#hypnotically caucasian
sayonaradumbass · 4 months
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''Your face really pisses me off.'' Okita would voice his blatant insulting thoughts to the other,
''An eyepatch? Really? Are you actually missing an eye? Or should I gouge it out with my sword and make it so that you'll actually need the eyepatch instead?'' He didn't really desire an answer to his question, already unsheathing the sword at his hip.
''Only one way to find out.''
This is really just-- THOUGHTS YOU KEEP TO YOURSELF? Badou first looks at him with a frown-- which turns into an alarming raise of his brows--
"What THE HELL DO YOU HAVE AGAINST PEOPLE WITH MISSING PARTS???" The info broker begins to back away, arms raised-- why is this HAPPENING to him!!!
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"I think you need some serious therapy!"
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themkultra · 1 year
i swear I don't care about celebrities but I have an emotional attachment to Jeremy Shada. heand wife look so happy I need them 2 stay together or I'll stop believing in love
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silentaura · 3 months
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−−−  ꧁  " sir badou . i've a need for a moment of your time . " zelda's hand beckons the man over to show him what she's made . inside her bag is an innocuous looking potion of indiscernible ingredients , thick and earthy green -- not unlike that of the underside of a leaf .
for better or for worse , it was certainly natural .
" you see , your health has been fitfully on my mind , and in consideration for your . . . ghostly paled complexion , terribly dark bags under your eyes , and -- . . . well , i digress . simply put , i've concocted an elixir that will provide you with energy . "
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thedoubteriswise · 5 months
erin and I were at a flea market event today that could best be described as The Live, Laugh, Love Emporium and we were talking about that post lskdjfsldf
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the clerks at this walgreens gave me a free box of newports and a pack of swishers that i didn’t even notice until i got in the car. there is so much good in the world
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chipgan · 6 months
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This was technically the first time Reagan met Chip
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pathologising · 2 years
watching this hypnotically caucasian woman knit things
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bicepvein · 6 months
started drinking early today (had a premiere yesterday but we couldnt celebrate in the evening so we decided to do so after the clean up this morning its fine) which means i am QUITE tipsy (pleasantly) and FOR ONCE really in the mood to go to the gay club my friend doesnt usually like to attend HOWEVER i AM sick so i AM fighting my impulses not to go make everyone in the club get sick. but i will say i deserve pity points for this
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ghostedrider · 9 months
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she is so hypnotically caucasian
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ourchunkysalsa · 3 months
claudia and armand, though they may despise each other and one of them died, need to come together to cancel rockstar lestat. no one else can break through his hypnotically caucasian aura. claudia with her mean lesbian power and armand with that fuck ass ipad/media literacy can ruin the tour. enemy of my enemy is my friend etc etc
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kay-lalala · 9 months
PJOTV Episode 5 - I'm sorry but WHAT DID THEY DO TO ARES???
Like... what is this.
They took away his looks, his character, AND his power.
Let me quote the book.
"All conversation in the diner stopped. The motorcycle's headlight glared red. Its gas tank had flames painted on it, and a shotgun holster riveted to either side, complete with shotguns. The seat was leather – but leather that looked like... well, Caucasian human skin."
Really? Not even flames on the bike? No guns (thanks Disney), no human skin leather (thanks Disney).
"The guy on the bike would've made pro wrestlers run for Mama. He was dressed in a red muscle shirt and black jeans and a black leather duster, with a hunting knife strapped to his thigh. He wore red wraparound shades, and he had the cruelest, most brutal face I’d ever seen – handsome, I guess, but wicked – with an oily black crewcut and cheeks that were scarred from many, many fights.“
Yeah...no. “Ares” looks like a random unwashed guy that got kicked out of his unsuccessful Norwegian metal band and is now traveling the country to find himself during his midlife crisis. No knife, not even small details like the red shirt or black jeans. And the sunglasses are entirely unimportant? Also no scars (thanks Disney? I guess?). I’m sorry but NOTHING about him is cool or intimidating.
“As he walked into the diner, a hot, dry wind blew through the place. All the people rose, as if they were hypnotized, but the biker waved his hand dismissively and they all sat down again. Everybody went back to their conversations. The waitress blinked, as if somebody had just pressed the rewind button on her brain. She asked us again, ‘You kids have money to pay for it?’”
