#hypnotic ideas
Hypnotic jewelery that gives you like a different state or personality. Like putting suggestions on a mask to make you a drone or onto a collar to make you a pet
Or just like you live a normal life but there's a ring or something prominently displayed on your dresser or something that you always feel drawn to...
Once you put that ring on though you just feel a bliss of mindlessness like a year of programming ensnaring your mind at once.
You can still think but only the simplest of thoughts and your boundaries, and the occasional mantra. You remember several mantras but there's only ever one in your mind at one time depending on what you're doing.
Most of your mind and personality is either gone or suppressed, tho but you can remember a few things: You can stop at any time, the ring must come off when you next wake up. If you are uncomfortable your mind will come back until you feel safe and comfortable again, and you will take the ring off if boundaries are crossed, unless you can't in which case your programming is stored for your master to put onto another object and the ring no longer has any effect on you.
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Fun triggers to give your subjects
-They believe anything you say when you put you hand on their shoulder
-They get really tired and sleepy (not trancey, just sleepy and kinda loopy) when you put your hand on their cheek)
-Dragging your finger from their forehead to the tip of their nose repeatedly makes them dumber and dumber, more confused, need things to be explained by you
-Making circles on their forehead with your finger will slowly wipe all thought from their mind and/or make them unable to move until you order them to go back to normal. Again not quite trancey their brains are just silent.
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ramlightly · 10 months
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Look, they're all very useful spells!
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yggdrasilhypno · 8 months
I love the idea of having buttons programmed into a sub’s brain, showing them weaknesses they never knew they had. Maybe there’s a button that, when activated, gets them into the deepest and sleepiest state of trance and programming they could dream of. They’d struggle at first, but as that button is pressed just a tad harder than before, it’s like their mind is being held down by that very same button. Each fleeting moment of consciousness and intelligence being squeezed out by a single finger putting the slightest amount of pressure on their tiny little brains, feeling every drop of resistance pushed out by the realization of how easy they are now. And how could they not be so very easy? All it would take is a single button press and they’re putty in your hands.
Of course, that wouldn’t be their only button either. Perhaps there’s one that, when pushed, gives them a deep desire to obey any command, just like a good drone should. An off switch for the brain, if you will. A free state where no thoughts lie behind those empty eyes, only yearning for programming and command. Once it’s pressed, they’re nothing but a husk to fill with whatever post hypnotic suggestion you dream of, too far gone to disobey.
Maybe there’s one connected to their sex drive, keeping them needy and pumping them full of arousal with each press. Another, a simple pleasure switch. One press is another dosage. Another little dopamine rush. Another little tingle. Another pulse that gets them even more addicted. Not to mention a button to completely neutralize their bodily controls. A simple off switch, if you will. One click and they’re too weak to even more. Too sapped of energy to think or act. Your loyal puppet.
Of course, at first they’d try to resist all of these buttons. But, you could always mix and match. Throw a hit of pleasure on top of their trance button, just to addict them even more to you. Turn off their control of their own body only to turn on their drone state. Pressing every button at once would fry the brain, but I don’t think they’d complain much~
Each button, another piece to the puzzle. Another element to make them the easiest hypnosub. And of course, easier is always better~
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Escape Rooms
I couldn't believe something like this could even exist, but it did!
An escape room targeting Hypno-Kinksters...
Like the brochure said, the goal wasn't to solve puzzles, but to solve your own mind by allowing the room to place you in a trance so it could implant the code you needed to gain access to the next room.
The catch was that the trance wouldn't implant one code, but 2.
Each code word would allow you access to a different room. In one, you would find yourself facing the same levels of trance as the room you were currently in while the other would give you access to a room in which you are made to drop deeper. Making each code word blend together so you can't be sure which will allow you a safer path.
For anyone that isn't a total trance addict, the escape rooms remain relatively easy to solve and all you have to do is pay close attention during your trance and you'll know which code will grant ou access to the safest rooms until you reach the exit.
For hypno-subs like me, the challenge grows ever more difficult because usually, we tend to drop faster and deeper than others. So... Right off the bat, we are facing deeper trances while also battling our own desires to see what the deeper trances are like on the 'un-safe' path.
And... if that wasn't enough...
When you sign up, they ask you a very tempting question in which you have to describe a simple trigger or suggestion you are willing to let them implant inside your mind should you end the 'escape' in the wrong door. It can be something simple like freeze trigger, but the sky is the limit so you can write down anything.
