#hypnos x female!reader
s-i-m-p0 · 2 years
solangelo x hypnos child.f.reader
Lots of un-took pov swaps, and convenient time changes,loving father,lack in self-care (eating and going outside)
Spoilers: ( I couldn't find much about hypnos children's powers so I hc they shadow travel since their father is In the underworld . )
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The three of us had gotten into a fight them fighting about how much lack of sun I gotbhow little I was eating due to sleep while I had to scream back i couldn't help it, I'm a child of hypnos were naturally lazy and not bothered to do anything.
Soon nico joined myside being he understood the fact I can't controll my powers like clovis or another half-blood.
"You're both being idiots! Y/n I'm worried, I haven't seen you eat anything for 3 days!" Will argued. "Will, I can't...help it..." I mutter holding my head. Tears floored my eyes as nico was torn between agreeing either me or Will.
"Will mabey we calm down I heard from clovis stress can cause-" "nico you looking away from the facts, y/n hasn't been out much only for lessons in fact and been sleeping through meal times"
Soon will land nico started to fight and the world around me started to ring. My vision blinking in and out I purse my lips together my eyes teared up.
Before I had realised I had shadowed traveled to a random location on a bunch of rocks, i couldnt tell but i was exhausted. I had landed with a grunt and probably a few grazes but i didn't care. They had started arguing because of me. I hadn't been fighting againt my nature to sleep to see I hadn't cared for myself for...God's know how long!
I curl lean onto my knees shivering at the cold. In a few hours they will stop arguing I kept in mind. I inhail deep the earthly sent and clench my eyes. God's I with I had wore more layers to bed a tank top and joggers arnt going go help with the cold.
It was late,very late. The only thing I could do is sleep even if it would start an argument... I clench my eyes shut ignoring the frosty nips at my skin.
When I woke up I was in a dark cave, covered in many pillows and stuffed toys. "Hello...?" I question my voice sounding more mature. A yawn came from inside the cave before a voice echoed back: 'hello...?'
"Where are we?" I ask wearily, "y/n?" I stay quiet for a few seconds "yes...?"
Meanwhile will and nico had seen searching for hours with the while camp trying to find their runaway lover. They checked, zeus fist, and all the building per chions request. while perxy and annabeth along with Grover checked: the stables, blackjacks stable, and the west woods the others searched everywhere else.
"Will, what If something bad happens to her...?" Nico asked quietly wrapping himself in his coat. "Nothing bad will happen in the camps perimeters" will reassured, not only nuco but himself. The doctor had been terrified when he notified his partner had completely vanished leaving a fragment of sleeping dust on nico's bed.
By now chion had to call of the search for the sake of the campers needing rest for the next days activities,yet he encouraged the couple to find their third peice and excused them from their activities if they find them. When the cabins pasted by the ares cabin gave each official member off the Hermis cabin a coin before grumvelign back to their bunk.
Of course they had set bets, probably: 'who won find the stupid lost girl who vanished into thin air?'
Will stood up from the front porch of the big house beofre stating:"Nico, you stay here just incase y/n was just wondering about the woods and finds their way back" "but will I want to go with you, their not on best terms with you right now" nico argued back, it was extremly rare for them to argue.
After climbing zeus's fist will looked over the edge to see his partner there, he scurried over the side and over to them.
will grazed his cold lovers face, "oh my sweet dear" he whispers. Wills medical mode kicked in and he sat the sleeping girl upright checking the pulse and for any injuries, only grazed hand and a small graze on the cheek.
The only problem was hiw he was going to get y/n down without endangering them.
With y/n she ventured into the cave keeping to the wall. Excripting of a man with wings and winged brow was carved into them but the colour had faded. The architecture was something annabeth would admire and praise. "Who is it?" They question.
"Pity you dont recognise you're father" the voice echoed. A clearing has been made where a fluffy bed had been layed in the center with many more comforters around. God's how big was that bed? King sized? Queen? No emperor size. "Dad?" She echoed back picking up the pace. The figure was sat upright with a blanket around them. "My child" he smiles before yawning.
It was y/n first experience seeing their dad in 14 years so they ran up and jumped onto him. Hugging him tightly. Warm arms hugged around them "my sweet child" he smiled. The pale man had wiped their fourhead of their hair before cupping their face. "The first girl ive had in century's, yet I couldn't meet you the day I claimed you"
Hypnos looked sad and looked lost in thought looking down at his child. Their hair had streaks of white in like how his hair was white, their face and eyes resembled their mother whom he loved dearly. You had been a miracle at birth, he has been their before hades had summoned himcback to the underworld before he could officially claim you as his demi-child.
It still upset red him how he couldn't see how you grew: you're achievements, acimplishemnts and fears. He had missed it for 14 years.
"I dont care, better late the never" they sob into his robes. Hypnos looks at their multi hair before running a pale scrawny hand through it. The father and daughter sat in a comfy silence her arms never leaning his body clinging as if he'll disappear when they let go.
" I fear you must go now, what was his name..? Will, would want you to wake up now and nico is probably worried sick" he sighed. His daughter sat up and nodded. "I'm happy to finally meet you" they croak their voice back to its normal volume.
"I'll see you in a few nights" he whispers kissing their fourhead, and quickly the fell back against him beofre their body disappeared onto sleeping dust.
Will had walked back to camp half blood with his jacket around y/n, by now the sun had risen and campers were cleaning up for cabin inspections. he held her close to his chest arms wrapped around their knees and back proudly walkign pas tthe cabinsaking those outside pause and start to cheer..
" will,you found them!" Nico yelled nearly falling of the porch and running towards them. He placed a hand on their head before jolt back "might aswell caught the dead their so cold" nico removed his iconic jumper and draped it on to his female partner.
Will kicked through hades cabin open and placed y/n to rest on nicos bed as the cabin owner started up the green-ish blue flamed fire. "I'm so glad their ok" will sighed sitting on the bed next to them. Nico knelt of the floor and held his hand to their cheek tracing it gently along their jaw line.
"I tried to tell you stressing and scaring a hypnos kid can cause them to enter a state of distress and sleep as a form of defence"
"I'm sorry for cutting you off" Will sighed finally admitting the fact y/n still needed to learn to controll their powers.
"Hmm...? Nico what's going on?" Both snapped their head at the awaking partner. "Oh y/n I'm sorry I scared you" Will managed out shifting up the bed and hugging their sleeping form. "It's fine...you're right, I need to start a storing out a schedule" "also one thst can fit woth natural sleeping habits" nico adds smiling
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 month
can you please do a hypnos, poseidon, and Virgo Shaka with a reader who has the powers of cardcaptor sakura so the reader has all. the clow cards and has god level power
Here you are! I haven’t watched Cardcaptor Sakura so I hope this is relatively close! Sorry if this is absolutely trashy! I tried my best! Enjoy!
He noticed that Y/n had a random deck of cards and wanted to ask her about them. When she explained to him what they were, he was amazed. Not only did the mortal in front of him have such powerful cards, but she also was on par with God's in strength and power. He decided that he wanted her to train more and wanted to watch her use the cards. When he told Hades about this, the God of Death demanded that he see her. When she was summoned to his throne room, Y/n was nervous about what he wanted to see her for. 
“Would you like to join me in taking down Athena?”
He was confused. He didn’t understand why his girlfriend had a bunch of tarot cards laid out on the table, her arms folded, and her eyebrows creased. His curiosity got the better of him and he asked her about them. When she told him they were her source of power, he was even more confused than before. So she explained it to him. They gave her power and not just basic power. It gave her a godly level of power. She was on par with Athena in terms of strength and power and asked him if it was possible to become a Saint of Athena now that she had this kind of power. 
“Let’s go ask. I’m sure she would love to have someone strong on our side.”
Virgo Shaka:
He was shocked, to say the least when he saw you level an entire field because you wanted to practice with your new powers. He had noticed that after gaining a random deck of tarot cards, your strength multiplied and your power was on par with a God’s power. You were by means strong, but not this strong. When he had gone to Athena to help him understand what had happened, he noticed you sitting in the library with the tarot cards spread out on the table and you looking more last than he had ever seen before. When he was closer to you, you told him what was making you confused and he gently took your hand. 
“Let’s ask Athena. Maybe she has an answer.”
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bomber-grl · 3 months
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Encounters with Circe and Lamia
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x m!Child of Hecate reader
Summary: Nico comforting reader and their past traumas with their female family members on their moms side (cuz yknow they hate men)
Cw: mentions of torture(physical and mental), PTSD
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Your mother, Hecate, didn’t mind men. However, the same couldn’t be said for your female relatives.
You’d always been warned by your mother to be careful near female goddesses, nymphs, etc. She had went on about how men were awful throughout history, and Greek mythology reflected that reality.
She’d warn you, especially since you had it worse with her- and your, relatives. But you could’ve never saw what was coming.
You and Nico had been sent on a burden of a mission an errand. Let’s not get into the logistics but let’s just say you had to go through hell and back for this simple ass thing.
Well regardless, you ended up being the one that had to deal with the “consequences.”
The night of the quest was too painful and raw to remember.
It was the torture you were forced to endure and on top of that, forced to remember.
You’d wake up constantly in the middle of the night from nightmares, Nico at your side.
Previously you tried consulting the hypnos cabin in hopes that their powers would improve your never ending nightmares but alas to no avail.
Regardless of it, Nico was right with you night after night.
Honestly although you’d hate to describe him this way, he was something of a tsundere.
Despite that though, his obvious concern and guilt still bled through his attempt at disguising how he felt about the situation.
The quest was to retrieve a relic that was significant to your own mother.
Yet, somehow, You and Nico split and you had to pay the price with your so called “sisters.”
Of course this wasn’t the first time but it was definitely more impactful.
You were specialized in magic but so were they.
Even more so
So when you tried to attack, they countered.
Plus it’s not like they were guarding what you needed, no, they just wanted to make it more difficult.
The rest you didn’t remember much in all honesty.
You remember Nico finding you, his face looking down with concern written all over it.
Going back to camp and seeing Will try to heal your injuries.
To top it all off, you stayed in bed for two weeks and was surprisingly shown remorse by not your “sisters” but mother.
Maybe you could count a sister though, *cough*cough* Lou…
But it’s not like she was the one who harmed you…
Now was only a matter of time for you to heal from the encounter, though you doubt you’ll ever forget.
Now back to Nico
He was there ofc
Plus when you’d hate to be in the presence of others, he’d respect that.
Going back to camp was difficult as others saw and deemed you as fragile.
They were right, sure but you hated it.
Some days you’d be fine, youd laugh, and some days you wouldn’t.
Better yet, couldn’t
The trauma from the incident showed up in different ways than nightmares as well.
It caused you to step back from your greatest weapon, now made weakness: magic
You just couldn’t use it at the beginning
But, Nico in all his insistence that he was nonchalant- took it upon himself to make you more comfortable.
Through making jokes or being like “damn I wish [insert thing] happened” to influence you to use your magic.
Well to his credit, it worked.
But not in the way he or you, or anyone wanted it to.
There was a game of capture the flag and despite it being known you wouldn’t play, you still ended up being included.
Long story short, you were attacked, Nico was attacked and incapacitated.
You hesitated then forced yourself to use magic.
Not the best situation, and that’s making light of it.
In the beginning, you refused to speak about it
But because of the constant support from Nico, your friends and other campers, you were able to not let this experience dictate your well being or actions.
although it was still difficult sometimes, there was definitely improvement.
