#hxh omegaverse
cannellee · 4 months
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୨୧ yandere! alpha! kurapika x omega! reader
— how does he take care of his omega ?
cw : yandere, controlling behaviour, red flags, etc.
I had this sitting in my drafts for a while now... so here it is! just like for naruto and the seven deadly sins, I'll accept requests about hxh (but my main focus will still be about tokyorev!)
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kurapika is a kind and reassuring alpha. he wants his omega to feel the safest when she's with him, to appear as flawless as possible to make her feel sheltered and in good hands.
you don't doubt him at first, kurapika is always smiling brightly. his polite smiles soothes any worry you might have as if he had everything and everyone under control.
he might manipulate you into thinking you're imagining things if you ever get suspicious of him. he's cautious, very careful about what he does and what he says in front of you. nothing would shatter his world more than see his omega wary of him. that would mean that he failed his task at shielding you from anything unpleasant and his thoughts would torture him if it ever had to happen.
kurapika is overly worried about you, you're so frail and innocent, and he knows how mean and scary the world is, especially for sweet omegas like you... which is why he got his hunter licence. kurapika had to be better, to improve himself so much to the point that no harm could be done to you.
kurapika hates unnecessary violence. you often tell him that he's kind and benevolent and that's why you love him so much. he does feel guilty about how brutally he murders all those people who had bad intentions towards you, he's afraid you'll look at him differently if you were to learn about it, but it had to be done. he would never let anything scary come close to you, he's especially vigilant that he's aware how of horribly people are able to treat soft beings like you. he has witnessed it first hand and he dreads the thought of not being capable of protecting you well enough and seeing you hurt.
kurapika is very rigorous about which individual has the right to interact with you. he's always suspicious if you say you're going out with someone or if a random person talks to you on the streets. he fears them corrupting you so much, he'll glare at them, possessively shielding you away from their gaze by putting himself in front of you, eyes red in anger and chasing them away from how powerful his scent gets. the type of scent which makes you feel more vulnerable than usual because of how bad it affects you. those domineering pheromones of him weren't meant for you and he feels so bad you had to spend such an awful moment because of him.
kurapika will baby talk to you, assuring you you don't need to go out to actually be happy. his terror of losing you grows stronger each day and the simple fact of not having you in his vision field is enough to send him into a state you're the only one able to soothe by submitting and baring your nape to him. you wait for him to scent you, all docile, while you feel his respiration calm down.
kurapika monitors you. he started by advising you certain clothes before straight out telling you what to wear. he's the one cooking for you, he can't have his precious omega hurting herself in the dangerous kitchen. he makes sure to feed you healthy meals so you're always in good shape and keep a strong body. he's putting you to sleep at the same hour each day, sometimes forcibly so because of how stubborn you can be. kurapika knows better than a dumbly cute omega like you. you need all your hours of sleep end of story. if you're persistent, he'll either drug your hot beverage with sleeping pills or coax you into agreeing by promising you he'll take you out tomorrow if you comply right now.
kurapika knows how easy it is for him to make you obey and submit, you're his omega and he knows everything there's to know about you.
overall, kurapika is insanely worried and preoccupied about his omega. he wants both your and his world to be about your relationship only, others can get lost honestly. it's fine if you don't love him immediately, his main responsibility is to protect you, you'll eventually come to love that side of him, he's sure of it. for now, all he wants is to be needed and make sure you never experience anything traumatising just like he once did, and keep that sweet and pure mind of yours untouched.
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the-artsy-plant · 1 year
An Egregious Error || Alpha! Silva x Transmasc! Omega Reader TEASER
Ok so I woke up and decided that I would write an alpha silva x omega reader fic (I did not in fact wake up, this was an indulgent distraction from my 200+ pages of course readings *pls save me*), so here's a little teasing preview of the first part while I take my sweet time writing the smutsy bits >:)) enjoyyyyy
TW: omegaverse, alphom dynamics, a little bit of physical violence cause Silva would do that, pre-heat symptoms, implied sexual content (and some horny ahh descriptions), a little bit of omegaverse style dubcon, ya know, all the works >:)
without further ado, enjoy!
You let out a shaky sob, hands resting atop your lower abdomen as you hid in your dorm within the servants’ chamber. Your body was so desperately hot; your boxers were entirely soaked through; your blood was pumping loudly in your ears. The paperwork you were supposed to take to Master Silva’s office was scattered across the tile floor, your duty long forgotten as your pre heat symptoms fell upon you. 
Out of all the days your heat could have started, it just had to happen today. Not during your two weeks of paid leave, oh no, it just had to start the day before. It had to start while you were working closely with an alpha.  
