#hw Ganondorf
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10 years of hyrule warriors !!!!
it was sooo fun being a part of @hyrulewarriorszine & it has been lovely seeing everyones work, i loved making these emotes ^.^
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#hyrule warriors#tloz#hw#hw link#hw zelda#hw ganondorf#hw impa#linkle#tp agatha#hw cia#hw lana#my art
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#Legend of Zelda Series#hyrule warriors#ganondorf#hw ganondorf#hw ganondorf default#nintendo#nintendo switch#koei tecmo#2024#liad post#screenshot
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Profanity in front of the boss isn’t necessarily a good idea, but unfortunately for Ganondorf, he gathered men who are quite intelligent on their own but lose the braincell in a group.

And not to worry, Volga is sharing his opinion as well, loudly enough to blow Wizzro away.
#hyrule warriors#ghirahim#zant#yuga albw#hw ganondorf#volga#wizzro#legend of zelda#loz#tp zant#twilight princess zant#yuga loz#Ganondorf#my art
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What each Ganondorf would get you for Christmas if he hated you
Wind Waker
A glitter bomb enchanted with a curse

Tears Of The Kingdom
A link to this website (he will kill you)

Twilight Princess
The remains of your family and friends

Ocarina of Time
killing you

Hyrule Warriors

#the legend of zelda#tloz#ganondorf#loz#loz ganondorf#tloz ganondorf#wind waker#wind waker ganondorf#ww ganon#ww ganondorf#tp ganondorf#tloz tp#tloz ww#loz ww#loz tp#twilight princess ganondorf#oot ganondorf#tloz oot#loz oot#ocarina of time ganondorf#ocarina of time#legend of zelda ocarina#hyrule warriors#hw ganondorf#tloz tears of the kingdom#tloz totk#tloz twilight princess#loz totk#ganondorf totk#totk ganondorf
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Hyrule warriors Ganondorf is hilariously unhinged
Like that man summoned Zant and Ghirahim to single-handedly takeover Gerudo desert
Prior to that his soul was still split in four and he regained three parts of it squared up with cia when she was unhappy to serve him after she had no more use and clowned on her and was unbothered when she was able to get the Triforce of Power away from his grasp
And only gained his full soul back much later ( he beat her with like no actual power whatsoever) when link pulled the master sword giving him all his soul fragments
And the trio acted the entire time taking over the desert like it was a casual hang out with the homies as they annihilated the monster forces and got them on their side and break out the loyal ones still
Defeated king dodongo , gohma and mandhala (three boss monsters at once) while still being unbothered by it
Then with their just a single battle before achieved army (it isn’t that much still but skeletons will do) they go break down Lana’s crib and beat her and Impa up
Catch Lana before she can escape and then go evict her from her own home while taking the triforce of power back
Ganondorf is much more casual in hyrule warriors with his generals that’s it but man run through hyrule like a freaking beast and beat the whole team just because he could
Like Cia was a mini boss at most with her generals and army firstly serving ganondorf (who by that point still was possessing her body )
She was down like a few battles later (she wasn’t that important nor destructive like yeah time portals but also by the end they all were closed!
It all went downhill only when disaster causing dude himself joined the club and showed what it truly means to have the Triforce of Power
This was when the actual war begins and link gets to regret pulling the master sword and releasing the gamer king himself
My man an actual calamity in this one
Fanfic prompt :
If we take linked universe for this one then wars' nightmare would be the fact that cia was chill in comparison … while the monstrosity he released into his world was the actual problem who reignited a second war right after cia was defeated
The dude who was the very reason cia was a problem and got corrupted into starting a full on war for his soul
Was released by the hero of warriors like that probably must hurt much more than just getting blamed for cia starting a war for him because if he was better and never pulled the sword a second war would’ve never have happened in the first place
Tune , Ravio, mask, Marin and so many more people would literally never join the conflict if he just managed to defeat cia without the master sword
Like that definitely gives me intense fanfic potential vibes lol
(The cia part consists only of Fi , Midna and darunia along with ruta as time travelers the other characters you unlock either through adventure mode or later on in legacy during the ganondorf part )
#linked universe#lu wind#lu time#lu warriors#lu marin#lu midna#lu mask#lu tune#lu wars#lu ravio#hyrule warriors characters#hyrule warriors#hw ganondorf#is an entirely different beast lol#ghirahim#zant#he and his homies were having a casual stroll around Hyrule#while on the opposite side link and his army were in a literal gruesome war
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"Shouldn't he rest, though?"
"If he stays in bed too long, he'll only grow weaker."
Link turned his face away from the voices, eager to slip back into the peaceful inky black of slumber. His head was hurting too much for this.
"Wake up, little hero."
A hand shook him slightly, pushing his shoulder further into the comfortable mattress. The movement sent a spike of pain up his neck into his skull, further articulating the headache he was desperately trying to ignore. With an angry, sharp inhale, he opened his eyes.
When he turned to view the person in question, he remembered his situation.
Huffing, he rasped, "What do you want?"
"I don't need your attitude, kid," Nabooru quipped lightly. "This is for your own good. You need to get up, and you need to eat and drink."
Link came up with a few snarky responses but found he was too tired to argue the matter. He let her pull him into a seated position, and he shifted his feet to the edge of the bed hesitantly. The last time he'd tried this he'd nearly passed out. He wasn't even sure how long ago that had been at this point - the exhaustion finally seemed to have won out over his will to escape.
Did that make him pathetic or intelligent? Zelda had always pushed herself so hard and never seemed to stop. He should do better.
Gritting his teeth, the captain pushed himself to stand. Nabooru had steadying hands on him, helping him shakily take a few steps towards the door.
Alertness came to him an instant, alongside hope. He was moving! He could survey his situation better if he let her guide him outside, he could find a way to escape the Gerudo stronghold, perhaps even retrieve the Triforce that Ganondorf had stolen!
Air moved on his other side, the only hint he had of someone moving beside him before an unsettling face invaded his personal space.
"Oh, so the wretched Hero is up and about now?" Ghirahim purred, lips curling in an unsettling smile.
"You're in the way," Nabooru said flatly.
The demon lord huffed, straightening and crossing his arms. "Must you ruin the moment, woman? You don't understand how long I've waited for this."
"Your rivalry is with the spirit, not the child," Nabooru said firmly. "Leave him be."
Link blinked, confused. With the spirit?
Oh. The Spirit of the Hero. The same person Cia had fallen into an obsession with. The same person who Zelda looked to with hope and conviction and dedication. The person who was supposed to be him, the person he strove to be every day.
Why... why were they talking about it like it was someone else?
Link scoffed. "I'm not a child. I am the bearer of the Hero's Spirit. If it's a fight you want--"
The rest of the captain's statement was cut off with a yelp as Nabooru swatted at Ghirahim and dragged Link away. "That's enough of this nonsense. I took you out here to get fresh air, not pick a fight with the first idiot you find."
"Idiot?!" Ghirahim repeated, affronted, though he was left behind by the pair as Link was practically carried outside the compound.
It was evening outside, Link realized, making him feel all the more disoriented. How long had it been since his capture? How long had been asleep? It had certainly been brighter when he'd encountered Ganondorf.
As he was guided to sit in a pile of cushions, a waterskin placed into his hands, Link saw a group of Gerudo women dancing and laughing. Others were playing music, and a crowd was clapping along. On a raised platform sat their king, also enjoying the festivities, though much more solemnly than his warriors. Ganondorf's eyes flicked over to the captain a moment, studying him, and Link felt his skin crawl. He glared defiantly in return.
Ganondorf returned his attention elsewhere, and Link's brooding was interrupted when Nabooru snapped her fingers in his face.
"Drink," she ordered.
Reluctantly, Link complied. There was no point in not hydrating; he needed strength to find a way out of this place. After a few sips, his body suddenly registered just how utterly dehydrated he was, and he emptied it in a heartbeat.
Glancing to her left, Nabooru said, "Watch him."
Link looked to his right and saw another Gerudo warrior walk up beside him, sword drawn and held erect against the ground while her hands rested overtop the hilt.
"What do you people want from me?" he asked, his voice gaining some strength now that his throat wasn't quite so parched.
"I wanted to kill you," the woman grumbled, and Link recognized her as the last thing he saw before he was knocked out in battle. "But our king had other plans."
The captain once again glanced at the perpetrator of this entire mess, feeling himself shiver a little. What did such a monster want with him? He already had the Triforce, after all. Was Link needed for some kind of ritual?
Was he going to capture Zelda as well, then?
Wait... was Link bait?
He had to get out of here.
Nabooru returned quickly, a bowl of curry in her hands. She held it out to the captain, who hesitantly took it. The guard walked away silently.
"I don't suppose you can tell me why your king wants me alive," Link muttered, staring at the curry. He didn't really know how to feel about any of this at this point, except that he was most certainly on edge and wanted to get the hell away from here.
Nabooru watched him a moment, seeming to make a decision in her mind, and sat beside him to watch the dancers. The lively music didn't quite reach the cold atmosphere Link's dread generated, but the Gerudo woman at his side was a steady presence, somehow less intimidating than the others.
"You are the Hylian Hero," Nabooru said. "The Spirit of the Hero travels with you."
"I am the Hero," Link emphasized, feeling his ire rise. He had drawn the Master Sword, he had led troops into battle time and again, he bore the Triforce of Courage, and he was the one Zelda had chosen to wear the legendary garb.
"Our king is quite interested in you," Nabooru continued, ignoring his interruption. "I must confess, I didn't expect you to be so... young."
Rolling his eyes, Link looked away. "Many say that. Most don't live to regret it."
Nabooru laughed at that. "Spoken like a warrior filled with spirit and a thirst to prove himself. I admire your ability to fight, child. Don't doubt that. I started fighting around your age too. But don't forget your place. You are still young, and you know very little of the world outside of a battlefield."
"Am I going to learn about wartime strategy and politics here, then?" Link prodded, glancing back at her. "Am I being held hostage as a bartering chip?"
"My understanding of it is that you're being held to keep you safe," Nabooru answered unexpectedly, looking him in the eye with a seriousness he wasn't expecting. "But only the king knows his own plans. I just happen to be the leader of the Gerudo."
"I thought the king was?"
"He wasn't here until a few weeks ago," Nabooru replied, looking away. "Our people were mostly wiped out by Hyrule."
Link felt his throat go dry, and he had no words to say while simultaneously having so many in his mind.
What did she mean that Hyrule had wiped out the Gerudo? Had they attacked Hyrule in the past? A war between the Gerudo and Hyrule could explain why Link barely knew of their existence, and why that other guard wanted him dead. But what about the other statement, about keeping him safe? What kind of nonsense was that?
Ganondorf needed him for something, clearly. He needed him, and he knew Link was too powerful a soldier to keep in play in the war. He was crippling the Hyrulean army and preventing Link from dying so he could utilize him for something.
This had to do with the Triforce, didn't it? Link knew so little of the artifact, except for its origin story.
He wished Lana was here to explain the situation. He'd even take Impa.
Sighing, Link stared at his curry, his stomach growling but his appetite disappearing as his musings clouded his mind.
#writing#good ganondorf#hyrule warriors link#hw link#nabooru#ghirahim#hyrule warriors ganondorf#hw ganondorf#hyrule warriors#legend of zelda
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LoZ: LU - Ganondorf's Characterization Profile
I see most of the Ganons as having a similar basic personality with differences based on their personal life experiences.
CoH, OoT, TP, & WW Ganondorf are the same Ganondorf but at different stages of his life & thus, exhibits different levels of maturity based on the external influences in his life.
Similarly, FSA & HW Ganondorf are likewise the same Dorf.
Tell me if you think my assessments are accurate or not.
For his sexual profile, go to Ganondorf's Sexual Profile.
Also, please keep in mind that these ideas are all free to use.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
I've just come up with nicknames for the various Ganondorfs in a way reminiscent of Linked Universe.
FS = Sloth
CoH = Ambition (because he's just a kid & is mostly just a rude little brat, so he isn't represented by a sin here as he's not evil yet)
OoT = Greed
TP = Pride
WW = Envy
FSA = Gluttony (pre-HW Lust)
HW = Lust or Lech (though, the only ones able to call him the second one are other Gdorfs)
TotK = Wrath
I actually theorize that a new Gerudo-born incarnation of Demise's hatred is born every 2000-10,000 years. If true, then by that logic, it means that around 16,000-50,000 years have passed between Skyward Sword & Tears of the Kingdom's presents.
However, I don't think that a Gerudo male still being alive really affects when another will be born. More so, it happens on a schedule. So, it's actually very possible for 2 Gerudo males to be alive at the same time.
Now, Gerudo males are still born every century between, right on schedule. They're just lucky enough to not be Demise's grudgemental stank reborn.
One thing of interest; these Gerudo males are always born on the 12th, though the month tends to change.
The Gerudo males are referred to as Centennial Kings or Mafzīnànkha Voe'attàren. However, those born of Demise's hatred these days are known as the Myriennial Tyrants or Mafzī'àlfankha Sûlfetànïren. They are also often referred to as the Vōton al’Khinzïr’è or Sons of the Boar as they are always born on February the 12th, under the sign of the Boar Constellation. Though, it took a very long time to figure that one out considering there's only been, like, 3 max.
Also, to keep track of each Gerudo King, they are given a birth name & a King Name. Their King Name is a descriptor of when & where they were born.
As such, Ganondorf's King Name will always end with either Khrin or Zïr due to always being born in February, which is the month of the Boar Constellation. (Interestingly, the Voe before Ganondorf is always born under the sign of the cobra constellation, meaning that their King Name always ends with Kōba.)
However, every Gerudo King has the same family name: Drāgamīr. From the Gerudàn root words, Drāga meaning noble dragon, & Mīr meaning general or ruler. This means that Drāgamīr can be translated into draconian general or tyrant.
Fairly Consistent:
His Gerudàn name is Gánōendōrfè Drāgamīr. Ganondorf Dragmire is more so a Hyrulean transliteration. It loosely translates to Warlock-Sorcerer Tyrant. So, yeah. There was definitely intent there.
Something important to note is that due to Kōme & Kotake always kidnapping him, Gánōndōrfè isn't actually his true name (which is supposed to always be given by the mother) & neither is whatever King Name they've given him. Which a birth name & a King Name are considered sacred in different ways, so this would actually be viewed as a sin & a violation in Gerudo culture. You see, these 3 names represent individualism & connection.
The Twinrova always give him a name that starts with Gá due to its relation to the Gerudo hells, Gàl'gáron, & use in the Gerudàn word for black magic, Gánō. However, it's also used as a way to suggest that he is always born in the desert, when that isn't the case.
They also consistently tell him that he was the result of the previous Gerudo Voe & a Gerudo Vai, which is generally not the case. This is done in an attempt to establish a concept of Gerudo supremacy within his mind. The reason being that the Twinrova generally looked down upon Gerudo who were born with a none-Gerudo parent.
In this way, I like to think that I've managed to showcase just how insidious this pair is.
The Villain - No matter what, so long as he is raised by Kōme & Kotake, he is always a bad person. He may have redeeming qualities, but that doesn't mean he's a "good person" deep down. He'd need someone who understands this & doesn't try to change him, but who also puts rules in place. Lines that she won't accept him crossing. Though, nothing demanding. More so just no-brainer things that you'd expect to be self-evident like no cheating, no slavery, no harming kids in any manner, "you can lie to anyone else you want, but you damn well better be honest with me." Stuff like that. Though, in that last situation, there are certain allowances made for when you're just planning a surprise. At the same time, he'd expect her to do the same. No lying to him unless it's for a damn good reason either.
That doesn't mean that he won't improve or become a better person, but it has to be something that he decides for himself rather than being something that is thrust upon him. If his Darling were to try, he'd be extremely resistant to it. Stubbornly so. And even when he does try to be better, so long as he was raised by Kōme & Kotake, it'll almost never get much lighter than medium-dark grey. He'll always be on the darker side of the greyscale.
A good Ganondorf is just something that can only happen in lives where he's raised by someone else. Period.
And if he ever does manage it despite being raised by a pair of evil witches, it'll take a very long time.
The best way to accomplish this is by simply loving him & leading by example, however “a woman cannot change a man by loving him, a man changes himself because he loves a woman.” Again, it must be his choice.
Social Darwinist - So long as Kōme & Kotake raise him, they'll raise him by a very Mandate of Heaven philosophy. One in which the strong rule over the weak & the one who prevails is the one who is right & worthy of sovereignty. That, those who win are allowed to do whatever they wish to the weak. In my hc, this is called Nīkôzeto'reqra in the Gerudo language. Which loosely translates to the "Right to Claim Victory." It is an ancient Gerudàn philosophy. One that Kōme & Kotake live & breathe, making sure that Ganondorf was raised to do the same in every life (after all, he had to learn it from somewhere). However, this same philosophy is also the one that resulted in the female-only curse to begin with. Not that Kōme or Kotake ever inform him of such.
However, just because that's how he was raised doesn't mean that it's what he truly believes. Most Dorfs only follow such a lifestyle so long as Kome & Kotake are still in the picture. At the same time, he also doesn't fight against it either.
On the other hand, Wrath & Pride are the Dorfs who actively embrace it. As such, unless he's shaken from this belief, anytime he comes out the victor over Hyrule, it will be Pyrrhic in nature & be destined to end in regret. At least, if the world is made thus via a wish. Because, in such a situation, if the weak are destined to die in his world, then realistically speaking, I see the infant mortality rate skyrocketing. After all, what could be weaker than something that is dependent upon others for everything?
This would inevitably result in the death of all life (in Hyrule if nowhere else) as the current generation aged or was slowly killed off. Thus reducing Hyrule to a wasteland, ironically, even more barren than the very desert that Ganondorf originated from.
It's dark, but based on Wrath's wish, if it were to be granted, then he might soon find that his kingdom would die out entirely, leaving him the king of nothing.
