#i LOVE yamato…… he is so splendid wonderful to me
achilleslyre · 1 year
yamato for blorbo bingo!
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i love you yam……. i would have loved to see you work through the horrors and trauma of going from the root straight to anbu… i would have loved to see you trauma bond with sai……….. i would have loved to see you questioning the dark and horrifying reality of the konoha shinobi system and i would have loved to see you realize how you were only valued and used for your jutsu that almost took your life in the process of administering it to you…… i also would have loved to see you [redacted]
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goingsunnies-moved · 4 years
thoughts on chapter 1000 now you've read it? This was the most exciting chapter in a while! When Luffy walked up to and then past 2 Yonko? 5 Supernovas ready to fight together? Red Roc and the pirate king declaration? God damn!
chapter 1000: where to start? first off, i thought it was really, really good. i've seen some people criticizing the fact that it didn't have a 'major plot reveal'... but i think it was perfect. i think oda made a great choice in dedicating this chapter to luffy. luffy is the titular character of the entire series, and we've watched him grow for 23 years, 97 volumes, 1000 chapters and counting. if you look back to chapter 100, it had no major plot revelation either, it simply marked the beginning of a journey, in which chapter 1000 is a milestone.
the double spread on pages 10-11 is one of my favourites in the entire series. it makes me reminiscent of alabasta, or enies lobby, with illustrations of each side facing each other (even if this time, it's not the strawhats). i love the illustration itself, and i love what it represents. the old generation of pirates vs. the new. the inherited will of ace, and oden, and even roger, in seperate ways. the culmination of the entire post-timeskip saga.
i think incorporating ace was wonderful, too. this chapter is dedicated to luffy, and ace is such an important part of pretty much every aspect of luffy's character: development, perspective, personality... they all tie back to luffy's brother, and i'm so glad that ace appeared in this chapter, especially considering what he said.
i know that you could easily interpret the dialogue between ace and yamato (oh and by the way... yamato giving ace the vivre card? the dialogue parallels to alabasta? exquisite.) as them talking about luffy's dream to be the pirate king, but... i'm not sure. apparently, when roger was talking to oden about his future, it sort of... skips over that as well? i don't think what ace told yamato was about luffy becoming the pirate king. i think it was about freedom / inherited will, instead.
i thought the red roc attack was splendid. i will admit, i was a little surprised that it wasn't a gear fourth thing, but i understand why luffy wouldn't want to pull out his biggest guns this early on, (especially considering what happened with kaido last time). i love that oda thought to incorporate a new attack, and i think the illustrations were downright phenomenal. it just looked, to put it bluntly, fucking cool!
and finally, you've got to finish off with a pirate king declaration. i really can't see the chapter ending any other way. i don't have much to say on the declaration itself... but i can tell you that even in chapter 1000, the utter surety, the confidence, and the impact of that phrase gives me just as many chills as back in chapter 1.
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lotusfartstwice · 4 years
“You did all of this for me?” Sakura & Lee? 🌸
[from these prompts]
“You did all of this for me?”
Rock Lee had all but forgotten about his dojo and his dream of fighting rival fighters.
Pain’s attack had decimated the village and along with it his beloved dojo. Soon after, talk of war came about so rebuilding wasn’t even a blip on his radar. Once that had passed he had considered rebuilding but ultimately all his efforts were a shaky skeleton of a building. He had become quite busy after becoming jonin so he simply had no time to pursue any passion projects. A fact he often lamented to his fellow shinobi when goals were brought up in conversation.
“I think, if I ever got a chance to just work on the dojo again I would make it more appealing.”
“Appealing?” Tenten asked, brow quirked.
“The exterior! I would add a garden or a fountain! Maybe even a koi pond! That would be pleasant, would it not?”
“That is if you ever had the time,” Neji said with a sigh. The two had just returned from a mission so the Hyugga was really feeling the fatigue start to set in.
“No kidding. I’m still looking for a place to set up a weapon’s shop,” Tenten said before patting Lee on the back. “No worries! One of these days we’ll be all set.”
The three rejoined the rest of their friends.
Sakura had been busy training medical ninjas but once that had been taken care of she found herself with plenty of free time.
What was a kunoichi to do?
She decided to foster her bonds.
Her and her fellow shinobi had gone through many trials and tribulations together. They now lived in a tentative peace but it was peace nonetheless. She had learned many things from Tsunade but one thing that always stuck out to her was her teacher’s occasional regrets in life. The distance between friends had not done the former hokage any favors.
Sakura found herself having lunch with Ino or Hinata when she could. Then one could find her sparring with Tenten or Kiba. Naruto and Shino were helping in the academy so when she could she would offer advice on reading material they could use (and maybe scam some dango afterwards). Choji and Shikamaru were busy working as representatives to visiting shinobi from other villages. She'd join either or in giving tours around Konoha which always ended in a satisfying meal.
Sai, Neji and Lee were the only ones she didn't have much chance to spend time with one-on-one. The three men were often sent away on missions before they could get a chance to breathe. So oftentimes when she ever had a chance to interact with any of them was when she and the rest of their friends invited them out.
She would take what she could get, sneak in some conversations when she could.
Sakura had just gotten done catching up with Sai when she moved to join Team Gai, only to pause when she heard their conversation.
“I think, if I ever got a chance to just work on the dojo again I would make it more appealing.”
She blinked as memories of spending time in the secluded building as genin sprang forward. Lee had been so proud of it. She was impressed he had finished building it while recovering from injuries. It really had been years.
“That is if you ever had the time,” Neji said with a sigh.
Well, Sakura had plenty of that to spare at least more so than Lee did.
It was a lovely spring day and Rock Lee was happy to have it off.
“Sakura where are you taking me?” Lee couldn’t help but ask as his friend guided him through the village.
“It’s a surprise, Lee!” She stopped for a moment. “We’re getting close so you’re going to have to wear a blindfold.”
“A blindfold?”
Sakura snorted. “Concept of surprise is really eluding you today.”
Lee blushed but complied as he tied the blindfold. He heard the waving of Sakura’s hand in front of his face, for fun’s sake he quickly grabbed her wrist like a snake. “I might not be able to see but my senses are still keen.”
“Yeah, yeah you just wanted an excuse to hold me.”
Lee felt the tips of his ears heat up and he quickly let go of her.
“No good I need to hold your hand, remember?” He could hear the mirth in her tone which just made heat creep up his neck. She was so insufferable in her teasing sometimes.
Sakura rolled her eyes whenever Lee was able to name a street or a shop nearby despite a blindfold. He was such a show off.
“I guess they promoted you to jonin for a reason.”
Lee laughed. “Ah yes, my skill of memorizing my village. A very important qualification.” He paused as she led them outside the village and into the woods. “Interesting...what could be out here, I wonder?”
“I’m not gonna keep repeating that it’s a surprise.”
“You just did.”
She squeezed his hand with some force. “So I did.”
“Mm.” He squeezed back with equal force.
Something was familiar about this but Lee couldn’t put his finger on it. Wherever they were he had been there before. They had finally stopped and he could practically feel Sakura buzz with excitement.
“We’re here!” she let go of his hand. “Go ahead and take the blindfold off!”
He smiled at the tone of her voice before doing as asked.
“Wha-” the words got stuck in his throat at the sight before him.
He took a few steps forward.
His dojo stood proudly before him. It was still quite simple and no doubt worked off of the bare skeleton he had built beforehand. It didn’t look like a patchwork mess like when he was genin. It looked structurally sound. He peeked his head inside and grinned. There was plenty of space to work.
There was a new addition of flowers outside the building and was that a koi pond? He walked closer to investigate and sure enough. There were two koi fish lazily swimming about in the water. Two lotus flowers floating on the surface made him pause. “This is…”
He took a step back, swallowing hard as his eyes took in the rest.
“Do you like it?”
Lee looked back at Sakura. She was smiling but she looked nervous? What was she nervous about? This was wonderful!
“You did all of this for me?” He managed to whisper, his voice somewhat tight.
Sakura rejoined his side. “Of course!” She then pouted slightly. “Rock Lee, are you saying I’m not capable of doing nice things?”
His eyes widened. “N-no! Of course not!” He felt an uneasy laugh escape him before he looked back at the dojo. “I just...I cannot believe anyone would go through so much effort for me.” He could see Gai-sensei with maybe the reluctant help of his teammates sure but Sakura? Or anyone else for that matter? “This must have taken so long and I had no idea.”
He swallowed again but despite his efforts he couldn’t keep the tears at bay.
“I had some help,” Sakura said. “Naruto and I tried rebuilding everything from scratch but wound up knocking the frame you had up over.” She sighed remembering the failure. “Luckily Captain Yamato was happy to help us.” She moved to hold her friend’s hand. “We told him to keep things simple because that’s your style. He really wanted to make a two-floor dojo.” She giggled at the recollection of his disappointed face when they told him the details.
Lee chuckled, wiping his tears with his free hand.
“Then Choji and Kiba helped me make the pond.” Sakura laughed. “Akamaru was swimming in it a couple times before Shikamaru was able to bring in the koi fish.”
“Then Ino provided the flowers and everyone who could help came and we planted them everywhere.”
Lee imagined all their friends working together, laughing as flowers were arranged.
Sakura let go of his hand and he watched as she entered the building only to reappear with a blank piece of wood. “All that’s left is for you to make the sign.”
He took hold of it. He was sure it was the same size as it was when he was genin. Back then it had seemed so large and imposing. Now his hands were so big as he held it.
“You’re lucky I managed to keep that away from Sai! He was really insistent he make it but we compromised. He got to decorate your walls with some paintings.”
He laughed. “I did not even notice! I will admire them later.” He clutched the blank sign. “I do not know how to thank all of you.”
Sakura smiled. “Well, let us help you make it a proper dojo.”
She nodded. “We’ve got a couple civilians who are interested in learning taijutsu so once you have the time…”
“Absolutely!” He grinned. “I will take anyone in as a student! We will all be splendid together!”
“Excellent.” She gave him the nice guy pose before giggling.
“Thank you.”
“Well, it wasn’t just me-”
Lee shook his head. “I am aware that you had help but you organized it and made it happen.” He set his sign down to wipe freely at his eyes. “I am so very overwhelmed with all of this. It is so wonderful. Thank you.”
“Well, maybe the two of us can take everyone out for a meal.” Sakura suggested. “Does that sound good?”
“That sounds excellent!” He grinned. He couldn’t wait to thank the others.
“Excellent.” He blinked when he felt Sakura lean her head against him. Shyly, he moved to put an arm around her.
“Y’know you never did answer my question: do you like it?”
Lee blinked. “I thought it was obvious.”
Sakura just hummed.
“I love it! I love it all!”
His friend cheered and pumped an arm. “There we go!”
“I think later on I would like to add a tree, close by.” He says after a beat.
“Yes, I think it would be lovely.”
“What kind of tree? Maple or something?”
Lee blushed, pointedly focusing on anything but her. “I was thinking maybe a sakura tree.”
Sakura blinked before chuckling. “Yeah, maybe a sakura tree would be nice.” She sighed but made no move to untangle from Lee. “The blossoms will be a pain to keep out of the pond.”
Lee shook his head. “Not at all! I will think of it as training! All of it will be worth it.” He finally glanced at her, smiling now. “It will be a place to rest against. It will be lovely, I promise!”
“If you say so.” She poked his side, eliciting a laugh from him. “Ready to work on that sign?”
“Ah! Yes!” The two headed into the building where a brush and paint waited. 
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historicfailure · 3 years
(1/3, oh god) As usual, I love your headcanons to death. Especially after the whole Fourth War, I still see Sasuke as a brooding emo, but maybe a more mature, at rest brooder. Surprisingly (maybe), Naruto understands it most. Along those lines, YES the bargaining. “Miss miss, would you trade your extra special pork ramen for my extra special three-day-old antique candy? Pleaaase? It’s just like the candy from when you were young, I’m sure!” The nice ones always give into his baby blue eyes. ~1AM
Oh, ho, and Sakura definitely wasn’t let loose after training with Tsunade. If there’s one thing she’s improved, it’s her alcohol tolerance. Hell, she could even give “I drink when I’m depressed, which is every dead day” Kakashi a run for his money. I bet she says something stupid like “Cheers to our horrific, unforgettable, and absolutely splendid trauma!” while drinking. And yes, Kakashi would do that, but he’s starting to realize people are there for him. Not all are dead, thankfully. ~1AM
Yamato and Sai are a nice addition! I haven’t explored them much outside Forest Cat Cafe (still snickering about Sai gifting Naruto a very glorified d*ck pic), but I do love how nuanced you made them. Anyway, I’ll stop rambling now :P Tysm for sharing!
I realize this is part 4 of 3, but have fun making brownies! I haven’t had one in a while, so I’ll just pretend I’m there having one with you- /j. Ooh, also, Kakashi’s birthday is coming up! Along those lines, it’s almost been a whole year since I’ve become a Naruto fan :D When did you join the fandom? ~1AM
~ X ~
Heh, I’m so glad you liked them! :D Thank you so much for sending in your prompt! Your additions are so valid looool
I hope I can get them right >-< And hell yes, you’re there with me in spirit, I bet! And yeah, his birthday... I don’t think I won’t be able to do anything special for it >-< 
I watched Naruto relatively late, when I was in High School, And since then I fell hard and deep down the slope of the Naruto Fandom T^T9 And then, I started writing fanfic. Only for myself at first, right up until 2016 when I started to post them out of a fit of “Eeh, who cares anyway?”
(I was in the middle of exams in a foreign town, with a wonderful roommate. Tr*mp just had been elected as president, damn. I feel old now.) 
And well... As you can see, I didn’t stop since then ^^ 5 years! Not completely, the true birthday of the start of me posting fanfiction would be the 14th of November, but close enough ;D
Thank you so much again for such lovely asks! <3
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panharmonium · 4 years
next collection of in-progress naruto thoughts!
[spoiler policy disclaimer first, as always: I'm only still in the early stages of Shippuden (we just finished the arc where we met Sora from the Fire Temple and the Guardian Shinobi Twelve.  I literally had zero interest in Naruto growing up, so I remain unspoiled for virtually everything that happens past this point.  I would love to stay that way, so please don’t interact with this (tags included, because the notifications now show them to me automatically) with any spoilery commentary, including even general things like “oh i love this show but it gets less good after X point” or “X season is better than Y season” or any general assessments of quality/likability/etc re: future seasons.  Thank you! <3 ]
- i am really just losing it over how the relationship between naruto and sakura has become so strong and solid and how it’s so clear how much they care about each other and how they finally really feel like they have a deep friendship.  like.  they have a real bond now.  naruto sleeping with all the notes sakura wrote him clutched in his hand - i was about to scream.  how he is SO horrified that he hurt her while he was in the nine-tails state, and how she didn’t tell him because she knew how upset he’d be and she didn’t want him to feel guilty.  how she sees him turned into this vicious creature that’s hurting himself and is flooded with all these memories of him as this happy-go-lucky little kid.  how she tells him “i’m here too.  we have to be strong, you and me, together” after they’re both devastated over how poorly their first encounter with sasuke has gone.  his awestruck thought of “sakura...you’re amazing” when she’s treating kankuro in the sand village.  i just can’t get over how their relationship has grown.  how she used to think he was so obnoxious and annoying, and now they are perfect partners, with a deep friendship rooted in mutual respect and admiration - they really are the stiles and lydia friendship progression of naruto, aren’t they?