You gasped awake and rose instantly. You looked around to see the moon light pouring into the room, and surrounding you was pure darkness.
Maybe you would’ve panicked more but someone next to you on your bed stirred awake.
“Are you okay?” Nico asked while rising to sit and be on your level. He still gave you space to reject his closeness, and this time you didn’t.
He snuck in after curfew by shadow traveling, you secretly thought about how hopefully you two wouldn’t get caught but that was soon overshadowed.
After a long pause you responded, “yea, j-just the usual.” Damn you really gotta get it together.
Nico hummed, “want me to..?” He asked an open ended question, basically asking ‘what do you want me to do?’
“Just lay down” you laid down again and Nico followed you in suit. He laid down and snaked his arms around you. You allowed him.
Nico was no stranger to trauma or ptsd so having he knew somewhat how to approach the situation.
Tonight you hope you’ll finally be able to have a good nights rest, for the rest of the night (or morning) you may have.
A/n: I am in no way shape or form an expert in this topic but I’ve based reactions off of my own experience.
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It Takes Time to Sew a Doll Yan. Vox x CIS. FEM Reader.
It Takes Time to Sew a Doll. Yandere Vox x Cis. Female reader. PT 1
Warnings: Creepy dreams, stalking, hits, kidnapping, intimidation, panic attacks, insomnia referenced not explicit, non con touching (not sexual), hypno, dirty thoughts, mansplaining, misogyny, the use of the pet name DOLL, use of the pronouns she/her.
Please leave a comment if you like it or not-
@bloodypeachblog @omniuravity Dedicated to my besties.
Vox knew he was spiralling.
With each static passage of electricity through the maze of wires in his body he felt his resolve crumble further… every second consumed by images flashing carelessly across his face. 
Why couldnt he get rid of these pervasive thoughts? 
When he dreamed he was happy, the bright colours would fade to black and from the black, came the black and white visions he knew deep down he couldn't ascertain. That certain kind of sweetness rid from the newer movies spewed from his own companies, that loss of perfect innocent love that he strove for. In life he couldn't get romance right, and in his resting hours his subconscious begged him to pursue that sickening farce of a “family”. .
He always awoke to his screens playing that same damn scene, under a cork tree on the top of a grassy hill he sat, wife in his arms, head across his lap as he waxed on while the sun set. A beautiful- unattainable picture that zoomed out to the suburbs he rotted away in during the final years of his life. No matter what remedy he tried, nothing could soothe the hallucinations that plagued his sleep-addled mainframes. 
It was beginning to interfere with his day to day. 
The office- a drab, but often chaotic environment buzzed just a little differently when Vox walked in that day, people gasping and awwing at their screens before hiding the monitors from him. Something was up. But there was little energy on Vox’s behalf to really care about what lower staff were doing, so long as they were getting what they needed to get done, done. 
He should have suspected, however, that it was buzzing about him.
Throughout the day the chattering that he could hear all the way in his own office died down the second he stepped in the room, so- to save himself the headache- he decided to trudge up to his lookout and find the cause of the issue. 
There right there.
Across all the screens in hell- save his own companies monitors was the scene, but across the bottom- like the reels in the TV broadcasts, was the phrase- “Have you seen this person, if found return to the VVV tower, Vox’s office, compensation of up to 1 mill will be received. No harm will come to the person. Thank you for your cooperation.” It was a start for him. 
Like the electricity that ran through his own body he ran through the building- towards the recording studio- and into his chair, forcing all staff to their positions immediately. The red lights on the cameras blinked mockingly, as if compelling him to stop before he’d do something he would regret. Snapping his fingers, Vox quickly forced all screens in the studio on him, each crystal clear monitor, displaying his own nervous face. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, citizens of hell-'' he began, covering the edge with the quelling smoothness of his voice, “ignore the video you are seeing on the screens. It was a technical error- and nothing else. As for the young lady in this video…” He trailed off as a feed of video faded into an ages-old monitor. A beautiful display of passion… of love, and life. 
“She's not of any importance to anyone here at Voxtech, so rest assured, she does not need to be brought in for any consolation, and any attempts to give this woman here will result in you being politely escorted from the premises. Thank you for your time, this has been a Public Service Announcement.” His hands raked down his face as the screens went dark, the cords keeping them close making themselves scarce as Vox gestured away wildly, his body slumping from the overexertion of nerves. WHY THE FUCK- WAS THIS HAPPENING?
Small glitches wrought hiccups through Vox’s spine, his head hung-desperate for sleep- or at least for a decent cup of coffee, when three sharp knocks sounded. “Oh jesus- Francis! Francis can you tell them I'm a little bus- WOAH HOLY SHIT-” Vox ducked right as Francis came flying above his head. Quickly, to spare himself the equipment bill, Vox gestured for the tvs to move as his accountant was flung through. When he turned to chew out whoever was responsible for potential property damage a weight was shoved into his chest, when it writhed he dropped it.
Disgusted by what it might be. 
“Now who exactly-” “Where's the million?” “Excuse me?” Vox asked incredulously, blinking rapidly as he stared into the red eyes of the sharks before him. The poor thing on the ground only then became noticeable to him, and his heart dropped to his feet as he heard quiet crying. 
“The million.” “OH! Gentlemen Im so sorry- you see, that wasn't a real advertisement. I can understand your confusion though!” He proposed with a wide swing of his hands. “Well- I can tell you even I was stumped when I saw that. But rest assured it wasn't real…meaning…” he said with a small pout, chastising the men. “You won’t be getting anything. Now I'll see to it she gets home safe, bye bye now!” One of the two was about to make a fuss before the room burst blue for a split second, disorienting him.
“The exit is to the left off the balcony and onto the ground gentlemen, I trust you’ll stick the landing.” Francis, who had been recovering during the duration of this conversation, limped raggedly forward to excuse the two who had intruded. There wasn't much contest as the men shucked their heels into the ground and were essentially wheeled out. Nosy faces of employees peeked from every corner to determine the cause of the commotion but were broken by one of Vox’s well placed whistles. 
In an instant he slammed the doors and rushed back over to the bag laying still on the ground, nothing but a shaky tremble as he drew nearer. Something about this warmth was familiar- if not at all strange. It felt warm from the inside out- especially as he placed his hand between her shoulders to see if her breathing evened out. 
She wasn't asleep.
“Mamm?” he uttered, tapping her shoulder with a soft tone as his claw barely edged her arm. “I know you're awake, I am going to gently take off your restraints. You're safe and completely in control here.. Now, lay still for just a moment as I take these off of you ok?” Before waiting on a response his clawed hands tore through the knot that raised sad welts on the inside of her wrists. She flexed them before sitting up and going for her burlap sack. The clothes she wore were not fitting for her at all… perhaps he could fix that. A nice blue and red number with a lace collar maybe? He wanted to ponder the idea before the bag was thrown in his face and her white stockings started their scramble off the floor, and upwards. 
Now- Vox for who he was took this in stride, choosing to watch as she grabbed the nearest thing to her, (a stapler) and pointed it at him. He raised his hands, and backed away, keeping a cool face, topped with his award winning smile. 
“Hey doll, you can go ahead and put that down. I am not here to hurt you. I'm sorry my tv’s acted up the way they did.” Cords wrapped around a wheely chair and sent it under her, causing her to sit harshly and spin as the cords brought her closer to vox. “Hi.” He said with a cheesy smile as he plucked the green stapler from her hands and tossed it to the ground. 
“We got off on the wrong foot.” The woman only glared, eyes red from overexertion, features twitching with rage. “I'll start with my name. I am Vox- and you areeee?” Urging her to speak annoyed the two of them equally, Vox because he didn't get to put a voice to the woman he had been dreaming of spending the rest of his eternal life with; and her, because she obviously would rather die. 
“Y/N.” she seethed, bitterly spitting the word out at him as he swooned from her voice. “Gorgeous, you go by that?” No answer. “Bah, who needs names anyway right? I mean- names, what is a name? Is it a word, noun, adjective? You know-” he said, spinning on the back of the chair as it soared around the room, making the woman dizzy. “I'm just gonna keep calling you Doll, m’kay?” He pinched her cheek between his fingers, relishing the shocked and disgusted look he drew from her as he pulled it back.
“I think it fits! Now- you probably don't want to go home in thooose-'' he said, gesturing to her entire body. Clearly annoyed she feinted him, causing him to stumble over his words before t’sking her. “Aht. Aht. You could have met a worse fate if I didn't protect you back there… don't get smart with me…”
They both stayed like that for a minute before Vox knew he had her where he wanted her, his smile growing roguishly. “A-Atta girl!” he laughed. “I knew you could be good if you really wanted to, now, let's get you up and measur-” She cut him off. “I just need a t-shirt, and some pants..” her gruff tone astounded Vox, who pursed his lips into a smile and nodded, hands still ready to place where he needed. Placing them down he nodded, mindlessly tapping around the desk for his coffee before grabbing the cup and confidently choking down left out grape juice. “That can be done.” and in a flash it was, electricity buzzed where the old clothes were most fucked and in their place an oversized VoxTech Stars shirt hung over her. She grasped at the shirt- confused at its size before a pair of comfy sweats satiated her mind. “Now now, dont worry about how fancy you look. You're a guest here after all, everyone will know that. I have- err ...uhhh…” he said, stalling, “just about eight-ish hours left before I can clock out… can you please-” he asked with big eyes and some half assed prayer hands, “stay put until I get off?”
Her jaw dropped and eyebrows furrowed, only easing after she stared into his face. Eyes twinkling, and reflecting the colours that blinked rapidly in his eyes. To spare her from growing weary Vox sauntered forward. “How susceptible-” he whispered, holding her back with one hand and her face with another as he looked deep into her eyes, not expecting to see himself back in them. God he looked a mess, hat askew, colourful lines of stress breaking across his face, ruining his CRT scanning. The distance felt unreal, the hypnosis felt necessary, though it hadnt ever before. If there was any doubt before Vox condemned it, smiling softly as his finger trekked from her ear and down the column of her neck, doubling back around and going back over her shoulder as he released his gaze and hugged her. 
Hope crossed Vox’s mind as he held her tight, mind screaming at him to just kiss her there and have her dream the same as him… but slowly he let her go, holding her by the shoulders a fleeting second, as the nigh’ comatose state of the woman bothered him. 
With eyes rolled all the way around his head he let up, his control waning until she was just left tired, and headached by the experience. Soft groans escaped her mouth and Vox kept his shut because he knew if he opened it, it would divulge all those juicy nights of soft summer suburbia to a woman who couldnt give a flying fuck. 
“I know it feels like a needle through the brain but hey! It's not an actual needle.” That phrasing would only be slightly uncomfortable, as the rest of the day made hell, HELL.
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softguarnere · 11 months
I've been staring at your ask box for about 20 minutes now because i'm speechless, your writing is so fucking good!!! I've even sent it to my friend (she is not into hbowar) and she was like woow, specially at Ares and Athena, sooo I was wondering if you could write more stuff like that? it's not like I've been shaking, crying, screaming at my screen while reading over and over again BUT PLEASE WRITE MORE SPEIRS X READER
Evaded by Hypnos
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Ron Speirs x reader
A/N: Omg hi anon! Thank you so much 💖 This ask absolutely made my day when I got it! Ares and Athena is one of my favorite fics that I've written, so I'm super glad you and your friend liked it as well! This is a prequel based off an off-handed line at the end of the fic about how Ron and the reader met. I really hope you like it! (and tagging @ronsparky since you wanted to read it 😁) As always, this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans! Warnings: language
The night sky hangs still overhead. Somewhere in the distance, machine gun fire pops in bursts, shattering any stillness that might have been about to settle over everyone. Some people can sleep through just about any conditions. Good for them. They’re probably the only ones managing to catch some shuteye. Meanwhile, everyone else is awake and in varying degrees of alertness, and all for different reasons. Some are too scared to attempt sleep, afraid that it might be the last time that they ever shut their eyes. But for Ron and those like him, staying alert is the only thing to do when sleep remains elusive.
