#hyunjin would always agree to live for them in the end
nettlestingsoup · 6 months
hi morgan, i hope you're doing well! 1, 3, 4, 12, 15, 19, 24 and 30 for the fic asks? <3
this is such a hefty amount of questions?? i'm glad i've got a good playlist on haha this might take me a while. 15 and 19 i've answered here for @telomirage.
1: “Alright,” he says eventually, and Minho knows he understands. “It can just be ours.” i promise you this HITS in context. it's about loving someone so much you don't know how to separate yourself from them anymore. it's about chan feeling minho's feeling and minho refusing to admit that they're his. they're being unhealthy <3
3: with the vampire au, very sad that the first draft is almost done! i've had so much genuine fun writing something so bloody and obsessive and weird, and as sad as i am that it's ending, i'm looking forward to refining it and making it bloodier and more obsessive and weirder. with the red thread au, i feel honestly like i'm solving a puzzle box to make it make sense.
4: i was thinking again about the jeongchan steampunk au today, and the fact that i never got around to writing it! chan is a professor at a clockwork academy and jeongin is a pupil he takes on in secret (jeongin can't afford the fees but he has talent) and ends up falling in love with. it was inspired by taylor swift's illicit affairs and i keep meaning to revisit it.
12: i'm really into tragedy right now? not necessarily writing or reading it but just... vibing with it. things could never have been different, you know? no matter how the story was told, things could never have been different. there's a bit of that in the minchanjin that's next on my list. no matter what, all three of them would always make the choices that they make.
24: i watch cool shows/read cool books to recharge, and try to travel to spend time with my friends! sometimes all i need is inspiration from a story someone else wrote, a change of scenery, or good company.
30: i'm incredibly proud of protect me from the dark outside (despite what hides within), my southern gothic minbin fic! i absolutely loved how the vibe of it turned out and how the relationship developed alongside the plot. it was worth all the time i spent on it.
thank you for these!! 12 really made me think haha <3
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
9th member whos family is extremely unsupportive of their career choices, skz do their best to cheer them up after a loud argument that the boys overhear. their family is rude and downright mean to their 9th member and they cant let them be put down by their family so they remind her that theyre her family. love your writing.
family is complicated
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: emotionally abusive parents
word count: 1.6k
summary: after your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family
Thank you sm for your request!! I hope you enjoy this one too :)))
"Y/Nnie! Lunch is ready," Chan called the maknae into the kitchen, plating up some food for her. Although they lived in different dorms now, Y/N staying with 3RACHA and Hyunjin, and Lee Know and Felix staying with VocalRACHA, they decided to do a whole group meal today.
Everyone was sat waiting at the table, before a sluggish looking Y/N padded into the kitchen, wiping sleep away from her eyes.
"Aw bless her, she looks exhausted," Felix whispered and frowned to Han, who nodded along.
"It's her mum and dad again, don't mention them yeah?" Han quietly replied, offering a light smile to Y/N when she plonked herself down into the chair opposite him.
"Mmm, what's for breakfast?" Y/N blinked her eyes rapidly, where redness could be seen around the lids. After an endless streams of texts from her parents last night, she cried herself to sleep, the boys doing their best to comfort her before she allowed herself to break down.
"It's lunch time, silly," Hyunjin fondly giggled as he ruffled her hair and placed a cup of tea down in front of her. "Here, peppermint tea, I know it's your favourite."
"Thanks Jinnie," Y/N tilted her head upwards and he smiled and scrunched his nose at her in response.
"It's nice having lunch together like this, I feel like we haven't done it in a while," Jeongin commented, twirling some ramen with his chopsticks.
"We had fried chicken at the company like two days ago," Changbin pointed out and laughed.
"Yeah but it's different being sat around the table with a home cooked meal," Lee Know nodded and agreed with Jeongin.
"It's different now, like sometimes I get a facetime and just have Seungmin staring at me whilst he eats like," Han starts laughing, and mimics the face the puppy like member of the group would pull.
"What do you think about eating on your own, Seungmin? Now that we've split into different dorms," Chan asked curiously from one end of the table.
"I love it so much," Seungmin genuinely and joyfully says, causing everyone to break out into laugh, Hyunjin's iconic cackle sticking out amongst them all. Even Y/N, in a tired quiet mood, broke out into a smile.
But that happy mood, was torn in half by the ringtone that blared from Y/N's phone. She picked up her phone and sighed when she saw the contact name, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Are you ok, Y/N?" Minho queried gently from next to her, making his tone more caring and comforting like he always did when he spoke to her. She was similar to Felix in that she had a sensitive heart.
"I'm f-fine, umm, I've got to take this," Y/N scoots out of her chair from the dining table, and walks round the corner from the kitchen into the hallway that followed down to their individual bedrooms.
"I'm worried about her," Jeongin spoke up, a frown tugging on his features, the corners of his mouth pulled downwards.
"I swear if that's her parents-" Changbin gritted his teeth.
"When will you come home and leave that useless job behind you?"
"Mum, why do you always do this to me? I'm doing something that I truly love and you always dismiss it!"
"I don't care about what you enjoy doing. You're not thinking about your family. How could you leave us like this? It's disrespectful. You've betrayed us!"
"I send money to you every month! I support you! I do everything I can, mum!"
"Your everything isn't good enough, Y/N. You're an embarrassment to the whole family."
"Mum don't say that!"
Then there was the sound of the phone call being hung up on, and Y/N quickly dashed past the opening of the hallway to rush into the bathroom.
"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, girl. I thought you may have changed your mind after my wise words last night, but I can see you're still as stupid and ignorant as ever."
"Y/N-" Han stood up to stop her and grab her attention, but she had already slammed the door.
"Have they always been that bad?" Seungmin questioned, appalled at the phone call they all overheard.
In her tired state, Y/N must have put the call on loudspeaker, and not realised that the boys had heard it too.
"I knew they were bad but... hearing her own mother yell at her like that... I thought the texts were bad," Chan sighed and shook his head. His hands rested on the table and he cracked his knuckles together.
"Why, what happened with the texts? Hannie said just to act normal but..." Felix brought up what he had said earlier.
"Yesterday she got some threatening texts from her dad, telling her he'd fly over to Seoul and personally drag her back home, and if she didn't 'comply and obey him' he'd make sure that she'd 'pay for it'," Hyunjin sighed, quoting the exact words he read from Y/N's phone himself.
"That bastard threatened violence?!" Lee Know exclaimed in disbelief, his fist clenched tightly around the edge of the table.
"We should check on her," Jeongin got up as he shook his head, walking round to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Y/Nnie? Do you want to talk about what happened, love? We all heard," he added onto the end.
"No, it's fine, Innie. I'm ok, please don't come in," Y/N's voice cracked. "I just want some time to myself," she whimpered from the cold bathroom floor, rocking back and forth as she tried to process the words her own mother threw at her once more. Her mind was frantically pulling her in all sorts of different directions, saying 'what if' a thousand times.
"Sweetheart, please talk to us, we're worried about you," Felix's deep voice came from the other side of the door.
"I'm fine," Y/N sniffled, shakily standing up as her head pounded from all of the stress.
"You're not, we can hear it in your voice, Y/Nnie," Lee Know said firmly, a hint of frustration in his voice but only because he cared about her so much.
"Please open the door, Y/N," Jeongin tried again, hand resting against the door.
"She's not going to, mate," Bang Chan sighed, slumping down into the sofa, stretching out his neck and body. "She said she wants to be alone."
But then, the lock to the bathroom door clicked, revealing an exhausted looking Y/N who had tear streams down her face, as well as red eyes and a red nose.
"I don't want to talk about it," Y/N could barely look up at the three members that had been stood outside of the bathroom waiting for her.
"That's fine, just come sit with us, yeah?" Felix grabbed her hand gently.
"Don't shut us out, please," Lee Know ducked his head down to look into her eyes, and the girl nodded, still looking down at her feet. He rested his hand on her lower back as they encouraged her to head through to the lounge.
"Come here," Hyunjin opened his arms immediately as soon as she entered the room and just like that she was glued to his side.
"Y/N, I know you won't want to talk about it, but let us talk to you, ok?" Changbin started, "The way you have been treated by your parents, is by all means, not ok."
"And we want you to know, because we heard what your mum said, you are enough for us," Seungmin added on.
Their kind words caused her to let out a sob, and she heard coos and hushes around her of 'oh, Y/N!'.
"Darling, please don't get upset," Han crouched down in front of Y/N and wiped her tears away, and Hyunjin's arms tightened around her.
"I-it's just, it's-" Y/N couldn't get her words out before another sob ripped from her throat.
"Y/Nnie, breathe, it's ok love, take your time," Chan gently spoke up, causing her to listen to his words and actively take some deep breaths.
"We won't let you feel down ever again from the things they had said or done to you," Lee Know promised.
"We're your family, Y/Nnie," Jeongin cracked a small smile, eyes glistening with tears of his own.
"I wish you had been my family from the start. I feel like I've wasted so much of my life already," Y/N cried out, her hands digging into her legs.
"Oh, if we could have been a group from the start I'm sure we would have. Just think this, you've got us now. I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry about the past. Let's just think about our future, ok?" Changbin said from next to her on the sofa, gently pulling her hands away from her lap to prevent her from causing more harm.
"But what if-" Y/N stuttered and stopped herself from continuing once more.
"There are no what ifs with us, Y/N," Hyunjin rubbed circles into her shoulders.
"Yeah, you're stuck with us now," Han joked, trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.
For a few more moments you revelled in the comfort of being with your members, your family before going on with the rest of your day. And if anyone asked Chan if he blocked your mum and dad's phone numbers, he'd say no, of course. If they were really worried, they had other ways of getting in contact. It wouldn't hurt anyone. Just make your lives easier as a family.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 1 month
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Moments of Kisses with SKZ
SKZ x Reader - 8 short scenarios suggestive wc: 827
‘One more’, Chan breaths into your open mouth, pressing his lips against yours with the soft force that carries him through life. 
If you had the ability to breathe, you would inhale him with all he has to give. You know he would let you. 
‘May I return to this for the rest of my life?’, he asks with his gentle hand on your jaw, tracing along your cheeks as if he was the embodiment of a comfortable summer breeze. 
‘Even then you’ll ask for one more’, you chuckle.
‘I am sure of that’, he agrees with his shy, almost embarrassed smile. 
It’s only one tear, one tear that rolls down his cheek, while his eyes remain stoic. 
You catch it with the tip of your finger, placing a kiss on the exact spot it touched his skin the last. 
A simple action has always been enough to cause Minho to switch on his hedonistic side, diving into a kiss with you as if were the only thing that could ever make him feel happiness again.
‘I’m not going anywhere’, you laugh when he takes a frustrated break to breathe. 
He nods, seriously. You are not going anywhere. Happiness is not going anywhere. 
It is sleep that he longs for while fearing it. The trouble of relying on something so unreliable causes only distress. Distress can only be solved by relaxation. He stresses out about being relaxed. Ironic. 
Then you appear and lay your head on his shoulder, your arm around his middle, minimalistically caressing his waist. It is impactful. 
‘Lie down’, you instruct and he obeys with full trust, gladly letting you tell him what to do, so that he doesn’t have to waste worries on the task of decision making. 
Facing you so closely changes out the script his mind follows. 
Chasing your lips turns out to be the easiest challenge in the world, for the time remaining the only challenge as sleep settles in quite incidentally. 
You have felt his lips everywhere. He made sure that you memorize them with all your senses, with all of your physical being. He takes initiative to let you know he is here only for you, with only you in mind, with only you for all his intentions, yet your favorite way of kissing him is when it’s you who approaches him. 
His shock never gets old. It is as if he is surprised that you feel even remotely the same thing for him, that he gets to be loved exactly in the way he understands to love. And when his cheeks burn in shock and shyness, realization sinking in every time again as if you wouldn’t have already let him know all of you being here only for him, you just have to playfully kiss over his whole face. The mutual giggles are happily dancing through the air as an echo of your touch.
You hear his heartbeat. You feel his breath. You taste his lips. 
‘Look at you’, he whispers in a moment of collecting composure. 
There is no way to see yourself in the dark corner of the hallway, caged by Jisung and the walls. You can sense your beauty in his demeanor and something beyond confidence rushes through your body. 
His hand kisses are silly. His forehead kisses are safe. His cheek kisses are sweet. And his neck kisses hot. But when his lips touch your lips it’s peaceful. The world turns silent and calmth settles in. It’s a vacuum he has the ability to create. It puts your existence into perspective and allows you to live on from every kiss with more clarity, in tune with your reality and a bit more aligned with yourself again. 
Let him be a fool. Let him play with you. Let him mock you, make fun of you. He will return desperate at the end of the day, desiring nothing more than your kisses to be assured that you understand him, that his humor is not too much, that he isn’t. Use his jokes against him. Mock him in your sweetest tone. Play into his amusement. He will shut you up with his lips on yours, smiling into the kiss with all the depths of his appreciation for you being able to live meeting him on the same wavelength.
It’s his clothes you’re dressed in at day time. It’s his kisses you’re dressed in during night time. He makes sure that you are feeling the familiar safety he has to offer during every second of your time with him. There is no way he'd leave you unattended at the risk of feeling lonely in this world. And when his clothes only cover you externally, his kisses go straight through your physical vessel, raining over your soul like shooting stars, manifesting as hidden gemstones, ready to be discovered in moments when you are losing hope.
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stay-tiny-ville · 8 months
Hwang Hyunjin
Summary ~ lovely boy :( (Or dating head cannons for Hwang Hyunjin)
A.N. 2 - if my describing of your relationship growing up didn’t make sense I’m sorry I don’t know how to word it 😭😭😭
Muse, love, beautiful, dove, love, angel, Cara Mia, mon Cher are a few names he’d give you def a lot of “my love”s in another language
Ive heard some mixed opinions (well not that many but a couple) saying that he would be reserved and only lovey behind closed doors
However i argue the opposite and agree with the positions on him being a true hopeless romantic at heart
Tall boy loves holding you as you sleep
Obviously wakes before you (Probably) with his horrendous schedule and just has a true “this is life, and i am living and loving being alive” moment when he just gets to look at you all peaceful and beautiful in his arms
Covers the corners of things with his hand so you don’t hit your head
Stfu he would paint you
Your hands, your face, you two together, or he would take a stab at paintings that are simply based on the memory/emotion but not paint the memory (like he would do that thing where people can see sounds and he would try to imagine your laugh and paint it-i'll die on this hill)
So dramatic like will burst into tears if he gets a paper cut or stubs a toe (i mean yeah it hurts but he’s dYING)
Unlike some of the members like Chan, he’s always with you, like you’re never alone and if he’s at rehearsals? Oh look, you’re here too. Meeting with JYP? Oh, can you come in too? He’s going shopping? He’s at the red carpet for versace? He’s-
You get it
Spiritually and physically attached
Spins you all the time
Context: every single time you come out of the bedroom after getting ready to go out or simply just coming out of the room he takes your right hand with his right hand and twirls you into his side before a required temple kissy and moves on/out the door
Required ritual or the world ends
I imagine you two as childhood best friends (yes, THAT trope) and i don’t necessarily think of it as one of you had a crush on each other as you grew up, you just grew up together in love as if it’s what you were taught to do
When you went to school and learned about the different types of emotions or had the healthy relationship talk you didn't think anything of it
I didn't know what love felt like until I turned 18 and you thought this adoration was a normal feeling
Until your friends talked about their lives and you realized most people don't have a bond like you do, most people don't feel like you do about your soulmate Jinnie
You didn't feel this way about the crushes you’ve had previously
Normal people don’t always put their one friend before everybody else
Either you went straight to Hyunjin and talked about it because you could talk to him about anything or not, he would realize the same thing, i can’t say if it was slower or faster than you, it depends i suppose
But i imagine the transition was just from the average hugs and hand holding and kisses on the forehead that were just normal things with no thought behind them became ones with love behind them
Puts you before himself
You’re cold means trade cold for his jacket he will suffer instead
You’re sick he’ll sacrifice his health to cuddle and coddle you all day long
You haven’t been eating well/at all he’ll give you his food after rehearsals
Lays his head on your chest
He’s baby :(
Like I haven’t thought about who cuddles how and who is big or little spoon but Hyunjin loves to just lay on your chest or lap
Please he’s dress you up in rich ass clothes even if it looks putrid together
The softest with you when you’re upset :(
Like you’d just not be doing too good be it sad or bad day and he could tell because you weren’t responding as energetically to his jokes and funny haha’s (please that autocorrected to Gaga’s) and his smile turns into a frown and he’d stop you from walking away by grabbing your shoulder that was farthest from him and turned you to look at him
When you kept your head low he ducked to meet your eyes and the sadness/tiredness in the made him sad :(
Takes care of you all day and sits with you on the floor in front of the couch on the fuzzy (I imagine white faux fur bc he’s bougie) rug
You sit in his lap facing him while his back is against the couch and he doesn’t break eye contact to let you know he’s listening so whenever you look back up at him from messing with his clothes he’s looking right at you
Please he’s so baby I could write so much more about hopeless romantic baby Hyunjin
ASO RQ I AM FOREVER OBSESSED WITH BOTH RED HAIR HYUNJIN (which is a trade of passage for Stays at this point) AND MAXIDENT TASTE (which is such a banger I will die on this hill again) SHORT BLUE HYUNJIN HAIR AAAAAAAH
N e ways he’s baby and so so lovely I love
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i’m not sure if you take requests but if u do i’d love to see something like this
Excuse how long this is going to be 😅 but i am desperate for a fic with poly!skz x reader where the dynamic is kinda like
Chan and lino = doms/ in charge, what they say goes
changbin = switch but soft dom leaning
hyunjin = switch but sub leaning
han = the biggest brat you’ve ever met, constantly in trouble
felix = subby good boy
seungmin = dom
jeongin = switch
reader = sub
basically it would be focused on han and reader, with them both being extremely bratty! not that han is dom in any way however reader will literally do anything he says or follow anything he does without caring about the repercussions like they usually would and lino and chan can’t figure out why reader will always so blindly follow han into being a brat and the both of them constantly being punished!
im imagining a situation where han has convinced reader to let him eat her out even though they did not have permission from chan and lino, then lino calls reader and han makes reader pick up the phone and try to stay quiet but in the end lino figures out what’s happening. it baso ends with lee know and chan punishing han and reader ☺️☺️
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I had so much fun writing this @jisungiexx . I really went to town with my inner voyeur and exhibitionist with this one. It’s turned out long (sorry, but am I?). I hope you like what has ended up on the page 🤪.
Sub Reader x Bratty Han (plus Doms Lino, Chan and features ot8). Established poly ot8 relationship.
Word count: 2.9k approx.
CW below the cut.
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⚠️⚠️⚠️Warnings: NSFW // 18+ content // MDNI // dom chan and lino // sub reader // oral sex (f and m rec.) // creampies // unprotected vaginal and anal sex // butt plugs // spanking with a belt // restraints // sex in front of a group // everyone cums all over reader // use of word whore, bitch etc // sharing if you blink // disrespecting reader (but it’s consensual punishment) // let me know if I’ve missed anything.