- also BRUH sakura was the first one to take out one of the guardian shinobi twelve AND the first one to take out an akatsuki - FUCKING INCREDIBLE!  i cannot even explain how happy i am to see her out here being amazing.  the story actually thinks she matters now, and it is beautiful.
- when asuma came out swinging with “CHILDREN AREN’T PAWNS”!!!!!!!  oh my GOD.  I was YELLING.  ASUMA.  I LOVE YOU.  
- i have now met yamato/tenzo and he is precious.  i was a little frustrated with him in his first arc because i didn’t understand why he was allowing the kids to drift so far off-mission and infiltrate orochimaru’s hideout to “retrieve” sasuke when there was literally no way they would be able to succeed, but ever since then i have become fond of him.  i really, really like seeing him and kakashi be friends (the way kakashi just keeps fucking with him, lmao) and it warms my heart whenever kakashi uses his real name.  (fyi the episode tag where yamato is drunkenly ranting to asuma about how overworked and underappreciated he is was SO fucking funny; i would watch a hundred episodes of those little slice-of-life moments without any hesitation.)
- sai was a surprise - i literally had no idea this character even existed.  he is v. cute; however, i remain EXTREMELY concerned about what the fuck kind of training program the anbu black ops is running, and i hope we aren’t just gonna let this slide, because i mean, sai said they like - take in war orphans and  like........turn them into child soldiers??????  i just?????  this seems........Bad????  like something that perhaps the hidden leaf administration should uhhhhhhhh........be concerned about???
- the FACT that naruto was SLEEPING in kakashi’s HOSPITAL ROOM for DAYS waiting for him to be discharged lmao i CANNOT <3333333333
- LOVED seeing tsunade stand up for naruto when he wasn’t in the room.  “he is a SPLENDID ninja and an asset to this village!”  tsunade is fed up with naruto half the time because he drives her crazy, BUT i loved to see the show remember that her entire first arc was about how naruto manages to stir something hopeful in her and how “there’s something about him that makes you want to bet on him.”  she cares about him and she does respect him, even when he’s driving her up the wall.  when they flashed back to that forehead kiss she gave him, the one she gave her little brother - goD <333
- also absolutely LOVED seeing the kids being dumbasses together.  when they all get into that silly, non-serious fight with sora and naruto, and then lee comes soaring in like “WHO PLANNED THIS MIGHTY MEETING OF FISTS WITHOUT INVITING MEEEE” and they’re all scuffling and yelling and shikamaru is just staring at them off on the sidelines with asuma like “...idiots”.........so beautiful.  
- speaking of which - we started the team asuma vs. akatsuki arc the other night and boy i am enjoying seeing this group again, and i am esp. LOVING seeing more of shikamaru’s dynamic with asuma - one of my favorite moments in shonen jump was when asuma dropped out of the trees and annihilated the nine guys who were about to take shikamaru’s head off; it was the first time i cheered while watching the show - but i will say this: this arc is making me kind of nervous.  i hope i am stressing myself out for nothing. :/
- i think this show is doing a really good job of giving all the akatsuki members unique and engaging personalities.  i still cannot get over how all the members of this group seem to hate each other, lmao.  i cannot believe they ever get anything done XD but i guess that’s pretty realistic for if you got a room full of selfish criminals together and asked them to cooperate with each other - it’s half of what makes them entertaining to watch.
- kakashi whipped out the rasengan in one of the last episodes we watched and honestly i could not POSSIBLY have been more pleased.  i had wondered about that a long time ago, and now i have the answer :)  naruto’s reaction......he is SO dismayed that somebody else can do it, lol; he literally doesn’t listen to the point kakashi is trying to make because he’s too busy grumbling XD XD XD
- relatedly - i sincerely hope kakashi takes the time to parade naruto’s inevitably successful new jutsu up and down in front of jiraiya like “well well looks like ONE of us was able to teach our student how to finish the rasengan” >:)
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Manga the Week of 2/24/21
SEAN: As I write this, Texas is being hit with blizzards. Why not curl up… in your dark house with no power… with some manga?
Airship gives us the print volume of the 2nd I’m in Love with the Villainess, and also a print volume for Skeleton Knight in Another World 8.
ASH: I haven’t finished reading the first volume of I’m in Love with the Villainess quite yet, but I suspect I’ll want to pick up the second.
SEAN: Denpa’s site says that The Girl with the Sanpaku Eyes 2 is out next week.
J-Novel Club has a trio of light novels. By the Grace of the Gods 6, Campfire Cooking in Another World 9, and The Greatest Magicmaster’s Retirement Plan 8.
On the manga side, they have The Faraway Paladin 4 and Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles 5.
Kodansha has two print debuts, though we’ve seen them both digitally before. Cells at Work: Baby! is essentially the superdeformed version of the series.
ASH: I enjoyed the original series, but haven’t managed to keep up with all the spinoffs!
SEAN: A Sign of Affection (Yubisaki to Renren) is one that I’ve gushed about before, but here I am gushing about it again. This story of a boy and girl meeting and falling in love, it’s all about communication, as our heroine is hearing impaired, and our globe trotting hero does not know sign language. Fans of Kimi ni Todoke should check this out.
MICHELLE: I missed this when it was a digital debut, so I’m grateful for a second chance at it.
ANNA: Amazingly, this is one of the very few Kodansha digital titles that I have read, and it is absolutely wonderful. It is by suu Morishita, so fans of Shortcake Cake should absolutely pick it up. I’m sure I bought the first couple volumes digitally due to Sean’s gushing and just never posted about it. Morishita does some wonderfully innovative storytelling as the two main characters figure out how to communicate with each other, and the hearing-impaired heroine is portrayed with great sensitivity. I’m so rooting for Yuki and her first real romance!!
ASH: I’m really looking forward to reading this one now that it’s in print. Can’t pass it up with recommendations like that.
MELINDA: Well, how can I possibly resist after that glowing recommendation?
SEAN: Also in print: Heaven’s Design Team 3. The anime is currently airing.
ASH: I have legitimately learned things about animal life reading this series.
SEAN: Digitally the debut is How Do You Do, Koharu? (Gokigenyou, Koharu-san), by the author of (and in the same universe as) Say I Love You. Koharu (the younger sister of Yamato, the male lead in Say I Love You) prefers to keep her friends solely on the digital side… till she’s tempted by a follower who she might want to be more than just friends with. This runs, of course, in Dessert. I hope it is a bit less drama-filled than its parent series.
MICHELLE: I’d seen this one on the release calendar but didn’t realize it had any connection to Say I Love You. Interesting!
SEAN: We also see DAYS 22, Harem Marriage 2, Maid in Honey 6 (the final volume), My Best () Butler 6, My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 2, Shangri-La Frontier 2, What I Love About You 3, and When We’re in Love 5.
Seven Seas’s biggest debut may be one that came out first nearly 10 years ago. After a period where it seemed that you couldn’t go a week without a new volume, the Alice in the Country of _________ series vanished, allegedly due to licensing difficulties with the original creator. But now it’s back… in digital form! It’s getting rolled out over several weeks. This week we get The Clockmaker’s Story and Love Labyrinth of Thorns (Julius) and The Mad Hatter’s Late Night Tea Party 1 & 2 (Blood).
ANNA: I think I’m tapped out of Alice in the Country of stories but I’m amused to see these being released again.
ASH: Oh, wow! I had somehow previously missed this news.
SEAN: In actual new titles, the debut is Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon (Kaketa Tsuki to Donuts), a yuri office romance story that runs in Comic Yuri Hime. Always happy to see more non-high school students.
And there is The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Wizard’s Blue 2, Days of Love at Seagull Villa 2, Failed Princesses 3, and How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? 5.
MICHELLE: I still haven’t even read volume 1 of Seagull Villa!
SEAN: Square Enix Manga debuts Ragna Crimson, a Gangan Joker title whose summary has the words “dark fantasy” and “revenge-fueled quest” and I stopped caring.
In much better Square Enix manga news, we get A Man and His Cat 3.
SEAN: Apologies to Tentai Books, I missed their debut light novel which is actually out later this week. World Teacher: Special Agent in Another World (World Teacher: Isekaishiki Kyouiku Agent) is another of those books where the plot is described by the title.
Tokyopop has a debut. The Cat Proposed (Bakeneko Katatte Sourou) is a one-shot BL title from Canna. A man watches a play and sees one of the actors has cat ears. Turns out he’s a bakeneko, and has chosen our protagonist as his spouse!
There’s also the 3rd and final volume of Still Sick.
Vertical has Ajin: Demi-Human 16 and Bakemonogatari’s 7th manga volume.
Yen On has had a few date shifts (try to contain your shock), but we do get a few new volumes this week… and two old ones, as Haruhi Suzumiya 3 and 4 get reprints. 4 is considered the series’ high point.
And there is Do You Love Your Mom (and Her Two-Hit, Multi-Target Attacks?) 8, The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn As a Typical Nobody 5, In the Land of Leadale 2, Konosuba 13, and May These Leaden Battlegrounds Leave No Trace 3.
There’s also a Yen Press title I missed last week, as it’s out this Saturday. Megumi Hayashibara’s The Characters Taught Me Everything: Living Life One Episode at a Time is her new memoir, and Yen is putting it out digitally the same day it comes out in Japan!
ASH: I really hope this is released in print at some point, too! It should be really good.
SEAN: Because of various delays and date shifts, Yen Press has FIVE manga debuts next week. We start with Adachi & Shimamura, the manga version of which we’ve already seen the light novel and the anime. Please enjoy Adachi’s gay panic and Shimamura’s attempts to be a functioning human being in a new medium. This runs in Dengeki Daioh.
Days on Fes is a series about two friends going to rock festivals, and that’s about all it is, from what I hear. Sounds like a Laid-Back Camp vibe. This runs in Comic Newtype.
ASH: Oh, that could fun.
MELINDA: I might be into this? As someone who used to go to a lot of music festivals, that is.
SEAN: The Girl without a Face (Kao ga Nai Onnanoko) is a one-shot from Comic Beam. A boy and girl are in love. She’s a bit… expressionless – literally – but that’s just fine. This looks both cute and spooky?
ASH: This could be fun, too!
SEAN: Golden Japanesque – A Splendid Yokohama Romance is the sort of josei title folks were BEGGING for ten years ago. It runs in Flowers’ online magazine, and its author did Kare First Love, for Viz fans with long memories. A Meiji-era title about a half-Japanese girl who’s discriminated against and the boy who thinks she’s a fairy-tale character.
MICHELLE: Ooh! I actually do own all of Kare First Love, as it happens.
ANNA: I am a Viz fan with a long memory and I think I own most of Kare First Love too. I am officially intrigued and will be picking this up.
ASH: Same!
MELINDA: Same here!
SEAN: Lastly there is ID:Invaded #Brake-Broken, a title which hurts me when I try to say it out loud. It’s the sequel to the anime, and runs in Young Ace.
We also get Eniale & Dewiela 2, Mieruko-chan 2, Overlord: The Undead King-Oh! 6, The Saga of Tanya the Evil 13, Slasher Maidens 2, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 7, The White Cat’s Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King’s Lap 2, and A Witch’s Love at the End of the World 2.
ASH: I’ll likely be picking up a few of those, too.
SEAN: What manga melts the weather all around you?
By: Sean Gaffney
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Yaotome Gaku: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 3
Tsumugi: Good work. Tsunashi-san, how’s your tongue?
10: Sorry about stopping it! It’s fine already.
10: I showed something embarrassing..!
T: No! I’m glad you weren’t hurt! 1000: Tongue twisters are hard huh. I also bit myself.
3: Yuki-san did it too?! lol
8: Tongue twisters don’t suit you huh. (lol)
1000: Is that so? I was confident with articulation since I’m doing a singing job.
10: Me too! I regret that I did it seriously even if it’s for fun...
2: You don’t need to say pantsu seriously… (lol)
9: What would you do if you got hurt. Be careful.
7: It’s cruel to Tsunashi-san if you scold him even though he was in pain…!
10: Thanks, Riku-kun. But, he didn’t get mad or anything so it’s fine! And earlier, Gaku and him brought me ice hoping to ease my pain.
10: Gaku and Tenn are also nice huh.
1000: Here Momo brought it too.
100: I can’t leave my darling in an emergency~(`;ω;´)
Okazaki: Momo-kun thinking about his partner is also nice huh!
1000: Right. ^ ^
T: I feel TRIGGER-san and Re:vale-san’s group love!
T: So then, let’s open up the requests again. From Mitsuki-san please!
3: Okay! From me it’s “I want to hear about Yaotome’s really cool episode!”
3: Yaotome is cool even inside and he looks good just by standing. So I wanted to try asking if you had some kind of super handsome episode!
8: What is that, a handsome episode (lol).
3: Eh, what is it… Like everyone turns around to look at you when you are walking through town?
100: Like all the school girls passed out on the first day you transferred!
3: That’s from the indie movie we watched together that time right lololol
100: That was super funny lololol
8: That’s a recently popular movie right. I think I also wanted to see that!
3: It’s super interesting so definitely watch it! But it’s seriously just a movie about a handsome guy transferring to the school lololol
100: The songs and dance and costumes and plays were also splendid huh! Even though it’s a school movie, it’s super super super gorgeous!
5: Indie movies certainly have an image of being gorgeous.
2: Actually there are lots of sad, non-dancing and singing movies too.
10: Yamato-kun, as expected of a movie buff huh. You watch a variety.
8: Should I go soon? It seems the showings will end soon.
3: I’ll go with you! I wanna watch it again lol.
100: Me too! The music is always stuck in my head!
8: That sounds catchy!
3: Also, it sounds like I was talking about your looks, but it doesn’t need to be!
3: More like, I want to hear Yaotome’s manly episode.
3: Like you beat an evil organization or rescued a puppy in the rain. Something the fans will get a crush on you for!
8: I don’t have those experiences. (lol) Well, I’ll think of something.
T: It seems the listeners will also be happy hearing about Yaotome-san’s manly episode!
T: Next is the request from Yamato-san please!
2: From me it’s “Please copy your favorite animal.”
1: The taste is the complete opposite of from Nii-san’s request huh...
8: What’s that?
