#i Just saw a Twitter Account who made an oc that has the same name but changed it to Senju
aether-link · 10 months
Another rant vent; seeing ppl steal oc’s.
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thespiritssaidso · 1 month
Yeah, But That Backflip Though
Summary: Shawn and Gus need to interrogate someone who frequents a place called ‘Aerial Acrobatics’. Unfortunately, Shawn’s caught the eye of one of the teachers, and now has to revisit an old friend of his: gymnastics.
Notes: Is this just an excuse to write gymnast!Shawn? Yes. Is this also just an excuse to sneak in my absolute most favorite (and currently only) OC ship? Perchance. 
And yes, for anyone wondering, the title is a vine reference. If you don’t know which one I’m talking about, here it is
Gus pulled his car into park in front of a large building that looked vaguely like a warehouse. He thought it was a warehouse until he saw the large sign above the glass double doors saying ‘Aerial Acrobatics’ in big pink calligraphy. “Why are we here again, Shawn?” 
“For the last time, we’re here to interrogate Drew Oberon. The dead guy only had a few close friends, and she was one of them. They got together every other week to just paint.” 
“How do you know that?” 
“Well for starters, all the paintings in his house? Every single one had the initials M. T. signed on the top left corner. Not the best signature, in my opinion. Like, at least make it something cool-”
“-Also his calendar was open and I saw the dates he’d marked for when he’d meet up with Drew. And his other friends for other activities. He’d color coded the whole thing, it kind of reminded me of the calendar you’ve got hung up in the office.”
Gus tried to steer the conversation back to the original point. “So you think she poisoned him with paint?” 
Shawn hummed. “That’s a good idea. Too bad it’s wrong.”
“No, this guy was killed by something else. Something interesting Woody found in his stomach.” 
“How interesting?” 
“Mushroom interesting. Something called ‘The Destroying Angel’.” 
Gus couldn’t help the surprise that crossed his face. “The Destroying Angel?! Those things are incredibly toxic! It causes severe nausea and vomiting, hallucinations… it practically melts your liver! It’s one of the worst ways to go out.”
“So is it above or below bellyflopping on water from ten stories up?” 
“It’s above it. Way above it.” Personally, the mushroom’s side effects really unnerved Gus. Not because of the general grossness of it all, but because once you actually showed symptoms of being poisoned by the fungus, it would be too late. 
“I doubt that. But anyways. This girl, Drew, she likes to post pictures on her Twitter account of the different places she goes hiking. And you’ll never guess what was in the background of some of those pictures.” 
“Destroying Angels?” 
“Yahtzee! She probably picked a few while on one of her extraditions-” 
“You mean excursion.” 
“I’ve heard it both ways. Anyways, Drew used the mushrooms she’d gathered to poison the poor guy.”
Gus nodded. “Okay, what’s her motive?”
Shawn unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door. “That is why we’re here now. It doesn’t make sense. Drew has all the means, but no motive. I need to talk to her. Read her. Feel her, maybe. I need her side of the story.”
Gus followed him out the car and into the parking lot. “Have you told Juliet and Lassie about all this?” 
“You kidding? If Lassie even got wind of the fact that Drew breathed the same air as the murder weapon, he’d have her arrested faster than you can say ‘poison mushrooms’.” Shawn went quiet, and made a face. “Not gonna lie, that wasn’t my best.”
“Okay, fine then. So, again, why are we here? The last time I checked, this is not a forest.” And he was right. There was a few trees here and there, but they were all planted in the sidewalk. There was no reason for them to be at a gymnastics building in the middle of the city. 
“Well, a little birdie told me that Drew comes here every day at noon and hangs around for about an hour before leaving.”
“Was that little birdie named Twitter?” 
“The name of the birdie isn’t important, Gus. If you looked at the time, you’d see it’s currently… 12:03. Which means she should be here.” And with that, he pushed the double doors wide open and walked in. 
Shawn strode up to the counter where there was a woman sitting behind the desk, enraptured by something on her computer. He knocked on the countertop, startling her. 
She recovered quite quickly, and looked up at them with a smile that was almost too big for her face. “Hi! How can I help you two?”
“Hello, my name is Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner Evan ‘Starfish’ Spencer. No relation of any kind. We’re with the SBPD and need to talk to someone named Drew.” 
Gus shook his head at the new nickname. He didn’t know how Shawn managed to come up with a new and weird nickname for every case. It was definitely commendable, that was for sure. Shawn’s imagination never seemed to run dry. At least this time he was semi-honest about their intentions. He’d been ready for him to come up with some ridiculous job that most certainly did not exist yet the other person would somehow buy into. 
The lady behind the desk sat up at the name. “Why? Are they alright?” She asked, although she seemed just a tad distracted, not taking her eyes off of Shawn. Her eyes continued roving his body as she stood up from behind the desk. 
“We just need to ask her some questions, Ms…?” 
“Schulz. Charlie Schulz.” Okay, she was definitely distracted. She’d completely circled around the counter and was now standing right next to the two. “And they won’t be here ‘til later.”
“Ooookay… uh…” he trailed off as she walked even closer to him, going so far as to slightly shove Gus out of the way. 
“Hey! What-”
Charlie held up a hand to shush Gus. “Hold- hold on, can I just?…” Without waiting for confirmation, she began to circle Shawn, sizing him up, hand to her chin, as if she were looking at something new she wanted to test out. She was nodding to herself, and mumbling words like ‘sturdy’ and ‘probably flexible’. The last one didn’t sound very reassuring. 
“Okay, what is this, some kind of shakedown, minus the shaking part-” he was cut off by Charlie poking the space between his shoulder blades. “Woah! Look, don’t touch!”
“Oh hush, you don’t have to worry about me, bestie.” She hummed and nodded to herself, as if reaching a decision. Then she reached out to grab his hand, marching off to the locker rooms with Shawn in tow. “I’m sure there’s a spare leotard back here that’ll fit you!” 
“Woah woah woah, I didn’t say anything about-”
“I know you didn’t, that’s why I’m doing it for you! I’d take a guess we probably have your size. Now come on, I want to see if those hips can fit into our standard leotard.”
“No no no no no, I haven’t- I’m not-” 
The door slammed shut, cutting off the conversation from Gus. He heard muffled sounds of protest, arguing, and then silence. 
Eventually, Shawn resurfaced from the locker room, wearing a green and yellow sparkly leotard. He was walking awkwardly, and reaching down every once in a while to pick at the fabric stretching around his crotch. 
Charlie reached down and slapped his hand away. “Quit picking at it, man. You’ll just make it worse.” 
Shawn dramatically pulled his hand away. “Ow! Watch the package!” Shawn stopped and looked at Gus’ expression. “I don’t want to hear it.” 
Gus unsuccessfully hid a grin, and held up his hands in defense. “I’m not saying anything.” 
Charlie clapped her hands together, only slightly startling the two men. “Okay! Let’s go. Stretches first, of course. Then, we’re going to see how well you do on the bars-”
“What about the part where we talk to Drew? When do we get to do that?”
“They texted me that they were running late. Something about misplacing their gouache. But right now it’s gymnastics time, pretty boy!” She started to excitedly jumping up and down on the balls of her feet. “This is gonna be great!”
“This is stupid.” 
“Quiet. Just keep your leg in that position for another fifteen seconds.” 
Shawn groaned, and looked over to Gus. “You alright buddy?” 
Gus didn’t feel alright. He actually felt ready to pass out. Shawn had managed to kick up his leg perfectly vertical to his torso and was only holding it up with only one hand. The other exercises he’d been fine with seeing, even if some made him a little uneasy. But this was just plain unnatural. “I’ll be fine when you put your leg down. Since when have you been able to do…that?!” 
“Since forever? You don’t remember my dad shipping me off to gymnastics every week on Tuesdays and Fridays?” 
“All I remember is you disappearing for 2 hours twice a week.” 
“And you never questioned it?”
“I thought it was a little weird, but I assumed it was just more of your dad trying to train you!” 
“Well, you’re not entirely wrong there buddy.” Shawn let go of his leg, allowing it to fall on the floor next to his other leg. 
Before he could get another word in to Gus, however, Charlie interrupted. “Okay, not a lot of time on the clock here, so we’re just gonna have you on bars. Good?” 
“I don’t actually have a say in this, do I?” 
“Nope! Here.” She handed Shawn a tub of chalk powder and some bandages. “I’m sure you know how to use these?” 
Shawn slumped forward as he took the objects. “Yeah...” 
As he wrapped up his hands up and dusted them with the chalk, Gus just continued watching from the sidelines. He had no idea if Shawn was actually any good at bars, let alone gymnastics. It didn’t really help that he’d never actually seen Shawn do any exercise of any kind either. Well, not in front of him, that is. But there were some… odd moments that were now surfacing to the front of his memory: Shawn lying down on the floor of the psych office; finding a mat stashed away in the closet; him sounding out of breath on the phone when Gus knew for sure that Shawn was at home. The list went on. 
“Okay, you ready?” 
“Well, I’m about put my life on the line. Actually, technically my hands’ life. And my back. And my neck. And face- yeah, my whole life. But it’s all good!” He placed a smile on his face, but it was just a little too big. 
Gus knew that tone. It was how Shawn sounded when he was deflecting, making jokes when really he was more than just nervous. Like right now. He could see it all over his face. He may have the body — Charlie’s words, not his — but he probably hadn’t done this in a while. It was making Gus nervous for Shawn too. 
Shawn dusted his palms of any excess chalk, a small cloud puffing from bandaged hands. 
Gus watched as Shawn stood underneath the bar and jumped up, grabbing the bar tightly in both hands. He hefted himself up in one fluid motion and leaned against the bar on his core. Smoothly and gracefully he pushed himself up in a plank, legs hovering in the air as his arm muscles shook minutely. 
Gus couldn’t help the look of surprise. Shawn, the man whose only exercise he’d personally witnessed was running away from bad guys, was successfully lifting his lower body into a handstand 6 feet above the ground on a 2-and-a-half-inch thick piece of plastic. 
Charlie began clapping from the sidelines. “Woooo! Nice cast, Shawn!”
But Shawn wasn’t finished. The look on his face was one of pure concentration, focusing on not face-planting into the bar and breaking his nose. He pursed his lips as he began tilting backwards, hands loosening just enough to allow his quick descent. 
As Shawn circled around the bar — all while keeping his body perfectly straight in a handstand — he quickly and expertly let go of the bar with one hand while in the peak of his arch and spun his body to face the other way before falling once more in another giant circle, but facing forward this time. 
Gus’ eyes were bugging out of his head at this point. He was currently seeing a whole other side of Shawn, one that was graceful and smooth. He continued ogling as his friend did yet another handstand, but this time one handed. 
He still couldn’t stop staring as Shawn put his hand back on the bar and let himself fall in a swing once more. Except this time, in what was probably an effort to show off, he did a flip — a flip — and landed perfectly on his feet on the mat, arms spread in a t-pose.  
Shawn was heavily panting, sweat beginning to bead on his face. He licked off some of it that was lining his upper lip. “How was that?” 
Charlie clapped very short and small claps, jumping up and down. “Wow, that was amazing! See, I knew you were gymnast material!”
Behind them, the sound of the door opening echoed through the gym. Gus and the other two turned to see who it was, and saw a… man? No, no, a woman. It was hard to tell, the androgynous figure not giving much to go off of. They were carrying a simple drawstring cloth bag in one hand, the other swinging nonchalantly by their side. 
“Hey, hun!” They greeted, completely ignoring Gus and Shawn. 
Charlie ran up to them and practically tackled them. “Drew! Did you get my lunch?”
“Sure did.” Drew reached into the bag and grabbed an opaque Tupperware. “Chicken parm salad, your favorite.” 
“Oh my god, you’re the best.” She eagerly grabbed it before her expression changed to suspicion, squinting her eyes. “You didn’t make this, did you?” 
“You crazy? I’m pretty sure if I did, all you’d be getting was a box fulla smoke. Nah, I had Parker make it.”
Charlie’s expression morphed back into one full of fondness. “You’re so sweet.” 
“Pretty sure that’s you, sugar.” 
They had both been inching closer and closer together before Shawn interrupted with a cough. The distance between the two didn’t change, instead they whipped their heads over to the men who were both awkwardly watching the couple. 
“Oh right! Drew, this is Shawn Spencer and his friend Evan Spencer-”
“Starfish. No relation.”
“Uh- yeah. They’re here with to ask you some questions.” 
Drew looked at the two suspiciously. “What’s so important that they have to ask me instead of you?”
“Well, they’re with the police, so-”
“Really? Come on, I already answered all of Detective Flat Stanley’s questions. If you really worked with them, you’d know that.”
Gus watched Shawn wipe off the sweat from his brow before he said, “That’s the thing, Drew. You see, I am no normal man. I’ve tried, but I’m just too amazing. I’m actually a psychic. And I’ve been getting some serious vibes from you.”
They raised an eyebrow and crossed their arms. “You have, have you now?” 
“Yes, in fact I’m getting something right now.” Shawn theatrically sucked a breath through his teeth, and shut his eyes as a hand flew to his temple. “I see… you, surrounded by green, lots of it. And brown. There’s a little gray too. Ehh… maybe some purple-”
Gus swiftly elbowed his friend in the arm. 
