#hvitserk x reader fluff
underscorewriting · 1 year
Hello !
How are you doing?
Could you make a one shot where your the ragnarsons little sister ( your 5 yrs old and ragnar and a witches daughter ) and they don't know you exist but you come with bjorn from a raid and you meet them andyou just capture everyones heart .
And you give hope to the people of kattegat because you are a powefull witch and they think you are a god
Maybe they find out your powers when you save someone from death with your powers?
Thank you!
Oh my god, I love that idea!! Sorry that it took me sooo long to write this, but here it is now!! ^^ I kinda changed it a bit, hopefully you don't mind too much!! :)
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The lost daughter
Brother!Ragnarssons x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sigurd being a dick, Angst?
Words: 2.414 (think this one's my longest story!!)
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Emotions were all she ever knew. Bad ones, painful ones. She didn't understand why she felt them so intense, whenever something happened. People usually got hurt very badly if she got upset. A little girl that could kill people in the most torturous way possible, without even having to move a single finger or having the thought in mind.
The town she lived in always said that her "witch" of a mother was the reason behind this cursed child. They tried hurting her but she ran, she ran straight into a group of men. No not just men, women were there too. Women she couldn't help but stare at. None of the people in her town looked like them.
Her town was called Wessex, rumors were that in the earlier years, vikings have already been there, even had a deal with the great king Ecgberht. But that was years ago, way before the little girl was even born.
The man in front of the group smirked slightly before he leaned down to her height. "Now who might you be? You wouldn't know where a witch named Meredith lives, would you?" The man studied her features, each one identical to her mothers, except the ocean blue eyes. A feature left from her father.
Taking a step back she tripped over her own leg only to be caught by the man in front of her. He wore his hair in a braid and his beard was longer than she ever saw anyone wear. His eyes didn't hold any danger in them, maybe curiosity, but nothing she had to be scared of. Calming her nerves slightly she stood up straight again.
"witch?" She tilted her head confused, not understanding what that word really meant, only hearing it when someone insulted her mother. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "My momma was no witch! She was a healer and helped lots of people!" Pushing away from him, she heard something snap behind the man.
A man holding his arm, which was twisted in a weird angle. The man was screaming in pain as his legs twisted as well, painfully bringing him to his death. It took the little girl some time to snap out of her emotions and look over to the man, only to gasp at the state of the man.
Covering her eyes quickly with her hands she turned away, a quiet sob escaping her. The other men gasped in fear, she had to be blessed by the gods they thought. "By the gods it is true!" The man with the braid laughed and pulled her into his chest. "You are coming home with us, little one. Bet you want to meet your family!" Peeking through her fingers she nervously chewed her lip. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, but her momma once told her a story about a man she could always trust if he ever came to her. A man named Ragnar Lothbrok.
The man, who was carrying her, didn't look exactly how her mother explained, but his icy blue eyes reminded her of him. "Are you Ragnar Lothbrok?" Her voice came out in a whisper as she held onto him. A laugh rumbled in his chest as he put her down on the boat. "I am his son, Björn Ironside. My father and I were often here in Wessex, he met a woman, a healer he used to tease by calling her a witch, they shared a bed and later on rumors spread, that she was with his child. You. I am your brother, we're going to Kattegat, our fathers home. Our home."
Confusion settled in the little girls chest, she didn't fully believe him, but somehow she thought she could trust him. The hope of having a family battling the fear of getting killed or worse.
They traveled for months on no end, the little witch started to enjoy the sea. She learned many things thanks to her brother. The gods became her favorite topic, next to her having four more brothers back at home. Giggling she ran over to Björn. "Brother! When will we arrive?" Excitement settled in her bones as she held onto his hand, looking up to him with wide eyes. Björn couldn't help but smile slightly at how excited she was. "We will arrive soon, look."
When she looked into the distant she saw land becoming bigger, they were close, just about to reach it. She was nervous, he had warned her about how different each brother is, but she was excited. Excited to see a family she longed for. Excited for a land that would also belong to her in some way.
As they arrived she was nervous, people looked at her weirdly, making her scared that she might hurt someone. Björn was walking in the front with her, three men waiting for them in a big hall. The girl had already heard a lot about them and could easily tell who each one of them was. But one wasn't here, she was disappointed.
The men looked at Björn confused. "Welcome home, brother. I see you did not return alone, who is that child?" Ubbe smiled slightly walking up to them. "She's our sister. Father laid with a woman from Wessex, she was a healer I got to know her a bit." The little girl started fidgeting with her hands, trying to release some of her stress. Ubbes eyes found hers, she could only see kindness in them.
A chuckle came from where the other two stood, the blonde man laughing at how ridicules this sounded. "Be serious, brother. You couldn't possibly believe something that stupid." Sigurd was being gruesome, looking at the child in disgust at how her clothes looked. She was no child of Ragnar for him. she didn't look like one either. Sneering he gave her one last glare as he walked away.
Biting her lip she looked to the ground, counting the seconds and minutes so she could calm down. A sigh came from the other three men. Hvitserk slowly made his way towards her kneeling down so he was her height. A smile forming on his face as he studied her eyes, the blue reminding him of his little brother. Even the white in her eyes was a little blue.
„Looks like Ironsides is telling the truth.“. A grin spread on Hvitserk face as he stood up straight. Soon there was a clicking sound to be heard. Ivar came into the great hall, wondering what all the noise is about, having only heard parts of it. „Gods would you just keep it down, Hvitserk.“
Fear settled in her stomach, she was terrified of meeting Ivar ever since Björn told her all the stories about him. When her eyes finally met his she couldn't help but flinch. His eyes matched hers the most. They were almost identical and a giddy smile formed on her face, before she could stop herself. With him it was the clearest that he was her brother. "I heard Sigurd whine about our brother having found some bastard child from father, that couldn't seriously be his..."
Ivar leaned down towards the little girl, tilting his head slightly, inspecting her, before grinning like a lunatic. "But as I see she looks more like a child of Ragnar than he does." Hvitserk laughed and Ubbe couldn't help but grin a little at Ivars statement. All of them were nervous for his reaction, since he was the hardest to please, but somehow her eyes made him realize it the quickest.
The little girl couldn't believe how easy they all accepted her and included her in everything. Everyone except Sigurd. He spread the rumors of her having some powers, but instead of making the people be disgusted of her they started admiring her, bringing her brothers gifts for her. Every person in Kattegat thought she was a god. How couldn't she be? A child of the great Ragnar Lothbrok, it was about time one of them had to become a god.
Even her brothers sometimes believed it, but they also soon learned that her power held a lot of danger. Ivar was the first to notice that her eyes, like his, told in what situation her powers would be. If they were blue in the whites, then it was dangerous for her to interact with a lot of people meaning, keeping her with Ubbe and Hvits would be the wisest decision. Of course they trusted Ivar with her, but most of the times Ivar himself was somewhat worried about upsetting her too much.
On her good days she would walk with her crippled brother through the market, helping him get things and later on hearing about all the adventures he went on. She wouldn't tell but she did like him the best, since he understood her the most. Ubbe was a close second. Björn left for another raid soon after he brought her to the others, which sandend her the most was that he didn't even say goodbye.
She loved her brothers very much, even Sigurd. Ivar was very protective of her when it came to him. He was never allowed too close to her or to be alone with her. It was rare that Ivar cared that much, but he knew how cruel Sigurd could be if he wanted to, and he didn't want her to go through the same things he himself went through.
During a feast late at night she sat with her brothers, giggling and laughing as Hvitserk told her the funniest stories and Torvi braiding her hair, she felt whole. Ivar was sitting in the throne looking over the people, seeing how they looked at his sister in fear, he liked that they feared her even if they thought she was a god, but he also knew how it upset her that they avoided her at all costs when she was close.
Sigurd hated everything about her actually being treated like all of his brothers, like an actual child of Ragnar even though Ragnar himself never even knew her. On this particular night he drank one too many cups of ale and his company wouldn't stop talking about how great her powers are and how she was the hope for the people in Kattegat. The hate he felt for Ivar was nothing compared to the hate he felt for her. It made him see red, he got up and walked straight up to her as she was wandering around the hall, looking at different things.
Ivar was watching her carefully, making sure nothing could happen. Sigurd grabbed her arm forcefully making her stop and turn towards him, a gasps escaped her. Looking up to him she gave him an excited smile. "Brother! Are you enjoying the feast? Ubbe said I may not try the ale yet because-" But he interrupted her by grabbing her face hard and squishing her cheeks together. "I am not your brother! Neither are they!" He pointed to were Ubbe and Hvitserk were laughing together. "Just because Ragnar laid with some bitch in Wessex doesn't make you anything to us! Oh and Ivar? He's playing his own games, he only keeps you around so that you can help him archive the power he wants!" A smirk was on Sigurds face as he watched how tears streamed down her cheeks and how her lip quivered.
Sadly for him he did not notice the blue of her eyes and how she was further away from the others, to calm her powers. One might think that the ax hitting him in the back was her, but people tend to forget how hotheaded Ivar the boneless was, now that he seemed calm compared to his sister. Ivar couldn't help it and threw the ax, hearing his brothers harsh and hurtful words, making him not realize what he was doing as his hand found the weapon.
Ivar didn't mean to kill his brother, panic spread in his chest as he quickly limped over to the two of them. The little girls eyes were wide and still filled with unshed tears as she did her best to keep Sigurd upright. Of course she was upset with him, but he was still her beloved brother, even if he didn't see himself that way.
The hall quieted down quickly. Hvitserk and Ubbe were quick to join their siblings helping the girl to carefully lay down their brother. Both shot daggers with their eyes at Ivar, who was slightly trembling, scared to have actually killed him. Ubbe tried to pull her away from Sigurd, not wanting her to see so much blood at such a young age, not caring about viking tradition at this point. This was her brother dying, she shouldn't see him like that.
But she had other plans. As if it was instinct, she pulled away from Ubbes hold and pulled the ax out of Sigurds abdomen. Her hands covering in blood as she pressed them onto the open wound applying as much pressure as she can before closing her eyes, saying a quiet prayer to the gods. Repeating the prayer over and over again in barely a whisper her eyes shot open, the blue now seeming like it glowed, making the men around her flinch slightly.
They all saw the wound healing. It healed quickly, way quicker than anything else and her eyes soon stopped glowing as the wound was completely gone and Sigurs eyes snapped open. The little girls eyes closed slowly as she released him from her grip and dropped exhausted to the ground, making Hvitserk quickly catched her head, before it hit the floor, picking her fully up. All of them were silent for a moment as they listened to Sigurds heavy breathing.
None of them could believe how blessed they were, having a sister as strong as her. It didn't matter to them if she was a god or a simple witch blessed by them. All that mattered to them was that she was safe and taken care of. She was so young with such great power. A power she needed help with, a power that they all had to tame with her. But it was alright, if that's what it takes for her to feel loved and needed.
The Ragnarssons could not hide the fact that their sister was the reason they all connected fully again. She truly was a blessing from the all father.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! :)
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ubbesbabymama · 2 years
↳ Pairing. Hvitserk Ragnarsson.
↳ Summary. Hvitserk is kind of in love with his brother’s slave.
↳ Word count. 3.3K.
↳ Warnings. Violence (a random man tries to force stuff but failed, it is not detailed), death (none of the main characters), smut.
↳ Note. Let’s flip things around as they’re in the show with Ivar being obsessed with a slave that is close with his brothers. Also, this is my first time writing smut, sorry if it’s bad (i know it is).
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He thinks he’s doing amazing at hiding his feelings, for he doesn’t want to give too much information on it so nobody takes it from him, but if there’s one thing everyone in Kattegat knows is how in love Prince Hvitserk is with you, Ivar’s personal slave.
From what he knows, you haven’t even had sex with his little brother and Ivar actually treats you well, which is already confusing for Hvitserk, and everybody. The first thing that caught his attention from you was the way you treat his brother and the way Ivar never seems to get angry at you, it’s almost as if you were Floki, the person that Ivar adores.
“You need a warm bath,” You murmur to Ivar when all the brothers are sitting in the great hall. You were doing your respective chores but always keeping an eye on your prince, and Hvitserk would always silently wish that he was the center of your attention instead.
“I don’t,” Ivar snarls rolling his eyes and all the slaves around gasp when you softly smack his shoulder.
“Yes you do, I haven’t finished cleaning all the tables and you have made more faces than ever,” You tell him, your tone not disrespectful but not trembling like every other slave that talks to Ivar. “It’s getting cold, your legs are hurting. I can see it.”
“It always surprises me how you never seem to get angry at her,” Ubbe says, smiling at you. “Knowing that you’re always angry.”
“Because she never treated me differently ever since she was brought here,” Ivar says, taking his crutches from you. “She takes care of me and my legs without making me feel like a fucking hindrance.”
As soon as you put one of Ivar’s arms around you Hvitserk jumps from his seat.
“I’ll help you,” He says to Ivar and the man in question just chuckle.
For months Hvitserk has settled with being close to you like that. He would offer to help Ivar to do his things knowing that you would be following not so far behind.
“Also, she is my pride,” Ivar tells Ubbe when you are almost at the door and Hvitserk looks at his feet. “Knowing that all my brothers want what's mine.”
Hvitserk doesn’t say anything and just keeps helping his brother.
It’s not Ivar that stops Hvitserk from seducing you, it’s you. You don’t talk to the others like you do with your prince, you don’t serve them unless there are not slaves around and you have to, you don’t even look interested in them and as much as he wants you, Ubbe has taught him that first, you need to want him in order to make you his.
“Give me a moment, my prince, I need to heat the water,” You murmur to Ivar who takes his arm from around you.
When you’re out of their sight Ivar looks at his brother with a teasing smile.
“When are you going to stop following my slave around, mhm?” He asks with a teasing tone and Hvitserk sighs. “Are you not tired of pretending that you want to help me just to be close to her?”
“When did you find out?” Hvitserk whispers and Ivar laughs.
“The day mother made her my personal slave,” He answers and his brother sucks a breath. “Everybody knows, just so you know.”
“W-what?” Hvitserk tries to distract himself by moving the tub for his brother while Ivar is sitting on a chair.
“What? You thought nobody knew? She is my slave, of course, I’m going to be aware of how other men look at her, especially if their eyes are full of lust.” He shrugs.
“Have you…?”
“No, I haven’t had sex with her,” Ivar answers the question that has been eating his brother alive and decides to help him a little more. “I decided I would never force myself on her, for she’s the only one that treats me like a human being, but if you want my advice, you will never have her if you don’t talk to her.”
“I thought she was yours.” Hvitserk says and Ivar nods.
“Oh, she is, but what kind of prince would I be if I don’t let my slave enjoy herself?” He hums and points a finger at his brother. “As long as you don’t stop her from coming to me.”
“I would never,” Hvitserk says with a big smile and a hand on his heart, happy that he has his brother’s kind of approval.
Ivar suddenly looks behind his brother and smiles and that’s all he needs to know that you’re back, so he turns around and helps you with the water, getting not more than a quick bow from you, he looks at Ivar who just smiles and shrug as if he wants to say ‘I already told you.’
“Why aren’t you married?” Ivar suddenly asks you and Hvitserks mentally thanks his brother for helping him.
“Are you joking?” You ask him while taking his clothes off and he dramatically gasps.
“Why would I be joking, Y/N?” Ivar says with a teasing smirk and you chuckle.
Y/N. Hvitserk adores that name and the way it rolls out of his tongue, he wishes nothing more than to moan it right onto your mouth while you ride him.
“Tell me my prince, who wants to marry a slave? And not any slave, but the slave of the scariest prince, uhm? If I had a chance it vanished the moment you said that my love interest has to ask for your permission” You say but the smile in your face shows that you’re not bitter about it. To you, it’s actually a blessing not having to worry about bad people around you since they’re scared of your prince. It’s not like marriage has been on your mind since you got sold around so much before finding this kind of stability in Kattegat.
Ivar was smiling proudly.
“Of course, I can’t hand you to a nobody, you are in charge of me,” He says and you nod, he hums. “But then, what about an earl? Or another prince? Someone who’s my equal would not be so scared to approach you.”
“Oh, that’s true, now tell me, what earl, prince, or king would even look my way? I’m a slave,” You laugh.
“Me,” Hvitserk says and Ivar’s smirk turns into a full smile. “I certainly have looked your way too many times.”
You stay there, with your hands in the water that were massaging Ivar’s legs freeze on the spot, looking at Hvitserk speechless. You look at Ivar for confirmation and he smiles.
“That’s correct.”
You stay silent again, and after some torturing minutes, you look between the brothers.
“You need me to satisfy—?”
“No,” Ivar interrupts you with a harsh tone, but you don’t seem scared. “You will not be a toy for my brothers.”
“I don’t understand then,” You say and look at Hvitserk, who smiles at you.
“I want you to be my woman, that is,” He says and you gasp, making Ivar chuckle. “I have talked to Ivar so I wouldn’t get killed for even wishing that.”
“And you said yes?!” You ask Ivar, he nods and you scream from happiness and jump on him to hug him, not caring that your dress was getting wet or that you just interrupted the prince’s bath.
In all the months that you were in Kattegat not once had Hvitserk seen you laughing like that, or even being affectionate towards someone, and on top of that he has never seen Ivar so comfortable around a woman that wasn’t their mother, and more so with him currently being naked and his legs being on display.
“But, why?” You ask, and they both look at you, understanding that you were asking both of them.
“If you marry an earl from another land then they would take you away from me, it’s in my best interests that you marry one of my brothers so you remain here, in Kattegat,” Ivar explains and you laugh sitting back and caressing his head. You look at Hvitserk who just gives you a smirk.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He explains and you giggle. “I like you, I want to make you my wife.”
“I don’t know you, my prince.” You say, your smile not flattering and he shrugs.
“Now you will.” He smiles, standing up and leaving you and your prince alone.
“You like him?” Ivar asks you when you two are alone, and you hum.
“He caught my attention a long time ago, I just didn’t entertain the thought,” You murmur and he looks at you with a small smile.
“Entertain it now.”
The next time you see Hvitserk is at the feast that queen Aslaug throws in honor of the great number of merchants and travelers that have come to Kattegat. This time, instead of just letting you ignore him, he stops you when you walk near him.
“Hello, Y/N.” He says. “Are you going to still ignore me?”
You smile at him apologetically and point at the room.
“I’m sorry, my prince, since there are so many people I have to help the others, not just prince Ivar, so I am busier than on others' feasts.” You explain to him and he hums.
“So that’s the reason why Ivar looks angry today after months,” He says and you laugh. “And by the way, you look amazing.”
You smile and give him a little show by turning around and showing him your dress, allowing him to look you up and down slowly, his stare lingering a little bit in your cleavage.
“Ivar gave me this dress as a gift and wished for me to wear it tonight so I did.” You say and he hums, his hand coming to your small back and leaning to talk right in your ear so no one could hear you.
“Don’t let no man but me take it off, yeah?” He whispers and you hum, moving till your lips are on his ear.
“Then make sure to not let me lose, my prince.”
And just like that, you move, going back to work as if you didn’t just give him the biggest boner he’s ever had.
And he did as you say, watching you like a hawk the whole night, not caring when you look in his direction and make movements with your hands to tell him to stop, he would just shrug and grab his cock over his pants for you to see and you would giggle and keep on your tasks.
“You shouldn’t drink more ale, otherwise the medicine I make for your legs is not going to have the effect,” You whisper in Ivar’s ear.
“If you bring me my medicine I’ll drink it now, but you have to promise me not to wake me up tomorrow so early to drink it.” He says with feigned anger, you nod.
“Deal.” You clap and turn around, walking to the kitchen.
You don’t have time to make it into the kitchen when you’re yanked and trapped between a stranger and the wall.
“W-who?!” You try to move.
Unknown to you, another man has been watching you too and was misunderstanding all your flirting with the prince, thinking you were just offering yourself to anybody instead.
“Come on, slave, satisfy me right now,” The man was trying to scrunch up your dress but you constantly elbowing him was making it difficult.
“Let me go! Let me go right now!” You scream, doing everything you can to not let his hand get under your dress.
Tired of your fidgeting the man throws you to the ground and that’s the moment Hvitserk grabs the man by the hair and pulls him back.
