#hungry birds puppies challenge
pardi-real · 7 months
Honeymoon Knight / Chapter 11 - If I Were to Keep a Pet
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~ After a while ~
Hanamaru: "Phew… The discussion about marriage turned out to be livelier than I expected."
> “Thank you for sharing” > "Listening to it was enjoyable"
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Teddy: "Hehe… I'm glad you enjoyed it, my lord!"
Yuhan: "Well then... It's about time for the lord to be getting hungry, isn't it?"
> "That's true"
*Stomach growls*
Muu: “E-excuse me... I'm getting hungry…"
Yuhan: "Oh dear… Looks like Muu's hungry too."
Hanamaru: "It's almost lunch time. Should we grab a meal?"
> "Let's do that"
Teddy: "Leave it to me, I've researched the nearby places in advance! There's apparently a stylish café nearby. Shall we go there?"
Hanamaru: "As expected, Teddy, you're reliable~."
Yuhan: "Thank you, Mr. Teddy."
Teddy: "Alright then, my lord. This way!"
> "Thank you"
And so, we headed to a nearby café. We sat around the same table at the café.
~ After a while ~
Teddy: "The coffee and pudding here are so tasty..."
Hanamaru: “The green tea is great too. And this ice cream here."
Yuhan: "My lord, are you really okay with this? Us sitting together like this..."
> "I'm happy about it" > “Don’t mind it today”
Yuhan: "Is that so? However..."
Hanamaru: "Don't worry too much, Yuhan. If the lord says it's okay, then it's fine. More importantly, we should eat soon… The iced matcha latte will get warm, you see?"
> "That's right, Yuhan"
Yuhan: "Understood. Since it's such an opportunity... I should enjoy it. I'll make sure we have a good time."
> "Please do"
~ A few minutes later ~
Muu: "Wow... This shop has matcha drinks!"
Yuhan: "Yes, they're very delicious. As summer approaches, and the weather gets warmer... Drinking cold matcha outdoors has a certain charm.”
Muu: “Hehe… Indeed, cold drinks in hot weather are truly delicious!"
> "That's true"
Hanamaru: "For real, it just hits differently. Muu, be careful not to chill your stomach by drinking too much, okay?"
Muu: "Ahh! There was a cute white cat over there!"
Hanamaru: "Ah… he ain't listening at all."
> "I'll let him know later"
Hanamaru: "Thanks. You're really kind, my lord."
Muu: "Ah... The white cat seems to have gone somewhere…"
Teddy: "Maybe it ran away because someone with a dog is approaching?"
Following Teddy's gaze, we see a newlywed-like couple walking their dog.
Yuhan: "Hmm, come to think of it… in the central lands as well, there's a culture of keeping dogs as pets."
Teddy: "In Espoir too, sometimes you can see families with dogs. Hehe… Dogs are wonderful, aren't they?"
> "Teddy, do you like dogs?"
Teddy: "Yes, I do!"
Muu: "Oh~! So you and Mr. Haures have similar tastes!"
Teddy: "Huh, really!? Having similar preferences with Mr. Haures which I admired... I feel somewhat happy."
Hanamaru: "Teddy really looks up to Haures, huh?"
Teddy: "Yes, Mr. Haures is my goal. Oops- sorry, the conversation got off track."
Hanamaru: "Just maybe, Teddy. If you get married, would you want to have a dog?"
Teddy: "Uhm, if I have to say... Right, I might want to have a dog. Adopt a puppy and raise it together with my partner… I want to take them to a meadow and play with them.”
Muu: “Fufu, that sounds really fun! Speaking of which… how about you, Mr. Yuhan and Mr. Hanamaru? If you get married… What pet would you have?”
> “The pet they'd have, huh…”
Yuhan: “Hmm… well… if I were to keep a pet… perhaps, a bird.”
Hanamaru: “Ooh… is that so?”
Yuhan: “When I was little, I took care of an injured bird and kept it for a while.”
> “So that happened”
Yuhan: “Yes. That was a good memory.  It had its challenges, like getting pecked at and the bird being reluctant to eat... But those hardships, it might bring joy when shared with a partner.”
Hanamaru: “Hm, hm... So you belong to the ‘if I were to keep a pet, it would be a bird' faction, Yuhan.”
> “How about you, Hanamaru?”
Hanamaru: “Hm, me? If I have to say… It would be a cat. Because cats... seem like they'd be good for lazing around together, right?"
Teddy: "I-I see..."
> "That's very Hanamaru-like reasoning"
Yuhan: "Really, it's unbelievable... Are you planning to laze around even after getting married?"
Hanamaru: "It's not a big deal, this is all just a fantasy anyway. Besides, if I were to get married for real... my partner would probably... like that about me, right?"