2: As Mitsu says, Yaotome’s handsome right. Letting you do handsome and cool things aren’t interesting (lol)
2: I thought of letting him showing everyone that he’s not only handsome.
8: You’re making fun, aren’t you?
2: No no, it’s a serious request (lol)
8: Haven’t you been (lol)ing since earlier.
7: But I think copying an animal would be cute!
100: Certainly! Wouldn’t girls’ hearts throb because of the gap?!
2: I wanted to say that too.
8: Seriously? (lol)
9: Isn’t it fine. Before this, you and Ryuu were copying dogs. What about doing that?
8: What’s that. I never copied a dog.
10: Eh, was I doing that? I don’t remember...
9: Right. It seems you were pretty drunk.
9: You guys saw puppies barking on TV, you two suddenly started barking. Do you understand how I felt seeing you two?
8: Ah
8: That’s right, we did that kind of thing huh...
10: Really?!
9: Have you remembered?
9: It was annoying so I told you to stop but Japanese didn’t work. Maybe I should’ve spoken in dog language too.
10: S-Sorry...
8: Sorry..
4: Being drunk is seriously scary. I’ll neeeeever drink.
5: I should also be careful...
1000: If you drink responsibly, alcohol isn’t that bad.
9: Well, putting aside that day, you were good at copying so isn’t it fine.
8: R-Right. Then I’ll do Nikaido’s request as a dog...
2: Somehow, I’m sorry...
Anesagi: Gaku, afterwards please let me hear that. I’ll check if you can show it to people.
T: It is an unexpected specialty that you two are good at copying dogs…!
T: So then, next is Yaotome-san with a request for yourself please!
8: Yeah. My request is “I want to play one TRIGGER song.”
8: Because the other songs on the show have already been decided by someone else. But, since I’ll host the radio, I want them to hear a song with all three of us too. 
10: I’m happy! I also want a lot more people to hear TRIGGER’s songs!
9: It’s a good request. But don’t the listeners want to hear Gaku talk?
8: Not only just playing a song, I’ll talk about the inside story that’s related to the song too. If I do that, the listeners will be happy too right?
9: Right.
8: But I don’t know what song to do.
8: There are too many songs I want to play that I can’t pick.
9: I want them to hear new songs too but the other songs are best too.
10: And there are lots of memories with the songs too...
8: Maybe I’ll make a die with the song titles on it and roll it during the corner?
9: That’s a good idea.
10: That seems like a fun idea huh! It seems I could be excited by the radio if Gaku’s request is chosen!
T: Definitely please also let me hear the inside story on TRIGGER-san’s song!
T: Next, how about we hear the request from Tsunashi-san?
10: From me it’s, “Tell me what you want to do in Okinawa”!
10: We go to Okinawa for jobs but we can’t really relax right? So then, if we took a vacation, I was thinking about guiding you through Okinawa’s sightseeing areas.
10: I’ll guide you, so can we go on a trip together? Of course with Tenn too.
8: That’s nice! If Ryuu is the guide, it seems like it could be a slightly deep trip huh.
8: Like going to an Okinawan food restaurant that only the local people would know.
9: A cool season might be nice.
4: Summers in Okinawa are insane huh! I was sweating so much I thought I’d melt.
1: That won’t happen but I understand how you feel. The temperature is lower than here, but the sunlight is strong. 
10: That burning heat feels nice! Doesn’t it feel like you are alive?
6: Tsunashi-shi seems to have odd tastes. Japan’s summer heat is torture...
1000: I feel the same, Nagi-kun. I want to turn the AC onto the whole Earth.
10000: I think it would be good for Yuki to get out in the sun a little more though?
8: I actually like being hot. I’m looking forward to a trip to Okinawa!
9: Yeah. Seems like Anesagi-san heard that too.
Anesagi: Refreshing is a part of the job too. If there are times where you can get big break, I would adjust for it.
10: Thank you! I’ll rely on Anesagi-san then.
T: A trip to Okinawa with everyone sounds really fun!
T: Next how about hearing the request from Momo-san?
100: From me it’s “An association game.” (o‵・∀・′)b
100: It’s a game of answering with as many words that associ8 with “TRIGGER” before the time’s up!
8: Heeh, an association game seems fun somehow.
100: I couldn’t decide what word to associate with tho~.
100:  I thought of a lot but the ones listening to Gaku’s radio are probably TRIGGER fans too. I thought they’d be happy to be able to hear group conversations!
8: So you thought about it that much huh. Thank you!
3: It seems it could become very heated if Yaotome’s talking about TRIGGER.
2: Seems like he would talk about his love for TRIGGER clearly.
4: So-chan is now searching “shorthand” and ”how to learn.”
5: Tamaki-kun, you don’t have to say that here..!
100: Are you going to write down everything from the radio?!
8: No matter which request I pick, I plan to make it a light and fun talk.
T: I’m looking forward to what kind of talk Yaotome-san will do on-air!
T: Lastly is the request from Yuki-san please!
1000: Who is Gaku-kun’s favorite in Re:vale?
1000: That’s it.
4: Amazing!! It’s such a coincidence!! It’s the same as me!!
1000: Yeah. I heard Tamaki-kun’s request so I did this.
4: [Spinning Pudding Stamp]
1000: I’d actually thought about something different but I felt like changing after hearing Tamaki-kun’s request.
8: No no! A favorite in Re:vale, but isn’t it just you two?! I can’t pick (lol)
1: Certainly, the importance differs compared to choosing from 7 people. It means you have to choose Momo-san or Yuki-san.
100: Picking one person out of two is a turning point in life! This is a scariest request that might change your life!
100: Who came up with this kind of ultimate request (><)
1000: Me.
100: This is the cruelest request that no one could copy! You are so handsome that you came up with this…!
1000: ^ ^
4: Eeeeh! Yukirin just copied mine right?!
8: It’s terrible. I’ll pray that I don’t pull only this request...
T: It seems pretty difficult to pick one favorite huh..!
T: It’s curious in many ways, but that’s it for collecting the requests. Thank you everyone!
10: So then, next it’s Gaku’s turn to give us a request huh!
7: I’m looking forward to what kind of request it’ll be!
*T: Do you have a request for TRIGGER-san?
8: Let’s be the best TRIGGER from now on too. Even though I don’t even need to make a request for this.
8: I’ve gotten a lot of requests but saying something myself is kind of embarrassing (lol)
100: Embarrassed Gaku is cute! It’s fine to let me spoil you more ☆
10:Being relied on by reliable Gaku makes me happy!
2: While spoiling him, shall we celebrate your birthday?
3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Yaotome! I found a nice darts bar, so let’s go there one day!
7: Happy Birthday! I’m looking forward to your radio!
100: (o'∀'o)ノ★°。+。☆HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAKU☆。+。°★\(o'∀'o)
10000: Happy Birthday!
4: Gakkun, HBD! Pull my request okay!
1000: Happy birthday. I’ll tell you if I recommend a movie.
1: Happy Birthday.
5: Happy Birthday. Please spend a wonderful year.
2: Congrats. Shall we go drinking again? 
Okazaki: Happy Birthday. From now on too, please take care of Re:vale.
Anesagi: Happy birthday. Someone was saying this before but, be spoiled when you can be spoiled.
T: Yaotome-san, Happy Birthday!
9: From us, maybe we should say it on your birthday.
8: Thank you. I’m happy that they celebrate me in a lively way every year.
8: It’s not as a return but I’ll definitely make this radio a fun episode. Expect a lot from it.
19 notes · View notes
tigerintokyo · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 Part 1, Ch 4.1 side story
Side Story: A Man Involved
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the break.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa! TRIGGER!!
Audience: Tenn-kuuuuuuuun!
Riku: ..............Everyone is having such a great time at TRIGGER's concert...... All eyes are on Tenn-nii......
Tenn: Everyone! Thanks for tonight!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa---! We love you, Tenn-kun!!!
Riku: ..........They don't even know how he really is...... That guy is a jerk who left his own family behind.
Tenn: Everyone, I have something to say. We have a special guest with us today! 
Audience: Special guest?! 
Tenn: It's my brother, Riku!
Riku: What...?!
Tenn: Riku, get up here! I want to introduce you to everyone. Come on. Get up on the stage.
Riku: W-what is this, all of the sudden! .........But, I haven't even forgiven you yet, Tenn-nii..... 
Tenn: Riku, I'm sorry about what I did back then. It was all for this day to come.
Tenn: For us to stand on the stage together! You and me, Riku!
Riku: R--really....?
Tenn: Yes! Really! Come on, come stand next to me! Wave to everyone in the audience!
Audience: Kyaaaaa! Riku-kuuuuuun!
Audience: Tenn-kun and Riku-kun are the best---!
Riku: .....Everyone is smiling...... It's just like the people who used to come to Dad's place.......
Tenn: That's right. Our dream has finally come true.
Riku: Tenn-nii.....
Tenn: Here, take the mic. Let's sing something together.
Riku: OK.....!
Riku: I'm Tenn-nii's brother, Riku! I will do my best to sing with Tenn-nii! This song is called.....
Iori: Nanase-san.... Nanase-san...!
Riku: ……..!
Iori: You're finally awake. What were you dreaming about? You were all smiley while you were asleep.
Riku: ..........a dream......... 
Riku: ......ughhhh...... It was a dream I wish I never had....
Iori: You seemed pretty happy having a dream you didn't want to have.
Riku: I wasn't! I'm not happy! It might've been like that in my dream, but now IDOLiSH7 is more important to me....
Iori: You don't need to make up excuses for a dream. It’s not like I know what you saw in there, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Riku: Yeah, you're right......
Iori: What kind of dream makes you want to make excuses for having it?
Riku: .........I'm glad you weren't there in my dream, Iori. If you were there, I'm sure you would be fed up with me right about now.
Iori: …….
Riku: I'm not like that, Iori. I'm definitely not like that. My dream is IDOLiSH7!
Iori: I'm not sure what this clear-eyed declaration is about, but that's great. I believe you.
Riku: Thanks!
Iori: Now, get up and get ready. Everyone else has already left. 
Riku: What?
Iori: Today is the day we've been waiting for, the TRIGGER concert.
Suspicious guy with stubble: .....Today is the day we've been waiting for, the day of reckoning.
Suspicious guy with stubble: The bomb looks like a fire extinguisher, so we can plant it in the tower with the holiday crowd, after we get it from the mule. The security cameras have been taken care of.
Suspicious guy with stubble: The bomb will detonate as soon as I get a certain distance away from it. Be sure to not flip the switch until it's set in place.
Suspicious guy with stubble: It's rigged with a wiring trap to look like a time bomb, and it has a gyro sensor. If they try to move the bomb, it will go off.
Suspicious guy with stubble: This time, the government and the police will bow down to us. The release of our comrade is guaranteed. I'm depending on you.
Suspicious men: Yes, sir!
Suspicious guy with stubble: Here's a picture of the mule. A Scandanavian guy. The drop-off point is at a bench next to the tower. He'll drop off the bomb and walk away.
Suspicious guy with stubble: Be sure you don’t draw attention to yourselves when you pick it up.
Nagi: Handkerchief.
Tamaki: Check.
Nagi: Ticket.
Tamaki: Check.
Nagi: Time until the doors open....
Tamaki: Five hours.
Nagi: Yay! High five!
Tamaki:  Yay! We're all set!
Yamato: Good job, guys! The time has come for you two to redeem your honor.
Yamato: It would be way too early to go to the concert right now. Let's grab a bite here first and then go. 
Nagi: Good! Let's have lunch where we can see the tallest tower in Japan!
Tamaki: Yeah. Yama-san, I wanna get a burger.
Yamato: A burger? I think there's a place this way.... oh!
Woman in a suit: ......I'm sorry. 
Yamato: No, it was my fault.
Woman in a suit: ............ Excuse me.
Yamato: She was pretty.
Tamaki: That lady was looking at Nagicchi.
Nagi: There's nothing strange about that. All women are fascinated with me. It was probably my sinful good looks.
Yamato: You just keep telling yourself that..... Oh, here's the burger place. Tama, come with me to buy the food. Nagi, save us a spot on one of those benches.
Tamaki: I'll call you with the menu after we get in line. You can tell me what you want.
Nagi: Okay.
Woman in a suit: ...........Phew..........
Man in a suit: .....Senpai, what's wrong?
Woman in a suit: He was really good looking....
Man in a suit: What?
Woman in a suit: N-nothing...... I got a good look at his face. I don't think he's the guy we're looking for.
Man in a suit: I see...... Where is our drop off guy? Isn't he supposed to show up around here?
Man in a suit: If the tip we got is true, those terrorists should be getting a bomb and planting it somewhere in the tower.
Woman in a suit: Yeah. It's scary to think that someone would cause so much destruction in such a peaceful place..... 
Woman in a suit: It would be good if we could evacuate the area just in case, but we can't take those kinds of measures without confirming there's a real threat.
Woman in a suit: If we find the drop off guy and the bomb, then we can order the evacuation and keep all these people safe.
Man in a suit: We have to find him. We have a lot of plain-clothes cops out. We will protect the people and the city from those terrorists!
Female passerby: Wow, what a good looking guy.... I wonder where he's from.... Hi. 
Nagi: Hi, girl.
Nagi: OH.......... It's a beautiful day. But, I shouldn't have bought so much on my way here.
Nagi: 27 manga volumes of this season's hot anime.... are really heavy.
Suspicious tall guy: .......Hey, look over there. That blond guy sitting on that bench over there. Isn't he the one dropping off the goods? 
Suspicious young guy: The bag is also the color they said it would be. But, he looks younger than in the picture....
Suspicious tall guy: No, I'm sure I'm right.
Suspicious young guy: But, aniki. They said he would put the goods under the bench and take off. Why is he still sitting there....?
Suspicious tall guy: Does he have a message to pass off too? The money should already be transferred. Maybe there was a mistake?
Suspicious young guy: No way..... He probably wants more for it now...... .....that son of a bitch. He better watch his step! 
Suspicious tall guy: Don't be so loud. Fuck..... I can't get a hold of the boss.... We can't afford to mess up the plan.
Suspicious tall guy: I'll get the bomb from that guy, even if I have to force it from him.
(Phone vibrates)
Nagi: Hi, Tamaki. I saw the RabbiChat. What splendid food porn. My stomach is crying out in delight.
Nagi: So, Tamaki, I will now tell you what I have chosen while being tempted by those seductive burgers. My choice is.....
Passerby: Ah! It's a fire!
Passerby: There's smoke coming from that building! 
Nagi: .......WHY?
Suspicious tall guy: Don't move.
Suspicious tall guy: Hang up the phone and put your hands on top of your knees.
Nagi: …….
Man in a suit: A fire?! Was it them?!
Woman in a suit: They could be trying to disrupt our surveillance. Even if it isn't, this splits up our manpower.... .....People are panicking.
Passerby:  A fire? Where?