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Han. The fucking brat. He loves to rile up the doms and soft doms, pushing their buttons, making them snap. He likes to coerce the subs into messy situations in the hopes of getting into trouble off the bosses Chan and Lino.
But the subs don’t always play along. Except for you. Han knows this perfectly well. For some reason you can’t resist his bratty, suggestive energy. He makes you lose the fear of consequences, or maybe it’s that he makes you forget about consequences entirely? Until, of course you are being thrown face down on the bed, your panties pulled down around your thighs as you get spanked by Chan while Lino fucks your face (although you love that kind of punishment).
You think every idea Han has is a good one. There’s just something about him that makes you want to please him. You want to please him as much as you need to please Chan and Lino. You’d honestly let him do anything he wants to you.
That’s how you ended up here. On the couch in the living room.
“Come on baby.” He whispers, kissing your neck. Your shirt is already off and he’s cupping your breast, under your bra, with one hand, and is three fingers deep inside your cunt.
He knows you are pliable right now. You’ll agree to anything. “Let me taste your sweet pussy.” He thrusts his fingers in hard making you squeal. “So fucking wet. I know you want more than just my fingers, right?”
You shake your head. “Sungie, no. We don’t have permission. What if they find out?” you say timidly.
“No one’s gonna know. Just think about how it’s gonna feel with my hot… wet…mouth,” he kisses you sloppily. “Against your…aching…dripping…pussy?” He breaks away only to lean his forehead against yours. “You are my baby, aren’t you?” he asks with a serious tone. You nod. You are. “So… can I?” he pushes.
“Yes.” You whisper. He is right. Your cunt really was aching for him. His fingers had almost taken you over the edge, but you know his skilled and quick mouth will have you seeing stars in no time.
“You’re my favourite, you know that, right? Always up for anything. Such a fucking good girl.” He says as he makes his way down between your legs. “Spread them wider for me. Let me take a good look at you.” He pushes your legs open and bites his lip hungrily as he inspects your most intimate parts.
“Such a pretty, tight, little hole.” He watches your pussy clench around nothing as he removes his digits. He spreads your lips apart and licks a stripe up from your vagina to your clit. You cry out. Why does it always feel so good? You throw your head back and squeeze you eyes closed as Han laps up all of your arousal that’s dripping from you. Your back arches off the couch when he slips his tongue into your cunt.
“Fuck, Ji!” you cry. “I’m so close.”
And then you hear it. Your phone ringing. You know the ringtone. Han knows the ringtone. Lino is calling.
“Answer it, baby. You don’t want to get in trouble for missing a call from the boss.” Han pauses his movements.
“I… I can’t-”
“Answer it.” Han repeats himself.
And of course you do as he says.
With a shaky hand and a fuzzy brain, you answer the call. “H-hello?” you say softly.
“What the fuck took you so long, kitten?” Lino is angry. Fuck. “Um… I’m sorry, I was just…ahhhh.” You feel Han’s mouth latch onto your clit.
“You were just what? What is so important that it took you more than three rings for to answer the phone?” Lino growls.
You can barely find the words you need. Han is bringing you so close to climax that you can feel a sheen of sweat forming on your chest, and you know your heavy breathing must sound suspicious. You try with everything you have to ignore Han and to focus on Lino.
“I was just….working out… yes…running.” You manage.
And then you feel Han’s fingers in your pussy again, pumping in and out of you whilst he slurps loudly against your clit. The wet, obscene sounds becoming so loud that it threatens to give you away.
“Kitten?” Lino’s voice tries to cut through the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that has taken over your body. It is so hard to concentrate on Lino. Han is too intoxicating. Han feels too good. Han is your whole world. Han is the only person that matters. Han making you come is the only thing you need right now. You would surely die without it.
“Hannie-” you choke and the tension inside you snaps, sending pulsating pleasure through your veins and your legs shaking around Han’s head.
“You have to be fucking joking.” Lino does not sound happy. “Chan and I will be home in one hour. You and Han better be ready. You are going to be so fucking sorry.” And with that Lino is gone.
You lean up on your elbows and look down at the man that just took you to the stars. He is already looking up you with the most smug look on his face. You can’t tell if he is feeling pleased with himself because he convinced you (yet again) to let him have unauthorised access to your body, or that he has managed to get the you two caught?
It is a rather odd dynamic, between you and Han. Han is a bratty little shit, but he is not the boss. Not by a long shot. He just loves stirring up trouble and making life challenging for Chan and Lino. Han thinks it’s fucking hilarious to get himself, and any of the other subs, into trouble. Why? Because punishment is always fun. What he finds the most fun of all is the bemused expressions on Chan and Lino’s face when, as always, you have gone along with some devious idea of his.
You don’t even know why you always go along with whatever Han wants. But you can’t seem to stop yourself.
Even when it leads to this situation right now.
One hour later you and Han sitting side by side on the end of the bed, awaiting punishment.
The bedroom door bursts open and Chan and Lino enter the room - followed by the rest of the members. This was different. Punishment had never involved an audience before.
It makes you wet, and you were sure it is making Han hard.
They look pissed. Lino speaks first. “Everyone take a seat, stand against the wall. Make yourself comfortable.”
Suengmin and Changbin stand against the wall, and Felix, Innie and Hyunjin take places on the bed behind you.
Chan disappears out of the room momentarily, returning with two dining chairs and placing them in front of you and Han. Chan sits himself down on one and Lino drags the other a little further away to the right side of the room.
“Han,” starts Chan, “strip, then sit on that chair.” He nods to the empty dining chair.
Han immediately removes his clothes and takes a seat as instructed. You are right, he’s hard. You hear seungmin snicker to your left. How fucking humiliating.
“Everyone listen up.” Chan addresses the room. “Lino and I have called you all in here today because there are some of you who do not know how to follow rules.” Silence and anticipation fills the room and you start to become nervous.
“Han, in particular, doesn’t think he needs permission to play with our kitten here.” Lino says as he stands in front of you, grasping your chin forcing it so you’re looking into his dark, angry eyes. “Take off your top and bra and go lay over Chan’s lap so you can receive your punishment.”
You do as he says, nervously removing your garments and walking to were Chan sits.
“Lay over me, ass away from Han.” He pulls you over his lap and slaps your ass. Your head dangles by his shoe and you can’t see any of the men in the room. Chan pulls your shorts and panties down exposing your bare pussy and ass to everyone and pulls your cheeks apart. “Look at that boys… Han thinks this is his.” He snarls and roughly prods your pussy with his fingers. You gasp. You are so vulnerable, and so turned on. “Lino, come look at her pretty little holes.”
Lino kneels down next you, and the pair start finger fucking you at the same time. They plunge two fingers each into your cunt, stretching you, opening you up, showing everyone how much of a little whore you are. You begin to moan with pleasure, which apparently is against the rules. “Felix. Come pull the rest of her clothes off.” Chan instructs. “That’s it, Felix. Now shove her panties in her mouth to shut her up.”
Felix comes around and stuffs your mouth with your panties to muffle your whimpers, and then he’s gone again.
From where Han sits, all he can see is all the other men’s reactions to what is happening to you. He is turned on as fuck, but also jealous. He wants to see what was happening to your pussy. He can hear it though. The sopping, sloppy noises of your wetness. His dick is leaking. He knows there’s a good chance he’s going to come untouched. His hand automatically grips his cock.
“Hey, he’s touching his dick!” Innie exclaims, pointing to Han.
“Hyunjin, tie him up.” Chan growls. “This is meant to be a punishment.”
Hyunjin swiftly ties Han’s hands together and someone decides it’s a good idea to tie yours together too. “Let’s tie here’s behind her back.”
All you can do is lay there and take whatever punishment you are given.
“Everyone. This is what’s gonna happen.” Lino addresses the waiting men. “Our insolent little bitch here is going to choke on Chan’s cock, while I fuck her greedy little cunt. Your job, boys, is to jerk off while you watch. When you need to cum, you will come up, ask for permission, and choose where abouts you want to cum on her.”
Suengmin, another dom, pipes up. “Hey why do I need to ask permission? And I don’t want to cum on her - I wanna cum in her.”
Lino rolls his eyes. “Don’t forget who are the bosses here! But yeah, anyone can cum anywhere on or in her.. Except Han. He’s not allowed to cum.”
Your pussy clenches at the thought of having everyone’s cum all over you.
“Everyone, get your cocks out.” You hear zippers and belt buckles as they free their dicks. Chan and Lino continue to finger your pussy. They jiggle your ass cheeks, make noises of approval at how wet you are. You feel Lino spit on your asshole and spread it around the rim, then plunge a finger deep into your hole. You tense and clench, making the pair chuckle to themselves. “Innie, give me the butt plug.” You brace yourself as Lino presses the rather large plug into your ass.
“Pass me your belt, Changbin.” Says Lino standing up, leaving your hole clenching around the plug.
“We must set and example, mustn’t we Chan?” And without warning you feel the belt hit your ass cheek. You can’t cry out, or grab hold of anything. Chan holds you still. The belt comes down again. A little harder. Your skin stings. Again. Tears well up in your eyes. Another smack with the belt. You squeeze your eyes tight and the tears slip out. The next hit with the belt is on your pussy. It’s not as hard, but the sting is harsh. You hear gasps from some of the onlookers.
“Ummm,” you hear a timid voice next to you. “Can I please cum?” Felix.
“Already?” Chuckles Chan. “Sure. Where you going to put it?”
“The base of her spine please.” Always so polite. The spanking pauses, and you feel ropes of hot cum land on your lower back and hear the sweet noises Felix makes when he cums.
“Good boy.” Lino says proudly. “You did so good.” Chan concurs. “You may leave if you want. Or stay and watch. What do you want to do?”
Felix hesitates. “I’d like to stay and watch.” He says quietly.
“That’s our boy.” Seungmin claps his hands.
You are repositioned so that you are kneeling on the carpet in front of Chan. He lifts up slightly so he can shimmy his sweatpants down, freeing his enormous cock. Chan has the biggest cock out of everyone, and you know you are about to gag and choke very soon. He removes the panties that were in your mouth and fists a handful of hair on the back of your head and shoves your mouth down over his cock without care, forcing you take as much as possible. Then he pushes you down even more. You splutter, gag, and make a whole host of humiliating sounds as Chan pulls your mouth up and down on his cock, hard, fast and rough.
Meanwhile, Lino positions himself behind you, lifting you up enough to push his cock into your sopping cunt. The fullness feels incredible. Lino fucks you rough from the get go, leaving you no time to adjust. With your hands tied behind your back you are helpless. And it’s driving you, and the men wild.
One by one, they come up seeking permission to cum on you.
You’re pulled up off Chan’s cock so Binnie can cum on your tits. You sneak a glance at Han to who looks so fucked out, his dick red and angry. Fuck you want to relieve him of that.
Innie wants to cum in your mouth. “Swallow it, kitten.” Lino instructs. You swallow it all and then continue to suck Chan off. Hyunjin wants to cum on your stomach, so again you’re lifted upright so he can mark you. Felix comes back again, this time wanting to cum in your mouth.
Finally Suengmin is ready to give you his load. “I’m going to cum in her cunt.” He announces. Lino grumbles and pulls out of you, and you feel suengmin at your entrance. He thrusts into you hard making you gag on Chan’s cock. He digs his fingers into the side of your body and snaps his hips three times and you feel him release himself deep inside you.
“I’m not sticking my cock back in there after you. I don’t wanna feel your jizz on my dick.” Lino sounds irritated. Seungmin laughs and leaves the room.
“You’ll have to fuck her ass then, mate.” Chan says between clenched teeth. He was close to cumming.
“Hmm, you’re right.” Lino pulls the plug from your ass and pushes his thick cock into you, grasping your neck for both leverage and to feel you choking around Chan’s cock. Your pathetic cry is too much for Chan and cums down your throat. “Swallow it.” Lino says from behind you, pounding his cock into your ass with an unimaginable force. You swallow and open your mouth, showing Chan your empty mouth.
You can feel Seungmin’s cum dribbling down your inner thigh, Felix’s cum dried on your back, and your breast and stomach are sticky. You are a mess as Lino fucks into you, holding you up by your tied arms. He pulls you against his chest, his mouth close to your ear. “Look at him,” Lino hisses, referring to Han. “I don’t know why the fuck you let him get you into this mess. Maybe you forgot who owns your pussy, hmm? Maybe you forgot I own your ass.” He growls. He reaches a hand down to your clit. “Now cum for me.” He demands.
You’re close but you can’t quite get there. You look at Han again. His cock. Yes you love that cock so much. Closer. His trim waist and defined torso. Yes you love to have your legs wrapped around it. Almost there. You look up to his face. His eyes. They are locked on yours. Encouraging you to cum. Fuck!!!! You clench around Lino’s cock and he pumps into you a few more times before you feel him paint your walls.
Lino pulls out and plugs you back up. “I own your ass. Don’t forget it.” He says and stands up. He and Chan pull their pants back on. You look around the room. It’s only now you realise that the rest of the men have left.
You see that Han has cum untouched, cum plastered on his abdomen, but he is still hard as stone. Chan unties him. “Now you clean her up - with your mouth… and then fuck Seungmin and Lino’s cum back into her holes.”
You and Han are alone again. He’s at your side untying you, immediately licking the cum off your tits, then kisses you. “That was so worth getting you into trouble.” He smirks and picks you up to lay you on the bed.
He hovers over you and gazes at you tenderly. “You are my baby, aren’t you?” He whispers.
You nod.
“Then… will you let me?”
“Let you what? They’ve given you permission to fuck me.” You say.
He shakes his head. “Will you let me make love to you?”
Typical, bratty Han, still not wanting to follow instructions.
You nod. “Yes.”
A/N: I kinda wanted to end this on a sweet note, and make Hannie still unable to follow rules, like if he’s told to fuck her, then he wants to go slow and tender. But… he is a sneaky little shit getting her into so much trouble.
…… my babes @channieandhisgoonsquad @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @hanjisunglover @queenmea604
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yuna542 · 1 year
Random one shot idea? Secret boyfriend lix 👀
Reader and Felix are having a steamy make out session on the sofa and they end up getting caught by everyone after they came home from their schedules. This causes Reader and Felix to rush into Felix’s bedroom and they end up fucking due to the fact that they both got turned on by getting caught?
- had this stuck in my head all week 😩🫣
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Pairing: Felix x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Brothers Best Friend
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!, pet names, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Overstimulation, | explicit smut, confessions, fluff, cum play, riding
Word Count: 6.3k
Note: Really liked that idea and wrote it late at night. Hope you like it!
That you were annoyed was an understatement.
On a Saturday night that you were supposed to be spending with friends, completely wasted in a club and making out wildly with some guy in a corner, you were now on your way to your brother's dorm to bring him his stupid headphones, since he didn't seem to be able to survive without them. Then why he had left them at your house was a good question.
Since he and his band were already flying to Japan tomorrow night for a concert, he had begged you to bring the headphones over since he was busy with his schedule all day and being the good sister that you were, you had of course agreed and drove the three hours to see him. Plus, he had promised to buy you the special edition of your favorite video game that just had been released.
So now you were standing outside the front door, headphones in your bag and with a queasy feeling towards the sky that seemed to be getting darker by the second. It was noon, in the middle of the day, and yet with the inky black clouds, a doomsday mood was gathering that made you gulp.
"Hello?" you heard a very familiar and recognizable voice through the speakerphone.
"Hey Felix. It's me. Y/N. I'm dropping something off for Ji."
"Oh. Yea. I'll open right up."
He sounded tired. His voice raspy and you immediately got goosebumps. Felix had always been the one of your brother's friends who made you blush the most. He was so kind, loving and charming. It was easy to get lost in his eyes or imagine how his plush lips would feel on your skin. Everyone thought about that, right? Just as the door opened, the first drop of rain hit you. You ran up the stairs and there the sunshine on two legs was already waiting for you. He was casually leaning on the door frame, smiling his charming smile and you were left breathless for a moment.
Even though it seemed like he had just gotten up, his dark hair a mess, his face still slightly puffy and him dressed only in sweatpants and a hoodie, he looked stunningly beautiful.
"Hey princess. Out so early?" he asked with amusement, spreading his arms to hug you in greeting. He had given you that nickname on the second day you had met. Jisung had taken the audacity of showing him and Hyunjin really old pictures of you dressed up as a princess, running around the playground. It was embarrassing and you had punched Jisung hard in the side, but since then Felix kept calling you that.
"Hey Lix... It's already noon you sleepyhead."
You hugged him briefly, taking in his engaging scent. He smelled of ripe strawberries and fresh mint. It was impossible for a man to be so perfect.
You looked over his shoulder into the apartment, but you couldn't hear the usual noises. Normally it was loud and chaotic in the dorm, but right now it was quiet. That was kind of strange.
"Come in!" he said and let you go ahead. That's when you noticed that there was actually no one here.
"Where is Jisung? He begged me to bring him his things."
Felix led you into the living room and ran his hand through his hair.
"Oh. I didn't know that. Everyone else isn't here either. I'm by myself. Chan, Changbin, and Ji should be at the studio. The rest have gone shopping."
"Oh..." you muttered curtly, glancing around the living room. It was relatively tidy, compared to the last few times you'd been here. Except for the piles of clothes laying everywhere.
When your eyes met Felix again, he quickly averted his gaze and cleared his throat.
Had he been staring?
"Can I offer you something? Do you want some tea or coffee? Something to eat?" he asked, his words coming faster than usual. Puzzled, you looked down at yourself. Was there something on your face? Did he think the white dress was strange? You actually liked it, as it showed off your cleavage a bit and sat tight on your hips.
"Tea would be great," you said, smiling a little in wonder. It struck you then that you'd never been alone with Felix before. He was never so insecure in front of the other guys. He usually flirted with you for fun, was outgoing and laughed a lot. But now he seemed to be restless. He nodded quickly and pointed to the sofa where a controller was lying. There was a video game paused on the TV.
"Sit down. I'll bring it to you."
Then he walked to the kitchen, but paused again and just as you were about to sit down, he said:
"You look stunning, by the way! That dress suits you very well."
Before you could react he had disappeared into the kitchen. Embarrassed, you tried to push back the blush that spread across your cheeks.
Shortly after, he returned with two steaming cups of tea and handed you one before sitting down next to you.
"When will Ji be back?" you asked, setting the tea down so it could cool.
"I don't know... They wanted to take care of something, record demos, before we take the flight tomorrow."
His knee brushed yours as he leaned forward to set his cup down as well.
"You can wait here... I wouldn't let you drive back home in this weather anyway."
His words snapped you out of your thoughts, which were only centered around the touch of your legs. Then you noticed that the rain was beating mercilessly against the windows and a thunderstorm was raging outside. Lightning lit up the sky and shortly after, thunder growled like an angry dragon.
"You're probably right," you replied, pulling your legs up on the sofa. It was comfortable and pleasant to be alone with Felix. In fact it was always amazing being around him. But there was this nerve-wracking pounding in your chest that wouldn't go away and it got worse every time he looked at you.
"Sooo what were you playing?" you finally asked, pointing at the TV.
"Nothing special. Trying to play Genshin Impact again."