Shawn gave a short yelp. “Ow!” He shook it off and resumed his ‘vision’, this time with his eyes open instead of shut for dramatic effect. “You like to hang around the woods. No wait, scratch that. You don’t just hang out there, you like to hike there!” He winced. “Ew, you do that for fun?” 
Once again, Gus had to elbow Shawn. This time, he managed to dodge it, only barely. 
“I’m seeing plants, Drew. Grass, ferns, trees, moss, and mushrooms.” He paused, and turned to Gus. “Are mushrooms even plants?” 
“It’s still up for debate what fungi really are.”
Drew cut in with, “They’re not plants.”
“Unimportant! You harvested those mushrooms, the Demolishing Demons-”
“Destroying Angels, Shawn. I know you know what they’re called, you said it before-” 
“-Destroying Angels, cut them up, cooked them into a little meal, and gave them to your poor, probably innocent, definitely unknowing friend Matthew Timons.” He lowered the hand from his head. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” 
Before Drew could say something to defend themself, Charlie cut in. “I have several things to say on Drew’s behalf, actually. First of all: Who the hell do you think you are to accuse my girlfriend of killing off their friend?!”
Shawn and Gus jumped back at the unexpectedly harsh tone coming from the small woman. It was a monumental turnaround from the attitude she had shown just moments ago. She’d seemed so full of positive energy not long ago. But now she looked as though she could spit fire.
“Second of all: they can’t cook for shit. The last time Drew was in the kitchen they burned a pot of water trying to make Kraft Mac and Cheese as a surprise for me.” Charlie sucked in a breath and turned to her girlfriend. “I’m sorry, that was harsh. You’re not that bad-”
Drew gently put an arm around Charlie. “You’re fine, sugar. I really am that bad at cooking.”
Gus thought back to earlier, when Drew had presented the Tupperware box to Charlie. She’d asked them if they had made it in a wary tone, as if she was experienced in Drew’s cooking. And what she said just then practically confirmed it: Drew couldn’t cook, so they couldn’t have made something to get Matthew to eat it. He looked over to Shawn and saw that he was coming to the same conclusion. 
“Shawn? Gus?” 
The unexpected voice caused the four to whip their heads towards the source. It was Juliet, and right beside her was Lassiter.
Juliet’s eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. “What are you two doing here? And what are you wearing, Shawn?”
Shawn opened his mouth, then closed it. Even Gus didn’t know how to explain why he was wearing a leotard of all things. Charlie had just sort of dragged him into the locker room and forced him into the outfit. 
Drew looked at the two detectives in confusion. “What’s- what’s goin’ on here? I already answered your questions.”
Lassiter spoke up first. “Drew Oberon, you’re under arrest for the murder of Matthew Timons.” 
Again, Drew was cut off by Charlie. “On what grounds?” 
Lassiter took the lead. “Well, after we questioned Ms. Oberon — who was hostile at best during her questioning-”
Drew cut him off. “Yeah, you interrupted shroomie time, ‘course I was gonna be pissed-”
“I’m sorry, shroomie time? What, is that code for ‘Drug O’Clock’?” 
“No, it’s when Charlie and I-” Drew’s face turned red. “When we, uh- cuddle on a pile of mushroom plushies she’s collected over the years.” Their face didn’t stop growing red, seemingly embarrassed at having to tell strangers that they and their girlfriend had a specific time set aside to lounge together on top of a mound of toys.
They all stood in awkward silence before Juliet broke it. “Uhm, we did some background checks on her, and it turns out that she has a degree in mycology.” 
Drew looked like they were about to say something, probably to defend themself. But, once again, they were interrupted, this time by Shawn. “What- what is that, the study of colons?” 
Gus clicked his tongue in annoyance. “It’s the study of fungi, Shawn.” 
“How do you just know this stuff?”
“It’s common knowledge!”
“Oh yeah, mycology. It’s right up there next to the word for the fear of rubber bands.” 
“For your information, that’s lastihophobia.”
“You’re really not beating the allegations here, Gus.”
“Would you two shut your yaps?!” Lassiter nearly shouted at them. He continued where Juliet left off. “Matthew Timons was poisoned by a mushroom called ‘the Destroying Angel’. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you? I’ll answer that for you: you do.” He brought out a pair of cuffs from his suit pockets. “Hands behind your back, please.” 
Drew couldn’t even say a word, too shocked by all the evidence currently stacked against her. All she could do was numbly follow Lassiter’s orders.  
Charlie was equally stunned. “What? You’re taking them away? Just like that?!”
Shawn stepped forward and in an effort to calm her, said, “Look, Charlie, I didn’t mean-”
Shawn physically recoiled, and Gus winced in sympathy. It looked like it had hurt. Heck, it sounded like it hurt, too. 
Juliet quickly reacted, pinning Charlie’s arms to her sides to keep her from potentially harming Shawn further. Lassiter simply watched from the side — still keeping a strong grip on Drew — eyebrows raised in surprise. Charlie didn’t resist, letting herself become entrapped by the detective. 
Shawn turned back around, now sporting a red handprint on his left cheek. He gently tapped it with a finger, and sucked a breath through gritted teeth. He looked back to Charlie, who’d stood still and only moved to blow a strand of hair from her face. “Charlie, I promise you we’ll prove Drew is innocent.”
She just shook her head. “Don’t bother. You’ve already done enough.” Charlie pulled free from Juliet and stormed out of the building to follow after Lassiter and Drew, who had already made their way out. 
Ao3 link
For anyone curious, here’s the list of the moves name’s that Shawn performed in order:
Pull up from hang: The pull up from hang is a skill that requires you to pull your body up towards the bar using only your upper body strength. This exercise helps build strength in your arms, shoulders, and back.
Cast to horizontal: In the Cast to Horizontal, the gymnast casts up and levels out in a position parallel to the ground, requiring core strength and control. It’s easier than Cast to Handstand as the gymnast is only extending into a level position rather than completely upside down.
Cast to handstand: This skill is an extension of the basic cast, where the gymnast casts up into a handstand position. It requires strength and control.
Giant: The Giant is a fundamental skill where the gymnast performs a full 360-degree rotation around the bar in a handstand position, essential for building momentum. (Shawn does the backwards version)
Blind Change: The Blind Change is a turning skill where the gymnast rotates 180 degrees while in a handstand on the bar. It’s a difficult skill but once mastered will allow gymnasts to switch the direction of their swing and add a wider range of skills to their routine.
Front Giant: The Front Giant involves a forward giant swing, where the gymnast maintains a handstand position while circling the bar. It’s key for developing momentum.
Salto Dismount: A common dismount, the Salto Dismount involves performing a salto (flip) off the bar, landing on the mat. It can be executed in various forms.
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tsukimon02 · 7 months
Late night vent because it’s 2 AM and I can’t sleep because I just woke up at random. Just a lot on my mind lately and it’s about regarding something that’s been bothering me a LOT since it involves the G*nshin OC X Canon community (sorry for the weird censoring, I really don’t want this to be public and I’ll explain why underneath) and I am genuinely tired of keeping this bottled up.
I don’t know where else to talk about it. It is a lot so I apologize for a heavy wall of text. I…. I have a lot to unpack and it’s been eating at me for months and I’m sick of being silent out of fear.
I will not be saying names even though I blocked them and their spies but just in case they or their spies have secret alts, so I’m not risking posting screenshots either for the same reason since I just need to get this off my chest and like I said, I don’t wanna risk any spies’ alt blogs I do not know about finding this since this involves some people in the G*nshin OC X canon community.
I’ll refer to the ringleader as O. I’ll cut it the chase: I used to genuinely enjoy It//to as a character but I can’t stand and he makes me uncomfortable now because all I can think of is O and their OC and I hate them and their circle of friends with a passion. It saddens me that I hate Itto because of them, but it is what it is :(
I wish I never became friends with any of them when I first joined the community because they are horrible people. I genuinely thought they were all nice people and we used to be friends but shit happened because of O and we kinda drifted apart; but then a few months later O’s friends left me and I began to hate them in return because it became clear to me that they were never truly my friends to begin with so I blocked everyone of them.
A month later after I blocked/cut ties with so-called friends and O, one of O’s lapdogs made a callout post about someone who was in their circle/one of the people I blocked. I will call them S. I admit I initially believed the accusations towards S until I saw a callout account about O surface showing what truly happened that led to the accusations towards S. Turns out S’s words were twisted/taken out of context and everyone involved was none other than O and the same toxic friend group that I used to be friends with/blocked. They mass-bullied him and had the gall to publicly shame him on Twitter and he’s been chased out of the community because of them.
I admit that I do not speak to S anymore for personal reasons since he was part of O’s friend group and I’m keeping my distance, but my heart genuinely broke seeing him being wrongly accused because his words were twisted and he was publicly shamed. What pisses me off even more is that according to the full uncensored screenshots of the O callout account, O approved of the mass bullying and didn’t do anything to stop it.
You thought this crap O and their friends has been pulling ends here? Well a few months later, another OC X canon It//to shipper surfaces and just because their color pallette is similar too. I’ll refer to this person as N. O goes batshit and tries to rally people against them because they are convinced that N’s OC has a similar color pallete and is shipped with It//to that *Gasp* they must have copied their OC!
N IS LITERALLY AN INNOCENT FIFTEEN YEAR OLD FFS, and they clearly stated that their OC was based off a My Little Pony character. It doesn’t help that one of O’s lapdogs, who I’ll call P did publicly accuse N of copying O’s stupid OC. P says that they weren’t accusing them but they are a toxic person and I have witnessed them bullying S, plus they were the one who antagonized S in the uncensored chats in one of the callout posts.
There is a bright side to this mess: The people O messaged hoping to bring them to their side in hopes of chasing N out of the community got together to make N feel welcome, but I think N is considering leaving the community thanks to O’s immaturity. Of course, O plays the victim card and goes “Where’s the proof that I harassed N???? You guys are lying, I did nothing wrong, they copied me 🥺🥺”
I’ve been debating for months to make an anonymous callout post on Instagram or Twitter about said people. But knowing O, they will always be like “I’m sowwy, I made a mistake. I am owning up to them, please forgive me because who else can I talk about how superior my ship with It//to is, S is the bad guy, and N is making up lies, I did nothing wrong 🥺🥺🥺🥺” and everyone will forgive them “because they are so nice and sweet” “how could someone with a cute OC being shipped with Itto be so toxic?” And everyone will just brush it under the rug and act like nothing happened.
It makes me sick but just thinking about the amount of people that will still side and support with O despite the amount of evidence showing how toxic they truly are makes me want to hurl and less likely to make a callout account. Like I said earlier, O will make the same lameass apology where they’ll go “I’m sowwy 🥺” and everyone will instantly forgive them and it’ll get swept under the rug, as usual. 😒
*sigh* Sorry if this was a lot, I’m sick and tired of being silent and I want to call them out so badly for the bullshit they’ve done, but I just know it’ll be pointless for the aforementioned reasons.
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sevileviathan · 2 years
Yo Kirby made a callout on you, I’d check it out
I saw and I see no issue with it! (Explaining my part) (Also sorry for using your ask to respond to everything)
although some information is wrong and made to make me look worse than I am I will be fully honest that yeah- everything Kirby is saying in that post is real and I will never deny it
I see no reason to point out I am the same person (Sevi and Tokyo) when I posted about it before on my Twitter account
I just don't bring it up because why would I bring up an old username? (Kirby knows this first hands)
I understand Kirby is using my past to hurt me but I'm okay with it, there are lots of friends who know, and most of my followers but I don't spit it out to the world (Kirby doesn't tell people what he did in the past does? probably not till he's called out) that I did that if they come to me asking what happened in late 2019 to early 2020- I'll tell them
I have done it many times with friends and new friends I even told my recent ex about it
(Dead naming Kirby)
I've gotten more Anon questions and I know they're all from Kirdy and Kirby, I am sorry I thought you were still going by Eden and just only changed your username as you have done before, I didn't mean to dead-name you as I am also a trans man and I know how it feels to be dead-named a lot I never intended to do it on purpose, for now on I will only say, Kirby
please understand that if I ever bring up the old drama before you changed your name to Kirby, I will say Eden so people can know who you are
(Saying we were friends and that I never told them about the minor)
and Kirby- we were never really close friends back then you and I were only friends as long as I and Bron were back in the Hazbin days you ended up just cutting me off from talking to you and not till you called me out, so we're in the world are you getting at I never told you? I never told you because we weren't friends
The minor's and my friends knew mostly the adults (I won't be saying names but my point still stands)
I never said the minor forgave me and how I know till this day I hurt them but how dare you Kirby to lie about that, the minor has a right to hate me, to cry about what I did, to tell what I did but the fact that you're saying that I made this post to say I never did anything wrong- no that's just wrong, I have said so many times on Twitter before that yes it was my fault, that yes I was horrible and I can't imagine the pain the person is going through
my apology back then was cheap and horribly written, and if I could tell them again how sorry I am I would but I can't because I go by their wishes to never speak to them! ever!
as to the videos Kirby, Lio has said many things with proof I may not know much of your personal life and if you were hurt by family, I fully understand but you never owned up to the other shit you've done (like stealing money from a victim, harassing a minor, trying to sell nudes to Kiwi farm, making lies about people who you don't like, and YOU yourself tried to get a YTber talk about your issues then about a man who groomed a minor) but made excuses to make yourself look like the good guy for YEARS and most recently two months ago harassing Hazbin OC creators for not siding with you
you harassed most if not all people who are big in the HH fandom and not only till Lio call you out again you went offline to make your Kirby account to promote pro-ships
Now let me get this Kiby
when was this about me?
