#i LOVE clara’s scenes in series 7. she’s my little baby. my everything.
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impossibledial · 1 year ago
interpreting elevenclara as a prequel to twelveclara because i don’t like them on their own for some reason.
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pochapal · 4 years ago
I hate doctor 11 but ive never been able to explain why in like words lmao. He feels like such a mary sue character imo and like theres something about his characterisation that was always just really ineffective (like the stuff about fishfingers and custard or whatever it was). Imo i'd love to hear you give top 5 worst things about the 11 era because i rlly just love when it gets torn apart
i hold nothing but a seething contempt and loathing for that man. every time he appeared on screen i felt ready to snap like a riled up chimpanzee in my enclosure. i am frothing at the mouth and overcome with a desire to start flinging heavy objects. this might be incoherent and inconsistent but i started this rewatch in feb 2020 and only finished this week so i got through 11′s episodes last august/september time and i refuse to revisit it to jog my memory or fact check anything i’m saying here because this man does not deserve the space in my mind for that.
the first thing is i can’t fucking STAND the quirky whimsy timey wimey bit he has going on all of the time. i can’t even say this is because this is a kids show and i was a teen and then adult when i first properly watched him but actually!! when i was eleven years old i’d sleep over at a friend’s house most weekends and it always coincided with the airing of a new season 5 episode and i remember we watched the finale with the dumb time hopping to get out of the box prison that was never explained and didn’t make sense and i thought at the time “this is really stupid”. and before that my only other doctor who exposure was watching the david tennant christmas specials with another friend and throughout childhood my only opinion on doctor who was “this is a tv show that is not for me but is one that all the boys i am friends with like so i will put up with it to maintain our friendships” but at least those episodes were both suspenseful and engaging enough to keep me watching all the way through. like who the fuck does an end of the world sci fi plot and approaches it with an “oopsy woopsy i am a funny little alien man who is going to stop you all by making you do a hecking silly” like it’s unneeded and self-parodies an already cheesy show to the point where it becomes unwatchable and makes it impossible to ever take this man seriously.
next thing that downright sucks ass so badly is the stupid fucking overwritten constantly escalating plotlines. like everything from season 5 up until his regeneration at the end of season 7 is meant to be this grand interconnected cosmic plot about how...the doctor trying to bring back his planet will end the universe or something so all the top powers across all of reality tried again and again to stop him from doing that except he doesn’t know what’s going on so he keeps thwarting these people who supposedly mean good?? i mean i sure don’t fucking know what they were trying to say!! like for some reason we never get the doctor suddenly becomes this superdemon that threatens everything so these people (whoever they are) decide to, in sequence: suck him through a time rift to erase him from existence, trap him in a prison and remake a universe without him, take his companion’s baby and turn her into a perfectly trained doctor killer, form two(!!) secret societies to hunt him throughout history that are only stopped by his companion splintering herself across his personal timeline to protect him, and repeatedly cause reality collapsing events because it’s a kinder outcome for the universe than what he will do. this grand and terrible event turns out to be...he spends a few hundred years chilling by a rift that leads to his home planet and protects a few generations of children from monsters which convinces them to give him infinite regeneration power then fuck off back to their pocket universe. and it’s like!! what is the point of anything that happens in this man’s era when everything is always “the darkest moment” or whatever the fuck!! i don’t care!! we never get a compelling reason to believe this bumbling clown of a man could ever be a universal threat!! the whole thing is so dumb i hate it!!!
thing number three i hate is how the eleventh doctor is ALSO characterised as this abrasive egotistic male supergenius to the point where he becomes genuinely indistinguishable from bbc sherlock. genuinely who enjoyed seeing this guy constantly tell people their tiny human minds can’t comprehend what he’s doing and then basically just wave his magic wand to solve whatever problem each episode is facing. 2012 is the year of human sin because this fucking shitsmear character archetype somehow became both a redditor role model AND a tumblr sexyman and it’s like!! nobody is enjoying this stop making this seem cool! him saying timey wimey thing any time he does anything is frustrating and dumb and locks the viewer out of giving a fuck about anything that is happening! smartest man in the room syndrome is a disease and the eleventh doctor is terminal with it. like remember how they established river as an accomplished scientist (when she wasn’t being a child soldier or a time paradox or whatever the fuck) and every time that came up mr doctor eleven man was like “oh this thing is obvious because i’m a genius and you didn’t realise because your brain is tiny so get out of the way and let the grownups think” or that time it turned out amy had been replaced with a slime clone for half the season and the doctor chewed rory (audience surrogate) out for somehow not realising this fact we didn’t know right from the start and like. this served no purpose other than to draw into severe question why the doctor is also this super beloved magical figure implicitly trusted by all children everywhere like. mr steven moffat is totally allergic to writing and solving mysteries in his tv show and fuck you for wanting to figure things out as you go along based on the new evidence you uncover at strategic plot intervals just let this asshole man use magical thinking to reveal he knew the answer all along and you’re a fucking idiot for not also realising this thing which had no basis or precedent anywhere else in the show.
speaking of dumb things let us not forget the absolute shitshow that was minority representation in this era. i’m not even talking about the low hanging fruit of how genuinely unironically sexist amy and clara were written where each episode moffat either seemed to loathe them or was incredibly horny over them and they had no character growth or arc or fucking anything. i’m talking about how fucking shit terrible the incidental representation was. god remember how every single fucking gay person who appeared in this era was written as one incredibly fucking stupid joke and how the women were all either sexy dominatrix, feeble girl in love, or Mother (or all three in some really terrible cases) and i’m not qualified to talk about this but also how incredibly white this era was and how on two separate occasions we had monarchs reimagined as sexy girlbosses with a gun played by black women who the doctor leched over. nothing about any of this was good ESPECIALLY coming off the back of rtd who was surprisingly forward thinking for 2005 and did a really good job of positing travel with the doctor as queer allegory. in comparison moffat gave us THE MOST heterosexual shlock i’ve ever had to endure. amy and rory could have been interesting characters were they not hemmed into this domestic bickering young straight married couple bullshit that was in no way changed or altered by traveling with the doctor except for the quasi incestuous river song reveal that was dumb and bad and stupid.
