#i Think i tagged my writer mutuals who might be/are interested in tag games but tag me in a post if i forgot u and u wanna do this too !
zentriii · 3 months
since it's been a while and i fall under @eurydicees vague tag list, we're doing this again :D
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
They have to make it out of this prison first, then he can get himself a boyfriend.
the last line i wrote doesn't make sense without context so here's the second last line instead! in which atsumu gets rejected by omi but not really <3
tagging: @autisticbokutoenthusiast @lenniereadsalot @togo--mimori @spikyiwaizumi @bewarethequietonee @thechloediary and anyone else who'd like to !!!
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dustdeepsea · 15 days
Writer Interview
Tagged by @my-favourite-zhent nearly 3 weeks ago and I've entirely missed the wave.
I've enjoyed reading so many interesting ones by my mutuals! Tagging (only if you're keen) @graysparrowao3 @coreene @say-lene @luvwich @grossestjay —and if I've missed your interview somehow, tag me in the comments!
Q&A after the cut—
When did you start writing?
I wrote my first fanwork at age 12. It was self-insert fanfiction with me and 2 of my friends in the Slayers anime universe, which meant it was several comedic sketches strung together with with lots of actions denoted by asterisks and emoticons. You know the ones ^_^ ^____^ @_@ T_T *slaps you gently with a trout*
We printed it out on someone's home printer and bound copies in plastic school folders with a two-hole punch. I've lost the original file ages ago, but I would love to read it again.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
When I was younger, I actively sought out "difficult stories" because I wanted to experience things beyond my day to day life. I read Nabokov at 16 because everyone kept saying Lolita was a dangerous book. I also read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk and Bret Easton Ellis without really understanding them.
My pretentiousness definitely peaked in my university days. My dating profile at the time listed: Herman Hesse, Kazuo Ishiguro and Mikhail Bulgakov.
Now that I'm older, I read and write stories primarily to make myself happy.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not remotely at the level where I get compared to any published writers.
My favourite contemporary writer is David Mitchell (of Cloud Atlas fame), and my favourite book by him is The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.
My favourite "classic" novel is The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I type at my desk, in a study shared with my partner. Sometimes if the scene is particularly spicy or they are gaming too loudly, I take the laptop to the living room.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Bouncing plot bunnies off others on Discord, talking a walk or a long train ride, playing an immersive video game and rotating characters in my head for hours afterwards.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
According to my lovely readers:
"Romantic and sweaty"; "two silly sausages frying in a pan" (thanks to my long time beta-reader @littleplasticrat)
"Purity, temperance, glimpse of [the] ability for real love / real forgiveness" (thank you @tellmeallaboutit!)
These did surprise me a bit when they were first pointed out but it makes sense—I've been accidentally writing Regency romances and repressed idiots in love without setting out to do so explicitly.
What is your reason for writing?
I put aside hobbies for many years because of my work (no matter what advertisers want you to believe—doomscrolling is not a hobby). Started doing more creative things during my sabbatical last year, and writing was one of the things that saved my broken corpo soul.
Nowadays I'm really into bread making and cooking in general. I'm trying to balance work and creative pursuits and I'm much happier overall.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any and all comments are received with love <3 <3 <3 I really enjoy it when people let me know what lines really resonated with them or point out motifs I'd snuck in.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Friendly and approachable! Not entirely hyperfixated on That One NPC from a Video Game with Five Lines (that one might be harder now...!)
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
A fairly broad vocabulary, including anachronisms, which is useful for fantasy story settings. Writing characters who are actively lying to themselves (thinking one thing and saying/doing another).
My writing tends to be on the more contemplative side and a bit sadder and slower paced, so if you enjoy A Great Deal of Yearning along with your smut, then it would appeal to you :)
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm pretty happy with it! I write very, very slowly, with constant edits as I go, and would probably starve if I ever had to rely on my fiction writing to be paid. Luckily, I get to do this as a hobby.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for myself, but I am also super blessed to have a very small but vocal audience that I can interact with directly. I guess my best advice is: Write for yourself and your 10 friends who want to read your hand-bound home-printed self-insert fanfic <3
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
@davycoquette with the fun question games again!
Get to Know the Writblr
Gonna put this under a cut because it got long, but feel free to treat this as an open tag if you want to hop on!
On the Tumblr Writing Community:
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since the beginning of the year, maybe? Sometime in February, I think.
What led you to create it?
I was feeling pretty lonely having no one to talk to about my writing. None of my real-life friends are writers and I'm really terrible at expressing my interests verbally, so I figured online might be the place to go. So far, I've been right!
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Oh, the people, for sure. It's incredibly rare that I come across anyone being less than supportive on here. No matter our skill level, I really feel like every writer on here has a sense of being in this shit together.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Hmmm.... I'm pretty open about sharing things about myself, so idk if there's anything major I haven't touched on yet. I wake up at 4am every morning for work, so if you see me posting at an egregious time, that's why. Also, if you ever want martial arts tips for your fight scenes, I'm your gal!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I love it when people make memes of their ocs. Makes me giggle every time.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
You gotta interact with people. I know it can be scary, but even a reblog with no tags can make another writer smile. Chances also are, if you leave a nice comment on someone's work, they might check you out and leave a nice comment on yours! A community isn't a community unless you go out and commune :)
WIP it Good:
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Lately, I've been juggling writing my first draft of Mortal God book 3 (tentatively title being The Machinations of Machine and Man) and going over @kaylinalexanderbooks lovely comments on MG1. My ghost ship project is also on a low simmer in the back of my brain, but I'm trying to leave that until I'm done with MG3.
How long have you been working on them?
Good lord, I started MG1 about... almost two years ago now? Damn, it feels like it's been so much longer. But hey, three book drafts in two years ain't bad! Honor's Outcasts, which is largely written by now, I started about three years ago.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
The two main characters of MG started as a vague daydream, which then became two important dnd npcs along with MG's main villain. I ended up liking them all so much that I wrote a short story which became *drumroll* three entire books! A lot of my inspiration came from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and the Foundryside Trilogy of books. I can't think of anyone specifically who inspired the characters, except that Astra was originally based on the archetype of the silent wandering cowboy/samurai as seen in a lot of Kurosawa films and old westerns. For anyone familiar with her, uh, things changed quite a lot.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
At least ten percent of my brain's storage is dedicated to my wips at all times. As for how often I'm actively thinking about them... it's also quite a lot.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Uh, fantasy stuff?" is my go-to.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I really wish I had the ability to explain my wips as succinctly with speech as I do with writing, but alas. I would want to give a nice, book jacket blurb that doesn't give away too much of the crazy shit.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos:
Name any characters you created.
I think I'm really good at names, so we're gonna go down the list!
Izjik Meautammera
Sepo Kaiacynthus
Twenari Undetasib/Devaris
Djek Kagura
Astra DuClaire
Mashal Darezsho
Ivander Montane
Elsind Cavernsight
Duchon Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III
Faalgun Falani
Nyda Burningrock
Kaulakri Ondohuroata
Anarac Fifth-Blood
Who’s the most unhinged?
