#hurt vex’ahlia
eddiephobic · 1 year
ignore my sloppy writing abilities but 👀👀
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
Zone of Truth with the twins? >:D
hurt/comfort spell ask meme
so... i know who you meant by "the twins"........ but since you didn't specify in words i am going to be mean >:D
ZONE OF TRUTH: You create a magical zone that guards against deception in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range. Until the spell ends, a creature that enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature can't speak a deliberate lie while in the radius. You know whether each creature succeeds or fails on its saving throw.
An affected creature is aware of the spell and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a lie. Such creatures can be evasive in its answers as long as it remains within the boundaries of the truth.
also this prompt got way out of control whoopsie. i used this as a warm-up to get back into writing after my very long hiatus, so it's not my best, but i love the twins <3 so here you go!!!
It's dark.
Not dark enough to blind - he has darkvision to thank for that, enough elven blood passed down for that - but dark enough to obscure details, to mess with his sense of where he is. His hands are tied, but not his feet, so theoretically he could try to get up and flee, but-
A panicked whimper, small and quiet, from beside him reminds him why he can't just up and run. They'd taken Leona's glasses, smashing them under heel, and darkvision doesn't amount to shit when your vision's that bad.
"What are we gonna do?" Leona whispers, a shrill string of her voice threading through in her panic, and he doesn't want to snap but she's being too loud. "Mum and Dad don't know where we are, we don't know where we are, we don't know what they want-"
"It's okay, Leo," he hisses, not to scold but just to interrupt - he's switched into elvish, too, just in case none of them speak it. He wishes, more than ever, that he'd paid more attention in any of Mum's other language lessons. "They'll be able to find us. Mum can find anything, remember? Like when Egg dropped her necklace in the garden that one time?"
He can see Leo's eyes when she turns, and meets them as steadily as he can, even knowing that she can't see the details of his face from this close. "It's okay," he whispers again, as fierce and solid as he can. "We'll be okay."
The door to the room they're in opens, allowing a single woman to step through. She walks over slowly, heeled boots clicking on the floor; each click is in time with his heart until the latter picks up pace, gradually running out of sync until his pulse is in his ears.
Breathe. Calm down. In, hold, out. In, hold, out. Dad's voice in his head, Mum's hands on his shoulders, a memory of a panic attack curled between the bookshelves of the family library.
Wolfe is usually one of the first to panic with things like this. He hates to admit it, especially in comparison to his siblings, some older-brother instinct
Leona's hand, somehow having found its way into his, squeezes so tight he feels his knuckles roll together; it hurts, but just enough to ground him.
"Do you know why you're here?" the woman asks, her words scraped at the edges by rough-accented Common.
"Because you brought us here?" The words trip out unbidden, stumbling past his lips in a shaky mockery of his usual snark, and he almost winces. This isn't the time to act smart.
You might want to throw out some cheesy one-liner or whatever to act cool, but it's not worth the risk, his mother's voice chimes from a memory, the three oldest kids sitting in on interrogation training with the newest Grey Hunt recruits. It might seem like a way of keeping the power on your side, but it's just as likely to make your captors even angrier.
Lesson one failed.
Luckily, the woman doesn't rise to the bait; she just chuckles, stepping closer to crouch down in front of them both. He shifts his body best he can, trying to put himself between her and Leona, trying to shield her.
"How cute," she says, "but you know that's not what I meant."
Wolfe swallows thickly.
"You're little de Rolo brats, aren't 'ya?" The woman leans forward, and Wolfe fights the instinctive urge to cower away. "I bet you know alllll sorts of secret entrances and whatnot into the castle, right?"
"We never used those," Leona croaks from behind him. "Guess you fucked up and got the wrong kids."
She still manages to sound smug and haughty, even with her voice wobbling with fear. He would be proud in any other circumstance, but now he just holds back a wince, meeting the woman's eyes best he can as she frowns.
"If that's how it's gonna be," she growls, sending a shiver down Wolfe's arms. He feels a mirrored shudder go through his sister, trembling in her hands like an echo.
Another figure steps in through the door, this one cloaked and their face obscured. They're carrying an old, thick tome, and Wolfe has spent enough time around magic users to recognize a spellbook when he sees one.
"I'd just beat the answer out of you," the woman says, far too casual for Wolfe's liking, "but we don't have that kind of time. Your parents will probably catch on soon. So."
The cloaked one begins to murmur under their breath, and Wolfe curls back, bracing himself for whatever is about to hit them. Leona goes tense, squeezing his hand again and burying her face against his shoulder.
He feels the magic as it hits him, but it doesn't hurt. It... it feels like something is pushing at his mind, in his mind, like a Message or a Sending but much, much stronger. Like pushing through a locked door. He thinks to brace himself, somehow, but before he can, the lock is broken, and magic floods through his head.
"Let's try this again." The woman leans closer, too close, he can smell her breath from here. "Do you know where the secret tunnels into the castle are?"
Wolfe tries to say No, with as much force and conviction as when he tried to convince Mum that he hadn't snuck out or that it was Leona who'd pranked the Curator. But when he opens his mouth, all that comes out is a choked, strangled sound.