Curious, you nodded and spotted the second controller lying on the table.
"Cool. What's your AR?"
Puzzled, his eyes grew wide and he leaned forward a bit.
"Currently at 56... You know about that? Do you play too?"
Amused, you nodded. In fact, you had never talked about it before. You knew that Felix was a passionate gamer, but that you shared his passion had never been a topic.
"I'm still at AR54 at the moment. But I haven't been playing that long either."
He grinned so wide your stomach did flips.
"Wow. I didn't know that! What else do you play?"
You began chatting excitedly about your passion, sharing games, and oddly enough, you shared the exact same habits, favorites, and experiences. It was nice to share with someone the hobby that so many people demonized. After some time, Felix pointed to the second controller.
"Do you want to play something?"
With rosy cheeks you nodded and shortly thereafter you did one race after the next on Mario Kart. Quickly you were in your element, became competitive and tried to outdo the other. In the beginning Felix won all the time, eventually it became more and more even. You cheered, yelled at each other, and laughed out loud when you beat the other one or someone drifted off the track.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but it must have been hours and your stomach was already hurting from laughing. That's when you tried to take away his view of the screen by getting in front of him to finish ahead of him after all.
"Hey that's not fair!" he shouted.
"This is Mario Kart! There's nothing fair about it!" you retorted.
Before you realized it, he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you off your feet. With a squeak, you fell onto his lap before you could stop it. He wrapped his arms around your waist and continued to play with you on his lap as if nothing had happened. Your heart was pounding as your legs were pressed against his and his chest against your back. You smelled his intoxicating scent and felt his skin directly on yours. For a moment you forgot to play and were only sucked back into reality when he laughed triumphantly as he passed you.
Quickly you continued to play, but you could hardly concentrate. He made no effort to let you off his lap, pinching your sides in between to distract you and even pulling you closer to his chest in between. When he was about to win, you grabbed his controller and ripped it out of his hand to hold it above your head.
"You really play unfair!" he laughed, trying to get the controller, but you just held it higher. A dangerous glint entered his eyes and you felt his hand on your thigh, holding you tight to reach the controller. You tried to dodge, but lost your balance. Panicked, you rowed your arms, but Felix had already caught you by the waist and within a blink, you were on your back, Felix above you, trying to reach your hand.
Your breath caught as he landed between your legs, his chest firmly on yours, his face just a finger's width from yours.
By now you didn't care about the controller and Felix also froze in motion when he noticed the position you landed in. He stared into your eyes, his mouth slightly open, his cheeks reddened under the cute freckles.
He supported himself next to your head so that he wouldn't crush you with his weight, and yet you felt his body heat so intensely that your whole body tingled.
It seemed like he wanted to say something, but his throat was tight. His eyes traveled down your face, to your lips, then down your body.
One strap of had slipped off your shoulders, the hem of your dress had also ridden up so that he could see a glimpse of your white panties and felt your soft thighs against his hips.
Immediately he imagined what it would be like to feel your body even closer. All the pent-up tension between you seemed to be stretched to breaking point and as soon as his gaze wandered back up and met yours, you wanted to ask what you were doing. You didn't get the chance to do that, because his lips were already crushing against yours. With a clatter, the controller slipped out of your hand and fell to the floor. But you both didn't hear that anymore.
Your head shut off, the tension exploded, and your hands were buried in his hair before you could close your eyes to return the kiss.
His hands traveled down your sides, resting firmly on your hips, pulling you closer to him until your legs were wrapped tightly around his hips. He tasted like cotton candy and peach tea. It was overwhelming. Again and again your lips met hard. Your fingers played with his soft hair, running over his neck until he growled into your mouth and the heat shot into each of your limbs as he bit your lower lip, his hands finding their way under your dress and pushing it further up until he could grab your ass and feel your soft skin between his fingers. Gasping, you rolled your hips against his, feeling what you had done to him in that short time.
Whimpering loudly as your middle met his hard length directly, he slid his tongue into your mouth. It was hot, sensual and it left you hooked for more. He licked hungrily into your mouth, your tongues met and his hands on your bare skin drove you crazy. When he briefly broke away from you after what seemed like an eternity and pressed his forehead against yours, breathing heavily, you both grinned.
"Fuck... I've wanted to do that for ages," he whispered in such a low voice that the heat between your legs became unbearable. You slid your hands under his hoodie, feeling his warm skin under your fingertips, enjoying the way his hard abs rose and fell with his breath.
"Really?" you asked breathlessly, pushing the hoodie up a little until he pulled it over his head and you finally saw his trained torso. You nearly drooled at the sight as he ran his hands through his hair and leaned over you again to press a kiss to your jawline.
"Oh yeah. Do you know how hard I've been since you started wiggling in that short dress on my lap the last hour?"
You exhaled audibly as you felt his length through the fabric of his pants clearly against the wet stain in your panties.
"Then do something about it," you replied challengingly, smiling slightly as he gasped as your fingers trailed down his belly to the waistband of his pants.
"Jisung is going to kill me," he murmured, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear. His lips brushed over your heated skin, spreading wet kisses down your neck until you could barely form a sentence.
"I want you, Lixi," you gasped, fingers tangled in his hair as he sucked on your neck, one hand cupping your breast and squeezing it. Briefly he paused, gazing at you piercingly.
"Are you sure, sweetheart?"
Quickly, you nodded.
"Yes. Yes! Please Lixi!"
When you called him that, he could hardly resist. Overwhelmed, he kissed you again stormily, kneading your breast and rubbing his length through his pants on your now soaked cunt until you moaned into each other's mouths.
Slowly he kissed down your neck, spreading kisses all over your chest and moving agonizingly further down until his head hovered between your thighs. The sight alone would have been enough to make you come. His pupils were dilated, his hair fell into his eyes and he hungrily pushed your legs further apart to finally get a glimpse of the wet spot on your panties.
"Oh god... So gorgeous..."
He pushed your dress up until it sat above your hips and kissed your inner thighs. He didn't neglect either side as he did so. His soft lips so close to the spot that was desperately throbbing made you bite your lip so hard you saw stars.
Then he pressed a kiss right on your cunt, eliciting a naughty moan from you. Quickly you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back up to you, where he looked into your eyes in confusion. Breathing heavily, you tried to calm your pulse.
"Are you all right?" he asked worriedly, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face.
"Yes... Yes really. It's just. You're making me crazy and it's so just a lot right now," you said in a brittle voice. You didn't want him to think that you didn't want this. You have never wanted anything more in your life, only right now everything in you was vibrating. You were afraid that the moment would be over too quickly and you wouldn't be able to enjoy it enough. The corners of his mouth lifted again in relief and he cupped your face with both hands to press his lips to yours again. This time harder, but slower. You instantly felt dizzy.
Against your lips he whispered:
"I know what you mean. We can take our time."
Scarcely nodding, you guided his hands to your breasts as an invitation that you belonged only to him right now. It was a promise. A promise that made you feel safe and comfortable. You wanted his touch everywhere and you couldn't get enough. With a throaty sound, he sucked on your neck and pushed down your dress in parallel to free your tits.
"No bra huh? Were you planning on driving me crazy today?" he growled against your ear, eliciting a whimper as he twirled your nipple between his fingers.
You could only moan his name as he was already taking your nipple into his mouth and sinking his teeth into your soft flesh, his hand kneading a handful of your ass. You groped each other all over, falling over each other like ravenous animals, until a startled cry interrupted your makeout session.
"HOLY SHIT! No way… He didn't... Han… Jisung!"
Before you could react or even realize that Lee Know had come into the room, the snitch had already alerted your brother. Everything happened so fast that Felix was just able to remove his mouth from your skin when Han was already standing in the room, eyes wide open and stunned by the situation he had just burst into. With his mouth open and a deep crease on his forehead, he was obviously trying to find words. While you were adjusting your dress, Felix climbed down from you and both of you were in complete shock. Your cheeks glowed and your stomach turned as your brother's other roommates gradually came into the room as well. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't have lied. It was obvious what the two of you, half naked, had done or almost done on top of each other. Rattling your breath, you ran your hand through your hair and just wanted to disappear into the ground.
Felix stood up carefully, picked up his hoodie from the floor, and then looked at Han. Always on guard, as if he might jump on him at any moment.
"Are you kidding me right now?" it finally burst out of Jisung, his eyes flickering with anger. The rest of the guys remained silent and seemed to observe for now.
"Han, listen, that's not...", Felix tried, as gentle as ever, but Han rumbled directly:
"That's my sister man! Are you serious?"
They stared at each other in silence and no one really knew what to do. Seungmin was the first to smirk, and then Hyunjin snorted.
Warningly, Han looked at the others and then at you. Hyunjin and I.N both had to turn away as they exchanged a look to keep from laughing aloud.
"Relax, Ji! Nothing happened!"
You tried to soothe him and by now you had to stifle your laughter as well. The situation was just too surreal.
"Not yet..." muttered Felix and everyone stared at him, stunned. By now, even he couldn't hide his grin and that gave Han the rest.
"You little rat! I swear to god, if I catch you…!" he threatened and before he could chase him, Felix grabbed your hand and pulled you off the couch and into the hallway. Han jumped over the couch behind you and followed. But you were faster. You giggled like crazy as Felix pulled his bedroom door shut behind you and locked it.
With a rattling breath you stopped by the bed and heard your brother raging behind the door.
"Felix I swear if you don't open that door right now, I‘ll kill you!“
"Sorry bro!" he exclaimed, glaring at you with amusement.
"Y/N!" you heard Han shout, but his resistance subsided.
"Fuck off, Ji!" you shouted, and that's when he just grumbled.
"Come on, Han. Let's leave her alone. She's old enough," you heard Chan calming him.
"Let the two of them have their fun,"Changbin agreed with him, and they seemed to pull him away from the door.
Felix dropped onto his bed and looked up at you with a wide grin. Even though it was weird and the adrenaline was rushing in your ears, the tension between you was only more intense.
"Sorry," he said, pulling you closer by the thighs until you were standing between his legs.
You stroked his soft hair and tilted your head a little thoughtfully.
"We can forget about the whole thing if you want," you murmured.
He stroked the back of your thighs until he took the curve of your butt in his hands.
"What, no way. Now that I've finally made it? I've had a crush on you for ages. Actually since the first day you walked into our trainee room.“
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Surprised, you looked at him. You had been in love with him forever, but you thought he only saw you as his friend's sister, at best a random friend. But how he looked at you now. Full of desire and affection made thousands of butterflies flutter in your stomach. Dreamily you stroked a few strands of hair out of his eyes and the smile wouldn't disappear from your lips.
"Are you serious?" you asked for good measure. Even if you weren't. You were so addicted to him that he could do anything with you. He nodded and his eyes were honest, his features soft and beautiful.
"Do you want me to prove it to you, sweetheart?" He purred and pulled you closer. Breathlessly you nodded and there he began to take off your dress. You helped him and threw it aside, until you stood only in your panties between his legs. Attentively, almost carefully, he took off your panties and let his gaze wander up and down your naked body, as if he had never seen a more beautiful work of art.
"You're even more beautiful than I imagined," he murmured, more to himself, and his hands touched your thighs, your hips, your belly, as if you might break if he didn't appreciate your body enough. He took in every detail and you felt special and desired under his gaze.
Then he brushed his lips over your belly, your thighs, kissing every patch of skin he could reach. Only the heat between your legs where you needed him so badly, he left out. Overwhelmed, you watched him and when he pushed your legs a little apart, your body tensed with longing. You could hardly stand it any longer. You had to feel his body, otherwise you would go crazy. He closed his hands tightly around your thighs and looked up at you, caught in the trance of passion.
"May I?" he asked gently, and you nodded. But he let his thumbs circle over your skin and smiled.
"I need words, angel."
"Yes! Yes please!" it burst out of you in a trembling voice and there he finally touched the wet heat throbbing between your legs with his lips. First he carefully closed his lips around your clit, finally he sucked on it, which almost swept you off your feet. With a loud moan, you tangled your fingers in his hair and as he licked a wide strip across your pussy, your knees went soft as butter. He licked, sucked and worked your cunt for what felt like an eternity. Growled softly over and over again:
"Beautiful... So good..." and you feared collapsing at any moment as he buried his face deeper inside you, which is why you finally pulled his head back by the hair. He looked up at you with sparkling eyes, his lips and chin shiny from your juices and he seemed addicted to the next dose. But you wouldn't be able to take it anymore. Not with the sight of his perfect body, the angelic face that was full of lust just looking at you.
"Fuck... I can't... Lix I need you. Now!" it escaped you and the throaty laughter of him, gave you the rest.
"Are you that crazy about me, kitten?" he teased and oh he knew what he was doing to you. Shaking your head, you pushed him back onto the bed.
"Take off your pants!" you ordered impatiently and he threw them aside as fast as he could. A liberated sigh escaped him as his cock sprang free. His tip looked painfully red and you had to force yourself not to stare. It was huge and would break you apart, but it was exactly as beautiful as the rest of him. You could hardly wait.
Quickly you climbed over him, supported yourself on his shoulders and as you lined up with him, your eyes met. Slowly you sank down onto him. As his tip entered you, your whole body tingled. A sigh escaped you as he stretched you already, but the burn was pleasant, almost intoxicating.
His hands were firmly on your hips while he continued to look you in the eyes. Wanting to witness every second he urged into you.
"Oh God," you whimpered, digging your fingers into his shoulders as he disappeared halfway inside you.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asked, sounding out of breath as well. Quickly you nodded and that's when he grabbed hold of your hips, gently but firmly pushing you further onto his cock when you could barely do it anymore by yourself.
"So good for me... Taking me all in. You feel amazing, babe," he praised you as you drifted further and further away. Finally, he was all the way inside you and you felt dizzy as he bit and sucked on your bottom lip, waiting for you to get used to his size. Slowly, sensually, you returned the kiss, sighing into his mouth until your hips began to move of their own accord. You needed more, more and more, and Felix grumbled deeply as you rolled your hips fluidly against his. The little noises, sighs and growls spurred you on so that you took him deeper and deeper until you were riding him at a steady pace. Overwhelmed, his fingers dug into your hips and he moved his hips against yours until you were both moaning into each other's mouths. You made out wildly, messy and chaotic, while the sound of him thrusting into your wet pussy filled the room.
"Fuck so warm... so good," he moaned over and over like a mantra and you felt the knot in your stomach tighten more with each deep thrust.
"You're so big, Lix.... Fuck," you moaned, unable to get enough of the feeling of him filling you completely.
He began to trail his lips down your neck, biting into the soft skin by your breasts and licking over your nipples until you could barely get a word past your lips. Just before the knot in your stomach threatened to burst, you put a hand around his neck and pushed him back onto the mattress. He watched wide-eyed as you rode him, and a desperate whimper escaped him, which only made you go faster. You leaned against his chest and finally took what you had dreamed of for so long. His cock pulsed deep inside you and you fucked yourself on top of him without mercy. The sight of you bouncing on him, Lips open, face cockdrunken and your naked body just for him to look at made Felix come almost immediately and he forced himself to hold on. Your walls squeezed him just right and he watched hungrily as your breasts bounced with each roll of your hips. Han would kill him, but he didn't care right now.
"Fuck... Lix I'm not gonna last long," you moaned and Felix helped you guide your hips further as your movements began to stutter.
"Come on my cock. You look so sexy riding me.... Been wanting to see that for ages."
Your moans rose higher and you clawed your fingernails into his chest as he additionally snapped his hips into yours. Whimpering, the knot in your belly tore apart and you came all over his cock, making the naughtiest sounds Felix had ever heard. You let out a loud moan of his name, nails dragging down along his shoulders as you messily grind through the pleasure. He is groaning at the sight. Just as fucking beautiful as he imagined.
You collapsed onto his chest and he rolled his hips, savoring your high to the last second. "Good fucking girl, let it all go for me." He growled into your ear, accent husky, and the words zip straight to where you needed it. You grinded your hips lazily against his while you were caught in the flood of pleasure and desire.
When you caught your breath, you looked at him and saw that he was already looking at you, with a soft smile on his lips that made you melt.
He kissed you, his soft lips were like heaven and let his tongue slowly slide into your mouth. Still dizzy from the orgasm you gasped softly as his still rock hard dick continued to thrust into you. Carefully he turned you around until he was between your legs, his body weight comfortably on yours and he continued to thrust deep inside you. Even though your overstimulated pussy was throbbing painfully, your body was betraying you and demanding more. You wrapped your legs around his hips to pull him closer again and he buried his face against your neck as your walls spasmed around him.
"Oh God... Keep doing that, angel. Fuck don't stop squeezing me like that..." he gasped, pressing his open mouth against your neck as he slammed harder into you. By now his bed was squeaking so loud you could still hear it in the next building and his members would pick up on it too, if they hadn't already heard your moans through the walls. But you didn't care. You wanted nothing more than Felix on top of you, pounding into your sore pussy like that forever.
The next orgasm came unexpectedly, suddenly, as Felix thrusted so deep and fast that the loud slapping of your skin against each other almost drowned out the creaking of the bed. By now you were moaning his name between incoherent sounds and whimpers. His hands grabbed your hips and as your eyes rolled back and you came uncontrollably around his cock again, all you saw was glistening light.
Felix couldn't stop. As if caught in a trance he continued to slam into you, your pussy only sucked him deeper and he knew he had never had better sex.
"Mrgh fuck... So tight..." he moaned and it felt like you were floating. When he saw your fucked out expression, he growled loudly.
"Too much... fuck... too... too much," you managed to squeeze out between stifled whimpers and moans. He pressed his lips soothingly to yours, not slowing down in speed.
"Just a little more. You're doing so well. Taking me like a good little slut..." he gasped, on the verge of cumming.
"My good little slut... Letting me use your pussy.... god you're too good to be true, angel."
His words turned your head and as you came a third time, moaning his name in the most beautiful melody he had ever heard and your walls clinging to him, he came looking so beautiful that you stopped and just looked at him. You felt his warm cum inside you until he pulled his cock out of you and emptied his load onto your belly with a few more strokes. His puffy lips were parted, sweat was shining on his forehead and his eyes were rolling back.
The next time he looked down at you and saw his cum running out of your pussy, down your thighs and all over your belly, he wanted to take a picture.
"You are a goddess," he murmured as you gradually regained your sanity. Then he leaned down to you, kissing you, innocent and full of affection. The kiss was sugary sweet and you breathed an overwhelmed sigh of relief as he broke away from you to get a towel. As he helped you clean yourself up, you said with amusement:
"What have you done to me? My legs won't stop shaking..."
Felix handed you your panties, which you slipped back into, and one of his hoodies, which you gratefully put on. Then smiled at the sight of your legs and let his hands slide over your thighs.
"So I did good?" he asked with a grin, massaging your tense muscles. You sighed in relief and watched him. Meanwhile, you snuggled into his hoodie.
"So good that my brother and all your roommates heard us," you said then, your cheeks immediately flushing as you gradually realized how loud you had been. Felix wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your stomach to look at you.
"Do you regret it?" he asked gently and you brushed a few strands of hair from his face. His eyes shone like a puppy's and you could hardly resist showering his entire face with kisses.