the last major mega gripe i have with the series is moffat’s fucking jingoistic boner for british military aesthetics. this carried over throughout his entire tenure as showrunner but was super terrible vomit inducing in eleven’s era. the unironic admiration for ww2 britain and winston churchill is downright wretched. are you incapable of telling a second world war story outside of churchill’s london and plucky blitz fighters. shit gives me hives so badly. and then!!! that weird church owned army that features in the future that end up being bad not for the concept of what basically amounts to an imperialistic intergalactic rendition of the fucking crusades but because they’re part of the nonsense go nowhere puzzlebox narrative that says the doctor is a not good man who will do bad things to the universe :(. remember how rtd’s doctor was a freshly traumatised man hot off the war criminal press who time and time again vehemently refuses to engage in military violence, but who tragically inadvertently turns every one of his companions into soldiers in his own personal army, and he has this moment of complete horror at the realisation and it is this which causes the downward spiral that ends in 10′s regeneration. and then how there’s this cringe line about how there’s a force of people who are “the doctor’s army, always ready to fight his battles when he’s not around” or some shit and then it turns out this is actually massive literal military operation and we’re meant to celebrate this. fuck off.
bonus round because this needs to be said but i have never hated anything like i hated that fucking human tardis episode. everything about it induced violent anger in me from the sickening overindulgence of that softgoth dark whimsy helena bonham carter tim burton aesthetic to the bafflingly terrible evil carny stereotype of those junk scavengers to the overblown sudden tragic shipbait romance of human tardis and the doctor. every word out of her mouth was trite shit and the fact that the death of her body was presented as this super emotional dramatic scene despite there being no buy in or incentive to care and the fact that every single person on tumblr in 2012 ate that shit up like it was fucking gourmet. i loathe every single thing about that episode so much.
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
WCTH Season 7 Survey Results
Read all the comments below the cut!
What are your hopes for season 8?
Nothing much. Just be good and relaxing.
Elizabeth officially picks Nathan and they start courting, with lots of adorable shy flirtation and early romance happiness, cute family scenes with Allie and Little Jack too, and a big passionate kiss scene towards the end of the season, possible after one of their lives is in danger. New romantic interest or other plotline for Lucas so he can bow out of the competition gracefully but not disappear. Jesse and Clara get pregnant. Rosemary and Lee adopt a child. Bill and Nathan carry on with exciting Mountie and Judge business. Something positive for Henry, for the love of god.
Nathan + Elizabeth. Baby for Rosemary and Lee. Lucas goes away.
Nathan and Elizabeth, Elizabeth and Allie, Elizabeth and Lucas, Carson and faith, Lucas and a new character, colters, Flynns, kevin and Fiona, more Florence, and a new paster. Also more kids and their interactions with each other and the adults.
Elizabeth and Nathan get together
more baby Jack
For Allie to leave. For the love triangle to be resolved. Less Elizabeth. Less Nathan. More Lee/Rosemary. More Jesse/Clara.
Elizabeth and Nathan get together
The triangle is done and focus on Elizabeth’s future. We waited forever for Elizabeth to get married to Jack and I think it would be nice to actually see her settle into married life other than just one episode. Plus, baby Jack needs a good father figure. I would like Lee and Rosemary to have a family. The writers could have a lot of fun with her being pregnant.
Elizabeth starts a relationship And more adventures start for all of Hope Valley!
I'm hoping the love triangle gets resolved no later than 8x03, and I'm really hoping it ends with Elizabeth engaged. Like, I know it's a little quick, but I think they waited way too long to get her and Jack married. And now that she's a widowed mother, I don't really want to see her in a long courtship or engagement. Especially if she picks Nathan (come on, we know it's all headed that way). I want to see Nathan, Elizabeth, Allie, and Jack as a family, and quick! I want to see the PTB do right by Henry, more than anything. I want to see Lee and Rosemary either pregnant or adopting.
Hopes: An end to the triangle...start to Elizabeth and Nathan's relationship. Parenthood for Lee and Rosemary via natural and/or adoption. Meet Lucas Mother and/or return to Lucas, man of mystery and maybe slightly dodgy. Developing friendship/mentorship with Nathan and Bill. A trip or visit from Hamiltonians (Elizabeth's parents or more Julie!). More Mountie cases with Bill involved...more Judge-centred stories for Bill. Last,but not least...Leland's motorcycle and leather coat from series 2!
Elizabeth chooses Lucas. Cute moments with little jack. A baby for rosemary . Elizabeth book deal journey . Henry has a new job. Lucas running oil business. Ally and Nathan moments.
Same as it was mid season, watch more interaction between the guys and the girls. There's been very little especially in the last episodes, it was more two on two all the time. It was amazing watching Nathan do exciting mountie stuff, so I definitely want more of that, especially because it will bring something to resolve in his relationship with Elisabeth. I would like Faith to be back, since I like her and Carson a lot, and possibily some real talk about baby Coulter, it's been barely there, I think it deserves more attention (I know it's Hallmark, but it's not a scandalous topic, there's an orphanage in WHC soooo)
Elizabeth & Nathan to get engaged, Rosemary & Lee to become parents, Gowen to acquire his Oil business again and fall in love, Bill to falll in love, Lucas & Fiona to become a couple and Jesse and Clara to be pregnant. Things should be resolved faster as we dont know how much longer the show will be renewed. Before it is cancelled, it should be tied up in a nice bow for all of us who love it.
No drama. More of Elizabeth and Nathan and little Jack.
I hope they don't do a time jump. I really would like to see Nathan deal with the emotional fallout of moving that gun barrel. That would be a really good but heartbreaking storyline.
Rosemary and Lee to start a family
Hope that we get to see Nathan open up more. And also get to see more about Lucas’ past. More Nathan and Bill moments.
That Elizabeth finally makes a decision, for more focus on Jesse and Clara, Lucas away from Elizabeth maybe become a villain, Faith and Carson reunited
More screentime for background characters and more humor! Less love triangle
Lee & Rosemary getting pregnant/adopting. Ending the triangle. More stories not revolving around Elizabeth and her love life.
Nathan and Elizabeth get married
That Elisabeth make her choice early in the season. Going back to a fun Lucas. More Fiona. Carson find love with somebody else.
Baby for Rosemary & Lee!! More of them in general they are my fave part of the show. Definitely a resolution to the love triangle so we can at least see where they will take it. More Henry!! Fuck Lucas give Henry his company back and allow him to be more a part of the community.
Elizabeth to choose between Nathan and Lucas early on in the season. Lee and Rosemary have a child. Ned and Florence get together. A love interest for Henry.
For the love triangle to be resolved, hopefully towards the beginning of the season. Also I really want to see Elizabeth and Nathan go on that date, but because of the time jump I’m not holding my breath.