Passerby:  There wasn't a fire, but there was a lot of smoke. If it's like a chemical thing, it could still explode, right? Let's get out of here! 
Woman in a suit: ............People are running around so much, I can't see anything!
Suspicious tall guy: Let go of the phone, and put your hands on your knees.
Nagi: …….
Suspicious young guy: Wow........ This guy looks like a movie star.....
Suspicious tall guy: You dumbass, stop staring.
Nagi: Sorry. The only thing that would make me hang up is a woman's lips begging for a kiss.
Nagi: That uncharming silver blade is a little boring.
Suspicious tall guy: Shut up. Hey, take his phone. 
Suspicious young man: Hand it over....!
Nagi: ............... *sigh* .......... There's nothing more boring than trying to talk to people without any class.
Nagi: I have one piece of advice. I have many valuable images saved on that phone. It's a tragedy, but I haven't backed them up yet.
Nagi: Handle it carefully, because if any of them are missing, you will feel a wrath equal to my love for Kokona.
Suspicious tall guy: Kokona...?
Suspicious young guy: Is that his boss....?
Nagi: Now then, what business do you have with me?
Suspicious young guy: .........He's not even phased by the knife.....
Suspicious tall guy: Of course not. He's worked with organized crime all over the world..... He’s pretty tough.
Suspicious tall guy: If you want to keep your life, just give me the bag.
Nagi: I refuse.
Suspicious young guy: You have a death wish?! 
Suspicious tall man: You're too loud!
Nagi: If you just wanted to borrow my phone and my books, you could have asked politely.
Nagi: I gladly share with my friends. I had heard that Japan is a safe country, but you two are acting no better than terrorists.
Suspicious tall guy: ........What the hell are you saying? We are terrorists! One wrong move, and I'll kill you on the spot! 
Nagi: I see. No need to hold back then.
Nagi: Hm......... It's a peaceful holiday. I don't want to bother the people here. Would you mind if we go somewhere else?
Suspicious tall guy: Fine. Let's get somewhere out of sight. But don't think you'll be able to negotiate with us so easily. You weasel!
Passerby:  Look over there! It's a fire!
Passerby: All those people are running away from that building. What's going on? Let's go check it out!
Mule: …….
Mule: I found the bench with the mark.
Mule: I'm leaving the bomb here. Good luck. 
Woman in a suit: .....That's the guy! We got him! On that bench!
Mule: ......Holy shit!
Man in a suit: Stop! You won't get away!
Tamaki: ........What was that! Nagicchi, don't quiz me! We got to the front but couldn't order anything!
Yamato: What's wrong? You were at the front, but you got out of line.....
Tamaki:  I asked Nagicchi what he wanted to order, but he cut to commercial right before telling me what he chose. Uggggggggh.......
Yamato: Haha. It was probably a joke.
Tamaki: I tried to call him again, but he isn't answering. So I couldn't order! I'm so hungry! I'm so hot! 
Yamato: You should have just ordered something. Tama, you really are particular about this kind of thing. Here.
Tamaki: Ahhh...... That feels good. What is this?
Yamato: Cooling spray. I thought the concert today was outdoors, so I bought it. I found out it’s indoors though.
Tamaki: Oh. Spray me some more.
Yamato: Cool down as much as you want.
Yamato: ......I wonder if something happened? People are running around out here.
Tamaki: When I was in line, I heard someone say there was a fire..... Huh? Nagi's not here? His bag is under the bench though.
Yamato: ...........hm? Is that Nagi's? Wasn't the design different?
Tamaki: No, I'm sure I'm right. Geez.... What is Nagicchi doing, just leaving his stuff like this?
Yamato: Do you think he saw a pretty girl somewhere and went to go hit her? Tama, hold onto the bag.
Tamaki:  OK. Upsy daisy.....oh, it's so heavy...!
Yamato: What's in it? 
Tamaki: Some anime's manga. He said he bought a whole set. I'm gonna borrow it later. .......Ugh!
Yamato: Hey, don't swing it around so much. Nagi likes his stuff in perfect condition. If you mess up a book, he'll scream.
Tamaki: Manga are fine as long as they're readable.
Yamato: I think so too. But he'll cry about it, so be as careful with them as you would if you were carrying a bomb. 
Tamaki: Hahaha! I've never carried a bomb in my life. Yama-san, you're so funny.
Yamato: Haha. Yeah, it is funny now that I think about it. Alright. Let's go look for Nagi at Sky Blue Tower.
Tamaki: OK.
Mule: Damn it all! Go away!
Man in a suit: Behave like a good boy! ........Senpai, hurry and tell the chief.
Woman in a suit: I know!
Woman in a suit: Chief, we've got the mule. But we don't know where the bomb is. Lock down the area immediately.
Woman in a suit: If the bomb gets too close to the tower, it’ll go off.
Suspicious young guy: .......Keep walking. Don't turn around. If you look back, I'll stab you.
Nagi: …….
Suspicious young guy: ........No one will come back here. This should be good enough. Hand over the bag.
Nagi: Why are you so interested in my bag? Are you working for the Northmare Royal Family? Or did the Board of Directors send you? 
Suspicious young guy: Don't give me that Northmare gibberish.
Suspicious young guy: What we want is the C-4 explosive in the fire extinguisher. We already sent the money! You're breaking your contract!
Nagi: OH..........
Suspicious young guy: What?! What's so funny?! 
Nagi: Haha....... I see. You guys are such amateurs. You have my heartfelt sympathy.
Nagi: Not only have you threatened the wrong person, but I'm also the last person you'd want to make an enemy of.
Suspicious young guy: Wh...what the hell? I said don't turn around!
Nagi: You didn't even restrain my hands and feet. Nor did you take a hostage. Did you really think that flimsy little knife is a threat to me? 
Suspicious young guy: Hey.......
Nagi: It's getting closer to the time we're supposed to meet. I can't lose this important chance to show Mitsuki and Tsumugi how good I am.
Nagi: Alright. I know what you want. So, let's keep this short.
Next episode
Please don’t use my translations without my permission.
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turtleparadise · 3 years
[ ~ One ~ Two ~ Three ~ Four ~ Five ~ Six ~ Seven ~ ]
7. One Year Later
"They'll be here soon, Empress."
"I can't wait!" Yuffie jumped up and down, shaking flowers in the bouquet she was holding on to.
"It's been a long time," Vincent said out of nowhere, making his girlfriend jump into the air. She turned around and gave him an annoyed stare.
"Where have you been, all this time?"
"Searching for my true love," he grinned, lifting up her hand and kissing it delicately.
"Excellent save, sir," said one of their attendants, wiping dust off of Vincent's jacket. He waved them away, and they began dusting Yuffie's clothes instead.
"Does it count as a save if she's still annoyed?" Yamato asked in monotone, not looking up from the clipboard he was scribbling on.
"You know me so well," Yuffie laughed.
"Is everything alright, Yamato?" Vincent asked.
"He's just in a mood because we're not holding the party in Hana."
"I'm not 'in a mood'," Yamato said. "The Imperial City is a splendid place to hold any arrangement. Except..."
"You miss your kids," Yuffie pointed out.
"So, Vincent," Yamato said, trying to take the subject off of himself, "where were you, really?"
"Ah... Speaking with Godo."
"I'm so glad he likes you now," Yuffie said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him in close.
"It took a long time," he nodded. "I remember how furious he had been, at first. What with you 'shaming the entire nation', as he put it."
"He's such a drama queen," she shook her head.
"You did create quite a stir," Yamato reminded her. It was the understatement of the year. "What with you jumping into his arms in front of an entire city. And all their cameras. And internet connections."
"Worth it," Yuffie said, kissing Vincent tenderly. "One hundred percent worth it."
"Well," Ayase cleared her throat, "the airship has landed, and they will be arriving by cab within minutes. Everything is in order for the special welcome. Places, everyone!" She and Yamato stood off to the sides in the garden square, while the attendants all ran off to take their places. Yuffie and Vincent stood in the center, staring up at the starry sky while waiting to greet their guests.
In no time at all, the cars all arrived, and their guests poured out: Cloud, Tifa, Reeve, and his "son" Cait Sith from one car, and Shera, Cid, Barret, and Marlene from another. They all greeted their two friends with smiles, hugs, and stories. And from a third...
"Kids!" Yamato broke protocol and ran toward a group of five, three young adults and two children, who piled on top of him and knocked him to the garden floor. He couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, look at you! Cid, Luneth, you're sprouting up like bamboo! How did you grow so much in a year? Oh... What a wonderful surprise."
"Cloud and Tifa insisted on paying our way," Hikari said, once they had let Yamato stand back up. "This is our first time out of the country."
"Hana is growing," Leon said. "You should come visit soon and see the sights."
"Sorry I'm late," Nanaki greeted, leaping over the archway and into the square. "It's been several years since I last ran through the fields of Wutai... I couldn't resist."
"Naturally," Yuffie winked. "Aren't they lovely?"
"Is that everyone?" Vincent asked, gazing around the small crowd.
"Not quite," Yuffie said, gesturing toward two more cars. From these stepped President Dawn, Mayor Bianca, Mayor Vaast, and several other community leaders from around the world. The Empress greeted them all with hugs - except for Vaast, who preferred handshakes.
"Well then," Ayase said, checking off items on her clipboard before giving the Empress her full attention. "With the exception of a few others, who've already called ahead late, we have liftoff."
"Everyone," Yuffie smiled, barely able to contain her excitement. "Welcome..."
She struck a pose, one arm in the air, fingers outstretched. As she spoke, cherry blossoms were thrown into the air, raining down gently around the guests. At the same time, far in the distance, fireworks leaped high into the sky and exploded into flowers of gorgeous, colorful fire.
"...to the Imperial City of Wutai!" The entire group applauded, keeping their eyes on the gorgeous light show that continued.
"All that, jus' to greet us?" Cid asked. "Coulda' saved a lotta money-OOF." Shera elbowed him in the ribs.
"Thank you, all of you," she said, bowing to Yamato and Ayase.
"Come in, come in!" Yuffie made frantic beckoning waves with the hand that wasn't looped around Vincent's arm. The two turned and headed farther into the garden, along a beautiful stone pathway that led to a splendid little palace. The giant double doors were left open, so they could easily see that the first floor was completely dedicated to the party in question. Many citizens from all over Wutai were dancing up a storm, playing games, or chatting amongst themselves. "This is gonna be FUN!"
"Terra!" Yuffie gave the young woman a hug. "Enjoying the party? Where's Hikari?"
"They went to get some drinks," Terra said. "I, er... asked them to."
"Vinnie, can you get me something, too?"
"Of course," Vincent said, bowing to the two before walking away.
"I... I just wanted to say I'm sorry," Terra said. "For getting mad at you last year."
"Don't apologize for your feelings," she said, shaking her head. "If you had yelled at me, or been rude, or something, I would accept your apology. But you didn't. Not that I remember, anyway." Terra simply shrugged at this. "Will you still be my friend?"
"Of course!"
"And... I'm guessing you feel a lot better these days? You definitely look happy with your arm around Hikari..." She nudged the young woman with her elbow.
"Yuffie!" Terra put her hands on her hips, blushing.
"Sorry, sorry," Yuffie laughed. "How long have you two been together?"
"Almost a year now. They asked me out after we danced together at that party. I said no."
"You did? Why?"
"Feelings," she shook her head. "But after a while I called them up and we gave it a shot. I was still kind of hoping I wouldn't like them, but... I had a wonderful time, and they were so great. So we kept seeing each other. Yuffie, I... I think I'm in love!" Yuffie screamed excitedly, jumping up and down and taking Terra with her.
"That's great! I'm so glad to hear it!"
"A water and a green tea, please."
"Right away, Mister Valentine!"
"Valentine?" Hikari looked up from where they were waiting for their drinks. "Vincent Valentine?" Vincent nodded.
"I knew you looked familiar... You probably don't remember me, though."
"Hikari Sakaguchi," Vincent recalled. "You're the young one who spoke out against the party crashers last year. I heard your speech was beautiful."
"I wouldn't call it a speech," they said, their cheeks rosy. "I, uh... I just spoke in the moment."
"Sometimes that's all it takes."
"I guess... Hey, uh... What is it like, being the boyfriend of the Empress?" Vincent shrugged.
"When you're in love, it's an amazing experience, whether they're royalty or penniless. Although... I will say, when I'm here, life is certainly strange. It's different... being around the people she grew up around."
"How did you... Um..." More blood rushing to their cheeks.
"We met on the mission to save the Planet."
"No, not that... Do you have any advice on how to say the 'L' word?"
"I... can't help you there. It was an accident."
"Three waters and a green tea," one of the workers at the bar announced, sliding the drinks toward the two.
"Thank you so much," Hikari said with a smile.
"Thank you," Vincent bowed. With fresh drinks in hand, they made their way back to the girls.
"How was it an accident?"
"We had just had... a dangerous moment, let's leave it at that. And we took a while to catch our breaths. I sang a bit for her. She reached out to touch my cheek... And it just..."
"And it just came out," Yuffie was telling Terra; apparently the two young adults had asked the same question. "It was so cute, you would not believe it."
"What did you say?"
"Well, at first I was shocked... But then-"
"But then she kept saying it over and over," Vincent interjected, "because she couldn't stand that I had said it twice before she had said it once. Water?"
"I didn't say it that many times," Yuffie scowled, accepting the glass. "Thank you."
"We said it back and forth for a good minute, as if we were arguing," Vincent said. "And then when I went to-"
"They don't need to hear the rest!"
"...I was going to leave out the sensitive information."
"What sensitive information?" Terra asked, sipping on the water Hikari had brought her.
"We'll tell the rest of that story another time," Yuffie insisted. "When it's just us friends, and not half the country able to listen in."
"That's fair," Hikari nodded.
"So, what are the plans?" Yuffie asked. "Three of you guys are finishing school soon, right?"
"I'm joining the new space administration," Leon said. "I was one of the first to sign up! Would have been the first, if not for Cecil..."
"Friend of yours?"
"Something like that."
"I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time working with Cid and Shera. They'll take good care of you."
"I'm going to university," Hikari announced. "I've already signed up for an internship at Parliament. I'll probably only take food orders or something, but... It'll be a good opportunity."
"Planning on running for President when you get out of college?" Yuffie grinned. Hikari laughed.
"Right... Me, President... What a thought."
"I thought I told you not to sell yourself short."
"Yeah... I guess, you never know what could happen."
"I'm gonna be a Guardian," Terra said between gulps of soda. "I already got my papers. Apparently, I'll be apprenticing under Reno."
"Oh, Leviathan!" Yuffie grimaced. "Not Reno!"
"Yes, Reno." The red-haired man swung by the table and pulled up a chair - sitting backward - next to Terra.
"I still don't have an apprentice..." Rude remained standing behind him.
"When did you two get here?" Vincent asked.
