#hypnotherapy to stop drinking
philahypnosis · 8 months
What Are the Steps Involved in Hypnosis to Stop Drinking?
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realchangeau · 1 year
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artzychic27 · 5 months
@artzychic27 Hey Artzy, I got a big brained idea.
What if Riot was Marc’s split personality due to all the bullying? Like Dr Jekyll and Hyde (even though I never read book)?
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Riot was sort of Marc’s… Protector
He first showed up when Marc was around the age of seven and he was being bullied for having two moms and leaning a bit towards the feminine side. After one cruel name too many, Marc sort of just snapped
During recess, he shoved a boy’s face in a mud puddle and held him under there until the teacher intervened
Then during gym, he threw a ball at a girl’s arm with enough force to break a few bones in her hand when she tried to catch it
And during lunch, he took a cup of ice from one of the drink dispensers and poured it down some other student’s pants
Penny and Alyssa took him to several doctors to figure out what was wrong so the school wouldn’t expel him and soon found a therapist who confirmed Marc has split-personality disorder
She sat with Marc for a while, and did a little hypnotherapy to coax his other personality out… He threw a lamp out the window
It took years of therapy and anger management, but they finally managed to get Riot (As Marc dubbed him) to mellow out a bit, and he stopped snarling at people
To Penny and Alyssa’s relief, Riot is extremely protective of Kiran, who understands to an extent of Marc’s disorder- Just that when he’s mad, his name is Riot
He mostly appears whenever Marc is extremely angry, which isn’t often… Cue Hawkass
Marc’s classmates are all aware of Riot. During their first year at DuPont, Riot made his appearance by ripping out one of the benches bolted to the floor in the courtyard and threatening to throw it at Chloé
Chloé demanded that Marc be arrested, but Damocles is honestly more afraid of Marc’s moms (And Riot) than the mayor and just tells her not to aggravate him
Chloé’s attempts to alienate Marc are met with no response because no one would ever listen to her, the students with disorders of their own just turn their noses up and walk off, and after seeing her almost crushed by a bench, they all decide just to never press Marc’s buttons
Now cue Reverser
Nathaniel doesn’t storm off because he realized he made a grave error and didn’t have any time to react when Riot lifted him up by the front of his shirt
Cue Hawkass and since Riot’s behind the wheel, Reverser is fucking shredded and has Riot’s flail
Let’s skip ⏭️
Marc and Nathaniel are dating, yay!
Riot still hates Nathaniel, though
When Nathaniel finds himself alone with Riot in Marc’s room one day, he apologizes to Riot for what he did to Marc months back, acknowledges that he cares for Marc, and say that he can bury him alive if he ever hurts Marc again
Riot’s response is a headbutt since he sucks at emotions, but they’re cool now
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angeldcgs · 7 months
closed: @thcophagy based: after his first experience with hypnotherapy, fern has been treading lightly during their sessions to build back his trust, but she hasn't been able to stop thinking about it, either. who: fern caruso, she/her, 40, therapist
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weeks after the inciting incident, and fern still couldn’t get it out of her head. not in a bad way, either; it had become somewhat of a comfort, some place stimulating yet safe for her brain to return to on busy days or when she needed a little pick-me-up. it’d taken time for arlo to come out of his shell again, humiliation walking back some of the progress he’d made, but it seemed as though she’d successfully course corrected to get him back on track. they hadn't spoken of that session since, and it was as if it'd never happened at all. all that remained were the memories that still burned bright, conjured up by her psyche at the drop of a hat. while he was making slow and steady improvements, fern still felt like he had a mental block up, some wall preventing her advice from truly penetrating beneath the surface when it came to his self esteem specifically, which led her to start considering alternative methods. this wicked little idea she’d been marinating on, it came from a place of wanting to break through that barrier, that’s all. it had nothing to do with her own perverse desires or wish fulfillment, it was all about arlo. “and how have you been feeling physically?” she subtly redirected the subject of their conversation. “have you been getting any better at listening to your body? eating three meals, drinking water, getting good sleep, all that?” legs uncrossed and crossed again, subconsciously drawing his attention to her bare calves accentuated by a pair of heels that probably cost half his rent for the month.
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All that remains is to wreak havoc on the middle class.
+1 Communism
DAMAGED LEDGER - In any case, it appears to have been a rare case of civil activity in the Quarter. And agreement as well. What do you want to tackle next?