Truly, you were terrified. This was your first heat cycle far from your home, a safe haven for omegas. Rather than having the luxury of spending your two weeks of heat in a safe, isolated room far from the presence of alphas, you had to spend it in the territory of your boss, Silva Zoldyck, the definitive paragon of alphas. 
Silva was a tall, incredibly well-built specimen. He easily towered over you, even more so than most alphas. His presence was so overwhelmingly dominant. His rumbling baritone voice was erotically commanding. He embodied the role of alpha perfectly. 
You knew that the second he found you, it would be over. His pheromones would easily trigger your heat; your resolve would die and you would find yourself perched atop his lap, desperately begging to be bred by him. 
Such was the reason why you were sobbing upon your floor. You weren’t ready for this. You weren’t ready to throw away your autonomy in order to serve your biology. You weren’t ready to be bred until you couldn’t walk any longer. You weren’t ready to serve your duty as an omega. 
You foolishly hoped Silva would forget about the papers. You hoped he would stay in his office far far away from your quarters. You hoped you would be able to make it out before your heat finally crashed down on you.  
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Any shred of desperate hope within your being died when you heard the rhythmic pounding on your door. There was no mistake; it was Silva knocking. 
You took a deep breath, desperately scurrying back to the farthest corner of your room. After you were pressed firmly against the wall, a safe distance from the alpha on the other side of your door, you willed yourself to speak. 
“Y-yes?” You shakily cried out, praying that your voice sounded somewhat normal. 
“(Y/N), I asked for those papers an hour ago,” Silva’s deep voice sounded. You grimaced as you felt the effects of his sensual tone dampen your boxers even more, the thin grey fabric thoroughly soaked through now. 
“Where are they?” He demanded, a hint of an annoyed growl present in his throat. 
“I-I’m sorry, sir, I w-wasn’t feeling well earlier!” You replied, trying to suppress the whimpering whines that swelled in the back of your throat. “I-I’ll try to get those papers to you soon.”
“I need them now, (Y/N),” Silva replied, his annoyance crescendoing with your non-compliance. “Either you open this door and hand them to me right now or I will break down this door myself.”
You whimpered softly at his words, rushing onto your hands and knees. You could barely even move to grab the papers as your preheat was forcing you to succumb to your innate desires. The only movement that even felt feasible was to scramble to your bed and create a nest; moving all the way to the door to the other side of the room was out of the question.
But nonetheless, you grabbed each and every paper, whimpering as you accidentally creased one of them in your trembling palms. You shakily rose to your feet, wishing to still maintain a vague air of professionalism before being met with your irate boss. 
With each wobbling footstep, you steadily made your way to the door. Though each step felt like a mile, you were determined to reach your goal. 
You were only halfway across the room when your door burst in two. You felt your heart plunge into your stomach when the two halves of your door fell down. With that, Silva furiously strode inside.
Instantly, against your better judgement, you fell to your knees, letting out a pathetic whimper as you held your papers above your head. 
Silva snarled as he snatched the papers from your hands. You shakily breathed as you slowly looked up at the alpha before you, watching anxiously as he looked over the files in hand.
When he came across the paper you had pathetically crumpled, he let out an unadulterated, furiously primal growl. He threw the papers to the floor and immediately snatched you up by your wrists, dangling your pathetic little body above the ground so that his piercing blue eyes could bore into your soul. 
“What the hell is the meaning of this, (Y/N)?” Silva snarled as he glared at you, his fury evident by the tight clench of his grasp around your wrists. You tried your best not to think of how absolutely hot it was that he could grasp both of your wrists within just one hand. 
“Do you know how important these papers were?!” Silva shouted. “Two of those contracts were for our most prestigious clients. We have been in partnership with them for generations. It is most disrespectful and dishonorable to present such a client with crumpled, torn up pages of a contract!”
“I’m sorry, Master Silva! I promised, I didn't mean to crumple it!” You pleaded. 
“(Y/N), you are a Zoldyck Butler. Out of hundreds, you were selected for your precision, dexterity, grace, stamina, and efficiency. What the hell could possibly be your excuse for such an egregiously stupid, infantile mistake?”
“I-I’m sorry, Master Silva! Fuck, none of t-this was supposed to, fuck, happen. I was scheduled to leave tomorrow, but…um, my, uh, my…you know, it, uh, came…”
“Your what came?” Silva growled, shaking you slightly to emphasize just how pissed he was. 
“My pre-heat,” you finally, pathetically whimpered out, tears beading in your eyes as you desperately prayed that nothing would happen to you. “It just started a few hours ago…”
Silva fell silent. He blinked slowly as he processed your words. He gently pulled your smaller form close to him, giving your neck an experimental sniff, groaning as a wave of pheromones ensnared his senses. 