Unhinged in terms of violence? Sepo for sure. Unhindered in terms of sheer chaos? I'm gonna go with Izjik and Djek as a duo. Between both of their high charismas and low intelligences, along with their combined expertise in fighting and creative uses of magic, they're unbeatable.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Probably Izjik. I've been writing in her POV for the longest.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Sometimes yeah, when they do something real stupid. But, then again, I did make them that way.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
I think I know my characters really well and base my plot around their motives, so there really isn't a huge need for control.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
On Writeblr Engagement:
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
Probably creativity. I've read a looooot of fantasy/sci-fi, so if you're doing something I've never seen before, I'll probably give you a follow.
What makes you decide against following?
Any kind of hateful rhetoric or someone who doesn't want 18+ interaction. Other than that, I think it's important to follow people who write different genres or have different methods than me.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I wouldn't say so. I get a little shy doing that.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
The characters of @kaylinalexanderbooks @mk-writes-stuff and @somethingclevermahogony all have a little place in my brain. Favorites from each include Robbie and Akash (not to be separated), Narul and Bop (love me a good living weapon/teddybear of a dude team-up), and Nellie and Stellaris (their earnest kindness makes my heart happy). If you haven't yet, you should go check out their stuff and see for yourself!
And with that, thanks for reading! Go out and have yourself a bitchin day <3
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londonhalcyon · 1 month
Fic Writer Interview (20 Questions)
This tag game passed by twice, once in January (because apparently this post has been sitting in my drafts that long) and again several months later, so forgive me for not remembering who to tag! These questions seem fun, so if anyone wants to join, feel free to say I tagged you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20 at the moment, with plenty more WIPs.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
480,895 words and counting.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not counting TMW bonus content, the top 5 are:
The Mad Witch (758 kudos)
"The Scarlett Cauldron" (77 kudos)
"Fear Itself" (76 kudos)
"The Most Powerful Witch" (72 kudos)
"Piper's Best Worst Day" (57 kudos)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I love engaging with my readers and other members of the fandom. Every comment always makes my whole day. Life gets busy sometimes, so I don't always have the time to respond to every single one, but I definitely see and appreciate all of them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Usually my fics have fairly hopeful endings, but "3 Years Ago," a pre-canon Murdered: Soul Suspect fic might fit the bill. Sometime in the future, it has the potential to be topped by "Will of the People," a Fallout 4 WIP that revolves around the Diamond City anti-ghoul riots.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
My Secret Santa fics, "It's Not the Fall" and "Flawed Phials," definitely have the fluffiest endings!
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I get rude or condescending comments on occasion from people who don't know how to hit the back button and/or are unfamiliar with fandom etiquette, though nothing actively malicious. The one time I received a transphobic/homophobic message in response to TMW it was private (if it was public, I would have deleted it; I don't give a platform to that kind of thing at all), and honestly I hope that person is in a better place now because they really didn't seem okay at the time. I'm fortunate that the vast majority of my readers and mutuals are such wonderfully amazing and kind people.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, BUT, before you get too excited, not in The Mad Witch. Smut is by definition graphic, and TMW has a Teen rating that shall remain unchanged.
The smut scenes I've drafted so far (F/F and F/M) are for my Rosemary Reaper series (post-canon Fallout 4 WIP). Those fics will all be rated Mature, so while not overly explicit, they'll definitely be spicier than TMW. Maybe I'll share a snippet sometime if there's any demand for it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?? I have long since deleted my Wattpad account, so my fics should only be on AO3. If anyone ever finds one of my fics elsewhere in the wild, please let me know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, which is probably for the best. I would like to make some heavy edits to the beginning of TMW when I'm done with it.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a fic, though I have co-written a short fantasy story with a friend, with him writing for one POV character and me for another. We agreed on major actions and story beats, but we each kept a major secret that we didn't reveal until after we had written our individual parts. It was a lot of fun (though we were both painfully unskilled at the time).
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't know if I really have one. I have ships I enjoy and characters I like to pair with OCs, though nothing I feel properly obsessive over. This might be a consequence of primarily writing for video game fandoms. But I do have my default game romances: Merula in HPHM, Piper in Fallout 4, Marcurio in Skyrim, etc. I'm also a sucker for unrequited love interests, like Serana in Skyrim and Aveline in Dragon Age 2. The ANGST.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I never want to say never because I'm currently 83,435 words into the last fic I said I would never write. But there are two fics that I'm almost certain I will never finish, which I'm kind of sad about: my post-canon Murdered: Soul Suspect longfic, A Certain Darkness, and my RWBY OC team longfic, DSRT.
I made it just shy of 200,000 words into A Certain Darkness before I had to drop it. My writing skills ended up surpassing the progress I had made, and by the time I realized how many characters, relationships, and plot points were just straight up bad, I had written myself into a corner. I do love Joy and Angel so much, a medium/ghost duo with way more homoerotic tension than my closeted teenage self ever intended. Maybe one day I'll gut the story, drop the characters into a different setting, and make it something original. One day.
DSRT ran into a similar problem, though fortunately I only ever wrote the first few chapters. I could probably reattempt it if I really wanted, but with the overwhelming number of WIPs I already have, it's hard to imagine finding the time. I do miss my team of teenage idiots: Dustin, Saul, Rosemary, and Talos. It was supposed to have a really tragic ending too, which I don't often get to write.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I often receive compliments on how human I make my characters feel, which is the highest honor anyone could give. I've been told my dialogue frequently flows smoothly too.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Conciseness. Why is this post so long omg.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Do it carefully and with necessity. Maybe a character is bilingual and blends languages, so it's part of their characterization. Maybe a password or spell needs to be said in another language because it's old or pretentious. It can work, but it can also be easy to mess up. I personally avoid writing dialogue in languages I don't have a good grasp of, or I try to consult other people if I do (not Google Translate, which sucks).
There's also the matter of if the POV character even understands the language being spoken. If they don't, then I don't write the language out (unless it's a phrase the character is going to learn later on). In these instances, it makes more sense to write something like, "The man muttered a phrase in a language she didn't recognize," or "She fired off something in Spanish, the words too quick to catch."
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars the Clone Wars, baby! I was like ten or eleven. Never published, but my worldbuilding for that longfic (a saga, more like) was insanely elaborate. Alas, another story for the WIP graveyard.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Eventually, I want to get back to my Skyrim WIP, which includes a main Dragonborn/Marcurio ship. Maybe even with a little Dragonborn/Serana infidelity on the side (which Marcurio absolutely does not deserve, the poor guy).
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I mean, I have to say The Mad Witch, don't I? That fic is where my community is, where every time I post a chapter I have a ton of people who get excited about it with me. It is the story I think about constantly, that I have spent literal years writing and daydreaming about. No matter what I've written before or will write since, this will be the defining fic in my journey as a writer.