+5 XP
DAMAGED LEDGER - AKA LESLIE & BURKE, AKA THE PUBLIC INDECENCY DRUNK & THE PROPERTY DAMAGE DRUNK is a *cursed* case. It has been passed from unsuspecting officer to unsuspecting officer for ten years. On January 29, THE UNSOLVABLE CASE made its way to you. Why you accepted it is unclear. Every officer and indeed most civilians in Jamrock know it's UNSOLVABLE.
Leslie will always take his pants off when he's drunk. Burke will always trash everything. It's just what they do. It is their nature -- you cannot change the nature of a man. And you can't lock them away, because public indecency and small-scale property damage are not punishable by incarceration.
The only way for Leslie to stop flashing his genitals to by-passers, and for Burke to stop dismantling signage and rear view mirrors, would be for them to *stop drinking alcohol*. Which, in their forties, or fifties -- it's hard to tell because of their distorted features -- is a medical improbability on par with you ceasing to produce *The Expression*.
Couldn't we just keep them off the streets?
DAMAGED LEDGER - You would think that, but you're wrong. Where's the fun in exposing your genitals, or breaking stuff in your own home? No, Leslie and Burke are on the corner of Main Street and Perdition, because that's where the *action* is.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Can you keep *yourself* off the streets?
DAMAGED LEDGER - Threatening, fines, dragging them to the station, locking them up in the hell holes they live in, locking them up in the station, hypnotherapy -- even trying to get a local gang of *zemlyakis* to take them out (the zemlyakis gave them ethanol so Burke and Leslie would expose and rampage even harder) -- you tried it all. And still the complaints wouldn't stop. As they hadn't stopped for *ten years*.
It's plain to see from the files that you, Satellite-Officer JV, and special consultant TH had more important cases to attend to. You uncover cross-reference to several ongoing investigations, each brought to a standstill every time you drive down Main Street. Because there they are! On the corner of Perdition, and what is Leslie doing?
Property damage.
Public indecency.
DAMAGED LEDGER - Good, you're learning. If the files are to be trusted -- that's all there is to it. That and Burke breaking things. And the fact that they're both drunk. But then again, so are you. The case becomes *considerably* less comic one day, when Burke takes a swing at your ledger.
He must have it confused with the *property* he likes to damage. But the joke's on him -- you're drunk out of your mind on Potent Pilsner. You slam the hardened plastic board in his face. Then you proceed to beat him unconscious with it.
In the process the ledger sustains damage. The compartment within -- reserved for permeable documents -- is jammed shut. You stop your assault on the now unconscious Burke to open it, but are unable to do so. *The officer began to cry*, reports Leslie, who at this point is tending to Burke.
*He came at us* -- *And at us* -- *I think he was trying to kill Burke-o*. While trying to kill Burke-o, you slowly come around. The permeables' compartment is open. You've smashed it open on poor Burke'o's kneecaps. The good news is, Burke can't walk anymore.
Can't get out of his apartment. An invalid. With Burke to tend to, Leslie cuts back on the indecent exposure. Maybe he flashes his genitals to Burke, who knows, but both drunks are off the street. The complaints stop, the unsolvable case is solved.
Which is also why the officer responsible (narrowly) escapes a disciplinary hearing. The end.
+5 XP
LOGIC - Does that sound like a Raphaël Something Costeau to you, sir?
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joanshan · 1 year
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Inside A Hypnotherapy Session: Engaging Subconscious Mind To Create Transformation
A hypnotic state is a state of trance in which the body relaxes, and the mind becomes hyperfocused. This allows the conscious mind to be put at peace so that the subconscious mind is accessed. A hypnotic state is a safe way of creating transformation and a natural way of being. We go in and out of trance naturally multiple times a day, the two most common instances being when we fall asleep and when we wake up.
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis in order to bypass conscious thinking and go directly to the root of behaviors, which is usually hidden from our awareness. It is a non-invasive and safe way of creating positive changes and life’s transformations. 
In this article, we’ll look at a typical hypnotherapy session and review different therapeutic techniques and benefits of hypnotherapy. 
A hypnotherapy session
The session begins with the client and hypnotherapist discussing the desired outcomes and reviewing any relevant history. Then a trance state is induced for the client so that the hypnotherapist can work directly with the subconscious part of the client’s mind, where all the long-held beliefs and reasons for behavior reside.
The state of comfort and relaxation allows to put the person’s conscious mind at ease, thus opening the door to the deeper part of the psyche. The hypnotherapist allows the client to release limiting beliefs, let go of stifling emotions, shift perspective, expand awareness, and experience uplifting emotions or even practice new helpful behaviors.
