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biofuelshvo · 2 years ago
Seacat Enterprise Transits To Triton Knoll On ‘Significantly Cleaner’ HVO Fuel
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Class-leading offshore energy support vessel (OESV) operator Seacat Services (Seacat) is pleased to announce that its vessel Seacat Enterprise has completed its journey to and first operational assignments at Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm using Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO).
Following a scheduled refit at the Alicat yard in Great Yarmouth, which saw Seacat Enterprise undergo a number of modifications, she was loaded with 8000 litres of HVO30 for her return trip to Grimsby and first days of operation. Her journey and first assignments were completed successfully, with all engines performing to expectation.
HVO is developed utilising waste oils derived from agricultural products, and as such has a markedly lower life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions profile than traditional marine gasoil (MGO) derived from fossil feedstocks. The reduced emissions profile of HVO fuel price, combined with its ability to blend almost seamlessly with MGO, thereby reduces total operational emissions in accordance with the volume of the blend. In loading Seacat Enterprise with HVO30 – wherein 30% of total fuel volume was HVO – Seacat has reduced CO2 emissions from the vessel’s transport and first operating days by 28%.
Offshore wind has become a focal point for a number of national decarbonisation programmes, both in the UK and worldwide. As the sector grows exponentially and comes under higher scrutiny for its ability to meet ambitious emissions reduction targets, operators are increasingly looking to their supply chains and service partners as a means of cutting further emissions from their operations.
The success and longevity of the sector now increasingly hinges on the ability of offshore wind suppliers – in particular vessel operators – to effectively balance reductions in emissions with the high standards of performance required to optimise output from offshore operations.
Commenting on the development, Ian Baylis, Managing Director, Seacat Services, said: “Seacat is committed to reducing our emissions profile as an organisation, and to setting the industry standard for environmental responsibility in the maritime supply chain. Updating Seacat Enterprise to the latest in high efficiency, high performance vessel design and running her effectively with HVO demonstrates to the industry what environmental improvements can be achieved now, with current technologies, while future solutions take shape.
“Up to 96% of emissions from the offshore wind support sector are generated while our vessels are under charter, during which time the fuel choice is specified by the customer. As offshore project owners and investors look to reduce emissions from their supply chains, we are proactive in supporting our charterers as they address this added pressure – and projects like this one prove what can be achieved with our vessels today.”
The design modifications made to Seacat Enterprise during her refit were specified by Seacat’s long-time vessel design partner, Chartwell Marine, and overseen by marine sustainability consultancy, Cedar Marine.
Speaking on the specification of the vessel, Owen Preece, Managing Director and Marine Surveyor at Cedar Marine, said: “Seacat’s commitment to maintaining a modernised fleet with the most current technologies available means Seacat Enterprise’s engines are well-suited to operating a broad range of distillate fuels with only minor modifications; in fact, HVO proves to be a closer specification to Seacat’s engines than traditional marine diesel.
“In keeping pace with leading vessel technologies, Seacat has thereby unlocked a means to generate considerable emissions savings across its entire fleet through the use of significantly cleaner alternative fuels. The emphasis is now on wind farm owners and charterers to support this shift on a more widespread and permanent basis – which in turn will improve the business case for use of these fuels.”
This test case for HVO is part of a range of efficiency measures Seacat is implementing across its operations and new build programme. In Q4 2020, Seacat placed double orders for the BARTech 30 and Chartwell 24 with FOSS – a pair of vessel designs that use hull form and foil optimisation to significantly reduce carbon emissions while maintaining operational performance.
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beritaindonesia78 · 1 day ago
Memadukan langkah mewujudkan energi bersih di Indonesia
 Oleh Sumarwoto
 Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024 18:16 WIB
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Cilacap (ANTARA) - Kondisi udara yang bersih dan bebas dari polusi merupakan impian semua orang, tidak hanya di Indonesia, tapi terjadi di seluruh dunia. Salah satu penyumbang polusi udara terbesar berupa emisi bahan bakar fosil.
Berdasarkan studi terbaru yang dipublikasikan menjelang Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Iklim Ke-28 (Conference of Parties/COP28) di Dubai pada Desember 2023 disebutkan bahwa polusi udara dari penggunaan bahan bakar fosil membunuh 5 juta orang di seluruh dunia setiap tahunnya.
Kondisi tersebut menjadikan masyarakat di seluruh dunia makin sadar terhadap dampak negatif dari penggunaan energi fosil sehingga  melakukan transisi menuju energi baru dan terbarukan merupakan keniscayaan. Demikian pula di Indonesia, Pemerintah telah membangun komitmen untuk bertransisi dari ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil menuju era energi baru terbarukan (EBT).
Komitmen tersebut dipertegas oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) saat KTT Iklim COP28. Dalam hal ini, Presiden Jokowi menyatakan bahwa Indonesia telah mempercepat ambisi transisi energi tersebut dengan, antara lain, memanfaatkan energi surya, angin, air, panas bumi, dan arus laut selain mempercepat pengembangan biodiesel, bioetanol, dan bioavtur.
Gayung bersambut dengan komitmen Pemerintah tersebut, PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai badan usaha milik negara yang bergerak dalam bidang energi berupaya memadukan langkah untuk mewujudkan energi bersih di Indonesia.
Berbagai upaya pun dilakukan oleh perusahaan pelat merah itu guna mewujudkan mewujudkan target pemerintah untuk bauran EBT 23 persen pada tahun 2025, salah satunya melalui "Green Refenery Cilacap" yang merupakan proyek strategis nasional di area kilang PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap.