That, and I have a special fondness for "Case by Case." I just think it's neat.
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delusionisaplace · 8 months
writer q&a tag Game
thanks @fleurtygurl for the tag!!! you can find her post here
1. What motivates you to write?
all of my lovely mutuals and anyone who has reached out asking for more information about my works are what motivate me everyday to keep writing. just knowing that someone is interested in what i write is enough to keep me going.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them).
i might post the rest of this ltr if i feel like it, but for now here’s a lil snippet from 2083:
Genji was sincere in everything he said, his devotion coming from the depths of his soul. He longed to give Akira everything his heart desired, even if it meant giving up all that he worked for. He yearned to provide Akira with a life worth living, a life filled with joy and free from the pains and pressures of the outside world—a life where Akira could truly find happiness.
3. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
i’m not too good at writing dialogue, but something that i’ve always thought i was best at is writing scene descriptions—i feel as though with a paragraph or two, i can easily set the mood for the rest of the chapter.
4. What do you enjoy most about the Writeblr community?
i love how sweet and kind everyone in the writeblr community is. when i first started posting about my wips, i remember thinking that no one was going to care, but when people started reaching out, asking questions about my writing and showing interest, i felt a lot more confident in sharing my works. so ty to my moots and everyone else who’s part of the writeblr community:)
5. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech-to-text, a writing program etc)
some sites i use to help me write are notion and reedsy. they help me organize my ideas so i don’t spend hours getting lost in my thoughts about how a particular chapter or storyline is supposed to progress.
6. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc).
i really like the class divisions of 2083, especially since it helps build a contrast between Akira’s and Genji’s characters and early in the story.
7. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
at this point in time, i might be the worst person to ask this question since i’ve just been thugging it out for the past month or so, but i think talking to other people, especially another writer, is a good way to get through a rough patch, since they can provide you with words of encouragement or advice for how to progress with your story. or, if you don’t feel like talking to another person, try talking aloud to yourself—that usually helps me catch mistakes and inconsistencies in my storyline or helps me come up with ideas.
kinda too tired to tag ppl sooo open tag for anyone who wants to do this :))
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soysaucepastry · 4 months
ahoy mateys. welcome to me blog. 🦜
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Hello. My name is Soren, you may call me Soy or Kurenai. I am an artist and writer who enjoys a whole bunch of things. I post many long blogs about game theory, fanfiction, and art! OC stuff or fan stuff. Either works.
• I am Filipino Chinese
• INTP or ISTP (??)
• and idgaf about pronouns! I'm a pirate! Call me captain!
Here is my list of my top 10 most FAVOURITE things in the entire world!
1. The mystery of history. Tudor times, dinosaurs, astronomy, or an old cathedral.
2. Fantasy lore
3. Acrylic keychains
4. Asian strawhats
5. Volcanoes
6. Pirates with accents!
7. Sea critters
8. Boys that look like girls
9. Character dynamics
10. Cute stationery
Random, yeah? But they make me happy! I'd love to ramble about them sometime!
OC content will be tagged at #burdenofmondia & #mondialand
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As of currently, I will name the media I fixate on.
• sky: children of the light
• genshin impact
• honkai: starrail
• cookie run
• smash legends
• legend of zelda (specifically botw and totk)
• afk journey
• wuthering waves
• dungeon meshi
• burden of mondia
• haikyuu
• avatar: the last airbender
• avatar: way of the water
• demon slayer
• sanrio
• disney films
• edenkoriya
• sea beast
• gorillaz
• planets
• dinosaurs
• reverse: 1999
• zenless zone zero
Arghh, too many to name. But these are my main fandoms . I would love to be mutual's if you're also interested in these.
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Do NOT interact if...
• homophobic
• ableist
• zionist
• islamphobic
• proship
• pedo
• ai art
• or just a shitty person in general. Pirates aren't interested in your problematic way of thinking.
But before becoming my friend, please note that: I have avpd and social anxiety. I get overwhelmed easily, and I might show significant self-doubt upon myself. Don't think it's because if you, it is a me problem. Lol.
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I'm pretty much everyone on social media. All my usernames are @soysaucepastry ! Except for reddit, where I go as @/soywinery
• Insta: soysaucepastry
• Twitter: soysaucepastry
• Tumblr (yahoo!): soysaucepastry
• Pinterest: soysaucepastry (I make brushes!)
• Artfol: soysaucepastry
• Reddit: soywinery
If you want to message me, feel free to add me on discord
• discord: soysaucepastry
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Last but not least, I do commissions. I am an artist, specifically a cartoonist and animator. If you want me to draw you something, check the link to commission me! It'll certainly help with my finances, and I occasionally donate to charity. I appreciate you if you're interested.
But don't force yourself!
Prices will remain cheap through and through! Loot is nice, but booty is better!
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That is all. Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to speaking to you! Might be a wee bit shy, though, hehe.
Feel free to chill. Haste ye back, mehearties.
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
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well, hello there, my little crumb cakes. the rumors are true: your local feral malewife enthusiast will indeed be 20 soon, if you can believe it. i thought it'd be fun to do something special to celebrate my two decades on mother earth, so…
𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕙!
this celebration will run from march 3rd (mar. 4 is my actual birthday!) — march 10th. anyone 18+ can participate!
feel free to send stuff in now :)
are you excited?! here are the festivities i've planned:
🎁 — presents! can't have a party without presents, silly. but i wanna give you something! (mutuals only) send this and i'll write a little love letter to you, 'cause I love you all so so much. 🥰 
🎵 — hey, are we gonna dance, or what?! okay, fine, i'll pick the song. send me 3-5 of your favorite things and i'll give you a song rec based on those vibes.
there are party games too...
💏 — send one of these for a kiss, marry, exile (because I'm a benevolent, pacifist girlblogger who doesn't believe in killing. mostly.) send three characters (18+ of course) for me to decide fates for. can be outside of ST and mcu!
🪄 — send me this for a CYM (cast your mutuals) along with something to cast my mooties as! fruits, characters from a show, queen albums, anything! (**mutuals, if you don't want to be tagged for this, please lmk. no hard feelings 🫶)
📖 — send me one of these for a rec! this can be a rec for me or i can give you some recs. a fic, a movie, a song, anything! 
📝 — did you know i'm a writer? 👉👈 yeah, little known fact. send me a prompt from one of these lists (don't forget to tell me which one!) and a character and i'll write a little somethin'.
List 1 | List 2 | List 3 | List 4
i will write for steve harrington, eddie munson, and robin buckley. i'll also write steddie! NO SMUT. 
there's cake and refreshments, but make sure everybody gets a slice! 
