#husk alastor and angel all have their souls traded away
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peppermint-whiskers · 9 months ago
Oh shit I just realized that Sir Pen is gonna learn that Alastor sold his soul. Cause I'm assuming that people who sold their souls look different then those who didn't. THAT'S gonna be a reaction. Or he's gonna assume "Eh, it's Al. Maybe that's just what it looks like normally."
How dare you look at my mental notes-
I imagine he'd be too scared to look at Alastor's soul at first because "what if he can tell I'm looking at his soul?? 😭😭"
And then he gets the balls to do it and just goes "HOLY SHIT YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL??" because y e a h, sold souls look quite distinct compared to souls who still belong to their mortal bodies! the chains may look different but they are still there nonetheless
Rip penne, you were a real one pfffff-
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cringefailvox · 8 months ago
overlord husk aus are very interesting to me in part because they present such a radically different vision of the huskerdust dynamic that is very compelling to me. present-day husk and angel are exhausted. these are people genuinely at rock bottom, who have been so worn down and chipped away at by the long, dragging stalemate of their circumstances that they have nothing left to give but their bare minimum selves. which is okay, and it's enough for them; a lot of what makes their dynamic so interesting is that it's about two people at their lowest rediscovering what it feels like to not be alone down there, to even begin thinking about the possibility of climbing out of the deep dark hole they've made their peace with now that they won't be doing it by themselves.
in contrast, overlord husk aus imagine a version of husk and angel before they were losers together. they imagine versions of them that haven't been beaten down all the way just yet: husk at the height of his greed and power and reckless addictions, angel riding the high of his stardom while adamantly refusing to peel back the surface and acknowledge the rot. both of them still digging the hole and saying to themselves, "i've got a ladder, i'm not going to get stuck. i can always climb back out."
and having these two meet at this stage in their lives, i think they would really, really not make each other better. husk's consideration for the souls on his chain had to have been close to zero for him to use them as gambling chips the way he did, especially the recklessly self-destructive way he did that ended with his own soul in alastor's pocket. and i imagine that for a long time, angel lived in total willful denial about val's escalating abuse and the toll his increasingly demanding job was taking on him, because acknowledging it would be tantamount to making it real, making it something that could actually hurt him and not just be rationalized away, and so of course he'd put off doing that for as long as he could.
if husk had actually won angel's soul, it wouldn't have been any different from all the other people he traded back and forth across his table just for the illicit thrill of the game. angel probably would've had a whole sunk-cost freakout about it (what was the point of all that pain and suffering and lack of autonomy if all the consequences are coming from a stranger now and not val? when it isn't personal? and now he can't even claim a little bit of power back by saying he chose it, because he didn't.) angel knows full well what it looks like when someone is going to kill themselves with their addictions, but what obligation does he have to the guy who would just as quick give him up to somebody else if it gave him an adrenaline rush? nothing, that's what, and he has enough of his own problems anyway.
crucially, they're both INCREDIBLY self-absorbed. not even in a conceited or vain way, but just in that they're so wrapped up in their own mess that they can't see beyond it, they don't have any space for empathy, and furthermore, they have no reason to even try.
it's why the version of their dynamic we get in canon works so well—they're in the same place now, at just the right time to finally start opening up their worlds to how they affect other people (angel watching charlie interact with val at the studio; husk being forced by alastor to engage with the hotel's residents as the bartender). there's space for empathy in their lives now, because they've finally been brought so low that they can't hide anymore, can't look away, can't deny how completely and totally fucked they are. it's a kind of brutal honesty that can only really come from confronting your absolute worst-case scenario. but for them to even begin connecting with each other in any authentic sense, they needed to have the ladder taken away so they could finally bring themselves to stop digging, look up, and realize there's been someone down here with them all along.
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hanakoofthejungle · 11 months ago
My most favourite Overlord Husk AU fanfictions (last update 28/9/2024)
I am no expert in writing, just a regular fangirl whose brain is constantly occupied by HuskerDust. I like these fics purely based on the kicks I get out of reading reading them. HuskerDust fanfiction is my drug now :))))
All of this start commonly with Husk winning Angel's soul in a game against Valentino, the two eventually got involved romantically but ...
