#i //REALLY// like combining my favorite animes w my favorite games huh
cerasus--flores · 4 years
The TWEWY!AssClass oneshot I'm writing and the stuff I'm drawing for the Persona 3!AssClass AU I came up with are constantly trying to establish dominance over each other
While the Undertale!BSD AU I draw for sometimes and those P5 Phantom Thief!Sakuraba Neku sketches I did three months ago (that I vibe with) watch the whole thing go down
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
not a request but, Idia seems like the type to make a hentai game based on his darling correct? so he uses that as a base to have experience to woo his darling. but now as he tries it irl, he's confused it worked in the game. so why is the darling crying? is there a glitch somewhere? thoughts?
It all started when he thought that you looked like a character from an anime he watched once. He was a fond of the character so, he couldn’t help but to observe you more than he should, hiding his excitement throughout. There, he found out that you don’t just share a similar appearance but a similar personality as well, the perfect embodiment of that character. Idia almost thought that you were some kind of base for that character, cosplaying even, but you were from another world, weren’t you? Could it be that you’re actually that character and just got reincarnated into his world without knowing that you’re an anime character yourself!?
Reverse Isekai, was it? A twist in that overused genre where the fictional character is the one who gets to be trasported to the normal world. Idia was there on the peak of its popularity, reading all the manga, novels that he can find, watching all the anime adaptations along the way. Then the premise just gets redone over and over again that it slowly became boring. Even if they add twists here and there, it still ended up the same.
But now comes you, a real person that got transported into his world! A person who just happens to look and act like the character from one of his beloved shows! You can’t blame him for being this intrigued by your existence! Because how can he not!? This is an otaku’s dream coming true right here!
And best of all...You have his favorite character archetype! How awesome is that!?
Before he knew it, he was all over you. Well, not really...Since he was too shy to actually talk to you, and all he was just doing is either hide behind that tablet of his and a wall at least five meters away. He had already embraced the joys of being a loner and is practically a master of running away from social gatherings or talking in general, but now that it came to this, it became a double-edged sword.
Ortho said to just build up the courage to talk to you if he so badly wants to and he does. He really, really wants to talk to you, at least once...Or twice...Or thrice- The point is that he really wants to. But as supportive as the little brother of his is, he makes it sound so easy. Of course, someone who doesn’t know jackshit about making friends would never be able to master that skill that easily. He cringes at the thought of doing so without any experience, you’d probably see him as another creepy otaku.
Then, it came to him...A thought that proves that he was actually the genius that everyone claims him to be.
Experience. Of course! He’ll just have to gain experience so he can level up! With that, he can conquer your route doing just that! And what better way to do this than to combine it with something what he’s well-experienced with?
So, he started working. His fingers worked on the holographic keyboard faster than he’d ever been, creating a dating simulator game in less than three days. Ortho himself was surprised to see his usually unmotivated and borderline depressed brother having this intense look in his eyes. Idia barely ate or sleep during all of that, but he doesn’t care, what matters is that he finished it.
He finished the game that can finally help himself out, a dating simulator with only one character to focus on. A character who’s basically a spitting image of you and named after you, he even sneaked in some voice lines that he secretly recorded you saying. Idia had observed you longer to know what to write in the game script, which choices you would make, which words you would say, there was even different sprites and assets of you, depending on your emotions! Though, his hand seems to have slipped and before he knew it, he had already hired some Top-tier doujinshi artists to draw some Not-Safe-For-Work CGs of you for some Not-Safe-For-Work scenes. Yeah...He thought so far ahead that it just kinda turned into...Those kinds of simulation games.
But he regrets nothing.
...Other than the fact that he should probably keep this game away from Ortho as much as possible.
Anyway, it was probably one of the games that he took his sweet time with. Even though it was a game that he himself created, it was like he had developed some form of amnesia and was marvelled at his first time playing such masterpiece. All the twists and events left him in awe, squealing at every single CG when your character goes as little as holding his in-game character’s hand. The more...special scenes had him gulping down his own saliva as a physical reaction, the moans and groans that he recorded from you was when you were stretching in the morning, or when you’re startled or exercising, and yet, it fits so well with each sex scene. His face flushed and his pants felt so tight as he read through the dialogue box, his hand later slipping underneath them just so he could relieve his excitement.