Ares is a GOD. He is powerful as shit. WHY IS THE SHOW NOT SHOWING THAT? Instead he is just sitting around on Twitter (Just like with the Fortnite dance. Why are you trying to drag current pop culture stuff into the story?). Give this guy an awesome entrance. For fucks sake, let SOMEONE in this show be intimidating for once. His only power is snapping his fingers to open a door? Lame.
“The biker said, ‘It’s on me.’ He slid into our booth, which was way too small for him, and crowded Annabeth against the window. He looked at the waitress, who was gaping at him, and said, ‘Are you still here?’ He pointed at her, and she stiffened. She turned as if she’d been spun around, then marched back towards the kitchen.”
Ares is an asshole. Let him be a fucking asshole. He doesn’t care about personal space, he doesn’t care about humans, he pushes them around however he wants. Again, he is a God, he is powerful, and he uses his powers however he wants.
“The biker looked at me. I couldn’t see his eyes behind the red shades, but bad feelings started boiling in my stomach. Anger, resentment, bitterness. I wanted to hit a wall. I wanted to pick a fight with somebody. Who did this guy think he was?”
AGAIN, please show Ares’ powers. He makes people angry just by being around them. Even the musical did this better.
“[…] I wanted to rip this guy’s head off. ‘What’s it to you?’ Annabeth’s eyes flashed me a warning. ‘Percy, this is-’ The biker raised his hand. ‘S’okay,’ he said. ‘I don’t mind a little attitude. Long as you remember who’s the boss. You know who I am, little cousin?’ Then it struck me why this guy looked so familiar. […] ‘You’re Clarisse’s dad,’ I said. ‘Ares, god of war.’”
Where is Ares’ power please I AM CRYING. Also Ares is COOL. He’s laid-back, he’s confident, because these kids are not a threat to him. Instead, in the show, he just drives by and stops, starts exposition-dumping, and drives off to the diner. He is missing his character voice, he is missing the powerful entrance, he is missing HIS POWERS. But show Ares sits in the diner, laughing at Twitter on his phone like some loser.
“Ares grinned and took off his shades. Where his eyes should've been, there was only fire, empty sockets glowing with miniature nuclear explosions.”
NO BECAUSE WHERE THE FUCK WAS THAT????????? ‘Your quest is going to fail. Ask me how I know’ HE DOESN’T TALK LIKE THAT. Also why is Annabeth provoking Ares… She’s literally the one smart enough to not do that.
“That’s right, punk. I heard you broke Clarisse’s spear.’ ‘She was asking for it.’ ‘Probably. That’s cool. I don’t fight my kids’ fights, you know? What I’m here for – I heard you were in town. I got a little proposition for you-’ The waitress came back with heaping trays of food […]. Ares handed her a few gold drachmas. She looked nervously at the coins. ‘But, these aren’t…’ Ares pulled out his huge knife and started cleaning his fingernails. ‘Problem, sweetheart?’”
I love this. It shows how Ares is disconnected from the human world, how he doesn’t give a shit, how he threatens people so casually to get his way. How humans mean nothing to him. But this show just LOVES to tell instead of show. Literally these people do not stop talking ever. Ares in the show is like blah blah blah Zeus send his kids to look for the bolt, they will go to war ‘You’re new to the family, young one, so let me fill you in on how we work.’ AND HE TELLS THEM THE STORY OF HOW KRONOS ATE HIS KIDS? STOP? EXPOSITION DUMPING? WHO IS WRITING THIS DIALOGUE??? WHY IS HE BEEFING WITH ANNABETH???
“’Why don’t you go back and get it yourself?’ The fire in his sockets glowed a little hotter. ‘Why don’t I turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with my Harley? Because I don’t feel like it. A god is giving you an opportunity to prove yourself, Percy Jackson.’”
[…] Ares’s fiery eyes made me see things I didn’t want to see – blood and smoke and corpses on the battlefield. “
...Thanks Disney. Please, why does he go off on Annabeth. In the book, Percy doesn’t care about the threats, he rejects the ride west at first, even after Ares mentions his mom he still antagonizes him. And then he just disappears. That’s cool. In the show Ares acts immediately offended, threatens to kill them and Percy immediately agrees. You remember how in the show he didn't agree to go on the quest at first even though the entire world was at stake? Yeah.