Blue Is Not Your Colour by Shienkha (competed)
It is rare to see Husk as deeply flawed, an addict to his poison (gambling) as much as Angel to sex. Both fell victims to their addiction, ultimately ruined their chance at happiness. In the end, Husk lost his soul to Alastor and Angel went back to Valentino. Husk realized only then that he loved Angel. The two finally reunited at the Hazbin Hotel, connecting the story to the canon.
“And a spade,” he whispered to himself as he headed out, slipping the ring to his chest pocket, “to symbolise how far I would have gone for you.”
As far as it would have taken to keep you happy.
Or, in the absence of it…
… as safe as one can be in Hell.
This is absolutely the best fic in my opinion.
2. Loved You Like Religion by cokedupdicksuckinghoe (completed)
This is as beautiful as the song after which the fic is titled.
Angel killed Valentino to save Husk. Husk was oblivious to his feeling until Angel seduced him with "Why Don't You Do Right". In the end, Husk prepared to throw everything away for Angel.
"He was devoted to Angel; he loved him like religion."
3. To A Player Everything Is A Game by Tat_Tat (completed)
A bundle of domestic bliss. This fic is my guilty pleasure. Whenever I came across a traumatic HuskerDust fic, I come back to this to save myself from the anxiety.
4. Call Your Bluff by @razzapplemagic
Angel relapsed and went back to Valentino after being 'rejected' by Husk. He later worked through his traumas, left Valentino on his own while befriending Vaggie during Extermination Day. As of the latest update, Angel came back to the casino and reconciled with Husk. The two began dating and Angel prepared to face Valentino once more.
5. Wicked Old Soul by BunnyBight (completed)
Husk put Angel in therapy with Charlie. Angel didn't appreciate Husk making decision for him and concealing his status as the Gambling Overlord. Angel was wooed by a charismatic lion who was hired by Vox to kidnap him. Husk came to the rescue. Angel and Husk, following their language roller coaster confession of love, signed a new contract which shared Husk's soul and all souls he owned with Angel. Angel became a new overlord with intriguing powers :))) The power couple now took on the Vees and played match making for Arackniss.
6. Someone You Can Bet On by Shigariope
Angel begged Husk to play a game with Valentino for his soul. Husk not only won Angel's soul, he also put a ring on his finger to safeguard his Overlord image. I look forward to see how their marriage of convenience progresses :)))
7. House of Cards by abookomaps
Valentino tortures Angel with angelic weapon. Husk proved Angel's worth by betting that Angel can make in one day what Valentino made in a month.
8. But you've got company by mamini2000 (completed)
Angel thought Husk was just an bartender then they fell in love.
9. Mine NOW Val by Rocher1893
Angel filled in for Husk's lounge singer. Husk devised a plan to help him get away from Valentino.
10. When the King Cat finds his Spider by Blahaj_Enjoyer
Husk demanded Angel's soul as collateral for his trade deal with Valentino. Valentino can film at Husk's casino, while he got Angel as new employee. It is precisely because Husk didn't technically own Angel's soul yet that I want to see how this story progresses.
11. Consequences by Bigredboi (completed)
To protect Angel, Husk killed Valentino and the Sin of Greed, becoming the new Sin.
12. First Breath by huskapologist
As of the latest update, Husk and Angel were plagued by nightmares and I by cliffhanger :))
13. Casino of love by @artwaterfall
A slow burn bliss following Angel's path to recovery from his pasts trauma and insecurity. If you are looking for Husk falling in love listening to Angel singing New side of me, this is the best description there is. If I didn't already have a significant other, I would have fallen in love with the spider myself just by reading that chapter, and I had the goosebump to prove it. This story is a treat that I look forward to every week.
14. I Can Only Blame Myself by InkPhoenix
Angel ran away from Valentino and collapsed before an extermination. He was saved by Husk and now had to deal with new disability and the possibility of being sent back to Valentino.
