#i HATED great expectations. and could barely get through to kill a mockingbird. but there were also a lot that i still really love
scattered-winter · 1 year
it's crazy how typically students hate the books they had to read in english class in high school because some of the books i read have ended up becoming favorites of mine
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Saw a tag game that was “unconventional tags”, and I was going to reblog but I wound up having TOO MANY tags per prompt! 
So out of sheer curiosity, I’m going to share what The Entire Selection of Tags with “chocolate”, “kill”, “done”, “try”, “stop”, and “why” is in this post! (Be warned: There are MANY and I only remember the context for about a quarter of these. I was able to dig up 92 tags for “why” alone. But I’m rather curious and analytical, so of course I’d tag a lot of Why’s...... anyways! Here goes! It is LONG.)
Lots of personal considerations, a hefty dose of OC and Titans-related fandom tags, 
#(but like... chocolate AND cherries....~<33333 )
#I wonder if I could use gluten-free oreos (i.e. ''''chocolate sandwich cookies'''') as the crust instead.... ooooh i'm gonna try that!!
#but I've never had to buy anything and try to sell it besides... like. Malley's Chocolate Bars and other such candy bar fundraisers.
#i was at work for 12 hours but then I got home and went ''FUCK IT'' and ate some chocolate cake and a bagel with eggs???
#Dove will bring her a cup of tea or hot chocolate and sit with her for awhile. Maybe talk through some things with her.
#PB+chocolate can be either GREAT or /awful/ depending on the brand.
#Dark chocolate is more of a Dry and Astringent Texture thing for me.
#It's as essential in my plot ideas as chocolate is in hot chocolate. Just can't possibly make it without it.
#anyways: Peanut butter + chocolate is good. I like the fancy hazelnut spreads with peanut butter swirls.
#Mint+chocolate is good as Andes mints but bad as peppermint patties. Again; it depends on the brand. LOVE it in ice cream!
#i'm suddenly reminded that i bought myself an entire whole-ass chocolate silk pie Because I Wanted It SO BAD
#nice to know the life skills i learned at chipotle haven't left me. 8FFFFF
#And I've always obsessively cataloged knowledge of canon. so when I found out all of Raven's half-siblings were killed (or their mothers)?
#Kary has a fairly good Innate sense of direction. but she had to develope a Real Skill for it when she was living feral.
#not the ''i'm gonna kill my favorite protagonist'' part but like. the emotional Twist there
#Anyways any and all Shakespeare except Midsummer Night's Dream bored me to hell. To Kill a Mockingbird INFURIATED me.
#SECONDING The Great Gatsby. I also really hated the ending of To Kill a Mockingbird. The story itself was good but that ending?
#Well I guess he GOT TO KILL HIM AFTER ALL now DIDN'T he
#kill mary-sue witch hunt culture! KILL IT DEAD
#it's Ten Percent Luck and Twenty percent skill if you're referencing the song I think you are but i see your point
#I have a 0.07 skill level when it comes to Playing By Ear and chords. But this is LOVELY so far even if it IS simplified
#it's okay you can say Kill la Kill
#excuse me as I kill my throat from gasp-laughing too harsadddnamfwje
#it wasn't until i literally shouted at a doctor that I was going to kill myself if they couldn't help me that someone actually DID SOMETHING
#you could never kill me in a way that matters
#he's also the only one who Actually tried to kill the Joker. so.......
#did you know bugs feel A Jolt of Pain when you kill them? I don't know what the heck the science-y anatomical cause of that is
#kill the idea that yelling/screaming is Normal and Healthy! Because it's not! It's absolutely NOT.
#But yeah! There's no better way to learn a skill than looking to the people who have already mastered the skills you want to learn.
#''Are you really willing to kill the next George Floyd; the next Breonna Taylor; the next Tamir Rice?''
#those herbs DON'T KILL VIRUSES like alcohol does!!
#''what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'' yeah but it leaves you with Serious Vulnerabilities that you have to spend your
#''Lots of villains.'' ''I will KILL YOU boy!'' GODS
#for me/aries it's much more the ''i want to fix it then and there and then it's done'' but really I don't play the blame game.
#seriously they've done SO MANY studies on creative hobbies and there are generations of stories from people who've had them
#so really nothing gets DONE about the diagnosis? but he gets Super Curious and reads a TON of articles and studies and books about it
#But let's take stock of how many times I've already done this shall we?~
#nicely done though??
#I can Never Get ENough of writers who've done as much off-novel characterization as Neil and Sir Terry have done with Good Omens
#That was REALLY well done as far as a Mind Games sort of horror story goes
#You shouldn't expect people who have Done a Lot of Growth and Shown a Lot of Potnetial to ForeveR Hide and Eradicate Their Past.