So not only does Percy not at all fight and resist Ares, but Annabeth does even though she warns Percy in the book, because she figured him out and would not argue with the literal God of War. She literally said ‘That was not smart, Percy.’ when Percy argues with Ares. None of that in the show.
I’m done with the show. It is a lazy, unimaginative, unfaithful, unserious, passionless, Disneyfied, detail-less adaptation that had me pause the episode several times because I was just baffled. Crowley from Good Omens looks more like I imagined Ares than the show’s Ares.
I won’t even start right now about how they cut out the Iris Message scene, how Ares is the one who told Percy about his mother, or how Grover just gets left behind in the show even though he saves Percy and Annabeth in the waterpark, How they just immediately know it’s Hephaestus in the show (because god forbids it takes them longer than two seconds to figure something out), they didn’t get fresh silly waterpark clothes, no Aphrodite’s scarf, no spiders (that’s literally important to Annabeth’s character? But no way she can be afraid. Let her argue with Ares instead.) no “live to Olympus in one minute”, no “When I say go.” “No! When I say go!” “What?” “Simple physics! Force times the trajectory angle-”, no Grover saving them, no “Shows over! Thank you! Goodnight!”
Instead… Ares hangs out with Grover and proceeds to be the exact opposite of cool and powerful, Percy gets stuck in the waterpark door in a completely pointless scene, more exposition about Hephaestus’ story, the chair thing that captured Percy (why? Ares or Aphrodite would not sit down on that Ares knew it’s a trap. They know the story of the chair. So does Hephaestus want to kill any random person that comes around or what?), “It can’t be undone” and undoes it two minutes later, Annabeth saving Percy not with her intelligence but by having a therapy monologue with Hephaestus, and talking, talking, talking. This show seems to be allergic to action scenes.
“Well. This smells.” → Continues to have no physical reaction or be otherwise fazed by the smell. We love tell don’t show here. <3
They cut stuff and put useless stuff in instead, continue to butcher characters and censor everything. It’s not a good adaptation and it’s not a good show. It’s not horrible, just a 5/10 for me at max. And it’s frustrating to see them not care about the details (so many details that wouldn’t even need extra time. Just extra effort) and the characters. They change things that just fuck up the logic of the entire story later.
What I liked about the episode:
They showed that Gabe is on TV and Percy is missing. Finally. Seaweed Brain. Also finally.
I also hope Grover is wrong about knowing who stole the master bolt because if that ruins the final reveal???????? Huh???
Also please leave me aloneeeeeeeeeeee lin manuel mirandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why is he everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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sayonaradumbass · 1 year
"Oye, there you are one-eyed bastard, un! I brought dango, want some, yeah?"
"How would you like it if I called you dick mouth hand bastard? No one would like that," Badou huffs. But also--
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"Food? Yeah, okay."
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celeste-i · 8 days
don't know why I'm drawn to this smiling polish man on this bag of seasoning. the phrase "hypnotically Caucasian" is springing to mind
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pemguims · 1 month
the mcdavids wedding is so hypnotically caucasian
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thesightstoshowyou · 10 months
~ Three, Two, One…. ~
Lochlan (lok-lin) Smith
A Sight’s Slasher OC
“My friends call me ‘Lok.’ You will call me that too.” Dumbly, you nod, quickly stilling when you realize what you’re doing.
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Age: 29
Pronouns: He/him
Location: East Coast
Language: English
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: Job-hopper. Whatever pays the bills and funds his “hobby”
Slasher type: Self-aware sadist
Weapon of choice: Anything and everything
Skills: Persuasion, hypnosis, stealth, blending in, silver tongue
(Warnings below: Mentions of violence, suicide, hypnosis, murder, gore, torture, noncon, and supernatural elements)
🕜 Appearance:
Height: 6’0
Weight: ~180lbs
Hair: Copper red, short on the sides, longer on top
Eye color: Green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Notable traits: His hair and piercing gaze
Body type: Athletic
🕥 Personality:
Lochlan is a chameleon. He will adjust his personality to compliment those with whom he interacts. He can be charming, funny, quiet, boisterous, or whatever you need to feel comfortable. He can blend seamlessly into any group or situation and he always has something clever to say.