"Heh. Did you miss us, senpai?" Reno winked.
"Senpai?" The young adults at the table all stared at Vincent.
"...It's a long story."
"So, little baby-Turk," Reno addressed Terra. "Are you ready for the workout of your life?"
"Not yet," she laughed nervously. "Let me write my will."
"It won't be that bad," Cloud said, coming up to the table to smack Reno on the back of his head. Tifa arrived with him, but resisted the urge to hit their red-haired friend. "We'll all be with you, every step of the way."
"Do you think I can get as strong as you?" Cloud shrugged at this.
"Anything is possible."
"I'm putting in for an internship at the Wind Plant," Luneth spoke up. "When I reach high school."
"Eww," Cid squinted. "You're supposed to have fun in high school." Luneth shrugged.
"Gotta have job experience to land a good career by the time we get married." Cid choked on his apple juice.
"We are TWELVE. Marriage should be the last thing on our minds."
"That's what I said." It was Marlene's girlfriend, who had been quiet most of the evening. Marlene gave her a sideways glance.
"Krile, you have to think about the future, even a little bit."
"And what kind of job experience are you aiming for?"
"Well... I was a bartender when I was four," Marlene said, nonchalant. Krile's eyes went wide for a moment, jaw dropped, before she suddenly started laughing at the top of her lungs.
"That's right... I forgot we were all born in Midgar."
"A different world, that's for sure," Cid said.
"I'm glad we're the last generation that had to be born in that hell-hole," Marlene sighed.
"Marlene!" Tifa scolded. "Language."
"Sorry, Aunt Tifa."
"You know it's true, though," Leon said. "Living in the slums was a nightmare. And Edge wasn't much better, before the collapse."
"That's why everyone loves you so much, Yuffie," Hikari said. "You gave us all a new home, built from a strong foundation. A clean home, with clean energy, where we can all live in peace and happiness."
"Well..." Yuffie blushed. "I helped a little."
"Now who's selling herself short?"
"You really are amazing, Yuffie," Terra said. "You're so talented and generous. You've been working so hard for the whole world."
"You're just feeding her ego at this point," Vincent said. Yuffie smacked him lightly.
"Quiet, you." He smiled and took her hand in his.
"I didn't say they had to stop. At any rate, I want to dance. How about you?"
"You want to dance?"
"It can be exhilarating."
"I'd better take him up on his offer," Yuffie said to the young ones. "It might not come around again." They all had a good laugh at this as Vincent led her to the dance floor. "So... What is it, love?"
"I just wanted to hold you," Vincent said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in close. "We've both been so busy that I haven't had any alone time with you all day."
"So needy," Yuffie shook her head, before kissing him softly.
"I'm the only one, huh?" Vincent scoffed. "Like you haven't called in sick so you could lie in bed with me all day."
"Yep, it's just you," she teased. "Thank you, though, really... I think it's incredibly cute."
"I love you like the arrival of Spring," he said, leaning his head against her brow. Standing, their heights were too different for him to comfortably rest his head on her shoulder, so that was his main alternative.
"I love you like footsteps on a wooden bridge."
"I love you like a building's shade on a hot day."
"I love you like the smell of a bakery."
"Mmm... That's a wonderful smell. I love you like seventy-five-percent-off groceries."
"Now that's a good one!"
"So, when're y'all thinkin' 'bout tyin' the knot?"
Yuffie spat out her wine when she heard the question from Cid Highwind.
"A bit soon for that, don't you think?"
"We've only been together for a year," Vincent agreed, using napkins to dab at the wine that had sprayed onto him.
"I just had ta' mess with ya," Cid chuckled. The eight friends were seated in a large booth surrounding a round table large enough for them, and then some. The party was winding down, and barely any of the guests remained. The children and young adults were all seated at another booth across the hall, chatting among themselves.
"How is everything going between you two?" Tifa asked.
"I'd say it's awesome," Yuffie grinned. "I couldn't ask for more. What about you?"
"I love it," Vincent said, his cheeks turning pink. "I love..." He stared at the table, where his hands rested, fingers intertwining and then separating over and over. "I love Yuffie."
"Tell us something we don't know," Tifa laughed.
"I love spending daily life with her... I love venturing into the places that are dear to her. I love listening to her speak passionately about things I don't care about..." He looked into Yuffie's eyes. "I love waking up to see your face."
"So that's the irresistible charm, eh?" Barret laughed while Yuffie practically mauled Vincent, covering him with kisses.
"Life has been about the same for me," Nanaki said. "Then again, I age much slower than the rest of you. I spend most of my time wandering the world, learning what I can from places besides the Canyon. But it is always nice to go back home... I believe I'll be staying there for the next few months. Any of you are welcome to visit if you'd like."
"That sounds like a great idea," Yuffie nodded, peeking up from where she was depleting her boyfriend's oxygen supply. "Me and Vinnie are running a world tour here in a few weeks. We could stop by on our way to Gongaga."
"World Tour?" Cid asked.
"Going to all the places we've done construction, seeing how everyone's doing. I'd also like to go to South Corel and Mideel to assess damages and see what all I can work with, since I haven't gotten around to that just yet."
"Always busy," Cloud smiled. "I'm proud of you two."
"Space Administration's startin' out great," Cid said. "We're plannin' our first launch six months from now. Y'all wanna come say 'hi', better do it 'fore I'm up on the moon!"
"We'll put it on our schedule," Cloud nodded.
"Life hasn't changed," Reeve said. "The WRO is nowhere near as active as it once was. I can relax with Cait in my new home."
"Just a few blocks from us and Barret," Tifa cheered.
"Does Cait go to school?" Yuffie asked.
"Hmm..." Reeve shrugged. "He hasn't mentioned wanting to go. I'll have to think about that. It may be... very strange."
"Life's the same for me," Barret shrugged. "I love these peaceful days. Not a care in the world, 'cept for raisin' Marlene right. But she's growin' so fast..."
"I've heard they tend to do that," Tifa said. "I'm still not quite ready for one of those, even though it's such a joy having children over."
"How are things for you guys?" Yuffie asked.
"Guardian work is very slow," Cloud said. "But I'm on salary, so I don't mind. Spend most of my time training with the other Guardians."
"I've started giving piano lessons on weekend mornings," Tifa announced. "I still play at theatres and clubs in the evening."
"And so life goes on," Nanaki said. "Sometimes... Sometimes, I awaken with this fear... That the old crises and battles have begun again."
"So do I," Barret said. The entire group nodded.
"I don't think that fear will ever leave us completely," Vincent said. "But I also don't think there's anything to worry about. The old evils are gone. The Planet is healthy. The Lifestream has been cleansed."
"Everything's going to be alright," Tifa said, and believed it. Yuffie nodded, raising her glass.
"I'll drink to everything being alright."
"To everything being alright!"
"And so another amazing adventure of Kisaragi and Valentine begins! Better get ready, Vinnie! With no one else around, I'm gonna annoy the daylights outta you."
"I want you to annoy me," he smiled. "I thought we talked about that."
"Oh... Oh gods... It's hot." She immediately launched herself onto Vincent's back.
"You didn't even try," he laughed, though he didn't mind in the slightest.
"You know, we haven't roughed it together in a long time. I'm gonna be dirty as all get-out. Are you ready for dirty-Yuffie, Vinnie? The Sights and Smells of Dirty Yuffie?"
"I can't wait." Blood rushed to her face, and she dropped her chin onto his head.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Right... Hey, Vinnie, if we ever do get married, there are certain customs when dealing with the Imperial family, you know?"
"Tell me all about it."
"Well, as much as I'd love to be 'Yuffie Valentine', you're gonna have to take my name."
"'Good'?" Yuffie couldn't help but laugh.
"Yuffie..." Vincent stopped walking for a moment, trying to stare up at her eyes, though she had to lean forward a bit. "The name 'Valentine' is just another withered remnant of the past I've left behind. When it's gone, I'll have nothing left of those old wounds but the painful memories that still come to me from time to time."
"Does that mean you've forgotten about... her?"
"I still remember..." He continued walking. "Sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks, I'll remember again. But for the most part, yes, she and all the rest of the pain are the farthest things from my mind."
"Don't be jealous of someone who's not even there."
"I'm not jealous!" She pounded her fists against his shoulders.
"Let yourself feel your feelings."
"Make up your mind!"
"What I'm trying to say is, I love you more than the tattered phantoms of my past. I love you more than the person I was when I buried myself in sleep for all those years. You have my heart. Leave all the rest of it in the past. Where it belongs."
"I love you, Vinnie," she sighed, burying her face in his shoulder. "You know what I've realized? We don't jump on each other as much anymore." Vincent paused to stare up at her again. "That's not what I mean! We're not... Like..." She grumbled.
"It's less often that we're desperately intimate," he offered.
"I like that... desperately intimate. Sounds nice."
"We've been together more than a year now. Granted, quite a bit of that time has been spent away from each other, but the result is still the same. Our brains release the 'love' chemicals less often. We don't feel the desperate need to touch each other every moment. At that point, love shifts into its next phase. The chemicals have done their job, and now it's up to the people in the relationship, working as a team, to keep it going."
"That's scary..."
"A little. But... We've done the work. We communicate openly, and don't hold each other to unreasonable expectations. We respect each others' boundaries, listen when the other says 'no'. We respect each other as individuals. I think we can handle it. And... the desperation may no longer be there, but we still want to touch each other."
"A LOT," Yuffie grinned, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Hey... But there are still times when I feel the... 'desperation'."
"Of course. The chemicals are still released, just not nearly as much. I think we'll always have those moments. The important thing is to continue to do the work. Together."
"No sweat."
"I love you like a train, travelling fast, creating a strong wind."
"I love you like the wind making trees dance."
"I love you like a cold breeze on a Summer day."
"Hey... Will you still love me when I'm old and withered and grey?"
"...How would I know?" Yuffie felt a dagger pierce her heart, and she lost her grip on him and fell backwards onto the grass. He turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Are you... alright?"
"Vinnie!" Yuffie grumbled as she sat up. "When your girlfriend asks you that, there's only one answer! 'Of course, I'll love you forever, you'll always be beautiful to me!'."
"That sounds unrealistic." Another dagger.
"No one can predict the future. As much as I love you, something could happen... I mean, it seems highly unlikely at this point, but you never know..."
"You're just making me feel worse and worse..." Vincent sighed and knelt down, lifting her chin with his fingers.
"Yuffie... I love you now. I love you today. I'll love you a year from now, I'm willing to bet. Even two or three... Who knows how many years?"
"Urge to stab you, still rising."
"There's no telling what will happen... But... If I have my way, I'll love you longer than the rest of our lives, until the Planet is gone, until the stars themselves have gone out one by one, until time and life itself no longer exist. If I have my way, we will love each other forever."
"That's... better." Her cheeks were flushed again. "'If I have my way'... Beautiful... Yes, yes, much better." Vincent leaned in to kiss her. They brought their hands to brush against each other's cheeks ever so gently, and remained locked together for quite some time before he pulled away to continue.
"I love you, Yuffie Kisaragi. I love you more than any simile I could ever think of. No comparison could be enough. I love you. And I don't want to think about tomorrow."
"What do you want to think about?" She asked, grinning.
"I don't know... Nothing, at the moment."
"Good. Because the sun's going down, and I want those lungs. I wanna be 'desperately intimate'." He smiled at this and laced his fingers with hers.
"Show me how."
[ ~ One ~ Two ~ Three ~ Four ~ Five ~ Six ~ Seven ~ ]
[ And they lived, to some extent or another, happily ever after.
I want to thank anyone who reads this, once again. If you've read this entire story, it means a lot to me. Please feel free to tell me what you think, tell all your friends, etc. I don't know what I'm going to do with this blog now, if anything, but I have a few ideas... ]
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sumigakure · 7 years
To: @will-zeke-thomson
From: @fineillsignup
Title: Cultivation
Rating: General
Wordcount: 961
Prompt: I’d like to see a story about how Tenzou fathered a bunch of kids (doesn’t need to be from one woman or be romantically involved with one at all) because he wanted his wood release to be carried on to future generations. Just him as a father training and raising a bunch of kids which some (if not all) have his wood style.
Warning/Notes: No warnings. The identity of the mother is heavily implied but not stated.
Summary: Yamato helps his children grow.
“But when Naruto pulled back from the statue’s mouth… his head was GONE!”
Five children screamed in delighted terror.
“No! That didn’t happen! No way!”
“Was it really gone? Was there a lot of blood?”
“How did he get his head back, Papa?!”
“Shh! I want to hear what happened next!”
Kinpira, the youngest, said nothing and clung to his oldest brother Goma, the one who had confidently asserted it couldn’t have happened, although Goma’s red face was not nearly as bold as his words. His bloodthirsty sister Kinako showed no such hesitation, leaning forward with her eyes wide as saucers. The twins, Sanshoku and Hanami, were both more skeptical and cautious by temperament, although still eager to know the rest of the story.
Yamato let his scary face dissipate and smiled at his children. “Well, it was only Naruto playing a prank, after all.”
Goma let out a breath. “Well! Of course!”
Kinako scowled. “Aww! I thought you were going to have to sew it back on or somethin’. Or maybe go on a quest to bring him back from the dead!” She waved her tanto with enthusiasm.
“Alright, that’s a long enough break,” Yamato said, standing back up. “Kinako-chan, you should practice your kenjutsu with Nii-san if you’re so eager to wave your blade around. Don’t cut off any limbs this time. Auntie Sakura is very busy and doesn’t need more work.”
Goma shook off Kinpira and quickly pulled out his own blade with a wary look at his sister.
As the two of them attacked each other, Yamato resumed critiquing the twins as they alternated between earth and water release.
“Suiton: Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu!” called Sanshoku, firing off a half dozen water shuriken at his sister.
“Doton: Doryuuheki!” Hanami countered with an earth wall that was impressively large for her young age, but not as solid as it should be. The water shuriken made mud-like pock marks as they hit, and Sanshoku took advantage of the wall’s blocking Hanami’s visual range by aiming a taijutsu kick straight for them. The wall shattered and Sanshoku tackled his sister, pinning her to the ground with his kunai at her throat. 
“Control is more important than size,” Yamato instructed. “It will only become more important with wood release. A point for you Sanshoku.”
Sanshoku got off and offered a hand in the unison sign, which Hanami accepted with a sigh, getting back up. They squared off and began again. 
Yamato looked down and saw Kinpira was tugging lightly on the hem of his vest.
“Yes, Kinpira-kun?”
“What if I don’t have wood release?”
“Well, we can still teach you to be a splendid ninja, like nee-chan.” Yamato nodded towards where Kinako was crowing with glee, hacking away at Goma’s vines as fast as her brother could release them. “She doesn’t have wood release, but she’s doing just fine.”
