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rosszulorzott · 2 years ago
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nincs elég fény a pettyeslevélnek, hogy kiélje magát komolyabban a piros színekkel a levelein, de azért megörvendeztet kis virágokkal. olyan kis picikék, finomak, hogy szemüveget veszek megnézni őket :)
csatolok egy netes képet is, hogy ne az én krumplival készített fotómra legyetek rászorulva, így néz ki a kis drága
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fleurmeadows · 2 years ago
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I love her she’s growing so well
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elminx · 1 year ago
I’ve probably gonna need to decide in the next week whether I want to try and propagate my Polka Dot plant and overwinter it. I really did enjoy it in my garden all summer but it did not enjoy my dry ass home last winter so I’d definitely need to makeshift a terrarium for it.
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anw-stv · 2 months ago
Ravageurs et maladies de l’Hypoestes #plantes #plantspecies #hypoeste...
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geek4theseeds · 8 months ago
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Did i ever tell you that my first ever plant is the pink polka dot girl? YASSSS im so excited to show her growth ;) what’s ironic is her growing in this little pink hello kitty cup (that shows hello kitty holding a teddy bear) is a very meaningful commemoration of giving her the childhood she deserves tbh🤷‍♀️ me as her mother thinks!
How did me as her mother birthed her?
She’s tremendously resilient so far (imagine raising a toddler that is born to be mature, no whining etc) seriously shes growing real fast. I find it funny tho that she was born from a seed starter kit. But aye she was $10 and I had a vision of seeing her grow outta the box.
Why the name… “PINKY”?
Well no fucking shit.
Growth process as of July 20, 2024
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She is doing well so far despite spilling her way too much since shes in a fucking hello kitty cup💀 But I put her back together and she just keeps on growing. Don’t we all need a person that is willing to put us back together and help us grow!!! my gf is indeed that person for me!
Buttttt I am indeed giving her a good life. She is tall as fuck and she will soon not need that sandy cheeks ahhh helmet that she got on. She NEEDSSSSS to be surrounded by humidity and light! Gots to put the grow light on her! Also, i gave her plenty of water, plant food, and let her dry out till germination is done/when soil is dry above.
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it’s been warmer than usual since it's currently summer so she’s getting there!!! i fear i might have to start buying bigger pots soon. Its kinda that fear where you birthed a baby that is just naturally big so you gotta get your 6 month old some 2 year clothes. But yes she is showing her cotyledons but I cannot wait to see her first true pink leaf 🤭
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Are you a geek4theseeds?
This is how I take care of her:
She gets about 10 hours during the day of light (10 am to 8 pm)
Put her in a spot right near where the sun hits because she prefers indirect bright sunlight!!! She needs light but not too much!! (bc too much sun light on her will dry her out too quick and create a fading look on the leaves…. I want her to stay moist and pink just like my pus-
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But her in between my air circulation fan and my humidifier cause she needs air flow and humidity you know what i mean?
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Always checking if her vents are not open so we can always create humidity. she would need about 50% of humidity so lets keep that up!
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When the sun goes down, I just let her rest in a dark shaded area for about 2-3 hours
When its around 9:30-10, I put her under a grow light for the rest of the night!
She will then get about 5 hours of light (10 pm - 5 am)
The light will turn off a few hours before morning starts so she can get a little grace period of permanent shade. (5 hours of complete shade)
i live in merced so the weather is pretty fair for her. (she gets about 73-76 degrees indoors)
So in total of hours : 15 hrs of light / 8 hrs of shade
So giving her a fair amount of light so that she wont dry/fade. Giving her a fair amount of shade so she can cool down.
If you’re interested in thee hypoestes, Click this whole sentence 🌱
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masplantas · 2 years ago
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miz-orque · 7 months ago
I'm such a hypocrite. Altho I believe in separating the art from the artist, I can't bring myself to read anything by Lovecraft.
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f00t-fic · 3 months ago
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Seriously what is this
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fevered · 2 years ago
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Polka dot plant; Hypoestes phyllostachya
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dyna-myght · 2 years ago
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Still working on getting this set up fixed but I think it’s coming along alright.
