#hyundai notice
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banglakhobor · 2 years ago
আগুন লাগার ঝুঁকি, প্রায় ১ লাখ গাড়ি ফেরানোর তোড়জোড় হুন্ডাই, কিয়া'র
আগুন লাগার ঝুঁকি রয়েছে, এই কারণে ৯১ হাজারেরও বেশি নতুন গাড়ি গ্রাহকদের থেকে ফেরানোর ব্যবস্থা করছে হুন্ডাই ও কিয়া। এর মধ্যে হুন্ডাই সংস্থার ��াড়ি প্রায় ৫২ হাজার ও কিয়া সংস্থার গাড়ি প্রায় ৪০ হাজার। মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে এই গাড়িগুলি ফেরানো হবে বলে জানিয়েছে রয়টার্স। বাজার থেকে প্রত্যাহার করা হতে পারে এমন মডেলগুলির মধ্যে রয়েছে Hyundai 2023-2024 Palisade, 2023 Tucson, Sonata, Elantra, and Kona…
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squirrelfm · 2 years ago
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"You know, you never really know a car until you've driven it through a wall. This little baby did good!" ~ Sam Axe
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months ago
Have you ever thought about how weird it is that you can buy pineapples at the grocery store? Someone pulled this shit off a tree tens of thousands of kilometers away, and then sent it to me. If I don't buy it, they'll just throw it in the trash.
Global trade is a really remarkable invention of our species. My neighbour's Hyundai was born in South Korea, shipped here on a boat, and will never see its mother or most of its siblings again. Even so, it was only slightly more expensive than a locally-made Ford. Sorry, did I say "locally-made?" That was also made in a different country and shipped here under duress. We don't even notice such a miracle unless we check the registration.
My Volare was sent here from The America, a country which has been going through some rough times lately. I figured that maybe it would want to go back and see Missouri, its land of creation, at least once. That Hyundai would never get the opportunity: who would bundle an Elantra into a steamer ship? Driving there, though, was basically feasible. Well, feasible for anyone who wasn't operating a badly-maintained, 47-year-old example of one of Mopar's shittiest cars.
You guessed it: I broke down at the end of my block. There is good news, though. A couple months ago, I found a bicycle clogging the sewage drain near my office, and I was able to bang it mostly straight with a hammer. Ever since then, I've been throwing it in the trunk, and using it to ride home whenever one of my cars leave me stranded. It's been great for my cardio, but more importantly, it was built here. Plans changed. Volare out, whatever this bicycle is "in." I rode it to the bike shop that assembled it, stopping periodically to ingest fried food, craft beer, and ice cream so as not to unnecessarily improve my health from over-exercise.
Unfortunately for everyone, when I got to the bike store, the snooty repair-shop crew considered my quest incomplete. They didn't make the bikes there, just threw them together. The frame and wheels had come from China, they explained, a big integrated factory that punches out the parts, spitting out thousands of proto-bikes per second without any form of human involvement. You'd have to get on a plane and take it to go visit the mothership in Guangdong.
Confronted with the choice to either abandon my quest or willingly board a Boeing product, I decided to take the safer route and return home. Perhaps it was foolish to try and figure out the maternal bonds of soulless, inanimate methods of transportation. Or perhaps I just picked the wrong kind of product, I decided, picking up an apple at the grocery store on my way home. Surely, this thing came from here, I thought right before I read the label.
As soon as I figure out where "Northern Spy" is, you'll be the first to know.
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curio-queries · 5 months ago
Are You Sure?!
(Is this the end?!)
It's finally time for my AYS wrap-up post! (goodness knows I've rambled on about this show enough, maybe there'll be more to say in the future but this is likely where I'll conclude this series for now)
Link to my AYS MasterList
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One of the points we discussed quite a bit while watching this show was how paying attention to promotional content and financial implications can help us discern a little regarding the inception of the show and how that influences the final product.
I'd assume this methodology is similar for all of the content Hybe produced but I admittedly don't watch much that's outside the scope of BTS. If any of you have any insight on how this is structured for other groups, I'd definitely be interested to hear about it! Anyway, regarding AYS, we've been theorizing that the US episodes were filmed on speculation and could then have been used to shop around to brands for sponsorships which would continue to fund more trips.
Product placements:
Ep.1 (USA): None (edited to add Nike, check out the reblogs for more on this)
Ep.2 (USA): None
Ep.3 (Jeju): Clothes
Ep.4 (Jeju): Vitamins & Hydration Spray
Ep.5 (Jeju): Perfume
Ep.6 (Sapporo): Sunglasses
Ep.7 (Sapporo): Sunscreen & Skiwear
Ep.8 (Sapporo): Perfume
Something else that stuck out to me during my initial watch-throughs as well was the progression of including establishing shots of the businesses they visit. There were basically none in the US episodes but by the time we get to Sapporo, these shots linger for long enough to me to notice. The signs and logos are blurred out as expected to bolster BTS's brand power but it's interesting to me that these shots just weren't included at all in the US portion.
The crew brought some very skilled operators with them to Jeju and Sapporo as evident by the gorgeous cinematography. I'm not saying they didn't have the same level of skill in the US, but there may not have been the same directive to focus on this or the level of equipment needed for the crew to really show off.
Sidenote: I KNOW I'd made some notes also on the blurring of the various vehicle logos as there were some inconsistencies and we know BTS as a whole has previously partnered with Hyundai but I can't find my notes and I'm not rescouting the episodes right now for this. If any of you happen to remember, please share!
Bonus Footage
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Something I was really looking forward to was seeing if there was any obvious reasoning behind what footage would be saved for the bonus release instead of included in the official episodes. Afterall, access to this footage was likely the main reason many decided to purchase the photobook at all so there had to be some fulfillment for the perceived value. I wondered if they might take a similar approach to Run BTS's bonus footage where there is regularly a dedicated camera capturing footage specifically for this purpose. Now that I've finally received my photobook and been able to watch these clips, I believe most of footage was separated for the bonus content for a few specific reasons:
Footage quality: There's a good portion of the bonus footage that was captured via handheld cameras with less-than-stellar quality. I'm not trying to disparage the operators' skills but there's a specific tone that non-steady-cam footage brings and it wasn't necessarily in-line with the overall tone much of the edit required. It also reminds the audience at least subconciously that our guys are being followed by a camera crew which typically isn't the intent of BTS content and definitely was minimized as much as possible during AYS. More on this concept in the next point. Example: JK packing his suitcase in USA. That footage is very pretty shaky.
Fourth-Wall Breaks: Is this a phrase y'all still understand these days? Again, the idea of reminding the viewer that this is footage being captured by cameras and microphones and we're not just a fly-on-the-wall. There were plenty of moments in the Bonus footage where JM/JK call attention to the fact that they're filming a show or where the crew interacts with them. Quite a few of these were specifically to highlight photo ops (another subconscious reinforcement of the value delivered with the photobook purchase. the viewer can see footage of JM/JK taking pics that only appeared in the photobook they just flipped through and feel a further connection to the moment). Example: JM and JK taking each other's pics in front of the restaurant in Sapporo.
Pacing: I would categorize the rest of the bonus footage as micro-moments or extensions of scenes we did receive in the full episode but if included as-is, would have broken the desired pacing of the episode. There's no flow to worry about with the Bonus footage rather than chronologically so they're welcome to throw everything together and it doesn't feel like a storytelling misstep. Example: Jimin actually eating and chatting with V and JK at the seaside restaurant in Jeju. Including this would have broken the flow of the edit where they had the sped-up footage of JM describing the history of Jeju while the others just ate.
I was honestly surprised by the amount of editing present in the bonus clips. I'm sure there was always a plan to release some extra footage some way but it wouldn't surprise me if this decision was made early enough that they left much of it in queue for the first rounds of edits because they knew they'd be charging for access to it. Having at least some basic editing again helps justify the value.
Sidenote: there is no reference to 'keep going' in the photobook. So we have no further clues there. There's a couple of 'Go JK' or 'Go Jimin' captions but not 'keep going'.
Title Cards
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Y'all I had been so confused by these from the very beginning but probably not for the reason you're thinking. I made note of which scenes had title cards and exactly what Jimin's voiceover line stated with each one. Mostly, WHY they decided to include the ones they did and the inconsistencies with what activities got a title card and which one's didn't.
Ep.1 (USA): We're having our first meal in America
Ep.1 (USA): It's fun to ride kayaks
Ep.2 (USA): We enjoy a yacht ride
Ep.2 (USA): We're eating our final meal
Ep.3 (Jeju): We're going climbing
Ep.4 (Jeju): A three-way split is fun
Ep.5 (Jeju): We are going for a swim
Ep.6 (Sapporo): We're on a train
Ep.7 (Sapporo): We are at a ski resort
Ep.8 (Sapporo): I love the convenience store
We know from the bonus footage that Jimin recorded many more than they used. Episodes 1 & 2 have two each and the rest only have one. Now, I'm not trying to say that they were trying to make those episodes seem more full than the others...but I'm not NOT saying it either...
It's just also very interesting which ones they decided to use as well. Prior to the footage of Jimin recording it, I'd wondered if they'd just asked Jimin to make something up about whichever activities were the most memorable for him but that definitely wasn't the case (thank goodness, our guys do NOT have the best of memories with things like this).
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Queries from my first AYS episode post:
Will there be any tonal shift? Specifically, now that JM and JK have some uncertainties about the viability of their US adventure. Will it seem like they're compensating?
I don't think so, not for this reason at least. It seemed more like this production was naturally growing into what it would become. There were definitely some tonal variances, especially how 'action-packed' ep.3 was but I still feel like it was not too far of an outlier and more just helping them find what works best for this type of show.
We know Tae is going to be in at least the next episode. How is this going to handled narratively and will there be any visible contradictions from that narrative in the production?
I mean, there was definitely some variance in the story from the episodes to some of the bonus footage but I think that was generally just the guys being their entertaining selves.
At what point was the final quantity of locations and shoots locked down? And when/if will JM and JK make mention of this.
Genuinely, I think this was only finalized when they couldn't actually schedule anymore trips! It's definitely an interesting approach when you consider how intense the BTS production engine must be, especially in the lead-up to the members' military service and trying to prepare all of the releases that we would get while they were away. It's also one of the things I think JK was referring to in that clip from the US where he says he's never travelled so freely before. To start a shoot of this magnitude and not have some firm deliverables for the end result nailed down is pretty wild. I'm so glad it worked out for them as well as it did.
If/How will the music promotion narrative shift? It's clear that this episode could not have been released until after MUSE's release once they decided to keep the footage of JK listening to Who. But when was that decision made?
Interestingly enough, I think this show was never really designed with music promotion in mind. Yes, they definitely couldn't have released it until after MUSE's release with the inclusion of that Who-listening session but that easily could have been removed or included in the bonus footage if a delay was needed. I think the timing did work out great for it but yeah, overall, music promotion was not likely one of the main drivers of this show.
On a somewhat-related note though, one thing has had me wondering from the beginning. Y'all remember the end of ep.1 when JM says he doesn't think this footage will air? Just what experiences does he have with content they've filmed that we DON'T get? Just what else have they hidden back from us? haha, we want it all!
The End
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Okay, that's enough from me on this topic for now. I'm sure there's more we can chat about with this show and I absolutely can't wait until our guys are back and can travel again! I hope they're able to use this show as an excuse to do things they want that they typically wouldn't.
Thank-you to everyone that's been joining me in these chats. It's been so lovely to chat with many of you about this show and it's beyond humbling that people are at all interested in my random observations. I'm so happy y'all were here with me experiencing this great show together.
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anticapitalistclown · 1 year ago
hello! I've been reading your recent scenarios and I'm wondering if I could ask you a Ma Taesoo smut with fem reader, thank you and I wish you well
here you have, and I wish you well too! <3
Ma Taesoo x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, smut, p in v, size difference
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Working as Ma Taesoo's assistant was the best opportunity life offered you, since you started working for him you just not only had a great income, but you also had a great bond with your boss. Sometimes you couldn't even believe how you went from getting rejected on all your job applications, having a hard time to bring some income home to now driving a Hyundai Tucson to work, gesture of your boss the ex-delinquent that everyone was reluctant and scared to work for and who you gave an opportunity.
You've just arrived to the land on the mountain that Taesoo is about to buy, your boss is already there talking with the vendor, they seemed to discuss about the price so you rushed over there "do your magic" Taesoo pat your shoulder and you winked back at him. After walking around the lands while negotiating with the vendor, you returned to your boss with the signed contract "all yours and I even haggled a bit under the estimated price" Taesoo smiled at you "good job there" he patted your head "maybe I might buy you another car as a reward" he leaned against his car "another big one like mine, you look good driving big cars" you blushed at the compliment and noded "it's all thanks to you, boss" you both gave each other an accomplice smile and drove to Taesoo's house in the woods, there he has all the paperwork regarding the lands management.
You sat on his office, he calmly offered you a blanket to warm yourself and left you working alone, the little office was comfortable and the fact that it just started raining helped you focus a bit, the blanket, smelled of Taesoo, his cologne was there, you could only think about using a blanket that Taesoo also used. You snuggled on the blanket smelling at it as if it was the best smell, your cheeks burned and you closed your thighs, then you jolted by Taesoo's sudden irruption "y/n, it's raining lots so you're gonna stay here tonight, you already have a room prepare-" Taesoo focused on your snuggling self "are you feeling cold?" you denied "I'm fine, just the blanket is really comfortable" you stared at each other in silent "fine, I'll prepare dinner" Taesoo broke the silence and left. Your heart was racing fast, you already stayed nights as his place, it was usual due to him living in the mountains, you and his boys stayed actually a lot over but this time you couldn't take off your head your boss, lewd scenarios flooded your mind, your breathing was heavier, you placed the finished paperwork and rushed over to see him.
Taesoo was in the kitchen his breath also heavy, he said really bold of him about you staying tonight when he doesn't even know if he could be capable of controlling himself, not after all the perverted thoughts he had lately of you, he felt bad, you trust him as a boss as someone to rely on. He noticed you, you were at the door, your skirt more lifted that usual from sitting all day, your breath was also heavy, your face all red and your lips pouty, he walked towards you "Taesoo, I'm cold" you said to him, you were so nervous that you could feel your blood rushing around your head "don't worry angel, I got you" Taesoo caught your indirect and rushed towards you his hands grabbed your waist, your arms around his shoulders in a matter of seconds you already where making out. Taesoo's kisses were rough and desperate, he didn't show any signs of letting go of you, he lifted you, your legs around his waist his hands grabbing your ass, it was too much "Taesoo" you broke the kiss "I want you" Taesoo smiled at you and walked towards his bedroom kissing your neck "I'm gonna make you mine dear".