I called you out because I heard the recent news of something you did and I do apologize for not saying what but I really don't think it's my place to say what happened to the victim but this wasn't about me
why not just make a post about how you changed as a person and explain yourself? Oh right because you don't want to
you rather make a call-out post on the person who called you out so you look better than them in every way possible, am I right?
I'm basically easy to call out because I was a gross and disgusting person back in early 2020 but what happened to change Kirby? people change, I haven't gotten any other issue from anyone for 2 years now (besides a small OC drama) what about you?
Let me see- oh right, you harassed a HH creator till you went as Kirby and during to since they called you out AGAIN! during that time
I don't know what to tell you, Kirby, and Kirby's fans I believe in change, I really do but Kirby has been like this for years Kirby has lived longer than me and keeps going to make people mad at things he does
Keep trying to fight back at me Kirby
but unlike you- I ain't gonna use my life of abuse to make people feel bad about me and I will talk like a normal human being and talk about how wrong you are
as a victim myself, you can't keep using your abuse as an excuse to keep people feeling sorry for you
0 notes
im-thinking-arson · 3 years
Hi wow depression is a hell of a thing.
I'm sorry for the relative silence here, considering everything that has been going on in the last (roughly) year and a half it has been really hard to focus on any creative outlets. Everything has felt pretty heavy as I have been piecing together what exactly happened to myself and the people I used to share a community with.
Although my former FC is basically non-existent at this point, I feel it is appropriate to say that I no longer associate with its' leader @morganaux (sernoudenet on Twitter and formerly here) and to clarify why.
I have been struggling with what to even say about the situation. There are so many layers that I don't honestly know if any single cross-section could explain all there is to unpack. When it takes multiple people six months to explore everything they know as fact... I think that shows its not so much of a 'he said, they said' scenario as the few people who still support Morgy have tried to claim.
I feel guilty not speaking up sooner, considering this person is a member of the FFXIV community who I'm fairly sure some of my mutuals follow. Its so hard to speak out when he publicly acts innocent, like he has quietly moved on and refuses to acknowledge what he's done.
The reality feels so cold in contrast, with the knowledge I have- that he has done this multiple times before, burning down or wearing down those he has hurt with false sincerity; claiming innocence, claiming people misunderstand the significance of the intentions behind the knives in their backs, claiming he is the truest victim of the mess wrought of his own actions.
He quietly retweets fan art, cute animals, head canons, and all kinds of fandom things- but also others' tweets to identify with their own traumas- the same traumatic thoughts and feelings he incites in others through a mixture of gaslighting, lashing out, and playing the victim. He tweets passive aggressively about people he feels the victim of, (justified or not) even amid posts about his dearly beloved OC.
At this point I should just block him and try to scrape all memory of what I went through from my mind, but un-fucking-fortunately I know him too well to believe it's over when it's over. He still makes passive aggressive tweets about people he hasn't talked to in one, two, ?? years, a person who was a good friend to him for 10 years before he scapegoated them to maintain his own sense of righteousness.
Seeing as I witnessed him maintain not one, not two, not three- FOUR venting channels in his own discord, including at one point one specifically made for sh*tting on a single person, defending it's use and encouraging others to participate saying 'this is how victims cope'...
I know it's not over, and if he had a single shred of...anything... He could leverage against me he would have already tried to 'cancel' me. I'm not turning my back again to see if he decides to throw another knife.
For a long time I wanted to believe I had simply misunderstood the situation, that his intentions weren't so self-serving. The more I saw, the more I heard testimony from others that matched my own, the more I began to un-repress and process my own memories and connect the dots... And the less sense his own account made.
While I tried to maintain my friendship with him I ignored all the red flags, my own rise in anxiety, the isolation I felt. I felt so much pressure to fit into his equation, to be a supportive friend, to keep track of how he was feeling that I stopped taking care of my own mental health.
All the while he got angry for people not checking on him when he asked for space, threw a fit when anyone failed to accommodate his whims, and even accused his three closest friends of purposefully excluding him by taking screenshots without him in them or even hanging out together when he was offline..
And he would have people believe that most of the issues he was involved in centered on his friends not communicating with him. But in my case at least, nothing could be further from the truth.
I told him I felt uncomfortable with the fact his (at the time) friend had publicly lashed out at me in his discord server for stating my opinion. He suggested I work harder to befriend this person, that he couldn't and wouldn't approach his friend about it because he wasn't a FC member and only there as a friend of himself and his two closest friends.
He lashed out at a former friend (and FC mate) of mine -on my behalf- because they wouldn't stop messaging me while I was at work... And when this person subsequently put me on blast thinking I had put him up to it I mentioned considering posting my side of the story- to initially be shamed (by the person mentioned above) for suggesting I protect myself, stating it could make things worse for the people who had already publicly attacked this person...
I approached him about another former friend of his angrily ranting about a character I had though at the time they knew I was planning to RP (I had spoken about it both in-game and in a discord we all shared) because I didn't know them well enough to feel comfortable saying that made me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in the space. I approached my former friend because I knew from experience he took things like this seriously and he was the one who had invited this character TO role play in the first place.
He reacted by telling this person he had no idea why I was upset, asked them to address an issue they had no context for - prompting them to write an apology, and then reinforced their worry that I hated them by saying I "probably disliked them since [I] hadn't written them an apology" in return. I had thought they both wanted to drop the subject because he stopped responding about the situation.
He decided the situation was resolved and kept inviting us around one another for at least four months while keeping up the illusion that I disliked this person despite me trying to remain friendly- and said nothing about the situation until AFTER he had nuked his FC and almost everyone was done with his bullshit. I had asked him to be honest about the situation and finally got "[name] thinks you dislike him" ???
(I might add more details about these situations because it's honestly much more of a mess than it might seem, but I'd probably have to write a fucking book to explain everything well in-sequence of events.)
But those examples aside, I told him up front that the favoritism he showed and my concerns being glossed over was messing with my head, that I didn't know if I felt safe in his FC, that the whole situation was making me feel like I was losing my grip on reality, that at one point feeling like I was being discouraged from defending myself was beginning to make me feel su*cidal. These are things he knew.
He reacted to this ignoring both cause and effect, ignoring me unless I reached out first or it concerned RP, continually inviting me to hang out with people he knew I felt uncomfortable with (or vice versa) and normally turning down anything I invited him to do otherwise- including several times that I offered to help him with Eden or dungeons he wanted to farm when he previously said he was free to do so. A couple of times he declined saying he was waiting to see if he could convince another friend... and then threw a fit about 'no one wanting to help him' despite declining my offer and not reaching out to me after his other friend declined (I was still online but he decided to vent on discord instead).
Behind my back he talked shit about me, enough that someone who had known him 10 years and was familiar with his behavioral patterns qualified it 'constant' bashing, whenever I came up in conversation. And even included confronting me about the three situations I mentioned above in a plan he was working on to 'fix' his FC, as if he thought I was reaching out to him to stir up drama.
Eventually it came out that the friend I mentioned in the first example was emotionally abusing his friends (and I found out later told him two of them were talking shit about him- prompting HIM to lash out at them). One of them mentioned that person had still been talking shit about me 6 months later on a private account and when I got upset that THREE people I had thought were my friends didn't tell me, I made a few jokes in poor taste (that I do now regret) about the situation to try and prevent myself from having a mental break down.
The person he led to believe I hated left the discord server at that point and he decided to divert some of the blame for (in his words) 'being worried for this person's life' -whom he had attacked over the situation- to me... blaming them leaving and him having trouble contacting them on me.
I told him if this former friend was indeed attacking people and he was so worried we needed to talk about the situation, since in other situations his response was to ignore the hurt caused. He blew up about me messaging him at work, he blamed me for every situation I had brought to his attention. He went to his mods to rant about me and sent one of them to scope out the situation in hopes they could shut me up.
This is the friend of 10 years, who quickly became concerned and not for the reasons he had hoped. They shared a few screenshots of things said to gaslight me behind my back as the conversation progressed. Eventually the other mod jumped in and, knowingly or not proceeded to gaslight me FOR him, based on what they were told. By him.
They reinforced everything he was saying in guise of a neutral perspective and my efforts to prevent a full-scale breakdown failed. I lost all grip on reality for several days- in which at some point I wrote an apology to him for accusing him of several things that were later proven true- and one thing he, himself, proved he'd lied about to the other person involved.
I spent almost two weeks in a self-imposed social break to sort everything out and attempt to cope with what I was told was reality. I fell into the deepest depression I've been in since I had to run away from home, and honestly if it wasn't for my wonderful SO and our house mates, I might have really hurt myself.
It turns out another situation had been brewing parallel to my own. People had been coming to the social mod, the friend of 10 years, with their own worries about him. Almost every. Single. Member. Including at least four people who came forward with fears that if they did a single thing that he interpreted as an insult or threat they would find themselves exiled, called out, and ranted about in a jumbled mix of truth and fictional-malice until their own friends turned on them to support his victim complex.
These four people came forward on the condition that their names be kept anonymous to protect their identity. He didn't take kindly to this, quickly demanding names so they (his mod team) could handle the situation. The mod refused, knowing he has a history of lashing out at any criticism against him and to protect those who were already afraid of bringing the problems up to Morgy.
He reacted by lashing out at this person, claiming they ruined his life, and attempting to weed out those who had spoken out against him by kicking anyone he didn't feel 'safe' being around from his FC. He posted a message in his FC discord about resuming his 'reign of terror'... Which, even if it was a joke, was in in poor taste after pruning his FC of anyone he didn't think could be convinced of his 'good intentions.'
I missed this first culling of his FC members, I assume, because I had apologized and at the time submitted to his version of events. He approached me soon after I noticed the changes in the discord and FC roster; claiming he really wanted to work things out and remain friends- going as far as to say he was so nervous about my reaction that he was shaking.
I wanted to take him at face value despite everything that happened because yeah, I did want to believe he was sincere, that he was a good friend, and that all of it had been an unfortunate misunderstanding. And at first I did until I started talking to other people who knew him and getting their side of the story. Nothing he said added up. Between first-hand testimony and over a hundred screenshots from multiple people the ONLY things that were clear and consistent were that he lied and fit his narrative to whatever he wanted to achieve.
He tried to reduce conflict by omitting information, he controlled people's perception of one another by how he spoke about them and how close he let them to himself and others, he built a support group by polarizing his friends against his 'enemies' and if anyone had a problem with him... They were wrong, and got added to the pile of 'aggressors' he had accumulated over the years, to be bashed and spit on for years to come.
He may have sensed my change in opinion when I directly asked him to help me reach out to the person who thought I disliked them-  managed to come to an understanding and we mutually apologized for the situation... Without his meddling. Or maybe when he realized I was still on talking terms with the people he had lashed out at and directly asked him why he had kicked people who did absolutely nothing to him... Or it could be that I kept in contact with the person who 'ruined his life' by trying to protect his friends from him. I don't know.
While we were still talking he tried to identify with me and bond over the feeling of loosing the FC, a group of people that despite the anxiety, and pain I had felt in the environment he'd built I did deeply respect and care about... Despite the dissolution of that group and the abuse I suffered being -at the core- his own fault. He even went as far as to say my description of the PTSD and fear I was experiencing described exactly how he was feeling, too.
As our conversations further weighed on my mental health I had to take a break from interacting with him. I was honest again, with what I was told, what I knew, and asked him for honesty about the situation... What he had said about me behind my back and why because I wanted to hear it from him. I wanted to see if he would acknowledge the harm he caused both to me and the rest of the (former) FC.
He never did, and probably won't. He asked for some time to tend to his own stress levels and mental health and then blocked me on all social media and discord, and kicked me from his FC without ever making an effort to reach out.
Of the few people who are still close to him, one of them suggested that "maybe he just decided he didn't want to be friends anymore." But after him begging to have a conversation to iron out all the facts, claiming to be so anxious about such a conversation going well that he was 'shaking', admitting that what he did hurt people and that my being wary of him was understandable, asking me -directly- to let him know if he did anything 'shady', and stressing he REALLY wanted this conversation to take place when we were both able to handle it because of how important he felt it was...
I feel like its fair to say that him suddenly cutting off all contact isn't quite so simple. He could have done that at any point. Before pointedly ignoring my concerns, before gaslighting me, before blaming me for the results of his own actions, before accepting an apology for accusing him of things he did legitimately do, and certainly before directly telling me had no real problems with me, that he it was super important to him that we remain friends, and that I deserved his honesty.
I'm not going to try and tell anyone who they should be friends with or not. Frankly, people can change and in a lot of cases experiences with individuals will be different.
