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wrathful-reptile · 2 years ago
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Some dragons I've drawn recently! (in order of drawing them, left to right) They are Lazarus, Hurim, Zahara, and Cloud Chaser!
These dragons are from the discontinued interactive novel/game series "Riders of Abauruth" by @13leaguestories
Click the images for better quality!
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penaindah · 1 year ago
Memang tertatih
Pada setiap hurufnya tersisa kelu
Dan di kepala seakan ingin tergesa
Melewati lembar demi lembar
Tanpa sadar akan tidak sempurnanya lafal
Dan huruf-huruf itu belum mendapat haknya
Man Hurimal Ushul Hurimal Wushul
Sabar, bukankah akan tercapai tegak pada pondasi yang telah mengakar?
Atau justru kau ingin rubuh di sela peluh?
Senin, 29 Januari 2024
احْرِصْ عَلَى مَا يَنْفَعُكَ وَاسْتَعِنْ بِاللَّهِ وَلَا تَعْجَزْ
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maksimlustiger · 1 year ago
O ileż bylibyśmy szczęśliwsi , gdyby nie ustawiczny zgiełk Największych Giełd Świata.
Papiery....bardzo, ale to bardzo Wartościowe. Hosanna Niemal tysiąckrotnych Fortun Namiestników Tego Świata.
Bo czyż Królestwo Niebieskie Istnieje?
Niedorzeczne gdybanie.
Albo glebo czuły punkt widzenia. Jakby wszystko kończyło się na "z prochu powstałeś i w proch się obrócisz" .
Licha to strawa dla ludzkiej duchowości ?...Nadzieja na W Niebo Wstąpienie i Wiekuistą Rozkosz?......Obietnice Rajów i Poza Ziemskich Uzdrowisk....Edeny ........Szeole.......Drzewa Życia.......Ganeszy........Sumeryjskie.........lub Inkaskie Hanan Pacha........
Wykrzykniki i znaki zapytania?
Egzystencje liche lub wzniośle krzykliwe......Rządy przemijające i Fortuny , które zwiędły.
Choć zawsze w trybie teraźniejszych domniemań Nasze Status Quo zdaje się NIEŚMIERTELNE!
Hanan Pacha - w Mitologii Inkaskiej " Górny Świat" związany z wędrówką duszy po śmierci; w Przeciwieństwem Hanan Pacha jest Hurim Pacha czyli " Dolny Świat".
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tsunidoesart · 5 years ago
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Last dragon of the RoA set for now: Hurim!
(Riders of Abauruth is by @13leaguestories, aka Tierra Wright.)
The rest of the set:
Bonus: Vulcan
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noisycollectivekoala · 5 years ago
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...Hurimiin sar... uzedgelen #joroikhulan #joroikhulanartstudio #joroikhulanartstudio🌾🌾🌾 #hurim #sar (at Joroikhulan ART) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3emsdmhrNl/?igshid=fe4qfzdisqd2
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yg-kplus · 8 years ago
응, 그래 너야 너 ❤
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13leaguestories · 4 years ago
1. He can actually die if you exiled Saren from the group, Hurim is no longer with him, and then failed to save Jack when the area came up.
2. You can leave him where he is and he won't be seen anymore.
3. He can join you as a helper and later you can adopt him. Regardless of who you're with, adopting him into your family has the future him working with dragons in some capacity whether it's becoming a dragon racer or becoming a trainer.
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avauntus · 3 years ago
niche (new?!) content
I’ve been wanting to post something fun and not too heavy for a minute, but I couldn’t think of anything tied to fandoms mutuals enjoy. Then it occurred to me-- this is my little junk pile on the internet, so if I want to be completely unhinged, I can.
In that vein, it’s a rainy weekend near the end of a stressful year, and who couldn’t use some ‘for the vibes’ fun! So I’d like to tell you about one of my dorkiest hobbies: Collecting post-2000 RPG adventure modules for plot reasons.
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Yes, I know - they’re often a mishmash of clichés and railroading (forcing characters a direction because the story demands it), but I enjoy throwing fandom characters into the mix.