You let out an agitated whine, cursing yourself for letting his dominant display unleash your heat. Your scent glands felt hot and throbbed as Silva breathed in your delicate, sweet, but fearful pheromones. 
“I see…” Silva muttered. 
You were absolutely bewildered at your boss’s reaction. What the actual fuck was this supposed to mean? You desperately squeezed your eyes shut, unable to look your boss in the eye at this moment. You prayed desperately to any higher power there was for salvation, grace, and clarity in this moment. 
You let out a quick, frightened gasp as your boss suddenly released you from his grasp, only to immediately scoop you up into his arms. You let out a confused hum as you looked up at him. Now you were really praying for clarity. 
“Gotoh!” Silva suddenly barked. You heard the head butler’s footsteps sound as he entered your room. 
“Yes, Master Zoldyck?” Gotoh replied, bowing before Silva. 
“Straighten those papers out for me,” Silva said, watching as Gotoh picked them up from the floor. 
“I expect these on my desk, pressed and restored, by tomorrow morning. And send out word to the Aguiló and Jarjay households, letting them know that their contracts will be delayed. And that we express our sincerest apology for this oversight.”
“As you wish,” Gotoh nodded. 
With that, Silva began carrying you out of your quarters, acting as if he hadn’t just shattered your door before interrogating you. 
“And Gotoh?” 
“Yes, Master Zoldyck?” 
“Be sure to order the omegas on our staff heat suppressants next time,” Silva commanded before leaving the room with you tenderly tucked against his chest.
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
Once Yandere!Alpha!Kurapika cums inside you it’s OVER. You’re his now, there’s no way he can let you go. If there was ANY chance he’d try to let you live a normal life before, it’s gone once your womb is stuffed full of his seed.
There’s a possibility you’ll have his pups now, and Kurapika would never take any chances with the love of his life and potential mother of his pups.
He already wanted to possess you more than anything, to keep you tucked away in your nest while your belly swells with his pups. He won’t let you lift a finger, feeding, bathing, and taking care of all of your needs while you work on growing your babies.
Normal Alpha!Kurapika is pretty protective and territorial, but with Yandere!Alpha!Kurapika, it’s smothering and unbearable.
He’s constantly rubbing his scent glands against you, purring as he grooms and snuggles you. You’re his sweet little mate, his love.
Everyone will know who you belong to… and what happens when they touch something that Kurapika holds dear.
He’ll provide the softest, warmest nesting materials for you, taking pride in the fact that your nest is built out of his used shirts and clothes, along with blankets and pillows.
He’s covered you in his scent so often that you can’t help but rely on it. Kurapika is your mate now, whether you like it or not, you’re bonded!
He’ll keep pumping you full of his cum during your pregnancy, your cunt keeping his knot warm as he coos over how cute his sweet mate is.
You’re all he has left, his soulmate. He’ll protect you and his pups with his life!
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kiame-sama · 8 months
Scarlet Eyes- (Yandere!Alpha!Chrollo x Kurta!Omega!Reader)
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Warnings; My abo au (only 1000 or less omegas world wide), mention of kidnapping, mention of death, spoilers for the York New arc, gender neutral reader, reader is kurta so this means they have brown->red eyes as all kurta do, switching a few events around chronologically,
"I'm only going to ask you this once, where is my twin?"
Kurapika kept playing the conversation he had in the last moments of the burly spider's life. The sparse information he got from the conversation did little to soothe him or make him feel like he was any closer to finding his beloved twin. If anything, Kurapika worried that he was already too late to do anything.
He had been determined to get whatever information he could from the large man, but the man was near impossible to interrogate. The man only really spoke up when Kurapika mentioned his omega twin. There was little comfort however as the man gave a wolfish grin, bearing his teeth in a clear mocking sneer.
"Oh, the omega? Don't worry about them, Boss has already taken care of it."
The spider's words did nothing to make Kurapika feel better as it sounded like the worst has come to pass. In some ways, he had hoped that the spiders would be interested enough in finding an omega that they wouldn't hurt or sell his twin, but it seemed he was not so lucky. He would kill each and every one of those fuckers and make them pay for the pain they no doubt put his family through.
Kurapika had always hoped that he would be strong enough to protect his sibling- even from the spiders- but that was clearly not the case. It hurt his heart more than he cared to admit when he dwells too long on the fact that he failed his twin. He had dragged them away from home, put them through the gauntlet of the Hunter's exam, swore to protect them, and still he failed. Once he finished the damnable spiders off, he would begin the long journey of finding his twin.