“(Y/N)...Hehe, (Y/N)...♡” He blissfully moans as his hand goes up and down his cock, biting his blue lip in anticipation. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his flaming hair burned a brighter blue, expressing his excitement. His imagination was going ballistic, imagining your own tightness around him as he slid in and out of your slick insides. The closer the scene reached its climax, the faster his hands became, determine to release at the same time as your character. “Haa...(Y/N)~♡ It feels so good...So good...Haha...”
With a satisfied moan, his own strings of semen shoots against his screen, perfectly coming just in time as your character appears, all flushed and exhausted. Idia let out a sigh, calming down from his high with a few strokes here and there to make sure of a satisfying release.
“Haa...Idia-kun, I love you ♡”
That was his favorite dialogue, no matter how many times he replayed this scene, it never fails to arouse him, making him all warm on the inside. A huge blush covered his cheeks as he smirked, slowly building up into an unhinged chuckle. He brushed his hands down the tainted screen, smudging his cum even more as he imagined it as your face. “Aah...Me too...I love you too, (Y/N)~” He whispered, shivering in excitement. “Aw...I can’t wait to have you for real...Wait for a little while, ‘kay? Hehe...”
This plan was a success and certainly helped him gain the confidence and experience that he needed to finally talk to you properly. Memorizing all the available scenarios and route he can go to, he just felt like he can do just about anything right now. With all these knowledge in mind, you surely won’t be weirded out and things wouldn’t be as awkward as he had already formulated a full conversation on his head. A bad end flag was still left arise, but it was placed so low that Idia can’t just spend another batch of his precious time with it, nothing would go wrong if he just do what he practiced, right? For that reason alone, his birthday was coming up and for the first time in forever, he could use a party as an excuse to talk to you. It doesn’t matter who comes anyway, he’ll have Ortho to accommodate them, Idia’s main focus should only be directed at you.
Plus, if he was going to confess on his birthday, then that’s just a major advantage! Plenty of stuff happens when it’s your own character’s birthday in any game, developers becomes extra generous with the drop rates in gachas, they give you more game currency to spend, and extra scenarios with your favorite characters! Sometimes even free stuff of your choice! This would definitely put his chance rate well above what he expected, it’s you after all!
“Happy birthday, Idia-senpai. I brought this gift for you, I hope you like it.” Ah, there it is, his goddess’ voice echoing through the walls. You said that you were going to conduct a birthday interview with him which got his heart beating like crazy. W-Were you going to start the confession event here!? With all these people!? That’s too daring! Though, that’s really charming of you, and a part of him actually wanted that to happen so he could finally point his fingers to these losers-
But no, unfortunately, he doesn’t have that much confidence to give and so, he ended up having to push you somewhere more secluded. Somewhere more...private. Like his room for example- that’s a good place, right~? Nobody can interrupt this interview that way and...and they can do play all sorts of games right after too...That’s fun, isn’t it!?
The interview was surprisingly fun, although it really just consisted of him ranting to you all about his interests. He ended up spilling all facts about his favorite idol group, games, and movies, his big mouth going off on a tangent once again because of that one question. This wasn’t exactly part of the plan, he was planning to give off a smooth vibe to it but he guessed he was just a tad bit under-level for that. Anyway, you ended gracing him with an adorable giggle so, it doesn’t really affect his motives! He’ll still conquer your route like he did with the game!
A few more questions about his favorite and least favorite food comes, Idia couldn’t help but be impatient. When were you going to activate the scenario, huh? The love confession event, it was the one question that he was waiting for. His heart was ready, his body was ready, his everything was ready...So, why were you standing up with a satisfied look on your face? Aren’t you forgetting something here?
“And that concludes our Birthday Celebration Interview! Idia-senpai, thank you for answering all my-“ Idia’s heart skipped a beat as his hands automatically grabbed your hand and pulled you down, rather aggressively.
“W-Wait! Wait, wait, waitwaitwait-“ Idia stumbled over his words, his face flushed as he stared at you with a crooked but nervous smile. “U-Um...! T-There something else...That I want to tell y-you...”