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sulumuns-dootah · 4 months ago
Assigning WHB demons plants/flowers based off the vibes: Abyssos
⟡ Masterlist ⟡
A/N: I think I need to start attending some botany classes again bc from the way these post are turning into me rambling about plants i can tell I miss it :D
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Nepenthes rajah
I don't think this plant has a common name, but if it did it would be smth like Rat/Mouse eating pitcher plant
Bc that's exactly what the plant does
It's just big enough for the small rodent to climb into and never see the light of day again
This also probably explains why I picked it for Beel
I mean, he literally eats angels whole
(I find pitcher plants really cool bc they're literally just a pitchers filled with digestive fluid, but they're not necessary carnivorous - some life off of animal droppings or insects)
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Venus flytrap - Dionaea muscipula
At first i was gonna include maybe some other pitcher plant or completely different plant...
But then again, Bael is literally catching the King of flies on daily basis
Idk why, but looking at pics of the open leaves is really calming to me
Having them is kinda cool bc sometimes you just walk past and see one of their leaves closed bc it caught a fly and you'll feel kinda proud of your little baby for catching something
From my experience they don't close when you give them dead one, though
They might also be a bit harder to keep alive...
Mine made it few months, but then bloomed and died shortly after I cut the flower off (similar thing also happened to my friend who specialises in succulents and carnivorous plants so I don't think I did anything wrong)
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Poison Ivy - Toxicodendron
At first I was thinking I'll give Stolas something bird-named, but I really wantd somethinig that looks harmless, and the moment you mess with, you're in for a lot of pain
And this plant baby delivers
I've never had the misfortune of meeting it, but I haver heard the stories
For those who don't know: Contanct wiht the plant gives you a nasty rash, sometimes with some blisters
Interestingly, looking it up on wikipedia, there's even what would happen if you smoked or eaten it....
As if you'd wanna do that after getting a rash just touching that thing
(You skin is pretty much reacting to the oil on the leaves, so after you come to contact make sure to wash it off or you'll spread it on other things too)
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I can only talk about this moody beauty from experience since there isn't much info online
From what I've found there's about 150 scpecies in this family
Doesn't require much sunlight, but needs water
And oh boy, the amount of water...
The reason why I picked this plant for Amon is how easy it is for the leaves to start drooping
Just like him being constantly tired
But oh boy, the drooping... One minute she looks good and then two minutes later she's on the verge of death
It's not good to have planters just sitting in water bc of the risk of mold, but this one might just need it
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Common Ivy - Hedera Helix
Originally I wanted to go again with a plant based off his animal form, but then while writing for Amon, I saw normal Ivy
The ultimate Dark Academia plant that looks so good growing around anything
It's perfect for a demon they sometimes call Class President
I really love Common Ivy bc of how much you can use her for
Amazing use for Ivy is putting her into floral arrangements and the amazing thing is that it'll mostly keep its color as long as it's not left out in the rain or your glue gun set on too high temperature
Fun fact: The leaves of the plant are different on normal branches from the branches with a flower
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hisui-dreamer · 2 years ago
*kicks in door*
imma have ta ask ya for those tickling hcs for the vices if i may be so bold
the ones where their lover is the receiver
won't you focus on me?
Characters: Vice-dorm Leaders (Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Ortho, Rook, Lilia)
Synopsis: With you entirely focused on your phone, he finds himself feelng neglected. What better way than tickling to regain your attention and affection?
Tags: tickling, fluff, slight hurt much comfort, reader is ticklish and has hair, reader is kinda obsessed with their phone, bot proofread
Word count: 1.9k+
Notes: i love the energy of this ask hahaha! i included Ortho for fun, but as always, his is purely platonic!