No doubt it would be difficult and near impossible to find them, Omegas were a prized possession after all, but he was determined. Wherever they had taken you, whoever they sold you to, Kurapika would find you. He promises.
You felt an unusual chill run down your back, frowning and glancing towards the door to the abandoned church you were in. Chrollo sat next to you with one arm around you, hand resting on your hip possessively. Though you couldn't place what, something told you that a change had taken place. Perhaps it was nothing, perhaps it had something to do with the missing alpha, Uvogin.
Despite being in a group of very dangerous people, you felt rather safe. In part, it had to do with the fact your alpha was an apex alpha, and in part it was because of the respect your alpha commanded. The other spiders- minus Hisoka- respected the fact that their leader had claimed you and kept their distance from you. Hisoka was new to you and clearly you were the first omega he had ever actually encountered. He was determined to get close to you either to rile Chrollo or to get his hands on you, and Chrollo was not pleased with the jester's behavior.
You sometimes felt your mind wander away to thoughts of your twin, hoping he would never come for you but knowing that is all he would want to do. Since you both were young you watched out for each other, but it all changed when you began showing signs of being an omega. Where Kurapika had once been your equal he then became your protector and would loudly protest to you being paired with anyone or taken away from his protection. He would always be your protector and you knew it likely killed him inside to know you had been taken.
It did take time for you to settle the war within yourself that waged due to being mated to the apex alpha that exterminated your clan and kidnapped you. Part of you still hated the alpha, but another part of you adored him as your mate and that part of you was supported by your instincts. It didn't help that you once asked Chrollo why he killed everyone only for him to respond 'because I could' with a kiss to your forehead. Chrollo always seemed to know when he could bring up your scarlet eyes to control you or fluster you. Taking amusement in the simple mentioning of them being enough to quell any overly willful behavior.
For now you were at ease with the monster that claimed you, feeling rather bound to him regardless of the uneasy feeling he sometimes gave you. Chrollo was clearly content with it as well seeing as he held so securely to you and was rather indulgent of your behavior. He even used an ability that allowed him to bring your nest with you and set it up wherever you deemed appropriate. Few Troupe members were allowed near you simply for the fact that Chrollo didn't like others near his omega. Still, you could see how some members were drawn closer by your presence alone.
Beyond just being the mate of a truly monstrous apex alpha, you were getting used to others knowing you were an omega. With Kurapika you had to constantly cover your scent and hide your omega tendencies around others. You had mostly adjusted to behaving like a beta and also adjusted to others thinking you were a beta. It was odd to you that your Hunter's license- which you still thought was a joke- told others you were an omega. The secret you worked hard to keep was so readily shared with others now.
The sudden shift and movement of being pulled into Chrollo's lap made you yelp, startled by the rather abrupt motion. Chrollo seemed amused by your yelp, however. His lips slowly tracing over the mark on your neck as he let one hand brace around your waist, the other squishing your thigh appreciatively. You were confused as to why he would behave in such an open display of affection towards you, as you couldn't think of anything that would trigger this behavior.
"Chrollo, what- what are you doing?"
"Shh, my sweet (Y/n). Just indulge your alpha."
You felt compelled to obey the soft murmur against your shoulder, shivering but no longer struggling against your alpha's hold. Chrollo seemed rather content to focus on kissing your neck and shoulders, almost as if he were establishing dominance. His affectionate display was a show of dominance, reminding the Troupe that you were his exclusively and making it clear that he was still vastly interested in keeping things that way.
Unbeknownst to you and the rest of the Troupe, Hisoka was paying close attention and ensuring to gather what bit of information he could get. He would certainly share this information with the Kurta and see if he could gain you as his own omega in the process.
"I know about your twin and can tell you what you want to know about them."
The smooth words make Kurapika's eyes widen, feeling invigorated and even more determined to get whatever he could from the grinning jester. Hisoka already knew how he was going to portray this information and it excited him to think about the emotional response he would undoubtedly get.
"Tell me."
"So impatient~! Well, if you must know, they are alive and within the city limits. Don't relax too soon though, the lead spider Chrollo has taken them on as his mate and has already marked them. Killing Chrollo will kill (Y/n)."
Hisoka couldn't help the wolfish grin that pulled at his lips when Kurapika responded to his words with clear despair. Out of all of the terrifying things he had ever considered, Kurapika hadn't considered you being bound to his greatest enemy. Killing Chrollo suddenly became a dangerous option as he knew how omegas could die of sorrow if any harm befalls their mate. The last thing Kurapika wanted to do was hurt you.