(This is why I think Social Darwinism is a load of shit. Because if it were truly survival of the fittest, then humanity wouldn't have come to prominence because our babies are even more dependent upon their parents than those of other animals.)
Would He Kill Kids - In-general, I think yes, provided that it isn’t a Gerudo kid. But in most situations other than that, there are still caveats. He'd very much prefer to avoid it at all possible, but if he sees no other option, then he will. If nothing else, he'll always choose to make it quick & painless. Will also ensure the kid gets a proper burial if he can.
Small Tusks - I just sorta headcanon that male Gerudo generally have small, not obvious tusks & even smaller upper canines. This leads to them having very slight underbites.
Straight or Close To It - Just, generally prefers biological women, no matter the iteration. Both romantically & sexually.
Yandere - Very possessive & can definitely be obsessive. However, to what degree & how evident his yandere traits are tends to vary between iterations. However, whenever he's classified as a "soft" yandere, he becomes far less likely to punish his Darling with physical pain & more likely to either punish her by holding blackmail over her head, by going after her loved ones, or via pleasure & overstimulation. It depends on the "crime." At the same time, that doesn't mean that he won't hurt her as punishment, just that he's much less likely to do so.
However, generally speaking, he'll almost always be very manipulative with her. Or, at least he'd try to.
Paradoxically, he'd actually find a woman who he couldn't manipulate, very attractive.
What can I say, he likes a challenge.
Narcissistic - Depends on the Ganondorf. Greed, Envy, Gluttony, & Wrath only have various degrees of narcissistic tendencies, but Lust is borderline NPD while Pride is just outright NPD.
This is partly a result of the type of relationship he had with his mothers, which was much like the one between Alexander the Great & his own mother, Olympias.
Who was very very bad, for one, she spent Alexander's entire life telling him that he was, in fact, a son of Zeus, this along with her family being believed to be the descendants of Achilles, resulted in Alexander literally believing that he was an unkillable god, which he very obviously wasn't because, if he was, he wouldn't have died at 31-33. She was also known to be the sort who plotted against any she thought was against her. She pushed for Alexander to rule. She had any who would oppose his rule dealt with, & being a master poisoner, she likely did so herself. King Philip, his mortal father, claimed that he was a descendant of Heracles not long ago, so when he was on his procession before his eastern campaign where his mother revealed the secret of his progenitor, claiming she'd been impregnated by Zeus with a bolt of lightning, then told him to “entertain ambitions worthy of his parentage,” it sparked a fire. He was then informed by others, specifically oracles & even more specifically the oracle of Delphi, that he was invincible. Which seemed to be all he needed to hear &, ironically, is also what sealed his fate.
As such, when he received his first real defeat, he began to spiral. This was when his men appeared to realize that he would never stop. He would never cease until the world itself was his. This was about when Alexander began to unravel, ordering people to bow to him, demanding a throne of gold be built in his honor, & despite everything, he began to fall into despair.
However, his deeply held convictions that he was a god, along with his continual early successes, his skill in battle & great martial prowess, his mother's repeated validation, as well as how the oracles all said he was a man of destiny, plus his personal edict (one where he never ordered someone to do something that he, himself, wouldn't, but went above & beyond with it; meaning that he was always the point of the spear in every battle), the false belief of his own divinity, & his thirst for glory, was what inevitably caused his own downfall.
In this way, I see Ganondorf as having surprisingly heavy parallels to Alexander the Great.
However, it's because of this that a lot of them will really struggle with apologizing or even so much as recognizing when they did something wrong. The one's that have the easiest time of it are Sloth, Ambition, Envy, Pride, Gluttony, & surprisingly, Lust. Though, for Sloth, Pride, & Lust, the reasons why they are able to do so could be because they are just innately manipulative even among Ganondorfs.
Most would also be very unprepared for someone they care about & even more unprepared for a situation in which they need to say that they are sorry. In these cases, Ambition & Greed are definitely the sorts to apologize indirectly & may make excuses. Wrath would attempt to actually say it, but would be unable to say those words for a long time, then depending on just how far into the relationship he is, he might feel frustrated with himself for not being able to.
Manipulative - He's just a naturally cunning & manipulative individual with very little qualms with using others for his own gain. He also finds it easy to betray those he sees as less than him. He can even be borderline Shang Tsun (Mortal Kombat) depending on the version of him.
Metrosexual - Extremely vain. Due to his upbringing as having been raised by only women, he cares a lot about his appearance.
In Gerudo culture, jewelry is seen as a symbol of status, power, wealth, affluence, style, ect. As a result, whenever he has an active role as Gerudo King or thinks of himself as a king or even if he's just especially full of himself that life, he tends to wear a lot of it.
Has a great sense of style & understanding of fashion just due to osmosis.
Likes tattoos & piercings. Though, never to the point where he looks like he ran naked through a scrapyard. Just earings, a nose ring, maybe a tongue ring, nipple rings. He had a navel ring once, (but he'd regretted it later as navel rings were seen as slutty). Sometimes even a penis piercing or 2, though that was mostly only in a couple of lives.
He'd been... quite the character then... Plus side, his partners those lifetimes very much enjoyed it.
Much like how jewelry is a status, wealth, affluence symbol, so are piercings for a similar reason. I mean, the more jewelry, the more wealth, right?
However, on the flipside, too much jewelry is thought to be gaudy & overdoing it. Which can indicate a degree of insecurity.
He has very little interest in makeup, but will wear it in ceremonial or royal situations. Such ceremonial makeup for the king tends to really only highlight the eyes, but in such cases, it isn't generally considered feminine to the Gerudo to begin with.
It involves kohl & eyeliner, but never mascara. (Male Gerudo just don't feel the need to make their lashes bolder.) It's similar to how high-ranking Egyptians used such things. Again, it isn't really considered feminine unless mascara is added or the eyeliner is applied too heavily/in a certain way depending on the occasion (ceremonial situations will obviously allow for a bit more without being too much), but by that point, it's no longer a question of masculine or feminine, & more so a question of classiness or tastefulness. Though, there are also certain specific styles or patterns of eye makeup that can have masculine or feminine lilts to them.
Royalty & the high class are the only sorts allowed to wear metallic makeup. Sundelion gold & Argus silver kohl especially. (Argus referring to the Moonblooming Argus flowers that grow from Voltfruit Cacti, but only bloom at night. They are a shimmering silvery-white color that's very classy.)
Gold for males & silver for females.
Ganondorf absolutely refuses to wear lipstick or mascara. Not even in the tsundere way, he just straight up doesn't like the idea & sees it as strictly feminine. Ambition, Greed, Pride, & Envy specifically had a couple bad experiences from being a young Voevï (boy) where some of the Yaidjan (guardswomen) would try to dress him up as a Vaivï (girl) so he could have playmates, but even at that age, he'd found it weird.
As for nail polish, it depends on the iteration. Most wont, but the few Ganons that do would only go as far as a simple black varnish. Patterns & extra colors are too feminine for him. Might allow gold tips but even that is stretching it a bit for him. Many iterations do enjoy filing their nails into claws though. As such, those particular Ganons do tend to have a more active nail routine than others.
He also thinks that war paint is cool.
Keeps his hair well-maintained & well-groomed. Same with his beard & pubic hair. When his hair is long, he enjoys brushing it before bed. Despite this, he tends to find one hairstyle & stick with it for a good while before changing it. Needs a Darling skilled at styling hair to get him to deviate from this more regularly.
Considering how seriously he takes his appearance, this is actually a huge deal for him as it means he trusts her to do a good job with his hair & not make him look like an idiot in front of his subjects.
Doesn't really use lotions on his hands as he likes the calluses on them. They tell him that he's worked hard for his strength.
Heartbreaker - He also especially likes to look good even after getting into an established relationship. The reason being that it gives him the excuse to be a cocky little shit by being affectionate with his Darling, thereby breaking the hearts of any who might've been ogling either one of them.
It's just one of the little ways by which he's able to showcase his jackassery.
Make no mistake, he'd never even contemplate being unfaithful. But he gets a major kick out of eliciting jealousy from others. Both from women who want him & especially from men who want his Beloved.
He can honestly be downright cruel in regards to men. Though, how he goes about it depends on the Dorf in question. Those like Lust & Wrath are more the 'show, don't tell' sorts. And will simply become very openly affectionate with his wife in front of the man who was showing his interested attention in his love, then give them a very smug expression.
Cares Deeply About How He's Perceived - This goes hand-in-hand with being metrosexual. Must always look presentable. Whether it be his looks, how he talks, how he acts. Everything is strictly maintained. Feels a strong pressure to always present himself in a regal, kingly &, most of all, masculine, fashion.
In every single life, he is always expected to portray the picture of manhood, which the Gerudo can tend to have unbelievably high expectations for when it comes to the men of their own race. They just, inherently, see the differences between male & female Hylians & believe that Gerudo Voen must be even more masculine!
Hates filth & being grimy. Yet, paradoxically, also loves working up a sweat.
Also very much enjoys a good bath. Has a lot of bathing products. Though, strangely enough, Lust actually doesn't have all that much. But, for him, it's more about quality than anything. You figure out the right ingredients for the right products & you'll only need a handful. He does have a decent number of scented bath oils though.
Always speaks in a refined manner, though some iterations can be excessive about it, thus coming across as snobbish. Lust, specifically, can be very pompous.
Corrupted Benevolence - According to Confucianism, benevolence originates from loving & caring about one's loved ones, which then extends outwards to one's friends & community. I see family being Ganondorf's emotional core, the thing he turns to when times are bad. However, what happens when someone's emotional core, the thing that's supposed to be his steady rock & support, consists of a pair of horrible old witches who hate Hyrule?
What happens when his community is nothing but women who could never understand what it means to be a man? Well, when the foundation of how one understands how relationships work comes from a pair of literal Wicked Witch stereotypes, obviously, your understanding of how said relationships work is obviously going to be very skewed.
I think that most of the Dorfs had all the potential to be good kings, but that they were basically sabotaged from the very start.
Egotistical - This is pretty self-explanatory. Though, something important to keep in mind is that ego, specifically the deadly sin of pride (rather than dignity & self-respect), is nothing more than a mask hiding self-loathing. It is a cheap imitation, a counterfeit of real confidence, because confidence needs not be proven, nor is it easy to harm because true confidence is the well-adjusted offspring of the happily married pair of humility & self-compassion. Confidence knows that it doesn't know everything. It knows when it's wrong & that it still has a lot to learn. It also isn't afraid to say as such. It asks to be taught. It asks to learn. In order to be truly confident, one must also be humble. Confidence is what arrogance & ego wishes it were, but is too insecure to become. Likewise, Confidence is not the absence of insecurity, but rather the ability to say that you have value in spite of your flaws.
But ego, ego demands satisfaction when slighted, for its bravado is, ultimately, false. Its superiority is a cheap facade. Perhaps it is well-crafted with care & cunning, but putting lipstick on a pig, even well-applied, is still just a pig. And any attack upon a person’s ego can result in the facade cracking, then falling to reveal to the world the broken person that truly hides beneath. Very little terrifies an egotist more than such a fate.
Someone once said something somewhere that I think very much fits, “Confidence is the acknowledgement that success is possible. Arrogance is refusing to admit that failure is possible.” - tobiw.1898 on youtube.
Though, more accurately, “Confidence is the acknowledgement that success is possible. Insecurity is the internalized belief that even if you do everything right, catastrophic failure is much more likely than success, but Arrogance is when Insecurity refuses to admit that to that fact.”
Dramatic - He definitely has that supervillain flair. Like, he's got that showmanship goin' for him. I mean, Greed played his own theme song on a massive-ass pipe organ.
An Asshole - Again, self-explanatory. Though, much like most things, it depends on the iteration to what degree & in what way. Envy & Lust tend to be more subtle in their jackassery, being more snake-like, while Greed & Pride tend to be more overt with it. Though, admittedly Greed isn't quite as much of one, as Pride tends to be much more sadistic about it while Greed is mostly just snide, rude, & mean-spirited while still managing to be refined about it. Wrath, though, is more in the middle & it depends on the situation.
Control Freak - Depending on his iteration, he can have control issues. Part of this is due to having felt powerless as a child as his mothers tended to have him on a short leash.
Gossip - He actually learns it from his mothers, who are both raging gossip mongers. And I mean the horrible, snippy, blackmailing sort of gossip mongers. Not the cute little old ladies chatting around the kitchen table with tea & cookies. It's part of how they maintain their status as head bitches. You know, by controlling the flow of info.
So, most Ganons tend to learn how to gossip, how to sort through information, which has nuggets of truth to them & what's just rumors, & how to captivate a listener with his words, very early on. Not to mention how good it is for reconnaissance. It's always a good idea to keep your thumb on the pulse of the rumor mill.
Cowardly - Not many things legitimately scare him, but the few things that do tend to cause him to react in a cowardly manner. This mostly happens in reaction to his mothers' anger. He's gotten exceptionally good at hiding it, but if you know where to look, you can see the fear there at certain times. A lot of his desire for power stems from a desire to no longer be afraid & to exert control over his own life. That isn't to say that he can't learn to overcome this part of him, just that he'd need to acknowledge that he has things he needs to improve on first.
The right people & especially the right Darling in his life can help him to learn to overcome this through example & support.
Naturally Deceptive - A liar. He falls into the role of deceiver naturally & with great ease.
Naturally Dominant - Due to the societal pressures placed upon him at a young age as the Centennial King, he tries to project dominance at all times, especially when near his subjects.
Tyrant - As much as a lot of fans want to believe that he only did all those bad things for the sake of his people, this is not the case.
Due to his Might Makes Right ideology, he genuinely sees himself as superior to the rest of the Gerudo due to none of them even being able to approach his level of power. Just due to him being born male. This is a result of him producing testosterone & being at a higher body weight than the Vaien. Keep in mind that a team of teenage boys can soundly beat an all-female team of soccer players.
As such, it's likely that Gerudo Vaien are likely only around as strong as Hylian men. However, it's very possible that they might still lose out even just based on a lack of testosterone.
However, because of this, Ganondorf always ends up leagues stronger than any man or woman regardless of them being Gerudo or Hylian. I mean... so long as their name isn't Link...
It's partly because of this, that he's grown to have zero concept of Noblesse Oblige. (For an explanation as to what that is, go to my Duty of Nobility post.) One saying regarding such says that, "Whoever claims himself to be noble must conduct himself nobly." Another is, "noble ancestry constrains to honorable behavior; privilege entails responsibility." In other words, those in positions of power have a responsibility, obligations, to those who follow them, protection at the very least. Whether that be through generosity to those around them or what-have-you.
He'd need to be introduced to the idea slowly & in a way that he'd accept much like you need to do when adapting cats to each other's presence.
Something else, Kōme & Kotake never actually raised him with the intention of him being an actual king. Rather, his soul purpose in their eyes was to act as a catalyst for Hyrule's destruction. In this way, the Dorfs's rules were sabotaged from the very beginning.
Though, if he were to ever learn this, he'd become very angry & determined to prove to them that he was something more than a glorified attack dog for a demon that couldn't even do it himself.
Traumabound - Is almost always kidnapped after birth by Kōme & Kotake & raised in the use of black magic. They are never good mothers to him as they specifically go out of their way to raise him to be a power-hungry tyrant. In this way, he's groomed into becoming what he does.
He loves them, but they don't love him back. To them, he's a vessel for their master's hatred & little else. Though, they don't make this fact obvious to him. They actually have a relationship not dissimilar to Mother Gothel & Rapunzel in that they gaslight the eff outta him.
He is never really privy to these facts, so the betrayal will always strike deep. At the same time, it'll always make sense & will cause things to line up in his head in a depressing way & it'll always make him wonder how he'd never seen it before.
Also keep in mind that the witches that they were inspired by are very specifically the sort known for black magic &, as such, they are forever influenced by that Wicked Witch trope. Which, in many fairytales, are known to sacrifice children, torturing them & consuming their blood in order to live their long lives. This is likely part of what influenced the idea that witches eat children.
Gdorf will always initially be ill at ease with this idea, but will endeavor to do so to make his mothers happy. At the same time, he'll put it off as long as possible. The idea of it makes his heart sink into his stomach.
He'd had to sacrifice a child to Demise at 14 to obtain his black magic to begin with every time they raise him, but that was merely killing the poor kid & it'd still traumatized him for life in each life. Most Gdorfs can't even fathom how he'll manage to go from just killing to outright torture.
Like, it's one thing when it's an enemy or even a traitor, but a kid??
If he ever is no longer bothered by the idea, that's a hint that he's irredeemable. Rotten to the core & should be cut out like a cancer.
On the other hand, if his mothers are ever killed, yes, he'll mourn, but some part of him will feel relief unfold inside him.
It is actually the use of black magic that causes the trio to have that particular shade of pea soup baby barf complexion. Black magic literally leaves a physical mark upon the user. Specifically, the choice to use it. It is similar to how poisonous frogs have bright colors to warn others that they are dangerous.