I’ve never written any of these, and I don’t plan to, but here are a few of my favorites if you’d like to come on this special journey with me. 😆
#4 - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (2018)
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The plot: Your band of novice adventurers start in a tavern. They end up mired a grand mystical conspiracy with the potential of staggering profits and accidentally acquire a haunted inn (wraith of a former proprietor; not clear on the former part, aggravated about the utter state of their dusty ale taps) along the way. Their haunted inn can have a demon-tiger private investigator as a next-door neighbor if you want.
What I love: It’s set in a city! There’s multiple plot elements that involve scheming / schmoozing / sleuthing / diplomacy/guile -- pretty much everything beyond hacking your way through monster guts. The villains -- co-written by Mathew Mercer, of critical role fame-- are complex and top-notch.
Fav Part? - Most commentary I’ve read on this adventure calls out the Cassalanter’s storyline (it’s good!) I love the (vague to avoid spoilers) Winter Mage and Jarlaxle with his carnival and magical submersible (what?)
Fanfic? - Anything that pairs well with the “they’re secretly hiding from a life of adventure / coffee shop / bureaucratic job!” meet-cute tropes. In my head, most recently: Supernatural (retired!Dean/post-Empty human!Cas retire to the coast’s most bucolic vacation city, only to realize their ‘charming historic bed&breakfast’ ...isn’t). Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung; Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty; and I think Persona V would be interesting (you’d have to AU the gang or smoosh Waterdeep into Tokyo?) I also think Loki (2021) [Loki & Mobius case fic!] or an alt-take on Final Fantasy VII’s SHINRA [the Turks! 😎] would fit. 
#3 - Key of Destiny adventure path (2004-2006)
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The plot: uhhh. It’s...a lot. This was a set of three adventures written for the Dragonlance campaign setting that starts your adventurers out in a fairly tropy fantasy frontier city and goes everywhere from ruined civilizations to theatre in the round with a cursed dragon to dinner repartee to a romantic obsession at the end of the world. Also, the first book is 175 pages long and the last one is 365 pages and covers nearly a year of in-game time, Y-I-K-E-S. The adventurers start out trying to cure a town of its mysterious plague, only to slowly uncover that they’re taking part in a divinely-fated story that began a thousand years ago.
What I love: This adventure has a little bit of everything. Drama, humor, romance, time-travel...it’s all there. I love the haunted temple of Hurim, the redemption of the dragons, and the cursed dinner party.
What I’d change: ‘What if high fantasy, but too much?!’ At best, only some could be adapted, and I’d give the more stereotyping parts a miss. The shattered kender make me sad. 🙃
Fanfic? - Any fandom that can handle drama & ‘epic quests’-- The Untamed; Star Wars (Rogue One AU/’everyone lives’ or a Republic-era AU plot with Anikin and Obi-Wan); and I don’t really go there, but I think The Lost Tomb would be neat too.
#2 - Tomb of Annihilation (2017)
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The plot: Look, if I try, we’re gonna be here all day. You start out racing dinosaurs. Then you get hired to fix a death-plague. Depending on how well your party chooses their wilderness guide, you either successfully find the ruins where the plague can be stopped, or you don’t, but you probably end up doing something that results in your commanding an army of zombies or becoming a zombie dragon, or both. If you head in the right direction, you can take part in a “hidden heir to the throne” situation too. I think there are aliens or intraplanar beings in there somewhere. And so on.
What I’d change: Again, too big to fit all of it in, and I heard it was nigh-impossible for most groups to finish the final tomb, so that’d get dialed back.
Fanfic? - The Lost Tomb (obviously, lol); The Mummy (1999); Inception (no, seriously-- think about it); Alice in Borderland; The Order of Moon Reflected in Pure Water (but I am not cool enough to write for this, 😆); Stargate(s); any fandom where having a pair (or group) of characters in a tough, deadly situation with some humor and high stakes would be interesting.
#1 - Red Hand of Doom (2006)
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The plot: This is sooo cringy, oh man, I’m so sorry... 😅 Your group of adventurers stumbles upon a peaceful, idyllic valley for...reasons. Only things aren’t as quiet as they seem. Over the course of the next few days, as your group scrounges up work, you slowly come to realize the valley is on the brink of war, and they are not going to be winning. Maybe your party can turn the tide...or maybe the best you can do is save as many as you can along the way. It all depends on how fast you can act, how good your choices are, and how much the people you meet trust you and each other.
