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TERPERCAYA, Call 0812-8020-6147, Manfaat Air Hidrogen
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Klik https://wa.me/6281280206147, Air Hidrogen Manfaat,
Kota Wisata Cluster Pesona San Francisco, Blok 02 No.71
Ciangsana, Kec. Gunung putri, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16968
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TF2 Mercs As Animals!
I think these silly guys would be ultra silly as animals. Can you tell I've thought of this for a couple days now?
Demo- Komodo Dragon!
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Demo is one of these drangons for 3 reasons. Both are very smart, very dangerous, and let's be honest if demo bit you you'd probably die from some type of infection. (Maybe not, I'm pretty sure he drank hydrogen peroxide in comic 6, and I wholeheartedly believe that can't be a one-time thing).
No, but seriously, I feel like he would be one for some reason.
Engie- Meerkat!
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I think Engie would be a meerkat based mainly on the fact that they are insanely skilled builders. Meerkats are known to build super intricate underground homes. It also doesn't hurt that they are social creatures that tend to live in big groups, and are like crazy violent, even though they might not look the part.
Heavy- Rottweiler!
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Maybe an obvious choice, but! Just because its obvious doesn't mean it isn't true. Rottweilers are super friendly and loyal to their families but can also be great attack dogs. Rottweilers are strong enough to kill humans, also these dogs are UNITS! They can weigh in at 130 lbs. (58 kg). So I definitely think Heavy would be a rottweiler, or probably any big dog in general.
Medic- Dove! (So original 😮‍💨)
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Not that this idea hasn't been done to death, but hear me out! I genuinely think he'd be one. Doves are typically labeled as very clean animals with unique calls. They're also super intelligent and skilled, as we learned through carrier birds. And I think sums up Medic really well!
Scout- African Wild Dog!
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Scout definitely matches up with African wild dogs, super fast, agile, and hyper aware, and will run you down at 44 mph (70 kph) and have insane stamina when chasing down prey. They are also amazing at their hunts with an 85% success rate, so I think he'd make a good wild dog :)
Sniper- Owl!
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Sniper is 100% an owl, owls can see mice from at least six to seven feet away and have very few vertebrae in their necks, making it easy for them to look in all directions. Owls and other birds of prey would be your best bet to find a sniper in the animal kingdom!
Spy- Ferret!
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Spy is a ferret, hands down. Ferrets can be sneaky and very devious. They love to be where they shouldn't and love to mess things up. Also, cute little fact, plus a mini headcanon! (I like to think Spy can dance really well, so similarly to him, ferrets can dance!
Pyro- Echidna!
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I picked this wacky little guy for Pyro for two reasons. One, the long nose kind reminds me of Pyro's mask (could be reaching here who knows). And two, they're fireproof, well kind of. See, they can breathe through wildfires, so they don't risk smoke inhalation, which is why most people/animals die, so bonus points again for that nose being like they're mask?
ALSO, THEY ARE SO WEIRD, listen to this
"spines like a porcupine, a beak like a bird, a pouch like a kangaroo, and lays eggs like a reptile"
Sometimes I feel really dumb for doing these, and then I remember if even one person likes them, then it's not dumb.
I had a hard time explaining my reasoning on these 😭 I normally just look at people and assign them colors or animals in my head with no explanation as to why it fits.
Also, do you know how hard it is to find a picture of a cute Komodo dragon? Like their cool as fuck but like Jesus, you look them up and most of the time it's bloody.
SAME WITH THE AFRICAN WILD DOG!?!? I looked up "African wild dog cute" and saw one holding a monkeys face, detached from body and skull.
Mercs as works of art / mercs favorite pieces of art up next!
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In six new rogue worlds, Webb Telescope finds more star birth clues
The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted six likely rogue worlds—objects with planetlike masses but untethered from any star’s gravity—including the lightest ever identified with a dusty disk around it.
The elusive objects offer new evidence that the same cosmic processes that give birth to stars may also play a common role in making objects only slightly bigger than Jupiter.
“We are probing the very limits of the star forming process,” said lead author Adam Langeveld, an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University. “If you have an object that looks like a young Jupiter, is it possible that it could have become a star under the right conditions? This is important context for understanding both star and planet formation.”
The findings come from Webb’s deepest survey of the young nebula NGC1333, a star-forming cluster about a thousand light-years away in the Perseus constellation. A new image from the survey released today by the European Space Agency shows NGC1333 glowing with dramatic displays of interstellar dust and clouds. A paper detailing the survey’s findings has been accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal.
Webb’s data suggest the discovered worlds are gas giants 5-10 times more massive than Jupiter. That means they are among the lowest-mass objects ever found to have grown from a process that would generally produce stars and brown dwarfs, objects straddling the boundary between stars and planets that never ignite hydrogen fusion and fade over time.
“We used Webb’s unprecedented sensitivity at infrared wavelengths to search for the faintest members of a young star cluster, seeking to address a fundamental question in astronomy: How light an object can form like a star?” said Johns Hopkins Provost Ray Jayawardhana, an astrophysicist and senior author of the study. “It turns out the smallest free-floating objects that form like stars overlap in mass with giant exoplanets circling nearby stars.”
The telescope’s observations revealed no objects lower than five Jupiter masses despite possessing sufficient sensitivity to detect such bodies. That’s a strong indication that any stellar objects lighter than this threshold are more likely to form the way planets do, the authors concluded.
“Our observations confirm that nature produces planetary mass objects in at least two different ways—from the contraction of a cloud of gas and dust, the way stars form, and in disks of gas and dust around young stars, as Jupiter in our own solar system did,” Jayawardhana said.
The most intriguing of the starless objects is also the lightest, having an estimated mass of five Jupiters (about 1,600 Earths). The presence of a dusty disk means the object almost certainly formed like a star, as space dust generally spins around a central object in the early stages of star formation, said Langeveld, a postdoctoral researcher in Jayawardhana’s group. 
Disks are also a prerequisite for the formation of planets, suggesting the observations may also have important implications for potential “mini” planets.
“Those tiny objects with masses comparable to giant planets may themselves be able to form their own planets,” said co-author Aleks Scholz, an astrophysicist at the University of St Andrews. “This might be a nursery of a miniature planetary system, on a scale much smaller than our solar system.”