His bedroom was warm, a fireplace was the source of warm and light in his room, Taesoo dropped you on his big and comfortable bed and suddenly, you where under him and your shirt and bra got removed in one go, his hands already removing your skirt, you joined him and started to unbutton his shirt, he teared it revealing his naked torso your naked body being hugged by him his lips kissing from your neck to your chest then your legs, his fingers teasing your pussy, little moans already escaping from your lips, he slipped two of his fingers inside, his eyes focused on all your body "you're so beautiful" you let out a moan and he rushed the movement of his fingers "they're long!" you moaned, his fingers were deep and felt so good against your walls "yes they are, do they make you feel good?" you nodded Taesoo gave a kiss in your lips then traveled down and he gave a peck to your clit, making you shiver, your reaction gave him joy, his mouth was savoring you "Ta-Taesoo! ah!" you could hear the lewd sound that his fingers and mouth made against your pussy the pleasure made your legs tremble and then he bullied more that gummy spot that instantly made you cum at the touch "good girl, you will give me more, right?" Taesoo brushed your cheek you shyly nodded "so smart and competent, I'll make sure to give you the best fuck as reward" Taesoo undressed completely, his dick, big, slapped his stomach and you swallowed, his hand grasped it and you bit your lips, you got closer to him, his hand directing yours to his dick you slowly moved your hand up and down, his breathing was heavy, Taesoo found your hand so tiny around his dick "you're so big" it slipped from your lips making Taesoo chuckle "you look good with big things".
He easily placed you on his lap, your back resting on his chest, his left hand grabbing your throat and his right teasing your clit, from his position he could see all your body, his eyes fixed on your cunt, your pussy stretched by his cock "cum for me baby, let me feel it" you groaned loudly, your head fell on his shoulder your legs fighting to not close your hips desperately moving up, your walls tightening around his dick "that's it princess, you've got it" Taesoo increased the speed of his fingers circling your clit making your moans more louder making you cum so hard.
Taesoo moved you back to lay in bed, slowly kissing you, slowly caressing your body, slowly making time to appreciate you. Once you were back to you senses, Taesoo aligned his cock again to your entrance, slowly entering, making you feel every inch again, your walls adjusted him well so he started moving slowly, watching all your reactions before you opened your mouth "Taesoo! go harder!" Taesoo placed your ankles over his shoulder "as the princess wants" he left all his worries of hurting you and started to pound you like a beast, his strokes hitting deep made your eyes go back, erratic moans and breathing, Taesoo was so proud "good, my princess, you're taking it like a champ" he grabbed your waist and pounded rougher " I-I can feel you" you opened your mouth wide and left a silent moan "mhm good" Taesoo praised you, not minding much but letting you speak "I can feel you here" you pointed at the bulge he made on your stomach "boss is so deep" Taesoo fixed his gaze on your stomach the little bulge appearing every time he pounded in, it made for Taesoo one of his now favorite views a motivation to keep hitting you deep an so along with the praises coming from him, the way he hit so so deep, his size, everything, was so much enough to drive you to your orgasm again, your walls squeezed him hard, trapping him, your nails clawing at his back and along your moans made him cum right after you.
He cuddled you in his arms, a blanket covering you both while you were recovering your breaths, your gaze on the fireplace, his hands caressing your hair "I don't want this to be an only one time thing" you spoke to him worried, afraid that the heat of before had ruined your relationship, Taesoo kissed you forehead "as if I would let you go away, princess you're not going to get away from me so easily, not when you're so perfect for me" you accommodate on his chest, happy to spend the night with him.
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etclouie · 3 months ago
34 on the angst prompts with shane walsh pls
˚୨୧⋆。 prompt/s; "i can't do this if you don't trust me" — from 150 prompts
˚୨୧⋆。 warnings; established relationship, husband!shane x wife!reader, they have a son, thinking of when goes to leave the group before the farm, uh that’s it i think
˚୨୧⋆。 a/n; trying chat, trust🤞
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— thank you for celebrating 600 with me || submissions are now closed
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since the CDC you’d noticed Shane had started acting different, distant even.
you didn’t know why, but after Sophia disappeared and he tried to leave the group without telling anyone you knew you had to try and figure out what he was thinking of.
“what is up with you?”
you asked as he continued to try and repair the Hyundai, crossing your arms over your chest as he sighed heavily. 
he stood upright, folding his arms on the top of of the door while meeting your eyes. 
“we need to leave, or at least i do”
that confused you.
you didn’t understand what he was getting at, or why he wanted to the leave the group. 
“what are you talking about?”
he only shook his head at your question, his eyes distant as they practically avoided meeting yours. 
you sighed, a small ache flowing through your heart. Shane was nothing like the man you married now, he was always a million miles away these days—even with your son. 
“we can’t stay here, dunno where Ricks takin’ us”
he tried to get you to understand, but he huffed as it still wouldn’t register. 
“Shane we have to, what about our kid? he needs to stay safe”
Shane all but scoffed at that, your insistence on staying with Rick—not following with his opinion instead. 
he moved away from the door and shut it over, moving closer to you and hooking a finger under your chin to keep your eyes on him. 
"i can't do this if you don't trust me"
how he could talk about trust when he was trying to leave was beyond you. 
a scoff automatically left your lips and you took a step back, hardly recognising him. hardly seeing that man you were the bestest of friends with before getting together and getting married. 
a glint of what you felt must’ve flashed in your eyes because he was sighing, trying to pull you back to him. 
“told you when this whole thing started that my main concern is our son, and if you can’t accept that—then you can just leave Shane”
you told, and you knew he wouldn’t like it but there wasn’t anything you could do. since the day he was born, your son had been your number one priority and it wasn’t about to change now. 
you pushed his hands away as he tried reaching for you again, taking another step back before you spoke. 
“so either stay for our son, or you can go and i tell him the truth”
you left him with the ultimatum, shaking your head as you walked away and back to your son. 
a guilt churning inside you, but you pushed it aside as you met eyes with your son again. pulling him into you and pressing a kiss to the top of his head, listening in to what the rest of the group were saying for their hunt for Sophia. 
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⋆˚࿔ reblogs are highly appreciated 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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Lost Boy (EngWnt x Male Reader)
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This was inspired by Lost Boy
8,869 words
Warning: Swears, Angst and fluff moments
Why am I here? This is isn't home. Well you didn't know what a home is.
You say as you wait outside the famous St George Park. You feel the rain hit the top of your head and shoulders as you hear the car that dropped you off drive away. You sighed as nerves and anxiety crept in. You wanted to be here but also wanted to be home back in Japan.
You missed the feeling, you missed your apartment, you missed your training grounds, your teammates and the Kawasaki Frontale faithful.
You were scared to be in a land that you only been to with your team once before. Truth is you were an orphan, you were left at an orphanage in Japan in Kanagawa from there you grew up and at the age of 13 you joined the Kanagawa youth squad and once you hit 16 you became part of the first team 3 years later, 42 assists and 77 goals for the club. You wanted to play for the japan national team but you kept getting the cold shoulder. You started to deflate, lose motivation and felt the same feeling you felt since you could remember. The pain your so called parents gave you.
"Lost Boy, Lost Boy, Lost Boy" A smile came to your face and you recollected that chant Kanagawa fans would chant for you. The story of you being a orphan made the fans sympathise with you and your constant big player status on the field made you a fan favourite and was gifted the name Lost Boy.
That chant was something special it made you feel like you belonged, like a son to the crowd. The first time you heard it you had to fight back tears but bowed to the crowd.
It was your Neverland
You looked down before composing yourself, you started to walk into the reception of St George Park and you spot Serena Wiegman and Gareth Southgate waiting for you.
You think about how you ended up in the situation. Playing for England?!?!
You remember playing a man of the match worthy game in the AFC Champions League against 2 time champs from Ulsan Hyundai. Scoring 4 goals and assist. As you walked off the pitch to the famous Lost Boy chants, you didn't notice Serena Wiegman who was enjoying a vacation watching you from the crowd.
She approached you outside the locker room with your manager. Seeing your talent, the fans love for you and potential. She researched your background and found out that you have English relations due to your mother. And Serena wanted to give you a chance as she believed you not playing international football a crime. You was overwhelmed. Leaving Japan, going to England, no friends, no faces you know except for Serena.
But you knew deep down that this could change your life for the better.
"F/N, I'm so glad you are here" Serena said as she approached you with a warm smile. You go for a hand shake but Serena gave you a hug. She made you feel welcome and made you feel protected. You gave her a slight hug back and she turned to Southgate making sure to keep a hand on your back to let you feel comfortable. "F/N this is Gareth Southgate, the manager of the England Senior team." You extended your hand to the man who shook your hand. "Pleasure sir" you said respectfully in English "Nice to meet you L/N, Wiegman told me all about you. I have seen some of your stuff, I hope you step up" He said in a cold tone, you wanted to frown but hid it. It felt like he wasn't happy you were here "Mr Southgate, I said it before and ill say it again. This young man is an extraordinary talent and no offence to the team but his passion for the game shines brighter then your passion when you played for England"
God damn, you eyes slightly widen as you look back and forth between the duo. The tone of her voice sounded like a mother defending her child Talk about putting pressure on you. Southgate clearly wasn't happy with the comment but didn't say anything back. "Anyway, let me show you around. Serena" He said leading the way for you before saying goodbye to Serena "Actually i will come along" The Dutch women said "But what about the girls?" you looked back at Southgate before turning back to the lady. "They will be fine, the staff are already their for the girls training, i will see them after Y/N is settled in" She as she patted your back.
You smiled at her as the three of you walk into the building. You thought about what Serena was talking about. The girls? Her team is here training. The Lionesses! You remember watching them in the Euro's 2022 and it was inspiring to watch and witness. You had hope to cross paths in some way with one of them just to seek knowledge from the European champions if you crossed paths. But the whole team was here!
As you were taking to each rooms and facilities, you made sure to shake everyone's hand. The staff should be treated like they are part of the team. This made Serena smile when she picked up on the gesture whilst Southgate thought it was you trying to look good in front of him.
"This concludes our journey. I must depart now, as we have some new arrivals later. The rest of the team will arrive later tonight. Make yourself at Home F/N. Serena" Gareth said leaving in a hurry as he left you outside your hotel door. You let a sigh and ran your hands through your hair. "Well he sure is something" You say in a light hearted tone as you felt Serena's hand on your shoulder "He is a stubborn man, he rarely changes his team up and when i suggested you he laughed it off. But because of my belief I even went to the FA" your eyebrows raised as she nodded at tour response "Yes I made a case that you are what the men's team needed and they listened and push him on it." You looked at Serena with admiration. She really did believe in you, all that worry and nervous energy turned into determination.
You were going to make sure you proved Southgate wrong, repay Serena and show the world who F/N L/N is "Thank you Serena, you wont regret this" She smiled like a mother and patted your back "Now go rest, you must be tired' You smiled and shook your head "I managed to get sleep on the journey here. If its no issue since none of my teammates are her, can I watch you train the lionesses for a bit" Her curious look turned into a wide smile "Of course" You smiled and dropped your belongings in your room "May I ask, why do you want to watch." She asked curiously as you followed her "Well, you and the Lionesses are one of the top teams in the world, I'd be stupid to not want to watch h and learn from you and the women" She smiled, she found admirable that you would want to learn from the women when a lot just bash female footballers "Why me I'm just the manager?" she would say curious on what wanted to learn from her
You grinned as you walked alongside Serena. "Why you? Really? Well for starters, you're not just 'just the coach.' You're Serena Wiegman, the brilliant mind behind one of the most successful women's national teams in the world. You've achieved incredible success and I have a lot to learn from you. Plus, watching the Lionesses in action is an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Your team's skill, tactics and teamwork are truly works of art to me." Serena chuckled at your response and your excitement, clearly appreciating your enthusiasm and respect for the women's game. "Well, I'm flattered, F/N. We'd be glad to have you watch our training. I believe that learning from each other, regardless of gender, is how we all grow and improve in this beautiful sport."
You followed Serena out to one of the 3Gs the team was training on, You were feeling better then earlier, With Southgate gone and you can be around a pitch and watching football made you happy and at peace. Though nerves did run through as you were gonna be watching top flight pros playing
As you stepped onto the pitch and the view of the Lionesses practicing their drills came into focus, you couldn't hide the awe on your face. It was a sight to behold, the precision, the skill, and the teamwork of the reigning European champions were truly impressive.
You watched as Lucy Bronze skilfully dribbled the ball, Keira Walsh executed pinpoint passes, and Bethany England alongside Alessia Russio showcased her finishing ability. It was clear why they were considered among the best in the world.
The enthusiasm and energy of the Lionesses were infectious and it felt like a privilege to witness their training session. As you followed Serena, you couldn't help but feel a sense of motivation and inspiration.
As the Lionesses gathered in hushed conversation on the pitch, you found yourself still engaged in discussion with Serena Wiegman. Talking about her thoughts and expectations of the team as they near the Women's World Cup. The moment was a unique one for you as you were not only adapting to a new country and a new team but also facing the uncertainty of how you would be received.
Serena's voice was reassuring and she had the ability to put you at ease. She spoke about her belief in your abilities and her dedication to seeing you succeed in the England Men's team. Her unwavering support was like a lifeline. Keeping your confidence up and alive as you days counted down to your international debut.
"You know, F/N," Serena said, Turning towards you with her arms crossed, her eyes filled with determination, "I have high hopes for you. Your passion for the game and your incredible talent can bring a new energy to our national team and football. I believe that your presence will not only benefit you but also inspire our Lionesses. " She smiled as she glanced at the powerful women training and pushing their limits. "We have an incredible family of football here in England and I want you to feel at home."
You couldn't help but smile. Serena's words resonated with you and they helped the anxiety and homesickness that had lingered since your arrival in England fade away for that moments. It was the reassurance and guidance you needed. "Thank you, Serena," you replied with genuine gratitude as you bowed your head to her. "I appreciate your belief in me and your efforts to bring me here. I'm determined to give my best and contribute to the England Men's team. And if there's ever an opportunity for our teams to come together and train, I'd love to be a part of it."
Serena nodded, her eyes filled with warmth. "I'm glad to hear that, F/N." She stepped towards you placing a firm grip and pat on your arm "We're not just about men's and women's football here; we're one football family. Your presence here is a testament to that, and I'm certain you'll make a positive impact."