Kilang "Green Refinery Cilacap" itu dapat memproduksi hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) atau bahan bakar dengan komponen nabati, juga memproduksi produk bionafta dan bioavtur (sustainable aviation fuel/SAF) yang berbahan baku minyak inti kelapa sawit yang telah dihaluskan (refined), diputihkan (bleached), dan dihilangkan baunya (deodorized) serta diolah bersamaan dengan avtur fosil melalui metode pemrosesan bersamaan (co-processing). Dalam hal ini, SAF merupakan bahan bakar alternatif untuk penerbangan komersial yang dapat mengurangi emisi karbon hingga 80 persen.
Terkait dengan produk bioavtur atau SAF di Kilang Pertamina Cilacap, Manager Engineering and Development (Engdev) PT KPI RU IV Cilacap Jefri A Simanjuntak mengatakan bahan bakar pesawat terbang itu terbuat dari refined  bleached deodorized palm kernel oil (RBDPO) sekitar 2,4 persen yang diproses bersama kerosin atau avtur sebesar 97,6 persen.
Dengan kata lain, RBDPO merupakan minyak kelapa sawit yang sudah melalui proses penyulingan untuk menghilangkan asam lemak bebas serta penjernihan untuk menghilangkan warna dan bau, sehingga ketika digunakan untuk SAF akan menjadi bahan bakar pesawat ramah lingkungan karena tingkat emisinya rendah.
Hal itu disebabkan kandungan sulfur pada RBDPKO nol persen, sehingga tidak menghasilkan H2S dan sebagainya. Dengan demikian, emisi yang dihasilkan bioavtur dengan nama Jet Avtur 2,4 (J2,4) lebih rendah dari avtur fosil, bahkan bioavtur J2,4 ke depan akan ditingkatkan lagi sampai ke J3,0 dengan menggunakan katalis produksi dalam negeri.
Bioavtur J2,4 yang telah memenuhi standar internasional untuk spesifikasi Avtur ASTM D 1655, Defstan 91-91 latest issued, serta Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Nomor 59 K Tahun 2022 itu pun sudah diujicobakan penggunaannya pada pesawat komersial, yakni Garuda Indonesia B737-800NG PK-GFX dengan mesin pesawat CFM56-7B pada bulan Oktober 2023.
Kendati demikian, bioavtur tersebut untuk sementara masih diproduksi sesuai dengan permintaan karena secara paralel Pertamina masih mencari pasar agar produksinya ke depan dapat terus berkelanjutan antara pasokan dan permintaan.
Selain itu, infrastruktur kilangnya juga harus siap termasuk dari sisi teknologinya, sehingga mampu memproduksi sekitar 6.000 barel per hari.
"Market-nya sedang disiapkan oleh teman-teman komersial dan trading. Tapi, untuk pembuatan secara massal, kita Kilang Cilacap sudah siap untuk memproduksi," tegas Jefri.
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Saat ini, bioavtur J2,4 hanya diproduksi di Kilang Cilacap namun Pertamina terus berbenah agar kilang lainnya dapat menghasilkan produk itu karena pemerintah mendorong Pertamina untuk menyiapkan bahan bakar yang ramah lingkungan. Seperti halnya di Kilang Balongan yang saat ini memproduksi biosolar B30 (bahan bakar yang merupakan campuran 30 persen biodiesel dan 70 persen solar), secara bertahap akan ditingkatkan ke B50 hingga B100.
Selain memproduksi bioavtur yang menggunakan minyak kelapa sawit, Kilang Cilacap saat sekarang juga mengembangkan bioavtur dari minyak jelantah. Proses produksi bioavtur dari minyak jelantah ini hampir sama dengan bioavtur yang terbuat dari RBDPKO.
Kendati Kilang Cilacap sudah siap untuk memproduksi bioavtur dari minyak jelantah, saat ini Pertamina masih berbenah untuk menyiapkan rantai pasokan minyak jelantah tersebut karena minyak goreng bekas pakai itu terlebih dahulu harus dikumpulkan dari rumah-rumah warga maupun restoran-restoran agar bisa memenuhi kapasitas produksi.
Jika bioavtur dari minyak jelantah itu bisa diproduksi secara massal, banyak keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh karena selain menghasilkan energi bersih, pemanfaatan minyak jelantah tersebut dapat mengatasi persoalan limbah rumah tangga maupun restoran.
Bahkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku produk bioavtur tidak perlu melakukan deforestasi atau pembukaan hutan untuk penanaman kelapa sawit karena selain menggunakan minyak sawit murni, proses produksi bahan bakar pesawat yang ramah lingkungan itu bisa memanfaatkan minyak jelantah yang notabene berasal dari minyak sawit.
Selain Bioavtur J2,4, Kilang Pertamina Cilacap juga memproduksi bahan bakar kapal rendah sulfur atau marine fuel oil low sulphur (MFOLS) yang memenuhi regulasi Marine Polution serta peraturan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan RI.
Produk MFO Low Sulphur yang menggantikan MFO High Sulfur ini menjadi bagian dari peran aktif Indonesia sebagai anggota Dewan International Maritime Organization (IMO) dalam hal perlindungan lingkungan maritim.
Berbagai produk bahan bakar ramah lingkungan yang dihasilkan Pertamina itu merupakan upaya memadukan langkah untuk mewujudkan energi bersih di Indonesia. Betapa menyehatkan ketika semua alat transportasi maupun mesin-mesin pabrik di negeri ini menggunakan bahan bakar yang ramah lingkungan
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chrismcdonald423 · 4 days ago
Europe Data Center Generator Market Landscape 2024-2029
The Europe data center generator market by investment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.33% from 2023 to 2029.
Data centers in the Europe data center generator market are increasingly turning to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) as a cleaner alternative to diesel for backup power. Notable examples include Green Mountain's 14 MW facility in the UK and AWS's Dublin and Sweden data centers, which began transitioning to HVO in 2023. This shift aligns with the industry's drive toward net-zero emissions.