Oh, no...This was that one scenario in the extreme difficulty mode of the game, where you’re not triggering the confession event at all. You’re probably so conflicted with your emotions that he has to do it himself as the main character. It’s not the original route that he’s going for, but it’s fine, he has the script of this mode in memory too, he should be able to pull it off...That’s weird though, he never remembered activating anything to play in this difficulty...Whatever, real life really is something else, isn’t it?
You were surprised and quite honestly, bothered at his sudden outburst but that’s fine. You were the same in the game too, he just had to take control of the situation. “I-I...” He gathered the words in his head, his face heating up than it ever did before.
“(Y-Y/N)...I like- No...” He stammered as he tries his best to form a nervous smile, his heart was beating so fast but that’s not really something new. “...I love you, (Y/N)...”
Idia heard a slight gasp from you but delusions took over his mind before logic can come bursting through, rendering him practically heart-eyed at the situation. He was distracted, but he still waited for your response even if he was already a hundred percent convinced that his confession was a success. It has to be, he had already seen this exact scenario in the game for a millionth time. “...D-Do you...love me too, (Y/N)...?” He fiddled with the tip of his burning hair, leaning close to you as he knows that it’s a special skill that increases his success rate up to at least twenty percent. “...You l-love me too, don’t you~? Hehe...♡”
Yes. You’re going to say yes. You always had said yes in the game as there was absolutely no reason for you to say otherwise. Everything that happened before this went according to plan, he followed every route, said the correct dialogue choices, so there’s no way that he can fuck this one up. He had definitely conquered your route for real this time!
“Ah...” But he had to wonder though, why were you averting your eyes for? That’s cute, but you don’t have to be shy...Just say that you love him too, he can hardly wait! “Idia-senpai...”
“...I’m sorry.”
Idia blinked, his body freezing on its spot as you bowed in front of him so respectfully. Your mouth began to move to deliver more words of explanation for him to understand, but he just couldn’t hear anything else anymore.
What did you say? You’re...sorry? Haha...For what though? That’s weird, that’s not what you were supposed to say, even if this was set in extra hard mode. He did everything correctly so, no matter what difficulty he’s in, you should be able to accept his confession every time.
...Is it a bug in the system? A glitch that he didn’t see?
You called out to him once again, you called out his name and upon looking up, he could only see your face. So full of concern and pity, but no signs of falling in love whatsover. No...You shouldn’t be looking at him like that, what the hell just happened?
This is all wrong...!
Before Idia could even properly process anything, he had found himself on top of you, both frustration and anger building up inside him. His hand, albeit really shaky, had found itself a dangerous clasp around your neck and your expression suddenly turned white. You’re struggling underneath him, like a deer caught by a hunter, kicking and scratching his arms away. But you were scared, he could tell by that look in your eyes, he could easily squeeze your neck in this position after all.
“I-Idia-senpai...!” He heard you call out but your voice just bounced off his ears, he was too distracted by his own shock. This was not in any of the scenarios that he formulated inside his mind, and he created thousands, for Hades’ sake! His breathing became unstable as he began to hyperventilate, sweating immensely as he tries to wreck his brain for whatever the hell he was supposed to do in this scenario. This wasn’t how the game continues after a confession event! Was he too inexperience or under-level to conquer your route? Did he miss a side quest from you or something? What did he do wrong? Was it the lack of gifts of affection? Normally, you were supposed to say that you love him too, embrace him before the two of you share a kiss and-
...A kiss?
Oh...Oh, that’s right! Maybe this is where the code got rewritten and that the kiss should come first now? Maybe your character was taking a different turn, you were probably shifting to other character types to accommodate your new-found feelings...You’re being a Tsundere, aren’t you~? So cute, but you don’t have to push him away though, he’ll keep coming back to you anyways.
...And so, in hopes of desperation, that’s exactly what he did, he leaned down at you as he smashed his lips onto yours. You widened your eyes with a muffled scream coming out of you, but Idia kept your mouth busy as it is. He was on cloud-nine, enjoying your soft lips against his chapped ones so much so that he just instinctively started grinding his hips against yours. You were starting to panic, but that’s fine, that’s a normal reaction. Both in real life and in-game.
