#hypothermia prompt
martyr-inthedark · 4 months
Make your Whumpee tired.
Whumpees that have been deprived of sleep by Whumper, so much so that they don't remember how to walk in a straight line and can't figure out whether the recent appearance of little black bugs in their cell are real or a hallucination.
Whumpees that can't get a full night's rest. They doze off, only to be jolted awake by their own anxiety of not knowing when Whumper would come back. Perhaps they are awakened by phlegm-coated coughs induced by their illness. They are awakened by nightmares, or by Caregiver who is worried they may succumb to hypothermia, or by a thunderstorm, or the rough blanket scratching their open wounds, or so on.
Whumpees who pull all nighters to protect their friends or lovers.
Whumpees whose eyes burn when they finally can close their eyes. Whumpees whose muscles twitch, who can't stop yawning no matter how hard they try to stifle it. Whumpees with dark, glassy eyes. Whumpees who are slow to react or have a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Whumpees with throbbing headaches. Whumpees with brain fog and memory loss.
Whumpees who have been on the run and have over exhausted their bodies. Their muscles and joints continue to scream long after its over. Whumpees with extensive blood loss. Whumpees who are malnourished.
Whumpees whose survivor's guilt keeps them awake, wondering what they might have done differently, whether it was all their fault, or why they were the ones to live.
Whumpees whose bodies are in chronic pain or illness and who have to hide it, causing muscle and mental fatigue. They keep going with a smile until they collapse or pass out.
Whumpees who break down in tears, begging to be left alone so they can rest. Whumpees who sob when they are told that the bed in front of them is theirs to use whenever they want.
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paingoes · 1 month
Whumper decides to leave whumpee out in the cold to punish them. They don’t realize just how cold or long it has been and become panicked when they realize whumpee has developed hypothermia. Whumpee wakes up in whumper’s bed, wrapped tightly against their chest as they try to restore whumpee’s temperature.
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weirdstrangeandawful · 10 months
Severe hypothermia is great but as someone who has experienced mild hypothermia, I think it needs more credit.
You don't need medical attention but everything just feels wrong for the hours and days afterward. You can't regulate your body temperature right. You're cold and shivering but the blankets and sleeping bags you're swaddled in have you sweating because youre body hasn't decided you're safe enough to send blood back to your extremities. You want to warm your hands and feet but know that's going to send the cold blood right back deep, deep into your core like daggers.
Dress warmly when you're out on lobster fishing boats y'all...
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whump-galaxy · 22 days
Something about imagining the protagonist hiding under huge leaves, trying to take cover from rainfall. Lightning flashes bright as day, thunder rumbles the very ground they lay on, but the moss beneath them is soft, and the rain patters around them. They pull their cloak around them and try to rest their eyes till the storm subsides.
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unboundprompts · 7 months
any tips on how to write somebody who is suffering from hypothermia/ frostbite?
How to Write About Hypothermia/Frostbite
-> Mayoclinic: Hypothermia
-> Mayoclinc: Frostbite (has images that may be triggering)
-> Nationwide Children's: Frostbite
Hypothermia is caused by long exposure to cold weather or water. Your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced. Left untreated, hypothermia can lead to complete failure of your heart and respiratory system and eventually to death.
Symptoms of Hypothermia:
Slurred speech or mumbling
Slow, shallow breathing
Weak pulse
Clumsiness or lack of coordination
Drowsiness or very low energy
Confusion or memory loss
Loss of consciousness
Bright red, cold skin (in infants)
Someone with hypothermia usually isn't aware of their condition because the symptoms often begin gradually. Also, the confused thinking associated with hypothermia prevents self-awareness. The confused thinking can also lead to risk-taking behavior.
What to do if a Doctor is not an Option:
Removing wet clothing
Protecting the affected area from further cold
Not walking on frostbitten feet
Reducing pain with a pain reliever
Frostbite is damage to the skin caused by extreme cold. It happens when the skin, nerves, and blood vessels below the top layer of the skin freeze. Rain, snow, water, and wind can cause the skin to cool faster, which may lead to frostbite.
Early signs of frostbite:
Skin that is paler than normal, cold, and hard
Pain, tingling, burning, numbness, or aching
Blisters in the first 24 hours
Later signs of frostbite (if not treated):
Dark purple or black skin color
No feeling or pain in that part of the body
Frostbite is most common on the fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks and chin. 
Writing Prompts about Hypothermia and Frostbite:
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She was so cold she could barely think. The feeling in her feet and hands were lost so long ago that she could hardly bring herself to continue walking.
His breathing was so shallow that he was lightheaded. He couldn't catch his breath, couldn't keep his eyes open. He wanted nothing more than to just lay down.
Their fingers and toes were tingling, a burning sensation that was slowly spreading.
She looked at her fingers, her skin an ugly purple shade.
Blisters coated his skin, the confusion he felt was too much for him to grasp the gravity of the situation.
They couldn't stop shivering, their entire body felt like it was burning.