He and Leona tense up at the same time. Zone of Truth.
The woman grins at their realization. "You kids are smart, I'll give'ya that. Now are you smart enough to stay alive?"
Half-truths, his father's voice reminds him, a sudden reminder of an old lesson. Mum had called him paranoid, and Dad had said he was just cautious. If staying silent is too much of a danger, try and get by on half-truths. Don't give away anything that you don't have to.
He scrambles to think of something to say, something that's just true enough to get by. He can't deny the existence of the secret passageways, and he can't say he's never used them... dammit, think think think-
He feels Leona pinch at his hand, breaking his train of thought. He resists the urge to snap at her, wondering what the hell she's getting at, when he remembers the scar that sits right under her thumb and forefinger.
The scar he got from climbing in their bedroom window - or, more specifically, from the tree just outside it that he'd hastily scrambled up to avoid being caught by the guards. The tree that he always climbed to get back in after sneaking out.
Gods, his sister is a fucking genius.
"I've never gotten into the castle using secret entrances," he says, confident and certain, locking eyes with the woman as her lip curls into a snarl. He thinks of his mother, every time Syldor has come to visit; he thinks of his father, every time someone questions the integrity of Whitestone.
He thinks of them both as they tell him, be brave.
The woman growls, and he does not flinch. She doesn't do anything, just turns to his sister, and somehow that is harder to stay strong in the face of.
"What about you?" the woman hisses. "You gonna be more useful to us?"
He feels Leona's hand tighten around his before she says, "I've never used them in my life."
Wolfe swallows down a shocked noise, because yes the fuck she has. Leona was the first one of the twins to discover them - she'd been tailing Vesper through the halls, and turned a corner to find their older sister had disappeared. Leona used them far more than Wolfe did, even if it was mostly for traveling within the castle than getting out of it.
But if she was able to say that, bold-faced, then... she must have resisted the spell. Leona, with the lowest constitution out of all of the family, managed to resist the spell.
Holy shit.
The woman snarls again, but turns her ire to the cloaked figure instead. "Did your stupid fucking spell even work?"
"I - I knew I felt it catch, but I..." The cloaked figure pulls out the spell book again and hastily flips through it, ripping at least one page along the way.
He never gets a chance to find it; there's two arrows through his neck before he can, and his book falls to the ground only a second before he does. The woman barely has a chance to draw the crude-looking axe from behind her back before the crack of a gun fills the air, and her head bursts into a bright-red spray. Wolfe cringes back instinctively, and covers his face with his arm as well, but that's more to spare his own eyes from the gorey details.
Footsteps rush into the room, and Wolfe feels a gentle hand on his cheek - his mother's, from the uneven pattern of leather-covered and bare fingers, a signature of her archery gloves - and lowers his arm at her frantic voice calling his name.
She's kneeling in front of him, with her other hand a mirror on Leona's face, and Wolfe smiles in relief. He feels tears prick at his eyes when she sweeps a thumb across his cheekbone. "Hi, Mum," he chokes out, his throat thick with a building sob.
Leona echoes him, sounding similarly fragile, and their mother's face crumples into a shaky smile, her own eyes welling up with tears. "Hello, darlings."
Dad runs up just behind her, looking even more fraught than when Gwen had gone missing with one of his guns. "Are you two alright? Are you hurt?" He falls to his knees beside Mum, and Wolfe winces, thinking of his bad knee.
"We're fine, Dad," Leona says, her voice a little stronger. "I just can't fucking see."
Wolfe surprises himself with how loud he laughs. Maybe it's the stress of the situation, but something about Leona taking advantage of being actually fucking kidnapped to swear in front of their parents without consequences - because he knows they're going to be too relieved to have them back to lecture her, of course they are - just fucking breaks him.
Then Mum starts laughing too, and Dad looks at her the most bewildered Wolfe's ever seen, and that just makes him laugh even louder.
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heydragonfly · 2 years
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“do not go far from me”
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how we coping lads
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jewishsuperfam · 2 years
god after how good this set of eps was im genuinely so excited to see how they adapt the saundor fight
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tiamat-zx · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Keyleth/Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot Characters: Keyleth (Critical Role), Pike Trickfoot, Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Grog Strongjaw, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Scanlan Shorthalt, Trinket (Critical Role), Vox Machina, Raishan (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Febuwhump 2023, Febuwhumpday26, forced to choose, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bit of Canon Welding as well between C1 and LOVM, Episode: c01e083 The Deceiver's Stand (Critical Role), Resurrection, Grief/Mourning, Guilt, Sad Ending, Hurt No Comfort, Yup it’s one of THOSE stories Series: Part 26 of Febuwhump 2023 Stories Summary:
The fateful battle with the Diseased Deceiver has reached its end… but upon the smoke clearing, a choice is made that no one would ever want on their conscience. Especially hers. — @febuwhump 2023 Day 26: Forced to Choose
I got so busy yesterday that I wasn’t able to post this, but here we are now! As for what happened, read the end notes.
Anyway, I’m gonna also work on Day 27 once I’m done here!
Leave a comment if you liked this one.