But on that same note, if I had known then what I know now I might have saved myself from roughly two years of anxiety and avoided the state of dissonance I now find myself in. I still have moments where I want to doubt the things I experienced first hand. My mind is still trying to repress my own memories to cope.
A part of me still cares about him despite everything because as far as I knew, he was my friend and I am still trying to reconcile what I found to be true.
At this point I feel like I should say please don't harass Morgy if you read this, but honestly? If you have any reason to hold him accountable go for it. He needs it. And if you have any gut feelings about him or anyone in his circle please listen to it. The few supporters he still has are willing to ignore anything he has done previous to the fall of his FC and have shown they are willing to debate and accuse people who speak out about legitimate concerns involving him.
If anyone has any questions I am willing to answer them and share the proof I have.
And in the off chance anyone wants to (further) argue with me about my experiences or whether or not I suffered enough to be considered a victim, please Google some images of a hand giving the middle finger. But if after that you still really want to play stupid games? I can find you some stupid prizes.
I don't owe him my silence. Or peace of mind. The only thing I owe him is to be as entirely, brutally, honest as possible given the information I have. I think it's a fair offer considering the mind-numbing volume of honesty he -still- owes all of us.
- - - - -
I may add more onto this. Unfortunately the entire situation is a lot more complex, but I wanted to get the backbone of my own experiences out there and there is so much bullshit it can't all be seen from any one direction. A lot of the circumstantial evidence loops back into other situations and makes it hard to comprehensively represent everything on any sort of singular timeline. As I said in the beginning there is a reason it took a small group 6 months to piece it together.
I am far from the only person hurt, and the entire situation was a mess with people feeling unnerved or pressured into going along with his agenda. For the most part now that I have more context I don't blame most of the people involved for their own actions. I fully support those who can't or won't come forward about the situation whether they just want out of his drama, or are afraid to come forward.
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toujourseven · 4 years
Flight 136 | 3
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PLOT: Inspired by the series Lost (without the creepy mysterious island monsters). Stranded on an island with BTS after your plane crashed.
THEME: romance, comedy, smut, fluff, friendship,
WARNINGS: Slow Burn. Smut. Flirty Jimin. Strong Independent Woman OC. Bi Tae. Plane crash. Panic attacks. Emotionally done with heartbreaks. Terrorism.
PAIRINGS: Jimin x OC (You can think of it as Y/N. Just think that you were somehow nicknamed Cho lmao) / JK x Lia - inspired character (since she’s physically similar to IU kkkk Why not put IU instead? Hmm. Why indeed?)
Guide for reading
Bold texts are thoughts
I like being able to visualize the characters and the setting so I will insert images from where I based the story on :)
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two | MASTERLIST | four
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“Okay, so is everyone alright? Thank you so much to our medical student for helping us out. Maybe let’s get to know the basics first, like our names, and the languages we speak, for communication purposes?” Cho was fascinated and almost forgot that she was stranded on an island. Namjoon was really charismatic when he takes on the “leader role”. Even with the current circumstance, he does not lose his cool, at least when in front of the others.
The small group introduced themselves as instructed and found out that Keith was the only one who does not speak Korean, while Namjoon, Lia, and Cho were the three who can give English-Korean translations. Of course, the rest of the BTS members have relatively good receptive skills in English, so they would need more help on the expression part, if and when they need to communicate with Keith.
“We haven’t been exactly trained for island survival in case the plane crashes, but we’ve been given basic guidelines and survival tips. Since the plane must be somewhere deep in the ocean by now, we have no way of communicating. We also have no idea what happened exactly.” Keith had one hand on his waist, and the other rubbing his forehead. It was the first time Cho saw him lose his cool. He was no longer keeping his professional smile, the situation must have caught up to him. He and Namjoon were taking turns in speaking, Namjoon translating.
“For now, we need to secure our safety and survival while waiting for rescue. We can’t just wait while doing nothing. We don’t know how long we will get stuck here.” Namjoon sighed deeply. Cho felt bad for him, he must be feeling so much pressure. The world had just gotten back up from the recession caused by the pandemic after a vaccine has been discovered. Cho knows their previous tour had been cancelled because of that and the company must have suffered so much loss. And now their next tour is being disrupted again by this crisis.
The group decided to pair up, unanimously agreeing no one should wander around alone. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Keith will go around the island, assess the safety of their location, and check if they can find a better area. Jin and Yoongi volunteered to look for edible plants in the forest, as well as to plot the location of fruit trees. Tae, Jungkook, and Lia agreed to go fishing. And Jimin volunteered himself and Cho to go collect firewood and leaves for cooking.
“Good thing we have camping experience, thanks to Bon Voyage.” Tae addressed the group with a grin. “It’s not going to be that easy. We had professionals to guide us then. We’re completely on our own now.” Yoongi answered. Tae visibly pouted. Someone clapped loudly in front, “Alright guys. Be safe, and make sure to get back before the sun sets. Don’t forget to get 1 whistle from the first aid kits per pair, in case you need to call for help.” Namjoon called out.
While Jimin collected their whistle, Cho approached Lia and asked quietly, “Hey, are you going to be okay with them?” Lia glanced at Tae and Jungkook, “I think I’ll be fine. They’re nice. Tae just seems.. hyperactive and playful.”, she gave Cho a reassuring smile. Cho couldn’t help feeling fond and protective of her. She was an only child, and has always longed to have a younger sister. Lia looked so gentle and innocent, Cho just wanted to put her in her pocket. “Are you going to be okay with him?”, she giggled, wiggling her brows, and bumped Cho’s hip, nodding her head towards Jimin who was coming back with 2 whistles and a small bag. Cho just rolled her eyes. So much for innocent.
Jimin approached you and put the whistle around your neck like a medal. Then he did the same to Cho. “Thank you! Please take care of Eonnie!” Cho said brightly as she bowed to him, before following Tae and Jungkook to collect things they can use for fishing. “What a sweet girl,” Jimin commented, watching her tap Jungkook’s shoulder shyly to announce her arrival. Then he sighed and turned to you, “Unlike someone here” You fake gasped, looking affronted. “What ever do you mean? I am sweet! Just not with you.”
We’ll see about that. Jimin thought as he gave her a smirk. “Anyways,” He opened the small bag he was carrying and showed Cho the contents. “I also got us some ropes we can use to tie around the firewood, aaand some bottled water and scissors.” Jimin showed his collection proudly. Scissors? “What are the scissors for?” Cho was confused. “Oh, I was thinking your pants may be a bit hard to move around in. It’s also very hot in this island. Do you want some help altering it?” Cho looked down her attire. Oh yeah, she was still wearing her airport clothes, sans her coat. She actually didn’t mind the length  of her pants as it could provide protection from insect bites and stray branches, but it was hard to move around in. She was actually surprised Jimin had that forethought. “You know what, you’re right! Great thinking, 친구 (chingu/buddy)!”
Cho looked for an elevated surface she can sit on, “Give it here,” palm out, she asked Jimin for the scissors. In response, Jimin waved his finger in front of her face, “Ah, ah, ah. How can I let a lady do this by herself? We wouldn’t want you to accidentally cut your beautiful skin, would we? Now, sit back and relax, Stylist Jimin will do his magic!” He beamed, his eyes disappearing again. Then he kneeled in front of her and carefully fingered the hem of her pants, checking the best area from where to cut it. “Stretch your legs a bit,” Jimin said softly without looking up. Nervously, Cho did as told, scooting forward a bit  to straighten her legs out and making sure to keep her legs closed. Jimin paused, and looked straight into her eyes.
“Spread your legs.” Cho almost choked. How dare he say something so suggestive! She knew he was just having fun teasing her, but the intensity of his gaze and the timber of his voice as he said those words were nowhere near the playful tone he was using earlier. Fearing her voice will betray her if she speaks, Cho responded by angling her body to the right and nodding to the outer seams of her pants. She was wordlessly telling him to cut from there instead. Jimin raised one of his brows but complied and proceeded to cut from the outer seams. He cut slowly and carefully, making sure the scissors do not touch her skin. As opposed to his hands that he made sure to keep contact with her leg the whole time.
Cho was holding her breath, trying to move her leg away from Jimin’s touch every once in a while. “Tsk. You’re going to make it hard for me if you keep squirming like that—” “Just finish it already!” Cho snapped. Jimin stood up, his body bent over hers, keeping in mind the task at hand. “Stop. Moving.” Jimin gripped her knees under her pants. Then he added, “Just relax.” as he softly caressed her knee with his thumb. “How high do you want me to cut it? Up to here?” Then he slowly moved his hand higher, up to her inner mid-thigh, “Or up to here?” He whispered to her left ear.
Cho wanted to push him away, she really did. But Jimin’s intensity was keeping her in place. It had been so long since she flirted with someone like this. And she was torn between giving in for fun, or backing away to seal herself away from men, as she had resolved to do.
“J-just above the knee is fine.” She answered breathlessly, her mind still at an impasse. “Then you really gotta spread your legs now, 예쁜아가씨 (yebbeun agassi/pretty lady)” He said just a bit above a whisper, then backed up a bit to look at her face. His eyes were sparkling with mirth. He was really enjoying this. Cho swallowed, and put her hand over Jimin’s hand that was holding the scissors. She pushed his hand gently, and stood up. “I think doing it this way would be easier. Why don’t you kneel back down and finish your work, Jimin-ssi?” Cho put her right hand on his left shoulder and gently pushed him down. Two can play this game, Park Jimin, and I won’t lose. Cho decided. She looked down at him, and tilted her head in challenge, when he did not move.
Jimin stared at her, trying to not let his awe show on his face. Why haven’t I goofed around with this kind of girls before? I never knew they were so much fun. He slid his hand from her ankle, up to her knee slowly and sensually, before answering, “Yes, my lady,”. His words were submissive, but his actions were anything but. He never broke eye-contact with her as he did this. His stare returning her challenge on who can really dominate the other. He nudged her leg to make her open up wider. Cho just rolled her eyes and complied. Jimin smiled and moved closer than necessary. Way closer, that his hair was already touching the material of her pants. Looking up, Jimin asked, “Is this okay?” His chin just a few millimeters away from her belly button.
You think this is going to make me back down? She smiled sweetly, “Oh yes!” Jimin smirked in victory and finally started cutting her pants along her knee. He made sure to caress her inner thigh more often than necessary. But not enough to make her knees buckle and accidentally cut her. He can feel her leg muscle tightening in tension, but when he glanced at her, she was the epitome of indifference. She was staring at her nails, looking bored out of her mind. Now cutting her pants from the other leg, Jimin couldn’t help but snigger. She was really competitive, he liked that very much. It spurs his own competitiveness. He snipped the last length of the material but didn’t let it fall on the ground. He put the scissors down and checked if she was looking at him. She wasn’t. Sneakily, he inched his finger further up until he reached the edge of her—
Jimin felt himself being pulled up, before his back was slammed into a tree trunk with his arm twisted behind him. His eyes widened as he found Cho’s body pushing against him, her elbow under his chin, her knee pushing into his groin.
“Ah, ah, ah. You wouldn’t want the pretty lady to think you’re not a gentleman, now, would you Jimin-ssi?” Her eyes were wide and alert, her chest heaving up and down as she catches her breath, but there was a small smile on her lips.
A woot was heard from behind them, “Whooo! That was hot!!” Hoseok was passing by when Cho launched her self-defense tricks on Jimin. “But is everything alright here?” He carefully watched their faces, trying to gauge the mood.
Jimin laughed out loud, “Alright, alright! I’m sorry. I lost.” Then he gave Cho his most powerful puppy dog eyes. Cho exhaled and let him go. Shaking her head from amusement. He really took her by surprise. She didn’t think he would go that far in a public place and her instincts just kicked in. She was just glad her body didn’t go into attack mode, she would hate herself if she gave Jimin any kind of injury.
“We’re fine hyung!” Then he waved Hoseok away. After he was gone, Jimin bent over, his hands on his knees. “What was that? Are you.. an MMA fighter or something?” He coughed. Cho quickly checked him over, “Oh no, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Oh no, oh no, oh no,” She was panicking, and Jimin realized she was as surprised as him with her actions. Jimin slid down along the tree trunk and slouched on the sand. More than anything, his pride was the most hurt.
“I’m sorry, I took a self-defense class when I started living alone. I was so paranoid that I took the lessons several times a year to make sure my body won’t forget the skills, and now.. my body just moves automatically. I’m so sorry! So sorry!” She continued to touch his neck to check for red marks.
Jimin can no longer count how many times this girl, woman, had him speechless with awe. He has never met anyone like her before. She was pretty, although not in a drop-dead gorgeous way. She was not the type you’d notice in a crowded room, but her confidence raises up her charm. She was kind, but she wouldn’t go down a fight. She was smart, but she was not condescending. It makes Jimin wonder whether other people are as multi-faceted as her, and if he just did not look at people closely. Or if this lady before him was simply a unique creation made to make him weak in the knees.
He caught her fiddling hands, and put them down gently. “I’m fine. You just caught me by surprise.” He reassured her. Then added self-consciously, “…I’m sorry if I took it too far.” To his surprise, she giggled.
“It’s okay, really. It was fun.” They stared and smiled at each other for a little while more before Cho finally stood up to check her new outfit.