By the time that he finished selfishly sucking up your lips, ultimately creating a little bruise on the side, he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting both your tongues together. Idia giggled to himself, the feeling of your lips and tongue was still lingering on his that he can’t help but be hungry for more. However, looking back at you, he blinked as tears suddenly began to stream down your cheeks. Your chest heaving up and down as small hiccups comes out of your every sob.
It made him panic slightly at first, but then remembered a scenario like this once in the game...Though, it wasn’t a scenario as drastic as this one, that he’ll admit. “A-Ah, you shouldn’t cry...” He tried comforting, letting go of your neck and wiping your tears away with a nervous smile. “Y-You’re not supposed to cry after a c-confession event, it’s not in your file...”
You flinched at his touch. “S-Stop, please...L-Let me go...” You whimpered, lifting your arms up to try and shield yourself away from him. “I-I won’t tell anyone, I-I swear-!”
Idia’s hand twitched, quickly covering your mouth as a nervous rection so that he wouldn’t hear the words that he doesn’t want to hear anymore. He felt scared to touch you now, seeing how defensive you got, his little angel’s crying and it’s all because of him. Your words certainly impacted him, but he shook his head instead, he has to keep himself from looking down.
“...You shouldn’t say that either, that’s not in your script.” He said with a bit of stricter tone onto it, attempting to show you how capable he can really be. He grabbed your wrist and forced your hands open, revealing your terrified expression. “Don’t worry...It’s just a little twist on the story, I’m sure. I just have to restart the system, right...?”
“I-I’ll fix you up soon enough, H-Honey~” You watched him with eyes slowly widening in realization and terror as he started to untie his tie, to remove the birthday outfit that he clearly dislikes. You were frozen, you can’t move, not like you could do much with someone as big as Idia straddling above your stomach but you were left immobile with fear. His use of love words sounds extremely clumsy and Idia himself cringes at the sound of it coming from his own mouth but he’s enthusiastic. That doesn’t make it any less terrifying for you at all.
The game’s not finish yet. It’s just as he expected, there was a little glitch that needs a little fixing. It was the cause of a scenario as unreasonable as this one to appear. But it’s fine. He can fix it all up, he can fix you all up and when he’s done with that, he’ll definitely conquer your route for real this time.
After all, there’s no game that he can’t finish, that would be a shame to his Otaku title! It doesn’t matter if it’s his birthday, he’s going to work all night to fix this very unpleasant glitch in you. What a pain~ Idia wonders what kind of price he’ll get from you after this.
...Not that he’s going to complain anytime soon lol
Idia has the personality of an ugly bastard. Just saying *cough*
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jujyfru1t · 5 years
omg @kiridork thanks for the tag <3 <3 <3
1. Nicknames: Juj, Pinky, Peanut, Jujubee... and Julie (only one person’s allowed to call me that tho~ *drops a Ting Tings song for everyone else*)
2. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
3. Height: 5’4-ish
4. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff FTW!
5. Last Thing I Googled: What is offside in soccer. Women’s World Cup yeeee and the US made it to the finals YEEEEEEEEEEE
6. Favorite Musicians: My Musical Triforce consists of Keane, Imogen Heap, and IAMX, in that order. A smattering of others: BTS, Ellie Goulding, CHVRCHES, Kate Havnevik, Kalafina.
7. Song Stuck in My Head: The Quiet, by Imogen Heap. Written for The Quiet Man, a video game (!!!!!!!!). playing it every day since it was posted tbh
8. Followers: 194
9. Following: 125
10. Do You Get Asks: yeah. only once or twice a month (same for my writeblog ;3). my most recent ask was Furuba based which I..... need to get to im sorry >_>;
11. Amount of Sleep: 7 or 8 hours
12. Lucky Number: 64 :D :D :D
13. What Are You Wearing: A white graphic tee that has a sailboat/turquoise borders/multicolored sea life and says FLORIDA-- Daytona Beach. Picked up too many years ago when I was n Florida but not Daytona Beach lol, i just like the color scheme. Somewhere between lavender and periwinkle stretchpants, and Skechers slip-ons with sparkly toeboxs that are.... way too old but still look great ahah.