"I'm sure you know that the only way you can kill Chrollo and not (Y/n) is if they have another mate by the time you kill him. I'm happy to volunteer as that replacement."
Despite how Kurapika didn't want to let Hisoka anywhere near you, he had to genuinely consider the proposition. If he killed Chrollo, he would kill you should you have no other mate to rely on. Kurapika knew how fragile omegas were and he knew how the well-being of an omega's mate could determine the well-being of the omega themselves. Either Kurapika needed to keep Chrollo alive- which was a detestable thought- or he needed to find and implement a replacement mate for you to survive losing Chrollo.
It was a lose-lose situation for Kurapika and he hated that the spiders put him and his twin through so much continued suffering. He would save you no matter what.
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sweetheart4you · 5 months
Hiii so I have an idea for a request~ how about illumi with a male reader (preferably cis) who can transform into someone else by drinking their blood? Btw he has to keep drinking that person's blood because a drop does that he can only be that person for one hour (if he drinks multiple people's within the same time period blood he can switch between them)
How about he's sly and flirty, but the moment someone gives him a compliment he freezes not knowing how to react... Also you know what I'm going to ask for.. he has boob windows in most of his clothes
I'm gonna make this A/B/O, I hope you dont mind :). Other than that, I don't have anything to say, so...
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When he first met you, he didn't care, mostly because you had been in disguise and hadn't smelt like, looked like, or been yourself.
The second time Illumi met you, you were yourself, though with extremely strong scent blockers.
He couldn't help but adore you immediately. You were a strong, capable, beautiful omega. What's there not to love?
Illumi started to stalk you, trying to understand you more. Which is how he got the scent of your pheromones. God, he loved that smell and needed more.
Stalking is also how he figured out how your power worked. He fell more in love with you and finally knew the perfect gift to give you!
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You stepped outside your house to find a package that you didn't order. “Hm? Where'd this come from?.."
You took the package inside your house and opened it. Inside was a minty chocolate scented oversized hoodie, a vial of blood, and some of your favorite snacks.
There was a note at the bottom that you picked up and read.
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“Hello my dear. You are the most perfect omega I've ever seen. I have sent you some courting gifts; one of my scented hoodies, some of my blood, and snacks I have seen you have an affinity for. I hope you will agree to my courtship.”
I am so sorry not all of the things you asked for were specifically mentioned, but I got inspo and ran with it (╥﹏╥)
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Can we have Omega Illumi x Omega (Reader)? You mentioned in the Omega Illumi Headcannon that he wouldn't want to carry a baby so he would get another Omega pregnant.
Absolutely ❤️
@gaybitchfx look, more of your mans
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Omega and omega relationships were often frowned upon, usually by alphas who felt entitled to omegas.
Illumi never had any intention of carrying a pup, the Omega never being interested in alphas but instead he was VERY interested in other omegas though finding an Omega wasn't essy, then he met him.
The Omega was Illumis beloved, the two sharing heats and Illumi pleased his mate took on the more Omegan traits like nesting and such.
So when (name) spoke of wanting pups, Illumi was more than happy to provide.
Omegas hard a harder time getting one a other pregnant so when it finally happened (name) was sobbing with joy, Illumi pleased his mate was with their tiny pup.
The first few months was a nightmare for poor (name), his chest swollen and sore and everything made him sick.
Illumi tried to comfort his Omega but poor (name) was mainly resting in his nest exhausted.
Mid pregnancy he was sore everywhere as his belly grew "so when am I supposed to feel this stupid glow ?" (Name) asked his mate who kissed his temple "this will pass"
"It better..."
By the end of the pregnancy (name) was on bed rest which would be fine if he didn't suddenly have maximum energy and was unreasonably needy.
Illumi practically had to force him into the nest with the promise of treats, he was tempted to use a needle on him a few times but went against it.
The promise of treats worked better.
"He's so little..." (Name) whispered as they looked at the tiny babe with big black doe eyes who fed on (name)s chest with little content sounds as they sat in their bed, (name) on full bed rest and the two scented the tiny baby who cooed at the contact.
"I want more" (name) said seriously and Illumi smiled
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sheridan-le-fanu · 24 days
I think that people who ship Kurokura probably read Omegaverse yaoi, while people who ship Leopika are probably lesbians without gfs.
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headcansxfanfictions · 7 months
FANFICTION Its 1:30 am so i wrote this out of no where
PG-13: talk of sexual themes but no sexual acts
TW: character worries about SA
Plot: Asexual Illumi finds himself having a heat unexpectedly after taking suppressants for too long. The closest safe place is Hisoka’s penthouse. Illumi just makes it in time.
Hisoka was alarmed when Illumi Zoldyck showed up at his penthouse in full heat.