D-Day has been hectic, to say the least. Scattered men have been trying to rejoin their companies. They’ve all been on the move, living one order to the next, one objective to the next. The frustration of the night has turned to exhaustion for many, as Fox Company remains elusive. Ron never would have guessed that their biggest challenge once they got to Europe would be trying to keep the companies in line as they moved. Which seems funny, in a sort of pitiful way, now that he’s alone and there’s time to think about it.
Lots of time to think about it. Hours stretch before him in the dark night. Now that they’ve got Talbert from Easy Company taken care of, Ron leans back in his foxhole, waiting for something else to happen, or for sleep to take him first.
You’re so quiet that he doesn’t notice you until you speak. “Lieutenant Speirs?”
Ron looks up. Through the darkness, he can just make out the shape of someone standing above his foxhole, staring down at him. Her voice is quiet, but firm. Ron sits up straight to get a better look. “Yes?”
You gesture down, indicating the foxhole, him, the room he has. “Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” he replies, already moving over to create more space.
“Thanks,” you say when you hop in and land beside him with a soft thump! Now that you’re closer, he recognizes you. Lieutenant (Y/L/N), from Easy Company. One of the women in the female paratrooper program – and one of the only women to become an officer so far. Maybe it’s the poor lighting, but it looks like you smile at him. “Went to make sure they had Talbert handled, and then came back to find that some of the guys had taken my foxhole.”
“You didn’t make them move?” Ron isn’t sure if it comes out as more of a question or a statement. Obviously you either didn’t make them move, or they chose not to listen to your order – a problem with some of the men when it comes to the gender of whoever is giving them a command.
You shake your head. “I’ve fought enough battles today.”
That doesn’t seem fair. Ron doesn’t know you personally – has never even spoken to you one on one before now – but he’s heard about you. And the popular consensus seems to be that you’re a good officer. The upper echelon seem to think so, and so do the men and women of Easy company. Good officers are hard to come by. They shouldn’t be left in the dark looking for a foxhole to spend the night in.
“Well, if you ever need a place to stay, my foxhole is always open.” The words are out of Ron’s mouth before he’s fully had time to realize how cheesy and awful they sound. Thank God for the darkness, because he grimaces, and when he hears you emit a small laugh, his cheeks feel a little warm.
“Thank you, Lieutenant. That’s very kind.”
“You can call me Ron,” he offers.
A pause. Great, he’s said the wrong thing again.
Or maybe not. “Okay,” you agree. “Thank you . . . Ron.” You don’t say it reluctantly, just slowly, like maybe it’s some sort of trick, or like you’re taking your time trying it out. “You can call me (Y/N).”
“(Y/N),” he repeats. It’s beautiful. It suits you.
There’s the clinking sound of metal on metal as you unscrew your canteen and take a sip of water. You sigh through your nose. “So, Ron. Why are you awake on such an exciting night?”
He starts to make something up, then thinks better of it. He’s only just properly met you, and yet, he feels that he can tell you the truth, even though most people probably wouldn’t believe him. It must be something about being under the cover of night; it’s a shroud that makes sharing secrets easier, somehow.
“To tell you the truth, (Y/N) . . .” He allows the words to hang there for a second to create suspense. “I just can’t sleep.”
In the darkness, he hears you replace the lid of your canteen. “Is tonight special? Or is this an ongoing issue?”
Ron blinks. No one has ever asked him that before. Back in training, everyone seemed to think that his lack of sleep was some sort of vigilance, like staying up late was a way to assert dominance over everyone, proving that he was fearless in the face of the night, like some sort of watch dog. Really, the simple answer was that he just couldn’t sleep. There wasn’t more to it then, and there’s not really more to it now.
“The latter,” he replies.
You hum. “Me, too.”
“Yep. Chalk it up to the war being so damn exciting, or something, but I haven’t slept well since Toccoa.”
“I don’t know about the excitement. Those horrible mattresses, maybe.” Ron grins, forgetting that you probably won’t be able to see it in the dark. You let out a short laugh, though, and he knows that for the first time since he joined up, one of his jokes has actually been taken as a joke instead of being misconstrued.
“Well, they were better than a foxhole,” you muse. He can hear metal on metal again as you open your canteen once more. “Sorry if I’m keeping you up, though.”
“You aren’t,” Ron promises. “In fact, it’s kind of nice having someone else with the same issue. Good to have company.”
“I agree.” For a moment, the two of you fall into a lull. Ron swears that he can feel you looking at him from the corner of your eye, like you’re sizing him up. He decides to make the first move.
“So, (Y/N),” he begins. “Where are you from?”
And that is the beginning – how Ares met Athena. All because Hypnos evades both, and the Fates tied them together because of it.
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24kmar · 6 months
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🍸Other Moodboards🍸
👗Charlie Bushnell x Actor of Glinda from wicked in Broadway👗
⚽️Dating Dominik Szoboszlai⚽️
📀Vinnie Hacker x Rockstar gf📀
🎸Dominic Fike x Rockstar gf🎸
🎥Tara Yummy x Actress GF🎥
⚽️Lamie Yamal⚽️
🦢Taylor Russell x Actress GF🦢
👗Alexa Demie x Model GF👗
🏃🏻‍♀️Dating Masai Russell🏃🏻‍♀️
🤗Dating Hamzah🤗
💫Landon Barker x Model GF💫
🎙Vinnie Hacker x Streamer GF🎙
📹Olivia Rodrigo x Youtuber gf📹
🐋 Dating Cam Cameron🐋
🎓Dating Steven Conklin🎓
🏄‍♂️Dating Conrad Fisher🏄‍♂️
🕊Dating Dove Cameron🕊
🥥 Dating Belly Conklin 🥥
🎀Dating Lana Del Rey🎀
🎸Dating Dominic Fike🎸
💸Rafe Cameron x Kook turned pogue gf💸
🐎Olivia Rodrigo x Olympic Horse Rider🐎
👑Pope Heyward x Princess! GF👑
✨️Katherine Pierce x Witch✨️
🐎Gigi Hadid x Olympic Horse Rider🐎
🎀Dating Gracie Abrams🎀
💓Dating Benoftheweek💓
💭Dating Milo Manheim💭
💋Rafe Cameron x Bad Bitch GF💋
🤭Rafe Cameron being down bad🤭
🥭Sarah Cameron x Pouge GF🥭
🍾Kie Carrera x Kook GF🍾
💫Billie Eilish x Model GF💫
🍃Dating Brent Faiyaz🍃
💥Olivia Rodrigo x Rockstar GF💥
🙊Dating Landon Barker🙊
🎧Hamzahthefantastic dating his podacast buddy🎤
🩸Dating Jennifer Check🩸
💫Dating Kehlani💫
🧸Dating Nailea Devora🧸
✨️Dating Maddy Perez✨️
💕What i think rafe and i's relationship would look like💕
❤️Felix Catton with a shy GF❤️
🕊Domestic life with Rafe Cameron🕊
🎸Rockstar! Harris Dickinson x Rockstar! GF🎸
✨️Rockstar! Hamzah x Model! GF✨️
🐎Kendall Jenner x Olympic horse rider🐎
👩🏻‍🎓Lewis Hamilton x University GF👩🏻‍🎓
📺 Dating Aubrey Plaza📺
🎀Sam Monroe with a popular gf🎀
🍃Sam Monroe with a GF whos the female version of him🍃
🎾Tashi Duncan having an affair with pro! Tennis player🎾
🙈Being Patrick Zweigs controversialy young gf🙈
🖤Sam Monroe x @rottencandyblood (MLM)🖤
✨️Salem potere (visual for a fic)✨️
💋Annika Graham (visual for a fic) 💋
🫂Annika Graham and Salem potere (visual for a fic)🫂
💭Moodboard for my fic "Thigh to thigh"💭
🧃Sturniolo Triplets🧃
💞Chris Sturniolo x Latina 💞
💓Matt Sturniolo x Latina💓
🎀🐱Matt Sturniolo x HK Girlfriend🐱🎀
🤫Secretly Dating Matt Sturniolo🤫
👀Teaser for my toxic!fem reader x matt sturniolo
🐕Matt Sturniolo x Golden Retriever GF🐕
🐈‍⬛Chris Sturniolo x Black Cat GF🐈‍⬛
🖤Matt Sturniolo x Black Cat GF🖤
🐈Matt Sturniolo x Blonde Cat GF🐈
📷Matt and his model!gf doing a prada shoot📷
🩸Vamp! Matt sturniolo (visual for a fic)🩸
🩸Vamp! Chris sturniolo (visual for a fic)🩸
🩸Vamp! Nick sturniolo (visual for a fic)🩸
🩸Salem potere x vamp! Triplets (visual for a fic)🩸
🍃Being Dealer Chris' Bunny🍃
🕳Daughters of Hades🕳
🎭Sons of Dionysus🎭
🎸Rockstar! Sons of Dionysus🎸
🍒Daughters of Dionysus🍒
🎤Rockstar! Daughters of Dionysus🎤
🗡Aphrodite warriors🗡
🍓Daughters of Demeter🍓
🐚Daughters of Thetis🐚
🌊Sons of Thetis🌊
🐍Luke Castellan🐍
💤Luke Castellan x Daughter of Hypnos💤
🥊Boxer! Luke Castellan🥊
🏍Biker! Luke Castellan🏍
🥎Monster High🥎
⚡️Frankie Stein⚡️
🐺Clawdeen Wolf🐺
💎Cleo DeNile💎
❄️Abbey Bominable❄️
✨️Howleen Wolf✨️
🎬Clawdia Wolf🎬
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syncopein3d · 7 months
Syncope's Writing Masterpost
Hi, I'm Sync, and I write!
My non-writing account for memes and queer and autistic content is @spiderace.
I like angst, loss of consciousness and hurt/comfort, emphasis on comfort. I don't care about the gender of participants, so different ones will occur. I'll tag.
Always feel free to ask me about my characters or stories, anonymously or not. :)
If you like consensual BDSM with male subs there's a fair amount of porn with plot on my AO3.
Broken World
(Cometverse. Villain rescues minor villain, hero whumpers, superhero OCs, agender caretaker and male whumpee; complete)
1. Rescue
2. Bathtub
3. I Trust You
4. Bad Night
5. The Unlikely Truth
Left Alone
(Trifold Balance universe. male vampire whumpee, non-binary caretaker, trapped in a small room, morbid vampire stuff; in progress)
1. Abandoned
2. Discovery
3. Bereft
4. Smallest Consolation
5. Bearing Gifts
6. Regeneration
7. Riddles
8. Faint
9. Silencers 1
10. Silencers 2
11. Silencers 3
12. Drive
13. Cabin
14. His Eyes Have All The Seeming
15. Glass of Water
Trifold Balance, Other
Necessary Intervention (Jack Ford, Hunter, hospitalization and involuntary sedation, convalescence)
The Warm One
(Synchronium universe. Magic living weapon, female whumpee, male whumper and caretaker; complete)
Part 1: Velvet
Part 2: Stay
Part 3: Discipline
Part 4: Silk
Part 5: Would You Say No
Part 6: Spring Campaign
Part 7: Wrath
Part 8: All Things End
Friendly Reviews
I review completed hurt/comfort stories that I enjoyed and do some light analysis of why I enjoyed them so readers can get an idea if they might also want to read one.
