You could breathe only when the bell rang and he went back to his seat.
•"Arent you going to thank me? Im setting you up with such a cute boy."
"You WHAT"
"He has a point." Taeil said, "Try to befriend him. You can stop third wheeling us then."
You punched Taeil's arm, "Shut up."
•The next morning you reached late to class only to see Kun sitting where Taeil usually sits. He smiled and waved at you. Behind him you saw Johnny and Taeil mocking his hand wave and laughing.
•All interactions between you and him were awkward. He initiated most of the conversations and you replied with a yes or no (or i dont know). It was not that you didnt like him...you were just awkward around people.
•"I hate you guys so much." You said to johntae when Kun wasnt around.
"Sorry. We were planning our assignment and didn't want you to listen to it." Taeil said trying not to laugh.
"You should invite him to your house... to plan out stuff." Johnny added.
You turned around when Kun came back. JohnTae were snickering.
•You did it. You invited him to your home(only to discuss the assignment of course).
•Oh boy Kun was an absolutely lovely kid. Very polite and full of manners. He even offered to help your mom do the dishes (in this economy???).
•You realised that you both had a lot in common and you started warming up to him.
•Your family LOVED him and invited him home again.
•Ya both became best friends okay. You liked him as much as you liked Johntae. In fact, you spent more time with him than you did with Johntae now.
•Of course being the little shits they were, they teased you about it a lot. But you swore you felt zero attraction to Kun and liked him only as a friend.
•You guys would go out for movies and ice cream platonic dates and would spend each moment with together. Once when you were drunk you told him every secret you had kept to yourself. He taught you curse words in Chinese. Ya'll had embarrassing nicknames for each other too.
•Oh i almost forgot but you both got an A in your assignment (johntae got a C lol).
•It had been a year now and the day you were dreading had come. Kun was going back home.
•You had never felt so bad in your life. You would have locked yourself in your room and cried but he wanted you to meet him at the airport.
•So as a good friend you took a cab with Johntae to the airport to say your final farewells.
•You could have sworn Johnny had tears in his eyes. Kun had become such an important part of your lives in such a short time. Kun hugged Johnny and Taeil and turned to you.
•"Thank you. For everything." Kun handed you a grey bunny keyring. "Please dont forget me."
"Of course I wouldnt." You hugged him for the first time. He was so soft and comfortable you didnt want to let go. But like every good thing, this one had to come to an end too.
•Kun waved at you three one last time and gave a sad smile before entering the gates of the waiting area.
• You were not going to let go of him that easily. You were already planning to go on a student exchange to China next year. You placed the bunny keyring on top of your study table and said goodnight to it. This one year was truly the most beautiful moment of your life.
Sorry im not a good writer but i didnt know what to do 😭. Anyway, I love you and i hope you have the bestest year ahead full of fun and happiness.
Love you forver @kunnct 💛
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dek0pon · 7 years
do all 100 of them u cuck
i saw this coming you coward 
1. Last kiss
ive nvr kissed nyone so :-/
2. Last phone call
i facetimed meg (@freckled-punk) if tht counts
3. Last text message
“r u busy”
4. Last song you listened to
sad boy by gabriel black
5. Last time you cried
like 30 minutes ago whoops
6. Dated someone twice
7. Been cheated on
8. Kissed someone & regretted it
9. Lost someone special
uhhh depends on th def of “lost” nobody’s died but ive been ghosted by people and nvr heard from them again which is shitty lol
10. Been depressed
oh worm? i hate this question 
11. Been drunk and threw up
no but ive been high and vommed
12. had sex
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?