New policies like the UK's Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard, introduced in 2023, are prompting data centers to adopt greener technologies. These regulations are influencing operational strategies, with more operators exploring hydrogen and renewable-based solutions to meet evolving emissions standards across Europe.
The EU Green Deal and local emission regulations are pushing data centers to invest in low-carbon backup generators. For example, Luxembourg's data center, acquired by Arcus Infrastructure Partners in December 2023, was designed with HVO-powered generators to comply with energy efficiency standards, aligning with the EU's 2050 climate neutrality goals.
Diesel remains the most common generator type for backup in the Europe data center generator market, with continued widespread use in 2023. For example, Equinix’s BX1 Bordeaux facility employs multiple diesel generators.
Fuel cells are currently being tested and implemented in various data centers as part of a shift towards more sustainable energy solutions. For instance, in 2023, NorthC installed Europe’s first green hydrogen-powered emergency backup system at its Groningen facility, while Microsoft is actively testing hydrogen fuel cells in its Dublin data centers, aiming to replace traditional generators.
Segmentation by System Capacity
0–1.5 MW
1.5–3 MW
>=3 MW
Segmentation by System
DRUPS Systems
Diesel, Gas & Bi-fuel Generators
HVO Fuel
Fuel Cells
Segmentation by Tier Standard
Tier I & II
Tier III
Tier IV
Western Europe has been at the forefront of the transition toward sustainable data center operations in the Europe data center generator market. Countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and France are leading the charge by introducing stricter environmental regulations, incentivizing the use of renewable fuels such as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), and pushing for carbon neutrality. Notable advancements include the integration of HVO-powered generators in large-scale facilities, such as AWS's Dublin and Sweden data centers and Green Mountain's new 14 MW facility in Romford, UK. The growing adoption of biofuels is driven by policies such as the EU Green Deal and national regulations like Germany's 2024 energy transition plan, which incentivize the replacement of diesel generators with hydrogen and battery storage systems.
While the Nordics have a highly reliable electricity grid, primarily powered by renewables, this poses a challenge for the traditional data center generator market. The reliance on hydropower and wind energy significantly reduces the need for diesel or gas generators. Many data centers are opting for renewable energy-based backup systems or exploring advanced energy storage solutions like battery backups. The push for microgrid systems, which utilize renewables and can operate independently from the main grid, is also gaining traction.
Central and Eastern Europe, particularly Russia and Poland, are highly sensitive to geopolitical risks, which have heightened the need for energy security. The region has experienced disruptions in energy supply due to political tensions and conflicts, making reliable backup power systems critical for data center operations. This has resulted in a surge in demand for diesel and natural gas-powered generators to ensure continuous uptime during grid failures and supports the Europe data center generator market growth.
Segmentation by Geography
Western Europe
The U.K.
Other Western European Countries
Finland & Iceland
Central & Eastern Europe
Other Central & Eastern Europe
Major operators are collaborating with energy firms to integrate biofuels into their backup power systems. In January 2023, Digital Realty partnered with Repsol in Spain to use biofuel for backup generators. This is part of a larger industry effort to reduce environmental impact and move away from traditional diesel, supported by initiatives like Kohler's HVO-powered factory in France.
Data centers are increasingly adopting automation and remote monitoring technologies to enhance operational efficiency and sustainability. Equinix, for instance, integrated Machine Learning (ML) into its data centers in 2023 to monitor power systems and generators. AI and robotic systems are expected to continue transforming data center operations, reducing manual oversight.
With rising digitalization and energy demands, European data centers are experiencing more power outages. For example, Microsoft's data center in the Netherlands faced an outage in October 2023 during a switch from grid power to backup generators.
Key Vendor Profiles
Generac Power Systems
HITEC Power Protection
Other Prominent Vendors
Atlas Copco
FG Wilson
Perkins Engines
HITZINGER Electric Power
Vital Power
Sustainable Generator Providers
Genesal Energy
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Aksa Power Generation
1. How big is the Europe data center generator market?
2. What is the growth rate of the Europe data center generator market?
3. How much MW of power capacity is expected to reach the Europe data center generator market by 2029?
Author Bio:
Chris McDonald is the Manager at Complete Connection, where he leads the development of cutting-edge solutions in web application development and emerging technologies like Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (RIS). He regularly writes about advancements in technology and how they can transform industries. If you’re interested in contributing your insights, visit our Write for Us Technology page to learn more about submitting guest articles on the latest in web development and tech innovations.
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lu-s-energy · 17 days ago
Towards better availability of HVO fuels in Europe?
Towards better availability of HVO fuels in Europe?
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priyanshisingh · 2 months ago
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Market Landscape: Trends, Drivers, and Forecast (2023-2032)
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The Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Market is projected to grow from USD 21,195 million in 2024 to USD 54,769.72 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.60%.
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), also known as renewable diesel or green diesel, is an advanced biofuel produced through the hydrogenation of vegetable oils or animal fats. Unlike traditional biodiesel, which is produced via transesterification, HVO undergoes a hydrotreatment process, which involves reacting the vegetable oil with hydrogen under high pressure and temperatures. This process removes oxygen and converts the oils into hydrocarbons, resulting in a fuel that is chemically similar to fossil diesel. HVO is gaining significant attention in the energy sector due to its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and its compatibility with existing diesel engines and infrastructure.
One of the key advantages of HVO is its drop-in capability, meaning it can be used directly in existing diesel engines without any modifications, unlike biodiesel which often requires blending with conventional diesel. This makes HVO an attractive option for industries such as transportation, logistics, and aviation, where the transition to low-carbon fuels is crucial but challenging due to the need for large-scale infrastructure changes. Moreover, HVO can be produced from a variety of feedstocks, including waste oils, animal fats, and non-food crops, making it a versatile and sustainable option for reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
HVO's environmental benefits are significant. It has a much lower carbon footprint compared to conventional diesel, with lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions reductions of up to 90%, depending on the feedstock used. This reduction is achieved because HVO is produced from renewable resources, and the CO2 released during combustion is offset by the CO2 absorbed by the plants during their growth. Additionally, HVO burns more cleanly than traditional diesel, resulting in lower emissions of particulates, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx), which are harmful to air quality and public health.