15. Sober to Death by BrainRotgoBrrrrr
Angel beat Husk at poker and he decided to buy him off Valentino. Alastor was eyeing Husk's soul.
16. Luck Be A Lady Tonight by Basic_Witch
Valentino used Angel to spy on Husk. Meanwhile, Husk taught Angel how to play cards and valued his business ideas.
17. The Gambler by @5carecr0w
Angel's appearance somehow brought luck to Husk's game with Alastor, saving him from losing his soul. Angel became his new lucky charm.
18. Him & His Libertine Principles by @thiccspices
Alastor enlisted Husk to make a bet against Valentino. Husk found Angel pathetic.
19. Cat’s Eye Casino by Lunatic_caramelle
Absolute bliss :)) As of the latest update, Husk was attacked by Val's men and injured. Angel took care of him while he healed and they grew closer.
20. Fates Gamble (two traumatized gay men rediscover love) by Chaosfrog
As of the latest update, the Vees had hidden cameras installed throughout the casino, giving Vox's control over machines and tables there. 'Whatever will befall my favourite couple?', I asked while waiting for updates every day :)))
21. High Stakes by dreamnplay (completed)
Husk wanted Angel to work the floor on a 10-hour shift per day. Angel thought he want him to f*ck customers for 10 hours a day. Read this and you will wonder when they will start communicate openly and honestly.
22. My Kingdom for The Soul of an Angel by meg_a_dork (completed)
Absolute domestic bliss with shopping, cooking, cuddling and everything. Angel proposed to Husk first :))) They got married and had cake 🍰
23. Ace of my Heart by Karmawillcollect (completed)
Angel beat Husk at poker and he bought him off Valentino. Guilty pleasure smut ensues :)))
24. My Atlantis by Satan_Has_A_Wife (completed)
Husk was bad at feeling, thinking Angel only loved him because he owned his soul and had been half-decent to him. Angel got Husk all hot and bothered seeing him with a gun. Cherri approved of Husk.
25. I Don’t Want The World But I’ll Take This City by highfemmeicequeen
Husk wanted a relationship to which Angel said 'no soul, no relationship'. Husk eventually tore off the contract and they began dating. Things were peaceful with Angel now running his own club until Alastor visited Husk's casino.
26. Stardust in Your Eyes by @jackmischief
Husk entertained Valentino's request for a game of poker in an attempt to win and kick him down a notch. Angel was all too eager to help Husk cheat.
27. No Rest for the Wicked by @camelliea
It's been over 20 years since Angel was freed from Valentino yet the moth's shadow was still looming over his relationship with Husk. Husk made alliance with Alastor to destroy the Vees.
28. Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend by @purple-hyacynths
The two started of on hostile term. Angel was being a brat because of self-loathing.
29. House of Cards by Transparent_Existence (completed)
Angel and Husk are getting closer and one of Husk trusted employee can't have that.
30. High Rolling at the Grand Casino by Turntechgodliness (AmberzillaRex)
Angel became new lounge singer at Husk's casino.
31. Loaded Dice by Tat_Tat (completed)
Husk is a corrupted overlord using Angel to gain leverage against his father.
32. Facing Down the King of Cards by LevySutcliffe (completed)
Husk won Angel in a gamble with Vox and Val for Alastor's soul. Yes, Alastor made a deal with Husk and temporarily gave his soul to him and is now staff at the casino. Angel becomes Husk's fashion designer with workshop of his own. Husk is looking for the boy he fell in love with in life. Little do they know Angel is that boy.
33. Double or Nothing by HoneycombSweetness
Husk died during the battle against the exorcists and went back to the past where he was still an Overlord.
34. Call me when you want, call me when you need by Spades (bumblingbees)
Husk won a night with Angel instead of his soul and continues buying his service for months. He eventually fell in love with Angel but the latter wasn't convinced an Overlord could ever love a wh*re.
35. Lucky Bastard by @poppyfieldart
Angel flirted with the sweet bartender at Lucky Bastard without knowing he was the Casino Overlord. Husk found Angel more beautiful than the paintings on the ceiling of his casino's bathroom.