“Hisoka Im sorry I needed somewhere safe.” Illumi pants holding on to the door frame and shaking from trying to not to collapse.
Hisoka isn’t alarmed easily but right know Illumi seems 10 times more vulnerable then he has ever seen the man.
Illumi stumbles forward and Hisoka catches him. Illumi’s scent is amazing and Hisoka has to mentally slap himself.
Hisoka half caries Illumi to his bedroom. “I almost didn’t make it here,” Illumi starts to cry.
The sobs send chills through Hisoka, Illumi never cries he hardly ever shows emotion. That being said he has never seen Illumi in heat before so maybe this is normal for him?
Illumi is laid down on the bed and Hisoka sits next to him waiting for Illumi to say more.
“I-I almost didn’t make it. I could have died or worse, raped and left pregnant. Hisoka I was so scared. I almost didn’t get away.“ Hisoka hears Illumi’s deep voice break for the first time.
“Illumi you did make it though, you just stay here. You’ll be safe.” Maybe its his alpha instincts but Hisoka has a sudden strong urge to protect Illumi at all cost while he is in heat.
Despite his reputation for being promiscuous and constantly horny, at the age of 26 Hisoka is actually able to control his alpha very well. Yes, Illumi’s heat is effecting him but he respects Illumi enough to push that aside as much as he can.
“Illumi, I’ll be back in a moment I just need to go get some things. Is there anything medicine you usually take?”
“I don’t know,” Illumi’s breathing is ragged, “haven’t had a heat in years… suppressants.”
“You’re on suppressants? Was this heat expected?”
“No,” Illumi writhes struggle for words.
“Never mind we can talk later let me go get you somethings. I’ll be back as fast as I can.” With that Hisoka leaves the bedroom and heads swiftly for the kitchen. He takes two pill bottles from the cabinet and takes a pill from the first one; a suppressant of his own. He doesn’t usually take them but has them for emergencies like this to prevent him from going into rut. Then he gets a glass of water and a thermometer and heads back to Illumi.
Illumi looks worse than when he left. He is read hot and writhing trying desperately to hold himself back and maintain some dignity.
“Illumi here, something for the pain.” Hisoka helps Illumi take the pain medicine and drink some water.
“Thank you,” Illumi whispers through his ragged breathing.
Hisoka then used the forehead thermometer to check Illumi, 101.3F, he’ll be okay, Hisoka will watch it.
“Do you need anything else?” Hisoka asks then hesitantly adds, “I can help you if you want me to… I’m an alpha you know.”
“No,“ Illumi whispers immediately. “I-I dont like doing that.” Illumi cries harder.
“Hisoka I hate this.” Illumi feels scared and small, like being 17 again locked in his room having his first heat. Illumi doesn’t like to talk about it but he hates the idea of sex or anything sexual. It disgusts him. Heats are the only time he ever has sexual feeling and it is hell for him. This is why he always takes suppressants. He has only had 3 heats prior to this; once that first time at 17 again at 19 and again at 21. He was supposed to let himself have one every other year but last year it had been too difficult to make himself do it so against the advice of his doctor he had stayed on the pill illegally. He had been fine up until a couple hours ago when it had hit him like a freight train and he found himself far from home unable to protect himself.
“Okay okay, it was just an offer.” Hisoka watches Illumi curly up on his side, slick is wetting throw his pants.
“Wanna put something more comfortable on? Im gonna go grab some towels to put under you so you can stay clean.” Its unlike Hisoka to be this serious, especially about something that could warrant many sex jokes however the vulnerability Illumi is showing is enough of a shock to make him grow up for the time being.
Illumi hums is appreciation as Hisoka lays the bed with fresh towels and helps illumi into a nightgown. He leaves Illumi’s underwear on not wanting to make him feel unsafe.
Illumi finally falls asleep and Hisoka takes this opportunity to braid the man’s long raven hair so that it won’t be tangled with all the writhing and thrashing that will occur once he wakes.
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darkrpfinders · 2 months
⚡️Hello to all, I am a middled aged woman in my late/mid thirties and looking to write with those who are at least twenty years old or older. ⚡️
Now let's cut to the chase, as bitchy as this might sound, please actually read my advert, as the last time I posted this it didn't go too well I'm afraid.
🕊️ Hisoka Marrow x Gon Freccss 🕊️
both characters are from the anime/manga franchise called Hunter x Hunter. This roleplay will contain extremely dark themes please be aware of the following before you contact me!