End to the triangle (dare I hope). Elizabeth and Nathan begin courting. I like the idea of Lucas and Fiona together. Lee and Rosemary adopt a little boy. Bill and Molly begin a romance. Just more of being in Hope Valley. Would like a storyline where the town comes together to defend itself (maybe against a band of outlaws, I know that's very "old westernish" but would be nice to see them band together and fight to save the town).
a conclusion to the love triangle
To continue like they do with great story lines especially with The children
More Nathan, Elizabeth, Allie, and Little Jack. Lots of adventures with them. More Opal. I would love to see Archie and Suze in the Christmas movie. Elizabeth's and Jack's families visiting their grandchild. Nathan's Mother coming to town. Nathan's ex coming to town.
Love triangle to be over
Love triangle ending
I want to have more continuity in the plotlines. I liked having a story on two episodes.
No triangles
The end to the love triangle with Nathan coming out on top. Lee and Rosemary start their own family. Lucas and Fiona become a couple.
Just generally good writing. Also for Nathan & Elizabeth to get together and Lucas to stop being weirdly creepy. Also, I want more Rosemary and Lee plots that aren't comical. I like them regardless, but they really shine in more serious stories.
E and N together
Lee and Rosemary with a child and Bill to find love
Fiona declares herself mayor and makes a town decree that the love triangle must end. Also, Henry finds happiness and lots more of Lee and Rosemary.
Elizabeth and Nathan! Jesse and Clara get pregnant. More action, for the whole town, especially Nathan. Rosemary and Lee continue to be their great selves. More student plotlines. And something good happens to Henry.
I hope to see more interactions with the rest of the characters and of course their lives on how they grow and of course Elizabeth finding love in which I hope she picks Nathan crossing my fingers and everything else that goes on and more. ?
For the love triangle to last only a few more episodes. We don’t need this to drag on. I think it would be great if Rosemary and Lee had a child. I also hope to see the same for Clara and Jesse. I’d like to see more of Henry, Bill being fatherly to Elizabeth and Clara. Fiona finding her passion.
The love triangle is resolved with Nathan as the winner!
Something good! Maybe more of Lucas and delving more into his personality, and I want to see Faith become a doctor.
Elizabeth and Nathan getting together(if they do) and Rosemary and Lee having a Family
A resolution for Elizabeth and a baby for Rosemary. I want to see her pregnant. Lol
For Elizabeth to pick a guy, and Lee and Rosemary to become parents.
Elizabeth makes a choice, Rosemary and Lee become parents, Lucas and Fiona become interested in each other, Henry gets better and gets his business back.
Quick resolution of the love triangle or at least by half of the season. Agree with everyone's suggestions or expectations of the other characters storylines that I've read. I'm really just so happy for a season 8!
End to the triangle early in the season
Aucun. La série aurait du s'arrêter là. Et, Elisabeth devrait rester seule avec le petit Jack.
A quick end to the love triangle. Rosemary and Lee finally becoming parents. A new mayor.
I hope Elizabeth doesn't pick either - she can stand alone
Nathan and Elizabeth More Elizabeth and student plotlines More mountie business plotlines for Nathan (I feel like they have been doing a pretty good job in this last season) Lucas and Fiona Ned and Florence More drama and action
Elizabeth drop Lucas, and start a ‘slow burn’ relationship with Nathan (we’ve waited long enough). More Ally (in general), Nathan, and Elizabeth. I would love to see more story with baby Jack (hitting more milestones? Interacting with Nathan?), I would love to see Nathan go after the brother and sister and get justice (maybe that would draw Elizabeth to him?). A love interest for Henry and to get his company back from that dreadful Lucas.. Honestly, I want Lucas to just go away (sorry), or maybe back away from E and stop being so creepy. A baby for Lee and Rosemary. Fiona romance storyline with either, Lucas, Carson, or Kevin? Mainly let’s explore Nathan’s past and his relationship with Elizabeth... not to mention let’s find out what Carson’s “it’s a keeper“ photo is going to foreshadow for N & E!
See more of Elizabeth and Sargent (Jack's horse) Nathan and Elizabeth!
Nathan and Elizabeth
Resolution to the love triangle Lee and Rosemary adopt/ have a child Clara and Jesse become parents Maybe some storylines that last more than a few episodes
anything to do with Henry, he gets friendship or love ect. idc the poor guy been out of a decent plot for a while
swift end to the love triangle, new characters
Elizabeth to actually make a choice of who she wants to be with and put her own happiness first for once, which I wholeheartedly believe is with Lucas. Adoption for Lee and Rosemary. Faith to become a doctor. I think Nathan needs to be better developed on his own, and maybe more meaty mountie storylines. Fiona should work for Bill, she definitely has the brains do it.
More Rosemary and Lee! And hopefully they have a baby!
Elizabeth choosing Nathan and they become a family
Elizabeth chooses Nathan. Henry has a romance. To meet Nathan's mother (after his dad).
Ending the triangle, just please.
End of the triangle
Elizabeth will pick someone to date. Rosemary will be pregnant. Happy times. More of Clara and Jesse please.
I hope they finally let Lee and Rosemary adopt a child!
Wrap up love triangle. See some children for Lee and Rosemary
Team Lucas! R & L finally becoming parents; Storyline of publishing E's book
#teamlucas and have Nathan talk more about what happened to Jack.
Prefer Lucas and Elizabeth but hoping which ever way it goes that the love triangle is over with soon. More Lee and Rosemary. Hoping that they have a baby or adopt next season. Love interest for Henry would be nice to see develop.
Elizabeth starting a relationship with nathan
For the triangle to be dissolved. For Lee and Rosemary to consider adoption. For Fiona to start her own hair dressing business. For Henry to finally be seen as a good guy by the town. For Nathan and Elizabeth to be together. For Cody to come back without Abigail.
More faith/God references Nathan saves Elizabeth... again. :) Rosemary and Lee adopt or get pregnant Some sort of family for Henry
More stories for Fiona More happy stories for Henry More action and drama
That the love triangle will officially end - with Elizabeth choosing Nathan!
It comes quickly. Elizabeth doesn't continue to lead Lucas on if he is not the one. I think Fiona is a better match for Lucas.
Wrap up love triangle, child for Lee and Rosemary, continue to expand profiles of characters and relationships rather than one off/pointless plot line episodes. Also more episodes in the season- 12 episodes (not including Xmas movie) would provide for better story line development
Lucas and Elizabeth together, no more triangle
Elizabeth makes her decision for Nathan official and we will gut a first kiss.
