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foxett · 8 months ago
The 5 rw group making flower crowns post game ? :3
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Hey guys i bring the
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whumpmatsus · 4 years ago
aaaa are you still taking the sickfic requests?? maybe "don't speak" with choro as the sickie pls?
SickFic Prompts / ACCEPTING!
Don’t Speak - (character) has a horribly sore throat and is reduced to barely talking while they load up on hot drinks and soup to recover.
yesssss always!!! I had so much fun with this, it hit me right in the Honey Nut Feelios and I hope it does the same for u, sunshine đŸ˜©
After still feeling like total crap for several days while his brothers were almost completely recovered from the cold they’d all caught, Choromatsu finally breaks down and goes to the doctor.
He doesn’t really want to. Being sick is something they all hate, and continuing to suffer after everyone else felt better is just astronomically unfair. Sometimes he thinks he can will himself back to health if only he sleeps and takes medicine and does everything a sick person is supposed to do.
The others prod at him to get checked out, though, considering the fact that lately every time he’s tried to speak, it’s set off a cough and is painful even to those just listening.
When he comes back home with a pharmacy bag and an informational sheet proclaiming that he’s been diagnosed with laryngitis, it explains a lot.
He has little choice but to hand the sheet over to Osomatsu as Karamatsu comes over to help remove his scarf and coat and walk him over to the kotatsu. The eldest of them doesn’t necessarily know best all the time, but usually when one of them is sick or hurt with more than a cold or a tiny scrape, Osomatsu often slides into big brother mode and shows a surprising amount of maturity.
For once, Choromatsu is actually glad his oldest brother is taking charge of the situation.
“Okaaaay, guys,” he calls as Choromatsu settles in at the table. “So this thing says Choromatsu has
 acute laryngitis. The doctor thinks it’s because he had a cold, I guess, since it says ‘viral cause’. Huh.”
Everyone else is already seated around the kotatsu since it’s the middle of winter and freezing. Jyushimatsu’s arm shoots up right away. “Oh! What’s laryngitis? That’s a funny word. Are we gonna get it too?”
Choromatsu opens his mouth to try and explain, like usual. Instead, he manages to get out a weak, “Probably not,” before he starts to cough.
“Hey,” Osomatsu pouts as Karamatsu pats the third eldest on the back, “this thing says you’re not supposed to talk if you can help it, Fappymatsu. So, y’know
 shut up.”
What he gets in return for his efforts is an unimpressed glare.
Osomatsu grins, running a finger under his nose before looking back at the information sheet. “Well, I’m not wrong! Okay, so
 the cold was contagious, but it says the actual laryngitis isn’t. It’s just some kind of throat thing that happened because of the cold. So it might happen for the rest of us, but I doubt it since we’re all feeling better already. Choromatsu just has bad luck, I guess.”
Karamatsu hums in thought and continues to rub his brother’s back. “Hmph, we’re probably safe then. Which means we just have to focus on taking care of our dear brother. How do we do that?”
Choromatsu holds the bag from the pharmacy up, allowing Ichimatsu to snatch it and dump the contents out on the table. He points toward the things he picked up at the doctor’s recommendation ― over-the-counter painkillers, lozenges, a throat spray, and cough syrup. There’s other stuff mixed in too, like tissues and a jar of yuzu-cha and a magazine. Though he could have lived without everyone seeing that, it’s not a huge deal.
Osomatsu waves the paper before picking through everything on the table. “Well, it says they don’t have any kind of prescription to give him. No antibiotics since it’s viral. Looks like it says the cough medicines and painkillers might help. ‘Home remedies may also provide temporary relief’
 like tea and soup, huh? So we should probably try to keep the bastard hydrated with warm stuff.”
Karamatsu gets to his feet, grabbing the jar of yuzu-cha on his way. “In that case, why don’t I go mix up some of this for you right now? After being out in the cold air, your throat could probably use something warm. Want me to add a little honey?”
Choromatsu nods eagerly, mouthing, “Yes, please.”
Karamatsu’s face brightens at being useful, and he gives an exaggerated pose before heading into the kitchen. “What a good patient! Your big brother will be back with something soothing before you know it!”
“Hold on,” Totty comments as he scoots the lozenges, spray, and syrup toward him, “did you get all this stuff to take for your throat?”
His eyes scan over the labels, then roll back in his head when he’s finished. “Ah, Choromatsu-nii-san! You can’t take all of these at the same time. See, look. They all say ‘do not use with other medications containing’ ― uh ― well ― w-well, I can’t pronounce the word, but it’s the same one! They must all contain this ingredient, so you can’t take them all in the same day.”
Ichimatsu makes a gesture for Totty to hand them over, then nods after reading them. “Yeah, he’s right. If you take all these in the same day, even if you use each one like the directions say, you’ll be basically overdosing on this shit. Your mouth’ll go numb. Be drooling all over the place and maybe having trouble breathing.”
All the medicine is plucked from his hands by Osomatsu. “Okay, so we’ll rotate ‘em, and I’ll take care of giving it to you whenever you need medicine. Y’know, so that fever doesn’t fry your brain and make you forget which one you’re taking for the day. Which one do you wanna use today?”
Choromatsu lets out a soft groan which only serves to irritate his throat further. He could seriously just kick his own ass for not checking that before he bought all of those. The only excuse he has is that he’s in a lot of pain and not thinking like he normally does. He points to the spray, thinking maybe it’ll feel kind of like sour spray candy; once it gets sprayed on, it melts and lingers for a minute, which might be a nice quality in a medicine for sore throats.
“Alright, open up.” Osomatsu tears off the plastic packaging. “Totty, Ichimatsu, did either of you see how many times I’m supposed to spray this?”
“Two sprays every two hours as needed. But it’s only supposed to stay for fifteen seconds, then he has to spit it out. He’s not supposed to swallow it or it might give him a stomachache. Totty, you wanna go get an empty cup for him to spit in and a glass of water to wash the taste out of his mouth afterwards?”
“What?? Why can’t you do it? Your legs aren’t broken!”
“Yeah, but I’m busy.”
“Are you kidding me? Doing what?!”
Ichimatsu shuffles himself closer to Choromatsu and puts an arm around his big brother. “I’m his emotional support Ichimatsu.”
Choromatsu chuckles a bit, though it turns into coughing pretty quickly.
“Oh, my God. Now you know why you’re not first in my brother rankings, right?” Totty grumbles, but gets up anyway. “Fiiiiine, I’ll be right back.”
The idea of an emotional support anything is nice, though, so Choromatsu leans into the contact, resting his head on Ichimatsu’s shoulder. As it is, the fourth eldest is almost like a cat, warm and cuddly when he feels like it.
His fever must be getting to him, because he could even swear he hears Ichimatsu purring.
The next three days in the Matsuno household are, predictably, a little wild.
Although Choromatsu sleeps on the couch in the other room so that his coughing doesn’t wake his brothers, it’s pretty much all for naught. At least one of them ends up missing him in the night and coming to camp out with him anyway; he just counts his lucky stars that when he needs them most, they show themselves to be pretty great brothers.
He also practically lives on soup and tea. Mom and the others try to switch it up a little, because otherwise eating and drinking the same things every day would drive him nuts. Plain miso and zosui were fine for the first day, but after he could breathe through his nose and smell things again, they started offering him other stuff.
Honestly, shogayu and negi-miso-yu have never tasted so good. Now that he can taste the yuzu-cha, too, and Karamatsu prepares some for him at least once in the afternoon, it’s like a small slice of heaven. He’s pretty sure Karamatsu can tell how grateful he is even without words, if the stupidly proud look on his older brother’s face whenever Choromatsu drinks it is any indication.
His throat still hurts like hell for a while. It’s difficult to speak, so Osomatsu, in his infinite wisdom, has relegated his brother to using a mini dry erase board and marker if he needs to say anything. That doesn’t mean Choromatsu doesn’t try to talk. He does his best not to if he doesn’t absolutely need to, however, since he wants to be rid of this thing more than anyone.
Thankfully, everyone is apparently using this as an excuse to treat him nicely. He gets to sit in front of the TV watching Nyaa-chan concerts almost nonstop, while nestling in against his emotional support Ichimatsu. Karamatsu in particular keeps checking every twenty minutes or so to see if there’s anything he can get for his little brother, and whatever Choromatsu asks for, he gets. Hell, at one point he’s craving ice cream, even though milky things aren’t a good idea for someone who’s coughing, and Karamatsu comes back with a melon ice pop, which is almost as good.
Totty even manages to do something nice while typing away on his phone. He says he’s got Choromatsu a date. With a girl. Who likes pop idols. Who’s really excited to meet him as soon as he’s better. He says he texted her a picture of Choromatsu and she thinks he’s really cute. It’s perhaps a good thing that he can’t say much right now, because he’s sure he’d scream loud enough to lose his voice a second time.
Jyushimatsu even sits there on Choromatsu’s other side, and reads magazine articles to him whenever they’re not watching TV. Of course, he doesn’t read the dirty articles
 well, he doesn’t read those out loud after the first time he tried and everybody ended up crying with laughter. They all joked that even when he was sick that would be Choromatsu’s main priority, and for once, he laughed along with them despite the fact that it made him cough.
The one who surprises him the most is Osomatsu. Maybe that shouldn’t actually be a surprise, though. He fills the role of diligent oldest brother with a lot more ease than one might expect; he breaks out the thermometer every few hours to make sure Choromatsu’s fever isn’t getting higher, he keeps track of which medicines Choromatsu is supposed to take and when, he helps Mom cook things that will help Choromatsu feel better, and if he’s not doing any of that other stuff, he’s positioned with Choromatsu sitting on his lap, with Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu on either side, running his fingers through his little brother’s hair. It almost feels like the way things were when they were all kids.
Choromatsu is easily tired out when he’s sick, and he’s 99.99999% sure that it’s Osomatsu who carries him to bed every night when he inevitably falls asleep.
Despite the fact that he gives them a lot of shit, and none of them are perfect people, he knows he’s got some pretty amazing brothers.
Today he’s feeling nearly back to his old self, and his throat is less sore than it’s been in over a week. He knows it’s partially thanks to rest and partially thanks to how well his family has been taking care of him. Despite that he’s starting to recover, the others are still treating him much the same as they have been. Tea whenever he wants it ― as well as Karamatsu shoving it in his direction, urging him to drink with that pathetic puppy dog face of his, even when he doesn’t quite want it ― and lots of head pats and the TV turned to whatever he’s in the mood for.
He’s not quite as tired as he’s been lately, so it would be all too effortless to just take advantage of all this. Instead, his thoughts have just kept turning to how grateful he is to have so many people he can count on.
There’s some small part of him that has to admit he can be just as bad as they all are sometimes. He can be selfish and rude and lazy. But when one of his brothers is sick or hurt, he knows he steps up to the plate to try and take care of them. To know that they’re all willing to do the same for him when he’s the one in need makes him happier than he thinks he’s been in a long time.
He’s still got the dumb little whiteboard Osomatsu gave him, because his voice isn’t back to normal just yet. For a moment, he scribbles on it, then he holds it up for Osomatsu who’s sitting behind him. “Hey, Oso,” he speaks up in a quiet, breathy, raspy voice.
! Hey, dumbass, you’re not supposed to be talking yet,” Osomatsu laughs, then lifts his head to look at the board. “
 Huh? Choromatsu
He laughs in a way that makes it sound like he’s about to cry, then takes the board and waves it to get everyone else’s attention. “Hey, guys! Haha
 look! Look at this shit!”
Four other pairs of eyes turn in their direction. Practically as soon as everyone has processed what Choromatsu has written, he’s buried in a pile of brothers. He gets arms put around him, and kisses on his forehead, and everyone nuzzling against his face. They’re all laughing in that same way Osomatsu did

 Well, until they all start actually crying. Including Choromatsu himself.
The whiteboard falls to the ground, mostly forgotten, but the words written on it hanging over the sextuplets like a rainbow.
Thanks for everything. I love you guys. 💚
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oliviastan17 · 5 years ago
Just a dream (5/7)
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Warnings: 18+, all the fluff in the world, language, smut
Length: 3.6k
A/N: I am a nurse so this is way more medically accurate than what is needed for the story. I just started typing and all this nurse stuff came out (#nurselife) and I took a lot out but sorry if it’s too much. There’s nothing graphic though. I put a lot of gifs in because I don’t feel like I can accurately describe what I dreamt. I own none of them. DO NOT POST ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Please reblog and I love reading comments!
It took 2 months but today was the day. It was packing day. Your brother needed to drop Harper off because she had a fever and couldn’t stay at daycare. She seemed to be feeling okay after some ibuprofen and was playing with some toys with Sebastian (or so you thought) while you worked on packing.
You walked into your bathroom to find Sebastian sitting on the floor facing away from you and Harper brushing something on his face. Wait, is that my makeup brush?
“When did you guys come in here?”
“He’s almost ready,” Harper informed you.
“Ready for what?”
“The party. Auntie, you sit there,” Harper commanded.
“Okay then,” you said sitting on the edge of your bathtub. Harper had been really into makeup lately so you exactly what she was doing and couldn’t wait to see her masterpiece.
As Sebastian turned around you gasped, “Oh, Harper! He is so beautiful! You did such a good job!”
He had red lipstick covering his mouth and part of the stubble on his chin. There was charcoal grey sparkly eye shadow all the way above his eye brows and his cheeks were a bright pink. Sebastian just looked at you and smiled as he held up his hands.
“Oh, you did his nails too? They look amazing!”
“It’s your turn!” she exclaimed.
Just then your brother walked through your door effectively saving you from a makeover.
“I hear your daddy,” you said and then Harper ran out to see him.
 You and Sebastian followed and as your brother took in the sight of Sebastian and laughed.
“Hey kiddo! You feeling better?” he asked as she ran up to him.
“She had motrin at 4:30,” you informed him.
“Thanks Y/n,” he said looking around at all the boxes. “Man, it’s weird to see this place packed up. Am I seeing you before you leave?”
“Probably not. Did Mom call you to have you help move what I don’t take into storage?”
“Yeah, we’re coming on Saturday. Well drive safe. Call me when you get there.” He offered a handshake to Sebastian and said, “Sorry about all that,” he said referring to the makeup.
Sebastian shook his hand, “It’s no problem.”
Harper gave Sebastian a hug and then you knelt down to hug her. You didn’t want to let her go. “I love you forever.”
“Love you!” She said laughing while you kissed her cheek and then blew a raspberry making her laugh. You had tried your best to prepare her for not seeing you as often but you weren’t sure how much she actually understood.
Your brother came over to give you a hug.
“Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” he said as he hugged you.
“Love you. Have Noah FaceTime me later okay?”
“I will,” he said as he turned and he and Harper walked out of your house. You closed the door behind him and Sebastian wrapped you in a hug. He was trying to say comforting things but as you looked up at him you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
“I can’t take you seriously when you look like that,” you said laughing. “There’s makeup wipes in my bathroom.”
“No, I think this is a good look. Get used to the new me,” he said leaning in to kiss you but you playfully dodged it. He had too good of a grip on your waist so you ended up with lipstick all over your face.
“You want to order in? I’m not taking you anywhere looking like that and you just ruined what little makeup I had on.”
“Sure. Whatever you want,” he said.
As he walked away you took a look around at all the boxes around the house. You were definitely sad to be leaving but you were also excited about your future. It was scary but it would be an adventure. Everything with him was an adventure. Even something as boring as packing was fun with him.
After one more day of packing, you did it. You packed up your car and drove (well Sebastian drove) to New York. The drive up went as smoothly as it could. Between his carpool karaoke and the games you created on the way it really was fun.
On the second day of the road trip your brother called you to inform you that Harper was put on antibiotics for strep throat and that she also came down with bronchitis. Great you thought as you remembered her coughing directly in your face.
Three days later and you were at the doctor for the same thing. Nothing was able to stop you from coughing so the doctor gave you some cough medicine. The good kind with codeine.
Sebastian was doing a great job taking care of you and went to three different stores to find apricot nectar because that’s what your mom would give you when you were sick. When he got home the first thing he heard you say was, “Oh my god, Chris! Watch out!”
Why is Chris here? He rounded the corner and found you on the couch watching Civil War stoned out of your mind.
“What are you doing?”
“That’s not your ass,” you said pointing at the screen.
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He just laughed, handed you your nectar and went into his office.
His office was very close to the living room so he could hear every comment you made even though you were hoarse and could not stop laughing.
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“Oh, that was so hot!”
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“It’s not Bucky’s fault Tony!”
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“Back the fuck off T’Challa!”
He finally gave up and walked out of the office and over to the couch. He lifted your legs up, sat down and laid your legs across his lap.
“I thought you didn’t want to watch?”
“I want to hear your commentary.”
“Hey, can you introduce me to him?”
“No, Tom. Cause if I was 10 years younger
“Get out,” he said pointing at the door.
You laughed and grabbed his shirt to pull him closer for a kiss but then you stopped yourself.
“No, I don’t want to get you sick,” you said as he kept moving closer to you.
“I’ll take my chances,” he said before he kissed you. You fell asleep soon after.
Living together came easy. Everything was going great. You had found work doing some consulting for a production company and could mostly work from home. He had a few months until he started a new project so he was home. When you finished work you two would go explore the city. Some mornings you would go for a run, some you would stay in bed and just be together.
You hadn’t felt up to running the last couple of weeks. You just felt so tired but now you felt like you were gaining some weight because you spent the last 2 weeks being lazy around the apartment and eating crappy food. Today when Seb got home from his run and you were still laying in bed curled up he got a little worried.