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
Anyway thinking about dem complicated family dynamics so was thinking about this scenario. Vex sees her Dad every now and again. He visits after Percy has passed away. Vex has always known that her father will outlive her, but it’s in those days after Percy passes, she recognises the pain he feels in that he is going to outlive both his eldest children even if he’ll never express it.
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demigoddessqueens · 16 days
Babe I'm back with some more yandere requests and have more coming. Yandere vox machina headcanons where there darling gets kidnapped. They literally look away for like 5 seconds and they are just gone, like they were just yoinked
Yahooo!!!! 🙌💞🤲💕 gimme that goodness!! 🫨
Masterlist 11
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Her worries and concerns are already heightened as is, but the anger and frustration cracks through to search for you. If this after the Aramente/Voice of the Tempest, no continent is safe in the search for you
He can have a vengeful side if need be, and you being taken away so swiftly warrants that. The gnome bard is very much a “punch first, ask questions later” type when it comes to you missing
It was painstakingly obvious how much you meant to her, and with you kidnapped, the possessiveness has only grown. Too many good things have slipped away or almost slipped away from her, but she won’t let you be another one. It’s not a matter of if, but when she ultimately finds you.
All he can feel is the rage boiling through his veins at your disappearance. The others, especially Pike, are barely hanging onto him by a thread. The sooner you’re found, the better
A foolish choice on the kidnapper’s part to kidnap you from her, especially since she is a cleric for a Goddess of divine retribution! If you’re ever found, there’s no way Pike is letting you out of her sight(s)
“Soul is forfeit” dialed up all the way to a x10000! His anger and frustration is the entire mask for his overwhelming despair to where you are. Who dares to take you from him? How can he save this world if you’re not in it?
Oooh you know he’s abusing the heck out of that Champion privilege! Someone dumb enough thought to hurt the significant other of a literal death demigod?? He’d rather sooner see you safe before exacting retribution
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unicyclehippo · 1 year
spare some vexleth? maybe? "i don't believe this"
‘i don’t believe this. i don’t believe you. you should have told us.’
‘and when was i - ow - supposed to do that? how? maybe when you were all the way across the continent in emon organising the armies, doing exactly what i was trying to do? maybe i should have - ah - told you then! can you please stop trying to make me sit!’ she growls at her helper—someone left behind by her right hand, who doesn’t deserve to be growled at, but if they touch her one more time… her growl deepens.
they scurry to the door, yanking it shut behind them to “give the tempest time with her guest” she hears from the antechamber.
across the room, vex purses her lips to keep from smiling; she’s upset, still, about keyleth’s wounds and finding out from esqoult of all people—whom vex considers an “idiotic blowhard tight-fisted hateful byblow of a rock” at the best of times—and the attack at the red centre and vax. unceasingly she is upset about vax. unceasingly, his death follows them both like feathers in their hair; he is their constant, dark companion. keyleth’s near death, however, is far more recent and unclosing wounds is a new and hellish experience that hurts them both.
anger crackles in her gut. she hasn’t the energy to shift forms but smoke curls in tendrils out of her nose, sparks smoulder in the one fist she can actually close. her other hand aches, split to bone.
‘sending stones aren’t working. our earrings aren’t working. sending—‘ she takes a moment to breathe. it hurts. ‘sending spells aren’t working, not that i have that anyway. and a bird,’ she grunts, propping herself against the headboard, ‘would take days at the very least. so tell me, lady vex’ahlia, when exactly was i supposed to tell you?’
‘i don’t know! but when you’re nearly dead, you make the effort!’ vex commands.
it looks good on her. keyleth can admit that in very private thoughts and fever dreams. maybe a death bed. she stares across at vex, who has only ever grown into her considerable beauty, and manages a shaky smile. command has always looked good on vex.
‘missed you. if that - i don’t know - helps.’
vex snorts. ‘yes, darling, i missed you too. obviously. i’m furious with you that you nearly died, oh and also we really must meet up when the world isn’t alarmingly close to being obliterated.’
‘girls day. i’ll invite pike.’
‘i thought - just you and me,’ keyleth says, trying on a flirtatious smile. it’s been a long time since she wore it last, some fifteen, twenty years. it feels weird so she stops trying. ‘ignore that. ignore me. i’m- death bed propositions.’
‘stop it. you’re not in your death bed.’
keyleth glances around the room. it’s empty, just her and vex, so she can admit, ‘feels like it.’
vex softens. she always does. she gets angry first, angry and scared, because she’s lost a lot in her time and she learned early and harder than most that the only way to stop that was to fight back with everything, anything. she does bitter and snide and bitchy and mocking better than anyone keyleth knows, but that’s because vex is better than anyone keyleth knows, and it all comes from the same heart. vex softens, and she comes to sit lightly on the side of keyleth’s bed.
‘what can i do?’
‘nothing. nothing. it’s all - there’s people helping me already. cursed flowers and potion stuff. bells hells.’
vex starts. ‘the ones who came to us? with her?’
‘did you -‘ she can move, a little. it hurts but hell, what in life doesn’t hurt? she covers vex’s hand with hers. ‘did you talk to her? i saw her - alive this time. she’s…sweet. strange but sweet.’