14. Dream Job: oh man. Uhhh... i have like. three. honestly I was gonna go with author/writer but. now I’m thinking something that lets me be that and do. something undefined. but something that lets WHOA OK lightbulb moment--  I would love to work at, like, one of those riding therapy places for kids with disabilities. 1 I’m disabled myself and wanna do more to give back to the general community even though obvs there’s so much variation, 2 I love horses but also 99% of animals, 3 I wanna work with kids in some capacity. 
15. Dream Trip: I’ve wanted to go to Japan for, oh, about 20 years
16. Instruments: That I play? Piano. really basic
17. Languages: English, elementary Spanish, intermediate-ish Japanese
18. Favorite Song: ever??? Impossible question... but Bedshaped by Keane is pretty close.
19. Random Fact: I type one-handed much faster than with two. (70% abled lefty here, hi~). I wanna learn how to type 2 better but I’m so used to it I just. forget ehehe
20. Aesthetic: huh. Um. I honestly have no idea how to answer this. *jeopardy theme in bg* okay. Comfortable above anything (especially w/ footwear-- tiny feet plus pronation/balance issues narrow my options) but-- lots of color, sometime in unusual combinations. Bright, floral or multicolor, a fondness for graphic tees. Basically you won’t find me in monochrome unless work/etc requires and even then I’ll find a way to get color in. 
I’m gonna tag @dutiifully @portraitofa-girl @eriseas @kippielovesyou @spacequeenie and anyone else who wants to!!
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kyaruun · 6 years
001 for Final Fantasy XV uwu
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: DON’T YOU ASK ME THAT PLEASE. THEY’RE MY CHILDREN!! ; u ; But now is pretty much a tie between Prom and Noct. My baby chocobo boys, I love them so much.
Least Favorite character: Huh, dunno. Wait. the Emperor of Niflheim c:
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Hm (don’t kill me if I got the names bad ;u;) let’s say NoctLuna, Promptis and Gladnis are the ones I ship the most! So from then on, I don’t know. There is too much nice content in here to make you fall for all the possible combinations ; u ;
Character I find most attractive: Noctis. He’s gorgeous.
Character I would marry: EVERYONE 
Character I would be best friends with: Everyone too omg. But Prom especially. I need a sunshine boy in my life!
a random thought: That this game is so good and makes you want to go on a long car ride with your friends. Wouldn’t mind trying ;u;
An unpopular opinion: Luna. Deserved. Better. She’s a good girl. She’s a COOL GIRL. Also Gladio is so good and I love him. 
My Canon OTP: Noctis and Luna!
My Non-canon OTP: Prompto and Noctis.
Most Badass Character: Ignis. Between the elegant battle style and all the sass, he’s the most badass by far!
Most Epic Villain: Ardyn is being such an interesting villain. The fact that he is not black or white makes him very epic!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Not exactly screwed up but what they did to Luna? I just. I’m still salty af. She deserved better, a lot better. I would have liked to know everything about her journey. And her relationship with Noctis. Like you pretty much get that they’re going to marry and that’s it ;; Also Ravus. My Nox Fleuret kids deserved better! I’m missing a lot of info about them ;;
Favourite Friendship: Noctis and Prompto’s. I just. It’s the kind of friendship I aspire to have with someone. I could write pages about how much I love their relationship ^^
Character I most identify with: Prompto. Anxiety issues, always trying to be happy and make people feel good while still trying to cope with all your own issues that you don’t want people to know about because they’re your problems and you should be able to fix them on your own. Weight problems too. Though I’m still in the fat phase… Also wondering if people do really love you sometimes… Loving fluffy birds and getting excited when seeing cute animals ; u ; LOVING CHOCOBOS!!! Making cute sounds and singing stuff when happy (yes I mean that super adorable FF fanfarre he sings at the end of some combats. CUTE AF!) Trying to do your best all the time because you want to make a better place out ot the world. GIVING ALL THE LOVE to your friends!!! 
Character I wish I could be: I wouldn’t mind being any of the boys c: All of their lives are so interesting omg
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“Hey, everyone! We’re back with another interview with my friends! This time we’re hanging out at Whimsy’s sky castle, and lemme just say this place is cool as heck!” This YouTube video doesn’t have any intro at all, cold opening with the camera panning around a regal-looking white room.