“It’s probably just a stomach bug. I’m fine. I just need to rest,” you reassured him.
The next day you weren’t much better but you still got up and did some work in his office. Then the following day Sebastian wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Alright, that’s it. We’re going.”
“No, I’m fine Seb. Really. I promise I’m
” your sentence was cut off by you taking in a sharp breath as you grabbed your stomach in pain.
“No, you’re not. It’s been 2 days Y/n. Let’s go,” he said as he reached for your hand to help you up.
After a short cab ride you arrived at the hospital and were in with the triage nurse.
“Any chance of pregnancy? Last menstrual period?”
“I’m on birth control. They are really light if I even have one at all. I don’t really remember.”
After a ton of other questions and taking your vitals she brought you back into a room.
“Just change into this gown and the doctor will be right in.”
You rolled your eyes at the gown.
“Just put it on. Humor me,” Sebastian said.
“This is stupid. I’m fine,” you said but you had your hand resting on your stomach.
“Stop being so stubborn, babe. Just do what they tell you to.”
 “Hi, are you Y/n?” a nurse asked walking into the room.
“Yes,” you said as you sat on the bed. You weren’t going to put the gown on unless they absolutely made you.
“And your birthday?” she asked looking at your hospital bracelet.
“Okay, I’m Caryn and I’m going to get a blood sample and put an IV in. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the absolute worst, what would you rate your pain at?”
“Maybe a 6.”
“Is it constant or does it come and go?” she asked while getting the supplies out of the locked drawers.
“Comes and goes.”
You answered all of her questions. It’s been 2 days of intermittent cramping, no bleeding. You were tired and felt kind of bloated and were sure this was just a stomach bug.
The nurse drew your blood and put the IV in then walked out of the room. Sebastian stood up and leaned over to kiss your forehead. He started walking around the room snooping in the cabinets and drawers.  He pulled the otoscope down from the wall and turned the light on.
“What do they do with this?”
“Have you ever seen a doctor? That’s what they use to look in your ears.”
His mouth pulled up into a frown as he nodded his head. He put it back and then started to pull the covers for the otoscope out of the dispenser and placed them on his fingers.
“It’s like those me me’s of Chris with the fingernails.”
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“God, my boyfriend is a 12 year old. And it’s meme. Not me me.” You knew he was just trying to distract you and it was kind of working because he was so adorable.
The doctor then came in the room and introduced herself.
“Okay, so we got the results of your tests back and it seems you are pregnant.”
“I’m sorry
I’m what?”
“Your blood tests came back positive for pregnancy. I’m guessing you didn’t know?”
You and Sebastian looked at each other in shock.
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“No, I’m on birth control.”
“Birth control is only 99% effective so becoming pregnant when taking it is rare but not unheard of. Have you been on any antibiotics recently?”
“Yeah, like 2 months ago.”
“That could definitely be a factor as well. Some antibiotics lessen the effectiveness of birth control. Now you have had no bleeding so that is a good sign but I’m going to do an ultrasound to check on everything okay?”
Frozen in disbelief you didn’t answer so Sebastian did.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
You had stopped listening and weren’t sure when exactly when she left. Sebastian brought you out of your haze. Sitting on the bed he grabbed your hand and said, “Hey, look at me.”
“This can’t be happening. How did I not know?” you asked. As you looked at his face he seemed so unbelievably calm.
“Whatever happens, we’re going to get through it. We are going to be okay. I’ve got you, okay?”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” you agreed.
“Come on,” he said as he pulled you into his arms. He lifted your head up to kiss you.
“I love you.”
“Love you.”
The doctor came in bringing in an ultrasound machine and you laid on your back. Sebastian was sitting in his chair next to your bed and was holding your hand between his and resting them under his chin.
As you turned your head and looked at him he smiled and said, “I’ve got you.”
You forced a smile. The room was quiet with the lights turned down and you were holding your breath for what seemed like an hour while the doctor started the ultrasound. You were too scared to look at the screen so you just stared at Sebastian.
“Okay, so based on the measurements I would say you are about 7-8 weeks along. If you look here, this is the amniotic sac and this is the baby right here,” the doctor said pointing at the screen. You turned and looked at what she was pointing at. “And this flickering here is your baby’s heartbeat.”
You stared at the little moving black and white form on the screen and you brought your free hand up to your mouth while Sebastian let out a breath and kissed the hand he was holding.
“Is the baby okay?” Sebastian asked the doctor.
“I would say so, yes. The heart beat is strong. You’re still going to want to go see an obstetrician as soon as you can but I think everything looks great here. Some women experience pain in the beginning of pregnancy because their body is preparing for the growing uterus so your pain is not unusual.”
You were ugly crying at this point but you didn’t care. You had gone from being in pain to being a mom not knowing if her child was okay or not to being the happiest you have ever been.
“I’m going to print some pictures for you and I’ll get you started on some prenatal vitamins. You can take tylenol for the pain. The nurse will be in shortly to take out your IV. Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” you said as she walked out of the room. You looked at Sebastian and started to say something but were cut off by him crashing his lips against yours.
“You have no idea how happy you just made me,” he said hugging you, then kissing you, then hugging, and kissing and all over again. You had never seen him this happy before. He looked like pure joy wrapped in bliss and covered with all the love in the world.
“Oh my god
Oh god. What if I’m not ready? Oh my god, I’m not ready!“ you started freaking out and panicking.
“Are you kidding? You’re going to be the best mom. I’ve seen you with Noah and Harper. You always know what to do and they love you so much. You’re going to be amazing. I have no doubts.”
“I have doubts! Me! I have doubts!”
“Y/n,” he said holding your face and looking deep in your eyes. “Let’s go home and I’ll tell you 1000 reasons I know you are going to be a good mom. And I’m going to tell you over and over until you believe me.”
His eyes always had a way of hypnotizing you and calmed you down.
“Ok,” you said as you wrapped your arms around him and he held you tight.
“I love you so much,” he said.
“I love you too. You better be right or I’m going to be so mad at you.”
It took him 2 days but he eventually convinced you. Then it was his turn to freak out. It was so nice of you two to take turns. He had been so busy keeping you calm and convincing you that you would be a good mom that he didn’t even think about what this made him.
“You know how I know you are going to be a good dad? You don’t give up when things get hard. You let Harper put makeup on you. You fixed her toy that she broke. You love me so you are obviously smart. You are so wonderfully caring and considerate. And your mom raised you right. You’ll know what to do by just being her son. I have no doubts.”
“I have zero doubts,” you repeated as you put your arms up around his neck and kissed him. He had his arms low and around your waist. “We have 7 months to prepare. We are going to be fine.”
“You better be right or I’m going to be so mad at you,” he repeated your words back to you. Even when he is scared he is still trying to make you laugh.
With both of you finally done with your freak outs you decided to keep the news between just the two of you for a little while. It was sort of fun keeping a secret. You had both known for about a month so you were now 12 weeks pregnant and definitely starting to show.
You and Sebastian FaceTimed with your family and told them to which your mom cried happy tears. You and Sebastian went to dinner with his mom and stepdad and told them. They were thrilled of course. His mom told you, “Good luck with finding a name. Nothing goes with Stan!” You told a couple of your close friends back in Atlanta and they were sworn to secrecy as were Seb’s close friends.
They all had the same follow up question to the news: when’s the wedding? You never really gave Sebastian a chance to say anything because your response was, “I have bigger priorities right now.”
Everyone asked. Everyone except Chris. God bless him.
“Not drinking Y/n? Are you pregnant or something?” he asked jokingly when he met you and Sebastian for dinner while doing press in NYC.
When you said nothing and Sebastian just smiled Chris turned into a child on Christmas morning.
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“No way! Seriously? I’m so happy for you! This is so great!” He stood up and hugged you and then Sebastian. “So I’m like the godfather right? I mean I’m the reason this is happening at all.”
“Yes, Chris you will be the one doing all the hard work,” you sarcastically responded.
“Well, Chris
it’s a great name. Something to think about,” Chris offered.
“Yeah, not happening. Sorry man,” Sebastian said
Dinner was spent catching up. You hadn’t seen Chris in at least 5 months and probably only talked a few times. Sebastian talks to him more. You and Chris were weird. You could work together every day for months and then not see or talk for months but you always picked up right where you left off.
After telling Chris 3 more times that he would not be naming his child Chris, Sebastian looked at you and asked, “You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go. Chris
thanks for dinner.”
“I’m so happy for you guys,” he said giving you a huge hug and then one to Sebastian. “Hey, I’m back in New York in a few months so if I don’t see you before then just do me a favor. Promise me you’ll think about the name. Middle name would work!”
“Quick. Just walk away,” you said grabbing Sebastian’s hand and walking away.
Once home you went straight into the shower while he returned a call to his manager. You were in there for maybe 5 minutes when Seb walked into the bathroom on the way to the closet. As he walked in he saw you through the steam and the glass doors. Your hands were running through your wet hair and your stomach was beautifully plumped out with his baby.
When you noticed him standing there you simply opened the door and asked “Are you coming in or not?”
He immediately undid his belt and zipper and walked out of his pants while taking his shirt off. Stepping in to join you he walked you backwards until your back hit the wall. Despite it being a hot shower the wall was cold and you took in a deep breath as the temperature change shocked you. His lips were on yours while his hands were massaging your breasts as he leaned against you. You brought your hand down to stroke his cock and he sighed into your mouth.
He slowly moved his hands down your sides stopping at your hips and tightening his grip to pull you even closer. One hand continued to trail down your side to cup your ass and the other reached up to move your stroking arm up around his neck so you would have something to hold on to. With both hands on your ass now he lifted you off the ground and your legs were hooked around his waist.
Wasting no time he lined you up perfectly and with one thrust he was in. He gently moved his hips so he was moving in and out while his mouth was on yours. You broke the kiss when he began to speed up his rhythm and he buried his face in your neck. Your grip on his shoulders was getting tighter and he knew you were close so he didn’t hold back. Giving you all he had he felt you tighten around him as your back arched and his name passed your lips. He loved hearing you say his name and it took only a few more thrusts for him to come.
You brought your hands up to cup his face and kissed him as he set you back on your feet. He told you he loved you as his hands rested on your stomach. 
“I love you too. I’d love you even more if you went out and got me a cheesecake.”
“Whatever you want,” he said with a loving smile.
Next Chapter
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enterthesmosh · 5 years ago
He Makes me Shine Like Diamonds: Shayne Topp
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Word Count: 2381 Summary: SmoshCast and chill. Request:  ‘ shayne topp x reader where the couple is on the smoshcast answering questions about their relationship since they are very private about it and give relationship advice ‘
In your tiny shared apartment, for just a moment, the only sound you could hear was the running water from the sink faucet. You sat perched on the counter beside the sink holding a plate in your hands while Shayne had his back turned to set the bowl he just finished rinsing into the dishwasher. When he was stood upright again you handed over the plate while he watched you with careful eyes.
“You can say no.” he said as he rinsed the remnants of dinner from the plate. “I mean, I was unsure that’s why I told Ian we’d have to have a talk about it.”
You hummed softly and reached to the side to grab another plate. “It’s not that I don’t want to do it. I mean, I’ve been on the SmoshCast before. It’s just
 I don’t know. How are we qualified to give advice?”
Shayne chuckled lowly as he turned to put the first plate away before coming back to take the other from you. “Is that it, or are you nervous that the main topic is going to be us?” he asked, casting you a suspicious eye.
Unable to think of a witty response, you stuck your hand out under the water and flicked your fingers at Shayne, grinning as droplets landed on his cheeks and nose. Shayne laughed and rolled his eyes as he turned off the water and started the dishwasher. He walked over to you and stood between your legs, placing his hands on your knees.
“I know that it’ll be different since we don’t really talk about us or our relationship in the public eye but, I don’t know, I think it’ll be fun.”
You looked back at him and stared into his eyes for a moment before you watched the gentle smile spread across his lips. You took a deep breath and nodded slowly. “Yeah, okay.” you conceded as you leaned in to press a kiss against his lips.
Shayne hummed and kissed you back. “Awesome
 cool. I’ll text Ian.”
Sitting at the SmoshCast table wasn’t a new occurrence for you. Sure, you didn’t work for Smosh, but you had your own following online and were around the office quite a bit so more than once Ian had asked you to be a guest. During your first appearance, it had been made obvious that you and Shayne were a couple. Even though you both had more than once mentioned each other on your own social media, from twitter to instagram, it still shocked some fans.
You preferred to keep certain facets of your life private - or as private as you could.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want people to know you were dating Shayne. You love Shayne. It was more so the fact that you didn’t want unsolicited opinions on your relationship. So, it was slightly unnerving to be sitting there with Shayne ready to take questions and give advice on relationships.
Ian introed the show and introduced both you and Shayne, and you could feel your heart pick up pace inside your chest. As if sensing it, Shayne reached out to grab your knee, his thumb brushing gently against the side while he gave a comforting squeeze. You dropped the hand closest to Shayne to rest on top of his.
“I have to say, if you hadn’t told me, I probably wouldn’t have realized the two of you were together.” Ian said with a slight laugh.
Shayne chuckled and shook his head from side to side. “A lot of people say that.”
“Is it because I threaten to shank you a lot?” you asked with a grin. “Or that your name in my phone is still Douche McGee?”
Ian let out an unexpected laugh and you turned to face him with a pleased smile on your face. You could feel your heart settling down into its normal rhythm. Shayne’s hand let go of its grip on your knee but he turned it over in order to grab hold of your own and lace your fingers together.
Ian shook his head as he looked at his computer. “Idiots. Okay
 our first question here is a simple one. Someone on Twitter wants to know how you guys met and how you got together.”
“We met through mutual friends almost three years ago.” Shayne said as he looked at you with slightly squinted eyes, like he was trying to remember exactly.
You hummed softly and nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. “We have some mutual friends who were having a beach
 thing. I didn’t really want to go but I got dragged along and in protest I sat under an umbrella reading. I was there a whole like
 ten minutes when Shayne showed up, sat next to me and started talking about the book I was reading.”
“I didn’t want to be there either.” Shayne leaned back in his chair and let out a short laugh. “But I saw Y/N with a copy of one of the Game of Thrones books and decided I needed to talk to that girl. We talked for a long time, exchanged numbers, and parted ways.”
Ian looked at the two of your through slightly narrowed eyes but you only smiled at him as you felt Shayne give your hand another squeeze under the table. “But you guys didn’t get together right away, right?”
You laughed loudly and shook your head, lifting your free hand to cover your mouth for a brief moment while you collected yourself. “God, no.” you said through giggles.
“We’re both way too awkward for that.” Shayne said, joining in your laughter.
It took a few deep breaths but you managed to bring yourself back. “We’d hang out a lot when we had free time. It was nice. I remember when I first realized I had, like actual, feelings for Shayne. It was, like, a slap in the face of ‘why aren’t you doing anything about this?’. So the next time we hung out I asked him if he wanted to go on a date with me.”
Ian made an interested noise and you shrugged your shoulders slightly. “How’d you like that, Shayne?”
Shayne smiled broadly as he cut his eyes in your direction and you could feel your heart stutter in your chest as he looked back at you. “Oh, it was great. I loved that Y/N was, like, confident enough to go ahead and do that. And, obviously, I said yes.”
“How long did it take for you guys to be like official. Boyfriend-girlfriend official?”
You hummed thoughtfully and looked at Shayne as you tried to think. “We went on dates and stuff for like
 two months? Two and a half months? And then one night we were hanging out at the pool at Shayne’s apartment and he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend.”
“I was so nervous and so uncool.” Shayne laughed softly into the microphone.
You squeezed his hand and made a soft cooing sound. “You’re always nervous and uncool, babe.”
Both Ian and Shayne laughed loudly and you only grinned back at Shayne as he watched you, his eyes bright and shiny. Ian collected himself and cleared his throat as he looked back on the screen of his laptop. “Someone on Instagram said: I’ve recently moved in with my girlfriend and suddenly we’re fighting a lot more and things just feel harder. How do you deal with that kind of transition?”
“Well, we moved in together about a year and a half ago.” you said, crossing your legs under the table and trying to get more comfortable. “And we definitely had some growing pains for the first few weeks.”
Shayne nodded. “It’s hard. To go from being on your own and seeing this person for a few hours at a time to suddenly having them everywhere all the time. It took us a while to reach a point where we realized we couldn’t, and really didn’t want to spend every second of every day together.”
“It’s all about boundaries. There are days that Shayne will come home from work and I’ll be in the bedroom and he won’t come see me right away and I know it’s because he needs time on his own to decompress. And conversely, when I am really in my head and know I need my own time I will find somewhere away from Shayne to just
 be. Like, it’s great that we live together and I love that we do but we are still our own people with our own interests and needs so we really had to find the balance of together time and personal time.”
Ian nodded. “Because otherwise you’d kill each other.”
“Exactly.” Both you and Shayne said, sharing a laugh.
The three of you powered through a few more questions, sharing anecdotes of your relationship and giving out whatever advice that the two of you found to work for you. For the majority of the podcast, you kept your hand clasped together with Shayne’s under the table. It was comforting to feel his warm hand cradling your own and giving you firm, reassuring squeezes as you spoke.
Ian seemed to be scrolling for something on the laptop but stopped and nodded. “How did you know you loved each other? How did you tell the other person?”
Immediately, you knew your answer and couldn’t help the stupid grin that spread over your face. “You should watch the video of this podcast just to see the look on Y/N’s face.” Ian teased softly. You laughed and rolled your eyes at him before straightening up in your chair. “Shut up.” you chuckled, shaking your head from side to side.
