#hunka hunka burnin love’
s1tanii · 1 year
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕥. ᴛʜᴇ 𝔼𝕝𝕧𝕚𝕤 𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 month
That time the Golden Girls Started an Elvis Fan Club
Are you a Rose, Blanche or Dorothy in this scenario?
@vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @whositmcwhatsit @shakerattlescroll @ellie-24 @peskybedtime @lookingforrainbows @be-my-ally @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @eapep @ab4eva
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
The hunk alert comment always makes me chuckle. Haha defo not a word I would ever use to describe David.
(For those who might’ve missed it, this is referring to a screenshot of one of Michael’s tweets on this post here.)
Hah. I hear you, Anon. “Hunk” always conjures up a specific image for me--a man who is beefy or muscle-y. Pretty, yes...but not in the delicate, androgynous way David is pretty. It is definitely an interesting choice of words for sure...but then, so is every word/phrase Michael has used to describe David.
Several immediately come to mind: “Sylph-like.” “Slinky.” “Swagger-y.” And now we can add “hunk” to that list as well. All of which boil down to how Michael has not only obviously thought quite a bit about David and his body (since at least 2019, though he probably was thirsting over David all through filming), he has no problem saying it out loud, either.
The interesting thing about “hunk,” though, is that it’s defined as “a large/tall sexually attractive man.” So it’s not just about describing someone on an aesthetic level--it specifically speaks to attraction. Of course, I think we knew long before now that Michael is sexually attracted to David, but it is lovely to have that extra bit of confirmation.
So yes, it will certainly be interesting to see what new adjectives Michael comes up with to describe David--in interviews and on his Twitter--as press and promotion for GO 2 rolls out. We’ll see what happens...
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(Gratuitous gif of Michael checking out David’s chest just because...)
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jmrothwell · 10 months
using the most embarrassing pet names they can think of for Luke/Reggie plz and thank you
“Table for two, please.” Luke told the hostess–her long dark hair on the more frazzled side of things–as he wrapped an arm around Reggie’s shoulders which slowly dropped to his waist. 
A few months ago the move would have completely taken Reggie by surprise. By this point they’d been playing these games long enough Reggie had long since learned this was Luke’s signal. 
Reggie was fairly certain they didn't need to actually act like a couple in order to get the Sweetheart’s deal. He also had yet to vocalize these doubts to Luke since he’d first proposed the idea for dinner tonight, the both of them always on the lookout for a good deal. Now didn’t seem like a good time, plus it was always fun to play these sorts of games with Luke. Last time they did they managed to win free drinks for the night. 
“Sorry but it’s going to be a bit of a wait.” The hostess said through an incredibly tight smile. 
“That’s all right.” Reggie smiled as he let his head fall to Luke’s shoulder, smiling even brighter when he saw the hostess just the slightest. “We’ve got all the time in the world, don’t we sweetheart?”
“Sure do, butter biscuit.” Luke’s grip around Reggie’s waste tightened. Normally by now Luke would have stepped to the side, but since they were currently the only ones waiting he took the opportunity to lean closer to whisper conspiratorially to the hostess. “It’s our anniversary.”
It suddenly clicked why Luke wanted them to play this game. He was trying to score a potential freebee. Reggie knew his face was definitely not matching whatever lovey dovey backstory spiel Luke was spinning up about how they met and decided to bury it in Luke’s shoulder. Really only keying back into the conversation after the hostess made some remark about how cute they were together.
“Oh he’s just my hunka hunka burnin’ love” Luke said, plastering himself even more to Reggie’s side, more than he usually would be anyway. Honestly, Reggie was a little too distracted trying to determine if he should be worried that he was more unsettled by the random Elvis reference than by how much Luke was clinging to him, he once again almost missed Luke was still talking.  “Ain’t that right honeydew?”
“Oh, sure thing, Beaker.” Reggie said with a broad smile completely missing the hostesses stifled snickering, continuing to be distracted by Luke. More specifically Luke’s perplexed scowl. “Scooter? Zoot? Sweetums?”
The hostess cleared her throat with a smile, trying to get his and Luke’s attention back. Either that or she was hiding a laugh. “It looks like a table just became available if you two would like to follow me.”
Reggie did his best to follow without tripping over his, or Luke’s, feet. A task made even trickier since Luke decided to stay glued to Reggie’s side as they followed the hostess to their table. Thankfully, it was significantly easier to eat since the table set up meant Luke had to stick to his own portion of the table. 