More Elizabeth and Nathan. Baby for Rosemary and Lee. Fiona and Lucas.
My greatest wish for season 8 is that Elizabeth and Nathan start courting officially and that the love triangle is put behind us once and for all. I am excited to see what potential challenges lie ahead for them as a couple and blended family. I would also like to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents. I'm excited for Henry's journey. It would be nice to see him start a new business that surpasses Gowen Petroleum in success. I am also very excited for Fiona. I think it would be exciting for her to start a business or even run for Mayor. I think she is smart and capable enough to fill the hole that Abigail's character left. I also really enjoyed Bill's character this year. I like seeing him as a judge and as a supportive friend. I'm curious to see if they'll find him a new love interest. It would be nice to see one of the supportive characters have a storyline next season. I would enjoy seeing Molly, Florence, Ned or anyone else in the spotlight for a change. As for Jesse and Clara, I wouldn't mind seeing them have a baby. I also think there are wedding bells in the future for Faith and Carson. Lastly, since I doubt they'd ever get rid of Lucas, I hope they bring his character back to what it used to be. I feel like he has the potential to be a fun (and infinitely more likeable) character if he's not so obsessed with Elizabeth.
That the love triangle will be over. Hopefully it will be Nathan. Lee and Rosemary become parents. Henry is back and doing good.
Generally, I just hope they only do a few things I dislike, and that there are good, interesting stories for the characters I enjoy (maybe something for Florence and Molly!). I’d love to see more of the supporting characters, their friendships with each other, and some meaningful fresh storylines for several members of the cast. I’d prefer, if season 8 is the season that Rosemary and Lee become parents, it is through adoption, without her also becoming pregnant this season (maybe later as their family grows, but I’d like some time with their first child before). Whatever direction they take with the main romance, (whoever Elizabeth is with and however they choose to write it), even if by some miracle it’s what I want, I hope for significant focus to remain on the friendships and for Elizabeth to also have other things going on.
Any other comments?
Great season! looking forward to next year!
I am falling deep down the obsession rabbit hole for this show all of a sudden and for the Elizabeth/Nathan pairing in particular. Thank you for this blog and beautiful gifs that make it so easy to fangirl to my heart's content. Do you ever read/share fic? If so, where?
Absolutely love WCTH
Thanks for all the work you put into the blog. I super enjoy hearing your thoughts on everything!
This has been my favourite series by far. It feels like an ensemble show...even if the triangle was top billing...and there were some great stories there, even if I got frustrated that they didn't do more with some. The cast do seem to enjoy each others company and McGarry and McNally feel as if they have always been there. If it weren't for the adorable twins playing little Jack, I would say...'Jack who?' Bill, Florence, Molly and even Ned felt more part of the town than they have in a long time. When Faith and Carson were on, I enjoyed them. It would be interesting the next step in that relationship as it is quite different than any in HV. I liked the kid stories that were there...Robert and becoming a Mountie, Allie and Grandfather, even Emily getting lost, so I hope they just don't focus on adults all the time. Hope we don't have to wait too long for series 8!
I wish Lee and Jesse had hugged when Lee got better, I felt like there was something missing from the scene :(
Why isn't it December yet? Also, thank you for putting together the survey!!!
Just thank you for keeping this place running ?
I still think Carson and Elizabeth would have made a great couple. Especially since Jack would get possessive when the two of them would talk.
Honestly I’m glad Abigail is done at this point bc other than Elizabeth her story took up most of the time and I wasn’t all that interested in her anymore either. Rosie is my absolute fave and I want as much of her as possible and I love Lee both as her husband and as a character too so I really want them to have their baby this season. I’d like to see a more extended storyline outside of the love triangle, doesn’t really matter who maybe put a couple characters together but I think Lee’s accident and aftermath would have been great to see if he was in the infirmary for more than a hot sec lol. I think Pascale could have really shown us a deeper side of Rosemary and more of the town coming together for that episode would have been nice. I mean I’d love to see Lee’s family again or go into Rosemary’s family too even if that doesn’t seem like it will happen. In general I’d like to see more storylines actually finished and not just introduced and cut off. While I still think Elizabeth is the fave of a lot of people and the love triangle is a point of contention I definitely think a lot of people would enjoy getting to really know other characters more and i would definitely be open to that any day. Overall I did enjoy this season and I do have high hopes for next season! Special thanks to your blog for fueling my obsession :)
Overall, really enjoyed the season, looked forward to each and every episode. I think they have managed to overcome the hurdles (Jack dyinig, Abigail leaving) and come out stronger.
Best show on TV
The love triangle is doing the character of Elizabeth no favors. Right now I don't really care for Elizabeth, Lucas, or Nathan. The triangle storyline needs resolved so I can go back to liking them.
I feel like Nathan doesn’t want to put Elizabeth in a relationship that has a chance where he dies like Jack. He might be scared.
Love your blog and reading your interpretations!!!
Great blog!
Comme certaines personnes, je n'aime plus cette série depuis que Jack est mort.
I think it’s safe to say I’m on everyone’s team BUT LUCAS’.. lol
Elisabeth should run out the door when lucas did that weird stuff at the dinner date
Thanks for the fun survey!
I want a spin-off series about Rosemary and Lee!
Rosemary falls pregnant
I liked Rosemary/Lee scenes during the chikenpox episode which were funny. I didn't like episode 5 due to the competition between Lucas and Nathan. But the scene with the dart falling in Nathan's glass was funny.
Thanks for your blog and all the time you put into it! :)
See above lol
I've noticed a couple of similarities between Nathan and Edward in Sense and Sensibility: the little gift for Baby Jack was wrapped similar to the little book given to Elinor and the wood chopping scene.
Thank you very much for everything!
I'm worried about the new Showrunner. I miss Alfonso already.
Thanks for all of your hard work this year! Finding your blog was a blessing. I love seeing the gifs and reading all of your comments and analyses. I am also looking forward to the rewatch and anything else you come up with!
I wouldn’t say this season was exactly good, but it had me emotionally invested, and there were plenty of things I enjoyed about it, despite the many faults. There are so many good characters, who will hopefully get even more chance to shine next season! I personally love Elizabeth and Lucas together, and am very grateful for the time we’ve had if it doesn’t last much longer. Rosemary remains amazing (as always), and her friendship with Elizabeth has been great to see, and is probably the best part of the show recently!