#this webcomic isn't my style personally but it IS really well done and I recommend it to anyone who likes the above things!
#with the tags out of the way: THAT'S BECAUSE 9/!! was PLAYED to THEIR BENEFIT (or: possibly even done by the govt themselves)
#and they pay shit and work us to the bone because they won't staff. But this post is... PROOF that it can be done BETTER.
#''i was born on the way home from the gym and then I will be able to get it done before the end of the day''
#!!! This made ms so HAPPY to see! Pink's speech patterns being recognized and analyzed was... not something i'd ever done before?
#I have to have some things done before my executive dysfunction will let me engage in other tasks or else I get like.... gridlocked?
#kpop fans get things DONE don't DOUBT them
#I have a LOT of trouble recalling when something was Done First or Subsequently. And I absolutely CAN NOT remember dates.
#It's human to need help sometimes and with all you've done for your loved ones
#and once THAT'S done I should be able to post the chapter!!! Which... given that I'm not absolutely mentally exhausted from work anymore
#I can't IMAGINE what I'd have done if I suddenly lost ALL of them and had to fight on alone.......................
#AHHH the idea of Damian adopting a rabbit! And Raven petting it! (house bunny because I refuse to condone illegal wildlife theft)
#they've done it! they've broken my fanfics down to the bare essentials!
#to do so when I see people like this. I'm done letting people back me into a corner and forcing me to cower.
#and between all the reading I've done on humanized superheroes and this show: I know that's basically my favorite trope.
#Enrichment Done Right!!
#Teaching done RIGHT!
#I'll admit: I'm curious to see how Gabriel and Kami actually describe their relationship? Because when it's built up properly and done RIGHT
#okay so I've done some research and this seems to be ACcepted on reddit but Hotly Debated everywhere else
#and it wasn't until Last Year and my sister that I trusted with it was a cosmetologist-- after I'd done SO MUCH work on healing from abuse
#It was the first forest that ever opened its heart to me. The only one that has done so as thoroughly....
#I have written like three quarter-done sex scenes but always drop off it before I get ot the Really Porny Parts because No Interest
#seriously they've done SO MANY studies on creative hobbies and there are generations of stories from people who've had them
#But let's take stock of how many times I've already done this shall we?~
#nicely done though??
#the things she had ACTUALLY said or done to me. Telling them the way she hurt me.
#have you... have you never done that???
#...hmmm... I like the Battle Cry idea. I don't know what my own creaming sounds like though. I've never... done that.
#I can Never Get ENough of writers who've done as much off-novel characterization as Neil and Sir Terry have done with Good Omens
#i scored 33-actually-34 though. the ones i missed were the mother-daughters-grandmothers one-- which I still think it Done Wrong
#can confirm that you Do Get Way More Done when you're well-rested.
#nimue's not driving but she's already so done with it
#it could probably only be done When Angry.
#i went wild with google translate and ecosia and every search engine i could find TRYING to TRANSLATE ''cotorrito''
#If we're going to take on these forces of arrogance and bigotry: We have to stand UNITED. TOGETHER!
#And for some reason everyone fucking LOVES it. I know it was an instrumental step in my poetry as it is NOW
#but I know that in poetry after a rhyme happens then te next line is Likely to start a new thought.
#''you're a deep thinker of deep thoughts a reader of poetry and a HEAVY user of your notes app.
#take this quite literally. because the one time i did try asking my STEPmother what was wrong she wound up screaming at me.
#I don't usually watch tiktoks but the comments convinced me to give this one a try and yes. this one Deserved It.
#my mother and I driving around country backroads trying to avoid the highways at midnight on July 4th
#I was going to try buying a gift card but i think that would be cheating a legit business owner out of money and I'm not about that.
#i refuse to give her a tag of her own. i know she Contributed^tm and technically it's not 'bad' poetry but I'm just not a fan personally
#is what I consider to be MY WORST POEM. It even got published in a goddamn poetry collection! What the FUCK.
#actually put your body into starvation mode. And what does the body do when it's starving? TRY DESPERATELY to HOLD ON
#~!America is the Best Country Ever!~ NO ''BEST'' ANYTHING would allow ANY human being to be treated like THAT!
#But the idea is to try finding those things and explore them. Make it fun! MAke it spooky! Make it exciting! Make it startling!
#i'd also have to try finding a time to watch it when someone else in the family isn't already monopolizing the TV....
#(because i'd.... really love to try holding and playing one of these of my own someday.)
#about living a monk-like life? i'd give it a goddamn try if i got literally ANY paid vacation time and had the money to fly to tibet...)
#.....from certain pizza places? I would try it.