The clinginess didn’t reduce any Like Reggie thought it would after Luke succeeded in getting his free dessert. And Reggie wasn’t quite sure if this was normal Luke clinginess or Luke keeping the game going. A soon forgotten conundrum as he once again got caught up by Luke’s momentum, deciding to just enjoy the evening for whatever it was.
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ab4eva · 1 year
*ahem* we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for some 68 Comeback Elvis:
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Hope you're having a good day darling 💖
Goodness gracious Ash…I’m… jaw drop. I needed this little pick me up, you always seem to know when I could use some EP or AB. This sweaty, sexy, gorgeous, magnetic, naughty, hunka hunka burnin love 😍🌶️ Good Lord. Thank you, sweet girl ♥️
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Oh, Al. You make the orneriest faces. 😁🥰
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Dean/Al's a hunka hunka burnin' love!
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victoria-styles · 9 months
How tall is your man?
He is a 6 foot 7 inches tall hunka hunka burnin’ love.
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simsstuph · 1 year
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The night continued. Alix didn't last long, two alabama slammers and Noah had to take her home she got so sick.
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Alix: My parents are gonna kill mmme.
Delilah: Call me tomorrow222. I love you.
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Delilah walked Alix and Noah to the front yard and saw Van, drunk as could be trying to leave. Greta told him off and left. Delilah went inside to get Fig to help with Van, but bumped into someone else.
Delilah slurring a bit: Wwwell lookk who it isss.
Owen turned around and smirked: Someone's had too much.
Delilah: C-can you helppp me get myy brotherr back heree?
Owen's expression turned concerned: Where the hell is he?
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Delilah: Oh, ya know.. Out front trying to leavvve somewhere.
Owen: What the hell? You Newtons can't hold your liquor for shit.
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Delilah grabbed his hand: He'sss right out hereeee.
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Owen grabbed her and put her arm around his shoulders to steady her, he set her down on the steps: Don't move, I'll be right back for you.
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Owen ran out front and found Van half way down the street: Bro.
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Van singing: I'm just a hunka hunka burninnn loveeeeeee, just a hunka hunka--
Owen grunting: More like a hunka burnin' fat ass bro, you're heavy as fuck.
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Van: To infinity and beyonddddd!
Owen: Dude, my ear.
Van: Wanna watch the titanic?
Owen laughed: Let's just get you in the backyard.
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buffalojournal · 1 year
Two Poems by Jessie Lynn McMains
is I stabbed summer      watched it twitch and spurt, dark, arterial        crunched the husks of late cicadas esoteric as the leaves                 we use to cross our sacred wounds            mystic is her lemonlips         the fuzz soft above        them charcoal smudge of shadow                   over her clavicle I wanna wake up in       November with a sprig       of verbena planted        in the pocket of my leather jacket       her fingers fuzzing on the stubble of my                  brooding clouds crisp wind rustle in        the oaktrees how sweet how soft she                 sing to me
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in Mid-October
everyone’s loonier than a junebug in a Canadian goose- feathered bed. One middle-aged fella in a Van Halen t-shirt with the sleeves torn off stuffs his mouth fulla straws and whistles “Dusty Crabapple Pie.” The old-timers in the back booth play poker for packets of non-dairy creamer and Sweet n’ Low, sling stories of glory days hunting Mud Mermaids and Wild Men. There’s a drunk lady who’s 30 or 45 or maybe 67, she doesn’t need anybody but she wants somebody to love. She stumbles from table to table, asks every man and half the women if they want to go neck in the bathroom. Her hair is the color of motor oil puddled on the floor of Moore’s Auto Repair, and if she’s especially fond of ya she’ll pull her shorts down and give you a flash of her star-freckled ass— but she’ll smack ya if you try to trace the constellations.
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October they have a secret menu. Sure, you can get the Grand Slam Slugger or the Moons Over My Hammy, but you should ask about the house specialities. Like Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo, where they cut the flapjacks into crosses and arrange the bacon in the shape of a gun, and the eggs are boiled hard as bullets. Or Uncle Sam’s Thanksgiving—a deep-fried turkey leg stuck through with lit sparklers. Sometimes, if the fishing was good that day, they have fillet of Mud Mermaid. Once in a blue moon you can get The Elvis Platter.
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October they only play one song, which is a mashup of songs by the most famous Hoosier musicians. It’s called “Hurts So Good Runnin’ With the Devil Billie Jean in Paradise City.” It would be obnoxious if you could hear it over the din of spoons and trash talk, if you weren’t so tired you’d pass out facedown in your flapjacks if you didn’t have to get back on the road to Michigan.