zero sex u pisser
15. Made a new friend
yea? maybe
17. Laughed until you cried
not yet
18. Met someone who changed you
bitch we r 13 days in
19. Found out who your true friends were
see 18
20. Found out someone was talking about you
see 19
26. What did you do for your last Birthday
i went laser tagging & to a protest w my friends and then we watched movies n played games
27. What time did you wake up today
uhhhh 6am??? i was baked last night and got hella sleepy and fell asleep at like 8:30
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
to fucking graduate i want OUT
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time
like an hour ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
theres a lot of things lmao i wish i actually knew what i wanted and what i was doing and i wish i wasnt so fucking sad all the time and i want to kill dysphoria with my bare hands and i wish my parents werent like that
32. What are you listening to right now
the air coming thru the vent and the cars passing behind my house
33. When is the last time you had sex?
see 12
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
my self honestly my brain needs to shut its fucking mouth
35. Most visited webpage
this shithole probably
36. Favorite colour
37. Nicknames
sharkboi, iz, , ,,,, i respond to almost anything tbh
38. Relationship Status
single bitch!
39. Zodiac sign
40. Male or female
41. Primary school
this year have i primary school? no. 
as a kid i went to like three different elementary schools, one in kentucky & two in china
42. Secondary School
same school as the last 2 yrs of elementary
43. High school/college
im going to hs in colorado and i want to go to college in new zealand but i havent looked anywhere else yet lmao but i would!! kill to go to new zealand also im thinking about taking a gap year
44. Eye color
46. Height
47. Do you have a crush on someone
like.... no but also theres a hot boy in the cast of the show im working on oops
48. What do you like about yourself
i like my hands and like.. my self of steam isnt as low as it was a few yrs ago i like my fashion sense and my sense of humor uhhhh 
49. Piercings
just ears
50. Tattoos
i have three dots on the side of the bottom knuckle on my pointer finger , an upside down cross on the outside of my wrist and the comet symbol mixed w/ the agender symbol on my hip and im thinking of giving myself another one but idk if i could hide it
51. Righty or lefty
right handed
53. First piercing
ears when i was a baby
54. First best friend
uhhhh two boys in my kindergarten class
55. First hookup
see 1
56. First Bestfriend
see 54?? how r these different
59. Eating
im not
60. Drinking
61. I’m about to
get off or smoke idk or binge youtube videos maybe watch a movie
62. Listening to
see 32?? i love redundancy
63. Waiting for
college!! a boyfriend! (or gf or anybody) to like, fucking feel completely ok!! happiness!! sappy i kno but im sad rn
64. Want kids?
ehhhhh maybe when im like old but thats if i make it that far
65. Get married?
im largely indifferent to whether this happens or not but im not necessarily opposed to it
66. Career
film/photography/activism/art in general
67. Lips or eyes
mmm lips?? i dont think about this shit
68. Hugs or kisses
see 1. no reference point
69. Shorter or taller
im literally the size of a 7th grader so taller
70. Older or Younger
???////??? older? ?? /
71. Romantic or spontaneous
who says it cant be both also im captain impulsive soo
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
?? largely indifferent uhh stomach
73. Sensitive or loud
74. Hook-up or relationship
76. Kissed a stranger
77. Drank hard liquor
78. Lost glasses/contacts
79. Had sex
oh my fucking god see 33
80. Broken someone’s heart
tbh maybe
82. Been arrested
83. Turned someone down
yea lmao on multiple occasions
84. Cried when someone died
nobody super close i know has died but yea
85. Fallen for a friend
no lol
86. Yourself
87. Miracles
88. Love at first sight
no. shits not that simple i dont think
89. Heaven
i dont think so
90. Santa Clause
91. Kiss on the first date
why not
92. Angels
this is.. Big religious connotation , i dont think i do
93. How would you label yourself?
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For
i dont pray.
95. Did you sing today
i sang in the shower
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
i have no ex’s bc all ive ever done is reject people lmao
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
prolly like... 50 yrs max OR to the beginning of time
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For
2 b able 2 live my damn life and not have to worry
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?
probably not
100. Do you like the way you look?
i like my face most of the time and i dont hate my body necessarily i just wish it didnt look like that
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