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cryptxdkxng-archive-blog · 7 years ago
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While he was calm in the way he sat in the examination room in the clinic, there was a look of concern on his face as he held Betsy close to his side. When the doctor/vet/whatever the guy wanted to call himself walked in, Robert nodded toward his dog. “She hasn’t been eating and I don’t know why? It’s starting to worry me.” 
@hvmanmachine liked for new icons.
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steelsworn · 8 years ago
@hvmanmachine | cont...
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He glances quietly at Shaun with a tilt of his head before he averts his gaze momentarily, shoulders slumping as he tilts his head back, he should have expected that to be the other man’s response given the circumstances but forthcoming wasn’t generally his strong suit with much of anything really.
“Does it matter ?”
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starlingofthevoid-blog · 8 years ago
The interests of those in high society rarely changed. Regardless of who was hosting, whatever soirée he would end up attending always remained the same. They flocked to people in the public eye, men and women made celebrities due to their wealth or the factories they owned. Gossiping about the latest scandal, affairs or secret rituals done for amusement.
So terribly boring.
But Atticus wasn’t attending for entertainment or to fill some social quota. He had been informed that his beneficiary, Shaun Marlyn, was also attending the evening party of a well known doctor. The host was unimportant. Shaun had his priority.
Locating him wasn’t very difficult. Atticus only had to stray from the common gatherings to find the other man, solitary with his rat on his shoulder. He had been told the labrat Ratjana was one of the first survivors, and had gained Shaun’s favor from her success.
Wandering outside under the pretense of desiring fresh air, he wandered along until spying his objective near the end of a buffet table. Unsurprisingly, there were few people outside. He lit up the end of a cigarette and stood downwind of the other man before approaching, exhaling smoke as he began to speak.
“You’re the Marlyn boy, aren’t you?” he asked, deciding to work the angle of a curious admirer. “Fancy seeing you here. I heard you were attending, but I didn’t really believe it.”
He took a drag, blowing smoke over his shoulder and away from Shaun before offering his hand.
“Atticus Starling,” he said. “I’ve been hoping to run into you for some time now.”
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selfmedicatingmayor · 8 years ago
@hvmanmachine | Continued from here
Shaun started coughing, putting the glass of wine down before hitting his chest, trying to not choke to death just because of a comment from the man beside him. It was enough to make Ratjana, which was on his shoulder like always squeak in protest.
“I’m… I’m rather certain one should not talk like that about the daughter of a Lord, but… I will neither say you are entirely wrong with your assumption…”
A smirk tugged at the redhead’s lips at that reaction, a soft chuckle escaping. By this point, Hancock had been to more than enough of these parties to know gossip and jabbing at the other nobles was the way to fit in–– along with swiping items from the host–– but if this guy wasn’t interested in any of that, perhaps a topic change was in order. Hell, he might even be interesting compared to the rest of the idiots at this party.
“Heh, you ain’t like the rest of the people here, are ya? Anyone else would’a jumped at the chance to poke fun. What’s your story, brother?”
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eoleolhan-a · 8 years ago
hvmanmachine replied to your post: why bethesda should make a fallout game set in...
thats the name of my new band thank u
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rakyatleader-archive-blog · 8 years ago
When Citra finally comes to, her initial reaction is panic. This isn’t where she passed out... In fact, it’s the exact opposite of those crumbling ruins she had managed to drag herself into before everything had gone dark. 
Turning her head as she takes in the unfamiliar surroundings, disoriented brain trying to frantically piece together how she had managed to get her, she tenses when she spots the man standing next to her. Without a second thought, she tries to reach for her pistol, only to discover two things in that moment. One, her pistol is no longer in the holster at her side and two, her hand is handcuffed to one side of the bed. 
She tugs at the cuff, testing for any weaknesses, but unfortunately it holds strong, only spurring her panic that much further. Her eyes immediately go back to the man standing at her bedside. “Who are you? Where am I?” She demands. 
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mayhemics · 8 years ago
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i’ll swallow my blood before i swallow my pride.
modern!shaun aesthetic for @hvmanmachine.
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lyoniiisms · 8 years ago
What are Sarah's greatest differences from her time in DC to ten years later in appearance?
In the 10 years between the the capital wasteland and the Commonwealth her appearance has changed via the following: 
She has a multitude of knife wounds across her chest and abdomen from her initial assassination. 
Her hair is lighter due to sun exposure and is instead in a pony-tail rather than a bun. 
She is leaner, as she has had to scavenge for food and supplies without the aid of a group and power armor. 
There is a burn scar up her left thigh and abdomen from a mishap with an enemy fat-man.