Using the NIRISS instrument on Webb, the astronomers measured the infrared light profile (or spectrum) of every object in the observed portion of the star cluster and reanalyzed 19 known brown dwarfs. They also discovered a new brown dwarf with a planetary-mass companion, a rare finding that challenges theories of how binary systems form.
“It’s likely that such a pair formed the way binary star systems do, from a cloud fragmenting as it contracted,” Jayawardhana said. “The diversity of systems that nature has produced is remarkable and pushes us to refine our models of star and planet formation.”
Rogue worlds may originate from collapsing molecular clouds that lack the mass for the nuclear fusion that powers stars. They can also form when gas and dust in disks around stars coalesce into planetlike orbs that are eventually ejected from their star systems, probably because of gravitational interactions with other bodies.
These free-floating objects blur classifications of celestial bodies because their masses overlap with gas giants and brown dwarfs. Even though such objects are considered rare in the Milky Way galaxy, the new Webb data show they account for about 10% of celestial bodies in the targeted star cluster.
In the coming months, the team will study more of the faint objects’ atmospheres and compare them to heavier brown dwarfs and gas giant planets. They have also been awarded time on the Webb telescope to study similar objects with dusty disks to explore the possibility of forming mini planetary systems resembling Jupiter’s and Saturn’s numerous moons.
IMAGE: New image from the James Webb Space Telescope spectroscopic survey of NGC1333. Credit ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Scholz, K. Muzic, A. Langeveld, R. Jayawardhana
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gaslightgirlsummer · 3 months
I'm really new to motoGP so this is a very stupid question but what's with Marco Bezzecchi joining Aprilla that is so crazy?
No stupid questions when you’re learning!! Especially when it’s not something that’s just an easy fact you can google, but requires more context. I’ll try to be as neutral and comprehensive as possible so you can form your own opinion on this.
First, it’s important to note that Aprilia is in an objectively better place in terms of performance than VR46, and additionally, it is a factory team unlike VR46, which is a customer team to Ducati.
That being said, some (but probably not all) reasons why Bez moving to Aprilia is kinda crazy.
1. Bez is a member of the VR46 riders’ Academy, founded and lead by Valentino Rossi (whom you’ll often see being referred to as VR46’s riders’ father figure).
Since entering the premier class (MotoGP) in 2022, Bez has been in the VR46 racing team, Valentino’s motogp team. He’s also always been known to be very loyal to Vale. Luca Marini, another VR46 Academy boy and Vale’s brother, was his teammate up until last year. He also left the team, for Honda. (*sends a kiss to the sky* that’s for Luca in Honda jail). Two Academy boys leaving the team is, to an extent, surprising, especially considering their close relationship with Vale and the fact that they were very settled and comfortable in the environment. But they both have valid reasons (^ performance, and Luca is another story).
2. I know this is a controversial subject, but it is a topic of debate if Bez is not basically fucking himself over by joining a team where Jorge Martin will undoubtedly be number one, considering Martin is the current championship leader and Bez is having a mini flop era right now. I think a large chunk of fans and professional journalists/analysts operate under the assumption that Martin will outride him (easily or not) and that is not what Bez needs right now. Jorge is also just generally not very. Chill. So there’s that. And there is also the Spanish aspect, which I’ll mention in point 3.
3. And, lastly, we can’t not mention the Marc Marquez of it all.
As you have probably heard, Marc is making the blockbuster move to Ducati Factory Team, where he will partner another Academy boy, Pecco Bagnaia, which basically blew up the rider market this year. Every move happening right now can be traced back to him in some way.
Here is an excerpt from an article that points out one of the many links between Marc’s move to Ducati and the VR46-Aprilia move.
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If you want to know more about why exactly the Valentino camp is so strongly anti-Marquez in every way shape or form, that is a matter for hours long research into the history of Valentino and Marc (warning: may end in heartbreak and physical illness). What matters is, they are heart, body and soul allergic to him.
Additionally, there is a clear tension already on the Italian - Spanish line of the grid. Pecco and Jorge are championship rivals this year, Marc is the national enemy #1 of all Italians. Bez getting partnered with Jorge next year is like putting a firecracker in a room full of gasoline and expecting it not to explode.
(Is it an appropriate analogy to the hydrogen bomb nature of Marc in Ducati? I hope)
I think I covered most of it here, but if I missed something I’m sure someone will make an addition in the reblogs or replies. Hope this helps!
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dingus-on-stardust · 6 months
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got stardust on the brain, so I redesigned my original design for the SM(F)S stand.
Same abilities, bro can create mini stars and explode them in the palm of their hand. If you want to read what I originally wrote, feel free to click read more!
This stand can generate and ignite hydrogen and/or oxygen in its gas form, creating “stardust”. It mostly uses it as a fuel for low scale things, such as creating light and warmth, but can and will use it to create explosions. It can hold large quantities of hydrogen in a small area for a long time, allowing it to gather and simmer until *boom*. It can also exhale pure hydrogen or oxygen for an indefinite period of time, allowing it to create exceptionally powerful flame throwers.
Because of its abilities, the user and the stand are both immune to fire and explosions.
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nuclearforest · 2 years
SO. What're your thoughts on how radiation would affect midians (werewolves, vampires, and the like) in the Hellsing universe?
Hi! Thank you for the interest-- based on what Athena was asking last night and in the interest of giving you everything you need for the informed effects of radiation on the supernatural, allow me to write the equivalent of a mini-dissertation below the cut.
To summarize, this contains:
An summary of radiation and its effects on biological organisms/systems/things;
My running theory on vampires and their biological functions (at least in the context of Hellsing Ultimate, anyway); and
The effects of radiation on vampires, the undead, and possibly other supernatural creatures as presented in Hellsing based on the physical phenomena described in (1) and the supernatural biology described in (2).
1. Radiation and You
Radiation, in general, is an attempt to reach stability by a subatomic particle through the removal of excess energy. This comes in a variety of flavors and is dependent on how the excess energy got there in the first place, but for simplicity’s sake, let’s just look at four main types of emission: alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray, and neutron. 
An alpha particle is the biggest of these forms and is equivalent to a helium nucleus: two protons and two neutrons with a positive charge. Because it is both relatively large and charged, it can’t move very far. Pretty much to the point it can be stopped by a sheet of paper or layer of dead skin. External exposure isn’t as dangerous as the other types of radiation--just don’t get it into any wounds or ingest/inhale it. Once inside, however, it becomes pretty destructive because it doesn’t need to travel very far to cause damage. 