Twinkle Toes - Is actually a fantastic dancer & secretly very much enjoys it, but most Dorfs try to keep that fact quiet. Dancing is actually a very traditional practice for the Gerudo. It's also one way in which they tell stories.
Though, the Dorfs will be much more ready to admit how much he enjoys it with the right partner. Especially if she also enjoys it.
Cultural Appreciation - If the Gerudo Gdorfs' non-Gerudo Darling goes out of her way to learn more about his culture, especially if she learns the Gerudo language & hides it until she's good enough to have full conversations with him to surprise him, he will always be deeply touched.
Even Pride, who is arguably the worst of the Ganondorfs, will soften by a good deal.
Some will gently tease & correct grammar, others would purr their approval, others still would visibly soften. It's just an all-around good way to get past his defenses.
Invasive Thoughts - Being the vessel of Demise's hatred comes with dark thoughts. The giant ass doesn't so much actually possess him as he makes the thoughts that he can use louder & the ones that would deter his grudge, quieter. This can also include invasive thoughts. Not how actual invasive thoughts are, because IRL invasive thoughts tend to reflect the thinker's deepest taboos. That's why they make you uncomfortable.
The insidious thing about Ganondorf's invasive thoughts is that they are specifically designed to tempt him. To make him worse & more destructive.
So, you could absolutely say that he has a literal shoulder devil, but that his shoulder angel has been gaged & locked in a trunk.
The curse also comes with a natural hunger for power & a lust for fighting.
These things, plus the influence of Kōme & Kotake as his mothers, are 2 parts of how he always becomes so bad in the first place. They intentionally teach him to indulge in his power-hungry instincts & to feed those thoughts.
In this way, yes, he is pigeonholed into his role as villain, but at the same time, the choices he made throughout his life? Were still all his own &, thus, he is still responsible for his own actions. Similar to how a drunk driver is still culpable for his actions despite having committed the offense under the influence of alcohol & was thus not thinking clearly at the time.
(This is how I cause the curse & Demise's hatred to be an ever-present influence upon his life while still giving Ganondorf free will.)
He is the truest incarnation Demise's hatred via a death curse, but the thing is that a person is much more than just hatred. A human comes with all the emotions.
Not only that, but by his hatred being born in the form of a human being, that one tiny piece of the deity that Demise once was, has a chance. Especially when you take the Rin'ne into account.
However, it wasn't just his hatred. His soulmate tether came with it because Demise himself was no more & everyone has a soulmate, so the tether between Demise & his own soulmate went with the only surviving piece of him. His hatred.
King Alone - Initially doesn't ever intend to marry as that would mean sharing his power. As such, he instead has many concubines to attend to his needs.
However, this changes when he finds his Darling. At least, most of the time.
Self-Absorbed & Myopic - Only concerned with his own feelings, self-interests, & situations, specifically to the extent that other people & things go unnoticed, which leads to an unawareness of their views or needs. This causes him to have a sort of figurative myopia or shortsightedness when planning, meaning a lack of imagination, discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.
Machismo vs Caballerismo - Tends to originally classify as misapplied Machismo, meaning aggressive & overly macho. Though, even when he is primarily misapplied Machismo, he is very much not chauvinistic or sexist due to how he grew up, except against weak women. He hates weak women. At the same time, he also isn't chivalrous either. However, real, genuine love & care tends to soften him & he begins to exhibit more correctly-applied Machismo (meaning to project the features of a man, specifically stoicism, strength, dominance, resiliance, cool, virile, ect), as well as Caballerismo tendencies (such as nurturing, being family-oriented, protective, & chivalrous).
Said correctly-used Machismo will eventually become his new public disposition, thus becoming truly masculine.
However, his newly acquired Caballerismo tendencies will generally only come out around those he cares about.
Struggles With His Masculinity - Due to being raised by all women & no other men besides concubini (plural of concubinus; defined as male concubines) being allowed in, Gdorf really only had those very women's understanding of what being a man was & the concubini for examples.
It also doesn't really help that his mothers tend to encourage the more negative behaviors most commonly associated with men.
However, despite this less than ideal situation, he tends to be expected to be this pillar of masculinity for his community without much decent direction, which tends to put a lot of stress on him, especially in his early years. As such, his masculinity is actually pretty fragile & only gets marginally stronger with experience if he never gets better role models.
Even amongst his own race, he is always considered as "other" due to being a male & this results in him feeling extremely alienated as he is always forced to become innately aware of the fact that the Vaien (women) of his tribe tend to talk about & treat men as almost an entirely different, even alien, species.
He was also generally barred from visiting the more populated parts of the Gerudo settlements until after all the Vaivïn (girls, plural) below 18 had been lain down for bed. This way, none of the Vaivïn ever saw him, as per the Gerudo's custom.
However, this results in him never really interacting with other children his age, which results in him being ill-socialized. At least, until he himself had reached 18 as well, but the sudden introduction to peers without any experience with them tends to cause him to close off from them.
In this way, he doesn't really understand what being a man actually means. Though, he manages to hide the fact that he's been absolutely starved of positive male role models, potential father figures, & even male peers, rather well. However, when this fact does show itself, the reality & obviousness of it tends to be staggering; glaring even.
Generally, it just shows itself in little ways. Like not knowing how to shake hands with a firm grip properly while maintaining eye contact or how to be strong & firm, but also gentle at the same time. Or how to be competitive in a lighthearted & friendly way while not letting pride sour things. Or how to not take certain things to heart. How to be resilient in character & not just in body.
It also shows itself in how he feels the need to gain female attention. How he's become codependent of the women around him, specifically depending upon his mothers' approval in order to feel validated.
And when he realizes that his basically non-existent understanding of manhood has been made apparent to someone, he becomes embarrassed & ashamed, then aggressive.
Secretly Insecure - Hides it extremely well.
Flirty & Charming - Part of this is connected to being manipulative. He sees what he wants & will get it by whatever means necessary. Even if it means flirting with the enemy. Likes giving his beloved nicknames.
Even the straight Dorfs, if he senses that a male enemy can be manipulated in such a way, is more than willing to go that route even if he silently degrades them for their predilections.
Endearment Usage - Most Gdorfs are pretty frugal with handing out nicknames & endearments unless he legitimately cares about them.
Extremely Monogamic - The idea of cheating on someone he legit cares about would leave him shocked & aghast. This is due to the Gerudo just being an extremely romantically exclusive & monogamous people in regards to their hearts. Romance is considered something almost entirely separate from, yet still connected to, sex & the Gerudo, just as a people, are very cautious with their hearts. They also, as a culture, value fidelity.
Like, to the point where infidelity is considered a serious taboo. Even a crime punishable by death.
Dextrophile - Competancy is hot. Displays of talent or competency is an immediate headturner for him.
One of very few things that literally every Dorf has in common.
Cultural Anthropology Buff - Actually finds things like myths & legends, history, religion, & culture to be extremely interesting. Especially the study of how all these things impacts both the psychology of individuals within a culture & cultures as a whole. Though, how much he indulges in this fascination varies between Gdorfs. For instance, Greed was desperate for literature (having been taught by his mothers) due to his people being desert bandits, but for fear of his people seeing him as weak (for whatever reason; it's honestly a dumb worry, but fears can be irrational), he'd portray himself as only using the knowledge to further his tribe's success. Meanwhile, Envy indulges in the pastime frequently due to not having any reason not to.
Best Match - A strong, honest, capable woman who (quietly) demands respect, sees past all his crap, & doesn't believe his lies, while managing to be respectful at the same time, but also doesn't try to change or "reform" him. Holds him accountable & wont sugarcoat things. A woman who'll enforce rules & lines that she will not allow to be crossed between them if he wants their relationship to continue, but will also respect the boundaries that he puts in place. Who can counter all his attempts to control or manipulate her, whether consciously or subconsciously. Both humble, yet confident & proud in her own, not egotistical way. And, despite himself, he'd be deeply attracted to one with strong maternal instincts. Because some buried part of him desires a family who will love him unconditionally.
He'd be unprepared for someone so direct & unaffected by his tricks. Especially someone able to unbalance him. In this way, he would find himself charmed. These things will cause him to respect her in a way that he doesn't many others.
Which, respect is extremely important for him in any relationship. If he respects you, he is far less likely to betray you. It's even more important for a Darling to have his respect in lives where he's NPD or even just borderline NPD.
He also just very much likes 'em in one of 2 extremes: feisty badass & elegant, yet deceptively lethal badass.
Likes To See Her Angry - Thinks she looks gorgeous with that fire in her eyes. So, he very much enjoys teasing, picking on, & bickering with her.
He also just generally enjoys a good verbal duel of wits.
Wants To Be Romanced - Despite being the dominant sort, he actually really wants to be romanced. He'd legitimately melt inside if a woman tried to woo, romance, or court him. Especially if she does so using things she's learned about his interests.
Not Used To Genuineness - Most gifts he's been given throughout his lives were frivolous & superficial. Just extravagant things that look nice, but really serve no purpose. So, when given something that he truly likes or legitimately interests him or has meaning to him personally, he's both shocked & touched, but also confused. Something high-quality & handmade with care will especially make his heart flutter. It's the effort put in.
Love Language - Gift-giving & physical affection. Initially, most of his gifts will likewise be frivolous & extravagant, but the first time he gets a heartfelt gift from his Darling, he'll honestly feel outdone & will endeavor to improve his gift-giving skills. He wants her to feel every bit as touched by his gifts as he is touched by hers.
Another important one for him is time spent together, though.
Touch Starved - Is initially uncomfortable & unused to positive non-sexual physical affection, but upon getting used to it, begins to crave it like air. Loves having his hair touched or pulled or brushed or his scalp massaged or scratched.
Also, bathing each other is actually an important Gerudo bonding experience for married couples. For Gdorf, it's a very vulnerable & tender time. Is initially defensive & guarded when first doing so with his wife, but will gently unfurl his grip around his heart over time & bare it to her willingly.
He's actually a very warm & tender lover with his beloved wife. Is also a natural romantic at heart, but tries to keep this fact hidden & deeply buried. Loves it when his lover & him brush each other's hair. It's incredibly intimate to him as he takes his overall appearance very seriously. Will even let a Darling with hair-styling skills style his hair.
Actually really loves his hair or head being touched, though he won't allow it unless he trusts her. But when he does & the trust is 100%, massage his head & he may just drift off to sleep in his lover's arms.
Casual Physical Affection - When near his lover & the 2 are close, he naturally draws close to her & rests his hand on her hip or shoulder or lower back. Sometimes even just bumping his hip against hers. Enjoys tilting her chin up as he dips his head down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.
Cuddle-Bug - Craves closeness. Often wraps his arms around his lover & even curls around her protectively in his sleep. Face pressed into her neck, shoulder, or hair. Sometimes drools in his sleep. Snores, but quietly. Occasionally snorts, but not often.
Loves Kisses & Casual Affection - He often leans down to kiss his lover & thinks that her standing on her toes to meet his lips is absolutely adorable. Will also pick her up by her waist or hold her under the ass or bridal style to do so.
Reciprocal Ownership - Initially, he is the type to want to own people, yet not be owned himself. Until he falls in love. At which point, he takes great pride in being claimed or in any way acknowledged as being hers.
Wears her marks with pride.
Often uses "my" to refer to her & might become inwardly flustered initially if she refers to him in the same way.
Breast Man - Don't get him wrong. He enjoys flared hips, a plump ass, & shapely legs too & will never say no to them, but he just can't help how much he loves a soft, pillowy bust. Not even just sexually either.
Sometimes when he's overwhelmed, stressed, or just frustrated, he likes to hold his Darling around the waist & rest his head on her chest with her in his lap & drown everything out.
Part of it has to do with hearing her heartbeat, which helps to ground him in the moment with another part just being the smell of her skin. Not to mention the feel of her skin surrounding him. He most especially loves the smell when she's pregnant or still breastfeeding. The scent of milk & and motherhood, along with her natural smell, is quite soothing. Add to that the feel of her warmth & her closeness & it's something that he finds very comforting.
Especially appreciates it if she begins to pet his head, run her fingers through his hair, or sing quietly to him. It very much relaxes him & may just end up causing him to fall asleep buried in her bosom.
He typically doesn't even mind if she starts talking to him about her day. It's nice to listen to her chatter because it can help to distract him from his own stressors. Though, if he's feeling particularly overstimulated & isn’t in the right state of mind for talk, he 'll grunt or grumble or lightly nip (without any real bite) at her skin to showcase his displeasure. I also think that he'd be particularly appreciative of a Darling who notices & acquiesces.
Part of it also has to do with a general fascination because not many Gerudo Vaien have large busts. A shapely lower-half, absolutely, but not very busty.
Now, there's definitely lust to his attraction to breasts, I'm just saying that there's more to it than that is all.
Phantom Ganon - All but 2 Dorfs have a PG. Most work similarly to a mix of the Sage Avatars from TotK, but if they were instilled with a modicum of their template's personality; if more phlegmatic & innately obedient by design. Most don't talk. So, somewhere between the Sage Avatars & the Kage Bushin from Naruto.
If a Dorf cares about his Darling, then due to being an echo of his spirit, their PG will also hold similar affections for her. That is, despite the PG's stoicism. As such, they will actually show her attention & care more readily than their Dorf.
Deeply Touched When Accepted - His Beast Form specifically. It's just something that he doesn't expect. Yes, his Beast Form is a symbol of power, but it's also a symbol of inhumanity.
Typically, he ranges from indifference regarding how people react to it to delighting in people's fear of it.
But that's when he doesn't care about them. If it's his Darling, he's suddenly terrified of her reaction.
Even in the case of Pride, who likely wouldn’t let this fact show, he would be deeply hurt if the object of his affections were to react with fear towards his Beast Form. Though, he wouldn’t hesitate to use their fear to his advantage either. Not to mention, he’d begin to show that hurt in the form of anger. And while he’d convince himself that he didn’t care, it would bother him. Like, a lot.
For his other iterations, many would also try to hide his hurt, but that pain would show much more readily.
On the other hand, for the Dorfs who are in a more honest & open relationship with his Beloved, for her to accept him, even hesitantly, would touch him deeply. Her reassurance would melt his heart & he’d find himself clinging to her as he tries to hide the fact that his eyes were misting.
Even simply not being afraid of him in that form would honestly stun him. Boldly staring him in the eye unwaveringly, even defiantly, would boggle his mind, but would also impress him greatly & there would be honest relief.
The one most legitimately unaffected by these things would be Sloth.
Actually Really Wants Kids - Like, most Gdorfs don't even know this about themselves, but upon seeing his Darling interact with children in a motherly fashion, it shifts something inside him. And then there's this longing in his heart for something he'd never thought of having before. And when that baby is in his arms & he's looking down at their tiny face, not just his perspective, but the entire world seems to shift. All his goals & aspirations are now changed or altered or even outright abandoned, all to include & preserve this tiny, fragile light in his arms that he suddenly knows without a shadow of a doubt, he'd protect with his dying breath. Sees his children as the greatest gifts he's ever gotten.
The amount each one wants tends to vary, but he generally wants at least 4. However, in most cases, ideally, he'd actually prefer more. Lust, Pride, & Gluttony especially just seem to want to reenact "Cheaper By the Dozen." So, whoever they end up with better be prepared.
Now, Lust & Gluttony's desire comes more from a place of love, but Pride's would really only show up if Darling happened to be a Heroine. There's just something about the idea of turning the one who'd been destined to kill him into his personal breeding sow by which to bring his heirs into the world, that would really get him going.
Though, he'd make some excuse about needing to rebuild the Gerudo race. Which may be a tiny factor for him, but is definitely not the actual reason. He's just a cruel bastard who likes to humiliate his enemies.
He's also liable to hold the fact that she was giving him a personal army who would be faultlessly loyal to him over her head.
When his Darling is pregnant, the Dorfs might get a bit annoying with how protective he gets.
Like, he worries over every little thing. Won't let her pick up heavy things. He'll carry her upstairs. Imagine him as a very large, very concerned but doting bee that hovers around her head.
He might also get a bit flummoxed over her cravings & moodswings.
Greed especially seems like he'd be a bit of a hothead, so I see them bickering a bit more during that time.
But I do think that he'd calm down after she gives birth.
However, I also think that he'd initially be a bit scared to hold his child. His mothers raised him as a tyrant, a destroyer. So, he's not sure that he knows how to be as gentle as a baby needs.
It's one of the few things he'd be really insecure about.
He's never had a need for such gentleness before, but now he'd understand how important it can be.
Surrender Isn't An Option - Much like one of the Bushido codes of conduct, he regards surrender as cowardly. Those who do, lose their honor, dignity, & self-respect in his eyes. In his eyes, those who surrender become less than human & allows him clearance to do whatever he wishes to them. (Of course, he always does as such, but if someone surrenders, his treatment of them tends to become even more sadistic.)