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*Her island outfit now looks a bit like this
“Thanks for helping me cut them. Let’s go get those firewood. I don’t want BTS to think I’m a slacker!” She laughed. Jimin stood up too and grabbed the small bag. “Hey. I’m BTS too!” He pulled something from the bag and handed it to Cho. “Here. I also got you this. Uhm, I just.. I thought..” He didn’t really know how to explain why he got her a shirt to cover herself up. She was still wearing her fitted tank and he didn’t want her going around the island in front of everyone looking like that.
Especially not in front of that liar, Keith. But after practically feeling her up, he was at a loss.
“You want me to wear this? Hmm. Alright, turn around. Make sure no one’s looking.” He was so glad she didn’t question him over it anymore. She didn’t really feel like removing her top out in the open so she just pulled the blouse over her current top. “Done! Okay, let’s go!” She started walking towards the trees but he stopped her.
“Wait. I’m changing too. You don’t have to turn.” He winked and gathered the hem of his sweatshirt, and lifted It up to his chest. “You are perfectly welcome to look.” Then he pulled his sweatshirt over his shoulders and head. He threw the shirt aside and pulled another white shirt from the bag. Of course, he took his time and flexed his muscles. Cho was too shocked to react, so she just watched. He was really fit. She already knew that. He definitely knew that. The little shit. He did his signature move of pushing his hair back away from his forehead then said cutely “Jjan! Let’s go 예쁜 아가씨~ ” He grabbed her hand and led the way to the trees. Cho simply smiled and shook her head and let him lead her.
[ Jimin changed from this to this ]
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Lia shyly tapped Jungkook’s arm. “Hi, here’s our whistle that I got from Jimin-oppa! What else can I help with?” Jungkook smiled at her and shook his head, “It’s alright, V-hyung and I will carry everything.” She looked at all things they had to carry, it looked a handful. “Are you sure? I can carry at least one of those.” She felt an arm drop around her shoulders and turned to see it was Taehyung. “That’s right! We just need your cute self cheering for us~ ” Lia stepped back and bowed to him, “안영하세요 (annyeonghaseyo), I’m Lia. Nice to meet you!” She introduced herself again since it’s their first time talking to each other. Then she stepped closer to Jungkook. She felt uncomfortable being touched by Tae for some reason. She hardly knew him, after all.
Jungkook tried to hide his smile. He felt strangely pleased that Lia seemed more comfortable around him. He knew he was developing a crush on her. It didn’t help that Lia was treating him like a normal person, and not a worldwide superstar. He really loved that. Their kiss also had a huge effect on him. It wasn’t his first kiss. He’s not a fuck boy like Tae, but he did have his own share of sexual partners in the past. But he found that Lia ‘kissing’ him for medical purposes was hotter than any other kiss he had in the past. Maybe he had a doctor/patient kink. Huh.
“Hey guys, get some change of clothes over here!” Jin called them over to gather around the suitcases they collected.
From their airport outfits:
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To island outfits:
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*Tae and JK said they were already comfortable and didn’t need a change of clothes >_<
The fishing trio then headed down the beach to where Suga and Jin directed them. “This is fun. I have never actually tried fishing before. How about you guys?” Lia asked as she tried to spot some fish under the clear water. Jungkook was tying a safety pin on the edge of the stick they collected. “Well, Suga-hyung and Jin-hyung love fishing. I sometimes join them. But I couldn’t sit too long without moving. It’s meant for highly lethargic people, I think.” He gave her a sideways glance and smile. Lia moved closer to him, his makeshift fishing pole catching her attention. Jungkook felt his heart beat faster. Damn.
“I’ll try to catch some with my bare hands!” Tae shouted with his box smile plastered on his face, already knee-deep in the waters. He had removed his shirt to use it as a net. Jungkook highly doubted he’d catch anything with that. But he knew there was no stopping that Hyung from doing what he wants. He was more concerned over Lia seeing him topless. He looked back at her, only to see that she’s back to checking out the makeshift fishing pole he had in his hands. His eyes widened as she placed her hands on top of his, to help tie the thread. She giggled, “Your hands are too big, here let me.” He gave her the pole, glad to have a reason to keep watching her.
Lia’s forehead was scrunched up in concentration, her slim fingers working hard to tie the thread securely. Her hair was slowly falling over her shoulder, hiding her face. Before he could realize what he was doing, his hand was tucking her hair neatly behind her ear, so he could see her face better. Jungkook froze, his mind zooming over excuses he could say. But Lia just said thanks softly, and continued her work without even glancing at him.
Whew. Jungkook let go of the breath he was holding. That was a close one. But he couldn’t help feeling disappointed that he seemed to have no effect on her. He dropped his arms and pouted to himself.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Tae smirked to himself, his hands on his waist. He witnessed that tiny episode. And Jungkook may not have noticed it, but Tae definitely saw how red Lia’s face was when Jungkook touched her. “Wah, I put my arm around her and she practically runs away. But Kookie does that cheesy thing and she blushes so cutely?” He does a thinking pose, his thumb and index finger cupping his chin. “Let’s see~ First there’s my Chimmy and that noona. Then here we have Kookie and little miss doctor. Tae tae is going to have soooo much fun! I’m sure one of those couples would be open for some threesome action. Kekeke- WAH! A fish! Come here fishyyyyy.”
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“So… I’ve been meaning to ask. Have we met before?” Cho finally decided to just ask the question that has been nagging her ever since she woke up on that island. “I mean... I’m sure that as much of a flirt you are, you don’t just try to hit on random strangers, especially while stuck on an island.” Cho straightened up and dropped the sticks she collected beside Jimin who was trying to tie up the last batch of firewood they collected. Sweat was collecting on his forehead. The veins on his arms were bulging out as he put all his strength in securing the ropes. While waiting for him to answer, Cho thought how admirable he is. She had not thought of BTS for a long time. She used to listen to their music and even watched some of their variety shows. She had been a fan for a year before her life had turned haywire. She never even got the chance to see them live. The changes she made to her life indirectly caused BTS to disappear from her radar.
Anyways, she found it admirable that the boys were all trying their best in this situation. Not one of them had shown a diva attitude, as is usually expected from some big name superstars. They had been nothing but considerate and treated everyone as equals. She suddenly froze, a weird thought passing through her mind. We’re not in some hidden camera prank, right? Jimin wouldn’t be openly flirting with me if we were. She looked around urgently, trying to make out cameras from behind the leaves and bushes.
“What are you doing?” She snapped her head back to look at Jimin. “We’re not- you’re not- currently filming are you? Like some BTS in the Wildlife or something?” Cho asked him, her eyes still fearful. Then she went back to paranoidly checking their surroundings. Then Jimin laughed out loud. He was laughing so hard, he fell from the log he was sitting on. “Ah, really. You’re really amazing.” Cho visibly deflated, hanging her head down. “I know it’s crazy. It’s just— Argh!” Cho kicked some dirt “It’s not entirely impossible, you know.”
“It is. We’re not going to string along innocent strangers like you, and subject you to this kind of trauma— just for a show.” He has calmed down and sat beside you on the log again. “We’re all just.. stuck in this unfortunate situation together.” Both of you sighed, lost in your individual thoughts. “We have met before. Back in the airport.” Cho looked confused. Jimin scooted away from her and cleared his throat.
“Want to see some… magic?” He said in an animated voice then looked around the forest exaggeratedly. Cho’s eyes widened in realization. “You saw that??” Then she laughed. Such a  lovely laugh. “Oh my goodness. But- I didn’t see you there? I’m sure I would’ve noticed the commotion if Park Jimin was seen in public.” She paused, thinking some more, then gasped. She narrowed her eyes at Jimin as her mind put two and two. “Bucket hat. With mask? That was you? Huh.”
Jimin eye-smiled. “Bingo! I went there for some peace and quiet. But instead, I saw a pretty lady performing some magic tricks. I never asked about your job. You were so good with that kid. Are you a teacher?” Cho leaned on one arm and stared into space. “I was once. But about 2-3 years ago I changed professions. I’m a linguist now. I study different languages and do all sorts of jobs related to that.”
“Do you regret changing your job?” Jimin asked softly.
“Huh? No, I.. I really like my job. And I’m happy to be working with languages. It’s really amazing. Every country has something unique to their language and sometimes, there are words or phrases that has no direct translation to any other language. And it’s all because of their culture. We are all humans, but we grew up with different beliefs and values, and that’s how many conflicts arose. But it makes me think, what if the whole world has only ONE language, and ONE culture, like- the human culture, wouldn’t it create less misunderstandings? But then— it would be so sad to have all the existing culture to just stop.. existing.” Cho sighed deeply, then got lost in her thoughts silently.
Jimin burst into giggles. “Cho, Ah~ Cho! You’re really, really, so fun and interesting! Aside from the fact that you sounded very passionate about what you do, did you realize that you switched back and forth from Korean and Japanese??”
Cho’s jaw dropped. “Oh no! I do tend to do that when I’m rambling and when my thoughts are so fast!” Then she laughed,  “I got fired from a couple of translating jobs because of that.” She said matter-of-factly.  She chuckled then looked up. “It’s getting dark, we should head back.” Cho carried a couple of firewood bundles, “Don’t even think of stopping me. You can’t carry ALL of that.” Jimin just nodded and teased you, “Hai~ (Yes in Japanese) ” Cho laughed, “Stop teasing me!”
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A/N: My chapters are getting longer! Yay! I’m sorry some members’ parts are short! As much as I’d love to make equal parts for OT7, this story is mainly revolving around Jimin and JK’s love story, plus the overall plot. I’m also too excited to finish the story and get to the good parts. When the story is finished, I might make some one shots about the other members in this universe. I actually have the Season 2 for this story planned out already. I am that excited, lol.
CREDITS FOR THE PHOTOS NOT MINE. Found all of them on Pinterest! Let me know if it’s yours and want it to be taken down. :) 
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two | MASTERLIST | four
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agustdef · 5 years
Here & Now - Chapter 19
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Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Fluff; Chill romance
Word Count: 2,057
Warning: None.
Banner Marker: @dee-ehn​
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The tension in Bang’s office made me feel so uncomfortable I couldn’t sit still. Joon had to squeeze my shoulder a few times to try to get me to calm it down, but my nerves weren’t letting up.
I hadn’t gotten the chance to make a choice if I wanted to work there, but that might be snatched away from me. It was so frustrating that I’d possibly be punished for something that wasn’t even my fault. And that it could affect the boys when nothing had happened.
Nothing that had been documented held any weight. Not one thing screamed dating in secret. It barely showed that we were friends at all; just that we spoke when in proximity to others. But of course the select few wannabe FBI agents wanted to stir bullshit.
The longer that Bang stayed on the phone with a blank expression, the more uneasy I felt. He hadn’t seemed mad at me in particular, he was actually quite reassuring that he would handle it. But it still would be smart to avoid this stuff and just revoke the offer.
When Bang put down the phone and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once they were open again he glanced around the room, looking at Joon, Yoongi and then me. Though he’d maintained the blank look at first his expression softened once it met my face.
“We have it handled. They posted it on their side account, but then reposted it on their personal account where their name and high school are very present. It didn’t take much time to find them and legal will handle it from there. Also working on the more aggressive attackers and then legal will get to them too.”
He said it so nonchalantly that I felt confused about what the heck was happening. Which must have been clear on my face.
“Kendall, I offered you a job because even with the first incident you kept up the good work and didn’t just abandon your job. You did it with the second one too. You are not the problem, they are. And it’s just a few people stirring the pot and causing mass hysteria for a few hours. It will not harm anything. Even if you two were secretly dating they have nothing, but it doesn’t make this acceptable. I will not tolerate attacks on them or you for false or true statements.”
His words were reassuring and sweet. I could feel the tension leave my body, it slumping a little as the anxiety I was starting to feel started to dissipate.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s being taken care of.” This time a smile graced his face, then he turned to Joon. “Make sure everyone knows what’s going on and just relax. Today and tomorrow are your off days, so don’t worry too much about it.”
Joon nodded and then turned to leave. Yoongi pressed a hand to my lower back and guided me out of the room. None of us spoke until we were in the practice room where everyone had convened.
They’d been whispering amongst themselves when we entered but stopped the moment we came in. They all wore expressions of worry, eyes flickering between all of us, but lingering on me and Yoongi.
Joon cleared his throat and gained all their attention. “The person who took the pictures of Kendall here has been found and legal is handling it. They’re also going for all the people have been extra hostile towards her. So, we don’t have anything to worry about and I’m sure a statement will be released later today.”
There was a group sigh of relief and I watched as Hobi and Jungkook slumped heavily. They looked like they’d been carrying a heavy burdened.
“You two okay?” I asked.
They didn’t respond at first, just stared at each other for a moment. Then Jungkook turned to me. “We were just worried Bang might take back the offer and try to get us to interact less.”
“Dude, same.”
Even though I was relieved before something about hearing others with the same fear helped along the disappearing anxiety. I released a frustrated scream to just get it out and none of them seemed fazed.
“Maybe we should decompress. Spend the night in and watch movies like when Hals came to visit last week and her, Kendall and Hobi were all stressed and on the verge of exploding,” Jimin offered.