Smoke, Salt and Asbestos
Cheap Shot
Shun the Light
Trope posts
Fainting/loss of consciousness
Cold hands on a fever
Nonlethal Takedowns
Belated Explanations
Helpers who have been through it themselves
Very Tired
Moments of Relief
Female caretaker and vampire whumpee
Lone survivor (magic, noncon sleep spell, male whumpee, female caretaker)
The Regulator (AO3 link, OC, superheroes, male whumpee and male caretaker)
Oh, It's You (hero x villain reblog)
Vitrified (vampire lady with 'trophies' preservesd in glass)
Warhammer 40,000 Misc
Astartes Husbandry 1
Astartes Husbandry 2
Deathwatch Aftercare
Astartes Hypno-Con And Medical Care
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Audax
(Astartes space marine whump, Deathwatch kill team, military whump, harsh training, recovery)
1. Kill Team Audax: Run
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little flower - chapter three
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pairing: hades!Kim Namjoon x persephone!Female Reader word count: 8149 warnings: fluff, angst, smut, multiple pov, zeus!jin, hypnos!jimin, charon!kook, thanatos!yoongi, cerberus!monie, big dick dom joon, explicit language, doggy style, vaginal sex, creampie, hints of virginity/corruption kink series masterlist A/N: Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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As he walked closer to the central hall Namjoon could hear the noise of boisterous conversations and laughter, the noise of music filling the air. Noise that gradually stopped as he stepped into the golden-floored hall.
As the silence filled the room the king of the Underworld looked around the hall, taking notice of how each and every god and nymph was staring at him, some with mouths agape but all of them with eyes wide with shock, confusion, and some even with curiosity and fear.
A part of the god of the Dead wasn't surprised, their reactions being exactly what he expected after centuries of being on the receiving end of the same treatment. The other part felt sadden for the same reason, mostly at himself, for having a small glimpse of hope that anything would be different.
With a roll of the eyes and a deep sigh, he started walking once again, passing through one of the twenty golden tripods automotones crafted by Hephaestus and grabbing a glass of ambrosia for himself. Walking towards the one god that he was willing to engage with, the Lord of Riches took notice of every person that stepped away from him or from his path, his ears picking up every not-so-secret murmur and whisper thrown his way, simply shrugging them off as he knew allowing himself in reactions he had long since gotten used to would only lead him down the dark paths of his mind, it would only be a waste of his supposedly break.
Once he reached the throne that stood center against the wall Namjoon bowed to the deity in front of him, after all, despite being a king himself that didn't he wouldn't show respect to the ruler of Olympus.
At the sight Zeus's brow arched and stood from his seat, automatically silencing the entire hall, going down the small flight of stairs and standing in front of the king of the Underworld for a couple of seconds, his face impassive before his lips broke into a smile and he took the taller one in an embrace, one which was reciprocated.
"It's great to see you after so many years," the king of the Gods said untangling himself from the hug, a grin that could light up the entire room on his features. "When Taehyung told me he had invited you I was sure that you weren't going to show up," placing one of his hands on Namjoon's back Seokjin looked around the hall. "What's with the silence? This is supposed to be a feast," at the words the noise returned as if it had never disappeared to begin with. The hand on the god of the Dead's back pushed him a bit forward, pulling the other's attention back to the god of the sky. "Now come, I'm sure I'm not the only one you'll be happy to see you."
'It sure feels like it' the Lord of Riches almost said, choosing instead to take a swing from his drink as he let Jin take him to where he wanted him to go. As they walked the constant feeling of everyone's eyes watching his every move attached itself to Namjoon, like they were vines that attached themselves to houses, forcing him to make himself believe that the reason why people step away from their path was due to the respect held for Zeus, he had to make himself believe in that reasoning, it was the only way for him to get through the evening.
"I said this before but I was genuinely surprised when I saw you," the king of the Gods said with a wide grin, giving nods of acknowledgment whenever a lower god or nymph bowed to him, if he either ignored or was oblivious to the glares they would send Namjoon's way the king of the Underworld couldn't tell. "I thought you'd be too busy to mingle with us from Olympus."
"Decided to take a break and visit the family," the god of the Dead said in a sarcastic tone as he took another sip of ambrosia. "It was the only way for Taehyung to leave my realm."
Jin hummed. "Did he do the pinky promise?"
"Yup," he said, adding emphasis on the p, taking another swing of his drink until the glass was empty, leaving it on a nearby surface without much attention on his part. "Once he started with that I told him to leave, had a lot of work to go through, and couldn't waste any time on indulgence."
The king of the Gods snorted. "You say that but even I know you let him get away with a lot," pulling his hand away from the other's back Jin started walking ahead. "But enough about him, there are people who'll be thrilled to see you and I've made them wait long enough."
Namjoon couldn't help the skepticism that penetrated his bones, his brows furrowed at the words, almost as if they had been spoken in a dialect unknown to him. However, when he saw who the people were he stopped in his tracks, the skepticism was replaced by a sense of slight happiness and familiarity, to the point he couldn't help the smile that graced his features.
Not counting the god of the sky, there stood four deities, one god and three goddesses, all of them with different types of smiles on their faces - two genuine, one forced, and one barely visible.
As the king of the Underworld stepped forward so did the god of the sea, both men meeting in the middle and embracing one another.
"Good to see you man," the god of floods said, separating from the other and giving him a slap on the arm. "You haven't changed a single thing in these last centuries."
"Why fix what isn't broken?" Namjoon said with a shrug.
Poseidon shrugged as well. "Maybe, you'd probably know broken things better than me,"
The king of the Underworld had to bite his tongue in order to not respond, choosing instead to change the subject before he said something to ruin the mood, knowing deep down that the other had probably not meant anything negative by the words.
"Right," he said with a tight smile. "By the way, where's Amphitrite? It would be nice to see her as well after so many years."
"She's, hum," the god of the sea looked around the hall. "She's around. Somewhere."
The Lord of Riches let out a sigh as he rubbed his temple. "Please don't tell me you actually managed to lose your wife,"
"I didn't lose my wife," Poseidon crossed his arms over his chest. "She's around here somewhere enjoying herself, I just don't know where."
"Right," the god of the Dead simply rolled his eyes and let out a sigh as his mouth drew into a thin line. With a pat on the shoulder, he walked past the god of the sea, turning his attention to the oldest deity among the six.
The goddess of the hearth took him into her arms, no different than a mother would with her child. "It's so good to see you again, it's been far too long,"
He offers the goddess a genuine smile. "The feeling is mutual Hestia, however, you have to forgive my long absence," he stepped away from the embrace, giving her arms a squeeze before sliding his hands through her appendages and taking her hands in his, giving them a squeeze as well. "The Underworld requires far too much of my time, energy, and attention, leaving far too little time for free time."
The goddess of the hearth gave him a once-over, almost as if she was trying to spot something in his figure, before letting out a sigh. "I hope at the very least you're getting enough food and sleep,"
Namjoon nodded as he let go of her, deciding that a little white lie would be better than worrying the goddess and although not knowing if she had actually believed him or not, the king of the Underworld did feel relieved when the subject was dropped.
He turned to the other two goddesses, who spoke to one another in a low tone, and approached them, stopping the conversation as a result.
The goddess of harvest gave a quick and rushed hug, almost as if touching him was something she had forced herself to do, while the queen of the gods simply acknowledged his presence with a curt nod, her arms over her chest and a fiery look in her eyes, and in reality, the Lord of Riches hadn't expected anything else from them.
Especially from Hera, the goddess of women always had a habit of lashing out against people, even if they had done her no wrong, however, he could somewhat understand, considering all the things he had heard from the king and queen's marriage, the god of the Dead couldn't blame her for being enraged. Being the goddess of marriage while having your own being a shit show, it felt like a sick twisted sense of irony in the king of the Underworld's eyes.
At his wife's attitude, Jin let out a sigh, composing himself quickly and snapping his fingers, of which three golden tripods wheeled towards the six of them, each deity taking a glass of nectar before the automotones wheeled away, most likely attending to someone else.
"It's so good to have the big six back together again," the god of the sky said raising his glass, almost as if proposing a toast. "It's been eons since all of us have been in the same room, I dare say I even missed it."
Poseidon seemed to be the only one sharing the same enthusiasm as Jin as he raised his glass as well. Hestia simply gave a small smile, while Namjoon, Demeter, and Hera looked at the god of thunder and lightning, their mouths drew into thin lines, the god of the Dead catching the queen of the gods rolling her eyes from the corner of his, however, all four of them also raised their glasses, although reluctantly.
With the clicking of glasses, everyone took a swing of their drink, with Jin and Hera almost emptying theirs. And for a brief moment, Namjoon allowed himself to relax and pretend as if he couldn't feel eyes on him.
From the moment the king of the Underworld stepped into the hall every god and nymph had their eyes on him, Y/N being no different. If hadn't been for the murmurs around her the goddess of flowers would've assumed he was simply another deity that lived in Olympus.
Although never actually seen him in person or an image of him, she had heard many stories about him growing up. Tales of the dark and dreary place the Underworld was, of the god who was cold and cruel, ruling with an iron fist, how he was no different than a monster that terrorized cities and parents warned their children to stay away from.
All of these tales had culminated in her child mind creating a portrait of the god of the Dead, one of him being a gigantic creature, with sharp teeth and equally sharp long nails, a being extremely pale and slender with ever decaying skin. An image that remained with her until today.
But looking at him now, Y/N couldn't be further from the truth.
The king of the Underworld, Hades, was in reality entirely different. From his tall stature, towering over the others in the small group he found himself in, his skin of a golden honey shade, his all-black attire putting extra emphasis on his hard frame, muscle broad shoulders, and large, toned built, a sharp jawline, and short black hair. And, although a bit far away from him, the goddess of flowers could make out a perfectly sculpted nose, lips thick and plump, an aura of dominance waving off of him.
He looked no different than the several statues that humans had of other deities in temples, and she couldn't help but wonder why everyone spoke so poorly of him. Y/N assumed it had to be the fact that death and the Underworld were subjects feared by humans and gods alike, his waves of dominance more than likely not helping, she had even seen Ares stiffed at the god of the Dead's entrance out of the corner of her eyes.
But while his physical appearance had been misinterpreted, maybe his personality had not. Cold, stern, cruel, and feared, that was all the goddess of spring had heard. But looking at him now, the king of the Underworld looked more aloof than anything else, almost as if he was forcing himself to be here and go along with whatever Zeus wanted.
She pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, bringing her back out of the trance she had fallen into and making the three goddesses' voices heard once again. "Hey, Kore? Are you listening?"
"H-uh,  Y-yeah, I'm alright," the goddess of flowers turned towards the goddess of wisdom, giving her hand a squeeze, trying to reassure Athena.
The older goddess removed her hand but her eyes still showed preoccupation. Artemis, who had spoken, had her eyebrows furrowed and her arms crossed over her chest, while Aphrodite looked around the hall, trying to spot the one who had caught the goddess of spring's attention.