🍰 — do YOU have a talented creative blogger you want to kiss on the mouth every time they post something? send me a username or usernames of writers, artists, gif makers, basically anyone who makes stuff, and i'll post it and let them know they're appreciated ❤️ and you know what? i would be none the wiser if you put yourself, so…
☕— this is an anti-capitalist blog, so i don't require an exchange of goods and services for us to interact. treat this like a week-long sleepover! tell me about your day, send me pictures of your pets, ask me advice (20 year olds are known for their wisdom btw), tell me your starbucks order (I'm a pink drink truther), anything! this event is, above all, a time to interact. so ask/send me stuff, psychoanalyze me, declare your undying love for me, etc. 😎
tagging some peeps i think might be interested under the cut
@cryinthecar @thesoftestpunk @thornsnvultures @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @starchildbucky @stevebabey @stevestummy @spideystevie @joellkeeny @starrystevie @cable-knit-sweater @real-jane
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Hi, probably weird question, but can you offer any tips on how to co-write, like two different authors working on the same fic? How does that work?
hello there is actually nothing i would rather do let me give you the unabridged version because I think people romanticise it and it's important to be real. I'm going to give you all of my experiences and why I did it and which ones worked and which ones didn't.
2-Let's start with @greenvlvetcouch who was my first duo writing experience. I was heavily part of an online thing at the time and I met him there, and we somehow (I genuinely can't remember how but I think it was me) ended up DMing about something, which actually pretty quickly evolved into me throwing a concept idea into the chat, and it just took off. We ended up losing our minds over the library scene from God Eater and that was that. I had read Zar and Jude's fic where every 15 min they switched (I think??) and I'm not a "minute" writer so I suggested to Green we did 700-1200 words each and pass it back. I also have a background in theatre, and I am part of a improv group in my city so improv games was part of my curriculum and I've always LOVED IMPROV GAMES, especially in small groups. (this is relevant for later). That's how God Eater was written. it happened very organically. We wrote it all in four months, in a doc, and didn't talk about publishing it until we realized that actually it was going to be a thing we were super proud of, that we would want to post it. The writing experience itself had none of the stress of "what if it's bad". We just wrote until we were done with no expectation. There were a lot of inconsistencies we fixed when we were done and TA-DA.
Since then Green has been a writing partner for a lot of published and unpublished works. We have several projects, some which we started and never finished because we lost the interest, some that we might publish, we don't know. I think he and I are aligned on the fact that writing is meant to be this fun thing and if the joy isn't there when writing, then the project dies. We had a LOT of really cool fun projects that only lived inside our mutual DMs and I think it still makes them real and great. They just weren't tangible enough to see the light of day. Green and I's writing process isn't *super* involved. We rarely fangirl over each other's works. I think we've reached a healthy balance of we *know* we love each other's writing, so we don't need to tell each other that. We will when a line slaps particularly well but other than that we mostly just hype the story up which is our way of saying we love working together.
Which is a perfect segway into inthesquare and I's writing process (hi I still don't know if I can tag you so imma send it to you after).
2-I'm currently writing a story with her, and our start was very different. I read this fic from hers and lost my mind. I cried and was very upset, it was such a great story, so I left a comment (as one does). What would you know, a few days later I get a comment on my fic about how she freaked out because she liked *my* work. So we literally met the most organically way possible: through ao3 comments. Then the normal pipeline happened: Tumblr, then Discord, then Whatsapp.
I wrote one fic that felt very much like something she would do and asked her to participate and add bits and bobs, she said yes, I was overjoyed. And then a few months ago I popped in and was like... *you like myths, right?* and TADA we have the amaranth hymns.
The writing process with us is very different. We each write until we're done with a scene (which usually ends up capping at 1500/2000 words-ish). We are posting as we go, we have 0 plan, zero foresight, we're just hoping for the best, rocking with a Pinterest board and voice noting each other at 3am going "hey do what was this thing you wrote and what does it mean?" "oh cool" "and so does this mean that X? Cuz we need to Y then" "Yes, right". We're problem solving as we go, and I think we're both kind of unbothered and unstressed about it: the story will write itself, we're just along for the ride. We also don't really hype each other up (a little ya know, when a line slaps), but we *do* talk about the fic itself a lot, which I think is our way of showing our engagement. We talk about the fic because we like writing it (I have a point to make later on bear with me).
3- You remember how i LOVE improve games, right????? WELL. There is a game called the "yes" game. A scene starts, you have a theme and a concept and you can't backtrack. Whatever the person throws your way you have to work with it....hence the "yes". You can only move forward, never back. That's how Raise Hell was created. I asked a bunch of my friends if they wanted to create a frankenstein fic, some said yes, some said no, and Raise Hell got started. I knew all of these people beforehand, so that made it easier. We still want to finish this fic but ya know, life got away from us.
What ended up happening is that there were no "writing" rule aside from : you must write enough to propel the next person. Give the next person *something* to work with. So what accidentally ended up happening is each person ended up writing a chapter.
Now let's talk about the rest:
As stated before, I love writing with people: I have the bandwith to work on numerous fics at once (it keeps my brain fed and entertained, I like the community of it), I like it, and thus I seek it.
But I think (and THIS is my point) that people romanticise it and it can stress people out. This is what I mean:
I started writing fics with several other writers because *I like it and I seek it and it brings me joy*, but some writers didn't like feeling like they were one in a lineup.
I wrote 30k with a writer and then the story died and we never picked it back up.
I have had two people I was writing with tell me they didn't like it because I wasn't 'involved' enough (by this I think what they meant was that I wasn't showing enough hype and enthusiasm for their writing).
I had one person tell me that our writing didn't match up and it felt weird and they didn't want to continue.
I have had one person tell me I hurt their feelings because I made them feel like their writing wasn't good enough by the way I edited.
I think it's important to mention that co-writing *is* a skill and it's not something that will work for everyone.
I have a graveyard of fics and a few friendships that died because of that, too. I'm not a big hyper. I do edit a lot. I show my enthusiasm in ways that perhaps isn't obvious enough. I don't praise other people's writing that much because in my mind, the fact we're writing together is proof enough that I love their writing, but that actually isn't always enough.
And I think the difficult part of all of this is that writing is a very personal endeavour. When you expose your guts to another person and they do not react the way you want them to, it's not very easy I think to say "Hey, you hurt my feelings because you didn't tell me you loved this and that". That's another layer exposed and because talking about hurt feelings is hard and uncomfortable, sometimes it will drag on and take proportions that lead to broken friendships.
So you do have to be careful.
...But I also don't know how, in the sense that *before* you start writing with someone, you won't *know* how they will react to the duo process.
What I'm saying is it' a gamble and actually I have lost more than I have won, BUT I still don't regret trying. I personally have had good experiences every single time. I have grown and I have learned.
I know for instance that writing with Green and Inthesquare is a great experience because we approach writing in the same way and we are all very confident in our own writing. We like how we write. We like how the other person writes. We know that, we don't feel the need to say it.
But I think I tend to forget that some writers (even really good ones!!) can feel self-conscious about their own writing and need more praise than what I give.
