#hypobaric therapy
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Check Out Hypobaric Chamber In Sydney at Oxygen International which is best known for its oxygen therapy treatment. We have a variety of services to offer that are of affordable prices and that benefits you as well. To get best deals call us today at 1300 722 840.
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redshiftsinger · 4 years
Hi, you wrote about your self-made depression regimen and you mentioned that you researched a lot for it. I'm also depressed and would like to know where you found your info, especially about 5HTP and creatine? Psilocybine interests me, too, but I live in an area with particularly stringent drug enforcement, so that's probably less useful to me. Any papers or books would be cool. Also, happy new year. May it be better than the last.
Hey anon!  It’s been a little while since I did my whole research thing, and unfortunately I no longer remember the exact titles of what I read, but this article sums up the main stuff: https://www.sltrib.com/news/health/2018/07/01/university-utah-research/#:~:text=Low%20atmospheric%20pressure%20at%20altitude,energy%20flows%20through%20our%20brains. Further search terms that might help you dig into this include “link between elevation and depression” and “hypobaric hypoxia” which is the fancy term for the effect of lower pressure and oxygen concentration at high elevation on the body.  Caveat that this is all very much elevation-specific, and if you don’t live at elevation it’s unlikely to make much difference for you. Also that everyone is different and that you may or may not be as affected by elevation as I am, and other factors can definitely contribute even if your depression IS significantly affected by elevation. Figuring out what works best for you will have to be a journey you undertake yourself, all I can do is give you some information that I’ve found helpful and talk about what works well for me.  The psilocybin stuff is also very interesting, and while it may not be something you can feasibly pursue right now, it might still be worth reading about psilocybin therapy so that you can decide whether it might be worth trying to alter your circumstances to make it a more feasible option. There’s been a lot more research on it now than there was even a few years ago, and you may have heard that Oregon recently legalized psilocybin therapy, as well as decriminalizing drug use in general, so if it’s something you think would help you a lot it might be worth seeing about the possibility of moving to where it’s legal, and assuming you’re American, that’s now an option without the hassles of international residency visas and such. 
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covidiario · 4 years
Nitric Oxide May Slow Progression of COVID-19
A recent review published by GW researchers suggests that nitric oxide has promise as a therapeutic to control the replication and rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2
Harnessing nitric oxide for preventing, limiting, and treating the severe pulmonary consequences of COVID-19
More below the cut
Vitamin D increases Nitric Oxide
Transcriptional activity of vitamin D is seen to be effective in increasing eNOS gene expression, thereby upregulating NO production. The upregulated NO production may not only improve endothelial function but may also promote endothelial cell angiogenic activities. The VDR is a key mediator of this process. Although there are currently no data supporting a direct link between non-genomic action of vitamin D and the bioactivity of NO and eNOS, the potential mechanisms of the non-genomic effect of vitamin D on eNOS activity and NO production may be elucidated by investigations into the role of vitamin D in regulating intracellular calcium contents and the eNOS activating signaling pathway.
Not only does vitamin D (supplemented or via UVB rays from sunlight) increase NO levels, so do UVA rays - get that sunlight folks!
Physiological responses [to sun exposure] go beyond production of vitamin D. When the skin is stimulated with UVA radiation, nitric oxide is released, stimulating vasodilation and lowering of blood pressure
Inhaling nitric oxide hypothesized to have antiviral properties based on this study:
From the 39 spontaneously breathing patients with Covid-19 who underwent therapy with iNO, more than half did not require mechanical ventilation after treatment. These findings suggest that iNO therapy may have a role in preventing progression of hypoxic respiratory failure in Covid-19 patients. During the SARS outbreak, researchers hypothesized that iNO may not simply improve oxygenation, but also potentially have an antiviral mechanism of action.