The market for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), also known as renewable diesel, is expanding rapidly as a result of growing environmental concerns, stringent regulations, and the global push towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A recent study on the HVO market highlights several key findings:
1. Rapid Market Growth
Expansion of Production Capacity: The HVO market is experiencing significant growth, with numerous new production facilities being developed worldwide. Major oil companies and renewable energy firms are investing heavily in expanding their HVO production capacity to meet increasing demand, particularly in Europe and North America. The market is expected to continue its rapid expansion over the coming years, driven by both regulatory mandates and voluntary corporate sustainability initiatives.
2. Governmental and Regulatory Support
Strong Policy Incentives: Governments across the globe are providing substantial policy support for HVO through mandates, subsidies, and incentives. In the European Union, policies like the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and national mandates for renewable fuels in transportation are significant drivers of HVO demand. Similarly, in the United States, programs such as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) provide strong incentives for HVO production and usage.
3. Environmental Benefits
Significant Emissions Reductions: HVO offers substantial greenhouse gas emissions reductions compared to conventional diesel. Depending on the feedstock used, HVO can reduce lifecycle emissions by up to 90%. Additionally, HVO burns more cleanly, producing lower levels of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx). These environmental benefits are a major factor driving its adoption, particularly in regions with stringent emissions regulations.
4. Feedstock Flexibility and Sustainability
Diverse Feedstock Sources: One of the key strengths of HVO is its ability to be produced from a wide range of feedstocks, including vegetable oils, waste oils, animal fats, and even algae. This feedstock flexibility allows producers to optimize production based on availability and cost, and to use more sustainable, non-food-based inputs, which reduces competition with food production and enhances the environmental credentials of HVO.
Sustainability Concerns: While HVO has strong sustainability potential, the study highlights concerns over feedstock availability and the need to ensure sustainable sourcing. As demand for HVO grows, the importance of sourcing feedstocks that do not contribute to deforestation, land-use change, or other negative environmental impacts is becoming increasingly critical.
5. Cost Challenges and Competitive Pricing
High Production Costs: The study finds that one of the main challenges for the HVO market is its relatively high production cost compared to conventional diesel and even other biofuels like traditional biodiesel. The hydrotreatment process requires significant capital investment and is energy-intensive, leading to higher overall production costs. This cost challenge may limit HVO's competitiveness, particularly in markets where fossil fuels are subsidized or where cost-sensitive sectors dominate.
Price Volatility: The market for HVO is also subject to price volatility, influenced by fluctuations in feedstock prices, energy costs, and changes in regulatory frameworks. Ensuring stable and competitive pricing is crucial for broader market adoption.
6. Market Segmentation and Applications
Transportation Sector Dominance: The transportation sector is the largest consumer of HVO, with significant usage in road transport, aviation, and marine applications. The study indicates that the heavy-duty transport and aviation sectors are particularly important markets for HVO due to their need for high-energy-density fuels that can directly replace fossil fuels without requiring significant changes to existing infrastructure.
Emerging Applications: Beyond transportation, the study identifies emerging applications for HVO in sectors such as power generation, where it can be used as a renewable alternative to diesel in backup power systems and remote power generation.
7. Key Market Players
Dominance of Major Oil Companies: The study highlights that major oil companies, such as Neste, TotalEnergies, and ENI, are leading the HVO market, leveraging their existing infrastructure and expertise in fuel production. These companies are increasingly focusing on renewable fuels as part of their strategies to reduce carbon footprints and transition to more sustainable energy sources.
Growth of Specialized Renewable Fuel Producers: In addition to large oil companies, specialized renewable fuel producers are also playing a significant role in the HVO market. These companies often focus on innovative production techniques, sustainable feedstock sourcing, and niche market applications.
8. Geographical Insights
Europe Leading the Market: Europe is currently the largest market for HVO, driven by strong regulatory support, ambitious climate targets, and a well-developed infrastructure for renewable fuels. Countries such as Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands are key producers and consumers of HVO, with extensive investments in production capacity.
Growth in North America and Asia-Pacific: The study notes significant growth potential in North America, particularly in the United States, where state-level regulations like California's LCFS are promoting HVO adoption. Additionally, the Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a key market, with growing interest in renewable fuels driven by both environmental concerns and energy security considerations.
9. Future Outlook
Positive Long-Term Prospects: The study concludes with a positive long-term outlook for the HVO market, driven by the global transition towards low-carbon and sustainable energy sources. While challenges related to cost and feedstock availability need to be addressed, the market is expected to continue expanding, with increasing investments in production capacity, technological advancements, and regulatory support.
Key Player Analysis
UPM Biofuels
Valero Energy
World Energy
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/hydrotreated-vegetable-oil-market
The Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) market is evolving rapidly, driven by the growing demand for sustainable energy solutions and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Several innovative trends are shaping the future of the HVO market, as companies and researchers seek to enhance production efficiency, expand feedstock options, and improve the environmental impact of this renewable fuel. Here are some of the key innovative trends in the HVO market:
1. Advanced Feedstock Utilization
Expansion of Non-Food Feedstocks: One of the most significant trends in the HVO market is the shift towards using non-food feedstocks, such as waste oils, animal fats, and residues from the agriculture and forestry sectors. These feedstocks not only reduce the competition with food production but also contribute to the circular economy by converting waste materials into valuable energy. Innovations in feedstock processing technologies are enabling the efficient conversion of these diverse and often challenging raw materials into high-quality HVO.