So bearing all that in mind here is my advice:
-Talk about what you need from the experience BEFOREHAND. How much hype, can I edit, how much editing can I do, etc etc. When green and I edit our works, we fully destroy each other's parts. We will go in and add and remove a LOT, to the point where it really becomes kind of undetectable, who wrote what, because we're in each other's lines everywhere. This isn't something that will feel good for everyone. When I write with inthesquare, we *barely* edit each other's work. The separation is much more obvious, and I don't really know why this is? It just is? We just kind of never edited the other person's part. And it works really beautifully, too. My point is these are two very different approach yet there isn't one better than the other, it's just different.
Some people do not like when you tinker with their writing too much. Some people do not like when you tinker with their writing at all. Make sure you know what each person is comfy with.
-Decide on a plan: are we writing each for a set amount of time? Of words? Are we each doing a chapter? The only rule is the one you make up.
-Don't put pressure on the work. See where it goes. If it dies, let it.
-I would advise against posting as you go if this stresses you out. That way if the story doesn't finish, no stress.
-Start with someone who you feel very confident writing with. Someone you know, who knows you, where the communication canals are OPEN. You're gonna need to be able to tell each other if someone does something that wasn't appreciated.
Not all co-writing will end up with a fully fledged fic. Not all co-writing will end up being a good experience. If the person you really want to write with doesn't want to write with you, don't take it personally. It just do be like that.
But I'm the kind of person who really has come to love it, and while I'm a lot more picky now with who I write (because I'd love to like, not lose more friends), I think I will always seek it out, especially with the people with whom it's been a success before. I love, love, loveeeeee writing with my friends. I find it so rewarding and fun and great and I have nothing bad to say about it. I just really, really love it.
And if you've made it till here just know I have ONE fic I wrote with 2 other writers that we published under anon. and it's just out there. Doing its thing.
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veradragonjedi · 11 months
ok since i know you as the excellent writer mutual, i wondered if you had any advice for creating ocs? one of my other moots asked if i had any ocs and now i REALLY want to create one. but it looks hard af. so turning to a venerable author for guidance
OHHHHH GOD. First of all, I gotta thank you for the description (😭 seriously), I'm trying my best out here.
SECOND. I think I might be able to help, depending on what sort of OC you're trying to make, whether they're real world, fandom related, alien, D&D/Medieval Fantasy etc. Like. WOAH. There's a lot of freedom in making OCs!!!
Long-ish post below the cut!
Instead of actually wracking my brains rn, because evening is drawing in and I'm tired, I am gonna tell you a few things that no one told me! Plus some extra fun knowledge (and maybe tag you in OC dialogue prompts/creation advice in future if you want some help!!)
SO. 1. You can start whenever, wherever, and no one is allowed to tell you otherwise. I'm not sure how else to say this, but it's a game of creativity and a bit of love. To tell someone else what they're allowed and what they aren't allowed to put in their OCs is WRONG. Give them magic powers if that's the only thing you can think of at first, because it's a start and a start is always beautiful.
2. Art is art!! Even if it stays in your brain and never comes out. By this I mean, appearances: what do they look like? Is it what You want to look like? Is it nonhuman? Experiment with races, hairstyles, eyeshapes etc, especially if you're gonna end up drawing them!! More practise, and it's fun, because it's something/someone that You are Interested in. Hopefully I'm making sense here!
3. Names. Oh god, baby name websites won't help you. But fantasy generator names can! They are often much better and more exciting. Back to separate cultures ^ — looking for famous people of the culture/race of your OC can sometimes be of assistance, or sometimes unofficial Census sites. Names can also be objects, plants, celestial bodies, Gods, colours, metals/elements, etc. Maybe, with a few letters missing. Chair -> Chaise, Tablet -> Tebley (two I came up with a while ago and didn't really go into)
4. Clothes! I love researching clothes because they're always interesting to analyse, especially if they come from somewhere else around the world. Experiment with colours, what works/doesn't work with your character? Is your character neat, tidy? Show that through their clothes! Primmed and pressed suits and whatnot. Same goes for the opposite. If your character's main trait is that they're agreeable and friendly, show that through their clothes even slightly by making the colours blend, maybe make their favourite colour limited on the outfit as if they're moving it to make way for others. Think about shape, silhouette, etc. Do the clothes fit your character's particular body type? Their habitat? Their scene/time? :)
5. Personality!! This is always great. For a few of my OCs, I rolled them D&D stats with a twenty-sided dice. The five I ALWAYS take into account are: joy — what brings them it, romantic interest — or sometimes lack thereof, sadness — do they often fall into it? Are they easily emotional? Etc, fear — what are they afraid of and why? Etc, and lastly, charisma/charm — how easily are people to follow them, want to be friends with them, fall in love with them, want to listen to them speak?
(5.5) Flaws! Everyone's got em, aside from Mary Sue (who could be Your character. I'm not judging.) There are plenty of posts talking about character flaws. Here's one I saw earlier. It explains it better than I could, and OP leaves another link! Think about how much it grates against their defining 'Good' quality, think about whether you would see them as a good or bad person, and whether their flaws change how other people perceive them.
6. Hobbies aren't an important factor exactly, but it's always nice to plan your Little Guy some downtime. What do they do when it's quiet or when they're lonely? Do they have many friends, or do they keep to themselves? What's their favourite book? Their favourite video game? Their favourite film? And how is that shown through their appearance too? (Such as merchandise, tattoos, piercings.)
7. Things I didn't mention consist of:
— do they have any disabilities (mental or physical)? Were they caused by something (accident to be mysterious about)? Or were they born with them?
— do you expect people to relate to them, like them, hate them, fall in love with them, etc? Both real people who may come across your character, and other people in this characters setting?
— hero or villain material? This isn't a fine line, but it doesn't have to be a blurred line. Redemption arc/story? Tragic hero falling to..? Revenge? Lust? Hunger for power?
— how they fit into the scenery or area around them, where they live and how they interact with people who surround them.
But, finally, do what you want. OCs can be tricky, but as soon as you learn that it is — in the end — You who control both them and You, it becomes a whole lot easier.
Blogs I recommend are @develop-your-oc and @creativepromptsforwriting — they both help a lot. <33
My final tip? Enjoy. And, if you don't, stop! Do what you want, forever. :)
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checkoutmybookshelf · 7 months
10 Characters 10 Fandoms 10 5 Tags
Rules: choose 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms -- no double dipping! Then tag friends or mutuals to complete the game as well.
Tagged by @apocalypticavolition (who I extremely blame for making me pick favorites. I am now the Miette meme sending this mutual to jail for 1,000 years)
Top 10
Jaina Solo of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (technically its now the Legends Continuity, but fuck Disney for that) - The unhinged drama that the extended Skywalker and Solo clans has a special place in my heart, but Jaina's A+ mix of badassery, trauma, angst, communication issues, and severe allergy to feelings makes every stage of her life an absolute treat to watch. That and the fact that she is the last Solo kid standing as of Disney's murder of the EU makes her the best in my book. Teenage me DESPERATELY wanted to be Jaina Solo. Adult me wants to give her a hug and take her out for a synthale.