As you continued your conversation, little did you know that the Lionesses were observing you from a distance. The collective curiosity and intrigue of the England Women's National Team would soon lead to a new chapter in your journey, one filled with camaraderie, mutual respect and the realization that you had indeed found a football family
On one side of the pitch near the goal, Mary Earps, Ella Toone and Alessia Russo exchanged curious glances and hushed whispers.
Mar, the goalkeeper, leaned in and said, "Have you two seen that guy talking to Serena? Who is he, and what's he doing here?" as she played with the football in her hands
Ella Toone shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still fixed on you. "I have no idea, but he seems to be quite interested in what Serena is saying. Could he be a new coach or something?" She said crossing her arms as curiosity settled in
Alessia Russo chimed in, "I don't know, but he doesn't look like a coach. Maybe he's a new player or something? We can ask Serena later."
"Yeah you can ask for his number HAHA OW" Ella showed shout after receiving a kick from Alessia to the backside
Meanwhile on the other side of the pitch, Lucy Bronze, Keira Walsh and Bethany England were engaged in their own discussion. Lucy, with a sharp eye for talent, recognized you from a few clips she had seen online. "I swear seen that guy before," Lucy remarked, nodding in your direction. "He's a player, I'm sure of it. I saw some clips of him and he's got some serious skills if its who I think it is."
Keira Walsh, the midfielder, leaned in with interest. "Really? He looks like he's in deep conversation with Serena. Maybe he's a new addition to the men's team? Don't think I seen him in any of the youth teams in the past" Lucy nodded in thought
Bethany England, who had been eyeing you with curiosity chimed in, "Well, if he's here to play, he must be pretty good. We should introduce ourselves later and make him feel welcome."
As the training session continued, more and more of Lionesses kept a watchful eye on you, curious to learn more about the mysterious player who had captured Serena Wiegman's attention.
Serena would excuse you as she would approach the team to go over things about upcoming matches as you headed to the stands to watch the rest of the session from there. As Serena addressed the team and laid out their plans for the upcoming match, the Lionesses listened attentively. Afterward, Leah Williamson was the first to break the ice, curiosity getting the best of her.
"If I may" Leah began, "who is that boy you were talking to earlier? Is he a new coach or part of the England media team?"
Millie Bright, seated nearby, chimed in with her own question, "Yeah, he looked quite engaged in your conversation. Is he here to help with our training or something?"
Serena smiled and decided to share a bit about you, the new member of the England Men's team. "Actually, that young man you saw is F/N L/N. He's not a coach or part of the media team. F/N is a talented footballer, and he's recently joined the England Men's national team. I believe he has a lot to offer and you might see him around from time to time. As he requested to watch todays training" The mention of your name and the explanation from Serena piqued the interest of the Lionesses. They exchanged intrigued glances, realizing that you were not just a casual observer but a actual player.
"If his apart of the men's team, why is he watching us and not with Southgate?" Lauren Hemp who handed a drink to Jess park as she spoke up. The question was a thought was on most of the girls minds.
"Good question Lauren" Serena began. "F/N is here because he's new to England and he wanted to observe the training and learn more about the style and strategies of English football. He's keen on acclimating himself to the English game as quickly as possible. Whilst he's officially a part of the men's team, he's interested in learning from our team as well."
Serena's explanation seemed to make sense to the Lionesses. With them and Lauren nodded in understanding. It was clear that you were genuinely eager to immerse yourself in English football. The curiosity about your presence now seemed to be mingled with a sense of mutual respect for your dedication to the game. It was indeed a unique situation to have a male player from the men's team showing genuine interest in observing and learning from the Lionesses. It was a testament to your dedication and willingness to go the extra mile to improve your skills and understanding of football.
As the training session continued, you couldn't help but notice the collective gaze of the Lionesses directed your way. You had been absorbed in watching their drills and skills, trying to absorb as much as you could from the reigning European champions, but you couldn't ignore the fact that you had become the center of attention. Which was starting to make you anxious and paranoid
Whilst you were checking your Instagram notifications, you looked up from your spot of the Lionesses, You took a double take and realized they were watching you with expressions ranging from curiosity to amusement. Feeling a bit self-conscious, you flashed a small, sheepish grin and gave a little wave in acknowledgment of their attention as you slowly sinked into the chair and hoodie
"Aww, so cute." Millie Bright couldn't help but tease with a playful smile. Her comment drew light laughter from some of the other players. "Lets adopt" Rachel Daly would say as she gave Bright a should bump as the duo laughed. It seemed that your friendly wave had endeared you to the Lionesses even more.
Leah Williamson leaned over to Lauren Hemp and whispered, "Well, I have to say, he's certainly not what I expected from a guy joining the men's team. Seems like a good guy." Lauren Hemp nodded in agreement. "Definitely. We should introduce ourselves later and make him feel welcome." Knowing that whenever someone joins a new team or place for the first time it can be overwhelming"
As the training session with the Lionesses concluded, Serena Wiegman decided it was a good time to have a private conversation with one of her most experienced players, Lucy Bronze. The two of them found a quiet corner of the field
"Lucy, I need to talk to you about something important," Serena began, her expression grave. Lucy, ever the professional, sensed the gravity of the situation and nodded for her coach to continue. Serena took a deep breath. "You know the new player, F/N L/N, who you all have been eyeing?" Lucy's eyes lit with recognition. "Yeah, I saw him talking to you earlier. He's a really talented player from what I have seen. What about him?" As said as she crossed her arms
Serena leaned in closer and lowered her voice. "Well, the thing is, his arrival hasn't been entirely smooth. Southgate has been... less than welcoming, let's say." She would say in a displeased tone, Lucy raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? But why? He's a great talent. What's Southgate's problem?"
Serena sighed, her disappointment evident. "I don't know for sure, but it seems that Southgate has a certain way of doing things, and he's resistant to change. He's been dismissive of F/N ever since my recommendation and since F/N arrival, despite his incredible talent and potential."
Lucy's expression hardened as she glanced to where you were sitting before placing her hands on her hips and turning towards Serena. She had a reputation for being outspoken and a supportive teammate. This situation didn't sit well with her. "That's not right. If he's here to help the team, Southgate should at least give him a chance. Is there anything I can do to help?" She would ask with good intent as she suspected Serena was telling her this for a reason
Lucy nodded firmly. "Don't worry Serena, We should have each other's backs that's what makes a team. I'll make sure the team knows about this and that we extend a warm welcome to F/N." Serena smiled, her trust in Lucy reaffirmed. "Thank you, Lucy. I knew I could count on you. Let's make sure that F/N feels like a part of this football family and let's show Southgate how wrong he is. We need to look out for him on and off the pitch. He knows no one in country, he needs some friends. I cant speak for the men's team but I trust you and the girls" Lucy was driven to make sure you are welcomed and had new friends.
After returning to your room and finishing a workout, you realized that your roommate had yet to arrive. It gave you some time to unwind and reflect on the day's events. Your thoughts swirled with excitement about watching the Lionesses' training session and the camaraderie that seemed to be developing between you and the women's team. As you were catching your breath, a sudden knock at the door interrupted your solitude. You quickly made your way to the door, opening it to find Lucy Bronze, Keira Walsh, and Bethany England standing there, wearing friendly smiles.
"Hey there, F/N right?" Lucy greeted you with a warm and welcoming tone. "Mind if we come in for a chat?"
Your surprise at their visit quickly turned into a grin as you stepped aside to allow them entry. "Of course, come on in. It's great to see you all again. What brings you here?" You were sweating bricks
Bethany England was the first to speak, her friendly demeaner shining through. "We thought we'd swing by and officially welcome you to England, We thought it may be a bit daunting coming to a place where you know no one"
Keira Walsh nodded in agreement. "Yeah, We also heard about your conversation with Serena. It's not often we get a male player showing interest in our training sessions and we wanted to say hello."
Lucy chimed in "Plus, we wanted to let you know that we're here for you. If you have any questions, need any advice or just want to hang out, we're your go to squad." She said in a cheeky voice in the end
Your heart swelled with gratitude and appreciation as you looked at the three Lionesses who had taken the time to visit you. "Thank you, that means a lot. I'm really excited to be here, and I'm looking forward to learning and growing learning here. I'd love to get to know you all better and train together sometime." This was the first time you were getting attention not for your popularity or status. In Japan your teammates were stick around you for popularity and when the cameras where gone they didn't go near you. so this was refreshing, so you were eager to make actual friends
Bethany England grinned. "That sounds like a plan. We'll make sure to coordinate some joint training sessions in the future. But for now, let's just hang out and get to know each other better. We were about to head to the cafeteria and eat, You wanna tag along?" You smiled and nodded excitedly "Of course"
"Great, Come on Youngblood" Lucy would say as Keira patted your back and guided you out of the room following Beth and Lucy.
As you all settled around a table in the bustling cafeteria, the Lionesses were quick to initiate a conversation about your background. "So, F/N," Lucy Bronze began, "tell us a bit about yourself. How did you end up here in England?" She said as she took a bite out of her meal
You leaned back in your chair, ready to share your story. "Well, I grew up in Japan and football has been a huge part of my life since I was a kid. I played for Kawasaki Frontale for a since I was 13 and always dreamt of representing my country. But that never happened, they kept rejecting me." You said sadly, the trio couldn't help but feel for you. Playing for England was big for them and if that got rejected constantly it would hurt. You then smiled "And it was Serena Wiegman who saw me playing one day, She was in Japan and saw me during a match and gave me the opportunity to join the England Men's team. She went out of her way for me and I couldn't be more grateful to her." You smile before you take a bite out of your meal
Keira Walsh nodded in understanding. "That's impressive. It takes a lot of determination to leave your home country and start fresh. And for Serena to go out of her way for ya says a lot about what she thinks you. We're glad you're here." You smile at Keira who smiles back. Bethany England added, "And you're going to learn a lot from the coaching staff here. Our training is intense, but it's what has made us successful."
You gave a cheeky smirk. "If the training wasn't intense and didn't push me to my limit then I wouldn't be here" Lucy gave a light laugh at your change of demeanour as Beth looked Keira and gave her a look saying 'Lucy is going to love this guy' To which Keira nodded back "That's the attitude Youngblood" You chuckle, You were glad at the trio looking after you and couldn't but like the new nickname Bronze seemed to have give you.
Bethany England leaned forward, her curiosity showing on her face. "F/N, what did your parents think about you leaving Japan and coming all the way to England? It must be hard being away from them"
The question caught you off guard and you felt a pang of anxiety. You hadn't shared your orphan background with them yet and you weren't sure how to respond. You never like to talk about it or people asking you about them in interviews. Your mind raced, trying to come up with a plausible explanation that wouldn't reveal your painful past.
But just as you were about to stammer out a response, a strong hand landed on your shoulder. You turned to see Millie Bright, a tall and confident giant of a defender, offering a warm smile. She leaned in to speak, introducing herself to you.
"Hi, I'm Millie Bright and this is Rachel Daly. We couldn't help but couldn't this welcoming party" she said with a friendly tone, effectively shifting the focus away from the question about your parents.
Rachel Daly, Millie's Best Friend, extended her hand to you with a friendly grin. "Nice to meet you, F/N." You eagerly shook her hand before shaking Daly's hand. However, Lucy Bronze, who had noticed your hesitation earlier, couldn't help but keep an observant eye on the situation. She had sensed there was more to the story, but out of respect, she chose to let the matter drop, at least for now. She decided to get up and walk around the table towards you, She grinned and playfully ruffled your hair a move that caught you off guard. "Well, F/N, it's been a pleasure getting to know you. Enjoy your time with our lovely Millie here. She's the best at making sure our 'Child' is well taken care of."
Millie Bright, "Yeah Yeah, you three better have been on your best behaviour whilst with F/N. We can't have you being a bad influence on our new 'son' here." She gestured to herself and Daly. You were thrown off by the comment but recovered with chuckle understanding the English banter. "Come on son" She would say dramatically as she throw her tattooed arm over your shoulders and guided you away from the group.
As you walked alongside Millie, you couldn't help but notice the warmth and friendliness that radiated from her. Her easygoing demeaner put you at ease and you quickly felt a sense of comfort in her presence. Millie, with a playful twinkle in her eye, began to strike up a conversation. "So, F/N, tell me a bit more about yourself. What are your hobbies or interests outside of football? I want to learn more about ya"
You welcomed the chance to talk more about yourself and opened up to Millie. "Well, besides football, I enjoy golf ,reading and playing games. It's a great way to unwind and take my mind off things. What about you? Any interesting hobbies or hidden talents?" You say interested in her thoughts
"Oh, I can definitely hold my own in a game of darts, Painting and I make a mean lasagne. You'll have to come over sometime, and me and my other half will cook up a feast for you." You smile at her, surprised at her welcomes "You could bring your partner with you too" She nudged you "Oh no I don't have a partner. That too much hassle for me" You say nervously. It was true, trying to manage a football career and relationship seemed a lot of work, Millie would give you a surprised look, she assumed you would have a partner by your looks "But I'd love that. Thanks, Millie. And it's been great getting to know you and the rest of the team. I was a bit nervous at first, but you've all made me feel so welcome."
Millie patted your back reassuringly, You tried to not be sent to the floor by her strength. "We're like a big, sometimes chaotic, but always supportive family. You'll fit right in, F/N. Plus, you've got a great sense of humour. That makes you alright in my books"
"Ah so this is where the 'son' thing came from" Millie looked at you with a proud face "Oh you see, Young one , You're now officially part of the family. And that means you have no choice but to accept me and Rachel as your 'football moms.' You're stuck with us now." You couldn't help but smile at her. You felt a emotion that was foreign to you. To hear someone call you 'son' even if it was a joke made you emotional but you kept strong
"I wouldn't have it any other way mother dearest" You say to Millie who responded with a cackle as she ruffled your hair "Good Lad" When you reached your room and it was time to say goodbye, Millie's demeaner grew more serious. She took your phone and added her WhatsApp number, ensuring that you had a direct line to her. You was bamboozled at her actions as you stood there confused as she done it
She looked you in the eye, her tone sincere. "F/N, even though we've just met, I want you to know that you can reach out to me anytime if you need anything or if something comes up. I've got your back and that goes for both on and off the pitch." Her protectiveness and genuine concern touched you deeply. You nodded "Thank you, Millie. I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to being a part of this football family" You say with heart as Millie smirked "Good night my child" She would say in a mock voice. "Good night mother dearest" With a warm smile, you say and watched as she headed back down the hall way.