Beta particles are electrons (or positrons, which are effectively positive electrons, but I digress). They may be charged, but they can still travel a lot farther than alpha particles and take something like a thin sheet of aluminum or three feet of distance to stop. That distance really depends on the energy they’re coming in with, but that’s another good generalization. Keep them away from your soft tissues--eyes are a big one--and avoid eating them, too. 
Gamma rays are kinda like visible light, just with a much higher wavelength that we aren’t built to see. They aren’t charged and, based on the ways they interact, tend to go through people and things in the pursuit of something heavy. Stuff like lead is a good gamma shield because it’s heavy enough to generally inspire interaction. I wouldn’t go frolicking in a field of high gamma radiation, but if I had to pick a type, I would pick this one. (Similar to X-rays, which are lower energy waves and like to stop in bones because they are denser than skin and flesh). 
Last but not least are neutrons, which are also not charged. They, however, tend to like to interact with light stuff like hydrogen which is wildly abundant in the human body. 0/10 would not recommend and are generally a nightmare if not shielded properly. You’d need a fair amount of water, HDPE, or concrete between you and a strong neutron source to be safe. 
The interaction of these forms of radiation with the human body is pretty much a combination of how radiation interacts with matter and how the body functions. Radiation doesn’t see the human body as anything different from any other atoms it could interact with while the body can’t really differentiate between a radioactive isotope and a stable isotope. So we can generalize a lot and try to measure the effect of radiation exposure, but the real effects that can drive specific outcomes in people often are a result of their exposure and the radioisotopes they are exposed to. 
Most things are a best guess, really. Some things correlate to the amount of radiation one is exposed to (like acute radiation syndrome/ARS) and others are a factor of probability after exposure to any amount of radiation (like certain cancers). And these effects are caused by how radiation interacts with the human body. 
Internal vs. external exposure aside, we should look at radiation induced damage, generally speaking, as being done directly to cells by free radicals (read: unbound hydrogen) created by the interaction of radiation with the water-rich human body. Radiation comes in or is released from something absorbed into the body, interacts and deposits its energy in water, the water is split into one hydrogen particle and one hydroxide particle and then those two go on their ways to chemically interact with the structures around them. Hydrogen in particular LOVES interacting with things and will take what it can get, most notably DNA. 
So when cells are damaged by these free radicals and the interruption of their intended state, they have a few options. (1) die if the damage is bad enough or (2) repair it. The amount of time repair takes depends on the cell, how frequently (or if) they replicate in the body, and other enzyme/hormonal factors that go beyond my depth in biology. That repair then leads to two (main) outcomes. Either the cell is repaired successfully (pretty common) and it can replicate without issue or something in the DNA wasn’t properly fixed and boom: cancer. Internally the body generally knows how to look for cancer and eliminate the cells, it’s just when there’s an uncontrollable reproduction that beats the body’s ability that the issues start to arise, but that’s out of my wheelhouse and kind of beyond the scope of this miniature dissertation. 
Now, something like ARS happens when many cells are too damaged at once and start to die off en masse rather quickly. That’s why you see different (extreme) measures of dose correspond to different stages of the disease that can impact the blood, GI tract, and later neurologic system the more you are exposed. That is pretty much the most immediate threat of radiation: the death of cells en masse--depending on the exposure, can set in after minutes to hours to maybe even days. Worth reading more on ARS and comparing different types of events like accidental criticalities, exposures at Chernobyl, and maybe orphaned source instances to get a feel for how varied the reactions are to radiation exposure. For reference, things like cancer tend to be more long term where tumors have a chance to grow. 
The last thing worth mentioning is that radiation doesn’t generally immediately kill you. It’s quite hard to expose one person to enough radiation that their neurologic system will shut down and they’ll drop dead in a second (so not dramatic in that way, but extremely dramatic in the drawn out suffering it can cause). Explosions related to equipment failures (like what happened at SL-1) will probably get to you first, although the radiation doesn’t make things easier when you need to get a bone marrow transplant and pretty much cycle every cell in your body because of ARS. Takes a varied amount of time for a human to stop functioning due to ARS and, combined with the random nature of how explosive accidents occur and spread things, it is difficult to evaluate where a person is likely to come into contact with the conditions necessary to cause ARS. 
So understanding that is the first building block to how radiation impacts people and, inevitably, the supernatural. 
2. The Vampire Body
To start: this will hopefully be a bit shorter and hinges on two main things I’ve picked up in Hellsing. First, vampires that are young/weak are weak to sunlight (likely the radiation in it) and second, vampires need the life force from other creatures to heal themselves. 
So sunlight is radiation; along with the visible ranges of light we also get bombarded with cosmic radiation, most of which is attenuated in atmosphere on its way down to the surface of the earth. This is why we can get stuff like sunburns from UV radiation and why exposure without sunscreen is linked to skin cancer. Since vampires are weak to sunlight, it implies that there is a weakness to radiation. 
Their skin/flesh/whatever attenuates radiation either on par with humans or even moreso (because ambient temperature and doppler broadening and a bunch of other factors that probably sound and ultimately are a negligible load of BS). That would explain why fledglings need to bundle up and Seras, post-Rio showdown, is out during the day bundled up. The direct contact of low energy UV-rays to skin is enough to theoretically cause damage. This then combines with the second main thing I picked up. 
Vampires don’t have any biological activity. They’re cold to the touch. Don’t need to breathe. And can’t eat human food (because their GI system has shut down and they can’t ingest it). So because there’s no biological activity, the cells can’t heal themselves once they are damaged beyond repair. So there’s no risk of cancer, but also no way to replenish themselves unless they consume somebody else. 
Look at Seras, again. She had to consume Pip’s remaining life force (blood, but effectively life and soul as described by the Major and other characters) to heal herself from Zorin’s very real and very not radioactivity induced wounds. So in theory, a vampire like Alucard with millions of souls and lives at his disposal can walk around willy-nilly in the sun and just keep healing. (Seras probably still couldn’t) and most vampires, until they get enough under their belts, also probably can’t. 
So these two facts are enough for me to establish vampires are weak to radiation and moves us onto point 3. 
3. Vampires and Radiation
In high radiation environments, vampires don’t really need to worry about internal uptake but do have to worry about the external effects. They have no digestion and no breathing limit the internal impact of alphas and betas, but nothing can really save them externally. So, in short order:
Alphas can’t penetrate their skin. But they might get a bit of a burn, especially if they tend to keep clean. Also, if they swallowed something, they would probably experience immense localized free radical generation and the swallowed source would melt a hole through them if strong enough.