‘i know. at least, i thought so.’
keyleth slid her fingers over vex’s. ‘you gave her your ring.’
vex laughs, bitter-edged. ‘yes, and it made up entirely for all the shit that poor girl has been through.’
‘not your fault. it isn’t,’ she insists, when vex goes all stone-jawed and stubborn. ‘didn’t you - tell percy that? it’s true for him too. isn’t it?’
vex rolls her eyes to the ceiling. makes a wet, disgusted noise. ‘i suppose.’ after a long moment, she says, ‘how did she look? delilah’s doll?’
‘don’t call her that.’
‘my lookalike.’
‘she doesn’t look much like you,’ keyleth tells her. it’s a lie. she looks so much like vex had, like vax does in their memories. young. ‘i don’t know. they’re due back today, maybe tomorrow. stay. you can - ow - talk to her.’
vex nods. strokes keyleth’s clenched hand. ‘i’ll stay until you’re well.’
‘you’re a hero, vex. you’re needed elsewhere, i’m sure,’
‘keyleth, it’s war. the treasury is open. they don’t need me for that—they need my very expert clerks, gods bless them. i’m here with you.’ the stubborn look resolidifies. vex tilts her head in such a way that keyleth is sure her heart is about to fall right out of her split-open chest, and leans forward to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth. pulling back, she searches keyleth’s eyes; whatever she finds there makes her nod, quite satisfied, and she smiles. ‘besides, your assistants are going to need a hero to keep you in bed and resting. i volunteer, as it happens.’
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blorbologist · 3 months
Get your hands dirty - Chapter 3
Perc’ahlia | E for smut | Campaign 1 AU with sprinkles of TLOVM | Percy is the pact weapon AU | COMPLETE
Percival sleeps -
and then he doesn’t.
He startles weakly, nerves worn from a day’s disuse. But the sensation of something moving across his chest, with careful trepidation - 
Percy rolls onto his side and reflexively seizes it.
Has he fallen asleep again? Because that’s Vex’s wrist he’s holding. And in her grasp (so indirectly his as well) is a folded letter, one corner stained with his own blood. 
Everything seeps back in, slow clouds of warmth in his head. Waking up on the stone tablet, no colder than he; Ripley is dead; Pike brought him back; Keyleth kept Orthax from him. And through it all Vex looming, unusually quiet. Much like he was, in her position.
His eyes flit up. Rare indeed is it to see Vex’ahlia surprised. Surprise is superseded by a tumble of emotions she can’t quite hide in time: relief and disappointment and elation and shame and guilt (which he knows well are different things).
“You don’t usually snore,” she says quickly.
“... Not usually, no.”
Exhaustion is just enough to keep him from replying that, well, he doesn’t usually die, either. So instead he tries to wake, enough to keep up with the pace of her breathing. A moment later he’s conscious enough to let go of her wrist. Slowly, as you release a wild bird.
Vex’ahlia is flushed - with embarrassment or alcohol or both - and sits on the edge of the bed. Cabal’s Ruin, draped over a chair, is suddenly thoroughly interesting to her. It’s almost interesting to him, too. It should be. A Vestige. But the sparks and stars and shimmer of it all is hurting his eyes, while Vex’ahlia is much easier to look at. 
She says, “I’m sorry, Percy,” and she says this like it burns her. “I just - fuck! We didn’t mean for you to know. Pretend we never read it.” 
That… makes sense. She was returning the letter. The letter he wrote in case he died. Because he was dead. 
[Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3]
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
Vex has been called many names in her life.
Her mother called her Vex’ahlia when she misbehaved and sweetheart when she was sick or sad.
Vax always called her sister, though sometimes he called her stubby too. The nickname stuck even when she was probably too old for it. 
There were the cruel names she heard from the elves in Syngorn, which she tried not to dwell on. Her father called her girl but little else.
There were aliases that slipped out of her mind like smoke. Many of them lost to time and her own forgetfulness.
Eventually, she becomes Vex, a member of Vox Machina. She's called selfish and broken by an archfey in a poisoned tree, but when she kills a dragon with Fenthras, she becomes Vex’ahlia the Dragon Slayer.
Percy calls her dear and gives her an official title too. Lady Vex’ahlia, Baroness of the Third House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt. Later, he adds wife to his list. He says she's his heart and judgment, and they start to build a future together. She can’t help but giggle a little when she signs her name as Lady Vex’ahlia de Rolo for the first time.
Pike, Keyleth, and Velora call her sister. Eventually, Cass does the same. The name hurts her and soothes her at the same time. 
Trinket has always called her mother, and now her children do too.
All of these names have been hers; though she's shed and forgotten some of them, others have woven themselves into her soul.
“Vex, dear. Do you have a moment?”
“Of course, darling.”
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seb-reads31 · 4 months
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Tw's - Cursing (I'm still awkward with cursing in my fics), a lot of murder talk 😭, angry vex, mean Vex and Vax dad, threats, corrupted religion talk sort of, crying (?)