What I love: This adventure has a timeline, and stakes. If your party tries to linger over petty concerns (let’s stay an extra night to loot!), or make a big stand when you’re not ready, you will get overrun. I also like the feeling of ‘hard choices bound by relationships’ this story gives out-- your heroes can’t fix things by attacking head-on...so what are you going to do?
What I’d change: The base plot is great, but the background could be so much better if it let go of ‘Ye Olde Fantasy’ a bit more. Instead of vaguely Roman-esque ancient ruins and monstrous antagonists, I’d lean into the colonialist underpinning: the valley-dwellers are settlers from the dominant culture, and not the first to live in those lands. Maybe the invaders know something the colonizers don’t, but there’s old pain between the two groups. Maybe some of the valley-folk sympathize with those who were pushed back into the mountains and are pushing back. Maybe the threat isn’t what the dynasty leaders tell your heroes it is at the beginning, or maybe they hear two different versions and have to decide who to believe?
Fanfic? - Anything with an ‘enemies-to-lovers’ arc; tense situations; high competence-- I feel like with some setting and plot adjustment, this could make an amazing My Country: the New Age or Final Fantasy XIV Ishguard AU or plot-adjacent fic... 🤩      
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ukaxx · 4 years ago
Hurim plan no 2
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feather-x-crown · 5 years ago
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Dragon Friends from “Dragon Racer” by @13leaguestories
Aragon, MC’s Red Dragon - Prideful, Aggressive and Independent but reasonable in nature  Zahara, Nyx’s Violet Dragon - Going for the sleek cunning and sultry dragon look Hurim, Saren’s Green Dragon - Open mouth post for imaginative annoying sounds  Cloud Chaser, Cassius’ Icy White Dragon - Lazy half lidded eyes and a lax curved smile for Xtra Laziness Lazarus, Shader’s Black Dragon - TANK-Y BOI NEEDS TO BE THICC  Trident, (2nd) MC’s Blue Dragon -  A goody two shoes who loves children and fluffy babies. Timid and submissive nature
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444names · 2 years ago
bosmer names from tes BUT excluding "y"
Adar Adra Adrine Aereth Agail Agil Agilet Agline Agoniel Alar Alas Alth Amluen Amluep Andir Angaer Angona Angor Angwende Annel Anre Anrindra Anuinith Anviel Arana Aranra Araron Aras Ardas Arengor Arether Argod Arthgoth Athreth Bast Bathor Behol Below Bere Berthah Bilron Binon Blanora Blila Blueb Blug Bola Boll Bollalor Bollow Bolrion Bong Bosanir Braend Brasp Breathra Bred Brel Brelol Bren Brestarn Brin Broth Buffin Caell Caen Caenbas Caerwin Cale Cand Carth Carthel Casnarth Cenas Cern Chalgor Chaureth Chawn Chel Ciir Cird Cirieth Cirin Clera Codinor Colir Coth Cragar Craill Cranoren Crauriel Dail Dailras Dain Dalion Dalossa Daria Darwir Dente Dessan Dest Dingas Dirielow Dirrooks Dolern Dolon Donnet Doras Draen Drasi Drethras Dunia Eandel Earel Eavegon Edherder Edor Egalfis Egar Egebrale Egel Eghtdal Eghtva Egin Egureth Eion Eionda Elas Elater Elbutcha Elel Elia Elieler Elind Elitbrot Elor Elorna Elowen Elphan Elphieth Elson Emeeth Enionir Enorn Enorna Eras Erdarin Erdil Erel Eridiia Erith Erth Ervir Esshawn Esthor Estsquin Exce Facora