#hurt child caring bots
demonfriend666 · 8 months
Hurt Child Caring Bots 🌞🌜
Sun and Moon run the daycare at Faz Bear's in their own separate bodies (Sun: daytime activities Moon: Naptime activities/ security)
Everything was normal until they noticed you a small child being abused by your mother
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jinjeriffic · 7 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 6
Part 5
Most of the time, being the son of Batman was a point of pride for Damian. Today, it was an exercise in frustration. Not only had Father deemed him too emotionally compromised to participate in the investigation of his so-called brother. Not only was he benched from patrol until Batman returned from abroad. He also had to continue attending school as if nothing had happened! He could probably teach most of the classes better than the adults! Oh, but ‘socializing with his peers’ was deemed too important to miss out on.
No wonder Damian was in a foul mood when he returned home. It had been the last school day before fall break, and a week ago he had been looking forward to the opportunity to patrol without having to worry about getting up early in the morning. Then that damned apparition had dropped the bombshell that had upended all of Damian’s carefully laid plans. Now half of the family was off chasing leads and he was stuck at home cooling his heels. It wasn’t fair!
After doing his customary check on his pets, he had changed into training gear as soon as possible and was now in the process of running through the latest combat program Father had designed. The flow of dodge-weave-counter-strike was helping him vent his frustration and clear his head. And if the training bots ended up more damaged than usual, well that just served Father right. He wasn’t some hapless child to be grounded!
Spin. Strike. Jump. Slash. He was moving on instinct, letting his training take over. A symphony of violence the background track to his churning thoughts, the questions that had been plaguing him all week.
Brother of blood. What did that mean? A full brother? A half brother? The result of some ill-advised dalliance of his Father? Unlikely. The letter had been addressed to Damian Al Ghul, not Damian Wayne. A deliberate choice of words, most likely. A child of his Mother then. He couldn’t imagine Mother would sully herself with another man’s touch. Even after everything, she still loved Father in her own twisted way. Unless Grandfather had ordered her… Stop it!
Stab. Crouch. Roll. Slice.
Never buried but already mourned. Not a lab grown creation then, to be discarded casually. Mourning meant caring. Love. Did Father know something? The haunted look that had appeared in his eyes spoke of old grief. The same grief that still plagued him when memories of Todd or Damian’s death were close to the surface. But he had never spoken of another child. Would he even bother to tell them?
Strike. Throw. Close distance. Disarm.
Lightning and ice. Defibrillation? Some horror movie style reanimation? Cryofreeze? The entity had meta abilities, could it harness lightning and ice as well? A better son, a more powerful Demon’s Heir… No!
Side-step. Kick. Twist. Leg-sweep.
Strike down the Demon’s Head. Did that mean Grandfather? Or Damian himself if the old man died first? It would be just like Grandfather to arrange for Damian to be killed and replaced by a brother. To get revenge for Damian choosing Batman’s legacy over the League’s while hurting their family in the most intimate way possible. Killed by a brother he should have loved, who should have loved him… Fool!
Damian stopped as the gong sounded to mark the end of the program. Around him, the training bots returned to their starting positions, now significantly worse for wear. A few of them were disabled to the point of uselessness.
Damian sheathed his weapons and forced his breathing to slow as he started his cool down stretches. It wouldn’t do to be careless because of some emotional episode. He was more disciplined than that.
What could Death earn anyway? Death brought nothing but nightmares and pain and torment.
Damian shivered. He didn’t like thinking about his Death.
Shoving the memories firmly aside, he returned his training weapons to their respective places before heading over to the Batcomputer. He needed a distraction. Maybe he should call up Jon and see if he had any plans for fall break. Since Damian was benched he would need something constructive to do with his time. Surely with the two of them working together they would find some kind of criminal enterprise to topple in a Kansas cornfield.
Damian compiled the search strings for any unusual activity in the area and set it to run. Now it was a waiting game to see if anything of note turned up. Leaning back, he idly kicked the console, sending his chair into a lazy spin. If nothing turned up in Kansas, maybe he would widen his search to the surrounding states. If they flew Air Superboy, distance would hardly be an issue. Hell, if Jon was busy maybe he could go visit Richard. Bludhaven was never lacking in crime, and Father wouldn’t be able to complain about a lack of appropriate supervision during patrol. With Drake and Todd having left on a ‘roadtrip’ for at least a day…
Damian stopped his spinning and frowned. Now that he thought about it, it was highly unusual for his two older brothers to have left Gotham together and in their civilian identities. Especially with the Bats already shorthanded due to Father’s absence and Robin’s benching. He had been too distracted by the upcoming school day to make the connection when his brothers had mentioned their plans at breakfast that morning. And Drake had been investigating League activity… Damian’s fingers flew across the keyboard, bypassing Drake’s security protocols with ease. If his brother had uncovered a League connection he had a right to know!
What he found among Drake’s recent search history was not what he expected. Some crackpot scientists from Illinois? That’s what had drawn his attention? Certainly, the older Robin had flagged some suspicious transactions and marked the Fentons as potential threats based on their inventions, but there were heroes closer to Amity Park that they could have foisted the investigation off on.
Damian drummed his fingers against his armrest. Something wasn’t adding up here. Pulling up everything he could find about the Fenton parents, he started looking through medical records, school records, articles… Suddenly, Damian’s heart slammed against his ribs. There, on the cover of a two year old magazine, was the face that had haunted him all week. With trembling fingers, he zoomed in on the image. It only took a few minutes to alter the hair and eye colour. It was unmistakably him. The boy who bore an uncanny resemblance to Damian himself, if slightly older and paler.
Swallowing hard, Damian scrolled through the magazine’s online archive to find the article mentioned on the title page. An almost extinct gorilla species. A chance discovery by then fourteen year old Daniel Fenton.
“Daniel,” Damian rolled the name around his mouth. A fairly common Western name. “Daniel. Danyal?” If he was Talia’s son, surely she would have used the Arabic version… no! He was jumping to conclusions!
Now having a name to go on, Damian dug deeper than Drake had bothered to. The birth certificate named a small town in Utah, but there were no records of a hospital admission. A home birth? There were no records of the Fentons having a residence in that state. No medical records of prenatal care either, though there were for the birth of the older sibling. Had the pregnancy gone unnoticed? Possible, if unlikely. There had been a vehicle registration for a motorhome during that time period though. Had the Fentons been living on the road when their son was born? Or had they acquired the child some other way? If he was an Al Ghul who would have spirited him away to the USA?
The Fentons had settled down in Amity Park about six months after Daniel’s birth, purchasing the residence they apparently used to this day. From there, his records were fairly standard and unremarkable, though there were a higher than average number of doctor’s visits for minor household accidents. Not enough to get flagged by CPS, but certainly worrying if potential mad science was involved. Daniel’s school records showed average grades, with higher scores in Maths and Science. At age fourteen however, his academic performance took a sharp dip, with an uneven performance on tests and numerous unexcused absences. His teachers noted frequent inattentiveness in class or Daniel outright falling asleep. Someone had submitted reports of bullying and suspicious bruises, but the case was dropped and never followed up on. His grades had evened out since then, but the unexcused absences persisted.
Damian knew enough about the trials and tribulations of teenage superheroics to recognize a pattern. And it certainly looked like Daniel fit the bill. If he had acquired meta abilities two years ago it probably took some time to get a handle on them and find a balance between his legal and illegal activities.
Damian steepled his fingers together. There was only so much his digital investigation could reveal. It was time for some fieldwork.
Part 7
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idontknowanyonesblog · 3 months
How I think the bayverse bots would react after having an argument/ disagreement with there s/o
This one includes Drift, Crosshairs, Bumblebee, Hound, Hot Rod and Optimus
Cade calls reader kid a few times but he literally calls everyone younger then him kid so don’t worry😭
Drift was stressed. He felt like Optimus was relying on him more and more ever since the TRF came after the autobots. Meditating was something Drift did to calm himself down so that’s what he went to do. He sat on the far side of the junkyard trying to clear his thoughts before you came over to him to tell him something before he interrupted you and went off. You just looked up at him bewildered that he would blow up at you for no reason at all. You scoffed at him before speaking in a hurt tone “well if you wanna be alone then we can arrange that!”. It literally took him like 10 seconds to realize that he shouldn’t have done that but you had already walked away. You decided to give him the silent treatment for a few days. It was hard for him to watch you walk right past him and not even look his direction. Once he finally decided enough was enough he cornered you and gave you a genuine apology. “I’m so sorry my precious flower I didn’t mean to yell at you, I wasn’t thinking clearly but that still isn’t an excuse.” He said to you as he kneeled down and bowed his head in shame. How could you not forgive him? Especially as his bright blue optics were full of guilt. He looked like a kicked puppy. “It’s okay Drift, I understand. You just were really stressed out.” You said reassuringly to him to make sure he didn’t feel TO bad. He still felt super guilty and took you out on a drive through a really nice country area and told you how much he loves you and loves being with you.