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October the night manager—who’s also the host—is the spitting ghost- twin of latter-day Elvis. Fat and bedazzled with a queasy quaalude smile. When you arrive, he greets you with a ‘hunka-hunka-burnin’ love,’ and when you leave he says: “It’s so good to see ya, darlin’. I haven’t seen ya ‘round here in years.” When you tell him you’ve never been to that Denny’s, or to Michigan City, before in your life, he says: “Of course ya have. I knew ya when you were knee-high to a soybean. We’d go down to the Town of Pines and boogie with the Wild Men. We’d go up to the state park and have hotdog-eating contests on the sand dunes. Don’t ya remember?”
At the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October you say no, you don’t remember, that wasn’t you, he must have mistaken you for someone else. “Not possible,” Elvis says. “Not possible.” And at the Denny’s in Michigan City, Indiana, at 2 a.m. in mid-October when you’re goose-tired and fulla greased hash and headed for Kalamazoo you never know. Darlin’, you just never know.
🦬 Jessie Lynn McMains
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gennianydots · 1 year
I only caught like 43% of this scene because I was so distracted by this hunka hunka burnin’ love
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Can someone catch me up real fast? Did Gun ever get his coffee??
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mitchipedia · 9 months
"You've got me? Who's got you!" Rewatching the 1978 "Superman" movie starring Christopher Reeve
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The 1978 “Superman,” starring Christopher Reeve, launched the superhero film genre as it exists today. We rewatched it recently, enjoyed it, and I recommend it.
However, the movie takes a painfully long time to get going.  
”Superman” starts with pages turning on the 1938 Action Comics issue that launched the Superman character, narrated by a child’s voice-over. We did not remember this from seeing the movie previously. We wondered whether we had accidentally rented the wrong version of “Superman.” We had not. Onward. 
Then we go to Krypton, where the movie creeps forward. We see Marlon Brando as Superman’s father, Jor-El, wearing white stunt hair and a turtleneck with the Superman logo in it.
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I wish the phrase “phoning it in” was not a cliche so I could use to to describe Brando’s performance. He drones on and on, making one speech after another. 
He’s concluding the prosecutor’s statement in the trial of three insurrectionists (ripped from the 2020s headlines!), who end up being sentenced to the Phantom Zone. I’m sure we won’t see these insurrectionists again—they won’t be any trouble and will not turn up in “Superman II.”
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General Zod, played by Terence Stamp, is the leader of the trio, and his scenery-chewing is the only good part of this scene.
I saw “Superman” with friends in the theater during its first run in 1978, and I was very excited to tell them after the movie all about the Phantom Zone. I even guessed that the three villains would feature in the movie sequel. I was very proud of myself for this. Possibly related: It took me a long time to lose my virginity.  
Jor-El warns the leadership council of Krypton that the whole planet is about to explode within a month. The leaders say this is fake news because they did their own research on YouTube. The council nopes out on evacuating the planet and tells Jor-El he can’t tell anybody about his beliefs or else he’ll be an insurrectionist (that word again). A sensible person would have told the council to fuck right off because the council was not going to have any clout after the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET EXPLODES. But Jor-El just goes along with it.
Brando goes back home, where he and his wife (if her name is spoken, I didn’t hear it) put on matching glowy silver lamé jumpsuits. They put their baby in a spaceship. Before sending the baby off to Earth, Marlon Brando makes a very long speech, while his wife looks at him with an expression like she wants him to shut up because she needs to pee. 
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Then we’re off to Earth, to whip through young Clark Kent’s childhood. The costumes and cars and brilliant. The scenery from the Kent farm is beautiful, but there is way too much of it. Can we get this movie moving already?
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Clark challenges his father to run from the end of their driveway to the barn. Pa Kent has a heart attack and dies. Clark never mentions his own role in Pa’s death. That seems odd.
Next stop: the North Pole, where young Clark spends 12 years being lectured by the holographic Marlon Brando, and we, in the audience watching the movie, get to experience every painful second of those 12 years. 
All this time, Clark is played by an actor who is not Christopher Reeve and doesn’t even look much like Christopher Reeve. This guy:
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But after 12 years at the North Pole, demonstrating powers of super-boredom-resistance, Clark becomes Christopher Reeve and emerges in his spiffy super-suit, which makes all the girls swoon. He is a hunka hunka burnin love. The suit is very flattering, but he really should be wearing something modest below the waist and above the knee to better cover his prominent super-johnson. Maybe bermuda shorts with a festive luau pattern? 