 This work can be done in a “paternal” way – with direct commands (for example, “Every time you experience X, you will do Y”) or in a “maternal” way – with gentle suggestions (for example, “Every time you experience X, you may feel the desire to do Y”). Most hypnotherapists use a combination of both approaches. 
At the end of hypnosis, the client is brought back to a fully conscious state. Regardless of the issues being addressed, at this point, people generally feel more relaxed and at peace.
Issues that can be addressed with hypnosis
Hypnosis can help with a variety of issues, from improving mental and emotional state (dealing with negative thoughts and emotions ) to changing addictive behaviors (stopping smoking) to finding oneself (improving self-esteem, finding joy, etc.) to improving one’s physical well-being (managing pain, improving performance, etc.). With the help of an experienced hypnotherapist,  hypnosis can make a great difference in dealing with many issues. Here are just a few of them: 
Sleep problems
Sexual problems
Fears and phobias
Chronic pain
Physical recovery
Thumb sucking
Panic attacks
Benefits of hypnotherapy
Below are some of the ways in which hypnotherapy can be beneficial:
Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Hypnotherapy can reduce anxiety and stress by helping clients see things in a new light and develop effective ways of releasing tension and staying focused in the present moment.  
Increase Self-Confidence: Hypnotherapy can help people connect with their inner strength and wisdom and become more confident in their abilities. Clients can develop more empowered and assertive behaviors.  
Improve Self-Esteem: Hypnotherapy can allow people to develop a more positive self-image, leading to improved self-esteem and greater self-acceptance.
Overcome Habits: Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in changing behaviors and habits that no longer serve the person.  These include smoking, drinking, unhealthy eating, nail-biting, etc. Through hypnotherapy, clients are helped to reduce triggers that cause them to engage in these habits and find positive replacement behaviors.  
Enhance Sports Performance: Many athletes use hypnotherapy to improve their performance and achieve their goals. Hypnotherapy allows clients to “practice” their target performance in their minds. Hypnotherapy can also help clients increase focus, reduce distractions, and build mental resilience.  
Relieve Pain: Hypnotherapy can be effective at reducing pain by shifting the mind’s focus and helping the body relax and become desensitized to the discomfort. Hypnosis is helpful not only for reducing pain experienced during recovery but also for chronic pain. 
Improve Sleep Quality: Hypnotherapy is an effective way to improve sleep quality. It helps individuals relax and let go of any negative thoughts or worries that may prevent them from sleeping. 
Techniques Used for Hypnotherapy
Here are some of the techniques used in hypnotherapy:
Relaxation: Hypnotherapists use relaxation techniques to help clients go into a trance or when helping them deal with stress.  
Visualization: Visualization is used to help clients experience the release and clearing of outdated beliefs, emotions, and behaviors, as well as to practice and try on new helpful experiences.  
Suggestion: Hypnotic suggestions are instructions delivered to the subconscious mind, which, once accepted by the client, can begin to align subconscious thinking with the client’s conscious wishes and help to bring about the desired outcomes.  
Storytelling: During hypnosis, the hypnotherapist may tell a story to the client instead of providing direct suggestions. Storytelling and the use of metaphors allow the hypnotherapist to shift the client’s perspective in a non-threatening way, increasing the likelihood that the subconscious mind will accept the suggestions.
Age regression: During a session, the client may be taken to a younger age to gain a greater understanding of the events, shift emotions at that time, and help comfort and protect the younger self that was going through a traumatic event.
Reframing: Hypnotherapists help clients shift their perspectives and find more effective ways of thinking. Reframing allows clients to “frame” old issues in a new way.
Post-hypnotic suggestion: These suggestions are given by the hypnotherapist before bringing the client out of hypnosis. They are meant to be carried out after the session has ended, such as not engaging in a particular behavior or feeling a certain positive emotion.
Guided Imagery: Guided imagery is used by hypnotherapists for a variety of purposes. It is especially useful in helping clients explore options when they feel stuck, test out alternative solutions, connect with internal wisdom, and let go of things they are ready to release. 
While hypnosis is often misunderstood, and the process of hypnotherapy is often thought to be a mystery, its potential for unlocking powerful insights and creating powerful transformations has been demonstrated time and time again. For people who are ready to create positive change, hypnotherapy can open new doors to self-discovery and well-being.
