#i accidentally spoiled basically every other danganronpa thing
*MC and Sayori finishing a compilation of Danganronpa deaths*
*Sayori is in tears*
MC: Sorry you got kicked in your-chick parts for almost twenty minutes straight,,,again...
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tekka-dan · 7 years
What other anime do you recommend?
hey so this took me a while to get to because i’m whack and lazy. sorry.
so I suggest a lot of anime but depending on your kinda genre then my taste might differ (slightly?) from yours?
I have many favorites and I wanna suggest a million but I’ll just do my personal favorites.
Disastrous Life of Saiki K -So this series made me laugh until I was crying. It’s really entertaining. Basically if you’ve seen One Punch Man it kind of has that same feeling to it. Saiki K was born with every single power in the universe that you could possibly imagine. However in this anime it’s all about him trying to be as normal and noticed as little as possible. I’d say you can binge watch this series in one sitting (not that I did that or anything…) and it wouldn’t ever get old. The humor is 10/10, it’s not overly done and by the end of the episode you’re kinda like “that’s it?!” because it feels like it could go on and on. The characters were introduced in such amazing ways, like Saiki has mainly internal dialogue so you learn about other characters through his personal outlook of them however when they are introduced it’s like they have been there the whole time honestly. It’s also episodic, only maybe three episodes continue from one another but other than that the series itself is each episode something different happens but Saiki stays the same from previous episodes. There’s one character in this anime that at first I thought I was going to loathe but by the end I had a sort of Kurabawa feel from him (Kurabawa is from Yu Yu Hakusho and no fan ever can say they liked him upon first introduction) meaning by the end of the series he grew on me. If that’s your feel this anime is just right for you.
Steins;Gate -So maybe you’re into time travel or space dimension kind of things. This anime would be perfect for you. I have to say that while watching this anime it felt surreal. I didn’t think I would enjoy it because when I first watched the anime it was background noise. But then I started paying attention and it hooked me. It started with the introduction of its cast. There are very few animes that can introduce characters in subtle or subliminal ways and can also pull off incorporating them into the show without all of the attention being focused on them and learning about them. SG is an anime that when characters come in it’s almost like they’ve been there since the beginning. It’s a very natural and easy flow of them all. Another brilliant thing SG manages to do that other animes also don’t do well is portraying the personalities of its characters while not flat out telling you what they are like. Example being the dialogue exchanged between characters. Within the first scene and episode of the anime you hear the main character speaking to a girl at a vending machine and very short dialogue between them is exchanged but within those few short minutes you learn that her character is childish and his character is protective and also childish. It’s subtle scenes like those that make this anime brilliant and also..heart wrenching. Another key thing I loved about this series too is the lighting. During certain scenes pay attention to what is lit and what isn’t. This is one of the few animes I’ve watched or even seen that takes full advantage of laying out scenes with its camera angles and lighting. It’s mesmerizing. However I do admit this anime isn’t for everyone. It’s been told to be boring to some people, but I still recommend at least the first six episodes.
Clannad / After Story -Another heart wrenching anime would be Clannad and Clannad After Story. So I do realize it’s very likely that you’ve seen this anime already but let’s assume in a fair chance that you haven’t. Clannad is one of those stories that sticks with you, even when you don’t want it to. I watched this anime early of 2015 and I didn’t watch After Story until 2017. Its basically a romance series and while that’s not my style and perhaps yours neither, I recommend this anime for its sheer brilliance. I accidentally spoiled it for myself because I wasn’t aware of After Story after I finished Clannad. I like to research characters of anime I enjoy and I did that with this series and Clannad has a very different ending than After Story. That being said though, when people ask if they should watch Clannad at all over just jumping into After Story I always tell them to treat it like a season 1 and 2. You wouldn’t watch season 2 before season 1, would you? Exactly. However the biggest difference from the two is the plot and characters. In Clannad you meet the characters and you’re aware of the struggles and internal things going on, where as in After Story the show assumes you know them. Also in Clannad there are some of my absolute favorite by far of any anime ever favorite moments and After Story only makes them better. I recommend you watch both (Clannad FIRST) because you wouldn’t regret it. And this anime moves at a mediocre, aggravating pace in the beginning but trust me, once you stick through it you’ll be like “I wish I could’ve enjoyed those moments longer” towards the end.
Danganronpa 1, 2 and 3 -So this series very quickly became one of my top animes to watch, ever. To put it simple it’s basically a high school where kids are penned against killing one another to graduate. It has a very sadistic feel to it and the anime, art style and portrayal makes this one a kind. No other anime (except assassination classroom) could pull off any of the script or characters. I loved every moment of this anime. Also it’s not cliche. Well, maybe the one main character, as you’d assume but in general it keeps your guessing and it actually surprises you. Don’t do like me and watch the series out of order, thank goodness I realized something wasn’t making sense when I went to watch season 2 and it was actually season 3. Needless to say I didn’t spoil MUCH for myself but the ending was kind of a “fuck me” because season 3 picked up from it. Which season 2 didn’t pick up from season 1, in fact it goes back in time to HOW everything happened and like a dumb ass I nearly ruined it for myself. This anime is fast paced and action around every turn. Not too long, no filler and it’s really interesting. Has my favorite antagonist ever in this series too.
Terror In Resonace -So if you have ever seen No.6 I would likely suggest this anime to be something you’d enjoy (if you enjoyed no.6, or if you are even familiar with no.6 in general) first off it starts off with its obvious “this is what’s happening” episode and it’s gripping. I finished this series in two days because I was thoroughly intrigued. Something interesting to note of from this series is that it heavily appeals to Icelandic culture and Greek Mythology which I found to be intriguing twists considering the anime world doesn’t venture into those kinds of things often. One of my favorite things about this anime is the art style and scenery. Very realistic and breathtaking. I’m surprised this anime hasn’t won some kind of academy award, it should be up there with Your Name for animation style alone honestly. I haven’t told you what it’s about have I? It’s about two boys who go by Nine and Twelve. What’s interesting about them is how realistic they come off towards the end. The beginning they are a bit “this is definitely an anime” feeling but towards the end you could argue that they are most definitely human..real humans. I think you’d enjoy it perhaps.
Maybe you could check those out, and get back to me on what you think?
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