“What do you think you’re doing with my woman?” He grunts.
Ivar comes crawling as fast as he can and you crawl to him till you are close enough to let him wrap you in his arms, you’re trembling and Ivar has murder on his mind. Hvitserk looks worse than Ivar.
“W-what? No! It’s a slave, I was messing with a slave—,” The man tries to explain himself but is interrupted.
“MY slave.” “–MY woman,” The brothers say in unison and the color drains from the man’s face.
“No, no, no, my lords, i-i didn’t know, please forgive—,”
Even Ivar is impressed when he sees the tip of Hvitserk sword’s coming out of the man’s stomach, meaning his brother has just stabbed the man with no more questions to ask.
“Next time you better choose right.” Hvitserk grunts, pushing the man and watching the pool of blood coming from under him. He cleans his sword with the dead man’s clothes and only then looks at you.
He curses when he sees you with tears in your eyes and gripping Ivar’s clothes as if you’re afraid that he’s going to disappear. Hvitserk gets close and takes you in his arms, nodding to Ivar to let him know that he has you, and walks out of the great hall.
“I can walk,” You whisper.
“I know.” He murmurs.
You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder, letting him take you wherever he wants. He takes you to your home which is not so far from the great hall since Ivar wants you as close as he can get you. That’s the reason why you have your own house too, so he could come whenever he wants and not be seen as a monster by the other slaves.
“We are here,” He puts you down but you don’t move around, instead putting your hands on his chest and looking at him. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Thank you for protecting me, for killing for me,” You whisper, he put his hands on top of yours noticing that your trembling it’s almost gone.
“I would do that and more for you, are you hurt?” You shake your head without looking away and he sighs, leaning a little. “I said, don’t look at me like that.”
“Why?” You ask and his hands slowly slide from your hands to your shoulders and then all the way down until they stop at the small of your back.
“Because I will have a hard time controlling myself,” He whispers, leaning a little more. “I told you to not let another man but me take that dress off, you thought I wouldn’t follow through on that?”
“I was hoping for you to follow—,”
He crashes his lips with yours and you have to hold onto his arms to not fall from the force, but you kiss him back right away. He was devouring your mouth, working all that pent-up lust out of his body.
He bends a little to put his hand on the back of your knees and pull you up, forcing you to surround his waist with your legs, trapping him. He walks to the table there and place you on top, his lips going from your mouth to your neck.
He leans back and gives you a quick kiss before starting with your dress, undoing the front while you look at his face attentively.
“You’re gorgeous,” You whisper and he giggles but sucks a breath when he softly pulls down your dress, watching your upper half naked and ready for him.
“You’re the gorgeous one, my lady,” He whispers, and finishes taking the whole dress down your legs and then positions himself between them, looking down at your naked body with desire. “All this is mine?”
You shrug and he raises his eyebrows at your bratty attitude, loving it.
He returns to your neck and lick, bite, and mark every corner, letting a trail of kisses until he’s in front of your breast, he takes one in one hand and the other in his mouth, sucking, licking, and biting softly your nipple, making you let out a loud moan, he does the same to the other and you have to nail down his forearms to control your noises.
“Don’t have to hold back,” He mumbles, his voice sounding muffled. “Scream as much as you want.”
You tug at his clothes.
“I don’t want you in these.” You whine, and he stands up and starts taking everything off like it was on fire, just to then take you in his arms again and throw you on your bed.
He freezes when you hold yourself on your elbows and open your legs to him, giving him a clear view of all your glory. He falls on his knees and locks yours with his arms before diving right into your center, giving you a long lick without a warning.
“O-Ohh” You whine, your hand flying to his hair and gripping it.
He devours you like you’re what he needs to be kept alive, he doesn’t budge when you try to move his head when it’s getting too much, instead pinching your nipples as a punishment when you try to take your cunt away from him.
“I-I can’t,” You cry out, your legs shaking. “Hvitserk, p-please.”
He just hums with satisfaction and keeps going and it is when you look down that you find him already looking at you with adoration that you explode, coming right onto his mouth and crying his name so loud that you’re certain you were heard at least three houses away from where you are.
When he stands on his knees you’re trying to catch your breath, with a hand on your chest and another on your mouth.
“Open your eyes and look at me,” He whispers and you do it, he smiles. “You okay?”
“Nobody has ever done it so… vigorously,” You sob.
“You taste amazing,” He whispers as an explanation while getting on top of you and between your leg, he shrugs smugly. “Perhaps you haven’t been with a man that wants you as much as I do.”
You moan at his words and he takes his cock in his hand, coating it in your juices and his saliva, sighing at the feeling. When his tip is at your entrance he stops, just touching your clit with his tip.
“Please, I want you inside,” You beg and he ignores your pleas, you nail down his arm. “Hvitserk, please.”
“I’m going to ask you again, sweet Y/N,” He murmurs, kissing your lips softly. “All this is mine?”
“Y-Yes, it’s all yours, I am y-yours…. Oh, fuck,” You moan loudly when he thrust softly, going so slow that tears begin to form in the corner of your eyes. Good gods, he feels amazing inside of you. “S-so full.”
“You’re perfect, you feel perfect,” He moans in your ear making you tremble, keeping his thrusts slow and deep. “I’m losing my mind.”
“Yeah?” You say in a rushed voice, and he looks at you. “Please do, lose your mind and fuck me good, Hvitserk.”
Oh, what have you done?
He pulls out and flips you around on all four just to thrust again, hard, you scream and in response, he smacks your ass, you bring your hand back to try to slow him down but he just bends it at the elbow and traps it between your small back and his hand, showing you no mercy.
“Still mine?” He asks with a smug smile, oh how he adores the sounds you were making and how out of it you look.
“Yours, yours, just yours” You were chanting, bringing your other hand back to slow him down and getting it trapped too. You cry and sob and he moans.
“Give it to me, come on, give me what I want,” He grunts, he smacks your ass. “Give it to me.”
And in tune with his order, you scream, your vision going blank and your body shaking so much that he has to pin you down. He thrust three more times before shooting his seed inside you with a loud moan.
Instead of just pushing you around, as you are used, he pulls out and leans to let a path of wet kisses from your small back to your shoulder, he gives you one last kiss on the side of your head.
“Finally mine,” He whispers.
You smile and close your eyes.
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Unexpected pt. 5
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Summary: He returns to Kattegat, somehow alive. Too many things have changed while he was away.
Notes: I’d estimate that Ragnar + Ivar went to England for maybe a little over a month to two months. Also rewrote his arrival to be a bit more realistic than in the show (Why tf would the Saxons wait for a bunch of Northmen to see them come and go??)
Also, only a few people gave me their opinion on the whole pregnancy thing. If u wanted this to be without a pregnancy trope, feel free to comment!! I might write an alternative version in that case.
Taglist: @bragisrunes @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @punkrocknpearls @alicedopey, @ivarlover @levithestripper @tsundere-cherry-girl @buddhasoull @mypinklion @katieskidmore1 @vrtualfairy @akayxo09 @batmandallyboy
Masterlist | part 4 | requests are OPEN! | hmu to be added to a taglist!!
Ivar didn’t know how he had survived England or King Ecbert. He’d expected to die at the hands of an English soldier. Yet, these Saxon men had sailed him back all the way to Kattegat, pushed him off the boat and left as quickly as they could.
He sat himself up, having lost his braces in England. He needed time to think about how he’d tell mother that Ragnar was dead.
The people of Kattegat saw the Saxon boat before they noticed their prince, but in the matter of a few minutes, Ivar spotted Ubbe and Y/N running towards the docks. Immediately, he saw that they both looked incredibly tired.
Ubbe reached him first, hugging Ivar tightly. It was something he hadn’t done upon Ivar’s request for years, since Ivar hadn’t wanted him to embarrass him further. But now, he was glad for the embrace, even if he would never admit it.
Before either of them could say anything, she was next to him.
“You’re alive, thank the Gods.” She whispered, her hands shaking. Ubbe moved back, leaving them to their moment.
“You look…” Ivar began, before he trailed off. She looked tired, exhausted even, but he noticed the clothes she was wearing immediately. They were fit for a merchant’s daughter, and while they suited her, Ivar also saw her discomfort with wearing them.
He connected the dots quickly.
“Who freed you?” he demanded. For a moment, he suspected that Sigurd had done it, to take her away from Ivar, but that notion made no sense. It wouldn’t work, his mother wouldn’t have allowed it.
She sighed. “There’s a lot you missed. We should talk… somewhere else.”
Ivar noticed the crowd that had gathered behind them, whispering. He could see Torvi’s intricate braids disappear between the people that had gathered too. Why was she already back from Hedeby? Had Bjorn and Hvitserk returned?
Ubbe hoisted him up, and the two of them transported Ivar away from the whispering masses, towards the forest.
He noticed their faces of pity. It wasn’t something he was used to from them. As soon as they set him down, it spilled out of Ivar.
“Ragnar is dead.” He said. To his surprise, they nodded.
“We know. Sigurd and I saw Odin.” Ubbe explained.
“Who freed you?” Ivar asked her.
“Why would Lagertha have any choice in the matter?” he snapped.
She glanced over at Ubbe, who gave her a small nod.
“Aslaug is dead. Lagertha killed her.”
And with six words, Ivar’s world came crumbling down.
“No.” he said. “It can’t be true.”
“It is true.” Ubbe affirmed.
“Then where the fuck where you? Where were either of you?” he screamed. Roughly, he pushed her away from him. Ubbe caught her before she could fall, and Ivar felt a stab of guilt in his gut.
“Hedeby.” She answered quietly. Ivar let out another shout of frustration.
“Tell him the reason.” Ubbe mumbled to her, before he slipped away. Ivar wanted him to stay, so he would have someone to fight with. He didn’t understand why Ubbe was leaving.
“I’m sorry.” He said. “I shouldn’t have pushed you.”
“No.” she agreed. “But you did.”
Quietly, she sat down next to Ivar.
“What reason did Ubbe mean?” he asked after a while.
“Why Lagertha freed me.”
She took a deep breath, and subconsciously, Ivar grabbed her hand. He felt the quick pulse in her wrist, noticed her shallow breathing.
“Why are you afraid?” Ivar asked.
“I don’t know how you’ll take this.” She said.
“You cannot make me hate you, unless you sided with Lagertha.” He replied.
She shook her head quickly. “I tried to protect your mother. I really did. I know she meant a lot to you, and I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think I have to forgive you.” Ivar said softly. “What is it?”
“I’m with child.” She blurted out.
“I don’t- I can’t-“ Ivar began. “I don’t understand.”
“Just because your legs don’t work doesn’t mean you cannot have children.” She replied. “I didn’t think I’d get with child because I hadn’t had my moon’s blood in months before I came to you. I guess you fed me enough. She freed me because I’m carrying a prince.”
“Did you tell her?” Ivar demanded.
“She’s a mother. She was the first one to notice.” She admitted.
“And I’m the last one to find out.” He concluded.
“I would have told you, but there was the slight problem of an entire sea between us.” She joked. Then, her face grew more serious. “You’re not going to leave me, right? I know that Lagertha is using me as a bargaining chip, but I can’t raise a child alone. I’m barely above what I used to be.”
Softly, Ivar laid a hand on her belly. There was no way of noticing if she was pregnant yet just by looking, but he felt prouder than he ever had. He was normal, he could be just like any other man.
“How could I ever leave you?”
She let out a sound that was between a laugh and a sob. Ivar noticed the tears glittering in her eyes and reached up to cup her face. Softly, she grabbed his wrist, giving his palm a soft kiss.
“Who would’ve thought?” she said.
“Gods, I love you so much.” Ivar blurted out. “You’re all I have.”
She laughed again. “Sometimes I wonder how you can be so smart and yet so stupid. You have Ubbe and Hvitserk, and maybe even Sigurd. And if you put just a tiny bit of effort into it, the people of Kattegat will love you far more than Lagertha.”
“Don’t talk about her now.” Ivar hissed. She nodded, and hugged him tightly. Ivar sunk into her embrace. When he closed his eyes, he could pretend this forest was the whole world, and they were the only two people in it.
No Lagertha, no Ragnar, no Saxons. Only them.
The only reason why Ivar did not burst into the Great Hall with axe in hand to kill Lagertha was because she was carrying his child. He knew that this was already changing the stakes in Lagertha’s favor, but Ivar could not care less.
Instead, he grabbed her by the arm and went straight to his room. There, he sat down on his bed, trying to calm down and failing miserably. He noticed quickly that nothing had dusted over while he was gone, but was still in the same place. Well, except for the bedsheets.
“You slept in the bed.” He said.
“I hope it doesn’t bother you. You were gone and Queen Aslaug did not mind. Lagertha insisted.”
“She wants me out of the way.” Ivar realized. “If I marry you, my marriage cannot secure any alliances.”
She looked to the ground, the hurt in her face apparent.
“That’s not what I meant.” Ivar tried. “But it’s what Lagertha is trying to do. All she cares about is placing Bjorn on the throne.”
“You don’t necessarily need a political marriage to become King.” She replied.
“King?” Ivar asked. “I only meant that I was weakening Bjorn’s claim.”
“I know your ambitions reach higher than that, Ivar.”
Ivar looked over to her, and she was smiling to herself as she pulled the sheets tighter on the bed.
“Do you want to be queen?” he asked her.
“I want you to be happy. And you will be happy when you are great.”
“You’ve already made me happy.” Ivar insisted.
“Oh, but being King certainly wouldn’t hurt.” She replied cheekily.
Ivar grinned back, his mind going through the possibility. Of course he wanted to be a King, who was he kidding? To achieve that though, he would have to be greater than all his brothers combined. And he’d need an heir.
Luckily, one of those problems seemed to already be resolving itself.
He watched her walk around the bed, kneeling down in front of him. Quietly, she took his hands in hers.
“I will help you kill Lagertha.” She promised. “Your mother became quite dear to me before she died. But you lack patience. Let the people turn against her, as they will soon enough. Let time do the job for you, and they’ll see you as the hero that rid them from her.”
Ivar nodded, trying to ignore the itch for violence creeping up behind him. She was right. If he rushed into this, it would be like running into battle without a plan. Not that he’d been in one yet.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Ivar stayed on the bed, but she went and opened it. To his surprise, it wasn’t Ubbe who was standing in the doorway, but Hvitserk.
“Little brother! I heard you had returned.” Hvitserk announced happily, pushing past her.
“Like you didn’t just come back.” Ivar grumbled.
“Any news?” Hvitserk asked. “I know of mother.”
Ivar contemplated for a few seconds. Hvitserk was his favorite brother, and he wanted him to know directly, and not from one of Lagertha’s lackeys.
“Nothing much. Well, you’re going to be an uncle.” Ivar said smoothly. Hvitserk laughed, but when Ivar didn’t follow, he stared at him. Then at her.
She nodded slowly.
“I’m going to be an uncle!” Hvitserk almost shouted. In two steps, he had crossed the room, pulling her into a hug and twirling her around. She laughed as he finally set her down, stumbling a little. Ivar was glad when he did not feel jealous.
“I’m going to be an uncle.” Hvitserk repeated in a sing-song voice, skipping around the room like a child. “Ohohoh, Sigurd is going to be pissed.”
“That was not the main point, but I suppose it is a bonus.” Ivar agreed.
“So when are you two getting married?” Hvitserk asked.
She hadn’t drunk anything, but she still coughed as if she had swallowed a particularly large gulp of water the wrong way, and Ivar’s eyes widened.
“Mother said-“ Ivar began, doubt creeping up in him.
“Mother would gladly marry the two of you now. She respected Lagertha, liked her even, and the woman turned against her. Believe me, she would not mind.”
Ivar sat there in silence, thinking about his brother’s words.
“Please let me be there?” Hvitserk begged, as if the whole marriage had already been agreed on, and not just an idea he’d thrown into the room.
“You wouldn’t need an invitation.” She snorted.
“You would marry me?” Ivar asked, unbelieving.
“Have I given you any reason to believe the opposite?” she replied.
“I-“ Ivar stuttered. “No bridal race.” He coughed out finally.
Hvitserk’s grin widened even more as he made to leave the door.
“Where are you going?” Ivar demanded.
“To the market. I’ll find some fabric for the wedding dress. No offense little brother, but your taste in fashion is mostly… opulent or dark and brooding.”
“Ivar hasn’t agreed to marry me yet.” She said quietly. “Or even said that he wants to.”
“Oh, you two are getting married.” Hvitserk decided. Ubbe, who had walked up behind him froze.
“Are they getting married?” he asked. Before Ivar or her could say anything, Hvitserk nodded enthusiastically.
“Fucking finally.” Ubbe muttered under his breath. “Ivar, you’re not choosing the fabric for the dress.”
“Why does everyone think I’d do so terribly?” Ivar asked, starting to get offended. He looked to her for help, but she was obviously trying to suppress a laugh.
“Fine. I’ll marry you and not get to choose anything about the dress.” Ivar hmphed.
“That’s good.” Ubbe nodded. “Now you only have to promise me you’ll make it through the evening without exacting revenge on Lagertha yet. Both of you.”
Hvitserk hesitated for a moment, before he nodded. Ivar kept his arms crossed firmly. As if he was going to let Lagertha live any longer than necessary.
“Ivar.” Ubbe warned.
“Fine. No murdering for tonight.” He agreed. She’d promised him his time would come, and he trusted her. Lagertha would die, and Ivar would revel in her death.
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barnes-lothbrok · 2 years
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Mermaid Tears - Multi part tale of Ivar and a mermaid  
Jealously -  Ivar gains feeling he can’t explain
Against the World - Request 
Dance with Me  - As everyone is celebrating the recent raids. Ivar watches his wife.
Just can’t wait to be king - Ivar is bored on a rainy day. 
Tattoos - As Ivar sleeps, his wife admires his tattoos
Little Love - Ivar admires his pregnant wife sleeping. (Can be read as a part 2 to Tattoos)
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Sweeter than honey... Part 6 (Final part)
Summary: You're a close friend to the modern!Ragnarssons, and when you find yourself in a bad place they help. Even if it's finding a new room to rent, or your sex-life.
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Such a pretty little thing. - said Ubbe as you slept peacefully on the couch.
It was 3 am of your wedding night. It was a small ceremony in the gardens of the mansion. You are now Bjorn's wife, an lover of the rest of the brothers. Your wedding dress falls around you prettily, as the rest of your men gather around you, all with sweet loving faces.
-She sure is. - says Bjorn, crouching beside you, kissing you awake.
You smile at them as your vision clears a bit, sleepiness still fogging your half drunk mind. Especially as you feel numerous hands caress your body at the same time. It was a traditional viking wedding, you all also drank a potion made with some herbs, the old sagas saying it would help consummate the marriage, help with siring a child. Your breath hitched as you watched them all drink it. Then it was as if nothing had happened. You all ate, danced, drank. Then you fell asleep. And then there you were, under the hands of your hungry men, soft whimpers escaping your lips. Your eyes closed, letting the sensations eat you whole. But then a hand came to your neck, squeezing lightly, making you moan out.
-Keep your eyes on me sweetheart. - said Ubbe. You clenched around nothing as another slowly rid you of your underwear.
There was a thrilling difference between having your eyes closed and not knowing who touches where, and staring into Ubbe's hungry eyes as you did not know who touched where. You were sure there would be a puddle of your slick on the couch already and they havent really done anything. He let go of your throat and you were already missing the gentle squeeze as you kept looking at him, mind foggy cause of the potion. Soon enough Bjorn made you sit up, kissing you as Ivar and Hvitserk cut the dress off of you, leaving you clad naked kneeling in the middle of the couch, back arched, head turned back so you could keep your eyes on Ubbe's, he helped you again by holding your throat, as the rest of them shuffled around. Hvitserk caressed your body, while Bjorn sucked mark on your breasts, as Ivar laid between your legs, making you sit on his face.
A moan left you, making Ubbe chuckle. You were always so sensitive, let alone after this potion.
-You're in for a long night baby. - Ubbe whispered on your lips as he kissed you, taking your breath away. Your orgasm approached as fast as a summer storm came and go.