Source : Inside A Hypnotherapy Session: Engaging Subconscious Mind To Create Transformation
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matthewcahill · 2 years
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Stopping smoking can be challenging, but it is possible with the right mindset, support, and resources. Here are some tips for how to stop smoking:
Set a quit date: Choose a specific date to quit smoking and mark it on your calendar. This can help you mentally prepare for the process and give you a goal to work towards.
Get support: Let your friends and family know you are quitting smoking and ask for their support. Consider joining a support group or seeking professional help, such as counselling or therapy.
Remove triggers: Identify triggers that make you want to smoke, such as drinking alcohol or being around other smokers, and try to avoid or minimize them.
Use nicotine replacement therapy: Consider using nicotine replacement therapy, such as gum, patches, or lozenges, to help manage withdrawal symptoms.
Try medication: There are medications available, such as bupropion and varenicline, that can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Find alternative coping strategies: Find healthy ways to cope with stress and emotions, such as exercise, meditation, or deep breathing.
Stay positive: Remember that quitting smoking is a process, and setbacks are normal. Stay positive and focus on the benefits of being smoke-free, such as improved health and saving money.
Remember that everyone's journey to quitting smoking is unique, and it may take some time to find the right combination of strategies that work for you. Be patient and kind to yourself, and celebrate each small victory.
Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for smoking cessation. It is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals quit smoking by addressing the psychological and emotional factors associated with smoking.
During a hypnotherapy session for smoking cessation, the individual is guided into a state of relaxation and increased suggestibility. The therapist provides suggestions and visualizations to help the individual quit smoking. The therapist may suggest that the individual no longer enjoys smoking or feels repulsed by the smell of cigarette smoke, for example.
Research has shown that hypnotherapy for smoking cessation can be more effective than other methods. A meta-analysis of 18 studies found that hypnosis was more effective than other smoking cessation methods, with a success rate of 20-45% compared to 10% for other methods, such as nicotine replacement therapy.
It is important to note that the success of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation can depend on individual factors such as motivation and the therapist's skill. Discussing your individual needs and concerns with a qualified therapist or healthcare professional is always important. Additionally, while hypnotherapy may be an effective treatment for smoking cessation, it may not be appropriate or effective for everyone.
Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals achieve a state of relaxation and increased suggestibility to address a range of issues such as anxiety, addiction, phobias, and pain management. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy can depend on various factors, including the individual's specific needs and the skill of the therapist.
Evidence suggests that hypnotherapy can be effective for a range of issues. For example, a meta-analysis of 18 studies on using hypnosis for smoking cessation found that hypnosis was more effective than other smoking cessation methods, with a success rate of 20-45% compared to a success rate of 10% for other methods, such as nicotine replacement therapy.
Additionally, a review of 57 studies on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for treating anxiety found that hypnotherapy was effective in reducing anxiety symptoms, with some studies indicating that it may be more effective than cognitive-behavioural therapy.
However, it is essential to note that the effectiveness of hypnotherapy can depend on individual factors such as the individual's level of suggestibility, motivation, and the therapist's skill. Additionally, while hypnotherapy may be effective for specific issues, it may not be appropriate or effective for others. Discussing your individual needs and concerns with a qualified therapist or healthcare professional is always important.
#Quitsmoking #hypnotherapytraining #wellness #mentalhealth
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subconsciouslysblog · 2 years
How Hypnotherapy App Plays A Significant Part In Your Daily Life?
Hypnotherapy app helps to treat with therapy that helps the power of suggestion to help in positive change. For many, it is an best form of treatment and one that can have many advantages, from weight management, handling anxiety, helping stress and encouraging stress-free life, to quitting negative habits like sugar, smoking and alcohol, as well as relaxing phobias like fear of flying, spiders etc.
Based on the client and their reasons for allowing hypnotherapy, sometimes just one session may be all that’s required to bring about positive change, or it may need a number of sessions. Clients can also be taught self-hypnosis method to continue their treating long after counselling are over.
1. It can guide to tackle anxiety and depression
Hypnotherapy is an intense way of managing the negative thought patterns help us stuck where we don’t wish to be and move us towards empowering and positive thoughts.
2. Reform you’re eating habits & reduce your weight
If you wish to decrease your weight without dieting and feelings of deprival, this is a great method of changing your eating habits. Hypnotherapy does this by altering unwanted blocks to your success, treating emotional eating, your negative thoughts and thinking about your body and wish for unhealthy snacks. It also guide to increase the need for eating nourishing foods, water and exercise, this can be long term and better way to stay fit.
