#i WILL use the word webtoon for this purpose because this is exactly in line with their company values lol
shinesurge · 7 months
got my first comicad bid for an AI webtoon lmfaoooo
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kaeyamonsoon · 2 years
IT'S ABOUT TIME I FINALLY HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE SMTH ABOUT KAEYA AND DILUC IN THE HIDDEN STRIFE EVENT (it's more of a summary and further explanation + my personal hcs/theory + kaeya character story + webtoon + minor discussion about Kaeya and Collei but it's just my usual nitpicking of connecting the dots—)
this includes spoilers of the hidden strife event with scattered interactables seen in the overworld after completing the last quest of the event
So if you interact with the shiny thing at the top of the KOF HQ, you'll see that Kaeya hid things that are of sentimental value to him.
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So apparently Kaeya had the initiative to save this certain piece of paper where his “Father” helped him to improve his handwriting + snippets of Khaenri'ah lore that reveals their clan's purpose(?) and what they've done to serve the royals, stepping up as regents.
Since they're said as regents, then Kaeya isn't exactly royal blood but is able to step up as one to rule Khaenri'ah if the first line of royals aren't able to do so. Him being a prince or a ruler might still be a probable theory, as he's said as the “hope” of their homeland as well as being placed as a pawn in Mondstadt.
Now that it's revealed that he's actually a regent and have probably told that to Diluc the night they fought—
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While Kaeya's Character Story — Vision, mentioned that he anticipated Diluc's anger, in the paper here he wrote— it seems like he didn't expect any conflict? Based on my understanding, he knew that he would be angry but not to the point where “violence” will be included. That's understandable as Kaeya and other people have always described and seen Diluc as a kind gentleman flawless etiquette, who's perfect in any way. With Alice revealing that she had been observing Diluc for awhile now, mentioning that Diluc had taken care of Klee well when she was out catching crystalflies in the vineyard, accompanying her bacm home and even replied to Alice's letter saying that they're most welcome to visit and the head maid shall provide them with sufficient snacks for them (🥺).
So Diluc actually pointing his sword at him might've been a bit unexpected but Kaeya seeing reason through everything and technically has a 4D mind (+ underlying guilt), he felt that he deserved it or unsurprised, quoting "he asked for it" considering he really chose the time where Diluc is in the moment of grieving.
Alright so here comes my word vomit:
I personally think Diluc did that as a means to see Kaeya's "true" self probably because he believes that "in the face of death, everyone's true self will be revealed" or to be a bit realistic, his anger might've blinded him to do so, an outlet perhaps.
In relation to that, Kaeya used that same method Diluc used "against" him to allow him to reveal Collei's true colors the time where he faces her off. (I've seen some discourse about how Kaeya is a bad guy for hurting a literal child, but can you really blame him when she herself is a threat, at first, due to the fact that she was the cause of the fire and the death of two Snezhnayan diplomats, with a person— no matter what age, who has the capability of becoming a threat to the lives of Mondstadt wouldn't go unnoticed or ignored by Kaeya imo :'()
I like nitpicking so I'll also headcanon that Diluc using that kind of method to Kaeya was also learned from his father, Crepus, as he used an unknown power that Diluc didnt know he possessed, meaning Diluc learned that people will use what they got no matter how reckless it is once faced with death. Maybe it's also a reason why Diluc uses violence against the Abyss Order (specifically the Abyss Mages) in order to spill the truth.
It's my personal views is all ^^
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maariarogers · 4 years
Why Webtoon!Suho is Superior and K-Drama!Suho Needs To Catch Up 👏
Hello, everyone!
Am I here again with another semi-controversial meta? Why, I might be.
If you’d like to catch up with my last meta, which was: Thoughts On True Beauty and Why I’m On Team Suho, you’re going to get a whole butt-load of information on why I’m mostly a Lee Suho-simp, thank you very much.
With that said, to cut the story short, I’ll be listing down some points I’ll be bringing up on this particular topic. Feel free to skip some points if that’s your cup of tea, or if you’re just cruising and find that the points I’m bringing up are not of your interest at all and you’re scrolling by? That’s fine too!
If you’re sticking around though, thank you!
The Points:
Intro: What Do I Mean?           a.k.a. What’s The Deal With Suho (Again)?
Webtoon!Suho vs. KDrama!Suho           Is K-Drama Suho ‘Mary Sue’?
Why K-Drama!Suho Needs To Step Up
How K-Drama Lowkey Didn’t Capture Seojun and Suho’s Friendship
Conclusion: #TeamJugyeong
Full disclosure: I absolutely, completely adore True Beauty — both the drama and webtoon — and this is purely written from my own point of view, based on the thoughts I’ve accumulated by my own deductions. There certainly will be criticism, but mostly I just want to put it out there to hear out what others are also objectively thinking about this. So, let’s go!
I will try to make this one short, but let’s see how this goes :D
Intro: What Do I Mean? a.k.a. What’s The Deal With Suho (Again)?
To start this, if you’ve read my first meta, then you would know first-hand that I’m completely fascinated with Suho. That is, the webtoon version that’s been presented of him. I find him intriguing for a character that is quite “dull” — but only because that dullness played a part more than just him being a “cool” and “distant” character.