"No way."
"Well... Me neither."
He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms tightly around your body.
Later, when hunger drove you out of the room, you slipped into Felix's shorts and you went into the living room together. Minho and Jeongin were cooking.
Han was sitting on the couch with Chan and Changbin. The three of them were apparently still working on something, but when you walked in, the conversations fell silent and Han looked at you tensed.
"Are you guys finally done?" he asked, annoyed, and Chan stared at his phone to hide his grin.
Felix disappeared into the kitchen to help the others cook and escape the strange mood. You dropped down on the sofa next to Han and looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"Are you mad?" you asked, poking him in the side with your index finger. He rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.
"No... Felix is my friend. If it's okay with someone than with him."
It was obvious that it had taken a lot for him to realize that. Relieved, you smiled and playfully pushed him. He pushed you back and finally laughed too.
"Where are my headphones, you pain in the ass?" he then asked and you took them out of your bag that was still next to the sofa. Relieved, he grabbed them and pressed them to his chest.
"Oh thank God! I was afraid I'd have to fly without them."
"Thank not God, thank your lovely sister."
He furrowed his eyebrows and snorted.
"Don’t push it!"
Finally, you all ate together and it was back to the way it was before. Only the intense looks between you and Felix were new. That you blushed every time he smiled at you and your stomach turned circles.
When the storm subsided, you had to make your way home and after saying goodbye to everyone, Felix walked you to the door. He leaned against the door frame with one hand above your head and looked at you intently.
"Drive carefully and text me when you get home."
The brief silence made you swallow and you looked down at yourself.
"I'll get the stuff back to you soon.... Thanks for the clothes."
He smirked, loving how his clothes were way too big on your body.
"That's alright. I thought it was really nice today..."
You smiled with rosy cheeks.
"Yeah me too."
He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair in embarrassment before finally saying it, something he'd been wanting to say for ages:
"How about we go on a date when I get back? Like a real one?"
Surprised, you stared at him, inwardly shrieking with delight.
"Yes. I would like that."
Breathing a sigh of relief, he leaned down to you.
"I'll call you..."
You nodded, wanting to reply, but didn't get to as he was already pulling you close by the hips and placing his lips on yours. Sighing, you snuggled up to him, your hands clasped in his neck, and returned the kiss. You couldn't let go of each other. Your lips met again and again, his hands wandered under the hoodie, caressing your back while your tongues danced together, licking into each others mouths as otherwise you would be starving.
"That's enough!" you heard Jisung yell behind you, and with a smirk on his lips, you pressed your foreheads against each other.
"See you soon, angel," he murmured and you gave him one last peck on the lips before you managed to pull away from him. He waited until you disappeared down the hall before closing the door and walking back to the others with rosy cheeks.
"Since when do you have a crush on Hannie's sister?" asked then Seungmin with a grin.
"Since forever. Haven't you seen how he always adores her and flirts with her?" said Changbin and Han fixed him.
"Ji I really like your sister.... Please don't be mad that I..."
"Shut up!"
Astonished, he stared at the elder and nervousness turned to confusion. Han expelled his breath loudly and the corners of his mouth lifted a little.
"If I could wish for anyone for my sister, you'd be damn close to the perfect version of a boyfriend," he commented, and Felix's tense shoulders finally relaxed.
Overjoyed, he grinned and could hardly believe his luck. You were as infatuated with him as he was, even though it had taken you guys years to finally find out about each others feelings.
"Stop grinning so stupidly! You better not screw this up!", Han drove at him and Felix quickly pressed his lips together. Although Han wanted to look serious, he couldn't help smirking either.
After all, he had been watching you crush on each other long enough. It was annoying by now, that everybody knew except for you. So it was actually relieving that you two finally realised it.
And in the end it was his fault. Maybe he shouldn’t have forgotten his headphones…
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mixtape-racha · 1 year
it's a scream, baby! | hyunlix
chapter eight: push the laws and end up dead
words: 1.91k // warnings: police presence, descriptions of being sick, hinted at smut and loss of virginity
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“we’ve fucking told you everything we know! about twelve times now! this is such fucking bullshit!” changbin’s yells rang out from the kitchen, where he was currently being interviewed for the umpteenth time by two police officers.
with every word, (y/n) began shaking even more, sobs still pouring from her lips from where she was wrapped in a blanket on the couch, a heavily used sick bucket placed in front of her. she just couldn’t believe it - awoken at 7am to armed police officers knocking on the door, telling them that chan and jeongin’s bodies had been found behind the football field across campus.
it was almost unimaginable, and every single one in the group had a heavy feeling of nausea and anxiety ever since the news was first broken to them.
the extent of the injuries on chan’s body…. (y/n) couldn’t even imagine how someone was capable of such a thing. as hyunjin was busying himself with comforting seungmin and minho, and jisung was having the same conversation as changbin across the dorm with another pair of officers, felix glued himself to (y/n)’s side - in all honesty, too scared to let her out of his sight. what if she was targeted next? the officers were now well aware of the ominous message she had received, and even they agreed she had to be cautious.
deep down, in a way she’d never admit and felt horrible for thinking, (y/n) was kind of impressed with the extent the attacker had gone to. 5 bodies, but no evidence pointing towards a suspect? no dna left at a scene, nothing on security cameras - it was almost like the police were chasing the wind. surely, that was impossible. surely… surely, this was something woodsboro police had never encountered before.
even thinking about it had a new wave of sickness wash over (y/n), and she didn’t even realize she’d resumed throwing up until she came to and found felix rubbing her back and holding the bucket closer to her face.
it took a while still for the police to decide they’d questioned everyone enough, and the remaining friends ended up sitting in stunned silence for the next few hours. they were all so shaken up, and frankly (y/n) was scared for them to leave. the dorm would seem so quiet without jeongin, and so seungmin had decided to stay over in minho’s room. changbin and jisung had also decided to take the pull out sofa in the living room, as they couldn’t face going back to their dorm without chan yet. eventually, they convinced felix and hyunjin to stay over too, the entire group opting to drag mattresses into the living room so they could all stay together. it just felt better that way - the pain was still unbearable, but being together allowed them to live around it.
the next day or two were seemingly uneventful, the deceased boy’s parents coming to empty their rooms of their things, and check up on their friends. it was hard seeing chan and jeongin’s younger brothers - it was like looking at them again and (y/n) had to excuse herself a few times to cry in the bathroom. but at least there were no new bodies.
felix had taken over being (y/n)’s night guard too - as hyunjin and seungmin had been friends since they were babies, he was understandably sticking by his best friend’s side at that moment. so, whenever (y/n) needed anything, felix was there ready and willing. he’d do anything for her, he was the first to admit he’d always had a soft spot when it came to their only close female friend.
after chan and jeongin’s rooms had been officially emptied, the campus administrators offered to move the affected roommates to a new dorm room - just like they had with yeji, before she decided to leave - but they kindly rejected the offers. they didn’t want to feel like they were moving on and forgetting their friends, so instead they asked and arranged to fit all 7 of the group into (y/n) and minho’s dorm.
seungmin, of course, would be rooming with minho, that much was apparent; and (y/n) was going to keep her room to herself - it was the smallest anyway, so it was no use trying to fit another person in there. jeongin’s old room would become changbin and jisung’s new room, and they decided to convert their rarely used dining room into a bedroom for felix and hyunjin. (y/n) had to admit, it was nice to have her boys close to her like this. she was so beyond scared of losing them, the fear beginning to affect her physically as well as mentally, that having them within such close proximity would be relieving for her.
after another one of her never ending stream of nightmares had woken her up, one night, (y/n) found herself tiptoeing out of her bedroom and towards hyunjin and felix’s new room - she’d feel least bad about waking them to comfort her, and they were closest to her room, anyway. however, what she wasn’t expecting was to turn the corner, and find felix fully awake and sitting on the edge of his bed, almost like her knew she was coming.
“you okay, bub?” he softly asked, taking in the way (y/n0 clutched at the blanket she was holding, feeling smaller than she ever had. she softly shook her head before responding.
“had a nightmare again. why are you up?” she gestured, in a way that he’d come to realize meant she needed comfort and was offering a cuddle session in her bed. as he stood up to join her, taking her hand softly, he too shrugged.
“just thinking… would you mind if we talked for a bit? i just… i think getting it off my chest would help.”
(y/n) nodded, her head pressed against felix’s arm as they entered her room, and she flipped her lamp on as he quietly closed the door. much to felix’s dismay, the shorter girl pulled away from his body to get comfortable on her bed before patting the space next to her, signaling for him to join.
and talk they did. they spent hours, just speaking anything they wanted to get off their chests, and more than often it resulted in a few tears. (y/n) about how she was scared to lose the people around her, how they were all she had left and she was scared to be alone. felix, about how he was closest with chris - except clearly jeongin, which the pair shared a teary giggle over - and how he felt almost like he’d lost a brother.
but it wasn’t just sad things they spoke about. they discussed their goals, their aspirations. why they chose their respective degrees, what they hoped to do with their lives once they left this silly little town. felix wanted to travel. he wanted to see the world, and fall in love with it. he wanted to grow as a person, and continue to learn things he couldn’t from a book or a classroom. he wanted to collect trinkets from each place the visited, and one day use them to fill his forever home with cherished memories.
(y/n), on the other hand, wanted to find herself. not just herself, but her forever home and her forever person, too. after the events of the past week, she realized life was too short to wait for what you wanted. she wanted to settle down, and start a family, and start her forever as soon as possible. she knew that could take a while, but she wanted a white picket fence and a nuclear family. just some normality after the things she’d been through, and felix thought that was adorable. maybe not the most realistic thing he’d ever heard, but adorable nonetheless.
the conversations then turned to secrets. something funny. something embarrassing, things they’d never told another soul. a little safe haven, just for them. felix was shocked when (y/n) bashfully admitted she hoped she’d find a man who could make her orgasm - something none of her previous boyfriends or hookups had yet achieved. they shared a giggle over it, mainly to take away (y/n) apparent shyness, but truly just because felix thought it was awful that she hadn’t had a partner give her that yet.
so felix thought it was only fair that he shared a secret of equal level. he was a virgin, and he found it really embarrassing being the quiet one when all the guys would boast about their latest conquests. to be fair, (y/n) was shocked. she quickly explained that there was nothing wrong with it, and he shouldn’t rush into it just because it felt like everyone else was doing it, but it surprised her. felix had always had a lot of admirers across campus, and she assumed that their harmless flirting would lead somewhere. but when felix’s eyes looked up at her, cheeks flushed scarlet and his voice quiet, (y/n) was further shocked.
“i don’t want to die a virgin, (y/n). is that a stupid fear to have? it feels silly.” he had whispered, almost afraid of how the girl opposite him would react. but his fears dissipated when she softly smiled at him, placing her hand on his own.
“it’s not silly lix, i promise. i’m sure there’s a lot of other people across campus feeling the exact same thing right now.” she had reassured him, her eyes kind and nothing short of beautiful. but what he wasn’t expecting was for her to move closer, as if initiating something more between them.
maybe it was the grief, maybe it was their recent proximity, but (y/n) felt more than sure that she could help felix out here. felix, on the other hand, was unsure. he didn’t want her to feel she had to do anything, just because of his confession. that wasn’t his intent at all, and he didn’t want her to think otherwise.
“(y/n)... please don’t force yourself to change this. i didn’t tell you that to make you feel obliged to sleep with me..” 
he was so kind. so sweet, and so nice to her. (y/n) shook her head, her hands on felix’s legs.
“lix, please. you’ve been so good to me the past few days… i need to thank you somehow, don’t i?” she smiled, watching his adam’s apple bop as he gulped.
he had to be dreaming. this had to be a dream. the world around them was practically falling apart, and one of his best friends’ was sat in front of him offering to take his virginity all because of his stupid fear of dying a virgin? this couldn’t be real.
but… he was man. a needy man, at that. and (y/n) looked so cute sat in front of him, biting her lip as she awaited his response. how could he say no?
so he nodded gently, his hands finding comfort in (y/n)’s own as she moved herself to sit on his lap. her lips quickly attached to his, felix’s heart pounding at what was to come. he genuinely couldn’t believe it.
he quite honestly felt like the luckiest man in the world, and he’d do anything he could to express that gratitude to the girl on top of him.
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @queen-klarissa @queenfelix @taeriffic @mits-vi @myeg1993 @lemontead @peachessandhoney @chanssmiles @changbinisabigboy @5kayzee @skz-streamer @iweirdthingsblog @sinforsuccubus @bunniie0325 @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha @moondustmemories @4evrglow @marrivmel @littlepotatooooo
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years
Hiii, May i request Stray Kids reactions to you asking them to move in with you please 🥺🫶🏼
SKZ Reaction To You Asking Them To Move In With You
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks for the request! I know getting the requests (and content in general) has been slow lately and I appreciate y'all for bearing with me. Also, Happy New Year!
This man is going to be ECSTATIC when you ask him to move in with him. He has honestly been waiting for this day. With that said, if he is still living in the dorm full time when you ask him, he will still continue to live there part time, especially during long weeks since it is nearer to work and allows him to collaborate with the members better.
But, he will come home to you as much as possible. While he is normally a very organized person, he will get a bit excited and start sending you apartment listings without important features you would've talked about (such as if they don't allow pets, outside your budget, etc.). Don't worry, he'll calm down after a few days lol.
Honestly, Minho will be pretty chill as long as you agree to having cats and are okay with his crazy schedule. He will low key wonder what took so long. Minho will also be so helpful when you're actually moving by carrying all of the heavy things and making sure you remember to take a break and eat.
He will be secretly touched that you want to take this step with him and will probably express it in some way you will only realize later. I also wouldn't be surprised if he ends up convincing you to let him pay the majority of the rent, or even all of it.
Will immediately do two things: 1). Act cute 2). Be surprised. No matter how long you have been with Changbin or how stable your relationship is, these sorts of gestures that indicate an evolution in the relationship will always shock him.
While Changbin's Leo sun makes him outwardly confident, he secretly hides a lot of insecurity and uncertainty. So, when you ask him to move in, and once he realizes you're serious, he'll pull you off the ground and into a hug. On move in day, he definitely wears a tank top just to tease you.
I imagine it will happen fairly casually and Hyunjin will be shy and cute as he says yes. I mean, he sorta already lives with you anyway based on how much time he already spends at your place. Will shyly ask for a space so he can paint and is SO happy when you say yes. He isn't used to living with anyone other than the members or his parents, so when you easily let him have an extra bedroom for his art, he thinks this is the best thing he's ever done.
Despite being an introvert, he seems like the type to throw a house warming party once the apartment is immaculately decorated with his and other's art. Also, he will have to introduce Kkami to space, of course.
Like Changbin, he's a little shocked, but eager to accept. Ngl, he does get a little anxious when he considers how he will work with the members and definitely wants a place close to the current dorm so that he can maintain a good work/life balance.
However, once you actually get a place and moved in, he is going to be so happy. Will stay up all night with you just so he can enjoy spending time with you in a space that is just for you two.
Felix may ask before you get the chance. He can't imagine anything better than getting to live with you. Like Hyunjin, he will also take decorating the apartment extremely seriously. You probably won't even need to lift a finger in that regard.
He does feel a bit weird without the members at first and will go back to the dorm on nights you're out of town. Felix will also always come home to you at night, even if it's late.
You decide to broach the subject with Seungmin gradually. It's not that you're afraid he will say no, he just tends to take these sorts of things seriously and would probably want to be the one to ask. Still, you begin hinting that your lease is ending a few months before it actually does. When you finally ask, there is little hesitation. In fact, he took your hints so well, he already has a list of apartments saved.
That said, Seungmin will insist on making the deposit and buying any new furniture. It's not that he doesn't respect that you make your own money and enough to make occasional big purchases, but it just makes the most sense from his point of view.
Jeongin may be among the most hesitant to move in with you. It's not exactly that he doesn't want to, it's just that he will definitely miss the members. Still, when he agrees and you start making plans, he will become excited.
He's another budding interior designer and will spend literally hours picking out everything from the right color of curtains to the perfect bedspread. Once you get moved in, he realizes his worries were baseless as he actually enjoys the quiet and getting to see you as soon as he wakes up.
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daceydeath · 2 years
A Work Proposal (Part 6)
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Pairing: Seungmin x Reader
Word Count: 2.9K
Genre: Smut
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex (don't be stupid), creampie, Sir kink, soft bondage, use of pet names, praise kink, oral sex (m receiving)
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
Things had once again become almost too busy for you to handle, almost, you had finally gotten somewhere with the legal case finding it had in fact been antis that had started the disgusting rumors about Han and Hyunjin, so with official statements and lawsuits being filed that was over with as far as your job was concerned but you did have a friend in the legal department that was willing to keep you in the loop. You had another set of costuming, fittings, set design and rehearsals to get fully under control as the end of the year approached with at least 4 awards shows and music shows that the kids were booked for and each performance needed to be massive and different. It was exhausting but you had found that your schedule always, albeit suspiciously, had time slots in the day where you would be somehow slotted into the kids time tables. Walking back into the dance studio you were once again hit the smell of food making your stomach grumble loudly.
"Sit down pretty it's lunch time" Han sang as you put your bag and tablet next to the sound system.
"Hannie" you giggled "I don't have time I have a meeting in 20 minutes with the set guys for your showcase".
"Yeah that has been rescheduled" Chan smirked tapping away on his phone "you now have an hour"
"Chan you can't just move my schedule around like that for things that are not important" you huffed slightly annoyed that you would now need to stay later tonight to finish things up.
"You taking care of yourself is important Jagi" Felix pouted making you walk to him and kiss his cheek lightly.
"I can do both but thank you for taking care of me" you relented as Minho patted a space on the couch between him and Seungmin.
"Kitten, you need to still eat otherwise how will you take care of us" Minho teased and Seungmin handed you a bowl of rice and meat that they were all eating.
"Thank you Seungmin" you whispered picking up your chopsticks. "I will also need to drop in later with the confirmed set so that you can go over it with your choreography teacher"
"No work right now baby, this is just us hanging out" Chan smiled softly at you making you roll your eyes. You ate while you listened to them make jokes, tease each other and talk about whatever crazy amount of things Felix and Jeongin had bought lately when it hit you. They were actively trying to include you in their lives not just their working lives but their private ones too. Yes you agreed to have sex with them but that was all it was meant to be sex, no relationship, no feelings just physical release to help them function. But they had given you pet names that each of them used separately, they made sure you ate and Felix had even taken to sending you goodnight texts when he was able to, there were far more feelings involved than you actually realized.
"Are you alright princess?" Hyunjin's voice brought you back from your thoughts.
"Yes Jinnie I'm fine I just a bit tired" you reassured him softly taking in the troubled look on his face "Showcase organizing is tiring, not as much as it would be for you but it's a lot of stuff to plan in a short time".
"How long have you been sleeping for?" Chan asked surveying you as you continued to eat.
"um probably 3 or 4 hours a night" you sighed answering him honestly "that's why I look 10 years older this week" you joked trying to lighten his mood.
"Baby" he chastised you as soon as you finished your sentence.