-Ubbe. - you whined, making Ivar slap your butt, pushing you further down on him. You came with a scream, and he helped you ride out your high. When your breathing came back to almost normal, he slid out from under you, grabbing a hold of your, making you look at him before he kissed you making you taste yourself on his tongue. One hand circling your clit, another sinking into your hole.
-I'm quite offended you forgot who made you cum sweetheart. - he tsk tsk-ed teasingly. Tears filled your eyes, muttering the smallest little sorry . -Its okay sweets, you can make it better. - he said undressing before you, the head of his member spreading pre-cum on your lips as you moaned. Ubbe took a handful of your hair now, making you take Ivar in your mouth The others still fingering you. Lubing up your whole body. His member twiched on your tongue, making you moan, sending vibrations through him. His thrusts became sloppier, then Ubbe forced you fully down on him, as he came down your throat with a groan.
-Good girl. - he said, caressing your jaw.
-She still likes that - said Hvitserk pumping himself a few times, before making you kneel sideways, facing Bjorn before he entered you slowly. As Hvitty slowly eased in and out of you, your nose nudged the ever growing bulge in Bjorn's pants.
-You can suck sweetheart, but no making me cum. I wanna make sure my seed stays. Gonna have you round and full of my kid. - he growled. You clenched around Hvitserk, your orgasm fast approaching again as you started to suck on Bjorn, determined to make him cum at least once. You wanted kids just not right away, thankfully you were on the pill. All while Ivar and Ubbe worked on fingering your tight hole, opening you up. When they inserted a small but powerful vibrator you came almost instatly, soaking Hvitserk and the couch, head coming to rest on Bjorn's thigh. All of them chuckling as you try to toss and turn, trying to get Hvitserk t o pull out, the vibrations sending you spiraling. Anything they asked, you just moaned and whined. You were already too cockdrunk to form senteces. when Hvitserk filled you up, Ivar sat down, gathering you on top of him, your back to his chest as he slowly eased into your asshole, not moving, letting you get used to the fullness. After a few thrusts, you felt a tongue lap at your clit with a chuckle. Then a slap over your abused pussy, making you scream out before Ubbe entered you slowly. You had never felt so full, let alone when they both started moving, Hvitserk standing on the side, making you suck him clean. Bjorn just watched from the side. He'll save the best for last. You don't remember how many times had you came, you couldn't even moan anymore, just took it. Cum leaking from every part of you, and yet you never felt more adored, more content. Hickeys all over, sweat and cum mixing, sticking you all to eachother before they came again. They kissed you slowly before handing over to Bjorn. He kissed you sweetly.
-My little dumb, cumdump wife.. Come let's get you cleaned up. - he said bringing you to the shower. You sighed when the hot water of the shower hit your tired skin, but oh did he have other plans. He lifted you up, easing you on his cock, impaling you.
-Bjorn.. too-too much - you whined making him chuckle.
-Gotta take it baby, gotta make you round. - he said lovingly as he started to trust in and out.
-'m on the pill Bj.. - you tried to say but he kissed you passionately, not telling you his secret just yet.
-We're gonna move here together, you won't have to work, you'll just be here all pretty and ready for us.. whenever we want.. we love you so much.. we'll take care of you baby.. - he cood and all you could do was moan his name and nod, agreeing.. To what? You didn't even know anymore. You didn't care anymore.
After he dried you off, he took you to his bed, spooning you.
-You're gonna warm my cock while we sleep don't you sweetheart? - he asked.
-Mmm.. yes please. - you whined, making him chuckle darkly.
He slowly fucked you until you came around him loudly, almost passing out, then he came deep inside of you, but not pulling out.
-No moving baby, gotta keep my cum deep inside of you now. - he said leaning closer to your ear, knowing you wouldn't protest at this state anyways, you couldn't even move even if you wanted to. -We switched your pill when you first stayed with me. - he said, your foggy mind hearing but not understanding.
In the morning you woke up sore, happy, and already moaning. Wait what? - you almost jumped, but hands caught you.
-It's okay baby. s just me. - said Bjorn in a low voice.
-T-too much.. - you said as he thrusted into you in an unforgiving pace.
-Gonna breed you.. - the other's can't wait for their turns hun.. - he said chuckling darkly. This was new, you never new he could be dark, yet sexy. When he finished, he took your limp body, tying your hands to the bedpost with a soft silk cloth.
They took turns coming into the room, you were crying, overstimulated when Ubbe came in last. He took off the ties, washing you, carrying you over to the living room where they all waited for you with food, snacks, a movie. You smiled as he put you in the middle, all had touching you at least with a finger.
-You're all menaces. - you whispered, making them laugh out loud.
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axelsagewrites · 5 months
Can you write an ivar x reader where, as a child reader had a crush on ivar and followed him around. He ends up saying mean things about her to his brothers, not realizing she can hear him. He ends up realizing he has feelings for her but she ends up moving away. Years later, she returns, and she's extremely pretty. Ivars hoping to confess how he feels, but his brothers have also noticed how pretty she's become.
Ivar the Boneless*Shy
Pairing: Ivar x f!reader
Word count: 2081
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Warnings: being a shy kid, ivar being bullied by his brothers, ivar being mean as a kid, jealousy, ragnarsson brothers hitting on reader, angst fluff
Masterlist here
As the daughter of a Viking warrior and earl you were expected to be tough and ferocious and rambunctious and all other Viking traits. However, at five years old you were shy, timid, and terrified of Kattegat. You were here with your father on ‘business’ and had been practically clinging to the backs of his legs since you arrived.
It was Ragnar who suggested his sons show you around. Ten-year-old Ubbe took charge of that, giving you a tour around Kattegat as you silently nodded along. Eight-year-old Hvitserk and seven-year-old Sigurd couldn’t have cared less you were there so long as you were quiet when following them all around.
Five-year-old Ivar was sceptical at first, being equally as silent as you. Eventually you ended up at the edge of the forest sat beside Ivar as you watched the older three ‘train’ sword fighting with sticks. Ivar was angrily stabbing the dirt with his stick and didn’t even notice when you wondered off. However, he looked with interest when you returned, what looked like a hundred picked flowers in your apron.
You sat back beside him, dumping the flowers on the ground as you began to fashion a flower crown. “What are you doing?” Ivar’s voice made you jump making him mumble, “Sorry,” as he shuffled to see what you were creating.
“Daisy chains,” you told him, and you sat in silence as he watched you turn the hundred little flowers into a perfectly crafted crown. The whole thing was oddly fascinating for Ivar. “How does it look?” you asked as you placed it on your head.
Ivar grinned, “I love it,” and a toothy smile appeared on your face, “what else can you do?”
Soon you began to play games in the dirt, carving tik tac toe into it with the stick he’d been using earlier. You were laughing away so oblivious you didn’t realise the older boys had gotten bored and wandered off till you heard something howl in the distance.
“Where did they go?” you asked panicked.
“They do that sometimes,” Ivar shrugged. He’d gotten used to his brothers’ antics, but he’d been so wrapped up in the game he hadn’t noticed this time, “We’ll be fine, don’t worry,” another howl, “Okay maybe worry a little,”
Unfortunately, still Ubbe had been the one to carry him here. Ivar tried to pull himself along but soon you were trying to pull him through the forest. “I hate this!” he pouted, trying to pull away.
“It’ll be easier if you’re still!” you snapped, pulling his arms harder in frustration. “Wait here,” you dropped him with a huff as you went to grab a fallen branch.
“What are you doing?”
“Use it like a walking stick,” you said, hooking your arm around his back like in a three-legged race.
“This wont work,” he huffed making you glare. Begrudgingly he tried the crutch and a small washed over his face in a few steps. “I’m walking!”
“You’re walking!” you gleefully joined in as you helped him out the Forrest as the sun began to set. More laughter followed you on the way home though you had no idea that Aslaug had already found his brothers and scolded them immensely when she realised, you’d both been left behind. The anger soon washed away as you and Ivar walked into view.
For the next few days, you and Ivar did everything together. You were essentially attached at the hip. One evening while playing inside the Lodbrok’s house due to the storm outside Aslaug called you to the other room to rebraid your now messy hair.
“Bye boys. Bye Ivar,” you grinned before running to join Aslaug, all shyness gone.
“Bye Ivar,” Hvitserk and Sigurd teased, blowing kisses at Ivar.
“Shut up,” he grumbled.
“Is she your girlfriend?”
“Are you gonna marry her?”
“Please what girl wants to marry a cripple?”
“Have you kissed her yet?” even Ubbe joined in the teasing now and any semblance of calm was soon gone.
“No!” Ivar screeched. “I don’t even like her!”
“You’re right,” Ubbe smirked, “you love her,” more fake kissing noises came from the three of them.
“Do not!” another screech came from him. He hadn’t seen Aslaug stand from the other room to come see what the fuss was all about, nor did he see you by her ankles, “She’s ugly and weird and I hate her!”
“Ivar!” Aslaug’s voice was the only one louder than Ivar’s. You however didn’t even wait before turning on your heels and running out the house into the storm. “No, wait!” Aslaug tried to stop you, but your feet were too fast.
 You came burling up to your father, burying your head in his legs sobbing. “I want to go home. I hate it here. I hate it!” and for the rest of your trip which was thankfully only another day you clung to his side again. You vowed as you rode away, you’d never return.
The glares Ivar was getting from his mother could cut glass. “why would she play with you after all those things you said?” she hissed after pulling him aside.
“I didn’t mean it,” he mumbled, already on the verge of tears when you refused to play with him all day before leaving, “she wasn’t supposed to hear it,”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have said it,”
Ivar was convinced you’d come back. a week later, maybe a month. Possibly a year. He kept changing the goal post when you never came. He got his hopes up at one point when he saw your father but was disappointed when he realised, you’d been allowed to stay home this time. The more years that passed the more he forgot.
He was shocked when he saw you again in the first time in over a decade. He almost didn’t recognise you at first, but you could say the same about him. You weren’t some shy, meek little girl anymore. You wore an infection smile, you laughed loudly, and you were downright gorgeous. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one to notice.
Its all his brothers had been talking about since you arrived this morning. “I hope mother has them over for dinner tonight,” Hvirserk said as the boys practised their axe throwing, “See if she wants to catch up,” the way he wiggled his brow made Ivar want to throw his axe at him.
Especially when the other two joined in with their agreements. “Please as if you have a chance brother,” Ubbe smirked, flinging the axe and almost hitting the bullseye, “Girl like that needs a real man,”
With a growl Ivar flung his own axe into the bullseye, knocking Ubbe’s out of place in the process before dragging himself away before he sunk his next axe in someone’s eye. “Talk about someone with no chances,” he heard Sigurd laugh as he stalked away.
You didn’t come over for dinner that night like they’d all hoped but rather the next day they saw you in the hall as your fathers celebrated their latest decision to go raiding together. You’d came in later than most and eyes were drawn to you instantly.
“Red is defiantly her colour,” Hvitserk slurred beside him, already several ales in, “I’m going to talk to her,” he tried to stand but Ubbe put a hand on his shoulder.
He pushed him back into his seat, “Brother you’re drunk. You’ll scare her of. Allow me to welcome her,”
“Please if you don’t want to scare her, I should go,” Sigurd joined the protests.
None of them except Ivar whose eyes never left you had noticed you walking straight for them, “Hello boys. Long time no see,” you smiled, even sending a small one to Ivar which made him wonder if you’d forgotten the whole affair.
“Well, well, look who it is,” Ubbe grinned, going in for a hug that made Ivar want to rip his skin off, “You look so different,” he said as he pulled away.
“Good different,” Hvitserk jumped in, “I barely recognised you,”
“I thought you always looked beautiful but now you’re just- “Sigurd rambled as you awkwardly blushed praying for them to stop. “a woman now,”
“Thanks?” you said, glancing down at Ivar, “Ivar,” all he could do was nod in response, scared anything he said would make it worse. “Well, I need to say hello to my family. I’ll see you boys around,” oh gods how he’d fucked this up.
While many were still in the hall drinking there had been a bonfire lit in the village square that Ivar was now staring into blankly. He’d left the festivities a while ago though he knew he wouldn’t be missed. There were a few people sitting around the fire, most with ale in their hands or a woman on their arms being obnoxious. If his legs didn’t hurt, he’d go into the forest to get away from them all.
“Hey,” a small, timid voice came from behind him making him turn. “Can I sit?” it was like you were children again, him permanently silent and you scared to even move.
Ivar nodded before turning back to the fire as you moved to sit beside him. You sat in silence for a few moments, staring into the flames. The fire was a good excuse for why Ivar’s cheeks felt so hot, but he knew deep down it was because of you.
“How have you been- “
“I’m sorry,” the words came spluttering out his mouth before he could think, his head whipping round to face your shocked expression, “For everything I said. I didn’t mean it, but I said it and I hated myself for it,” he paused when you stayed silent, turning back to the flames, “I doubt you even remember it. It was so long ago,”
A moment passed before you spoke even quieter than before, “I remember,” the words made his heart shatter, “I used to hate you,” somehow it broke more.
“And now?”
You turned to him with a small smile, “Now I’m not five anymore,” a smile crept onto his own face, “Besides if I’m to move here ill need someone to keep me company,” you grinned, nudging his knee with your own.
“You’re moving here?”  Ivar felt his heart light up as you chuckled, nodding to confirm his glee. Then a sinking feeling hit him, “Did you tell my brothers yet?”
Ivar would be lying if he said the grimace on your face didn’t fill him with joy, “Not yet. You’re the only one of them who looked at my face the whole night,” you chuckled. He laughed but he felt his cheeks tinge pink, “They’re an interesting bunch, ill give them that. also, who’s Margaret?”
“What?” Ivar spluttered as you shrugged.
“Some girls told me to be careful after they saw me talking to Ubbe,”
He couldn’t help laughing a little, “Oh you’ve missed so much,”
“Good thing we’ve got plenty of time to catch up,” you grinned.
For the next week you were inseparable. Attached at the hip almost. It brought a smile to Aslaug face and a grimace to every boy your age. You’d both heard the subtle jabs about your closeness from his brothers, especially Sigurd, but somehow when you would put your hand on his clenched fist under the table, he felt his anger melt away.
You also seemed to be the only one who did not notice his legs. Right now, you were both sat by a tree on the edge of a lake as Ivar stared across the water and you worked daisies into your flower crown. “You’re improving,” he teased, seeing this one was in a much better state than your previous attempts.
“Please, id like to see you try,” you snorted, “You’re too rough to even make one chain,”
“I’m not rough with you,” he defended, and his heart melted at the small smile on your face.
“I know,” there was a breeze in the air, a slight chill that made you huddle closer, and no one else around to ruin the quiet. Ivar didn’t even protest when your head eventually made its way onto his shoulder, and you said nothing when his arm went around yours. For once everything was perfect. Especially when Ivar finally brought up the courage to say what he’d been thinking since the moment you reappeared in his life.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,”
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bjornswoman · 9 months
Destruction XII
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Author's note: Hello, happy New Year to you all! Sorry for being too late to post the last part of these series. However, here it is I hope you will enjoy it!
Pairing: Modern!Ivar x Reader.
Genre: Modern!au, series, fluff, drama, angst.
Warnings: Strong language, mentions of pregnancy.
Destruction | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI
A couple of months later.
You had forgotten the sound of your own giggle the past year. However, those two last months were enough to prove you wrong and remind you that you still contained the ability to feel happy and laugh — finally.
“You can’t be serious!” You exclaimed laughing at your friend Torvi. There had been a long time since you last met each other. Actually, the last time you saw her was before your wedding.
A wedding that never really happened because Ivar decided to take you away. He had confessed that he loved you that same day as well. You could recollect the memory as it was yesterday.
Flashback – Two months ago.
“It’s not what you believe, (Y/N). It wasn’t just revenge for me. You mean a lot to me. You know I am just not good at saying those things and you, also, know that I can be dickhead sometimes. Don’t cry for me. I - I care for you.”
Ivar had said and kissed you like his life was depending on this kiss – like both of your life were depending on this kiss.
“Don’t get married, you don’t deserve being treated like that. Dump that asshole.”
You needed to hear these words back then – you needed a motive to stop that madness. After all, you didn’t love Mason, but Ivar.
You didn’t treat Mason right, so leaving him before this mistake would be the only thing you would do to save him from being miserable next to you – because of you.
“I won’t, Ivar.”
“You are mine.”
“I am yours.”
End of flashback.
“Oh, I’m and that’s not even the end of it.” Torvi continued speaking and got you out of your thoughts about that particular day. “Your mother was about to kill Hvitserk when he announced that Ivar had stolen you – those were the exact words he used.” She laughed. "Besides you know the love your mother contains for Hvitserk." You both laughed at her remark.
It was well-known that your mother loathed the sons of Ragnar – especially Hvitserk. She would call him peccant or sinful. Generally, she would criticize his way of living. Not that Ivar was her favourite brother though, but Hvitserk worked as a red flag for her.
You could picture your mother's face after hearing Hvitserk announcing that the wedding was over because you run away with his brother. You were sure long before Torvi told you about the events of that evening that she was furious – that was the main reason you hadn't even tried to contact her since then.
"What about Mason?" You hesitated to say his name after the way you treated him, though he wasn't honest to you either – as he lied to you about the events of the past and blamed Ivar about his doing.
Anyways, you felt guilt of your own lies, because you acted the very same way you accused Ivar of when you walked away on him.
"Oh well, I heard that he is fine though he and the boys are distant after what happened. He blames them for helping Ivar. Anyways, Ubbe told me that Ivar mentioned that he is after Freydis again."
You could understand the way Mason felt, but you couldn't focus on this after some names were mentioned successively.
"Ivar?" You muttered before you could stop yourself.
"Yes, Freydis told him."
You felt jealous once again about the same thing – you were back to the beginning of this messed up story. You felt weird after everything that happened the last two months in contrast with what Torvi just told you. Maybe you were just overreact, but still you couldn't bear lose again.
Maybe your love wasn't the healthiest one , but it was strong enough to swallow you if he hurt you like he did previously.
"Don't tell me you are jealous." Torvi said smiling after receiving no response from you.
"I'm not jealous of her." You fought back and she chuckled. It was too obvious that you were lying.
"You didn't really tell me what happened with Ivar after you left." She mentioned and you smiled at the memory.
Flashback – Two months ago.
Your heart was full after a very long time it felt half without him. You felt happy again being close to the person who you loved the most. Probably this wasn't the best way to come back together – not even close to be honest – but what was worth it for you was the fact that you were sitting on the passenger's seat of his car and he was on the driver's seat taking you away somewhere that only he knew.
Nobody spoke a word though – an awkward silence was surrounding the car. You didn't know what to say – you didn't know whether you had to say something or not. You knew Ivar by heart and yet you couldn't predict what was inside his head. You knew when he was mad, happy or sad, but you couldn't say what was bothering him.
"Ivar." You breathed and turned your eyes at his figure. "Do-do you love me?" Your voice was barely coming out as a whisper. It was a silly question to ask – even after he crashed your wedding and told you that he cared for you – you wanted to hear him saying this particular word. You hadn't heard him saying it – at least not to you.
"What kind of question is that? Didn't I told that I care for you less than an hour ago?" You could say by hearing the tone of his raised voice that he was getting annoyed by your question. You were aware of the fact that he wasn't good with words – especially this kind of words, but you wanted to hear him saying just for once.
"Why is it so difficult for you to say it again? Tell me, do you love me, Ivar?" You raised your voice out of frustration. You couldn't understand the reason why it had to be that hard for him to tell you about his feelings.
The possibility that he didn't feel that way came in your mind. Maybe he was just possessive when it came to you or it could be obsession the feeling he contained for you. Those could be the actual reasons why he couldn't express his love fore and that would be because it was non-existent.
"Yes!" Ivar yelled with obvious anger at you and hit his hands on the wheel.
"Yes, what?" You pressured him more as you were angry and disappointed at the time because of his inability to express himself to you – the person he was supposed to love.
Ivar hit the brake pedal so forcefully that if you weren't wearing the seatbelt you would be out of the car when it stopped. You turned your face at him and he had already focused his furious blue eyes on you.