⚡️ - I wish to write as GON. (Yes, he is the submissive type/a bottom) ⚡️ - I am new to HxH so please be patient with me. ⚡️ - This roleplay will take place over DISCORD. ⚡️ - This rp can contain any manner of dead dove, I'd especially love to incorporate some A/B/O themes! ⚡️ Yandere themes maybe? ⚡️ I am not novella, I write 3-4 paragraphs at my best. ⚡️ You can find me at the following sideblog @chilchuckswife to discuss further details
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
TW: implied noncon/dubcon, omegaverse/hybrid au, size difference, predator x prey
gn reader
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There’s nothing cuter than an Omega that doesn't know their place... 
You’re an amusing little thing. Infinitely inferior and still trying to get away even though he’s stronger and faster and smarter in every way – trying ever so desperately anyway, despite knowing it’s pointless – how it will only end up with you tripping on your own tail and falling right back into his claws.
Silly little mate…
He can hear your heart beating. Desperately trying to supply your aching limbs as you sprint like death is on your heels. 
He can hear your feet thump against the forest floor – each step clumsier than the former, turning sloppy and ever slower.
He can hear your breaths. Raw lungs burning, panting shallowly, catching in your throat as you choke on your tears.
Scrambling through the pines like prey – hair unruly and getting caught on the passing branches ripping at your face, picking yourself up each time your feet catch in the thick roots that lay coiled and curled like serpents in the dirt – feeling as if even the forest knows to punish you for being an Omega trying to deny and Alpha his rights.
He can tell your muscles are screaming at you now, begging for a break, pleading with you to take your chances and hide instead – even though you know it won’t do you any good when he can sniff out your scent – that though he can applaud the effort, running was already foolish enough on its own.
He’s barely breaking a sweat – right on your tail. His chuckles bounce off the trunks in mocking echoes – haunting you as you drain for energy second after meager second, knowing there’ll only be a short moment left until you hear the last laugh and feel the white pain of his teeth sinking into the flesh of your neck.
You still find the energy to fight him, even when he has you pinned into the moss bed with the sky-scratching trees looming above you – the stars like onlookers, like an audience – the full moon too, like a god watching its cruel fate take place. 
But you refuse to bow, even as he cuffs your wrists inside his almighty fist, pushing them into the mud – keeping you down and beneath him – your pretty face contorted into a snarl, fangs flashed at him with swivel-eyes livid and bleeding with crazed wilderness.
You sure are a funny little mate.
He looks forward to taming you.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Kirishima, Hawks, Enji, Aizawa
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Toji
DS – Doma, Sanemi
HxH – Illumi, Uvogin
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citrus-writing · 3 months
Hia, I’m citrus, 22, she/her. 
I write mostly yandere stuff these days, but i sometimes try my hand at non yan stuff too. My current hyperfixation is hunter x hunter! 
Any character under 18 will be aged up! Characters under 15 can only be requested platonically! 
Writing styles: 
Drabbles (300-500 words) 
Headcanons (written in bullet point form) 
Matchup (200 ish words detailing who i would pair you with from a fandom of your choice) 
Fire emblem three houses! (All of the students, Seteth, Flayn, Rhea, Jeritza) 
DDLC / doki doki literature club! (monika, sayori, yuri, natuski) 
HXH / hunter x hunter! (the phantom troupe mostly) 
If you want someone who isn't on the list, feel free to ask anyways! I might have forgotten them! The worst I can say is no! 
Expect more fandoms to be added over time! 
Citrus-Writing Masterlists - Google Docs
Request guidelines: 
Please specify- 
Reader’s gender (if unspecified, i will default to female reader) 
The writing style you would prefer (drabbles, headcanons, etc) 
The character(s) you’d like ((i will do up to four characters in one ask)) 
Any other specific requests you’d like, such as; reader’s traits, the scenario you had in mind, a poly ship, etc! 
If any of these aren’t specified, i’ll write it however it comes to mind
Will write: 
Character x reader 
Any gender reader ( if not specified, i will default to female reader )
Specific traits ( such as weight, height, hair color, etc. including mental health!) 
Monogamous or polyamorous 
Romantic or platonic 
Smut // Angst // Fluff 
Won't write: 
Character x character (i’m picky about ships, and generally have low motivation for writing character x character fics. I may sometimes post character x character fics, but i don't take requests for them) 
Any romantic/sexual content for underage characters 
Pregnancy (in any form) (including lactation)
Daddy kink 
I reserve the right to turn down any request, but I will answer why I turned it down! 
Thank you for reading! Please enjoy your stay! 
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lilitudemon · 1 year
Roleplay! 18+!!
Hello, I am seeking someone 18+ to rp with me. 
My hero academia Roleplay. Or HxH.