Fael Faer Faeruin Falawn Falep Faniads Fanthor Farind Faris Farn Farood Faug Faule Faur Felwaen Femril Fimiseth Fimrin Findra Finlis Finnel Flar Flat Foll Fonir Forin Gaerago Gale Galedir Galielor Galindor Galis Galor Galth Gandrel Garas Garfil Garmir Garth Garwith Gelan Gele Gelfin Gellugim Geneth Genithan Gere Gern Gibone Gilin Gillia Gilver Gina Ginas Girinel Gladhele Glang Glas Glaslor Glasnor Glaulan Glon Glor Gonon Gonor Gorn Goron Grelas Grion Guarhor Gurion Gurth Gwinel Gwir Hadel Hadh Hadil Hale Hall Halthiel Hanor Hara Hark Hearas Hele Hendrien Henisel Hollon Hundel Hundina Hurim Hurn Huun Huunnil Idrostip Iirth Impeda Indaer Indir Indrion Indurim Ingron Irwael Ithor Karthiel Kartor Karva Kird Kirdel Komor Kringir Laegonge Laer Laerle Laerwin Lagate Lanonis Laras Larath Larel Lariel Larim Lark Ledrin Legel Legirgor Legon Legor Legorm Legsk Leon Lerelas Liel Lillana Lindras Lone Lorn Lossai Mael Maervoss Male Malion Mall Malloosa Malor Malrin Maniele Marn Marwena Mataron Mathiel Mearth Melfin Menorn Minnonor Mitahgod Modicko Mole Monas Mushol Naling Nane Naril Natfilen Nath Nedelin Nedion Nength Nerth Nethel Niel Nigen Niler Nimir Nimpoth Ninas Ninel Nirth Nisteal Nith Nive Niveras Norin Noth Nothel Ocus Ollir Orbir Orchedh Orchel Orefin Orilrim Orth Orwaen Orwin Ossdra Osthoror Outchade Packin Palder Park Peas Pileas Ping Pingil Pirdova Radil Ragor Ralor Rames Rana Reth Riandril Rilnarel Rine Rithilin Rithol Rivel Rivern Rolas Role Ronewin Roosse Rothel Scran Seck Selmiel Selor Serd Seth Shalonor Shalorn Shas Sifing Silber Sildir Silion Slochel Sluill Sone Sprienlo Sures Suruin Swindoll Tadervol Tagon Taneth Tath Telor Tenor Thaenin Thagor Thal Thaleg Thallor Thandran Thanniel Thenel Thernien Thiel Thil Thir Thollue Tholon Thor Thora Thra Thras Throodin Thrubnow Trethor Trunnon Tuni Tuun Twin Undoneth Urul Valfiss Valion Valoth Virdth Volanet Waer Whan Wili Zifisnas
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isausmanmohd · 2 years ago
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YAU TAKE JAJIBERIN BABBAR SALLAH💘💘💘 LALE DA ZUWA MANZON ALLAH(S.A.W)🙏🙏🙏 Ya RABB!!! Salli Ala MahmuDI, Muhammadin Zhil-JuuDI, Wa Manba'is ShuhuDI, Wa Aini Sirri YanjaLI. Salli Ala Man Man AzIM, Mauliduhu Haqqa HurIM, Massa Jahimin MudhdarIM, Bi Fadhli Rabbi MuzjiLI. Salli Ala Man Man HadhaR Mauliduhu Mahma ZukiR, Yakuunu Mithla Man SabaR, Bi Yaumi Badril MursaLI. Wa Kullu Man Jada Bi ShAI, Li Maulidil Mukhtari AI, Karamatan Li Khairi hAI, Fa Innahu Kaman WaLI. SALLALLAHU ALAIKA WA SALLAAM💔💔🙏 ( Othman Muhammad ✍️) YA ALLAH! DON GIRMAN WANNAN MASOYIN NAKA MADAUKAKI(S.A.W) KA SANYA MU SO SHI KWATANKWACIN SOYAYYA IRIN WACCE KE TSAKANINSA DA AL'UMMARSA, AMEEEEEEN💔🙏🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjbAKvZIEMn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ruhensevdim · 3 years ago
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cennette hurim seninle hiçbir yere sığamadık en azından karantina bitene kadar gönlümde buluşalım.🌷 #ruhensevdimkurgudur ve gerçeği yansıtmamaktadır. saygılarımla.🙏
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ayumixoe · 4 years ago
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dramascoreanosar · 6 years ago