I’ve mentioned before that I do critically think Suho is clinically depressed. It’s actually proven in the original Webtoon that, especially after Seyeon’s death, he went to a therapist and was taking medications for it. Though I’m not quite sure if he’s still following any medical routine in this current arc (the adult arc), we do see a recurring theme in Suho wherein he seemed to struggle with finding any proper passion, it became an important plot device when it was made clear to him that “he never tried hard enough [for anything]”. and him falling back into a certain habit (studying) to avoid the sadness.
(I’m not quite sure the exact quote, but it’s been mentioned again that he was studying to distract himself when his sister confronted him about it.)
I find the way the author portrayed what I’ve perceived as a protagonist with this prominent mental illness was quite refreshing? Not in the way that it glorified the mental illness or the trauma Suho was experiencing which some authors or dramas tend to do, no — what the author had planted was precise, it was realistic.
Suho struggled in a way that’s consistent (from his teen years up to his adulthood, I mean), but you can’t really tell. And that’s the thing with mental illness, a lot of the time, we don’t really see it – but it’s there. In Suho’s case particularly, it doesn’t just go away when Seyeon’s death was finally accepted and the friendship between Seojun and Suho were amended. It’s still there.
That’s quite intricate for the author to do, isn’t it?
Of course, there is so much more to Suho — which I think I’ll be implying here and there throughout this meta — but if you’d like to read more on it, the first meta is just me fangirling from the start till the end.
Now that that’s over with...
Webtoon!Suho vs. KDrama!Suho
I think I briefly mentioned that, for a moment there, I was kinda scared — but also superbly interested and excited – when they announced that True Beauty will be adapted to a drama.
For the first few episodes, especially episodes 1 - 6, it was super engaging, it was sweet, and the chemistry between the casts were absolutely *chef’s kiss*
Now, episode seven was where it went a little downhill for me.
I’ve always had a slight problem with how they’ve portrayed Suho being a “fighter” — that is, him picking up Jiu Jitsu in the drama.
Now, I know! I know! I have the same thought — the drama and the webtoon are two completely different adaptions that really mirrored one another based on characters and premise, and that’s about it. I’ve made peace with that, I enjoyed it even! But I was still a bit iffy about this particular trait because, for me particularly, it was important for me that Suho wasn’t perfect.
And guess what? He wasn’t.
In the webtoon, Suho can’t fight. The one time Seyeon and him almost got into a fight when they were in middle school, Seojun was the one who actually had experience in street fighting or brawling to defeat the bullies. And this is quite important, especially if you’ve been a writer or an author or, hell, even an audience to these mediums, “perfect” characters can often become “mary sue”.
But the thing about the k-drama is, Suho’s ability to fight was purposeful — which was why it was okay for me in the end. It was a way to introduce his father and the strained in relationship they had, he faced foes several times, and, most importantly, he had to protect Jugyeong (karaoke scene).
Now that I’ve seen (SPOILER FOR PREVIEW EPISODE 9) that he could also be musically-inclined? ...yikes. And, yes, okay, I get it! The actor is an idol, so it’s a great homage to his career, but it was still...
It felt like the writers were desperate to fill the gaps for Suho possibly being “dull” as this typical cool and distant character — when, in reality, Suho’s existence as is was quite enough. He didn’t need to steal Seojun’s fighting ability, and he especially didn’t need to rob Seyeon’s musical passion too, to be interesting and have depths of his own, do you get me?
In fact, he was without all of that, and his romance — however short-lived — with Jugyeong was still so sweet and enjoyable in the webtoon. And that’s the appeal of Suho, I think; Suho doesn’t need to be “more” for Jugyeong (like, all he did was study and read horror comics with Jugyeong), just as Jugyeong doesn’t have to appear “more” (with her make-up etc) for them to be interesting to each other. They like one another in spite all of that.
To be honest, if they had made the room about Suho’s mom, which would've thrown people off because “aren’t we still stuck in the Seyeon Arc”?, that’d be an interesting plot line since I have a feeling that the webtoon will be using that as a major plot device soon BUUUUUUT that’s a theory for another day! So—
Why 👏 K-Drama!Suho 👏 Needs 👏 To 👏 Step 👏 Up 👏👏👏
Because, honey, being unnecessarily possessive doesn’t look good on you.
I’m so, SO GLAD that Seojun actually talked some sense into him! Seojun’s absolutely right! In the end, it’s up to Jugyeong who she will choose as her romantic partner! All this, him-walking-in-and-demanding-Jugyeong-to-come-to-him-in-the-slightest-chance-she’ll-be-going-out-with-another-guy is getting boring. And you know what, my guy, you haven’t even asked her out or anything! (Besides from THAT scene at the end of Ep 8, you know what I mean lol)
Like, I didn’t mind when he was just following her because he was curious and jealous, and that led him to quietly “put a stop” to Jugyeong's blind date because the man obviously had bad intentions. I also understood when he threatened Semi Lee’s boyfriend into apologising. That’s fine - while he was manipulating the situation, it wasn’t exactly him telling and/or demanding Jugyeong to blindly follow him and/or go with him or anything.