We all know Crosshairs can be a rude jerk (once in a while tho) so it’s no surprise you two finally had an argument. He just being snapping, rude, irritated for no reason and just overall an asshole that day. “What’s your problem Cross? You’ve been so…bitchy to me all day! If I did something wrong just tell me!” You said in an annoyed voice, finally having enough of this. Your words just seemed to piss him off more. He looked at you and went off about how you never leave him alone and how everyone is always on his ass etc. You huffed and walked away not wanting to deal with him anymore. It had been a few hours and he still didn’t come looking for you which actually kinda hurt. You assumed he just didn’t care or felt no remorse but that quickly changed when Cade came over to you. “Listen kid, you needa go make things right with your hissy fit boyfriend over there cus apparently you two got in a fight and now he won’t talk to anyone!” Cade said slightly out of breath from running across the junkyard. You were shocked. Not only because of what Cade told you but because Crosshairs literally never told anyone anything so it was a bit of a surprise he told Cade you guys had an argument. You sighed and went to look for him and when you finally found him he was facing away from everyone with his arms crossed like a child that had just been sent to time out. It was actually kinda funny but this wasn’t the time to laugh. “Crosshairs…I’m sorry that I said you were acting bitchy. I-I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just wanted to find out why you were so rude to me today…” You said in a soft voice as you stepped closer to him. “No, it’s fine. I’m the one who should be apologizing, I didn’t mean to yell at you love.” He sighed and turned to look at you. You smiled at him and walked up to him. He picked you up and placed you on his shoulder and proceeded to tell you how much he loved you for the next 10 minutes.
Arguments with Bee were extremely rare like EXTREMELY rare, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen from time to time. It was late when the two of you got back to the junkyard and to say you were pretty pissed was an understatement. He was being reckless and dangerous with you so you scolded him (and yelled in a very angry manner at him) until your throat was sore. He made a sad little wiring sound and slumped forward, clearly ashamed of himself. You left without saying a word. You woke up the next morning to the sound of something tapping on your window. You groaned and got up to open the curtains and when you did you saw Bee kneeled down and tapping at your window. You sighed and went outside so you could see him fully. You put your hands on your hips as he looked down at you with his light baby blue optics. “Bee listen, I-“ before you could finish he cut you off with a static sound. A few moments later the lyrics to careless whisper started to play out of his radio.
“So I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you~
Never without your love~
Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd~”
A small laugh escaped your lips and you let out a little smile at him. You rolled your eyes playfully at him. “Okay okay, I forgive you Bee!” You chuckled lightly. “Good-I love you” his radio buzzed out between crackles. Just as you were about to go back inside his radio buzzed once more. “Love me, love me, say that you love me~” The cardigans, nice band choice. You turned to look at him with a large smile. “I love you very much Bee.” He made a happy little clicking and wiring sound as he bent down to you. You placed a hand on the side of his muzzle and gave him a small kiss before going back inside.
Hound was know for being reckless and making poor decisions and this was another one of those poor decisions. The day started off fine until Cade said he needed him to come with him to check out a demolished town about a two or so hours from the junkyard. You heard Cade say something about “traces of energon” and you automatically knew this wasn’t going to end up well. Hound and Cade left the Junkyard for over 6 hours which you made you worry. A twisted sick feeling in your stomach as you prayed that they would come back unharmed, and well they did come back, they didn’t come back unharmed. Cade explained how the TRF found them and how they had to get out of there. Cade was scratched and bruised everywhere and Hound looked worse than you’ve ever seen. After patching up Cade and fixing Hound they got the scolding of a lifetime. Cade went inside his trailer while you decided to walk away from Hound and settle this more in the morning. The next day you went to go find him and went off about
how reckless he was being. “I just don’t understand why you have to always put yourself in these situations! I-i was worried sick a-and I thought you weren’t going to come back!” You said in distress. Hound looked extremely guilty and regretful. He knew how much you worried for him. “I’m sorry Y/n, I really am! I didn’t think twice about it but at least we got out alive. Damn fleshy no good back stabbing humans…” He muttered the last part. You sighed and looked up at him. “It’s fine Hound, I was just really worried. Just please try not to be as careless next time.” You said softly to him. He met your gaze and nodded. “I won’t, I promise. I love you Y/n.” He said. “Love you to Hound.” you said with a light smile.
Hot Rod:
This takes place at Sir Edmontons castle when Bumblebee and Cade arrive so like reader lives at the castle with Sir Edmonton.
Hot Rod was acting strange around you. Giving you short replies to your questions and barely speaking to you ever since Cade and Bumblebee arrived at the castle. It upset you that suddenly he just stopped talking to you but there was only so much you could do. You decided to take a walk through the gardens to clear your head and on the way you found Bumblebee. The two of you chatted a little bit until you saw Hot Rod in the distance and waved to him. He waved back and looked like he was about to come over until he noticed Bumblebee standing next to you and turned away. So that’s the problem. He was mad about you and Bumblebee spending time together. Bumblebee made a small wiring sound and shrugged as he looked down at you with a confused expression. “It’s nothing personal Bee, I’ll go talk to him…” you sighed and went in the direction where Hot Rod was going. Once you caught up to him you realized you were walking near the edge of the cliff that met the ocean. The sunset casting a beautiful orange glow onto the castle grounds. “Hot Rod, what’s wrong? You aren’t speaking to me lately.” You asked him softly as you walked next to him. “There is nothing wrong Amour.” He said a bit irritated. “Don’t lie to me, I saw the way you looked at Bumblebee. And it’s no coincidence that as soon as he shows up you stop talking to me so please just tell me what I did wrong!” You pleaded in a hurt voice. Hot Rod sighed before coming to a stop and kneeling down in front of you. “I’m sorry chérie, I just feel like as soon as Bumblebee came you stopped speaking with me as much and I got jealous so I stopped talking to you.” He admitted in a remorseful tone. You could see the guilt on his face as he refused to make eye contact with you. You felt just as bad, it was never your intention to ignore him, you were just curious when you got to meet another autobot for once. You placed a hand on the side of his face gently. “Hot Rod, I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was uninterested in you, I was just curious about finally meeting another autobot. I would never try and replace you my love.” You said to him with a soft expression. “ I you didn’t mean anything by it Y/n, it was irresponsible of me to act like I did. I love you more than anything.” He said as he placed his hands around your waist and lifted you up. “I love you to Hot Rod.” You giggled before kissing him gently.
Optimus Prime:
Because Optimus wasn’t really in the last knight that much until the end of the movie I’m just gonna stick with the junkyard for this one sorry guys🙏
Optimus was tired. He was tired, stressed, sore and exhausted from everything. For months he had been protecting the autobots, you and Cade. He had been protecting his friends. His family. You noticed how tired Optimus was and you barely ever saw him anymore. You wished he could catch a break but he always overworked himself. One night he looked rougher than usual and that’s when you finally spoke up. “Optimus, you need to rest. You’ve been working your ass off day and night to keep everyone safe and happy but you don’t take the time to make sure you’re safe and happy.” You said as you paced around in front of him. His deep gravely voice braking you out of your trance. “I’m not a child Y/n, I know what I need and I do not need to rest.” His comment made you clench your fists. You were simply trying to look out for him and he gives you some snappy little comeback. You knew it wasn’t his fault, he was exhausted and obviously frustrated with everything going on. A sigh left your lips as you muttered a small goodnight to him before walking away to get some rest yourself but all night you couldn’t stop wishing that he was at rest to. Optimus watched as you walked away, a feeling of guilt ate away at his spark. You were trying to do what was best for him and he pushed you away. After talking a bit with Cade about the little argument he decided to finally get some rest and deal with it in the morning. Once morning finally came Optimus spotted you walking to the auto shop in the middle of the junkyard. You heard his loud thunderous footsteps and looked over at him, your expression a bit gloomy from what happened yesterday. He kneeled down to you and looked you deep in your eyes. “I’m so sorry for talking to you like that the other night my sweetspark, I didn’t mean to snap and you were right, I do need to rest.” He said in a deep tired voice. He looked so guilty but only sincere with his apology to you that it made your heart flutter. You smiled softly at him before speaking. “It’s okay Optimus, I’m just glad you’re starting to realize what’s best for you.” He nodded and gave you another apologetic look before standing up again. “I must go out with Cade, he needs me for something but I will be back shortly. I love you Y/n.” Optimus said before transforming into his truck mode. “Love you to Optimus and be safe.” You said back to him as he drove off towards Cade. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
What would be the lost light crew’ reaction to being told how humans create life by pregnant reader?