Exposure to betas would probably induce hardening of the lens of the eye and cataracts relatively quickly to limit sight. Similar to alphas if swallowed, but the hole would take longer to grow.
Gammas are like sunlight on steroids, but we can't predict the final impact because we have no data on the attenuation rates of vampiric features or much knowledge of their biology. Maybe brittle bones and weaker bodies, at the least.
Neutrons would probably outright dissolve them faster than the sunlight. Free radicals arise much more readily both internally and externally as a result of interaction with the water remaining in vampire cells would likely be brutal. And it just isn't practical for vampires to walk around in a tank of water or thick HDPE armor to shield themselves.
At the very least, vampires would probably be significantly weaker and need a steady supply of blood to keep up their strength in environments with above-background levels of radiation. Put them near a significant source and they'll have a bad time.
Now I can't measure exactly how long it would take to weaken a vampire in those cases, but anything to do with nuclear material or increased levels of radiation would effectively be like a vampire chilling in a poisonous environment. People, with the ability to heal themselves, would adapt much more readily to even a mildly irradiated landscape. So what, then, might that mean for other creatures as portrayed by Hellsing?
Well the undead we can't be sure of, but since they're kind of in a constant state of decay without regrowth, they'd probably decay to nothing quite a bit faster.
Werewolves, on the other hand, are even harder to say because we only have ONE and he may or may not have been subject to Doc's experiments (which imply a connection between science and magic in the Hellsing universe, but that's a whole other can of worms to get into). All we know is that he's capable of healing himself quickly without another life source. But we don't know how effective his cells would be at repairing radiation damage and we've got no way to measure that. So the Captain and other werewolves either handle it like humans or are naturally buffed against it.
That's the long and short of the matter. There are other miscellaneous details that could be worked in based on what could theoretically be present in an environment or what trouble folks get into. But I stand by my assertion that vampires eat shit in a highly radioactive environment and would feel weak around even a moderate source.
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selfcaredoc · 2 years
Is Extra Hydrogen In Water Good for You?
Brave New World
What is hydrogenated water? Is extra hydrogen in water good for you? How do you make it…? In this week’s “The Impetus” vlog we tackle some of these questions and introduce you to one of our favorite new Wellness Home products the PiMag® PiDrogen Hydrogen Generator.
Hydrogen water is created when hydrogen is added to water by a process of electrolysis. The PiMag® PiDrogen Hydrogen Generator transforms water into a source of highly concentrated, dissolved, natural hydrogen gas. When consumed, the water from the PiMag® PiDrogen supplies an abundance of antioxidants in order to assist in relieving oxidative stress to help bring the body back into balance.
More about the PiDrogen:
The mini-generator is accompanied by its own 16 fl oz / 475 ml glass bottle. Because hydrogen is a natural gas, glass helps it to retain its potency for 24 hours, far longer than plastic, as well as minimizing the carbon footprint. The glass bottle allows you to drink directly from it. • Rich source of molecular hydrogen: concentration of 800 to 1200 ppb (parts per billion) • Exclusive programmed control system identifies the hydrogenated process • Fast cycle of six minutes with automatic shut off when ready for drinking • Helps neutralize free radicals with antioxidants to relieve oxidative stress • Lightweight, compact, and portable Product life is approximately two to three years (depending on use.)
Click here to download a copy of the PiDrogen Fact Sheet.
Be Healthy by Choice.
More About Hydrogenated Water
Dr. Walter Kim presents the PiMag PiDrogen Technology
Dr. David Jockers’ blog: Hydrogen Water: Benefits for Healing and Anti-Aging
Dr. Gary Lindner: Why Drink Hydrogenated Water?
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electronalytics · 4 months
Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2033
Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market is growing with a CAGR of 36% During the Forecast Period 2024-2033.
Overview and Summary
The market for fuel cells in military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is expanding rapidly, driven by the need for more efficient, longer-lasting, and reliable power sources. Fuel cells offer significant advantages over traditional battery systems and internal combustion engines, including higher energy density, quieter operation, and reduced thermal and acoustic signatures. These benefits are particularly valuable for military applications where endurance, stealth, and operational flexibility are crucial.
Working of Fuel Cells in UAVs
Fuel cells generate electricity through an electrochemical reaction, typically involving hydrogen and oxygen. In a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell, hydrogen gas is fed into the anode where it splits into protons and electrons. The protons pass through the membrane to the cathode, while the electrons flow through an external circuit, generating electricity. At the cathode, protons, electrons, and oxygen from the air combine to form water, the only byproduct. This process provides a continuous and efficient power supply, ideal for UAV applications.
Market Analysis
Key Drivers
Extended Endurance: Fuel cells can significantly extend the flight time of UAVs compared to batteries. This is critical for military missions that require long-duration flights, such as surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence gathering.
Stealth Capabilities: Fuel cells operate quietly and with low thermal signatures, making them suitable for stealth operations where detection by enemy forces must be minimized.
Efficiency and Reliability: Fuel cells have a higher energy density and longer operational life than traditional batteries. They provide a consistent power output, which is essential for maintaining the operational integrity of UAVs in diverse and challenging environments.
Rapid Refueling: Unlike batteries, which can take hours to recharge, fuel cells can be refueled quickly, allowing UAVs to return to service more rapidly. This enhances mission readiness and operational efficiency.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/fuel-cells-for-military-unmanned-aerial-vehicle-(uav)-market/15088/ 
Market Segmentations:
Global Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market: By Company EnergyOR Technologies Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies MicroMultiCopter Aero Technology Protonex Ultra Electronics Aerovironment Elbit Systems Israel Aerospace
Global Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market: By Type Tactical UAV Mini UAV Micro UAV MALE UAV HALE UAV
Global Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market: By Application Military Civilian Commercial
Regional Analysis of Global Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Click to Purchase Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Market Research Report @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/fuel-cells-for-military-unmanned-aerial-vehicle-(uav)-market/15088/?license=single 
Key Report Highlights:
Key Market Participants: The report delves into the major stakeholders in the market, encompassing market players, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, end-users, traders, distributors, and more.
Comprehensive Company Profiles: Detailed company profiles are provided, offering insights into various aspects including production capacity, pricing, revenue, costs, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption patterns, growth rates, import-export dynamics, supply chains, future strategic plans, and technological advancements. This comprehensive analysis draws from a dataset spanning 12 years and includes forecasts.