Ships: {MHA}  (Ones Highlighted are the ones I play as!)
BakuDeku- Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya {Don’t mind who!} DekuBaku- Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugou {Don’t mind who!}
KiriBaku- Katsuki Bakugou x Eijirou Kirishima
KiriMina- Eijirou Kirishima x Mina Ashido
HotWings- Toya Todoroki x Keigo Tamakmi {Don’t mind who!}
KamiJiro- Denki Kaminari x Kyoka Jirou
SeroKami- Hanta Sero x Denki Kaminari
KiriKami-Eijirou Kirishima x Denki kaminari
JiroMomo- Kyoka Jirou x Momo Yaoyorozu
{Or others if we talk about it!}
Ships: (HxH) (Ones Highlighted are the ones I play as!)
Killugon- Killua x Gon
Leopika- Kurapika x Leorio
HisoIllu- Hisoka x illumi
PitoKai-  pitou x kite
{You have to give details on Oc}
Oc x Character
Character x Character
Or I also do:
Oc x Oc
I use Tumblr to Roleplay, (MHA) I have a small list of A.Us
College, Omegaverse[A/O/B], Mafia, forced to marry [fantasy], pro heroes, villain x hero, part animal quirk, next door lovers, or Sugar Daddy x Baby.
NSFW Is okay! But don't make it everything!
Leave a like or reach out to me to rp!
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kiame-sama · 3 months
The Zoldyck's Omega (Yandere!Zoldyck Family x Omega!Chubby!Reader) Yandere ABO AU
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Warnings, yandere, yandere behavior, yandere relationship, multiple yandere, Yandere Zeno, yandere Silva, yandere Kikyo, yandere Illumi, platonic yandere Netero, My abo au, caste system, fem reader, nsfw, protective behavior, harem style relationship, chubby reader,
pt 2 NSFW warning
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nyaruhodou · 2 years
omegaverse girl tried to correct my pronunciation of gon as in gon from hxh lmfao. hello
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reallyromealone · 1 year
I’ve arrived to request for my dear husband illumi 😻
Ofc it’s gonna be an omegaverse 🤭
So Illumi and reader are dating but illumi has never been with reader during his heats since reader wasn’t really use to having someone during them so a few days before his heat reader tells illumi he wants him to be there
And illumi is like surprised but accepts the offer and so yeah 😻
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"I think I want you to join me... With my heat" (name) said awkwardly as he fidgeted with his sweater (totally not stolen from Illumi) as the black eyed man stared at him blankly "Only... If you want to of course, I know it's a lot to ask"
Illumi was surprised at this, he wasn't expecting this at all and it may have been evident as (name) looked nervous about it.
"I'll share a heat with you, though I must warn you" the man said in his usual singsong voice with no tone "contraceptive doesn't work against Zoldyck seed" he said simply and (name) blushed at this "noted..."
"What will we need for this heat?"
"Well, usually I spend my heats at a heat hotel..."
"You can have it in my room, I'm sure you would enjoy raiding my bedding and clothes" (name) stuck his tongue out playfully at his deadpan boyfriend but didn't deny it.
"You do know what this means yes?"
"I want you as my alpha and mate" (name) said and the black haired alpha looked at his mate with a hint of pride "shall we prepare for your heat?" Illumi asked standing and offering his hand, the Omega taking it and standing only for the Alpha to lift him "lumi?!"
"My mate will not walk"
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sheridan-le-fanu · 4 days
Currently being eaten alive by more Hunter x Hunter brainworms as we speak. Maybe I could make a new au where most (75%) people are normal (by hxh standards) but the remaining 25% are shapeshifters? The primarily carnivorous species would generally be considered “naturally superior,” while the primarily herbivorous species would be considered the weakest. Think Omegaverse type stuff, just without the mpreg (or with the mpreg, the sky’s the limit). I feel like the animalistic dynamics would fit well into hxh’s world, too.
Now for the important part;
Who is what animal?
The Zoldycks would be some sort of small wildcat I think, maybe Black Footed Cats, since they have the highest hunting success rate of any feline species?
I think Kurapika would be a brown rat, since he is the current rat of the Zodiacs, and also brown rats don’t look it, but they prefer to be carnivorous when they can be. Also, the whole everyone-hates-rats thing ties into his origin.
Leorio would be a wild boar, since he is the boar of the Zodiacs, and because it seems fitting for him to be a prey species posturing as a predator (wild boars sometimes eat eggs, insects, or small rodents, but they prefer a herbivorous diet).
As the protagonist, I think Gon would be an ordinary human, but he could be a boar too since Ging was the boar of the Zodiacs at one point.
Idk what do y’all think?
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