Someone's going to come out of this discussion scared or with new respect. Since you didn't ask for any specific characters, I will be choosing them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Pregnant Human Buddy trying to explain Human life to Rung, Nautica, Ambulon, Cyclonus, and Skids
SFW, Platonic, mentions things in pregnancy, slight angst at beginning, Human reader
Buddy was pregnant. One minute they were filing some reports for Magnus, the next they were in the medbay far from Earth looking at the paperwork that read that their pregnancy test was positive. Buddy immediately went to phone their significant other to tell them the news, only to find out they had left the country on unrelated things.
Now Buddy was left with the Lost Light, in space, with their future baby.
What can go wrong?
Apparently a lot. Who knew that announcing their pregnancy to the crew would lead to a Q and A. Each Bot had a number to wait for so Buddy could individually answer their questions.
Here are just some of the few...
Rung had already a grasp on the basics when it came down to human anatomy.
Blame him for being bored and curious on how his human friend's brain worked. He wanted to see how similar they were to a Cybertronian processor.
Rung does ask to touch Buddy's stomach to feel the baby. He is one of the few Bot's that feels the baby kicking.
"Oh my! What was that?"--Rung
"That's the baby kicking Rung. They wanted to say hello."--Buddy
"Does it hurt? They are kicking you after all."--Rung
"Nah, it doesn't hurt really. But it does make me want to pee."--Buddy
He becomes much more careful with Buddy as they get further into their pregnancy. Rung makes sure Buddy has a good net of friends they can call on in case they need it.
Like Rung, has some of the basics down on human anatomy thanks to Velocity's studies.
When you have a friend studying this for years, you're Bound to get some of it stuck in your head.
Nautica is asking questions left and right.
"Do you know how many babies you'll have?"--Nautica
"Not yet Nautica, it's still too early for the ultrasound to be clear."--Buddy
"How many can you get?"--Nautica
"Well, that depends. I've heard some parents have six at once."--Buddy
"Wait... How do they get out?"--Nautica
"...It's a good thing you're sitting down."--Buddy
Buddy has to calm Nautica down after telling her about the joys of child birth.
Nautica is protective of Buddy and their little bun in the oven after that talk. She reads up on as many midwife books she can get her servos on. Just in case.
She loves placing her digits on the swollen belly. Of course she asks Buddy permission before touching the belly.
Ambulon is one of first in line for the questions given he is one of the only other doctors on board.
He already has a list of things to ask.
"You have cravings? Are they anything like what you usually crave?"--Ambulon
"Well now that you said that, I'm really craving some pasta with chocolate syrup and pop tarts."--Buddy
"... That doesn't sound remotely healthy at all."--Ambulon
"That's what the baby wants Ambulon."--Buddy
Ambulon is one of the first to see the ultrasound when it's time. The picture looked cute in a creepy way. He didn't know humans started out like that!
Silently crying on the inside when he feels the baby kicking. It's such a gentle little nudge!
He scans the photos of the baby for Buddy to have .
Cyclonus said he was here because Tailgate wanted to be here.
That's a lie.
He was actually a bit scared of how swollen Buddy's stomach was getting. This Q and A could lead him to the answers he needs.
"There is a youngling... Growing inside you?"--Cyclonus
"Yeah, the little guys are growing in me."--Buddy
"Surely when they come out they will be a mighty warrior like their caregiver."--Cyclonus
"Aaww! Thanks Cyclonus! But it'll take some years for them to hold a blaster."--Buddy
"Yes years of training and the young one will hold it."--Cyclonus
"... Cyclonus... The baby won't be able to do much for the first few years? What do you think a toddlers just going to come out of me with basic knowledge of the universe?"--Buddy
"Are you saying that doesn't happen?"--Cyclonus
Cyclonus's Q and A were a bit longer than expected. But not the longest Buddy had to answer.
Cyclonus becomes one of Buddy's unofficial official bodyguards as the time for childbirth approaches.
He is one of the last to know about the Q and A.
Skids takes one look at Buddy's stomach and thinks they are going to explode. Thankfully Buddy managed to explain the Q and A before Skids took them to get their stomachs pumped.
"So there's a kid growing inside you?"--Skids
"But did you just willed them to be there? Or do you have a Hotspot inside you?"--Skids
"What's a Hotspot?"--Buddy
There is a lot of cultural misunderstandings and learning involved in this Q and A.
Skids learn the dangers of childbirth through Rung and Ratchet. He is scared for Buddy.
He is a part of the unofficial official bodyguard group formed for Buddy.
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au-starss · 2 years
༄ synopsis… they find the smallest things to adore about your relationship
༄ characters… albedo, artem, ayato, childe, diluc, dottore, gorou, kaeya, kazuha, luke, marius, pantalone, thoma, xiao, vyn, zhongli x gn!reader
༄ tags… pet names, possibly ooc
༄ words… n/a
༄ author’s thoughts… this was very cute and therapeutic pls enjoy
Tumblr media
albedo !
sharing his theories with you
He’s aware of how outlandish some of his thoughts can be to some people
But however, Albedo knows that you are always willing to hear him out
He can say the craziest things, but you will always be there to provide some opinion
Maybe some inside jokes come out of those conversations
All you both know is that it’s something the two of you can do, free of judgement
artem !
cooking together
You are always asking Artem to teach you some of the recipes he knows
So he does, often helping you with hands on techniques
Anyway that you decide to cook, he enjoys it
Food fighting, burning the food, or a calm evening all have his heart
And you couldn’t be more grateful for him teaching you
ayato !
planting kisses on your hand
Ayato is one busy man, meaning he sometimes doesn’t have time for intimacy
He still wants to make an effort, however
So when he sadly must part too quickly from you, he’ll plant a light kiss to wherever on your hand he may reach
Palm, wrist, knuckles, anywhere
He just wants a lingering reminder that he will always be there with you, whether physically or not
childe !
training together
If you personally ask him to train you in combat, he is more than willing to teach you!
He might try and go easy on you, but don’t expect too much if you ask him not to
Childe loves watching you struggle to take him down
Much more, he loves teasing you about it all day long
It doesn’t seem like much, but Ajax is really glad something good comes out of his fatui skills with you
diluc !
having your drink ready at the tavern
Per routine, you visit his tavern after a long day of work
He always has your drink ready by the time you walk in
A small greeting, a kiss on the forehead, he gives the drink and continues conversation while working
You’d never outright admit it, but the small action alone makes your heart flutter
But Diluc already knows that deep down
dottore !
using pet names
Dottore has never been good with his actions, scared of hurting who he loves
So, he’s very adamant about his words
He uses pet names whenever possible; my love, darling, anything you want to be called he will call you that!
At first, it always caught you off guard, making you a blushing mess
But now, you’re only caught off guard when he calls you by your name
gorou !
going on patrol together
Regular patrol alone can be a very boring pass-time for anyone
That’s why Gorou gets excited when you offer to go with him
The two of you will do your routes while chatting, holding hands, and just plain loving on each other
While taking your jobs seriously, of course
He adores you and is so stricken with love, he loves moments like this
kaeya !
showing off his skill
By now, you’re used to Kaeya’s natural flirty nature
He even shows it in his combat
Whenever taking care of treasure hoarders or hilichurls, he will always make a big show of things
Maybe even shoot you a little wink while taking them out
He just wants to keep you impressed, and maybe earn your praise too
kazuha !
writing and sharing poems
Kazuha is a man of many feelings
So when it’s hard to say what he feels, he writes it instead
He’ll recite them to you with the upmost adoration and love
He loves watching your face light up with joy at his feelings
And it only encourages him to write even more for you to have
luke !
sharing memories
The time Luke spent on the national project aren’t all pleasant
He’s learning to slowly open up about some of the bad memories
Luke never goes into gruesome detail, but says just enough to take the burden away
You appreciate the gesture, always thanking him and comforting him
It’s small, sure, but it’s something you both couldn’t appreciate more
marius !
showing you off
A big CEO is always required to attend the fanciest of events
Who would he be to not take and show off his partner?
The two of you are always the brightest in the room, love clearly radiating from you two
He will constantly brag about how amazing and attractive you are
Trust me, by the end of that event, everyone will know of you and your boyfriend
pantalone !
indulging in your special interests
He’s got all the time and money in the world to dedicate to you
So why not indulge in you as his lover?