36. Where our Paths Cross by Imnotgoingtotheairport
Husk met Angel when they were alive and Angel was the cause of Husk's death. Now as an Overlord, Husk was determined to obtain Angel's soul by winning a bet with Valentino on who would kill the most exorcists on Extermination Day.
37. Rock Bottom Overlord by @cloudwatcher-1
Husk fell to rock bottom, losing all of his casinos and was left with nothing but a dive bar. After winning Angel's soul, he was ready to make it up the top again.
38. Tail feathers, wings and webs by Glitchy_Micro99
Angel caught Husk's eyes at a club and he had to have this spider.
39. Heartstrings and Broken Wings by AngelDust88, Mercury_Rises (completed)
Husk's burst of jealousy resulted in dire consequence.
40. Too Sweet For Me by ItsMaryK
Husk freed Angel's soul because he didn't know what to do with it. Now he doubted whether it was a wise decision.
41. Cinderella by Aroadtotomorow
Angel won a business deal for Valentino in a game against Husk. Husk felt something for the first time in years following his defeat at the hand of the spider.
42. The House Edge by vixensheart (completed)
Angel found friendship in Husk and he dared to hope for something more.
43. Cashing In My Bad Luck by @froggierboy
Husk and Angel formed a fragile friendship amidst Hell's dangerous politics and Overlords' jealous fits.
44. Second Chances by celi_brry
Angel's escaped Vox and Valentino's clutch only to land in the Gambling Overlord's garden.
45. The Gambler a Drunk, The Pornstar his Whore by JDValen
Valentino sent Angel to the casino to get dirt on Husk, but all Angel wanted to do was to drink with the Overlord.
46. Every Little Lie Gives Me Butterflies by partdemon (partcat)
Husk offered Angel a place by his side as his right hand man, a “I scratch your back, you scratch mine” sort of thing.
47. A Little Closer to the Edge by @naromoreau
Angel helped Husk in a flight without knowing who he was. In return, Husk got Angel a two-month holiday away from Valentino.
48. Fake Atlantis by Miya_Eulik
Husk won Angel from Valentino in a poker game. They have a good time until Husk gambled everything, including Angel, away to Alastor. Alastor, having little use for Angel, sent him away and he had no choice but to return to Valentino. Seventeen years later, Angel met Husk again at the hotel.
49. Royal flush straight into your heart by Miya_Eulik
Husk won Angel's soul in a pocker game against Valentino. Neither of them have any idea that this new arrangement would bring into their lives this wonderful thing called love.
50. California Sober by starry_eyed_serpent
Angel ran into Husk after killing Valentino.
51. Sometimes Worse is Better by @nambeeshi and urlocalwerewolfboyfriend
Overlord Husk but what if he was a jackass who got not only Angel's but the Vees' souls as well.
52. Can Never Be Yours by demonofangstandhumor (completed)
Husk enjoyed Angel's company at their monthly arrangement which ended in a heated talk. This is a little teaser for a Huskerdust Overlord AU the author is working on.
53. Something To Live For Tomorrow by thinksleep (completed)
After being killed by an exterminator while trying to defend the hotel and his friends, Husk wakes up 10 years prior still an overlord. Having been on the other side of the chain, he would play his hand differently this time while working on winning Angel’s contract off Valentino.
54. Lucky Charm by Cheshires_Riddles
Husk gets thrown into the past and decides he is going to do things right this time.
55. Enemies and Angels: An Overlord Husk AU by rainbowpandas
An overlord down to his last casino meets a porn star who might be able to help him turn his luck around. Despite the constant chaos and conflict in the Pentagram City streets, business turns to friendship and then maybe something more.
The list is to be updated.
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citruswriter · 8 months ago
Have some food and drinks since you deserve it, your works are amazing 😍
I am enchanted by that angel fic where his lil sibling exchanges his freedom for theirs sooooo I got this idea, what about the same plot but with husk and his lil sibling reader, this time reader taking husk place and becoming alastors newest servant.