“I heard… you only had kids to try to create more wood release users…” Kinpira said softly, scuffing at the grass with the toe of his sandal.
“Where did you hear that?”
Kinpira blushed and half-shrugged. Yamato frowned. It wouldn’t be one of his older brothers and sisters… but who else would Kinpira try to shield like this?
He squatted next to the five-year-old to put him at eye level. “Listen, Kinpira-kun. It’s true that Papa wants to help the village by increasing the number of wood jutsu users. If you have wood release, you’ll likely be more valuable to the village.”
Kinpira’s little shoulders slumped.
“But whether or not you have wood release, it won’t make you any more or less valuable to me, Kinpira-kun,” Yamato continued. “As your father, it is my duty–my privilege–to love you and your siblings and protect you. Each one of you is precious to me. There’s nothing you can do to change that–and having wood release isn’t even something you can choose, anyway. I don’t love you because you’re valuable to the village, but because you’re my son. Does that help with what you were worried about?”
“Well… sort of…” Kinpira shyly formed his hands into seals, and thin tree roots extended from the ground.
“But this is wonderful, Kinpira!” Yamato exclaimed.
“But Papa…” Kinpira let the roots crumble away. “What if… I don’t want to be a ninja? Is that… a waste of your time?”
Not wanting to be a ninja? Such a thing hadn’t even occurred to Yamato… but as he looked into his son’s eager, trusting eyes, so like his own with their large dark irises, he realized that this was the best thing he could give his children. The thing he had never been given when he was young: the ability to choose. From the time he was a tiny baby, he never ever got to choose.
“If you don’t want to be a ninja, I’ll support you,” Yamato said. “But you have lots of time, you know? For right now, it’s good to learn how to use all your talents, so you have more choices. And then, whatever you choose, I’ll support you.”
Kinpira brightened. “Okay, Papa.”
“Dad!” screamed Goma. “Kinako tried to cut my finger off!”
 "I did not! You were just trying to make me stop attacking by putting your hand up! Nii-san is a cheating coward!“ 
“You take that back!”
“Alright, alright.” Yamato clapped his hands together and vines sprouted from everywhere, separating all the combatants. “I think it’s about time to go to Amaguriama anyway.”
The mention of the dango shop made all his children forget all other troubles, as he knew it would. He really did need to go to Amaguriama anyway. There was a pregnant woman at home who would be expecting that he bring her at least a few dozen, after all.
If you enjoyed this piece, why not take a look at other pieces written by the same author on AO3.
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Number 1333
Chapter 12/??
Summit: What happens if a mysterious prisoner joins the chaotic Cell 13? He is perfect for the Nanba Prison, his name is synonym of terror and cruelty; each time he was sent to a new prison, he broke out in less than an hour. Will the Nanba Prison succeed to keep him jailed or not…?
When the night falls, the chaotic Nanba Prison finally calms down, as always, Ayu gets out from his cell to go only-god-knows where, while his friends are all sleeping, or at least, that's what he thought. After Number 33 left, Jyugo sits up on his futon and looks outside the window, thinking of what happened. It was a nice day, he played a few new games and he saw a breathtaking performance with the piano, and he learnt how to play a little melody, that it's still inside his mind repeating in loop. He was really happy that Ayu taught him that, it took him a while to learn it, but Ayu was patient and kept encouraging him to try one more time...
After a little conversation with Uno, Jyugo goes in the roof to look at the stars thinking of what curious and crazy things will happen tomorrow, but suddenly...
<<What's so funny?>> a creepy voice comes from behind, a strong grip on his shoulder and a dangerous aura is pressing his body, <<Tell it to me too, Jyugo!>>
<<W-who the hell are you?!>>
Meanwhile, Ayu goes back to the cell and greets whispering Yamato, thanking him to have spent some time with him even when it's very late. After he closed the door, he walks direct on his futon, but Uno caught him.
<<Sorry, did I wake you up?>> whispers Number 33.
<<I was already awake.>> replies Uno with a worried voice that his friend immediately notices, <<You don't make any sounds, so it's impossible for you to wake someone up.>>
<<Something wrong?>> ah, this boy is straightforward as always, <<You sound worried.>>
<<Did you see Jyugo on your way back?>> says Number 11, <<He went out but he isn't back yet.>>
<<I didn't. How much time has passed?>> "Strange. Usually, Jyugo is always back around this hour of the night."
<<A while; I would say almost an hour. I'm a little worried.>>
"Something is happening here..." Ayu's instincts are warning him about a danger, <<I'll look for him. Don't move from here, okay?>>
<<Got it. Be careful to not get caught.>> Uno watches his friend's back disappearing in the dark; making his anxiety grows bigger and bigger.
"...I better hurry up, something I don't like is happening."
On the roof, Jyugo is immobilized to the ground by that blonde strange man. Apparently, he knows something about the man with the scar, but Number 15 couldn't do anything to him, he... disappears and appears like he's teleporting... He doesn't even understand his tricks with the knives, he feels the pain, the blood and the blade going deeper in his flesh, but when he checks, the wounds are gone.
When something happened faster than a bolt...
In an amount of time shorter than a blink of an eye, Ayu is topping him and the blondie is gone. Moving his eyes to his side, Jyugo sees Ayu's fingers have pierced the concrete of the building... How the hell-
<<Ah, that was close.>> that voice again, <<It's been a while, Unnamed Number 33.>>
<<You should know...>> Ayu protects Jyugo from the enemy blocking his knife with two fingers, <<Illusions don't work on me, Elf.>> using the weapon, Number 33 twists Elf's arm and hits it very strongly with his knee, breaking it.
<<Ugh... Cool, you still remember what we taught you...>> the man walks backwards holding his arm, and thanks to his good reflexes, he dodges the knife that Ayu throwed precisely at him aiming on his head, <<Your aim is majestically precise as- Oh-ho, this is bad...>> he lost the inmate.
"Ayu knows him? How?" thinks Jyugo seeing the man looking around himself uncomfortably and anxiously, "What he wants from him? But, how did he find me, he was following me?"
Number 15 notices his friend standing still on one of the containers on the roof, he scratches his fingers, and thanks to the moonlight, Jyugo can clearly see Ayu's nails becoming longer and longer, even sharper... But because of his gaze, Elf could understand from where his ex-agent attack and his life is safe, since Ayu's nails scratched the wall. Those seem more like claws, not nails...
<<You know, when you burnt those prisons, a lot of our data were destroyed.>> Elf doesn't seem that scared though, <<Do you know how many problems we had due to that? Without minding, Jyugo's escape and our clients were killed, what a bad child you are, Unnamed Number 33.>>
<<Those are your last words? Very well->>
<<Oh, now I remember!>> somehow Ayu is killing his own desire to erase that man because Jyugo is there, and Elf notices it right away, <<That lovely woman was really happy to have a work, she finally could live a peaceful life with his beloved son. Her smile was killed by the terror, and her body couldn't move, only tremble in fear. Ah, what a wonderful show that was.>>
Before Jyugo could realize what's happening, Ayu and Elf are fighting each other, and the blond man is losing, the killer is too skilled, soundless and invisible, he goes near the target trying to kill it without regrets or second thoughts. The roof is slowly incised by the fight, traces of blood are painting the ground, and Elf is laughing, enjoying the match, praising the assassin to be a perfect killing machine, that was what they wanted.
In the quiet night, only the loud sounds of Ayu's kicks are audible, he keeps kicking the blond man so strongly that at each attack, a bone is broken, and finally, Elf is trapped inside Ayu's hand. Number 33 lifts him like a feather and glares at him so terrifyingly that even a monster would be scared to death by those horrific eyes.
<<Fucking die.>> the grip is stronger and stronger that the man that was invincible for Jyugo, is now beaten up, full of wounds, bruises and covered in blood, <<That fucking bastard will come with you as well, don't worry.>> that harsh and scary voice... Every time Jyugo listens to it, it sends thrills of terror down his spine.
<<Heh, aren't you forgetting something?>> the suspicious smile adverts the inmate that his friend is in danger and when he turns to check on him...
"Nothing is hurting... That blade hit me, right?" thinks Number 15 with his eyes closed, "There's no way that Ayu could move so quickly..." checking what happened to himself, he sees Elf sit on the bars of the terrace, and in the other side, Ayu is crouched with an arm pointing at him, inviting Jyugo to follow it. "W-what?" the knife he saw coming towards him a few seconds ago, now is stuck in the ground with another knife near it, "A-Ayu did this?"
<<Mh, efficacy as always.>> comments Elf calling everyone's attention towards him, <<I came here to find new toys to play with, and this place is full of them; plus, this place's defenses are so weak man!>>
"They'll hunt me and the ones near me..." Jyugo thinks trembling in fear to lose his dear friends, "It's my fault if someone will be killed... I can't let it happen!" he stands up with a hand turned into a blade and walks near Ayu to support him, "I can't..."
<<Oh, you learnt to activate only a blade! Splendid!>> Elf claps his hands and stands in balance of the bar looking at the two inmates.
<<I dare you to try to pick those toys from here.>> Ayu's replies shocks his cellmate, <<I'll protect everyone, will you be able to defeat the monster that you created with your own hands?>>
<<Oh-ho!>> even with all those injuries, the blond could dodge another powerful attack, <<I should go now, but remember, I'll come back.>> he bends backwards and smiles amused with his teeth covered in blood, <<Be prepared, a few presents are ready, look forward to them.>>
He jumps off the building before Number 33 could hit him, the bar is destroyed while the man keeps falling. Jyugo runs to see what insanity Elf did, but he's gone... Not a sound or anything, just gone, just like how he came.
<<God fucking damnit!!>> the cellmate's scream scares him, <<I was so close!!>>
"He looks so angry... It's the first time that I see him closing his teeth so strongly..." Jyugo questions if it was his fault that Ayu failed to have his revenge, "I understood that Elf killed his mother, it's from then that he knows him? Should I say something?" he looks the surrounding and sees that the rood is marked with fight signs, the walls and the ground are marked with Ayu's nails, the bars are destroyed like if a monster bit them, "....It's a bad idea, right?"
<<Oi, you two escaped once again, fucking brats- W-what the hell happened here?>> Hajime notices all the mess and becomes serious, <<You two fought each other? What the fuck are those claw signs?>>
<<Hajime, bring me to the monitory room!>> Ayu drags the guard along while he runs down the corridors, <<The cameras must've caught him, for sure. You're not disappearing under my fucking watch, you piece of shit. I'll make you pay for what you did.>>
 Since Ayu seemed monstrously upset, and Jyugo really scared, Hajime agreed to escort them to the monitory room and check the camera footages. Yamato is called too, while Seitarou gets the computers ready to show the records, but since the boy is slow minding the procedures, Ayu pushes him down from the chair and takes his place.
<<You're too fucking slow. How the fuck people work here?>> he shouts taping on the keyboard extremely rapidly, <<The most secure prison in the world my ass! I can escape easily from this shitty hole, and now, even strangers can get inside! What the fuck, c'mon!>>
<<Number 33-kun, you should calm down a little.>> comments Yamato, but the prisoner is too irritated to obey as he always does, <<Being so upset would not resolve the problem.>>
Ayu shows the tapes of the cameras on the roof, proving his fight and that another person was there, and he wasn't an inmate. Making the tape slower in the end, Ayu scans every single monitor to see and understand where Elf went, but nothing shows up.
"He used an illusion..." <<Fuck!!>> he hits his head on the table and grabs his hair hardly, almost to rip them off, <<I was so fucking close!! Fuck, fuck, fuck me!!>>
<<That's enough, Number 33. Get yourself together->> Hajime's shirt is grabbed in a second with the inmate right in front of his face, "His eyes are sad and furious at the same time. That's a new thing he showed."
<<You better show this shit to that fucking bitch who directs this shitty place, and make her reinforce every single building with a stricter surveillance.>> roars Ayu, but Hajime will not show that footage to anyone, the others will discover that not only Ayu, but even Jyugo can escape easily, <<As a guard you have the duty to protect everyone, right?>>
<<And so?>>
<<The lives of all the prisoners are in danger. I can protect only a bunch of them, I'm not a superhuman, I can't save the ones that I can't reach. You'll be there.>> even if the rage is still inside of him, Ayu can think rationally in every situation, he doesn't let emotions take too much control, it's amazing, <<His main target is Number 15, but before of him, he'll make something to create a monster that can fight equally with Jyugo; this is a hint, we have to find the man with the scar.>>
<<Why should I help you to get your revenge?>> Hajime too, he doesn't let emotions get better of him, and he doesn't give up in front of the propose of the killer, <<It's stupid.>>
<<You're not helping me at all; everything in this place works too slowly, you're just a bother.>> replies Number 33, <<I'm doing this because I don't want more people being involved with this issue, or being tortured for fun. I, Jyugo and Musashi are more than enough. The man with the scar will not stop with just a prisoner, he'll keep kidnapping prisoners as many as he needs to succeed. Before me, another 3332 children died to reach my level; keep that in mind. Is this a right thing for you? A man who kills and uses inmates as he wants because they're the trash of society, and though them he achieves his crazy goals, is justice for you? I just want to quit killing people and live peacefully until my last breath, but I need to kill those two first. To revenge my mom, myself, all the people died before me and the ones like Jyugo and Musashi.>>
<<........>> Yamato and Seitarou looks at their superior who is thinking hardly at that propose, in fact he didn't say a lie, this time there's a lot on the line, a single wrong step and everything is over.
<<I modify the footages and you report what happened. Deal?>> Ayu lets the guard go and offers his hand waiting patiently that the officer takes his decision. "This time I'll protect the ones who cares for me, no matter what I must do or what form I must assume. The lives of my friends worth more than mine and than anything else."
<<Do it, I'll arrange a meeting.>> Hajime shakes Ayu's hand and moves immediately, <<Yamato, you stay here with Number 33 and guard him; Seitarou, escort Number 15 back to his cell. I'll be away for a while. How long it would take you to complete the work?>>
<<A day and the footages are ready.>> Ayu is determinate as hell, while Jyugo is still scared and confused, <<I don't need water, food or anything, a whole day without breaks and you have what you need.>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
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seigyokus · 7 years
8.5 - Shall We Begin?