Dorm Leader Vers ✧ Part 2 ✧ Masterlist
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Trey comes over to Ramshackle to visit you with food!
he's been a bit busy lately with unbirthday parties and so he really wanted to spend some time with you
but here you are, all caught up in your phone???
not even the scent of pastries is enticing you?
he's a bit offended by that, but mostly patient with you
"Well, I can wait until you're done with your phone," he sighs
when you still won't pay attention though, he knows just what to do to get your attention
he's used to playing around with his siblings
he starts with light tickles and gradually increases intensity depending on your reaction
gosh he's revelling in your attention now that your phone is out of reach
he won't be too mean, but he'll tease you for quite a bit
when he stops tickling you, he'll hold you in place for a bit to savour your company
"What's going on, sweetcakes?" Trey reaches out to ruffle your hair. "You've been glued to your phone all day. I brought you your favourite pastries?"
"Come on, I'm just messing around with you. It's your fault for ignoring me!" He chuckles as his wriggles his fingers across your sensitive spots, a playful glint in his eyes.
He stares at your disheveled form, satisfied. "Alright, alright, I'll give you a break. But seriously, put down the phone and let's eat!" He pulls you closer and you can feel him smiling as he kisses your forehead.
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Ruggie finally has a bit of free time!
he's been working extra hard to finish his jobs and tasks early to spend some time with you!
and you're just ??? on your phone???
he's pouting, honestly how could you?
"Well well well, looks like someone's too busy with their phone to pay attention to their favorite person in the world," he grumbles
he's impatient and if you're not showering him in affection immediately, he's pouncing on you
he'll start ticking you and laughing as you squirm at his touch
but oh? you swatted his ears a bit and he's shivering?
it turns into a tickle battle where you're both clawing for each other
when you're both out of breath, he'll snuggle close to you
the two of you spend some time together, doing whatever you want
and whoops! he's lost track of time and he needs to go running to get leona's laundry now
you better make it up to him next time!
Ruggie mumbles under his breath, dissatisfied. "What's so important on there, huh? Cute cat videos? I'm better than those cats..."
He snatches your phone out of your hands. "You thought you could ignore me, huh? Pay attention to me now!" He exclaims as he starts tickling your sides.
"See, I knew I could make you forget about your phone! Shishishi, you're all mine now. What do you say we do something fun together?" Triumphantly, he lays his head in your lap to gain your full attention. "We could chill, watch a movie, whatever you want, as long as you promise to give me your undivided attention," he says, as he leans into your touch.
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Jade was finally able to get a break from his duties
and so he wanted to spend some time with you building terrariums together
emphasis on together
he's also a bit a distracted by the flora but when he turns to you, he realises you're just on your phone???
"Darling, which do you think would be better? Hypoestes hyllostachya or Soleirolia soleirolii? Hmm, darling?" He turns around at your silence.
*Insert his creepy smile*  ̄⁠v ̄⁠
sighs and sneaks behind you before attacking your neck with tickles
oh no, you dropped your phone? he'll deal with it later, right now he's focused on punishing you
even better if it's broken so it can't distract you
and oh boy, he's not gonna stop anytime soon, he's not so secretly relishing in your squirming and giggles
when he thinks you've suffered enough, you'll have to deal with his crocodile tears as he laments you don't love him anymore
this sneaky eel wants you all to himself, ok?
Jade smiles at you, but you can't detect any warmth from it. "Pardon me, my pearl, but I do believe you've been neglecting me," he hums thoughtfully. "Perhaps a bit of tickling will remind you of your priorities of the present moment."
He sniffles as he wipes away a fake tear. "My pearl, you wound my heart so. Am I no longer entertaining enough to hold your attention?" He cups your cheek and directs your gaze towards his. "I hope you know I always crave your attention," he says as his hold on you tightens.
"I must say, it's quite satisfying to see you laughing like that. You have such a lovely smile. Now, how about we forget about that device for a while and just enjoy each other's company?" He smiles affectionately as he leans in for a kiss.
