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radiosquad · 23 days ago
btw it's anosmia awareness day! be aware of: anosmic people
[PT: btw it's anosmia awareness day! be aware of: anosmic people /End PT]
I made some userboxes for the occasion
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[ID: Four red userboxes with the smell disorder flag on them and white text with black outlines. The first says, "This user is anosmic. They can't smell." The second says, "This user can't smell." The third says, "This user is anosmic." The fourth says, "This user has anosmia." /End ID]
And some for other smell disorders too, under the cut!
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[ID: Three red userboxes with the smell disorder flag on them and white text with black outlines. The first says, "This user has a reduced sense of smell." The second says, "This user is hyposmic." The third says, "This user has hyposmia." /End ID]
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[ID: Three red userboxes with the smell disorder flag on them and white text with black outlines. The first says, "This user has a distorted sense of smell." The second says, "This user is dysosmic." The third says, "This user has dysosmia." /End ID]
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[ID: Three red userboxes with the smell disorder flag on them and white text with black outlines. The first says, "This user smells normally pleasant odors as unpleasant ones instead." The second says, "This user is parosmic." The third says, "This user has parosmia." /End ID]
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[ID: Four red userboxes with the smell disorder flag on them and white text with black outlines. The first says, "This user smells things that aren't there." The second says, "This user has olfactory hallucinations." The third says, "This user is phantosmic." The fourth says, "This user has phantosmia." /End ID]
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[ID: Three red userboxes with the smell disorder flag on them and white text with black outlines. The first says, "This user is sensitive to smell." The second says, "This user is hyperosmic." The third says, "This user has hyperosmia." /End ID]
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queer-as-used-by-tolkien · 1 year ago
Hits different as a hyposmic. What on earth is petrichor, some kind of gasoline?? Some horrible chemical?
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may-be-a-plant · 2 months ago
Fot the soft ask game, can I ask 1, 6 and 8? :)
What's a song that makes you feel better?
Answered this one a couple times lol, but I will provide more!!!
Back2Back by STRLGHT, pretty much anything from the Sonic Adventure 2 OST, and Thrift Shop by Macklemore!
6. What's your favorite candle scent?
So funny story, I'm actually hyposmic, meaning my sense of smell is almost nonexistent. This means I like candles that are REALLY STRONG! Fruity scents like berry smoothie, and florals like rose and sweet pea are my go-tos!
8. What's a fabric/texture that makes you feel nostaligic?
This really specific wrinkly vinyl. My sister and I had a vinyl bean bag that wasn't even SLIGHTLY comfortable to sit in, but sit in it we did, because it was a bean bag and bean bags are awesome! It was black and was covered in white spots!
I'm pretty sure one of us jumped on it too hard and it ended up exploding everywhere. I'm planning on buying myself a (hopefully more comfortable) bean bag soon!
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okscythe · 1 year ago
imagine if ppl dealt w deaf people the same way they deal w anosmics/hyposmics. like they just start screaming in their ear for an entire minute and theyre like really? you still cant hear it? youre sure?
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cirgaydian-rhythm · 1 year ago
I hope the hyposmic jackhole who invented scented trash bags stubs their toes every day
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queer-as-used-by-tolkien · 10 months ago
this is my experience with, like. milk. I was just WAITING for OP to realize they're anosmic or hyposmic but.
where y'all getting the genetic quirks to smell MORE things??
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notasocialismjoke · 1 year ago
so it's three in the morning and i'm currently sitting on my bathroom floor in the dark with my shower running (i am not in it.)
realized a week or two ago that i'm really badly congested. freakishly badly congested. like, my difficulties cutting back on cannabis were due in part to the fact that my sinuses had been so full of mucus that it felt like my skull had been cracking open when i'm not high and i just. kind of didn't really realize?
this has been going on since mid may. i had really bad headaches for a month and a half and then they went away for a while? it's fluctuated is the thing. i think this may have been going on for half my life or longer. my sense of smell has always been on/off (thought i was hyposmic or anosmic when i was younger), i've had a persistant cough for ages, and also i get headaches a bunch and hey around mid-may for some fucking reason i remember i started getting more convinced that they'd just pass if i let them bc a few did or something, i don't remember my full justification.
between this and the fact that i've been using weed to deal with it i've kind of been on/off delirious at points the past few months. i've been draining my sinuses over the past week or so and fuck, i feel like they're almost there. there's mucus shifting around in my skull now, and it's annoying because it's putting pressure and different spots as it does so the pain and disorientation keeps moving. they've also gone down a lot. both. not quite gone but there getting there.
it was actually from sitting outside my shower that i noticed this - a few steams and subsequently feeling clearer-headed each time got me wondering. it's super relaxing besides, sitting in the dark, resting and listening to the sound of flowing water...
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lupine-publishers-sjo · 3 years ago
Olfactory Outcome After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Background: Olfactory dysfunction is one of the major symptoms of CRS. Olfactory dysfunction affects the quality of life. Endoscopic sinus surgery is the surgical modality of treatment in cases of failed medial therapy. Assessment of olfaction in patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery is essential to know the impact on olfaction.
Objective: To assess the olfaction before and after Endoscopic sinus surgery.
Methods: This is a prospective study. Total 45 Patients were included in this study based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and CT scan were done preoperatively. Olfaction was assessed in all patients preoperatively, postoperatively at 1month and 3 months using olfactory testing tool.