“For me
 we had been official for a little while and I got very sick. Like, I was in the emergency room for six hours running tests sick. Shayne had been filming all day for The Goldbergs and when I finally got released, after being told I had pneumonia and was put on a crap ton of antibiotics, I went home and just passed out.” you started to explain.
You caught Shayne’s eye and could see the soft smile tugging at his lips. 
“I woke up to knocking at my door and when I finally shuffled out there, Shayne was there with flowers, and soup, and tea. He even brought over this super fuzzy blanket and he just wrapped me up and made me take my medicine and just
 took care of me. I’d never had someone do that before, and he had been at work all day, so to just come over and do all of that blew my mind. Like, I remember curling up on the couch watching something on netflix and looking over to see him in the kitchen making me soup and just thinking
 yeah, I really love him.”
It was quiet for a moment between the three of you and you glanced over at Shayne to see him watching you with warm, loving eyes. You grinned and lifted your joined hands to press a kiss to the back of his which just made him laugh softly and roll his eyes at you.
“I think, for me, it was probably around the same time. We were at Y/N’s apartment and she was playing Valkyria Chronicles, which is one of my favorite games. She got to this very emotional part in the story and I remember watching her trying to, like, subtling hide the fact that she was tearing up and I just put my arm around her and pulled her close and I kissed the top of her head and
You chuckled lowly, “And you said it.”
“I did. I said it without thinking,” Shayne nodded. “And Y/N just stared at me with these wide, teary eyes and I felt like I was going to shit my pants.”
Ian laughed. “So romantic.”
“After I composed myself, I told him I loved him too, obviously.” you clarified, giving Shayne’s hand a squeeze.
Ian pushed onwards and the three of you talked through quite a few more questions. You looked at your watch to check how much more time was left just as Ian sat up and cleared his throat.
“Okay, last question.” Ian said, taking a long sip from his water bottle. “From Twitter: I am seeing a guy who is very adamant about who I spend time with and wants to look at my messages all the time. Is he just jealous? How do I deal with it?”
At the same time, you and Shayne both leaned into your microphones. “Dump him.”
“Look. I dated a guy who was so sure I was cheating on him and demanded to see my phone messages to prove it. After a lot of cyclical arguing, I unlocked my phone and showed him there was nothing there. And then I broke up with him on the spot. If someone cannot trust me, then how am I supposed to trust them?”
Shayne nodded and adjusted the hat on his head. “On top of that, like, someone telling you who you can and cannot hang out with his just not the kind of person you need to be in a relationship with. At all.”
Ian took it upon himself to wrap up the show as both you and Shayne waved at the camera. Once all of the equipment was shut off, you removed your headphones and relaxed back in your chair. “How was that?” Ian asked with a slight laugh as he got to his feet.
“Not as bad as I thought.” you said, checking your watch again. “Damn, I have to go though.”
Shayne stood up just as you did and you grinned at him before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “I’ve got some errands to run but I’ll be home around the same time you are. Do you want me to make something for dinner?” you asked as you gathered up your stuff.
Shayne shook his head and kissed you again. “Don’t worry about it, babe, I’ll pick something up on my way home. See you then.”
You nodded your head and smiled brightly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, now leave me alone.”
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writingfordreams · 5 years ago
can you do a doctor!taron au? Maybe The ER after the reader gets sick somehow?? Thank you!
of course, wonderful anon! i hope this was alright! more under the cut.. this one got kinda long! TW // shot wound mention, sickness, clinical talk. ♡ click here to request!♡
It started out as a cold. Sure, alright, you’ve had colds before. You take the usual precautions, i.e. cold medicine that had been in your cabinet for who knows how long, a quick stop to the store for the good, strong liquid stuff and hey, chicken noodle soup is buy one get one. Why the heck not? It’s a slow derail into suspicious territory when five days pass and you’re still just as sick as you started, if not worse. A friend from work even stopped by to see if you were alright, how odd is that? Seemed really theatrical, if someone had asked you.
So you take a cab to the ER (After being weirdly scared of passing out at the wheel). You had always been turned off by the idea of a hospital, but the wait for a doctor’s appointment was nonsense at this point, and you need to be checked out now. You’ve got the shakes the same way you did when the AC’s on too low on a winter morning, and is that sweat or tears? The place is clinical, and surprisingly calm. Lots of clean lines and soft, professional murmurs. You had always imagined ER’s as they were in the movies.. fast moving like a highway. Someone with a shot wound screaming bloody murder, and doctors who were just a little bit too good looking to be believable. Instead, a lovely woman gives you a plastic bracelet and asks you to take a seat. 
Twenty one minutes (And one half of a podcast) later, you’re being called in. After giving some additional information, you’re asked to wait in a small room with all the usual stuff; scales, blood pressure machines, the things they stick in your ears. You sit up in your spot on the twin sized bed, clicking off your phone and averting your attention once a male doctor walks in. He’s got his back turned for a moment, writing something swiftly on a clipboard before letting out a friendly “Alllllright.” to start things off. When he turns, you gulp audibly. He shoots you a smile, then frowns. “My word. You’re shinier than my trainers.” Naturally, he lifts his foot and points with the same hand holding his pen. “Got ‘em last weekend. Gotta love a pay raise.” He works his way around the room comfortably, discarding old gloves and replacing them with new ones, wiping down the counter of something you don’t wanna know the specifics of, and finally he clears his throat, walking closer. Only then do you realize you hadn’t said a word yet. “Uh,” You begin, then it’s your turn to clear your throat. Except, you wince at the pain. Doctor no-name takes notice. “Sore throat, I presume?” He says pointedly, and you nod. “It’s been like this since earlier this week. Four or so days, I believe.” You say, then the doctor tuts to himself with a saddened yet thoughtful look. He offers a hand, expression unchanging. “Doctor Egerton. Have you been to this location before, my darling?” To which you shake your head, and adjust your posture a bit after noticing your familiar, gradual slump. Dr. Egerton opens his mouth as a signal for you to open yours and sticks a thermometer under your tongue. 
Once it beeps, he gives off a pained look after looking at the results. “One-hundred and one. My god, did you drive here?”
“Cab.” You say.
“Right. Okay,” He sighs through the word, and opts to walk to a counter beside the bed, leaning his lower back against it as his arms crossed. He’s looking to you expectantly, “So. Four or so days,” He then picks up that clipboard and scribbles something rather quickly. You wonder if he has that terribly hard to read doctor handwriting. You really shouldn’t find that concept so cute. “Sore throat. Sweats, I’m assuming.” He lists, and you shift uncomfortably at that, a hand coming up to cup your opposite bicep. He looks back down at his clipboard and tuts some more, seemingly in thought. “Says here your insurance covers the cost of the visit,” He smiles at you tightly but warmly, “So.. one less worry, Miss [Y/L/N].” Setting down his clipboard, his arms cross once more. His arms. “I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and say it’s the flu. You’re a shoo-in, unfortunately.” His head tilts with an empathetic look. You can hear the pitter-patter of rain outside the building. They should really put a bigger window in this room, you think. Dr. Egerton turns, writing something on a small piece of paper and adding it to his clipboard as you watch him. His back looks toned under that top, and you find that thought ridiculous. Doctor. Flu. Right. Back on track, for goodness sake. 
He turns with another smile, and you could really, seriously die. Half from the flu, and half from him. “I’m gonna put you on some antibiotics. Sound good? Oh – and I’ll get in touch with your primary doctor and all that business.” He gives you that small piece of paper, and your fingers brush like some teen movie. You try not to blush, dammit. “Looks like you got here just in time, aye?” You shoot him an awkward, lopsided smile and let out a genuine chuckle. “I guess.” You say, “So.. that’s it? I’m all cleared?” There’s a pang of disappointment in your gut. You hope it doesn’t show on your face. Or maybe you hope it does, who even knows anymore. You’re a little delirious off this newfound flu and Doctor Handsome keeps shooting you those smiles that would make your knees give in if you could bother to stand. He leans back again, arms crossed like routine. “Yep. What, did you expect the full ER movie experience?” His face is animated endearingly as he speaks, shifts a little where he leaned. “Y’know, the stretcher, the screaming, multiple professionals crowding you. Maybe Mum or the lover is called and comes with a big teddy bear.” 
You laugh a little. “God. Just a parent for me, then.” and it’s back to cradling your bicep.
“Oh, sorry about that.” Dr. Egerton offers sheepishly. “You know, it’d be the same for me.” You can’t tell if he says it as an offer of comfort or if it’s the truth. Either way, you’re taking it. 
“Teddy bears are better, anyway.” But teddy bears don’t smile at you like that.
He speaks with a certain dreamy agreement. “Of course. Better to have a cuddle with at night, right?” 
You scoff, all friendly like you had known him for way longer than you had. “Don’t tell me Dr. Egerton sleeps with a teddy bear.” The face he makes to counter is ridiculously mock offended and lovely. “The lip! And to the man helping aid you. Blimey.” There’s a little fizzle of laughter between you two before a small bit of silence. It’s filled by a small sigh on your part, and a light cough from a busied Dr. Egerton. “Ooookay.” He begins, sing-songy before looking up at you. God, you bet he can sing. “You should be all good to go, Miss Y/L/N.” He hands you one more full sized paper as you stand and offers you a glove covered hand. “I would say I hope we meet again but, if it’s in the context of this room, I sincerely hope not.” He says.
“You should really see me when I’m not.. gross. I might’ve asked you out or something.” Holy shit. Where did that come from? You must really be delirious. Then you see the face he pulls and, yeah. No regrets. Gone with the rain which seemed to have stopped at some point during your visit. He pauses as if to think to himself, then a slow smile comes to light. He takes back that little paper swiftly before turning to lean it on the counter, jotting something down and handing it to you. You don’t think anything of it.
“Get plenty of rest, alright? Drink liquids, no dairy products, have a fruit or two when you’re feeling up to it.” He twists the door knob, “Have a good one, Miss Y/L/N!”
You offer a smile in passing as he leaves the room. It only grows once you notice it was his personal number on the back of that paper. 
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aliceslantern · 5 years ago
Beyond this Existence: New Life, short 22--Listless
Recovery is a tedious, nonlinear process. Demyx, Ienzo, and the others living in Radiant Garden's castle have to learn to come to terms with their pasts and their memories, learn to grow, and begin to understand what, exactly, it means to be human. While there is unexpected joy in this, there is also unexpected sorrow. A series of oneshots set after Beyond this Existence.
Current short: “Listless.” Ienzo isn’t okay.
Read it on FF.net/ on AO3
Something wasn’t right.
Ienzo stared deeply into his plans, spread across the worktable and anchored by his research. He bit his lip. It had all been revised and engineered within an inch of its life; yet something was off, wrong. Was it the angles of the joints of the walls?
Maybe it had nothing to do with its creation, and all to do with its creator.
He had a vicious headache. Ienzo took off his glasses and rested his face in his hand for a moment, trying to rub away the pain. Ever since his confrontation with Even, and in the light of Ansem’s overwhelming depression, Ienzo was feeling increasingly shaken, and increasingly anxious. Sleeping was getting more and more difficult again.
Demyx didn’t seem to be doing well either.
It was clear that the poisoning had shaken him. For a few weeks after it happened, Demyx remained mostly in their apartment. He slept a lot, picked at Arpeggio aimlessly, songs that made no coherent sense to Ienzo. Ienzo first attributed this exhaustion to the aftereffects of the poison, but it seemed to go on longer than it should. This must have traumatized him; he was self-conscious enough when it came to his competency, and he could have taken this as a sign he was unwanted in the community. Ienzo was able to analyze Demyx’s mental state with ease; but he himself was too tired to be of any real help. He felt as though he were constantly carrying another dozen or so kilos.
Ienzo, too, just wanted to rest. The early winter day was cold. He would go home, he decided. He would take a bath and make himself some tea and he would read a perfectly awful book, and he would wait for this to blow over.
Would it?
The anxiety threatened to pull him into a spiral. What if this happiness they’d had had been temporary? His growth and healing falsified? He should have known better than to believe they would have a happy ending, or any ending for that matter.
Was this illogical?
He unlocked the apartment door. There Demyx was, curled under the covers. His gummiphone was on the bed beside him, but he didn’t look at it. He barely moved when Ienzo came into the room. Ienzo took off his shoes and slacks and crawled under the blankets as well. He pulled him close, a gesture that sought more to take comfort than to give it.
Demyx turned, and for a moment they faced each other, wordlessly.
“Are you alright?” Ienzo asked.
“No. You?”
“No.” At least he’d come this far, to be able to admit it. “The world lately has felt so very heavy.” He could feel the pinch in his throat, of oncoming tears, and tried to fight it. “I know you’re hurting, and I want to help, but I--”
“It’s okay,” Demyx said. “I know you’re dealing with a lot. You can’t take care of people when you’re drowning.”
“I used to.”
“Then is not now.” He looked so exhausted, his hair flat, circles under his eyes. “I’m not
 going anywhere. I just need some rest.”
“I can’t help but wonder
” It was warm under the covers, but still he shook. “What if this is all temporary, you know?”
“I know. God, do I know.”
“I know this is merely a relapse, of sorts. That these are conditions I have to manage and live with for the rest of my life. But they’re so close to convincing me this is how I’ll always be. I’m not that person. I’m logical, I reason. It feels so draining.”
His face crumpled a little. “I know. They
 they triggered you. You have to deal with it. Repressing that pain makes it so much worse.” A sob caught in his throat.
“I’m truly sorry,” Ienzo said. “You’re reeling from this trauma, and I--”
“I’ve been talking through it with Aerith.” He looked ashamed to admit it. “She gave me some pills, to help manage things
 they make me so tired.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You had enough on your plate. Besides, I should be
 better in a week or two. When the chemicals in my head stabilize. Or whatever.” He didn’t make eye contact.
Ienzo knew that it wasn’t that simple. “Demyx
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
Ienzo touched Demyx’s face. He hadn’t shaved in a few days; the pale stubble was scratchy. “There has to be something I can do.”
“You can. You can take care of yourself.”
He inhaled. “You’ll tell me, if things get much worse?”
“Of course.”
Ienzo wanted to believe him. Yet it was so much easier to worry about Demyx than his own increasing instability.
“I mean it, Ienzo. I’m not done with you.”
The smile seemed to take some effort. “Okay.”
He tried to get some rest.
He pulled himself away from the memorial, away from the internal. He assisted Even with some simple chemical experiments, had lunch with Ansem, went on a few rounds with Aeleus. Anything to keep his hands and body occupied. Idle hands make the devil’s work. He understood.
Ienzo was determined not to overwork, just to get his mind off of heavier things until he could unravel them a bit more cleanly. Maybe if he let it percolate a bit more, it would grow clearer.
On one of these rounds with Aeleus, they discovered what had evidently been a mother cat’s nest; there were several rodent skeletons, along with damp red stains of birth. But the mother and her kits were gone; aside from a small, wriggling lump in the makeshift scraps of fabric.
“Oh, poor thing,” Ienzo whispered. It was tiny, possibly the runt; its white and brown fur slightly matted. He was shocked to see it was still breathing, but hesitantly so; who knew how long it had been sitting here without its mother. He took the kitten into his hands, to try and warm it up a little bit. Its eyes were crusted over, possibly infected, and it trembled a little.
“It must be sick,” Aeleus said. “Perhaps we should
 end its suffering.” It pained him to say this, his blue eyes glinting. “Mothers don’t usually abandon their young unless they feel it’s a lost cause.”
Ienzo stared at the kitten. So small. Yet, the thought of stamping out its life repulsed him. “Well, I certainly wasn’t,” he said. “Perhaps
 I want to at least try to nurse it.” He felt like a child. Oh please, oh please can I keep it?  “Demyx might be able to help me.”
Aeleus nodded, a shade of relief gracing his otherwise stoic face. “We could use a mouser.”
The first few days he was certain the kitten wouldn’t make it, and any attempts to treat its myriad illnesses felt like Ienzo was just prolonging its suffering. Demyx was only able to help so much--he knew humans, not cats--and for several hours Ienzo dripped milk and antibiotics intermittently into its small mouth. At least it was swallowing, and breathing. He kept as constant of an eye on it as he could, rubbing its small belly to stimulate digestion, wiping the pus from its eyes. He didn’t let it out of his sight and held it as much as he could, because it was so so tiny and so cold. Even the incubation lamp he was able to borrow from Even didn’t seem to do much good.
“You’re going to cause yourself more hurt,” Even said gently. “I can
 I can put it to rest painlessly, without violence.”
“I think she wants to live. She’s eating.”
Even shook his head. “If this is how you wish to spend your time. You can probably adopt a healthy cat at the market.”
It took about a week of this, of trying different medicines and drops for its tiny eyes, before the kitten seemed to turn the corner. Its breaths were less labored, it was eating even more; it seemed to gain a few grams every day. Then the pus stopped weeping from its eyes and it gave a tiny, scratchy mew. And for some reason this unraveled him; Demyx found him bawling over the kitten and assumed it had died. Before long, its eyes opened--a temporary blue--to a startling new world.
Ienzo wasn’t sure what this whole ordeal had revealed about himself. The symbolism of it wasn’t lost on him. This uncomplicated kindness was a relief.
She lived.
She went from being on the verge of death to being constantly underfoot, or climbing all over things, up to and including the curtains. She found a particular interest in Demyx’s sitar, trying to crawl over the frets. “Well,” Demyx said, “At least she’s not a critic.”