Even Villains Have Loved Ones - Regardless of whether his Darling is a villain like him or a heroine or neutral or just a regular homemaker, when he loves someone, he shows it one way or another. And regardless of how he raises his kids, he'll really & truly love them no matter what & is always determined to be a part of their lives even if their mother was only a one-night-stand.
However, love doesn't just fix everything & sometimes, in some lifetimes, he'll wonder if perhaps it would've been better to be an absentee; if not for him, then for them. It depends on the iteration really.
Villainous Parental Instincts & Papa Wolf - Would absolutely kill & maim or commit outright genocide for his kids. They are so very important to him, no matter the iteration. In no way, is it a duty to him. It is a privilege.
Constructive Destruction - I believe that learning to sculpt would actually be very good for him, mentally. Because learning how to break things in a constructive manner to make something beautiful could help him to see power differently.
FS (Sloth) Specifically:
Don't know much about him. I'll have to play the game or watch a playthrough to get a better idea.
Only Non-Gerudo - The first Sheikah defect. Kōme & Kotake's old mentor & father (not that they were made aware of this fact before his death), whom all other Dorfs are named after. Lived around 380 years before OoT. He was a true follower of Demise & they named the vessel of Demise's hatred after him in his honor. Possibly the only person they ever loved or respected.
The Best Liar - Which is saying something.
Most Manipulative - Again, woof.
Just Innately Snake-Like - Seriously, this man is slimy.
Most Cowardly - Not much to say here.
Treacherous & A Terrible Boss - He is just LoZ's Shang Tsun. Like, not even borderline. He IS. So conniving!
Most Magically Inclined - Yes, even more so than Greed.
Will Avoid Fighting Personally - He knows that he's a squishy wizard & will exploit meat shields.
The Most Likely To Use Minions To Do His Dirty Work - Seriously.
CoH (Ambition) Specifically:
Didn't really show up much in CoH. We really only get him playing the organ & talking.
Between 8 & 15 years old.
Something that I think is very important despite not really being pertinent to Ambition, is that I believe that when Octavo went into the future, I think that he specifically went to the Downfall Timeline just after Time is killed by Ganon. To me, Octavo softened him up a little bit, then Rhythm, Harmony, & Cadence brought it home. And them killing Ganon was vital to the Sages being able to seal away his essence. If not for them, then the Sages would've failed.
Something else of import, at least for my person hc of him, is that he is the illegitimate son of the previous Gerudo Chief, Lōkhïna Drāgamīr, & the then Crown Prince of Hyrule, Benjor Raurusen Hyrule.
Note that Benjor had suggested marriage & wanted to be part of his child's life, but Lōkhïna, evidently, wasn't ready for such a commitment & ran back to the desert. Benjor wrote to her often beseeching to be able to see his daughter. Finally, Lōkhïna told him that he could meet her once & even write to her & send gifts, but after that, until she’s reached the age of 18, she would be barred from seeing any man.
Benjor was, understandably, furious with the prospect & very nearly declaired war, but realized that if he ever hoped for peace between their races, he'd need to respect their customs even if he didn't understand or agree with them. So, this was likely the best he was going to get & accepted. However, on February 12, a son was born instead & Lōkhïna died in childbirth, leaving only Kōme & Kotake to care for the boy.
When Benjor demanded to see them as was agreed upon, Kōme & Kotake denied him the right, informing him that the Chief had died in childbirth & that “no new sisters had been added to the Gerudo’s ranks.” Which Benjor took to mean that his daughter was stillborn & he was devastated.
Due to the relationship with Lōkhïna falling through, King Rauru Hyrule was forced to find a woman to marry his son, which didn’t occur until after Octavo’s attempt. Due to Grand Duchess Zelda Harmonia Hyrule, Benjor’s second cousin, who had recently been shown to bear Hylia’s light, there was quite a lot of pressure on Rauru to put her on the throne.
The reason being that Rauru had no female heirs & Hyrule, by nature, is a matrilineal monarch. So, the 2 were betrothed & from their union came Zelda Cadenza Hyrule, or Lullaby, named in honor of the friend that Harmony (CoH's Zelda) & Tempo (CoH’s Link) made during the Hero of Music's adventure.
As such, OoT Ganondorf & Zelda are actually half-siblings.
And, since Benjor was also a descendant of Hylia, this means that Ambition (& through him, Greed, Pride, & Envy) technically has a degree of right to the throne, though not as much of one as Lullaby.
In fact, he would rightfully be given the title of Grand Duke of Hyrule.
Name - Gánōendōrfè Gáqàrkhrin Drāgamīr was the name given to him by the Twinrova. This is his true name as his mother died in childbirth before she could name him. Qàr meaning "dark" due to him being born at night.
Studious - Has deep interest in reading & learning.
Determined - When paired with his perfectionism, he can sometimes have tunnel vision.
Desperate For Approval - Especially from his mothers. This sort of goes hand-in-hand with his determination.
Brat - Like, he can be such a snarky little asshole.
Snobbish - I mean, he's basically the Gerudo's god-king of prophecy. I'd be surprised if he wasn't.
Dismissive - He has things to do. Leave him alone.
Behaviorally Mature - This is primarily due to the expectations placed upon him from an early age.
Tsundere - Wants a genuine connection, but denies it. The reason being that his mothers, & thus he himself, have convinced him that he doesn't need anyone beyond Kōme & Kotake. As such, when he has a genuine crush on a girl, he tends to come off as abrasive & a jerk.
- A Pigtail Puller (Likes To See Her Angry) - When he crushes on a girl, he's prone to teasing & bullying. He'll also argue with her. (He actually used to have a crush on Nabooru.)
Thinks the girl he likes looks really pretty with that fire of anger in her eyes. So, he very much enjoys teasing, picking on, & bickering with her.
He also just generally enjoys a good verbal duel of wits.
Ambition will eventually come to learn that she looks just as pretty when flustered, which results in him looking for ways to get the reaction out of her.
Yet, despite all this, he's actually pretty easy to fluster, too. Though, for him, it tends to come from her being nice to him, which he has no idea how to respond to. And while he can definitely be mean, it very much doesn't come from a place of dislike. Ambition likes this girl & thinks she's cool & pretty & nice, but he's all mixed up inside. On the one hand, he wants to be her friend & play with her, but on the other, he has to be tough so his Vàman don't lecture him.
And if she asks him to be his friend, he'll initially behave rudely, but will seem to wilt before turning back to her with a surprisingly uncertain, but hopeful expression. He'll fidget a bit before asking if she meant it. If she replies in the affirmative, he'll practically light up like the sun before valiantly dimming it back & replying with something like, "w-well, if you're really all that lonely, then I guess I could hang out with you sometimes... maybe..."
And, ohohoho! If she hugs him for it, he might just turn into a tomato & get a bit loud & mean for a bit, but it'd honestly mean the world to him even if he doesn't know it.
However, it will definitely take some time for him to realize that he's crushing on her.
Possessive & Clingy Yandere - But in a platonic or pg romantic way as he's still very young. As such, it still comes across as cute rather than worrying. Will openly & directly tell someone that his fixation will be his queen with the most adorable, serious expression on his face.
Like, little man has decided. This is what's happening.
Never Taught To Share - Kōme & Kotake are just very bad mothers.
Tantrums - Still has issues with losing his temper, but he makes sure to never do so around his mothers.
Actually Desperate Lonely - But he actually doesn't even realize it himself. And growing up the only boy in a society of all girls is with no other males to relate to... well, it's confusing.
It's also resulted in him becoming isolated & othered as well as placed upon a pedestal.
Gets Attached To Those He Likes, Respects, or Thinks Cool - Again. Not a lot of friends, but he'll cling like a barnacle to what ones he does have.
As such, if the girl he likes is persistent enough despite his outward abrasiveness, he'll honestly greatly appreciate any offer made to be his friend.
Initially, he'll scoff & turn away blushing, before fidgeting a bit & turning back with an oddly hopeful, but hesitant expression & ask, "really?" In a strangely small voice.
If she confirms, then the smile that will light up his face will be blinding. However, it's immediately dimmed as he tsks, quietly looking around in fear, then seems to contemplate something before whispering "w-well, if you're really all that lonely, then I guess I could hang out with you sometimes... maybe…" While blushing.
He'll still be a bit of a jerk, but he'll also become fiercely protective & possessive of her & will do a lot of nice things for her when no one's looking. Even if he does try to make it all seem like he's just doing her a favor & makes it seem like he's being put out by it.
However, he does everything in his power to make sure that his mothers never learn of their friendship. And if they ever learn of the pair's association, he'll immediately insist that she has potential to be a very powerful pawn as well as a loyal follower. And what better way to bring out such loyalty, then by pretending to be her friend? (Which, he'd been planning the conversation for a good while by this point, but somehow, insinuating that their friendship was fake even if he did not actually say that it was, still made him feel dirty inside.)
Unfortunately, the Twinrova are a pair of Wicked Witches & manipulation is their bread & butter. So, even if he was doing a good job at deceiving them, they are innately predisposed to distrusting a person's words. So, if Ambition wishes to keep his new friend, then they'll have to be more careful.
At the same time, I get the feeling that if he thinks the old women are cottoning onto his diversions too much, he's liable to break their friendship if only to protect his friend.
Doesn't Really Know How To Play - Tends to play alone, but his mothers have taken to discouraging play, so he's begun to distance himself from such things. He's also never really played with other kids as the Vàman (mothers, plural) of the tribe tend to keep their Vaivïn away from him in fear of them acting up around him & displeasing him.
Under A Lot of Expectation & Pressure - As a result, he's become pretty reserved. (Read: emotionally constipated.)
Sometimes Secretly Wishes He Was A Vai - Not in the trans way though. He just... he realizes that if he weren't a boy, he'd likely have less pressure & expectations placed upon him to be king.
But then he realizes that if that were the case, then he'd have to wear Vai clothes & other gross stuff like makeup & decides that he's fine as is. He really didn't like it when the Yaidjan tried to dress him up that one time. It felt weird.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. In terms of things, this tends to include music sheets, his horse, & books, especially books revolving around cultural anthropology, mythology, & magical practice.
Prone To Jealousy - Yet, he also tends to keep it to himself. However, that causes it to simmer until it boils over.
Catty Bitch - But he tends to say it behind people's backs or grumble it under his breath.
Cocky - Youthful overconfidence.
Prone To Boasting - Self-explanatory.
Adorably Easy to Fluster - :3 Like, he seriously hates how red his face gets.
Audiophile - Very much loves music. Also has an ear & talent for it. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up. Also seems to be curious & intrigued by the power that can be found in music.
Craves Love & Affection - But not as much as Lust or Gluttony.
Deeply Traumatized - It was only recently that Kōme & Kotake had him kill some poor kid from Hyrule to obtain black magic from their master. He doesn’t even know the entity’s name, but he is not coping well. Suffers from nightmares & insomnia as a result. Ever since then, he’s begun to have odd thoughts.
Refuses to let anyone see him cry. Especially his mothers as they… they don’t tend to react well… Doesn’t realize that the way he’s treated isn’t normal.
OoT (Greed) Specifically:
I generally classify Greed as 18-21 at the beginning of OoT & 25-28 at the end. This is partly due to the headcanon that in Gerudo culture, a Voe cuts his hair when he reaches the age of 18. The length of his hair after that represents the years that he's been a man. For a king, this happens at the moment of his coronation & thus, his hair's length also represents the years he's been king.
As such, I think that he only became king recently. Then, 7 years later, his hair is longer.
Also important, all that was said of Ambition also largely counts for Greed, seeing as he's Ambition, but older.
Name - Gánōendōrfè Gáqàrkhrin Drāgamīr was the name given to him by the Twinrova. This is his true name as his mother died in childbirth before she could name him. Qàr meaning "dark" due to him being born at night.
Wish - Upon gaining the full Triforce after killing Time, he made a wish to conquer Hyrule.
Tsundere - Wants a genuine connection, but denies it. It isn't that he thinks he doesn't deserve it; in fact there isn't much that he believes he doesn't deserve. However, his mothers, & thus he himself, have convinced him that he doesn't need one beyond Kōme & Kotake. As such, when he has a genuine crush on a woman, he tends to come off as abrasive & a jerk.
Oddly, if he realizes he likes her like that, he'll start to switch back & forth between being a bit of a bully & surprisingly flirty. Though, he isn't very good at being flirted with, especially when it's someone he likes & she's earnest about it. In this way, he's only gotten better at hiding how flustered he gets.
Amazon Chaser - LOVES strong women. If a woman can kick his ass, instant heart-eyes! Despite being a tsundere, he will quietly crush on her afterwards.
Though, being beaten all-the-time would just make him angry & his insecurity swell. It only needs to be once.
However, it's Gerudo custom that if a ruler is beaten by a member of the opposite sex (so long as they are the relatively same age), they are to be the ruler's spouse. In the old days, the Gerudo ruler was expected to make that happen by whatever means necessary. (This tradition also holds true for the common Gerudo, though to a lesser degree.)
In many ways, as soon as she knocks him on his ass, he mentally begins referring her as his wife or his queen.
Phantom Ganon - This is the PG that is most readily different from his Dorf. The reason being that he is that he’s canonically a spirit (My HC: Originally Greed’s Lorule counterpart) whom Greed twisted to suit his own purposes.
He’s mute due to his lips being sewn shut. His spirit is almost entirely broken & is unequivocally submissive because of it. He has a lot of abuse victim traits practically flashing around him like neon signs.
My HC Only: Also due to the fact that Loruleans possess the same soul, similar dna, & even live somewhat paralleling or mirroring or, in extreme cases, polarized, lives to their Hyrulean counterparts, this PG will naturally be more likely to become attracted to & attached to someone who’s managed to catch Greed’s eye.
Though, PG will actually showcase his yandere tendencies much more readily, he tends to take on more of a submissive yandere behavior than Greed. Part of this is due to the torture & brainwashing, but another part of it is because of that mirroring effect mentioned above.
Most Dorfs are naturally going to be predisposed to being more dominant yanderes. Their Lorulean counterparts, however, tend to be more shy, which results in a certain level of simpage & submissive yandere attributes.
If given the chance to protect Greed's Darling, he'll quickly begin to burn for her as he watches her. Her interacting with him &, especially, being kind & considerate of him will very much speed up the process.
Though the sutures prevent speech, he has managed to learn sign.
If Darling attempts to remove the stitching, he'll immediately step backwards in abject horror. The most that he’s reacted to anything. Though, whether it’s due to a sense of blaring self-preservation or a fear that doing so may cause Greed to be upset with her is unknown even to himself.
And, regardless of whether the Dorf would or not, PG would be terrified of Greed bringing the same fate he’d experienced upon Darling. This may result in either disassociation or a genuine panic attack.
However, slowly over time, he’d begin to show more of himself to her.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. In terms of things, this tends to include music sheets, his horse, & books, especially books revolving around cultural anthropology, mythology, & magical practice.
Secretly Perverted - Can range from flirty to downright lecherous (but not chauvinistic), however he tries to keep this fact a secret, which results in him being tsundere. Will sometimes stalk his Darling & is prone to apodyopsis through the eyes. Can also be quite the tease.
Feels Slighted & Is DEEPLY Insecure About It - The first time Greed entered the Sacred Realm, he believed that all of his dreams were about to become a reality…
Only to be forced to watch as the Triforce broke into pieces before his very eyes, only the Triforce of Power remaining with him.
Before that moment, he believed himself above all & the only one truly worthy of ruling. Because that is what he'd always been told. But this flew in the face of everything he'd ever known. It was as though the very gods themselves had judged him less than.
Because of this, his pride has been irreversibly wounded &, like anyone with major pride issues, Greed swore to prove them wrong. This was the start to Greed's mental spiral.
Because of this event, he began to feel the need to correct any perceived slight against him that came his way.
Catty Bitch - But he tends to say it behind people's backs or grumble it under his breath.
Manipulative & Eliminating Yandere - Gets very jealous & even kinda needy. Wants to be the center of his Darling's attentions & will do damn near whatever it takes to do so. Will take out anyone he thinks might be trying to take his Darling from him.
Cocky - Youthful overconfidence.
Audiophile - Loves music. Very much has an ear & talent for music. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up.
He's also very likely to use the scant amount of acoustomagy that he knows to get what he wants. Though, the majority of his music spells tend to be Charm or Enchantment based.
Such as using music to cast something like the Friends or Suggestion spells from DnD.
At the same time, they work best when performed subtly, especially if there's already a certain degree of amiability between himself & the target as it allows the magic to latch onto something concrete.
In the case of using one on a Darling, I can definitely see Greed singing “Music of the Night” as done by Ramin Karimloo while playing the organ. Which, BTW, I think he'd have a naturally operatic voice.
However, the way this specific type of spell works is that it latches onto pre-existing feelings of attraction & bolsters them. But if the target is already fully & genuinely in love with the caster, then the spell doesn't take hold at all. The reason being that real, genuine love is far, & above, much stronger than synthetically induced attraction.
Those under this spell are compelled to be obedient to the caster & are much more likely to accept said caster's advances. They are also far, far more likely to believe anything the caster says. It also induces an eagerness to please.
The most effective, yet unpredictable, way of breaking this particular enchantment is through heartbreak. Especially if the target is particularly monogamous. It could be by her learning that Greed has placed a love spell upon her, that he's only using her, that he sees her as little more than a pawn, (though, these have to be from his own lips), or even just seeing him in the loving embrace of another.
And yes, Lust very much is jealous of this ability.
The Family That Slays Together - The sort who is more likely to raise his children to be as much of a villain as he is. This being because he doesn't really know any other way without a good influence in his life. At the same time, he'd grow to regret it due to genuinely loving his children & wishing that he'd set a better example.