Algal Oils and Microbial Lipids: Research and development efforts are increasingly focused on the use of algal oils and microbial lipids as alternative feedstocks for HVO production. Algae, in particular, offers high yields of oil per acre and can be grown in non-arable land, making it a promising sustainable feedstock. The development of cost-effective cultivation and extraction methods for algal oils is a key area of innovation.
2. Improved Catalytic Processes
Catalyst Optimization: The hydrotreatment process used to produce HVO relies on catalysts to facilitate the chemical reactions that convert vegetable oils and fats into hydrocarbons. Innovations in catalyst design and materials are improving the efficiency of this process, leading to higher yields, reduced energy consumption, and lower production costs. These advancements are also helping to extend the lifespan of catalysts, reducing the frequency of replacements and the associated operational downtime.
Dual-Function Catalysts: Researchers are exploring the use of dual-function catalysts that can simultaneously perform both hydrotreatment and isomerization. This integration can streamline the production process, reduce costs, and produce HVO with improved cold flow properties, making it more suitable for use in colder climates.
3. Integration with Refining Infrastructure
Co-Processing with Fossil Fuels: A growing trend is the integration of HVO production into existing oil refineries through co-processing, where vegetable oils or waste fats are processed alongside conventional fossil fuels. This approach allows for the gradual introduction of renewable content into traditional fuel production streams, leveraging existing infrastructure while reducing the carbon intensity of the end products. Co-processing is seen as a cost-effective way to scale up HVO production and increase its market penetration.
Refinery Upgrades for Dedicated HVO Production: In addition to co-processing, some refineries are being upgraded or retrofitted to focus entirely on HVO production. These dedicated facilities are designed to optimize the production process for renewable diesel, incorporating advanced technologies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and increase feedstock flexibility.
4. Sustainability and Carbon Management
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU): To further enhance the sustainability of HVO production, companies are exploring the integration of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies. By capturing CO2 emissions from the production process and converting them into valuable products or storing them, HVO producers can reduce the overall carbon footprint of their operations. This trend is aligned with broader industry efforts to achieve net-zero emissions.
Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) Improvements: Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is becoming an increasingly important tool for evaluating the environmental impact of HVO production. Innovations in LCA methodologies are providing more accurate and comprehensive assessments, helping producers identify areas for improvement in feedstock sourcing, energy use, and emissions. These assessments are crucial for meeting regulatory requirements and enhancing the sustainability credentials of HVO.
5. Cold Weather Performance Enhancements
Improved Cold Flow Properties: One of the challenges of HVO is its performance in cold weather conditions, where fuel can gel and become less effective. Innovations in the isomerization process, which alters the molecular structure of the hydrocarbons, are helping to improve the cold flow properties of HVO. This makes the fuel more suitable for use in colder climates, expanding its applicability and market potential.
Additive Development: The development of specialized additives that can be blended with HVO to enhance its cold weather performance is another area of innovation. These additives help prevent gelling and improve the fuel's flow characteristics, ensuring reliable performance in all weather conditions.
6. Digitalization and Smart Manufacturing
Digital Twins and Process Optimization: The use of digital twins—virtual models of physical assets— is becoming more prevalent in the HVO production industry. These digital replicas allow operators to simulate and optimize production processes in real time, improving efficiency, reducing waste, and enhancing decision-making. By leveraging data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, HVO producers can continuously refine their operations to achieve better performance and lower costs.
Automation and IoT Integration: The integration of automation and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into HVO production facilities is driving operational efficiency and reducing human error. Automated systems can monitor and adjust production parameters in real time, ensuring consistent quality and optimizing energy use. IoT-enabled sensors and devices provide valuable data for predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of equipment.
7. Expansion of HVO Applications
Aviation Biofuels: The aviation industry is one of the largest contributors to global carbon emissions, and there is growing interest in using HVO as a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). HVO can be further refined to produce SAF, which meets the strict performance requirements of jet fuel. The development of HVO-based aviation biofuels is a key trend, driven by the need to decarbonize air travel and meet international climate goals.
Marine and Heavy-Duty Transport: HVO is increasingly being recognized as a viable alternative for reducing emissions in the marine and heavy-duty transport sectors. Its high energy density and compatibility with existing engines make it an attractive option for shipping companies and fleet operators looking to transition to low-carbon fuels. The expansion of HVO use in these sectors is supported by regulatory pressures and the growing availability of the fuel.
8. Collaborative Innovation and Industry Partnerships
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborative efforts between governments, industry players, and research institutions are driving innovation in the HVO market. Public-private partnerships are facilitating the development of new technologies, improving feedstock supply chains, and scaling up production capacity. These collaborations are essential for addressing the technical and economic challenges facing the HVO industry and for accelerating the transition to renewable fuels.
Industry Standards and Certifications: The development of industry standards and certifications for HVO is another trend that is helping to build trust and transparency in the market. Certifications related to feedstock sustainability, production processes, and greenhouse gas emissions reductions are becoming more common, providing assurance to consumers and regulators about the environmental benefits of HVO.
9. Consumer and Market Awareness
Increased Consumer Demand for Sustainable Fuels: As awareness of climate change and environmental issues grows, so does consumer demand for sustainable fuels. HVO, with its reduced carbon footprint and ability to integrate into existing infrastructure, is well-positioned to meet this demand. Companies are increasingly marketing HVO as a green alternative to traditional diesel, and consumer acceptance is helping to drive market growth.
Education and Advocacy: Industry stakeholders are investing in education and advocacy efforts to raise awareness of the benefits of HVO. This includes outreach to policymakers, businesses, and the general public to highlight the role of HVO in reducing emissions and transitioning to a sustainable energy future.