As she got bigger, she slept on (and in) the bed. She seemed to sense their nightmares; more than once Ienzo woke up to her purring next to his cheek, even as he woke in a cold sweat.
The cat was a comfort to them both. But it still took weeks to name her. Demyx suggested silly names like Jat or Rocks, Ienzo found himself thinking about it entirely too hard, going so far as to look into nomenclature before finally Demyx said, “You know it’s a cat, right?”
One morning Demyx woke up with her paws on his face. All he said was “Beans.”
And Ienzo groaned, because he knew in his heart that the cat’s name was Beans. As stupid as it was. He tried to shorten it to Bea, or Bebe, but the cat didn’t respond to that. She, great comforter of anxiety, was now named after the legume family.
So it goes.
But she did help shake him out of that horrible spiral, and for that she was worth her weight in, well, beans. He could work near her, scratch the soft spot behind her ears, and get back to clear and concise thinking. It was grounding. He wondered how much of his childhood suffering would have been nullified if he’d just had a pet. It was something to look forward to, a concrete reason to exist; Beans needed him. As complex as he tried to be, really simple comforts meant more than intense psychological analysis.
Gradually, the sense of heaviness that had been plaguing him began to fade, and he felt again hopeful. In a small way he would always resent how much control his emotions had over him, how they would muddy thoughts that had once been so easy to grasp. But this was part of humanity, and there was no going back.
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theyrealllegends · 6 years ago
Roger Headcanons
My first request, whoop! “do you think you could do some really fluffy headcanons or a short story for roger and his female partner? Maybe how he takes care of her when she’s sick, or cuddling after a hard day, or just snowy day cuteness or something :)”
Author’s Note: i loved writing these, I just wrote all of them, lol! They’re my first headcanons though, I hope I did them right?
Words: ~1.8k
Enjoy 💕💕
Taking care of you when you’re sick
Rog would be woken up by you coughing in your sleep and he’d pull you closer, holding you until it finally stops. He brushes your hair out of your sweaty forehead and pecks your shoulders softly. 
“You need to change, love? I can get you a shirt?” -“One of yours?” “Oh, you got shirts of your own?”
He loves sleeping in but when you’re sick, he forces himself to get out of bed and prepares some tea for you to have, still cuddled up in bed. He’d get in bed again to have you rest against his chest, running his fingers over your arm and humming some song silently 
He’d attempt to make you breakfast again if you wouldn’t know about his non-existing abilities to hard boil eggs, but he doesn’t want you to have to do anything while you’re too weak to even stand. So he just makes you comfortable on the couch, sets the TV up for you and leaves you with a lot of tea to return with fresh waffles and some medicine to relieve the pain in your throat 
“How are you feeling?” You could set a clock after it, he’d ask every thirty minutes while you were awake 
“My throat is hurting”, you might reply and he’d be sorry, you could tell but at one point, his eyes started sparkling. “You know what they say might help”, he’d suggest, giving you a sexy grin but you’d still snort, hitting his forearm. “You wish!” You even leant into him, to a point where he’d already closed his eyes, waiting for your lips to touch his. You’d feel his warm breath on your mouth and you’d want nothing more than kiss him right then but you force yourself to back off. “I don’t want to make you sick as well, Rog.” “You’d take the best care of me, I’d be fine.” “You just want me to kiss you.” “That’s true”, he’d admit it, still giving you that flirtatious grin. 
He’d try to argue with you if you shouldn’t see a doctor when you didn’t get better after three days. He was worried and also he just wanted you to feel better, accepting the fact that antibiotics might fasten up the process more than his love. 
He’d run his hands through your hair until you fell asleep and then continue to softly stroke your arms and back. When you were awake, he’d offer you massages, ask if you wanted to take a bath or if he should take you on a drive - anything that came to his mind, that you might see as a cute gesture, he’d suggest it to make you feel better and maybe forget that you had a hard time breathing and hearing through your flu. 
He’d literally do anything to make you more comfortable on the couch or in the bed. At times, you’re wrapped in three different blankets and resting again at least ten pillows. Other times when you just wanna get out of everything, fevery sweat all over your body, he’d wrap your legs in cold towels or put one on your forehead to keep you cuddled in under the covers.
Cuddling after a hard day
You’d come home, throwing the door shut behind you and slipping off your heels, kicking them wherever. Your handbag and keys go on the sideboard without any attention, almost wiping some envelopes off the surface. Your coat follows, just thrown onto a chair next to the actual shoe rag. You’d take off your bra as well, unable to deal with it’s tightness that seemed to choke you. 
“Whoa there, what’s going on?”, Roger would say when he saw that. His smile would fade quickly when he noticed the angry tears in your eyes. “That fucker of a coworker again?” “My boss is on his side with that new client, it’s disgusting.” “I should punch them.” “But I need that job.” “You know you don’t actually.” “What do you mean?” He’d guide you to the couch to sit you down and you’d put your legs on his lap so you’d be more comfortable. “I can and would provide for you. I’d love to, actually. You wouldn’t have to deal with these dumbasses anymore and could join the boys and I on tour instead. And I could take you everywhere you liked it when we weren’t.” “That sounds amazing but I don’t wanna be just a famous guy’s girl, you know that.” “I know, y/n, I’m sorry, I didn’t’ -“ “Don’t be, it’s fine. I’d love to come back to that in some years. I just don’t want to think about it right here and right now.” “That’s perfectly fine, love.” He’d lay down next to you, just softly running his fingertips over your arm. 
“I should accidentally run into his car. Or scratch it with my keys.” “Outsch”
“I’m just - Rog, he’s such a stupid fucker, oh my god!” “I know, babe, I know”, he’d just whisper while he’d kiss you neck to distract you. He hated to see you cry, of course but he didn’t know what to do against it except for one thing, while he didn’t know if you were up for that right then and there. His fingers would sneak under your blouse and his lips would find that sensitive spot behind your ear, making you forget about the stress a little. “I’m sorry, but you’re so sexy when you’re angry. Tell me to stop if you don’t wanna -“ “It’s fine, Rog.”
He was a good distraction after all. Not only the sex but also how glorious he’d look afterwards. His eyes were a little sleepy and his lips would trail over your body lazily while you’d eventually be his little spoon so you could both watch TV. But rather than that, you’d want to see how wild his hair had gotten from your grip on it, blonde strands sticking to his forehead in dried sweat. He’d literally look like a greek god. And you knew if you’d say that out loud, it’d give you a round two
“Seriously, do you think I should look for another job?” “You loved working there before they hired that idiot.” “Yeah
” “No matter what, you can call me and I’ll be there to rip them apart.” “They don’t even know I’m with you, I guess.” “Why not?” “Well, some of them know but I don’t talk to my boss too often and that fucker didn’t deserve knowing that.” “Does he like Queen though?” “I have no idea but I don’t think he got that good of a taste.” “Hmmm.”
The next day, Roger showed up in front of your office to pick you up after your shift. He was leaning against his red Jaguar convertible and there was a huge bucket of white roses in the backseat, making the girls you worked with break out in awe. “Is that -“ that dumbass that never failed to get on your nerves, asked, stopping in his tracks and making the people that wanted to exit the building behind him moan in annoyance. “Roger Taylor, yeah”, somebody else told him. “Y/N is his girlfriend.” “No way!”, you heard him say and when you turned around to him, a winning smile on your lips, you could swear he turned pale at the realisation where he was in life and where you were. You walked over the street to Roger, who picked you up and spun you around like he always did. “You’re the best fucking boyfriend in this world!” “You mean best fucking boyfriend or best-fucking boyfriend?”, he asked in a low voice while he held the car’s door open for you, making you giggle like a schoolgirl. 
Snowy day cuteness
You’d wake up and see the snow outside the kitchen window when you went there to make yourself a coffee. You love the sight and the fact that it’s gonna be Christmas very soon but at the same time you’re worried about the traffic and how you’re supposed to make it to work. You’re a young teacher and you don’t want to fail your students or be called out for not showing up.
“I can take you”, Roger would offer when you told him while you got dressed. “I don’t wanna bother you.” “Love, you don’t bother me, ever. It’s not a big deal, let me take you. Also, I can see the others in the studio afterwards.” “Okay”, you’d finally agree, giving him a smile through your make-up mirror. 
Roger would swallow every curse he had on his lips so you wouldn’t feel bad to make him drive through the snowy streets. They were beautiful and really romantic and you loved it, especially with all the Christmas lights, but Roger was stressed because the streets were icy and it was dangerous to brake or to go fast or anything he would’ve wanted to do if it was a normal day. 
You’d arrive to the school only to realise it was closed, Snow Day. Perfect. “I’m so so so sorry!” “Love, don’t be! I could’ve turned on the radio and they would’ve told us.” “Don’t blame yourself, Rog, please!” “Don’t worry.” He truly wasn’t angry, he was glad he’d have you home for the whole day. “But what about the boys?”, you’d ask, worried he ignored his band duties. “It’s not important”, he’d assure you when you returned to your apartment. He’d make hot chocolate for you to warm up and then get on the couch with you, turning on Doctor Who. “Let’s just lie here and do nothing until we’re getting hungry, shall we?”, he’d suggest, making you lean in to kiss him. “I love that.” “I love you.” “Oh yeah, I love that idea and you, too.” 
Eventually the two of you go back to sleep, hugging each other tightly, one of your legs in between Roger’s, the other one around his hip. You wake up to his hands in your hair, going through your strands over and over again, making you press your face into his chest even more. “I love you”, you whisper into him, making him chuckle before he’d press a kiss to your forehead. “And I love you, y/N.” 
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bel0vedmendes · 6 years ago
An Angel Among the Angels: Part 2
Shawn Mendes X Reader
*Part one*
Word Count: 3,066
Warnings: Language, mentions of Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
Description: Y/N is working behind the scenes at the VS Fashion Show, and Shawn has his sights set on her. She can’t believe he would even look her way, considering they're literally surrounded by Angels. 
A/N: Helllllllo lovelies. I appreciate all the love I got on part 1, I hope part 2 is everything you hoped. Let me know what you think and if you want a part 3! The first part is posted on my original page ( @bel0vedbanshee). I will be posting from this account going forward. Thanks! xx
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We skipped over all of the awkward post first date stuff. He wasn’t one to let that happen. He was easy to talk to, and I think he felt the same about me. So that’s what we did, we talked.
Shawn was a busy boy, and I was extremely busy myself. That didn’t keep us from communicating regularly. If he wasn’t texting me, he was snapping me. If he wasn’t snapping me, he was face timing me.
“Let me see, I’m sure its not that bad.” I soothe, picking my phone up from its propped position to get a better look. Shawn takes his phone and turns the flash on, flipping the camera screen. He opens his mouth wide showing me his tonsils that he swears are swollen. I bite my bottom lip once I see that he isn’t kidding.
“See, I told you.” He rasps, flipping the camera around to selfie mode. His face being swallowed by his hoodie. I take the phone and walk to bed so that I could really pay attention to the boy through the screen. 
“Im sorry you feel like shit.” I say with a baby voice, giving him a weak smile.
“Its okay, just keep me company.” He turns in bed so that he’s laying on his side. I so desperately wish I was in the bed laying next to him. I take a deep breath and glance away from the bundle of cuteness.
“So, what are you going to do about your shows?” I ask toying with the strings on my hoodie.
“I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see just how bad it is. Hopefully I don’t have to cancel.” He mumbles, sighing once he’s done. His face is flushed and his hair is a beautiful mess.
 I really hate seeing you like this.” I say quietly, mimicking the way he is laying in bed.
He smiles softly, staring at me through the phone.
“I really wish you were here, Y/N.” He whispered, his face dropping the façade he had been holding up.
I just nodded, and we laid like that for almost an hour until he fell asleep. I wasn’t used to seeing him that way. Every time we had talked or face timed before he was a completely different person. He was upbeat, and flirty. Sometimes I couldn’t tell if he was putting on an act for me, or if it was really him. Tonight though, that was 100 percent Shawn. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that he felt comfortable enough with me to be that vulnerable. It made me wonder if there was more to our relationship than flirty phone calls, and a one night rendezvous. I really hoped it was more.
 The next morning, I headed into work early at the request of my boss. He needed to talk to me about something important. This was the same morning Shawn was going to see the doctor. We texted each other on our way to calm the nerves. I knew he didn’t want to hear that he needed a break, but deep down everyone knew he did. In the few weeks since we had seen each other it was flight after flight, show after show. He would never in a million years say that it was too much, so his body decided to make the decision for him.
Y/N: It’ll be fine, Shawn. If you’re sick and need to take a break the fans will understand okay?
Shawn: Nope, I’m not sick. I’m not even gonna think it.
Y/N: You couldn’t even talk on the phone. But
Shawn: Don’t sass me.
Y/N: Just saying, don’t stress okay?
Shawn: I wont if you don’t. Deal?
Y/N: I don’t know about that but okay. Ill text you when I’m out.
Shawn: Okay, Ill let you know when I hear something.
Y/N: good luck <3
Shawn: good luck Honey xx
Honey. I couldn’t help but melt when he used pet names. I got out of my car and walked into the building. Passing the receptionist, waving as she greeted me. Finally arriving to my Bosses office and tapping on the door before I stepped inside. He pulled himself away from his computer and hugged me as I walked inside closing the door behind him. I took a deep breath, that meant business. He ushered me to have a seat.
“So, Y/N, I just wanted to talk to you about the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, how did it go?” He asked
“I feel like it went great! I was pretty nervous but everything went incredibly smooth!” I sung. I couldn’t help but sweat. I knew I did my job well, and I really couldn’t think of a reason I would be in trouble.
“I only heard amazing things about you!” He praised, pulling out a manila envelope from his desk.
“Good! I really enjoyed it!” I said, finally able to breathe again.
“We had so many people gushing about how amazing you were! Everyone from staff to models, even some of the performers!” He raves raising his eyebrows. My eyes instantly widen, wondering what Shawn could have said about me.
“That being said, I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to work our next show in Paris?” He asks, taking a plane ticket out of the envelope and sliding it across the table. I pick it up noticing that it’s for tomorrow and I would be gone for a week.
“Oh.. my god. Paris?! Are you serious!” I hold the ticket in shock
“You would leave tomorrow, that wont be a problem will it?” He smiles
“No! No, of course not. Thank you so much, this is incredible!” I take the ticket, and he gives me the entire envelope that includes all of the details I may need about the trip. He talks me through my roll, and what I can expect.
“Y/N, keep up the amazing work, I only expect great things from you.” He praises as he pulls me into a hug. I thank him a million more times before walking to my car in a complete daze. I feel my pocket vibrating and I gasp realizing Shawn had probably finished at the doctor. I sit down in my front seat, pressing the green button on my phone. A curly headed, rosy cheeked boy shows up through my screen. He was visibly upset.
“Hi.” He whispered, laying his head back on the seat.
“Bad news?” I question, picking up on his body language.
“Yep, I have to take a break for a while. She gave me some antibiotics though.”
“Im really sorry, Shawn.” I murmured.
“It’ll be fine, like you said, the fans will understand.” He said, forcing himself to smile. I smiled back and nodded at him.
“So uhm, since  I have some free time, I was wondering if maybe I could come see you?” he asks nervously. My mind went blank. All I wanted was to see him, but I also just told my boss I would fly to Paris for a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fuck. I was apparently quiet for too long, because Shawn instantly started to freak out and explain himself
“I just thought
 you know
 if you wanted to.” He stutters, his hand rubbing the back of his neck making me smile.
“I want to see you Shawn.” I smile, laughing quietly as I watch him viably relax.
“But, I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. My boss loved how I did at the VS show and is sending me to work a show in Paris for a week.” I frowned into the phone.
“Are you kidding?! That’s awesome Y/N!” He smiled a genuine smile, making me melt into my seat.
“You’re not mad?” I ask tugging my lip between my teeth.
“Of course not, how could I be mad at you. I’m a little sad though.” He tilts his head, watching me as I put my keys into the car.
“Honestly, I'm pretty upset about it too,” I sigh, “I would really like to see you.”
Shawn just nods, with a pathetic smile on his face. I hate that I couldn’t make it work.
We finished up our updates and ended our face time. I drove back to my place and immediately started to pack. Incredibly overwhelmed with anxiety, which lead to me over packing by a long shot. I fell asleep after talking to an incredibly bored Shawn for about an hour. Shooting up in bed 4 hours later, realizing I had hit snooze a few too many times. I gathered my bags as fast as I possibly could, knowing I was inevitably forgetting something. I checked for the important stuff and rushed down to my Uber that was taking me to the Airport. Next thing I knew I was sitting in my seat, as the plane took off into the sky. I took my medicine to help me relax, and I slowly drifted to sleep. Thoughts of a curly headed boy entertaining my brain as I did.
After a long day of work, and being incredibly overwhelmed, I finally got back into my hotel room. Tossing my purse onto the ottoman in the corner of the room and collapsing onto the bed. I deep sigh escaping my body, mixed with an annoyed moan. When I was asked to work in Paris, I knew that it would be a challenge. No one does fashion like Paris does. I had confidence in myself though. After today, I was slowly starting to doubt that. My chest instantly started to tighten. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that maybe I wasn’t cut out for this. I sat up in my bed and went to get my phone from my purse. Usually when I felt this way I called my dad for reassurance, he was pretty good at knowing what to say. Yet this time, I didn’t call my dad. I didn’t realize I was face timing Shawn until he his face appeared through  the screen. He picked up and held a finger up, signaling me to hold on. I could hear the sound of a movie and a few people talking in the background. He closes the door to what I assume is his bedroom, and gets comfortable on his bed. He stacks some pillows behind him and leans back against his headboard. Smirking into the phone.