TP (Pride) Specifically:
Remember that this is the Child Timeline where he was ratted out by a pair of children & was discovered to be treacherous.
However, I tend to believe that the Hyrule King didn't initially believe Link or Zelda &, instead, sent Impa to investigate in an attempt to assuage his daughter's paranoia & prove that her & her new friend were just worrying over nothing.
He didn't expect for Impa to actually turn up evidence of a legitimate coup.
Which, keep in mind that unless Zelda specifically sent Link back to before he even woke up in his treehouse, then at the very least, Greed had still sent Ghoma to infest the Deku Tree, which resulted in him dying.
And depending on whether or not the same is true of his attempts to attain the other Spiritual Stones, then there'd be eyewitness testimony to Greed's treachery. Hell, Darunia himself said that Ganondorf told him to "give me the Spiritual Stone! Only then will I open the cave for you!" And, keep in mind that, according to Darunia, the king is his Sworn Brother. So, even though I don't think that the king would believe a couple of kids, he'd likely believe the word of his own friend. Which, all Link would have to do would be to tell the king to "ask Darunia." And, bringing up Ruto could also help, because even though she too was a child, the fact that yet someone else was insisting that Greed was after their Spiritual Stone, would only further cement his suspicions. Hell, the mere fact that Link has the Kokiri Emerald should at least raise a couple of red flags!
And the fact that Greed was specifically after the Spiritual Stones, the keys to accessing a holy relic of the country that he was supposedly trying to form some sort of alliance with, would raise some freaking alarm bells, I'd think!
As a result, the king likely kept the fact that the investigation was prompted by a couple of children quiet as not only would it reflect badly upon the Royal Family for not having investigated until then, but it'd paint a target on both the kids' backs.
As such, no one, not even Pride, actually knows that it was the children that snitched on him. He knows that the princess didn't like him & he assumes that the boy in green was one of her little friends, but thinking that it was them would most likely be a bit of a logical leap for him regardless of whether it was true or not. Part of the reason that he betrayed Zant is due to the mistaken belief that someone close to him betrayed him. As a result, he became extremely paranoid of those working under him.
Anyway, after Greed began to suspect that the jig was up, he escaped before he could be caught. This resulted in a 7 year long war (which is why Pride has longer hair during the execution scene). At the end of those, Link defeated him in battle & took him to face his crimes.
After Greed was sealed in the Twilight Realm, his ardent Gerudo followers (excluding Kōme & Kotake) were all executed while the rest were banished. (Which leads into Gluttony.)
However, he actually isn't aware that the rest of the Gerudo were banished & legitimately believes that they were all killed & thus he is the only Gerudo left. And the state of the once Spirit Temple does not help in any way.
So, despite having not truly cared for them, he's still extremely angry about the believed genocide.
Name - Gánōendōrfè Gáqàrkhrin Drāgamīr was the name given to him by the Twinrova. This is his true name as his mother died in childbirth before she could name him. Qàr meaning "dark" due to him being born at night.
Wish - He had been Greed before, so it's easy to assume that his wish at some point had also been Greed's. Meaning “conquer Hyrule.” However, it is unknown as to whether that wish has changed or if it hasn't, then if the wording would've changed based on the fact that he was more cunning, calculating, & manipulative than he had been as Greed.
Would He Kill Kids - Yes, but Pride has far fewer caveats to it than other Gdorfs. In a lot of ways, I see Pride as Gdorf at his worst. He just no longer really cares. Like, he still doesn't enjoy it, but he cares much less.
Much like with a lot else, he'd obviously change depending on whether he's still in charge or has been utterly defeated to the point of humility.
Isolating & Eliminating Yandere - Due to having been just sort of given the Triforce of Power even though he hadn't gotten it himself in this timeline, he's gotten a huge ego boost & doesn't take rejection well. This results in him being affirmed of his "Mandate of Heaven" ideals & believing that he's the chosen of Din & that she selected him to conquer not just Hyrule, but the world.
Much like all Gdorfs, he's also very selfish & greedy, wanting his Darling all to himself. It's just to the extreme here. Insanely possessive & jealous. Will punish his Darling physically if he believes she's defied him in any way. Seeks to isolate her from those around her. I can't reiterate more how extremely possessive & jealous this man is. As such, he'll have anyone he views as a threat to his relationship with her, eliminated.
And, in his sadism, if he believes this individual to be someone Darling cares about, he's not opposed to making their death a spectacle.
The Ganondorf most likely to imprison his Beloved in a tower & rape her at his leisure.
Audiophile - Loves music. Very much has an ear & talent for music. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up. Though, he hasn't had the chance to play in a while.
He's also very likely to use the scant amount of acoustomagy that he knows to get what he wants. Though, the majority of his music spells tend to be Charm or Enchantment based.
Such as using music to cast something like the Friends or Suggestion spells from DnD.
At the same time, they work best when performed subtly, especially if there's already a certain degree of amiability between himself & the target as it allows the magic to latch onto something concrete.
In the case of using one on a Darling, I can definitely see Pride singing “Music of the Night” as done by Ramin Karimloo while playing the organ. Which, BTW, I think he'd have a naturally operatic voice.
However, the way this specific type of spell works is that it latches onto pre-existing feelings of attraction & bolsters them. But if the target is already fully & genuinely in love with the caster, then the spell doesn't take hold at all. The reason being that real, genuine love is far, & above, much stronger than synthetically induced attraction.
Those under this spell are compelled to be obedient to the caster & are much more likely to accept said caster's advances. They are also far, far more likely to believe anything the caster says. It also induces an eagerness to please.
The most effective, yet unpredictable, way of breaking this particular enchantment is through heartbreak. Especially if the target is particularly monogamous. It could be by her learning that Pride has placed a love spell upon her, that he's only using her, that he sees her as little more than a pawn, (though, these have to be from his own lips), or even just seeing him in the loving embrace of another.
And yes, Lust very much is jealous of this ability.
Social Dawinist - As much of one as Wrath, but the worst part is that by being just given the ToP, he'd basically been assured of his own perceived "right" to dominate Hyrule.
Perverted - Not even secretly at this point. Just downright lecherous to the point of chauvinism & doesn't even try to hide it. Will sometimes stalk his Darling & is prone to apodyopsis via the eyes. Makes some downright obscene comments sometimes.
Can honestly be very lewd & crass.
Objectifier - Especially if she's Hylian or Sheikah/Yiga. In such situations, it even takes on a feeling of racial fetishization. Takes simple joy in humiliating her.
Most likely to dress her up all pretty & parade her around as a sort of living trophy.
Endearment User - However, he tends to do so in objectifying, possessive, or mocking ways.
Will often refer to a woman that he's made into a concubine as Bensinï, Benzenï, Kinzanï, all meaning "my treasure." Vesginï to mean "my jewel." Hiahxàlnï, meaning "my prize." Làbanï, translating to "my toy/plaything." Ghànjnï, "my pet." Morizī, "pretty one."
Or, in the case of Darling being a Hylian or Sheikah, he will regularly use Bensïrénï, which refers to the spoils of war or thievery, thereby giving it a meaning similar to "my trophy." Will also use Bīvt’vuré, Kāvjih’vuré, & Kàx’vuré, which mean “chained bird,” “bound bird,” & “caged bird” respectively. Will switch between the possessive use of -nï & the prefix yà- to mean “little or small,” sometimes also adding mori for “pretty” as well. The use of these specific vuré endearments are almost entirely used by slave owners in reference to or when addressing their sex slaves.
And, surprisingly, Tzhamdnï, translating to "my sheath." Which, is an innately sexually charges endearment by nature, however if this was said in privacy, whispered in the ear, or even just said with affection, then it takes on a very sweet & wholesome meaning. As it can mean something similar to Baynï or Amïnq'tonï, which mean "my home" or "my sanctuary or safe place" respectively. Though, while whispering can still have that sort of feel, the act of making it secretive, will cause the endearment to be edged with seduction or promise.
However, because this Gdorf calls her such out loud regardless of someone being present, with an abundance of smugness, & very little tenderness. It actually causes it to take on the more euphemistic meaning due to Tzhamd also being frequently used to refer to a woman's cooch. Specifically without the more tender meanings, because the 2 sides can be utilized at once. As such, his use of it would be considered outrageously lewd, very bold, & even just downright shameless to a Gerudo listener. Not to mention quite humiliating to the individual in question.
Catty Bitch - Very in-your-face about it too. Unlike Greed, he doesn't say it behind a person's back. He'll say it to your face.
NEVER Intends To Marry - He's just become the sort who doesn't believe that anyone is worthy of him. He also refuses to share his power, so even if by some miracle he did marry, he's most likely to take up the old Hyrulean custom of having his wife become the princess-consort instead.
God Complex - Like, holy shit. If he were to say that his shit smelled like roses, I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't believe him, but it would not be a shocker that he made such a declaration & I may even wonder if he actually believed it himself. Like, it isn't even borderline anymore, he just outright has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Though, what concerns me the most about his delusion, is the fact that he actually chose that hairstyle of his. I don't care what anyone says about them being "dreadlocks," those are granny rollers!
Just Generally A Bad Guy - Self-explanatory.
The Family That Slays Together - The sort who is more likely to raise his children to be as much of a villain as he is. This being because he doesn't really know any other way without a good influence in his life. Pride, though, would be proud of his children following in his footsteps & would only experience regret for it in the dead of night as he stares up into the darkness & wonders how he failed them.
WW (Envy) Specifically:
This is the Adult Timeline, which means he experienced being at the top & nearly achieving his goals (even being King of Hyrule for a period of 7 years) before being toppled like a stack of dominoes. This humbled him to a degree & has had a strong effect on him.
Envy keeps his hair short due to perceiving himself as having failed as both a king & a man, thus he doesn't really see himself as a true man, let alone a true king, anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I don't actually think that Greed really cared about his people as much as some assume. Because if he had, then why were the Gerudo still all living in the desert? Why did he have them brainwashed? In this way, I think that he keeps his hair that short mostly due to failing himself & his own lofty ambitions.
As such, if Envy does feel guilty for having failed them, then it isn't for as selfless of a reason as some like to portray it being.
It's possible that he is genuinely regretful, but the likelihood of it only being because of his own personal failure, is actually very high.
Name - Gánōendōrfè Gáqàrkhrin Drāgamīr was the name given to him by the Twinrova. This is his true name as his mother died in childbirth before she could name him. Qàr meaning "dark" due to him being born at night.
Wish - “To restore Hyrule to its former glory” or “remove the magical waters that seal Hyrule away.” - Much like Pride, Envy was once Greed as well &, in fact, had actually been the version of Greed that made the wish due to Envy being a result of the Adult Timeline, whereas Greed makes his wish to conquer Hyrule in the Downfall Timeline, which itself, split off from the Adult Timeline when Greed killed Time. Envy, however, is the result of Time winning that same fight. As such, his wish had actually been to “conquer Hyrule” at that time. However, it's obvious that his wish had changed since then. While it is obvious that he still wished to rule over the Hyrule of the past, he also wanted Hyrule restored. However, due to the seemingly acephallus nature of the Great Sea's islands, it's unlikely that he would've even needed to wish to conquer Hyrule at all, as the islands have seemingly no organized military or defense other than militia. And even then, the only ones besides Wind & Tetra who seemed to showcase any knowledge of fighting, was Orca. (However, just because we didn't see it, doesn't mean that no one did.) Because of this, it wouldn't been fairly easy to assert himself as their new ruler once he's dealt with the Hero, Princess, & sealed King.
Soft, But Manipulative & Unassuming Yandere (Borderline Sane) - Having been humbled so, he tends to have a stronger hold on his yandere tendencies. As such, he is more subtle in his machinations. "Soft" means that he'll often regret or feel guilty over the bad things he does to his Darling, but that doesn't mean that he'll stop.
One of the 3 Dorf most likely to use pleasure & overstimulation as punishment. As likely as Gluttony.
Prone To Jealousy - Yet, he also tends to keep it to himself. However, that causes it to simmer until it boils over.
Resents the Divinities - This is, in part, due to how the Triforce had broken apart when he made his first attempt. That had been the first heavy blow to his ego. Then, the next seven years he spent in a mad search for the other pieces in a desperate attempt to correct the believed slight had been steadily chipping away at his confidence & mental stability. When he discovered the princess bore the Triforce of Wisdom & the self-same boy whom he'd used seven years ago possessed the Triforce of Courage, he'd seen it as his chance to correct the obvious mistake.
But then, that boy defeated him & he was sealed away. His pride had been delivered a debilitating blow, so when he eventually broke free, Envy attacked Hyrule again in a fury. He brought hell upon the kingdom & its people, uncaring of the ruin that he wrought. Only for him to be utterly blindsided when the land that he so coveted was swallowed up by rain.
It wasn’t until he had managed to weaken the seal on him enough to escape, though weakened, & stared out in horror at the vast sea all around him. Everything & everyone he had ever known was gone & the realization that his people were likely all dead… it shattered him.
And for a long time, Envy sank into a deep depression. In a vain attempt to try & keep from blaming himself, he nurtured a deep & abiding resentment in the gods.
Surprisingly Self-Aware - First off, let me remind everyone that he was, for all intents & purposes, Hyrule's king for 7 entire years & all he seemed to do was most definitely kill 2 people (the Deku Tree & the King) & possibly kill 6 more (the Sages). He then ran a little girl out of her ancestral home after murdering her father & while it might be going pretty far to suggest that he planned to kill her, he certainly wasn't planning to let her escape on horseback. If nothing else, he'd wanted the Ocarina of Time, a relic of the native people. He then invaded the holy sanctum pertaining to the main religion of the native peoples, took a piece of what was essentially the Holy Grail to them. I don't think a lot of people really understand what he did. If the theory that he had just sworn fealty to Hyrule like in TotK is true, then this was treason. And, if not, then he committed theft of cultural property, one of significant cultural value in relation to Hyruleans' cultural identity & heritage as a people!
Then, during the next 7 years, he ran the residents of Castle Town out of their homes at the very least, possibly had others killed, destroyed the country's capital, invaded several holy sites & desecrated them. He also attempted to feed the Gorons to a dragon, froze the Zora, let his mothers brainwash at least Nabooru (& possibly other Gerudo just by the use of other Iron Knuckles), used necromancy to control corpses (which is at the very least desecration & highly immoral), then proceeded to sit, playing sinister music menacingly in his Tower of Ominousness. Yet in those 7 years, he did not move his people into Hyrule. Why? Was he waiting to obtain the full Triforce? Whatever for? He was already king of Hyrule. Perhaps he feared the little girl whose father he murdered, chased out of her own ancestral home, then destroyed that very home to replace it with that gothic wet dream he calls a castle.
Also, something to keep in mind is that Envy doesn't say he wished to have Hyrule for his people, & he definitely did not say that he wished for it so they could flourish, merely that he coveted Hyrule's "winds," which can be a way to suggest that he coveted Hyrule's fortune & prosperity, it's lands, just Hyrule in-general. Yes, it is very possible to interpret it in such a way, but that interpretation is at odds with the reality of his actions. So, either he never cared or he did at one point, but he changed & that was no longer the case. Regardless, the facts still stand, this Dorf was not a good king.
I will say, though, that he's the first Dorf to acknowledge that Hyrule wasn't rightfully his by the simple use of the word "covet.”
Which is defined as "desiring (specifically something that belongs to someone else) wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others.”
So, provided that he realizes this & that he's sort of telling on himself, it sheds a more introspective & self-aware light upon him.
Catty Bitch - But not overtly. He's able to be fairly subtle about it. At least, when he wants to be.
Audiophile - Loves music. Very much has an ear & talent for music. As well as the dedication & discipline to back it up. And due to his time in his Fortress, he's been able to indulge in it, as well as refine his talents quite a lot.
He's also very likely to use the scant amount of acoustomagy that he knows to get what he wants. Though, the majority of his music spells tend to be Charm or Enchantment based.
Such as using music to cast something like the Friends or Suggestion spells from DnD.
At the same time, they work best when performed subtly, especially if there's already a certain degree of amiability between himself & the target as it allows the magic to latch onto something concrete.
In the case of using one on a Darling, I can definitely see Envy singing “Music of the Night” as done by Ramin Karimloo while playing the organ. His voice is actually quite operatic.
However, the way this specific type of spell works is that it latches onto pre-existing feelings of attraction & bolsters them. But if the target is already fully & genuinely in love with the caster, then the spell doesn't take hold at all. The reason being that real, genuine love is far, & above, much stronger than synthetically induced attraction.
Those under this spell are compelled to be obedient to the caster & are much more likely to accept said caster's advances. They are also far, far more likely to believe anything the caster says. It also induces an eagerness to please.
The most effective, yet unpredictable, way of breaking this particular enchantment is through heartbreak. Especially if the target is particularly monogamous. It could be by her learning that Envy has placed a love spell upon her, that he's only using her, that he sees her as little more than a pawn, (though, these have to be from his own lips), or even just seeing him in the loving embrace of another.
And yes, Lust very much is jealous of this ability.
Gossiper - The most gossipy of all the Gdorfs. Borderline little old lady. Literally has a special tea blend.