"No, Ivar, you don't." With those last words you stormed out of his car and started walking at the opposite way from the one he was driving on. Though, you didn't get to make it far away because his hand grabbed yours tightly and forced you to turn back and face his wrath.
"What do you think you are doing? And what the Hel are you saying?" He growled on your face as you were trying to break-free from his grip to no avail.
You breathed heavily and looked his angry face.
"All you feel about me is some kind of authority and possessiveness as I'm one of your belongings." You spoke and motioned on your hand he was holding firmly. "The worst part of it is that it isn't even new to me to get this treatment from you. You don't love me, because you don't know how to and that's due to the fact that you feel that you don't deserve the love the others are trying to give you. The only thing you know how to do is hurting these people with your childish behaviour." You continued telling him with tears falling from your eyes – tears that you wiped away with your free hand.
Ivar was looking you without speaking, he was just looking at you quite shocked. Behind his anger you could spot guilt and redeem. He knew himself that you were right and that was the most painful part for both of you.
"The next one who will come in your life and try to give you the love you deserve let her." After these words, more tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You grabbed your gown on the palms of both of your hands and took a couple of tiny steps believing that Ivar would let you walk away from him – from his life.
However, such a thing didn't happen because he used the hand of yours he was gripping and pulled back – this time he held you closer to him your bodies were touching. You tried to fight back again, but he was too strong for you in such way that when he pulled you the lacework of your dress was ripped.
This time he even stopped holding your hand and he went for your throat. His grip was as tight or strong as it was on your hand, but it was firm enough to pull your face closer to his.
"Too late for that." Ivar said in raspy voice. "There is someone who has already made my heart beat for her – who have made me feel all of the things you've said before. I didn't know how it felt to be truly loved by somebody because of the problem I faced. I thought everyone pitied me – the poor cripple – until you came. You saw me what love really means – what it is – and I sent you away. When our paths crossed again, I thought that all I felt for you was just lust or possessiveness for a woman who used to be my partner. However, I got hold of my feelings – of my true feelings – after our first kiss in the bowling alley, when I called you to come to that bar to tell you about my conflict with Mason and after we got drunk and went to my house and slept together, remember? In fact, all this was just an excuse because I wanted to see you."
When he finished, Ivar let go off you throat and one of his hands touched your arm as the other when on one of his pockets. His touch was really genuine on your hand.
"I remember." You mumbled and smiled as you remembered that particular night you spent together.
"You want me to tell you that I love you, but you know that I'm difficult with words. Though, for you, I'll say it, but before I have to do something else." Ivar stopped and afterwards his hand got out of his pocket holding a red-whine velvet box.
You looked first at the box shocked and then at Ivar.
"Ivar, you don't have to do that just to prove your words to me." You tried to say, but he stopped you by taking your hand in his, after he opened the small box. As you expected, it contained a ring, but it was not just a random ring he picked. It was the ring you had told him years ago that you wanted to be the one you would be proposed with. It was a unique design which you couldn't find easily, but he did for you.
"I love you." Ivar finally confessed and you could even spot a tear on his cheek. His forehead touched your own as he eyes found yours. "Will you marry me, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" He asked and you smiled widely.
At the sound of his words, you felt your heart hitting your chest with just force that it was going to rip out of your body.
"Yes! Yes, I will marry you, Ivar Lothbrok!" You exclaimed and kissed him passionately. This kiss wasn't like anything you had experienced. It was different from any other you had shared. One that both of you were expressing within it your deepest feelings about the other person.
When you stopped, Ivar pulled you closer to him again and placed the ring on your finger.
End of flashback.
After that moment that you would never forget about, you spent two months away from everyone you knew. It was just the two of you in the middle of nowhere. However, you had to return back in Kattegat to face the real life and what came after the decisions you made.
Ivar's family welcomed you back and they were glad to hear about your engagement – though they could see it coming. They knew better that you two about the feelings you shared.
So, there you were, talking with Torvi about the days that came after your almost-wedding with Mason.
Torvi looked at you with narrowed eyes and a huge smile on her face.
"And after this you are still jealous? You are crazy girl!" Torvi exclaimed and both of you laughed again. "No, I am being serious now." She said and you both burst into laughter again. "No, seriously now you are getting married with the love of your life!" You smiled and looked back at your feet.
"And that's not even the end of it."
"What do you mean?" Your friend asked confused and your smile became even more wider than it was already. "(Y/N)?" She asked you again anxiously this time.
As an answer, your hand moved on your stomach and you caressed it meaningful. In Torvi's face formed a smile identical to yours.
"Don't tell me that you...." She exclaimed and you tried to prevent her from let everyone know about your little secret.
"Shhhh, I am, but Ivar doesn't know yet. I am going to tell him tonight and then we are sharing it with the others. Keep it for me, okay?" You spoke on a soft tone of voice and Torvi agreed happily before she congratulated you about your pregnancy.
Later that night.
The night sky was very beautiful – enchanting you could even say. But that wasn't the best part of the night, that part would be the fact that you were sitting next to your fiancé, trying to find the best way of telling him that you were expecting his child as he was engrossed in with laptop with work matters. You were away for so long and matters had piled up.
"Ivar, when do you think that we should get married?" You asked him out of the blue as you stood up and walked through the balcony. Ivar glanced at you for a quick second and then turned his attention back on his laptop.
"I don't know, but we should not rush. In three to four months, what do you think?" He proposed without looking at you and you smiled, because this conversation was taking the way you wanted.
"That won't be convenient. I think that it should happen in one or two months." You continued.
"Why so?"
"I'll have gained weight. I won't feet in any dress."
Your words caught him off guard. He abandoned the computer on the coffee-table and fixed his eyes on you confused.
"What do you mean?" Ivar asked as the edges of his mouth lifted and left the sofa to come closer to you. He stopped on when his body was behind yours.
"What do you want me to mean?"
"Don't riddle me, (Y/N)." His voice was stern and you couldn't help your little smirk. "Are you pregnant?" He asked as his body collided with yours and his muscular hands hugged your torso and stayed on your stomach. Your back was touching on his chest, so you couldn't see his facial expressions. "Tell me." He demanded impatiently and you smiled.
You knew how much he wanted a child – a daughter or a son. You were also aware of the fact that he was delighted when Freydis had told him that she was pregnant in the past and thought it was his child when it wasn't.
"Yes, Ivar." You whispered and tilted your head at the side to catch a glimpse of his reaction to your news. What you saw was a tear slipping from his eye and you smiled again. "Are you happy?"
"No." Your blood froze in your veins and your smile died on your lips. You turned so you could face him. "No, I am not just happy. I'm thrilled!" He exclaimed and you felt your heart beating normally in your chest again.
His hands closed you inside them and one of them caressed your hair softly.
"I love you, wife."
You giggled when you heard him calling you wife.
"I love you, husband."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tag list: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog, @anotherfan07, @heavenly1927, @zvacu-te-pile-moje
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bteezxyewriter12 · 18 days
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Word count- 14.2k
Includes- One of my favorite fics I've written, historical fiction, war, battles, violence, death, blood, injuries, sex, pool sex, wall sex, cock riding, multiple orgasms, fluff, side characters from TV show Vikings
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
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I am anxious while I get ready for battle. We landed on this island a few days ago. Ragnar went to speak to the King of this island, threatening war unless we are paid to leave
Same as always
I began to notice the more we travel east from Denmark the more well protected the kingdoms are. This kingdom is behind very high walls that surround it. Similar to the walls of Paris. We were not able to get into there either. Ragnar had to fake his death for us to get in and raid the city.
His special slave that he took from there told him about the island she was taken from. How far it was. How rich it was. How the king would never surrender to him
And naturally Ragnar wanted to raid it. Lagertha did not join Ragnar this time but his sons came along. Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd snake in the eye and Ivar the boneless
Ivar is my husband. Ragnar married me to him because I am one of his war generals and Ivar is actually in love with me. And Ivar does not love anyone
I love him but I am not in love. He is not my soulmate and I am not his either. But we both married with the understanding that if we find our soulmates we would separate. Although I think it will be hard for him. He does not like to give up what is his. Or share
It is said that soulmates are incapable of physically harming each other. That sounds ridiculous
One of the maid doing my hair in braids pulls my hair hard and I yelp
"I am sorry", she says worryingly
"Is she hurting you?", Ivar asks, coming inside the tent
He is using the contraption he built so he can walk. The maid stiffens behind me and I know she is afraid. Ivar is known for being ruthless and anything or anyone who hurts me dies
"No", I answer
"Are you sure Joanne?"
"Yes Ivar, of course I'm sure", I assure him
The maid finish my hair and I get up to get dressed. I take off my dress and start pulling on my pants. When I turn around, Ivar is smirking at me
I raise my eyebrows, "Like what you see?"
"Always. It is too bad we have to go fight or I would have you right now"
"There is always tonight", I say
People always made fun of Ivar because he had one bad experience with Margrethe. And she told everyone. But I can tell anyone that Ivar has no problem getting stiff and having sex. He is really good at it. And he makes me scream all the time
"I do not want to wait that long", he complains
I shrug, "After battle then"
He nods. One of the maids helps me wrap my chest tightly with cloth, then helps with my shirt and leather armor.I put my daggers and axe on the belt Ivar made for me
I am good with throwing knives and he made me a belt that can hold ten at once. I take my sword and attach it to the belt as well. Checking to make sure I have an adequate amount of arrows, I sling the quiver over my back, then grab my bow and shield
"You are a fearsome shieldmaiden, love", Ivar says, looking at me
I smile at him, "So are you. Well fearsome warrior, not shieldmaiden"
He smiles too
"Ready?", I ask
He nods and I wait for him to put his braces on. He stands, kisses me and we walk outside
Ragnar returns a few minutes later and tells us we are going into battle now. The seer calls the war generals to him, so I walk over along with Ivar. The seer sacrifices a goat and he dips his fingers in the blood, then runs his hand down the first war general's face. When he gets to me, I don't move back, letting him drag the blood down my face
The blood feels warm on my skin and the smell fills my nose. When I move my mouth I can taste the coppery taste of the blood since it was on my lips too. This is nothing new, this is done before every battle. When that's done, I walk back to Ivar who is in his horse and chariot now
"Come love, ride with me for now", he asks
I nod and climb in the chariot too. There is plenty of room. Ragnar gives the signal and we start marching towards the wall
Jungkook POV
I cannot believe I have to fight today. Why would king Yoongi not just pay the heathens and spare our lives? And I have to fight. I am one of his war generals
I saw the king of the people who came here when he went to speak to king Yoongi. I was in the room with them. Northmen they are called. We know about them because of Namjoon, who acts as an interpreter. Once king Yoongi heard of these northmen raiding surrounding cities, he told Namjoon to learn all about them and learn their language. He was able to translate between the king whose name is Ragnar and king Yoongi.
They apparently cause massive destruction and are skilled in battle and war. They have successfully raided many cities and overthrew many kings around their country and beyond
Ragnar became king by killing the former king and taking his place
And they successfully raided the surrounding kingdoms near us. King Yoongi refused Ragnar's terms and after Ragnar left, king Yoongi called the army to gather and prepare to fight
I do not want to fight
We will have to fight outside the walls and that always makes me nervous. If we fall, then the northmen may be able to knock down the walls or find a way in. I will not let that happen
Standing outside the walls of my city, I hold my sword and shield waiting for the opposing army to come. I know King Yoongi is up on the wall looking down, watching
A few minutes later, I see people begin to appear. They look just like their king
Long hair, long beards, leather armor. And they are huge men. They could wipe out a few of our soldiers at a time. They stop a good distance away. Someone walks to the front of the faction that is in front of me. I do a double take. Is that...
A woman?
I look closer. It is. It is a woman. They let their women fight?
She looks like a warrior, with her shield and array of weapons. She is wearing the same leather armor as the men, her dark hair up, blood on her face
It is then that I look around the army and see other women standing among the men. This is insane. We are supposed to kill women?
Ragnar yells something to king Yoongi. I hear Namjoon yell something back in their language. Ragnar shrugs then says something to his army
A few men step forward. And the girl with the blood on her face does too. She hands her shield to the warrior next to her, taking an arrow and putting it in her bow. The men do the same. They will never reach us, they are too far away. The men shoot their arrows at us but they fall feet short of us
I watch the girl and she points her bow to our archers on the wall. There is no way she can make that hit. She lets the arrow loose and I watch it sail over us and hit one of our archers in the chest. He topples forward and falls off the wall
I stand there shocked and watch another arrow take another of our archers. I turn back to the girl. She is firing her arrows in rapid succession. And she is hitting her target every time. How is she this good with a bow? She is going to take out our archers on this side
"She is killing all our archers!", I hear one of the men say
"How is she able to make the shot?"
"She should not be able to. Maybe she's a witch"
"Why is she there in the first place? Women should not be fighting"
"Be quiet", I snap
They are not wrong with their questions but now is not the time to lose focus
"Focus on the army in front of you", I order
Their army is out of range for our archers although we try to fire at them. The girl walks along her army, firing arrows at the wall. I watch her as she moves and notice she is down to her last arrow. That quiver was full of arrows when she started. She killed that many people already and the battle hasn't even started yet. She walks back to the warrior holding her shield, takes it from him and pulls out her sword. Honestly she frightens me a bit
Ragnar gives a signal and she shouts, marching forward. The faction of the army behind her follows her. Is she...a war leader? A woman is a war leader? I see more men all along the army leading their faction towards us. Including Ragnar. Which is strange to me. A king who fights alongside their army? But I cannot keep my eyes off the woman, marching towards us
Quickly glancing at the wall behind me, I see that some archers survived her attack. We will be able to kill some of them now. Once her and her warriors reach the archer range, I wait to see them fall
But she shouts something and all the warriors run together building a wall out of their shields. And the arrows hit the shields instead of the warriors. My mouth drops. I have never seen anything like that in my life
We are all dead
"Shieldwall", I shout and in a few seconds, shields surround me and my warriors
"Forward", I shout and we walk more towards the opposing army
I hear the arrows hitting the shields. I took out as many of their archers as I could. But I knew some were still there, hiding from me. I peer through a small hole in the shield to see. I do not look for too long. I do not want to get hit in the face if an arrow makes it through
When I look again, the other army is close and we are almost ready to break off. Just a few more steps. Finally we are close enough that the arrows stop to avoid hitting their army.
"Break!", I yell and all the shields move
We all run towards the army, swords swinging. I hold my shield up and swing my sword down into the man in front of me. It goes into his shoulder and I pull down with all my strength, cutting down to his chest. Blood sprays in my face, on my armor and shield. I pull up as the man falls, releasing my sword
I turn, swinging again and hitting another man in the back. I see a sword coming towards me and I raise my shield, the sword hitting the shield. The impact sends shockwaves down my arm but I do not drop my shield. I am used to this. I love this. I was born to fight.
I stab my sword towards the man and bury it in his stomach. Pulling out the sword, I continue to fight through the men coming at me. Using my shield I slam it into the man in front of me, knocking him down, while I stab my sword into another. I look up seeing a man further away from me, swinging his sword and killing my men easily. He blocks all hits with his shield and hits his mark every time with his sword
He's an excellent fighter. And he's beautiful. Too bad I need to take him out. But I have to kill everyone in front of me first
Raising my sword I swing it down but the man in front of me blocks my hit with his sword. I keep fighting with him, waiting for him to make a mistake. He raises his arm with the sword but forgets to hold up his shield, leaving him open. I thrust my sword through his chest as hard as I can and it goes right into him, coming out of his back
Fuck. I have to let go of my sword. I cannot pull it out now. He falls forward and I let go of the hilt moving away. It is fine, I have fought without swords before. A man comes running at me and I swing my shield, slamming it across his face. He goes down and I raise the shield, slamming it down on his neck, decapitating him
I lift up the shield and when I look up across the field, I see the man who fights well, staring at me with anger in his eyes
I just smirk at him
Jungkook POV
I cannot believe I just watched this woman decapitate one of my men with her shield. And when she saw me, she smiled. Anger like I never felt rises in me. She needs to die. She is good at fighting and is a huge threat. She lost her sword so she should be easier to kill
But as I watch her kill every one who goes against her with her shield, I know she will not go down easily. I have never seen anyone fight with a shield like that. These northmen really are ruthless and mad
I bury my sword into the man in front of me and pull it out as he falls back. Turning, I seeing one of my men fighting with another woman. He looks like he is trying to back away and not fight her. That will not work with these women. They are more violent than the men
"Kill her!", I yell at him
He looks at me for a moment, then nods. I hear a sword coming towards me and I spin slamming my sword up, hitting the one coming down. The man swings his sword again and I block it again. I decide to take the cue from the girl and slam my shield into the man. It works and he stumbles, allowing me to stab him in the chest. When I pull my sword out, he falls and I look back at my warrior to see him bury the sword in the women he was fighting
I look around and find the girl again. Her shield is now broken and she has no weapon. She grabs a piece of the wood and attacks one of my men, running at him while he is swinging his sword at her. These people have no fear, I realize. She dodges the sword and slams the wood in his chest, killing him. I watch her take out an axe and go into the next man. I cannot believe it. She's fighting with a small axe and killing everyone she fights
One of her warriors comes running at me and I raise my arm with my shield just in time to block the hit. Pain radiates down my arm and my shield breaks in half. Fuck. I let go of the rest of it and use both hands to swing my sword, decapitating the man. Blood is all over me and I grimace. I do not enjoy killing people like these northmen seem to. I need to find the girl and kill her
Fighting and killing everyone who comes in my way, I search for her. I find her again, seeing her throw a knife and it landing in the forehead of one of our soldiers. She turns to one of my men coming at her too late and he stabs his sword in her shoulder, some of it coming out of the back
She does not scream and I watch in horror as she grabs the sword and pulls it out of her shoulder. My warrior stares at her in horror as well and she takes the chance to strike. She swings her arm, cutting his throat with her axe. And she keeps moving and fighting, like she did not just get a major wound. We are not going to win. These people are brutal. And it is like they do not feel pain
She throws her axe, burying it in one man then spins and throws a knife into another. I watch her run to another of my men, punching him right in the face. She lifts her leg and kicks him in the side, then smashes her foot in his kneecap. He goes down and she goes behind him, her hands on his neck. She pulls her hands in opposite directions snapping his neck
I cannot believe I just watched a woman do that. As he falls to the side, she jumps over him and grabs his sword, then turns to fight another. There is no more time to waste now and I start walking towards her
Cutting down anyone who gets in my way, I am solely focused on her. She is finally a few feet away from me, fighting against another of my men. She slams the sword in the side of his neck then pulls it out as he falls
"You!", I shout
She turns and looks at me. And even through all the blood on her, I realize she is absolutely beautiful. Large deep eyes, long hair in intricate braids, small nose. Then she smiles and I get so angry for thinking that when she is killing all my men. I start walking towards her when I see her throw a dagger at me
I have no shield and I wait for the pain. But as I watch the dagger comes closer it passes right through me. What? I glance behind me quickly to see the dagger landed in the dirt a few feet behind me. No blood on it. I look down at my shirt and there is no blood, no pain
Oh shit. I look back up at the girl covered in blood
She is my soulmate
I stare in horror as the dagger I threw at the man I want so badly to kill, pass right through him
He is not...
He cannot be....
He is not my soulmate?