"It's not all the time just during very busy periods I still overall sleep far more than you do Channie" you rolled your eyes again taking another mouthful of rice.
"So question time sweets" Changbin announced smiling at the interaction between you and his leader. "what is your favorite food, movie, book and video game?" making you think as you chewed your lunch.
"Mandu I am a dumpling fiend, I like most movies except horror, I prefer fantasy books and I play RGP video games if I ever get the chance to play, which is almost never since I took this job" you smiled humoring Changbin checking off each thing he had asked on your fingers.
"What's your favorite dessert?" Felix asked cutely
"Chocolate anything" you grinned back.
"Night out or night in?" Jeongin added looking at you curiously
"Night in, I'm nervous around strangers" you admitted.
"How many serious relationships have you had?" Minho smirked his face teasingly daring you to answer him.
"one" you mumbled scratching your arm embarrassed
"One?!" Han yelped looking at you slightly alarmed.
"Minho said serious not boyfriends so only one" you blinked explaining your answer.
"How many boyfriends then?" Minho rolled his eyes exasperatedly
"None of your damn business" you smirked back making him chuckle.
"Did you always want to work in entertainment?" Chan asked thoughtfully.
"No, I had no interest whatsoever but turns out I'm pretty good at my job so I stayed" you confessed "Can I ask a question in return?"
"Of course" Chan grinned.
"What is with the twenty questions?" you raised an eyebrow at them while you popped in another mouthful of food and waiting patiently as they paused before answering you.
"We were talking and realized we know pretty much nothing about you" Seungmin answered bluntly making Jeongin cough on his food.
"Please don't kill Jeongin that would be more paperwork than I want to do in a whole month" you sighed watching him take a mouthful of water.
"Do you usually care if you know about the people involved in your agreements? Wouldn't it be easier if you didn't?" you continued to sound as unbothered as possible by it all.
"No but we would like to know you. Your fun, you always fight for us and you care how we are that is more than most people have ever done for us" Hyunjin smiling
"Bullshit Hyunjin" you sighed beginning to pack away the garbage from the now finished lunch.
"Nope" Felix giggled then wrapped his arms around you pulling you back so you were seated between his legs with your arms pinned "Hannie lost he has to clean up and you are not helping him"
"Felix!" you squeaked as he squeezed you only for your phone to ring "Ok lunch is over then back to it" you smiled as Felix let you go and you stood.
"Aww noooo don't leave us" Han wailed
"Thanks for lunch boys" you smirked blowing a overdramatized kiss to them and answering you call from the costume designer.
A day later you found yourself sitting in the dressing room of the boys while they came and went in different versions of costumes for the first end of year showcase performance. They all looked incredibly good in their outfits which you only hid your obvious appreciation of them when someone else was in the room, which had made Chan and Changbin blush and inflated Jeongin and Seungmin's ego.
"Like what you see" Seungmin teased making you blink at him and pretend you had no idea what he was talking about, but with his hair swept back and the dark colors on him making him look divine you knew he would see through you.
The others continued to come and go but Seungmin stayed behind, you assumed because he had received final approval for his look, once you were alone again he leant closer to you.
"I asked you a question doll" he whispered into your ear making you visibly shiver at his words "and I want you to answer it" your breath hitched in your throat.
"Yes Seungmin I like what I see" you answered breathily.
"Good girl" he purred against the shell of your ear one of his fingers trailing down the column of your neck "Once we have finished here we are going back to the dorm and the others are going out understood"
"Yes Seungmin" you almost whined at the teasing contact he was making with your skin.
"Not Seungmin doll, Sir" he lowly growled pressing a kiss to your neck.
"Yes, sir" you breathed.
"Good girl, now I want you to think a safe word for me, so if anything makes you uncomfortable you can say it and I will stop no questions asked, can you do that?"
"Yes, sir" you repeated feeling him grin against your hair before he pulled himself back from you and sat in on of the make up chairs on the other side of the room. Leaving you a flustered mess as your tried desperately to regain your composure before the others come back.
"Ok were all done, everyone has been approved for the performance next week" Chan grinned relieved that it was finalized so that they just needed to get the choreography perfect and they were set.
"So we ready to head out?" Minho asked looking at your blank stare "Are you alright?"
"Yes absolutely, now that the costuming is done its just your actual performance since the set was finalized yesterday" you recovered seamlessly.
"Can we drop you somewhere on the way?" Chan teased knowing full well that Seungmin had asked his dorm to clear out for the first part of the night at least, you instantly caught his tone and knew they all knew so why bother hiding it.
"You already know the answer to that Chan" you smirked following them all out and to the vans.
Once Seungmin and you were alone again in the safety of the dorm you could tell that the mood had shifted, he was very obviously interested in what he wanted to do but instead of pouncing on you the way the other guys had he lead you to the couch to sit down before sitting himself across from you looking very serious.
"I know you said you weren't very experienced before you agreed to this but I want to go over some things first to make everything easier, more enjoyable" he smiled sweetly looking every bit the heart throb idol that girls around the world loved.
"Alright Seungmin, where would you like to start?" you tried not to look nervous as he watched you so carefully.
"I like some things that are considered fairly vanilla and I like some things that aren't. I need to know where you are comfortable currently and if you would be alright with experimenting as the agreement goes on" he explained smoothly as you nodded for him to continue. "I would like you to call me sir, I would like you to do exactly as you're told and eventually I would like to do a few things like spanking you, choking you, pulling your hair, tying you up if you would be alright with that".
"I've never tried that sort of thing before" you admitted quietly "but I can call you sir and do what you tell me to and as long as you aren't too intense you can choke me. I've never been spanked or tied up before".
"That is why we set up ground rules first doll" he grinned "It's fun if its safe and we both know what is consented to and what isn't, I will not doing anything that we haven't talked about first and it you want me to stop for any reason you say the safe word, use the traffic light system or tap my three times on my arm or leg".
"Traffic light system?" you tilted your head while still looking at him.
"Green means yes I want to continue, yellow is I'm hitting my limit slow down and red is stop I don't want to do this" he explained.
"Oh that seems easy can we use that?" you asked feeling more excited that Seungmin was really wanting you to be comfortable.
"Fuck yes we can doll" He beamed pleased with your answer "you ready to start then?"
"Yes sir" you smirked as he got to his feet immediately and stalked towards you pulling you to your feet to kiss you passionately his tongue sliding against the seam of your lips to gain entrance which you were eager to give.
"Now be a good girl and strip" he breathed against your lips before letting you go and sitting on the couch you had previously been sitting on his hands ghosting down your sides.
"Yes sir" you murmured lifting your sweater and shirt over your head and dropping it to the floor beside you as gracefully as you could then undoing your jeans sliding them down to your ankles and stepping out of them "everything off sir?" you asked softly
"Such a good girl for asking" he purred making you heat up, you never realized you like being praised but Seungmin seemed to just know what made you want him more "take it all off then I want you on your knees bubby". Sliding your underwear down your legs and slipping you bra off you happily complied with his instructions lowering yourself to the carpet between his legs. He carded his fingers through your hair tucking errant strands behind your ear so he could see your face fully.
"Now my little good girl, you're going to undo my jeans and suck my cock until I tell you to stop" he smirked his hand moving to cup your cheek, his thumb rubbing along your bottom lip.
"yes sir?" you purred sliding your hands slowly up his thighs to the button of his jeans popping it open and dragging his zipper down teasingly slow making him groan at the contact of your hand on his clothed erection.
You stared up at him, maintaining eye contact while you carefully pulled his hard member from his boxers and gently pumped him a few times, your thumb smearing his precum down his shaft listening to his low grunts as he continued to stare at you with hooded eyes. Leaning forward you dragged your tongue un the underside of his dick, making him muffle a gasp above you, before swirling around the tip and taking him fully into your mouth. His hands held your head as you bobbed up and down a few times not forcing you just holding you hair in place so he could see your face.
"Just like that doll" he moaned loudly letting his head fall back against the back of the couch "Hyung said you were amazing with that pretty mouth and fuck you are". Hearing him so pleased with you made you wetter than you anticipated, his melodic voice moaning was causing you to clench your thighs together to control yourself. Hollowing out your cheeks you took him further into your mouth until his tip was brushing the back of your throat, humming whenever he made a noise for you.
"Fuck, you going to swallow my cum like a good girl?" he whined as his hips began thrusting gently to meet your mouth, you moaned in response to let him know you were ok with taking him down your throat. Within a minute you felt him swell on your tongue before he let out a guttural groan emptying himself in your throat and you sucked him clean swallowing everything he gave you.
"Such a good fucking girl" he grinned pulling you up into his lap to kiss you and slip his fingers between your thighs his fingers finding your clit and began drawing slow circles on it making you arch against him.
"Ah, sir" you gasped his movements and pressure on your clit giving you exactly what you needed.
"So wet, did you really like sucking my cock that much doll?" he chuckled darkly as you squirmed in his lap mewling softly.
"Yes sir" you whined as he speed his fingers up.
"You going to let me fuck you full of my cum?" he smirked as your eyes rolled back into your head you were so close to orgasm now that you struggled to get the words out.
"yes...sir....yes...please sir" you pouted whining again when his ministrations stopped leaving you unsatisfied but you disappointment was quickly replaced by ecstasy as he easily lined himself up and impaled you fully on his cock making you throw your head back as you came hard around him your walls clamping down on him. Groaning he quickly began thrusting up into you holding you in place against his chest as you legs struggled to meet his movements.
"I'm going to fill you up doll if you can be good for me" he panted thrusting even harder into your spent body.
"I'm a good girl sir, your good girl" you mewled feeling more and more fucked out with each thrust of his hard dick against your tender walls.
"That's right doll your mine, my good girl" he moaned his hips stuttering as he emptied himself inside you, keeping you pressed tightly against him so you could catch your breath as you slumped in his arms.
"You ok doll?" he asked gently helping to lift you from his lap to sit beside him on the couch "I think I should run you a bath"
"I'm ok and I don't want to take up all your night Seung" you breathed still panting slightly.
"You aren't and come on let me take care of you" he whispered softly helping you to your feet and feeling you wobble on your legs. "Yeah a bath and you can stay here tonight, I can't let you go home like this"
"I'll be fine" you protested bending to get your clothes and nearly overbalancing.
"Nope, I'll let Felix know he has a cuddle buddy for the night" he giggled leading you down the hall to the bathroom.
A/N: As always I adore all of you who spend your precious time reading something I wrote, any comments, reblogs or like are appreciated xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishatumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @septemberkisses, @stay-bi, @seolaflare, @damnyouficc, @eastleighsblog, @wohaku
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yumiblogs · 9 months
Yay I’m so glad you’re back!! 🥰 Can you do a nsfw enemies to lovers fic with hyunjin? ♥️
Sour Gift // Stray Kids Hyunjin Angst / Smut
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Y/N was a good friend of Changbin, who happened to be part of the famous boy group Stray Kids. She often hung out with him and the other members, enjoying their music and jokes. However, there was one member who she couldn't stand: Hyunjin. Y/N and Hyunjin never got along, and they always avoided each other whenever they met. They hated each other because of a misunderstanding that happened when they first met, but they never talked about it or cleared the air. One day, Y/N was invited to a party at one of the Stray Kids' dorm (3racha+Hyunjin).
She reluctantly agreed, hoping to have some fun with her friends. But fate had other plans. As soon as she arrived, she saw him sitting on the couch with Seungmin and Felix just talking while the others and more friends were doing their own thing. He noticed her and frowned, making her feel uncomfortable. After the eye contact Y/N felt her heart sink and her anger rise. She hated how after they first met Hyunjin never apologized or even acknowledged how wrong he was for the way he treated her. As y/n headed to the kitchen to say hi and grab a drink, Hyunjin followed behind her. "Hi Chris, what are we playing today?" Y/n asked, As they had their small talk, Hyunjin was on the other side of the kitchen on his phone acting busy.
As Bangchan left the kitchen and y/n stayed to refill her drink, Hyunjin approached her. Intimidated by the sudden approach, y/n didn't move when Hyunjin stood next to her. As she stopped sipping her drink "what" she asked not looking at him. "C.. i... s" Hyunjin said but it was drawn out by the noise in the apartment "huh?" y/n said louder "my god" Hyunjin leaned to the side and grabbed the chips behind y/n "can't do shit" Hyunjin murmured under his breath but still loud enough to hear as the music ended and another song started. "Shut up, such a jerk. Why don't you go back to your phone and leave me alone?" she snapped, walking towards him. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and tossed the chips back onto the counter. Turned around, facing Y/N. His expression was cold and annoyed. "What's your problem, Y/N? I don't even know you that well. You're just a friend of Changbin's, nothing more."
Y/N felt a pang of hurt and frustration. She hated how Hyunjin acted like he didn't care about her or how he treated her, and how he pretended that nothing had happened between them. "Oh, please. You know exactly what my problem is, Hyunjin. You know what you did to me. You know how you hurt me. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You think you're so cool and aloof, but you're really just a jerk. You're not even that nice or friendly. You're just a pretty face with no heart." Y/N expected Hyunjin to lash out, but instead he looked confused. His eyes narrowed and his mouth twitched. He shook his head and clenched his fists. "Come on get over it, it was that big of a deal!"
It was a year ago
Changbin had invited her to a concert where Stray Kids were performing. She was a fan of their music, and she was excited to see them live. She had hoped to meet them backstage, She had even prepared a gift for them, a homemade mini cheesecake for each member as a congratulations for doing a good performance.
But things didn't go as planned. When she arrived backstage, Changbin had to go and deal with something dealing with his microphone, so he left her alone for a while. He told her to wait for him, and he would introduce her to the other members. She agreed, and sat on a chair, holding her gift in her hand. She looked around, and saw that the backstage was empty. The other members were either on the other side of the stage taking to staff or in their dressing rooms. She felt a bit nervous and bored, but she decided to wait patiently.
Then, she saw him. Hyunjin walked out of his dressing room, wearing a black leather jacket and ripped jeans. He looked like a rock star, and she felt her heart raise. He walked towards her, and she felt a surge of excitement and nervousness. She thought he was going to talk to her, and she smiled and lifted her hand up as to wave at him, hoping he would notice it. But he didn't. Instead, he looked at her with a scowl and a sneer. He assumed she was a fan who had snuck backstage, and he was annoyed by her presence. He didn't want to deal with her, and he wanted her to leave.
"Hey, you. How did you get in? You're not supposed to be here." he said, his voice harsh and rude.
Y/N felt a wave of humiliation and disappointment. She felt tears sting her eyes, and she quickly lowered her hand. She realized that he didn't even know who she was thinking she was just a random fan who had invaded his privacy and the other members. Trying to explain, to tell him that she was a friend of Changbin's, and that she had a gift for him and the others. But he didn't listen, he didn't care. He cut her off and started calling for security.
She ran out of the backstage, clutching her gift in her hand. She felt like throwing the gifts away, but she couldn't. She had put too much time into it, and she couldn't let it go. She decided to go home, binge watch series while she ate all the cheesecakes. She eventually told Changbin that she didn’t feel too good and had to leave early.
She never told anyone what happened, not even Changbin. She never gave Hyunjin another chance, either. She decided to hate him, to despise him. She convinced herself that he was a jerk. She avoided him whenever she could, and she treated him with hostility whenever she couldn't. She never forgave him, and she never forgot.
And now, he was standing in front of her, telling her to forget the past and to “get over it” like he didn't care. She wanted to scream, to cry, to hit him. She wanted to tell him everything, to make him feel what she felt. She wanted to make him regret, to make him apologize, to make him suffer. But she didn't. She couldn't. She was too proud, too hurt, too scared. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened them and looked at him, her eyes cold and hard.
With a scoff she took one final sip of her drink then proceeded to spill it onto Hyunjin. There wasn’t a lot of soda but enough to drench his shirt. “What the fuck” Hyunjin quickly stepped back grabbing the nearest paper towels while heading to his room to change shirts before anyone saw the whole mess.
After 10-15 minutes passed, y/n started to feel a little guilty as their hate never escalated to physically hurting eachother. Heading over to his room, she knocked on his door but no response. Knocking again, a groan was heard from inside but the door still didn’t open. Y/n had enough and opened the door, making eye contact with a frustrated Hyunjin trying to take off the stain from the shirt while sitting on the edge of the bed.
“What, came to pour more soda on me” Hyunjin stared at you trying to read you. “You started it, how do you expect me to forget the way you treated me when you keep acting like a jerk all the time” y/n leaned against the now closed door to draw out the music and chatter that sounded in the background. Hyunjin stayed silent.
“This, this is what I mean-” y/n walked closer to him “-why can’t you just apologize and admit you were a jerk to me-” now standing a few steps closer to Hyunjin, he stood up and glared at her “it’s been over a year and you don’t even have the fucking audacity to apol-”
Cut off by an unexpected kiss from Hyunjin
As their lips met in an unexpected kiss, a surge of electricity coursed through their bodies. Y/N stood frozen for a moment, her eyes widening in surprise, but soon she found herself melting into the kiss, unable to resist his lips, so soft and demanding, his tongue exploring every corner of her mouth. Y/N's hands instinctively found their way to his chest, trying to push him away but eventually giving up, feeling the warmth of his skin she could feel his heartbeat racing, matching the intensity of their kiss.
As they continued to kiss, their bodies pressed against each other, the tension that had built up between them began to slowly burn out. The hate that once was their every interaction was replaced by a newfound desire and curiosity. Hyunjin's hands roamed down Y/N's back, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss. The taste of her lips, a mix of sweetness and spice, intoxicated him. Y/N's fingers found their way to his hair, gripping it tightly as she surrendered to the pleasure that coursed through her.
The room filled with the sound of their soft moans, drowning out the music and chatter from the party outside. They were lost in their own world, indulging in the forbidden pleasure that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long. Breaking the kiss, Hyunjin trailed his lips down Y/N's jawline, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her neck. Y/N's head fell back, granting him more access as a low moan escaped her lips. His teeth grazed her skin, igniting a fire within her.
With a gentle push, Y/N guided Hyunjin towards the bed, their bodies now intertwined. As they fell onto the soft sheets, their clothes became a burden, and with eager hands, they stripped each other bare. Y/N's body shivered with anticipation as Hyunjin's lips traveled down her chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses and nibbles. His hands caressed her curves, making her arch her back, craving more of his touch.
Without hesitation, Hyunjin's mouth found its way to her breasts, teasing and sucking on her sensitive nipples. Y/N gasped, her fingers tangling in his hair as pleasure coursed through her body. The taste of her skin, the scent of her arousal, drove him wild with desire.
Y/N's moans filled the room, urging Hyunjin to push her further towards ecstasy. Each touch, each kiss, brought them closer to the edge.
As their lips parted, a thin string of saliva connected them, Y/N's body trembled with anticipation as Hyunjin's hands explored every inch of her naked form. His touch sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that burned with insatiable desire. Slowly switching places as Huunjin guided y/n on their back, slowly leaving a trail of kisses followed with hickeys so the lower stomach of y/n.
Hyunjin descended upon Y/N's throbbing core, slowly opening y/ns clit with two fingers as his tongue tracing circles around her Y/N's moans filled the room, an intoxicating melody that urged Hyunjin to push her further. His fingers joined his tongue, sliding inside her wetness with ease. The sound of her slick walls clenching around him only spurred him on, his movements becoming faster and more demanding.