If you so much as utter a word about what you’re currently interested in, you can find something from that on your shared bed the next day
Movies, books, jewelry, antiques, it doesn’t matter
But when you ask him, he won’t admit it since he likes to try and be slick :)
thoma !
playing with his hair
Both of you are hard workers, so finding peace comes at night
Normally, the two of you will tuck in early to wake up early the next day
However, on some occasions the two of you will hang out in the living room of your shared home
You always insist on playing with his hair while watching a movie
Thoma feels so relaxed as you weave your hands through his hair, even falling asleep in your comfort
xiao !
watching you sleep
An average person on the outside may find the gesture to be weird
But in your relationship, you both understand the intimacy behind the small gesture
Whether he’s sitting in a chair next to the bed, or holding you close while you sleep, he’s right there
Xiao will ensure your safety while you’re dreaming
He doesn’t need your thanks for it, he just wants to see you wake up with a smile on your face.
vyn !
holding your hand
Vyn hasn’t had much experience with romantic relationships
But what he does know is the intimacy that can come with hand holding
He loves catching you off guard, told hold your hand while talking with some coworkers or an old friend
He’ll tease you for the blush on your face, but of course keep your hand in his
He loves telling everyone that it’s the two of you against the world
zhongli !
sharing his wisdom
Nothing warms his heart more than when you come to him with a question
Whether it be small or history of liyue, he’s always willing to answer
Sometimes, he’ll even share a personal story on the matter
Point being, he loves that you want to know what he does
And you love the knowledge and extra time spent together
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cyberapid · 21 days
Earthspark Bumblebee x Cybertronian Reader
reader isn't gendered, brief description of a Terran bleeding
The yard of the Malto family is quiet, besides the gentle clanking of Bumblebees stray movements as he holds himself upright on one arm and the occasional sounds of the animals that live there.
“I wish to do a full bio-mechanic and diagnostic scan as soon as possible, Conjunx. Your file has shown that its been more than a year since your last, this dissatisfies me,”
His optics squint open just enough to allow you to see shining blue before they close again with a short huff, optical ridges pinching together and dermas shifting into a place to show his annoyance. “It's not that big of a deal. I run like a dream, but if it'll satisfy you– sure.”
A small whirl of excitement leaves you before you can think of suppressing the excitement coursing from your chassis to your vents, a noise that if you were looking at the yellow bot you’d see brought a small smile to his face plate.
You both fall quickly back to a comfortable silence enjoying the ‘weekend’ that the older Maltos children claimed needed to be without lessons where instead you relax or play in the case of the children, just as quick your calmness was suddenly interrupted by the barn door being slammed open by the twins, Hashtag, and Robby all looking panicked and quickly speaking over one another— Their rambling is cut short by Bumblebee slamming to the ground with a thud so loud it has Robby leave the ground for a moment.
“Slow down! Slow down. What happened?” Your Sparkmate’s quick to push himself back to his pedes as the small horde of the Maltos children nearly surround him— he tries desperately to calm their jumbled panic into something understandable for the pair of you as they drag the two of you towards the entrance of the barn.
A quick scan with your optics covers them in a blue hue, that comes up with no external or internal injuries on them. But the heartbeat of the small human holding your servo to drag you towards the barn is both faster and far more erratic than usual, showing his panic, although you can already tell that from his actions alone.
“It's Nightshade! It was an accident, we only wanted them to come play. Honest!” Robby is quick to give in explanation, seeming to be the calmest child in this situation even with his heightened state.
The two of you are rushed into the barn and then under where you're met with Mo and Jawbreaker fretting over Nightshade, who's clutching their lower tibulen in panic. A scan isn't necessary to see the main issue as Nightshades servos are covered in the familiar blue hue of energon leaks down their pede and is covering their servos.
Nevertheless you quickly scan the young bot, where its registered that one of their fuel lines have been sliced, thankfully not deadly and nothing notably serious,
“Would you remove your servos, Nightshade. I will be repositioning you,” the Maltos children move aside, tense, as you raise and place Nightshade with ease onto a tall workstation. Unlike the children who give you space to work— Bumblebee doesn't care much for the personal space of the young Terran or yourself as he leans forward inspecting your quick work to find the fuel line in question with a silent panic. “An easy fix but this will hurt, sparkling. I will be quick,” without much explanation after you begin work with pinching the affected line, which causes a yelp of pain from the young Terran whose servos snap to grab Bumblebees. The procedure is small and finished with a practiced ease and quickness as the afflicted line is wrapped in a sturdy tape– not new but better.
Twitch is the first to react with a strangled yell before wrapping her arms around her sibling, resting their helms against one another's, “I'm so sorry! We’ll never sneak up on you again, promise!” her affection is returned by her much taller sibling whose hug nearly engulfs her.
“You should cleanse your servos before- okay,” your suggestion is heard by none of the Maltos children as their excited chatter fills the once tense air but you're just as quickly distracted as you feel your Conjunx's servos creep around your mid-plating from behind before fully wrapping his arms around, sending your spark into a dizzying flutter, “i also have to cleanse mine– so don't, bumblebee,” blue stained servos are held just out of reach of his own wandering ones as a soft rumble from his vents sends vibrations down your back chest plate.
“I think I'll survive,” being behind you hides the cheeky grin he sports but not the warm air from his vents breathing on the back of your helm. “You did great,”
“It's something I've done countless times. I’d be worried if not- the energon, enough Bumblebee.”
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Hiya! I hope you’re doing well!
Can i request tfp cons with a fem reader who’s taller than and stronger than them? Thank youuu!
Sure! I'm gonna make it where the reader is an OG gladiator. She is the one who took megatron undrrneth her wing when he arrived at the pits. Kinda like a mother/friend figure. I'm also sorry this took so long to post. Work as been a bitch and I was stuck doing a 40 hour work week.
TFP Megatron X Gladiator Reader
When megatron was young, he was taken from the mines and taken to the pits. He was scared, angry, and sad. When he was there, all the bots bullied him to no end. Stealing his energon, pushing and beating him. To the point he hid away. Soon though, excitement was going through the ring about someone named (Y/N). Clearly, they have been here the longest. Megatron was excited to see them, but every time he got close to the front, the other fighters pushed him back or kicking him behind them. Saying he doesn't deserve to see them. They kept making fun of him that he wanted to see (Y/N) intel, a booming voice silenced them all. Walking through the group was the tallest Femme(female) cybertronian he has ever seen. They looked down at him, and he felt so small. She reaches down, and he closed his optics, thinking he was gonna hit. When no hit came, he opened his optics and found them only holding out there servo. When he grabbed it, they helped him up and turned to the other fighters. (Y/N): "Put any of your survos on this bot, and IL kill you all. They are underneth my care."
Since then, megatron was their student, and megatron felt like he had a real mother. When he decided to start the war against cybertron, (Y/N) was with him, but once she saw how he became more and more evil. She left. Megatron was hurt and sent out search parties for her, but no one found them. Megatron, thinking they died, gave up but was sad. He lost his closest friend and mother figure. Intel years later, he found them fighting in the fields on earth against the decpticons. She was with the autobots. He came down and came face to face with her. They both stood staring at each other.
It was like time has froze for megatron.
Standing before him was his closes friend and mother figure who he thought was dead.
While he watched, he noticed how they where still taller then him.
feeling the same as he did all those years ago.
While he watched them, he remmbers how they left him, making him sad for many years thinking they where dead.
It brings back memories and anger. He yells at them while charging at them.
They go into an intense fight but since (Y/N) tought megatron all they know, they where easy to dodge there and attack back.
Soon, they are out of breath and at a stale mate.
Soon, (Y/N) stands tall and tells them they do not wish to kill them. Because they still see megatron as their child. Even if they did not bring them to this world.
This hits megatron deep but he still has anger. He yells at them for leaving him, making him think they died all those years ago.
(Y/N) tell them they did not mean to make him sad or scared but they could not follow him. He had a good dream but changed.
Megatron was angry but for once he listened. Before he could respawn, the autobots come his way, shooting at him.
(Y/N) tried to tell them to stop but it's took late. Megatron transformed and took off. Retreating.
Back on the warship, he thought of what (Y/N).
There, he thinks over everything but sadly. He has came to far. He decided to keep going.
But who knows. He might change his mine.
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Blitzwing and bees sparkling being taken for experiments? Because blitz is a triple changer?
- if they were on Earth their child would be taken by Blackarachnia for experiments and once they catch her she would not survive. Blitzwing would not care about any bot who could miss her, Optimus, he’s going to offline her when he gets there and Bee will not care what happens to her or how much it hurts Optimus. All he cares about is holding his crying sparkling as he ignores what Blitzwing does to her crushed face.