Market Growth Drivers: The report extensively examines the factors contributing to market growth, with a specific focus on elucidating the diverse categories of end-users within the market.
Data Segmentation: The data and information are presented in a structured manner, allowing for easy access by market player, geographical region, product type, application, and more. Furthermore, the report can be tailored to accommodate specific research requirements.
SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis of the market is included, offering an insightful evaluation of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Expert Insights: Concluding the report, it features insights and opinions from industry experts, providing valuable perspectives on the market landscape.
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
➊ Major trends and growth projections by region and country ➋ Key winning strategies followed by the competitors ➌ Who are the key competitors in this industry? ➍ What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure? ➎ What are the factors propelling the demand for the Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)? ➏ What are the opportunities that shall aid in significant proliferation of the market growth? ➐ What are the regional and country wise regulations that shall either hamper or boost the demand for Fuel Cells for Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)? ➑ How has the covid-19 impacted the growth of the market? ➒ Has the supply chain disruption caused changes in the entire value chain? Customization of the Report:
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The Future of Energy: Renewable Energy Investment Prospects in India
The whole world is having problems with climate change and not having enough energy sources for its survival; India is in a critical condition. The country's energy scene is transforming rapidly, and renewable power is the new king among the sources of energy supply. In this post, we explore the energy future of India and examine the scale-up potential that investment in this sector presents and the viability of renewable energy as an option in this space.
The Evolving Energy Landscape
The energy demand in India is outpacing it quickly due to population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. Furthermore, the state is bound by a pledge to reduce its carbon footprint. Decarbonization of power systems is no longer just a matter of environmental priorities; it now also fully constitutes solid economic fundamentals. Let’s explore the key factors shaping India’s energy future:
1. Growing Demand:
By 2030, India’s population is likely to reach 1.5 billion, and it’s expected that the need for energy will increase drastically. Sustainability in meeting this demand is of utmost necessity.
The increased energy needs of urbanization and industrial development make the problem more acute.
2. Climate Imperatives:
India is a signatory to the global climate action plans, including the Paris Agreement. The country has set the goal of substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
The growing importance of renewable energy conforms to the country's pledge to fight climate change.
Green Hydrogen: A Game-Changer
The big good news is the emergence of green hydrogen. This multifunctional medium, which is intrinsically clean, can scale up the energy sector to unprecedented levels. Let’s explore why:
Production Methods:
Green hydrogen is the product of the electrolysis process using alternative power sources that include solar and wind energy.
We turn water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, which is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Storage Capabilities:
Whereas hydrogen can be stored on a long-term basis, unlike electricity,. It can also be viewed as a buffer that maintains system stability even when renewable energy generation may fluctuate.
Hydrogen storage facilities help adjust to the supply and demand of energy.
Hydrogen enables fuel cells to generate energy in heavy industries, transportation, and even households, beating fossil fuels.
It is an option that is good for long-haul transport of goods, minimizing dependence on conventional fuels.
Challenges and Opportunities
While green hydrogen holds immense promise, challenges remain:
Infrastructure Investments:
The development of hydrogen networks calls for heavy financial investments. Government bodies and private firms need to work jointly in order to establish this ecosystem.
Strategic planning of hydride pipelines, storage facilities, and filling stations is important.
Policy Alignment:
The adoption of green hydrogen is important because it will help promote clear policies and regulatory frameworks.
Incentives, subsidies, and tax incentives speed up growth and the invitation of private investments.
Integrating Renewables
India has made significant strides in renewable energy adoption.
Solar Power:
In recent years, India has witnessed a sharp increase in its solar capacity, which was even higher than coal power capacity. Tile roofs run through the landscape as far as the eye can see, collecting the abundant sunlight.
Rooftop solar power is arguably the mainstay of the technology, as it empowers households and businesses.
Wind Energy:
Coastline and windy regions wind farms greatly affect a larger amount of energy mixes.
The new technological upgrades for the wind turbines improve efficiency.
The water resources of India have huge potential for hydropower. The projects are fulfilling the need to utilize this resource sustainably.
Mini-hydro schemes can effectively supply the population in the remotest areas.
How Fox&Angel Can Help:
To unlock the full potential of renewable energy and green hydrogen, we need collective action.
Policy Support:
It is essential that governments create an enabling environment through favorable policies, incentives, and research funding.
The fast tracking of permitting procedures promotes project speedy completion.
Investment in Research:
Private investors should conduct research and development with the aim of reinforcing innovation and reducing costs.
Having initiatives together with the research station and start-ups will likely cause breakthroughs.
Public Education:
Adequate knowledge about renewable and green hydrogen is a vital one.
Let’s educate communities and businesses about the advantages of the system and remove myths.
Conclusion: A Sustainable Energy Future
Whether or not India will be able to achieve a future of clean energy will depend on the degree of collaboration. Let’s invest in India and clean technologies, get policies changed, and cooperate to build a robust and fair energy system. Contact us for more information. Join us and see the transformation!
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nikjmiles · 7 months
The Electric Avenue: Navigating the Future with America's Favorite Car Brands. from Our Auto Expert on Vimeo.
As the dawn breaks on a new era in the automotive industry, a quiet revolution is taking place on the streets and highways across America and beyond. The shift from the rumble of gasoline engines to the whisper of electric motors is not just a trend; it's a transformation that's setting the course for the future of driving. Major car manufacturers, long celebrated for their iconic models, are now racing towards a greener, more sustainable future, electrifying their portfolios in an ambitious bid to redefine mobility in the 21st century.
From Tradition to Innovation: The Electrification of Heritage Brands
BMW is charting a course towards a future where luxury and electric propulsion coexist, targeting 2 million fully electric vehicles on the roads by 2025 and aiming for electric vehicles (EVs) to comprise half of its global sales by 2030. Ford is not far behind, with the F-150 Lightning leading its $22 billion electric venture, embodying the brand's vision for a carbon-neutral future by 2050. General Motors takes the aspirations a notch higher, with plans to eliminate gas and diesel vehicles from its lineup by 2035, highlighting Cadillac's transformation to an all-electric brand by 2030 as a key milestone.