As her body quivered on the edge, Y/N's hands found their way to Hyunjin's throbbing member, stroking him in rhythm with his relentless assault on her core. The feeling of his hot flesh pulsating in her hand only heightened her pleasure, pushing her closer and closer to the brink.
With a primal grunt, Hyunjin positioned himself at her entrance, slowly filling her with his throbbing length. Y/N's walls stretched to accommodate him, a mix of pleasure and slight discomfort surging through her. The sensation of being completely filled, of their bodies becoming one, was overwhelming.
Their moans mingled in the air as they moved in perfect harmony, their bodies crashing together as the bed creaked beneath them. The smell of sex and sweat filled the room, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that fueled their craving for one another. With each thrust, Hyunjin hit all the right spots, sending Y/N spiraling into a whirlwind of ecstasy. Her nails dug into his back, leaving red trails in their wake. Their gasps and moans grew louder, their voices merging in a chorus of unadulterated pleasure.
As the intensity built to an overwhelming crescendo, they clung to one another, their bodies trembling with the force of their release. Y/N's walls tightened around him, milking him for every drop of his essence as Hyunjin's hot seed shot deep inside her, filling her with an exquisite warmth. They lay spent, their bodies glistening with sweat and their breaths heavy. The room was filled with a serene silence, broken only by the sound of their racing hearts slowly returning to a steady rhythm. They had tasted forbidden pleasure, and in that moment, nothing else mattered.
Their naked bodies laid there on Hyunjins bed. Catching their breath they couldn’t understand why all this happened. “Did we just…” y/n couldn’t find the right words “yeah…” Hyunjin couldn’t really explain why either. “I’m… really sorry you know”
Hyunjin stared at the ceiling. “I know I acted like a jerk when we met, It’s no excuse but around that time our security wasn’t that great so fans would just sneak in, sometimes hide in the dressing rooms and I just didn’t want anything to happen to the memb…”
“Im also sorry, I mean I took it too far and I ju-” Hyunjin cut off y/n “no, what you did was justifiable, this past year was justifiable. I deserved it, I should’ve apologized since the beginning, heck I should’ve not treated you like that to begin with really” Hyunjin sat up, hands on his face. y/n followed, before she could touch his shoulder Hyunjin covered y/n with a bedsheet “I forgive you” Hyunjin looked over at y/n who was slightly smiling.
“Well…” y/n got out of bed, leaving the bedsheet slip down her body on the bed “guess I’ll see you around jerk” Hyunjin watched y/n as she put her clothes on. As she grabbed her shirt from the floor she walked over to the bed, leaned over and caressed Hyunjins chin with two fingers “bye bye” y/n said as she stood up again and put her last piece of clothing on before heading to the door and walking out. Hyunjin laid back to take a breather.
“What am I gonna do with her” he said as he smiled to the ceiling.
Hope you enjoyed this!
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Lilacs (or you being Hyunjin's model) - H. Hyunjin x gn!reader
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Genre: fluff
Word count: 678 words
Warnings: none
Summary: You being Hyunjin's muse for his new piece of art 💕
AN: I had a huge inspiration in the middle of the night yesterday, so I hope you like it ❤️
"Do you want me to stand like this? Or, maybe like this?" you asked your boyfriend for his opinion as the artist.
You were currently in Hyunjin's little art studio after he proposed that you would be the muse of his new painting. You immediately agreed and that is how you ended in front of him surrounded by lilacs that filled the room with the pleasant aroma of spring and a new beginning. Actually, Hyunjin didn't choose lilacs by accident. He informs you that they are a symbol of the first love, the one that always leaves its mark on the two lovers. That is what you were to each other - you met in high school and you have faced the thrills and trials of love as yet inexperienced, but there you were 5 years later - still in love like the first year.
Hyunjin looked one last time to check if the set up was fine before giving you last instructions.
"Put your elbow at the top of the table and put your chin on it. Yeah, exactly. That's it! Perfect!"
He gave you thumbs up. You blushed a little. Even though you have been together for 5 years straight, Hyunjin still knew ways to make you blush. One of them - painting or drawing you. Either you would sleep and he would draw you without your knowledge or you would be doing something else. That was his way of showing you that he cares and adores you.
"And I have to stay like this for hours?" you joked with him.
"Well, you agreed. Plus, it's not my fault that you are so beautiful. Actually, the lilacs are complimenting your whole existence, y'know?"
"Thank you, art boy." you answered.
"Not even one I love you, too or something? Even after I made you my model?" he asked with offended expression and a hand over his heart. "I think my heart can't take it."
You giggled while trying to hold your pose.
"Oh, c'mon, baby, you know I love you more than anything."
"Only that?" Hyunjin's face was now contorted as if in pain which made you laugh more.
"Are you gonna paint me or not? Because I am getting a bit tired." you fake yawned.
Hyunjin gave you one last smile before making the first stroke at the blank canvas in front of him reminding him of the first steps you took until you both built the bond you have now.
As the brush danced across the canvas, Hyunjin's focused gaze shifted between you and the emerging artwork. The lilacs began to take shape, each stroke echoing the five years of shared memories and the unspoken promises between you two.
"You make it look so easy," you remarked, breaking the silence in the studio.
He chuckled, "Well, it helps when you have the most inspiring muse."
The room was filled not only with the scent of lilacs but also with the warmth of shared history. Hyunjin continued to paint, occasionally stealing glances at you, capturing not just your physical form but the essence of your connection.
As the painting progressed, so did the conversation. You reminisced about the first time you met, the challenges you faced, and the simple joys that strengthened your bond. The lilacs became more than symbols; they became witnesses to your journey.
As the final touches were added, Hyunjin stepped back to admire his creation. The painting depicted more than just a scene—it told a story of love, growth, and the beauty found in shared moments.
"I think it's done," he said, looking at you with a satisfied smile.
You approached the canvas, eyes tracing the lines that mirrored your intertwined lives. "It's perfect," you whispered, feeling a surge of gratitude for the artist who turned your love into a timeless piece of art.
The painting found its place in your home, a testament to the enduring love that started in high school and continued to flourish in the small art studio filled with lilacs and sunlight.
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moonjxsung · 8 months
For my final thing, which Disney prince would each skz member be in your opinion? 🤔👀
- 🧡anon
Chan: Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Reserved at first- he has to be because he’s unsure of people’s intentions and he doesn’t believe somebody can love him so wholly and want to take care of him. Intimidating and has a big presence, but a huge softie at the end of the day. Wants to take care of someone as much as he wants to be taken care of. Doesn’t see beauty as skin-deep and falls in love when he meets the one who shares the same morals. Also a furry !KIDDING LOL
Changbin: Kristoff from Frozen. He’s a bit of a goofball, and he needs to get to know somebody before he puts all his trust into them. Wants the best for the people he loves and has a very straightforward approach to life. He’s not afraid to tell you the truth because he doesn’t want you to get hurt- and definitely falls in love with you in the process like Kristoff did with Anna. Will go to great lengths to protect you without realizing it’s all been for love. Also a huge family guy, keeps the people he loves very close to him, and very loyal.
Minho: Shang from Mulan. He’s serious and intimidating- but it’s because he cares about the things that are important to him, and he doesn’t let many things distract him from his purpose. When he falls for you though, underneath that almost “cold” exterior, he’s a softie who wants to protect you. He finds himself attracted to the fact that you’re just as determined and strong as he is- he’s smitten when he realizes you’re like the other half of him. Sometimes he needs a push from the people close to him to come to terms with his feelings- but he loves somebody who can communicate, too. It’s the stubbornness he finds himself unexpectedly loving about you.
Hyunjin: Naveen from The Princess and the Frog. Sometimes can get stuck in his own little world- when you come along, it almost turns everything he knows about the world upside down. Admittedly scared to delve into another person’s world and learn things according to them, but he loves your passion and your drive. He’s not sure he’s ever met somebody who knows their purpose the way he so badly wishes to, and he can listen to you talk about the things you love for hours. Loves that you love so openly, loves that you turn him into such a romantic when he’s never thought it to be a trait of his. Makes him fall in love with being in love.
Han: FLYNN ‼️ RIDER ‼️‼️ he’s witty, he’s kindhearted, he lives a fast-paced life and he’s a little stubborn in his ways. He candidly thinks he knows it all- until you come along. A gentle reminder to stop and smell the roses once in a while, to enjoy the little things in life he usually takes for granted. You’re awestruck with the lantern festival- he’s awestruck that you’re so infatuated with the lantern festival. Reluctantly agrees to let you into his life for the purposes of a quick favor- until he can’t stop thinking about you. It hurts when he thinks back to all your little memories together- dancing in the town square together, the way your hair looked in a braid for the first time. Was it more than just a favor he ran you?? Why does he feel so deeply- is this love??? (Spoiler because Han just can’t seem to get it- IT IS)
Felix: Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. Falls instantly, loves very deeply. Trusts instantly, a little naive but he has the best intentions. Doesn’t fully understand the extent of things until they’re explained to him very explicitly. Always wants the best for you and he’s willing to bend and break just to be able to love you, the same way he knows you are for him. Firmly believes in the idea of a “happily ever after” and knows when he meets the one.
Seungmin: Prince Henry from Cinderella. Doesn’t know what he wants until he meets you. Completely swept off his feet by your presence- where have you been all his life? He’s almost given up on the idea of meeting the one until you come along. And if things fall through at first, he’ll go to great lengths to find you again and make things work. That glass slipper is going on every woman’s foot until he finds the woman he fell in love with. Loyal to you only and completely dismisses advances from anyone else once he knows you’re the one he wants. He’s so in love with you- the rest of the world is just noise to him.
Jeongin: Prince Charming from Snow White. A gentleman, kindhearted, very good-natured and swept off his feet by you. It’s not just your presence he loves- it’s your kindness he’s drawn to. You care for the people you love so deeply, and he feels attracted to your soul more than anything. A very uncomplicated type of love- if there are ever hardships in your relationship, it’s not he who causes the pain. But you’re resilient and you can always make things work, and luckily you have an amazing prince by your side the whole way through. An amazing boyfriend, an even better husband, a remarkable father.
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I thought of this while falling asleep, so stick with me.
I have a very specific image in my head of jisung/chan/noona laying in bed all day and struggling with their mental health, like depresh sesh fr. And then seungmin sees it after he went to school and came back and they were in the same position. (Especially chan, bc we know he has experienced depression irl). So seungmin texts the pack and everyone goes into help the sad mode. Felix makes baked goods and lays with them, Minho makes dinner and makes sure they drink water (he knows when he doesn't need to be a snarky baby, so he lets them live), hyunjin helps with self care and gets them to shower, changbin talks to them and tries to get to the root of the issue, jeongin tries to get them to play games with him or just cuddles up to them and holds them tight like Felix. (Babies) at the end of the night, everyone is piled up in someone's bed watching a kdrama.
Also, ig i could ask the pack this too. If someone is being seriously depressed, how does everyone help? Who usually has the worst of it, if you wanna answer?
(This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing. Because as someone who struggles with mental health (as most of us do!) this was so comforting to read and imagine and take into consideration. <3)
Triggers (only discussed, nothing specific but please take care of yourself): Self Harm, Depression, Anxiety, Mental Illness, Suicide
"This is a serious ask." Changbin remarks somberly, lips drawing into a thin, pressed line.
"It is," Chan agrees, nodding. "But it's also incredibly important to talk about. But first-" He gives a soft little smile. "I wanna give all of you guys a big hug and tell you you're doing your absolute best-no matter where you are on your journey-that we're proud of you, and we love you."
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He settles back into his seat, folding his hands into his lap, glancing around at the other members of the pack.
"Is there anyone who feels comfortable discussing this? Or would you like me to go first?"
You glance to him. "I think we've all talked about this amongst each other before, but I don't know if we've ever really talked about it outside of the pack. So maybe it's best you go first, Channie."
He nods once and lets out a long breath between his lips. "Okay. Well, I've had a long, hard road of mental health struggles, it's not a secret I don't believe." He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, and then continues. "I've always had bouts of depression, but it got a lot worse when I moved from Australia to Korea to study."
"I was alone, I didn't know anyone, I was just a kid. I felt like no one cared, like I was adrift without anyone or anything to support me. I turned to school and music and producing to try and fill the void, but the weight of the darkness was increasing, and none of those things felt like enough."
You reach out silently and cover his hand with your own. He gives you a slight smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and squeezes your fingers between his own gratefully.
"It got so bad, eventually I never left the studio-I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't take care of myself. At my lowest, I seriously considered just being done with it all. No one would miss me anyway. At least that's what I'd convinced myself-and the depression agreed."
He blows another long sigh out through his teeth, and the pain in his dark eyes is heartbreaking.
"But-" He shifts, sitting up straighter and shaking off some of the heaviness, glancing to Changbin now. "-Then some asshole convinced me to partner up with him for a semester project."
Changbin shrugs and gives a rueful half grin in response. "What can I say? I wanted the best."
Chan gives a little chuckle, shaking his head slightly at the other alpha's teasing. "The depression didn't go away. The weight didn't just disappear over night. But over time, I realized that maybe I did have something, was really someone, that people would miss. At least, certain people that mattered."
He glances around at all of you now, affection flashing across his features, and he gives your hand another squeeze.
"It's still hard some days. I still get too in my head, the darkness never really disappears, it just takes the back seat for awhile, but I've learned how to cope with it better, to turn to people I trust for help, instead of withdrawing and being alone and letting it consume me."
"We're proud of you, Christopher." Minho states plainly, and you can see how much the words mean to Chan as they settle like a blanket around his shoulders.
"Anyway-" Chan gives a little laugh, the tips of his ears going red, as he shifts and rakes a hand through his curls. "Enough about me, someone else go."
"No, but wait-" You stop him, and he glances at you curiously. "-I think it's important to talk about and realize the triggers, the tells, of someone you know and love when it comes to mental health. Because sometimes, when they feel the darkness creeping back in, they can't vocally express that need for help."
Chan nods thoughtfully. "Very true."
"Hyung has very specific tells." Changbin adds, studying Chan. "He starts to withdraw, he spends a hell of a lot more time alone-in the studio, his room, etc.-which leads to him not taking care of himself. He gets quiet, like he's in his head and not with us, and I think everyone's gotten to the point where they can tell 'regular Chan quiet' from 'overthinking, sinking Chan quiet.'"
Chan is nodding again, shooting the other alpha a wordless, grateful look.
"Jisung and I both struggle incredibly with anxiety and panic attacks." You bring up next, looking to the beta, who is nodding beside Changbin. "Although, just because we have the same diagnosis, it doesn't mean our triggers or even our symptoms are the same."
"Yeah-" Jisung agrees, jumping in. "It's important to note that you can struggle from the same mental issues as someone else, and still realize that that doesn't mean you know anything about what the other person is going through. A similar diagnosis can look completely different for someone else."
"In my case, my anxiety revolves around uncertainty and the 'what ifs', and certain scenarios are really triggering for me." You continue, giving Jisung a breather before you give him the option to express his feelings. "If someone is later than normal getting home from school or work, I panic, coming up with all the worst case scenarios in my head until I can't breathe."
"Communication is absolutely key for you and the type of anxiety you struggle with." Chan agrees, nodding.
"Yeah, we've implemented check ins or communication methods when someone is going to be late or somewhere unexpected." You nod, giving Chan a little half smile. "It's really helped, and I really appreciate you guys doing that for me, even if it feels silly."
"Hey, Hyunjin-hyung never has to check in." Jeongin suddenly complains, as if he's only now just realized.
You grin. "Hyunjin is always late, so I've just come to expect it."
Hyunjin smirks like a cat, all sharp teeth and feline eyes. "You know me so well, baby."
Jisung takes in a deep breath, and you take that as his silent signal that he's ready to discuss his own struggles now.
You glance to him, and give him a little encouraging nod.
"On the other hand, I have a hard time with anxiety and panic attacks in social situations, or when dealing with crowds. I don't like to be around a lot of people that I don't know."
Changbin reaches over and stops the beta's nervous twisting of his hands in his lap, giving him a little warm smile.
Jisung steels himself with the alpha's encouragement and goes on. "I don't like feeling like people are counting on me, or expecting something from me that I can't give. In social situations, there's too many variables and too many unknowns, and I feel like I'm guaranteed to fail no matter what I do."
"The buddy system is a great way to help Sungie when he's feeling anxious." Felix interjects, giving the beta a dazzling smile. "We always stick around him in social situations or gatherings, just so he has someone he knows well to joke with or talk to."
"Yeah." Jisung lets out the breath he'd been holding, seem to relax a little. "That helps a lot."
"And Minho-hyung and noona are great at talking him down when he's in the full throes of an actual panic attack." Seungmin adds, throwing an arm around the other beta's shoulders in a silent show of support. "They let him breathe and take his time, and then convince him his feelings are valid and okay, and that he's safe."
Jisung nods again wordlessly, and you see Changbin squeeze his hands.
"As far as everyone helping out-" Felix looks thoughtful now, his brow creased. "-I feel like we all suffer from certain levels of mental issues, and that's to be expected, and everyone kind of just knows how to help in the right way depending on what pack member is feeling down."
"You were absolutely spot on with your scenario of what Channie likes though." You laugh, referencing the previous thoughts. "He needs people to pull him out of his head, help him take care of himself, and mainly snuggle and be there for him. He likes the entire pack to pull around him when he's in a rut."
"Minho-hyung on the other hand-" Changbin speaks up, giving the elder a pointed look. "-he'll bite your head off the first day. He likes his space until he's come down a little, and even then, he wants one or two specific people to just exist with him for awhile."
"And who are those one or two people?" You ask, already knowing the answer, laughing a little.
Minho rolls his eyes as Changbin answers without hesitation, "Chan and Felix of course."
"Ah, Aussie line!" Chan crows triumphantly, and Felix grins at him from across the room as Minho looks annoyed at having been called out.
"Anyway, as we said-" You continue, threading your fingers through Chan's. "-this is a super important topic to talk and be open about, and please, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to or confide in, find someone you trust-a therapist, a friend, a sibling, a parent-"
"A stranger on the internet." Jisung adds cheekily, grinning.
You laugh. "-a stranger on the internet. Just know you don't have to struggle alone, and that there are always people who will be there for you, even if the darkness makes you doubt that."
"We love you guys." Chan adds seriously, nodding. "And I think I've said it all at this point, so let's end with another big hug."
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hyunverse · 2 years
you're the only friends i need ♡⸝⸝ hyunjin, seungmin, felix
best friend!hyunjin, felix, seungmin && reader.
genre — fluff, drabble, platonic.
note — decided to make this a continuation of my oneshot, "midnight existential crisis." hope u don't mind anonnie!! if u want a redo then just lmk <3 idm, i love writing best friend!skz content. anyway, listen to ribs by lorde for ultimate feels.
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laughters bounce off the apartment walls, smiles radiating as shiny as the night stars. you're so happy, yet you feel like you're going to cry. there's nothing as bittersweet as graduating.