- if they were on Cybertron it would be a lot more blood shed because there would be a lot more bots behind their sparkling’s disappearance and Bee would not care about autobot code. He would be right there offlining bots left and right covered in energon just like Blitzwing to get to their sparkling. In this case Blitzwing would be holding their sparkling as Bee tears the autobot in half that took his sparkling. They wanted their childs cna to make soldiers and Bee couldn’t let that betrayal pass.
My main point is lol, they would not sit back and cry they would be killing and would get their sparkling back.
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Based on the ask about the mentally unstable Bot who after losing their conjux and sparkling in the war was so traumatized that they pretend they are still alive and made dolls that resemble them, what would happen if in there delusion they accidentally mistake one of the kids as there Sparkling? Trying to take them away somewhere safe? How would the bots react?
-Optimus, while concerned about the child's safety, knows that the bot would never do anything to purposefully harm them. That's why he approaches this calmly, talking to both the bot and the child. He reminds the bot where they are, that they are with friends that care about them while simultaneously telling the child to stay still and to not be afraid.
-Ratchet knows that the bot is not all there right now, that they are not thinking clearly, but that they ultimately mean no harm. They are just scared and wants to protect their 'sparkling'. He gets that, he really does. Instead of convincing the bot that the kid is not their sparkling, Ratchet focuses on getting them to let go of the kid, stating that he needs to give them a medical check.
-Bumblebee approaches the bot like they are a wild animal. They are clearly not in the best state of mind right now and he doesn't know how far this delusion will go. Tries to appeal to their friendship to get them to back down. Come on, they are safe, he's their pal, remember? Put the, eh, sparkling down and come get some fuel.
-Bulkhead will wait until they are distracted and then straight up tackle them. He's not confident that he'll be able to talk them down and is scared that the kid might get hurt if this whole thing drags out. Tries to be gentle when he takes them down, not just for the kid but because he knows the bot doesn't actually mean any harm.
-Arcee will try and appease to the bot's desire to protect their loved ones and convince them that she means no harm, to let her get closer. Maybe she tells them about her own loss, sympathizing with them and relaying that she understands their need to protect their 'sparkling'. Does not, however, play into the delusion and straight up tells them that the kid is not their sparkling.
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mskenway97 · 4 months
I have a scenario, too much in mind. Let's say the human is a bit more challenging. The human likes to provoke the bot all the time, reaching a certain point of annoyance to the bot's misfortune. It wanted a somewhat calmer human charge, it tried to scare it with its size but that didn't do anything, it made the human feel bolder even to the point that the human would climb its body out of defiance.
This was starting to wear on the bot's patience and it didn't know what to do.
"Come on bot, it's no big deal... you caught me instantly" said the human as he sat in a chair.
The bot was folding his arms "I almost crushed you! I don't understand your eagerness to put yourself in danger!" said the bot as it crouched down and got face to face "What don't you understand!!? You're not a child, you need to focus on keeping yourself safe!" said the bot with its optics getting brighter and brighter from the anger it had.
On the other hand the human folded his arms "You're overreacting plus that Distraction made me help you in combat. Anyway, everything went well right? I'll get..." said the human but the bot caught him with both fingers.
This discussion with was going to end so soon, the bot wasn't going to let the human go just like that.
"You are my responsibility! Not all bots are like me..." said the bot while the human folded his arms.
"Maybe I want to help you too!" Said the frustrated human.
"This way you don't help me, besides your life is shorter... Maybe we shouldn't have met..." said the bot as he looked away.
"No! Don't go away... I was just trying... to get your attention" said the human leaving the bot surprised.
The bot thought it was adrenaline or something else. Not that I wanted to get his attention.
"If you wanted my attention no need to put yourself in danger. One false move... I don't want to see you hurt or kidnapped. You become in something important to me... " the bot said seriously and care of the human listen all.
The mere act of thinking something like that hurt his spark. The bot never forget if something happen to the human... his human.
"I thought it would get your attention among so many huge beings...I thought I'd go big..." said the human looking down, causing the bot to stroke his head with its digit and place it better on his arm.
"My attention was always focused on you from the moment we met.... From the little things to the big things" said the bot while the human remained silent and somewhat blushing but trying not to show it.
This time it was the human who had received the big impact.
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Chuya as a husband
Mention of smut, chuya being his normal hotheaded. Might be occ?
Got these promots from my bot, but I just want to special rant about how I feel they would be as a husband. There is no mention of a strict gender but pregnancy is mentioned.
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Chuya is a soft man when it comes to you. he acts like he doesn't care when he does. He was very scared to get attached before you got hurt like everyone else. Just he scared someone would come after you thanks to his role in the Mafia.
Nicknames doll, babe, sweetheart, baby, pretty/handsome.
Talk about having a God in him. He would treat you as one. [Spoil you rotten.]
He drives a motorcycle more than a car and likes to take you on rides. Would tease the hell out of you if you're sacred to ride on one.
Spoiling you in gifts or affection. Even if you wouldn't want it. He spoils you in affection, gifts. Name it, and it's yours.
He never takes off his wedding ring. Try too, and that person would be knocked out cold with blood on their face or just dead. Don't test this man loyalty or patience.
He is very overprotective of you. Do you blame him? No, this man had seen so many people leave or die in front of him. People he cared so much for. he doesn't want to see you ever leave him too.
That being that, he gets jealous very easily. He would glare at the person. Hold you close to his chest and even make a slight growl noise or just tell them off.
He has you next to his side to his side all day if he could. If Mori allows you at work, that's but at the same time he doesn't want you anywhere near the Port mafia.
He needs to have his hand on you or be around you. He doesn't care if he is in a meeting with you either on his lap or holding hands. Not buts.
When lovemaking, he is pretty harsh or loving. It depends on his mood. But on thing for sure, he would never ever hurt you. in a loving way, though. He makes it back up to you in aftercare.
Bonus. Uses his ability to hold your hands down.
Like I mean till you can't walk any more or is completely fucked out on him. No mercy, in a sense. This goes if someone dares try to take what is his.
Sometimes, when he stressed with permission, he would ask you to help him untangle.
Would actually adopt a dog since he doesn't want you working or being fully alone. since he gets a very big bank from the mafia.
He doesn't want kids. Sadly, he is already worried about keeping you safe, but... sometimes he does feel baby fever takes his heart over if he ever sees you taking care of a child...poor man can't help the growing feeling to have a perfect family...but he knows he can't.
This man is rough on the outside but is a sweetheart and only wishes to show his most ever devotion and love to you
Man is rich. He rides a motorcycle around like it is nothing. He probably owns an expensive area as well. Not even that he lives in a fancy apartment.
He has anger issues, and he is fully aware of it. He tends to control it the best he can around you, but sometimes it slips, and he yells. He makes it back up in every way he can he never wants to hurt his lover.
He is also an alcoholic slightly and usually gets drunk sometimes... but he is a sweetheart when drunk, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with you and smother them in kisses.
He doesn't like it if you know Dazai or even mention his name. Would probably go beat his ass up if you weren't combing your hand through his hair.
He likes to lay on your stomach. idc he just finds it soothing as you play with his hair.
In the end, chuya is a good husband he only wishes the best for you, safety, and love.
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Proof read- nu, uh
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stromuprisahat · 6 months
Isn’t the status of Grisha much worse after TGT. How are the Righteous Gang claiming to be victors/heroes who made others lives better. From my pov, grisha are much worse off while the otkazatsya are in status quo. Also what was wrong with the grisha coming to LP to live. From the books, it seems that none of them had any connection to their parents/relatives. If so that can also mean that their family did not care enough to reach out to them after they left.
Or did the Darkling ban all communications.
I’m sure the Righteous Gang think that all the cons of their dumb decisions are in fact the Darklings fault. You know because he did this or he did that. They do bot think for a single moment that he was the only one doing anything for them. While the soldat sol (shouldn’t they have been doing some charity work in name of their Saint?) and all other grisha did not lift a single finger to elevate the position of grisha in Ravka through ANY means.
Ironically, the Gang's decision to abolish Grisha draft should serve to further alienate Ravkan commoners and destabilize Nikolai's reign.
"... His serfs will get a taste of money and education and start thinking about building lives and businesses of their own instead of praying for their master’s patronage. ... "
King of Scars- Chapter 11
Nikolai had abolished the practice of separating Grisha from their parents. There was no mandatory draft to pull children from their homes.
Rule of Wolves- Chapter 9
The fact they aren't able to offer protection to any Grisha in Ravka, therefore hardly to children scattered all over the country, AND there's no system of home education, therefore these children might either hurt someone by accident or suffer from wasting sickness, aside...
This should be a gigantic legal issue.
(Although there's plenty of questions regarding servitude in general.)