#so like. Too LAte ot try it at THIS job
#Not just in stories either; do actually try it someday
#In this country it's basically Impossible to become ANY kind of politician without being am illionaire. Like it's Literally IMPOSSIBLE.
#Like... the thrift store industry is BOOMING right now because a lot of us are Too Poor to Buy Anything Else.
#''bitch TRY it i DARE you''
#sometimes you gotta get it out somehow and a journal entry just doesn't cut it
#i actually only know two lines out of the refrain of that song. But damn if I'm not going to try LEARNING it someday
#i've heard d+ shuts down accounts if you try logging in from new devices (such as my laptop) lately
#...huh. I haven't found a lot of country music before the 90's so I don't know how I feel about this.
#but i definitely agree with the Reasons People ''Hate Country Music Today''.
#(but also The country music style of singing feels like someone is using a cheese grater on my brain. I just... don't enjoy that;;)
#(''lyrics'' referring to the 90s/00s country music I know of. and know i can't stand.)
#(tagged as such because ONE DAY I really REALLY want to try my hand at a Big Gorgeous Absolutely Breathtaking Fish Tank!)
#Oooh I'm definitely going to incorporate that ''try not to leave the room'' when cleaning thing!
#i wish my stories could do that? someday. Someday maybe.... I'll try one of these days.
#Sigh... the Artistry of this crew.
#i can't believe i'm living in the most ragged-on state in the more ragged-on COUNTRY of the entire internet.
#most of the time the people who have the easiest time contacting spirits didn't try or ask for it. The spirits just kinda.... Found Them
#He has the skills necessary to cook. Just not... the Sense of Taste. He has the Artistry part down! Just not the Accuracy.
#((and i have to try REALLY HARD to get an image of what it Looks Like. except in very Rare and Special Moments.
#I'm not usually one for visuals but this quick animation is GORGEOUS and I can't tell you how TEMPTED I've been to try recreating it.
#and Leyla as a kid just wants to TRY STUFF
#i saw amy's shoulders sparkling and i was like! ''i LOVE that. i'd love to try some fairy-goth myself someday''
#Neurochemistry stuff!!
#why is his reaction so aNGRY honestly that was a REAL ACCOMPLISHMENT and some serious artistry she pulled off!
#try swarming a stun deck with THIS on the field. o.o
#tell me what i can tag this because it's absolutely fucking ABYSSMAL of our country to ALLOW this and absolutely FUCK anyone who says
#i'm gonna...... try that popcon one though
#(because my job has me outside in it for at least 3 hours a day no matter what medical history i try to show them)
#might have to try this....
#i'm gonna Try to sleep but i know my hyperficating nexus-steeped mind isn't gonna quiet down very quickly 8O
#for the record i did TRY using the Boolean Operator  syntax with ''low'' blood pressure in quotes. but it STILL gave me articles
#Raven: immediately Exhausts Herself to Hell to Try Undoing It
#yes i'm going to overanalyze and try understand every accusation of Ohio on my dashboard. why do you ask?
#i'm gonna... Try Wearing Make-Up!
#is it weird that i use almistry when drawing my ocs' hands?
#a little piece of her childhood home and her ancestry when the rest of the world and its people died.
#She might be a little embarrassed to share her poetry with people? I think she's pretty good at writing pretty words
#Or... if you feel so inclined: poetry you've written yourself?
#but BY ALL the GODS can we STOP mocking and hating the people who DO have all these grand and lofty ambitions?
#stop blaming millennials for our shitty circumstances challenge.
#note to self: stop frekaing FORGETTING to schedule with a GE again!!! fuck's sake!
#stop being elitist because something's Different. it has its merits and it's not meant to be an International Film-Festival Masterpiece.
#(i did a Lot of stupid things at that house actually. there was a reason i stopped working with raphael......)
#except once i got the add diagnosis my teacher stopped commenting on my doodling.
#that cloak was the PERFECT compromise. It kept me a Little Warmer without getting too hot AND did a great job of stopping the too-cold wind~
#we stopped going to the daycare.. (And i know that because i got it for my 5th birthday. i was ENAMORED IMMEDIATELY)
#i've always read it the same way and didn't notice Why Everyone Stopped Liking Her but that also brought that particular Change to light...
#but on the other hand she Literally Accidentally Stopped Time... (And i have this... headcanon? let's call it a headcanon
#for something like stopping the end of  the world: Who (at least: who among HEROES) WOULDN'T put that to use?
#my all-time FAVORITE that I will NEVER skip a song from is Evanescence. HAs been for like 15 years now and that's not stopping.
#i don't foresee this rambling stopping for another 3 days tbh
#creepy guys try to follow you off your stop and get your number no matter how many times (with increasing ferocity) you tell them no.
#but can this fandom stop acting like pink intentionally hurt everyone for like 7 seconds???