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drewandhardy · 6 years ago
1. What is your favorite Nancy Drew game and why? Ghost of Thornton Hall! My Nancy Drew Holy Grail. This game just does everything right. The backstory of the Thornton family is beautiful and terrible and is the backbone of this game. The cast of characters are amazing. Clara, Wade, Harper -- all tragically complex and interesting. I’ll even throw Frat Boy Colton a bone here and say he added something to the story. Harper is straight up modeled after Helena Bohnem Carter in every role ever (though she most closely resembles Bellatrix Lestrange, probably). I absolutely loved hunting through the graveyard and reading old books to find out more about this family, their past, and this bizarre little southern island they live on. (Side note: Do tiny pieces of real estate like this exist off the coast of Georgia? Okay, I have consulted GoogleMaps and it appears they do. Making a note to visit.) The setting is just gorgeous, in the dreary, creepy way you would expect it to be. It reminded me of the abandoned town of Spectre from Big Fish. In fact, the whole thing has an eerie but beautiful Tim Burton-esque vibe to me. You have some amazing spaces to explore, including locked doors and hidden tunnels to boot. Puzzles are on point. Every puzzle in this game is going to help you advance the plot; nothing is sending you on benign errands. This was just seriously an awesome game. It’s the first ND game I’ve played in the Blahunka era, and it really opened a door to some of my other series favorites.
FIN, DDI, SPY, and TRT probably round of my top 5. 
2. Have you played all 32 games in the series? If not, which ones haven’t you played? If yes, which one did you play first? I played MHM first, back in the day. Nothing like a little Abby seance to turn you on to a series. 
Though I’ve been play since I was a wee baby jr. sleuth, I really rediscovered the series about 3 years ago. Still haven’t hit some of the more clunky sounding ones: White Wolf, Venice, Twister, Ransom, Medallion (started it but I can’t get through this gd game). I also still haven’t played DED or ASH but definitely looking forward to those. 
3. What is your favorite line from any character in the series? Because I’m fresh off of SPY, I’m going to say “Be good. Be a little bad.” 
4. If you could change the ending to any game, which one would it be (no spoilers, though)? Less jet packs.
5. Which game is your least favorite, and why? I mean, SCK is obviously not the biggest thrill, but damn I really hated fucking Castle Malloy. I thought I was going to love this concept: An upcoming wedding at a dilapidated castle in Ireland, where the groom suddenly goes missing?! SIGN ME UP, I SAY. But I really ate my words. This game is such a tedious slog to get through. Kyler, the bride in question, sits on her ass reading her damn book while you go on a wild goose chase for her husband. (Wild goose chase is hardly even figurative: there’s a damn chase-sheep-give-them-mohawks puzzle for christ sake.) The puzzles are long, and you frequently have to hunt down several missing pieces before you can even start said puzzles. The ending has to be some of the most bizarro, half-baked writing the Nancy Drew series has ever seen. Not to mention, the final sequence was one of the most infuriating things I’ve ever experienced (and I’m not even certain that this is hyperbole). I blew myself up approximately 35 times before - in a fit of rage - I Googled what nuanced methodology I needed to master in order to simply lift a bottle. 
6. Which character is your favorite? Why? Oy, probably Dagny. But give me dem Hardy Boys any day. Also, Hilda Swenson. And Renate (CAP). And Viv (DOG). I tend to enjoy the old eccentric ladies. 
7. Which character is your least favorite? Why? I’m pretty sure Holt Scotto (DDI) is part of the alt-right, so.
8. How do you feel about the whole Nancy/Ned vs. Nancy/Frank situation? Do you ship her with someone else? Who, and why? Patiently waiting for Nancy and Frank’s love story to arise in MID. 
9. Do you have any fun headcanons about any of the games or characters? DAN is based off of The Devils Wears Prada. 
10. If you could visit any of the locations of the games, which ones would they be and why?
That absolutely wild underworld set in LIE (someone explain why you build an elaborate set UNDER the stage instead of on it...)
Dry Creek (SHA)
Thornton’s bouge island
All the cool Pacific Northwest locations in DDI -- lighthouse, island, whale cave, etc
Wickford Castle
Royal Palladium 
The Train
11. Did you read any of the original Nancy Drew books? If yes, do you like them? If no, would you consider reading one? I have not! But absolutely. Someone recommend the best one to me!
12. What is one thing any good detective can’t live without? Locked shit.
13. Which game had the best soundtrack? I really liked the Irish-y jig music in DDI and HAU. 
14. What is one thing you wish HER would’ve included in any of the games (a conversation, interaction, location, feature, etc.)? I want a decent explanation of what happened in past-Germany in CUR. As in, we know who’s responsible for the monster games in present day, but they sure as shit weren’t alive in the olden days. 
15. Do you have any ideas for a future game? What is it? Maybe a game base around the witch trials or something?
16. How long does it take you to finish a game from start to finish? Depends! Replays I can usually do in a single sitting, but first plays will take me a few days. 
17. Did any of the games scare you? If yes, which ones? If no, why? Hell yeah, MHM scared the shit out of me when I was little. That “I see you” is like straight out of the Chamber of Secrets. Now that I’m an adult, some of my scariest thoughts are routed in my family falling apart. GTH and SAW and SPY definitely get to me in a psychological way. Thanks Blahunka, you twisted human.
18. Why did you join the Nancy Drew fandom here on tumblr? I have no real-life humans to talk these things through with, so thank you for being my internet humans. 
19. What is your favorite Nancy Drew joke (from in-game or even floating around the internet)? In game, it’s gotta be the mom jeans shade from SPY. On the internet, all of the “It’s Locked” puns. 
20. Who is someone in the clue crew you’ve always wanted to get to know? All of ya!
21. What are three unpopular opinions you hold about the games? 1. CUR is overrated. 2. LIE is underrated.  3. Lukas > Jane Penvellyn any damn day. I love playing Monster and hate playing damn “Go Dig.” 
22. Do you have any fun theories about any of the games? I really think that if Blahunka stayed on, we would have gotten a Nancy/Ned break up at some point, and then a Nancy/Frank relationship later on. 
23. Who was your favorite animal character featured in the games? Whale friend from DDI. 
24. Do other people in your life know about your love for Nancy Drew? Yes! I’m constantly trying to get others to play!
25. How long have you been playing these games? Since about 2001. 
26. What’s your favorite in-game backstory/history?
Ballad of Dirk Valentine and Francis Humbert; it’s truly the beating heart of SHA and the greatest love story in the series history. 
The random hilarity of all Jake Hurley’s famous friends in TRN (he’s basically Tahani). Like, they seriously worked the Lincoln Assassination into this shit?? It’s amazing. 
