Hi hi Erika! What other gods do you pray to?
[Image text: Qiu + Chun, Indra, Erzsébet]
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“I worship a few other gods, Qiu and Chun because we live very close to their forest, Indra to protect Vash and because he’s Gilbert’s friend, and Erzsébet for the same reasons.”
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hws-gods-belarus · 4 years
I heard you wanted a rainbow ask 🌈
Anyway, are you going to attend the festival? If so, are you going in costume?
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“This is my costume for the festival this year.”
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Them!!! True sibling hood! Qiu and Chun from @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing
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hws-gods-slovakia · 4 years
hey jaro!! do you have any friends ??
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Jaroslav: “mhm !! actually its p funny, a lot of them are gods !!! just a plus side of being enlightened :0 bc i go around to different places a lot, i see a bunch of ppl around. i tripped over in chun’s– lord chun’s?? garden, i see raccolto whenever summer rolls around, and i tend to stay in vash’s farm or berwald’s temple when im in their areas !! i met shiv when i challenged him to a climbing contest!! meeting yilin was also a funny story,, he found me eating rice out of his fields 😳”
[ft. @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing @hws-gods-veneziano @hws-gods-austria-switzerland @hws-gods-finland-sweden @hws-gods-india @hws-gods-chinas ]
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"Auncle!" The two voices of a younger pair of twins sound from the door frame. Chun and Qiu rushed inside with one package each in their arms. "Happy birthday!" They cheered in sync.
“Ah!” They gasped at the sudden invasion of the hall and tried to suppress an amused laugh as two adorable child deities cheered for them.  “Thank you both very much, you’ve brightened my mood even more and I hadn’t thought it possible!” Taking note of the packages, they smiled quizzically, “And what have you got in your arms?” @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing
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hws-gods-scotland · 4 years
"Hello sir! I really like your hair, mind if I braid it?" -Qiu (hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing)
Alistair startled at the voice. Even as tall as he was, he didn’t expect a greeting that close to the ground, at least, not in the divine realm. His gaze travelled down until he fixed his eyes on a young boy looking up at him hopefully. Logically, he knew that some gods took the forms of children, but he quite frankly could not understand why. Being a child again feels more like a punishment than godly priveledges. 
Still, he didn’t enjoy judging people on the way they like to live, and the kid seemed nice enough. Kneeling down, Alistair craned his head, offering his mane of red hair. 
“Cheers lad,” he grunted, a small smile on his face. In a weird way, the kid reminded him of his brother, the gentle smile and hands twisting his hair into braids that brought back memories of his own childhood. “M’ name’s Alistair, ‘nd you?”
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ask-the-awesome · 4 years
Idk if you've looked into the hws-gods-au, but blogs like hws-gods-belarus and hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing are really good
((Ooh! This one looks fun~ Let me see what I can do.))
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Do you have any magical pals?
“My magical pals do you mean gods?” Erika tilted her head curiously. “Chun and Qiu have a forest near here, and they’re very nice! Sometimes when Gil’s away I go and bring them some tea!” She smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling. “I’ve met some enlightened humans! There‘s a nice man named Jaro who stays here sometimes, he’s looking for his sister. There’s a nice enlightened man who sometimes joins me for tea, his name is Roderich! There’s also Harper! She’s a god of travel and is really nice, she taught me how to make flower crowns.”
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hws-gods-belarus · 4 years
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“Did you need something? I’m afraid that I don’t have much to offer at the moment… I’m Natalya, is that all you want?”
Natalya Arlovskaya, just a human and follower of Chun ( @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing )
HWS Gods AU blog ( @hws-gods-au ) for HWS Belarus
Ask box: OPEN
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hws-gods-belarus · 4 years
Have you ever met Lords Chun or Qiu?
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“I didn’t know that was something you could do. I’m sure that Chun doesn’t reveal himself to just anyone, at least...”
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