The night had been helpful for decompressing, otherwise, I might have literally combusted. A work thing somehow messed up and I had to work from scratch with two days. Plus I had major writer’s block, but a short story due on the same day.
I nodded. “Sure, we can do it at mine. Just give me like an hour or two.”
There were murmurs of agreement and then we all packed up and headed out. Before I could get into the car to take me home though Yoongi pulled me to the side.
“You're okay, right? Don’t need me to come with you?” Yoongi asked.
He was still clearly angry and stressed about everything, which I hated. I tried to be reassuring, squeezing his hand and giving the best smile I could muster.
“I’m fine. Going to clean, get in comfy clothes and draft something to be posted once the statement is out. All is good. Promise.”
He grimaced and seemed hesitant, but after a second nodded and release my hand. “Okay, we’ll be over in an hour and a half. We’ll get the food and snacks, so don’t worry about it.”
A thumbs up from me and then I was headed home. My apartment was a distance from theirs just to avoid nonsense, but not so far that it was very out of the way. When I got inside I did exactly what I said I would. Cleaned the living room and kitchen. I pulled the large bean bag chair closer to the couches and then got comfy. Some sweats and a SHINee tour shirt I’d gotten forever ago.
By the time all that was done and I’d finished parting and braiding my hair an hour had passed. So with that time I’d settled in my seat and pulled out my phone. I checked Twitter and saw accounts Soompi had already posted about the statement being out, which was perfect.
I read the statement through and was pleased with it. Flattered even by the protectiveness of it. Of course, they’d protect the boys, but they’d made it a point to not attack me and were mostly coming for those who’d sent direct threats and hate my way.
With that out of the way I took a deep breath and began typing out my message; a few sentences in I switched to the notes app.
I’ve tried to be as calm as possible about all this drama, but it’s starting to get hard. To constantly have people grasp at straws to form some “scandal” that doesn’t even exist is tiresome. For the third time, a group of people have created this romantic relationship that Yoongi and I don’t have. They called me names, attacked my appearance, my race, and my work. All because they’ve deluded themselves into thinking he and I are together. Because they’re deluded themselves into thinking they have some hold on people who are human and adults who are free to live their lives.
In truth, I’m not even that bothered it all, but I’ll be damned if I allow this shit to keep going unchecked. To get to a point where it messes up my friendships and my job opportunities. But thankfully I don’t have to do the checking. I’m very thankful to Bang PDnim for his support on this. He didn’t have to deal with those directly attacking only me, but he did.
I don’t want to have to go through this again, because I will not be as pleasant the next time around.
Once finished and checked for spelling errors I took screenshots and quote tweeted the statement from the official BigHit Twitter page. Once that was done I muted Twitter and sat my phone on the coffee table.
Before I got the chance to relax through my doorbell was ringing. Sighing, I hopped to my feet and went to the panel. The video showed Yoongi by his lonesome, which threw me off, but I let him in nonetheless and returned to the couch.
A few seconds later he was in the living room ad staring at me intently. It made me very uneasy.
“We need to talk,” he said.
My heart stopped and I felt nausea stirring. Being scared, nervous or sad always made me physically sick and those words in the situation we were in hit my nerves bad.
Yoongi must have seen the shift in me because his expression softened and he shook his head.
“Not like that. Nothing bad, I promise. But you know, we should talk. We should have talked a while ago.”
He wasn't wrong and though he assured me that things were fine, I still felt nervous. Though at least it wasn’t nervous because I thought he and/or all of the boys wanted to end our friendship.
I motioned for him to take a seat and he did, turning to face me head-on. The intensity that he had before returned, but without the dauntingness of it all. Though when he says nothing and we sit in silence for what feels like five minutes I become a tad more unnerved.
“Were you ever going to tell me that you returned my feelings?” Was what he eventually opened with and was not what I expected him to say first.
My face dropped and my eyes narrowed on him. “How can one say they return feelings they don’t know the other has.”
He scoffed. “You knew.”
I couldn’t stop the eye roll that came. “One can assume, but until it’s stated cannot know. So, unless you said ‘Hey Kendall, I like you’ and meant it in a romantic way I couldn’t know anything.”
“Hey Kendall, I like you. And not in a platonic way, I want to date you,” he blurted out.
Even though he’d basically confirmed it without saying so I still froze in surprise. And then an intense bout of happiness washed through me. I tried to push down the smile that was taking form, but I couldn’t and could feel the slight tingle from smiling too hard.
Yoongi was smiling too, his possibly wider than mine.
“So…” he trailed off, watching me closely.
Took a second for me to realize he was waiting for me to respond to him. “Oh goodness, same. Wait, no. Not same. Still wrong. Wait. Okay. I would also like you in the sense that I would date you.”
By the time I’d finally gotten it out he was laughing at me being a mess and I couldn’t help but join in. Then he stopped and was leaning closer to me. His hand cupped my cheek and my gaze flickered to his lips for a moment before meeting his eyes. They held such gentleness that it made me even more giddy to kiss him, but when his lips were barely touching mines I pulled back.
My brain wouldn't allow me to experience the happiness though. I had a new fear, one that was quite ridiculous and I regretted saying aloud. It needed to be addressed though because it would surely be something we had no other choice but to deal with.
“But wait, they just made a statement that we weren’t. What if this time they actually get something tangible and things spiral even more. I can handle most of their bullshit, but this could get worse and it would be worse for you than for me; especially here. I know Bang can only take so much of all of this.”
“Well…” he paused and I could tell he didn’t have the answer either.
Before we could recover to discuss the doorbell rang again and I knew I couldn’t leave the boys in the hallway, someone could see them and possibly get photos to start another round of nonsense.
So, I got off the couch and spent the rest of the night engaged, but distracted and confused.
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Who’d You Rather - Niall Horan
Paring: Niall x OC Female Character (I still describe it as an imagine, but sorry I just can’t write Y/N, so here’s Myra McCoy instead)
Idea: Myra McCoy, and actress who appear on Ellen’s show, and in a game of ‘Who’d You Rather’she manages to pick out Niall and pick him over and over again, Niall who have a secret celebrity crush on the same girl is made aware of it through Harry, and things seem to unfold from there
Word Count: 7480
A/N: So I saw Ellen’s thing ‘Who’d You Rather’ and then the idea stuck, so I saw all of the ones there was, and the idea kind of just developed, into a 7+k mess of emotions . And it’s tagged as an imagine, but it is an OC character, because I just can’t write Y/N, so here’s Myra McCoy instead, hope you like her as much as I liked creating her. 
‘Niall, have you seen this??’ Niall’s phone buzzed with a message from Harry, and knowing him the next text could either be a new joke he had found that he thought was simply too good not to share, or it was something actually interested. Apparently it was one of the better days, as this time it seemed to be something actually interested.
The link he sent was YouTube link, more specifically a video with the title ‘Myra McCoy plays Who’d you rather’. After reading the title of the link, Niall went to revaluate whether or not this was actually one of the better days.
‘Why are you sending me this again?’ Niall sent back.
There didn’t go long before the next buzz came. ‘Just watch it! Promise you won’t be disappointing’ He had written.
Okay, so maybe Harry’s ulterior motive hadn’t been to make Niall jealous while he was sitting in the studio recording songs he had already written, meaning he shouldn’t be full of a lot of emotions that he could potentially have used when he was writing the songs. Off course, Niall had a hard time that Harry would even have an ulterior motive that would cause him harm, god knows that Harry wasn’t that kind of a person, wasn’t even close to anyone who would be that kind of person. Yet it was a bit weird with Harry sending him videos of his celebrity crush, no scratch that, his crush picking a ton of guys over him, but deciding to trust Harry’s better ulterior motive, he clicked play on the video. Who knows, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
“So, Myra McCoy is on the show, and she is single and ready to mingle, isn’t that right?” Ellen said with a big smile as she looked over to Myra.
“Uhm, well yes, partly” Myra spoke slightly shyly.
Niall knew for a fact, perhaps for a bit too much researching that Myra’s dating life was not something she talked much about, but one thing he had definitely cleared out, she was in fact single.
“I heard a clear yes” Ellen simply said with a laugh “And that is why we’re gonna play a game of ‘Who’d You Rather?” Ellen said as the montage played.
“Okay, well this looks like it’s could be interesting” Myra laughed as she looked in the screen with the many hearts showing up.
Niall’s heart felt like it was swelling a bit just by the sound of that laughter.
“So yeah, as you’re an absolute sweetheart, clearly seen in our game of never have I ever, we thought we’d give it a go about finding the perfect man for you.” Ellen explained.
“Wait, so do you then hand out contact information’s in the end, or how is this going to work?” Myra inquired Ellen, now a little bit curious.
“Well, no, but as I am widely famous, the power of this game will magically make that other person tweet you on twitter or reach out to you, and you’ll live happily ever after” Ellen said with a smile. Myra just laughed and nodded as if that sounded fully legit.
“Okay, so it’s simple, we’re just going to show you two options of two different celebrities gentlemen, and then you’re just going to chose, until we finally narrows it’s down. Let’s start with these two gentlemens first shall we.
Henry Cavil & George Clooney’s face appeared on the screen
“I think I’m gonna go with Henry Cavil” Myra said sure in herself, the age difference was a clear factor, but she couldn’t deny the look of him in Man of Steel either.
“Okay, well, then Henry Cavil and Chris Evans”
“First of all, it is not fair putting him shirtless up there” Myra said pointing at Chris Evans “And certainly not fair showing him from the Avengers movies” Myra almost moaned.
“So it’s a clear Chris Evans here I see” Ellen laughed as she looked at Myra’s face.
“Yeah it has to be, Cap just goes right to my heart man” Myra laughed.
“Tell us Myra, is there something you haven’t told us about your thoughts about superheroes?” Ellen asked smugly. “I mean we know you played alongside some of them in Guardians of the Galaxy, was there some unresolved stuff there or?”
Maybe, just maybe, that had been one of the reasons why Niall had always been up for a Marvel movie marathon with Zayn, when that was something they still did regularly. Nonetheless, the movies was good, the fact that Myra had been in them and was awesome, and pretty good looking for an alien, was minor details to his love for the universe so much.
“Haha, no, it’s just Captain America for me, though Man of Steel certainly showed he had lifted some steel as well! Myra laughed as they moved on to the next one.
Zac Efron appeared besides Chris Evans, now both shirtless.
“Now Zach does have a girlfriend, but none of that matters here, because as I said, I rule, my studio and all” Ellen commented making Myra laugh again.
“Well, I still have to go with my heart on this one, and my heart screams that I’m loyal to SHIELD and Captain America”
“Chris Evans we go again then” Ellen comments before the screen changes again, this time not showing a shirtless gentlemen, instead a very clothed one, by the name of Niall Horan.
Niall immediately perked up and turned up the volume so that he could hear a bit better, cause now he was very much aware why Harry had sent the link. Though he feared that maybe he would only make a brief appearance, knowing the option of the men out there, he wouldn’t judge.
“Now here’s someone who we also know is completely single! So that’s gotta be a plus” Ellen comments with a smile, however as Myra is silent on the matter and simply staring at the two, she decides to continue. “However, he doesn’t carry a shield, not does he wear a blue, red and white spangled suit”
Yeah just comparing him to Captain America would already be enough, knowing the inner geek that Myra didn’t hide.
“He could wear a green white and orange spangled suit though” Myra comments as she brings up a finger to bite on.
Niall tensed up by the sight of the finger nearing her mouth, just as he had… well, compared him to his own kind of superhero.
“It sounds like you might be leaning towards the Irish then” Ellen asks grabbing Myra’s eyes.
And Niall was grabbed completely by his little screen now, incredible happy that Greg made him wait around a bit before he had to redo some of his vocals in one of the songs.
“Yeah, sorry cap, but I think I’m gonna go with Niall” She said shyly before moving her legs up under herself.
Niall let out a small sigh, suddenly smiling widely.
“I see you’re getting comfortable now” Ellen laughs pointing out how she lost one of her heels.
“Well comfortableness always overrule fanciness, that’s been my rule through my whole career, except, there are certain exceptions, feeling really sexy in your own body once in a while is worth a loss of some comfortableness, as long as I can still go back to my couch and sweats in the evening.” Myra explains.
And another reason why she endeared him so much.
“Sounds like that could get it’s own what’d you rather program” Ellen comments before moving on to the next picture, showing Drake besides Niall.
“Niall” Myra spoke clearly, no doubt or shyness about it anymore.
The lack of shyness and the security of her voice did something entirely else to him.
“Ah, I’m getting a sense that maybe it’s the Americans you just overrule, well if it’s because you’ve gotten bored of the Americans gentlemen, how about an English one now then” Ellen commented as Ed Sheeran appeared besides Niall.
“Oh, well Ed’s a friend of mine actually, so as much as it’s a bit tougher, then I’m still going with Niall” Myra laughed before the screens shifted to show Nick Jonas shirtless.
Niall, knowing very well that she was a friend of Ed, he had heard about her through him once as well, heard stories about the charm that wasn’t just for TV host, but an actual charm and kindness that caught Ed. And likewise as it had been with Harry, knowing that Ed thought she was worth having as a close friend, that meant more to him than her reaching the top twenty of sexiest females. Though as Louis have made fun of multiple times, that did mean something to him too.