Sorry for my bad English 😭
You're the best, take your time 🫂👑
Whiskey & Kittens
Listen with me! ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
A/N: Omfg this is GREAT! I love it. *evil laughter* Also thx for all the nutrients. 😋
Warnings: Angst, soul deals, alcohol, Reader is also a cat demon, Husk being a grumpy bitch as always.
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"I can't believe she did that for me!" Angel Dust's hushed whisper came. Husk sat on the stool beside his boyfriend, rubbing soothing circles into his back. "Exchanged her soul for mine? I-I didn't even think that was possible!" He ran his fingers through his fur before leaning onto Husk. The large winged cat wrapped his arms around the spider. "She cares about ya a lot. She wants you free, Angel. That's what family does. They look out for each other". Was all he said as Angel lightly cried into his shoulder. Off and around the corner, unbeknownst to them, a small figure stood in the hall, holding her breath as she listened. Exchange of souls? Now there's an idea.
It was a normal day in the hotel. Charlie and Vaggie had everybody doing activities like always. Even Angel's little sister was there, although she wasn't present as she always was now that she was contracted to Valentino. The hotel was filled with laughter and warmth. But you was on a mission. "Hey do you mind helping me with the kitchen clean up before you go?" She said, speaking to Angel's little sister. The young spider demon smiled and got up. "Yeah sure! No problem!" She said as she allowed herself to be drug away. The two girls began to work in silence, cleaning and scrubbing down the kitchen. "You didn't drag me in here just to clean did you?" The young girl asked and you smiled softly and turned to her. "No... I wanted to ask you about... your deal? I overheard Angel and my brother talking about it. Is it really possible to exchange souls?" You asked.
The young woman raised a brow at you before crossing her arms and nodding. "Yeah. It's not exactly as simple as an exchange though. You need to give them something they can't refuse. The deal needs to be of equal value. You can't trade a rock for a diamond". She said and you nodded, grinning to yourself. She then straightened up and narrowed her eyes at you, "You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do... are you?"
You glanced at her and you sighed, wringing your fingers. "I have to try. He's my brother. I want him to be free with Angel. They deserve it. Besides, Alastor isn't... so bad". You replied, tone unsure and the spider demon's eyes widened slightly. She seemed ready to try and convince you to not do it before sighing and shrugging. "I can already tell that nothing I say or do is going to talk you out of it..." She replied before approaching you to lay a hand in your shoulder. "But please. Be careful. Alastor is a dangerous man". All you could do is place one of your own hands over her's, thumb swiping over her knuckles in a reassuring manner, before giving a firm nod.
A knock came at Alastor's door, causing the demon to perk up and tilt his head. "You may enter," was all he said, giving the person permission to open the door and enter his space. You took a deep breath and opened the door, two glasses in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in another. "Got a moment?" You asked as you sat close to him, pouring you both a glass before nudging one of the cups his way.
You never drank alcohol like your brother did but that didn't mean you didn't indulge from time to time. The liquid burned your throat as you took a sip. It was painful but it felt good. Alastor hummed softly, eyeing the glass, before shrugging and taking a sip himself. "And what do I owe the pleasure, my dear?" The man asked. You had a plan. He knew it. He could tell. He just didn't know what...
"Have you heard about the details of Valentino's latest deal?" You asked and Alastor quirked an eyebrow at you. Where were you going with this? "A little, yes". He answered, taking another sip of his drink. "An exchange of souls... I didn't even know it was possible..." You murmured and Alastor only hummed back. "I'd like to exchange my brother's soul for mine". You said finally. Alastor couldn't help but chuckled as he downed the rest of his glass, clawed hand reaching for the bottle to pour himself another glass. "A bold offer. Alright. I'll hear you out. Why should I make this deal?" He questioned and you looked up at the man, a glimmer of hope in your gaze. How cute...