Secretly Perverted - Can range from flirty to downright lecherous (but not chauvinistic), however he tries to keep this fact a secret &, if nothing else, he at least puts in the effort to be polite about it. Will sometimes stalk his Darling & is prone to apodyopsis through the eyes. Can also be quite the tease.
Social Dawinist - However, both he & Gluttony tend to lean more towards the side of a resigned one. Meaning that though he's absolutely convinced of this being how reality works, it doesn't mean that he's happy about it.
A Foodie - Much like Gluttony, he's also quite fond of food, but not to the same degree.
Good Dad - Or at least he tries to be. He was raised in every life to be an evil overlord by some iteration of Kōme & Kotake or another. And they're just never… they're not good mothers in any respect, okay? Regardless, he loves his children with all his heart.
Evil Parents Want Good Kids - He lives & breathes this. Yes, he wants them to be strong warriors & be able to command respect, but he also doesn't want them to be pigeonholed into the position of tyrant like he was raised to be. He's one of the most likely to be able to manage this aside from Wrath.
Though, it actually has very little to do with being good & more so the fact that the tendencies his mothers encouraged in him just weren't healthy. Not to mention abusive. He refuses to put his children through that. Yes, he'll be tough on them, but never outright cruel unless absolutely necessary.
ALttP/OoX/ALBW/LoZ 1/2 (Entropy) Specific:
While this Dorf never shows up, there is concept art of him.
Keep in mind, this is Greed after having turned into his Boar form in OoT, after he'd killed Time, & after Tempo, Harmony, & Cadence came to the future & killed him. His essence has been sealed away for 2-300 years.
If he were to somehow be brought back, as in fully revived, it'll have come at a cost.
What is canonical is that after obtaining the other 2 pieces of the Triforce, enhancing his power, he then went on to overrun Hyrule as well as attempting the same with the entire world with his corruption. This resulted in many disasters plaguing Hyrule, even Entropy culling the Hylian people, whose bloodline would dwindle until nearly nonexistent. Meanwhile, Ganon utilizes the greed of men in order to further expand his army.
Next came the 1st coming of the Imprisoning War in which he wiped out the Knight's of Hyrule. It was during this time that Rhythm, Harmony, & Cadence appeared from the past & killed him. This allowed the 7 Wise Men to unite & seal his evil away.
Agahnim is later created to be Ganon’s avatar, but I'm making it so that he hadn't simply been created. Rather, he is more so the reanimated corpse of the first Ganondorf. Not Greed, but Sloth.
Anyway, in Ganon’s attempts to return from the Dark World, he unleashed plagues upon Hyrule in the form of epidemics, droughts, ect. All causing death & suffering. And in Link to the Past, his goal is to merge the Light & Dark worlds, which would cause the Great Cataclysm & could well result in the extinction of all life. So, yeah. Not great. He murders multiple people.
Something else to keep in mind is that with each attempt, Entropy loses more & more of himself until he is left little more than a silent silhouette of a bipedal pig creature. And throughout this timeline, he proceeded to run the people of Hyrule further & further northeast towards the Akkala Sea of modern Hyrule. First to modern Hyrule's Lanayru Region at the start of the DF Timeline, then to modern Akkala Region at the end of it. As such (& this is mostly speculation), I am of the opinion that he may have been attempting to, if not exterminate them, then drive them from their own homeland.
In the Oracle games, all he is able to say is, "Destroy... all. Kill... all.”
Wish - “Conquer Hyrule.” - He’s technically already made his wish, however, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to try it again. Hoping that he’d get it right this time.
Madness - Very erratic.
Deeply Traumatized - Both from being raised by a pair of xenophobic witches in a culture of only women & from dying. Has been in Gàl'gáron (the Gerudo hells) for 2-300 years, meaning that he's been spiritually tortured for a long time.
Partial Amnesia/Dementia - Depending on how far into the DF Timeline it is, the more he forgets. In Z2, he has even lost the capacity to speak.
Clingiest Yandere - A desperate, clingy, needy, & jealous yandere. Extremely insecure. And, much like with everything else, depending on the game it is, his behavior gets even worse. However, the kinder SO is, the softer he becomes for her & the more desperate he becomes to keep her by his side.
Gets Jealous Easily - Is utterly & completely terrified of losing the one good thing he has & will rip any perceived threat to that apart with his bare hands.Emotionally Dependant -
FSA (Gluttony) Specific:
Don't know much about him. I'll have to play the game or watch a playthrough to get a better idea.
Either way, this is a reincarnation of Pride (meaning, Pride died & was reborn as someone new) & he's affected by the fact that his people were banished from Hyrule, so he likely has ideas of revenge rolling around in that head of his. (Not sure if learning that they were banished because of his predecessor's actions would change anything, though.)
Name - Gánōendōrfè Gárorrzïr Drāgamīr was the name given to him by the Twinrova. Orr to mean "night," suggesting he was born at night.
This is not his true name. His true name is Àkram Màtnālàquàrkhrin Drāgamīr. Àkram is an old Gerudan boy’s name meaning “most generous.”
Meanwhile, for his King Name, Màtnālà is short for Màtu'nālàk. The Màt refers to Màtu, meaning "love" & Nālàk indicates that he was born on a mountain by the sea as Nā refers to a mountain while Làk is the Gerudàn word for "sea." Màtu'nālàk is very explicate as there are only 2 sites in Hyrule it could indicate: Tuft Mountain & Ebon Mountain. However, if it were Ebon Mountain, he'd have likely been named Nàtnālàquàrkhrin or Ghunālàquàrkhrin. Nàtnāl being short for Nàmàtu'nālàk & Ghunālà being short for Ghusàm'nālàk meaning "seaside mountain of heartbreak," which... let's just say that such a name would be considered a very bad omen for his love life. That, plus Quàr, which literally means "break" in reference to Aaquàr, meaning "daybreak,' would've likely caused the more superstitious Vaien to believe that he was either destined for great romantic tragedy or to become the breaker of many, many hearts. (Which, admittedly, wouldn't have been incorrect.) Anyway, the use of Quàr says that he was born specifically at daybreak.
Anyway, thankfully, that isn't the case, as in reality, his specific King Name is very auspicious. Many in Gerudo culture would take the Màtnālàquàr part of his King Name as a sign that he was blessed by Vah Kàvtrïna, goddess of love, passion, beauty, ect. The reason being that the word Màtnālàk is almost exclusively used in reference to Tuft Mountain, which is said to be one of Vah Kàvtrïna's holy sites. The use of Quàr would only cement the idea as Tuft Mountain is believed to be the sight of the most beautiful sunrise in Hyrule.
Ergo, it's very possible that his father may have been from Lurelin or that his mother had simply wished for her child's first sight to be that of the most beautiful sunrise in Hyrule. Regardless, this name shows very distinctly that his mother loved him greatly & wished good things for him.
Which is very sad because he doesn't remember her as he was kidnapped only a month afterwards.
Wish - Not quite sure.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. Even more so than Greed.
Smarmy Asshole - Overly flattering, but tends to be thus in a fake or sarcastic way. When he doesn't need anything from someone, he lets his insincerity be evident. However, when he wants to manipulate someone & wants them to actually believe him, he's able to make himself sound genuine.
Flowery Language - Even amongst Ganondorfs, he speaks with refinement. Though not as bad as Lust. Can be rather poetic. Which, BTW, he enjoys literature, including poetry & epics. Borderline bibliophilic.
Outwardly Gentlemenly - Behaves in a very refined, almost Hyrulean upperclass-type of manner. However, this is mostly to hide his true intentions.
Indulgent - He enjoys luxury. Even more so than all the other Ganondorfs. Especially food. He loves food. Actually, a surprisingly good cook. But also a bit of a snob when it comes to what he eats.
A Surprisingly Good Mimic - At least magically speaking. This is based on the fact that Lust’s Ganon form appears able to mimic the abilities of HW Bosses.
Hedonistic - Seeks out pleasure in whatever way he can. This goes hand-in-hand with his indulgent tendencies.
A Pervert - Honestly, can be every bit as much of one as Lust, but he hides it about as well as Envy does. The reason he's a pervert is simply due to the nature of gluttony. It isn't just about eating too much, it's about overindulgence & that goes for everything, including sex.
Ergo, he overindulges in his partners' bodies. He does seem to have an oral fixation though.
Very Cuddly - Is secretly a hugger.
Methyphile - Very much appreciates the work that goes into making alcohol & sometimes overindulges. Doesn't drink excessively, but when he does drink, he prefers it to be the good, high-quality shit. As such, he tends to be a bit of a snob & has a refined palate when tasting.
Sweet Tooth - Actually quite enjoys sweets. If his Beloved enjoys baking, then he very quickly becomes quite the fan of her cooking & especially enjoys indulging in the sweets she makes.
Foodie & Gourmand - Again, he loves food & enjoys cooking. And if his Darling does as well, then it's a 50-50 shot of whether they will use cooking as a bonding method or if they'll bicker over how best to prepare a dish. Admires a Dear who's skilled with knifework.
Chunky - While still extremely buff like most other Ganondorfs, he has more of a figure reminiscent of Thor from God of War: Ragnarök.
Social Dawinist - However, both he & Envy tend to lean more towards the side of a resigned one. Meaning that though he's absolutely convinced of this being how reality works, it doesn't mean that he's happy about it.
Soft Yandere - He's one of the least likely to punish her with pain & as likely to do so via pleasure, overstimulation, & humiliation as Envy, but not as much as Lust.
Really Wants To Be Romanced - Despite being the dominant sort, he actually really, really wants to be romanced. He'd actually melt inside if a woman turned all that around on him & tried to woo, romance, or court him. Especially if she were to do so using things that she learned about his interests. May inwardly swoon as a result. Even more than other Ganondorfs. At the same time, he doesn't really know how to pursue a genuine & healthy relationship.
A Sucker For Romance - Most of the novels he enjoys reading that aren't in some way related to cultural anthropology (history, culture, myth, theology, ect) or war/strategy, tends to be smutty romance novels. (If a book has all of those things, though, then he's found a new top pick.) Though, he's a bit of a literature snob as he honestly can't stand badly-written literature.
If he were in any other situation than the one he was in, he'd ship the hell outta ZeLink. However, because he is in his current position, this is one instance where he hates the Destined Princess Saved By Her Knight trope.
Craves Love & Affection - More than any other Ganondorf, he wishes to find that woman who he can spend the rest of his life with. In a way that's somewhat reminiscent of Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom. Despite his own tendencies & habits, he's also one of the ones who'd find it the easiest to transition into partner exclusivity. And with the right guidance, he's one of the quickest of the lot to take up more healthy relationship habits.
Most Likely To Spoil His Kids - Especially if he doesn't have a Darling to act as a balance.
One-Time Cannibal, Now Recovering - It was just the once & it wasn't by choice, but more so necessity. Kōme & Kotake abandoned him in the desert to test him in a very cruel way & they may have even subtly led him to someone lost. The 2 had actually become friends after a fashion, commiserating over their horrid fates.
They rationed their food the best they could, Gluttony would regularly beg for his mothers to come & save them. But they didn't. It was during that time that his new friend suggested that his mothers were despicable monsters based on the fact that they were willing to leave him to suffer in the desert. And this was the first time that he'd truly contemplated it.
Eventually, the pair ran out of food despite their rationing. They were starving...
Then Gluttony's new friend collapsed. Just died of heat stroke... & I'm sure you can guess... And not even all that long after... he finished... his mothers showed up, praising him for surviving, but Gluttony only wanted to vomit & sob uncontrollably, but knew better than to show any form of weakness to his mothers...
He was never the same. The traumatizing event had an odd reaction on him. After suffering thus, he wanted to enjoy his life as much as possible because he never knew when the twin witches would find another horrifying way to "test" him. Yeah, this Gdorf is not okay...
Suffers From Anxiety - Though he hides it well.
Fear - He fears the Twinrova more than any other Ganondorf as he's realized how truly awful they are & how not normal their parenting methods are.
Good Dad - Or at least he tries to be. He was raised in every life to be an evil overlord by some iteration of Kōme & Kotake or another. And they're just never… they're not good mothers in any respect, okay? Regardless, he loves his children with all his heart.
What's truly horrible though, is that he often has horrific nightmares about either his mothers returning & sacrificing his kids, forcing him to eat them, or the absolute worst of all; losing his mind & devouring them by choice.
It always results in him bolting up straight in bed before running to vomit everything in his stomach up as he sobs pitifully.
After those sorts of nightmares, he becomes oddly reluctant to eat for days. Especially meat that he hasn't caught & prepared himself.
Despite this, if the Twinrova truly were ever to so much as attempt such a stunt, they'd be dealt with in the most excruciating manner possible.
A Bit of a Juggernaut - One of the most physically strong on the Dorfs.
Evil Parents Want Good Kids - He lives & breathes this. Yes, he wants them to be strong warriors & be able to command respect, but he also doesn't want them to be pigeonholed into the position of tyrant like he was raised to be. He's one of the most likely to be able to manage this aside from Wrath & Envy. However, he can tend to be a bit of a peahat parent.
Though, it actually has very little to do with being good & more so the fact that the tendencies his mothers encouraged in him just weren't healthy. Not to mention abusive. He refuses to put his children through that. Yes, he'll be tough on them, but never outright cruel unless absolutely necessary.
Matricidal - He killed Kōme & Kotake (same pair from OoT). I'm not sure how, but I know it was just before he went to steal the Trident of Power. I know that, in their Twinrova form, they smiled wickedly at him & told him that they were proud of him.
Of course, that was a partial lie. They were proud of how ruthless he became to kill his own mothers, but they were furious that he betrayed them.
But if it were true that they were just proud of him, they wouldn't have said so. Rather, they said it because they knew what it'd do to him. Knew it would fuck with his head to such a degree that it would cause him to lose his mind. Which, the desire for control was what led him to break his people's law & steal the trident.
See, he had such conflicting feelings regarding them. One the one hand, they were his mothers & they raised him. He loved them.But on the other hand, the idea that he had done anything to make people like them in any way proud… Well, it sent him into a frenzy of “I’m a monster.” So, he became one.
HW (Lust or Lech) Specifically:
Don't know much about him. I'll have to play the game or watch a playthrough to get a better idea. But so far, I'm getting that Hyrule Warriors was the catalyst for the 3 timelines merging by creating an event that was inevitable in all 3. A.k.a the Era of the Wilds. (Note that only other Ganondorfs are able to call him Lech & get away with it. Hates it. When especially t’d off at him, they’ll also refer to him as Surmúta, meaning slut or whore or harlet.)
Name - Gánōndōrfé Gárorrzïr Drāgamīr was the name given to him by the Twinrova. Though, this is not his true name. His true name is Àkram Màtnālàquàrkhrin Drāgamīr.
Wish - He… didn’t seem to have a wish. Or, if he did, he didn't make it? Was he aware that the Triforce could grant wishes?
Smarmy Asshole - Overly flattering, but tends to be thus in a fake or sarcastic way. When he doesn't need anything from someone, he lets his insincerity be evident. However, when he wants to manipulate someone & wants them to actually believe him, he's able to make himself sound genuine.
However, he becomes slightly less confident when he has a genuine, romantic interest in a woman, but he quickly adapts. Ironically, being a naturally duplicitous individual, he finds difficulty in sounding genuine when he actually is genuine. In this way, because he doesn't normally give genuine compliments, they tend to come across as fake.
In such a situation as he wants a woman he very much likes to know his true feelings, the best way for him to do so & be taken seriously is by cutting the crap & delivering it bluntly & in a straightforward manner, which is something that he'd struggle a lot with & would need to learn how to do.
Flowery Language - Even amongst Ganondorfs, he speaks with refinement. So much so that it can be off-putting, flamboyant, & honestly quite pompous. Can be rather poetic. Which, BTW, he enjoys literature, including poetry & epics. Borderline bibliophilic.
Outwardly Gentlemenly - Behaves in a very refined, almost Hyrulean upperclass-type of manner. However, this is mostly to hide his true intentions.
The Most Vain - Lust & Pride sort of represent 2 different sides of pride. Pride represents the typical "I am superior" narcissism & Lust represents vanity.
Like, every Dorf takes pride in their appearance, but Lust is just next level. The best hair-care routine of all his incarnations. He's just downright neurotic about it, but in a surprisingly endearing way. (Think Eugene from Tangled the Series.)
Amazing Kisser - Self-explanatory.
A Surprisingly Good Mimic - At least magically speaking. This is based on the fact that Lust’s Ganon form appears able to mimic the abilities of HW Bosses.
Secretly Perverted - Can range from flirty to downright lecherous (but not chauvinistic), however he tries to keep this fact on the relative dl from his subjects &, if nothing else, he at least puts in the effort to be polite about it. Will sometimes stalk his darling & is prone to apodyopsis via the eyes. The biggest tease with the most perverted mind out of all the Gdorfs.
Methyphile - Very much appreciates the work that goes into making alcohol & sometimes overindulges. Doesn't drink excessively, but when he does drink, he prefers it to be the good, high-quality shit. As such, he tends to be a bit of a snob & has a refined palate when tasting. Actually, brews his own as a hobby. Also enjoys mixology.
Sweet Tooth - Actually quite enjoys sweets. If his Beloved enjoys baking, then he very quickly becomes quite the fan of her cooking & especially enjoys indulging in the sweets she makes.
Foodie & Gourmand - Again, he loves food & enjoys cooking. And if his Darling does as well, then it's a 50-50 shot of whether they will use cooking as a bonding method or if they'll bicker over how best to prepare a dish. Admires a Dear who's skilled with knifework.
Health & Fitness Nut - Since being sealed inside the Four Sword the first time around, he’s become much more health conscious. Now, he still indulges every once in a while, but he also goes out of his way to keep himself fit. In this way, he’s actually learned a lot of restraint. He still very much enjoys good food; he just doesn't overindulge as often as he used to.
However, that indulgent energy has now been redirected towards vanity & more... carnal pursuits.
Catty Bitch - But not overtly. He's able to be fairly subtle about it.
Endearment User - Rather flippantly refers to his sexual partners with stereotypically romantic endearments, even just one-night-stands, though he usually uses Hyrulean ones.
It's when he starts using Gerudàn endearments in his native language that you know that he's legitimately affectionate with & is attached to someone.