She also has issues with her sight, finding it difficult to aim or perform certain distant tasks such as calibration or occasionally writing. 
Her skin has also taken on a tan tone, rather than a peachy white
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enclaveassh0le · 8 years ago
“Sitting around with your fucking thumb up your ass.
So basically your future is more of now. Huh?” 
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Tristan has some varied romances What is one thing the mun and muse love about each of them and what is one thing they think will be struggles in them?
Beverly: @noseblxxd
What Tristan likes most about her:  She’s a genuinely sweet and gentle person. And was basically one of the first people he really interacted with in DC who wasn’t trying to use him.
What I like: Bev’s relationship with Tristan is multi-layered and complicated Plus I think they interaction is very reflective of just how comfortable they are. They a married couple- but they’re also the best of friends. And they def act on it.
Raserei  @wolf-at-worlds-end
What Tristan likes: Ras stimulates Tristan mentally pretty much all the time. They have a lot of in-depth conversations and Ras doesn’t just shut him down or outright judge him.
What I like: They have similar pasts (both coming from extreme abuse and escaping from slavery) but have clearly diverged into very different people. I like the fact that they can pick up on when to ask questions and when to leave things alone based off their own experiences. Rasereri certainly does understand Tristan’s trauma. And why he refuses to just talk about it with most people.
Shaun  @hvmanmachine
What Tristan likes: He basically idolizes what Shaun represents as “the” advanced faction of the Commonwealth. But on a more personal level, he’s attracted to Shaun’s sweetness. He describes it as “warmth” all the time but he basically associates Shaun with a feeling of ease and comfort. Even though they’re both dangerous faction leaders he feels safe around Shaun.
What I like: Their relationship is basically innocent. It’s one of the only instances where I felt like Tristan fell in love without completely realizing it and that works because he was just lost in the experience of bonding with Shaun and finally having someone who felt like both a political and social equal. 
Gwyn  @atomsandnothingness
What Tristan likes: Gwyn’s a sweet lil’ lady who tolerates his obsession with work and doesn’t shrink away from all the bizarre nuances of his life. lmao They’re together in an au where Tristan is a lot more reclusive and his work makes him just expect people to assume the worst about him. Gwyn continuously staying and just remaining cheerful through all the odd instance they have is something he loves. 
What I like: They don’t get together in the “typical” way and their relationship gets complicated but they don’t fight or just pick at one another over it. They talk out the issues like adults. It’s great having a ship where it feels like the couple is mentally on the same page about a lot of things.
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grandzealot · 8 years ago
@hvmanmachine replied to your post: “sORRY IF THESE ARE ALL AWFUL i rly struggle with sketching quickly and...”:
shush it looks great
(( u say that now but wait till u see shauns scrambled egg lookign face when this ones done lol orz ))
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selfmedicatingmayor · 8 years ago
hvmanmachine replied to your post: hvmanmachine replied to your photo: ...
also the chill behavior, just chilling on ur window, no big deal
//don’t let him fool you hancock has no chill lolol
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ode-of-odr-archive · 8 years ago
Okay last one and I will make this one non rp one as well:
I don’t like ketchup. Like I don’t know how unpopular this is, but I just can’t stand the stuff. All it does is cover the flavor of whatever you put it on or add it too. It’s something you use to hide the fact something taste like ass. It enhances nothing.
There is a reason McDonald’s lathers their hamburgers in that mustard. It’s to hide the non-existent taste of their food. 
I’ve gotten to the point I almost dislike it as much as I do mayo. 
Please stop adding it to everything and ruining good food with it. Don’t insult good cooks like that. 
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        “I have wondered something if you would not mind humoring me for a moment or two-
Why is it that the Institute never attempted to reach beyond the Commonwealth before? I came from DC before settling here. And in my travels, I did not hear whispers of this place, or of you, before I set foot in Boston.”
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steelsworn · 8 years ago
Shaun: :| Shaun: u really like spending time with me huh? Jamie: I don't see u complaining. Shaun: Are you just ignoring all the times I told you to stop getting injured or...? Jamie: Is this ur way of complaining u want to see me not hurt Jamie: bc if u want I could come to u only lightly maimed @hvmanmachine This is some quality conversation right here :')
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xviperinae-archive · 8 years ago
hvmanmachine replied to your post: hvmanmachine replied to your post: ...
I stayed away from any game spoilers so I only like today realized it’s already released this month ID I think XBox and PS4 get to play earlier sobs
{I went into the tags today, and this will be the last time I do that, because people on Origins gets to play it in two days, so there will be spoilers so now I can not go in there any more.
I want to know nothing. I want to go in blind and just enjoy it.}
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