TRT, but more for the Wickford story than for the Marie Antoinette story. (When I played this as a child, I became obsessed with Marie Antoinette as a result of this game. I was too young to realize how ridiculous it is that Marie Antoinette’s tower was mysteriously in Wisconsin. I’m now too old to see through that ridiculously convenient pothole.)
Mickey Malone, his bombass girlfriend Vivienne, and his cool speakeasy. 
Everything about the history of the Thorntons. 
27. What is your favorite cut scene? Oh my god that damn junk shop in CRY. WHY WHY WHY.
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sprnklersplashes · 7 years ago
Hullo, saw your views on Rose, and I do agree a lot. I was wondering what you thought of the other companions, like Martha, Donna, the Ponds, River, etc?
I am glad you liked my thoughts. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, but this ask prompted, wait for it, 2.5 thousand words on my love and appreciation for each of these darlings, because I do love them all.
Under the cut we go!!!!
Martha- Martha Jones walked away from all of time and spacebecause she wouldn’t do it with someone who did not respect her (no offense to10 but she deserved better than you) and that ladies and gentlemen is thedefinition of a strong female character. Even from her first episode I lovedMartha balancing doctor training with her incredibly dysfunctional family andinstead of taking a moment to break down and scream (which is what many of uswould do) she just gets on with it, a little sarcasm and eye rolling sure but she doesn’t let it put her down and doesn’t get bogged down in her stressful life. There’s also how she is a badass withoutneeding to be physically violent or use weapons. In fact I don’t remember a lotof scenes where she does use weapons (thought it’s been a while). She walksacross the Earth using nothing but her bravery and wits, she finishedShakespeare’s spell to the witches on the spot even when the Doctor couldn’t doit (also, Expelliamus, you babe, Martha), ended Joan Redfern with her knowledgeof the bones of the hand (which is some pretty complex information she whippedout off the top of her pretty little head), and talked down to the Daleks(which yes used a weapon but it was a weapon given to her). Whether she wasbluffing or not in that instance, that took some serious guts and homegirl didnot break a sweat while doing it. A small but beautiful moment for her is inher first episode where she says “How many people want to go to the moon? Andhere we are!”. She knows how scary the whole thing is but at the same time shesees the absolute beauty and knows how unique an opportunity it is, and that’sa beautiful thing for her.
Donna- Oh Donna Donna Donna. If there was ever a characterwho was more fitting of the ‘deserved better’ label, it’s her! I don’t think itis physically possible for someone to dislike Donna. Let’s get the obviouspoint out of the way first; best lines ever. I mean between “oi watch itspaceman” and “don’t get clever in Latin” she had some of the funniest lines onthis show. Now that that is out of the way, can we appreciate the hope she has?She sticks out with the belief she will see the Doctor again after the Runaway Bride, and I feel likeher changing her mind humanised her a lot. She said she didn’t want to butthen, things changed, because people change. I liked her taking matters intoher own hands re: Adipose and investigating thinking she could run into theDoctor there. Even from there, she is on equal footing with him. Now we move onto her compassion which is so lovely, especially towards other women, like MissEvangelista (and I love their relationship because I feel like Donna was comingfrom a place of understanding with her, knowing how it feels to beunderestimated, and making sure she thanked her and noticed her even if no oneelse did), Evelina, Jenny whom she immediately bonds with even when 10 isprickly towards her. She just wants to make friends with all the people shemeets and I think that’s an amazing character trait. Not to mention how she demands to be treated as an equal, no matter if it’s a UNIT soldier (”I’ll have a salute”) or an alien ( “Every bit as important as Time Lord, thank you very much”). Her growth was amazing.She didn’t acquire a lot of new skills, just the confidence to utilise the onesshe had! I am still so bitter and upset about her ending because she did notdeserve to have all her amazing adventures and development that came with thatstripped away from her.
Amy- Amy is “my first bb girl” in that s6 of Doctor Who wasthe first one I watched, and the first fandom I was in and Amy was my firstfavourite female character, so I am very protective of her. When we first meether adult self, Amy is desperate to shed the “Amelia” part of her, kick out thechildhood dreams, but even in season 5 we still see a sort of childlikeexcitement because she has not suppressed her inner child and that isbeautiful. She also has a lot of insecurities in her arc, shown in herrelationship with Rory-not in a “I worry that he’s too good for me” way but ina “I don’t know if I am ready for this level of commitment” way-which 1. imomade for a very relateable character and 2. Gave way for a whole level ofcharacter development, because by around the end of series 5/start of series 6she was wholly comfortable in that relationship. But even then she can’t sitstill as it were, she says to the Doctor that she can’t keep a job and, while Ido acknowledge is in part to the fact she is waiting for him to come back, sheis also finding herself, which right now, I relate to massively as a youngwoman. She doesn’t keep a job because she doesn’t know what she wants. Shemodels, she writes, she makes perfumes, she can’t sit still. Amy’s story islargely about growing up and learning to stand on her own two feet, and that iswhy it culminates in her choosing to go back in time with Rory. Now this is abit of my own personal thinking here, but to me Rory represents “normality”, anadventure free, dull life while the Doctor represented everything else. Thiswas her growing up and saying she was choosing normality, her “not a littlegirl anymore” moment. She doesn’t outgrow her flaws, she’s still very impulsivein season 7 but she learns to deal with them maturely. I imagine a lot of hertroubles come from the neglect she endured as a child and I curse Moffat fornot allowing her to deal with her trauma in a healthier way. But anyways, Ithought her growing into her own and maturing was lovely to watch.