Based on Type:
Pure HVO
Based on Application:
Industrial Power Generator
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railwaysupply · 3 months ago
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tonymattblog · 6 months ago
Introducing the Next Generation of Fuel Testing: The IQT®-XLM Model
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Since 1998, the IQT® (Ignition Quality Tester) by CFR Engines Inc. has been essential in the petroleum industry, providing dependable diesel fuel certification and quality control. The newest version, the IQT XLM, advances this tradition with improved features and a smaller design, meeting the contemporary demands of refineries and test laboratories.
A Compact Powerhouse
The IQT®-XLM integrates the functions of its predecessors, the IQT-LM and IQT-TALM models, into a single, benchtop unit. This streamlined configuration delivers an efficient and user-friendly experience without sacrificing performance. Available as a benchtop unit or an Integrated Systems Module (ISM), the IQT®-XLM fits effortlessly into any laboratory environment.
Compliance and Versatility
The IQT®-XLM meets all current IQT test methods, complying with ASTM D6890, EN 15195, and IP 498 standards. It performs cetane measurements for various fuel types, including diesel, biodiesel blends, HVO, and GTL, making it versatile for international and national fuel specifications such as ASTM D975, ASTM D6751, and EN 590.
Speed and Efficiency
A notable feature of the IQT®-XLM is its rapid testing capability, providing results in under 20 minutes per sample. Its design supports continuous 24/7 operation, ideal for high-demand settings. The instrument includes automated control for injection nozzle and combustion sensor temperatures, simplifying the testing process.
User-Friendly Interface
The IQT®-XLM features a touchscreen-compatible interface supporting multiple languages, enhancing global accessibility. The main system operating screen displays large, color-coded bar graphs, allowing users to monitor the instrument's status and test progress from a distance.
Advanced Software Capabilities
The IQT®-XLM's software simplifies calibration and diagnostics, offering advanced diagnostics for condition-based maintenance. This ensures peak operating condition, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
Precision and Reliability
Precision is central to the IQT®-XLM's design. The High Precision Fuel Injection System (HP-FIS) uses modern injection technology to deliver accurate results, reducing test variability and increasing data reliability. This technology can be upgraded for older IQT systems, allowing existing equipment to benefit from the latest advancements.
Comprehensive Measurement Range
The IQT®-XLM provides detailed measurement results, including ignition delay and Derived Cetane Number (DCN). Its measurement range spans from 31.5 to 75.1 DCN, compliant with ASTM D6890, and up to 81.1 DCN according to EN 15195 standards, suitable for a wide array of applications.
Simplified Maintenance and Safety
The instrument includes an integral cooling system with a built-in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), ensuring over 3.5 hours of run time for the cooling system and computer during power interruptions. The positive pressure cabinet ventilation prevents flammable vapors from entering, enhancing safety.
Global Standards Association
The IQT®-XLM is associated with numerous global test standards, reflecting its industry acceptance and reliability. This ensures your testing and certification processes meet international benchmarks, providing consistency in results.
The IQT®-XLM represents the pinnacle of fuel testing technology, offering unmatched precision, efficiency, and user-friendliness in a compact design. Ideal for refineries and test laboratories, the IQT®-XLM is the solution for modern fuel quality control and certification needs. Embrace the future of fuel testing with the IQT®-XLM to ensure compliance, efficiency, and precision in your operations.
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us281trktrl · 6 months ago
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2015 John Deere 318 E for sale at our truck and trailer shop in Edinburg, South Texas.
Are you looking for a reliable skid steer loader? Check out our 2015 John Deere 318E, packed with good specs and ready to tackle any job! This machine is equipped with a Yanmar Cat C4.4 ACERT engine, featuring a 4.2-inch bore, 269 cubic inches of displacement, and 63 horsepower, all while meeting Tier 4 emissions certification standards. The drive system boasts a dry dual element with turbocharged and intercooled aspiration, ensuring optimal performance.
Operating at a maximum speed of 10.1 mph, this skid steer loader has a fuel capacity of 20.1 gallons and a hydraulic system fluid capacity of 18 gallons. It rolls on 10 x 16.5 8 PR SKS Extra Wall Heavy Duty tyres, providing excellent durability. The dimensions are equally impressive, with a length of 9.36 feet without the bucket and 11.39 feet with the bucket. The wheelbase measures 3.71 feet, the ground clearance is 7.49 inches, and the reach at max lift and dump is 37.8 inches. Additionally, it has a 26° angle of departure, a turning radius of 6.67 feet, and stands at 77.96 inches to the top of the ROPS.
This 2015 John Deere 318E is perfect for all your heavy-duty needs, offering top-tier performance and durability. Whether it's for construction, landscaping, or agricultural work, this machine is built to handle it all.
Contact Jorge Lopez at (956) 293-9896 to make this John Deere 318E yours.