"You know I'm not like my brother. I'm smaller, more agile, and a skilled fighter. Sure my brother can kick some serious ass but let's face it, I'm better. I'm also, a woman. It's much easier for me to manipulate and negotiate." You said with a shrug. "Plus, it would be a sort of... two for one deal. Husker's souls would be free, yes. But you'd also have me on a leash. Just throw a threat or two his way and he'll still listen just fine. And I think you know this". You downed the rest of your liquid, tail swaying being you as you dared to stare the man in the eyes.
"Hm. I suppose you do have a point". Alastor said, finger circling the rim of his glass. He seemed to be thinking, weighing the pros and cons. Your ears twitched nervously as you studied his body language but damn was this man hard to read. "Very well. You have yourself a deal, miss ma'am".
Alastor extended his hand, green glowing around the room. You took his hand without a second thought, shaking his hand and nodding. Green erupted around the room, symbols lighting up as the deal solidified. "Pleasure doing business with you".
You shakily sighed as you exited the Radio Demon's room. Looking around, you sped walked down the hall. You needed to get to your room before- "Mind telling me why you're walking outta the Radio Demon's room?" A gruff voice came, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. Fuck. "I had some leftovers whiskey. So I decided to gift it to the old man and share a drink with him. That a crime, Husker?" You asked, crossing your arms and smirking in an attempt to throw him off.
"Stop fuckin lyin. We both know that I can always pick up on your tells". The man hissed out and you sighed, throwing your arms up and continuing your walk to your bedroom, forcing your older brother to follow you. "I'm assuming the green sigils were just a side effect of the drinking?" He scowled and you laughed nervously.
"Please don't tell me you sold your soul, (Y/N)". He said softly, voice laced with worry as you reached your bedroom door. "Well... yes and no." You said nervously, walking in, but the familiarity of your room did little to comfort you. Husk looked at you confused. "What'dya mean? Either you did or you didn't". He said.
"I... well um... I didn't sell it per say more so than I... exchanged it". You said with a sheepish smile. Husk looked at you with confusion, processing your words, before his eyes went wide in understanding. "You didn't..." He said, approaching you. He gripped your arms with such a force it made you wince in pain. Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared down at you. "Tell me you didn't, (Y/N)! Tell me this is all some sick joke the two of you decided to pull on me!"
You sighed before giving the man a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Husker. But it's no joke. I did it. Did it for you. You and Angel... you two deserve to be happy... Focus on redemption, maybe the two of you can be rejudged and go to heaven together. And when you do, think of me. Send me a card or something." You said, years pricking your eyes as you cradled your brothers face. The cat demon choked back a sob as he hugged you, crying into your shoulder as you stroked his fur.
"You're so fucking stupid." He sobbed and you laughed softly. "I love you too, dear brother".
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I'm it's short and really shitty but I promise I worked hard on it. *sob*
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adhesive-animations · 1 year ago
You know what I think would make an interesting episode in season two?
A episode where they have to confront the temptation of their “perfect life”
(Similar to the Supernatural episode: What Is And What Should Never Be where Djinn make you believe your greatest dream comes true)
Or more specifically, their assumed “perfect life”
Like Angel Dust and Husker would obviously want their souls back but what else could someone assume that they’d want?
For Husker to want to go back to the life of Overlord? Instead of everyone being at the hotel, they’re all at his casino? Charlie is in management, Vaggie is security, Niffty is a maid, Sir Pentious fixes things when they break. (Alastor probably wouldn’t be a part of the equation lol it’d be like the deal never took place). Angel is the top performer, helps swindle the guests out of more money, willingly acts as arm candy for Husk when he needs?
For Angel would it be assumed that he wants revenge on Valentino? Would he over throw him, take over the studio? Or would he start his own gang, maybe with Valentino’s other freed workers - we saw a glimpse of his brother, if he had a successful gang in hell would he “gain” the respect of his brother and father like he never had in life? Maybe he works with Husk to have a safe spot for him and his crew carved out in his casino which maybe houses the others like above?
If, for some reason he was back in hell, visiting maybe, Sir Pentious would probably get the experience of being an overlord, the others work with his eggs as members in his crew, he gets his chance with Cherri Bomb.