"do you think they'll realize that 4 robes and caps are missing?" felix questions, gulping down his saliva.
in order to celebrate the four of you graduating from university, seungmin had suggested to flee from the ceremony while still wearing the robes and caps. he claimed that after paying thousands for the sake of education, the four of you deserve to at least steal the robes. hyunjin and you had always been the easily swayed type, so you had no problem going through with the plan. felix mentioned the guilt he would feel, how stealing is immoral — but he agreed, anyway. it's the power of peer pressure.
hyunjin pats his shoulder, "it's fine, lix. we'll return it tomorrow, okay? we'll say that we genuinely forgot."
“and lie? hell no,” felix defends, eyebrows cutely furrowed.
seungmin rolls his eyes. it’s constantly like this — convincing felix to do things that aren’t very. . . morally correct would take quite a while. it almost always works though.
“yongbok,” seungmin says, “guess what else is a lie? your life. you’re still living it though, so just calm down.”
upon seungmin’s remarks, felix lets out a huff. fighting with seungmin is like pouring water onto an umbrella — useless. the boy’s head is filled with comebacks.
you shake your head at their shenanigans, “let’s just take pictures.”
flashes fill the apartment, along with giggles. it’s all fun and games, basking in the company of each other. for the last few months the house hasn’t been full with noises — everyone too occupied with their own studies. for the first time in a while, everyone gets to be at the same place at the same time. you could feel the void in your heart getting full again at seungmin’s out of pocket comments, hyunjin’s enthusiastic claps and felix constantly hugging you.
before you know it, a carton of apple juice is being carried to your makeshift photo booth (which is just a white cloth being hung im your living room, and a tall wooden stool. hyunjin claims that it’s rustic and vintage, perfect for polaroids.)
“time for a toast, time for a toast!” felix exclaims, pouring the juice in shot glasses.
“seriously? apple juice? have we gone too broke to afford alcohol?” seungmin pipes.
you smack the back of his head, causing the graduation cap to fall off. the boy rubs his head, sending glares towards your way.
hyunjin clicks his tongue, “let’s not get drunk on graduation night, seungmo, i don’t want to forget such an important night.”
“okay go off i guess, hopeless romantic.”
hyunjin rolls his eyes and helps felix pass around the shot glasses.
“okay,” felix clears his throat, “who wants to start the toast?”
“me,” seungmin raises his hand, “cause if y/n or hyunjin starts, it’ll be sappy too early.”
the oldest boy scoffs, side-eyeing the youngest. it’s a surprise all of you survived three years of seungmin’s brutal remarks. it’s also a surprise that after all those words, none of you have grown immune to them. always caught off guard.
“just start your speech already!” an australian accent replies.
“okay fine,” the raven head gives in, “fuck university. shake ass, get that money!”
laughters erupt in the atmosphere, started by hyunjin’s wheezes.
the night goes on, chaos enveloping the four of you. what started with a playful pillow fight ended up with you and felix on the floor, wailing.
“it’s just,” felix sniffles — at this point, it seems like he’s drunk on apple juice — perhaps the placebo effect truly works, “no more university means childhood is over. we’re adults now. adults!”
seungmin’s eyebrows start to furrow. his pink lips part to say something about childhood ending the moment you graduated high school, but hyunjin’s elbow digging into his waist stops him.
you vigorously nod at felix’ word — it takes all of seungmin to not say anything, “you’re so right lix, it’s scary, isn’t it. we might have to pay taxes soon.”
“no! not taxes. that’s too grown up,” felix wails again.
once again, seungmin wants to say that they already pay service taxes everyday, and once again, hyunjin elbows him.
“oh my god. that means we won’t have to fight each other over who gets the bathroom first because we don’t have 8 in the morning classes anymore,” you sigh out in realization.
felix’ eyes couldn’t be wider.
“fuck. you’re telling me i won’t hear hyunjin’s hair dryer at seven fucking a.m anymore?”
behind the calm facade, both hyunjin and seungmin suddenly feel heavy. as if all that realization just dawned upon them — and it really did just click into hyunjin’s head. being an interior design major, he out of all people was the most eager to leave university. now, it doesn’t feel as sweet anymore — merely bittersweet, as bittersweet as the latte he’d drink every other night to survive in his course.
hyunjin holds back a gasp. seeing both you and felix break down is enough. he needed to be the strong one in that situation, so he sits and watches the two of you converse.
“i’m going to miss this phase so much,” you say between sniffles.
“yeah, me too,” hyunjin adds before placing a chaste kiss at the top of your head.
just like that, a crying session begins. at the end of the night, hyunjin has to carry you bridal - style, while felix practically begs seungmin to give him a piggy back ride (and makes seungmin promise to return the robes and caps the first thing in the morning.)
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“god, god, god,” you mumble — a prayer.
yet, no matter how many times you stare at the numbers displayed on the online banking application, it won’t change. two digits (the first beginning with a one) stare back at you, mockingly. like you’re the biggest loser in the world. honestly? at the moment, you feel like you are.
“calm down y/n,” hyunjin comforts. his voice is softer than usual, like a lyrebird imitating the sound of love.
“i can’t,” you breathe out, tears pricking at the side of your eyes, “i’m officially broke. and jobless.”
your phone sounds a soft thud when you toss it onto the bed. the bed dips once you jump onto it, where hyunjin is waiting with open arms. his arms and chest are inviting — wide and warm, ready for you to bury your face into and cry. seungmin quietly sits beside you.
"you'll be okay," hyunjin comforts, pulling you into his arms, "things will turn out okay."
seungmin nods, large hand rubbing your back. you don't have any energy besides to sniffle and shake your head.
"it won't be okay," you cry out, "i've sent so many resumes but none of them emailed me back."
"and that's okay, y/n, we'll help you with that. seungmin will help you write more resumes, i'll design them and felix will be there to hug you everytime you're stressed. we're here for you, promise. just hold on."
seungmin excessively nods again, "yeah. jinnie's right."
you lift up your face to meet hyunjin's, eyes teary and nose all snotty, "it feels like i'm being too dependent on you guys."
hyunjin clicks his tongue, "not at all lovely, you've been so independent this whole year. sometimes we all need help."
a frown is plastered across seungmin's face the moment he spots more tears running across your face. using his sleeve, he wipes the tears. it doesn't matter that your eyes are constantly leaking water — he's willing to wipe the tears over and over again.
"i'm literally broke guys, seriously," your heart feels so heavy — it could burst, "i don't think i have enough money for next month's rent. i think i'll stay at my family's . . . maybe it's about time."
"no!" hyunjin slightly raises his voice in panic, "it's fine. stay. i have some money from work, seungmin does too. . . felix seem to have a stable job. we can more than support you for a couple months. "
it's your turn to say no.
"can't do that jinnie. . . don't have the heart to. you're freelancing, it's not always stable, seungmin's tutoring multiple kids a day just to get by, and felix works too hard for me to let him support me. i can't do that to you guys, it's wrong. but thank you, seriously."
"we really don't mind, y/n," seungmin speaks up, "it'll only be temporary anyway, at least until you're all set up. i don't mind tutoring extra people for you, and i know felix won't mind, he'd insist on helping out."
speak of the devil — felix walks into the bedroom. hair messy, and a pout plastered across his freckled face.
"lix?" hyunjin raises an eyebrow, "what's up?"
the question has felix' lips quivering, like he had been holding onto one straw the whole day. frankly speaking, he had been.
"fucked up so bad," felix mutters, plopping down on the bed beside your figure, "fucked up a cake and it was literally today's special."
you frown, "c'mere lix, it's okay."
"i don't feel like it's okay. feels like i'll lose my job after only a week."
"don't say that," hyunjin cooes, "you're an amazing baker. they won't dare to fire you."
felix merely shrugs, too tired to even function. the four of you end up staring at the ceiling. seungmin soothingly traces his pointer on your arm and it leaves goosebumps in its wake. it's his silent way of telling you that he cares.
"you okay, lix?" you quietly ask.
"yeah. you?"
"jobless and going broke, but i think i'll be fine."
"ah," felix sighs, "i'm here for you, okay?"
the duvet shuffles when felix turns his body to face you. you reciprocate, scrunching your nose when you feel his finger tap on it.
"you're not alone in this, you know? don't be scared to ask for help sometimes."
"thank you, lixie, really. i feel like i owe you guys so much."
hyunjin shakes his head, "nonsense. you're our best friend. we're always here for you."
seungmin nods in agreement, "if you don't want to accept us supporting you financially for a while, then perhaps you'd like to tutor as well? i know some kids who need help with the subjects you're good at."
your heart goes warm at their remarks, feeling nothing but grateful for your best friends. they're always there for you — for all the times you've leaped out of joy, the breakdowns after break ups, the grieving over a dead fictional character — they've been there for everything. you couldn't ask for better friends.
"thanks, guys."
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taglist (send an ask to be added) — @zoe8stay
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moni-logues · 5 months
if this hurts my feelings at ALL you are fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nothing but flowers and butterflies and nose smooches for the world's bestest boy!!!!!!
Oh, look, it's me 'fulfilling' a request but not actually... fulfilling it LMAO I look forward to being fired post-haste
here's a part TWO, JO!!! And you must let it satisfy you FOR NOW! and for everyone/anyone else who did not enjoy my least successful ever fic, honestly, I love these two so I don't care 😂😂
Part One
Long for You
Pairing: Kintsugi!Taehyung x Hyunjin
Genre: angst, smut, long-distance relationship
Summary: Distance is difficult. It started difficult and wasn't getting any easier, but Taehyung didn't have a solution, didn't have a way out of it. Didn't have a way to Hyunjin.
Word count: 5k
Content: mem x mem, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, edging kinda (but he's doing it to himself), anal sex, hand job
Taehyung stared at his phone, somewhere between disbelief and elation.  
Hyunjin was coming to Korea. Home. Coming home.  
Not forever. Not even close. For three days. Because the French had seen what was obvious: that he was beautifully sculpted and untouchably handsome. When he first moved to Paris, he had secured a little light modelling work. Then that became some slightly more serious fashion modelling, which had in turn led, now, to a job with 99%IS. A photoshoot in Korea. In Korea where Taehyung lived.  
Hyunjin was coming.  
l'amour de ma vie ❤️: my flight gets in at 6:30 so I can maybe get to yours by 8? 
Taehyung: I’ll pick you up 
l'amour de ma vie ❤️: you’d have to leave your house at 5:30 
l'amour de ma vie ❤️: in the morning! 
Taehyung: I’ll pick you up 💋💋 
There were fewer nerves this time. Because Hyunjin had about 20 hours to himself in Korea and he was spending them with Taehyung. Because he had got an earlier flight just to make that time a little longer. Because he said, over and over again, how much he missed Taehyung, how much he loved him, how much he wanted to see him.  
Those feelings were mutual. Taehyung felt almost sick with anticipation, with longing. It had been nigh on a year since they had last seen each other. A year that had stretched into eternity and flown by in an instant. A year that had been excruciating and lonely and miserable; a year that had been filled with tiny happinesses, fleeting joys, and the comfort of knowing he was loved.  
They had achieved no real resolution when Taehyung had left Paris. They agreed that they were in love. They both knew that the geographical distance wasn’t coming to an end any time soon. So they agreed not to agree anything further. They would do what they could. They would text; they would talk; they would just have to see how things went. Neither wanted a break-up; nor did they want to trap the other in an indefinitely long-distance relationship. Neither wanted the other to see other people, nor did they feel they had any right to impose such a limitation on them, not when there were thousands of miles between them, hours of time difference, when there might just be someone else who might be good for them. It was as it had ever been: deliberately and consciously casual, despite the fact that it was not casual at all.  
Taehyung’s foot was tapping on the floor, quick, incessant bouncing as he scanned the crowd of arrivals, waiting. Always waiting for Hyunjin.  
He let out a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding when he saw that familiar face break through all the unfamiliar ones. He had to hold himself back from running up, pushing people out of the way, taking Hyunjin and swinging him around, kissing him in full view of everyone. He saw it happen in his head, hoped Hyunjin could see it, too, so he would know. So he would understand what Taehyung really felt. That his feelings were barely contained, threatening to burst. That he wasn’t really this composed, this calm, standing at the end of the arrivals lane with a smile on his face.  
Hyunjin was less placid. He did pick up his pace, jogging lightly towards Taehyung. He did fling his arms around him, tight and secure. He stopped just short of kissing him, standing nose-to-nose until he touched his forehead to Taehyung’s and closed his eyes, just for a second.  
Then it was all a-rush, marching to the AREX, standing for forty minutes on a packed train because the 15 minutes it saved them were 15 minutes they wouldn’t be getting back. 15 minutes that they wanted to make the most of. They stood, as they had in Paris, in silence, but the tension was different this time. It was urgent. It was fizzing between them like champagne bubbles. Taehyung’s fingers twitched at his side, wanting to take Hyunjin’s hand. Hyunjin bit the inside of his lip as he looked at Taehyung’s face; this face that he had memorised every feature of, every contour. This face he had drawn and painted and photographed and still wasn’t tired of.  
When they finally made it to Taehyung’s apartment, they had both expected the urgency to continue, to increase. They expected it to be fast and furious, again and again, until they both collapsed.  
Taehyung shut the door and Hyunjin put his suitcase in the corner. They both breathed a sigh of relief to finally be free in the privacy of Taehyung’s apartment, but Hyunjin didn’t rush when he padded over. He slipped his arms around Taehyung’s waist and leant into him, resting his head on his shoulder and taking a deep breath.  
“Missed you,” he said, hands moving higher up Taehyung’s back, scrunching his t-shirt in tight fists. 
“I missed you, too,” Taehyung returned. 
Suddenly, Taehyung wanted nothing more than this. Just to hold Hyunjin close, to keep him near, to not let him go.  
They shuffled together into Taehyung’s bedroom, fell onto his bed in a heavy tumble. They weren’t intending to sleep, though both were tired. They had such limited time together; had exchanged innumerable messages about everything they would do to each other when they were finally together; had sworn they would make the most of every second. But sleep came for them anyway, washing over them quickly and softly, holding them until the sun was high overhead and the morning completely gone.  
Hyunjin woke with a start, sitting up on the bed and looking about himself in a panic. 
“Tae, Tae, Tae,” he called, shoving Taehyung’s shoulder to wake him. 
“What?” he answered, blinking one eye open. 
“It’s after noon.” 
“Oh shit!” 
Taehyung was sitting now, too, and they looked at each other, a little dumbfounded, rubbing the remnants of sleep from their eyes. Hyunjin fell back into Taehyung’s arms.  
“I can’t believe we’ve wasted so much time,” he said, quietly. “I have a fitting in less than two hours.” 
Taehyung nodded, couldn’t voice the dread he felt squeezing his throat. He was furious with himself, for falling asleep, for letting this time pass. They only had so much of it and they’d just wasted hours.  
Hyunjin kissed his jaw and brought him back to the world before he had a chance to spiral, to really dig into his frustration and sadness.  
“I’m going to freshen up,” Hyunjin said, disentangling himself and climbing off the bed. “Don’t go anywhere, ok?” 
Taehyung nodded and sighed and ran his hands through his hair. There was no sense in ruining the time they did have by stewing over the time they didn’t. He scrubbed over his face and stretched then he decided to stand; he couldn’t risk lying down, falling back to sleep again. He paced back and forth at the end of his bed, missing Hyunjin already, even though he was only in another room of the apartment, rather than on another continent.  
He appeared at the door, leant against the frame, completely naked. 
“I’m going to have a shower,” he announced. “Want to join me?” 
Taehyung laughed. 
“You know I have a flatmate?” 
“Oh, does Taem want to join?” 
They both laughed and Taehyung screwed up his face in mock outrage. 
“I’m sure he does,” he replied, standing close to Hyunjin now, close enough to hold his hands, to kiss him. He did both. “But you’re all mine.” 
“Say it again.” 
“You’re all mine.” 
Under the hot spray of the shower, their sense of urgency returned. They wished they had the hours they had wasted; wished they could do this over and over again like they had planned; wished that something would stop time, even if only for a little while, so they could get their fill before Hyunjin had to leave again.  
Leave the apartment. 
Leave Korea.  
But they didn’t have time. They had a steam-filled bathroom and a deluge of hot water; they had mouths on skin and hands around stiff cocks; they had the familiar, exquisite ache of lustful longing radiating through them. They had so much to say that words could not contain it; only their bodies could speak it into existence. 
Taehyung had Hyunjin’s length in his hand; Hyunjin had his fingers in Taehyung’s mouth. Taehyung had his own shaft seated firmly inside Hyunjin, held there, unmoving, while his hand pumped. Because they might not have had time for everything they wanted, but Taehyung was going to make sure he had at least two loads of Hyunjin’s cum circling the drain before he left.  
Hyunjin removed his fingers from Taehyung’s mouth and twisted them into his hair, pulling him closer so he could mash his mouth against his, so he could moan into it, so he could be bitten by Taehyung on the soft, wet skin of his lips.  
Taehyung felt his cock twitch and his legs burnt with the desire to move, his hips barely able to resist tipping and rolling and fucking into Hyunjin like they wanted to. He worked his hand quicker, as desperate for Hyunjin to meet his first climax as he was to meet his own. He knew it wouldn’t be long. Knew that Hyunjin was close, getting closer. Knew he would let go so that he could whine and whimper as Taehyung thrust hard and fast. 
And so it went. Hyunjin spilt all over Taehyung’s fingers and the shower washed it away as if it had never been there. Taehyung began to move, starting slowly and increasing until he couldn’t fuck any faster, couldn’t hit any deeper. Hyunjin shivered and twisted against the wall, fingers pulling Taehyung’s hair out from the roots, mouth hanging open, allowing all his mewling gasps to fall straight out. This was the part Hyunjin liked. The drowning. The suffocating sensitivity. Sensation that pushed everything and anything else out. That made him unable to think, barely able to breathe. That took him over completely, made spots dance in front of his eyes, and tremors ripple throughout his whole body.  
He liked it best when it was Taehyung. Because he didn’t have to explain it. Didn’t have to ask for it. Taehyung looked after him. Without question. Without hesitation. Hyunjin felt spoilt in Taehyung’s arms, not just because of his size, or the fluid motion of his hips, or the taste of his tongue. Taehyung lavished attention on him, doted on him, even when it was filthy, even when sweat ran down their bodies and soaked the sheets, even when Hyunjin was crying and coming dry and Taehyung hadn’t come at all. Hyunjin was adored by Taehyung and he stored it in his heart, for safe-keeping.  
Taehyung was holding back. Was biting down on his own lip to try to prevent his end coming too soon. He slowed down, breathing heavily, resting his head on Hyunjin’s shoulder. Hyunjin nipped at his ear and he whined.  
“You can come, baby,” Hyunjin whispered, voice trembling.  
Taehyung shook his head. 
“Nuh uh... You again.” 
Hyunjin was about to protest when Taehyung’s voice stopped him. 