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@Regran_ed from @miles_a1307 - [TD VIDEO] Park Shin-hye 'Look, this is the majesty of Mother Nature's beauty!' ....... .....😍😘So Beautiful @ssinz7 💗💖❤..... ...... ...... ....... ....... ☆ [ 2018.10.17 Park Shin Hye at Jain Song 2019 S/S Collection | Seoul Fashion Week - ] Published on 17 Oct 2018 On the afternoon of the 17th, 'jain song 2019 S / S Collection' of the designer Song Jae In was held at the place hall of Samsung Dong in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. On that day, Park Shin-hye, Cha Na, Hwang Soo-hyun, Seo Hurim, Ember (fx), Lee Ju-young, 4K, UHD # 4K, UHD # 4K, UHD # 4K, UHD # 4K, UHD # 4K, UHD Big Data, Big Data News, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Entertainment, Idol, Direct Stream, Legend, Fancam, K-Pop #BigDataNews https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=575612852894567&id=200726900383166 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=575682272887625&id=200726900383166#20000KmPorLeeMinHo #MinozdeArgentinaHaciaSeul #MinozSaborLatinoVamosASeul #LeeMinHo #AlwayswithLeeMinHo #minozdeargentina #MinozSaborLatino #tccandler #100faces #100mostbeautifulfaces2018 #100mosthandsomefaces2018 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BpD-NwiB6Ps/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lbrzq5tvzu7m
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bilalayberk-blog · 7 years ago
İster Misin?
İster misin aşkım?
İster misin sevdamızın patikalarında el ele yürüyelim.
Umut katili şeytanın gırtlağını beraber sıkalım.
Hüzzam bestelerini ömrümüzün yerle yeksan edelim.
  İster misin sevgilim?
İster misin dilsiz yüreklerin sesi olalım.
Gökyüzünden dünyaya çiçekler atalım.
Haksızlık etmeden doğan güneşe, bütün karanlıklarını aydınlığa çevirelim dünyamızın. 
İster misin yoldaşım?
İster misin merhamet işçisi olalım.
Çorak beyinlere sevgi tohumları ekelim.
Serseri duyguların ayağına bir çelme de biz takalım.
  İster misin gül yüzlüm?
İster misin gökkuşağında yeni bir renk de biz olalım.
Yağmurlarla beraber sevda şarkıları mırıldanalım.
Bulutların arasından gülümseyen güneşi baharda ilk biz karşılayalım..
  İster misin tazem?
İster misin kimsesiz hikâyelerini yurdumun, yeniden biz anlatalım.
Aşka âşık insanların bir aşkı da biz olalım.
  İster misin hurim?
İster misin bir yaprağın göğe yükselişi, bir çocuğun duası, bir kedinin mırıltısı yine biz olalım.
  İster misin tatlım?
İster misin genç aşıkların yastık altı hayallerini bir de biz seslendirelim.. Mutluluğun kimsesiz çocuklarına sahip çıkalım.
  İster misin körpem?
İster misin dizginlerini koparan o sevda küheylanının rüzgârıyla biz de savrulalım.
  İster misin yârim?
İster misin feleğin gam yelkenli gemilerini batıralım.
Saadetin tepesine teleferikle çıkalım.
  İster misin sevdiğim?
İster misin mum alevinde suspus oturan sevinçlere göbek attıralım.
Ayrılığın duvarına bir taş da biz fırlatalım.
  İster misin dilberim?
İster misin yorgun bakışlı takvim sayfalarına gülen yüzler çizelim.
Keder cadısının süpürgesini kıralım.
  İster misin küçüğüm?
İster misin seherde öten kuşların ahengiyle uyanalım.
Beyaz çarşafın üstünde ilelebet uzanalım.
  İster misin yavrum?
İster misin doğmamış gülücüklerine kundaklar hazırlayalım.
Yerden bitme hüzünlerinin vahşi cellâdı olalım.
  İster misin nurum?
İster misin kaybetmemek için anlık huzurunu, bütün saatleri ölesiye durduralım.
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