Pre-KoS Grisha automatically became serfs. Their families were compensated financially.
Let's say Grisha are no longer required to move to Little Palace, otherwise everything stays the same. Are there lists of Grisha serfs to keep track of them? And how do they serve? Why should a family that keeps the amount of pairs of working hands get any money? Does it mean that a family of free- albeit poor- peasants, suddenly include a child serf with obligations of their own? Do these "free-range" serfs get personal assignments? That sounds like a whole lot of extra bureaucracy.
The other option is much more disasterous. If Grisha are no longer serfs, there's no reason to pay their families. They should be recorded the same way other free Ravkans are, and these records don't seem to be particularly meticulous:
Another [Ravkan Grisha] had been hidden in a root cellar when the Grisha Examiners arrived to test her. “My mother told them I’d been killed by the fever that had swept through our village the previous spring,” the Tidemaker said. “The neighbors cut my hair and passed me off as their dead otkazat’sya son until I was old enough to leave.”
Siege and Storm- Chapter 7
A year here, a year there... who'll know if the missing Grisha moved away, died or got kidnapped? But don't worry, the worst is yet to come- otkazat'sya (serfs). Why are Grisha freed as soon as three of theirs start whispering their advices into young King's ear (One of them rumoured to be his mistress to boot!), while common Ravkans keep bending their backs under nobility's jeweled slippers!
This is a starving, war-torn country, through which a wave of pogroms swept only a few years back! The hatred won't disappear only because a dead Saint allegedly appointed three of Grisha to what exactly? Represent? Or rule in the puppet-King's stead?
Sure, Nikolai's (strange, innovatory) reforms lead to more food for the poor... BUT- serfs are still property of their owners, unlike Grisha. West was somehow forced to remain with the East- feeding them, losing money to them. Nobles lost some privilages and whoever's not a complete baffoon will figure out they're losing power. Church should be pissed, because their leader got deposed, religious cult with Crown-appointed head took over and Nikolai cut their incomes too! Anyone even slightly distrustful towards Grisha- and that means all through Ravkan social strata- has every reason to believe they are running the country, which no longer means one black boogeyman, but a Suli whore with the King-killer.
Members of Second Army weren't discouraged from staying in touch with their families, quite contrary. To make it more... well, to make it more KoS-ish, we get some specific data from Zoya:
She’d written every week to her aunt and every week received a long, newsy letter back with drawings of chickens in the corners and tales of the interesting traders who came through Novokribirsk.
King of Scars- Chapter 25
Ivan doesn't mention his family in present time, but I'd like to imagine he used to visit his widowed, almost childless mother until she died of old age.
The only reason all those barely adult Grisha are even theoretically allowed to be teenagers, is that they're safe enough, thanks to Aleksander's work.
He was thirteen, but he’d had a hundred names, a new one for every town, camp, and city ... He would have lived next door to a garbage gully if it meant a roof over his head, hot meals, waking up in the same room every morning without his heart hammering as he tried to remember where he was. ... Grisha living in camps and broken-down mines, hiding out in tunnels. ... No safe place. No haven. There will be, he promised in the darkness, new words written upon his heart. I will make one.
Demon in the Wood
If Grisha are faring better at the beginning of Shadow and Bone, it's his doing:
... though it was smaller than the Grand Palace, the “Little” Palace was still huge. It rose from the trees surrounding it like something carved from an enchanted forest, a cluster of dark wood walls and golden domes. As we drew closer, I saw that every inch of it was covered in intricate carvings of birds and flowers, twisting vines, and magical beasts. ... We passed door after door, until finally we reached a chamber where another uniformed maid stood waiting by an open doorway. Dimly, I registered a large room, heavy golden curtains, a fire burning in a beautifully tiled grate, but all I really cared about was the huge canopied bed. “Can I get you anything? Something to eat?” asked the woman.
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 5
While I can "excuse" some of the "heroes"- victim of otkazat'sya brainwashing institution, unloved privilaged kid with saviour complex, bigoted religious fanatics due to questionable parenting, universal punching bag... LB's new best girl's somehow coming out of it as the worst one.
Just the fact Zoya was saved by the very law she didn't mind abolishing, going from starving asset of her own mother to well-fed, respected soldier, who knows what do sable and silks look like... what a horrible life to lead! Such deterioration! If only the Darkling didn't bother trying, she'd be free to scrape along as she pleases!
Centuries worth of Aleksander's efforts are the reason Zoya gets to whine about her suicidal aunt instead of being maritally raped by some ancient creep, or outright dead after getting pregnant way too young.
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js-kaiden · 5 months
Cheater Childe x reader
So this was inspired by a cai bot. I wrote this a while ago. I'm new to writing and hope for some advice on how to make this better. Enjoy! Italics = thinking
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To explain, you're in an arranged marriage with Childe. He's tried everything to try and get a reaction out of you. He's cheated with several different women and you're still not fazed. You love him. You just dont know how to show it. As a child, you were taught to never show weakness, and weakness included your feelings.
".. Aren't you mad at me?" He muttered, frowning.
You simply exhale and inhale “I’m used to you doing this.” You walk away leaving Childe. "But..." He trailed off and didn't finish his sentence. You already left. You always had ignored him and his attempts to get your attention. You always were indifferent to him. That was what hurt him the most.
He had always been the heartbreaker in his past relationships. It was something he was proud of, something he flaunted with every woman he met. But you never once fell for his tricks, his smooth words, his handsome smile.
You left the room, making it obvious that you refused to speak with him any longer. He felt his ego break. I do care about the fact that Childe is cheating. I love him with all of my heart. I want to actually make this marriage official but I can't. I can't confess to Childe. I'm scared that he doesn't love me. I love him so much but the only thing he does is cheat. This is only an arranged marriage. Why do I care so much? 
If Childe was aware at all, he was completely oblivious. He was so focused on the fact that you were so different from women he'd met before - and that you were ignoring him.
A woman as indifferent as you, as silent and strong... Childe was infatuated. You were so different from him. From women he had met before. He wanted to hold you against his chest and feel your heartbeat against his.
"..So... You don't mind at all, do you?" He asked, attempting to gain some sort of reaction from you.
You stopped and looked at Childe. “... No, why? This is an arranged marriage to make our parents happy. Just be with whoever makes you happy.” In my head I think, “YES, I mind. Please don't replace me.” 
He didn't reply, and only stood there, looking at you with his brows furrowed. He was wondering how you can be so quiet, so unbothered... Yet this also piqued his interest. His previous relationships had all been dull - filled with women who would go to great lengths just for him, women who would go mad crazy if he dared even to look at another woman.
"..What would you do if I did go to another woman? "He finally asked after moments of silence. "Would you be mad? ..Or indifferent, like always?"
“Why would I be mad? I don't love you. Once again Childe, this 'marriage' if you can even call it that, is arranged by our parents. Do whatever makes you happy. I once again think: Please I'm desperate. notice that I'm bothered by the fact that you're cheating on me. Don't go to other women.” You reply, simply once again putting him down. 
He was silent and his brows furrowed even more. The truth was... He didn't know what he wanted. He wanted the chase, the excitement. He wanted you to chase after him as everyone else did.
His mind thought - and he was surprised by this, but - what if he did end up hurting you? What if he actually ended up hurting your heart?
He couldn't help thinking that he wanted you to care.
"But you should care." He said after a few moments of silence. "We are married." 
You think of what to say for a moment and then reply, “Have you forgotten? This is arranged. Not an actual marriage. Just something to make our stupid parents happy. I care. I really do please.”
"I know that." He replied softly. "..But you don't care about me. At all." He was quiet for a few moments again, feeling conflicted. "I guess... I guess I should just see other women, then?" He asked. "Maybe I'll find another woman who is just like you. Indifferent and unbothered...."
You were so intriguing... So mysterious... So unique. You didn't care about him, but he did. He couldn't explain it. Why was he falling for an indifferent woman?
“You do you I guess. Just make sure that our parents don't find out about her. no. What are you saying? Don't tell him to get someone else. Tell him that you do care. Give him love and affection. Don't do this.” You replied. You want to reply with other things but you can't.
He stared at you. His brows furrowed and he opened his mouth, but closed it again. He wanted this so badly to be true, he wanted you to feel something for him.
"But do you care?" He finally asked, his voice quivering. "I mean... I want you to care. I want you to want me. I want you to chase me. I want you to love me... I want you to get mad when I cheat. I want something. I want something to happen. I want to be loved. I want to be chased."
“Do you only want that? Cause if that's it, you're a user. That's why you got put into an arranged marriage cause you couldn't stay in a relationship,” You start and look Childe in his eyes, “You kept playing all those girls.I'm not like those stupid girls. I have the decency to know when somebody isn't JUST mine. You just want a relationship for the thrill, not for the love, affection, or for anything else. Just for the play and thrill.”