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 8.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Osaka Sougo: Pardon the intrusion. I do apologize for-- Ow, ow, ow ow! Yuki: No. More. Changes. Period. Oh, it's just you, Sougo-kun. Osaka Sougo: Y-yes, it is.... Where is Momo-san? Yuki: He went to go suppress the TRIGGER riot. What's the matter? Osaka Sougo: Um.... Is it alright if I watch you work for a bit? Only if you're okay with it, though. Osaka Sougo: I just kind of wanted to see how songs are made.... Yuki: Ah.... If I recall correctly, your uncle was a composer as well? Osaka Sougo: Yes, he was. Yuki: Sure, then. Go ahead. Osaka Sougo: Thank you very much! Yuki: I know I’ve seen you talk about it on TV before, but your taste in music is quite refined. I heard you're doing a music-related radio show soon too. Osaka Sougo: My uncle showed me all sorts of songs. Some of the things you like are also rather surprising, Yuki-san. Yuki: Perhaps. You know, I think you should do it. Compose, that is. You love music, don't you? Osaka Sougo: No…. I don't think someone like me should be com-- Yuki: There are only a finite number of songs by Sakura Haruki. If you want to make IDOLiSH7 infinite, you should give it a go. Osaka Sougo: ....... Osaka Sougo: I do love music, but.... I don't think I have the skills necessary for that. Yuki: While it’s true you need to have an ear for music, the most important skill for the job is love. Then you can keep repeating. Osaka Sougo: Repeating? Yuki: You know how it's impossible to spend an entire day doing something you hate? On the flip side, you could easily do so if it was something you loved-- as if you were obsessed. Yuki: That's a skill in itself. Embrace your curiosity. The more you do it, the better you'll get. Yuki: As long as you have passion, you’ll be capable of reaching out to the works you would’ve otherwise discarded, even when you’ve lost heart countless times. Yuki: So even if you want to run, even if it gets painful, even if you start to hate it-- you can't stop loving it. That's why you'll keep returning to the same place, over and over again. Yuki: Having a never-ending passion for music is a skill. Osaka Sougo: A never-ending passion.... Yuki: I'm sure your uncle was the same way. Every time he got trampled or crushed by others, he'd come back to life and keep on loving music. It’s just like looping your favorite song. Yuki: If you have all of that inside you, then what more do you need? Osaka Sougo: ......Will it go well, though? Yuki: Of course not. That passion of yours will bring you sorrow. Yuki: But it'll also show you've sights you've never seen before. Yuki: And there's not a thing in the world you'd trade for those sights. That's how splendid they are. After all, those sights are yours and yours alone. Osaka Sougo: ....... Yuki: You love music, don't you? Osaka Sougo: I love it.... Yuki: That's all the reason you need. You might be terrible at first. People may laugh at you, and there might be all sorts of embarrassing things. But.... Yuki: As long as you truly love music, and not the fantasy of being a great composer, all of this should be unbearably fun. (1) Yuki: Let it take you captive. Osaka Sougo: .......
Rokuya Nagi: OH.... The video stopped.... Come on, come on, come on.... Signal, please.... Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi, now's not the time to be slacking off. Rokuya Nagi: Even though you're holding a can of beer in your right hand, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: Haha, I found it in the kitchen. ......Say, Nagi.... I know I can't say shit, but... Nikaidou Yamato: If there's anything troubling you, feel free to talk to Onii-san about it. There's no good in hiding things. Rokuya Nagi: ....... Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Yamato. I'd like to introduce you to my friend. Let’s hop into a time machine and go visit Past Yamato, shall we? Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha.... I figured you'd say that. Nikaidou Yamato: But, seriously. I felt a lot better after talking to you guys about it. Nikaidou Yamato: So if anything ever happens, just tell us. --Hey now, don't film this!! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I've obtained some very rare Yamato content! Nikaidou Yamato: Oh, gosh.... What am I to do with you.... Hm? What are you doing? Rokuya Nagi: OH.... My phone converted the words strangely. Now there's nerdy numbers. (2) Nikaidou Yamato: Nerdy numbers!? Wait, hold up. Those are just the alternative characters for them. (3) Nikaidou Yamato: You use 'em in contracts and stuff so people can't change the numbers willy nilly. See, here's one, two, and three. Ichi, ni, san.... Rokuya Nagi: Oh, right! What about six? The 'roku' in Rokuya Nagi? Nikaidou Yamato: Six was.... What was it again? Uh, try typing it and see what it spits out. .....Ah, it's that. That character. Rokuya Nagi: OH....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Nagi? Rokuya Nagi: ......What a wonderful discovery! No matter what happens in the future, we'll be able to stay perfect as ever. Nikaidou Yamato: What are you talking about? What a weirdo.... Anyways, we better get back soon, otherwise Mitsu's gonna be pissed. Rokuya Nagi: OK!
Yuki: It's finally done....... Yaotome Gaku: We only got the moves down. We ran outta time to do formations.... Nanase Riku: We managed to finish all of the individual ones! We'll arrange everyone's starting now! Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm so sleepy....... Nikaidou Yamato: Man, it's gonna be a rough 24 hours if we keep going at this pace.... The real deal's gonna be tough too.... Momo: I'm worried for my voice. It might be gone for the performance. Nanase Riku: That's really terrifying.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Nevertheless, we're done! Please let us listen to the finished song! Momo: Yeah, of course! Huh...? Wait, Yuki! Don’t sleep right now! Come on, stick it out! Just one more thing! Yuki: I can't open my eyes anymore....... Yotsuba Tamaki: You look like one of those Buddhist monk statues right now, Yukirin. (4) Momo: Heheh. Yuki's still super handsome, even as a monk! Nanase Riku: You can do it, Yuki-san! Please let us hear our song! Kujou Ten: Although we may have rioted, we've been eagerly waiting for this. Yuki: Alright, fine.... Everyone, sit down. All: Woah......!
Yaotome Gaku: It's a great song! It definitely feels like 'Friends Day!' Osaka Sougo: It's magnificent! I can't believe it transformed into this from what I heard yesterday! Izumi Mitsuki: I wanna sing this with everyone as soon as possible! Yotsuba Tamaki: The chorus is super good! I wanna sing that! Nikaidou Yamato: Tama, everyone's gonna sing that. All: Ahahaha! Nanase Riku: I'm even more excited for "Friends Day!" This is the first time all of us are singing together, right? Kujou Ten: Let us overcome the borders between our groups and agencies and just sing. Rokuya Nagi: Charities and music are some of the most splendid things mankind has created. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: All of us can connect through music. It won't just be us-- everyone participating in this charity telethon will be connected too! Takanashi Tsumugi: And just like this, the ultimate theme song, jam-packed with everyone's feelings, was completed! Takanashi Tsumugi: However.... Takanashi Tsumugi: TRIGGER would never get to sing this song.
Inumaru Touma: Congrats on becoming the president of Tsukumo Productions, Ryou-san. Tsukumo Ryou: Thank you. Natsume Minami: The visitor from earlier was someone from Hoshikage Entertainment Agency, correct? Tsukumo Ryou: The agency used to be such a brilliant star, but ever since Chiba Shizuo left them, it has only been glimmering weakly. The visitor was here to propose a business partnership. (5) Tsukumo Ryou: Hoshikage's Minami and soon-to-be-Hoshikage’s Torao have been entrusted to me-- to produce as idols. Natsume Minami: Wouldn’t it have been better for us to transfer over to Tsukumo? It’s not as if Hoshikage has much say in anything right now. Tsukumo Ryou: Well, I think it's best if we feign that ŹOOĻ is the darling child of the Two Great Empires. That way all of you will be utterly untouchable in this industry. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, let's get down to business. We must decide on where to fire our warning shot today so we can finish everything right around when the charity telethon will air. Midou Torao: Warning shot? Sounds dangerous. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, it’s just to give them taste of what will happen if they decide to defy me. Tsukumo Ryou: Fighting here and there is just such a bother. Instead, we'll just smother everyone's fighting spirit in one fell swoop by slaying the hero right from the start. Tsukumo Ryou: As such, the groups in the thick of the idol boom are the most suitable for this venture. After all, everything that begins must come to an end-- including idol booms. Tsukumo Ryou: I'll show them that I can end things on my terms. Tsukumo Ryou: IDOLiSH7 is much too new. We can crush them any time we want to, so perhaps they're not the best group to use as a warning. Tsukumo Ryou: But, Re:vale and TRIGGER…. Who shall we offer as our sacrificial lamb? Inumaru Touma: TRIGGER. Natsume Minami: I say Re:vale. A group with that much popularity ought to exit the stage as soon as possible. Midou Torao: I'm fine with either. The deciding vote is yours, Haruka. Isumi Haruka: ...Isn't it obvious? Isumi Haruka: I vote for TRIGGER. Tsukumo Ryou: Bum-bum-ba-dum! It's decided. Tsukumo Ryou: We're going to seize TRIGGER. Inumaru Touma: Seize them!? This isn't what we discussed! I refuse to be in the same agency as those guys! Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now. You'll see....
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for eng proofreadin as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SORRY FOR THE LONGASS DELAY BTWN LAST UPDATE AND NOW, lotsa Real Life stuff happened so I finally have time 2 sit down and properly tl/edit for the time being o(--< 
(1) yuki technically says 'As long as you truly love music, and not yourself, who is capable of composing really well' etcetc. I went with a slightly more interp-y take on that second part, since he's talking about loving composing because you love music. Not because of ego (of being a good composer) or delusions of grandeur. Because then, even if you suck, it'll still be fun to compose! That’s my take on Yuki-logic (2) When you type in Japanese, it suggests kanji for the kana you type in (ex. もの --> 物, 者). That's the conversion Nagi's referring to. (3) Continuing off of the last point, daiji (大字) are ye olden way of writing numbers (He calls them otaku numbers though LMFAO). ANYWAYS, instead of 一、二、三 for 'one, two, three/ichi, ni, san,' you have 壱、弐、参. If you scroll down a bit here, there's a nice chart of all the numbers. In addition to the functions Yamato mentioned, they're actually on the yen as well!  Anyways, the interesting part here is that the character for six is 陸, coincidentally the same character as Riku's given name (七瀬<b>陸</b>).... And six in Japanese is 'roku,' which is the same 'roku' in 'Rokuya Nagi' (<b>六</b>弥ナギ).... [nagi voice] Hm…. (4) Tamaki's referring to Ojizō-sama, which is frequently seen as this kind of statue. But bc no one would know what th heck I’m talking abt if i dropped ‘Kshitigarbha’ or ‘the patron monk of travelling and etcetcetcetc’ (unless ur buddhist), so i put it in the most tamaki-esque terms I could think of LOL………… (5) This is actually a pun on Hoshikage's name since it has the word ‘hoshi’ / 'star' in it LMAO
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
6.4 - Their Meeting
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 6.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Yuki: ......Momo, I crossed a line last time. Yuki: It's my fault. I'm sorry. I was just worried since you were dealing with someone dangerous. Yuki: You always treat me so well, and I.... You.... You mean a lot to me too.... ......More than the universe, and for all of eternity....... Okazaki Rinto: What are you doing, muttering to a fire extinguisher? Yuki: Woah-- Okazaki Rinto: 'Woah?' Now that's something I rarely hear from you. Yuki: Not really....... Okazaki Rinto: Say it to his face, okay? Yuki: So you were listening.... Okazaki Rinto: What you have down is pretty good, though the stuff about the universe and eternity are a bit much. It's kind of funny. Yuki: ....... Okazaki Rinto: You promised to talk it out with each other today. Make sure you go and do that, alright? Okazaki Rinto: The two of you have managed to come this far even without saying much to each other, and as a result, both of you aren't very good at discussing the important things. Okazaki Rinto: I'll make sure to support you two even more from here on out....... Momo: Good work! I'll be heading out first! Okazaki Rinto: Momo-kun! What about the talk? Momo: Can't we do it tomorrow? I have plans for tonight. Yuki: ......Do you really intend on going? Even though I said all of that? I guess you just don't understand Japanese whatsoever. Momo: I do. I'm gonna go anyways. Yuki: When did you become so unreasonable? Momo: Aren't you the one misunderstanding things here? Momo: You're the one who's been listening to me all this time, Yuki. Ever since we started. Yuki: ....... Momo: It's all because of my ego. Everything, ever since the very beginning. I know that. Even so, I want Yuki-san to stand at the top. Yuki: Even if I end up hating you? Momo: If I was really scared of you hating me, Yuki-san, then I wouldn't have told you that in the first place. I wouldn't have asked you to let me replace Ban-san. Momo: I was well aware of just how close you two were. ......Ah-- I gotta go. Sorry. See ya later. Okazaki Rinto: Please wait! I wanted the two of you to talk it out amongst yourselves, but if you insist on going then I shall also attend. Momo: You can't, you can't! If he makes fun of your hair and calls you Mr. 7-to-3 again, I might just smack him in the face! Okazaki Rinto: But-- ! Momo: You’ll have to take more stomach medicine if I get arrested! It'll be okay! See ya tomorrow! ....... Okazaki Rinto: ......Momo-kun.... Yuki: .......
Yaotome Gaku: ......Ah. I got a RabbitChat from Yuki-san. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I got one too. Kujou Ten: Me too. Yaotome Gaku: 'Since Momo won't listen to me, I want you to tell him not to go, Gaku-kun.' Yaotome Gaku: 'I'm sure he'll listen to you, since you're the Most Desirable Man.' Yaotome Gaku: ......The hell is this? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Mine's pretty much the same thing. 'I'm sure he'll listen to you, Ryuunosuke-kun, since you're both part of the Idol Sports Club and get along swimmingly.' Kujou Ten: 'There's no way he'll shoot you down, Ten-kun, since you go out to eat with him fairly often.' ....... 'Tell him not to go'.... Kujou Ten: To where exactly......? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Who knows....... Yaotome Gaku: I really don't get Yuki-san's messages sometimes....... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: 'I saw. It was good.' ......Yeah, it's kinda boggling when I get messages like that. It's kinda hard to ask him what he's referring to. Kujou Ten: Sometimes he'll send a message that's like, 'You free?' And just when I think there's something he'd like me to do, it was just because he wanted to check. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: 'Don't go'.... I wonder what happened? Did he fight with Momo-san? Yaotome Gaku: Yeah, I remember Momo-san saying something about going back to his parents' house the last time they fought. Maybe this is where we should step in, as kouhai? Kujou Ten: What are you going to do? Yaotome Gaku: Mediate. Yaotome Gaku: 'Dear Momo-san, Yuki-san's reflecting upon his actions right now, so please come back from your parents' house.' Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I'll help you out. 'It's often said that it's not wise to interfere in a couple's fight, so please spare me on this count'....... Kujou Ten: Wait, Yuki-san should actually be reflecting upon his actions. Kujou Ten: 'Dear Yuki-san, please go meet him yourself instead of relying on others'.......