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spinzolliii · 1 month
Whumpee and Caretaker are hypothermic after getting stranded in a snowstorm (or falling through ice on an expedition, or swimming in frigid water after their boat sinks, etc.). Whumpee was already feeling under the weather beforehand.
This sudden shock to Whumpee’s system causes them to develop a nasty fever after they find shelter. Caretaker struggles to get warm while Whumpee is delirious and desperate for comfort and contact. It’s a win-win. Caretaker gets a human furnace and Whumpee gets lots of cuddles and affection.
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warmblanketwhump · 8 months
cold dialogue starters
dialogue for your cold-ridden whumpee:
"I’ve got chills all over."
“I think the cold got in my bones."
"I’m never gonna be warm again."
"Will you hold me? Please? I’m freezing.”
"I can't stop shivering."
"I just can’t get warm enough."
"I’m fine, really - just chilled and achy.”
"Can you get me another blanket?"
"Is it cold in here or is it just me?"
"Just...just lay next to me. You're warm and I'm cold."
“I think I’m coming down with something. I’ve felt shivery all morning.”
“Can I just…sit next to the fire a little longer? Please? I’m frozen.”
“I’ll feel better once I can wrap up.”
aaaand dialogue for your caretaker;
“Love, I think you’ve got the chills.”
“Still shivering?”
“Oh honey, you look frozen through.”
“C’mere. Of course I’ll warm you up.”
“Are you warm enough.”
“Poor thing—you must be chilled to the bone.”
“You’ve been shivering since we got home - are you feeling okay?”
“Let’s get you a blanket.”
“You’ve got to stay wrapped up, sweetheart, or you’ll get chilled.”
“C’mon, you, get under the covers. We’ll get you warm.”
“I see you shivering.”
“Get closer to the fire, love. There you go, that's better.”
please feel free to add more!!!
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fern-writes-whump · 8 months
The feeling of touching something warm when you're cold is so good. I don't know what to call it but you know how it overrides even the pain??
So now I'm thinking of a hypothermic whumpee clinging to caretaker's warm touch and refusing to let them move.
Or caretaker having to keep whumpee still because they Can't Get Closer To The Fire Oh My God Get Back Here
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mintflavouredwhump · 1 month
A whumpee getting caught in a bear trap in the middle of a snowy forest at night. Its metal teeth sinks into their flesh, drawing out a sharp cry from their lips. Their blood stains the snow like dark ink.
Whimpering in agony, Whumpee can barely look at their mangled limb without a shudder slipping down their spine. What's worse is that their wounds could be infected- I mean, who knows who or what was handling the trap before poor old Whumpee came along. It might not even have been sterilised in the first place.
On top of that, it's snowing and the lack of movement is making them feel colder by the minute. Very soon, shivers rack Whumpee's entire body and the thick coat they're wearing isn't enough to keep them warm.
However, they can't just prise the trap off their leg and merrily skip away like nothing had happened. The resulting blood loss could be dangerous and with no one around to help, there's even a chance that it would be fatal.
So Whumpee has two options: rip off the trap and suffer blood loss at the cost of freedom or stay still and hope for the best, trying to stifle their screams.
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Put your whumpee in the rain
Tie them up and make them sit out in the freezing cold, pouring rain. Just for a night.
See how relived they are to be back inside
Maybe their basement/cell/room doesn’t seem so bad now after all
It also shows them that whumper is confident enough that they won’t be found since they left them out in the open
Bonus points if they get hypothermia
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 6 months
hypothermic whumpee cuddling with caretaker?
God, they're so cold.
It's Caretaker's first thought, and why wouldn't it be? Usually Whumpee's like their own personal furnace, and the stark difference between their normal body temperature and what it is now makes Caretaker feel a little nauseous.
They can't get medical help yet. They're trapped here, and that means the only thing they can do is... wait. Hold Whumpee and hope they're found before the situation gets too dire.
Within their arms, Whumpee shivers- buries their face deeper into the crook of Caretaker's neck. Their chuffing breaths are too cool against Caretaker's skin, and it gives them goosebumps.
A small murmur that sounds almost contented, like whumpee's so numb to the cold that now they're underneath this little blanket, embraced by Caretaker, it's making them sleepy.
"You have to... you have to stay awake, alright?"
Whumpee hums noncommittally. Caretaker has no idea whether they're even fully conscious anymore.
With a deep breath, they pull Whumpee even closer, slowly rubbing their arms and squeezing them tightly. The trembling in Whumpee's limbs has stopped now. Caretaker doesn't know whether that's good or bad.
"Hang on, Whumpee. Just a little while longer... Please."
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sickiehugs · 1 year
The team sends one of the newer, younger ones out on a simple mission. However, just an hour after they've set off, the weather takes an unexpected turn for the worst. As the snow piles up, the team debates on whether or not to go and find them. Some say that this is just part of what it takes to be on this team, and others say that they're too inexperienced to handle a mission in a raging winter storm.
As more time is wasted, the snow falls faster.