Of course, the organizers know that for hypno-addicts like me, the temptation is way to great to simply fail again and again so I can be implanted with such a trigger. So... They also tell you to write down something you are willing to let them implant inside your mind should you escape the room in the 'safe' door.
Naturally, the objective is to write down something you are VERY willing to have implanted in your mind on the safe path while writing down something a little more... Punitive... On the un-safe path.
My own goal when I walked into the first room was to try to avoid the un-safe path even though I knew that deep down, the kinky parts of myself longed to experience the subjugation I described for them. That being said, I didn't plan to fully resist the trances I was about to subject myself to because I couldn't pass up the chance to experience whatever trances were on the un-safe path. So... I planned to try them out in the first few rooms before then fighting my way back on the safe path.
The challenge for me was to know when to resist...
As I focused on the first spiral, I knew it wasn't wise to come into this challenge with that mindset, but the moment I felt myself sink into the slow spinning screen in front of me, I knew that it didn't really matter which door I ended up coming out of, all I cared about was the hypnotic journey that would bring me there...
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deeper-x-deeper · 1 month
puzzle games are so satisfying, aren't they? especially the ones that don't take much thought. match three style games are the best in that regard.
so what would happen if I laid some hypnotic traps? ones that would make an already mindless game even more so?
how long would it take before you notice how you've been getting fractionated with every click? how the bigger combos send you deeper than the smaller ones?
how long before you're too blank, too empty, too mindless to even see where to click next?
maybe then I'd change the rules. switch out the traps. making each combo into a wave of arousal, each stage cleared giving you waves of pleasure until playing the game feels as though you're masturbating.
how long would you last after that, before the pleasure overwhelms you into orgasm?
would you still chase after just one more click?
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primprimandprim · 7 months
Hypnosis seems like a fun kink but hypnotists seem to only like to make drooling cumsluts. What if I want to be hypnotized to believe I’m a pretty wife? :(
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pocket-watcher · 4 months
Possession is so hot. Especially when they try to keep up the act.
What do you mean? I’m acting totally normal. I’m the same person you know and love. Don’t you trust me? Would this face ever lie to you?
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indigos-stardust · 5 months
Work In Progress artworks for mermay
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Rough sketches and designs, personal thoughts in the tags
Edit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53871985/chapters/136356367
Please read the fic that inspired me to make mer stuff, its one where legend slowly goes mer mind over the course of being trapped in a cave. The chain try to get him out but shenanigans ensue and its wonderful <3
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allastoredeer · 5 months
Bet that the one time Vox actually tried to hypnotize Alastor in their past was the closest he ever got to it working on him too. Alastor thought they were friends, Vox had earned that right to be as close to him as he was, he Trusted Vox.
He got to see exactly one second of Alastor's eyes glazing over and the ring effect starting before his vision fractured and he was on the floor. Alastor is standing over him in so much rage that he can't even speak, before he sinks into the floor and runs away. And Vox cannot grasp, cannot accept how things went so wrong. He thinks it's Alastor's fault for Not Trusting Him and running away like a Coward. Logging those immediate impressions as gospel thereafter.
"If only he'd Listened to him." Vox thinks about himself, but attributes to Alastor.
I really need to properly write out Alastor and Vox's backstory, because
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morgana-lefay · 7 months
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Christoph smiling to the camera and directly into our collective hearts. 🖤 © Official Tour photographers / Taken from the band's Facebook page.
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glitterghost · 1 month
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" ᵀʰᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵗʰ ⁱˢ ᴵ ᵃᵐ ᵈᵘᵉ ᵃ ʰᵃʳˢʰ ˡᵉˢˢᵒⁿ "
(print edition)
It's here, it's here! I'm absolutely not mad at how it turned out. And a very big thank you to @floating-goblin-art for giving me their blessing to have it printed. 🖤🤍
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manyrepulsivethoughts · 8 months
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what do you think he's singing?
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littlecrow4 · 1 month
So a detail I’m thinking of keeping on my Bill design is the eye on his neck nowwwww I’m thinking it still works as his triangle form eye and can turn into a mouth as well
Soooo imagine if you will Ford tongue-ing Bill’s neck mouth??? Anyone like that??
I’m working on something kinda like it but different (can’t get it quite right)
I’d pay for someone to draw it for me if I wasn’t a broke bitch 😭
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thedarkone121 · 1 day
So… Those previews with Dracula, huh?