Lady Sybil Ramkin Vimes of Discworld - This might be a low-key surprise pick, since I have previously cited Granny Weatherwax and Sam Vimes as Discworld favorites, but Lady Sybil also holds a special place in my heart, because she is literally an amazing partner to Sam without losing any of her own interests and personality. She is also a complete badass in a quiet, competent way that adult, married me would give literal years of her life to have. And then there was the time she absolutely let Serafine HAVE IT because she was pregnant, being held hostage, and Sam's life was in danger, but the goddamn tipping point was that Serafine DIDNT RESPOND TO THE ANNUAL LETTERS. Perfection.
Iskierka from the Temeraire series - She breathes fire, she is a holy terror, and she is basically a pirate masquerading as a soldier. Iskierka is a queen without equal.
Briar Moss from the Circle Universe - I just desperately want to give this poor traumatized boy a hug, but he already has three sisters and two mothers to do that for him. I genuinely think Briar's three books are the best written and executed in the Circle Universe, and his journey feels deeply grounded in a way that the girls' don't, because within their origins and cultures, the girls all came from some level of privilege. Briar is a grounding force that I deeply appreciate.
Dau from the Warrior Bards trilogy - Dau, much like Briar, is in desperate need of a hug. Another traumatized boy, but his one literally has to go on a three-book arc to learn how to feel his feelings and how to people. Basically, we have to socialize him, and watching Liobhan try to do that is by turns hilarious, heartbreaking, and rage-inducing. Dau tries so hard that he makes everything about five times harder than it has to be.
Lan Chitward from the Valdemar Universe - OK, I might prefer guys who need hugs, because Lan is a beautifully executed tragic hero. This kid ends up half trained and sans mentor and support system on the front lines of a war with his lifebonded partner and the phyrric victory claims both their lives. Before that though, Lan gets to speed run found family, and it's just delicious because it twists the knife even deeper. I have my issues with Mercedes Lackey, but in Lan she nailed a tragic, doomed hero.
Penelope Featherington from Bridgerton - The Netflix series is objectively better than the book series, but even in the books Pen is my favorite. Our girl is a WRITER, and she isn't afraid to use that skill. There also aren't enough writer protagonists out there, so shoutout to this lovely one.
Fire from the Graceling Universe - Fire is a fascinating protagonist because she is quite literally a monster, and just existing in the world for her is an exercise in understanding what humanity is...even in those humans who lack it.
Ikenna from the Blood Gift universe - Our beautiful murder barbie is inimitable and frankly I want there to be MORE books with her. And murder barbie speaks to my heart in some extremely specific ways.
Nyneave Al'Meara from the Wheel of Time - *yanks braid, smooths skirts* Literally if I didn't pick her, Nyneave would walk out of those books and come for my head, and I would have no choice but to agree with her because she is very much the best.
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kafka-ohdear · 8 months
thank you, @dontirrigateme @theflyingfin @executethyself35, @ronald-speirs and whoever tagged me in this game, it means a lot to me 🥹🫶💖
favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
- i'd say hanoi (not because of hoa lo prison trust me). half of the photos i have in my gallery is about hanoi. i just can't help but adore its beauty and culture 🥹
something you’re proud of yourself for?
- being alive lmao. other than that i think it might be the sChOLaRsHiP (i don't know what to call since it does get me a disconut for the tuition fees but not for studying abroad 💀) and prizes i've achieved. not really proud of them but at least i don't have to worry when my relatives ask about my education.
favorite books?
- i'm terrible at choosing so here are some of them: all quiet on the western front; carmen; thương nhớ mười hai; da vinci code; từ gác khuê văn đến quán trung tân; beyond band of brothers; munich: the edge of war and probably odyssey, but i haven't finish the book yet so we'll see.
have you read any of easy company’s books? if so, which ones were your favorite?
- i've read ambrose's and winters' book, but the misinformation was laying everywhere in the book, so i totally prefer winters' "beyond band of brothers" over ambrose'.
when did you join the hbo war fandom? what was the first show you watched?
- i think i first heard about band of brothers at 9, and started watching the show at 10. band of brothers is obviously the first show i watched, and from this show i discovwred about the pacific and generation kill.
something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
- skinny sisk. if a bit more serious then it's probably this whole fandom (ily all so much 🥹🫶💖).
favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
- i can't decide on my favorite actor/actress so far, but i'm mostly interested in anthony boyle's role as harry crosby in masters of the air now, so i'll go with that.
do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
favorite hbo war character and your favorite moment with them?
- obviously it's skinny sisk and i love every scene he is in 😋 lmao i remember there was a time when i got shipped with a boy in my class and my non-hbo war fan bestfriend literally yelled i got a boyfriend and he's skinny sisk 😭😭😭
random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
- i can play the piano, not too much tho 💀
favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
- my favorite one so far was "are you from the 1940s or what?". said by my friend to me one random day.
if you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
- i'm too ashamed to publish my works anywhere but yes, if you don't mind reading cringy ass fanfics.
any nicknames you like?
- duck, because my viet name rhymes with it and my classmates & online friends call me duck more frequent than my real name so yeah.
list some people you love to see around on tumblr!
- literally every mutuals i have and people i follow, especially @mylastresortiswriting @lamialamia @murphyism @fkmylif3 @blvestxr @onehelluvamarine and @executethyself35.
what would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
- die, most certainly. maybe i can make myself some tea before doing so.
favourite movie?
- war requiem by derek jarman. i love every movies he has ever made.
do you like horror movies?
- probably yeah. depends on whose movie is that.
tags: anyone who would like to participate!
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maglors-anion-gap · 1 year
5,6,10 and 17 for the spread love ask :)
[from this ask game]
5. Recommend three (or more) blogs to follow
you gave me the hard question!! :( someone else asked me the same question so it's not as hard though, I won't have to narrow it down as much. Today's theme is resources! I am recommending @antiracist-tolkien because the blog has such a good collection of meta and general information. I go weeks sometimes not logging on or scrolling much and I miss so many good posts, so I really appreciate the dedication to running an archive blog of that sort! @tolkien-meta-library fills a similar niche; I'm so paranoid about missing The Definitive Treatise on something or other. I'm also recommending @expertsofarda because if you're not plugged into the silmarillion writers guild discord or don't already have beta readers or mutuals with niche knowledge, this is an excellent place to see who might be able to answer a question of yours. You don't even have to message ppl; just knowing who knows what means tag searching their blog might yield results.