3 Over-Thinking
Not indulging the repetitive patterns of asking yourself, self-doubt and thinking about past.
4. Leave Alcohol 
If you are not able cut down drinking alcohol with willpower, hypnotherapy can guide you to uncover hidden thoughts help you back control.
5. Quitting smoking fast
Even if you smoke 50 times a day or have smoked for50years, hypnotherapy is one of the best successful ways to stop smoking fast with no cravings.
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bluenutavenue · 2 years
The Essential 2023 Healthspan Bundle for $29
The Essential 2023 Healthspan Bundle for $29
Expires January 04, 2024 23:59 PST Buy now and get 98% off Reduce & Stop Your Alcohol Intake for Good KEY FEATURES This course is aimed at those that wish to cut down or stop drinking alcohol themselves, or at those that are already qualified in Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis and want to understand how to help individuals or groups stop drinking alcohol. Do you find that you love a drink from time…
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healthyhypnosisau · 2 years
How To Quit Alcohol Using Clinical Hypnosis
So, you want to quit alcohol using clinical hypnosis? Congratulations! This article will provide you with an overview of how to use clinical hypnosis to quit alcohol.
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Step 1: Research
Before you begin using clinical hypnosis to quit alcohol, it is important that you do your research. You need to find a clinical hypnotherapist who specialises in helping people quit alcohol and has experience with this type of therapy. Once you have found a therapist, it is important that you schedule an appointment and discuss your goals for quitting alcohol.
Step 2: Make a List of Your Goals
Before you begin using hypnosis to quit alcohol, it is important that you make a list of your goals. You need to be specific about what you want to achieve.
For example, if your goal is to stop drinking alcohol completely, make a list of all the things that will need to change in order for you to achieve this goal. These might include:
-Making a commitment to yourself that you will not drink alcohol again
-Identifying any triggers that lead you to drink alcohol
-Creating a plan of action that will help you avoid drinking alcohol when these triggers are present.
Step 3: Begin the Clinical Hypnosis Session
Clinical Hypnosis can be a very effective tool for quitting alcohol. In this session, we will explore how hypnosis can help you make the decision to quit alcohol and live a healthier life.
Once you have made your goals and identified your triggers, it is time to start the hypnosis session
Once you have researched how to quit alcohol using hypnosis, the next step is to make a list of your goals. This list should include things like reducing your drinking frequency, cutting back on how much you drink each day, or quitting completely. You should also make a list of any other goals that are important to you such as improving your
Step 4: Choose a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Your Area
The next step is to find a clinical hypnotherapist in your area who can help you quit alcohol. There are many resources available online that can help you find a therapist. You can also ask friends, family, or your doctor for recommendations. OR search Australia’s peak body for clinically trained hypnotherapists website- GoAH. Guild of Australian hypnotherapist.
In that website, based in Woonona, just outside Wollongong, you will find Michael Haber’s details. He has held a practice for 10 years and specialises in addictions.
Call Michael now to chat about creating a brighter, clearer and focused future. Simply call Michael on 1300-114-557 today.
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realchangeau · 1 year
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sizzlos · 2 years
Stop Drinking Now - Allen Carr
by Allen Carr.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD Stop Drinking Now
Read More : READ Stop Drinking Now
Ebook PDF Stop Drinking Now | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Stop Drinking Now EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Stop Drinking Now 2020 PDF Download in English by Allen Carr (Author).
 Description Book: 
A fresh take on the Allen Carr method with all-new text. Includes free hypnotherapy CD. Most drinkers are convinced that it s almost impossible to stop drinking and to free themselves from addiction; they also feel unable to solve any of the widespread problems drinking causes. The wonderful news is that this book shows you how to stop immediately, painlessly and permanently. This book understands drinkers and how they think and, without being judgemental or patronising, takes them through the process of how to get alcohol out of their lives. Demonstrates how drinkers fall into the trap of drinking, the psychology behind being addicted and how to quit this mug s game once and for all. This book has more compelling evidence than ever before that your addiction to alcohol is much less physical than it is mental. Alcohol is not something your body needs, but something your mind thinks it needs. Stop Drinking Now explains the mental process of addiction and how to reverse that process
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ishkama · 2 years
The Domain of Hypnotherapy — Ishkama Ltd
The Domain Of Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis is a form of therapy that makes use of guided relaxation and visualization to help people achieve their goals.
It has been shown to be an effective tool for quitting smoking, changing eating habits, reducing stress, overcoming fears and phobias, and supporting fertility treatment with hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis can also aid natural healing by hypnosis. Weight loss with hypnosis is more than just losing weight; it’s about feeling better about yourself and making positive changes to your life.