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And we’re off to Metropolis and the movie takes off and keeps going. Finally! Lois Lane is fast-talking and smart; Christopher Reeve transforms from a nebbishy Clark into a charismatic Supe through the power of acting. Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty, and Valerie Perrine are the villains, and they chew the scenery delightfully. The sets are gorgeous, particularly Lex Luthor’s lair in the underground lobby of Grand Central Station. Why is Grand Central Station abandoned and apparently nearly forgotten in this movie? Does it even matter? No, it does not. 
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Lois’s costumes are the height of 70s couture. The first thing we see her in is a nice skirt and blouse. And the skirt has pockets. And they look like BIG pockets. In some ways, technology has gone backward since 1978.
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The Daily Planet newspaper takes up an entire skyscraper and has a helicopter to shuttle reporters around. I started work at a daily newspaper not long after “Superman” came out—we didn’t even have a budget to buy coffee for the staff. Employees had to pay for their own.  
Lois arranges an interview with Superman, which turns into a date. He flies her around the skies above Metropolis. She recites a love poem in her mind. The poem is painfully bad. It is like watching someone you like embarrass themselves in a talent competition.  
We see a very neatly dressed and well-groomed mugger. Nice blazer, turtleneck sweater. He needs a closer shave, but we’re otherwise good.
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It’s part of a whole sequence of Superman’s day’s work, as he stops a cat burglar heist, rescues Air Force One after it loses an engine, and rescues a little girl’s cat from a tree. 
The ending of the movie, where Lois Lane dies (spoiler for a 45-year-old super-popular movie—don’t DM me!) is surprisingly dark. She’s smothered after being buried in an earthquake and we see all of it happening. But Superman quickly brings her back from the dead with his superpowers. 
Superman’s flying SFX are every bit as good and dazzling now as they were in 1978. Oh, some of the matte shots with the New York City skyline in the background are a little fake, but Superman’s movements are brilliant. A one-second bit where Superman changes from his Clark street clothes into his superhero costume while in flight is just wonderful—nothing much today but brilliant in the pre-CGI era that this movie was made in. Some of the other special effects, like Hoover Dam disintegrating and a downstream town flooding, are a little obviously done with miniatures but they still look fine.  
(Why do the sfx look fake now but not in 1978? I have a theory. In 1978, we saw these sfx on the big screen, where they looked great. They might still look great today on a big screen. Soon after, we saw the movie on smaller TVs, with lower quality screens than today, and the sfx still looked great. But today’s high-quality TVs make the sfx look fake—the screens aren’t big enough to compensate for the flaws revealed by the high definition.)
The movie can’t decide if it’s a camp superhero parody, or a serious superhero movie. It would have been better if it toned down the broad comedy and made Lex Luthor more scary.
Reeve’s acting carries the movie. There’s a scene that’s famous among fans where Lois Lane and Clark Kent are in the living room of her apartment. She leaves the room, and he decides to tell her he’s Superman. Until that moment, he’s a shlub, round-shouldered and with a goofy expression on his face. He stands up straight, squares his shoulders and jaw and takes off his glasses—and now he’s Superman. He starts to tell her. His voice as Clark is querulous and shaky, but Superman has a firm baritone. And he changes his mind, slumps his shoulders, puts on his glasses and now he’s Clark the shlemiel again. It all goes by in a few seconds, but it’s striking. 
Even the special effects are carried by Reeve’s acting. “You will believe a man can fly,” was the marketing slogan for the movie when it was released. You believe it in large part because Reeve was hanging from wires, moving like a person flying. Acting. )
I don’t have anything to say about John Williams’ musical score for the movie, except that it’s brilliant. I’m going to carry a Bluetooth speaker with me and play that score every time I enter a room. 
Overall, well worth a watch. Maybe skip the first 48 minutes though. You don’t need to see it. You already know Superman’s original story.  
Superman is my favorite superhero. He is optimistic and hopeful. He knows there is great evil in the world, but he knows that there is also great good, and he serves that good—“truth, justice and the American way." He knows some of what he says is corny and he says it anyway because he believes it. He is nearly all-powerful and invulnerable, but he is in awe of human beings because we are neither of those things, and yet we are capable of great kindness, nobility, and courage.