Lok knows his name is silly. He doesn’t care. In fact, he kind of likes it. It makes him seem less threatening. Go ahead, crack a joke about it. He’ll laugh with you. You’ll let your guard down. Now, he has a way in.
Lok is much different in private. He’s a condescending bastard with a god complex. He is a true sadist; he never feels more pleasure than when he’s hurting someone. To Lok, people are things to mould and destroy as he chooses.
🕚 Method:
Lok loves to people watch. He’ll search a crowd and single out someone who looks impressionable. The more susceptible you are to hypnotism, the easier it is for him to talk you into a trance.
He’ll follow you for a few days, when he has the time. He’ll learn your schedule, formulate a plan, find an opening.
Next, he’ll put himself in your path. Maybe he stands behind you in line for coffee. “I noticed your pin. I love that band! What’s your favorite song?” Isn’t it a coincidence it’s his favorite song too? And what are the odds he has the exact same coffee order as you?
When Lok speaks, you find yourself almost compelled to listen. When your eyes meet his, your mind becomes just a little fuzzier. You can’t help but relax, letting the sound of his voice fill your head. His words are so calming. What’s that, he wants you to follow him? Yeah, that sounds nice. His car? Yes, you’ll get in. You are feeling pretty sleepy, after all. It will be nice to sit down.
When you wake, you’ll find yourself restrained in a small room. The walls will be littered with tools and other evil implements. You won’t know how or why you’re here.
This is the extent of Lok’s planning.
Now, he can chase whatever ideas come to him in the moment. Should he rip out all your teeth? Break your fingers? Carve away flesh? Dissect you and fuck the wounds? He’ll figure it out as he goes and he’ll do whatever makes you scream the loudest.
However, his favorite past time is playing with your mind.
🕣 Background and Hypnosis:
Lok has always been persuasive, even as a child. It seemed as though—if he concentrated hard enough—he could talk his classmates into doing things they would never normally do. Once, he convinced the kid bullying Lok about his hair to stick his finger in the pencil sharpener and crank the lever.
A year later, at 8 years old, he would convince his mother’s boyfriend to blow his brains out all over the bathroom walls. Technically, this was his first victim, but he wouldn’t kill someone with his own hands until he was 17.
When Lok was 12, his mother took him to a family event downtown. It was some kind of fair organized by the local businesses. Because it was free, they could go, he remembers her saying.
There was a magician. Lok remembers the stupid card trick he’d flubbed. None of the other kids noticed.
Next up was a hypnotist. Lok assumed it would be another fool in a cape, but this man proved him wrong. He was self-assured, smooth, and practiced. When he counted backwards and placed audience volunteers under his spell, Lok’s eyes grew wide in astonishment. The man made them cluck like chickens and pretend to bob for apples! He could make them do whatever he wanted….
Curiosity turned to obsession. Lok spent months at the library, studying different hypnosis techniques and reading testimonials. Hypnotherapy piqued his interest in particular. Imagine what things he could learn from someone in a trance, things he could hold over then once they were lucid.
As Lok grew, so did his skill. Using hypnosis, he could force victims to say and do things no other hypnotist in history could manage. To Lok, this meant he was a prodigy, a genius, far superior to the average man.
But, unknown to even Lok himself, there is an explanation for his unnatural talent.
Lok possess an inkling of supernatural ability. An inhuman ancestor, long ago, passed down abilities through the bloodline. After hundreds of years, only small traces remain. In Lok, this manifests as persuasive skill beyond the realm of natural human ability.
“You’ll like it, when I bring you down. All the way down. But when you come back, I’ll be waiting right here. And I make consciousness hurt.”
(Read my first fic starring Lok here)
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rainedragamute · 5 months
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Idk why but this is the one ad on this site I've seen in months if not years that actually made me stop and look at it for a second. Everything about this is so baffling to me, the classic white void product image, the dog and flowers that are clearly photoshopped in and not even remotely to scale, the massive block of text at the bottom that gets cut off in favor of giving the site link (how the fuck is bbab still in business!?) Just... amazed, truly hitting me with the vibes of "Clean, sterile atmosphere. Hypnotically Caucasian."
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