Type - fic
Genre - Hurt/comfort
Comments - PART 2‼️ This is gonna be set in the Fey realm when you meet the twin's father 😋 AND OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK 😭😭😭 This deadass took me like, 3 days to write after trying to ignore it to the best of my ability cause I didn't know how to go about it, but here it is finally 😭 (up next is probably gonna be Vax. Him or Kiki)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (coming soon)
Demon worshiper, or redemption seeker?
It was about 9 in the evening as you creeped outside of a humble hut in a village, canvassing the area for any guards or restless souls that could see the crime you were about to commit.
It was easy, sneaking into the house, there was no form of lock on any of the windows or doors. “Careless, naive, damn near idiotic” clouded your thoughts while crawling through the window into the hut. It was supposed to be a simple in and out mission, like the ones before this. Sneak in, locate the target, kill him, then leave in the cover of night and collect the other half of your reward.
First part done, now you just need to find him. You shuffled through the hallways, quiet as a mouse, until you heard heavy footsteps. Bingo.
The footsteps fade away slightly, signaling that he was going the opposite way of your position. Time for step 3, kill him. Sneaking up behind him, you barely noticed his long, elven ear to twitch before he swung around and caught your hand before you sunk your blade down into his back.
Panic immediately sprung through your brain, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you tried to push the blade down with all your might. During the struggle, you managed to push him against a wall and knock into a table in the hallway, the corner of it pressing against his side, the pain splitting his focus from pushing away your blade causing him to lose some distance, and losing more as you finally got more leverage.
As you pushed the man further back into the wall, you saw a glint of something reflecting from the moonlight on the table in his side. It was.. a photo. The man, a woman, and two.. children. Oh gods, he was a father. You were paid to take away a husband and a father. You stopped pushing the blade down in your realization, the man following your gaze.
You slowly pulled away, kneeling down in front of the man. Tears start to pour down your cheeks as you take your hood off as you pull your mask down, revealing your scarred face. “Please, forgive me sir. I deeply apologize for trying to take you away from your family, and owe you so much for nearly doing so.” You look up at him, tears welded up and cascading down fiercely. He thinks for a moment, then crouches down to your level. “I won’t report you to any authorities if you do two things for me, understood?” You nodded quickly, silently begging him to tell you.
“Number 1. Leave your cult, and start anew. I don’t know of your past, nor do I care. The life of a Bhaal worshiper is disgusting, and unforgivable. You’re lucky I’m even considering letting you go. Number 2, you owe me a favor in the future, assuming we ever meet again. You are to do it no matter what it is. And I’ll be reasonable and not ask you to kill someone for me, I have no doubt you’ll refuse to do so after this. Now, leave. And let’s hope we never meet again.
Many years have passed since that day, and you’re so grateful for it. You got to make new friends, go on so many adventures, and meet your beautiful girlfriend, Vex’ahlia.
Your most recent adventure has become more so of protecting a big ass kingdom from coin and power hungry dragons, which led you with over half of your party in the fey realm. You all have had a very large roller coaster of emotions throughout this journey, a few of which have brought you and Vex together into a loving relationship. As much as you love her, you can’t bring yourself to tell her of your past due to the fear of losing her, leaving you riddled with guilt.
And that guilt was soon replaced with dread when you met her father.. The man you were paid to kill all those years ago. That’s why she and her brother looked familiar, they were his children, they were in the photo. And you knew it would only be a matter of time before he recognized you too. Your only way of hoping he didn’t recognize you was staying quiet.
Which didn’t last long, unfortunately.
You were standing between the chairs Percy and Vex were sitting in, who were discussing the twin’s father giving them safe passage through his newly transported lands in the Fey Realm until they left the walls, when he started to insult them and the journey you all have set out upon.
“You needn’t spin false tales of their exploits,” he held up his smoking pipe and examined it scrutinizingly as he spoke his next harsh words. “The very idea of Vax’ildan and Vex’ahlia standing up for the greater good is… well, rich.” And you had it, you impulsively raised your voice and spoke your thoughts. “I can’t believe you would say that about your own children, how heartless do you have to be to not see the good they’re trying to do for the entire country so YOU can go back home and not worry about being attacked by fucking dragons??” You glared at the man, a very familiar glare.. oh no, you drew attention to yourself, not to mention that you INSULTED the man you owed a favor to! You could see the recognition glint in his eyes, but he said nothing… Yet. He let out a small sigh, standing up from his chair, as he continued despite your outburst, “This is a trying time for all of us. Have you any idea the burden your sudden arrival has caused my family?”
Vax finally decided to speak up, walking closer to the man he was somehow related to. “We didn’t come for a reunion.” He stood just under his gaze but didn’t back down while he was below the gaze of the cold man, “And yet, here you are. Throwing around my name whenever it suits you-” “I despise your name.” Vex intervened as she saw the tension rising. “No, it’s fine.” She spoke carefully, pulling her brother away from their shared father. “No harm intended.” You tried speaking up again, not wanting her to just take the harsh words from her father, “but, he just said-” “It’s… fine.” She interrupted you, softly glaring at you to tell you silently to keep your mouth shut. However, you have a tendency not to listen..
“No, it’s not! I am not about to let your father disrespect you!” You didn’t really care about bringing her father’s attention to you at this point, but you were about to regret it.