6. Ship or platonic relationship that you got into because of the fans
I think this is a tie between hurin/morwen(/aerin) courtesy of outofangband and idril/tuor/maeglin courtesy of jaz-the-bard! polar opposite pairings, to be sure. The former is because I had no knowledge of the narn and had simply failed to appreciate how cool morwen is (I have since learned the error of my ways). The latter .... tfog was really hard for me to engage with personally for a long time so it was actually really nice to see what the rest of the fandom was up to in terms of putting the puzzle pieces together, deciding what to keep, what to modify, etc. It's about the balancing of it, I think? idril/tuor was not so interesting to me on its own, and idril/maeglin was unbalanced and sad. I think a lot of the ships I'm interested in are some variation of having deep interpersonal conflict but also deep love. shrugs. (I've given maeglin the curufin blorbo treatment - it's the being your father's shadow for me).
10. A popular character you actually really like and why
Umm I actually really like Maedhros (No one could guess from my AO3 works /sarcasm). I don't think bad takes are super unique to him as a character; greater popularity and greater emotional attachment are positively correlated with woobification, and greater popularity is positively correlated with more takes and thus more bad takes. *snl reaction image* he has everything: pain, killing instinct, self-destructiveness, appeasement, love, hatred, duplicitousness, self-serving nature, hope beyond hope, trans of gender. He's not the only one to have these characteristics, but I also like fucked up and evil men. I can't list any of the other feanorians bc they don't come close for popularity.
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think
.... you know the answer to this, my friend! ;) That particular thread will bear fruit soon! But to give a second, evasive, answer: I feel like I do talk about this a fair amount, but it always makes me super nervous to write/post trans porn because ... idk I feel like people treat it like it's extra-perverse or extra-explicit, but like. That's just my life. I am simply just vibing yaknow? Or just, generally explicit fic. Because on the one hand I feel like it's very revealing and I feel weird exposing my sex life to people - not because I feel inhibited but rather that people will maybe find it odd. And on the other, I feel like there's a kind of narrow window past which you go from "freak (appreciative)" to "freak (derogatory)" and that window is vanishingly small for unpopular characters, queer freaks (moi), and kink.
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localunovaenjoyer · 2 months
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hello! ♡ my name's X or kaii, and this is my pokemon sideblog <3 here is my main.
about me:
he/they/void, genderfluid
canadian, learning jpn
yes i have adhd. yes i have autism. i know both are obvious :sob:
minor, please no nsfw
im a writer! here's my writing blog & my ao3! (theres nothing pokemon yet)
spontaneous activity, my fixation comes & goes. but my main has an updated list of my blogs if u really wanna find me elsewhere (i have too many)
i enjoy lots of other fandoms! kimetsu no yaiba/demon slayer, genshin impact, & team fortress 2 are just three of lots. (yeah ik 3 very vastly different things :sob:)
i run a pkmn rp blog! i might make more when im more comfy as a rper ^^
side note: i havent actually,, played any of the games, other than masters ex, but im reading pokemon adventures to make up for that. also i WILL talk about pokepastas here!!! so if thats not your thing this blog isnt for you!
dni: zionists, homophobes/transphobes, racists, xenophobes, anti-neoprns & xenogenders, just generally if ur an asshole. otherwise i block freely, dont take it personal
more non-essential info & credits under cut ♡
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about my writing:
i write a lot of dark topics. a lot of my writing digs into mental health, psychological & body horror, as well as surrealism. big emphasis on horror. BIG EMPHASIS.
most of my stuff is fanfiction, and i try to stay true to canon, but my headcanons can & do leak through sometimes.
^ that said, i have an entire world consisted of original characters & worldbuilding that im working on. idk if ill be posting it any time soon but i think its worth mentioning ^-^
i use it as an outlet & coping mechanism, but my content definitely isn't for everyone. if youre ever interested in anything im writing, pleaseeee look at the trigger warnings because things can get heavy. theres a reason my twitter mutuals dont trust me with their faves lol
omg don't make me narrow this down..
um ok i rlly love bw and bw2. so incredibly attached. especially to black, lacktwo & n, my darlings. i have a massive unova bias ok
also calem/x (i call him calem more often) (yes i stole his name (x)) (i love bullying him in fanfics)
also red blue & green. & gold & silver. and will & morty.
SCOTTIE, BETTIE, & PAULO. yes theyre from a spinoff game, NO i dont care!
fave pokepastas:
im saying this right now, hypnos lullaby is what got me into pokemon and you can Tell
ask any of my friends who my fave is and youll immediately get 3 words; grey & shinto.
also glitchy red, snow on mt silver, tarnished gold, lost silver, BLUE TEARS, & the vegetable moreep of kalos (underrated pasta go read it pretty pls)
you actually dont understand how much i love blue tears (im actually writing a 'parody' i guess? with my own spin) & grey
♡ - [ x reblogs = reblogs
♡ - [ x's talks = regular posts
♡ - [ self-reblog = reblogging my own posts
♡ - [ pkmn posting = regular pkmn stuff
♡ - [ pkpasta posting = pokepasta stuff
i think thats it? i hope thats it! if i remember anything else ill add more! credits to cafekitsune for the dividers~! byebye ^-^
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harleyacoincidence · 8 months
Just realized that I never did an actual writeblr introduction. Whoops. Anyway!
No idea how to format this, but we're here now and there's no time like the present.
Hello writeblr, I've been with you for almost a year now (I think). You can call me Harley, and I've been writing as long as I can remember. While the stories I wrote back in elementary school aren't the best, I am still proud of how much I've improved since starting out. I've kept a few WIPs I worked on in high school (those are being finished and edited), as well as a few others I started in the past few years.
Speaking of which, here are some original WIPs you might find featured on here (whether as part of tag games, asks, or random snippets):
Tales of the Unfortunate Summoner - Demons, humans, and trauma galore! Yes, I finally named the WIP with the niece-uncle relationship between a human (Henriette) and demon (Hadeon), featuring nobody's favourite former Shakespeare demon, Blaise. If you enjoy more modern fantasy, this might be the one for you. Once I finish writing and editing it so it's up to standard, of course.
Love Corrupts Fresh Lilies (often shortened to LCFL, due to laziness) - Ah yes, another instance of "idiot protagonist messes up and now everything's destroyed"! Meet Rafflesia, the poor mistreated girl who finds herself lost in some bizarre world after escaping her cousin, Jacob. She soon becomes corrupted and ends up a machine of mass destruction. Well, that's the plan, if I ever finish it. If you enjoy dark fantasy and dark romance, you might enjoy this.
The Devoted Musician - Wow! An analog horror series based on other horror media, how original! Well, it's been seven years in the making and I'm hoping it turns out alright. If you enjoy graphic horror media, ghosts, curses, and comic relief brought to you by deceased teenagers, this is something you might be interested in. It will be available on YouTube (with the next episode coming out VERY soon), and I will post the links to the videos on here as well.