Hypnotists can help you quit smoking
One of the most popular uses of hypnotherapy is as a smoking cessation tool. While it’s not for everyone, hypnotherapy can be a safe and effective method for many people who want to quit smoking.
Your subconscious mind will accept any suggestions given during hypnosis, which makes it easy for you to change your behaviour in order to stop indulging in something that may have been damaging your health or making you feel uncomfortable around other people.
Domain Of Hypnotherapy can change your eating habits
Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective option for helping you overcome your cravings for unhealthy foods. It can also be used to help you control emotional eating, binge eating, and other bad habits that have developed over time.
Hypnosis helps you stop drinking
The most common use of hypnosis is to help people quit drinking. Alcoholics who want to quit drinking often seek out professional help as a last resort, and for good reason — it’s hard to get off the bottle on your own.
Alcohol addiction is a chronic condition in which the brain adapts to having alcohol available at all times by making it harder for you to stop drinking once you start. It also makes it harder for your brain to control things like mood and behaviour.
Hypnosis can cure anxiety
Hypnotherapy can help you relax and reduce anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions.
Support fertility treatment with hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy can help you learn how to relax, overcome fears and achieve success. It can also be used to quit smoking, change your eating habits and stop drinking alcohol. Hypnotherapy can even be used during fertility treatment as it reduces stress levels and improves the chances of conception by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Hypnotherapy can be used to help you heal faster. Some illnesses and injuries can take a long time to recover from, but hypnotherapy can shorten that recovery time. It helps you work through pain or discomfort so you can focus on healing instead of feeling hurt or in pain.
Hypnosis works by relaxing the mind and body, which makes it easier for the body to heal itself. Hypnosis allows the patient’s subconscious mind to take control over their body, so they are able to focus on letting go of any negative emotions that might be slowing down their healing processes are only some of the benefits that hypnosis can bring to your life.
There are many other emotions and conditions that can be helped by this technique, and there is always a therapist who has experience in helping people with their specific problems.
If you have any questions about how hypnosis might help you or someone close to you, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 020 8572 1412.
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localizee · 2 years
Caradie James uses hypnotherapy and counselling to provide help with a range of issues including Anxiety/Depression, Smoking, Weight Loss, Phobias, Relationships, Alcohol Abuse, Addictions, and more.
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houseofwellbeing · 2 years
Hypnotherapy to stop drinking too much is incredibly powerful and has been known to help you to develop the tools to master your urges. For example, it may help you remain calm in situations when stress might otherwise trigger your desire to drink. In addition, it may help you to create more positive habits around drinking alcohol for example only choosing to drink on social occasions rather than at home and drinking more water inbetween alcoholic drinks when you are drinking.
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Benefits of Hypnotherapy For Relationships You Must Know About
Hypnotherapy, also known as directed hypnosis, is an approach to psychotherapy that utilizes relaxation, severe focus, and concentrated commitment to achieve an increased state of awareness or awareness. In other words, it brings the person into a "trance" or altered level of consciousness.
It's an ability, and like any other, by watching and communicating with others in our lives, we practice that skill. If you struggle with the consistency of your relationships and desire a stronger, closer relationship, the response you need may just be self-hypnosis for strong communication. Here are some of the benefits of hypnotherapy for relationships-
Boost up relationship confidence
Often the issue is not anxiety about relationships but a fear of losing yourself in a relationship. You're concerned about losing your identity and your sense of self, and you're awkward about letting someone get too personal. You will feel more relaxed going at your own pace through hypnosis for relationship anxiety, allowing yourself and your companion time as your relationship progresses and strengthens in its own time. In the awareness that you are welcomed and worthy, you will rest safe.
Making you feel better
A divorce or a difficult time in a relationship can be a very stressful experience, and learning how to relax would be more useful now than ever. Hypnotherapy helps to relieve tension, to decrease blood pressure, to increase vitality, and to help bring you into a positive mindset. The more so you can relax, the simpler it will be to move on and not think about the problem but to focus on the solution.
Losing old habits
Hypnotherapy will help you have to get out of the rut and start developing new habits. You are probably still trapped in your old habits, which may be one of the reasons for your relationship issues. You will find it far easier to get out and do more new stuff and make your relationship work once you're in a good routine.
You can easily choose the best hypnosis for relationships online, as there are a number of practitioners and experts available.
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