Surely I missed and confused what I saw
But...I never miss
No, it is not true
I growl and swing the sword, running at him, pain exploding in my shoulder but I ignore it. I will not let that slow me down. Lagertha taught me to fight through pain
As soon as I get close, he brings his sword up and stops mine. He maneuvers his sword trying to hit me with it but I block it with my sword. We keep fighting with both of us trying to get the upper hand and failing. I let out a frustrated scream, and swing the sword into his side
We both watch in horror as my sword passes right through his body. There is no blood, no wound, nothing. And he is not screaming. This is NOT happening. It is not
I hear footsteps and see one of the enemy warriors run at me.bMoving back from the other man, my soul...no he is not, I face off with the other fighter, still shaken by not being able to kill the other man. I fight the man in front of me but I move too slowly to block the sword and I feel pain burst in my side and along my stomach. I look down to see blood spilling from the slash wound he made with his sword. I am shocked he was able to do this and I watch him swing the sword again. I block it but not fast enough and it cuts into the side of my torso. I stifle a scream and punch the man in the face. Then I plunge the sword into his chest, burying it to the hilt. I let go of the sword and shove the body aside
Then I turn to the other man and run at him, ignoring the pain
He swings his sword but I duck and his momentum turns his body to the side. I kick at the sword making him let it go. I grab his shoulder and pull him back to face me. I punch him across the jaw but my hand passes through him
"What the fuck?", I yell
I do not see his hand come up as he tries to punch me in the face. I see his hand and I know it went into my face but I do not feel any pain
This is not real. I move back from him and try to kick him in the stomach. My leg passes into him but it is like he is a ghost. He makes no sound of pain and just looks up at me. He is real, I know he is real, I touched his shoulder
I grab his wrist, feeling him to make sure he is real. He grabs my other arm, feeling me as well. He says something but I do not understand his language. He looks at me then back down. He raises his hand to my side wound, looking back up at me. I raise my eyebrow but I do not stop him
He touches my wound and presses on it. But it does not hurt. I slap his hand away and I press on my wound. Pain slices through me and I yell bending over, squeezing his arm that my other hand is still on
I look up at him and he is looking at me in fear. He grabs my other arm and helps me right myself up. I move my hand gesturing him to press on the wound again. He hesitates but then he touches me and this time I watch. I feel his hand on the wound, on my skin. But as soon as he presses, his fingers pass through my translucent skin and there is not any pain
Holy shit, he is my soulmate
He pulls his hand away and starts yelling in his language
"Joanne!", I hear someone yell my name
I turn to see Ragnar staring at me
"Kill him!", he shouts
"I...I cannot!"
"What, why not? Snap his neck!"
"I cannot. He is...he is...", I stammer, looking at the man
"He is what?"
"He is my soulmate. I cannot hurt him. It does not work! He does not feel any pain when I try to hit him. My sword passes right through him"
"What the hell?"
I turn my head to Ragnar
"And I do not feel anything when he tries to hit me"
"Fine, I will kill him", Ragnar bellows, coming towards him
The man picks up his sword getting ready to fight. No, this man is no match for Ragnar. No one has ever gone against Ragnar and won. I watch Ragnar come closer and raise his sword. Without thinking, I pick up a sword from the ground. As soon as Ragnar is close enough he brings the sword down towards the man. I run and step in front of him, raising my sword and stopping Ragnar's sword with mine
"What are you doing?", Ragnar roars
"I.....you cannot kill him.", I answer, "He is my soulmate"
Ragnar looks at me in disbelief. What the hell am I doing? How can I be defending this man? This enemy? I should not be but he is my soulmate. I cannot let him die. And if I have to protect him from my side, my family, I will. And I cannot believe I am willing to do this for someone I do not know. Turn my back on everything I know. But I will
Jungkook POV
I stare in shock as the girl runs in front of me and raises her sword against her king. To protect me. She blocks his sword and he starts yelling at her. She talks back to him and I hear the panic in her voice even though I don't know what she is saying. I realize the huge risk she is taking to protect me. She is turning her back on her king, her people, her country. And he could kill her for it
I watch them argue, him yelling at her, her speaking lowly and in fear. He then looks at her and asks her something. I hear her speak, her voice sad but firm. Ragnar lets out a yell, lowering his sword. She lowers hers too but then he punches her across the face, shouting something. She sways to the side and I do not know why but I pull her to me and hold my sword out towards him
"Do not touch her!", I yell
As much as I know I should let him kill her, I cannot watch her die. She is my soulmate. I cannot let her be killed, especially for protecting me. Ragnar looks at me in fury but I keep a tight grip on her and start walking backwards. She comes with me but I do not take my eyes off Ragnar. I call out for the rest of my men and they move in front of me as I pull the girl with me. The battle is dying down right now. I need to get her inside. She needs the medics to look at her
Ragnar gives me a nasty look, then calls something out. His men listen to him and they slowly back away. For now
"Open the gate! Now", I yell
I tell my men, "Stay out here until they all leave"
The gate opens and I go inside with the girl. Once inside she moves away from me and falls on the floor
"I need a medic!", I yell, "Get one now!"
Shit. I turn and see King Yoongi staring at me from up on the wall
"Do you want to tell me what the fuck you are doing?"
"Please your majesty, please let a medic help her and I will tell you anything you want"
I don't know why but I am terrified of her dying
He stares at me, "Fine. Bring her to the palace and have Hoseok and Seokjin take care of her. I will be there soon and you better have a good explanation for this"
I nod, "Thank you"
I kneel next to the girl and look at her. I know she will not understand me but I talk to her anyway
"Can you come with me? I am bringing you to get your wounds fixed"
She looks up at me and she is crying. I feel my heart hurt for her. She just left everything behind when she came in here. I do not know if she can walk so I gently put my arms around her. She doesn't push me off so I keep moving, picking her up as I stand. She lays her head on my shoulder and cries more. I hurry to the palace as fast as I can
I watch as Hoseok sews the wound on her side and Seokjin works on her shoulder. She does not scream or make a sound as they work. Does it not hurt? Does she not feel pain?
No, she does, I saw when she pressed on her wound and the sound she made. Is she trained to not focus on the pain? The other warriors did not seem to feel pain either. Hoseok finishes then pulls a metal dagger from the fire. He lays it on her side to cauterize the wound. The girl grimaces and she starts breathing heavily. After, Hoseok gives it to Jin and starts cleaning her slash that is across her side to her stomach. Jin presses the dagger on her shoulder wound, then puts it back in the fire
"Jungkook", King Yoongi says as he enters the room
I stand up and bow to him. Hoseok and Seokjin do as well
"Get up all of you", he snaps, then turns to me, "You better start explaining why she is inside my kingdom and in my palace no less. And what you were doing with her on the battlefield"
"She is my soulmate"
"What?", Hoseok gasps, looking up at me
"Fix her wound!", I yell
He scowls but he turns back to her. Seokjin gently moves her shoulder and starts cleaning the wound on the back of her shoulder
"Start speaking", King Yoongi demands
I quickly explain what happened when she threw the dagger at me and when we fought. Then I tell him about what happened when she touched her wound and when I did
"I really cannot physically hurt her. It is just like the stories and texts say."
"Prove it", King Yoongi says
She is being tended to by the medics
"Yes now", he snaps walking towards her
"Move", he tells Seokjin
Seokjin stands aside and I move quickly to the girl's side. King Yoongi presses on the wound Seokjin is fixing. The one on the back of her shoulder. She yells in pain and glares at King Yoongi
"She feels pain. Now you touch her"
I'm not comfortable with this but I can disobey an order from my king
She looks pissed off, so I tell her, "It is alright"
She looks at me, then turns away. I put my hand on her arm. Then I press my fingers into her wound. Her skin goes translucent and my fingers pass through her. She does not move or make a sound
"Oh my god", Seokjin gasps
"The same thing happens when she tries to hurt me", I tell them
"Fine she is your soulmate. Why is she here?", King Yoongi demands
Was he not watching how Ragnar was going to kill her? How could he think I would let that happen?
"Because she tried to protect me. When Ragnar came to kill me she grabbed a sword, stepped in front of me and stopped Ragnar. They argued and I knew that he would kill her for what she did and probably what she was saying to him. When he punched her in the face, I could not let him hurt her. So I brought her with me", I explain
"Without asking me"
"I had to make a quick decision. I am sorry", I answer
"Why should I not kill her right now?", he asks menacingly
Because she would probably get up and kill him. I have seen her fight, close up, with the wounds she has still bleeding. He has not. She can kill everyone in this room in minutes. But I cannot say that
"Because she is my soulmate. Because by protecting me she turned her back on Ragnar and her country. She has no where to go.", I reason
"So I should just throw her out and let Ragnar kill her"
"If you do then I am going with her", I answer
I do not know when I decided this but once I said it I realize it is true. If he makes her leave, I am going with her
King Yoongi stares at me in shock
"You would leave here, you're home, your position in my army to follow her? A heathen Northman?"
I know he is going to get angry but now that I found her, I cannot let her go. I just cannot
King Yoongi turns from me and I know he is calming himself down
"Get Namjoon. She needs to start talking"
A guard in the room bows then leaves
I sit next to her while Hoseok and Seokjin still fix her remaining wounds. She does not look at me, just at the wall. I want to comfort her so I take her hand. And I am surprised but glad to feel her squeeze mine
The two healers finish working on me . I do not move, I just lay down, holding my soulmate's hand. I do not know why I have not shoved his hand away but I do not want to. Holding his hand is making things a little bit better. I cannot believe I rose a sword against Ragnar. That is treason and betrayal. I know that I can never go back. Not after that. If I do they will kill me . And not quickly. I will be killed by the blood eagle. I rather kill myself
Why did I protect this man? Why? Ragnar retreated today but he will be back. And Ivar will come for me
I do not know if he would want me back or want to kill me. Either way Ragnar will never let me live. Whether it would be a public execution or a secret one, I am dead if I go back
A few minutes later another man comes inside the room. The king starts talking fast. I know he is angry I am here
I understand. I am the enemy. But the man, my soulmate, is fighting to keep me here. I do not understand him but I know that is what he is doing
The man who just came in talks to my soulmate. He nods then looks at me, saying something I do not understand softly. He has a nice voice. He makes a move to put his arms around me. I do not know why but I trust him. He helps me sit up, pain filling my body. The wounds hurt but I have been hurt worse before
He helps me stand and walks with me to another room. In this room there's a large table with an intricate chair. A throne. For the king
There are regular chairs around the table. The king sits down on the throne and motions for us to sit down. The man helps me get to a chair and helps me sit down. He sits next to me and then holds my hand. And I like it. What is wrong with me?
"I am Namjoon", the man from before says in my language
How the fuck does he know it?
"How do you know what I speak?", I ask
"I studied your language and culture when we found out your people were attacking kingdoms around ours"
So they knew we were coming
"What is your name?"
"Joanne. Joanne Lothbrok", I answer, "Who is your king?"
I do not know his name. It never mattered before, I never needed to know the name of the kings we raided
I did not care
"King Min, Yoongi"
"King Min?"
Stupid name
"No. Min is his last name. He is King Yoongi"
Alright, why did he not just fucking say that?
I look at my soulmate, "What is his name?"
"Jungkook", my soulmate answers, "Jeon, Jungkook"
Strange name
"Jungkook", I repeat
He nods, then points at me, "Joanne?"
I nod. He smiles and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I cannot tear my eyes away
King Yoongi starts talking to Namjoon
"King Yoongi wants to know why you are fighting since you are a woman?"
I roll my eyes, turning to Namjoon. This is the same question every King has asked
"I am a shieldmaiden. In our kingdom the women fight as well as men. We are trained as well. Not all women are shieldmaidens but all women know how to use a sword. To protect the home when the men are raiding"
Namjoon turn to his king and speaks in their language. The king answers then Namjoon turns back to me
"How important are you in the army? You led a group of men to battle"
"I am a war general in Ragnar's army"
"How did you become a war general?", he asks
"Because I am good at fighting and killing. I am his best shieldmaiden, the best out of his warriors"
"How did you become the best?"
"Because I was trained by his first wife Lagertha"
I wait while he translates to King Yoongi
"Your name is not like theirs"
"No. I was taken by Lagertha when they raided Northumbria, when I was five. Before that, I was taken from my home in Rome when the king of Northumbria came on a pilgrimage to see the pope. I was sold by my parents to the king to become a maid when I was three"
"They raised you then? The northmen?"
"Are you Christan?"
"No. I adopted the northmen gods and goddess. I believe in them"
Again I wait for Namjoon to translate
I watch Jungkook's face as he listens to Namjoon. He looks surprised but at what I do not know
"Why should king Yoongi not return you to your people?"
I do not know. I cannot answer that. He should not keep me here. He should throw me back to them. It is what I would do. He does not seem to be like Ragnar who's interested in other cultures. Ragnar took Athelstan when he first raided Northumbria and they were close friends. I doubt King Yoongi would do that
"The only thing I can say is that they will kill me much more brutally than your king will."
"By the blood eagle"
"What is that?"
I explain to him how the blood eagle works. The cutting of the back of the skin, the breaking of the ribs with an axe, then pulling out the lungs and placing them on the back. His face pales as I go on
"And if I want to be welcomed in Valhalla, I cannot make a sound while it is happening"
I nod, "Where all warriors and shieldmaidens go after death to await Ragnarok"
He looks at me confused and I sigh explaining, "The end of our world"
"Has this, blood eagle been done before?", he chokes out
I nod
"Yes to a jarl who betrayed Ragnar. I witnessed it. And what I did was betrayal and treason just like the jarl"
I watch Namjoon turn to King Yoongi and start explaining what I told him. King Yoongi's eyebrow raises as he listens. But Jungkook starts yelling something and I can tell he is upset by his tone. King Yoongi barks at him but he keeps arguing. King Yoongi slams his fist on the table and Jungkook stops talking. Silence fills the room before I start talking
"What did Jungkook say?"
"He was expressing that King Yoongi could not let you go back and be killed that way. That there was no way that he would let you go back to that"
I look back at Jungkook and he shakes his head, talking to me
"It is ok", I tell him
He shakes his head again
"Joanne, is Ragnar going to leave? He retreated today"
I take a breath. These people have no idea how ruthless he is
"No. He will not leave until you give him what he asks for or until he breaks in and raids the kingdom. And he may demand me"
"Yes. My husband will demand to have me returned as well. For execution or to stay with him I do not know"
"You are married?"
I nod, "I am married to Ragnar's son, Ivar the boneless"
"Why is he called boneless?"
I explain to him Ivar's condition. Then his personality
"When he wants something, he will stop at nothing to get it. And he will want me back. He is worse than Ragnar in that regard"
Namjoon sighs, then turns to tell King Yoongi what I said. I guess he gets to the part with Ivar, because Jungkook turns to me and asks me a question, surprised
Namjoon finishes translating then says, "Jungkook wants to know if you love Ivar"
I talk to Namjoon but I look at Jungkook, "No. I care about him but I do not love him. I was never in love with him or anyone else before"
He tells Jungkook what I said and Jungkook talks again
"He is asking why you married him"
I sigh, "You do not know Ivar. When he wants something he gets it. No matter the cost or what he has to do. He is ruthless. He has never been violent to me but I have seen him be to others. And he had never loved anything or anyone before. And he fell in love with me. There is no way he will let me go. And I never thought I would find my soulmate, so I married him"
Namjoon speaks to Jungkook but he just looks at me, in my eyes. Jungkook speaks to me as he looks at me
"He is asking if you will stay with him. He promises to protect you and keep you safe. But only if you want that"
I don't hesitate
I nod, "Yes"
I do not know why but I do not want to leave him. And I will not, if I can help it
Jungkook POV
She nods when I ask her to stay with me. I will protect her and keep her safe for as long as I live
She talks to me and Namjoon translates what she is saying, "I will stay with you and protect you as well."
I smile because I know she can. I saw her fight
"Excuse me. Are you not forgetting that she needs my permission to stay?", King Yoongi hisses
I look over to him, "I am sorry your majesty but where she is, I will be. So either she stays here with me or I go with her"
King Yoongi narrows his eyes, "Fine. But if she stays she fights against her people."
I am shocked
"You cannot ask her to do that!"
"I can if she wants to stay", King Yoongi snarls, "Namjoon translate now"
Namjoon tells her about fighting against Ragnar. Her eyes widen and she starts speaking rapidly. I wish I could speak her language
"She says she cannot do that. She could never kill the people she grew up with, who took her in and loved her"
"Then she leaves", King Yoongi answers
"And I will too", I growl
"You will not. You are a war general in my army. You will not follow her", he orders
That's an order I cannot follow. She defied her king for me. Now I am going to do the same
"I am sorry majesty but I am going with her. You cannot stop me"
King Yoongi raises his eyebrows
"Guards, take the prisoner"
My heart fills with dread. Guards come and grab her by both arms. She struggles against them but they get her hands behind her and shackle them. She starts yelling in her language
"What is she saying?", King Yoongi demands
Namjoon is looking at her as he speaks, "She is saying she is going to kill us all. That none of us will survive"
At that moment, she slams her head back into the chin of the guard behind her. The guard stumbles back and she lifts her arms, contorting her body like. I have never seen before until she gets her arms back in front of her. I have never seen anything like that. It is like she does not have bones. The other guard comes at her but she side steps him, kicking him in his side. As he doubles over, she grabs his head and slams his head into her knee
She is absolutely amazing
He groans falling to his knees. She goes behind him and snaps his neck easily. King Yoongi is standing there unamused and Namjoon is in pure shock. The other guard gets up and runs to her. She throws a punch, her fist slamming his face, blood bursting from his nose
"Oh my god", Namjoon whispers, terrified as he watches her
She goes behind the guard and throws the chain that is attached to her shackles over his head. She pulls back the chain against his throat, crossing the chains and choking him
"Stop", King Yoongi yells
She shouts at him as the guard desperately tries to get the chain off. He leans forward but she presses her knee against his back and keeps pulling the chain
"What is she saying?", King Yoongi yells
"That she is coming for you next", Namjoon whispers
"Guard. Go to Jungkook and hold him there", King Yoongi orders
Suddenly there is a guard behind me and a sword against my neck
"Joanne!", King Yoongi shouts
She lifts her head up and sees me, yelling
"She says stop, do not hurt Jungkook", Namjoon yells
"Then tell her to let the guard go and stop fighting!"
Namjoon translates and she answers
"She wants to know if you will leave Jungkook alone and alive if she stops fighting"
Namjoon translates. She lets go of the guard, who gasps for breath and steps away
"Take her to the prison", King Yoongi orders
"No!", I yell
"Stay there. Do not move", King Yoongi growls
The guard gets up from the floor and turns to her. He punches her across the face, her head snapping to the side
"Stop!", I cry, horrified
She slowly turns to the guard, fire in her eyes. She spits blood from her mouth in his face. He yells and hits her again
"Stop! Stop him! Please", I shout
"Enough. Take her. Now", King Yoongi demands
I watch as the guard grabs the chains and pulls, making her follow him. And I cannot do anything. He is going to hurt her because of me. She will not fight back to keep me alive. King Yoongi makes a gesture and the sword is removed from my neck
"Give her back to me", I shout
He raises an eyebrow, "No. You know my demand for her to stay"
"That is not fair to ask of her. I would never fight against you or any of my men if they had taken me! Why would you expect her too?"
"Because she wants to stay with you. Let me make this clear, I have no use for her. Whether she lives or dies is not my concern. She came here with her fucking army. She slaughtered more than half of your faction. She killed one guard so easily and almost killed another. She threatened to kill me. And you want me to let her run around free? No, that will not happen"
I understand where he is coming from. He is the king, he needs to protect himself and his kingdom. But I do not care about that, I care about her
"She will not be running free. She will be with me. In my home. Away from you"
"And you will be there with her, will you not?"
I nod. I will be
"That does not work for me. I need you here, leading your part of the army. You need to stay here"
"So you are leaving her in a cell?", I cry
"For now. I have not decided if I am giving her back to Ragnar or not. Or if I am going to keep her alive."
I am so scared he is going to have her killed and I will not be there to protect her. And he cannot give her back to Ragnar. I cannot let her die by the way they will kill her. The blood eagle. I was horrified hearing about how it is done. That she cannot make a sound or she will not enter Valhalla upon death. Or that she actually witnessed that being done to someone. I cannot imagine watching that
"If I stay, then keep her alive. Please"
"You are staying regardless of what I do with her."
"Please your majesty. Please do not kill her", I beg
He stares at me for some time, then says, "I will not kill her for now"
"Thank you"
I am not stupid, I know he can go back on his word whenever he feels like it
"May I see her?", I ask
"Not now. Tomorrow."