Undying Service - I've barely outlined this WIP, due to focusing on my larger projects (see items 2 and 3 on this list), but here's the gist: altar server dies and is buried in a church, which they haunt to annoy members of the clergy as well as other religious folk. They might fix the occasional thing, but this is a mystery/satire, so we can't have too much of that.
Organized Obsession - This WIP has a better outline than Undying Service (at this point, literally anything does), as well as some characters. If you saw the poll that involved "fandom discourse but turned up to 11", that's this one. This WIP has some dystopian elements to it, but is also a satire (taken more seriously, unfortunately). I don't want to spoil too much, but in this world, taking sides is a must if you want to survive.
I'm going to be releasing a WIP crash course soon (along with the next episode of The Devoted Musician, which will have a bit more substance), so stay tuned!
I hope to meet more mutuals and people to follow, and the ones that I have are the best writers I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. If you have questions about any of my WIPs, feel free to send me an ask or tag me in a game! I try my best to respond to those as soon as I can.
(Also, obviously I have more things planned, such as smaller WIPs, possibly sharing completed works, ARGs, and even a game...but those are stories for another time.)
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doumekiss · 2 years
five favorite fics
I saw this on @firstaudrina and decided to do it too :D So here’s a list of my five favorite fics I’ve written and a little bit about how I feel about them: 
1. Lilac (Squid Game, Gi-hun/Sang-woo) - 33 Chapters - This is my longest fanfic to date and it has some of my best writing in it, also it covers a significant amount of time from 1984 to 2024 and I think it ended up being a quite satisfying slow burn. Also it distracted me from some bad stuff that was happening in my life at the time.
2. All that is hidden (The Untamed, Wen Qing/Jiang Cheng) - 18 Chapters - So in 2020 I went to watch The Untamed because of the promise of great gay content, and I got it don’t get me wrong, but I ended up weirdly fixated in a tragic het ship and this was my attempt to give them a happy ending.  It’s probably the fic I wrote I reread the most, and thanks to this I met a lot of really cool people. 
3. The Descendants (xxxHolic, Doumeki and Kohane’s children, Doumeki/Watanuki) - Oneshot - So I think as the great majority of xxxHolic fans I’m still heartbroken about how the manga ended and about Doumeki and Kohane’s getting married without being in love only to conceive children so that Watanuki doesn’t end up alone. But instead of writing a fix fic I wrote this piece that deals with how the children who were conceived of this arrangement might feel about this, it was quite interesting to imagine the children and the different perspectives they might have. I usually don’t create OCs for my fanfiction but I’m quite proud of how they turned out. 
4. Reunion (Greek Mythology, Ariadne and Theseus, Ariadne/Dyonisus) - Oneshot - In greek mythology there are a lot of crappy men but I still think that Theseus is one who particularly sucks, and as the title implies this fic is about him and Ariadne being reunited a lifetime after he abandoned her, and I think it was quite satisfying. 
5. Inside Your Head (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk) - 18 chapters so far - This is my current main writing project and I think it’s quite neat so far, I really like rom-coms with fantastical elements and I think this one is turning out really good, also a lot of people seem to be enjoying this one and it’s nice to feel appreciated ^_^
I tag to do it (if they feel like it): @overeasysmokemachine  @selinascatnip @bostoneris​ @eroshiyda @staybeautifulmp3 @aomitois @tater-tots-last-of-the-romanovs @ilthit and any other of my writer mutuals who feels like doing this :D
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
do you have any advice for younger / newere writers? you write so much and you're very skilled! i'm inspired by you
Aww thanks! Maybe I write a bit too much ahaha.
Well, idrk what you’re searching advice for so I will give general tips.
Before writing:
Do your research. Not only about the subject, but if there’s people out there who have also thought about the idea and have a tag for it.
Set a goal. I suck at this myself, but having a not-rigid word count goal (with timer if it makes you feel more motivated) really get your gears going. There’s a few pages that make it more entertaining too!
Warm up Drabbles. Nothing better than writing something adjacent to what you really want to write just to warm up and get a bit more creative so you hit the zone quicker.
This is optional but if you have time, make a page for your characters and setting. Like a reference page so you don’t go write someone is 160 cm when you have already said they’re 178.
While writing:
Limit your editing. It’s tempting to correct in the moment, (more if you’re unsure about grammar) but sometimes while fixing something you lose your pace and in the worst cases, forget where you were going. Editing can come later.
If you’re gonna have CW at the top, highlight the key words so it’s easier to go through it later.
After writing:
Don’t delete your scrapped ideas. You don’t know when you might wanna use that idea, so even if it’s never used having an scrap document for them is great.
If you didn’t like the end product altogether, it’s fine to put it aside for a while and come back to it later to see if it really should be abandoned in the scrap document or tossed away. Sometimes a little bit of time makes the errors look less severe and fixable and the good things to pop out more. Let it brew!
Pass your text through a beta reader and a program that allows you to correct your grammar and spot typos.
To gain attention:
Quick note here, don’t get discouraged if you don’t receive millions of likes in your first chapter. Sometimes it takes two projects or more to get traction. Keep going regardless of numbers! They don’t dictate how good you are!
Interact with others. Slide into inboxes, participate in ask and tag games, reblog other people’s fics, make collabs. most people are cool with being tagged in games even if you’re not mutuales with them so don’t be shy! Although, Don’t just talk to people to use their following.
Take part in writing/drawing challenges. July has the @whumpmasinjuly event with a prompt list, as there is events like the month of writers, nanowrimo, whumptober, etc.
Keep writing and explore other ideas besides your comfort zone. This started as a whump writing blog, but evolved into positivity, some art and writing (even occasional thoughts and poetry) The variety lends itself to grow your range of public and to expand your creative library.
Promote yourself. Shamelessly self reblog your favorite fics, or just reblog it for the timezone difference. You’re proud of what you wrote and I’m proud of you for writing it, but sometimes tumblr sucks and I won’t see it immediately. So don’t be afraid of reblogging your own things!
Make your own events and ask games. DTIYS, requests, giveaways when you hit a follower milestone. If you have the time for it and have fun doing it, go for it!
This is my personal opinion, but having visuals for your story such as mood boards, picrews, illustrations, etc. Makes me more interested in a story. It’s also an easy way to present your characters to your readers.
Have fun. It’s noticeable when an author is having fun writing it and when it feels like a chore. I’m not telling you to absolutely love it, just to trust in yourself and what you’re doing a bit. If it doesn’t feel right, revision it. If you can’t find it, hand it to someone and ask for their opinion. Not having fun doing what you love hurts like a bitch, and it just rubs salt in the wound when it flops or you can’t stand reading through it. So, explore ideas, maybe go back to your comfort to come back to the new a bit less scared. Or maybe find new inspirations so you can go rush and add new stuff and weed out what doesn’t seem right.
Overall that’s it I think. @ashintheairlikesnow has a great tag for new writers in her blog so I advice to check that out and ask more people. @thewritershandbook is also a good resource place!
Good luck anon! I’ll be cheering on you.
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