“Oh? And what room do you have to talk, murderer?” The room went quiet, a shudder ran down your back as you suddenly remembered the favor he has yet to cash in, and you have a feeling on what it’s going to be..
“What? Love, what does he mean?” Vex is confused, and now her father is due to the nickname.. Welp, this is about to be a shit show. “Love? You really call this.. Disgusting creature love? Will you still love them if they were to tell you about their past?” You froze, your heart beating in your ears. He was grinning, for the first time since you arrived, you knew what that grin meant, shit.
“Go ahead, show her that horrendous mark on your body. Consider this me cashing in my favor from all those years ago.” Vex looked between you two, wondering what the hell was going on. Vax was about to ask what their father meant until you revealed the mark that was once hidden on your body, and the room falls silent again… Percival is the first to speak. “Is that.. the mark of Bhaal, the god of murder.?” He spoke carefully, covering his mouth as his eyes grew wide, matching Keyleth who was next to him, gripping her staff tightly.
“What.. in the loving FUCK do you mean god of murder Percival?!” Vex glares at him, then.. you. “Don’t tell me you.. Killed people to worship some hellish god! And what does he mean by ‘cashing in my favor’, tell me!” She grabbed you by your collar, pulling you close to her. Tears pricked your eyes as you finally told her the last thing you never wanted her to learn about your past.
“I-I.. I used to worship Bhaal.. And I accepted a commission from someone in a different section of the cult to kill your father when I was younger, the same age as you. I didn’t because I saw a family photo of you, him, your mother, and Vax. I finally realized that I was paid to end the life of a man with a family, Vex. He is the man who spared me from imprisonment and gave me the push I needed to leave the cult. Please, forgive me for not telling you.. I wanted to tell you, I swear! I was just afraid you would hate me, or leave me if I told you. Please just understand that-” “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT.” Vex yelled in your face, the tears that welded up in your eyes finally falling down your face as you saw the absolute anger and betrayal across her face as she lets go of your collar and storms out of the room muttering curses. You don’t follow her, knowing she needs time to calm down and process the absolute bomb you dropped on her, and your friends.
“You.. kept that from all of us, because you were scared?” Vax spoke in a low tone, almost daring you to answer, but you tried anyway, knowing you deserved it from keeping something so big from them. But before you did, Percy answered for you, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Yes, they did and for a good reason. They changed, and left that cult, and chose a path of redemption because they felt so bad about the lives they took. And yes, while being part of that cult is normally a very large issue, none of us know how they came to be a part of the cult in the first place. You need to understand that.”
Vax huffed, his glare softening just the tiniest bit. “That doesn’t excuse the fact that you hid this from my sister the entire time you’ve been together with her. Not to mention from all of us during our travels together,” he walked towards you, just like he did with his father, and pressed a finger to your chest. “And you better tell them when we find them again, or I will, and it won’t be pleasant for anyone.”
Vax left, assumingly to comfort his sister. Keyleth and Percy looked at each other, then pulled you in close to them. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Vex will come around.” Keyleth tried to comfort you, maybe give you some hope, but you couldn’t help but feel guilt and anger bubble up inside of you. Guilt for not telling Vex sooner, and that she had to find out this way. And anger for how she found this out, that she wouldn’t give you a second to genuinely explain yourself.
After.. that, you all met outside in an incredibly awkward atmosphere. You receive the scroll that gives you safe passage through the elven town, until you leave the walls. But as you received the scroll, another argument ensued, and on accident the twins taught their newly found out sister the words “fuck you.”
Anywayssss, you finally meet up with.. What’s his name again?? Uh.. Starts with a G.. GARMELIE, we both totally knew what his name was. You all found him writing outside of the town waiting for you. While he was talking with part of the group Vex walked off, sitting on an abnormally large mushroom, restringing her bow. You thought for a moment, but it only took a mere second of looking at her sad face for you to gather enough courage to go over there and genuinely talk to her without her yelling.. hopefully.
You sat a fair bit away from her, wanting to give her physical space incase she wanted you to leave. She looked up at you with a small glare, but all you could see was the sadness in her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wanted to, I thought about it every night I went to bed, anytime you said you loved me, when someone told a story from their past. I just.. didn’t want you to hate me, or to leave me.”
Silence engulfed the both of you, as she worked on stringing her bow a bit slower, showing that she was listening to you. With that in mind, you continued. “I was.. born into the cult, my parents being extremely loyal to Bhaal, and only teaching me how to kill quickly and silently while I was growing up, then teaching me how to read and write. I went on my first ‘religious quest’ when I was about.. 8. Then I kept going till I was 14, when I met your father for the first time. You don’t have to forgive me for this, or forget it, just know that I love you and never wanted to hurt you during all of this.”
She stayed silent, speeding up slightly when you finished telling your story. You let out a sigh and decide that this is your que to leave, until she stops you. “I’m upset, yes, but I don’t hate you. Yes, you should’ve told me sooner and not have me find out from my own father, but, you told me nonetheless. How it came about is obviously shitty, but you kept your word to him, and normally people wouldn’t admit to it over a favor from years ago. You kept your word, even though you knew the damage it would cause, and I thank you for that.”