“I mean, as much as I could look at that a bit longer, then I still go with Niall” Myra stated.
“You’re seeming often sure in Niall it seems” Ellen comments “Might this be your final boy?” She jokes as the screen reveals Ryan Gosling.
Don’t joke around with it Ellen Niall kept thinking, because my god that would be something.
“Our La La Land charmer, he’s sure to be able to sing you off your feet” Ellen comments.
“Well if we’re taking singing into account too, then it gotta go to Niall again” Myra laughs as the screen shifts again, this time to show Prince Harry.
Not only had she compared him to a superhero, and well chosen him over multiple good looking and just generally good men, she had complimented his singing too.
“Niall. Again” She adds with a giggle.
“So you’re now turning down royalty status for him too” Ellen laughs as the screen reveals Dev Patel.
“Oh, this one is actually a bit hard” Myra states as she starts biting her finger again. “I always kinda had a thing for Dev, I mean after watching Lion it was hard not to” Myra commented.
“Then go pick Dev, he was just declared 2017’s sexiest man alive” Ellen commented, as if it was obvious.
“I know… But no, I’m sticking with Niall” Myra said meeting Ellen’s, who actually seemed to be genially surprised. Myra looked back to the screen expecting there to show up another one, but instead Niall Horan simply filled the screen alone.
“Well then there you go, seems like your perfect match is Niall Horan, unless off course you wanna go back to one of the superheroes?” Ellen tempted.
“Well isn’t he kinda a superhero, I mean, I’ve heard the stories of how that band saved people through music” Myra added with a sly smile.
How she warmed his heart.
“Already defending him I see, maybe it really is a perfect match” Ellen laughed, Myra just shrugged her shoulders before placing her feet on the floor again.
“I mean, I can’t deny it, he’s a handsome looking fella, I’m quite pleased with this” She said as she beamed with a big smile.
She wasn’t the only one.
“Well thank you again Myra McCoy for joining us, and good luck on the new movie out the first of next month” Ellen spoke to Myra before turning to the camera “And we will be right back”
The screen went still, and for a moment so did Niall. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself after that, seeing it certainly made his day feel better. But, well, what was there more to it than that. He could watch that and think to a hypothetical world where Myra McCoy, the brilliant, charming, wonderful women, would choose him over royalty and men who could grow proper stomach hair, and he could smile about it. But that was it wasn’t it.
He pictured himself in the opposite situation, if he had been there and forced to pick between women like that, and well then ended up with a final one, having them contact you, it wouldn’t be, well it wouldn’t be something that people just did. Surely.
Niall closed down the link before returning to the chat with Harry,
‘And here I thought it was a new knock knock joke you were going to send me :D’ It didn’t take long before Harry got back to him.
‘You appreciate them better than Grimmy does, so off course I’m gonna update you on it. But how about it! Did I just possibly set up your new date’
‘Ha, I wish’ Niall wrote back.
‘What do you mean you wish, did you not see the interview!’
‘Yeah, but you know those interviews, how many times haven’t you said your crush would be Frankie Sandford, and it’s not like you would date her!’
‘First of all, she’s married, Myra isn’t, she’s very single, and so are you, and we both know she’s not your celebrity crush, she’s your real crush. AND she didn’t say you were her celebrity crush, she literally picked you over like 7 other guys’ Harry wrote back. Niall read it over once again, knowing very well that he did have a point. Yet still. Well, he still wasn’t sure.
‘Still man, that would be weird wouldn’t it?’
‘Dude, Twitter is amazing for that’
‘I don’t know. Anyway, Greg’s here, gotta go’ Niall wrote, trying to get out of the conversation.
‘Liar’ Harry just wrote back, knowing very well that move.
Not long after, Greg however did come back to request Niall back in the booth, so he could rub that in Harry’s face when he got out again. However the recording went so well that they ended up taking another verse, and then a course too, and while they were at it they could take some of the background vocal too, until they managed to almost finish the song, before they finished for the day.
When he got out again, he reached for his phone out of reflex and scrolled down the notification, only to see Harry had send him another text, with another link it seemed.
‘Told you so http://bit.ly/2rbFeDa’ He clicked the link, only to get directed to one of Harry’s tweet.
‘@McMyra I should say from @NiallOfficial he loved you on Ellen, and he’d love it even more if you went on a date with him’
Niall huffed out a breath, not sure what to do about it, and immediately going into damage control of what he could do, besides giving Harry a kick in the shin, or depending how bad it went, in the nutters, the next time he saw him, but then he scrolled down to the response linked under it.
‘@Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial well tell him to use his #SlowHands to write to me then ;)’
It took him a minute to process the tweet, as it was not only a tweet from Myra McCoy, but also a tweet including a title to one of his songs. One thing was her complimenting his singing, by now there was a couple of people who had heard that because of the One Direction, however, his own songs was a different matter, something he still felt unsure people would even listen to. Off course he knew that the response so far had been great, but that was one thing, knowing, well, knowing that she had heard it was another thing, or at least, this felt like something else. So yeah, what was stopping him.
‘I hate you’ He texted back to Harry, knowing very well that he might have to actual thank him now the next he saw him. I went back into twitter and clicked on the tweet, and the little arrow to respond to the tweet.
‘@McMyra Ignore Harry, he’s a jerk, but he is right though, loved you on Ellen’ He decided to send, it was casual, true because Harry was being a jerk, a right one, but that was besides the point. He sat with his phone a bit, wondering if the response would come or not, though chances was she wasn’t, the previous tweet had been 15 minutes ago, so she’d properly put the phone down now. However he looked down his phone as it vibrated, only to see a nocification, new tweet from @McMyra, he quickly opened it.
‘@NiallOfficial So Ellen was, scarily enough right it seemed, you did reach out to me on Twitter, or Harry did, does it then still count?’
‘@McMyra Totally counts.’
‘@NiallOfficial Perfect. So about that date then?’
Shit. Now he definitely needed to thank Harry.
‘@McMyra Well when are you in #ThisTown and got time’
@NiallOfficial Nice self-promoting there’
‘@McMyra well you can (thank for that btw) but I can’t promote myself a bit?’
‘@NiallOfficial absolutely not, now it just seems self-centred (And you’re welcome, love the song <3)’
‘@McMyra well that’s a bit rude innit (Thank you, I could give you a life performance at one point if you want)’
‘@NiallOfficial it seems you’re the one being rude now (Maybe that could be arranged, you almost owe me after turning down royalty for you)’
Niall was in mid typing to reply to the tweet when he received a new notification, that @McMyra had sent him a dm. He closed down the tweet before opening the DM.
‘If by this town you meet LA, then that won’t happen until a movie premiere in two weeks, but with a live performance in wait it would be’
‘worth it’
‘Sorry, I hate the 140 limit line’
He couldn’t help but laugh over the common problem before typing a response.
‘Usual solution is to loose the commas or to add in slang or btw, nvm, stuff like that’
‘Yeah well I was an English mayor before I turned to acting, so it’s very much against my nature’
‘Being an English major, I can also tell you that it’s called an acronym’ She responded again, he was about to thank her for new knowledge, when he realised the opportunity at hand to do something else. Weighing his option and what really I had to loose for a moment, I decided for it before writing back.
‘Well hey, if it bothers you that much to use acronyms (thanks for that btw(Though apparently I can’t stop) you can always write to me on my number’ I suggested before typing it in.
‘Well if you’re offering’ She simply said. It took a while before I got another notification on my phone, this time from my messages, of an unknown number writing.
‘Hi’ She wrote, quickly followed by
‘And now I feel like I don’t have stuff over 140 signs to say’ I couldn’t help but laugh a bit, but was quickly interrupted by Greg entered the room again asking me if I was ready to listen through it all. I replied I was, and I would be there in a moment.
‘It’s alright, I actually need to go now, my producer just called me in to listen through some of the final touches for my album. But hey, I’ll text you when I’m out, and we can talk about stuff that’ll fill more than 140 signs, perhaps also what to do when you come to LA’ I wrote before getting up to walk back towards the mixing table. However by my phone giving off a final buzz I took it out before entering the room with the rest.
‘I’ll forgive you for leaving me alone on a bad hotel couch if you send me a snippet of the song ;)’
‘As much as I wouldn’t want you mad at me, if I did that, it would be a surprise at the live preview of it would it now :D’ I responded, before entering the room to see a smirking Julian.
“What?” I asked while laughing, “What’s so funny”
“You, clearly forgetting I have a twitter” Oh, right “So, now I’m just wondering what you might be smiling so widely about”
“The fact that I have a really good song here, that’s what” I just commented before playing the result of the final touches.
“Sure” Julian simply said before returning back to the music as well.
It continued like that, almost nearing 2 weeks of it, just the two of them texting back and forth. Often however, just under 140 signs, as they both had busy schedule, with Myra having a movie out that she needed to do interview and premieres for, and Niall doing the final touches for his album while also promoting for it didn’t leave a lot of space for other stuff. Other stuff longer than that if they had time and had something wanting to tell the others, there was always funny stories when you had busy schedules. Nevertheless, they maintained a connection, and though it was rarely mentioned, it seemed that there was still a date in the near future that they could both look forward to.
Another thing that had happened through those 2 weeks, was other people starting to notice it, this was something Myra experienced in a interview with James Cordon on his Late Late show.
“So Myra, beyond being busy with promoting for ‘Sudden Vengeance’”
“Which is out in American cinemas on Friday” Myra added in looking right into the camera causing James to give one of his booming laughs.
“Yeah, and it’s definitely worth a watch. But no, what I meant to say is that besides being busy with the movie, you seem to have made a new friend, not just that, but a friend that’s one of my friends too” James says, seeming rather pleased with the situation. Myra off course knew who he was talking about, before he mentioned the connection with James too, as it hadn’t been the first time Niall had been mentioned in interviews. That was a thing she had to get use to though, I mean she had gotten linked to other celebrities before, but Niall Horan from One Direction seemed to be a whole thing for themselves, as she had never had it mentioned as many times before as she the twitter feud between her and Niall had been mentioned.
“Yeah, yeah I have made a friend” Myra just said with a smile, off course she knew that James wasn’t going to leave it like that, no one who had interviewed her about it had yet.
“So, how did all of this happen again? I heard you were on the Ellen show’s Who’d Your Rather” James started.
“I was yeah, went to do some promo on Ellen, lovely show”
“Well you’re not promoting her show” James laughed.
“True, she don’t need promoting” Myra laughed, but as she noticed James discomfort. “Off course neither does yours!” She laughed as she leaned forward to place a hand on James leg. “But yeah, at the show, she have this little game, called ‘Who’d you rather’ where she features a lot of men that she then tells you to choose between them” Myra explains.
“Based on who you want to date right?” James fills in, Myra smiles while looking down a bit, because off course he had to highlight that feature.
“Yes” She looks up at James again “based on who you’d rather date. And Niall happened to be on the list, and yeah, I chose Niall” Myra said with a smile.
“And now, after that, the two of you have been communicating over Twitter it seems” James commented while showing one of the tweets where some flirting between the two of you had quite obviously been going on. “But, from what I’ve heard you guys have been talking off Twitter as well. And now, I can’t help but ask, did you ever get that private concert he talked about?” James ask with a big smile, and I could see my co-star sitting beside starting to laugh as well.
“I haven’t yet no, still waiting for that one” Myra simply said with a smile on her face, knowing that until they both had time, they might have to wait a bit longer for that one.
“So, you haven’t told me about the date you went on with Myra McCoy yet?” Harry asked as he settled down in the couch beside Niall.
“What date?” Niall just laughed as he turned on the telly for the golf competition.
“The date that you should have had with Myra McCoy by now, thanks to my glorious skills” Harry commented while leaning forward, seeming to obviously care a lot more about this than what channel the golf he came over to watch was on. I turned to look at him, surprised that he actually seemed to care.
“Well, we’re both very busy with our schedules, so off course it couldn’t happen right away”
“Right away? It’s been like 2 weeks, and you’re literally in the same city! She was at the James Cordon show yesterday, and she’s going to be at the movie premiere for her movie tomorrow- I know!” Harry suddenly exclaimed, “You could surprise her at the movie premiere tomorrow! It would be easy to get in for you, and it would totally surprise you” Harry spoke with lights in his eyes.
“Okay, calm down there!” Niall said as he went to turn and look at Harry, except as he turned the channel again, it didn’t land on golf but the rerun of yesterday’s Late Late Show with James Cordon.
“Talking about the sun” Harry said as he pointed at the screen where Myra appeared on the sofa with her co-star Niall had heard some good stuff about as well.
“Yeah, I have made a friend” Myra spoke on the telly, as a picture of Niall appeared on the screen behind them.
Harry looked over to me again as they started talking about how her and Niall had started talking and so, until James asked whether or not she had gotten that private concert yet.
“I haven’t yet no, still waiting for that one” Myra said with a smile before they started talking about the movie.
“Do I need to keep bugging you with this, or are you finally going to do something about a girl who clearly likes you and wants to go out with you” Harry commented.