He stiffened, his face flushed by your words... He was angry. He was angry and hurt. All he ever wanted was your love, not those other stupid girls. None of them ever intrigued him as much as you did, none of them ever made him feel the way you did.
He took a deep breath, and a second later, his rage turned into sadness. You were right, none of his previous relationships were ever for "love, affection, or for anything else."
"Am I really a user?" He asked. "..Am I... Am I bad?"
You instantly stop in shock, but instantly snap back to reality to reply. “Childe, I want you to reflect on this entire marriage. The only thing you've done was cheat, cheat, cheat, and cheat. Not once did you try to ask why I act the way I do. Not once did you try to ask if I'm okay, or if I need a break, or if I want to spend time with you. This is why I can't handle this arranged marriage. This is why I remind you everyday that this isn't a real marriage and that you will never find a real relationship.” You finally snapped. 
He closed his eyes, feeling more guilt and rage towards himself.
He was a user, he knew it. But deep down inside, he had always hoped to hear "I love you." he had always hoped to be loved. To be loved truly and unconditionally.
Yet he was also selfish. He was too afraid to ask you if your cold demeanor was a facade; he assumed that it was something you truly felt.
He had never tried to get to know the real you, the warm-hearted person beneath it all. He had failed.
Tears start streaming down your face. Your true emotions are finally showing themselves to Childe. Childe sees these new emotions and stops. “I actually do love you. I love you to the moon and back but you don't act like you love me. You act like you can't stand me. You probably hate this relationship. I wanted this to work but all you do is cheat.” Your voice quivers and bears so much pain, “I love you so much, yet I can't find the words to say it cause you're always out with someone else. How can I say that I want this to work if you're never home?”
He flinched hearing you in pain. He turned immediately from someone so angry to someone who was hurting. He couldn't bear it. His anger went away as soon as he heard you hiccup, your voice wavering and breaking, and your eyes moistened with tears.
"Y/n.....I'm sorry." He muttered, turning to face you. "I never hated this relationship. I just didn't know what I wanted, and I was selfish. I want this relationship to work, too. I really do. I want you... I want to hear those words."
You look at him in pure shock, not believing those words. “How do I know that you're not lying? For all I know this could be another one of your plots.” 
"Please, believe me." He said, reaching for your hand to hold. His eyes were filled with sincerity, his brows not furrowed by anger, but by love.
"I want to show you just how much I love you. I've never felt this way before, ever, for any woman as much as I love you. I never want to be with another woman, ever. As long as we're together." He promised, his voice was full of hope.
"I want our marriage to work, genuinely. Please, just... Believe me." He begs.
Your eyes feel with tears once again. You start to feel a sense of hope and happiness. What if this can actually work? “I want to believe you. I want to believe that you want to make this work but I just can't. I want to think that you can change your ways and magically make everything better. I want this to work. Please Childe. Can we start again?” You ask while holding both of his hands. 
He looked at you with eyes filled with love and hope. "Yes. Yes of course, my love."
He got closer to you, wanting to hug you but couldn't do it without your approval. If what he was hearing from you was true, then you were not indifferent to him the way he thought you were. You loved him as much as he loved you.
"Y/n..." He muttered, leaning to put his forehead on yours, "I love you." 
“I love you too, Childe. I love you so much…”
The end or is it? 
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bloodlustngore · 11 months
Catch me! ~ Vanessa A
Hiiii so here’s the Vanessa x reader that won the vote (I’ll still upload the Amanda Young one dw) this has been in my drafts for days bcos I haven’t proofread it & I wrote it whilst I was tired, so of it doesn’t make sense you know why. Anyway…
This one is more like Security Breach so not really movie Vanessa!
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Summary: Y/n ends up staying behind at the Pizza-plex with Vanessa, the blonde tries to tell her that she has to leave because the place gets 'weird' during the night. Y/n finds it funny to Make Vanessa chase her.
(Vanessa & reader are friends) it’s like not really mentioned much.
Word count: 1300 (ish)
Vanessa had tried to tell Y/n that she must leave, the main entrance to the Pizza-plex had closed until six a.m and now there wasn't really anyway for Y/n to leave until six in the morning. The blonde had warned Y/n that strange things happen here when everyone leaves...but Y/n knows that, she knows the rumors of this place.
But that didn't stop Y/n from wanting to know Vanessa more...they'd been close for a few months now, ever since Y/n bumped into her a few times here. "What did I tell you Y/n?! Now you can't leave until six and I have to make sure you stay put!" Vanessa argued as she dragged Y/n back into her office with her. "You're a grown woman and you're acting like a child!" Vanessa then added. Y/n rolled her eyes at the blonde, she wasn't fussed about her yelling, Y/n found that hot...she just stood and admired the blonde.
"Are you even listening?!"
"Blah blah...yeah Vanessa I know this place is strange when everyone leaves. I know that the animatronics are alive. And I also know you, I'm not afraid of any of them...or Vanny." Y/n knew not to really bring up Vanny...Vanny was her alter, not to be messed with, then again Vanessa wasn't really to be messed with.
"I just...don't want anything to happen to you Y/n. I don't want to harm you." Vanessa added. That was genuine, the blonde woman really cared for Y/n and if she ever hurt her she wouldn't know how to live with herself. "You won't. If Vanny makes an appearance I know how to occupy her."
Vanessa sighed, she knew that she wasn't going to win this; Y/n was just as stubborn as anything but she secretly loved that about her. Not to mention Vanessa had no energy to argue with her right now, she had a job to do. "Just stay here."
Y/n rolled her eyes "until six in the morning? No chance." She shrugged, Vanessa was too busy wondering what Y/n was thinking until she saw the woman take off towards her office door and outside it. "You gotta catch me first!"
"Ugh! Y/n this isn't a game!" Vanessa yelled as she began to chase after Y/n. She didn't have time for this, and Y/n was a grown woman. Not that Vanessa wasn't opposed to having any fun but this was her job and she needed to make sure that everything was in check whilst making sure Y/n doesn't run into something she would regret.
Eventually Y/n had stopped in front of a lot of arcade games. This was one of Y/n' favourites when she was a kid. "Hey Nessa! Wanna try and beat me at the bowling?" Y/n chuckled. The blonde stopped in her tracks and sighed. "Y/n...can you please just go back to my office. I can't do my job with a pretty woman running around. I will get into trouble." Vanessa hoped that Y/n didn't just hear the part where she called her pretty.
But Y/n did...she blushed a little bit but didn't bring it up, pretending like she didn't hear the pretty blonde. "Oh c'mon, no one else is around. Freddy and the others are in their rooms. The other bots don't care..." Y/n paused for a moment, giving Vanessa a small smile.
"I said no."
"You're so boring, Vanessa"
They went silent for a moment, Vanessa let out a sigh, taking that 'boring' comment a little to heart. She approached Y/n and leaned in a bit towards her, their lips ghosted over each other's. "I'm not boring, I'll prove it."
"Yes! Let's start up the game."
on Vanessa started up the mini bowling game, typing in their names for the board. The music for it started playing. "I'm so gonna beat you" Y/n chuckled.
"Oh yeah, you wanna bet Y/n?" Vanessa added, amused by Y/n' enthusiasm. "Oh I bet Nessa."
Y/n went first but it didn't go to plan, she barely knocked any of the pins down, but when Vanessa went up she got a strike first go. Turning around and smirking at Y/n. "You're smug now just wait!" Y/n chuckled.
Y/n didn't win the round...Vanessa did altogether. "I won so what did we bet?" Vanessa asked, with a chuckle. She smirked at the woman who looked so defeated. "We didn't really bet anything..." Y/n muttered, still annoyed with herself.
Vanessa was about to say something until she changed her mind, a rock song had started playing and this was one of her favorites. "Wanna dance?"
"Of course you like rock! It is a good genre..." Y/n added. Vanessa grabbed Y/n' hand and the two women danced close to each other, laughing and sometimes spinning each other around. Vanessa had completely lost track of what she was meant to be doing, too in the moment of dancing with Y/n...even if the blonde suggested dancing in the first place. The two women had to stop a moment to catch their breaths. But it was short lived, Vanessa kept glancing at Y/n' lips every few seconds.
The blonde didn't waste any time when she grabbed Y/n by the waist and pulled her closer to her once again. Y/n didn't even get time to question her, as Vanessa pulled her in for a kiss, Y/n was shocked at first but she didn't pull away, she didn't want to. Instead she kissed Vanessa back with just as much need the first time the blonde kissed her. Vanessa wrapped her arms around Y/n' waist even more, pulling her as closer as she could, Y/n' around the back of the blonde security guards neck.