As you entered your room, You saw a figure standing there. It was your roommate and new teammate. "hello there" You say hoping they heard you. The man turned around at you and looked you up and down. " Hey" You smiled faltered, One he didn't reply with 'General Kenobi' and two he clearly had no interest in you. You walked up and stuck out your hand "My name is F/N L/N. I hope we get to know each other more and get game time together" You say in hopes you misread his emotions. "Nice to meet you, My name is Jordan Sancho" but there was a clear disconnect in his demeaner. It was as if he was putting on a façade of politeness "Well Jordan "I'm looking forward to getting to know you and working together on the team," you said, slightly repeating what you said earlier, hoping to break through the icy atmosphere. Jordan simply nodded in response and the room fell into an awkward silence. It was clear that there was something more going on with him and you couldn't help but wonder what might be causing this behaviour. The awkwardness in your shared room with Jordan seemed to stay as small talk was made sporadically but without much enthusiasm. You couldn't help but feel the tension and it was evident that he had reservations about your presence.
The following morning, it was time for a team meeting with the England Men's team. As you entered the meeting room, many of your new teammates greeted you warmly, and the captain, Harry Kane, offered a friendly handshake and a welcoming smile. However, it was Phil Foden, Kyle Walker, and Jack Grealish who stood out. They not only greeted you but also invited you to sit with them. Their eagerness to welcome you was palpable and it helped to ease some of the tension that had lingered since your arrival.
Phil Foden leaned over with a grin. "Hey, F/N right? we saved you a spot right here." You smiled thankfully as you sat next to the city trio.
"How you finding it?, settling in alright?" Walker would ask making you feel at ease "Its a lot, I wont lie but I'm happy to be here and play for England" you said with determination, Receiving a pat from Walker. "That's the spirit lad". You notice Jack Grealish offered you a warm handshake. Which you shook with a firm grip "Mate, it's great to have you here. Need anything we are your boys. What you say we go get a bevvie later?"
"A what?" You would say confused "A buvvie?" You say. You may have had great English speaking skills but lacked on slang, Foden noticing your confusion laughed "He meant like a beer or any alcoholic drink" You gave a noticeable "Oooooh" Scratching the back of your head in embarrassment "Sorry I'm not fully caught up on the slang here" You felt a pat from Walker "Don't worry lad, we can teach you all you need to know. But you have great English though" He said with surprise "Well I home schooled with a one of the Guardians at the orphanage who also had a accent which is why I sound like I'm from here." The trio nodded but then Jack spoke up "Orphanage?" You stutter, you slipped up. You started to feel the stares from the trio and those overhearing the conversation.
"Ok, everyone sit down" Thankfully Southgate entered the room to start the talk to the group, Making the trio forget and focus on him. As he began his presentation, he took a moment to introduce you to the squad. However, his introduction was laced with bitterness, making it clear that he believed your presence was primarily due to Serena Wiegman's influence. "Here with us, we have F/N," Southgate began, his tone sharp and a touch resentful. "He's joined the squad for this international break, and it's no secret that he's here largely because of Serena's insistence. As a result, he'll be replacing Marcus Rashford for these matches." Is he fucking serious? You thought as you then notice how silent the room was and you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. The weight of being seen as a replacement for a another player who had been and the implication that you owed your presence to someone else that wasn't even Gareth's choice was palpable.
However, Phil Foden, sitting next to you, reached out and patted your shoulder in a gesture of support. He didn't say anything, but his reassuring touch and understanding gaze conveyed that you were not alone in this moment. You glanced and saw that Kyle and Jack were also looking at everyone who were looking at you. Southgate quickly moved on to discuss the details of the upcoming matches. Netherlands, Northern Ireland and Germany. But the tension in the room remained and you couldn't help but feel the weight of expectations and doubts hanging over you just doubled.
Later in training you made it your mission to prove to them that you weren't just here due to Serena's backing but your skill. You impressed Kane, Foden and sterling with your shooting and dribble skills. Kyle and Saka would be paired up with you for 3 v 3 which let you build a friendship, trustfulness and learn how they play.
You received the ball from Saka and was about to lob the ball over Kane as you saw Walker running behind but then you found yourself landing on you upper back as you felt something shoot through your right foot. You knew someone just two footed you but the thought of it happening in training was disgusting to you. You looked up and stood up to see it was Harry Maguire. You pushed the larger man nearly sending him on his ass. "What the fuck was that Maguire! That was reckless as fuck!" The man regained his posture and glared again "I don't care who you are, L/N. you've got to earn your place here. If you can't handle a challenge like that, you won't make it." He said before walking away. Despite Kyle and Saka checking on you and Harry clearly getting a talking down to from Kane you knew what you was gonna do
"Earn my place you say? alright" you mumble to yourself
After the intense exchange with Harry Maguire, you were determined to prove yourself and demonstrate your resilience. He had clearly underestimated your ability and resolve, and you were not about to let his challenge go unanswered.
The first attempt to get past Maguire was a spectacular nutmeg that left him dumbfounded and you calmly slotted the ball into the net. The laughter and applause from your teammates resonated across the field.
For the second attempt, you displayed your dribbling skills as you deftly maneuvered the ball around Maguire, causing him to lose his balance and fall on his ass like a baby. Once again, you found the back of the net with precision and can feel the anger radiating off Maguire.
The third attempt was the most rewarding. As Maguire attempted to shoulder barge you off the ball, you gracefully evaded his challenge, sending him tumbling into the dirt. With remarkable composure, you scored yet again and the team couldn't contain their amusement and admiration for your resilience and skill. Whilst some worried that they would need to step up their game to keep a spot on the first team.
As you were about to move to the next game, you felt a hard push you forward harshly as you heard your teammates around respond with audible woahs. You turned around with a glare and was face to face with Maguire who was fuming. "What's wrong Harry, do I have dirt on my face?" You would say making fun that he had dirt on his face from when you sent him to the ground. Before Maguire could cuss you out, Kane got in-between you two, as you two were pulled away, Kane turned to Maguire as Grealish stood on front of you in a protective manner
"Maguire!, that's enough," Kane said firmly, looking Maguire in the eye. "We're here to work together as a team, and this kind of behaviour isn't helping anyone. If this continues I will make sure you wont play the next game"
As Kane continued to address Maguire, other players began to gather around and it became clear that the incident had divided the team. Some players like Foden, Walker, Saka, Sterling, Pickford were clearly on your side, believing that you had been provoked and had demonstrated your skill in response. Others, Noticeable Manchester United players like Sancho, Shaw and non United players like Henderson were against you, showing support for Maguire.
"ENOUGH" The team was silent as they heard Southgate speak up. "BACK TO TRAINING NOW." He turned to you and walked up to you ignoring Maguire "F/N, I don't know how you train back in Japan but this place is for the most professional of footballers. Act like it. We don't need any more incidents like this." You bite your tongue back, You knew he was trying to goad you into responding but you just looked down and had to swallow your pride. He left without saying anything to Maguire. You couldn't help but feel pissed off that he turned a blind eye to Maguire's actions and choose to blame you for the entire incident but in the back of your head you knew you had to fight for Serena, You career and those who are supporting you. don't lose your head you thought. The mixed emotions of anger and hurt were mixing around in you. Anger due to the treatment from the manager and players who have it out for you and Hurt that you felt like a target to most of the team.
You would feel a hand n your shoulder and turned to see it was Kane "You ok?" He asked and you just shrugged "Been through worst" Kane would frown " I don't know what the gaffers deal is but you were not to blame there. You did what anyone would do. when I saw your name on the call up post I searched you up and you are a fantastic player and you will do great things for England. I don't see why Gareth is treating you like this but I know you will make him and the others acknowledge you once they see you on the pitch" with that he would pat you on the back and leave. You smiled happy knowing that your captain believed in you and supported you it added more fuel to the fire that was building. You couldn't wait to show them what you could do.
Later you would be doing some last minute mess around with some of the team before heading in. You were shooting against Pickford in goal when a idea came to your mind as you saw Pickford away from his line. As you kicked your toes under the ball it would glide up into the sky and float over Pickford who was left standing in awe as the ball landed in the net. Screams of approval and claps came from Jack Grealish, Phil Foden, Kyle Walker, and Declan Rice, who had all witnessed the audacious chip with delight. Kyle clapped you on the back. "That chip was a thing of beauty, mate!". Declan Rice would ruffle your hair "That was mad man, could use you at Arsenal" he would joke around.
"THATS MY BOY" You all would turn to the voice in the distance and see the women's team from afar walking along to the training facility building and saw a wild Millie bright cheering her boy. You would wave to her slightly embarrassed. You could see the faces of the other Lionesses laugh at Millie's antics with the exception of a few who were confused. You were happy that you got to show off and some of your new friends on the men's and women's team saw it. It also reminded you of what Millie said last night about if you need someone to talk too. You wanted to vent to her about the day. Sure you could with the boys and maybe Lucy, But Millie was the one straight up with you and you know you wouldn't be a burden going to her about it. And you didn't want to make Serena stressed out about it when she has to focus on a whole team.
"Looks like you pulled lad" You would hear Jack say in a cheeky tone but confusion would show on your face as you didn't understand what he was saying
Phil Foden, sitting nearby, noticed your confusion and decided to clarify. He leaned in and explained, "It means it looks like you've caught someone's attention romantically, mate."
You shook your head, a slight blush still on your cheeks and responded, "Oh, no, it's not like that. Millie and I are just friends." It was true, you had no feelings like that for Millie
Foden couldn't help but laugh at your quick dismissal of any romantic involvement. "Alright, mate, just friends it is. But Millie sure seems proud of her 'boy' over there." The group laughed as you knew this wasn't going away anytime soon.
After training you would take a shower and change, Heading down a hallway to the cafeteria until you would see Sancho, The man stopped in front of you. He didn't sugercoat his words. "Look, L/N, let's get one thing straight. We're just teammates, and I don't care for you taking Rashford's place." The words hit you like a punch to the gut. The camaraderie you had hoped to build with Sancho, seemed to have hit a major roadblock. It was a stark reminder that not everyone on the team welcomed your presence, and the feeling of isolation and negativity weighed heavily on you. The man would walk past you as you signed before running your hands through your damp hair and walk around a corner.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the approaching figure until it was too late. You accidentally collided with someone, and as they stumbled backward, you reached out instinctively to prevent them from falling. You would lock eyes with the figure. It was Alessia Russio. "Whoa, sorry about that," you quickly apologized, steadying her.
Alessia would smile sheepishly "Its alright, I wasn't looking where i was going, L/N right?" You would smile back "Yes but call me F/N. and you are Russio right?" Her smile got brighter as she would respond "Yes but you can call me Alessia" But then her face turned slight concerned noticing the slight frown on your face, "Is everything okay? You seem a bit off." You hesitated for a moment, debating whether to share your recent encounter with Jordan Sancho. But ultimately, you decided to confide in Alessia, who had shown genuine kindness.
"I had a bit of a run-in with a teammate from the men's squad," you admitted. "It's just been a rough day, and some of them aren't very welcoming." She would give you a knowing look. "Yep been there, Don't let them get to you. You're here on merit, and you have the talent to be with the national team. We all saw that lovely chip earlier" You would smile sheepishly as the words comforted you. She was right and you couldn't help but smile brightly and look into her eyes getting a clear look at them. You slowly felt like you were being hypnotised and unknowingly to you so did Alessia
*Wolf whistle* You would both snap out of it and turn to the sound
"What do we have here, then Ella?" You would turn to Mary Earp's alongside Ella Toone. Caught off guard by the duo you would then notice you were both holding each other. In a panic you would both separate and try to recompose yourself. You braced yourself, you had hoped this two United players wouldn't be like the ones from earlier Alessia quickly turned to face the two Manchester United Women's players, a friendly smile on her face. "Hey, Mary, Ella! This is F/N, This is one of the new players for the men's team. F/N, meet Mary and Ella." You smiled and stuck out your hand. "nice to meet you both"
Mary and Ella exchanged knowing glances, clearly amused by the situation. Mary was the first to shake your hand "Oh, F/N, you're fitting in quite well with the ladies, I see," Mary teased, her playful tone still very much intact. You tried to fight back the blush on your cheeks and then Ella would shake your hand "You two make a cute pair" Alessia would kick Ella as you looked down embarrassed.
Ella would play off the kick however. "AH Mary I'm falling" She would say falling to Mary who caught her "My hero" Mary would then play also "Fear not my love, i am here to protect you" She said in a mocking. Alessia was bright red "That's it" She then ran after the two down the hallway leaving you behind. You sighed in relief, The teasing made it obvious that you found her attractive and didn't want to embarrass yourself when you only just met them.
"They can be a lot sometimes. Sorry about them," You jumped at the force turning to them who would put a hand on your arm "sorry didn't mean to scare ya" In a apologetic voice. You saw it was Leah Williamson "I'm Leah." She shook your hand "F/N" You responded to her. You felt the same way when you met Kane. You felt nervous meeting the women's captain.
Leah sensed this and then shifted the conversation to the upcoming men's game against the Netherlands, showing a genuine interest in your thoughts. "So, how are you feeling about the men's game against the Netherlands?"
You appreciated her friendly demeaner and openness. "I'm feeling excited and ready. It's a great opportunity, and I'm eager to contribute to the team's performance. I'll give it my all."
Leah nodded in understanding and gave a smile. "That's the spirit. Just so you know. The squad was talking about you last night." A wave of anxiety washed over you" All good things and just know We're all behind you and we'll be cheering you on. Just remember, it's just another game of football. Enjoy it." She would pat you on the shoulder. You couldn't help but feel moved by the words she said. It really felt genuine and she wanted you to succeed. With that she began to walk away before stating "I heard you like golf, we should play sometime"
"I'm down" you would shout to her as she walked down the hall "Good lad!"
You sat there, in the stadium of light. England were beating san Marino 6 - 0 in the 67th minute. The day was filled with preparing and trying to focus. Of course there was media, Asking you how you felt and if you think you were ready for this. Also the online response was mixed. From those who thought you weren't good enough, didn't know you and of course the Rashford situation. But there was an upside, those who gave you a chance watching your clips or the interviews on the England YouTube channel drew a liking towards you an da big one was it showed you watching the Lionesses train and talking to Serena which shocked but drew interest to you, from fans loving the face you were supportive of the women's game and to people it as you trying to learn as much as you could.