#also if you're as powerful as zee it probably comes second-nature so why WOULDN'T you throw it around to stop an argument?
#it's an even split on how many people are willing to stop and talk to you. about one in ten will just outright ignore you if you say Hi
#why not stop at home and drop him off first? why send him into freaking SPACE???
#Don't stop believing. Don't stop moving forward. Don't let depression drag you down.
#do nothing but yell at you and tell you to calm down or shut up or Stop Being Yourself.
#i'm gonna stop before i suffocate on silent laughter but Wow This Is Good
#i can't tell you how many doctors i've been to that literally told me to stop crying when i Became Distressed from relating my symptoms...
#which i don't appreciate! brain stop calling me a wuss
#how do you... Stop Doing That?
#Stop Erasing Raven's Strengths!! Stop making her a stereotypical sitcom caricature! LET RAVEN BE SASSY
#Can people PLEASE stop equating the two things that don't necessarily (or often) go hand in hand?
#they're ALREADY filthy rich just stop fucking catering to them???
#and whenever I went to the bus stop for those mornings: I cawed to him. And rather than flying away as soon as he saw me
#Petition to make the fandom stop forgetting that Blue has a FIERCE side TOO
#i wish this freaking show would stop goddamn KILLING PEOPLE
#i can't stop giggling at that last gif though. oh my stars that's Great
#i... don't want to tag him ''bakura'' anymore because STOP GIVING HIM RYOU'S IDENTITY but at the same time... what ELSE do you call him??
#night-terrors/flashbacks / whatever? She will literally stop herself from sleeping.
#sorry i've made so many posts about this; I just! I can't stop HYPERFIXATING on this ONE DETAIL.
#like I was the kid who'd CRY when someone ripped wings off flies or legs off spiders. ''Stop it that HURTS!''
#but i tend to stop in the middle of books i'm not invested in. which is happening more and more often.
#She'll stop immediately and be like ''okay! let's talk about something else than!!''
#(a terrified telepath is twice as dangerous when she's unconscious and Can't Stop It. She knows that. So when she's having bouts of
#oh STOP it that was sweet!
#i mean you can't stop kids from seeing EVERYTHING. But we should at least be TRYING to protect them. You know?
#trying to help me figure out how to cope. basically everyone was like ''there's no way you don't notice three hours passing stop lying''
#oh my GOD I'm LAUGHING there are tEARS IN MY EYES I just!! I'm DEFINITELY imagining them and I can't STOP LAUGHING OKAY
#How do you stop looking back?
#(And then the night my spirit guide told me to stop LETTING myself be defined by her and that I can rise above my past and my parents...)
#but BY ALL the GODS can we STOP mocking and hating the people who DO have all these grand and lofty ambitions?
#Don't stop believing. Don't stop moving forward. Don't let depression drag you down.
#Stop Erasing Raven's Strengths!! Stop making her a stereotypical sitcom caricature! LET RAVEN BE SASSY
#There's SO MUCH in the Society6 store and all of it is GORGEOUS. I had to physically hold my hands to my chest to stop myself
#How do you.... Stop Needing the Sugar to Function though? I've tried like 4 adhd meds and they all have Awful Side Effects for me. :c
#for the record: salem was really more of just a stop on a field trip across literary and/or historical sites of New England
#can the universe STOP pointing me towards MORE triggers?  P l e a s e ? ?? ?????
#My heart wouldn't stop pounding and I was legitimately QUAKING even after I sat down. Luckily that manager was Compassionate
#until somebody told me to stop probably
#but i can't stop questioning myself. probably because Questioning Myself and Rigorously Guarding My Mind is the only reason I...
#Not Being Violent isn't the same as Doing Absolutely Nothing To Stop Shit in the world
#can we stop saying All Sugar Is Bad now? (it doesn't increase insulin resistance until you've consistently eaten A TON of it!)
#i will literally run into a room to stop someone from killing a spider in my vicinity. Cup and paper in hand
#now if they'd stop taking digs at fans who prefer the old show maybe that would actually MEAN something.
#and I'm LEARNING how to talk back to them (''stop talking ABOUT yourself and start talking TO yourself'')
#and do you know what happened to me in Honors English? My teacher literally told me to stop writing so much and stop thinking so hard
#(i will NEver Stop Tagging Change Your Mind as Spoilers by the way because BASCIALLY THE FINALE)
#and i think my eyes are broken because i can't stop tearing up. heck
#...i'm starting to think i should stop using my Anti Fascism tag. just ot be safe
#He doesn't even need to forgive her. But at the very least... can we stop villainizing the one who is the very reason Earth still lives?
#i'm Venting but also Suggestions on Actual Techniques that can make them fucking STOP would be appreciated
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