“Okay, so say, what would I have to do to get into that movie premiere?” Niall asked, knowing very well that he had a good suit somewhere, so the only thing he was missing, was access to the movie premiere.
“I have an idea” Harry said, before he reached down his pants to reach for his phone, “But I think I know someone who might actually be at the premiere tomorrow, so maybe they can get you through” Harry took the call while Niall looked back to the TV to see Myra appear on the telly. It was here he couldn’t help but think of how exciting it would be to actually see her tomorrow, after 2 weeks of chatting, maybe he would finally be able to actually see her.
“Got it” Niall was brought back to reality as Harry got back to him. “A mate of mine Alex is in the supporting cast, he’d said he’d bring the word forward that you would be joining the task, and I made sure that Myra would not know” Harry said with a laugh.
“You ready” Alan asked giving Myra a last glance to see her nodding before he pulled the door aside for Myra to exit the car to walk on the red carpet that matched so wonderfully with her blood red look, and to be met with flashes she had almost forgotten how much hurt her eyes. But it was alright she felt, this wasn’t bright flashes she didn’t expect and hated, no these flashes was like applauding in her ears, applauding she felt she truly deserved after all the hard work she knew she had put into this movie, and how it was work she was proud off. And the better thing than the applaud of the flashes was the roar of voices she heard at her arrival from the people who really mattered, the fans standing by the side line waving and smiling at her. She waved back and walked over and talked with and signed stuff to as many as she could before she was pulled away to the not just flashes, but now microphones as well.
The interview was always interesting, I mean that was no news, but there seemed to be something exceptionally ruthless about some of the interviewers. She didn’t mean the ones only focusing on what she wore and how she wore it on her particular form and not the movie and the hard work she had done, no the particular ruthless ones were the one trying to undermine her character she had worked so hard on. One particular interviewer seemed to be interested in how some of the public, meaning the station the interviewer worked for, seemed to think that Myra’s character was an weak female character that seemed to allowed herself to be stepped on, making Myra think that clearly the interviewer hadn’t seen the movie at all!
But Myra pulled through it with a smile and what she hoped was a gentle tone as she explained her character and her depths, and not the irritating tone she had hoped to sneer at the interviewer to shut her up. And one of the better things she had found she loved about the ‘interesting’ interviews on the red carpet, was that they were always so lovely short.
It was when she had moved on from her fifth interviewer, and had to pose facing her better left to the paparazzi’s for about the 15’th time, that things seemed to change.
The first time she heard someone yell the name that had grown relatively familiar to her over the last couple of days, she thought it was one of the many ways a paparazzi wanted to get a reaction out of her, but it was a trick she had only grown too familiar with, with her many encounters with the paparazzi’s. However, soon, multiple people starting shouting the name so eagerly in the other end of the red carpet, that it almost couldn’t mean anything else but…
Myra couldn’t help but turn and look as her curiosity had been raised with the eager shouting, and true enough, if it wasn’t that blond, now almost brunette haired guy she had starred at rather longingly on Ellen, and perhaps a couple of other times as well, that had just gotten out of a car, and was dressed rather handsomely. Quickly however, Myra realised the surroundings she was in. And how here a glance that lasted more than a couple of seconds could be caught and over analysed easily with this many flashes, that suddenly didn’t resemble an applause anymore, as much as an extensive clicking of insects wanting to suck up any kind of information’s they could focus their lenses on. So she turned her head back to face them her left side, and what she hoped was the same smirk she had worn beforehand, and not the genuine smile she had caught herself having just a glimpse of a moment ago.
However, by the sound of how Niall’s name wasn’t just mentioned in his end, but was now thrown at Myra as well, the damage was properly done. And if she moved through the flashes and interviews just a bit quicker knowing what might await her when she was inside, well then she dearly hoped her manager wouldn’t figure it out.
And finally it seemed that she did reach an end, and she entered the theatre where her co-stars and the other she had worked with during the film, as well as their nearest one was gathered in the large hall had gathered up. Here she was greeted with genuine smiles and hugs that made her feel a lot prouder about the movie than what she had encountered outside. However certain co-stars that she greeted seemed to be especially pleased to see her, in an almost suspicious way, and knowing what kind of bunch Alex and Jennifer were, she was most likely right that something was going on. To her impatient curiosity, it seemed lucky that she was about to find out just why that had been, as suddenly both Jennifer and Alex noticed something behind Myra, that lead to them leaving her in her own company, except not really it seemed.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and was ready to greet another one of the co-stars, however the face she met wasn’t one of her co-stars, though perhaps his face made her lighten up more than any of the others in the room would have.
“Hi” Niall says almost out of breath with a wide smile as their eyes meet.
“Hey” Myra caught herself saying almost as breathless back. For a moment they don’t seem to be able to say anything, over or under 140 characters, apparently smiling at each other suffices both of them, that is until the silence is broken, not by them though. Both Myra and Niall turns over to the doors of cinema as they are opened and people are starting to be ushered into their seats.
Myra turns around to see Niall feeling incredibly left out and unsure what to do as all the actors and the directors starts walking excitedly towards the doors. In a glimpse of a moment, Myra grasps out for Nialls hand as she pulls him with the crowd.
“Didn’t expect to see you here” Myra says as they’re so close and surrounded by chatty people that the silence between them felt too weird.
“Well, it was a bit of a spur of a moment thing as well” Niall said with a smile as he met her eyes. “But, I was told by an idiot friend of mine, that maybe I should get my arse out of the gutter, and actually do something, now that a certain someone was actually in the same city as me for once” He explained again as they entered the big IMAX theatre. Just as Myra was about to answer, the person following people to their designated seats broke Myra out of their conversation by pointing her to her seat.
“Oh, uhm, actually I think I’m going to find another seat with him” Myra said after a short hesitation before standing aside so that Niall was in view.
“Mr. Horan” The man in front of them asked, Niall simply nodded.
“Well, Ms. McCoy you and Mr Horan are already seated besides each other” The man explained before pointing them on their way. Myra looked confused for a moment before Niall leaned in to whisper “My idiot friend of mine might also have pulled me a few strings, as he seems to have connection the strangest places”
“Those connections wouldn’t by any chance have been someone by the name of Alex Nelson and Jennifer Moore would it?” Myra asked curiously as they received the free snacks that usually followed with a premiere like this before they walked between their rows to walk to their center seats.
“Well, I heard an Alex being mentioned, didn’t know about a Jennifer before now though” Niall chuckled, quickly joined by Myra who muttered a silent ‘Should have figured’ as well before they sat down in their seats.
“But I never gathered” Niall said with a small hesitation as Myra met his eyes with her auburn ones. “Was it a good surprise?”
He was met by a sly smile as Myra popped one of the popcorns in her mouth before leaning in and whispering “Very good” just as the cinema darkened. As the director of the movie walked out on the floor in front of the screens to cheers and started to introduce the movie, Myra found Niall’s hand in the dark and held it, and if blue eyes sought out hers in the dark, she didn’t pretend to notice.
Myra character appeared sobbing on the screen as she ran past a corner and landed unto the floor of the bedroom of the flat, cornered from the man hastily following after her. She turned around to face and meet the eyes of the man she had through the movie seen to have loved dearly, even through all his mistakes. She quickly put her hand around her bag and pulled up the gun she had stuffed in her back pocket before raising it and aiming it at the man, as his eyes showed a wildness that yet seemed to contain some of the gentleness of the character that had been show in the start of the movie.
“Please… Please don’t make me do this” Myra character sobbed uncontrollable as she raised her other hand to hold the gun more steadily. However, it seemed all the gentleness the eyes had to offer before, had disappeared as he took one more step towards her, before a loud bang was heard, as the screen went pitch black.
Then the end titles started rolling and the whole theatre erupted in cheers. Myra could feel a couple of people reaching out to pat her on her back for good work, but in that moment all that mattered was Niall whispering in her ear “You were amazing!” As he squeezed her hand tight, the same hand he hadn’t released his hold on ever since Myra’s grabbed his hand at the start of the movie, before placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. A slight tint of rose appeared on her cheeks, a colour that hadn’t been caused by any of the makeup she had sat through for hours. She looked over and had wanted to kiss him back, but preferably not on his cheek when she was roused up together with her other co-stars to be shown down on the floor together with the director, away from the steady warmth from a hand that had ended up warming more than just her hand.
When she reached the floor she was greeted by cheers and more claps on the back by her fellow co-stars, all of which she congratulated back, until she reached Alex who she grabbed gently around the neck and gave a soft squeeze making him jump a bit as he was oh so very ticklish.
“Why ever do I deserve that” Alex laughed, but before Myra could sneer back he shot in “Since I saw the very obvious hand holding, so I would think a hug or a kiss would have been more in order” he laughed again. “Or perhaps, you should save the kissing for someone else” He chuckled which ended up with him receiving a bit harder squeeze in the same spot as before as they were ordered into a line so that they could all bow. As she got up again her eyes immediately sought out a certain blond fella in the audience, who seemed to be the one applauding the most eagerly.
After having to bow three more times to please the large audience, they’re finally ushered back into the hall where Myra received more claps on her back and general compliments on her acting, from people who unlike the stupid reporter from before actually seemed to understand the depths of her character, which she appreciated dearly.
Once again however she turned around to meet the man she had left in their seats when the group of the actors had been ushered out of the cinema.
“I know I already said it, but you did amazing in there” Niall spoke with a large grin “Absolutely stunned be away”
“I recon you might be biased in your opinion based on your motives” Myra just responded with a sly grin.
“My motives huh?” Niall remarked with a grin of his own. “I thought me coming here showed my motives pretty clearly”
“Yeah, how so” Myra said while moving just a bit closer.
“Get a room you two” A women sniggered as she walked by, catching Myra with a blush as she took a step back and glared after the women who waked past.
“I’m I right in guessing that was a certain Jennifer Moore” Niall commented.
“Yeah, that’s the wicked witch of the moors alright” Myra sneered not noticing the considerable larger distance between them. It looked like Niall however had noticed it, but wasn’t sure how to address it, and it seemed like he never got to as large announcement of an after party at a venue away was starting now, and slowly people started to thin out. Niall knowing well from his own times how important, or at least enjoyable the after party is turned to see Myra who hadn’t moved out of her spot to follow the rest.
“So, how wild are movie premieres after parties then?” Niall asked as he looked around of the thinning crowd, certainly suggesting that it was a popular choice to go to the party.
“Well, I won’t know for tonight sadly” Myra said as she turned to look at the thinning crowd as well.
“Oh, you’re not going? How come?” Niall asked, fearing that for Myra it had been doomed to be a short night anyway, hinting that this might be the last of their night together.
“Well you see, it just so happens that tonight will be one of the few nights I’ll be in LA before we go to the world tour premiere. Therefore also one of the few nights that this artist who had kind of promised me a private concert after this whole twitter thing, would be able to do it.” She said with a small smile as she turned to face Niall, who quickly caught up on where she was going with it, and eased as a smile spread on his face as well.  
“Well, this artist is certainly very lucky to be able to spend a night with you” Niall smirked.
“Yeah, he certainly is” Myra responded with a teeth showing smile, as the temptations of the night ahead seemed suddenly a lot more pleasing than getting drunk with her co-stars at a 5 star venue with a free bar, and then that was saying something.
The sunshine sprayed Myra’s bedroom of her LA apartment with sunshine, and woke up Myra the way only an LA sunrise can. However, this morning in particular seemed to be a bit different from some of those other mornings that same sun had woken her up, as this time the warmth that affected her most was that of a body lying pressed up against her. Hazy memories of last night came floating back to her, of new songs played on Myra’s guitar in candlelight’s “Because atmosphere okay”, and talks long into the night, that turned into lazy make out sessions into the night, that didn’t reach much further because both was tired after busy schedules for far too long. As the memories filled her still sleep fogged brain, she turned around to face the body mass who had occupied her bed and had hold her tight, and she started tracing freckles, birthmarks, and laugh lines that scattered the face who’s nose started twitching, hinting that she was soon to not be the only awoke one.
“It tickles” A groggy Irish voice mumbled into the many pillows which was one of the luxuries Myra allowed herself to have.
“Your beard is really what’s tickling me, so I should be the one complaining” Myra sniggered, which received a rough chuckle for the man above her as he stretched his hands so that they held Myra again.
“Don’t blame my beard for your sensitive fingers” Niall just muttered as he buried his face into the soft neck of the women lying so softly next to him in the rising sun.
“Well I’m sorry I haven’t spent the last 5 years playing guitar non-stop, causing my fingers to grow rough and hard, which I should say causes tickling even easier!” Myra just commented as she fell into the embrace but kept stroking her fingers along the skin of the man, moving from his face to his forearms as she made herself comfortable.  
“You’re saying that this tickles then?” Niall asked as he moved his fingers to stroke her gently down the sides where her t-shirt had ridden up.
“Nope” the women said through her teeth as she tensed up.
“Liar” muttered Niall as he started tickling her for real, which ended up with the covers flying off as Myra’s legs started kicking around rapidly while laugh broke past her lips.
Niall who was now definitely awake decided earnestly that this was the best morning by far he had had in a long time. Worst of all though was that he just might actually have to send flowers to Harry or something now, as he was sort of the reason why his smile didn’t falter that whole morning.
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