Excitement coursed through your veins as you observed your teammates on the field, the crowd, each play and each goal filling you with a sense of pride. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with fans cheering for their team and the players demonstrating their skill and determination. Yet, alongside the excitement, there was also a twinge of restlessness. Sitting on the bench, you were eager to contribute, to step onto the field and to make a statement in the match. The desire to prove your worth and show your capabilities was a burning motivation within you. As you closely watched the game unfold, you couldn't help but mentally prepare yourself for the moment when you might be called upon to join the action. The second half played out before you and you remained focused, all the days of studying the tactics and learning from the experienced players around you lead to this
The opportunity to represent England in an international match was a dream come true and you were determined to make the most of it. Your emotions were a mix of excitement, anticipation, and readiness, as you waited for your chance to step onto the pitch and contribute to the team's success.
As the second half of the match against San Marino continued, you couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. However, as the minutes ticked away, Southgate didn't look at you once. You were waiting for him to tell you to warm up. Anxiety built up as you wanted to burst onto the field and show everyone your worth. You knew that your fans in Japan and around the world were watching, Serena and the Lionesses were too. Why isn't he calling to you. It was the 80th minute and you could even hear the crowd close to you say
"Put the new kid on!"
"Why isn't he putting L/N"
"We want to see what he can do"
The minutes ticked down
81th minute
82th minute
83th minute
84th minute
85th minute
86th minute
87th minute
88th minute
89th minute
90th minute
*Final whistle blows*
It never came
You sat there in disbelieve as when you saw Southgate shook the opposing mangers hands you caught him smirking at you as you sat there hurting.
Part 1 End
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allthecanadianpolitics · 1 year ago
Hyundai and Kia have issued a recall for several vehicle models and are urging drivers to park away from buildings due to the risk that the issue could start a fire. Hyundai says the recall involves 326,942 vehicles in Canada and 1,642,551 vehicles in the U.S. Hyundai's recalled vehicles(opens in a new tab) include certain 2010-15 models of the Accent, Elantra, Tucson, Sante Fe and others. According to the notice, the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) in the vehicles could leak brake fluid and cause an electrical short over time, which may start a fire while the car is parked or driving.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
Date of article: September 27th, 2023.
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allur1ngs · 1 year ago
Meeeel I was wondering.
How Bada and reader presents the girls to other people: my adoptive rebel daughters, my co workers, my sisters, my bodyguards?
Also would you add me to your taglist? Please🙇🏽‍♀️
such a good question!! (and yes of course you can be added to the taglist!!)
so since everyone knows that bada's from a chaebol family (if you don't know what that is i'll explain below the cut), just her presence alone would already intimidate the average person--even if they're moderately rich or influential, they'll never be on her level--never mind the fact that everyone also knows that bada runs some form of a mafia group. it's not exactly hidden, because if you're the average person, what are you doing to do about it? nothing.
so imagine that, perhaps you have a friend that somehow doesn't know about your union to bada--maybe they're more of a casual friend--this is about how it'd go.
"ah, it's so nice to see you again." you greet your friend. "this is my fiancée, lee bada."
bada steps up, her usual cold and professional demeanor shining through. "it's nice to meet you." she shakes hands with your friend, barely noticing the fact that they've begun to sweat, and their skin has turned about four shades paler. "and these are my most trusted staff," the bebe girls step forward, their usual upbeat disposition nowhere to be found--they're all strictly professional. "please trust them to keep you safe while you are in our home. they will do you no harm."
bada knows that her connection to the mafia world easily makes others fear her--so she tries her best to maintain her usual aura, while still assuaging any nerves your friend might be feeling. the last thing that she wants is to be the reason that your friend never visits you again.
"oh, and this is my personal bodyguard, hyo." you gesture to her, so she confidently takes a step up, giving your friend a polite bow before stepping behind you once again.
so essentially, although you don't necessarily try to intimidate anyone while introducing the girls or your fiancée, their presence just sort of does that naturally. while i'd love to say that they're silly, that's not really the case. even your closer friends, jae and the others for example, they still get the frigid, normally professional sides of the bebe girls.
they're really only playful and mischievous when it comes to you and bada, because they feel comfortable around you both, and because they know that their job is so important. even the slightest hint of weakness could lead to someone mistakenly thinking the girls are a way to get to you or bada.
which of course, they're not.
chaebol family: large family-controlled conglomerates who have significant economic power in south korea. the top ten collectively contributed to 60% of the the country's GDP in 2021. samsung, sk, and hyundai motors are the top chaebols in south korea.
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bingeulz · 6 months ago
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On the morning of May 4, 2024, K-Pop fans and the general public were hit with a whirlwind of controversy as rumors swirled about an alleged relationship between ROUND N' ROUND’s member Yeji and Samsung heir Lee Jooha.
The speculation began when an anonymous user published a blurry photo of two women, who seemed like celebrities, embracing intimately on NAVER. One hour after a grainy video, allegedly of the same pair kissing in a hotel room, was added to the comments of the post. The mystery enticed netizens and, within hours, two high-profile names emerged: Go Yeji of ROUND N' ROUND and Lee Jooha, the successor to Samsung.
What made the alleged romance all the more scandalous was that Lee Jooha is currently engaged to Chung Heesun, heir to Hyundai, which shocked and confused the general public.
Netizens were quick to dig deeper, sharing multiple photos of the two women that seemed to confirm that they were sharing clothes and accessories with each other. Additionally, users pointed out that both Yeji and Jooha attended the same Vogue after-party in late 2023, fueling speculation.
As the story spread like wildfire throughout other websites around the world, the NAVER article kept gaining traction, remaining at the top of the website for over 20 hours after its posting. With no official statements from MNS or Samsung, fans and the general public have no choice but to keep speculating whether the rumors are true and if Jooha may have actually cheated on her fiancé with the popular female idol.
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After 24 hours of silence, MNS Entertainment has finally addressed the explosive dating rumors surrounding ROUND N' ROUND's Yeji and Samsung heir Lee Jooha.
The rumors erupted when an anonymous user on NAVER posted blurry photos and videos that appeared to show the two women in intimate moments, sparking speculation of a forbidden romance between the K-pop idol and the chaebol heiress.
In a statement published on their official website, MNS Entertainment clarified the situation:
Hello, this is MNS Entertainment. We are issuing this statement to address the rumors surrounding our artist, GO YEJI. After conducting a thorough investigation and speaking with YEJI directly, we have confirmed that the photos circulating online were fabricated by an anti-fan. The individual responsible has been identified and is currently facing legal consequences for their actions. MNS prioritizes the well-being and protection of our artists, and we will take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. Furthermore, any additional defamation or malicious rumors regarding YEJI and ROUND N' ROUND will be met with strong legal action. Thank you for your continued support.
Following the statement, netizens noticed that the original NAVER article was quietly deleted, and most of the images had been scrubbed from the internet. With no official response from Samsung, fans are now speculating whether the conglomerate played a role in the swift removal of the evidence.
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layout inspired by @bluwavez !
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i-used-to-be-a-spy · 1 month ago
omg hi i just wanted to say me n my partner are rewatching burn notice and its so good to see somebody else with michael weston brainrot posting !! we love fictional early 2000s miami.
hmm i should ask a silly question, which product placement is ur favorite? the sunglasses, the blue hyundai?? the car ads are the funniest to me bc it’s such a genius way to get the cash for elaborate chase scenes.
Omg this ask made my morning 🥰🥰
My fav of course has to be the sunglasses bc it worked on me. Here's a photo of mine that I bought from my eye doctor so they're my prescription and I wear them to work every day
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The car ones are fun bc whenever there is a new car I send my car friend a photo for them to try to identify
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yuarose · 2 months ago
I asked beforehand on Discord but I'll also add it here. However, the choices have been altered a bit. You may notice the theme.
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seat-safety-switch · 8 months ago
"Oh cripes, it's the painters," yelps my humble assistant before she dives for cover and starts frantically texting for backup.
It's too late. The boys from the bodyshop up the street have already appeared in the junkyard. Their keen eyes are meticulously scrutinizing the Pick-N-Pull's extremely limited quantity of intact Hyundai Scoupe bumpers. They are looking for a donor that is good enough to clean up, spray in their fancy "spray booth" while wearing their "respiratory protection," and sell to some poor bastard working without rest for the faceless void of rage that is the Uber Eats algorithm.
Why is this bad for the rest of us, especially myself, who owns exclusively cars before the Hyundai Motor Corporation was even brought into existence by the marriage between the Goddess Sonata and the Ancient Emperor, 1985 Pony CXL? Mostly because the painters are kind of obnoxious about the whole thing. Like many other individuals who spend their working hours sitting in an enclosed room and huffing paint all day, they consider themselves to be artists. Also, we have somewhat of a personal rivalry. Let me explain.
Now, as we all know, painters and bodywork techs drive very ugly cars. You likely can guess why. After a hard day of work putting shiny things on dull things, making the shiny things dull again, and putting more shiny things on the previously shiny things (that are now dull,) there's absolutely no way that they want to spend a few more hours making their shit-box daily driver pretty. They've seen how cars get wrecked by the flippant outside world. It would destroy them emotionally. Rather than love and lose, they choose to harden their hearts, like resin baking off on a freshly fogged panel under a heat lamp.
Of course, painters are also not mechanics, and they're certainly not shitbag mechanics like myself. Their grungy, shitty cars often fall apart from some trivial mechanical failure that I would jump over, Super Mario-like, without even noticing. Many of the painters, such as Shaky Tim, have seen me in even worse cars that run flawlessly.
Due to my profligate junk-dealing and scam-pedalling all over town, they have had many opportunities to watch me barrel over a centre median, drive the wrong way into traffic, blow a band out of an automatic transmission – and be back on the road in a few minutes thanks to my magical connection to the shitbox vibe. This causes envy on the part of the painters, especially when I refuse to fix their cars or even stop to lend a reassuring word. And I certainly don't give them money to paint my car: all that beautiful new colour would get wrecked the next time a brake line ruptures at highway speeds. Last a week, tops.
"Oh look, it's him," the head painter sneers, with an affect that I still think is approximating a fake French accent. They must have put some new cartoons on at the jobber shop. "Do you even know what to do with those body panels?"
"I know what not to do. I'm not gonna pay for 'em," I bark, and go back to yeeting an entire '67 Imperial passenger-side over the fence out back because it won't fit in my pocket. The gaggle of squirty-boys grimace in pain as the door bounces off the barbed-wire on top, and falls into the ditch behind the junkyard with some grotesque scratches across the paint.
With all the money I'm saving, I suggest to the aggrieved painters, I can probably even afford a can of new Tremclad.
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dalchiid · 2 years ago
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 28
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 7,438
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 28 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession, Angst
Prev | Next
In the foyer right next to the door are a line of keys hanging on the wall. There are several to count but there is only one Hoseok picks out and it has you questioning him out loud.
"Are we not riding in the limousine?"
He gives you a quick look with a smile before leading you off towards the far left. "Nah," he says. "The store isn't far from here. I can easily drive."
You don't know why but the thought of him driving surprises you. You don't think any of the Baeks were capable of driving. You just knew if they needed a place to go they had their drivers take them. This is new territory for you so when he follows along the long hall and into a closed door you're left reeling when you see a line of cars.
The garage is large and in it are at least thirteen cars and yet there's still enough space for a few more. Your eyes widen for a moment and Hoseok has to tug on your arm to get you moving again. You hadn't even realized that you stopped.
He leads you over to a silver Hyundai from what you can tell of the brand and the windows are tinted. It looks sporty and seemingly fits Hoseok's style. When he unlocks it to seat you in you see the interior is fitted in everything black. From the leather seats to the floors and dashboard.
"Watch your head," he says as he gently guides you to sit.
It's warm in the car due to the heat outside but not suffocatingly so.
Hoseok closes the car door before heading off towards the driver side. When he makes his appearance again he giggles as you stare at everything in wonder.
When the car starts up it's near silent and you watch as the lights on the dashboard light up like something from a sci-fi movie. It looks futuristic and it catches your attention but not as much as the fact that there are twelve other cars in here and that's not including the limousines that are no where to be seen.
Hoseok notices your attention elsewhere and he smiles at your curiosity.
"Something on your mind," he asks.
You jump a little when he speaks.
You look back at him and back towards the other cars with a frown. "You have a lot of cars."
He hums in acknowledgement as he sets the air conditioning on.
"The majority of them belong to the young ones. Mostly Jimin and Jungkook. The rest of us have one to two cars at most."
You look back at him as he leans over to grab your seat belt and put it on.
"How many do you have?"
Once you're hooked in he leans back and puts his own seat belt on.
"Just the one."
You only hum as you watch him press something into the roof of the car and watch as a small compartment opens and within it a pair of sunglasses he takes out to put on.
You only watch him now as he puts the car into drive. You sit on your hands just as he presses a button latched onto his keys and see how one of the garage doors open up to reveal the outside. From here on out it's just silence as he begins to drive.
You don't feel anxious to be in the car with him. He's driving safely and you don't know if it's because he's a safe driver in general or because you're in the car and he doesn't want to scare you. Your eyes are drawn to the outside as everything passes you by. So many things interest you and it makes you blush when he catches you looking off.
"If you're good," he starts. "We can get something to eat when we're done."
If you're good he says. As if you were a child. It makes you curl your lip in agitation but he doesn't see it.
No conversation is made as he drives and you suspect he just prefers to drive this way. At some point you feel a tug on your arm as he slips your hand out from beneath you so he can hold it instead. Though it's unwillingly done on your part as he keeps a tight grip on you.
It's not long before he pulls up to a small shopping complex where he parks in front of an AT&T. You guess this is where you need to be so you think nothing of it when you take off your seat belt and grab the door handle once the car is turned off. Hurriedly though you're stopped and it makes you jump at how fast Hoseok moved to stop you. You look at him in shock and you can see just over his sunglasses how wide his eyes are.
"I'll - I'll get the door for you," he stutters.
You're not sure why he looks so spooked until it hits you. He thought you were trying to escape.
Your hand slowly comes down to your lap and away from the handle. Hoseok takes that chance to unbuckle and step out of his car so he can move over to your side. Once the door is opened you hesitate a moment before slipping out.
A rush of heat engulfs you after having been kept cool inside the car. Hoseok's hand reaches for your own and he keeps you close as he leads you both off after shutting your door.
"We'll find you something here," he says.
You shrug your shoulders. "I don't need anything special."
He laughs though it's more to himself than you. "Right."
When you enter the store you're hit with the air conditioner that sends goosebumps up and down your arms. It barely affects Hoseok though as he's immediately greeted by the store clerk.
"Lord Hoseok!" The man who greets him exclaims happily. "What can I do for you today?"
You remember how Taehyung was recognized at the pizza shop and you're hit with the fact that there's a possibility that each and every one of these men of Bangtan are recognized by many people around the area. It leaves you feeling worried because it limits you when finding an area to run off to when the time to escape is right.