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kalim just announced another impromptu banquet, so Jamil won't have a lot of free time for a while
he finds you completely engrossed in your phone, oblivious to his presence
normally he wouldn't mind, he just likes being near you and hearing your heartbeat
but he really wanted your love and affection to keep him motivated
"Ya amar, do you mind paying attention to me?"
you hummed in response without looking away from your phone
well, time to take matters into his own hands
he shuffled closer to you, leaning in to hug you like he would as always, then he snuck his hands to your sides and neck to tickle you
you try to wriggle away but he's got you pinned down, and he's very precise in where he's tickling
when he finally relents and lets you catch their breath, your faces were flushed and his eyes sparkling with amusement at the sight
now you're just snuggled together, his head on your chest as you brush his hair and he sighs contentedly
make sure to check in on him when he's busy! he'll need to recharge with you
"Sigh, looks like I'll have to resort to drastic measures," he mutters as he reaches over to hold you.
"Got your attention now, huh?" Jamil teased, a playful glint in his eyes. You are still panting from his attack, bit you couldn't find it in you to get mad at him at all.
Jamil grinned, feeling satisfied that he gotten your attention. "So, what were you looking at on your phone that was so interesting? Tell me about it more, I want to hear you talk."
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you had asked Rook to demonstrate archery and how could he say no?
but wait! there's a new trending video on magicam!!
he notices immediately you're distracted by your phone
your hunter is less than pleased, he wanted your eyes to be on him!
he tries calling you all sorts of nicknames to get your attention, but you're just ignoring him???
"Mon chou, ma puce, mon cœur, mon trésor, ton attention s'il vous plaît!"
but nope, this video is just thaat interesting
he's nothing if not determined though, and he sneaks closer to you and starts tickling you
his eyes are narrowed in amusement, quickly catching your phone before it hit the ground and placing it on the bench, then continuing his attack
once you beg for him to stop he will, and he just cradles you in his arms tenderly
you're such a creature of beauty, he can't help but want to monopolise your attention
Rook stands in front of you and sighs dramatically. "Trickster, it seems you have been ensnared by the siren song of your phone. But fear not, for I have come to free you from its grasp!"
"You thought you could ignore me, mon amour? Think again! Your laughter is music to my ears, and I shall not stop until you are helpless with giggles!" He says as he continues to attack your ticklish spots.
"Come now, let us bask in the glory of each other's company, and leave this electronic abyss behind! Mon chou, won't you keep your eyes on me," he murmurs, pulling your hand to cup his cheek as he leans into it.
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Ortho's super excited to come over and play the newest video games with you!
he did try to get idia to come, but he's still running away from irl contact
he really likes hanging out with friends like a normal kid
but oh? you're distracted by this video online?
he already saw it a day ago, and idia complained about normie humour when he saw it
"Come on! You promised to play the game with me!" he pouts
see, he coould disable the video from the internet
but there are better and more fun ways of getting your attention!
per anime logic, why not try tickling you?
sneaks up behind you, and gently tickles you under your arms
this is so fun??? he can't stop tickling you, and you're just trying to squirm away
you can try to tickle him back, he's not ticklish with how idia built him
instead, just try the new game out! he wants to see how normal gamers play!
Ortho tilts his head in exasperation, before settling on the perfect strategy."Initiating playful retaliation protocol. Tickling commencing in 3...2...1. Warning, increased laughter and squirming may occur."
"Tickling pressure increased by 20%. Friend's laughter response is at maximum levels. Suggested response: continue tickling," he continues attacking ticklish spots that you didn't even know existed until you're left gasping for air.
"Haha, gotcha! You can't ignore me forever. Now come on, the game's already set up, let's have some fun!" He exclaims in excitement.
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Lilia offered to help you study history when he learned you had a habit of dozing off on Trein's history lessons
he's very excited to tell you the more accurate version of history but oh?
you're entirely focused on your phone and not a word of his lecture is entering your mind
"Sigh, looks like I'm not as interesting as that little screen of yours. Young people nowadays..." he shakes his head
he sees this as the perfect opportunity to tease you!
you're lucky you two decided to study in the common room and not the library
smiles wickedly as he's tickling you, and he knows where all your ticklish spots are
try as you might to push him away, but he's surprisingly strong despite his petit stature
he'll tickle you until he's satisfied with how dishevelled you are
that should teach you a lesson to pay attention to him
now come on, your history books won't study themselves and you have a very charming tutor here to help you, the least you could do is focus on him ;)
"My dear, it seems your attention is quite fixated on your phone. Do you not wish to give your attention to me, your beloved partner who has offered his services in teaching, for a moment?" Lilia asks, batting his eyelashes playfully.