“I was hoping you would call.” He rasps
“Are you okay to talk to me for a little bit?” I smile back, wondering if his throat felt any better.
“Yeah, Im a lot better.” He clears his throat. “Is everything okay, you seem off?” his eyebrows squishing together.
I attempt to smile, but another sigh escapes my mouth.
“What’s up, Honey?” he soothes.
 I just. I don’t know. Today was insane. I don’t know if I can do this.” I stutter, as tears start to fill in my eyes. The look on his face becoming more serious. Sure, Shawn and I had many conversations. Up until now the conversations had been light and flirty. Or me talking to him about slowing down, and making sure we was taking care of himself. I was never the one to be vulnerable when we talked though, which is why he knew this was serious. He nodded his head as I ranted about how defeated I was after today. I told him that I was completely out of my element and the people around me were so seasoned.
“Listen Y/n, you’re amazing at your job. You know you are. Just breath and believe that.” He smiled into the phone speaking with conviction. I listened intently, hanging onto ever word he said.  
He talked about when he feels that way and what he does to overcome it. He was the perfect person to talk to about this.
“You’re right. I can do this. Its different and different can be scary, but Ill be fine.” I smiled into the phone. Glancing at the timer, realizing we had been talking for a little over an hour. I yawn into the phone, rubbing my eyes.
“Wow, its late.” I mutter
“Do you want to go to sleep?” He asks turning in bed, so that he was laying on his side. I mimic his actions.
“I mean, I should.” I giggle. “But I would rather talk to you.” I say, not quite ready to give up talking to him.
“Good. I’ve waited to talk to you all day.” He whines adorably. I silently laugh, rolling my eyes at his neediness.
“Wait, do you have people over? Do you need to go?” I asked concerned, last thing I wanted was for his friends or family to be mad at me for stealing their precious Shawn time.
“No, its just a few friends. Believe me their glad you called, I’ve been bugging them all day about whether or not I should call you.” He admits, a rosy tint instantly coating his cheeks.
“You know
 you can call me whenever you want. I always wanna talk to you.” I reassure him.
“You’ll regret saying that, Im gonna annoy the shit out of you now.” He teases, with a hint of seriousness lacing his voice. I laugh at him, scoffing, telling him that I could never get annoyed by him. I laugh at him for a few minutes, as he tells me all the ways he’s going to annoy me. Our laughing starts to die down, and he folds his arm, resting his head on his hand.
“I really love hearing you laugh.” He said quietly, but confidently.
“I love that you can make me laugh, thank you for talking me down.”
He nods, “So when do you get some time off to explore?” he asks, as he gets up from his bed and walks out into his hallway.
“The day after tomorrow, I get two days off.” I say watching him move through his condo, the voices from his living room becoming louder.
“I had a really great tour guide when I was there, maybe I could get his information for you?” He asks as his friends start to appear behind him to see the girl on the other side of the screen. He shoo’s them away, and I start to laugh as they start to comment on the conversation. ‘Damnnn Shawn’, ‘I’ll be her tour guide’ , and other boyish comments being made in the background clearly being said to irritate Shawn. He shakes his head at his friends trying not to smirk, I start to laugh. I tell him that I would love to have a tour guide and he promises to send me the information.
“Okay, I’m going to bed, go hang with your boys.” I say pulling my cover up around me, smiling tiredly into the phone. He chuckles at me.
“Goodnight, Honey. You’re going to kill it tomorrow.”
“Night Shawn.” 
The next morning I woke up with an adorable message from Shawn once again reassuring me of my own awesomeness. I couldn’t believe I was getting attention from a boy like this, he was too perfect sometimes. He also asked me for all of my hotel information so that the tour guide could meet up with me. I told him I could figure all the details out if he gave me his number, but he insisted on sorting everything out so that I could focus on work. If I had learned anything from my few months talking to Shawn, I knew that when he insisted on something there was really no point to argue. I just agreed and told him to let me know if I needed to do anything. After that we really hadn’t talked all day, a few text here and there but he was definitely not as annoying as he had planned to be. I got to the event building and did some deep breathing before walking in and starting my task for the day.
Lunch time came around in no time, I called Shawn to tell him how much better my day was going but he didn’t answer. I figured he was probably spending time with his family and I would hopefully get to talk to him later. I finished my work for the day, and my driver came to pick me up and take me back to my hotel. On the way there I attempted to call Shawn again but it went straight to voicemail once again. I tried my hardest not to be upset, but I really only wanted to talk to him. Which got me to think about how I felt about him. Was it appropriate to feel that way about someone you’ve only met one time?  Shawn was so caring, supportive, smart, and funny. I found myself smiling at all the things that I loved about this boy’s personality. I instantly decided that even if I wasn’t sure about my feelings, I was sure that he came into my life for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, I guess we would find out.
I finally arrived back at the hotel, grabbing my purse and walking up to my room. I get inside and start to flip through the hotel’s menu for room service. Ultimately deciding that I would change into some warmer clothes and find something to eat outside the hotel, I was in Paris after all. As I was getting dressed, the hotel room phone started to ring. I walked over to it curiously and picked it up. The woman on the other end with a thick accent telling me that my tour guide was here to meet me. My eyebrows scrunched together, wondering why this tour guide was here on the wrong day. Thinking maybe the details were messed up, I told the woman to send him up. I hung up the phone, if anything maybe this guys could help me find somewhere to eat. I walked over to the door after hearing a light knock, opening it quickly.
My eyes instantly meet a pair of familiar light brown ones. His smile wide and beaming. I felt like I was hallucinating.
“Hi, I’m your tour guide. Is it okay if I’m a little early?” He says with a cheesy French accent, smiling down at me before pulling me into his arms.
A/n: Please let me know what you think! Part 3? Follow my new account :)
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pegasusdragontiger · 6 years ago
Awww, I'm sorry you're (still?) sick! :( *hugs* I'm dealing with chronic pain and other things that are not fun and need more doctors :( But lets be pathetic-non-laughers while we heal *tries not to laugh in pain*
Here is my sick log! 
1) Week of my Birthday- cold.
2) Weeks after all good 100% better!! 
3) Month of May had a slight cold but all in all okay.
4) This passed weekend felt something tickle my throat and not feeling 100%. Sunday morning it hit hard. 
5) Sunday night was not a cold more like flu, didn’t sleep much that night got 4 hours sleep from 1:50 am onwards i was awake and coughing.
6) Monday was fkn awful Dad went to the doc an he had an infection an got a script for tablets if he got worse. Monday again 4 hours sleep from 2 am onwards was awake.
7) Tues went to doc diagnosed with an infection an to take some antibiotics, been taking so much shit to get rid of this thing I have a rattle chest, i can’t laugh or i go into a 5min coughing fit, sneezes sound like a cough rattle. Oh again 4 hours sleep this night 1am onwards!
8) Still feel like shit, when i cough or try an bring up flem which i do at night too! It hurts not only my head but full body an even my hair! Was planing on cooking soup but like was too ill! WEDNESDAY NIGHT I FINALLY HAD A FULL SLEEP FROM THE TIME I WENT TO BED TILL 6AM! 
Dad ha this for a week after me, but got better, grandson was sick and he got sick again for another week got better than sick again and that’s when i got sick too! It’s passing around really quickly and god it’s fkn awful! So yeah story of my sickness Since April! to today
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preppypolkadot · 6 years ago
Sick (Timeless Lyatt Fic)
Summary: She returned back to the bunker with an infected wound expecting to find him. But she never for the life of her expected to find Her in the bunker as well.
Okay, that summary is awful. But to be honest i don't even know where this story comes from. I was rewatching season 2 because it's finally on Netflix and right after episode 4 and was at the very beginning of episode 5 I was struck by an idea and it has haunted me ever since. What happened during the time they got back from Salem to the time where Lucy woke up and Jiya told her that the boys went on a mission without her. I also liked to believe that she was out of it for a couple of days, hence, this story.
I would like to apologize for the possible headache it might inflict while reading this story and in the future.
Would also like to point out that all the mistakes; timeline, facts, grammar, and typo are all mine. Also wish I own the rights for the show cause then will have 20 seasons not just 2.
So without further ado....
He got his wife back.
And of course he’d bring her back here in the silo, because
 she’s his wife.
He got his wife back.
And it all happen just right after they got back, together, full of potential and love. Whoa where did that come from? Love? I don’t love wyatt
. At least not yet. She sigh. She’s a mess ever since that phone call, went back to colonial time salem, got stab on the arm, went back still a mess. She doesn’t expect to feel better anytime soon, but it most definitely helped that she went on a mission with Rufus and Flynn. Yes, you heard that right she is glad she went with Flynn. FLYNN! She’s not going to lie, working with both men gave her the sense that she will be fine without Wyatt, that she will be able to move on with life without Wyatt. That is until her mother showed up and have her accused of being a witch. But she persevered and now they’re back and she believes she’s a stronger person.
Standing here right now, a few feet away from both Wyatt and Jessica, seeing how beautiful she really is and remembering how broken Wyatt was for years, all her previous self encouragement just disappeared on thin air and with it the little voice in her head telling her that maybe all of this is just a bad dream and it’s bound to end soon. It was an instant decision, the right one she thought, she figured that all this feelings that she’s having right now, the confusion, anger, butterflies, everything, she will just bottle it all up. She did manage to hide her then tiny crush on wyatt everytime they go on a mission. Flynn’s huge hand tugging at her good arm pulled her back to reality. How long has she been staring at Jessica? Am i looking at her with dagger? My left arm is throbbing. Damn! I’ve been stabbed with an ancient knife. Is that fatal? Am I dying?! The awkwardness in the air is thick, maybe it is better if die.
She let Flynn drag her to the girl’s room with Agent Christopher and Jiya trailing behind, both asking questions about the mission and how her arms get stabbed, who stabbed you? Is it rittenhouse? Did you get the rittenhouse agent? What are they after at 1690’s Salem? Were you there during the witches revolt? That one is asked with so much enthusiasm it actually made her smile. Wait what? Witches revolt? Stay in your room i’m calling a doctor.  She wants to answer all of it, it’s the teacher in her she suppose, but she also just want to lie down and process the mission and more importantly the fact that Jessica is in the bunker.
Jiya helped her lie down, they both watch agent Christopher and Flynn walked out of their room, waited until they don’t hear their footsteps anymore until she looked back at her. “Wyatt brought her here.” Jiya answered before she could even process what she really want to know. “We were all surprise, Denise is still trying to get a hold of him when you guys left and when she stopped calling that’s when he showed up
 that’s when they showed up.” She let go of the sigh she didn’t even know she’s holding and wince at her injured arm she’s pretty sure is getting worse. “Let me grab the first aid kit, we should at least try to clean the wound while we wait for the doctor.”
She closed her eyes willing herself to focus on Jiya’s fading footstep but as soon as it disappear there’s really nothing else to focus on except at her wounded arm and her wounded heart. She prefer focusing on the arm because as horrific as it sound that was easier to focus at.
Last she remembered before she declared that she’s just resting her eyes is that there are still some light from the outside streaming through the tiny bunker window and it couldn’t have been a long time ago, but she’s guessing a significant amount of time has passed because it’s now dark outside. She’s sweaty but she didn’t care. First thing she noticed is that the pain got worse, second is that Jiya is sound asleep on the cot opposite her. She’s now noticing what had changed around her. There is now a water basin, wet cloth, medicines, and extra clean bandages. I must be really out of it for doctor to come in and for me to not notice? She let out what she thought is a silent groan, back sticky from sweat, hair matted. Turns out she was loud cause it woke up Jiya. “Woah there professor take it easy. Do you need anything?” she was besides her in an instant.
“Water.” she croak, throat extremely dry.
“Here,” she poured her one and babbled on “Rufus brought a pitcher of water for this exact moment. Don’t tell him you actually needed it okay, he will not let me hear the end of it.” she giggled “I might have told him to leave you alone and let you rest but he insisted that he should bring you sustenance just in case.”
Jiya’s rambling, but she likes it. It takes her mind off her throbbing head and arm. She reached for the latter and for the first time she notice the professionally placed bandage on top of it. She winced when her fingers made contact.
“Agent Christopher also brought soup you should probably eat some before i give you pain meds.”
“Wow seems like everyone has seen me on my deathbed.” she let out what she think resemble something of a laugh but it sounded weird. Jiya looked at her sadly, she raised an eyebrow urging her to say whatever she’s been holding back. Is she actually dying? “Jiya it’s just a joke, unless i’m actually dying? Oh god
“No, you’re not dying!” She countered. “More like who came by to check on you and who didn’t
” she’s avoiding her eyes but continued nonetheless. “Connor and Agent Denise we’re both here when the doctor stopped by, making sure that you’re really getting the treatment you needed because you have 105 fever.”
“Wow I have 105 fever
” without any warning Jiya reached for her forehead.
“You might still have one, you’re still super warm. But the biggest surprise for everyone is Flynn stopping by to check if, his exact words are, ‘Is she still breathing?’” I let out a chuckle. “ And then rufus stopped by before I go to bed to bring water, I got tired of everyone knocking at the door so I kinda snapped at him telling him that what you actually need is to be left alone and rest, not water.” Jiya has a apologetic look on her eyes. “Maybe do tell him you drank some of the water he brought, that would actually be nice.”
It had taken her longer than usual for her brain to process all that information and to realize that there is still one more person in the group that Jiya hasn’t mentioned. Her foggy brain has finally put two and two together and she finally understood what the woman in front of her is trying to avoid.
She hates that knowing that he didn’t even check on her hurts more than the pain she’s experiencing with both her head and arm combined. Well
 he did just get his wife back, so why would he visit a co-worker? Because two missions ago we were more than coworkers that’s why! She’s not really sure why she’s answering her own questions right now but all of a sudden she is too tired and just want to lie back on the cot and rest her eyes again. Jiya noticing the sudden deflate of energy from her tried to coax her to at least taking a few sips from the soup “I’ll heat it up on the microwave real quick. It might also be time for you to take your antibiotics. You’re still pretty warm.”
“I’ll just quickly close my eyes, I’ll eat after a few minutes.”
Next thing she knows is it’s bright outside again and that all she could remember from that whole late night exchange with Jiya is ‘soup’. Did everyone brought her soup? Is that it? She let out another not so subtle groan but this time Jiya is not in the room but there on her behalf sitting on a possibly most uncomfortable chair is Agent Christopher
 Knitting? She had closed her eyes again fully resigned that, yes, maybe her condition has gotten worse. But really? Agent Christopher knitting? That has got to be whole new level of hallucinations. Another groan and that had brought agent Christopher besides her in an instant.
“What do you need sweetie?” Spoken like a true mother she thought. She tries to remember with her foggy brain if her actual mother was that concern when she was sick. Maybe once? Most of the time she just gave her books to read telling her that reading will make her feel better. It did but she still crave the maternal affection.
“Water?” Then it hit her she’s now wearing an IV. Agent Christopher followed her gaze.
“Jiya told me you haven’t eaten anything so I called the doctor and she suggested IV, it’s the only way to actually have liquids and meds in you.” At this point every part of her is sore, agent Christopher helped her sit up when she notice her gave it all but fail miserably anyways.
“What happened to me?” even her own voice sounds so foreign in her own ears.
“Mostly infections, stab wound is shallow but it still requires stitches, high fever probably from the infections.” Agent Christopher held at the glass of water while she drinks obviously not trusting her with it.
“I think I might also have hallucinations.” I stare at the ball of yarn and what look like a scarf waiting for it to disappear but it didn’t.
“Maybe, Jiya did mention you murmuring all evening, you mentioned a few names ever since I had taken over looking after you. Doctor’s strict order that there should always be someone in the room just in case the high fever brought seizures.” Denise followed her eyes that are still staring at the ball of yarn. “Oh that’s not hallucination Lucy, I’m knitting.”
“You are?” She tried sounding surprise but she’s pretty sure she sounds more like a drunk right now. She want to lie down again, her eyes closing on its own. Agent Denise notice and had attempted to keep her upright.
“No lucy you need to eat something. Don’t go back to sleep--” Too late she was out.
Next she open her eyes it’s dark again, Jiya is back sleeping on her cot. Like the last time, she tried to remember what happened before she black out again. Soup. She paused and force herself to remember more, she’s an historian for crying out loud she knows even the tiniest details of history. But for the life of her all she could really think about right now is soup! Its frustrating but also tiring so she closed her eyes again.
Next time she open her eyes though she hears talking, There’s a pause and she waited for another person to talk but no response and then the person has started talking again. She close her eyes but this time to focus on the words, it’s all murmurs but she manage to catch a fews phrases. I should’ve have been there. I’m sorry. Flynn said you got stabbed trying to save someone, when did you become so heroic? I thought that part is my job. Chuckle or more murmuring she really couldn’t distinguish. But it now occur to her who the owner of voice is.
What is he doing here? Is it actually all just a bad dream? Her hopes soared only for it to come crashing down. There is it the other voice she’s been waiting to hear. A woman’s voice that doesn’t sound like Jiya or Agent Christopher. A voice she’s not really familiar with but from the way she’s calling Wyatt she just knows. Jessica. It’s all still murmur on her ears but she got the jist of it. She’s calling Wyatt to help her on something. She heard wyatt sigh, surprisingly that part is clear.