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So, funny story. All the way back in July 8th — according to Discord — I admit an idea that was running around in my mind ever since I first heard the title of “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde meet Dracula” and me, coming off the novel of Dracula, wanted some angst. Just to be clear, this was well before the previews came. As Quill put it, I was given he power of Apollo 🤣
Anyway, onto the idea! Some of these are posted from Discord so keep that in mind!
Some heads up, this is a little angsty and very spoilers to the original Dracula novel but basically, here’s my vampire idea; in the midst of the Lodgers turning against him and having to deal with Frankenstein, Jekyll ends up encountering a wealthy aristocrat (ie, Dracula) at a party. The man offers to help fund the society… If Jekyll could stop by his new house and tell him about London. And Jekyll does.
And it works. They’re able to keep the society running. No one is getting kicked out. …But Rachel and Lanyon begin to notice how pale Jekyll has gotten. How he seems more tired than before. How hungrier he gets. How much rawer his food has gotten. It’s so bad than even the Lodgers notice.
Basically, the idea is based on Jekyll taking Lucy Westenra’s place as Dracula’s victim. We’re watching this man slowly lose some of his blood and become a vampire.
To add onto the angst, I also thought of Dracula — while he’s draining Jekyll and hypnotizing him — would slowly turn Jekyll against his friends. Keeping him isolated and not go for help. So even when the others are trying to help him, he wouldn’t listen.
The person who can probably get through to Jekyll is Jasper, because even though he is considered one of the lodgers, Jekyll does remember Jasper standing by him.
I do have an idea in my head where everyone is staging an intervention where they’re trying not to let Jekyll go out and see this Dracula guy anymore. Like Rachel and Robert are trying to tell him he’s been getting worse since these visits, Jasper trying to tell him that something’s not right, even other the Lodgers chiming, saying that they’ll help with the exhibition if he would just PLEASE not go there… Only for Jekyll to say: “What exhibition?”
…At that point, everyone realizes they can’t reason with Jekyll and are forced to keep him confined at the Society. Hoping to starve off the vampirism within him by keeping garlic around him, slowly giving him proper meals again. Also giving him blood transfusions as well.
But Jekyll is completely feral at this point. Even though his heart beats, his mind has been taken over by a ravenous beast. And Dracula has noticed his favorite snack hasn’t come by in a while…
And that’s it! My wonderful angsty idea of a vampire Jekyll. Believe me, I can never look at vampires the same after reading the novel for Dracula. Just the horror of the slow transformation for Lucy… It’s wonderfully angsty and I needed to share that with Jekyll!
Hope you all enjoy it!
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Although my Husband an I are talented hypnotist in our own right, I've always been more of the submissive type so except for the few times I hypnotize him to help him relax after a long day, I'm happy to concede to be his loving submissive wife.
We've explored a lot and obviously, he's used his talents on me to help me achieve my goals as his devoted sub, but he never pushed me as far as I know he fantasized he could...
So for our anniversary last year, I decided to get him a pet.
The world is full of curious and naive people so I wasn't surprised when my online line hypnosis hunt for the perfect candidate generated a few results. Seducing the bi-curious was easy, but using her boundless curiosity to introduce her to hypnosis was even easier. After a few online sessions, I had gain enough control over her mind to convince her to meet me in person so I could truly spend some quality time with her body.
Our time together was so powerfully arousing for her that she couldn't resist the compulsion to come see me again and again, not realizing that every time she did, her mind sank deeper and deeper into my control.
By the time I offered her to my husband a few months later, her mind had surrendered to me so completely that she didn't even hesitate when I commanded her to fuck my husband. She took it in stride like the good girl she was and opened her lovely legs to the man she had, up until that point, never met.
The dynamic with her was pure selfish domination and I made sure she was eager for it. In a matter of days, he took over her hypnosis session and wasted no time building on the foundations I had laid down. In her glazed mindless eyes, he quickly became more than a dominating lover, he became her Master.
Her Owner...
Since then, my Husband has been able to truly fulfill his long held fantasy of re-shaping a person's mind so completely that her old self could barely be found. Through repeated brainwashing and conditioning, he restricted her ability to think so thoroughly that unless we actively order her to do things, she has a hard time thinking of things she could be doing. It's an added chore for us to be sure, but it's what allowed her to truly embraced that she was his pet and sexual toy.
As for me, I haven't been idle and I've made sure to properly train her to do all the things I am less comfortable doing with my husband. It wasn't my goal when I got her for him, but since she's proved to be so eager and open to our control, I didn't see any reason not to turn her into a truly free use slave...
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