She finishes her bow, then looks over at you and smiles. Vex reaches a hand out and places it on your cheek, stroking it softly. “I still love you, that won’t change for a very long time. Thank you for telling me your story, love.”
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eddiephobic · 1 year
i’m cooking up a vax’ildan whump fic for ao3 for anyone who likes vox machina and vax 🤭🤭
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nilesdaughter · 1 year
You Great Unfinished Symphony
Fandom: Critical Role Characters: Percy De Rolo, Vex'ahlia, Gwendolyn De Rolo, Pike Trickfoot Pairing: Perc'ahlia Word Count: 781 Note: This... is not my usual style, and I am both excited and nervous to be sharing this for @percahliaweek.
[Also found on A03.]
It’s such a soft sound, he almost misses it.
Percival looks to Vex’ahlia, his gaze searching, questioning. “Is something wrong, dear?”
“I… believe we need to call the midwife, darling,” she says in a breathless tone, her dark eyes flicking up to meet his blue ones.
He stands with such celerity that his chair nearly topples to the floor behind him. “Pike, as well?” he asks.
“Yes, Pike, as well.”
The master suite of Whitestone Castle becomes a flurry of activity as Lady De Rolo is carefully transferred from the study to the bedroom and helped out of her tea gown. She is then arranged in the bed, towels and hot water prepared for the delivery. Lord De Rolo is at her side the whole while, murmuring affections and running his fingers through her hair as they wait for the contractions to begin in earnest. If nothing else, this is their fourth time in this particular situation and they like to think that they are used to it; Percy knows that Vex finds comfort in holding his hand, Vex knows the best position to lay in so that her contractions do not hurt quite as much. Pike, bless her, acts as the midwife’s assistant, just as she has for all the other births, monitoring her dear friend and passing over fresh towels as needed, reheating the water when it begins to cool.
This one takes longer, despite coming after four other children. (Four perfect children that Percy and Vex marvel over every single day.) It lasts throughout the night, the stars and the moons bearing witness to the new addition to the De Rolo family.
As the sun crests over the Alabaster Sierras, Vex lets out the loudest cry she’s released during the entire process, her hand squeezing tight around her husband’s, seeking solace in his touch. (If he feels as if she might just tear off his hand, he has the sense to not say a word about it.)
In the next breath, the new baby wails.
The midwife quickly passes the child (“A girl, my lady!”) over to Pike so that the gnomish cleric can clean her up. Percy notices, vaguely, that the child seems unusually red, but his attention returns to Vex as she gives his hand another–softer–squeeze.
“I believe that means we outnumber you, darling,” she says, amusement and mischief twinkling in her eyes even as exhaustion pulls at the rest of her features.
He laughs, kisses her knuckles. “I believe it does, dear heart.”
When Pike returns to the bed with their new daughter, washed and swaddled, it becomes much more apparent why he had seen so much red. Poking out of the dark curls on her head (she’ll certainly be taking after her mother, then, in that regard) are four tiny horn nubs.
Percy feels a wave of guilt wash over him, because he knows, he knows these are the ramifications for decisions he made nearly two decades ago.
Vex, however, does not react negatively to the revelation that she has given birth to a tiefling. She simply accepts the baby into her arms, cooing at her just as she has for all the others, whispering soft words about how she’s perfect and loved and welcome to the world, darling.
“This would explain why I seemed to be running a fever so often,” Vex then comments idly, as casual as if she were relaying her observations from a walk in the Parchwood.
That startles a laugh out of Percy and her warmth, her acceptance, keeps him from spiraling too far down. “I suppose it does.”
“You should hold her, too, darling,” she says, already lifting the bundle up to him.
He reaches down, moving in to cradle her in his arms, pulling her close to his chest. She is unexpected but she is theirs, a testament to the city–the lives–they have built together. She is so warm and small and he never wants to let her go. She begins fussing and, with practiced ease, he slowly walks circles around the bedroom, rocking her, making little shh, shh, shh noises. As he does so, he pauses at the window and looks down into the courtyard, watching as the last bit of scaffolding is finally taken down from around the clock tower, which had been finished but a week ago. (Well, ‘finished’ is a subjective word; he already has plans for adjustments and additions, small ways he can improve upon the parts of the tower that had been completed years prior.) With his new daughter in his arms and his Heart completed, he finds he continues ever-onward to a brighter, happier future.
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lavellenchanted · 2 years
other thoughts:
I still love raishan so much, she’s just an amazing villain
and cree summer is stellar casting
lots of moments of vex yelling percy’s name to match is “vex’ahlia”s from the feywild and lots of moments of the two them covering each other, my shipper heart is so well fed
one thought I had is that percy seems to remember everything from the feywild this time around? which is super interesting
also nerd percy trapping his hand in his own model, my beloved
vax getting his wings was a very cool moment but I am kind of sad we didn’t get to see gilmore pushing him off a cliff
on the plus side: “I get a broom, and you get fucking wings.”
just wanna take a moment to appreciate travis willingham’s voice acting in the killbox, he absolutely smashed it
they brought back “I need you!” like that specifically to hurt me
also loved seeing bad news in action again
going to hold out hope that I will still a pike/vax moment of, “if the raven queen hurts you, she’s going to have to deal with me” despite the fact that vax has accepted his role as champion because it was one of my favourite moments in c1 and there are so few pike/vax moment as it is, I want as many as I can get
plus pike deserves to threaten a god
also wondering if they’re going to introduce kynan in whitestone at the beginning of s3, wanting to join vm after hearing about how they slayed umbrasyl? that would seem to be a good narrative point to work him in
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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Do you hear that?? The tinkling chime of your favorite instrumental blasting from an oncoming ice cream truck down the street? It's summer where I'm at which means it's time for hot weather and cold ice cream!