River Song- Ah River, or as I like to call her “who my 13-year-oldself aspired to be”. She’s just, so beautifully complex. I think what I lovemost about her is she lives her life on her own terms. She takes a lot of risksbut she…. well I wouldn’t say doesn’t care but she certainly seems to thinkthey’re worth it. And she lived her life totally on her terms, even when shewas in jail! She just casually breaks out and in as she pleases, just waltzingaround like a babe! She also has so much confidence it’s inspiring. She’sclever and she knows it. She has most people wrapped around her finger, evenfrom her first expedition in the library we can see she is the (unofficial)leader. I don’t know if I would call her fearless, but she rarely showed fear.Vashta Nerada? Weeping Angels? She has got this. Plus, homegirl graffitied theoldest cliff face in universe like can you get any more iconic? She is alsogorgeous and she knows it. She has a great body and flaunts it because it makesher feel good and that’s a good lesson we ca all take away from her. I thinkthere is also a hugely tragic side to River. Every character on this show hadfamily issues; Rose lost her dad, Martha’s parents split, Amy was neglectedetc. and then there is River, who was kidnapped, tortured and brainwashed. Andyet she kept on fighting and as a child managed to fight her way out of anastronaut suit and braved the streets of 1960s New York as a child. And that’sjust the tip of it. I saw a post once that in the s6 premiere, when she isalone talking to Rory, in that moment, she isn’t just someone talking to a guyshe just met, she is a little girl running to her daddy and telling her she’s scaredand wants her parents, and it hurts god damn it, it hurts. Underneath thebravado, the flirting, the teasing, she’s scared. I am not amazed that she cameout of it a good person, I am amazed she came out of it sane. But she is such agood person. She managed to overcome her brainwashing and kill the person sheloves most, and then sacrifices herself in the library. One of my favouriteRiver moments is her moment with Donna when Donna asks “How come I’m not in thefuture” and River’s face (huge props to Alex here) just falls so much and thereis so much empathy in that scene. I also think her determination to rebuild herrelationship with her parents is so beautifully inspiring and we were cheatedout of scenes. I also think her past adds to her relationship with the Doctorsince he was likely the only person outside of her parents to care for herwhich is why she latched on to him (not saying that avoiding killing him was atall right, it was definitely wrong sorry bby girl, but it is kind ofunderstandable).
Clara- Oh Clara my Clara. If you couldn’t tell by my bio, Iam a massive Clara Oswald fan, and she is currently in a three way tie forFavourite Fictional Character Out Of Anything Ever (tied with Emma Swan andKillian Jones from Once Upon A Time). Where do I even start with her? Even fromher first episodes, confidence oozes out of her every pore and it is earned.From Oswin (who I fell in love with in 2 seconds flat) and her “total screaminggenius” to modern day Clara and “Clara Oswald for the win” she just knows howamazing she is and I totally love it. It’s not conceited arrogance, not “I ambetter than you” but “I am awesome and I know I am”. Now let’s move on to asimilar topic, baby girl is very smart as heck, even without the computerknowledge uploaded into her via Great Intelligence. She noticed the littledetails “a chimney that doesn’t blow smoke”, she thought on her feet “I’m theDoctor”/ “Your daughter, Skaldak”, she keeps pushing Bonnie and manages to stayequal with her by using her wits (sidenote, can we give all the awards to Jennain that episode because good lord), her whole time in Flatline (which isprobably my favourite Clara episode ever), with the clockwork robots she keptthem talking, risking her own life in the process because she knew how to.Also, right from the word go she is making it clear with the Doctor that she ishis equal and that she is the one in charge here, right from “come backtomorrow” and “see you next Wednesday”. This continues later in her arc “you’reone of my hobbies”. One of my favourite lines of hers is “I’m not a bargainbased stand in for someone else, I’m not going to compete with a ghost” and itjust sticks with me because she is there asserting her authority on the TARDIS,prepared to walk away right now if he does not respect her for who she is, andit is marvellous to watch. And then this comes back in 12’s run where she goesoff on him for abandoning her and I feel like he needed her to ground him andmake him more human. She is not afraid to call the Doctor out on his shit,whether it’s something big like in Kill The Moon or something relating to herdirectly, “speak for me again and I’ll detatch something from you”. Now let’smove onto another, beautiful topic, Clara and kids! We see this in the Bells ofSaint John how she gave up her plans to travel to look after Angie and Artieand then again in the next episode she comforts and all but adopts Merry Gallel,and her with young!Doctor, soothing his fears. It’s a little topic but it’s sobeautiful. She is also, for a lack of a better word, beautifully badass! Shehas stared down Cybermen, Daleks, Missy, all the Doctor’s greatest enemies, andnot blinked. That is how badass she is. She is also incredibly brave, rightfrom the start she volunteers to go into the Ice Warrior, she jumps into theDoctor’s timestream, she sacrifices herself for Rigsy. She’s a beautiful exampleof how bravery and fearlessness are not the same thing. Her dying words are “letme be brave”, which is a beautiful moment for her. There is also something somagical about her, so fairytale, the excited traveller. Her first request is tosee “something awesome”. She doesn’t care, she just wants to be impressed. She practicallydances when she arrives somewhere new. Underneath her no-nonsense “bossy controlfreak” exterior, there’s an excited young woman getting to travel. She ishugely flawed but she is aware of it, which I find amazing. She says in HellBent “I’d say I’m sorry but I’d do it again”. She is reckless and a littleselfish, and she knows it. Ultimately, it is what kills her, but it still makesfor a wholly unique and beautiful character.
Bill Potts- Ah my precious Bill. I think the quote either Moffator Pearl gave “she’s got her feet on the ground and her heart in the stars” (orsomething) is so perfectly her. She is just so open and in my opinion, we needcharacters like that, who smile through rainstorms. I mean, she wanted to go tothe future because she wanted to see if it was happy, which is kind of tragicbut also pretty beautiful when you think about it. I think the fact that sheshowed up at lectures even though she wasn’t a student was so great. All shehad was a love of learning even if she wouldn’t do anything with it, and yes, anatural curiosity about the Doctor himself. The Doctor says that when she doesn’tknow something, she smiles, which is another lovely detail on her character andagain shows her curiosity and just how much of a sunshine she is. There’s nofrustration in not knowing, it’s a new chance for her to learn. Her reactionsto everything around her are so amazingly realistic, calling the Victorianorphans “cute as”. I think her question to the Doctor in her first episode, “Doyou know any sci-fi?”, shows a lot about how she is the dreamer, the one whothinks up impossible scenarios and answers, she dares to think outside the box.Bill has such a strong mind that even being a cyberman could not stop her fromcaring and fighting back. Her teasing the Doctor is absolutely adorable and isreally her way of establishing her own authority on the TARDIS, unlike Claraand Martha, she doesn’t do anything where she demands his respect, she gentlyeases it out of him with her quirky teasing (“Time Lord, sounds posh”), notsaying one way is better than the other, just that it’s a cute and unique wayof her building an equal relationship with him. I think Bill is definitely oneof those characters we so desperately need more of in TV, little rays ofsunshine who want to make everyone else’s days brighter, who want to pushforward and achieve and try because why not, even if it won’t lead them anywhere,who wants to see if the world will still be a happier place tomorrow. And Ilove her for it.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 8 years ago
Watching The Return of Doctor Mysterio for the first time
Ayyyy long title.
-SERIES 10!!! SERIES 10 IS HERE!!!!!!!