Homme Fatale - A seductive & charming, but manipulative & dangerous man. A cereal one-night-stander. Despite this, he's extremely romantic & suave, which is partly how he gets laid so often.
An Incorrigible Flirt - As mentioned above, he's very romantic, very suave, & very charming. Knows that he's attractive & flaunts it. Often using it to his advantage to get what he wants.
Unbothered By Nudity - Doesn't care who sees him in the buff. Absolutely shameless.
A Subtle & Unassuming, But Very Dangerous Yandere - He keeps these tendencies hidden, but doesn't stop from indulging in them. Extremely manipulative & a definite gaslighter. So good at hiding it, in fact, that extremely few would believe his Darling if she were to try & tell anyone. This would result in her becoming isolated & lonely, thus becoming vulnerable to his machinations. Which is exactly where he wants her. Wants her to be dependent upon him. Genuinely believes that he's doing it for her own good.
Lust is most likely to go from simply obsessing over his Darling to genuinely loving her as he gets to know her, thus causing things to become more complicated.
Once he's grown to trust her, he isn't the type to believe that his Darling is cheating on him without some damn strong & condemning evidence. Yes, he'll start off as the suspicious sort, but as he begins to get to know her, he'll begin to trust her more, especially if she's just generally the honest & fidelous type.
Rather, he tends to not like it when she pays other men more attention than she does to him even if she's just being friendly.
Though, he also realizes when she is just being friendly & thus doesn't take it out on her. More so becoming an intimidating presence to the other man by casually, yet not overtly exerting his dominance.
"Soft" means that he'll often regret the bad things he actually does to his Darling, but that doesn't mean that he'll stop. And, he's also the least likely to punish her with pain & the most likely to do so via pleasure, overstimulation, & humiliation.
Really Wants To Be Romanced - Despite being the dominant sort, he actually really, really wants to be romanced. So, even though he's charming & suave & romantic, he'd actually melt inside if a woman turned all that around on him & tried to woo, romance, or court him. Especially if she were to do so using things that she learned about his interests. May inwardly swoon as a result. Even more than other Ganondorfs. At the same time, he doesn't really know how to pursue a genuine & healthy relationship.
A Sucker For Romance - Most of the novels he enjoys reading that aren't in some way related to cultural anthropology (history, culture, myth, theology, ect) or war/strategy, tends to be smutty romance novels. (If a book has all of those things, though, then he's found a new top pick.) Though, he's a bit of a literature snob as he honestly can't stand badly-written literature.
If he were in any other situation than the one he was in, he'd ship the hell outta ZeLink. However, because he is in his current position, this is one instance where he hates the Destined Princess Saved By Her Knight trope.
Craves Love & Affection - More than any other Ganondorf, he wishes to find that woman who he can spend the rest of his life with. In a way that's somewhat reminiscent of Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom. Despite his own tendencies & habits, he's also the one who'd find it the easiest to transition into partner exclusivity. And with the right guidance, he's the quickest of the lot to take up more healthy relationship habits.
A Beast Who Thrives In Battle - In a strange way, it’s his zen. Much like Wrath, it’s where he feels most in control in spite of the bloodlust that he is often consumed by.
A General Born From Adversity - The skill of leadership does not come to him naturally & part of the reason for this is due to the fact that he hadn’t been raised as king the way that other Dorfs have. As such, he had to learn to lead on his own.
The Family That Slays Together - The sort who is more likely to raise his children to be as much of a villain as he is. This being because he doesn't really know any other way without a positive influence in his life. At the same time, this doesn't mean that he intends for it to happen. In fact, he'd grow to regret it deeply due to genuinely loving his children & wishing that he'd set a better example. He'd agonize over it for years.
Evil Parents Want Good Kids - This is what he wants, but that doesn't mean that it's what he'd get without help. If he doesn't, then it'll be the sort of thing that'll keep him awake at night, believing that he'd failed them. However, it wouldn't really hit him until after they were all out of the nest & the fact that he hadn't been able to help them become more well-adjusted individuals would torment him & eat him up inside for the rest of his life.
Though, it actually has very little to do with being good & more so the fact that the tendencies his mothers encouraged in him just weren't healthy. Not to mention abusive. He refuses to put his children through that. Yes, he'll be tough on them, but never outright cruel.
TotK (Wrath) Specifically:
Name - Gánōndōrfé Gárorrzïr Drāgamīr II was the name given to him by the Twinrova.
Again, not his true name. His true name is Wàndrāgr Nāfïtàrrzïr Drāgamīr. Wàndrāgr being a Highland boy's name meaning "lordly or protector." Its etymology originates from both Gerudàn & Norse names & words; the Gerudàn name Wandàg, the Highland word Drāgr, which itself is an acculturation of the the Gerudàn word Drāga & the Hebran word Dreki or Dregr. This gives his name a distinct Highland lilt to it. While Nāfï indicates that he was born on a snowy mountain & Tàrr indicates a nighttime birth, specifically, the night of a crescent moon.
When all put together, his true name heavily implies that he was born to a Gerudàn mother of the Highlands & a Hebran father.
Wish - “May only the strong survive.” - The Triforce never really came up, but if he did know, then he'd likely make a wish based on his Social Darwinist philosophy. As such, it's honestly a dang good thing that he didn't as such a wish would've likely eventually ended in Hyrule as a barren wasteland not unlike the desert from which he came.
Soft, Manipulative, Unassuming, but Eliminating Protective Yandere (Borderline Sane) - Very possessive, protective, obsessive, & is prone to jealousy. However, he's extremely unassuming, even to his Darling. As a result, there's a possibility of a real, healthy relationship growing between them if he's careful. And, once he's grown to trust her, he isn't the type to believe that his Darling is cheating on him without some damn strong & condemning evidence. Yes, he'll start off as the suspicious & paranoid sort, but as he begins to get to know her, he'll begin to trust her more, especially if she's just generally the honest & fidelous type.
Rather, he tends to not like it when she pays other men more attention than she does to him even if she's just being friendly.
Though, he also realizes when she is just being friendly & thus doesn't take it out on her. More so becoming an intimidating presence to the other man by casually, yet not overtly exerting his dominance. He also doesn't tend to be anywhere near as overt in his yandere tendencies as most in the trope are, being an overall duplicitous individual & thus, being the sort to instead try & subtly manipulate his Darling into loving & trusting him. If his Darling reciprocates, then his yandere tendencies will tend to only make themselves known occasionally. However, this can change relatively quickly if he's repeatedly rejected.
As a result of this, Wrath is most likely to go from simply obsessing over his Darling to genuinely loving her as he gets to know her, thus causing things to become more complicated.
Also not the sort to hold his Darling captive specifically unless he's rejected too many times. He will, however, quite readily eliminate anyone who tries to get between them, even if it's a woman who wants to get rid of his Darling so that she can be with him. Especially then.
"Soft" means that he'll often regret the bad things he actually does to his Darling, but that doesn't mean that he'll stop.
Very Possessive - Both of people he genuinely cares about & of things he actually likes. In terms of things, this tends to include his horse, his weapons, & books, especially books revolving around cultural anthropology, mythology, & magical practice.
Social Darwinist - Specifically, he's a Struggler (Go to TVTropes). Meaning that he believes that struggle, suffering, & competition make both an individual & a society superior. However, while he is sincere in his beliefs regarding such, he’s not so sincere that he would accept his fate with dignity if he were to lose.
In this specific life, Kōme & Kotake have made it a point to drill a very Might Makes Right philosophy into him. One in which the strong rule over the weak & the one who prevails is the one who is right & worthy of sovereignty. That those who win are allowed to do whatever they wish to the weak.
Wrath specifically seems to hate peace as he believes that the people of Hyrule have grown too soft. In this way, he desires a world of infinite conflict. As such, unless he's shaken from his beliefs & shown the consequences of such a world, any victory he could have will inevitably become a Pyyrhic one.
He'll need someone who is able to speak with him logically about it & who sees a practical use for peace. After all, after you exercise, you then take time to rest, which allows your muscles to build back stronger than before. If you were to try to train every second, your body would break down, thus weakening you. She'd need to be able to present the idea that such peace is like the calm at the eye of a storm. Just a resting point before another inevitable conflict. Which, when framed as such, I believe would be easier for a bellicist like him to understand.
Dark vs Light - He seems to associate light with safety, possibly even weakness, which he doesn't appear to see a use for. In this way, he most likely wishes for a world where people earn the right to live. So, a bit of a radical meritocrat.
However, considering the fact that he's a desert native, he should realize that light can be every bit as harrowing as the dark. The only difference is that, in the light, you can at least see your enemy coming.
In this way, it's possible that he only sees Hyrule's light as such, because the light of the desert very much isn't like this.
Grudgemental - He just has a lot of hate & anger inside him. If he feels slighted, he'll hold onto it for a long ass time. And he does plan on exacting "proportional" vengeance.
Though, his idea of "proportional" is extremely skewed.
God Complex - Something interesting about the way he speaks in the Japanese version is his use of Ware (我). It is a pronoun meaning “I.” However, very specifically, it's used to emphasize one's very existence & is typically used by anachronistic or deity-like characters. This implies that, in some sense, he views himself as a deity. And, while I have yet to investigate this part, another fan has noted that the way he speaks indicates that he views others, or at least Hyruleans, as animals compared to himself.
Sheikahphile - Not in that he has some weird fetish for Sheikah. More so that he just finds their culture & warrior traditions fascinating. The reason being that, in a lot of ways, they remind him of his own culture, but in other ways, they seem almost entirely alien to him & this makes them extremely interesting. It puzzles & enthralls him that 2 different cultures that don't often interact can be so similar in certain ways, but so different in others. If they weren't such dogged Hyrule loyalists, he'd actually be quite the fan.
Knows a lot of little tidbits about the Sheikah & has even been trying to learn the language. Even had the robe he wears designed to meld the Sheikah haori design with Gerudo patterns & colors.
Though, he's not a weeaboo-level fan, thankfully.
Methyphile - Not an alcoholic, but very much appreciates the work that goes into making it & also enjoys indulging every once in a while. Doesn't drink excessively, but when he does drink, he prefers it to be the good, high-quality shit. As such, he tends to be a bit of a snob & has a refined palate when tasting. Actually, brews his own as a hobby. Also enjoys mixology.
Sweet Tooth - Actually quite enjoys sweets. Initially believes that cooking is servant work, but quickly changes his tune if his Darling is a good cook herself & he actually tries it. At which point, he becomes quite the fan of her cooking & especially enjoys indulging in the sweets she makes. Though, he's careful not to consume too much.
Teacher's Assistant - Ya'll saw how quickly Ashei roped Link into helping her teach the Voe & You class once she knew he had the Chief's vote of confidence! There's no damn way that the Gerudo of Wrath's time didn't do the same thing with him!
As a result, he actually learned quite a lot about what the Vaien actually think about men, as well as how to woo Gerudo Vaien specifically. Which, honestly? I think is exactly how he managed to get so many Gerudo to follow him into a coup against a much larger, much more powerful kingdom with far more resources & technology thousands of years more advanced than their own.
I'd bet my last Rupee that all those Gerudo? Ganondorf's fan club that he slowly built up throughout his tenure as the Voe & You class' teaching assistant & learned to manipulate & command to do his bidding.
Which actually makes him a hell of a lot more intimidating when you think about it. Just imagine what Sasuke Uchiha could've accomplished had he learned how to control the parasitic vampire-harpies that stalked him all through his youth!
Gambling Man/Calculated Risk Taker - Recall the fact that this Gdorf sent a swarm of Molduga to attack Hyruleans... who were standing on a mountain... So, the Molduga wouldn't have even been able to get to them, most likely. Because Molduga can only swim in sand.
However, instead of this being a legitimate attempt at invasion & him being a dumbass, I think that he actually used them to get information. To test their defenses & draw out their trump card.
The fact that Hyruleans & the Gerudo were at odds with each other at this time & based on implicate evidence in the original Japanese version, they likely hadn't been on good terms in a very long time either; it's likely that not many Hyruleans traveled to the desert during this era. Thus, it's possible that the fact that Molduga can't swim on solid earth might not have been common knowledge within Hyrule.
Which the Gerudo, especially Ganondorf as their King/Chief, who actively live in the desert & have most likely hunted Molduga many times before, would absolutely be aware of. As it’s one of the most viable ways to fight them.
If I'm correct, then Wrath was probably using them as cannon fodder by using their big & intimidating appearance as well as their large numbers to bait Rauru into showing his trump card. Because, to someone who didn’t live in the desert the way that the Gerudo did, how would you react if an entire swarm of these whale-sized assholes came at you like that? Personally, I'd panic & call the guy I had the most confidence in being able to know how to handle this.
Which is precisely what they did.
Ergo, I actually think he got exactly what he wanted from that encounter.
1) A bead on the locations of some of the Secret Stones as well as who might have them.
2) A gauge of how powerful they might be.
This is very much a possibility due to the fact that not only did he not in any way seem surprised by the fact that they were taken down so easily, nor was he surprised by the amount of damage that Rauru dealt, but also the fact that he said "the Zonai's Secret Stone." Meaning that he knew about them beforehand.
However, the fact that he was willing to risk looking like an idiot says that while he's a good strategist, he's willing to take a certain degree of risk.
As such, I'm gonna take this & run with it.
He actually very much enjoys both strategy games & luck-based games that involve bluffing or maintaining absolute control of his visage.
Because of this, I actually think that he might be a bit of a card shark & that he actually doesn't mind cheating every once in a while. Like, he'd rather not (because where's the fun in that), but he will.
Because of this, I see him being good with sleight-of-hand.
He'd probably enjoy playing strip poker with his Darling. Would also absolutely teach her how to hustle people.
Also enjoys making bets. And while he's okay with cheating, if he makes a bet & he loses, he's actually very firm on keeping to said bet. Though, he may use loopholes in the wording used, whether his or theirs.
Stuck in the Past - Before Rauru ascended the throne, the land that had once been & would be rehylened (ha!) Hyrule was at war with itself. During that time, Ganondorf thrived as he had known nothing else but battle his entire life. When Rauru brought with him an era of peace, Ganondorf was suddenly faced with change that he was not ready for. He began to scorn this peace & long for the time when he flourished most.
Uncomfortable With Change - A stubborn, bullheaded man who was most comfortable when he was fighting. So, he feels ill-fitted in this new, more peaceful era brought on by King Rauru of Hyrule. He believes that it has caused people to grow soft & complacent, but in truth, he's projecting his own fears about himself should conflict not return.
In a lot of ways, he doesn't really know how to adapt to not being always in combat. It sort of drove him stir crazy.
Like, fighting? He understood that. Conflict? Totally got it. War? May as well have been his middle name.
Peace, though? Does not understand. Has no idea how to function in such circumstances & just does not see any inherent value in it.
Doesn't realize that calm is every bit as necessary to life as conflict is. Because life, by its very nature, is in a constant state of flux & change. To remain in a singular state in infinitum is tantamount to inviting stagnation, entropy, & eventual destruction regardless of whether that state is peace or war.
Genocidal - I only just realized that this specific Ganondorf essentially & successfully, committed genocide.
Remember that there were only 2 full-blooded, non-draconified Zonai still alive at that time.
Phantom Ganon - The most outwardly like his Dorf out of all the PGs, being much more like an obedient, but selectively mute Kage Bushin.
If Wrath lusts for his Darling, then his PGs will lust for her just as much. It's only their obedience to their template that allows them to keep this fact hidden for as long as they do.
One of the PGs that can appear in multiple, so gangbangs are possible. Not to mention the use of Gloom Spawn, which these PGs can control to a degree.
Good Dad - Or at least he tries to be. He was raised in every life to be an evil overlord by some iteration of Kōme & Kotake or another. And they're just never… they're not good mothers in any respect, okay? Regardless, he loves his children with all his heart. Though, that doesn't mean he'd take it easy on them. He still wants them to be warriors & be able to stand on their own.
Evil Parents Want Good Kids - Initially, he's a Family That Slays Together-type, but as he falls in love with his Darling, his desires will shift dramatically, especially if he learns the truth of Kōme & Kotake. At which point, he'll live & breathe the Evil Parent Wants Good Kids trope.
Yes, he wants them to be strong warriors & be able to command respect, but he also doesn't want them to be pigeonholed into the position of tyrant like he was raised to be. He's one of the most likely to be able to manage this aside from Envy & Gluttony.
Though, it actually has very little to do with being good or bad & more so the fact that the tendencies his mothers encouraged in him just weren't healthy. Not to mention abusive. He refuses to put his children through that. Yes, he'll be tough on them, but never outright cruel.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
#legend of zelda#loz#lu#linked universe#characterization#oot ganondorf#coh ganondorf#tp ganondorf#ww ganondorf#fsa ganondorf#hw ganondorf#totk ganondorf
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I was thinking about how if Cole was in HW, Ganon wouldn't have any idea who he is and Cole wouldn't know who Ganon was either
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My top 5 favorite versions of ganondorf from the legend of Zelda
I’m going to be showing off a top 5 list and it’s going to feature one of my favorite video game villains, ganondorf. I’ll be showing my top 5 favorite versions of ganondorf, I wanted to do this since I’ve started to like the tears of the kingdom version of him. So without further ado, here we go.
1. Tears of the kingdom.