Results: There were 45 patients of both gender 57.78% were females and 42.22% were males. The mean age of patients in our study was found to be 39.82±6.264 years. Most of these patients were in fourth decade of life. Of 45 patients 75% had symptoms of hyposmia/anosmia before surgery. Average Lund Mackey score for CT scan findings was found to be 13.42 ± 3.1. The patients were assessed postoperatively at 1st month and 3rd month using olfactory testing tool. The mean composite olfactory score was 5.83±2.89 preoperatively increased to 8.28± 2.33 at 1 month and 10.12 ±1.11 at 3 months, this difference was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.001). All patients mean olfactory scores improved postoperatively. The mean composite olfactory scores improved following endoscopic sinus surgery by 3.5 in Anosmic patients, 2.22 in Hyposmic patients and 1.04 in Normosmic at 1 month. Whereas at 3 months, 6.65, 3.22 and 1.95 in Anosmic, Hyposmic and Normosmic patients, respectively. The study was an attempt to assess the olfaction preoperatively and postoperatively in patients undergoing ESS.
Conclusion: The evaluation of olfaction in patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery showed improvement in olfactory outcome following the surgery in patients with CRS. 61% to 69% of CRS patients have a reduced sense of smell. Approximately two thirds of cases are due to the sinonasal disease. Olfactory dysfunction as result of sinonasal disease is unlikely to improve spontaneously without treatment.
Keywords: Olfaction; endoscopic sinus surgery; chronic rhino sinusitis
Abbreviations: CRS: Chronic Rhinosinusitis; ESS: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery; CCCRC: Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Centre
Read More About This Article Click on Below Link: https://lupinepublishers.com/otolaryngology-journal/fulltext/olfactory-outcome-after-endoscopic-sinus-surgery-in-chronic-rhinosinusitis.ID.000216.php
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distractionactivated · 1 month ago
I've come across someone who says they gained a sense of smell after lifelong anosmia after their mother cleaned the bathroom with bleach. And not only did they gain it, they got the memories of smells they hadn't perceived at the time, but suddenly now recognised. Bizarre stuff.
I've been anosmic my whole life, or rather, I think I was very, very hyposmic to start with because if I set up the conditions just right I could smell curry, coffee, and a couple of other things. Sometimes. Sometimes. But trying that hasn't worked for a few years so I think the COVID cleared out the little I had of that smell.
air hug in relation to the anosmia. I was born with no sense of smell, but sometimes I can tell something is a strong "scent" Hand sanitizer/the testoerone gel - Strong Bitter Burnt food - Rough Hospitals, specifically on days requiring fasting and the sleep gas - Almost too sterile. The human body is weird. Other than the loss of smell I hope you're able to enjoy food and other stuff.
My sense of smell is coming back online after about six months of being hot garbage (literally, that was one of the only things I could reliably smell). As someone who was extremely smell-oriented previously, it's been weird. I've heard of some folks with anosmia acquiring a sense of smell for the first time after a severe covid infection. So that's wild. Anosmia is a disability for sure.
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lifeinanosmia · 8 years ago
Have you tried going to the taste and smell clinic in DC? I've been hyposmic since February of this year 3 months or so and am considering going there.
Hi there! I’m sorry you’re experiencing hyposmia and all the frustration that brings. I haven’t been to the smell clinic in DC myself, as it’s a bit far for me, but I expect they would be able to provide better advice and testing than a regular doctor! 
I’ve also seen a lot of discussion on the yahoo group about going there and meeting with specific doctors, and people there seem to be happy. If you are thinking of going, you may wish to ask the group. They could give you a better idea of what you’ll encounter, or even what doctor you should aim to meet with!
Good luck! I hope you can find some help! 
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golden-chariot · 7 years ago
#just hyposmia things I practically have to have my muffin against my lips to be able to smell it and can’t tell when meat/cheese/milk/anything refrigerated is close to getting rancid because the coldness reduces the smell of the item so much it always just smells like cold air
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autumnimagining · 3 years ago
I'm not going to pretend I haven't been on high alert around people coughing, nor that I have definitely felt weird about coughing or occasionally choking in public, but it's awful that we're forcing people to apologise for coughing when it's a natural bodily function.
I am anosmic* and every time I explain this to someone new at the moment I have to tell them it's not because of COVID. I was just born that way. Telling people I have no sense of smell tends to lead to questions anyway because it's just not something people think about when they think of disabilities** and it is very much invisible because i don't have hearing aids or a white stick or any other kinds of aid. But it is an odd situation to have to say "No, i'm not disabled because of the disease."
*so, technically i am hyposmic, which means I have a very very very weak sense of smell, but it's so incredibly weak that it basically just doesn't work, and it's easier to say i am anosmic and have done with it ** I don't really consider myself disabled because lacking a sense of smell doesn't really impact my day-to-day life. I can function in daily society perfectly well without it. I do not need a sense of smell to navigate the streets or my home or do anything an abled person can do that a disabled person might find difficult. I probably couldn't work in a perfume shop or as a sommelier, but i'd love to try doing so and see how long it would take my colleagues and managers to figure out that i'm bullshitting. But I don't mark myself down as disabled on official forms, and I don't claim any disability benefits, even though I could make a decent case for it given that I lack one of the five basic human sense.
People hacking their lungs out around you and then being like ‘don’t worry it’s not covid’ like girl I don’t want whatever the fuck else it is you’ve got either!!
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gremlemin · 6 years ago
As a hyposmic person, using gas stoves makes me very uncomfortable
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I'm just hyposmic
Whoever said that water has no taste might not have left their town in their whole life.
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gremlemin · 6 years ago
Y'know what's funny? I took the Scorpio test aaand
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...I'm actually hyposmic irl
theres something fun about wasting time reading about celebrities and zodiac signs like it wont really change our life but we still do it
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