"Hmm, perhaps a gentle tickling will be enough to regain your attention," he hums thoughtfully.
"Ah, it seems I've finally caught your attention. I hope a little tickle didn't inconvenience you too much," he laughs as he brushes your hair out of your face. "But I must say, you're quite ticklish! I'll have to remember that for next time," he smiles mischievously.
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Dorm Leader Vers ✧ Part 2 ✧Masterlist
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anw-stv · 2 months ago
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En été de cette année 2024, j'ai vecu une situatin terrible avec ma plante aux éphélides, « Hypoestes phyllostachya » . Une épaisse mousse molle blanche, fût gravée sur la tige de la plante comme l'indiquent les photos. En fin de compte, j'ai jeté toutes mes plantes. Cette année, je vais essayer de planter quelques plants de l'Hypoestes, mais j'ai peur d'arriver à cette fâcheuse résultat. Que dois-je faire s'il vous plaît pour éviter cette maladie? Merci.
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lunamauvetalks · 17 hours ago
How to Set Up a Forest Terrarium
Materials Needed:
Small plants or plants that will fit your container
Choose plants that prefer high humidity and medium to low light requirements
Options include: Aquamarine Pilea glauca, Baby Tears Pilea depressa, Norfolk Pilea involucrata, Moon Valley Pilea mollis, Golden Club Moss Selaginella kraussiana, Nerve Plant Fittonia albivenis, Polka Dot Plant Hypoestes phyllostachya, and many more
Glass container with lid
Consider what plants you’ll want to add to your terrarium and their mature size in relation to the size of your container
Options include: candy jars, mason jars, fish tanks, vases, bottles, and more
Spoon or small shovel
Sterile potting soil
Small pebbles or medium-sized rocks
Activated charcoal meant for gardening
Sheet moss
Spray bottle of water with a misting function
Dish soap or hydrogen peroxide
Pruning shears
1. Clean the glass container with dish soap and/or a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. Rinse well and allow the container to dry prior to next steps.
2. Fill the bottom of the container with an inch of pebbles to create a drainage layer. Level out the pebbles with your fingers or a spoon.
3. Sprinkle activated charcoal over the pebbles until the pebbles are just covered. Spread the charcoal to create an even layer using your fingers or a spoon. This creates an anti-fungal layer.
4. Place sheet moss over the activated charcoal. Use only one layer of the sheet moss to create separation from the drainage and the eventual soil.
5. A large enough portion of sheet moss may be cut to the size of the container using sterilized pruning shears.
6. Sheet moss can easily be torn apart piece by piece to customize the fit as you go.
7. Add at least two inches of sterilized potting soil on top of the sheet moss in the container or enough to cover the roots of your chosen plant. Level out with a spoon or your fingers.
8. Prepare the plants to be planted in the glass container. Remove them from their nursery pot and gently shake or rub off excess dirt.
Optional: Trim the roots with pruning shears to slow growth.
9. Using a spoon or your fingers, create holes in the soil large enough for each plant’s root ball. Leave space in between plots for growth.
As a general rule of thumb, taller plants are in the center or towards the back of where the terrarium will be displayed.
10. Place the prepared plants in their holes and gently pat dirt around and on top of the roots. Do not cover any stems or leaves.
11. Lightly mist the terrarium with water.
12. Add lid to the glass container,
13. Place the terrarium somewhere it will receive moderate light, preferably indirect, filtered sunlight.
14. Enjoy :)
If there is condensation on the inside of the glass container, take the lid off until the condensation evaporates.
Mold? Sorry bud start over or enjoy your mold friends idk. Reduce watering next time.
If the plants are droopy and the soil looks crumbly, do another light misting and keep the lid on for a while.
Brown plants that aren’t supposed to be brown? Overwatering. Those guys are dead but you don’t have to start over completely (unless you also have mold friends).
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losingsleeptonight · 2 years ago
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Hypoestes phyllostachya
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masplantas · 2 years ago
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