Cherri Bomb might run the drug trade or a really competent gang of thrives, has the black market under her thumb. Angel’s her right hand man. We haven’t see much of her interactions with the others (except for Sir Pentious - “RIP”) so I don’t know how they’d fit in. Sir Pentious wouldn’t be “dead” they’d get a chance to explore whatever was going on with them.
We don’t know a ton about Niffty other than some strong characteristics so maybe hers is something more similar to reality than the others. They’re all together she cleans after everyone, has someone who indulges her desires. She gets to kill more than she usually does and then cleans up after?
Charlie and Vaggie’s would be very similar if not the same. The hotel worked! Everyone’s redeemed, they’re all together in Heaven, the exterminations have been ended, everyone’s at peace. Charlie has her family back together, Vaggie maybe never fell but still somehow is connected to Charlie?
Alastor obviously would no longer be on his leash. He’s the most powerful overlord, maybe some of the others are also overlords, in an alliance with him, maybe in his perfect reality he has no connection to them at all, he’s all powerful and has his connections with Rosie and Mimzy (+ whoever else we’ll meet in the future that’s connected to him) and that’s enough. He doesn’t need the other hotel members, he doesn’t want them, he doesn’t want to be altruistic, after all.
Some of them are at a point where I think they’d feel empty without the others, ruining the “perfect” life if they’re not there- though some might be able to settle in without the others
At some point all, most, or some of them start to realize that it’s all a fantasy and have to both rip themselves away and then confront themselves on why they were given that as their “perfect life”
Idk, just think it could be interesting
I know there probably won’t be a episode like that but I think it would be a fun dive into their characters, the assumptions people have of them, and the contrasts of what they truly desire
Even though it’s not likely to be an episode, it’d still make a great fanfic
Might write it 🤔 would have to iron out the maybes lol
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snippychicke · 1 year ago
Me? Becoming obsessed with Hazbin Hotel? Nahhhh...
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Okay, yes. I am.
So here! Have some wholesome threesome between Husker, Angel, and (gender neutral) Reader! Maybe someday I'll make more out of it, but for now, mostly fluff and a little spice.
You had been desperate to sell your soul. Needing to escape the asshole that was the reason you were in hell in the first place. (Ok, yes you had killed him in a rather… savage manner, along with his goons, but he had started it.)
Overlord Husk had tempted you into a little wager. A little game of cards which totally hadn't been rigged in his favor. But you had been willing to do anything regardless, at least he had given you an (un)fair shot.
Yet despite his Overlord status, Husk wasn't that bad of a man (demon? Cat? Owl?) to be under--in more ways than one. To the rest of hell there wasn't much between you, other than you worked at his casino with at least a dozen other souls that were bound to him. A little dancing, a little waitressing, a little work at the tables as a dealer. You were a jack of all trades, but you were safe. Safer than you had been when you were alive.
Happier too.
Because when the ‘day’ ended, you often found yourself wrapped in furry arms, claws tracing up and down your arms as the Overlord of Gambling murmured sweet nothings in your ear with that deep voice. Then laying a plush bed decked in black and crimson bedding with the Overlord above you, wings spread wide as he takes what you offered freely.
And as time passed, you only grew closer behind closed doors. They say demons didn't feel love, but you weren't sure what else it could be. Lust didn't have you slow dancing in the kitchenette of the Casino's royal suite, or confessing the regrets you harbored from life in lieu of pillow talk and wiping away tears with soft kisses.
And then Alastor entered the stage. You had been working that fateful day as the others felt their bindings change. Sure, Husk had lost a hand or two before, and therefore a few souls, but it was never very many and he generally won them back.
But that day it had been everyone. You had watched as everyone paused and stared at the heavy chains of a new Overlord in both confusion and horror. You held onto the ribbon tied around your wrists, as if you could will it to stay the same as you were the last to still be owned by Husk.
Then the delicate ribbons became thick heavy chains that made you cry out in shock and disbelief. Husk had risked your soul… and lost.