Eventually, a small search party lead by the team leader is formed to find their missing teammate. Hours go by with no such teammate in sight. They start losing hope, until someone notices a tiny dot in the distance of the vast, snow-covered field they're in. It takes them a second to realize what it is. Then they run as fast as they can, the dot growing bigger.
It's their teammate, curled up into a tiny little ball, shivering violently, half-submerged under over two feet of snow. Everyone is more than relieved to have finally found them, but also incredibly worried about what's to come.
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esbee-daisy · 1 year
Sickfic prompts? Listing out my first fave? I genuinely don’t know how to tumblr so here we go…
A and B are out in the ice cold wildness on some mission
- B falls into a frozen lake (maybe they’re on it despite A’s warnings but they’re trying to get something that will help someone)
- A pulls B out, B is barely conscious but sputters out water
- B tries to stand but their legs aren’t working and they crumple back down to the ice
- A has to carry a soaking wet and hypothermic B through the start of a snowstorm. B fights to stay conscious and A is terrified by the ragged weak breath against their neck. They’ve never felt anything so cold
- finding shelter in whatever is nearest…maybe an abandoned cabin or for maximum pain, a cave or overgrowth
- A frantically trying to warm a delirious B, who is resisting anything warm because OMG IT IS SO PAINFUL (and B’s subsequent struggle between lucid moments of wanting to be held by A, feeling freezing, but feeling burned by A’s gentle touch)
- A grows more terrified as B slips in and out of consciousness. B is the one with medical training, A doesn’t even know if they’re doing things right!
- after much detailed angst and hurt/comfort, A finally thinks B’s hypothermia is passing and they’re out of the woods
- but they’re not because A finally lets themselves drift off to sleep, but the next time A wakes up, B is burning with fever and a terrible, rattling cough. They’re limp and pathetic but coherent now which in some ways makes A feel worse than when they did when they were unconscious because B is aware of their situation now and in so much pain, so scared and vulnerable and SMALL (which is totally out of character for B) and A really doesn’t know if/when help is coming
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federaliszt · 3 months
kidnapped whumpee is tied to a metal folding chair set up at the edge of a dark, abandoned dock or pier in the dead of night. they can't move more than an inch or two for fear of accidentally tipping the legs of the chair over the side of the waterlogged wooden structure.
when their friends show up to meet the hostage-takers demands and rescue them, negotiations go sour. the whumpee ends up getting pushed or kicked into the harbor, metal chair and all, when their team fails to give the kidnappers what they want for their release.
Whumpee has to endure nearly drowning, helplessly choking on darkness and water for what feels like ages before finally being freed from the ropes binding them to the chair...
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whump-galaxy · 26 days
“I know you’re scared of me but can I at least give you some blankets? You have to be freezing out here.”
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serickswrites · 10 months
Winter Winds
Warnings: captivity, fever, hypothermia, hidden injury, blood, infection, sickness
Caretaker huddled close to Whumpee. It was so cold in the dungeon that they could barely feel their fingers. They huddled around what warmth they had and tried to share it with Whumpee.
Whumpee had been pretty quiet since Whumper threw them into Caretaker's cell. Caretaker was relieved that Whumpee appeared unharmed, though Whumpee's eyes were exceptionally bright and hollow. Whumpee barely spoke, no doubt overwhelmed from everything that Whumper had done to them.
"We'll be out of here, soon, Whumpee," Caretaker whispered as they both shivered, "and then we can go somewhere warm on vacation."
"A long vacation," Whumpee replied through their chattering teeth.
Caretaker smiled. "Yes, a very long vacation. Scoot closer, Whumpee, your shivering is getting worse." Caretaker wrapped their arm around Whumpee. Despite the frigid room, Whumpee radiated heat. Sweat beaded on their forehead.
"Thanks," Whumpee whispered as they leaned into Caretaker. "So cold."
Caretaker put a hand to the back of Whumpee's clammy forehead. "Whumpee, are you feeling ok? You're burning up!"
Whumpee stared at Caretaker with fever bright eyes. "I'm f-f-fine. D-D-Doesn't hurttt anymore," Whumpee slurred.
Caretaker's mouth went dry. "Where are you hurt, Whumpee?"
Whumpee's eyelids drooped. "Tired."
Caretaker tapped Whumpee's cheek. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Where did Whumper hurt you?" They began to feel along Whumpee's shirt, searching for any tearing to indicate there was a wound beneath.
Caretaker froze as they touched torn cloth on Whumpee's side. They carefully shifted Whumpee so they could see the wound. Blood crusted over a jagged cut on Whumpee's side. "Whumpee? Whumpee, how old is this?"
"N-N-Notttt cccccold n-n-now-ow-ow-ow," Whumpee whispered as they closed their eyes.
Caretaker leaned Whumpee against their shoulder while they tore at Whumpee's shirt. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Stay with me. Come on." Caretaker gasped as they exposed the clearly infected wound. "Whumpee, wake up. Whumpee!"
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