I actually find it so, so sweet when it became a common phrase between them for Suho to always ask Jugyeong how she’s doing ( “Are you okay?” ) because that’s essentially what his character builds up to: this protector, that goes beyond keeping Jugyeong’s bare-face a secret. He’s really out there making sure Jugyeong is safe, and that’s okay!
That was the character he was establishing to be.
But then the writers pulled out this obsessive and possessive jerk out of their ass? That isn’t Suho. That’s contradicting through the whole build-up of Suho and Jugyeong’s characters from episode one to six. The whole point of why they leaned on one another is because they trust each other so, so, so much.
But in episode seven, Suho was falsely blaming Jugyeong (for sleeping when he was the one who napped) just because he’s “flustered”, taking it out on her when the baseball player just asked for her number (which, well, was understandably creepy, but like, chill bro); and in episode eight, Suho was glaring at Jugyeong the whole time just because he thinks she’s ignoring him and she was around Seojun so much?
Dude....... you never even apologised for those words that you knew hurt Jugyeong in episode 5.
Suho, babes, I love you, but - no.
I get so frustrated because ‘anger’ was never Suho’s default expression; he never truly has a temper. That was always more of Seojun’s trait and it worked with Seojun because it’s consistent throughout his character (in the webtoon). The few times Suho was actually angry to the point of nearly instigating violence in the webtoon are only because he’s pushed by this deep sadness [over the loss of Seyeon].
Rather than a glare in the scene in the beginning of the camp, it’d be more in-character if Suho’d looked like a sad puppy. Because if anything, wouldn’t Suho feel threatened since he has this deep-rooted belief that he doesn’t deserve happiness (a canon line admitted by Suho, himself, in webtoon, and spoken by Seojun towards Suho in K-Drama) and therefore, would have this inferioty complex and would never think Jugyeong would be interested in him? Which was why she’s going to Seojun a lot?
Now, let’s talk about Seojun.
How K-Drama Lowkey Didn’t Capture Seojun and Suho’s Friendship
I think one of the most prominent thing about Seojun and Suho’s friendship was how much they respected one another — especially when it came to their shared love interest in Jugyeong.
This K-Drama? (Sighs) Butchered it a little? Yeah.
Which isn’t wrong, no! But I felt like... firstly, it’s overdue; it’s making Suho look really, really not pretty (character-wise) next to Seojun, which I think is a misstep for the production because shouldn’t your male lead be persistently desirable? (But I didn’t mind lol, my heart is half-rooting for Seojun already *sighs dreamily*); and it really, most importantly, hurt the absolute loyalty and pureness that Suho and Seojun shared together in the webtoon.
Because when Seojun knew that Suho and Jugyeong liked each other? He backed off. He did. He didn’t say one word — not even a slip of a tongue — about his feelings towards Jugyeong.
But Suho somewhat knew, right? And he backed off when he knew he was disappointing Jugyeong by his departure. He makes way for Seojun to be there, however he can be, for Jugyeong while he’s not around. And when they started dating, Seojun and Jugyeong? Suho was supportive throughout.
He was never jealous, there was never one instance where he showed his dislike, and even when Jugyeong casted doubt or talked with Suho about her relationship problems, Suho was always rooting for the both of them. He wanted them to work.
They were all excellent friends.
I understand why and how the K-Drama ended up the way they did currently at episode eight, but in my opinion, I feel like it’s a bit disrespectful to the true friendship that Seojun and Suho shared in the webtoon only to present them as these unending rivals when... when you think about it, it isn’t really Seojun and Suho?
Cause obviously webtoon!Seojun and webtoon!Suho, once they’ve made up that is, were extremely reliable towards one another; they were very encouraging (besides from the slight hiccup when Seojun got a bit jealous); and they were incredibly loyal and understanding of one another’s situation.
I hope we’ll see glimpses of it more in the future, ‘cause I’d pay for nice and slightly-realistic progression of friendship that’s somehow mixed up with romance and how these people are coping with it, rather than just seeing two boys glare at one another while my girl Jugyeong just wanted to go to the toilet 😆
Conclusion #TeamJugyeong
I just want this girl to stop being pushed-and-pulled and happy, man.
I’m still looking forward to more of the episodes and the webtoon, though! I still love the casts, the production, the way the story is flowing so far (because I wanna know what’s gonna happen, you know?) but I do think Suho could’ve been written a bit better? Or, at least, with a bit more consistency?
Or, I mean, maybe he could just start apologising for every reckless actions rather than him getting away with it because he saved Jugyeong? Maybe?
I really still adore him, and I’m still rooting so much for Suho because the times when he was alone with her, he was super sweet? And immediately the sincerity and the core of what made Jugyeong and Suho so appealing to me just came out? Like he has that potential that webtoon!Suho is already at.
I love them so much, ugh.
(Although Seojun, bro, I’m lowkey on your side too. That bracelet he did for her was 💗💗💗💗💗)
I hope everyone’s doing well, keeping each other safe, and if my head’s running wild again, I’ll keep you posted akdjksjhskdhf
Thank you so much for reading!!!!
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