Completing its 360, the camera alights upon a young woman with short teal hair, futuristic gray clothing, and a witch’s hat. A microphone levitates near her, picking up her words. “As always, I’m Erika Ljunggren, psychic YouTuber and Trouble’s apprentice. Introduce yourselves, you two!”
With a gesture from Erika L’s skinny metal wand, the camera pans over and back to reveal two other women sitting on the couch behind her. The microphone darts over to them as well. A tall brunette with a spiky crown and a shorter woman with a big hat, a scarf, and an apron, both wearing glasses. 
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The former gets up from her seat, poses, teleports a few feet in the air and then lands in another pose, loudly announcing in her monotone "I'm the magical girl of the cosmos, Kimoto Erika, apprentice of Whimsy."
The latter, on the other hand, remains in her seat and watches. After giggling quietly at Erika K's antics, she looks back to the camera. "H-Hello... My name is... R-Rada Orlov... I'm... Beacon's apprentice..." She gives a little wave.
Erika L welcomes them both with a grin.
Then, turning to Erika K, the YouTuber asks, “What’s it like apprenticing under Whimsy?”
"It’s lots of fun, and I’m learning lots. I like it here,” she responds “I’m very grateful to Miss Trick, Mr Treat, and Miss Trouble for everything they’ve done for me to be here. And I’m extremely grateful to Boss for giving me this opportunity. The castle is really cool." 
She pauses for a moment, leaning her head back slightly before tipping it forwards once more. "Boss is a really skilled witch, so I've been able to cover a lot of ground under them. I think that I made the best choice for me." The corners of her lips quirk upwards into a slight smile.
Erika L then turns to Rada, the microphone moving gently over with her gaze. “What’s it like apprenticing under Beacon?”
"It's been... r-really nice... Granny Beacon is... a-amazing..." Rada fidgets with end of her scarf, drawing the long material up into her lap. "I, um... u-used to be... m-more nervous... than I am now and... s-scared of a lot... of different things... b-but... sh-she's been... very patient with me... a-and she's taught me... a lot... b-both as an apprentice... a-and as a person..."
“What have the two of you been up to lately, magic-wise? Any fun projects in the works?” asks Erika L.
Erika K hums, holding her hands up, index fingers and thumbs pointing outwards towards the ceiling far corners. "I’ve been experimenting with combo-ing my elements. Trying to get them working together can be a bit tricky, depending on which ones I'm trying with. I’ll get there eventually though." 
Flicking her wrists, her hands now spread fully chop down diagonally. "Also, with Mr Elliot’s help, I’ve forged a holy blade that shimmers with stardust." She leans forwards and holds a hand up beside her mouth dropping her voice just slightly. "When the goddesses approve of a strike it deals extra secret damage."
"I've also been... practicing with... combining elements..." Rada adds, nodding along with what Erika K says. "It can... b-be difficult... but also fun... seeing what kind... of different effects... are possible... i-if you just... put your mind to it..."
"A-As for, um, projects... I don't think... a-anything I'm doing is... a-as exciting as Miss Kimoto, but..." Rada bites her bottom lip for a moment in hesitation before continuing. "I've, um... I've been working on... a spell that... m-makes it easier for... spirits to communicate with... a-and interact with... th-their loved ones...  s-so that a ghost... a-and their family or friends... h-have a chance... to grieve together... Th-Then they can... pass on peacefully... a-and the people still living... h-have closure..."
“I mean, that’s pretty cool too! Just, y’know, in a different way!” Erika L nods approvingly. “Speaking of elements and combos thereof, what are your favorites that you've learned so far?”
Erika K steeples her fingers and places her elbows on her knees, resting her chin on her hands as she leans forwards. "Mh.... I think I still like Celestial best. I think it’s always going to be my favourite, there's so much you can do with it. But teleporting has been really handy too. Trying to combine both with Space for Special Warping is a bit trickier, but I’m failing good so I can figure it out. I like all the magic I've learnt though, Earth makes me feel like a strong bender from the western eastern based anime. I'm hoping to try and see if sand and metal still fall under its belt or if I'll need to expand my roster first." 