Check more images through this link- https://mcallen.craigslist.org/hvo/d/edinburg-2015-john-deere-318-for-sale/7747251763.html
Visit Our Website- https://www.us281trucktrailerservices.com
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months ago
British Airways is soaring towards a greener future with a multi-million-pound investment in sustainable ground operations at London Heathrow Airport. This ambitious initiative signifies the airline's unwavering commitment to reducing its environmental footprint, not just in the skies, but also on the ground. A Multi-Pronged Approach to Greener Ground Operations The multi-faceted plan focuses on replacing traditional, fossil-fuel-powered ground support equipment with cleaner alternatives. Here's a closer look at the key components of this green transformation: Embracing HVO Fuel: Over 90% of British Airways' ground equipment at Heathrow is already using cleaner burning options. This includes a significant shift towards Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel, a sustainable alternative to conventional diesel. HVO is expected to contribute to a reduction of over 6,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually – equivalent to removing more than 8,000 round-trip economy flights between London and New York! Electrifying Passenger Steps: British Airways is phasing out diesel-powered passenger boarding stairs, replacing them with electric alternatives. This move is projected to cut fuel consumption by over 370 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, which translates to the environmental benefit of eliminating more than 500 round-trip economy flights between London and New York. Many of these electric units will be operational by the end of 2024. Hybrid Power for Cargo Handling: The airline is bidding farewell to its fleet of diesel-powered cargo loaders, opting for hybrid electric models instead. This shift promises greater efficiency and a significant reduction in emissions. Efficient Electric Baggage Tugs: British Airways is significantly boosting its electric baggage tug fleet, introducing 135 new units. These tugs boast advanced battery and charging technology, utilizing lithium-ion batteries for reduced energy consumption and a 30% CO2 reduction compared to traditional lead-acid batteries. Additionally, the airline is committed to responsible battery recycling at the end of its lifespan. Electrifying Passenger Buses: Recognizing the environmental impact of ground transportation, British Airways is gradually phasing out its entire fleet of diesel passenger buses over the next two years. This plan involves replacing 23 buses with fully electric models, while the remaining 15 will operate on HVO fuel. A dedicated charging park at Heathrow is currently under development to support the electric buses. This shift is expected to save an estimated 800 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, contributing to cleaner air around Heathrow. British Airways' Environmental Leadership Quotes: Tom Moran, British Airways' Director of Heathrow: "Our focus isn't just about reducing emissions in the air, but on the ground too. This major investment... is part of our wider environmental objective to minimize emissions... We're proud of the work we are doing..." Carrie Harris, British Airways' Director of Sustainability: "I am incredibly proud of this project... This investment demonstrates our ongoing commitment to making improvements..." These improvements align with British Airways' broader £7 billion investment plan aimed at transforming various aspects of its business over the next three years. Notably, this initiative builds upon previous efforts to reduce ground emissions, such as introducing electric and hybrid vehicles for airside staff transportation, employing remote-controlled pushback vehicles for short-haul flights, and utilizing ground power units for parked aircraft at Heathrow. British Airways Takes Responsibility for a Sustainable Future British Airways' commitment to sustainable ground operations at Heathrow showcases the airline's dedication to environmental responsibility. This multi-pronged approach, encompassing a shift towards HVO fuel, electric and hybrid ground equipment, and a complete overhaul of the passenger bus fleet, represents a significant step towards a greener future for air travel. By prioritizing sustainability, British Airways demonstrates its leadership within the industry and its commitment to minimizing its environmental impact for the benefit of travelers and the planet. FAQs: Q: What is HVO fuel? A: Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) is a renewable and sustainable alternative to conventional diesel fuel. It is produced from vegetable oils and fats and offers a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Q: How many electric baggage tugs is British Airways introducing? A: British Airways is adding 135 new electric baggage tugs to its fleet at Heathrow. Q: When will all the electric passenger boarding stairs be operational? A: Many of the electric passenger boarding stairs are expected to be fully operational by the end of 2024. Q: How will the transition to green vehicles impact emissions? A: Transitioning to eco-friendly vehicles and equipment is expected to significantly reduce carbon emissions, contributing to British Airways' sustainability objectives. Q: What are the environmental benefits of electric baggage tugs? A: Electric baggage tugs utilize advanced battery technology to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions compared to traditional models, promoting environmental conservation.
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palmoilnews · 11 months ago
MONACO, MALAYSIA COULD EXPLORE USING PALM OIL BIOFUEL IN YACHTING INDUSTRY KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 (Bernama) –- Monaco and Malaysia should explore opportunities using palm oil biofuel in the leisure marine industry, said chief executive officer of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Olivier Wenden. This would be in line with the global environmental, sustainability and governance direction to reduce and replace fossil fuel usage with a green option. The principality, nestled along the French Riviera, is known as a yachting hub amid the evolving industry as it establishes itself as a leader with a number of initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact brought about by yachting. Simultaneously, there has been a lot of talk about new technologies and green fuels, such as palm oil-based biofuel, as a means of decarbonising the superyacht industry. The usage of second-generation biofuels such as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) from palm oil mill effluents can be particularly interesting for the two major palm oil producers Malaysia and Indonesia. “We are very keen to explore in depth (on palm oil biofuel), in the mix (fuel) and in the biomass,” he told Bernama in conjunction with Prince Albert II’s first state visit to Malaysia. However, Wenden said a holistic approach is needed as climate issues move in tandem with ocean and biodiversity matters. Malaysia has established policies towards sustainable oil palm cultivation, which comprise, among others, a cap of 6.5 million hectares under oil palm cultivation; it is steadfast in its commitment to sustaining the current land use status quo. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, who is also Plantation and Commodities Minister, recently told the media that there will be no new land clearing or deforestation for oil palm plantations. Previously, Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz said Malaysia is committed to working with Monaco to foster a robust partnership towards sustainable economic growth. Tengku Zafrul said it is important for Malaysia and Monaco to continue to engage each other at all levels, particularly in expanding business prospects, while mitigating global geopolitical dynamics and tapping into the good bilateral ties nurtured under the dynamic leadership of both countries. The Prince Albert II foundation has launched ReOcean, a private equity fund dedicated to life below water, one of 17 sustainable development goals established by the United Nations. “The fund will invest in five sectors that collectively unlock the regenerative potential of the ocean: solutions to plastic pollution; healthy, regenerative, and equitable blue food; green shipping and yachting; restoration and protection; and ocean data,” Welden said.
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compassenergy · 1 year ago
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AGCO Power Unveils Innovative Solutions to Reduce Agricultural Emissions
Key Takeaways AGCO Power, part of AGCO Corporation, has revealed a range of solutions aimed at reducing agricultural emissions. The company is developing off-road solutions using battery electric, hydrogen, methane, and methanol. AGCO Power’s existing engines are compatible with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) diesel fuel, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75%–95%. The company will…
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1-2-3-4-4498-0 · 1 year ago
Emission-Free Diesel: The Promise of Green Fuel
Green diesel, also referred to as biodiesel, is a clean and renewable alternative fuel, which has similar molecular structure as petroleum and diesel, but offers superior quality. It is used as an alternative or is blended together with petroleum and diesel.