"Jordan." Hoseok smiles. "Just looking for a phone for the missus."
Your neck aches when you snap your head towards Hoseok. Why would he refer to you that way? You weren't in a relationship with him let alone being his wife.
The man, Jordan, looks at you with raised brows and a smile. "The missus," he says. "I didn't know you were married."
Hoseok just laughs and it's contagious because it makes Jordan laugh too. When the man looks at you though he notes you're not even smiling so he grows awkward before you.
"Um... Are you going to look around or do you already have something in mind?"
A hum rings from deep inside Hoseok. "I have something in mind already."
Business is handled between the two then as Jordan leads you both to the cash register stand. You ignore them for the most part as your eyes wander around. There aren't a lot of people here but the ones that are stare at you and Hoseok. When they catch you staring back they either embarrassingly look away or continue to look on without a lick of shame. There's even one you catch who takes a picture of you two and it makes your heart thump painfully in your chest.
They lower their phone after taking the picture and smile like what they had done wasn't a violation of your privacy.
What were they going to do with that photo? Were they going to share it online? You worry your bottom lip with your teeth at the thought. You didn't want your face to be shared alongside Hoseok's. While he may be used to it you weren't and when the time comes for you to escape who is to say people won't recognize you as the woman who was with their Lord.
Your eyes roam left to right in anxiousness. You swallow a wad of spit that suddenly feels too thick. Chills run up and down your arms but not because of the air conditioner but your nerves.
You don't notice when Jordan heads out back nor when Hoseok turns to you with a smile. When he sees how unsettled you look a frown mars his face.
"You okay?"
His question goes over your head at first before your brain catches up.
You look over your shoulder to see if the person who took the photo is still there but they're gone. You try and spot them in the store but it seems as if they were a ghost because they've disappeared.
Your attention is drawn back to Hoseok as he mirrors a look of worry to you.
"Your picture," you say. "Someone took your picture - our picture."
A look of understanding crosses his face and he sighs. "Yeah that happens sometimes." He squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry about that."
You look down at your feet with a scowl. This is the last thing you needed. You'd hate to be recognized as the woman with Lord Hoseok. Whose hand is wound tightly with his own. Fingers laced like loved ones do. It makes your heart race but not for a good reason.
Hoseok's about to question you but he's interrupted as soon as Jordan reappears.
"You're lucky," he says. "We have only one of these left."
It makes Hoseok smile leaving you put out on your own.
As the two men have an exchange your eyes are drawn to the phone that's pulled out. You look at the cover of the box it came in and see that it says Z Flip. You don't know what that means except maybe because when Jordan accesses the phone he flips it open. The screen doesn't look marred despite having been flipped closed once. You can't help but marvel at it.
This is your first ever phone and you can't deny that you feel a little excited despite voicing to yourself several times before that you don't need it. You still feel like you could have gone without it but now that you have one it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
It comes to life in Jordan's hand and he does a few things to it before he hands it off to you. You take it gently, afraid you might drop it and break it. Once it's settled in your hands you swipe on the screen and your eyes shine brightly when it reacts to your touch. You can't help but think that yeah, it is a little cool.
"Now that she's on your plan your next bill will be a little higher than the current amount."
You look up at Jordan at the same time that Hoseok says "It's okay." There's no doubt in your mind that Hoseok can clearly handle it. You figure the men know this as well so there's no need for an issue to form.
Hoseok says his goodbyes as he carries your things in a little bag that's given to him while you tap away at your phone. You don't know what you're opening until you come across your email. You can connect yours to the phone and find that handy. You also accidentally open up the camera but take advantage of it and take a picture of the world outside of the building. You don't notice Hoseok smile at you as you do this. He looks so amused and when you do look his way as he goes to open the door his smile grows wider.
"Do you like it," he asks as the two of you step out.
You look down at the phone before back up at him. Though saying yes means he did something right by you saying no would just be a lie. One he might see through so you nod your head before looking away.
"That makes me happy to know." He opens your car door to let you in before going around to let himself in. "And since you've been so good why don't we get something to eat?"
You forgot about that. He did say that before and so you purse your lips as you will your stomach to not growl so loud. Either way, you know he can hear it and so he chuckles when he does.
As he drives you take the time to look further into your phone. You're not unfamiliar with technology but are with phones so it takes you a minute to find things out as much as you can. From apps to widgets that you accidentally stumble upon. You customize it to your liking and find out you can actually password protect it. It's one of the first things you do the moment you find out about it.
"So," Hoseok starts.
It startles you in the otherwise quiet car.
"Is there anything you'd like to eat?"
You look out of the car window then back at him with a shrug. "Don't know what's out here to have."
He hums. "We have have fast food joints like McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King. We also have Italian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese restaurants."
You make a sound of disinterest before settling on one. "Korean sounds fine."
Hoseok smiles as he takes a quick look at you. "Korean it is then."
Before you get to the restaurant you still fiddle with your phone. So much so that when you arrive and are sat at a table Hoseok pouts with a whine. You look up at him with a brow raised and note how his pout grows more.
"Your attention is all on the phone." He attempts to grab it and has to yank it out of your hand to make you stop. "You can play with it later. Right now it's us time."
It's your turn to pout with a deep sigh but he doesn't react to it.
You haven't been so engrossed with something since you first got your laptop. There's a lot of advantages you think about having a phone but you know there are cons as well.
You look over to the little device as it sits next to Hoseok's hand.
It technically was just a miniature laptop except you can do more with it like text and call, but it's not like you had anyone to do that with. Maybe Namjoon? You'd like to think so. After that kiss you two shared you figure why not? There was no way he'd say no to you to exchange numbers, right?
You don't know why but the thought of it just makes you a little anxious.
Hoseok sighs and when you look up you see that he's staring at you.
"What," you ask.
Before he can say anything the two of you are greeted by the waitress who questions you about drinks. Her smile is wide and her tone of voice high. You don't know if it's because she's putting on a façade for the sake of keeping her job or if it's because she recognizes Hoseok as the Lord of the town.
"I'll just have a Sprite." Hoseok says.
You quickly check through the menu for drinks before settling on a Sprite as well. The waitress' smile grows wider as she notes it down and leaves with a cheery look on her face. In that moment, you look back to the menu and start to guess what you should eat. Hoseok takes the time to see himself but his attention is still mostly on you. You can sense his stare and so when you settle on a meal you look up at him with curiosity.
Hoseok closes the menu before putting it off to the side. He grabs your phone then and puts it between you.
"I didn't think all of your attention would be taken away from me the moment you'd get this."
You shrug your shoulders. "I've never had one before so..." you trail off.
He hums with a smile and picks up the device. You notice he goes to press the power button on and watch as his smile slowly drops into a frown.
"You locked it?"
Here we go, you think. It was the same thing with your laptop.
His grits his teeth before unclenching them. You can see the way his jaw works in irritation.
"Unlock it and remove the password protection." He hands the phone to you.
You don't take it at first. Simply staring at the device he's trying to hand back to you. He shakes it in front of you urging you to take it but you hesitate.
You could do as he says but you really don't want to. He's invaded your space so much already but you want this for yourself. At least give you some lick of privacy over something.
"Y/N. I'm not going to tell you again." His frown grows deeper. "Take. Off. The password protection."
Before you can say anything back the waitress comes back with your drinks in hand.
"Two Sprites," she says. "Is there anything else I can get you two? Are you ready to order?"
Like a switch Hoseok flips and a smile graces his face.
"Sorry we need another minute."
"That's okay!' The waitress says. "I'll be back in a minute or two to check up on you guys."
When she leaves she takes back your sense of peace though it was for a moment.
Hoseok turns back to you and that frown of his makes a reappearance.
"Why are you being so difficult," he asks. "There's no reason for you to hide things from me."
You sigh but it comes out of exasperation, but then you're reminded of something.
"I'm sure you have yours password protected. You haven't told me what the password is either."
Without hesitation Hoseok puts down your phone before reaching into his pocket for his own. He presses his thumb onto the screen and waits for it to turn on.
"My right thumb unlocks it." He shows you the screen to show you that it is unlocked. "And my password is hope world. All lowercase and together."
Your eyes widen by the slightest bit as you're caught off guard. You look off towards the side as you're put on the spot now.
Now what? He's putting you in a situation you'd rather not be in. You hate how he constantly does this to you. It always has to be his way and never the slightest bit yours. It sends a feeling of irritation down your form and now you're sat feeling agitated because why not? Why not feel this way when it's all he's capable of making you feel?
You purse your lips and you're suddenly hit with the urge to cry. You sniffle a bit and it catches Hoseok's attention. He sighs before he tongues his cheek.
"Don't start crying now." It sounds rude written on paper but his tone is actually soft. "Y/N. Hey."
Your watery eyes look over to him as he reaches out a hand. Despite truly not wanting to take his hand into your own you do for the sake of peace. Once they're together his grip tightens the slightest bit to help ground you. The last thing he wanted was for you to make a scene though knowing this just makes you want to create one. Act out until all attention is thrown towards your way but you have a feeling no one will take your side. Not with the way they look Hoseok's way with admiration in their eyes. You note whoever stares tries to do so secretly but either way you see them and they're excited to be in the same building as their Lord. It troubles you even moreso when some look on in jealousy so long as yours and Hoseok's hands are clasped.
"Y/N." Hoseok calls to you again.
Him speaking your name helps center your attention back onto him. No tears are shed but you still feel like shit about this.
"Just tell me the password and we can let this go."
You close your eyes and keep them shut tight as you give a pained expression. You really don't want to but you know he'll never let it go and so you open your eyes before scowling his way.
Hoseok freezes before mirroring your look. "Excuse me?"
"Dipshit," you say again but more forcefully.
You can see the way he bares his teeth in agitation and fire lights up in his eyes. His hold on your hand tightens painfully as he tugs you forward until your torso slams against the table. It startles you.
"What did you just call me?"
Your brows furrow as you wince. "I didn't call you anything. That's the password," you grit out. "Dipshit."
Hoseok's entire visage loosens and you can see the calm wash over him in an instant. "Oh," he says. It's the only word that can form on his lips as he stares at you.
You on the other hand are frightened. Your nostrils flare as he still holds you tightly and your torso aches. You weren't expecting such a harsh reaction. You knew he wouldn't like it and you purposely made it out to seem like you were saying the word to insult him and not that you were just giving the password. Regret fills you as your body begins to tremble in both anger and fear. Sweat pricks your skin as you look off at him with eyes wide.
"Hoseok you're hurting me."
He immediately drops your hand as if your touch scalded him. His eyes roam around from you to the table as he tries to even his breaths after seething. Once he's a little more calm he reaches for your phone and types in the password just to see the phone unlock. He shuts his eyes then in relief before opening them to see your trembling form.
"Baby," he starts off gently. "Baby you can't do things like that. It's not funny."
"I wasn't trying to be funny." You blink away your tears.
He sighs as he puts your phone down before running a hand over his face. He gives yet another sigh before straightening up and handing you your phone. You snatch it from him and place it down on the seat next to you.
It wasn't wise to try that trick. You should have just kept your mouth shut.
Hoseok licks his lips and picks up the menu. "Look for what you want. You can have anything."
He wouldn't even apologize. It leaves you feeling flabbergasted but you keep your words to yourself. You're done talking to him.
When the waitress comes back she takes your orders. If she notices that something is wrong with you and Hoseok she doesn't say. Her professionalism being astounding as she smiles on instead.
It's awkward now. You're no longer feeling angry or fearful. You just feel tired and Hoseok makes everything awkward with how he's acting. He fidgets in place as he keeps looking between you and the area around you. A hand of his goes up to rest over his lips as he perches his elbow onto the table. His eyes look over the restaurant before they settle back onto you. You look back at him with half-lidded eyes and it forces him to sigh for the nth time before he brings his hand down to rest palm up on the table.
"I'm sorry," he says.
He waits for your hand so it can rest over his own but you don't give it to him. His hand stays outstretched towards you but the longer it stays there the longer yours stay settled on your lap.
He sucks his teeth before bringing his hand back. "After here we can go home. I think it's best that we rest up."
There's a subtle roll to your eyes and if he caught it you don't know because he doesn't show if he did.
After your food is brought you eat as much as you can. To be honest after that little ordeal you don't have much of an appetite. Still you try and distract yourself with some food. Hoseok seems to be having the same problem as he mindlessly chews.
If only he hadn't asked you about your password. You can blame yourself for that little cheeky response as well but that was something pent up deep inside of you that needed to be released. To be honest it felt good but you don't think it was worth it. He's already proven to you before that earning his ire isn't worth the trouble.
You place your utensils down and the metal clangs against the sturdy table.
"Are you okay?" Hoseok asks but he gives you a look that understands that you aren't.
"I'm not that hungry."
He hums. "We can take this home. We don't have to stay here if you don't want."
You shrug your shoulders. You know he's saying that mostly because he doesn't want to stay here for a minute longer. He lost his cool which he feels regretful about. He hurt you. He lost his appetite as well. He. Everything mostly revolves around him.
His eyes look over you one more time before he calls for the waitress' attention as she's passing by to another table. You take that chance to look around you and see no one is staring at you anymore. After they were earlier but now it's just you looking off towards them. Smiles on their faces as they communicate with the people they are with. Freely. You stare off in wonder wondering what it's like to explore places with loved ones without any hindrance.
"We'll take these to go." You hear Hoseok say.
You look at him momentarily and for a second that you see him you try and see him as someone else. Someone you care for. Once upon a time. You wonder if you could ever get used to him and you wonder if he would ever change for you.
You shake your head.
No. You needed to escape. That's what you needed to do. There are a lot of obstacles your way but you'll find your way some day. You're sure of it.
When the waitress comes back for Hoseok's card she gives you a smile and you smile back though yours is a little remorseful. You don't want her thinking you didn't enjoy the food. You did it's just circumstances you have no control over ruined it for you.
Once the two of you are settled Hoseok goes to stand. The waitress thanks you for coming and you can only nod her way while Hoseok gives her a smile. Your phone feels heavy in your hand after what happened and you don't feel the need to play with it like you did before. And you can't help but notice Hoseok doesn't reach for your hand. You could say it's because he's busy holding the food in one hand and his keys in the other but normally he wouldn't let something like that get in his way because again, as things always revolve around him, he'd always get his way and that includes something as simple as holding your hand. You wonder if it's because he's still mad. Whatever the reason may be he trusts you enough to not hold onto you and lets you enter the car as soon as he unlocks it.
You don't give him a chance to open the door for you but he attempts to close it on his own when you go to slam it shut. He doesn't say anything but a frown does take over his face.