And once the goddess of love's eyes fell upon the dark figure on the other side of the room a cheshire smile appeared on her face.
"Ooh," she said in a sing-along type of way, making the other three goddesses turn to her, the goddess of wisdom and the one of hunting with arched brows while the one of spring with a questioning look in her eyes. The goddess of beauty started jumping on the tip of her toes, her smile growing incredibly wide as excitement filled every particle in her body, she grabbed onto the younger goddess's arm, holding on to it tightly. "It seems our little Kore has a bit of a crush,"
All three of them look at Aphrodite with wide eyes, almost as if she had grown two heads, Y/N especially, turning her gaze towards the floor as she felt her cheeks redden at the assumption.
Unfortunately for her, the goddess of love took that as confirmation, giggling as if she were a child, giving the goddess of flowers even more reason to be embarrassed. "Oh I'm so excited, can't really blame you though, he's a total dish," she gave a dreamy sigh and started fanning herself with her hand. "I would've taken him for myself if he gave me the time, or if he showed up in Olympus more often."
"Huh, Aphrodite?" the goddess of the wilderness said baffled. "What are you going on about?"
The goddess of beauty humphed, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting her lips, annoyed that the others weren't understanding where she was going with the conversation. "I'm talking about Kore staring fondly at Hades."
Athena and Artemis turned to look at Y/N, waiting for an answer, but the three pairs of eyes staring at her only made the younger goddess grow even more embarrassed.
"I wasn't staring fondly at him," she said in a soft low tone as she started playing with her fingers, in turn, the goddess of love arched an eyebrow, not really believing the words. "I wasn't! It's just that, I've only ever heard of him before. It's my first time seeing Hades in person, it's natural to be curious." 'he's nothing like I had imagined' she almost said, choosing instead to bite her tongue and keep the thoughts to herself.
Both the goddesses of wisdom and of hunting seemed satisfied with the reasoning, the goddess of sexuality however only huffed, loudly at that, in annoyance.
"Seriously Aphrodite?" the goddess of the wilderness said, irritation starting to show in her voice. "Why are you so obsessed with this?"
"Hey! As the goddess of love I'm pretty amazing at spotting this type of stuff," she waved her hand while pointing an accusatory finger at Artemis. "Like the stuff between you and Orion."
Beside Y/N the goddess of war simply sighed, grabbing two glasses from the nearby automotones and giving one to the goddess of flowers, whispering. "They're like children," which made the younger goddess let out a giggle.
The goddess of hunting simply stared at Aphrodite, one hand on her hip and scratching the side of her head with the other, a confused look in her eyes. "There's nothing between me and Orion though,"
The goddess of sexuality merely snorted at the words. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, but I know what I'm seeing,"
Artemis scoffed at the implication but then a smirk graced her lips, a snide remark ready on her tongue. "Are you really still hurt that you have no power over me or Athena?"
At the accusation the goddess of love found herself flabbergasted, catching herself before doing something that might bring unwanted attention towards them, even if the need of wanting to yell at the goddess of the wilderness still lingered within her.
Composing herself Aphrodite gave her friends a thin-lined smile. "I'm not even going to bother indulging you," she said in a sickly sweet tone. "I will however be taking my leave, for I have more pressing matters to attend."
"You mean matters like Ares?" the goddess of hunting said sarcastically, resulting in both a blow to the ribs and a stern look from the goddess of wisdom.
The goddess of love simply shrugged, a cheshire smile making an appearance on her lips. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you," and with that, she turned away from the other three goddesses and walked towards the god of war, whose lips shifted into a smirk once his eyes laid on her.
"Dammit Athena, did you really have to hit me that hard?" the goddess of the moon said annoyingly, her hand grazing over the spot.
The goddess of good counsel however remained composed and calm, stating matter-of-factly. "Do you have to constantly say things like that to her? It makes you look like a child Artemis."
"I am simply poking fun at her," the goddess of the wilderness stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. However, the way the older goddess stared at her made Artemis swallow whatever other words she would have said about the subject. With a deep sigh, she replied. "I'll apologize to her and I promise to you that I'll be nicer."
Athena, however, rolled her eyes, not really believing the words but deciding to drop the subject, choosing instead to talk about strategies when it came to battles and hunting, something she knew would distract Artemis.
As the conversation turned in that direction, Y/N started to tune it out, due to the fact that she had very little to no experience when it came to fighting in wars or the hunting of animals, choosing instead to focus her attention on watching the gods and nymphs interact around the hall, the glass of ambrosia grazing her lips but having no actual intention to drink the liquid.
As her eyes scanned the place the goddess of spring couldn't help having her attention being drawn back to the king of the Underworld, and as she did Y/N found him looking in her direction.
After the, supposed, toast between the six deities each of them separated into different groups, Hestia decided to talk to nymphs, Demeter and Hera moved to another side of the room to have a private conversation, while Namjoon, Jin, and Poseidon stayed in the same spot, getting a new drink as fast as they finished the previous one and having their own conversation.
Well, maybe saying he was part of the dialogue was a nice way of putting it, considering that all the god of the Dead did was listen and not really saying anything. He didn't feel a need to, after the 'toast' the six deities had a brief conversation about the goings-on in their lives, something that he didn't engage with due to not much having changed since the last time they had seen each other, before each one decided to do their own thing, leaving the three male gods on their own.
Afterward, the god of the Sky and the god of the Sea started to have a conversation about something that he was barely paying to, not that the other two seemed to notice, making the Lord of Riches feel like he could be no different than the wall behind him and nobody would care.
The one positive was that, at the very least, people had mostly stopped watching and murmuring about him, even if he would still catch some of them trying to do it secretly out of the corner of his eyes.
However, there was one that didn't hide that they were keeping their eye on him, someone he didn't recognize.
A woman, a goddess, on the other side of the room, almost as if she was mimicking his stance. Both deities standing detached from their group, having their glasses on their lips but not drinking anything, ignoring everything around them, and keeping their eyes on one another.
Namjoon didn't know if he felt uncomfortable or intrigued by her, however, he couldn't help but find amusement in her boldness, and despite his more logical side telling him otherwise, there was something, similar to an itch he wanted to scratch. A certain unexplained need to mess with her.
Lowering his occupied hand, the god of the Dead arches an eyebrow at her, wanting to see what her next step would be, he runs his tongue across his lower lip before biting the fleshy part, wanting to see how she would react.
At his actions the goddess's eyes widen before she looked away from him and down at her feet, biting her bottom lip in the process.
A large smirk made its way on his features. "Cute," he said quietly to himself.
"Hm? Did you say something?" the god of the Sky said, turning his head in his way.
The taller god shook his head. "No, nothing," he took a look at Jin from the corner of his eyes for a couple of seconds before turning his attention back to the goddess, taking another swing of nectar. "Where's Poseidon?"
"He went looking for Amphitrite," the king of the Gods took a sip of his drink, taking a glance at the god beside him before turning his gaze towards what had captivated him. A young goddess, one he recognized more due to the fact of who she was related to than anything else.
He gave a side glance to the king next to him before returning his gaze towards the girl, who seemed to be having an inner struggle between looking back at Namjoon or pretending he wasn't in the room, keeping her under his watchful eye. "Something that interests you?"
The king of the Underworld simply shrugged before taking the glass in his hand towards his lips. "Simple curiosity, nothing more to it,"
"You're not the only one," at the words the Lord of Riches turned his attention to the king of the Gods, an arched brow on his features as he waited for the other to develop. Instead of giving a verbal answer Jin merely motioned to each corner, signaling him where to look.
And sure enough, the god of the Dead found four deities having their eyes on her - Hephaestus, who sat by himself, swirling around the glass in his hand; Apollo, who was surrounded by, who Namjoon assumed to be his muses; Hermes, who seemed to be jumping from group to group, always keeping a certain amount of distance from the goddess; Ares, even as Aphrodite dragged him by the wrist to a secluded area.
All of them looking as if they were lovestruck, and the god of the Dead couldn't help but want to roll his eyes at how obvious they were being. "You can't possibly be comparing me to them. They are acting as if it's their first seeing a woman,"
"I never said that," the king of the Gods stated matter-of-factly. "I just said you weren't the only one observing little Kore."
"Kore, huh?" Namjoon said, a small hint of mild amusement in his voice. Although, he wouldn't deny that the name seemed to fit her perfectly, an air of innocence and purity that waved off of her, eyes so wide and bright she looked no different than a curious child finding out more about the world.
However, the king of the Underworld couldn't shake the voice inside of his head, the one that whispered disappointments of how the goddess, that was intriguing him so, wasn't the one mentioned by the Moirai.
Beside him the god of thunder and lightning hummed in agreement, giving a quick glance at his friend. "She grew into a fine goddess, didn't she? I can't help but find it a shame that Demeter wants to keep her to herself,"
The king of the Underworld's eyebrows raised in slight surprise, he had heard that the goddess of harvest had given birth to a baby girl centuries ago but it had never crossed his mind that said child was the same one he couldn't take his eyes off of.
But, perhaps, what had astonished him the most had been the choice of words that were used. Due to the nature and role, he played in his realm Namjoon had long since developed a sense of being able to detect hidden meanings of what was said, so much so that everyone who worked under him very rarely tried to lie to him.
In response the king of the Underworld scoffed at the words, followed by a dry chuckle. "Did you expect anything else from a mother that called her daughter maiden?"
"Not really," Jin shrugged. "Although, that might not mean anything in the future."
"What do you mean?" the taller one asked, intrigue prickling on his skin.
"Unlike Hestia, Athena, and, Artemis, little Kore has yet to swear before me that she wants to remain a virgin goddess," the god of the sky gave another side glance to his friend. "She's a young woman of marriageable age, and there seems to be a lot of gods that are…" a smirk grew on his lips. "Curious of her."
Namjoon couldn't help but roll his eyes at the words, taking a swing of his drink. "That would be if they can get past Demeter."
"True," the king of the Gods said, a tone of disinterest in his voice, almost as if he become bored with the topic he himself had brought up. "At least, it will be interesting to see them try."
"If you say so," gulping down the rest of his ambrosia as fast as he could, having grown tired of being in Olympus and just to lay down on his bed, the Lord of Riches failed to notice the goddess of flowers excusing herself to her companions before steeping outside, an action that didn't go unnoticed by the god of thunder and lightning. "Well Jin, it's been a fun night but I must return to my realm, there is still much I need to do before lying down for the day."
The god of law and order nodded along to the words, both men putting down their glasses before initiating a handshake, pulling into each other and swinging one arm around the back of the other, both gods giving the other's shoulder three open-palmed slaps.
"It was great seeing you," Jin said as both men separated. "You'll have to drop by more often."
"Likewise," Namjoon said with a somewhat forced smile on his lips, intentionally ignoring the second set of words spoken, before he exited the central hall.
As he watched the god of the Dead leave the king of the Gods took a glass to his lips and muttered to himself. "Very interesting indeed,"
When he exited the palace the king of the Underworld took a deep breath, feeling more at peace underneath the night starry sky than he had inside while surrounded by deities. He stared at the moon for some time, not really caring if seconds or minutes passed, he wanted to preserve its memory for as long as possible, especially considering that a millennia would probably pass before he was able to see it once again.
As he lowered his sight from the sky, it turned towards the patch of grass that adorned the front of the palace, where he saw a figure that made his eyes widen with surprise for a second.
