#i DID get a 5 on the ap psych exam….. but that doesn’t make me qualified don’t start shit
mars-ipan · 2 years
guys help i feel the desire the NEED to rant about something i am not qualified to rant about but i’m more qualified than a solid chunk of the people ranting so .
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h-grangerstudies · 3 years
val in america is 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ is there like a psychology class and an ap psychology class or something 🧍‍♀️ i still do not fully understand what ap is.
hi sara, btw you can always ask me about american school. anytime! i will answer to the best of my ability everytime love. this got long btw!!!
right! so ap, or AP, is short for Advanced Placement. it’s this whole track of classes offered in high school that are basically college level classes. they’re harder, more demanding, and culminate into an AP exam, which is sometimes required. at my schools they’re optional (and expensive!)
the exams are graded on a 0-5 scale, with 5 being the best score. you can get college credit (usually in the form of hours, because i’ve heard colleges may require you to take their prerequisites anyway) for a score of 3 in some colleges, while others will require 4 or 5. these exams vary in difficulty and in questions. last year, i has a multiple choice section with 55 questions in 55 minutes? and short answer question section and document based questions section. it’s a whole ordeal. all timed.
the rubrics for grading are weird and changeable too, or so my ap world history teacher says. they want only a certain percentage of test takers to get 5’s, so they’ll make certain questions harder or easier to get the point. it’s also impossible to cheat. i never tried, but i heard of students who did. i have heard that they actually cheat-proof they’re questions by seeing if it’s possible to google search a way into an answer. cheating also comes with the risk of college board (the folks who run it all) telling prospective colleges about you lack of integrity.
my school doesn’t offer any regular psychology classes. our tracks range from 4 weights to 7 weights. regular, advanced, honors, and AP. AP Psych is considered the easiest AP class though, mostly requiring you to learn vocabulary and names (from a senior in one of my classes)
i’m sure in other schools there are psychology classes! but i can’t say mine does. sometimes they do have both an honors option and an ap option. such as honors biology and ap biology. or honors physics and ap physics. i should’ve taken honors physics sometimes the honors version is a prerequisite, since the ap class goes into greater detail a lot faster.
yeah.. is that helpful? if not, lmk because i love to talk apparently
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anothertccblog-blog · 6 years
May TC Challenge
As usual, sorry for inactivity! This time, though, I have a legitimate excuse! I have AP exams coming up this week (first is tomorrow) and next and I’ve been working hard! I have a moment now, though, and I decided that since this month will likely be very busy for me, I’m going to do the entire May challenge now just to make sure I finish everything. SO without further ado, the May TC Challenge!
1. Have you ever said something embarrassing to/in front of your TC?
I mean yeah, lots of times. Nothing comes to mind in particular, but I definitely remember having moments where I was super embarrassed that they overheard something. I think I blocked a lot of these out lmao.
2. When did you TC start teaching you? Does he/she still teach you?
B started teaching me in the fall of 2016, my sophomore year of high school. He no longer teaches me. P started teaching me in the fall of 2017, and will be my teacher until the end of this month.
3. Do you know anything about your TC’s childhood/youth?
Surprisingly, I know more about P than I do about B. I know he’s the youngest of 5 or 6, and I know he was a Boy Scout. The other day he told us about the time he took a shit behind his sister’s bed when he was two. I don’t remember how or why it came up in class, but that’s what sticks out the most when I think of his youth.
4. Describe your TC’s eyes.
The most beautiful hazel you’ll ever see. They change with the weather and the color he’s wearing; on sunny days, with lighter/brighter colors, they’re very pale and more green than brown; on cloudy days, with darker colors, they’re darker and much more of a brown shade. I think they give him character.
5. What’s your favorite outfit on him/her?
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but P is the long distance coach for our track and field team. So, he has this really nice black pullover that says the name of our school with the logo and “Track and Field” embroidered on the left breast. Usually on Fridays, he’ll wear that pullover with a pair of dark wash jeans and these grey and blue tennis shoes he has. He looks really nice in dark colors and I love the cut of the jeans, so that’s my favorite outfit.
6. How do you try to impress your TC?
A lot of times, I don’t really try. I don’t like to force it or feel like I’m trying too hard. Most of the time, I’ll just answer questions in class or joke around/banter with him because I know that’s what earns his respect.
7. Describe what you think your wedding would look like. What are you both wearing? Who’s invited? What’s for dinner?
It would be outside, first of all. Probably in a park. I’d want a more understated dress, natural makeup, my hair down and in loose curls. I think my bouquet would have roses, lilies, and hydrangea. Maybe I would braid some flowers into my hair, just to spruce it up a bit. He would wear a black tux with a red tie, to match the roses in the bouquet. My bridesmaids would be some of my best friends (the maid of honor would probably be my closest friend, I’ll call her C). His best man would be his best friend, who I’ve called K in the past, and his groomsmen would probably be his brothers. We both have large families and we both value them highly, so I think it would definitely be a very long list of guests. I would want steak and salad, and I’d want the cake to be marbled with chocolate frosting. The reception would be more casual and understated; I’d probably change into a different dress and he’d likely take off the suit jacket. My family is very... fun-loving when it comes to weddings, so I think we’d probably be out all night. I’d want our honeymoon to be in Italy or Ireland.
8. Have you ever caught him/her staring at you? How did you react?
I caught B staring at me once during class last year. We were doing a group assignment and he was sitting on one of the desks in front of my group, facing our direction. At one point I looked up and we made eye contact, and he seemed to be a little zoned out. I just kinda waved until he snapped out of it. As for P, I was in his room last Friday studying for psychology, and he was sitting at his desk. When I looked up from my notes we made direct eye contact, like he had already been looking, and I just blushed and looked away. I think that was just timed well, though, because there were a few of us there and he had been looking around the group.