It was a ragged plea. Desperate. Forced from his throat with effort than made arousal stir in Hyunjin’s gut, strong and hot. He tipped his head back against the wall and moaned, swearing around his pleasure as Taehyung’s fingers wrapped his shaft again, as his thumb rubbed over his head, as his wrist twisted and flexed. Taehyung knew it wouldn’t be long, was telling himself he could come soon, was telling himself how much he loved this: this agonising waiting, this dangling from the cliff-edge with only fingertips clinging to the rockface.  
They liked the same agonies. The desperation, the overwhelming sensation, the way it felt like it would burst in Taehyung’s chest and the way it ricocheted in Hyunjin’s. It was exquisitely painful, beautiful in the purity of it. Minimalism versus maximalism. Hedonism versus asceticism. They fit perfectly together. Two sides of a coin. Two halves of a whole.  
It shattered within Hyunjin again, his hips jerking as he came for the second time. It didn’t have long to resound in his chest, in his abdomen, in the farthest reaches of his muscles, because Taehyung was so close. He was letting go. He was plunging down into the strong, wet waves of release, the explosion of pleasure within him enough to make him cry out, enough to make his knees buckle. Hyunjin’s were already weak. They sank to the tile floor of the shower and looked at each other. Tired, dazed, a little giddy, a little dizzy. In a world of their own.  
“What time is it?” Hyunjin asked, eyes closed, head back against the wall, chest heaving.  
There was another bursting inside Taehyung’s chest, but it wasn’t pleasure this time. Wasn’t even the right kind of pain. It was all the joy and completeness he felt deflating, because they were not in a world of their own. They were in the real world. The real world in which they lived thousands of miles apart and there was a real clock ticking their time away.  
Taehyung kissed Hyunjin. He didn’t want to answer. Didn’t want to say that it was time they actually got washed, time they got dry and dressed, time Hyunjin got going. 
[07:52]  Jin(nie) Ramen: Did you get him? 
[07:57]  Jin(nie) Ramen: Did he arrive? 
[08:30]  Jin(nie) Ramen: IS HE HERE?! 
[09:17]  Jin(nie) Ramen: SHOW ME! 
[12:34]  Jin(nie) Ramen: TEDDY!!!!!! REPLY TO ME 
[12:35]  Jin(nie) Ramen: I need to know! 
[13:21]  Jin(nie) Ramen: STOP IGNORING ME 
[13:30]  Jin(nie) Ramen: KIM TAEHYUNG 
[13:40]  Jin(nie) Ramen: KIM TAEHYUNG 
[13:50]  Jin(nie) Ramen: KIM TAEHYUNG 
[14:01]  Jin(nie) Ramen: KIM TAEHYUNG 
[14:10]  Jin(nie) Ramen: KIM TAEHYUNG 
[14:22]  Jin(nie) Ramen: KIM TAEHYUNG 
[14:33]  Taehyung: omg shut up 
[14:33]  Taehyung: leave me alone 
His phone immediately began to ring. Incoming video call. 
“As if I would leave you alone, you fucking prick! Where's Hyunjin? Show him to me!” 
“He’s not here.” 
Her face dropped dramatically – so much so that Taehyung might, at another time, have laughed.  
“What do you mean ‘not here’? Not in Korea? Why didn’t he come? What’s happening? Have you spoken to h-” 
“I mean he’s not in the apartment. He’s at work.” 
“But he’s in Korea?” 
“And you picked him up from the airport as planned?” 
“For fuck’s sake, Teddy!!! I hate you so much! Why would you answer like that?”  
Because winding Jinnie up was one of his favourite things to do and he was very much in need of a pick-me-up. He shrugged. The interrogation continued. 
“When’s he back?” 
“Some time this evening; he isn’t sure. He might stop in at his parents’, too.” 
“Is he sleeping at his parents?” 
Taehyung was halfway through shaking his head when he hesitated. No. The plan was for him to stay with Taehyung, but he could imagine Hyunjin’s parents insisting—their only child, back from a foreign land for the first time in over a year. He didn’t know if Hyunjin would push back.  
“He’s probably sleeping here,” he answered. 
“Can I come?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Can I come over? Please? I really want to see him!” 
“What the fuck do you mean, ‘why’? Of course I want to see him! I was friends with him, too!” 
Jinnie’s sound of outrage was exactly what Taehyung had hoped it would be. He, truthfully, did not want her to come over to see Hyunjin. He did not want to share him with anyone, even for a second, if he could help it, and having Jinnie come over felt like giving it away. He also knew that she would not be put off that easily. 
“Teddy, please. Seriously. We’ll be like, five seconds-” 
“Yeah, Yoongi, too.” 
Taehyung sighed.  
“Don’t sigh like that! I promise. Look, you said he’s out right now, so we can come before he gets back, he’ll arrive, and then we’ll say hi and leave! FIVE SECONDS. FIVE. I promise.” 
He knew he was going to give in. Not least because, as much as he didn’t want her to come when Hyunjin was there, it would be nice to have her around while he was out. She would be a good distraction.  
“Fine,” he said, giving in with another sigh which couldn’t be heard over her triumphant shout. “Come over for dinner or something and then, when Hyunjin gets back, you fuck off.” 
* * *  
Despite all of her instincts, Jinnie kept her promise. Despite the fact that she could have stayed all night, talking and talking and not realising the time, she did leave. Yoongi’s influence on that action did not go unnoticed and Taehyung could only be grateful that Yoongi had found a soft and subtle way to shepherd her enthusiasm without denting it.  
“They’re still together,” Hyunjin said as he leant himself against Taehyung on the sofa.  
“Yeah... Did you not know that? Did I say something different?” 
“No, no, I just..."  
He lifted his head and looked at Taehyung, trying not to look sad. Trying and failing.  
“It’s nice,” he finished, eventually. “I’m glad.” 
He picked up Taehyung’s fingers, toying with them, slipping them between his own.  
“It’s nice that they can be happy.” 
He didn’t have to say it. Complete that thought. It existed in both of their minds anyway.  
Unlike us. 
It was nice that Yoongi and Jinnie had been together for a year and a half and still looked at each other like there were stars in their eyes. Nice that they could look at each other. Nice that they lived in the same city, in the same apartment, and slept in the same bed. Nice that circumstances had not torn them apart. Nice that, beneath the relief and excitement of finally being together, they didn’t have the painful dread and anxiety of knowing just how time-limited it was.  
Unlike Taehyung and Hyunjin.  
“We can be happy,” Taehyung said, his lips pressed to Hyunjin’s forehead. “One day.” 
Hyunjin sighed.  
“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Hyunjin’s eyes were wide, plaintive, his mouth downturned. 
“I left. I had to go to art school in Paris, of all places. I could ha-” 
“No,” Taehyung interrupted, desperate to avoid this conversation, both because it wouldn’t lead anywhere productive and because he couldn’t bear to see Hyunjin sad. “It’s not your fault. You should have gone; that was right. You love it there.” 
“But I love you, too.”  
“I know.”  
“One day?” 
“Yeah, one day.” 
* * * 
It was hard not to cry, two days later, when Taehyung took Hyunjin back to the airport. It hadn’t been long enough even for Hyunjin to get over his jetlag. It wasn’t enough time. It wasn’t enough. Taehyung felt panicky, picking over the time they had together, noticing the fragments of minutes that they could have optimised, that they could have made better use of. He’d already bought plane tickets to Paris for the winter (because what were credit cards for, if not this?) but it didn’t dull the pain at all. He didn’t want to see him in four months’ time; he wanted to see him all the time. He wanted to sleep and wake with him, dance and sing and play with him, walk and talk and live with him. Love him.  
“You’re going to make me cry if you keep it up,” Hyunjin said, attempting to scold but he couldn’t keep the crack out of his voice, couldn’t swallow around the lump in his throat.  
That was the last thing Taehyung wanted but he was doing his best. He couldn’t help the tears streaming, the wobble in his bottom lip, the clench of his jaw as he tried so, so hard not to fall to pieces in Departures.  
“Sorry,” he breathed, pressing a hand to his lips, looking to the floor.  
Hyunjin stepped closer, put his arms around Taehyung and they stood there like that for as long as they could. All their final minutes ticking by, seconds passing like the passengers scurrying around them.  
“It’s even harder than last time,” Hyunjin whispered, hands clutching tightly to Taehyung. 
“It’s harder every time.” 
The tinny gate call for Hyunjin’s flight punctured their bubble. They gave each other a final squeeze and each wiped roughly at his own face when they separated. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
* * * 
Taehyung had been right. It was harder every time. It kept getting harder, no matter what they told themselves, what they told each other. Every time Hyunjin asked him to move to Paris, saying no felt colder. Felt like slowly burying the relationship. Each refusal, every goodbye another pile of earth on their casket. Because he couldn’t. Didn’t know how to. Didn’t have the resources to go and not work. Didn’t speak French. He certainly couldn’t go to the École des Beaux Arts. Neither of them suggested marriage. It was too insane an idea. Too big. Too desperate.  
Sometimes Taehyung thought about it, though. Wondered if he wanted to marry Hyunjin for real or if he just wanted to be with him. Didn’t know if he could place an entire future on the time they had been able to cobble together. Didn’t know if Hyunjin would want it. Didn’t want to tie him down. 
Because Hyunjin’s world was expanding. Vastly. The modelling continued: the high fashion campaigns, the editorials he did for free because they led to paid work, the things he now was able to turn down, the things he had to turn down because he had no time for it. He lived in Paris but he went to London, Milan, Venice, Cannes, LA, New York, Tokyo, and yes, sometimes Seoul, too. He met people he’d never have had the opportunity to if he’d never left. He spoke French fluently now, and English, too. He rubbed shoulders with actors and idols and directors, CEOs and crypto-billionaires. Then he came home and called Taehyung, little Taehyung in his office job in Seoul, who missed him terribly but didn’t want to call him back. 
Taehyung felt like an anchor. Like lead shoes. His world felt small and inconsequential. Felt boring. He could never keep up, not now. His French was terrible, but better than his English. He hadn’t been on a yacht. He hadn’t been on a red carpet. He hadn’t been on billboards and TVs and magazine covers. Hyunjin would return and his life with Taehyung would shrink him, sink him. It wasn’t enough.  
“He’d probably be upset if you told him that,” Jinnie said. “He loves you. He doesn’t think you’re small.” 
Taehyung shrugged. 
“Maybe not now. Maybe one day.”  
“Maybe tomorrow you die. Maybe on Friday you win the lottery. Maybe whatever. Who gives a fuck about maybe? Love is about faith, Teddy. If you don’t believe it’ll work out, it won’t.” 
“Ugh, god, I hate you when you’re happy.” 
“No, you fucking don’t. You love me; I am extremely lovable, actually.” 
Jinnie shoved him hard and Taehyung grabbed her hands, put his arms around her, kept her close, pulled her over so they were lying together on the sofa.  
She was another reason he couldn’t leave. Sure, the practical considerations were significant, but how could he leave her? He told himself she still needed him, but he suspected the truth was the other way around. He needed her. Needed her distractions, needed her light and life and love. The unwavering support she offered. They were family now. More than family. Closer than family. He couldn’t just go to Paris and leave her.  
Could he? 
It wasn’t a happy birthday and nor would it be a happy new year, Taehyung thought as he lay in his bed, on the morning of his birthday, with no desire to get out of it. He was trying not to be a misery, truly he was, but the year was closing and all of his problems were still open. 
Hyunjin in Paris, still. Thousands of miles away, still. Sometimes even farther than that, depending on where his work took him. Because it wasn’t just the modelling either. It was his art. Art that Taehyung didn’t understand but felt something about anyway. Art that screamed with emotions he couldn’t name. Art that brought tears to his eyes before he had even really looked at it. Art that he loved because he loved the artist. Art that everyone else loved because of the artist’s talent, his use of colour, his vision, his whatever else art critics talked about.  
He had known that his art school would have come with connections, but he hadn’t realised just how effective the networking would be, how successful an artist Hyunjin could become before he’d even graduated.  
Taehyung felt him slipping away. Felt desperation ringing in his ears. Felt sure that they were swimming leisurely, casually, towards disaster and doing nothing about it.  
[08:37]  Jin(nie) Ramen: Can’t wait to see you later!!!! 
[08:37]  Jin(nie) Ramen: and give you your present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
That brought a smile to his face at least. He reminded himself to be more grateful for what he had. Because he did have a lot. So much, in fact, that he was going to have to pull himself from his mattress sooner rather than later because he had a lot to fit in to this day: people to see, things to do, a birthday to celebrate.  
Jinnie’s hug was loud and tight as she sang at the top of her voice straight into his ear.  
“Happy BIRTHDAY, dear Tedddyyyyyyyy! Happy BIRTHDAY to yoooooooooooooooooou!” 
“Thanks, now I’m deaf.” 
She grinned and pushed him back into his apartment, following close behind.  
“Ok, then, give me my super special secret present,” he demanded, as soon as she had taken a seat.  
Jinnie was, for all her good points, a horrendous secret keeper when it came to surprises. If anyone was planning a surprise party, it had to be kept from her, too. She had spoilt every film she’d ever seen and every book she’d ever read for someone else. Not deliberately, not maliciously, but because she couldn’t contain herself. Because she forgot to think before she spoke. It was one of her more adorable flaws. 
This, however, she had kept close. She had teased, infuriated, Taehyung for weeks about what it might be, about how excited she was, about how much he would love it, but not a single clue slipped past her lips. At one point, he had been impressed. Now, he was impatient.  
She pulled an envelope out of her pocket and held it in two hands. 
“Happy birthday, Teddy. This is from me and Yoongi. Mostly Yoongi, to be honest, but it was my idea.” 
In less than a second, the envelope was open in Taehyung’s hands and his mouth was agape. He wasn’t sure he had ever seen so many zeroes on a cheque before.  
“What is this?” he asked, voice hoarse with shock. 
“That is for you to go to Paris.” 
“On a fucking private jet?!” 
Jinnie laughed.  
“No, that is for you to go and stay there. You barely need a visa if you’re going to be there for three months or less, so... I don’t know, maybe this will give you some time to work out if you want to be there longer... If you want to stay.”  
Taehyung couldn’t look at her. His face felt hot.  
“You said this is from you and Yoongi?” 
“Well, yeah, I couldn’t afford to give you that much on my own, obviously-” 
“How much did you put in?” 
Taehyung saw her fidgeting out of the corner of his eye, knew she didn’t want to tell him. 
“Some,” came the vague answer. 
“How much?” 
“Why do you need to know?” 
“Because I don’t want to take your money! I’ll take Yoongi’s since he apparently has so fucking much of it, but I don’t want to take yours.” 
“Tough shit, I’m giving it to you.” 
“I’m giving it to you and you cannot stop me.”  
She used a tone that Taehyung had only heard a handful of times in their friendship. The one that said her word was final. The one that would not tolerate an argument. The one that he knew would lead to angry tears if he pushed too hard.  
“Jinnie...” Softer this time, no rebuke present.  
“I want you to be happy, Teddy, ok?”  
And even though he hadn’t argued, there were still tears in her voice; he didn’t dare look her in the eyes because he knew he would cry and then she would really cry and then there would be no end to it.  
“Just go,” she continued. “Just fucking go, ok? You have to.” 
Taehyung stared down at the cheque in one hand and Jinnie’s hand in the other. He thought about Hyunjin. He thought about Paris. He thought about the coming year, the coming new year, just about to start. He thought about all the other new years to come. Spending them alone. Spending them with Hyunjin. Spending them with... someone else?  
“Thank you,” he croaked, his voice a whisper as he tried to swallow down the lump in his throat.  
Jinnie flung her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. 
“I love you,” she whispered back to him.  
“I love you, too.” 
“I’m going to miss you.”  
Fuck. Fuck, he was going to miss her, too. 
“You better call me like, every day,” she demanded with a wet sniff before letting him go and settling back into her seat. “I’m not fucking joking either. Every day.” 
“Once a week?”  
“Fuck off. Every day.” 
“Twice a week.” 
“Every. Day.” 
“Babe, I’ve taught you to haggle before; this is not how you do it.” 
“Every day, Teddy!! Or I'll buy a plane ticket and come to Paris myself!” 
“Every day it is, then.” 
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lalal-99 · 1 year
If You Don't Know | Sneak Peek
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There it was again. The heart-wrenching, soul-shaking pain, making it so very harder for Hyunjin to breathe. To live. To look at you.
He had never imagined ever being this hurt by you, unable to look at you longer than a few seconds while at the same time respecting every decision that had led you here. Not you. Not the person he had planned his whole future and spent the majority of his adulthood with.
The two of you were meant to be together; had decided so after only months together. Because no one could ever get you as much as Hyunjin did, and vice versa. You were the perfect match of similarities and differences. For everything you had in common, there was something you could teach the other about. For every fight you had – bickering over something unimportant – you agreed on a much more intense matter. The perfect back and forth, even after years together.
He still remembered the first time he saw you at that rooftop party one of his friends had held a few years back. He noticed you while talking to a guy he so desperately hoped was your brother or cousin. Or best friend. He recalled the first time you made him laugh, just a few seconds later, when you let out an unintended snort while laughing at something your brother/cousin/best friend had said. And his own hearty giggle in response to your amusement ultimately induced the first time you noticed his existence. The world had stopped around Hyunjin as you caught his gaze – embarrassed redness warming your cheeks as you realised he had witnessed your weird laugh.
It had taken him about 20 more minutes before he couldn’t take it anymore and approached you. He knew he would never forgive himself for not hearing the sweet sound of your voice or seeing the stunning spark in your eyes up close at least once.
Hyunjin also remembered the exact moment he fell in love with you. Staring at you with heart eyes when you told him you were an artist, too. A painter, just like himself. Why ever this was what did it for him, Hyunjin had never questioned. Although he knew, as he laid in bed that night, eyes painting pictures against the white ceiling, that he needed to see you again. If only to talk about your favourite artists and art museums for another 3 hours.
Hyunjin recognised, and had done so way before, that he’d never forget any of those precious moments.
Like when you went to the fair on your first date and won him a stuffed dumpling; already aware they were his favourite food. Or how you cut your date short moments later when you noticed the first person wearing Stray Kids merch. And obviously, he would always hold that day dear in his heart. Despite the unfortunate ending of your date, you had called him minutes after he had dropped you off at your apartment to tell him that you wanted to see him again. He had turned around, sprinting back and ringing your doorbell, overwhelming you with a kiss once you opened the door for him.
Or the time you went to the beach, chatting endlessly with your feet dangling over the water. The moment Hyunjin pulled away from your lips, moonlight sparkled in your irises, catching them in the perfect lightning. He blurted ‘Please be my girlfriend’ quicker than his brain could process it, heart only settling once you caught his lips again, whispering ‘Yes’ against him.
The first time you told him you loved him was engraved in his brain, never to be forgotten. You exclaimed it (just like he did when he asked you to be his girlfriend) while cuddling in bed, laptop playing your favourite Disney movie. It was merely background noise as his heart skipped multiple beats, lips curving into a shit-eating grin as he repeated your words back to you before kissing you, his body soon hovering over you as he kissed every possible spot of your skin.
All these moments, everything he had hoped to one day tell his children and grandchildren about. Every memory that came back to him made him so unbelievably content he could cry. And still, as his eyes focused on your back, he was hurt. He understood, but he was also in unbearable pain.
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