She wanted to reach out, to ask him to stay. But she couldn’t even keep her eyes open for more than five minutes, so the idea of physically reaching out for him is completely exhausting on it’s own. She stayed still, eyes still close, and listen for their footsteps to fade away. It’s not until then that she realize she doesn’t feel any physical pains anymore. But the emotional strain she’s now currently have is too much and if it’s possible more painful than getting stabbed. She took a sharp intake of breath and had let the pain slowly ease her back to slumber, and for the first time since the mission back from Salem, sleep didn’t come as quickly as it normally does.
It has now become normal to not remember a thing whenever she open her eyes, but right now she sense that she should be grateful for it. Like not remembering is actually better than remembering how she must have embarrassed herself with her hallucinations or something more horrific. Except ‘soup’, that thought has stuck with her through this whole ordeal and it has now started to feel comforting. Soup. And for the first time in days, she doesn’t even know what day is it, she actually wants soup. She felt something removed from her forehead, something cold and wet. With more force that it normally takes she tried opening her eyes, blinked a few times until an image of Jiya sitting besides her on the bed is no longer blurry.
“Hey. You’re awake.” she’s closed her eyes again, but she could totally hear the mirth on her voice. “Fever dropped, that’s a good sign.”
That’s when it hit her. Last time she was temporary awake, he was here. Wyatt was here.
“Wyatt?” its was out of her lips before she even register it happening.
“He’s on a mission.” That did it, now she’s awake.
“He went without me?”
Jiya figuring out that this might really be it, she’s out of the woods and could finally processed everything. “You were stabbed with a knife full of 17th century germs and running a 105 fever, remember?” she reminded her while she tried to peel off the tape that has somehow made itself permanent on her skin.
“I don’t care. He shouldn’t have gone without me.” she let out in between wincing for pain., medical tape are painful to remove, why do we use it on people already in so much pain?
“Flynn’s pinch hitting. I’m sure he and Wyatt have everything under control.” Jiya is avoiding her eyes.
“Sure, what could go wrong?”
“Would’ve been weird anyway, right? You and Wyatt on a trip?” She finally looked at her “Rufus told me. About Hollywood. You. Wyatt.” She’s also finally looking at Jiya. “Sounded pretty romantic.”
She finally remember Jessica.
“I didn’t know that he was still married.” she says more to herself really. “I mean, I didn’t know that Jessica was--”
“Alive again?” Jiya cut her off. “I know. I wasn’t judging.”
Jiya went back to her task, she doesn’t even realize she was changing her bandage until she saw her grab the god awful medical tape again.
“I just
” Jiya continued. “I just mean it must be hard. Especially with her here.”
Oh yeah, that too. “I want him to be happy.” again she’s voicing it out loud more for herself than for the other woman tending at her wounds. “I mean, this is what he’s always wanted. So...”
“What about what you want?” Jiya cut her off again, and all of a sudden she miss being woozy, of being able to doze of just by closing her eyes.
“Were still friends. We’ll have the missions. I’ll be fine.” She’s also surprise with herself that this are all just coming out of her so naturally. She made an effort to sit up, surprising the other woman on the bed.
“Take it easy.”
“I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine.” she waved her off.
“Don’t be a hero today.” Jiya warned.
“No heroics. I’m just gonna get some tea.”
Because to be honest she’s not really fine, her body is still sore, she’s worried for the boys on mission right now but she’s also glad to be strong enough to get out of bed and make herself a cup of tea. So that’s what she’ll do, make herself a warm cup of tea and try to sort out all that is happening right now with a less foggy point-of-view.
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renee-writer · 6 years ago
Redemption Chapter 21 Vigil
Eli slips out of the room to add Evie to the church's prayer list. Within minutes of him returning, Dr Duffy walks back in.
"We have the results.of Evie's tests. She does have the flu as well as a mild case of pneumonia. We.are.going to admit her to the hospital under anti-viral and antibiotic treatment. We will monitor her temperature and other vitals."
"Can I stay with her?" Gabriella asks.
"Yes you can. Eli are you her husband?"
"He looks at her, stunned," Ah no."
"Sorry. Y'all are so in sync, I assumed. I asked because if you were, you also could stay. We will be moving her in the next half hour."
"My husband?"
"I know. I guess she asked to determine if I could stay."
"I guess," she starts to say more when a nurse walks in to re-take Evie's temperature.
"105. Better. I will let the doctor know."
"Thank you. Thank God." Gabriella says.
A half hour later, they move Evie, still sleeping, up to a room on the peds floor. She sleeps through the transfer and that worries her sister. "Is it normal?"
"Yes. The fever wears them out. Sleep is great medicine. Now, I have some questions."
Eli had come up with because visiting hours are still in effect. As Gabriella answers the nurses many questions, he sits beside Evie's bed and prays, hand on her head. He prays silently and fervently.
When the nurse is finally done, Gabriella comes over and places her hand beside his. She thinks her fever is spiking again. "She feels cooler, don't you think?"
"Oh. Yes she does."
"What were you doing?"
"Praying. The bible says if any is sick you should pray for them with the laying on of hands. That is what I was doing for Evie. I know I can't stay but, I am not leaving. I will spend the night in the waiting room, praying for you and Evie."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want too. I need too. I need to be close, in case you need me."
"Ah man. I love you so much."
He pulls her up against him and holds her while she cries whispering," I love you. It is going to be alright.. I will be right down the hall if you need me." Ten minutes later when visting hours end, he leaves them with reluctance.
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itskrispyfries-blog · 6 years ago
I spent 5 days in a Korean hospital with limited Korean skills and no insurance.
This is going to be long but it’s something I wanted to document because it was one of the most difficult things I’ve experienced but also extremely eye opening and I guess I’m almost thankful for the experience but also wouldn’t wish it on anyone else. 
The background to this is I got a job teaching in South Korea and left in June 2017 and started this job. In August 2017 I developed a severe case of tonsillitis which was a fever and made it extremely painful to swallow. At this time I had insurance and one of my coworkers told me to go to a clinic down the street from my place and they diagnosed me and gave me a prescription of I don’t know what but I took it and felt better after a couple days. This ended up being reoccurring for me and I got tonsillitis again in October and November (at these times it was less severe than the first time) After October I had left my job and started a new one that did not provide me with insurance so I didn’t go to the doctor because I thought it would be expensive like the states and it wasn’t that bad so I thought I’d be fine.  
So fast forward to what brought me to the hospital. 
I started to feel like I was getting sick the Wednesday after Christmas and by Sunday morning I knew I had tonsillitis again because it was getting really painful to swallow, even worse than the first time. On Monday I was in a lot of pain and decided to go to see a doctor despite not having insurance. I texted some of my friends to see if anyone could come with me to help translate and one of them agreed and took me to a clinic near by my home. Again the doctor said I had severe tonsillitis. He took a picture of my throat (gross but it was completely white) and gave me some antibiotics that I had to take with food. I could barely eat but tried to eat something to take the medicine (important later). 
I went back to this clinic again two days later on Wednesday with my friend and they gave me stronger medicine and but they said it was looking a little better. On Thursday evening I was still trying to take the medicine but I couldn’t eat much due to the pain and swelling. (also by this time my lymph node was almost the size of a tennis ball) Later that evening I was having trouble breathing so I texted one of my friends if he could take me to the hospital. At the time the only thing open was the ER so he drove me there and helped me get checked in. They were really focused on my heart rate because it was high and they thought that meant I was pregnant so they were worried about giving me medicine. I was trying to tell them I was anxious and it’s not out of the ordinary for me to have a high heart rate in this case. Eventually they gave me an IV of I’m guessing anti inflammatory and it helped a little and I could breathe better again. The ER visit was a little over $300 without insurance which is a lot but nothing compared to the states so I was thankful for that. 
Skipping to that Saturday I was worse than before. I couldn’t take the antibiotics anymore, drink water, or even swallow because my throat was so swollen. My friend couldn’t come to help me that day so I took myself back to the clinic and using a phone app for translation I explained to them what was wrong. The doctor looked and my throat said ‘oh my god’ in Korean multiple times and told me I needed to go to the hospital as soon as possible. They gave me the name of the hospital and let me go without even charging me for the visit. Another person visiting the doctor who spoke English wanted to help me and walked me to the subway with explaining how to get to the hospital and wished me luck. So by myself I climbed the (what seemed like a mile high) subway stairs and rode the subway to the hospital. 
This part took a super long time but basically I used the translation app to check in and wait to see the ENT specialist at the hospital. I sat for the longest hour and a half of my life barely being able to breathe and extremely dehydrated because it was too painful and difficult to drink anything. When I finally saw the doctor he briefly looked at my throat and swollen lymph node and said I had to be admitted immediately. 
Once I was admitted they told me I first needed to get an X-RAY and blood test then go check into my room. I was the only foreigner that I saw in the hospital and the nurses on my floor were very nice but weren’t able to speak English well and I could barely talk at all from the swelling. After checking in with them they put me in a room with 5 other people and gave me my hospital clothes. I sat in my bed thinking about literally everything. They put in an IV drip of saline and a type of antibiotics and also gave me an injection for pain. I asked the nurse for water but I don’t think she understood me. One of my roommates came over and gave me some oranges and a bottle of water. I was so happy I almost cried. I’ve never felt so thirsty before and she was so nice. 
I was also relieved because the medication started working and I could swallow without much pain or difficulty. A little later they served us dinner and even though it was just some tuna, soup, and vegetables I had barely eaten that past week and when I did it was in extreme pain, so this was one of the best meals I’ve ever had. 
On my third day in the hospital they told me I needed to get a CT scan to look at my swollen lymph nodes. This was probably the The IV for the CT scan was the most painful and the only time I felt like I was going to pass out. They also did not warn me when they injected the liquid which for some reason made me feel super warm so I started to panic a little but it ended up being okay and not as bad as I thought. I went back to my room to wait for the results. 
On this day they also tried to explain to me that my blood test showed that I had some sort of liver damage which was overwhelming to hear by itself but when the doctor came in to give me my CT scan results I almost broke down. The first thing he told me was I had lymphoma, which in my head meant cancer. I later found out it was a miscommunication and he was telling me my lymph node was extremely swollen and they didn’t know if it was benign or malignant and that I should go to a university hospital to get a biopsy. At this point I was emotionally exhausted and starting to get anxious to leave the hospital. 
At this point I knew I had to leave soon because the hospital bill was getting to be too much to afford and I really felt 10x better. I had made plans to come back to the states so I could be under my father’s insurance and see my GP that I’ve been going to for years. Finally, on the 5th day my boss came to let them know I needed to be discharged and I’d be going back to the states for more treatment. I was really thankful for my boss because he helped me talk to the billing department and the person we worked with was able to cut my bill down over 50% and I’m extremely grateful for that. After he left I got my last round of IV antibiotics and my boyfriend came to pick me up and bought me a cheeseburger because that’s all I wanted at the time. 
As stressful and scary as this situation was it really amazed and grateful for everyone who came to visit me and bring things while I was staying in the hospital. My roommates always shared food with me and my friends and students came and brought me drinks and things to eat. My boss helped me so much with navigating the hospital and health care system and my boyfriend gave me so much emotional support and took care of me when I got out of the hospital. Everyone made a really difficult experience more bearable and without them I really don’t know how I could have gotten through it. 
I don’t wish this on anyone but the whole thing really gave me a lot to be thankful for and I really appreciate the support system I developed in Korea. Now I’m back home recovering and I really hope to never hear the word tonsillitis again.  
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mysticalmistake · 7 years ago
Um hi... sorry I'm rather new to this fandom and I'm also very awkward; If requests are open... could you possibly do RFA + Minor, getting very sick (not like deadly sick) and MC attempting to take care of them? If not I get it; Thank you anyways^^
Oh yeah I forgot this blog was for writing -After after endings- ~Mod L 
Yoosung ♡ Thankfully he was a bit more mature than when you first met him so that when Seven told him he had a month left to live he didn’t believe him♡ Or at least didn’t believe him for very long ♡ He was a bit sheepish when he asked you for help to take care of him, but he wanted you there for him ♡ And thank god he did because he got sicker than he thought he would’ve ♡ He has grown up a lot, but couldn’t help but become a bit immature when he was sick ♡ The last time he got this sick was when he was a kid, so he couldn’t help but fall back into that when he was sick again ♡ Which meant he complained about how sick he felt, and he needed a lot of attention♡ You happily took care of him, and he was so grateful you did ♡ He joked once about how backwards it was from his work, with him now being on the receiving end of care ♡ But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t secretly enjoyed you taking care of him ♡ Once he was all better he was a bit ashamed of how much he whined but you reassured him it was okay ♡ He took you out to a very lovely dinner as soon as he could to say both thank you and he’s sorry for how he acted
Zen ♡ He insists you don’t have to help him ♡ He’ll be all happy and healthy within the week!♡ But that doesn’t change the fact that right now he’s worst than he is around Elizabeth the 3rd♡ He’s not amused when you say that♡ Despite being sick he’ll still try to do things, like go out or if he has a role practice ♡ You basically have to monitor him all the time to make sure he actually rests ♡ You make his living room a small cozy sick haven for him ♡ There’s plenty of blankets, cold medicine, tea, and anything else he’d want ♡ And you!♡ Once you have this all made up he’s much more wiling to relax ♡ He tries to say it’s not because he’s sick but because it’s to spend time with you ♡ He doesn’t even believe it himself but he’ll say it anyways ♡ Once he’s all better he’ll thank you for taking care of you, even when he was so stubborn 
Jaehee ♡ She’s used to taking care of others, so it’s strange for her to need someone else’s help so much ♡ But she is so thankful you’re there for her ♡ She’ll try to work while sick, or feel guilty that you can’t watch the cafe because you’re watching over her ♡ You reassure her that you have plenty of talented staff and not to worry ♡ To make her stop stressing you have to put on some of Zen’s movies ♡ While she’s watching you brewed her some tea and joined her while watching ♡ You picked up on some of her maternal habits so you always had fresh, washed blankets, rags to cool her head, medicine right on the second she was suppose to take them ♡ She hated being sick, but being with you and with how much you cared for her made it bearable♡ She was impressed and so grateful ♡ She made a mental note to treat you to a very nice dinner once she was all better to thank you for everything you did for her  
Jumin♡ When his doctor told him he couldn’t do anything but take some antibiotics and wait, he was a bit grumpy ♡ He had a job to do, a very important one, and didn’t like that he couldn’t do anything to speed up the process♡ All he could do was stay in his penthouse, with his doctor coming over to check on him just twice a day ♡ He considered having someone there more often to monitor him but then you told him you would absolutely be there ♡ Knowing you were there calmed him down a bit ♡ He almost never got sick, and was shocked he was now ♡ The first day of taking care of him was really just trying to get him to be less grumpy ♡ But after that day he felt less grumpy and more thankful for you being there ♡ And a little guilty about being so pouty when you were taking care of him♡ He accepted that he was sick and couldn’t do anything about it but relax and wait ♡ While you were taking care of him he tried to get a nurse to help you since you shouldn’t be doing all this by yourself♡ You tried to insist you were fine, but just had to hide his phone from him while he took a nap ♡ His doctor said his sickness healed at a fairly normal rate, but his morale was surprisingly high for someone so sick ♡ It was unsurprisingly thanks to you, and he buys you about 100 thank you gifts once he’s better 
Seven♡ He’s so dramatic ♡ “Babe!! I googled what’s going on. I think I only have a few days left. Tell my children I love them”.♡ He was referring to his cars ♡ You weren’t amused and that made him laugh really hard, which made him cough even harder ♡ While you were taking care of him it was hard to judge how sick he was because of all his jokes♡ You knew he didn’t have two days before his face would melt away but he kept saying it and it distracted you from actually finding the problem ♡ Thankfully Vanderwood went out and bought him the right medicine then left as quickly as he could ♡ Seven felt miserable on the inside so he couldn’t stop joking around hoping it would make it better ♡ But every laugh turned into a cough ♡ For once you were able to convince him to just relax and quit messing around, and he reluctantly obliged ♡ He laid back on his couch, and you brought him a light blanket, a pillow, a rag to cool his head, and something warm to drink with his medicine dissolved in it ♡ He realizes relaxing with you taking care of him is heaven, and doesn’t try to keep joking around until he gets better
Saeran ♡ He was the most stubborn that he wasn’t sick ♡ With how he grew up he thought if he was sick that meant he was weak, and he never wanted to be seen as weak. Especially not to you♡ But the more sick he got the more you tried to help him♡ It lead into an argument between you two ♡ You knew he needed to rest and wanted to take care of him, but he refused your help ♡ During the argument he nearly fainted, and you immediately had your arms around him to help him steady himself♡ That moment helped him realize how sick he was, and that he needed your help ♡ He begrudgingly accepted it, and at first was still hesitant to accept your help ♡ Once he was finally able to relax and let you properly take care of him he realized how tired he was ♡ He fell asleep within ten minutes, and woke up still sick but with a higher morale ♡ He let you take care of him without resisting anymore♡ The sickness was making him feel terrible, but he couldn’t even imagine how much worst it would’ve been had he not let you help him♡ He trusted you, despite fighting with you earlier, and was able to fully relax in your care♡ After he recovered he apologized for how he acted towards you, which was fairly rare for him ♡ But he was so thankful for what you did, and even while having problems fully expressing himself he wanted you to know that
V♡ He’s a bit embarrassed ♡ All of your guys’ relationship is turning into you taking care of him ♡ When he first starts to get sick he’s in strong denial and tries to hide it the best he can ♡ It doesn’t work at all ♡ It was especially evident when you came home from the store and he was passed out on the couch sweating ♡ You had to wake him up to get him to change into more comfortable clothes, as you could tell he’s gonna be there for a while♡ As much as he wanted to insist he was okay, he knew he wasn’t and decided to just accept your help ♡ When he was drifting in and out of sleep he thought about how thankful he was for you♡ You loved him so unconditionally, and you took such good care of him ♡ He says he doesn’t remember this, which is believable for how sick he got, but once he woke up, saw you getting his medicine ready, and asked you if you were an angle ♡ But he was convinced you were a literal angle for about five minutes before falling back asleep ♡ Once he was better and you told him about it, he was a bit embarrassed ♡ “Can you blame me? Now that I’m really thinking about it you might seriously be one~”  
Vanderwood♡ He was pretty good at taking care of people, despite his typical adversity to it ♡ So once he started to get sick he knew what was wrong, and what kind of medicine to get himself to feel better and so on ♡ But he was taken aback when you insisted on getting all this for him, and then taking proper care of him♡ The only other person he had was Seven, and due to their work he always had to keep a certain amount of distance with him♡ So having someone who’s close to him and taking care of him because they just had genuine feelings for him was strange ♡ But he loved it ♡ It was so nice having someone take care of him for a change, and so he readily accepted any help you were willing to give ♡ He was also impressed by how well you helped him♡ Even through him being sick, falling in and out of sleep, and occasionally being grumpy you stuck with him and took good care of him ♡ He was so grateful for you, and loved every second of attention he got ♡ Even once he said “If you’re always going to be this good to me I should get sick more often” 
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kaen-ace-of-diamonds · 7 years ago
i’m going to talk about some of my Emerald headcanons for a little bit because i can’t shut up about my faves for a single second
and because come on, being homeless, alone, and starving for most of her life absolutely 100% left her with physical and psychological scars that may or may not ever be brought up in canon
- Like her teammates, she doesn’t have a good relationship with either of her parents.