Sloppy Internet research
Four-year-old Clark Kent is played by an actor named Aaron Smolinski, who went on to a bit role in the 2013 Superman movie “Man of Steel” and also as Lex Luthor in a movie called “Superman: Solar,” which seems to be either an indy or fan-made Superman movie that got terrible reviews.
Larry Hagman has a cameo as an Army Major, making a joke that doesn’t age well. 
John Ratzenberger plays an air traffic controller. He went on to play Cliff from “Cheers,” and do a lot of voice-overs for Pixar movies.  
Kirk Allyn, who played Superman in 1940s Superman movies, has a cameo as Lois Lane’s father. When Clark is a boy in Smallville, little girl Lois sees Clark while passing through on a train, and Allyn appears in that scene. via
Noel Neill, who played Lois Lane in 1940s movies and the 1950s Superman TV series, also has a cameo. She’s Lois Lane’s mother in the same scene. via
“According to Sir Roger Moore’s autobiography, he witnessed Christopher Reeve walking through the canteen at Pinewood Studios in full Superman costume, oblivious to the swooning female admirers he left in his wake. When he did the same thing dressed as Clark Kent, no one paid any attention.” via
The Incomparable Mothership podcast did an episode about their “Superman” rewatch. They hated it. I don’t disagree with their criticisms, but for me, the virtues of the movie made up for its flaws. I enjoyed listening to the episode.
What happened to the actors
Marlon Brando continued working until his death in 2004. “Apocalypse Now” came out soon after “Superman.” His work in later life included two movies I quite enjoyed: “The Freshman” and “Don Juan DeMarco,” both of which are about charismatic rogues (though he only played the rogue in one of those movies). Brando also features in a delightful 2009 novel, “Chronic City,” by Jonathan Lethem, which explores the theme of whether we can believe anything or truly perceive reality. Brando isn’t a character in the novel. The characters can’t agree whether Brando is alive or dead, and the Internet is no help.  
Margot Kidder struggled with mental health in later life. Her 2018 death was ruled a suicide. via
As of April 2023, Valerie Perrine, age 79, was suffering from advanced Parkinson’s and needed a hydraulic lift to get into and out of bed. The Hollywood Reporter did an excellent profile—recommended reading: Ailing ‘Superman’ Star Valerie Perrine Finally Finds Her Hero: “The Guy Should Be Sainted”:
Perrine insists she wants no pity and regrets nothing about her Technicolor life: not one affair (she’s been romantically linked to everyone from Jeff Bridges to Elliott Gould to Dodi Fayed); not one hit of acid (she’s taken LSD more than 400 times, by her estimation); not one career move (well, she probably should have said yes to 1981’s Body Heat and no to 1980’s Can’t Stop the Music, the Village People-starring megaflop she says killed her career, but you can’t win them all).
She sounds fantastic. 
Gene Hackman has been retired for about 20 years. As of March, he was fit and healthy at age 93, spotted doing yardwork, buying and eating fast food, and pumping his own gas. 
Christopher Reeve died in 2004, after being paralyzed in 1995 in a horse-riding accident. 
Terence “General Zod” Stamp was one of the stars of “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” He played a drag queen named Bernadette. 
Sarah Douglas, who played Ursa, one of General Zod’s cronies, appeared in a lot of B science fiction movies and TV shows, including one called “Strippers vs. Werewolves.” 
Which Superman II?
We want to watch Superman II, which I remember as being even better than the first Superman, which was itself great. But which version?
Richard Donner directed the original movie and started directing on Superman II, but was fired, and Richard Lester was hired as a replacement. Donner had already done a lot of work, and Lester reshot many scenes and shot more. The Lester version was the original theatrical release, which I saw in theaters. We saw a fan cut of the Donner version in the early 2000s and did not care for it. It was unfinished. Some of the scenes were audition scenes; I remember some other scenes had cheap SFX that looked like they’d been done on 1990s home PCs.
Soon after we saw the fan cut of the Donner version, an official—and presumably more polished—version was released. We haven’t seen that.  
I think when we do a rewatch, we’ll go with the original, theatrical version, directed by Lester. According to Internet discussion—for example, here—the official Donner version, while more polished than the fan cut we watched, is still unpolished and unfinished. And the theatrical version is lighter than the Donner version, while still having some serious moments. Generally, I like my superhero movies light; when they get dramatic and heavy I start having difficulty suspending disbelief.
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undrsk0re · 1 year
Hunka hunka burnin love is part of an Elvis song????