I just nod. I know if I ask for anything else, he will just get angry. And he does things without thinking when he is angry
"Go check on your men and see whose still alive"
Then he turns away from me and walks out of the room. Namjoon is about to leave when I stop him
"Yes?", he asks
"Teach me her language", I say
He nods
The Next Day
Jungkook POV
I am impatiently pacing in the meeting room we were all in yesterday. Namjoon is here and I am waiting for King Yoongi and Joanne. I was summoned here today to talk with her again
Yesterday after she was taken from me, I had Namjoon teach me some phrases and words in her language along with some answers she might give. It is not much but at least I can ask her if she is alright and know what she is saying. He has agreed to teach me some of her language everyday. King Yoongi walks in and we all bow
"Sit", he commands
Namjoon and I sit in the same seats as we did yesterday
King Yoongi sits and speaks to me, "I want you to talk to her. I decided she does not have to fight against her people in battle. But she must tell us a way to make them go away or defeat them. And she seems the most receptive to you"
I nod. I can do that. She is still betraying her people but she will not be doing it in physical combat. Although I already know she is going to refuse. I would
"Where is she?", I ask
"She is being brought to us"
We wait a few minutes and the wait is killing me. I hear chain noises and I look up to the doorway. A guard comes in first, then her. And I gasp when I see her. She looks so much worse than yesterday. Her face is bruised all over, her lip is split and she has a bloody bandage wrapped around her upper arm. She has dirt all over her skin and her hair is unbraided and a little messy. She is dragged to the chair next to me and forced roughly into the chair
"Joanne", I whisper
She turns to me
When she sees me she smiles, "Jungkook"
I feel so much happiness when she says my name
"What happened?", I ask in her language
She raises an eyebrow and asks something. Namjoon answers and her smile widens. She talks to me but I only pick up a few words- me, he, hurt
"She says she was hit over and over by the guard she tried to kill. He cut her arm and threw her in a cell. Her body hurts but she's alive"
"I am sorry", I whisper in her language
She shakes her head, talking while Namjoon translates, "No Jungkook, it is not your fault. I said I would protect you and I will keep my promise"
She should not have to protect me. I should be protecting her. She was hurt and I was not there. Again. I look down and she takes my hands, holding on tightly, speaking
"She says do not blame yourself. She does not blame you"
I look back up at her and gently touch the side of her face, nodding. I still blame myself but I will not show it to her
"Jungkook, talk to her about what I told you too", King Yoongi demands impatiently
I sigh but I speak with Namjoon translating
"My king says you do not have to fight against your people"
She nods
"But he wants you to tell us a way to make them go away or how to defeat them"
Sadness enters her face as she speaks
"The only way to make them go away is to give them what they want. And I will not tell you how to defeat them. I will not be responsible for their deaths"
Glancing at King Yoongi, I can see the anger fill his face
"Take her back", he snarls
The guard grabs her by her arms and rips her away from me, hauling her out of the chair
"No. Joanne!", I yell, "Stop, please stop"
She struggles against the guard, yelling too
"Jungkook! Jungkook!"
"Take her!", King Yoongi yells
Another guard comes to help, each one taking one of her arms and dragging her back. I cannot help it, tears start falling as I watch her being torn away from me. I start moving towards her to get her from them
"Guards, hold him!", king Yoongi shouts
Two more guards move forward blocking my way and holding my arms
"Stay here Jungkook", king Yoongi barks, looking at me with barely controlled rage
But I am just as angry. The guards get her out of the room but I can still hear her screaming my name
She is calling for me and I cannot do anything. Again
"Are you weeping?", King Yoongi asks incredulously
I don't answer and wipe my eyes
"Do you love her?", he questions
"Yes", I answer with no hesitation
I do. I do not know how I fell in love so fast. But I did the second I found out she is my soulmate. I feel complete now that I found her. I cannot explain the feeling. I just know I belong with her
"That is too bad", he sneers
Why? What is he going to do?
"Because I am giving her back to Ragnar"
"No. You cannot. You cannot", I cry, hysterically
"I can and I am"
"No. Please no. I...I cannot be without her!"
"You will have to be"
Then he stands and leaves the room
And I fall apart
A Day Later
I open my eyes as my cell opens. The guard grumbles something at me, waving his hand up. I sit up, peering at the guard. He starts yelling but I have no idea what he is saying. All I know is the king is keeping me apart from Jungkook
I feel like I am dying inside. I want to stay with him. I love him. It happened so fast but I love him. And being away from him is killing me
The guard grabs the chains and yanks me up. I stumble to my feet and follow him. He walks fast pulling me behind him. I am trying to keep up with him but I am so tired. I am led outside, closing my eyes against the bright sun. I have not been outside in two days. I guess I am going back to Ragnar
People look at me as I follow the guard, whispering. I do not know what they are saying and I do not care either. The closer to the wall I get the more I hear. And what I hear sends chills down my spine
"I demand my wife back!"
It is Ivar. He came for me
"I will slaughter all of you if you do not give her back"
He will. He absolutely will. I am led up the stairs to the top of the wall, to King Yoongi. He glares at me, takes my chain from the guard and leads me to the edge. I can see everything from up here. And I see Ragnar's entire army with him and his sons at the front. Ivar is screaming for me, in his chariot
King Yoongi motions for Namjoon, who yells out, "She is right here"
I know Ivar sees me because he yells, "Joanne, I have come for you"
I have nothing to say. There is nothing to say
Then Ragnar yells, "You must give her back so she can answer for her crimes"
I knew it. They are going to kill me. I look down at King Yoongi's men and my heart stops. Jungkook is there, right in the front, just like he was the first time. Looking up at me. King Yoongi is making him fight. My heart breaks. Ragnar will aim for him. Kill him to spite me and then execute me
Namjoon yells, "If you get her back will you leave?"
Ragnar answers by yelling and charging with his army. I watch in horror as Jungkook gets ready for the first wave of my warriors as they crash into king Yoongi's men. Jungkook kills every man who comes in his way. He fights gracefully and efficiently, stabbing and cutting off heads
But I watch Ivar and Ragnar as well. Ivar is cutting through king Yoongi's army with his chariot and Ragnar is killing his way to Jungkook
"He is going to kill him", I whisper
"What?", Namjoon asks
"Ragnar, he is going to kill Jungkook. He is going straight to him", I answer pointing to Ragnar
Namjoon translates to King Yoongi, then speaks to me, "The king says that Jungkook will win. He is the best fighter"
I shake my head, "He will not. Ragnar has never lost. He has killed everyone he went up against. Jungkook will die"
Namjoon speaks to king Yoongi but the king does not say a word
I watch Ragnar get to Jungkook
"No", I shout
Jungkook turns to Ragnar and blocks Ragnar's sword
"Let me go!", I yell
Namjoon looks at me
"Tell him", I yell
He speaks to king Yoongi but the king shakes his head. I watch as Jungkook barely has time to duck under Ragnar's swing
"Let me go! If you do not he will die!"
Namjoon speaks and still King Yoongi shakes his head. Ragnar lunches at Jungkook in his face and he stumbles
I cannot watch this. I turn to the guard next to me. Grabbing his should I spin him to me, slam my fist in his face and grab his sword
"Undo the shackles now!", I scream, holding the sword at King Yoongi
He raises his eyebrows but nods. He does not need to understand me to know what I want. The guard who brought me, quickly steps to me and unlocks the shackles
I look at Namjoon, "Tell them to open the gate. Now"
He nods and yells in his language as I turn and run down the stairs. The gate opens just a little but it is enough for me to slip by. Ragnar lunches at Jungkook again and this time Jungkook falls back, slipping
Ragnar raises his sword and I run faster. Ragnar brings his sword down and I slide to them just in time to catch Ragnar's sword with mine. I use all my strength to push his sword away and punch him across the face
"Do not touch him!", I scream
He turns his head back to me, fury in his gaze
"You are protecting him! Against us who raised you!", he yells
He is trying to use that against me but I will not let him. I am not part of them
I was used by him. By Aslaug. By his sons. As a weapon
"You did not raise me. Lagertha did!"
"And you would betray her like this?"
I shake my head, "She taught me to follow my heart no matter what. And my heart belongs to him"
"You are not one of them!", Ragnar rages, "You are one of us"
"Not anymore"
I swing my sword at my once king. He is wrong. I belong to no one. I was sold by my parents. Then taken by them. I have always been alone, always an outsider. But now I have Jungkook and I am not leaving him. Lagertha taught me to not blindly follow anyone, to think for myself . And I am. And I will do anything to protect Jungkook
Ragnar stops my sword with his but I move aside bringing it up again. He barely has time to block it and he does but not before I slice his arm open. He looks down at his arm and roars in my face. He does not scare me. I punch him in the face, his eyes watering, then kick his side. He backhands me across the face and I stumble, landing on one knee. I hear the sound of a sword swinging and I bring up my arm, the clanging of my sword stopping his. I look up at Ragnar and growl
Pushing off my foot, I stand up quickly, shoving him back. Swinging my sword I slash at him but he blocks it again. We keep fighting, swords swinging but neither of us get the upper hand
"Joanne", I hear Jungkook yell
I do not turn around but I yell, "Keep fighting"
Hopefully he can get the meaning of my words. Ragnar pushes my sword off his and punches me in the stomach. I drop to my knees on the ground, sword at my side as I gasp for air
"I wish you would not make me do this", Ragnar says
I look up at him and watch him raise his sword above his head
"Joanne!", I hear Jungkook scream
"You will not", I tell Ragnar, then grab my sword and plunge it into his stomach
It is like the entire battle stops. His sword drops but I dodge it easily. I stand up holding on to the sword, with Ragnar looking at me surprised. I push the sword in more, burying it to the hilt. Ragnar nods at me. I see the life leave his eyes as he falls to the side
No one is moving. I turn my head to the wall, glaring at King Yoongi, who has surprise all over his face. Now he knows. I killed one king, I can kill another
"Joanne! What did you do?", I hear Bjorn yell, his eyes wide in shock
I meet his eyes and I see the rage in his face
"Attack!", he yells
I turn, running back to the wall, screaming at Namjoon
"Bow and arrows now!"
He grabs a quiver and bow from an archer and drops it down the wall. I run grabbing the bow and an arrow, then turn and train it on Bjorn, whose running at me. Aiming, I let the arrow loose and it buries right in his eye. He screams and goes down. I turn and stuff the arrows that fell out of the quiver back in quickly. Putting it over my back, I grab the bow
I need to kill the rest of Ragnar's sons. So there are none to avenge him
Quickly I look for Jungkook and he is fighting more of my former people. Then I run to Bjorn to make sure he is dead. When I get to him, I see the arrow went through the back of his head and he is gone. I grab his sword and put it in my belt to use later
Then I look for one of the sons. The first one I see is Ivar. I do not want to kill him. But I have to. He is the most ruthless of them all and he will want to avenge his father. I take aim and shoot at his horse. My arrow hits its flank and it falls. Ivar's head turns to me, fury on his face
"You killed my father and my brother. For one of them?", he screams
"Not just one of them Ivar. He is my soulmate. I am sorry but I have to"
Ivar's eyebrows shoot up, "Your soulmate. Him? You choose him over us?"
I quickly notch an arrow, aim and let go. As I see the arrow hit through Ivar's neck, I feel excruciating pain in my hip, taking me down
Jungkook POV
As I fight I watch her. I cannot believe she killed Ragnar. She actually killed him. Then looked at king Yoongi as if warning him. I have never seen him so shocked
Then I saw her kill another man with an arrow. I dodge a sword thrust and cut the head off the warrior. Looking for her, I find her yelling at a man in a chariot. Her husband. Is she....going to kill him?. I watch her shoot the arrow, it going through his neck
Then I see her go down
"No Joanne!", I scream, my heart stopping
She is not dead. She cannot be. I just found her, I cannot lose her so soon. I start running to her. My heart starts beating again when I see her slowly get up. She is alive. But what happened? She is hunched over and it looks like she may be pulling at something
"Joanne", I yell, getting to her
I look down and see her holding a bloody knife. He threw a knife at her. The wound is in her hip and she is bleeding. A lot
I grab her, moving her behind the chariot for a few seconds Grabbing the end of my shirt, I rip the bottom off in two long strips. I fold one quickly and press it to her wound
She winces and I say in her language, "I am sorry"
Taking her hand, I press it against the cloth so she can hold it. Then I take the other strip and tie it around her, securing the folded cloth in place. It is the best I can do for now. I look up at her and she is looking intently at me
Suddenly she pulls me to her, her lips on mine in a kiss
Stars explode in my vision and heat fills my body from her kiss. I put my arms around her, holding her close and kissing her back. I am aware there is a war going on around us but I want to kiss her at least once in case we do not make it
When it is over, she pulls away and looks in my eyes
"Ek elska þik*", she says
My heart bursts in pure joy. I understand what she said because that is one of the first things I had Namjoon teach me
She told me she loves me
"Ek elska þik", I tell her in her language
She smiles at me
"Joanne!", I hear a voice yell, then more words
She looks at me, takes my hand, then stands and starts running towards the wall. She is screaming something and I hear Namjoon yelling back at me
"There is three more sons you have to kill. She already killed two"
We get to the wall and she turns around. I turn too and she points to a group of three men walking towards us
"Sons?", I yell to Namjoon who speaks to her
She nods, moving her fingers as she talks, "Sigurd, Hvitserk, Ubbe"
"Ok", I nod, taking out my sword
I watch her throw down the bow. She takes a few arrows out of her quiver and breaks them, keeping the arrow still attached to some wood. She puts them in her belt in the back then draws the sword. She nods at me, then leans closer, kissing me again
We will survive. I will make sure of it
She moves away and takes my hand. Then she starts running to them and I follow. As we get closer, she squeezes my hand. We are almost upon them and we let go of our hands, both of us swinging our swords
Metal clangs as my sword hits one of the son's, I think it's Ubbe. He yells something at Joanne and she answers. The one I am fighting slashes at me and makes a cut across my chest. It stings and blood seeps on my shirt. It is not fatal but it needs sewing
I growl at him and thrust my sword, burying it in his shoulder. I pull it out quickly and stab him in the side. He yells, blocking my sword swing and punches me in the eye. My vision goes black for a second as pain explodes in my head . My vision comes back and I move out of the way of his swing. I glance at her to see her fighting the two other brothers. If she were anyone else I'd be worried but she is holding her own well. Pain hits my thigh and I see the son pull his sword back
He stabbed me. I feel my muscles spasm but I force myself to stay up. I scream and duck the swing then I punch the man in the face as hard as I can, putting all my strength behind it. He flies backward, landing on his back. I run to him and slam my sword down right into his chest where his heart is. He groans, dying in seconds
I turn to her and see her decapitate the son she is fighting. But.....where is the other one? I feel arms grab me from behind and a knife at my neck
"Joanne!", he yells
She turns and her face turns white. She begins shouting in her language. He yells back, digging the knife into my skin more. I feel the knife cut me a little and I know I am bleeding. She throws down her sword but I see her reach behind her
She yells, "Hvitserk!" and gestures at him to let me go
He says something and she shakes her head. She looks right at me and I understand what she is trying to say. I trust her. Completely. I nod
She starts yelling to distract him and then throws one of the arrows. I duck, hear the man scream and he lets me go. She runs at him, tackling him. I turn just in time to see her take the dagger from him and stab him in the chest twice then cut his throat. I do have to admit, she is vicious
She stands up slowly, blood all over her. She looks terrifying. And she is mine
My eyes are on her when I hear, "Hail Queen Joanne!"
"Hail! Hail!", voices yell
I look around to see the battle had stopped. The northmen are raising their swords up and the ones closest to her, kneel down to her. I realize that she killed all the heirs of Ragnar
And that makes her queen with no one to oppose her
My mouth drops open. Does this mean she has to go back now?
She turns to look at King Yoongi and I follow her gaze. King Yoongi is looking at her in horror. She is queen. She has the power to order her men to attack or retreat. And King Yoongi treated her horribly
I have no idea what she is going to do
"Hail Queen Joanne!"
"Hail! Hail!"
I look around the battlefield and see all of Ragnar's army looking to me and hailing me as queen
I am queen
I killed Ragnar and his heirs. It automatically makes me queen. They still consider me part of them
I don't want to be queen. Aslaug is queen and Lagertha wants to be queen. I do not care about killing Aslaug. I hate her. But I cannot kill Lagertha. She raised me, she is like my mother. And obviously these men do not consider either one of those women queen. They did not kill any heirs
I do not know what to do but right now as queen, I can scare king Yoongi. I turn to look at him
And he looks terrified. I smile at him and he flinches
"My queen. What do you want us to do?", a warrior asks me
I make a decision
"Retreat to the boats for now. I will speak with King Yoongi.", I yell
"Hail!", they all yell
I watch as my army retreats. I stay until the last warrior leaves. Then I turn to King Yoongi
"Open the gate!"
I see Namjoon speak to him and he nods. I reach my hand out and feel Jungkook take it
Walking together we make our way towards the opening gate
Hoseok just finished cleaning and sewing my wounds. I sit, waiting for Seokjin to finish working on Jungkook. Using a cloth and water, I wipe away some of the blood on me. When Seokjin is finished, Jungkook stands up and takes my hand. He says something to Hoseok and he nods, disappearing
I look up at Jungkook and tell him in his language, "Saranghae Jungkook"
His eyes widen and he looks so handsome. When we returned inside the kingdom, I spoke to Namjoon, telling him we need the healers. Jungkook was speaking to king Yoongi when I asked Namjoon to tell me how to say "I love you" in his language. It's the only thing I can say in his language but it is everything I need right now
"Ek elska þik", he tells me in my language
Then he comes closer and his lips touch mine in a kiss. Fire bursts in my body from his kiss. I felt this the first time I kissed him. Then the second time. And now
I never felt like this kissing Ivar. I hope this feeling never goes away
Hoseok comes back, speaking and Jungkook pulls away. He turns, gently leading me somewhere. I trust him unconditionally
We get to a room where there is a big pool of water. He points to the water and moves his hands around his body, telling me to take a bath. I nod. He kisses my cheeks then moves to leave. I grab his hand
When he turns back to me, I shake my head, "Stay with me"
He doesn't understand my words but I know he understands my meaning. He nods. I do not know how things are done here or how they feel about nakedness but being naked in front of your husband or lover is not something to be shy about
And I am not
I start undressing, dropping my clothes to the side. When I take all my clothes off, I turn around to see Jungkook staring at me. His eyes are wide and his mouth slightly open. I smirk at him, walking to the pool, going down the stairs and getting in it
He hurriedly gets undressed. When he pulls his shirt off I almost choke on air. His body is incredible. I guess it should be since he is a war general. His entire chest and stomach is muscular as well as his arms. He has some scars on his body but that is to be expected
When he pulls his pants down, my eyes are glued to his cock. He is already so stiff and he is huge. Much bigger than Ivar. If I was not in water, I know I would be very wet
When he is finished undressing he gets in the pool and comes straight to me. His lips are on mine in a second and I throw my arms around his neck, holding him tightly against me. His tongue slips in my mouth and I moan from the feeling. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. Pushing me against one of the walls, he looks at me
I know what he wants. It is exactly what I want. I nod and a smile bursts on his face
He kisses me passionately as he slides inside me, stretching my pussy wide around him. I moan loudly as he gets all in. Fuck, he feels so good and he did not even move at all yet. He breathes heavily, then starts moving, thrusting in and out
"Oh fuck", I moan, absolute pleasure filling my body
He fits so perfectly and I can feel everything he does, every inch of his cock, his head hitting my spot deep inside me
He murmurs something in his language, then starts kissing my neck. His hands grip my hips hard, as he moves harder. I have never felt like this during sex before. I have never been in this much pleasure before and I am ready to explode any second. No one has ever gotten me so close so fast
"Jjj... JUNGKOOK!", I scream as I orgasm hard, squeezing his arms so tightly
Pleasure like I never felt before explodes all over my body and I just keep screaming his name
Jungkook POV
She screams my name as she orgasms, pleasure fills my body when she climaxes and it has not left yet. Sex has not ever felt so good before. I moan loudly feeling her and watch her, pleasure all over her face. I love that I can give her this much pleasure
And I want to give her more so I hold back from coming. When she finishes, I start thrusting again, slamming into her. She moans, speaking in her language. The only thing I understand is my name that she keeps saying over and over. I love hearing her scream my name
"Again", I ask her, kissing her neck and shoulder
Her hand slides in my hair and pulls hard. Fuck, it feels good. She starts tightening and squeezing my cock hard as I thrust, pushing through her tightness. She is going to orgasm again. I never wanted anything so much as much as I want to feel her cum again
"Jungkook!", she screams, clinging to me and her body shaking against me
Pleasure fills my body again but still I hold back. When she finishes, she pushes me back and I fall out of her. What? Why? She kisses me hard and begins pushing me backwards. I am lost in her kiss so I just go where she is pushing me
I feel my legs hit something and she pushes me back more. It is the stairs. She pushes me more, out of the water and onto the stairs. I sit, my back against the step above where I am sitting. I watch her move on top of me. She slides down my cock and I moan as I go all in, her tight pussy opening for me
She leans over me and kisses my lips . I kiss her back, loving every kiss she gives me. When she sits back up, she moves sliding up and down my cock. Pleasure fills my body as I watch her ride me. I can see her entire body and I have to keep my mouth from dropping
She has muscles but not like a man. She also has blue tattoos on her body. I saw some of the other northmen with tattoos as well. She has a wolf on her side and her shoulder has chains tattooed all over. And that's just the front of her, I do not know if she has any on her back. I reach out and run my fingers over the wolf
I feel her skin tremble against my touch and I like that. She also has many scars on her body from battle as well as the wounds she just received from the past two fights. I understand why she has them but I do not like it. She has much more than me and that means she has been in more battles. More chances to die. I will do anything to prevent that
She takes my hands from her hips and puts them on her large breasts. Then she starts moving harder, slamming herself down over and over. I yell in pleasure, squeezing her breasts and closing my eyes. It feels amazing. I feel myself getting there but I want her to orgasm first
She keeps moving and I feel her starting to clench my cock. I know that when she orgasms, I will. I cannot hold it back anymore
"Jungkook!", she yells, orgasming again and her body shakes again
Pure pleasure fills my body, blinding me as I cum, my hands keeping her on me
"Joanne!", I shout
I cannot, it feels so good, I cannot take it. I have never in my entire life felt this much pleasure from coming. . It is taking over my body and I feel myself shudder. When we both finish, she leans over me, kissing all over my face
I love her kisses. I never want anyone else ever again, just hers. Her lips land on my lips in a gentle kiss. Wrapping my arms around her body, I hold her close to me
After a few minutes of kissing each other, she pulls away, looking down at me, in my eyes. She smiles and runs his fingers in my hair
"Saranghae Jungkook", she says
My heart bursts in joy and I cannot hold back my smile
"Ek elska þik Joanne"
I pull her back down to me in another kiss
She and I walk into the meeting room to wait for King Yoongi. We bathed and had sex again. I cannot keep my hands off her . And the best thing is she cannot keep hers off me either. It does not matter that we cannot speak to each other, it is like we know what the other wants . It is amazing
Maids brought towels to dry us and new clothes. We changed and when I turned to look at her, my mouth dropped. She was given a dress to wear. I have not seen her in a dress yet and she looks beautiful. She had a face on though like she did not like it. I do not think she is used to wearing dresses
I went to her and kissed her softly
"You are beautiful", I tell her in my language
She tilts her head, but smiles . I took her hand and led her here. She goes to sit while I go to Namjoon. I need to speak to him about something
A few minutes later, King Yoongi walks in. Everyone bows except for Joanne. Namjoon and I take seats, waiting for King Yoongi to speak
He looks at Joanne and says, "Queen Joanne"
My mouth drops in shock. He actually acknowledged that she is queen. He starts talking and Namjoon speaks to her
"What can I do to make your army leave my lands?"