And from that thread - humming increases nasal NO production up to 15-fold - let's all hum while we work on our tans:
The paranasal sinuses are major producers of nitric oxide (NO). We hypothesized that oscillating airflow produced by humming would enhance sinus ventilation and thereby increase nasal NO levels. Ten healthy subjects took part in the study. Nasal NO was measured with a chemiluminescence technique during humming and quiet single-breath exhalations at a fixed flow rate. NO increased 15-fold during humming compared with quiet exhalation. In a two-compartment model of the nose and sinus, oscillating airflow caused a dramatic increase in gas exchange between the cavities. Obstruction of the sinus ostium is a central event in the pathogenesis of sinusitis. Nasal NO measurements during humming may be a useful noninvasive test of sinus NO production and ostial patency. In addition, any therapeutic effects of the improved sinus ventilation caused by humming should be investigated.
And another one: COVID19 appears to cause nitric oxide deficiency via promoting endothelial dysfunction:
A hallmark of endothelial dysfunction and thrombotic events is suppressed endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) with concomitant nitric oxide deficiency. In healthy vessels, the endothelium releases the vasodilator and antithrombotic factor, nitric oxide. Whereas in injured vessels, nitric oxide is impaired contributing to hypertension and thrombus formation [4].
Restoring nitric oxide, independent of eNOS, may counter endotheliitis and contribute to pulmonary vasodilation, antithrombotic, and direct antiviral activity [5]. As to the later, nitric oxide reportedly interferes with the interaction between coronavirus viral S-protein and its cognate host receptor, ACE-2. Nitric oxide-mediated S-nitrosylation of viral cysteine proteases and host serine protease, TMPRSS2, which are both critical in viral cellular entry, appear to be nitric oxide sensitive
OK, so, nitric oxide roundup complete.  Here's my new contribution to the discussion for this round.  There's also a lot of talk about melatonin in the COVID preprint world and potential antiviral/prophylactic activity.  However, there are a lot of existing studies showing (primarily) an inverse correlation between NO and melatonin.  Oxide, antioxidant, you know?
This study found that melatonin administered over time increased NO in the brain and left other NO levels unchanged (it's an outlier from the other studies on this - and it's in rats):
Blood pressure was decreased by 10% already after the second week of melatonin treatment and this decrease persisted till the end of the treatment in comparison with age-matched untreated MS rats. While melatonin treatment faild to affect NOS activity in the aorta, heart and kidney, it was able to increase total NOS activity in all brain parts investigated. As no changes in NOS activity in peripheral organs were found, we hypothetised that nitric oxide produced in brain may be responsible for blood pressure decrease after 3 weeks of melatonin treatment in rats with metabolic syndrome.
This study found that melatonin downregulated endogenous NO production:
Melatonin caused concentration-dependent reductions in basal and SNP elevated NO and cGMP production. Pretreatment with luzindole (10-5 M) or 4-phenyl-2-propionamidotetralin (4-P-PDOT, 10-7 M) inhibited melatonin-induced reduction in SNP released NO. Further studies are being conducted to determine the effect of the MT receptor antagonists on melatonin-induced changes in cGMP production.
So did this one (in the context and presence of hypoxia - hypoxia increases NO production, melatonin decreases this NO production during hypoxia, which improves memory issues among other things):
Activation of the nitric oxide system and protein nitration constitutes a hippocampal response to hypobaric hypoxia and administration of melatonin could provide new therapeutic avenues to prevent and/or treat the symptoms produced by hypobaric hypoxia.
This paper suggests melatonin plays an antioxidant role in reducing the free radical nitric oxide (this one is great for its similar articles section; this is admittedly a bit of a rabbit hole):
An excessive amount of NO, a free radical which is generated by the inducible form of NO synthase, is known to cause cytotoxic changes in cells. Hence, NO synthase is considered a pro-oxidative enzyme, and any factor that reduces its activity would be considered an antioxidant. Recent studies have shown that melatonin inhibits the activity of NO synthase, beside its NO and peroxynitrite scavenging activity. Thus, inhibition of NO production may be another means whereby melatonin reduces oxidative damage under conditions, such as ischemia-reperfusion, sepsis, etc, where NO seems to be important in terms of the resulting damage.