Innovating for a Greener Tomorrow: The Diverse Paths to Electrification
Honda embraces the future with a focus on electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, targeting a complete phase-out of gas cars by 2040. Hyundai-Kia is equally committed, investing $7.4 billion in the U.S. to support its vision of electric mobility, albeit without forgoing internal combustion models entirely. Yet, their goal of producing half a million battery cars annually by 2026 is a testament to their dedication to change.
Luxury and Performance Brands Leading the Charge
The drive towards electrification is not limited to mainstream brands. Luxury and performance car manufacturers are at the forefront of this shift, with Jaguar Land Rover pledging an all-electric lineup by 2030 and Mercedes-Benz setting its sights on an EV-only platform starting in 2025. These ambitious plans are not just about adhering to environmental standards but reimagining the essence of luxury and performance for the electric age.
A Broad Spectrum of Commitments Across the Industry
The electrification movement spans across a wide array of brands, each with its unique timeline and vision for the future. Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Lotus, and Aston Martin are all on paths to electrify their lineups, targeting various milestones throughout the next decade. Bentley and Cadillac aim for complete electrification by 2030, while Buick, Genesis, Lexus, and Maserati share similar goals, each carving out its niche in the electric future.
The Evolution of Electrification Across Brands
Other brands like Mini, Rolls-Royce, Volvo, and Audi have also set ambitious goals for an electric future, with timelines stretching into the 2030s. Chevrolet and GMC, under the GM umbrella, align with the broader corporate vision of phasing out combustion engines by 2035. Meanwhile, Acura and Honda in North America, alongside Nissan, Jeep, and Kia, are focusing on significant electric sales targets for the next decade, underscoring the industry-wide commitment to change.
The Road to an Electric Future
As these automotive giants navigate the transition to electric mobility, the impact of their journeys will be felt far beyond the auto industry, driving innovation, sustainability, and a new vision for the future of transport. This transformation promises not only to reduce emissions and combat climate change but also to redefine the driving experience for millions. The electric future is not just on the horizon; it's here, accelerating faster than ever, powered by the vision and commitment of America's favorite car brands. Stay tuned as we continue to follow this electrifying journey towards a cleaner, greener world.
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automaticvr · 1 year
Synopsis: As coastal communities around the world deal with the effects of climate change, such as sea level rise and more frequent coastal storms, educating stakeholders and the general public has become critical in order to adapt to and mitigate these risks. Virtual reality (VR) simulations may provide a solution to some of these issues by allowing users to learn key principles about climate change and coastal risks in an immersive, interactive, and safe learning environment. The experience opens with the story mode which will be a mini-documentary that showcases the consequences of climate change across the globe. After, entering the story mode, the user enters the tour mode which is a free-roaming tour experience of the coastal town in which a girl lives. The user then finds herself standing on the cliff and visualizes a beautiful coastal town. As she is walking on the coast, there is the construction of concrete buildings and deforestation going on around her and then she follows the footsteps and interacts with them in the next transition, she is caught in a coastal storm and there is a 360-degree panoramic view of the entire town submerged in water. Further, there is a menu that flashes which tells the user to touch a button to switch the environment through the use of controllers (either by using footsteps, virtual hands, the touch of objects, or the opening of doors). The tour mode then transitions towards the epilogue or the ending of the story mode (now it is the tour mode), where it is depicted that as the user is walking, with every footstep, she will be seeing that a sustainable environment is being created. There is no reclamation along the coastline, there are green spaces that are getting created, there is sustainable fishing of marine life, there are trees being planted, there are vertical gardens on the houses, safe spaces for animals, there are farmers using recycled sewage waters for their farmlands, usage of transport systems which run on either electricity or alternate fuels (CNG, hydrogen, etc.) and the government using drones for town management and surveillance.
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william-maxfield · 1 year
Power Outage? No Problem! These Resilient Portable Power Stations Have Got You Covered
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As the world grapples with climate change, one important aspect of sustainability that often goes overlooked is energy storage. This is where portable power stations come in. A portable power station is a device that stores power from the grid, solar panels, or other sources, and converts it to AC or DC power that can be used to charge electronic devices, power appliances, and even some light tools. It provides a reliable source of energy during travel, camping trips, or emergency situations. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the best portable power stations in the market and why they matter for sustainable living.
Why Portable Power Stations Matter
Portable power stations are designed to meet the growing demand for clean and reliable power. Whether you're living off-grid or need backup power during a power outage, a portable power station can provide a reliable source of energy. With a portable power station, you can charge your phone, laptop, or other electronic devices, and even power your refrigerator, TV, or other appliances. This not only makes your life more comfortable and convenient, but it also helps you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills.
The Best Portable Power Stations in the Market
When it comes to choosing a portable power station, there are several factors to consider, including the capacity, output, weight, and portability. Here are some of the best portable power stations in the market:
Goal Zero Yeti 1000 Lithium Portable Power Station
The Goal Zero Yeti 1000 Lithium Portable Power Station is a powerful and versatile device that can power your appliances and electronic devices, including refrigerators, TVs, and lights. It has a 1,000Wh capacity and can output up to 1,500W of power, making it ideal for camping trips or power outages.
Anker Powerhouse 200 Portable Generator
The Anker Powerhouse 200 Portable Generator is a compact and affordable device that can charge your phone, laptop, or other electronic devices. It has a 200Wh capacity and can output up to 200W of power, making it ideal for a weekend camping trip or a day at the beach.
Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station
The Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station is a high-capacity device that can power your appliances and electronic devices, including TVs, mini-fridges, and power tools. It has a 1,002Wh capacity and can output up to 1,000W of power, making it ideal for long camping trips or power outages.
Bluetti AC200P Portable Power Station
The Bluetti AC200P Portable Power Station is a heavy-duty device that can power your appliances and electronic devices, including refrigerators, power tools, and RV air conditioners. It has a 2,000Wh capacity and can output up to 2,000W of power, making it ideal for off-grid living or emergency situations.
The Future of Portable Power Stations
As renewable energy becomes more popular, the demand for portable power stations is expected to grow. Manufacturers are already exploring new ways to increase the capacity and output of portable power stations, while reducing their weight and size. Some companies are even experimenting with hydrogen fuel cells, which could provide a clean and efficient source of power for portable devices.
Portable power stations are an important part of sustainable living, providing a reliable source of clean energy for camping trips, off-grid living, or emergency situations. By choosing the right portable power station, you can power your appliances and electronic devices, reduce your carbon footprint, and save money on your energy bills. Best of all, you can do it all with the help of "None", one of the best portable power station brands on the market.