It was even worse when Alastor appeared on the casino floor, Husk beside him looking absolutely defeated. Alastor's grand speech fell on deaf ears, because all you could do was stare at your lover. Part of you was hurt that he would ever gamble you, while part of you reasoned he must have been absolutely desperate, considering the collar and chains that now linked him to the Radio Demon.
You could see his plea for forgiveness in his eyes, and you realized you had to love him to forgive him.
Because you did.
Husk wasn't the same afterwards. Depressed and full of self-loathing with an even worse habit of trying to find the nonexistent sunshine at the bottom of the bottle. Nothing you could do or say seemed to help, though you didn't give up.
Alastor hadn't cared if you stuck around or not, yet you did anyway. The Hazbin Hotel was far too big for little Nifty to clean by herself-- especially considering your new coworker preferred to chase down bugs and dust bunnies to kill.
You didn't find things that bad, all things considered. Sure you had loved the glamor and glitz of the casino, but the Hazbin Hotel had its own charm. Maybe it was because you had never been at the top but lived your life (and part of the afterlife) at rock bottom, while Husk had been among the greatest and most powerful before his metaphorical wings had been clipped.
Actually, you actually were happier working at the hotel than the casino, though it was greatly overshadowed by the rift that had formed between you and Husk. Even though you forgave him, he hadn't been able to forgive himself.
And then Angel swanned in. You were so used to bantering with patrons of the casino you didn't think twice about doing the same with the flirtatious twink. You actually found it fun to flirt back and forth over a drink or two, especially when you heard Husk huff in an almost laugh, light returning to those dark gold eyes of his.
You had missed his sly smile so much. If you flirting with some other demon was all it took, you would happily do so.
And slowly you started to see parts of the demon you loved come back.
Especially when Angel would try to convince you to do something more than flirt and you turned him down each time. ‘I prefer my men a bit huskier,’ you'd tease as you pressed your finger to Angel's lips and pushed him away gently. ‘Plus I'm not good at the whole casual sex thing.’
That would always gain a chuckle from Husk, though Angel never quite got what was so funny.
One night Husk cornered you in the hall, to your surprise. It had been such a long time since you had felt his paw-like hands trail along your body, his deep voice reverberating against the skin of your neck as he admitted how much he liked to watch you banter with the sex-worker.
If you had any positive feelings for the guy upstairs, you would have called Angel a god-send. As time passed, you knew your own feelings were getting into the mix no matter how hard you tried not to be enamored by the star. It wasn't the over-the-top showy persona, but those moments you were able to catch the man behind the mask. The soft, witty demon you enjoyed bantering with.
You knew you weren't the only one, judging by the fond looks you saw Husk shoot towards Angel when the pink demon would snort a laugh, his walls temporarily down.
‘We both like him, don't we?’ You posed late one night, only to have Husk try to bury his face in your chest with a groan. You chuckled as you rubbed his ear, a deep purr quickly emitting from his chest and against your loins as he continued to lounge between your legs.
‘Him, and not that fake-ass that he pretends to be,’ Husk finally admitted before peeking up at you. ‘...You don't mind?’
‘Well, I mean we are demons so being hypocritical would be par for the course… but you also know me too.” You were emotional, bonding quickly with anyone showing you a hint of kindness.
A smile grew, showing his sharp teeth. ‘You know, I have imagined you and him going at it a few times, and damn if that wasn't the hottest thing ever.’
Convincing Angel was far more challenging. Less to the idea of polyamory, but the simple idea that both of you liked him. Not Angel Dust, but the real Angel (because he did not like being called Anthony). That took time, arguments, and a few barbed words as Husk was able to get through to him.
You weren't good with arguments, but convinced him with honest kisses and more sincere flirting. Soft touches that reassures him more than anything.
And when finally you all three were piled into bed in a tangle of too-many limbs and the odd wing, the room full of both laughter and other sounds of bliss, you were pretty sure you'd give heaven the middle finger if they tried to take either of them from you.
(And when Heaven really did, they found out why you were in hell in the first place. Righteous fury and desperation to protect those you loved went hand in hand and made you a force to reckon with.)
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