-*cough* okay... Let’s watch this
-(I just realized the episode I’m watching is flipped horizontally because of copyrights or something, so the screenshots are gonna be flipped too because I’m too lazy to edit them)
-Ah, this takes place in the U.S.
-What’s swinging outside his window
-Well this is a dangerous situation for him, I doubt that even Timelords can regenerate if they fell from the sixtieth floor, there would be no piece of body big enough to regenerate from
-Pardon me if I’m wrong on that though, I’m not the best at Doctor Who science
-His voice what happened to his voice
-Well this is a weird start to an episode
-”Vomiting, hair loss and death, fat lot of use.”
-What is that those
-”How did you even get a glass of water in your pocket?”  “Skills.”
-I’m calling it, his pockets are bigger on the inside.
-All this fucking Christmas shit again
-Annnd I’m dead
-But seriously, I grew up in an un-religious household in Asia and Christmas was just this little holiday with trees and presents and--
- --Anyway it was this little holiday with trees and presents and department store sales--
-"What are you, 36?”  “Eight.”
- --AHEM anyway yeah, that little holiday, and--
- -- UGHHH anyway, yeah. I grew up with that and then there’s this Western Christmas culture where it’s such a big thing and it’s, just, really, strange.  Initially that little rant was gonna be a bit longer and better articulated, but interesting things kept happening in the show.
-Okay what is happening and what is wrong with these people
-Why do science fiction lights always turn on so loudly
-”Donated to the facility by our benefactors”  “DONATED”  yeah.  Looks like he murdered those benefactors after all.
-What’s the Doctor even eating
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10/10 face
-What’s with the guy coughing blue milk
-For some reason I am inclined to pet this brain creature (pf which, by the way, I failed to upload a screenshot because everything else would be uploaded except that image, even with the quality lowered), but because there are many hideous monsters in Doctor Who that are not to be judged by their appearance, I’ll keep a neutral opinion on this guy until further progress in the plot is made to prove either its hostility or its friendliness.
-Yep, I’m not petting you, brain dude. You’re not friendly. You get no pet.
-”I had a change of mind”  WAS THE JOKE REALLY NECESSARY
-And were those surgeons just standing there doing nothing 24/7 until someone came in
-Who’s the writer again... *takes a look* Yep, Steven Moffat.
-”No one will believe that, this is America.”
-”Special Agent Dam Dangerous Schgsfilurfylas”  My English hearing’s not the best, okay
-Dude’s hand is shaking, that yells terrible aim
-”o on, tell them you shot us in the back for self-defense.”
-Heyoooo, it’s the boy with the glasses, except he’s not wearing glasses anymore and I’m NOT talking about Harry Potter.
-God damn I wish someone would turn down that guy’s accent, it’s like he has a swollen tongue and is trying to decide whether to spit out or chew a hot piece of bacon
-Where did Nardole even come from
-So is he gonna sh-t out the gemstone or
-nevermind what I just said
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-what’s with the wind noises
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The Doctor with a baby is the best thing ever, it doesn’t even matter which reincarnation he’s in
-Nardole with that elephant lol
-Wait... Isn’t that the reporter girl?
-X-ray vision would actually be great because everyone would be spooky scary skeles
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-Did the Doctor just drink alcohol from that bottle
-Yep, he’s getting wasted
-*unholy squealawking* ”This is Mr Huffle. Mr Huffle feels pain. Meet me in the kitchen.”  what the fuck was that
-You can just see how those soulless eyes of his are begging for the sweet release of death
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Wake me up (wake me up inside) Can’t wake up (wake me up inside) save me
-He is screaming, free me, free me, free me from this pain
-look here lady you are clearly very clever and all but you better close your bedroom doors securely at night and make sure that lil guy is outside or you might never wake up one day
-Change of subject: I thought this guy would be the one called Dr Mysterio but instead it turns out he’s called the Ghost. Not this Ghost either.
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(Image from Star Wars Rebels)
-The deathly stare of Mr Huffle is refusing to leave my mind, help, what do I do, I have been cursed
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DOCTOR: THE HORROR GAME Do not let him look into your eyes!
-”Good to keep an open mind, ha!”
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“I am totally against bantering.”-
-Ah, back when his floof was still flat, calm and level one.
-Woohoo speech
-Oh, so that’s why that guy’s wearing jewels in the trailer, I tought he was always like that.
-And apparently the Doctor got him out of the robot king to keep him as a companion.
-”I’m not avoiding anything, I’m just trying to save a planet.”  “Which is what you always do when the conversation turns serious.”
-”Hello Doctor nice suit”  “Hi”  “Good morning”  “Whatever”  “So uh.. what happened to Clara”  “WHOOPS GOTTA GO SAVE A PLANET BYE”
-Bet that guy wanted to rip his shirt open to reveal the supersuit inside for years
-Why are they suddenly in Japan
-”I flooded downstairs with Pokemon.”  1. I laughed at that bit in the trailer, but it’s somehow even funnier considering they’re in Japan.  2. BBC doesn’t even care about copyrights anymore. In fact, they haven’t careed for quite a while.  3. favorite scene in the episode so far.
-Oh yeah, brilliant plan, have the creepy stare-y surgeons march along down the street in a line, no one will ever notice
-An ambulance? Okay, less stupid plan
-Random question: Why are those guys’ heads split diagonally and not vertically or horizontally? It gets on my nerves. Besides, what if one of them is left handed?
-That mask reveal took a turn, and uh  but uh  “Grant, the man I took for granted”  SHE’S MAKING PUNS EVEN WHILE GRIEVING
-That’s awkward
-”What do the rich old men always do when the fighting starts? They’ll find the safest place to hide themselves away and send all the young people to die.”  I feel bad that this is too true to be taken lightly.
-”Oh, there’s the smile, I don’t like the smile!”
-”You’re completely out of your mind!”  “How is that news to anyone?”  I love the dialogue in this episode
-”He’s actually left handed”  So I was right, crackheads can’t be left handed?
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giving up on life like
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The Doctor’s having none of your shit
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-”Put in a call to Osgood.” Nice reference.
-”I’ve been away for a while but I’m back”  Also nice reference to the previous episode (that I CRIED ABOUT)
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The... shirt... That’s a first.
-Oh jeebuz crisxenz now Mr Huffle is in the Tardis and he will bring bad luck to us all and he will be the reason we will be crying in any future episode ever and he will cause Twelve’s regeneration mark my words
-Dear Lord protect us
-Oh wait Moffat’s not gonna protect us is he
-We’re screwed
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