Ogami Banri: ......Ah. I got a RabbitChat from Yuki. Takanashi Tsumugi: I received one too. 'I want you to stop Momo,' it says. Nanase Riku: I got one too....... 'He won't listen to me, but I'm sure he'll listen to you, Riku-kun, since you're just like his little brother.' Takanashi Tsumugi: 'There's no way he'll turn down a girl'....... Ogami Banri: 'He used to be a fan of yours, so he'll definitely obey you'....... Izumi Mitsuki: 'You're also part of the sports club, and he really loves you, so why don't you try asking him nicely'....... Rokuya Nagi: OH....... 'He thought your broken Japanese was pretty funny, so please stop him with your broken Japanese'....... Osaka Sougo: 'He's weak to people who are really serious, so just like that'....... Yotsuba Tamaki: 'I'll buy you King Pudding, so'....... Izumi Iori: 'Please demonstrate just how powerful a high school boy's charm is'....... Nikaidou Yamato: 'Do something about it with your glasses'....... Hey now. This is getting a little sloppy..... Ogami Banri: I guess he fought with Momo-kun. It really must've been something if he messaged all these people, since Yuki's supremely lazy. Ogami Banri: I'll tell him to go make up with him. Nanase Riku: Yuki-san's lazy...? He messages you really often though, Banri-san. Ogami Banri: Oh, he's just excited because it's been five years. Once things calm down, I'll change my number again and he'll forget to register it, since he'll regress to being a sloth again. Ogami Banri: I've been watching them all this time on TV, so there's really isn't any reason for me to get excited over him all of a sudden. I will admit though, that difference in excitement level is kind of a pain. Izumi Mitsuki: If you lost all contact with your best friend for five whole years and they said this to you.... Heck, I'd burst into tears too if it were me.... Nikaidou Yamato: Definitely makes sense to cry at that. But why did he fight with Momo-san in the first place? He's such a good person. Izumi Mitsuki: Sometimes he gets a bit nosy since he's prone to worrying about people, but he'll never raise his voice at you. Hmm? What's wrong, old geezer? Nikaidou Yamato: Nothing, just.... Reflecting upon my actions a bit....... (1) Ogami Banri: Momo-kun's a really good boy. I hope he'll stop holding back soon and just be friends with me like normal. Rokuya Nagi: What made you and Yuki decide to start Re:vale? Takanashi Tsumugi: I've always wanted to hear the story behind Re:vale and Banri-san. Ogami Banri: It's nothing big, but if you insist, Tsumugi-san. Shall I talk a little bit about the past once we get to a good stopping point in our work? Takanashi Tsumugi: Is it really okay? Ogami Banri: Of course. Especially if it'll help IDOLiSH7's own activities out as a reference, even if it’s just by a little. I'll let you guys listen to the song I brought too. Ogami Banri: "We, the Incomplete." It's a song full of our memories-- Yuki's, Momo's and mine.
Momo: Good evening, Ryou-san! Tsukumo Ryou: Why, hello there, Momo! I can't believe you came! What's this? Your phone's going off like crazy. Momo: I'll check it later. More importantly, here! Ta-dah! Momo: It's your favorite, a toy kitchen set! I brought it as a gift! It comes with a cutting board and kitchen knife! And a soup pot, to boot! Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! How splendid! I just love how all the food is taped together in one piece! Tsukumo Ryou: The best thing about this is how you can make new varieties of food! You can give a fish a grape for a head, or stick a fried shrimp tail into a strawberry! Doesn't that look perfect? Momo: I'm glad you're happy! Since you like good food and toy kitchen sets so much, why don't you become a chef, Ryou-san? Momo: You could have a restaurant, all to yourself! I'm sure that's way more awesome than being an entertainment agency president! Tsukumo Ryou: But you see, entertainment agencies are just like restaurants! You spice people up with a little seasoning, put them on plates, and sell them there too! Momo: …..I see! Tsukumo Ryou: Ah......! Why did you close the toy kitchen set? Momo: Ta-dah! Present number two! Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! Is it Christmas tonight? Momo: It's a fossil mining ki! You can find fossils by digging through this lump of sand! Tsukumo Ryou: This is great, Momo! It satiates both my curiosity and thirst for adventure!! Momo: Say, Ryou-san. How about flying off somewhere far, far away-- like Egypt? You should try excavating an archaeological site! How about it? Momo: Maybe you'll find an unnamed king's tomb! Your name will go down in history! And at the very end, you could even get sent off on the Nile River! (2) Momo: Isn't that exciting? Tsukumo Ryou: But you see, entertainment industries are just like big excavations. You dig up a mummy from the sands, carefully unwrap all of the bandages from them, then turn them into a star! Tsukumo Ryou: Speaking of which, my inauguration party is coming up soon. Doesn't that excite you? Are you coming too, Momo? Momo: Ahaha.... Being president is boring! It's a lot to handle, really hectic, and the responsibilities are huge! Also, you have to be in the president's office at all times, yeah? Tsukumo Ryou: No worries, I'll put all of the toys I got tonight in my office. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: You broke your promise to me, Momo. Once my dreams come true, Yuki's on the fast track to getting his bones ground into dust. Momo: You sure you’re not confusing 'promise' and 'threat' with each other? Just kidding! Gotcha. How about this, then? I'll grovel. Tsukumo Ryou: I feel like you're the type to grovel without batting an eyelid, so this doesn't seem all that rare. Momo: Don't make fun of me. I've only done it to one other person. Tsukumo Ryou: To whom? Momo: ......To Yuki-san. When I begged him not to quit singing. Tsukumo Ryou: Why, I've never heard about this before! I might just change my mind if you tell me the story behind your grovelling, Momo. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: But first, cheers! These toy kitchen set cups work perfectly as shot glasses. Tsukumo Ryou: This tequila was born from agave from a moonlit night. The past, present, and future are all intertwined. Cheers, Momo. Momo: ......Cheers.
Osaka Sougo: I'm going to play the CD, if that's alright. Nanase Riku: Yes, please! Izumi Mitsuki: ......Wow! The intro's super cool! Ah.... It's Banri-san and Yuki-san's voices! Ogami Banri: This was the song he showed me when I first met him. It's been tweaked a bunch of times though, so it's pretty different from the initial song. Nikaidou Yamato: When did you meet him? Ogami Banri: I met him when I was in 11th grade, and when Yuki was in 10th grade. Izumi Iori: He wrote this song at that age......? Ogami Banri: Amazing, right? One of my friends in the light music club let me listen to it. I liked it so much, I went to meet the composer himself. Ogami Banri: My friend told me that it was by some guy from another high school that also did music. ......If I remember correctly, it was just a little before summer break.......
Banri's Friend: Hey Ogami, long time no see. Haven't seen you since middle school. These guys are my buddies from light music club. Lemme introduce 'em to you. Ogami Banri: Who is he? Banri's Friend: Ah, he's not part of the light music club, but I convinced him to come. Isn't he a real hottie? He's crazy popular. Ogami Banri: Definitely looks like he's a hit with the ladies. Nice to meet you, I'm Ogami Banri. ???: .......
To be continued....
Translator notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!
(1) the actual word is penitence or smth but that's hard af to shoehorn into a sentence so yeah (2) negl that second part kinda confuses me ALSO that entire banri bit towards the end is kinda vague subject, SO o(--<
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
3.1 - A New Project!
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 3.1 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Tsukumo Ryou: You are my friend. I don't mind sparing Re:vale, and only Re:vale. But only if you'll strike a deal with me. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Yuki can't live in such a tiny, confined world. But in my hands, I'll liquidate every last drop of him into money. Tsukumo Ryou: It's just as you said, Momo. He's a real hottie! You can use every bit of him, down to the bone-- just like high-quality livestock. You can make bags, shoes, soup, and even manure out of him. Tsukumo Ryou: So, what will you do? Momo: ....... Momo: ...You mentioned a deal? Tsukumo Ryou: That big-name will reveal the naked truth of Chiba Salon's existence. Tsukumo Ryou: That in itself is enough, but I want it to be a little more festive. Tsukumo Ryou: I want you to give me the raw voice recording of this confession from Chiba Shizuo's bastard child-- Nikaidou Yamato.
Nanase Riku: We're finally going to announce our first anniversary single during today's concert! Yotsuba Tamaki: I really love this song! I can't wait for everyone to hear it! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! It's a splendid song.... A splendid song that stays with you, in your heart. Izumi Mitsuki: We're finally gonna sing it in front of the fans! ......Oh? Where's Yamato-san?
Nikaidou Yamato: ......Like an artisan, like an artist. Entertainment, literature. Exaggeration, realism. Father, this is all your fault. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Find where you and your role intersect. Bring out the emotions common to both. And to find these emotions, search for similar relationships. Nikaidou Yamato: Never thought the stuff he told me in that house would come in handy........ Father, this is all your fault. Nikaidou Yamato: A perfectionist who was raised under his father's strict discipline, but had wasted away because of it. As for the reason why he killed his lovers and preserved them.... Was it for dominance? Was it out of rebellion? ......No-- it was because he was scared. Nikaidou Yamato: He was scared of parting ways with them. There was no way they'd love him even after finding out what he was really like. He was only able to show his true self and all of his weaknesses before corpses. Nikaidou Yamato: That's right....... There was nobody who'd continue to love him after finding out how ugly and grotesque he was inside. I'm sure they'd hate me too, those guys. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: He wants to be loved-- that’s why he's absolutely terrified of losing that love. ......Father, this is all your fault. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... It's all your fault. *click* Rokuya Nagi: Yamato! Hurry up! We're starting soon. Nikaidou Yamato: ...Got it. I'm coming.
Nanase Riku: Good evening! We'll be singing a new song for you all today! Audience: Kyaaaaa..... Nanase Riku: It's a special song, filled with a year's worth of our feelings-- "Sakura Message!" Audience: Kyaaaaa..... Izumi Iori: ......See? Everybody is smiling happily as they listen to Nanase-san sing. Izumi Iori: Nothing about this is sad. You were wrong, old man.
Ogami Banri: "Sakura Message" is selling great so far. Takanashi Tsumugi: It really is! All of the music stores have been putting out lots of CDs for sale. The lyricist contacted me just earlier too. Takanashi Tsumugi: She asked me how things were going post-release, and I told her that the single has been getting great reviews! (1) Ogami Banri: Their solo activities have been going well too, and MEZZO" has stabilized. It'd be nice if they all went on tour after releasing a couple more new songs. Takanashi Tsumugi: Zero Arena's renewal....... Things have been going wonderfully since then, and it's all thanks to that! Ogami Banri: Zero lost a lot of face due to the vandalism uproar, but now that's just another conversation topic. Now, let's keep on advancing forward!
Nanase Riku: "A Lovely Night with IDOLiSH7!" is getting a new project? Show Producer: Yep! Thus far, we've only had you guys help normal people out with challenges, but.... Show Producer: This time we wanna put IDOLiSH7 in the spotlight and have you guys challenge things instead. We've been getting lots of requests to see more of IDOLiSH7, after all. Show Producer: We're thinking about making it a documentary-style, weekly corner where viewers can catch up with you guys and watch your progress. Izumi Mitsuki: So we'll be doing the challenges this time, huh! Since it's gonna be a long-term project, I think we should pick something that can't be done super easily. Osaka Sougo: Re:vale did something similar as well, where they tried their hand at rōkyoku​. It was really interesting watching Yuki-san take on the shamisen. There were lots of tears and lots of laughter. (2) Rokuya Nagi: Hm...... If we want to make the viewers' hearts pound and have them on the edges of their seats, then we ought to venture into uncharted territory and try something we're all weak at. Osaka Sougo: What's something we're all bad at? Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm bad at studying. I hate it too. Izumi Iori: I'm good at it and happen to like it. Nanase Riku: I'm not good at being assertive towards girls.... Rokuya Nagi: I'm very good at that. Osaka Sougo: I don't think I'm very good at getting funny reactions out of people on variety shows. Izumi Mitsuki: I'm pretty used to doing that kind of stuff. You're funny too though, Sougo. Yotsuba Tamaki: ....... Now that I think about it, we kinda fill in the gaps for each other. Nanase Riku: You're right! That's amazing! Yay! Yotsuba Tamaki・Nanase Riku: Yay! Show Producer: Ahaha! See, that's one of the things that's really good about you guys, IDOLiSH7! It's really fun watching you all-- it just cheers me up! Show Producer: Everybody gets along so well, and you're all so lively! That's definitely your selling point, without a doubt. Izumi Mitsuki: We get along well, huh.... Yeah, I guess so. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Show Producer: You've been awfully quiet today, Yamato-kun. Well, quiet isn't quite right. Kind of intense, I guess? Are you angry......? Nikaidou Yamato: Ah-- Not at all.... Yotsuba Tamaki: It's because you've been reading books on cannibals. That's why you look even scarier than usual. Hurry up and go read a book on nice ramen shop workers already. Nikaidou Yamato: There you go again. You just wanna eat ramen, don't you? Show Producer: Ahaha. Any opinions from you, as the leader? Nikaidou Yamato: How about something that'll make us fight a bit? Everyone likes that sorta stuff, right? Izumi Mitsuki: Hold up, Yamato-san. Couldn't you have phrased that a little better.... Rokuya Nagi: The more trouble we encounter, the more seriously we’ll tackle those problems. A plan like that will allow our friendship to shine through. That's what Yamato's idea was, in other words. Show Producer: I see. So we gotta get the viewers a little nervous in order to pull them in and grab their attention, huh. The harder everybody works, the better. Yotsuba Tamaki: How about instruments? Osaka Sougo: Instruments? Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah. We usually just sing, but how about instruments? Izumi Mitsuki: Sounds hard, but that could be really interesting! We could do classical music, but also brass band or marching band! Nanase Riku: Making music together with something other than our voices sounds fun! I've always wanted to try playing an instrument! Izumi Iori: We'll be able to show our teamwork, which is a good thing. We could also use it during live performances for IDOLiSH7. Osaka Sougo: I want to try playing with everyone. I've had some experience with an instrument before, so I'll put that knowledge to use. Show Producer: There's tons of people learning how to play instruments right now, so let's go with this idea! We'll be giving it our all, and I look forward to working with you guys! Nanase Riku: Of course! We look forward to working with you too!
Nanase Riku: Performing with everyone sounds really fun! I wonder what kind of project it'll be? Nanase Riku: Well, I have time to kill, so I'll go shopping. Ah, the cakes at that shop look really good! Maybe I'll buy one for Manager! Inumaru Touma: ....... Nanase Riku: ......!? That person's crouching down....... Maybe he feels sick? Nanase Riku: Um, are you okay? Inumaru Touma: ....... Nanase Riku: He.... He was crying......? Nanase Riku: Huh...? Wait….... I feel like I've seen this person somewhere before.... 
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
I THOUGHT NEXT UPDATE WAS GONNA BE 27TH ISH BUT I THOUGHT WRONG AND NOW I AM A LOT BEHIND SCHEDULE, if they release next installment on the 17th, I’ll do my best to tl everything out so far before then!!! 
THANK YOU KURI FOR CATCHING MY STUPID TYPOS x999, and also for helping me work out a phrase (either in this part or the next one, idr)
(1) used 'she' as pronoun here because all 3 lyricists who have worked with i7/trg/re:v are all female! Or at least that’s my reasoning, idk if the in-story composers are different tho \o/ 
(2) Rōkyoku​ is Japanese narrative singing accompanied by a shamisen. Read more about it here! 
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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