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silkysmooth456 · 1 year
Article University Of Pretoria
You conform to promptly replace your account and different data, including your e mail tackle and credit card numbers and expiration dates, in order that we will full your transactions and get in touch with you as wanted. • If you are transport an item over R 1 000, you need to consider using a trackable transport service or purchasing transport insurance. We don’t assure that we'll obtain your returned item. A research has revealed that virtually all components of South Africa will expertise limited entry to water fuelled by climate change...
Having a fireplace pit within the garden is one approach to prolong a night outside... Harvest all of your Green Sorrel plants earlier than two months of age. At this point it has one of the best taste and the very best dietary value. Growing Green Sorrel is zero effort with the help of our indoor herb gardens. I think greener plants our love for our plant infants, regardless of our motive has a optimistic influence on our lives and general well-being. So, whether or not we really love nature or love the aesthetic and power might not be the necessary part after all.
Although they can grow into monsters, their measurement could be managed and there are new mini monstera and philodendron varieties that match into smaller spaces but with the same impression. We have a wide array of climbers and creepers from the favored Bougainvillea to the Wisteria and Ivy. Green Houston is a develop shop located in Paarl, Western Cape. Local Orders have a risk to be delivered on the same day if the order placed is earlier than 1PM else it will be the next day. Orders placed before 1PM are given to our courier company at the finish of the day, otherwise the order will be handed over the next day.
This plant may be grown indoors and outside and it is a very water sensible plant. These conifers remind me of Tuscan and Mediterranean gardens where they are going to be planted in lengthy rows next to one one other. Perfect if you’re in search of a Sansevieria with all their easy-care qualities, but don’t have the space for one of many taller varieties.
Popular synthetic plants in our vary embrace Bamboos, Palms, Ficus, Cycads, Agaves, Ferns, and Orchids. This Crypt can tolerate plenty of variation in water quality, lighting, flow and nutrients. But CONSISTENCY is essential, so don’t make big changes very quick. DRASTIC Changes could lead to melting of the leaves and typically of the whole plant.
Low-maintenance evergreens that want full sun to light shade. The Green Drop Report paints a really bleak picture as only 23 of 850 (2,3%) sewage plants meet the green drop requirements. The cross fee for sewage works is 90%, however 334 sewage works (64%) achieved lower than 31% while the typical nationwide rating is 37%. The sewage works in the Free State achieved a median vertical gardens of 26% while the sewage works in North West achieved 30% and in Limpopo 29%. French impartial energy producer HDF Energy expects its green hydrogen power plant in Namibia, Africa’s first, to begin out producing electrical energy by 2024, a senior company govt said on Monday. This carnivorous plant grows best in sandy soil that is high in acidity and moisture.
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cybermoonmoon · 2 years
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Another real life Uncle Sidney Adventure.
Once upon a time it was the early 70′s. I wore bell bottoms but drew the line at platform shoes. During the periods while being of out then back in college I had assorted jobs. Among them a Girl Scout a church technician a grunt in da copy department of a gum company. All this thanks to my being a ‘Holly Girl’. A pal Holly Allison had a temp employment agency specializing in getting gigs for unemployable art types...which was and is me.
‘Girl Scout’...perhaps I should clarify.
I worked at the NYC headquarters for da Girl Scouts USA. I fit right in. I shows up sez I’m a ‘Holly Girl’ no one bats an eye. I loved it there. Swell folks. It was all clerical stuff so learning to read write came in handy after all. That and I raised and lowered the flags every day...serious old school. Worked during the holidays...them gals did Yule right.
After my Scouting days I ended up in an office across from da U.N. Building. The job was a blur...just typing and files...yeah, I can do that. My Holly Girl superpower. Btw ask grandma what a typewriter is. Thing is I had a desk with a view of what we thought was the hope of the world. The bleeping U.N. Building. Sue me I’m a romantic. That thing never got old.  
There followed a blizzard of mini gigs. Some lasting days to a few months. With 70′s temp gigs ya never knew where you were going or what your position would be. They could have been companies that made the ‘handle with care’ stickers for Hydrogen bombs. I had no idea. Nice t-shirts though.
Just remembered...that copy department thing was in da mix. My being an artist lay about. Holly thought it would suit me. It did. While on da job I asked and was given permission to print up some of my little projects. Prose poetry chapbooks all that noise. Learned printing and organizational skills. I later used these when I did Indie-comic books in da 80′s. 
Life is learning and opportunities. Remember what I said about my time in show biz? If you’re offered a part in ‘anything’ ...Take it! You got talent and smarts.  “Eh sure I can speak Croation...and ride a horse”. Ace da the details as ya go along. I got shows that way.
Then I went to church.
Specifically Riverside Church on Morningside Heights Manhattan. Good grief. Wadda place. If the 12th century constructed skyscrapers, they would have looked like ‘Riverside’. Stayed there the longest. Was assistant to their engineering department. In da 90′s they’d have used a PalmPilot now a phone or Alexa...same thing. Back then they used me. No experience whatever. My broadcast engineering days were years in the future. 
They taught me much but mostly it was the vibe. 
There was a general calmness of attitude. They were working not for the now but for the ages. So aware of where they came from where they were and where they were going. It’s 100 years ago but despite the chaos and static of my years them times and folks is a remembered eye in the storm.
I was a seriously dumb kid. So I’m grateful to Holly Allison. This for my kicking butt into the real world by making me a ‘Holly Girl’. Being in so many places, so many different kinds of people and directions I began to see patterns. All those lives and circumstances interconnected. Active living Zen stuff in everyday work. I’m grateful. A few years later my broadcast life began. That’s another saga for another time.
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xtruss · 2 years
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The Atlantic. Getty Images
Science: The Universe Is More in Our Hands Than Ever Before! Astronomy Is in a New Era. It Involves Giant Lasers.
— By Adam Frank | The Atlantic | January 03, 2023
Pity the poor astronomer. Biologists can hold examples of life in their hands. Geologists can fill specimen cabinets with rocks. Even physicists get to probe subatomic particles in laboratories built here on Earth. But across its millennia-long history, astronomy has always been a science of separation. No astronomer has stood on the shores of an alien exoplanet orbiting a distant star or viewed an interstellar nebula up close. Other than a few captured light waves crossing the great void, astronomers have never had intimate access to the environments that spur their passion.