A young goddess - no, Kore - was seated on the ground, her hand touching the earth as it grazed through a small portion of the grass, leaving a dozen or so daisies in its wake.
Slowly and quietly the god of the Dead approached in her direction, choosing to hide behind the olive tree closest to her and hoping the darkness of the night helped camouflage his figure, the last thing Namjoon wanted was for her to be scared of him.
With slight curiosity, he watched as the goddess of flowers ripped three daisies with longer stems with her hands, crossing the stems over each other almost as if she was braiding hair, taking the stem from the right and placing it between the other two and then taking the one from the left and placing it between the other two.
She continued this until the now braided stems were the width of a flower head, of which then a fourth daisy was laid so that the added stem rested on top of the center stem, she then resumed braiding, holding the new flower stem together with the center stem., the young goddess continuing this process until the chain was of the desired size.
All the while, the king of the Underworld couldn't take his eyes off of her, the way she was so concentrated on her task, one could almost confuse it with a life or death situation; the way light of the full moon shined down on her,  making all the gold and silver in his kingdom look like coal by comparison. From her small delicate hands, that handled her work with such care and precision; to the long and simple white dress that, despite what her mother would think, didn't do any favors in hiding her physique or attributes.
Everything about her was mesmerizing to him, his more sinful thoughts paying special attention to the way the dress rose up, due to her sitting position, and showed off her thighs.
Once the chain was the desired length, Kore braided the remaining ends and then tucked them in near the start to make a crown, as she smiled at her creation the Lord of Riches could've sworn that he had never seen a more beautiful sight in his immortal life, a small part of him even wishing that the smile was directed at him instead of the daisies.
As the goddess of flowers was ready to put the crown on her head a loud and distant voice call out to her, pulling both deities out of their trance, turning towards the palace entrance where it was coming from. "Kore? Kore? Kore where are you?"
At the sound, the goddess stood up and made a quick dash towards the palace. "Coming mother," she said as she passed through the entrance and disappeared from his view.
The king of the Underworld's eyes dragged from the entrance to the patch of grass where she had been, the flower crown laying forgotten in her place, almost as if all the work she had put into it was all but an afterthought, and, in a possible weird way, Namjoon could relate to it.
Carefully he picked up the crown of daisies and made his way to the golden gates, the Horae simply opening the entrance to the heavenly fortress without sparing him a glance, not that he minded much, his mind otherwise occupied with other thoughts.
The journey back to the Underworld was rather uneventful, nothing but him and his thoughts to serve as entertainment, and for once he wished that wasn't the case, for them kept being drawn back to her.
Arriving in his realm the Lord of Riches descended his chariot to the front of his palace, stepping out of it and looking at the servant that had stepped away from the door and walked in the direction of his king, giving him a bow. "Where is Thanatos?"
"In the throne room my Lord," the servant said as the king of the Underworld gave him the reins of the chariot, bowing again before leaving.
Entering the palace Namjoon made his way to the throne room, feeling a migraine starting to form as he heard the noise the closer he got.
As the doors to the room were open before him, the sight that he had stumbled upon made the god of the Dead pinch the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh.
There he found Thanatos; Charon; Hypnos, who had his hand up Pasithea, his wife, dress as both sat on his throne; and to make matters worse, they were all equally inebriated.
"What in the world is going on in here?" his deep, booming voice reverberated throughout the room, making all the daimons and the youngest of the Charites stop what they were doing and turn towards their king.
The three daimons looked at each other, neither one knowing who should be the first to break the silence, especially considering the look they were getting from their ruler - when he looked at anyone with his jaw clenched and with a raised brow, it was never a good sign.
Releasing a dry cough all eyes turned to Hypnos, except for his wife who still had her head lowered in shame. "So, hum," the daimon of sleep cleared his throat and removed his hand from the goddess of relaxation. "Huh, you're home early."
At the words, the daimon of non-violent death and the ferryman of the dead collectively groaned, with the minister rubbing his temple as well.
"I don't remember needing to give an exact hour of when I'd be returning to my own realm," the king of the Underworld released another sigh and rolled his eyes. "And that still doesn't answer why you're all drunk and making a mess of my palace."
"Well…," Jungkook started, keeping his eyes away from the king. "We heard that you were going to a feast in Olympus, so we wanted to have a little celebration of our own."
"And you decided that my palace - nay, my throne room was the ideal place for that?"
"It's more spacious," Jimin said plainly, shrugging his shoulders as he got up from the throne.
Namjoon groaned in frustration, feeling like the conversation was going around in circles. He turned his sight to his minister, hoping for some sense of a decent conversation. "What about you? Nothing to say?"
Yoongi's face stayed expressionless as he spoke. "Is there anything else to say?"
The Lord of Riches let out a deep sigh and rubbed his temple, feeling a headache starting to form, just wanting to go to bed and put the day behind him, but unfortunately, he still had a question to ask. "Did any of you, at the very least, watched over Cerberus?"
As if on cue, the three-headed white as snow hound, who looked to be in his smaller form instead of his gigantic one, bursted into the room, two of its heads barking while the third one had, what the god of the Dead assumed to be, a piece of someone's clothing in its mouth.
However, when he saw his owner had returned Monie dropped the clothes, and started wagging his tail before making a mad dash towards the king of the Underworld, whinnying as he jumped up and down on his back legs, his front ones pawing at his arm.
With a smile on his lips, Namjoon bent down to pet each head of the forty-seven cm dog, being mindful as to not ruin the flower crown. "Care to tell me why he's in this form?"
"We didn't want him to be alone while we were inside," Jungkook said scratching the back of his head.
Standing up, the god of the Dead shook his head in disbelief but as he watched the four of them with difficulty standing upright, and the tiredness that was starting to get to him, he decided to let go of the conversation, for now at least. "All of you, just get out and go to bed,"
The ferryman, the daimon of sleep, and the goddess of relaxation nodded and moved towards the exit, stumbling their way out the door and into the hallway, with Monie following behind them.
Only the daimon of non-violent death remained, staring at his king with a raised eyebrow, but waiting until the others were a few meters away before starting to talk. "What is that?" he gestured towards the daisies with his chin.
"It's a flower crown made of daisies," the Lord of Riches said in a disinterested tone, almost as if it bored him to speak of it. "I found it on the ground when I was leaving Olympus and decided to take it with me. Haven't seen them in a long time and the Underworld doesn't have these types of flowers," he raised a brow at his minister, almost as if challenging him to say what he actually meant. "Is there a problem with that?"
Yoongi stared at him from top to bottom, his hands between his back. "No, it's as you say," with that, the daimon left the palace, deciding to leave the conversation to another day.
When the door to the throne room closed once again the god of the Dead let out a sigh of relief, telling the two servants in the room that he wanted it clean, especially his throne, and then he took his leave, making a direct beeline to his room.
Entering his bedroom, he took a peek at his bed and resisted the urge to roll his eyes, choosing instead to close the door and walk towards the mirrored dresser on the other corner of the room, carefully putting the flower crown on it, grazing his index finger through a petal, his thoughts being drawn back to the one who had made it.
Shaking his head to forget such things,  Namjoon took off his clothes and threw them haphazardly onto the floor, avoiding looking at the mirror as he did so, not wanting to see the marks that filled out his torso and back, marks that him and everyone around him had gotten so used to that none would comment on it, marks that he didn't want to glance for even a second.
Afterward, he grabbed the bottle of wine from his dresser, pouring the liquid on one of the two glasses, no doubt having been brought by her, before taking it to his lips and drinking it until the glass was half empty, all the while leaning against the dresser, his eyes never straying from the naked nymph on his bed, as he stared at her with a raised brow.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you my Lord," she shifted her position until she reached the end of the bed, moving to be on her hands and knees, facing him with pupils blown wide with lust and a wide grin. "Is that a problem?"
"This is the second time today you barge in without being summoned," he said without a shred of emotion.
Like everyone else in the entire cosmos, the king of the Underworld liked to have his moments of privacy, moments that were few and, sometimes, far in between. Due to his busy life, he rarely had time to indulge in some of them, it had been so long since he had stepped foot in his vast library.
So, a lot of those moments alone had to be mixed with his schedule, delegated to his bedroom and his bathroom. Only him and the servants that cleaned afterward were allowed in those spaces, and even said helpers knew better than to interrupt their king, only doing so in cases that required his attention and when the minister was unavailable.
This was someone that was known throughout the realm, his mistress being no different.
But as of recent the naiad seemed to take a liking to come in unannounced and invade his personal time alone, something that was starting to irk him a great deal. Any other day he wouldn't mind indulging her, but after the day he had had, sleep was the only thing on his mind.
Not that she seemed to care, as the grin on her face grew wider. "I'm simply trying to be a good lover," the nymph of Cocytus moved her upper body off the bed, crossing her arms in a way that put a special emphasis on her breasts. Even the sickly sugary sweet way in which she talked was starting to grind on his nerves, and the god was only fifty percent sure that it was due to all the drinks he had consumed. "Especially after about how my Lord had visited Olympus, it must've been quite the stressful situation."
"It was," the image of the goddess of flowers flashed briefly in his mind, he mentally shook himself to get rid of such thoughts. "Interesting, to say the least."
"Hmm," she stood up and off from the bed, not really interested in any more conversation, strolling up to him until she was standing face to face with him, her hands finding a place on his shoulders before they ran down his chiseled chest until they passed below his waist and reached for what she wanted in the first place.
Taking a hold of his flaccid cock the nymph started to lazily stroke him, making the Lord of Riches bite his lower lip in order to not let out a groan that wanted to escape, more so when he felt her other hand cupping and massaging his balls.
And, despite everything, Namjoon felt somewhat detached to the ordeal, where normally he would be giving in to the pleasure, now he only had two thoughts on his mind.
The first was a conversation he had had with Yoongi sometime after getting together with his mistress, the daimon talking about the possibility of how the naiad might want to take the role of queen, a concern that the god of the Dead was quick to dismiss.
At the time, he had made it unabatedly clear, especially to her, that he wasn't looking for a queen, something she didn't seem to have a problem with. Minthe tried to hide it, but he knew that what she was after were the bragging rights of how she had laid with him, something he never really cared much about.
But her sudden need to constantly be around him made the words of his minister ring louder in his ears, there was a possibility of her having changed her mind but that didn't mean he had done the same.
The second wasn't so much of a thought, but more of an intrusion. Whenever he allowed himself to relish in the moment, it wasn't his mistress he saw behind his closed lids.
It was a young goddess, the one whose name and conversation with Jin had made clear the fact that she had never been touched by the desire he was enjoying, the one who had made the crown that was close to his fingertips, the one who he couldn't keep out of his mind - Kore.
The king of the Underworld's mind wouldn't stop conjuring images of the goddess of flowers being the one stroking his length; of how she would have her wide, innocent eyes look at him with a mixture of fright and eagerness; of how he would teach her all of the pleasures she had been missing.
And damn if those thoughts didn't make him harder.
When he felt the naiad's breath on his leaking tip, the god of the Dead's free hand moved to the back of her head, having a tight grip on her hair and pulling her to stand up.
He drank the rest of his wine in one go, letting the empty glass fall on the floor before bringing Minthe's head closer to his until they could feel each other's breath.
"Hands and knees, facing the headboard," once he let go of her the nymph moved in a flash towards the bed, getting into position and wiggling her ass to entice him more.