Her father, also a skilled thief, left the family when she was five years old, and she has no idea where he is, what he’s doing, or why he’s gone, only that if she ever sees him again, she’s going to make him pay dearly for abandoning her. 
(He actually left to try and make a fortune to support his girls, but refuses to return or contact them until then, out of pride. He doesn’t think things through very well: he ends up becoming the successful leader of a gang of forty thieves, but returns home to find his family gone without a trace, years after his wife died and just a few days after Emerald left their home city with Cinder. He has no idea where to go from there.)
Her mother was a drug dealer, which wasn’t a very profitable profession seeing as dealers of illicit products are a dime a dozen in Mistral, and compared to the rest, she didn’t have much to bring to the table. Life in abject poverty with a bitter, stressed, temperamental mom was difficult enough, but then Emerald unlocked her Semblance and somehow shit got even worse.
Her mother freaked the fuck out at the idea of her kid being able to mess with her head, and threw Emerald out of the house, calling her a freak and telling her to never come near her again. Emerald was eight. About five years later, she came across her mother in the street, dead of a gunshot wound, and was disgusted with herself for still getting upset at the sight.
Cinder is the only one who has ever told her that her Semblance wasn’t bad or wrong, that it made her wonderful and special and was something to be proud of. It was the first time in Emerald’s life that she felt like she was worth something.
- Her immune system is total shit. She used to get bad cases of flu and chest infections every winter, and even had pneumonia once, which would have killed her if she hadn’t managed to steal some antibiotics. Even now that she’s able to take better care of herself (despite mammothrider’s claims to the contrary, Cinder doesn’t exactly have a healthcare plan for her minions, but she can pay for medicine, vitamin supplements, etc., when needed), she’s still pretty vulnerable in bad conditions, and absolutely detests the winter. 
- She’s touch-starved as all hell, and would love to be held and cuddled, even if she doesn’t yet realize that fully. Cinder, however, gets exactly what’s going on when Emerald reacts more strongly than is typical to things like quick hugs and little hair strokes, and immediately files it away as another tool of emotional manipulation.
All I’m saying is, back in “Best Day Ever,” Emerald probably wouldn’t have tried to go in for a hug if she didn’t think there was a chance she’d get one
- She’s an avid reader when she can get her hands on books (a habit she unknowingly shares with her father), and primarily enjoys mysteries and suspense. Adventures are okay, too, so long as the protagonists aren’t annoyingly happy and pure of heart and all that. Antiheroes are her favorites.
- She sleeps curled up tight in the fetal position, either hugging herself or hugging a pillow, under as many blankets as possible; the warmth and pressure make her feel safe. She's also a very light sleeper; any touch or noise near her will wake her up and for a second, she’ll be terrified and think someone is attacking her, until she remembers that she’s not alone on the streets anymore and calms down. 
- She based her current outfit partially on the one Cinder used to wear. Look me in the eyes and try to tell me that this didn’t look at this and become this. 
- She and Mercury got along surprisingly well with Neo when she was brought onto the team to go to Beacon, though Neo’s cheerful sadism still unsettled them both at times. 
They were the ones who helped her come up with an alias to use on her fake records, since she was the only one whose name and face were public knowledge and had to be kept secret. It took a little while, but the three of them finally decided on Nero Midori: “black” and “green” to go with her chosen disguise. 
(Cinder thought it was ridiculous that it took them that long to come up with the idea of just adding a letter, but whatever, she supposes that that’s just what happens when you discourage your subordinates from thinking too much.)
Emerald and Neo conspired to steal one of Mercury’s legs and keep hiding it as a joke, but had to stop after only a couple times: they had to keep the secret that the legs were prosthetics from the rest of the school, and there were only so many hiding places in Team CMNE’s dorm room.
Neo was interested in comparing her own Semblance to Emerald’s, since they both deal with disguises and illusions, and wanted to see how far Emerald could take hers. Emerald is...far less willing to experiment with the boundaries of her Semblance, considering that she gets those splitting headaches whenever she pushes it too far.
- The illusion of the little girl that she used to lure in Amber was based on how she herself looked as a child. It’s the easiest for her to create, so it’s one of her go-to illusions for distractions.
- It’s not by much, but she’s the youngest member of Team CMNE.
- She can’t eat more than a little bit at a time or it will make her nauseous, but Emerald has found that she loves candy and other sweet things. 
Both Mercury and Ruby have had a lot of fun giving her new treats to try and watching her have a quiet “oh my god this is so good this is so good this is sO GOOD” freakout. 
Neo’s first token of friendship was to steal her a tub of neapolitan ice cream, signing, “Food is always sweeter when it’s stolen, don’t you agree?”
Cinder, in the background with no sweet tooth at all, snacks on her Dragon’s Breath chili peppers and Ghost Pepper hot sauce and wonders what all the fuss is about. 
- Now that she has unlimited access to food (something she’s still lowkey shocked by, every once in a while), Emerald is fascinated by the idea of cooking and baking, and likes to experiment in the kitchen when she gets the chance, but hasn’t quite gotten the hang of it yet. The first time she seriously tried to cook something nice, she accidentally burned Mercury’s eyebrows off. (Not that they were missed, but still.) She’s trying, though.
- Speaking of which, she has...quite a few issues centered around food.
She has an absolutely cast-iron stomach, from scrounging around in the garbage to eat when she couldn’t steal any money. There’s nothing she can’t choke down if she has to, no matter how disgusting it is.
She also can’t quite break the habit of eating as much as she can, as fast as she can, because there’s still that little part of her that’s warning her that she doesn’t know when she’ll eat again so she has to. 
Now that starvation is no longer a real possibility for her, she needs to be careful not to gorge herself so much and so fast that it makes her sick. Her stomach still isn’t 100% used to normal meals or too-rich food.
(Cinder watches her new subordinate bolting down the meal she’s been given like she’s afraid somebody is going to snatch it away from her, and she smiles, because gods be praised, this is just too easy.)
(“It’s all right,” she says sweetly, “don’t make yourself sick. It’s not going to disappear on you. And there’s plenty more when you want it.”)
- But, more than anything else, Emerald has a Sakura Kyouko-like tendency to get furious whenever she sees somebody wasting food. 
(If Team CMNE had gotten to Beacon in time to witness The Epic Food Fight of 2014, she would have had no conflicted feelings about seeing everyone in the school get eaten by Grimm; death to those who would throw away perfectly good food that could have gone to starving Mistrali orphans named Emerald - !)
She and Mercury bicker plenty right from the start, but the first serious argument she has with him is one night a few weeks after he was recruited, when the trio are on the road and eating dinner around the campfire. It’s nothing special; Emerald finishes it off quickly, true to form. But Mercury decides halfway through that he’s had enough, and throws the rest of the meal away uneaten. Emerald freezes, then flares up and starts reaming him out. 
Mercury is startled and extremely confused, and defensively yells right back, not getting what the big deal is. “Lay off! It’s just a little food!” and Emerald sees red for a moment because not too long ago, just a little food could have made the difference between her surviving the day and starving to death. And instead of silencing her, Cinder takes her side for once and chastises Mercury, too (though her anger is far more restrained), and it only frustrates Mercury more. “Damn it, what is with you two? What’s your problem?!”
Because neither of them have leveled up anywhere near enough to unlock her tragic backstory yet, Cinder clams up, refuses to explain herself, and storms off. But Emerald and Mercury stay by the campfire -- no longer shouting, but still angry, still unwilling to back down. The silence hangs, for a solid minute of glaring. Then, without really thinking about it, Emerald snarls, “You want to know what my problem is?” And Mercury snaps back, “Yeah. Fine, I do. Why don’t you tell me all about it?”
Both of them are fully expecting for it to devolve into another argument. But, to their surprise...They end up actually talking, albeit with some reluctance to divulge their most personal pains. Emerald explains, in the most bare-bones way she can, how she has lived up until now, stealing and struggling for every scrap of food she ate, never quite feeling satisfied. Mercury has never known starvation or thirst, but he knows suffering intimately, knows how deep its roots run even after the worst is over, and it’s shared knowledge of suffering and their new release from it that the pair start to truly bond over.
The fire cools and dies, and their anger does, too. Calm is restored, maybe a grudging apology or two is uttered, and Emerald and Mercury can’t exactly call each other friends, but they understand each other a bit better, now, and that’s what counts.
(Damn it, thinks Cinder, with her ear to the tent flap five feet away from them. I should have been the one to solve that and establish dominance. I really need to get a better handle on this whole ‘being in charge of people’ thing.)
- Before joining Cinder’s team, she’d only ever killed in self-defense before, and even then only once or twice. (She always tried not to think about it. That hasn’t changed.) But she’s always felt bitter and vindictive towards the people around her, both hating and envying their happiness when she has never known any. Cinder, having very similar feelings, catches on right away and uses that to coax Emerald into taking things further and further, down the slippery slope into true villainy. 
You want to do this, says Cinder’s voice at the back of her head, sweet and dark and poisonous. You’ve always wanted to do this. Remember how they’ve laughed at you, looked down on you, beaten and starved you. They don’t care how you suffered, wouldn’t care if you had died. Why should you care what happens to them? They deserve all of this. 
And for a while, it works. Instead of guilt or sadness, she feels only the vindictive pleasure that she was promised. 
Fighting the Fall Maiden is terrifying, but the girl falls to Cinder’s arrows, just as planned. Emerald grabs her arm and yanks her up, kicks her hard in the back (can she even feel it anymore, the way that arrowhead pierced her spine? Who cares, it doesn’t matter), smirks as Cinder approaches to rip the girl’s powers away. She remembers the stark terror of moments before, the wind knocked out of her and the point of a sharpened gem just seconds from being driven through her body, and thinks, Serves you right. 
It’s easy, she thinks. It’s her idea to find and kill Tukson, in hopes of impressing Cinder by succeeding where Roman is failing. A thief, in many cases, gets her mark by acting friendly and accomodating, and Emerald has perfected her earnest voice and false smile. Both are easy to pull out when she toys with the Faunus, watching him try not to squirm under her cool, unperturbed gaze and liking the sensation of power it seems to give. (She wonders if this is what it feels like to be Cinder.) 
There’s an instant of fright when the claws come out, but between Mercury’s devastating kicks from one side and her own blades flying in from the other, Tukson never stood a chance. Easy -- her self-assured attitude is only broken when it turns out that Cinder’s not impressed, not at all, and scolds her instead of thanking her. She’s a little taken aback (she was only trying to help, wasn’t she?), but decides it must be reasonable: she should know her place by now, and of course Cinder knows better than her anyway.
Plans take time, Cinder emphasizes patience above all, but living at Beacon only makes her want the promised night to come faster. She plays the part of the friendly visitor perfectly, as expected, but it makes her want to puke. These idiot kids, always with their happy-go-lucky smiles, always laughing over nothing...She’s sure none of them have ever known what it is to be hungry or cold, to be terrified right down to the core, to be completely, hopelessly alone. They’re not like us, Cinder says. We’ll teach them pain, Mercury says. She smiles along with them.
The doubles round and the trick with Mercury’s leg are, minus the headache, so simple she barely remembers them. Her final task, however...gives her some pause, when the time comes. She does her best to think of Atlas’ robot as “it” instead of “her,” but she still feels an unpleasant twist in her chest to see the girl torn limb from limb on her own wires. It passes quickly; hearing Cinder’s voice in the air, returning to her side, makes her feel safe again: one of only two in Beacon whose safety is guaranteed tonight.
But when the massacre is finally unfolding below them, that feeling evaporates even faster. The air filled with screams, bodies trampled under the Grimm’s hooves and shredded by their teeth and claws, the scent of blood and terror, heavier than anything she’s ever felt before...Her insides go cold, her stomach turns. She doesn’t want to watch but she can’t look away. This isn’t the grand, perfect revenge she’d been thinking of at all. 
Mercury’s smile is vicious, like a wolf scenting blood and knowing it means a feast. Beautiful, croons Cinder, looking on the chaos like an artist at their masterwork. This time she can’t smile with them, much as part of her wishes it could be just like before; now she can only feel sick. Because it’s just now dawning on her that there’s a limit to how far she can go (willing or not), just how much bloodshed she can stomach. If Cinder and Mercury have any such thing...It certainly hasn’t been found here. And for the first time in a long time, she feels her confidence -- in her place, in Cinder, in herself -- start to shake.
Still, even now, even now, she knows she can’t run away. She isn’t even certain she wants to. When the blinding white wings arch out from the top of Beacon Tower, and she knows with a deep, gut-wrenching certainty that it means Cinder is in trouble (that Cinder needs her), she doesn’t think. Her body just moves, has her sprinting for the tower to help before her mind’s caught up with her. The perfect chance to escape, and she’s too terrified to consider it, or even fully realize it’s there. 
But she wouldn’t have taken it, anyway. This is where she was meant to be. It must be, she tells herself insistently, because where would she be if not for this? Because there is one thing that she is absolutely certain of: she will never go back to where she had been before. She would rather die than risk that, she’ll go through anything if only to protect herself from being alone in the world again. No one else has ever accepted her, or will ever accept her, especially after tonight. And so, she will stay, follow Cinder into hell and back, because there is nowhere else to go.
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fluffyllamas-23 · 7 years ago
*flops* I’m still laughing at the fact that I told @taylor-tut that this probably wouldn’t be up for a while, but here we are, with this fresh platonic lady friendship whump. 
Paisley had thought that life after graduation would be perfect. She had this image in her head of graduating from college, and then immediately landing her dream job.
This isn't the case. 
Instead of landing her dream job, she's still exactly where she was during school, but instead of going to school and working two jobs, she's working three jobs and not going to school.
She's kicking herself for not choosing a major with a bigger job field, instead she chose to be a music major (honestly, what the hell was she thinking? Who let her make this important of an adult decision by herself? Whoever it was deserves to be fired).
She wants to be a music producer, and she really thought she would have been on her way by now, but here she is, four months after graduation with no career (she doesn't even have an interview anywhere). She's been working her ass off, between the coffee shop, clothing store, and reception at a physical therapy practice, she's exhausted and is in desperate need of a break.
The break she needs, comes in the worst way possible. It started off as a pretty minor cold, but of course, she had pushed through it.  Instead of it being something mild like it should have been, it morphed into an awful combination of the flu, strep and bronchitis. Her doctor ordered her to stay in bed as much as possible, because he was worried that the bronchitis was going to turn into pneumonia. She decided to listen, because bronchitis was bad enough, and she was positive that pneumonia would actually kill her.  
It was only day two of this God-awful illness, and she was on the couch underneath a blanket, watching some stupid show she was already sick of.
Daytime television sucks ass and she still has at least another week of this.
It’s a strange feeling to go from working constantly, to not being able to do much of anything, and she kind of hates it.
She isn't sure if she actually hates it, though, because she's miserable and has no energy to do anything but lie on the couch and watch shitty TV.
She glances down at the coffee table, which is littered with the thermometer, a box of tissues, used and crumpled up tissues, cough drops, multiple cups of tea and water, her antibiotics, painkillers, and cold and flu medicine.
Ashton comes out of her room, running around in a panic.
“Where’s the fire?” Paisley croaks, pulling her blanket up to her chin.
“I start work tomorrow and I still have so much shit I have to do. I'm going to be gone all day,” she starts and then pauses when she sees Paisley curled up underneath the blanket, shivering. “Are you sick?”
“A little.”
“Shit, you sound bad. Are-are you okay? Do you need anything? I can-”
“-chill. I already went to the doctor, everything is fine.”
“You went to the doctor? On your own? Are you dying? Is Hell freezing over? Are pigs-”
“-Very funny.”