She starts speaking
"Give them some of the things Ragnar demanded. They came here to raid and I cannot send them away with nothing. That will just ensure they will come back."
Yoongi listens to Namjoon, defeat on his face, "Agreed. I will give them the gold Ragnar asked for but they must leave upon receiving it"
She listens then speaks, "Agreed. I will tell them to leave and not come back"
Namjoon speaks and King Yoongi nods, then asks her a question. A question that makes me nervous
"Will you be going with them?"
She talks and I intently listen to Namjoon
"I am not sure. I need to speak to Jungkook"
He nods
She turns to me and starts speaking, Namjoon translates, "Honestly I do not want to be queen. There is already a queen, Aslaug. Apparently my people do not like her since they named me queen. And I have no problem killing her."
I nod. I understand that she may not want to be queen. I would never want to be king
"There is someone who will have a problem with me being queen. It is Lagertha, Ragnar's first wife and the one who raised and trained me. And I do not think I can kill her"
I can understand that. This Lagertha is like her mother. I would not expect her to kill her mother
"But what I choose to do depends on what you want. I will not leave you behind. If you want to come with me, I will be queen of the Danes. If you do not want to leave, I will stay with you and name Lagertha as Queen."
I am shocked. She's willing to give up being queen if I do not want to leave? I do not know what to say
"If I give up being queen, I have to make sure they know I am not staying here or Lagertha will come back for me"
That is easy to do. We can pretend we are leaving after giving them the gold. I would go with her but would her people accept me? Or would they try to kill me? I am the reason she killed Ragnar and his sons. I do not want her to have to protect me all the time. And if we stay here, I can finally leave the army and stay with her
"Will your people accept me? Or would they try to kill me?"
Namjoon speaks to her and she answers almost immediately, "They will try to kill you. They will not accept you unless you are a slave"
"You cannot go there as a slave Jungkook", king Yoongi cuts in
I look at her, about to speak but then she starts
"I am going to stay here with you", Namjoon translates
I look at her and ask, "Are you sure? We do not have to"
She shakes her head, "I do not belong there. I have not belonged anywhere my whole life. I was taken and lived in places but I did not really belong there."
I hate that her life has been so chaotic and she was taken from her original home. I cannot imagine that happening to me
"But I belong with you, Jungkook and wherever you are is where I want to be. So I am staying with you"
I nod, overjoyed that she feels that way. I feel the same
"I belong with you Joanne and I'll follow you anywhere"
I hate that Namjoon has to translate for us. But it will have to happen for now
I take a breath and speak to her in her language, "Joanne, will you marry me?"
She smiles and nods. I pull her to me and kiss her. That is what I spoke to Namjoon about when we came in the room. I wanted to know how to ask her that in her language.
When we pull away, I speak to King Yoongi, "She is staying here. I am marrying her and she is going to live with me"
"Fine. As long as the Northmen are gone, do whatever you want", he answers
Good because he is not going to be happy with what I am going to tell him
"I am also leaving the army"
"Excuse me?", he snaps
"I am retiring from the army. I found my soulmate and I want to be with her. I will not put myself in unnecessary danger and chance death. I refuse to leave her alone without me."
I do not know what I will do. I have only known the army. But I have skills and money that I can do whatever I want. Maybe be a farmer. That would be easier than a war general. Or a painter. I used to love painting
"And what will you do? Be a lowly farmer?", he snaps
"Yes. Or a painter. Something like that. I just want to live with her peacefully"
He glares at me but he answers, "Very well"
I ask Namjoon to translate what just happened and he does. She smiles and nods. We finish the meeting with Joanne and King Yoongi discussing the details of when he will have the gold, when she will give it to her people and renounce herself as queen. I suggest my idea to make them believe that her and I are leaving the kingdom. Everything is agreed upon and we can finally leave
Taking her hand, we leave the palace and I lead her the way to my house. She looks around at the people and market, smiling at everything. I smile watching her
I am happy for the first time in a long time
I know we still have a lot to do to,- get her army away from here, get married and move away from the city so we can live peaceful lives. But for now I'm just happy being with her, happy I found her
I stop walking and turn to her, "Saranghae"
She gives me a huge smile and answers, "Saranghae"
I lean down, my lips on hers in a sweet kiss
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last updated on 09/21/2024
Bold stories or chapters are SMUT/NSFW
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Jake Hangman Seresin (Top Gun Maverick)
The girl behind the bar (Jake Hangman Seresin x plus-size reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4.1
Part 4.2
Part 5.1
Part 5.2
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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Chibs Telford (Sons of Anarchy)
Chibs x plus-size reader (18+ throught, minors DNI!!)
A new job
Boys will be boys
Party at the clubhouse
Late night
Dress down
Car troubles
Part of the business
Better offer
A New Home
Maybe baby
Oh so horrible
Redwoody Productions
Wrong number
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Henry Cavill Masterlist
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Sebastian Stan
Sebastian x Anna (OFC) Series
The universe can be a bitch  Part 1  Part 2
What happens in New York…  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
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Morning kisses (Ben Hardy fluff)
You win an Oscar (Ben Hardy fluff)
Joe’s daughter (Joe Mazzello fluff)
BoRap Cast
Unexpectedly expecting (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14 (unfinished)
Prove it to me (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
My new favorite t-shirt (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
PRESSing matters (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11
At the BAFTAs after party (main story)
- Gwil Part
- Joe Part
- Ben Part
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Alex Hogh Andersen
Temporary Roommate (Alex x Reader)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13
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The gift (Hvitserk x OC x Magrethe)
My AO3 account
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mushies-stories · 2 years
I'll wait
Ubbe x reader
warnings: female reader.
word count: 1513
fluff, I just really like fluffy Ubbe I'm sorry... not really.
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You had been traveling with your father. He wanted to find you a good husband with good ties so he brought you along to meet the sons of kings and earls. You were just happy to be out of your village. Your village was small but It had the best farming land and it resided in the middle of a few other smaller villages so it made a good profit. The end goal of the journey was to reach kattegat then return home, hopefully with you to be married. 
Queen Aslaug took your family and men in for the night and invited everyone to the feast that night. You and three of your handmaidens sat at a table with horned cups of mead, pleasantly looking around and talking. You insisted on having your girl with, after all it's boring without them. 
Across the great hall sat Ubbe and Hvitserk, not so discreetly looking at your party. “stay here.” Ubbe says to his brother as he stands up suddenly, taking his cup with him. 
“C’mon now brother now that’s not fair!” Hvitserk argued with a chuckle.
“Who said I played fair brother?” Ubbe said with a laugh as he made his way across the hall and threw the tangle of people. He stopped across from you and greeted the ladies surrounding you with a nod and small smile before directing all his attention on to you, “may i sit and have a drink with you?” he asks.
You look at him and smile softly. “If you'd like…”
“Ubbe” he says as he sits down across from you. “Lady Y/N”
The girls begin to whisper to one another around you. “Prince Ubbe, what are you doing taking pity and sitting with a farmer's daughter like me?” you tease and hush the girls around you. 
“Well really it was either me or my brother.” he nods his head towards where his brother still sat, watching them and raising his glass at them. 
You laugh softly and the girls wave back to him. “Yes, the girls were about to start a bet on which one of you would come over first.”
“Well ladies, if you seek fun while here it looks like my brother is quite lonely and could use company, if you allow it.” he says, looking at you. 
You nod your head and wave them away. “Go, have fun.” you tease them. The girls all say thank you and make it over to Hvitserk who seems more than thrilled to have the company. “Like they haven't had enough fun.” you joke. The girls really have been enjoying the trip more than they probably should be.
“And you, Have you been enjoying your journey?” Ubbe asks, taking a sip from his cup. 
“I've been enjoying the sights, all the different villages and people, so yes I suppose so.” you tell him. 
“Suppose so.” he repeats. “How are you liking Kattegat then?” he asks with a smile. 
“Oh it is very nice! Quite big I fear I'd lose myself at any turn however.” you say with a chuckle. “I found a few things at the stalls to bring home to my younger brother and mother as well.” you added.
“That is very good to hear, my family takes a lot of pride in the village.” Ubbe states.
“Yes you all grew up here didn't you, easy to get around when you saw the roads being made and stalls being out up.” you tease him with a giggle that made Ubbe laugh in response. 
“Suppose that's so.”  Ubbe takes a moment and just looks at you. “How would you like to go for a walk? Since I know my way around, I'd like to show you the shores.”
“You like to huh?” you look back at him and think for a moment. Standing suddenly and telling him to wait a moment you cross the hall to your father who is speaking with the queen. You greet the queen then turn to your father. “Father, I'm going out for a walk.” you tell him. 
“Oh? With who is taking my daughter out in the night?” he inquired.
“Prince Ubbe, father.” you state.
“Your boy Queen Aslaug. Tell me then, I shall let my daughter go off with your son?” he asks her.
She smiles at him then you. “I should think so, yes. He is a fine man.” she tells you both. 
With a nod from your father you head back to Ubbe, who was patiently waiting for your return. He smiles up at you when he notices you standing next to him. “Well then?”
“Lead the way.” you say with a smile
Standing he stretches his arm to you and you take it. He leads you through the village, telling you that this is the fastest path to the stalls from the great hall. And it really did seem faster than the way up. Then he led you to the shore where you two sat on the sand and looked at the stars.
You talked for a long while about everything and anything. He told you stories from his childhood in Kattegat and you about growing up on the farm and your small village. You talked about the stars and seeing the other lands that Ubbe has traveled to and how, if you wanted to of course, go with him and see for yourself. After a while you had fallen into a comfortable silence. Just looking out at the sea and the stars.
“Beautiful, the stars shine so bright.” you didn't want to take your eyes off of them, even though you could feel Ubbe looking at you. “What are you looking at?” you ask, eyes never leaving the night sky. 
“You.” he says planley. “You are the most beautiful thing out here after all, why look anywhere else?” he says with a smirk. You could feel on your cheeks now. You hadn't expected him to be so outright with his flirting. “Tell me, why aren't you married yet? A farmer's daughter is normally wed by now, correct?”
You turn now to look at him. His blues almost glowed under the big full moon that hung above the two of you. “I don't want to marry just anyone. I want to marry someone I know, someone I trust and for love. If it helps my father, then that is good but if not? Then that is for me to decide.” you stated flatley. 
Ubbe nods, like he agrees with everything you said. “That is what you want then that is all that matters.”
You tilt your head to the side a little, staring a little harder into his eyes. “And what is it that you want, prince Ubbe?” 
Ubbe smiles, a wide confident one. “I would like it if you stayed.” his hand rose from the sand to move a strand of hair away from your face before settling on your cheek and cradling your face. “And I would like to get to know you,” he confessed. 
You were almost in shock, no man has ever spoken to you like that, like he wanted you. Not to just fuck but for just simply you. You didn't know how to respond, your heart was beginning to race and his eyes seemed to pin you in place. So you nodded your head ever so slightly. 
Ubbe couldn't help the faint smirk on his face at how flustered you had gotten. “I don't think that's much of an answer, do you?” he asks as he ghosts his thumb over your bottom lip. 
You nod once more. “Yes, I would like to stay. I love my village but here it is wonderful and full of life.” you place your hand on Ubbes own holding you. “I would like to be here with you to show it to me.” you confessed. 
A full smile was on Ubbes face now as he now held your face in both hands, pulling you both together and kissing your lips. He was gentle and his lips felt like they were always meant for yours but he was also unyielding as well, wanting to make sure you knew he meant that he wanted you. Parting you look at each other and smile. 
“You know…” you trailed off. “My father might be upset that I will not return home with him. After all, I was to find a husband or go back with some promise of marriage.” you inform him.
Ubbe kissed your forehead. “Whenever you are ready, I'll be waiting,” he whispers.
You smile up at him. “I fear you might not be waiting long.” Ubbe made you think of marriage faster than any man has before in just one night of talking. His gentleness shows how caring he is, warms your heart and makes you want to hold on to him forever. 
At your words Ubbe pulled you in closer, wrapping his arm around you and holding you closer and you rested your head on his chest. “Good.” he said, kissing the top of your head.
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Food for a Viking
Pairing: Hvitserk x GN!Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Words: 401
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It was about a week before the fall festival and the preparations for the village were well underway. The whole village had joined in on the preparations and you had joined in. You had started to prepare your home with most of the foods and decorations for the holiday and had seemed satisfied with how you decorated.  
You had just finished with some of your chores for the day, there was a soft knock on your door making you smile softly. You walked over to the door and opened it and your smile widened as you locked eyes on Hvitserk.  
His face lit up at the site of you stand in the doorway. Hvitserk bounced lightly on the soles of his feet, his body covered by his furs from the cold outside. “Y/N! How are you, my love?!” He spoke rapidly before springing forward to press multiple kisses to your cheek, making you giggle as you wrapped your arms around his waist.  
“I’m alright, handsome. And you?” You smiled widely up at him as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders after shutting the front door.  
His grin was permanently sewed into his face as his eyes traced your features. “Much better now that I’ve seen you.” He spoke breathlessly as he swayed you both side to side.  
You sighed as you buried your face into the crook of his neck and he buried his face into the top of your head, smelling the natural sent of you.  
You both stood there for a moment before he pulled himself away from you by a hair and then he pressed a passionate kiss to your lips, taking your breath away from the amount of pressure and passion he used.  
You had just started to press a kiss back into him before he pulled back and licked his lips to taste you on them. He gave a big grin as his hands came up to cup your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your nose.  
Not even a moment later, his nose twitched, and he took a deep breath through his nose. He looked at you with even more adoration in his eyes. “Did you make roast beef?”  
You gave a deep belly laugh as he let you go to go over to the table where you had laid out some food.  
“You’re such a glutton.” You shook your head with a giggle.  
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lambtotheslaughterr · 5 months
updated: 05-13-24
rules & requirements below:
i know, or at least i think, most people celebrate at 1000 followers but considering i've had this blog for nearly two years 500 followers is a big deal to me. SO to celebrate i am opening my requests. now, before you go shooting me a request please read & acknowledge the following.
must be following me. that’s a no brainer.
first come first served basis.
i will make an announcement after i have received 10 requests that requests are closed. please DO NOT make any requests after i have closed them. they will be dismissed/deleted. so just save your request for the next celebration. AGAIN those who request off anon will be priority.
because i don't want those whose requests don't get picked or didn't make it into the 10 qualifying spots to miss out on their request i will be saving requests to roll-over into the next celebration post (which will be at 1000 followers) so don't fret! however, a REMINDER that if you make a request AFTER i closed the requests those ones will be deleted.
you may only request oneshots. i will not be accepting any series or mini series requests. however, your oneshot requests can include requesting a sequel to any standing series or oneshots i have already written. for example, 'may i request a 'where are they now' oneshot for reader & rafe in 'always you''. or 'may i request a sequel oneshot to your ransom drysdale 'leatherbound' oneshot'. but of course, feel free to request something totally new!
no naming the reader. these requests are 'reader x whoever character you request'.
also! this is a dark!fic noncon!fic account. keep in mind that when making your request that you know exactly what you're requesting & from who. no fluff, no cutesy romantic stuff (unless it goes dark), etc.
i will include a list of characters below that i will write for that you can choose from, so please pick from there. if there is someone else you have in mind that isn't on the list DM ME first to ask.
along with a list of characters, i will also list the kinks/themes i WILL NOT write about. so be extra sure to go over those because any requests that include anything from my 'will not write about' list, will be dismissed.
lastly, after i recieve 10 requests, my other series i'm currenty writing on here (Rise & I Burn) will be on a momentary pause until i complete all requests. so to my dedicated readers for those two series, i do apologize in advance, but please be patient. they will be returned to.
that's all, folks! make sure you make your request via dropping an ask (i will not accept requests via dm (dm is only if you're asking clarifying questions about characters or boundaries)). be sure to REREAD my rules, too. it doesn't hurt to double check.
happy requesting! muah😘
CHARACTERS by fandom: those in CAPS are who i really want to write for
MARVEL: Steve Rogers | BUCKY BARNES | Loki | Thor | Erik Killmonger | Aged Up Peter Parker | Talos (a.k.a spacedaddy from Captain Marvel) | Billy Russo (The Punisher) | Deacon Frost (Blade) |
CHRIS EVANS CHARACTERS: Ransom Drysdale | Andy Barber | CURTIS EVERETT | Lloyd Hansen |
OUTER BANKS: Rafe Cameron | Daddy Cameron (a.k.a Ward Cameron) |
DC: Clark Kent | Joker (Heath Ledger's joker) | KGBEAST
PEAKY BLINDERS: Thomas fucking Shelby (or any of the Shelby's) | Michael Gray |
THE BOYS: Billy Butcher | HOMELANDER | Black Noir
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT: Frank Morrison ('The Legion' ) | The Trapper | GhostFace | Michael Myers
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Stefan Salvatore | Kai Parker | Klaus Mikaelson |
STAR WARS: Darth Maul | Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker | Kylo Ren/Ben Solo |
VIKINGS: Rollo | RAGNAR | Hvitserk | Ubbe | Ivar | Bjorn |
HARRY POTTER: Aged Up Draco Malfoy | Aged Up Tom Riddle (don't you dare request that noseless snake version of him) | Young Sirius Black
THE WALKING DEAD: Negan | Nick Clark
MISC: Aged Up Billy Hargrove | Adrian Griffen (The Invisible Man) | Coriolanus Snow (young, not the old one, blegh) | CHASE ANDREWS | JACKSON RIPPNER | Aged Up JOSEPH DESCAMPS (Mixte) | Elwood Dalton (RoadHouse) | Aged Up Henry Bowers (IT) | Rio (Good Girls) | Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove) | Boys from 'The Covenant' (aged up, ofc) | Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy) | Ajax (The Warriors, bless you if you know who this is. he is my ride or die.) | Walter Deville | Ash (No Exit) | Brahms (The Boy) | Masked Man (Hush) | The Gentleman (The Purge) | AURELIANO (Subburia) | Aged Up Nate Jacobs | The Predator | Reggie Kray (Legend) | Chayton Dockery (Sneaky Pete) |
WILL NOT WRITE ABOUT: these either weird me out or bore me & for me to produce my best work for you i ask that you not request any of the below
a/b/o themes | lactation kinks | dd/lg kinks | real life celebrities | monster fucking (does not include aliens or vampies) | ghost/demon fucking | race play | dp kinks | anal play (generic anal is fine, but anything more is a no from me) | cum eating | basement wife themes | sexual slavery themes | convenience noncon (this is specific to me so you deffo won't know what that is so if you're curious, please ask) | breeding kinks | pregnancy non con | bimbo reader | underage reader/characters | sex pollen themes | blood-related incestual themes | cuckholding kinks | age gaps where reader is 22 or younger |
1. alt!reader x rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
2. untouched!reader x rafe cameron one shot (best friends) COMPLETED
3. reader x rafe cameron one shot (best friends boyfriend/roommate) COMPLETED
4. 'the night shift' reader x stefan salvatore sequel one shot COMPLETED
5. romani!reader x soft!roman godfrey one shot COMPLETED
6. ‘always you’ reader x rafe cameron sequel one shot COMPLETED
7. ex!reader x rafe cameron one shot (on the run w kid) COMPLETED
8. untouched!reader x stalker!rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
9. amnesiac!reader x rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
10. pogue!reader x rafe cameron one shot (kidnapped) COMPLETED
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emmyrosee · 4 years
Modern!Hvitserk is the type of guy to be both, the boyfriend who creepily flirts with you at the gym, and the guy who comes up to you at the bar to protect you from the creepy guys who flirt with you there, being like “hey lovey, you ready for another drink?” when he sees that you’re uncomfortable.