Ive never listened to elvis
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Hunka hunka burnin love
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madameminor · 2 years
Geek Therapy - Reader Inserts and Me
Sitting here and sitting with myself and my thoughts and all the things that lead to mental health and growth have me, well, thinking.
Why do I envision myself in reader inserts as not myself, but as me in a completely different body, mainstreamed to appeal to what I think my hot partner-in-this-fic is? I've been doing this since I was like 7. The me I imagine isn't me. Its perfect me- well, perfect-for-them me. Dark long hair in ringlets, thinner, but boobs are a c at least. (I look nothing like this). A me that would actually be acceptable to this Adonis that I am imagining loves me. Me, but not me. The me that is actually worthy of this persons love.
And today I think I realized: its hurting me.
I don't want anyone to feel like they have to agree with me or disagree or give up on something- this is just a realization I've had around my struggles with loving myself.
I want to be loved for who I am and what I look like. Even as a soldier or as a bounty hunter, or a medic, or...something that I'm not, an occupation that I'm not. I want to be able to love myself and think I am so freakin' awesome, such a catch, that I am exactly what this hunka burnin love wants in his life.
I'm sure the other way has its merits, but then again, other people can drink and not ruin their lives. Maybe this is just another thing that I need to do differently.
But its just a thought.
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brittanytobiason · 1 year
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For Woeford's Crappy Junkyard House. No CC
The household consists of 8 sims: the three Diggs brothers, their dog, the baby, the Bruce sisters and Athena's cat, Cruelty.
Kick the Bruce sisters out to become homeless townies or try Pixley and Athena together in Scrappy Go Lucky. I recommend Pixley in Hunka Burnin Love and Athena in The Pump House so you can rotate play between the three houses: Athena trying to steal the baby and flood Woeford with zombies, The Diggs brothers unaware and Pixley as the cowardly mime who must become a witch to protect her child.
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, University Life
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file. Download sims3pack file:
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Rodney Diggs
adult male
Traits: dislikes children, genius, good, frugal, socially awkward
Career: Inventor 1
Lifetime Wish: The Tinkerer
Expansion Packs Used: Ambitions, Pets, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Victor Diggs
young adult male
Traits: athletic, brooding, no sense of humor, perfectionist, rebellious
Career: Firefighter 1
Lifetime Wish: Master Thief
Inventory: Banksy's Street Art Kit, a football, The Beast
Expansion Packs Used: University Life
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Ben Diggs
adult male
Traits: handy, hopeless romantic, loner, night owl, nurturing
Career: Firefighter 4
Lifetime Wish: Firefighter Super Hero
Expansion Packs Used: Showtime, Supernatural, University Life
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Doug Diggs
adult male dog
Traits: aggressive, likes swimming, quiet
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Ed Diggs
infant female witch
Traits: couch potato, loner
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Pixley Bruce
For Hunka Burnin' Love
young adult female witch
Traits: coward, dramatic, social butterfly, unstable, vegetarian
Career: Acrobat 1
Lifetime Wish: Mystic Healer
Inventory: wand, orb of answers
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Generations, Showtime, Supernatural, University Life
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Athena Bruce
For The Pump House
young adult female witch
Traits: avant garde, diva, evil, hot-headed, virtuoso
Career: Alchemist 1
Lifetime Wish: Zombie Master
Inventory: grunge guitar, wand, 2 red valerian root, 2 mandrake, 2 wolfsbane, 2 red toadstool
Expansion Packs Used: Pets, Supernatural, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
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Athena's adult cat
Traits: aggressive, skittish, hunter
Here's the .sim file via MediaFire
CC credits
The plate pattern is sweetdevil's Mod The Sims - Floral Plate Replacements
You can find the pictured Solace Snugabunny Deluxe Baby Swing at Blams EA Store Content (tumblr.com)
Thank you to simsmidgen for sharing Woeford, as well as to Norn, Ninjaofthepurplethings, Crowkeeperthesimmer, attuned, nocturnalazure, Ouerbacker and Potato-Ballad-Sims for their roles. I wouldn't be having so much fun if it weren't for your creativity and generosity.
All my downloads by sim
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Hunka hunka burnin' love🔥
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Would it be way over the top to say that he reminds me of a statue of Adonis that I saw at a museum in NYC once?
Seriously he’s a Greek god at this point. Look at that perfectly curly hair. The nose. Those beautiful lips. Those arms. What a gorgeous man. 😔
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