With one last side glance at the daisy crown, Namjoon moved to stand on his knees behind her, a hand on her back as to force her upper body to lay down until her nipples grazed the sheets before his fingers started to rub the wetness around her slit, making her let out soft moans.
"So wet for me already," he kept rubbing for a couple more seconds before pulling his fingers away from her sopping center, using her essence and his precum as lubricant before his big hands settled on her waist with a bruising grip, lining himself at her entrance.
"You're ready?" that was all the warning he gave before thrusting with full force inside, making the nymph take every inch of his large cock all at once.
Minthe yelled at the sudden intrusion, not expecting her king to start so rough but not complaining, feeling so full as he filled her oh so well.
Not giving her a chance to familiarize herself with his length, the Lord of Riches drew back until only the tip remained before slamming into her once again.
His pace was rough and fast, snapping his hips with such force that it made the bed frame hit the wall with his movements while leaving the naiad in a perpetual state of constant moans, both sounds mixing with the ones of lewd squelching and skin slapping against skin.
As he lost himself, Namjoon's thoughts were brought back to Kore, thinking of how tight she would be around him; of how he would be the first to enter such uncharted territory; of how she would take every inch of him like a good girl and would beg him for more.
"F-fuck," he threw his head back, feeling himself closer to his high as his head filled with various scenarios of the virgin goddess under him instead of the nymph.
Once he felt Minthe's walls clenching around him, the god of the Dead moved one of his to rub circles on her clit, constantly hitting her cervix, ramming into her cunt at a harder, wild, quick, and, bruising pace that started to slightly falter.
With a couple more thrusts the naiad of Cocytus released all over the king, his name leaving her lips in a loud moan and feeling like her bones had turned into mush.
The Lord of Riches gave a few more thrusts before one final image of how the goddess would look after he came inside of her took center stage in his mind, biting down hard on his lower lip as he shoot deep inside of his mistress and painted her walls.
Taking a couple of seconds to catch his breath Namjoon pulled out of her center, not really bothering with the mess that spilled out of her, choosing instead to lie down on his bed, next to his lover.
After regaining the strength in her legs, Minthe stood up from the bed, passing her fingers through her hair to give it a more proper look and putting on the clothes she had discarded when she had first arrived in the room.
Afterward, she leaned on the bed and gave a quick peck on the king's cheek. "Thank you for your time my Lord, hope I was of service," and with those final words, his mistress left the room, a huge grin on her face.
Finally alone with his thoughts, the exhaustion of the day started to grab onto Namjoon like a parasite, leaving him struggling to keep his eyes open for very long.
With one last glance at the flower crown on his dresser, the king of the Underworld's eyelids dropped, the last image he saw before sleep took a hold of him was of Kore, when he had caught her looking at him in Olympus.
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that-daughter-of-nyx · 4 months
The fire to light up the dark
pairing: yandere!Leo Valdez x female!reader (mentions of being the daughter of Nyx and granddaughter of Pluto(hades), so sorry if you don’t like that I picked the godly parent I just don’t see a lot of people writing about my godly heritage)
This is random headcanons I like and want to share some are fluff and most are just crackpot energy
Your weapon is two hairpins one is imperial gold and one is Stygian iron and they turn into a sword it’s four feet long and it’s half Stygian iron half imperial gold with a black and Paris green handle and it weighs 3.5 lbs and it can change into anything weapon or tool you need
Leo sometimes breaks in to your cabin and or your room to steal your clothes(hoodies and shirts) and your camp T-shirt will go missing from time to time…you’ll find them smelling like fire, ashes, Dr. pepper, cinnamon, chocolate and the forge(so Leo)
(He may have put a tracker on your phone(he made phones for demigods with the Hecate cabin) or your sword/bow&arrows/daggers/ect ect)
And he constantly tries to hug you, and I mean constantly like he’ll break the no sitting at a different table rule constantly just to give you hugs and little kisses and stuff
He absolutely adores that you think of the Hypnos and Nemesis cabins as your nieces and nephews 
When you and he cuddle he actually sleeps all night like for the first time since he was eight and was sleeping next to his mom, he feels safe, comfortable, protected and is able to sleep through the night without a vision(a demigod dream) or a panic attack from a nightmare about the fire that killed his mom like he actually had a good night sleep
So when he started dating you officially Will Solace and Frank Zhang became his best friends because Will and Frank are also yanderes and they all give each other information
And how Nico gave his skull ring to Will Blanca gave him two other rings, one was a ghost and one was a zombie head Hazel got the zombie head and you got the ghost ring and so the three of you are called
The Ghost King is Nico
The Skeleton Queen is Hazel
The Zombie Princesses is You
And so you gave Leo your ghost ring and he put that sucker on his camp necklace and he wears it with pride
And if Leo makes you a ring or something he expects that to be on your camp necklace and when you make him anything he will worship it like the gods themselves gave it to him because in his eyes a goddess DID
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Requests are open and I’ll write for any daughter of Nyx, granddaughter of Pluto (and there will be under lying great-granddaughter of Anubis and great-great-granddaughter of Loki text)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Oh it's OK I will send it right away here so u don't have to search lol.
Good morning/evening hun! Now I know fnf hypno's lullaby requests are going heavily on you and I'm sorry but bare with me a little- creepypasta! Reader play with triple please! I would love if they were female but i don't mind gn lol. The reader look normal and friendly, you can make them get creepy when they start playing, if you want! You can make them play by any sides of the three or all of them go 3vs1 but make the reader win pls lmao, it's your choice, take your time and if you don't want to do it for whatever reasons feel free <3
your writing is beautiful and always make someone's day.
Take care of yourself and thank you for your time and sharing your talents with us
Awh thank you!! Reader will be gender neutral for this one
“Pasta Night”, as the local Creepypasta bar liked to call it, was always something you looked forward to!
Not only did you get to play games with your fellow freaks of nature (even though many were very much unnatual), but you could be yourself.
Blending in with humanity was often a challenge, and at first glance most people wouldn’t even suspect that you were hiding in plain sight. You looked like a plain old human being.
It sure fooled many folks who thought you walked into the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tonight was a perfect example, as when you arrived at the cards table, you saw three unfamiliar faces already having a go at UNO, of all things:
A scary hulking figure who resembled Mario with a large cigar in his mouth and a glowing blue block labeled “POW” beside him, a demonic hedgehog wearing a visor and sporting faded fur trying to peek at his friend's cards, and finally a Hypno who looks like it swapped bodies with a Machoke...holding a deck of Pokémon cards with psychic energy.
‘Just when I think I’ve seen them all..’ You smiled and headed over to the table with your drink.
“Seriously, I lose again?!! You two are insufferable..at least I play by the rules!!” The hedgehog hissed, annoyed as he shoved a pile of gold rings towards MK. "I'm not gonna have any rings left for spare after tonight..."
Then he noticed you sitting across from them, and his whole attitude changed, a wide yet closed smile growing on his face. “Why hello-”
“Beat it, human. We’ve already reserved this table.” The Mario lookalike snarled, briefly taking his cigar out to spit into a nearby metal bin. “Tell ‘em to scram, X.”
“That’s Lord X to you, MK...and you don’t have to be rude.”
“And you don’t have to lie either! I know damn well you’re peeking at our cards when you think we ain’t lookin’. “Play by the rules”, my ass...you deserve to lose every ring ya bet.”
“Just shut it! At least I’m not punching that stupid cube every five seconds and screwing up everyone's concentration!!”
“Don’t mind them,” Hypno spoke up as he set down his cards gently. It surprised you for a moment, considering most Pokémon couldn’t talk--or at least most normal ones couldn’t. “They act like children at times.” He shook his head with a sigh.
“Haven’t we all at some point?” You chuckled. “Forgive me for eavesdropping gentlemen, but..if Lord X needs any help winning back his earnings, then maybe I can assist. I'm pretty good at bets."
After hearing your offer, the hedgehog stopped arguing with MK and looked to you, surprised. “Ah, so you wanna go a round? That’s fine by me. Some help would be nice. But the question is...what’ll you wager should you lose? Cash? Valuables? Or maybe even--”
You blinked once and saw him dash out of his seat, sitting right next to you with a sinister grin. “Your SOUL?” As he spoke, skeleton hands emerged from the depths of his throat, a demonic laugh creeping its way out as well.
Yet you remained unshaken by his act, simply smiling and getting your own stack of cards. “If I lose, I'll pay for your next round of drinks."
"...that's fair."
Then you glanced at Hypno’s cards, frowning slightly. “By the way Hyp..you got trading cards, not UNO. That’s probably why you’re confused.”
“Huh--? Ohh...that makes sense.” The Talking Pokémon nodded, getting the right cards for himself before he and MK stared you and Lord X down, smirking. “Alright. Now...we play!”
“That ain’t fair!!” MK slammed his fist down on his POW block, causing the whole table to violently shake, but nobody paid any mind to his temper flare. It was normal for them.
Nothing infuriated the Mario entity more than seeing your smug grin--now a rather creepy one that rivaled him and his buddies.
But Lord X and Hypno were impressed to see this was the real you..or at least the competitive side of you who always liked to win.
You definitely caught them all off-guard with your friendly looks. They just assumed you were a naive human trying to butt into their game night.
“Here you are, m’lord.” With a chuckle, you took the stack of rings from the other side of the table, sliding them back towards Lord X. And like a dragon hoarding gold, he gathered them all into his hands, grinning from ear to ear.
They were all his.
Every ring he’s wagered for the past month.
"Thank you, friend." He laughed. "You're an excellent player."
“Not even I could have predicted those moves with Future Sight.” Hypno remarked, scratching his head in disbelief. “What did you say your name was?”
“[Y/n].” You leaned back in the chair as you reshuffled your cards in your hands. “My story hasn’t hit the right crowd yet, so you probably haven't heard of me.”
“..ah, I get it now.” MK remarked. “I was thinkin’ they let a random human walk into the wrong bar. My bad.”
“It’s fine. If you guys don’t mind..I wouldn’t mind joining you for another game.”
“Maybe next time.” Lord X told you, shaking his head as he stood up from the table. “MK and I have some tortured souls to play with.”
“And I have to find Gold and bring him home.” Hypno stood up as well. His cards levitated around him and disappeared into his satchel. “That boy couldn’t have wandered off too far..”
“When you see him, tell him how stupid he looks with that bowtie, will ya?” MK sneered. “I mean..a bowtie on a hoodie??”
Hypno shot him a scowl. "If he didn't come with you, you don’t get to dictate what he can and can’t wear! He wanted to look “fashionable” and that’s the best I could do!!”
"Jeez really? Thought you were dressing him up for one of your game's "beauty contests".
You just smiled in amusement as they were the ones bickering this time around, with Lord X trying to quiet them down so Gold didn’t overhear their arguing.
‘They seem like a good trio..I’ll definitely play with them again.’
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wallflowergirl2006 · 23 days
About me:
Name = Kiri 🫧𓇼𓏲* or Rose ✩‧₊˚🥀
Age = 18
Gender = Female[AFAB]
Pronouns = She/Her [I really don’t care about what you refer to me as but nothing offensive or disrespectful.]
Sexuality = No label 🦋🎀
Hobbies = Writing, Art, Gaming, and Music
Current Hyperfixations: Heathers [Movie], FNF [Mario’s Madness and Hypno’s Lullaby..] Star Stable Online [SSO], Class Of 09, DDLC.