9. If you would buy your TC socks, what would your chosen ones look like?
I actually have bought B socks before, for his birthday. They were blue with little amoebas on them, since he’s a science teacher. If I bought socks for P, they’d probably have some kind of sports logo on them, like the logo for his college or for the White Sox (his favorite baseball team).
10. If he/she visited your family for any reason and you’d have to cook, what would you cook?
Lasagna! My family is Italian so we have tons of pasta recipes passed down from past generations, and our family lasagna sauce is hella good.
11. If you lived together, would you rather have kids or pets with him/her?
Pets. I’m not big on kids. But I would definitely have kids with him if the time was right; he would be an amazing dad and I do like kids, don’t get me wrong, they’re just not my number one aspiration in life. Plus, we’d both be living on teachers’ salaries and I feel like I’d be concerned with supporting anything more than a dog.
12. What is your opinion on age gap relationships? Do you think a certain age gap isn’t good anymore?
I think as long as the parties are both consenting adults, it doesn’t really matter. Let people do what they want to do; they know what’s best for themselves.
13. What would you do if a friend told you she had a crush on your TC?
Outwardly, I’d probably express comfort/understanding. Inwardly, I’d probably be a little peeved. Luckily, P isn’t really ~super hot~ by any conventional means so I don’t think this would become a problem.
14. Do you know when your TC’s birthday is? How hold is he/she?
B’s is March 6 and he’s 45. P’s is sometime in September (I can’t remember the exact date off the top of my head) and he’s 28.
15. What would you do if he/she found your blog, knew it was about him/her but he/she was still trying to figure out whose blog it is?
Nothing. He’d figure it out in due time. I’m the only person taking both APUSH and psych. I’d let him come to me if he felt the need, and then I’d justify myself if need be, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to do anything suspicious.
16. If you were on a class trip with your TC and a friend of yours wasn’t feeling well in the middle of the night, would you be the one to knock on your TC’s door loudly and wake him/her? Would the sight of his/er sleeping face and pajamas be worth standing there in your own pajamas and with your sleepy face?
I’d probably try to resolve the friend’s problem myself, but if I really needed to get him I definitely would. And hell yeah, seeing him like that, hearing his voice all gravelly from sleep, would 300% be worth it.
17. Can you remember what happened in the last dream you had about your TC?
I remember something about aliens, but that’s about it.
18. Has your TC ever had a conversation about you with your parents? If yes, what did he/she say?
Yep! For parent/teacher conferences I sat in on his conference because I wanted to hear his praise comments. He said the usual joy to have in class/hard worker/etc. stuff.
19. Think of a song that reminds you of your TC and tell us your favorite line from it?
Whatever You Do by Brandi Carlile makes me think of B. My favorite line is  “There are days when I could walk into the ocean / With no one else but you to leave behind.”
As for P, In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel is a big one. My favorite line is “When I want to run away / I drive off in my car / But whichever way I go / I come back to the place you are.”
20. What has been the best mark you had in one of your TC’s tests? Did he/she say something to you about it/write something on it?
There have been tons of little things here and there. In APUSH, we wrote and in-class DBQ and like a dork he wrote “Boom! Nailed the intro!” For psych, one time he gave me a fist bump after I did really well on a multiple choice test and every time I score perfectly on a short answer he writes “Fridge” on the top (a direct quote as to why: “put it on your fridge ‘cause you did so well!”
21. Have you ever stalked your TC online?
I mean, I’ve done a Google search. I found his twitter and his engagement photos (and I’ll admit, I cried when I looked at those. Not my proudest moment.) His twitter is really adorable and cute though. He reblogs teacher memes.
22. Does your TC come to school by car/tram/bus? Do you know what car he/she has?
He does come by car, but I don’t know what kind it is. I think it’s black. He’s called it “reliable” in the past.
23. Did your TC ever change something on his/her appearance or wear something different that didn’t suit him/her?
Sometimes he’ll grow out some stubble and it looks hella good, but that’s generally the only real change aside from hair cuts.
24. Where do you think you’d live with him/her and what would the interior look like?
A little house, somewhere quaint, probably near his work/my college (luckily, I’m going to college close, so this wouldn’t be too hard to accomplish). I would want it to be very cozy and lived-in, but not overly cluttered.
25. Does your TC do any sports that you know of?
He does track and field, cross country, and basketball.
26. Does your TC bring coffee or tea to class? If yes, what does his/her cup look like?
He constantly has coffee in his hands. He has a ton of different mugs and stuff. He usually uses one with his college’s logo on it or one with our school’s logo on it.
27. 5 things that make him/her your ideal partner.
His passion, his kindness, his sense of humor, his genuineness, his stories.
28. A song, film, and book that you would recommend to your TC.
I would recommend Netflix Trip by AJR, A Quiet Place (dir. John Krasinski), and In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.
29. What do you think about the TCC and how has it helped you?
I think it’s pretty solid for the most part. It’s definitely given me an outlet and a place I can express myself. Of course, people have views that I don’t necessarily agree with, but that’s to be expected.
30. A new language you would love to learn together with your TC.
I’ve kinda been dying to learn Italian and I think it would be fun to swear at each other in it.
31. What does your TC smell like?
Not that I go around actively smelling him, but he smells a little fruity and very fresh/clean.
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