He enters the car and places the food on the floor of the backseat. He doesn't say anything as he turns on the car or when he leaves from the parking. It's a tense silence that follows you. It's nothing like the silence he prefers when driving. It feels weird and it makes you afraid to do anything. Even breathing out loud.
Your eyes follow along to what it can as it traces the world before you. They are lively areas that pass you by. Nothing looks uninhabited and you yearn to experience them. At some point your eyes draw over to a playground as Hoseok comes to a stop at a red light. You perk up in your seat as you look at the swings. Hoseok seems to notice your reaction because he looks at you in question.
"That's the local playground," he says.
Your attention is drawn to the children that play there and the parents who watch them from their seats. It's large and colorful but all that captures your attention are the swings.
"Can we," you begin to speak before you even notice that you are. "Can we stop here?"
You're too afraid to look Hoseok's way but he doesn't seem annoyed when he pulls out of his lane and into the right to turn and park on the curbside.
As soon as the car is off you open the car door to step out.
Hoseok is cut off as you close the door and power walk over to the swing set. Your feet are fast and once you're before one swing that's not in use you stop. As if a barrier is keeping you from going further.
You can hear Hoseok's hurried steps behind you as he catches up. He doesn't reprimand you for running off like you thought he would. Instead a hand of his comes to rest on your lower back as he urges you forward.
"Go ahead. Sit."
As if you were waiting for his permission you move and come to sit on the swing.
It sways as you sit and you have to grip the chains tightly to prevent from falling. Your feet lightly kick the ground as you tuck them underneath you. Hoseok leaves your side to stand behind you and before you can expect it he pushes your back to get you to move. Your legs kick the air as you try to still yourself and you look back at him with wide eyes.
"No, no," you say. "I just want to sit here."
His brows raise but he doesn't question you. He just chooses to instead sit on the swing next to you but facing the opposite direction.
The two of you let the cool breeze pass over you as the children play around you. You catch one of the adults looking your way but if she judges you you can't tell. Even then you wouldn't care because you're happy like this.
"I take it you've never been on a swing before?"
You look over at Hoseok and shake your head. He frowns a little before nodding.
"I've always wanted to sit on one. Just sit here and hang out. Like they do in the movies."
Hoseok's face grows unreadable. You hope he doesn't take it the wrong way - as if him with you like this is what you want. This was more for you than it was for him.
He just watches you as you sway slightly and with the toes of your boots you push on the ground so you gain a little momentum.
He looks down at the ground then back up at you as you stare at the sky. You can feel him stare at you as you feel like you're flying. The feeling freeing despite his sights on you. You dare close your eyes for a minute but quickly open them when it feels like you're about to fall backwards. You grip the chains even tighter as you're jerked to a standstill with Hoseok holding onto one of the chains with a worried look. He keeps you from falling and it forces a blush to warm your cheeks in embarrassment.
"Careful," he says softly.
You're back to looking at the sky and watch as birds tear through the open blue. Streaks of white from the clouds like brushstrokes on a painting and the sound of children's laughter fill your ears. This is the closest thing to peace you feel yet despite it all you know you aren't free.
You feel Hoseok's hand that holds onto your chain brush over so that he caresses your own. Starting from his pinky to his ring finger and all the way down until he's holding your hand. For once his grip isn't tight to keep you in place but there to just hold you. You'd like to think that if this were the beginning when he first spoke to you that you'd graciously hold his hand back, but not because you love him. Friendships can consist of skinship. You'd like to think so but your mind has to remind you that thinking of Hoseok in any other way - as anything other than your captor would be detrimental to your health. And it's true. After what happened earlier it's a reminder of why you can't fantasize because the reality of it all hurts. Just as much as the phantom pain left behind on your torso still lingers like a bruise.
You rest your head against the chain and Hoseok sighs as he begins to sway.
"Sometimes I get upset and act out without thinking," he starts. "I'll apologize for that but you have to understand that you made me think otherwise. You never sounded so sure in your life about something when you cursed at me. All I knew is that I had to punish you and not think that you were joking or anything."
Your eyes close. You wish you could shut yourself down like you normally do when you're being domestic with him but you're having a hard time doing it now. Maybe it's because you're hyperaware of your surroundings. Know that you're so close to having freedom but without your money and without the security from the people around you you lack the need to want to run away now. You think no one here would protect you against Hoseok because he's a Lord and they are not. He holds power and they do not. They could lose everything if he so much as wishes it. That's the sad reality of it all.
"You're probably upset with me and while you have every reason to be I do as well. I'll apologize for hurting you but that's it."
You clench your teeth in agitation the more he talks because the more he does the more he sounds like a fool. But was he right? Should he be mad? You guess so because you did kind of mean it when you told him the password. Mean it as in you purposely did mean to curse at him that way. You swung and hit and it landed perfectly but it wasn't the best way to go about it if getting hurt in the process was the deal.
You open your eyes and watch as the children run. As the younger ones wobble on their little legs and the older ones jump and hang off of things. Your memories as a child are a bit hazy. You just remember learning and working. You didn't really have a childhood like most kids do. Do you resent your caretaker for it? You honestly don't know. Sitting on the swing now feels nice. Would it have been nicer as a child? Maybe.
You kick off from the ground to make yourself swing a little. Hoseok releases your chain to let you move and he just sits there and watches. The two of you are like this for a little while until two children run up to you with an adult. You look at them expecting them to tell you to leave with the way they stare at you but the youngest of them smiles before tapping Hoseok on the back.
Hoseok looks behind himself with a brow raised and smiles at the children who turn shy. The adult woman with them looks just as shy but she speaks on behalf of what you presume to be her children.
"I'm sorry for bothering you," she says as she pulls out her phone. "But is it okay if we take a picture with you?"
You look between Hoseok and the woman. You think he'll say no but he surprises you when he says yes. He stands up from the swing and positions himself so that he's behind the children. You're angled away from the shot and now it's your turn to watch him as he interacts with the people.
As soon as she takes a picture the woman asks if they can take one together. She looks at you in mild hesitation and extends her phone to you.
"Is it okay if you take it?"
Your lips part in surprise and before you can think of saying no you nod your head. You don't know why but you do and now you're taking a picture of an unsuspecting woman with your captor. She smiles from ear to ear as Hoseok's lips settle for a gentle smile. As soon as you take the picture you hurriedly give her her phone back because holding it feels weird to you. The whole situation feels weird.
"Thank you so much," she says and with that she heads back to where she was sitting as her children continue to play on the playground.
Hoseok slowly approaches you and takes your hand in his. Despite catching the attention of some his attention is solely on you.
"We should get going. The sun is starting to get to me and besides, it's getting a little late."
You look back at the swing with a mournful look but don't say anything.
"We can always come back another time."
You'd like that honestly. You doubt it will be tomorrow or the day after but some day you'll be back and maybe ride the swing properly. Feel the wind in your hair as you feel like you're flying. You give a resolute nod to yourself and make a silent promise to come back.
Hoseok's fingers entwine with your own as he leads you off towards the car. He doesn't say anything as he helps you into your seat but before you can close the door he holds it open.
You look up at him with a questioning gaze and watch as he leans down to press a small kiss to your lips. When he pulls back he looks like he's uncomfortable and sighs.
"Let's not be mad at each other anymore. I can't stand it."
Your lips part slightly as you look down at your hands. Could you say that you're mad? You don't think so. You just feel drained and ache a little inside. Both physically and mentally. You're about to look back up to him but he takes your seat belt and brings it across your body so he can buckle you in. As soon as you're secure he closes your door and leaves you to head to the driver's side.
You say nothing as the two of you make your way home. Home... When did you start calling it your home? You don't know. The idea of it sticks with you leaving behind a terrible aftertaste. You swallow it deeply and rest your head against the window.
You're going back to Hoseok's house is what you should say. Back to his brothers - back to Namjoon and back to Jiyoo who is waiting impatiently for you. You've come to learn she is an impatient woman. An easily annoyed one at that. You don't want to go back knowing she's at the house and you can only depend on Hoseok and his brothers to keep you protected. Odd how that works. Finding solace in the hands of a man holding you captive. So very odd.
You think about your phone and how he has the password for it now. You can't keep secrets from him but you'll try. He can't know about you and Namjoon. Can't know about the money you have saved away for your escape. It's going to be hard but you're not one to easily give up. You'll have your way and when Hoseok leasts expects it you'll be the one to come out on top. The thought of it alone gives you enough strength to continue on.
Once you get back to the house the two of you sit in the car unmoving. The door to the garage has shut leaving you a prisoner once again. The car is off and slowly the cool air of the air conditioner begins to dissipate but still neither of you move.
Hoseok leans his head back against his seat. You watch him from the corner of your eye as he fidgets a little before sitting up and turning your way.
You don't look at him at first. Your eyes drawn to everything that isn't him. When he calls for you again you slowly turn your head towards him and close your eyes as he leans in to kiss you. His hand creeps up to your face as he holds you in place. He deepens the kiss a little and you swear the petals of your lips tingle from his saliva. It's a reminder of what he can do for you - give to you. Your tongue peeks out a bit to run against his lips as you chase that high but he pulls back.
He rests his forehead against your own as he goes to close his eyes. "Not now," he says. "As much as I'd like to give you what you want - for now let's just relax."
Your brows furrow because this is a first for you. He wants to do something more than just kiss you?
When he pulls back to look at you he notices your frown. He smiles as he caresses your face.
"We can continue where we left off later. Let's just get out of here first."
You nod softly and unbuckle your seat belt as he follows suit. Once you slip out of the car you wait for him to take your hand and enter the house. Now you cower by his side because of his cousin who is nowhere to be seen. You worry she'll hop around the corner and attack you. It's then you think about Yoongi and wonder if he's okay.
Squeezing Hoseok's hand you look up at him. "Should we check on Yoongi?"
The two of you walk into the kitchen where Hoseok places your bag of food in the refrigerator.
He shrugs. "Yeah we can do that."
He squeezes your hand back and from there the two of you walk in the direction of Yoongi's room.
You don't know when you started caring for him so much. Maybe it's because he's the most "normal" in comparison to his brothers. Maybe it's because you see yourself in him when it comes to Jiyoo. A victim. Either way you worry over him and so when you find his door wide open your heart skips a beat.
Hoseok's grip on you tightens as his legs carry him faster to Yoongi's room. It takes you a second but you have to pick up the pace to keep up. You look up at him and see how he visibly has grown frustrated and watch as he grits his teeth forcing his jaw to flex.
"Hoseok." You try and call to him but he's fast like a bullet until he releases your hand to run.
His hand slams against the doorframe and a loud growl emits from him. "What the fuck are you doing in his room?"
A chill runs through your body at the sound of his voice. He sounds panicked and angry. When you catch up and peak behind him you're shocked to see Jiyoo perched on Yoongi's bed with her legs crossed and a wicked smile on her lips. She doesn't seem the least bit perturbed by Hoseok's presence as she leans back on the bed, but before anyone can say anything else your lips part to speak in anxiousness.
"Where's Yoongi?"
Where was he and what did Jiyoo do to him?
102 notes · View notes
lehdenlaulu · 8 months ago
Oh, that's Klimt's Hygieia from one of the Faculty Paintings! Medicine, I think. The actual painting was much bigger than that, though.
But eh, the real story is relatively similar, so let's just go with it I guess. I'll try to can my annoying art history nerdery. It's not like this show is rooted in realism.
Oh dear that girl's hair. This was too early for that to even be back in fashion. 😂
Wait, did they recruit that one chick from the last episode?
No, that's a different crew? Juicy.
A Coolidge? Heh.
Well, one version of it.
Not a huge fan of even this fictional version of the painting being framed as "Holocaust art", I must say. But okay. *deep breaths*
Well, it's not like Parker is wrong...
Ooh, a vindictive ex?
I wonder how many people bought this back when this aired?
Not a super convicing fake funeral, though. 😂
But aw, Eliot called her 'sister'.
Hah, nice headstone.
Oh yay, more Hyundai advertising.
Way to be extra, Eliot.
Oh Parker.
You two just share a personal bubble full-time now, huh? Don't think I didn't notice that, Eliot. 😏
Sophie is looking really lovely, by the way. We can only hope to look that good in the coffin, as it were.
Yup, that story is true actually.
That's Café Terrace at Night but the colors are wrong?
I know, I know. Shutting up now.
Did he mess up his face again or is this the same injury?
Hey, you're pretty good at that dress up stuff, don't sell yourself short.
And again with the lack of personal space.
Oh Parker.
Aww, Sophie and Hardison really don't hang out much, huh?
Ooh, this is fun.
Girl version of Eliot? Fun.
What was that? 😂
Cha0s?? That's the lamest hacker name I've ever heard.
Well, that's all very Shadowrun.
Don't be sexist, Hardison. Ex-Mossad or not.
The bird's actually pretty genius. Happens at my workplace all the time.
Birds getting in and sometimes triggering stuff, I mean, not heists.
Oh, I think I've seen this one in gifsets.
Nice, Parker.
Well, that's very gentlemanly of you to get on even level, Eliot. 😂
Nice Elizabeth Swann move. I approve. 😏
He's really met his match, huh? 😂
They all have, I guess. Some are just more... horny about it. 🤭
Hey, the headstone changed. Boo.
Oh Sophie.
Don't rush her, Nate, she's right.
7 notes · View notes
redlightspellsdaanger · 3 months ago
Indigo || Thierry Neuville / Nicolas Gilsoul
Summary: SS17, Rally Japan, 2024. Nicolas Gilsoul is at home watching the broadcast of the last rally of the season.
Rating: R
Word Count: 3,2k
Warning / notes: M/M. One sided. Unrequited. Toxic.
A/N: Title inspired by Annalisa's Indaco Violento. ("violent indigo") Not enough written about these two out there! I'd love to write a longer story but since I don't know if I'll ever find the time to do it, I decided to put a few ideas in a one-shot.
Dedicated to @magnycours2004 ! ✨🎶
You can check below ⬇️⬇️ or go straight to ArchiveofOurOwn.
“I do not believe what I am seeing! First stage of the final day and Ott Tänak is off the road!”
The wrecked Hyundai i20 that was slumped in the narrow stream had clearly suffered terminal damage. The director cut to live footage from another camera, from a different car; Martijn Wydaeghe was on the screen now. His face broke into a smile a split second before Thierry entered the frame to hug him, lifting him off the floor, the newly crowned world champions locked in a tight embrace. 
Numb, Nicolas grabbed the remote and switched off the TV. He remained in the same position in the dark, sat on the couch with one leg crossed over the other.