Favorite Characters: Nicole, Jecka, and Emily, Steven Stoughton, Grey, Heather McNamara, MX, GB, Turmoil, Aiko Muto, Zach Foster and Rachel Gardner, Sayori and Yuri.
This blog is a place where I write and post anything I like [Might include NSFW stuff..]
What I will write: Angst, Fluff, Slightly suggestive stuff, Smut [But it's mostly x readers..] [Sometimes I might throw in an OC x readers or self-ship but that's it..]
What fandoms I will write for:
FNF [Game and Mods]
SSO [Maybe]
Little Nightmares [Maybe]
[Might add some more in the future..]
That's it enjoy your stay here~ [PS: If you are a minor please beware of what you interact with on this blog. What you consume is your responsibility not mine.]
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milkytheholy1 · 1 month
One-offs and Random Masterlist
Vigilante: Peacemaker
It’s a vigilante thing - Vigilante x Female Reader
Ok so, I just finished watching Peacemaker now that it's finally in the Uk. And I gotta say I absolutely loved it and my favourite character was definitely Viginalte, so of course, I had to write something. The plot is barely there, I literally just went off of dialogue that I thought of at two different times of the day and sorta forced them together into a story.
Cole: Ninjago
Double trouble - Cole x Female Reader
A bit of a long one today, I've been rewatching Ninjago and a few episodes have stuck out to me that I'd like to cover so expect more like this soon.
Hypno sweethearts - Cole x Female Reader
Based on the first episodes with a few little changes.
Feel you - Cole x GN Reader
Set when Cole becomes a ghosty boy. I can't remember the season, it's been a real long time since I've seen it but I plan to rewatch the entire show.
Family - Cole x Female Reader
"Mail call!" yelled the voice from over the monastery's walls. The ninja dashed to the door with excitement, you and Master Wu following closely behind. The large gates opened to reveal the poor postman, he was panting due to the number of stairs.
Ninjago city - Cole x GN Reader
As the sun rises, it casts bright, sunny rays onto the water; waking everyone up with a fresh smile. But when the sun goes down, the sunset expands across the horizon until the yellow sky fades to black. But that's your favourite part of the day, you think. When the lights along the street glow, when the individual candles flicker in the breeze. The world is only lit by small light sources, but oh boy, does the whole city illuminate.
Egon Spengler:Ghostbusters
You cheeky boy, Egon! -  Egon x Female Reader
You were usually so prepared with this stuff, getting everyone’s gift months in advance, yet with Egon, you struggled. Maybe it was because of your quickly developed feelings for him, impacting how he perceived you. This gift just had to be the best, otherwise, he could hate you forever, and that’s a very long time.
Christmas party - Egon x Female Reader
You caught the dark tuffs of his hair by the bar, an unusual place to see him but not an unwelcome one. Swiftly making your way towards his back, your ball-length dress swaying as you moved, you placed a delicate hand on his shoulder.
Bumblebee: Transformers
Transform and roll out! - Bumblebee x Female Reader
You felt Sari shaking your shoulder, forcing you to open your eyes, the ground beneath you moved, driving you to sway left and right. "Hi, I'm bumblebee," the bot spoke, making you jump slightly. You looked down to see yourself perfectly situated in his hands, peering over his shoulder you caught the fight going down with the bots and the organic monster...thing.
Love like you - Bumblebee x GN Reader
Pulling up to your house Prowl offered a word of wisdom with you about the troubled scout. He transformed suddenly, startling you slightly, his face coming close to yours as if he was whispering a secret. "(Y/N) do you know why Bumblebee has been acting so abnormal today?" You simply shook your head staring up at him with a smile "No, I don't think I've had a chance to see him long enough to know."
Awards evening - Bumblebee x Female Reader
The bots receive a letter inviting them to city hall, Bumblebee gets nervous around the reader and refuses to go.
Ben Schwartz Characters
Blue boy - Ben Schwartz x Female Reader
You couldn't stop laughing, that's the first thing he noticed. Your eyes were constantly stuck to your phone screen, that's the second thing he noticed. You'd keep having to reschedule lunch dates every so often claiming "something's come up, I'll call you later." That's when he lost it.
Wasn’t there a vase there? - Ben Schwartz x Female Reader
Reader has a super bad day and Ben gets home and she's crying and he makes her feel better.
Quarantine - Jean Ralphio x Female Reader
He's lonely in the big house he bought & the reader who has been safely quarantining for a month decides to go keep him company. They can be friends & then admit their feelings or already kinda be in a relationship.
You’re real? - Jean Ralphio x Female Reader
He's dating the reader and no one believes him and is surprised when she's real and normal.
 I said I was worry - Scrooge McDuck x Female Reader
Reader does something reckless on an adventure, Scrooge has a talk with her resulting in tears.
It involves fire - Not an X Reader
Prompt "I have a solution, it involves fire" "absolutely not"
Finn Wolfhard Characters
Dickbag! - Richie Tozier x Female Reader
Reader gets dumped Richie is here to help.
Nervous - Finn Wolfhard x Female Reader
Reader believes Finn would never like her but Finn has a surprise for her.
Sleep well - RGB x Female Reader
"Come along!" He shouted walking down the footpath with wide strides, you straddled behind him taking in the strange world around you. You didn't know what tempted you into following this so-called 'monster', perhaps it was the call of adventure or the way he said 'hero'. You continued following RGB or at least that's what he called himself, it had felt like you were walking for hours your pace was slowing down.
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lazyauthor9000 · 2 years
| Rise of the Tmnt |
| Hello! New to Tumblr and one-shots, so here we go. (Currently looking at references from other posts lmao) |
Request status: OPEN
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-Request Rules-
First off, please have patience. If I have not done your request, do not panic! It will come eventually. I am either busy, or have no motivation or inspiration, like at all. So please do give me some time.
Put enough details so I know exactly how you want it!
Go ahead and request anything that goes by my writing rules.
If you do not specify in your request the gender, the reader will automatically be gender-neutral. I will be writing for male and fem.
I can and will turn away any requests that make me uncomfortable.
I will only be writing ROTTMNT, for now.
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-Writing Rules-
Will Write:
Fluff, Angst, Platonic, Romantic
Gender-neutral, Female Reader, Male Reader
Au's, Hcs
| I can do sibling/child or parent-like readers as long as it's platonic |
Will Not Write:
NSFW, Ab#se, Pregnancy, P#dophilia, R#pe, SA, ED, SH, Incest
Oc's, character x character
| Pretty self explanatory. I'm a minor, so this stuff will make me uncomfortable to make. I will not do oc's as I want everyone to feel included |
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-Characters I will Write for-
Will do:
April O'Neil
Casey Jones
Questionable (Maybe for platonic or angst reasons):
Baron Draxum
Big Mama
Warren Stone (??)
Karai (I miss gram gram)
Foot Clan (?)
Will Not Do:
The Kraang (LIKE??? THEY'RE BRAINS.)
| If a character isn't on the list, I haven't gotten a request for them. If I don't like them, I will come back to edit the post to add that character. |
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-Random things I will accept in my inbox-
Confessions, Facts you'd like me to know about you, Small vents
Fan art is appreciated, loves!!
Any kind of Question you have for me
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-How to request-
Go ahead and ask, Dms, or in submissions
Maximum: 5 requests
Reminder: Be specific and put details so it can be easier to write!
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| Thank you sm for reading all that as you are now at the end! Im excited to be writing again, honestly. It's been hard knowing that I've left some books unfinished due to my mental health and loss of interest. That's all on Wattpad but I don't really want to remember the accounts rn lol. Reading Tumblr one-shots and other fluffy stuff inspired me to do this. The show also gave me some motivation to wrack my brain with some ideas. I hope you enjoy my work!! I will also be writing on wattpad. User: @L3zy_3uthor101 |
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blindlov3fix · 4 months
For all my gadies and lentlemen who want more than just Leo or Donnie x female reader fics/lh
Are you lacking in xreader fics of the characters you actually like such as Hypno and Big Mama? Do you need more underrated ship fics in your life? Or maybe you have a bad case of daddy issues and only something platonic and more familial will cure you. Well, you came to the right place, stranger!
I will deadass write for any character in the show (at the best of my ability). Just say the word.
I am open for requests but I have plenty of stuff I'm currently working on. Let me know what you want to see!
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- Love Blind ♡
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 years
Female!flower!reader x Zagreus
ABO Hypnos x WMFTD!Y/N
TSC!Reader(or male!reader) x WMFTD!Y/N
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mariondeux · 2 years
Natsume with a male s/o that has a hypno kink? He brings up that he can hypnotize people in passing and reader tries to hide how interested he is, but Natsume picks up on it and decides to have a little fun? (Drabble please!! And thank you very much 🥰)
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— SYNOPSIS ; Natsume rambles about how he can perform hypnosis, and once he notices the way you react to it he decides to have a little fun with you.
CW ; Semi-NSFW, erotic hypnosis, dom/sub elements
PAIRING ; Natsume Sakasaki x Male!Reader
A/N ; I had to research so much about erotic hypnosis and even had to read through works relating to this and yet I’m still so lost.. I hope this was enough for your enjoyment either way!
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“I can also hypnotize people.”
You bit your lip as he began to ramble about the process of hypnosis, in truth you were.. very interested in hypnosis. Not exactly in the fun, silly way, but in the way that made you feel excited down there.
Natsume's rambling came to a slow halt as he observed how quiet you had been and briefly examined your form. Any average person could see that you were making an effort to conceal your interest in the subject of hypnosis. He'd be so stupid not to realize how much you enjoyed it in a different aspect. 
“Kitten, why don’t I try hypnosis on you?”
A repressed blush attempted to break away at your face at Natsume’s suggestion. 
“Oh, um, yeah! If you want to!”
You two would typically have to discuss the goal, your soft and hard limitations, etc. during this particular type of hypnosis, Natsume chuckled. Natsume is confident, however, that he knew you well enough to omit that part given that the two of you had been together for some time and had even explored your sexuality numerous times. 
He gave you some time to unwind before suggesting you go into a trance. Your body relaxed even more in this situation than it had before, and when he realized this, a little grin spread across his face.
“There you go.. So nice and relaxed, good boy.” Natsume moved from his seat and sat next to you, gently placing his hand on the side of your chin. That single touch alone and his words of praise sent small waves of pleasure through your body, and straight to your dick.
“It feels so wonderful, so pleasurable to sink back into a wonderful trance. Your body becomes nothing but a mindless little doll just for me, your feet are planted to the ground just like wood. I am the one pulling the strings,” Natsume murmurs lowly as his fingers go down your arms and slightly lift them of their own volition. His attention shifts to the bulge pressing through your pants in your crotch.
“You love obeying my commands, you love to be my obedient little pet,” Natsume pulled away a bit, gently letting your arm back down to retreat to your side.
It was so amazing to witness how you responded to him through the whispered words he spoke into your ear. This game of domination and submission was entertaining, especially when he saw you in a state such as this.
“Now, I’d like for you to relax a bit and listen to me very carefully, my words are your thoughts, my words are your truth. The more you read my words, the more you fall.”
“You experience a mesmerizing surge of pleasure every time you carry out one of my directions. Each wave will be more powerful than the previous one, sending you deeper into the trance,” Natsume took his time with you, carefully observing every part of your body and any minute adjustments to your expression. He went on and on, using just his words to cause your body to respond. Each enjoyable noise you made encouraged him to carry on with his actions.
His hand slid up your body, and cupped your cheek.
“Go on then, pet. Obey.”
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