Until recently, that is. At the turn of the 21st century, astrophysicists opened a new and unexpected era for themselves: large-scale laboratory experimentation. High-powered machines, in particular some very large lasers, have provided ways to re-create the cosmos, allowing scientists like myself to explore some of the universe’s most dramatic environments in contained, controlled settings. Researchers have learned to explode mini supernovas in their labs, reproduce environments around newborn stars, and even probe the hearts of massive and potentially habitable exoplanets.
How we got here is one of the great stories of science and synergy. The emergence of this new large-scale lab-based astrophysics was an unanticipated side effect of a much broader, more fraught, and now quite in-the-news scientific journey: the quest for nuclear fusion. As humanity has worked to capture the energy of the stars, we’ve also found a way to bring the stars down to Earth.
Last month, to great fanfare, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory announced they’d crossed a fusion milestone. For the first time, more energy came out of a fusion experiment than was put in. Although the world is still likely decades away from any sort of functioning fusion-power generator, the experiment was a scientific breakthrough, moving us a step closer toward clean and essentially limitless energy through self-sustaining fusion reactions. To achieve this, the researchers relied on lasers to re-create a place where thermonuclear-fusion reactions already occur: the core of the sun. They focused the lasers on tiny pellets of hydrogen, mimicking the sun’s extraordinarily high temperatures and densities to squeeze the hydrogen nuclei into helium and kick off fusion reactions.
Stars don’t give up their secrets easily. The lasers used are factory-size affairs that require enormous power to do their work. It was in the process of building these multistory light machines that scientists realized they were also incidentally building an unprecedented tool for studying the heavens. Called High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics, or HEDLA, the field that has emerged around these lasers has given astronomers entirely new ways to practice their craft.
The work began in earnest in the early 2000s with the investigation of one of the most energetic events in the cosmos: supernovas, the titanic explosions that end the lives of massive stars. Supernovas are driven by powerful shock waves that develop in a star’s core and then propagate outward, blowing the star’s outer layers into space. The heavy elements contained deep within a star are key to life eventually forming somewhere, so one long-standing question for astronomers has been whether the blast of a supernova mixes a star’s core elements with its lighter surface ones, and through that mixing disperses the essential-to-life heavier elements across the cosmos. Working together, astronomers and fusion-plasma physicists re-created the layers of a star in miniature with thin strips of plastic and less-dense, foamlike material. Then they zapped the mini-star sandwiches with the big fusion lasers. Powerful shock waves formed that ripped through the targets and buckled them like wet cardboard. Mixing between the layers, it turned out, was real. The experiments confirmed a major part of astronomers’ map of how elements get cycled around the galaxy.
This was a thrilling direction for astronomy. Not only could astronomers now tinker with star stuff in a lab; they could do it over and over again. By tweaking one variable after the other, they could run true Earth-bound experiments, testing hypotheses and watching the results play out in front of their eyes. Soon they developed experimental platforms to study a wide range of astronomical environments, including the swirling disks of gas that accompany stars’ formation and the collision of giant interstellar clouds. HEDLA still has limits; not all astrophysical phenomena can be studied in the laboratory. Strong gravitational effects, for example, can’t be captured, because they’d need a star’s worth of mass, and no funding agency is paying for that. The trick for astrophysicists has been to find an overlap between the questions they want to answer and the extreme conditions that giant fusion machines can create.
A sweet spot in the HEDLA Venn diagram lies in the search for distant worlds where alien life could form. In recent decades, an “exoplanet revolution” has revealed that almost every star in the sky hosts its own family of worlds. Because life almost certainly needs a planet to arise, understanding the different conditions on all these alien worlds has risen to the highest priority on astronomers’ to-do list. So far, many of the exoplanets we’ve discovered are strange beasts that look very different from the eight worlds orbiting our sun. Chief among these are the super-Earths, planets weighing from 2 to 10 times the mass of our world. We don’t have this kind of planet in our solar system, and yet they turn out to be the most common world in the universe. So what kind of planet is a super-Earth? Is this bounty of generic worlds worth probing for alien life?
Conditions on the surface of a planet, where life will form, depend strongly on what happens deep inside. Thousands of miles down, pressures are so high that rocks get squeezed until they ooze like asphalt on a scalding day and iron liquifies. Under certain circumstances, the swirling motions of this molten soup drive planet-wide protective magnetic fields that support life. This is where HEDLA’s high-power lasers come in: They turn out to be a uniquely perfect tool for probing pressures deep in the interiors of planets. By using the lasers to squeeze samples of rocks and metals to those deep planetary pressures, researchers can see how the samples behave, discovering their resistance to flow (important for plate tectonics) or their ability to conduct electricity (important for magnetic-field generation).
This is also where I come in. Research my colleagues and I are carrying out is part of a multiyear, multi-institution push funded by the National Science Foundation to make HEDLA a principal tool for understanding planetary conditions, including those in super-Earths. One recent experiment in this initiative, in fact, used the same enormous 192-laser-beam facility at California’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where the recent fusion breakthrough happened—the big daddy of all big lasers. Researchers wanted to understand how iron would respond to super-Earth pressures, because swirling liquid iron in planetary cores is the key to making planetary magnetic fields. Does iron stay liquid inside a super-Earth, or does it “freeze” over time, solidifying into a crystal lattice that would kill any chances for a magnetic field? Driving the iron to pressures 10 million times Earth’s surface pressure, the study tracked exactly when iron dropped from the liquid to the solid state. From these data, the team found that super-Earths can keep their cores liquid long enough for magnetic fields to offer a billion years or more of planetary shielding. If these results bear out, these big planets may have the right conditions not only to let life form but also for it to evolve and thrive.
Experiments like this one demonstrate how far the new field of laboratory astrophysics has come in just a couple of decades. It’s a story of convergence and even a coming of age. Almost a century ago, astrophysicists discovered the physics of thermonuclear reactions in the stars. Their efforts were aimed not at one day powering humanity’s cities, but at answering an ancient cosmic question: What makes the stars shine? Only after the advent of Cold War nuclear weapons did some scientists begin exploring the possibilities of peaceful fusion power. Now, in the process of moving a little bit closer to abundant, clean energy, we’ve narrowed our own separation from the power of stars and the cosmos as a whole. The universe is more in our hands than ever before. And in capturing even a sliver of its capacities in our laboratories, we are reminded of how vast and magnificent it has always been.
— Adam Frank is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester. His work has appeared in Scientific American, The New York Times, and NPR. He is the author of Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth.
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