Like as your boyfriend, he’s playfully creepy, but if you’re total strangers he protects you from the creeps like the balanced man he is.
That’s it that’s the post
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Vikings (TV) Masterlist
my requests for vikings are currently partially OPEN! please only request imagines, and not oneshots. for those waiting for a continuation of ‘searching home’ or ‘unexpected’ i am so sorry... finishing those two is going to take me a while :/
hmu/msg me to be added to a taglist!
main masterlist | request guidelines
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heorte til heorte
(msg me to be added to the taglist!)
relationship: athelstan x alethia stahl (oc) | summary: alethia wanted to go home, to return to her family. instead, she finds herself in ninth-century england. not speaking the language, and still processing the grief of her other life, she searches for an anchor - athelstan. | tags: angst, fluff, timetravel
masterlist | preview | read on ao3
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No romantic relationships // character x character
Queendom - relationship: Lagertha x Aslaug | summary: They’ve both loved and they’ve both lost. Perhaps it was time that their hearts warmed again. | tags: angst, fluff
The Lothbroks, aka, the European version of the Kardashians - relationships: none | summary: When Barbie Murray time travels, she finds out that pink isn’t available in Viking times. Luckily, her new besties all understand that boobs are the best and slay (literally?!) with her. | tags: crack, fluff, timetravel
I may be a bimbo, but I’m not stupid - relationships: slight oc/ oc | summary: Ivar kills Sigurd in a fit of rage, but Barbie isn't so quick to forgive cruelness. | tags: angst, crack, timetravel
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1st gen Vikings
Strange Woman  relationship: Rollo x timetraveler!reader | summary: The woman that appeared out of nowhere could be oh so dangerous, but even a stupid man would know that she was fascinating. | tags: fluff, timetravel
Friend of Thor - relationship: rollo x timetraveler!asgardian!reader | summary: The reader, a fellow Asgardian and friend of Thor and the new King of Asgard, Brunnhilde, falls through worlds as the new guardian of the Bifrost tampers with the magic. | tags: crack, fluff, timetravel
And the Gods wished they were me - relationship: Judith x viking!gn!reader | summary: Judith knows she should not mourn Athelstan. Nor should she even look at Norse heathens. She does both anyway, because Judith was named after a woman that had only rage and death, and she cannot escape her fate. | tags: angst, fluff
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Ubbe Ragnarsson
Another day / part 2 - relationship: Ubbe x reader | prompt: we live to fight another day. | tags: angst
Oldest - relationship: Ubbe x timetraveler!reader; platonic!Ivar x reader | summary:  It seems that few things change about being the oldest sibling, no matter which place – or time | tags: fluff, timetravel, slight angst
Yggdrasil relationship: Ubbe x reader; platonic!Ivar x reader; dad!Harald x reader | summary:  How can you tell your father what happened to you when he’d done it to so many others. | tags: angst, dark/gory
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Hvitserk 'Whiteshirt' Ragnarsson
Hvitserksdottir - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “I think we need to talk about the fact that I’m in love with you and also that I’m pregnant.” | tags: angst, fluff
Floki’s Cabin - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “Just trust me. Please. | tags: angst
Searching Home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - relationships: Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader | summary: When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | tags: angst, fluff, dark/gory, timetravel
Neither - relationship: genderfluid!reader x Hvitserk | Summary: Hvitserk finds out about genderfluidity and accepts he might not be completely straight | tags: fluff, timetravel
Law of conservation - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | summary: You’ve been working as a tutor at your high school for about a year now. When your parents throw a barbecue party for your new neighbors, their mother Aslaug asks you to tutor her son Hvitserk, who is already a notorious flirt at his school. | tags: fluff
Sandcastles - relationship: platonic!hvitserk x timetraveler!reader | summary: reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | tags: fluff, timetravel
When in Bali... -  relationships: hvitserk x reader, ivar x freydís, sigurd x oc | summary: You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it? | tags: fluff
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Ivar 'the Boneless' Ragnarsson
Unholy Matrimony - A Sham in Four Acts / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - relationship: Ivar x reader | prompt: I’ve learnt to love you. | tags: angst, fluff smut
Insatiable Little Heathens  - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: drabble, for all of y’all who wanted more of Unholy Matrimony | tags: fluff
Resolve - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: Ivar’s legs hurt but he’s so fucking thickheaded | tags: fluff
My kind of witch - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: You wake up in an unfamiliar bed. The man with blazing blue eyes fascinates you as soon as you see him and as you realize the struggles he faces every day, your admiration for him grows into something more. | tags: fluff, timetravel
Red - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: Ivar finally meets his match. | tags: smut, dark/gory
Serve - relationship: sub!ivar x buff!reader | summary: Ivar keeps teasing you. You finally have enough and give him a taste of his own medicine | tags: smut
Searching home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 -  relationships: Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader |  summary: When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | tags: angst, fluff, smut, dark/gory, timetravel
Totally artistic -  relationship: ivar x reader | summary: When inspiration hits, you can’t stop it | tags: fluff
Sandcastles - relationship: platonic!hvitserk, ivar x timetraveler!reader | summary: reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | tags: fluff, timetravel
Brother - relationships: ivar x reader, hvitserk & reader, reader & oc | summary: You left your home and your brother behind for a reason. Now, a man is causing trouble at the borders of Kattegat, and as Ivar's queen, you take justice into your own hands. | tags: fluff
Unexpected / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 - relationship: ivar x thrall!reader | summary: Ivar finally decides to fuck the slave he’s been eyeing for so long, but when his angry side slips out, things take a turn for the wholly unexpected. | tags: smut
Tarot -  relationships: ivar x reader, hvitserk & reader | summary: Your day at the fair has been pretty slow – until a client like no other shows up. | tags: fluff
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How the Vikings would react to an accidental time traveler and a quiz to see if you’d survive: https://uquiz.com/dVXpgW
Ragnarssons (+Gyda): First Kiss
Social Media 
How the Vikings would react to guns and snapchat filters 
How the Vikings would react to modern dancing 
How the Vikings would react to modern music, and what they’d like
How the Vikings would react to modern concepts of astronomy and space 
How the Vikings react to modern haircare 
Vikings and Astrology
How Vikings would react to THEM timetraveling
Vikings + getting sick 
Vikings + Halloween 
Vikings + realizing you’re pregnant
Vikings characters + how they'd react to finding Accidental Time Traveler crying somewhere and not knowing why 
Vikings + you on your period  (+ more hcs about Ivar)
Vikings + Legos
Vikings + reader being much less stressed in their time
Vikings + single mother
Vikings + Gender Neutral Thor
Vikings + modern food
Vikings + touch avoidant cuddler
Vikings + Kids
Vikings + their history
Ragnarssons + being possesive
Vikings + Maleficent/Fae!reader
Vikings + curls and afros
Vikings + sleeping habits
Vikings + contortionist/super flexible reader
Vikings as modern!uni students
Vikings + affectionate drunk!reader
timetraveling!Vikings + modern tv/movies
Vikings + gen z slang
Vikings + curly haired kids
timetraveling!Vikings + Christmas
Vikings + eras other than their own
Vikings + ivar being remembered/famous
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barnes-lothbrok · 2 years
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Just can't wait to be king
Ivar x reader
Summary- Ivar is bored on a rainy day. Based on the Lion King song
Warnings- fluff
A/n - I saw the photo and the song popped into my head. I don't know what this is just an odd thought moment. Sorry if everyone seems ooc
While Ivar sat on the throne that was his father's, the legendary Ragnar Lothbrok. You sat on his mother's throne beside him. Outside the sky was open, washing away any chance of being outside that day. Aslaug worried Ivar would catch a fever if he was out in the rain.
It meant finding entertainment inside and there wasn't a huge amount to do. Ubbe had been left to care for you and his brothers.
"I'm gonna be a mighty king," Ivar announced to you as he looked out over the hall.
"So enemies beware" he glared at Sigurd who was minding his own business playing a board game with Ubbe.
"Well, I've never seen a king or beast," Sigurd retaliated. "With quite so little hair"
Ivar held his head high "I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before" He looked down on Sigurd "I'm brushing up on looking down and I'm working on my battle cry"
He roared, his face scrunching as he tried the loudest cry he could. It was impressive until it cracked causing his brothers to laugh and you to hide a giggle.
"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing" Sigurd teased as Ivar cleared his throat.
"Oh, I just can't wait to be king," he gritted his teeth.
"You've rather a long way to go, young Ivar if you think-" Ubbe piped up as it was clear with four older brothers Ivar was far down the line to actually becoming king.
"No one saying, "do this" Ivar mocked Ubbe's tone from earlier as he cut him off. He had reminded the pair of you that the thrones weren't play things.
"Now when I said that, I" Ubbe tried to defend himself.
"No one saying, "be there" you joined in with the mocking, cause Ivar to smile at you
"What I meant was-" Ubbe gave you a disapproving look as he tried to reason.
"No one saying, "stop that" Ivar continued with a smirk.
"Look, what you don't realize" Ubbe sighed, clearly fed up with the childishness.
"No one saying, "see here" You grinned cheekily as Hvitserk and Sigurd laughed.
Ubbe had a habit of using the phrase when scolding his younger siblings and you.
"Now see here!" Ubbe raised his voice, making you and Ivar beam with mischief.
"I'll be free to run around all day" you smiled as you were tired of being told what to do, how to be a young woman, constantly reminded that one day you would be married.
"Well, that's definitely out of the question" Ubbe frowned at you.
"I'll be free to do it all my way" Ivar grinned, he hated the rules in his life, although most were for his own safety.
"I think it's time that you stop this" Ubbe sighed.
"Kings don't need advice, from older brother's for a start" you smiled at Ivar as you lent over to him.
"If this ever happens count me out" Hvitserk laughed. The thought of you and Ivar as king and queen was an interesting one. "Out of service, out of Kattagat, I wouldn't hang about"
"These children are getting wildly out of wing" Sigurd shook his head.
"Oh, I just can't wait to be king," Ivar repeated.
"Everybody look left" All you did and became confused as what he was pointing out.
"Everybody look right" again you all followed but nothing was there.
"Everywhere you look I'm sitting' in the spotlight" Ivar smiled before you hit his shoulder with a laugh.
"In your dreams!" Hvitserk teased
"Let everybody sing. It's gonna be King Ivar's finest fling" He grinned and opened his arms to a non existent audience.
"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" He yelled happily. You laughed and smiled at him while his brothers thought he'd gone mad.
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e-m-christina · 9 years
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Requests are OPEN - find requesting info HERE
Last updated: 11th November 2023
Thanks for 7.2K followers!!
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Between the pressures of being Saxon Royalty and the daily hardships of being a woman in the dark ages, Y/n thirsts for a life of freedom and learning. When the Great Heathen Army attacks England, she might get more than she bargained for.
The Devil In The Forest Pt1
The Devil In The Forest Pt2
The Devil In The Forest Pt3
The Devil In The Forest Pt 4
Summary: You are Bishop Heahmund’s younger sister. You fight alongside your brother during the battle of York, ultimately catching the eye of a certain Lothbrok brother.
Heathens Pt1
Heathens Pt2
Heathens Pt3
Summary: Ivar Lothbrok meets his match when he is introduced to Y/n Artròmitos, the daughter of a bloodthirsty Spartan king. She is sent to fight in Ivars army, after making an arrangement with Rollo, the Duke of Normandy.
With matching rage and ambition, Y/n feeds into Ivars flame, igniting feelings that neither of them thought they were capable of. But fire can easily be burnt out.
Serpent of Sparta Pt1
Serpent of Sparta Pt2
ALWAYS: Ongoing
Y/n Finehair, a young shield-maiden, reunites with old friends when she returns to Kattegat. 
Always Pt1
Always Pt2
Always Pt3
Always Pt4
Always Pt5
Thank You - Oneshot
Herbs and Spices - Oneshot
Ivar Falling In Love With You Would Include
Ivar’s Affection Would Include
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A Brothers War (Hvitserk x Reader x Ivar)
Summary: A young shield-maiden named Y/N Finehair, the daughter of Harald Finehair arrives in Kattegat with her father after hearing word that Bjorn was going on a voyage to the Mediterranean Sea.
Y/N is given the choice to explore the new sea with Bjorn and Hvitserk, or to accompany Ivar and Ragnar to England. Harald wants to create stronger bonds with the Lothbroks, offering Y/n as the wife to the brother of her choice. Thus begins the brothers war between Ivar and Hvitserk for her affection. 
ABW - Part One
Hvitserk Being In Love With You Would Include Pt1
Hvitserk Being In Love With You Would Include Pt2
Feeling Better Already - Oneshot*
Cuddling With Hvitserk Would Include
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During a visit to Iceland, Y/n’s sense of reality is ripped away from her when she is lured into a cave in Reykjavik by a mysterious force and discovers an ancient passageway to a world she believed was just mere fiction; Middle-Earth.
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt1
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt2
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt3
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt4
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt5
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt6
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt7
Wonderland: Kili x Reader Pt8
A Kili Durin Appreciation Post
Spending Halloween With Kili Would Include
Green and Blue - Oneshot
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SUMMARY: Y/n, a ranger from the North is called upon by Gandalf to join the Fellowship. Just as Y/n settles into the group and begins to form feelings for Legolas Greenleaf, things take a nasty turn.
The Lady of The Rings Pt1
Y/n, an elven water-bender joins the fellowship, under the instruction of Elrond. As she catches up with Legolas, a childhood friend, she soon realizes that she is developing feelings for the elf.
The Shallows - Pt1
Autumn Leaves - Oneshot -
Legolas Comforting The Reader Would Include
Winter Wedding - Oneshot
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Baby Kicks - Oneshot
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Riding Lessons - Thranduil x Reader
Spending Christmas with LOTR/Hobbit Characters Pt1
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THE WALKING DEAD (+ spinoffs)
(Series coming soon)
COMING SOON: Mine (Mini Series)
You Can't Have Both - Oneshot (18+) - Summary: When the group was brought into Alexandria, the last thing Y/n thought she had to worry about was if her husband, Rick, had fallen in love with the hairdresser next door.
Jealous - Rick Grimes Headcannon
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A Familiar Face - Oneshot -  Summary: Y/n is reunited with the  very person she thought she lost.
Negan Smith’s NSFW Alphabet (18+)
Jealous Negan Would Include (18+)
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(Series coming soon)
Bubble-Baths and Waffles (18+) - Request: Something with Daryl x reader, y/n has a child (or baby idk) and Daryl is so sweet with them both 🥺 especially when y/n is visibly tired from being a new mom 💜
Daryl Dixon NSFW Alphabet (18)
Jealous Daryl Dixon Would Include (18+)
Daryl Dixon's Kinks Would Include (18+)
Daryl Admitting His Feelings Would Include 
Daryl’s Affection Would Include: (18+)
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(Series Coming Soon)
Dating Carl Grimes Would Include
Carl Grimes’s Affection Would Include
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No One Like You - Oneshot - After almost losing her best friend to a drug overdose, Y/n finally reveals her feelings for Nick.
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Summary: A few years after breaking her heart, Fred searches for Y/n Potter, only to discover that she has lost her memories. Will they be able to start afresh or will the ghosts of the past reopen forgotten wounds?
Amnesia Pt1
Birthday Pasties - Fred Weasley Oneshot
Sleepy Head - Oneshot
Halloween Jealousy - One-shot
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Summary: Y/N G. Potter attends a wizarding school - Hogwarts - that is known for its ancient traditions and high standards. Love, friendship and loyalty will be forged and tested.
But a daunting task lies ahead for Y/N. In the end, she must make the choice of what is right, and what is easy - to destroy the horcruxes that the Dark Lord has hidden - but will the stakes be too high?
Duality Pt1
Duality Pt2
Duality Pt3
Duality Pt4
Duality Pt5
Duality Pt6
Duality Pt7
Duality Pt8
Duality Pt9
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(Series Coming Soon)
Dating Young!Remus Lupin Would Include
Jealous Remus Would Include (Marauders era)
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SERIES SUMMARY: After the death of her mother, Y/n Hargrove is forced to pack up, leave sunny California behind and relocate to the town where she witnessed her brother's death: Hawkins. On her first day at Hawkins High, Y/n is recruited to the 'Hellfire Club', where she creates an unlikely friendship with the leader - Eddie 'The Freak' Munson.Just when Y/n's life seems to be straightening out and she begins developing feelings for Eddie, Hawkins is terrorised by a series of brutal killings that her new friend is wrongly accused of committing. Can Y/n and her friends find a way to defeat the new threat before it's too late? 
ALSO ON WATTPAD (Link at the top of Masterlist)
CHAPTER ONE: Welcome to Hawkins
Dating Eddie Would Include
Heat Of The Moment (18+)
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It’s the summer of ‘85 and Y/n Hopper has a new job at the newly opened Star-Court Mall. When Dustin’s radio picks up a Russian transmission, she leads a small group comprised of herself, Dustin, sassy Erica and an unwilling Billy Hargrove to uncover the secrets hiding within Hawkins.
Paroxysm Pt1
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Jealous Geralt Would Include
Geralt Being In Love With You Would Include
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Daryl Dixon one-shots + series
Rick Grimes one-shots + series
Negan Smith one-shots + series
Moonshine - Remus Lupin (Marauders Era Series)
Homeland - Loki series
Carl Grimes one-shots + series
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