And this paper suggests that melatonin inhibits nitric oxide signaling by being an anti-viagra (a PDE5 enhancer):
The major finding of the present study is that the cGMP-hydrolyzing enzyme PDE5 plays a key role in the inhibitory effect of melatonin on NO-induced relaxation of coronary arteries. This conclusion is supported by the observations that 1) melatonin stimulates the phosphorylation of PDE5 in coronary arteries, which markedly enhances the catalytic activity of the enzyme and thereby increases the degradation of intracellular cGMP (12, 37, 46); 2) the inhibitory effects of melatonin on NO-induced relaxation and increased intracellular cGMP accumulation are abolished by inhibition of PDE5; and 3) the effects of melatonin on PDE5 phosphorylation, cGMP accumulation, and vasorelaxation are all blocked by the selective MT2 receptor antagonist 4P-PDOT. The results further suggest that melatonin-induced phosphorylation of PDE5 may be mediated, in part, by the activation of PKG1 since incubation with selective PKG inhibitors or downregulation of the kinase significantly attenuated melatonin-induced PDE5 phosphorylation. These findings provide a novel mechanistic basis for the inhibitory action of melatonin on NO-induced vasorelaxation and provide new insights into potential mechanisms by which melatonin may regulate blood vessel diameter.
Taken at a glance, it would seem use of melatonin and NO production are at odds (aside from that first study linked), but there may be some between-the-lines stuff here.  Since these are both being talked about as COVID treatments, the apparent dichotomy/conflict between them is certainly of note.
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mdsportsinc-blog · 6 years
What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – What is It & What are The Benefits?
The benefits of this therapy are vast: it decreases the time needed to recover from sports-related injuries, improves wound-healing, aids in post-surgery recovery, increases overall circulation, revitalizes aging skin, decreases inflammation, and many MANY other anti-aging and health benefits…
Mild HBO therapy provides a highly effective way to increase the volume of oxygen in the blood and thus increase the many beneficial effects that oxygen has on the body. It allows the body to get the oxygen it needs to create ATP for energy and flush out the lactic acid that causes muscle fatigue. The elevated oxygen levels help athletes increase performance and recover more quickly after a workout. Increased oxygen delivery to the brain facilitates brain function, and enhances an athlete's ability to make split-second decisions that could be a difference in the outcome of a game.
The next stop on my CERULEAN preview was the Hypobaric Adaptive Conditioning. This egg-shaped chamber simulates patterned low-barometric pressure sequences to condition the body and strengthen it at the cellular level. The whole experience felt like the pressure changes in an airplane, and you have to continue clearing your ears throughout the session. This modality is designed to help athletes condition their bodies and to help manage physical pain whether it's chronic, transient, or from a physically debilitating disease or condition…
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound-healing accelerator that could help athletes recover from sports-related injuries and stay healthy.
  The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Post-Training Recovery in Jiu-Jitsu Athletes
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using hyperbaric oxygen therapy during post-training recovery in jiu-jitsu athletes…
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adnor13 · 7 years
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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatment is provided at affordable prices in Sydney by healthcare professionals with the help of Hyperbaric Chamber. Also, Hypobaric Chamber treatment is provided.   
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Hypobaric Chamber Oxygen Related Therapy Treatment is provided at Oxygen International in Sydney at best affordable prices. To know details about all the services that we provide visit our website online or call us to talk to our experts.
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Hypobaric Chamber is used to provide Therapy related services in Sydney. Visit Oxygen International today and get to know more about our #services in detail.  
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Hypobaric Chamber Therapy or Altitude Chamber is used to provide therapy to athletes at high altitudes. Book an appointment online today with us or visit the website to know more about us.
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Hypobaric Chamber Therapy is Used by fitness enthusiasts all around the world. Try our services today which are offered at affordable prices.   Avail the benefits of Hypobaric chamber today. Book an appointment online today with us or visit the website to know more.
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susanhorak · 7 years
Oxygen therapy reverse brain damage in two year old girl after drowning accident Doctors in the US who successfully reversed brain damage in a two-year-old child caused by drowning say early treatment and oxygen therapy helped to save her life.
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Oxygen Therapy treatment is provided by Healthcare professionals at Oxygen International in Sydney. Book an appointment today. Hypobaric Chamber used to provide therapy treatment to Athletes. 
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Hypobaric Chamber is used to provide Therapy related treatment especially to Athletes in Sydney. Book an appointment today or visit us online to know more about us.
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