He felt nothing for the longest time. It would be nice if Belgium won a title, but Nicolas wasn’t particularly invested one way or another. He had only intended on watching one or two stages of the final day of the rally before heading off to bed anyway and, much like everyone else, he hadn’t expected to see the title being decided so soon. 
There was a light throbbing on the side of his head which wasn't there before. He pulled on the fabric of his shirt, his chest suddenly feeling constricted and making it hard to breathe. Hauling himself up, Nicolas used the back of the couch and the dinner table for support as he walked towards the windows to catch some fresh air and fight an unsettling sensation of dizziness. 
The living room had been plunged into darkness since he'd switched off the TV. The only source of light were the street lamps outside. Everything was quiet, the car park devoid of life, nothing going on - a stark contrast with the storm brewing inside his head. The images of car nº 11’s crew celebrating played in his head in a loop. Andreas Mikkelsen, by a twist of fate, had to be there too, of course. 
He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands; scratched his chin, noticing his mouth turned downwards. Disgusted at the way he couldn’t control his emotions. Nicolas was so sure he wouldn’t care one way or another, there was simply no reason to feel lightheaded like this, with rocks weighing in his stomach. His heart rate had picked up drastically in the meanwhile. Glancing at the cabinet in the corner, he wondered whether the pills he hadn't touched in a long time were on the right or left side. He gritted his teeth, refusing to give up so easily. Grasping the windowsill, he braced himself on it, head hung forwards. 
“Bravo, Nicolas!”
He needed water. He had to drink water, his mouth was so dry. Heading to the kitchen, he filled a glass to the brim and chugged it as though he'd crossed the Sahara on foot. A few droplets ran down the side of his mouth, dropping from his chin to his shirt. 
“Tu vas bien?!”
He wiped at it with the back of his hand and filled another one. A crowd roared in his ears and he squeezed his eyes shut trying to mute it. He ambled back towards the living room, holding the glass so tightly that his knuckles were white. He blinked, willing the memories of seeing them dry and dirty and smelling of Corona beer away; or how the dust made his nose itch. The phantom sensation of his back stinging after landing from a massive jump. Boiling hot temperatures, fabric layers sticking like glue to his body from sweat. Excited laughter in the intercom. German chattering around him.
A familiar warm, spicy scent from a distinctive perfume set off butterflies in his belly and made his knees go weak.
Shaking his head, he tried to get rid of it all but the flashes and memories, voices, sharp, almond shaped eyes zeroing on the road ahead… bits and pieces from the past resurfaced against his will in a steady flow, swirling and they wouldn't stop. A feeling of nausea was rising from his stomach to his throat, he was choking and he feared he was going to be sick. Nicolas took a deep breath, exhaling with effort, and braced himself with both hands flat on the dinner table, glaring at the wooden surface. 
It should have been him. 
A decade of hard work and dedication and everything else in his life made secondary, only to end up treated like a dirty rag and dismissed. His career, over; his life, destroyed. All to watch some inexperienced midget kid from the weather crew picking up the laurels. 
Thierry was nothing without Nicolas. 
His heart was beating wildly inside his chest, so loud in his ears that he was sure he was about to have a stroke and die. He tightened the grasp on the emptied glass of water, anguished. An overwhelming need of release hit him and, seeing red, he slung it with a guttural scream, following as it smashed against the wall opposite into pieces, shards shining in the air like fairy dust.
His neighbour next door yelled at him, the old hag, as if this was any of her business. As if he wasn't in his own house.
“Taisez-vous!” Nicolas shouted back.
He clenched his fists, shaking, his chest heaving with his shallow breaths. 
Thierry was a kid to whom Nicolas taught everything. A very talented and hard working kid but who would merely be fumbling around without guidance. Without the guidance Nicolas had provided. It wasn’t Thierry’s family, nor his manager, nor the rest of his team that would sit next to him in the car, experiencing every single kilometre on the road, the adrenaline, the highs and the lows. It was him. No one else could possibly understand the feeling of being in the car.
“Yoo-hoo! Bravo, bravo, bravo!”
Staggering towards the cabinet before he realised what he was doing, he desperately swung the doors open, one after the other, to get to the small plastic bottle. His fingers were trembling as he struggled to open the lid. He jiggled it until one capsule dropped on the palm of his hand. And then again until a second one rolled out. Popping them in his mouth, Nicolas threw his head back, closing his eyes as he swallowed them. He then took a deep breath and collapsed on the armchair, begging for the whirl in his head to dissipate. 
The divorce was inevitable by the time it occurred, Nicolas would be the first to admit. Their partnership had run its course, at least in the terms that had been established. He hadn't chosen the circumstances and honestly couldn’t care less how his former driver would deal with the aftermath of the decision, he craved distance first and foremost. But the timing did give him a perverse satisfaction in the middle of all the pain, with Thierry scrambling to find someone to sit by his side with only a few days to go before Monte. One of his friends would surely loyally stand in and help him save face but crashing out of the rally to avoid further embarrassment would perhaps be a blessing in disguise. 
It didn’t quite go that way. Not in Monte Carlo, not in the other rallies that followed.
However, season after season Nicolas found closure. There were more wins but the lack of better results in the championship helped him cope. Thierry finally got what he wanted: he was in charge in the car, and he even seemed fond of his new co-driver. In the way one is fond of a pet, that is. Martijn's submissive behaviour in and out of the car sickened him. But it was too late anyway, Thierry had peaked in the sport. Knowing he hadn't achieved with anyone else the unbelievable highs they did together softened the blow. 
With time, Nicolas stopped caring about his former driver’s career and even the WRC to an extent; time healed all wounds and not even the way this season had unfolded bothered him.
Or so he had believed.
Closing his eyes again, he could see the pier in Sardinia crystal clear, as he ran to dive in the Mediterranean after Thierry. Their first trophy in the WRC nearly slipping from their hands along with the coolant leaking from the radiator. The sheer fairytale of their first win in Germany. Utter despair in Australia after narrowly missing out on the title.
Thierry’s head on his shoulder as he snored softly, during another exhausting, long haul flight. Thierry smiling at the camera lens as Nicolas snapped a photo over dinner at some nondescript restaurant. Thierry falling asleep midway reviewing notes late at night, the two sitting together on his bed at the hotel. Waiting in companionable silence for the doctors to release them in a Chilean hospital, grateful they survived to tell the tale. The nightclub in Sardinia.
The nightclub in Sardinia. Nicolas tipped his head back, resting it on top of the backrest, swallowing thickly at the memories. 
They had beaten a five time world champion fair and square. Nicolas wasn’t big on drinking, wasn’t big on clubbing either as he didn’t like the music they played at nightclubs. He loathed excesses, so in general he tended to avoid those places; but this time it was warranted. The whole team had been ecstatic. Thierry was partying hard. It was a side of him he was less familiar with, even though they were friends and quite close. His driver took only calculated risks in everything in his life that didn’t involve cars, which wasn't that much anyway, but Nicolas understood he was no stranger to crossing the line at nightclubs occasionally. 
Tonight seemed to be one of those nights. He was loose, uninhibited. In the carefree way he laughed, in the sleek way he moved, none of that particular awkwardness or geekiness Nicolas was used to. The black shirt he wore had a couple more undone buttons than usual, teasing less innocent onlookers with a glimpse of smooth chest. His face was flushed in an attractive way, as if he had been in the car. He was a siren.
Nicolas wasn’t sure when he'd started looking at him differently. He couldn’t pinpoint the moment he had stopped seeing him as the boyband extra wannabe, as someone had once called him. He liked the relationship they had and the privileged position the gap in their ages and experiences gave him, despite technically being an employee. It was a nice change, after so many years of it being the other way around with his drivers. And maybe others caught on to it first, for sure the closeness and the focus on the job stopped him from realising it earlier (it wasn't like Nicolas was less perceptive than other people) - but his driver's glow up had been very real. Not just physically but in the way he carried himself. The more self assured Thierry grew and rebelled against him behind the cameras, the more annoying it should be; but although losing control over him did them no favours, the provocative nature had ignited something else. Other strong emotions were now simmering inside Nicolas.
Thierry was gesturing a lot, clinking classes and laughing with the guys from the team and some very keen and eager Italian fans. And then they turned physical, shoving at each other and moshing, laughing stupidly loud, inebriated. Thierry wobbled when someone pushed harder and lost balance, stumbling over in Nicolas’ general direction. 
It was like it'd been scripted. All Nicolas had to do was to open his arms and catch him. Thierry wasn’t light by any means but as a dead weight like that, it took all his strength to hold him on impact. He landed against his body, all hard muscle, sizzling hot and with a dizzying scent from his eau de parfum. Letting out an uncharacteristic giggle, he hugged Nicolas one armed, breathing hard against his neck. He was vibrating. 
With one arm firmly wrapped around his waist and the other hand set on his hip, Nicolas took a sharp intake of breath and pulled back, feeling Thierry’s fingers clawing at his shoulders like his life depended on it. He was blinded by big and sparkly, doe-like green eyes gazing intensely into his, lips curved up in a small smile. The world stopped turning and Nicolas was convinced that Thierry was about to do something exceptionally crazy. The thrill of realising he might be seeing Nicolas in a different light, at last, contrasted with the rising panic of being in public.
Thierry drew closer and plopped a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He was grinning when he pulled back, all dimples and a glint of lunacy in his eyes. “Merci!”
He felt it as soon as Thierry extracted himself from his hold, a terrible coldness. Nicolas wanted more. 
The wheels were turning in his brain as he watched his driver. The group continued laughing, posing for all sorts of silly photos and jumping to the beat, some David Guetta song even Nicolas recognised because Thierry played it all the time in the car. 
He had never looked at Nicolas like that before, he had never felt so seen.  
Maybe it was time to get him back to the hotel. 
Thierry would be vulnerable, intoxicated like that. He could do something he would regret or could get hurt. Nicolas should protect him and take him to the hotel room. If Thierry wanted to drink, then he could keep him company. They could celebrate their victory together. Wouldn't that be nice? Just the two of them, away from prying eyes. In the privacy of a hotel room he’d be safe because Nicolas would take care of him. Give him everything he'd crave. And in turn, be rewarded for all of his hard work, too. 
Nicolas deserved this. It was high time Thierry showed his appreciation and recognition for all he did for him.
Moving quickly through the crowd, powered by feverish anticipation, he wasn't even worried about how he'd convince him to go with him, he just knew he would, Thierry trusted him. He was trying not to grin as he approached the group, when dread installed in the pit of his stomach. 
Andreas was back. The two were hugging now, far too cosy for Nicolas’ taste once again. Thierry’s forehead rested on the crook of his neck and Andreas’ arm slid around his waist. The glass in his hand was shaking precariously and Andreas grabbed it, taking a sip and not returning it. The urge to break them apart was immense but Nicolas had to be patient. Thierry was looking the worse for wear, so it shouldn't be difficult at all to convince him to leave. But then he saw Andreas’ arm slipping down his back; blood froze in his veins as he saw the Norwegians's hand moving lower, sliding into the back pocket of Thierry’s tight jeans. 
He was whispering in his ear and Thierry was shaking his head, still laughing. More whispering and after a glance over his shoulder at the group - his eyes momentarily meeting Nicolas’ - he was steering him around and away from everyone. They were leaving together. 
There was nothing Nicolas could do, all his hopes slipping through his fingers like smoke. Abandoned, feeling pathetic and used, he returned to the hotel on his own, swallowing his anger. This was all Thierry's fault. Unlocking the door to his room and stepping into the dark, he imagined his driver would be there somehow, waiting for him with an apology on the tip of his tongue. 
Thierry would be sitting on the edge of the bed as he approached, blinking up at him, so docile. His lips were always chapped but in Nicolas’ fantasy they were just as pouty but soft and ready. He’d gently tip his chin up and then remove his glasses, the orange ones that he rallied with. He’d held them many times before but it had never felt this intimate. He’d trace along the line of his jaw with his fingertip, the stubble grazing his skin, and then the curve of his mouth.
Nicolas was hard as a rock. 
The way Thierry's lips curled in that delicate, alluring pout drove him mad. He may want many things from him but when basic primary instincts took over, this was all he needed. Fingering through his driver's dark hair with one hand, he cupped the back of his head, while with the other he would, wordlessly, unzip the fly of his trousers. He would hold him firm while Thierry dutifully sucked him. The low moan on the back of his throat when he rocked his hips faster would make him bite his lip until it bled. Oh, putain. He would let his eyes close, lost in the sensation. 
They weren't in a hotel with fuschia walls anymore. It was a beautiful field of strawberries. 
Nicolas woke up from his slumber and realised that he was in his living room in Belgium, sunk in his armchair cushions. He wasn’t sure how long it had been. 
He couldn't help but reflect some more about the past. At his most rational, Nicolas knew nothing had happened that night with Andreas. If ever. Thierry and Andreas had been friends for many years, they liked to go out together, they spent time together with their respective girlfriends. He had never heard of either of them as much as glancing twice at another man. Thierry himself was too busy with cars to even pay proper attention to his neglected girlfriends, let alone to another human being. He was very affectionate at the right moments to make up for his shortcomings, when it best served his interests too, but that was it. He wasn't like Nicolas. Nicolas treated his partners well. He would treat him well too, if Thierry would let him. Nicolas was capable of forgiving him.
But then doubt seeped in, a voice in the back of his head telling him that he wasn't privy to everything that went on behind his back. What if…? Would Thierry really turn to others for things that Nicolas would kill to have the chance to offer him? He would descend into a frenzy at those moments, scratching at his scalp, the scenarios his imagination produced enough to leave him unhinged. Nicolas never let desire interfere, of course, but being so close to him, all day long, week after week, year after year, and all for nothing…it became an echo of their championship hopes. Beyond reach. 
If he looked in the mirror, Nicolas would see little left of his blue eyes. Red rimmed and with dark circles underneath, they would be consumed by indigo. 
If Nicolas were a different man…if Nicolas were a different man, maybe he’d stop giving in to self-destruction tendencies. A different man would destroy other people’s lives instead of his own, for example. He was a self-loathing wimp, though, not strong enough to get over it, not strong enough to punish others.
Sometimes he wondered what would be more effective: to inflict pain directly on him or on his co-driver. Pets could cause a lot of heartbreak after all. 
Other times Nicolas wondered in which rally would he create havoc, undetected, by strategically placing a rock or other obstacle in a way that would make it seem like an accident. It was so easy when you knew how to do it. 
Maybe not tonight. But perhaps one day Nicolas would become a different man.
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