“Okay, but how long have you been sick?”
“I dunno...like a week and a half or something.”
“...how did I not notice you've been sick for a week and a half?”
“You've been busy. I'm fine, don't be dramatic about it.”
“What did the doctor say?”
Paisley shrugs, averting her gaze and waving Ashton off, “oh...you know.”
“No I don't. That's why I'm asking you.”
“It's the flu...and strep...and...uh...bronchitis.” 
As if on cue, she goes into a coughing fit, and Ashton’s eyes widen in horror.
“What?!” Paisley squawks.
“Why do you always push yourself until you're dying? Why are you like this?”
“Go away, you're annoying me,” Paisley grumbles.
Ashton rolls her eyes, “whatever. Okay I'm leaving, feel better. Don't die, okay? You sound horrible.”
“Wow, thanks for this brand new piece of information,” Paisley gripes.
“How are you such a smart ass even when you're on your deathbed?”
“Why are you so dramatic? Oh my God.”
“I'm still mad at you,” Ashton grins, “but I have to go.”
“Good. Go away, leave me alone with my shitty daytime TV.”
As soon as Ashton is gone, Paisley starts coughing again. She's been coughing so much and so hard that her throat feels like it's been ripped to shreds, and she sounds like she's losing her voice.
She doesn't feel any better, her entire body is throbbing with a heavy ache, and she's chilled to the bone. She’s had a fever for nearly a week now, and the last temperature check was reading in at one hundred and one point eight. The fever had drained her, and she feels weak and listless and just...completely sapped of energy. 
Paisley has been sleeping a lot more than normal, and while naps usually make her feel rested and refreshed afterwards, she just feels even more tired and run down each time she wakes back up.
Her throat is bothering her so much that she's avoided eating, and the lack of food is making her lightheaded. She's nearly passed out on three different occasions, which is bad, and if she wasn't so out of it from the fever, she would be more worried.
Her head throbs angrily, the headache has settled itself behind her eyes and in her sinuses, and her whole face and head just feel so heavy.
She can feel the congestion crackling in her lungs with each inhale and chest-rattling coughing fit.
She hates this with every fiber of her being, and she's so mad at herself for letting it get to this point again. She's almost twenty three, she should know better by now.
Her phone rings later that afternoon, forcing her out of yet another restless nap.
She fumbles with it, not wanting to open her eyes, which are already burning from exhaustion.
“Hello?” She rasps.
“Hello!” A voice chirps, “is this Ashton Taylor?”
Paisley rubs a hand over her face, “no, this is Paisley Rhodes, I’m her roommate, um, whom am I speaking with?”
“This is Julia Morris, I'm with Adams and Company. I’ve been trying to reach Ashton, but she isn’t answering her phone. This was the secondary number she listed on her application.”
Paisley rolls her eyes. Ashton is terrible with her phone - half the time she forgets it at home, and when she doesn't forget it, it's either dead or on silent at the bottom of her purse. Either way, she almost never answers it.
“She said she was pretty busy today,” Paisley pulls the phone away from her ear to clear her throat. She grimaces, fuck, that hurts. “Can I take a message?”
“We had told her that she needed to be here at nine tomorrow morning, but we’re going to be training all of our new employees at seven thirty.”
It briefly crosses her mind to get up and grab a pen and paper, but that's too much effort. She’ll just put it in her phone later.
“Seven thirty, got it.”
“Great! Thank you so much, Paisley.”
Cabinets shutting, and someone shuffling around wake Paisley the next morning.
She feels like she's forgetting something, but her head is fuzzy and she's having trouble remembering much of anything.
“Ya think you can be a little louder?” Paisley croaks, her voice muffled by the blankets, “I don't think the people next door heard you.”
“Oops, sorry. How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” she lies.
“Uh, I call bullshit, but I have to go. I'll see you tonight. Do you want me to pick up dinner or anything on my way home?”
“Uh...maybe some soup?”
“Sore throat?”
“Yeah,” Paisley mumbles.
“Will do,” Ashton nods, “alright, I'm leaving. Feel better, get some sleep.”
Paisley takes her advice, but is woken up by the front door slamming shut loudly.
“PAISLEY RHODES. WHAT THE FUCK?!” Ashton shrieks, storming into the living room.
“What? What happened?” Paisley mumbles, completely disoriented.
Ashton is shaking with anger as she stands in front of Paisley, clenching and unclenching her jaw and glaring at her (very) sick and confused roommate.
“When were you going to tell me I needed to be at work at seven thirty instead of nine?!”
“What the fuck?! Do you know how stupid I looked? Do you know how pissed off they are with me?! Paisley, they almost FIRED ME. I had to fucking BEG TO KEEP MY FUCKING JOB. THEY SENT ME HOME. WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Ashton screeched, tears filling her eyes. “How could you do this to me?!”
“I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry, Ash, I didn't mean-I'm sorry,” Paisley is sobbing now, tears are blurring her vision. She's so upset that she's hyperventilating, she's sucking in breaths because she can't breathe, and then she's coughing. It’s a horrible, horrible cough, too.  Her lungs are crackling and seizing, like they’re trying to claw their way out of her chest and up her throat. 
Ash’s eyes widen, all the anger disappearing as it's replaced by worry and anxiety.
“Shit. Shit, I’m sorry for yelling, Paisley, breathe,” Ashton instructs, pulling Paisley into a sitting position.
She crouches in front of her, putting a hand on her cheek. She's immediately concerned by the steady, rolling heat that greets her touch. “Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay, relax, deep breaths.”
Eventually, her breathing goes back to normal, but she's still in tears.
“I'm so sorry, I meant to leave a note...I m-meant to, I really did, b-but I d-don’t feel w-well and was t-too tired to get up, a-and then I f-fell asleep-” she chokes on another sob. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sc-screw everything up...I d-didn't m-mean t-to, please don't h-hate me. You're all I have left, please don't be mad, I'm so sorry.”
Ashton pulls her into a hug, stroking her hair and rubbing her back as Paisley cries.
“Paisley, it's okay, I'm not mad, it's okay. Please relax, come on, you're okay.”
Her sobs finally begin to die down, and once they stop, she slumps into Ashton, exhausted.
Once she's lying back down, Ashton grabs the thermometer and sticks it in Paisley’s ear.
It beeps in at 103.6.
“Shit,”  Ashton hisses, and grabs the bottle of cold and flu meds, and all but forces it into Paisley. “Swallow this, and for the love of God, don't choke on it.”
Once she's satisfied that Paisley won't choke and die, she grabs a clean dishtowel from the kitchen, wets it and gets a few ice packs out.
Paisley wakes slightly when the dishtowel is on her forehead and the ice packs are on her chest and stomach, but Ashton shushes her.
“Go back to sleep,” she says, letting out a sigh of relief.
Paisley would be okay. She was going to make sure of it.
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leeumdarlin · 8 years ago
The Darkest Minds AU
Ruby, Liam, and Chubs are in college together. Ruby gets sick and misses class, so Liam comes looking for her.
Mostly fluff. I’m a huge fan of Sickfics, but can never find any for my OTP. So, I just write my own n_n
Right away, I knew something was not right. The blaring of my alarm clock felt like knives being thrusted into my temples. I opened my eyes slowly, staring at the bright red numbers that read 7:00AM. I reached over and turned the alarm off before burying my head under the pillow. My head was pounding, the pain so severe it was making my stomach hurt. Even opening my eyes made it worse. I stayed under the pillow, waiting for the pain to subside but it never did. With a groan, I emerged and slowly sat up on the edge of the bed. I brought my fingers to my temples and attempted to massage the pain away, but it was persistent. It was a constant, throbbing pain right at the back of my eyeballs. Twenty minutes had passed, and if I didn’t hurry, I would be late for Math class. It was about a 15 minute walk from my dorm, and it started at 7:45. Despite the protest from my limbs, I stood up from the bed. Almost immediately, I regretted it. I was met with an intense wave of dizziness that forced me to fall back on to the mattress, followed by a woozy feeling that made me hold my stomach and try to force down the bile that was threatening to rise up in my throat. Okay, so no class today. In defeat, I crawled back under the blankets and was soon asleep once again.
I kept drifting in and out of sleep. After a few hours, I was able to slowly stand and make it to the bathroom across the hall from my dorm, wrapped in a blanket that dragged behind me. I ignored the looks I got from the other girls, probably staring at my disheveled appearance. At this point, I honestly did not care. As soon as I finished with the restroom, I shuffled back to my dorm and nestled right back down in bed. That’s when the coughing started. It started with just a little tickle that soon turned into a deep, painful cough that came from deep in my chest and left me gasping for breath. Every time I would be about to drift off, it would start and leave tears streaming down my face. The pressure built between my eyes and around my nose, causing congestion and a constant sniffling. The sneezing and the coughing seemed to take turns and neither would let up enough to let me fall into a deep sleep. I just laid in bed, awake and miserable and wishing for death. Finally, finally, after what felt like forever, I fell asleep.
I was awoken by a loud, frantic knocking at my door. I sat up abruptly, and regretted it tremendously. My head felt like I was about the explode and a coughing fit overtook me. It was starting to get worse, more painful and wet, leaving a string of saliva hanging from my lips. When I was finally able to recover, there was another series of knocking, even harder than before. “Ruby?” I jolted at the voice. Liam? What was he doing here? I glanced over at the clock. It read 8:43PM. “Ruby, please open up!” Groaning, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the aches from deep in my bones, and slowly stood, the blanket wrapped around me. But when I tried to move toward the door to open it, my knees buckled. In an attempt to catch myself, I knocked over the lamp on my table, causing it to crash to the floor along with myself. I laid in a heap in  the ground, covered with the blanket and too dizzy and weak to get myself back up. I coughed hard into the crook of my arm, gasping for breaths in between fits. “Ruby?!” I couldn’t even respond. It felt like every last ounce of energy had been sapped from my body. I heard footsteps go down the hall. Had he left? I closed my eyes, curled up on the floor and shaking as a chill came over me. I sniffled, sneezing into the blanket as the snot started to drip from my nose. I was almost losing consciousness when I heard the doorknob start the turn and the lock clicked. Someone had gotten the RA to open the door. They pushed it open and the light from the hall hit my face, causing me to cover up with the blanket as the migraine kept throbbing. “Ruby?” Liam’s voice rang over my ears. It sounded like he was trying to talk softly, but every little noise sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “Hey, darlin’, it’s me. What’s wrong?” He pushed the door shut and gently pulled the blanket down from my face. His hand brushed against my cheek, but quickly recoiled as his breath caught in his throat. “Oh my god, Ruby. You’re burning up!” He put the back of his hand against my forehead and I shivered. His hand was so cold. A couple coughs escaped, making me cling onto his shirt as I fought for air. Liam’s eyes were wide, his face white as a ghost. “That’s it, come on. You’re going to the ER.” Before I could even register what he had said, I was lifted into his arms and out of the dorm room.
The next time I opened my eyes, I was in a white room that smelled like bleach and lemon. There was a needle in my arm, an IV, connected to a fluid drip. Everything felt heavy. My head, my arms, my legs
 trying to move was so painful, but I finally managed to scoot up into a sitting position so I could look around better. Immediately, I noticed Liam. He glanced up when he saw me move. “Oh, thank god you’re awake,” He exclaimed, reaching over to grab my hand. Relief washed over me. I didn’t realize how much I needed him until now. “What happened?” I asked, wincing as how weak and hoarse my voice sounded. “I found you in your dorm room on the floor. You were burning up with a fever and could hardly move. I heard a crash, and I knew something was wrong. I went and found your RA and had her open the door and that is when we found you.” Liam lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. “You’re really sick, darlin’. You should have called me.” “Why did you come looking for me? I only missed one day.” My voice cracked at the end and another coughing fit took over, but it was slightly less painful this time. Liam gave me an odd look. “Ruby, you were out for two days.” “What?” I exclaimed, the outburst a little too much as more coughing followed. “You didn’t answer any of my calls or my texts, and you missed two days’ worth of classes. I knew something was not right, so that is why I stopped by your dorm. I shook my head, pressing it back against the pillow and closing my eyes. “I had no idea it had been that long.” I whispered. “It’s going to be okay. You are very dehydrated, but as soon as the IV finishes, they’re going to discharge you and you’re coming back to my place so I can nurse you back to health.” I smiled a little a little. “I would like that.”
A couple hours later, we were back in Liam’s car heading back to the house he rented with our friend Chubs. The fever was still high, and I felt like I was freezing even though I was bundled in Liam’s heavy leather jacket and a thick blanket. Glancing at the side mirror, I could see how flushed my cheeks were and the dark bags that had formed under my eyes. The hospital had sent us with a prescription for antibiotics. They had diagnosed me with the seasonal flu, but just my luck, I had developed pneumonia as well. That explained the deep, wet, painful cough that was still racking my body. As if just thinking about it triggered it, another wave hit and I coughed hard into my elbow. Liam grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He glanced over with a worried glance. He could see how bad it hurt. It felt like the fit lasted forever, and when it finally passed, I was almost hyperventilating trying to get air back into my lungs. “We’re almost there, darlin’.” I nodded, leaning back against the seat and pulling my legs to my chest, hugging my knees. I sneezed, and it felt like someone stabbed a knife between my eyes. I sneezed twice more, and the pain and effort made tears spring to my eyes. “Okay, we’re here. Hold on, I’ll get you,” We pulled up into the driveway ten minutes later. Liam opened my door and lifted me out, carrying me into the house bridal style. We walked into the living room, where Chubs was sitting in the recliner with his laptop in his lap. He looked up from behind his silver glassed, and his face fell a little. “Damn, Lee. You weren’t exaggerating. She looks awful.” “Gee, thanks.” I rasped, trying to hold back another coughing fit as Liam lowered me onto the couch and covered me with another blanket. The coughing won, and I double over with the effort. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to go get the medicine from the car, okay?” Liam kissed my forehead and left the room. Chubs closed his laptop and stood up, coming to sit by my feet on the couch. “Do you want anything to eat?” I shook my head, my stomach flipping at the simple thought. “Ruby, you have to eat. Lee said you haven’t eaten in three days. How about some soup? Chicken noodle?” I shrugged. “I guess I’ll try it.” Chubs gave my leg an awkward pat and stood up to head into the kitchen just as Liam came back with the bag. “Alright, I also grabbed some Gatorade and a thermometer while I was at the drug store getting your prescription. Let’s check that fever and get this medicine in you.” Liam ripped open the package and pulled out the tympanic thermometer. He placed it in my ear and pushed the button, waiting for the shrill beep. “101.9. Let me grab some Tylenol.” He dug through the bag, grabbing the bottle and shaking out 2 pills. Then he pulled out the prescription bottle and pulled out one of the big horse pills. Amoxicillin, the doctor had called it. Liam helped me sit up a little, and I took the pills followed by a swig of the Gatorade. Then Chubs came out with the bowl of soup. Liam grabbed it from him. “Thanks, Chubs,” Liam said. “No problem. I’ll go to my room to give her some quiet. Feel better, Ruby,” Chubs grabbed his laptop from the couch and retreated. “Alright, darlin’. Try to eat something.” Liam handed me the bowl, but my hands were so shaky I almost spilled it on myself. “Okay, scratch that.” Liam mumbled, taking the bowl back. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled, my head starting to feel heavy. I was so tired. “Don’t be sorry, Ruby,” Liam reached over and brushed the hair out of my face. “Here,” He spooned out a bite of soup, blowing on it before bringing it my lips. I hesitated a moment, then opened my mouth the took the bite. The warm liquid felt good on my raw throat and I took the next bite more willingly. I was only able to eat half the bowl, but Liam was satisfied with that. He encouraged me to take a couple more drinks of the Gatorade before letting me fall asleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was out.
“Ruby?” I felt Liam’s hand brush my cheek, but I ignored him. I was still so tired
 “Ruby, wake up
 come on,” Liam sounded a bit more urgent, and he shook my shoulder gently. I opened my eyes halfway, being met by his blue eyes staring at me. “Ruby, you’re boiling. Your fever is skyrocketing, you need to take more medicine.” “Mmm, so sleepy
” I murmured, already about to doze off again. Liam shook me more urgently. “Ruby!” My eyes snapped open, but I couldn’t hold my head upright. My chest tightened as more coughing rumbled out. It hurt so bad
 it felt like I was going to cough out my lung. It was deep in my chest, and wet. I could feel the mucus coming up with each cough. I put a fist to my mouth in an attempt to cover the droplets flying from my mouth. Liam was at my side, holding me up into a sitting position and letting me use him as a support. I could not catch my breath. I was gasping, but whenever I tried to inhale, I just kept coughing, and coughing, and coughing. Right when I thought I was going to pass out, I was able to take a sharp inhale of air. The coughing subsided, leaving me sitting there, gulping in air and clenching Liam’s shirt in my fists. Liam pressed his forehead against mine, visibly grimacing against the heat that I could feel rolling off of my body. “You’re going to be okay,” He told me, cupping my cheeks in his hands. “I’m going to make sure you get better, okay? I promise.” I nodded, too weak and exhausted to even say anything in response. “I checked your temp while you were sleeping. It’s up to 103.2. You need to take some more Tylenol, okay? It’s been six hours, so Chubs said it’s okay to take some more.” I nodded. Holding me up, Liam helped me take the two pills, holding the Gatorade bottle to my lips and helping me take little sips. He then lowered me back down on the couch and draped a cold rag over my forehead. I sighed, feeling relief from the fever as well as the migraine that had been raging for three days. Within minutes, I was out.
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