2. Hyrule warriors

3.twilight princess

4. Wind waker

5. Ocarina of time.

And so that was my top 5 favorite versions of ganondorf. I’ll probably do some fanart of my 5 favorite versions of Ganondorf sometime when I get the chance to do it.
#loz ganon#loz ganondorf#ganondorf#ganondorf dragmire#demon king ganondorf#totk ganondorf#oot ganondorf#ww ganondorf#tp ganondorf#hw ganondorf#top 5
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Fuck I’m still working on the Modern Dream! AU but now I have a HW! AU and-
Look, who remembers this show:

Now, here me out:
AU crossover with Wars as Randy and Mask as Howard. Wars having to fight monsters and shit while in 9th grade
And maybe Mask eventually joining in as the Fierce Deity who replaces the Tengu
I think the AU would be neat.
Also don’t know who to replace McFist with, and I’m trying to figure out is the Sorcerer would be Ganondorf or Cia
#hyrule warriors#hw link#majoras mask#mm link#hw cia#hw ganondorf#randy cunningham 9th grade ninja#randy cunnigham#rc9gn#rc9gn randy#rc9gn howard#rc9gn au#tengu#fierce deity#hw au
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A redraw of one of my doodles from my Analysing Princess Zelda series! You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2vqnfmw1s4ZdZs6odeUylKbUVpZ5Vy1h
Made in 2023
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
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@skyward-floored This is for you because your tags inspired me!!
"Get back!" She said, holding herself against the wall, slashing the air with a weak amount of golden power crackling.
It managed to drive the enemies away from Link. "No one touches him!" Zelda yelled in fury.
"Interesting." Ganondorf said. He towered above her, narrowing his eyes menacingly before smirking. In Zelda's eyes, it was like he could sense the fear underneath her fury. That made her fury burn even brighter.
"I've met many daring heroes and fair princesses yet, I don't think any of them even compare to the intrigue you cause me!" Ganondorf snorted out.
"The Daring Princess in Shining Armour coming to the rescue of the Fair Hero. Bravely played, princess Zelda but it's time to surrender." He continued, momentarily glancing toward Link.
Zelda immediately understood the silent threat. Surrender or he dies. "Never," she growled as she quickly drew her sword and charged.
Link's eyes widened with shock and concern as he snapped his head up to see Zelda in a swift fight against Ganondorf. "Get out of here," Zelda screamed "go regain your strength!"
He hesitantly complied with pressed lips as Proxi let out a soothing chime that Zelda didn't understand. They dashed away as fast as light before Ganondorf could properly react but when he did, he simply smirked once again, "stubborn to a fault, just like all of your ancestors."
Zelda felt her magic begin to crackle even harsher. It was like lightning, angry as it hones in on its target. She knew right then and there that she would do anything just to destroy this pig.
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#Legend of Zelda Series#hyrule warriors#ganondorf#hw ganondorf#hw ganondorf default#nintendo#nintendo switch#koei tecmo#liad post#screenshot#2025
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I like the idea of Ganondorf being able to turn off his brain with Yuga.
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They are each other's karma
#tloz#hyrule warriors#zant#ghirahim#ganondorf#i want to try hw but im not a fan of the gameplay#i liked age of calamity#but 3 hopes was so damn messy i couldnt finish it#so im torn between trying it or not
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I've been going back and replaying Hyrule Warriors (one of my favorite Zelda spinoff games) and I wanted to share some of the illustrations you can unlock in the game by collecting Gold Skulltulas on the different Adventure Maps. Here are the artwork you can unlock, the title for it and it's quest in the Rewards Map, and the map they belong to.

"True Parners", Story Mode

"Unity", Great Sea Map

"Chosen By Fate", Story Mode

"Those With the Wind", Grand Travels Map

"Rulers of Twilight", Twilight Map

"A Prayer Recieved", Master Wind Waker Map

"Guided By Courage", Lorule Map

"The Nightmare Closes In", Koholint Island Map

"Evil Power", Master Quest

"Boss Rush", Story Mode & Adventure Map
#the legend of zelda#hyrule warriors#ocarina of time#twilight princess#skyward sword#the wind waker#spirit tracks#link's awakening#a link between worlds#link#princess zelda#impa#darunia#princess ruto#midna#agitha#fi loz#tetra#medli#toon link#toon zelda#loz sheik#lana#hw linkle#zant#ghirahim#ganondorf#loz ganon#nintendo
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