The mic darts back to Rada. "I, um... r-really like working with Emotion magic... a-and I'm having a lot of fun with Music magic as well... Combining the two together... c-can be powerful... e-emotionally, that is, um... s-since music can... affect people... so much... A-Although Music and... L-Life magic is... a-also fun... l-like in, um... th-the cartoon with... th-the magic mouse... a-and the mops..." She tugs up the edge of her scarf, looking embarrassed. Way to out yourself for recreating The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Rada.
Erika K murmurs a little "I know that western anime," nodding along with Rada's words. She leans back into her seat, her lips quirking into a smile. "Death magic is still just a bud, but thanks to Rada I'd already started thinking of the sort of expanded uses for it. I even know some I wouldn't have thought of beforehand. I think learning a magic that one of us has already learnt is extra fun because it means we get to work together, and with peer reviews and sessions we can learn faster and better. And we get to hang out at the same time."
Although Rada’s mouth is covered, the corners of her eyes crinkle with a smile as Erika K talks about Death magic. "Y-Yes... I like... h-having magic... w-we can both do... I-It's a lot... easier to learn things... wh-when we're working together... a-and think of things... th-that I wouldn't consider... o-on my own..." Rada shifts in place before continuing. "I have a... b-better understanding of it... s-since starting to learn... Life magic... I-It's not as... s-scary or violent... It's... natural..." She adds, feeling like she needs to defend it.
Another nod from the interviewer. “Nice, nice! There’s so many elements out there, and each one is so versatile! And that’s not even everything a witch has at their disposal, either. Tell me about your wands!”
Shifting her posture into something more alert, Erika K claps once, a big smile on her face. She opens her purse and pulls her wand out. The act itself is comical, with the contrast in the size of the wand versus the purse itself. Thank you Space Magic. She balances the wand on her flat palms above her head, smiling brightly. 
"Last Laugh is super cool. I can fly on it, it has a detachable strap for easy carrying, and it makes a really good prop for physical comedy. It's got really good range as a prop, and it's nice and sturdy. Plus I can do this with it-" Hopping out of her seat she begins to twirl the gun shaped wand around, although for only a short while. Once done she drops back down resting her wand on her lap. "Also I can use it to fire off magic easier then-" She flexes, "these guns."
"It s-suits you..." Rada mumbles, the curve of her cheeks still visible above the edge of her scarf tinged with pink, which only deepens when Erika K flexes.
"M-Mine is, um... m-more specialized, I th-think... th-than Miss Kimoto's..." Rada squeaks as she pulls out her wand from a pocket beneath her apron.
In comparison to the rifle-wand, the one Rada holds up is tiny and thin, only a foot in length. The white porcelain lily-of-the-valley plant is fragile-looking, with blood red enamel filling in the gaps where the vase-like handle is cracked, and tiny red gemstones lining the rims of the bell flowers as well as the veins of its skeletal silver leaves.
"It helps me... protect myself o-or... other people... i-if things are going badly... a-and I've been hurt..." She explains, bringing it closer to her chest as she nibbles on her bottom lip. "I was nervous at first... th-that it would break but... i-it's stronger than it looks..."
“Wow, they’re both so cool, huh? Thanks again for agreeing to come out here today, you two.” Erika L brings the camera in close, beaming at the viewer. “Remember, folks, we can only do so much with magic alone. Think about what you can do to help the environment. What your government can do. We’re making progress, with everyone’s help!”
Special thanks to Saga, Cherry, and Mel for writing this post!
Happy Hollow: Mellow Marsh is a tumblr submission trials game with Discord ooc and a Discord thread server, and the sequel game to Happy Hollow. This game is 18+ with the exception of returning players. We will be accepting a cast of 16-18 people including mod ocs, and characters should be aged 16-24. The events of the previous game are not public knowledge to characters, so catching up on the last game is not necessary!
Apps close on April 12th. That’s only two weeks away!! A three day extension is available if you ask a mod through dm.