Green diesel market is a branched, paraffin-based product produced by hydrotreating triglycerides, found in vegetable oils with hydrogen. The hydrotreating reaction is a combination of three key reactions, hydrodeoxygenation for removal of oxygen, decarbonylation for removal of carbon monoxide & water, and decarboxylation for removal of carbon dioxide. Green diesel is more economical in comparison to petroleum and produces less pollutants. Owing to these benefits, it finds its application in various industries such as food & beverage and oil & gas across the globe.
COVID-19 scenario analysis
The novel coronavirus outbreak has negatively impacted the global economy. The impact is particularly acute on the overall fuel market. As all the countries are imposing restrictions on international travel and local movement of people to reduce the spread of the infection, the demand for fuels and green diesel has declined drastically.
In addition, most of the manufacturing units are not performing with full capacity due to the decrease in demand, which has led to low energy requirement. As a result the demand for green diesel has declined, hampering the growth of the global market.
Top impacting factors: market scenario analysis, trends, drivers, and impact analysis
Rise in environmental concerns and surge in demand for clean energy significantly contribute toward the growth of the global green diesel market all over the world. In addition, steady development of the automotive industry boosts the market growth. Moreover, easy availability of feedstock supports the growth of the market. However, fluctuation in prices of the feedstock is expected hamper the market. Thus, key manufacturers have incorporated hydrated vegetable oil (HVO) techniques in the production process, as it yields valuable by-products in comparison to the traditional method.
The global green diesel market trends are as follows:
Acceptance of eco-friendly fuel
Diesel fuels with high cetane number provides better performance, however, the use of diesel fueled engines leads to emission of harmful oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon, which are hazardous to the ecosystem and the environment. On the contrary, studies have revealed that there is no emission of harmful gasses nor any release of non-combusted fuel into the environment while using green diesel, which boosts its demand globally, thereby driving the market growth. Moreover, rise in consumer awareness toward a cleaner environment and the benefits of green diesel have led to its adoption worldwide.
Green diesel is proving to be more economic
Several countries in the world depend upon the import of crude oil to meet the increasing demand for diesel fuels. With the rise in crude oil prices, the demand for green diesel is expected to witness a steady growth to cater to the need for clean and renewable sources of energy across the globe. Easy access to renewable raw materials make it possible for any country to manufacture green diesel instead of depending on the imports of crude oil. Moreover, the governments of developed and developing countries have mandated the blending of biodiesel with diesel fuels, which boosted the demands for green diesel across the globe.
Key benefits of the report
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global green diesel industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global green diesel market share.
The current market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight the global green diesel market growth scenario.
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market.
The report provides a detailed market analysis depending on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in coming years.
Key Market Players : INEOS, Diester Industries, Cargill Incorporated, Neste Oyj, Wilmar International Ltd, BIOX Corporation, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.,, Repsol S.A., Bunge limited
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globalrailfan · 1 year ago
Colas Rail trials HVO fuel for a loco, crane and tampers
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railwaysupply · 1 year ago
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f1 · 1 year ago
F1 set to debut a revolutionary energy generation system in Austria
F1 set to debut a revolutionary energy generation system in Austria By Balazs Szabo on 29 Jun 2023, 21:00 Marking the latest innovation by the sport to introduce more sustainable solutions as part of its efforts to reach Net Zero by 2030, Formula 1 and DHL have today announced. The trial is being rolled out as F1 continues to explore sustainable solutions to power events in the future, as part of its wider strategy to reach Net Zero by 2030. The sport has already introduced several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint through operation changes and technological innovations. This includes the DHL’s new biofueled trucks which deliver the European leg of the 2023 season and are expected to achieve a reduction of 60% compared to the use of traditional fuel. Moreover, the use of biofuels to power the ETC, TV compound and the rest of the technical generators are planned at nine races throughout this season. The trial of a battery power solution for the TV compound at the Spanish Grand Prix resulted in a 42% reduction in energy generated from diesel, reducing the generator run time from 24 hours to approximately 3 hours per day. At Round 9 of the 2023 FIA Formula One World Championship, a low-carbon system will be used to power all garages and motorhomes belonging to F1, F1 Teams, and the FIA, as well as the Pit Wall, the Timing Room, and the Formula 1 Event Technical Centre (ETC) where the at-track broadcast operations are housed. The new energy system is expected to lead to an estimated 90% carbon reduction of the operation of Paddock, Pitlane and F1 broadcast area, in comparison to last year’s Austrian Grand Prix. The revolutionary energy system is set to produce enough energy to meet peak and continuous demand over the race weekend and will be powered by more sustainable sources, including a hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) biofuel and 600m2 of solar panels on the inner field of the final corner at the Red Bull Ring, that will provide an estimated 2.5MWh of energy across the event. Head of ESG Ellen Jones commented: “Formula 1's approach to driving innovation that creates meaningful impact and influence on the wider world goes beyond hybrid engines and sustainable fuels. “This approach drives everything we do including how we run our own operations, and the trial in Austria is the latest example of this, demonstrating the commitment from Formula 1 and key stakeholders to develop new ways of working. Using the latest technology and innovations, we’re continuing to explore new opportunities to deliver events in a more sustainable way to reduce our carbon footprint.” F1’s Logistics Director Ian Stone said: “This energy trial is the latest push for more sustainable operations, which feeds into our overall goal of being Net Zero by 2030 and shows the desire across the paddock from key stakeholders, who have bought into the ambition and understanding of why it is important too. “There’s not only the obvious benefit of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, but logistically it offers us the opportunity to create a more streamlined approach to powering Grand Prix events.” via F1Technical.net . Motorsport news https://www.f1technical.net/news/
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