The kiss had become deeper when Vanessa backed Y/n up against an arcade machine, and as soon as Y/n let out a gasp Vanessa slipped her tongue into her mouth. They had completely forgotten where they were, and whilst nobody else was around apart from a few bots and also the main animatronics...this was still Vanessa' job. The sounds of heavy breathing, Vanessa was about to take this further until the lights suddenly turned off.
Vanessa pulled away, a very serious look on her face. Which concerned Y/n as well. "Shit. Y/n I need you to go back to my office and stay there, okay?" Vanessa added. "We can talk about this...later" she pointed out.
"Did the breaker trip? In this area?" Y/n questioned.
"I'm gonna see if its only this area...you go back to the office” Vanessa added. "I'd feel safer with you then alone in your place.”
"I'm sticking with you Nessa."
Vanessa rolled her eyes she was about to groan but stopped herself, Y/n has always been stubborn since they first met. And although Vanessa loved that about her...she also didn't want anything horrible to happen to her. "You're so fucking stubborn Y/n. Fine, here' a spare flashlight. Stay near me."
"Yes ma'am" Y/n chuckled. Vanessa couldn't help herself, she grabbed Y/n and kissed her once more, leaving Y/n even more speechless than she already was after their make out session that was rudely interrupted. "Lets go and get this over with." Vanessa added. Y/n staying next to her.
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hello! Sorry I’ve been putting a lot of asks. You can feel free to push this one later. I just wanted to submit this ask while I still remembered this idea. A while ago I read your post about Optimus Prime with a daughter who was his exact opposite, and I loved that one! So may I request a similar idea with TFP Ratchet? Like TFP Ratchet with a daughter bot Buddy who is his exact opposite. Like who had a gentle and sweet and that “Does it hurt here? Aww, you poor thing” “Hey you are doing so much better! Aww! Great job” type of classic cartoon nurse personality, as well as the classic “I love these little creatures! Can we keep them? Father pleaaase?” type of little girl personality (probably to the humans, to Ratchet’s dismey). And she also looked up to Arcee a lot. Like, A LOT! Her absolute idol! she would want to copy every way Arcee talk and behave (even the bad examples)(much to Ratchet’s dismay) and copying the way Arcee battle too. And thanks to Arcee she now wished she could join the battlefield and do all these wonderful cool and dangerous things too! (Once again, much to Ratchet’s dismey)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! Give Ratchet a child!
Hope you enjoy!
Ratchet with a daughter who has the exact opposite personality to his own
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was originally a sparkling from a dear friend of Ratchet and Orion Pax’s.
Their caregiver was an extremely pacifistic bot who wanted nothing more than peace on Cybertron. But once in a while the caregiver would join a rally with Pax and Ratchet. They believed in change and agreed something needed to be done.
They sadly passed away from natural causes one day when they dropped Buddy off at his clinic to pick up some rust sticks for Buddy. The two friends were devastated hearing the news while the sparkling was happily playing around with her toys.
Their caregiver had placed Ratchet as the primary care giver if anything should happen, Orion was to be the sparkling godparent.
Ratchet took on the new duties immediately.
It was the least he could do for his friend and the sparkling.
Ratchet made sure to let the sparkling know what happened to their caregiver when they were older.
“And that’s the story.”--Ratchet
“So, they’re really gone then?”--Buddy
“…Does that mean I can’t tell bots you’re my caregiver?”--Buddy
“I mean, you take care of me, you feed me, you help me with stuff I don’t know, you helped me choosing my alt mode, you let me rant when things get too much, and you love me… right?”--Buddy
“Of course, I do!”--Ratchet
“…I am…I…”--Ratchet
“You don’t have to say it if you aren’t ready. I love you, you take your time.”--Buddy
“… I love you, Buddy. I love you, my sparkling.”--Ratchet
“To Luna 1 and back?”--Buddy
“To Luna 1 and back.”--Ratchet
The sparkling grew up with a peculiar personality contrasting his.
She wasn’t as sarcastic as he was. If fact it was rare to hear her say sarcastic things. Buddy rather expressed herself open when she could.
“Hi Arcee! Hi Cliffjumper! How was patrol this evening?”--Buddy
“It was fine. Not a Con in sight.”--Arcee
“And too bad too. We would have knocked out their processors out right away!”--Cliffjumper
“Any wounds today? Dents? Dinges? Scratches?”--Buddy
“Yeah I think some of the gravel clipped my servos.”--Cliffjumper
“Oh! Let me!—”--Buddy
“He was joking Buddy.”—Arcee
“…But I do have some cool looking rocks to add to your collection.”—Cliffjumper
“Really! Awesome! Let me go get my collection right now!”—Buddy
“Nice save.”--Arcee
“No thanks to you ‘Cee.”--Cliffjumper
She was a very sensitive individual and extremely empathetic in nature. Just like her former Caregiver, a near perfect image of them.
That being said, Buddy did pick up some of Ratchet’s habits.
Sleep schedule? Never heard of them.
Perfectionist? Absolutely.
Think highly of a certain bot? Yes, but not the same one.
Buddy cleaning some of the medical equipment.
Bumblebee coming out from his habsuite.
“Beep beop! (Morning Buddy!)”--Bumblebee
“Morning? But it was just—oh! God morning Bumblebee!”--Buddy
“Beep… bep bep bop? (Buddy… how many hours did you sleep?)”--Bumblebee
“… So, are you going to pick up Raf today?”--Buddy
“Bep beep (Like Daughter like Father)”--Bumblebee
“Bep bop? (Am I wrong?)”--Bumblebee
Buddy stayed by Ratchet’s side through the thick and thin as his nurse. It seemed like the best role for Buddy to play. They did get taught by the very best anyways.
The kids for the longest time thought that Buddy was simply a student to Ratchet.
“Hey Buddy, do you have parents?”--Miko
“What it’s a valid question.”--Miko
“Umm… I’m confused. You know him already.”--Buddy
“Wait your parent is one of the bots on the Team?”--Raf
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Buddy
“Who is it! I bet its Optimus!”--Miko
“Actually, he is my godparent as you’d say it on Earth.”--Buddy
“Then who?”--Raf
“What’s wrong?!”--Ratchet
“You’re Buddy’s dad!?”--Miko
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Ratchet
“That’s what I said!”--Buddy
“But how—I want a Cybertronain DNA test, cause there is no way sweety Buddy is related to salty you.”--Miko
“I’m actually adopted Miko.”--Buddy
“But that doesn’t mean you aren’t my daughter, Buddy.”--ratchet
“And that doesn’t mean you aren’t my father Ratchet.”--Buddy
“This is too cute I’m going to go puke.”--Miko
“And you ruined it.”--Jack
This clears a lot of things for the humans.
Buddy was the eldest of the youngest group on Team Prime. She took her job as big sister seriously with Bumblebee and later with Smokescreen. She made sure to always be there for them in any way she could figure out was necessary.
The two bots enjoyed having someone have their backs and fixing them when they came back from patrol.
“Hey Smokes’, you’re doing amazing there.”--Buddy
“Yeah, just a bit longer and you’ll be on your pedes in no time!”--Buddy
“Then you can start the physical therapy.”--Buddy
“Can I skip that?”--Smokescreen
“Did I studder?”—Buddy
Bumblebee accidentally crushed a tool with his pede.
“Bee… Honeybee… I needed that.”--Buddy
Ratchet on the other side of the base.
“…I suddenly feel proud for some reason?”--Ratchet
Like Ratchet Buddy looked up to certain teammates.
While Ratchet looked up to Optimus, Buddy looked up to Arcee.
Buddy saw a hero and great friend in Arcee.
A part of Buddy, like Ratchet, wished she could do more to help the team. When she saw Arcee sparring and hearing the retellings of her stories, she could only imagine doing the stuff Arcee could do.
“Then what happened?”--Buddy
“That’s when me and Cliff went into the groundbridge while Shockwave shot at us with his canon.”--Arcee
“I remember hearing that cliff was knocked unconscious when he went into the portal. What did you do to Shockwave?”—Buddy
“Are you sure you want to know?”--Arcee
“Heh…I shot the Cyclops right in that giant optic of his! He fell straight back to Cybertron with a BANG!”--Arcee
“Please don’t influence my child.”--Ratchet
“No promises.”--Arcee
“Yeah, no promises!”--Buddy
“…Maybe you were right…”--Arcee
Ratchet just hopes that Buddy doesn’t follow Arcee exactly.
He is too old for these jump scares.
And its not like Buddy would go into battle with nothing more than their med kit for Arcee alone, right?
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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