About || How to play || Application || FAQ || Hopefuls || Hopefuls chat
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mercyedes · 7 years
tagged by @emptymasks  ; i would tag u if you hadn’t already done it LOL
rules:  answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: uhh i tried to avoid people who had been tagged already which is usually the whole hbo war chat lmao, @damnyoualex @allstarrnicky @hoosiersblanket @skipsmalark @spartan-in-a-b-25 @hellyeahcanofpeaches @huhjean @hobbitonamission @221bcastielst
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: a skype to emma 4. song you listened to:  Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco 5. time you cried: I cry at least one every two days tbh  6. dated someone twice: no i am too committed to my one friend  7. kissed someone and regretted it: no again 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yeah !! a pet ! and a fictional character  10. been depressed: currently am my dude bro 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i would have ,, to drink first
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. blue 13. purple 14. shades of pink or red? 
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: lmao hah 16. fallen out of love: no emma ily  17. laughed until you cried: we made her eat a combination of all the expired foods in my fridge. she was still awake and turned over with her ipod light. punched in the back of the head, that one girl last year who slammed into my forehead, “why is that ross from friends”, this is just a list of a lot of inside jokes  18. found out someone was talking about you: I have good hearing and a good friend it comes back to me eventually, so yeah  19. met someone who changed you: emma watching IT changed me  20. found out who your friends are: i kno who she is  21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no lmao nasty 
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them  23. do you have any pets: yea a lot of them but it changes a lot  24. do you want to change your name: yes but also it wouldnt happen im too lazy  25. what did you do for your last birthday: actually nothing if i remember 26. what time did you wake up: 6:00 in the gotdamn morning  27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: to get out of work tonight  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning 31. what are you listening to right now: Nothing atm  32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope 33. something that is getting on your nerves: work, having to do work, having to do anything tbh 34. most visited website: def tumblr, youtube, skype if it counts 35. hair colour: dark brown 36. long or short hair: too long i should cut it more than a few inches lmao  37. do you have a crush on someone: someone real and not a celebrity? no  38. what do you like about yourself: i one day will kill myself we just dont know when  39. want any piercings: not really lol  40. blood type: no idea !  41. nickname: i mean not really enough to put down lmao  42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: virgo  44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: band of brothers, i only like the pacific for any scene snafu is in, i used to like game of thrones but then ramsay died and now it sucks ass, (cry) bates motel, sort of american horror story but eh. 46. tattoos: i dont have any ? i should get one of emma’s name tbh  47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: not really i got stitches once  49. piercing: my ears but i dont wear earrings lol  50. sport: fucki christ no im a lard ass, sometimes i ride horses but its literally two or three times a month if that  51. vacation: no i aint no rich bitch  52. pair of trainers: huh 
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing right now i just had some cereal  54. drinking: water 55. i’m about to: get ready to work, should probably write a lab really quick 56. waiting for: nothin, honestly to go see IT again tho lmao its a good ass movie and emma needs to win me a fuckin stuffed animal again  57. want: to fuck the goddamn clow n the fuck  58. get married: they rich ?  59. career: to do nothing and get money 
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: neither !! 
61. lips or eyes: no theyre gross  62. shorter or taller: emma is one inch taller ; )  63. older or younger: soldier : 76 or gtfo  64. nice arms or nice stomach: hanzo has a nice stomach and arms  65. hook up or relationship: do i look lik e the kinda bitch to care  66. troublemaker or hesitant: fuck outta here w/ either of those 
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger:  no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: not yet lmao  70. turned someone down: no who tf  71. sex on the first date: bruhhhhh stop  72. broken someone’s heart: probably any character i end up liking is ruined  73. had your heart broken: mrs mallard  74. been arrested: no but thats shocking  75. cried when someone died: yes !!! norman !!! ramsay !! the fuck  76. fallen for a friend: i mean 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: no 78. miracles: no 79. love at first sight: no 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: who cares 82. angels: i am one 
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: emma, that is current past and future  84. eye colour: brown but like really dark brown i hate it  85. favorite movie: brother bear of course, literally any movie about a horse, any lame amazon horror movie (aka bad ben which wasnt lame and terrified me), uh IT is now a damn good film, most marvel movies, the mad max franchise, honestly transformers, a lot more 
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