Let me write you a drabble/one-shot!
My freezer is on full blast and my shutters are now open until July 31st! What can I get ya?
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What I need from you:
☀️ Send me an ask with your preferred ice cream and favorite topping! ☀️ Please only one ice cream and topping at a time, but you are absolutely allowed to request more than one! ☀️ With your ask, please give me a general scenario/idea you'd like to see in it! As you'll see, the tropes are very vague and if you're able to give me some specifics, it will help a ton!
☀️ Must be 18+ to partake. Please have your age on your blog. It doesn't have to be specific, just "over 18+" will do! ☀️ I do not and will not write smut, but I can do suggestive as stated below. I also will not write non-con, A/B/O, SA, or cheating. ☀️ No anons allowed. If you ask on anon, I will not answer. Unfortunately with anons, I have no way to confirm your age. ☀️ I do reserve the right to turn down a request. I may dm you with a reason why if I choose not to.
Important notes:
☀️ I do not plan to start on these until I finish my last chapter of my main fic Unspoken Words which means it will probably end up being the beginning of July! ☀️ All characters are aged up. ☀️ I've never written for a lot of these characters so it might take me a bit longer but I WILL get it done. ☀️ This is open to any and all. Following not required but much appreciated! ☀️ I will most likely write gn!Reader unless stated otherwise! ☀️ If not stated, I will most likely write these in a ModernAU unless I can make it work in canon! I may dm you if I'm running into problems.
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☀️ Levi ➵ matcha green tea ☀️ Hange ➵ mint chocolate chip ☀️ Erwin ➵ rum raisin ☀️ Miche ➵ cinnamon ☀️ Armin ➵ vanilla bean ☀️ Sasha ➵ cookie dough ☀️ Jean ➵ peanut butter cup ☀️ Connie ➵ cookies and cream ☀️ Marco ➵ double fudge brownie ☀️ Reiner ➵ lemon sorbet
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☀️ Gojo ➵ birthday cake ☀️ Megumi ➵ pralines and cream ☀️ Toge ➵ chunky monkey
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☀️ Tanjiro ➵ raspberry sorbet ☀️ Nezuko ➵ red velvet cake ☀️ Rengoku ➵ pumpkin spice ☀️ Uzui ➵ neopolitan ☀️ Shinobu ➵ lavender and honey ☀️ Mitsuri ➵ sakura blossom ☀️ Giyuu ➵ sea salt dark chocolate
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☀️ Percival ➵ coffee ☀️ Vex’ahlia ➵ salted caramel ☀️ Scanlan ➵ rainbow sherbet ☀️ Pickle ➵ orange dream ☀️ Keyleth ➵ butterscotch ☀️ Vax’ildan ➵ black cherry ☀️ Grog ➵ rocky road
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☀️ Sprinkles ➵ first date ☀️ Caramel drizzle ➵ hallmark AU ☀️ Whipped cream ➵ meet-cute ☀️ Chopped nuts ➵ blind date ☀️ Cookie crumbles ➵ hurt/comfort ☀️ Candy ➵ mutual pining ☀️ Fresh fruit ➵ suggestive (smut-adjacent) ☀️ Hot fudge ➵ one bed ☀️ Kitchen sink ➵ whatever you want (within my limits)
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randoimago · 2 years
Can I please ask for some TLOVM headcanon s of how Vex's young child would react to the events at the Sunken Tomb?
Vex’s Child Reacting to The Sunken Tomb
Fandom: Legend of Vox Machina
Character(s): Vex’ahlia
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Oof just reading the request hurts. I'll do my best with the angst!!
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This all depends on if the child was with everyone during those events. Hopefully not since a lot of shit went down and it was definitely no place for a little kid. So it would be you having to hear about it when everyone comes back.
It would be Grog that lets it out that your mom died. Everyone is shushing him and reprimanding him and you’re just staring at Vex, who shoots a glare at Grog before trying to calm you down before you’ve processed what’s been said.
“You died?” Your voice is weak and you’re tearful. She came back, yes, but she died. She was gone and no one kept that from happening. She was with a bunch of strong people and none of them kept her from dying. You’re sad and angry and just don’t know what to do.
“I’m here. See I’m breathing. It’s okay.” You don’t even realize when Vex pulls you into a hug. You’re clinging onto her and crying. You feel another person join in the hug and glance to see Vax holding you both tightly too, obviously still affected by whatever happened.
There would have to be a long talk later, but for now you’re going to hold your mom in fear of letting her go will have her leave you again.
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