Teddy: "Th-that's quite the confidence, isn't it?"
Hanamaru: "Heh... Anyway, it's nice to have these kinds of conversations once in a while. Well, that being said... Right now, my lord is more important... more than a theoretical marriage-partner-to-be. Honestly… I have no interest in anyone but you, my lord.”
> "Uh, um..."
Hanamaru: “Caught off guard, ain't cha, my lord~? Your face is all red~."
Teddy: "Wait, Mr. Hanamaru. Please don't trouble the lord. And making advances is not allowed."
> "Teddy...?"
Teddy: "I also value the lord a lot. Of course, these feelings won't lose to anyone"
Yuhan: "Oh my, that's not something to ignore. I also care deeply for the lord."
> "Even Yuhan..."
Hanamaru: "Oops... Both of you, well said, huh... But don't worry, you two. I'll make sure to make the lord happy. As proof... Here, my lord, hold out your hand for a moment."
> "Huh...? Uh, okay"
As I extended my hand… Hanamaru started whistling.
Hanamaru: "Phwee… phwee…."
???: "Chirp, chirp!"
> "Huh?"
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In response to the whistle, a blue bird flew out of the tree and landed on my hand.
Muu: "Wow, a cute blue bird!"
Hanamaru: "Hehe... Impressive, isn't it? It's a whistle that calls the bird of happiness. With this, there's no doubt that good fortune will come to you, my lord."
> "That's amazing, Hanamaru”
Chirp, chirp! The little bird chirped softly and then flew away.
Muu: "Ah, it's gone. I believe blue birds are symbols of good luck, right?"
Teddy: "Yes, that's right!"
Yuhan: "Mr. Hanamaru...! Please call the blue bird again."
Hanamaru: "Huh? Call it again?"
Yuhan: "The whistle can call a blue bird, right? Please, call it again. If possible... let it land on my hand this time..."
Teddy: "Mr. Yuhan… Your eyes seem brighter than usual?"
> "What's going on, Yuhan?"
Yuhan: "Um, well... My apologies. I was a little too excited."
Teddy: "Do you like blue birds?"
Yuhan: "Yes. When I was a child, I wanted to have a blue bird at least once. However, blue birds are rare and hard to come by... So I gave up."
Hanamaru: "I-I see… Well… To reveal the trick, this whistle doesn't really call a blue bird... Any small bird will respond, you know?"
Yuhan: "Oh? Is that so..."
Hanamaru: "I happened to see a blue bird in the tree earlier, so I whistled, and the blue bird kindly responded."
Yuhan: "I see... That's too bad."
Hanamaru: "Well, don't be so down, Yuhan.  Oh, right...! Next time, shall I teach you how to whistle? Birds seem to like it, you know?"
Yuhan: "Sigh... If you can stop that triumphant look, I'll consider it."
Hanamaru: "Haa... you're being dishonest~ Yuhan."
Muu: "Mr. Hanamaru! Teach me how to whistle too!"
Teddy: "I want to learn too!"
Hanamaru: "Oh, oh, sure."
> "Can I join too?"
Hanamaru: "Geez... Master Hanamaru sure is popular today."
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mr-smith-stories · 1 year
Mr. Smith #27: Mr. Smith for President Part One
Mr. Smith went downstairs the first of August 2023, to find Harold Smith and Grandpappy Smith sitting on the couch in Mr. Smith’s mansion. Simon was laying on the ground, and Grandpappy Smith was using him as a footstool. Harold Smith was reading a very difficult book- The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
“What are you reading there, Dad?” Mr. Smith asked.
Harold Smith scratched his chin for several minutes. “Um… I’m not sure. I forgot.”
“It’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” Said Grandpappy Smith.
Harold began to gesture and mouth things. “What is a caterpillar?”
Grandpappy Smith gave Harold a pointed look. “Now, now, Harry Boy, you need to challenge yourself. Try reading the words.”
The 57 year old sighed. “But I just like looking at the pictures.”
Mr. Smith chimed in. “Give me a turn, Dad. I’m up for a challenge!” Mr. Smith carefully read the entire book, which took him two hours. He tried to comprehend how the words went with the pictures, but there were so many pictures! He wasn’t sure which one was the caterpillar. Finally he gave up, and threw the book at the wall. “Reading is hard!” He yelled.
Grandpappy Smith sighed. “It’s that big red thing on the cover.” He said, pointing to it.
Simon piped up. “That’s a strawberry, the caterpillar is eating it.”
Grandpappy Smith turned bright red. “Now, listen here devil spawn! The strawberry is eating the caterpillar, not the other way around!”
“But a strawberry is a fruit!” Simon argued.
Grandpappy Smith began to scratch his head for several minutes. “A caterpillar is a fruit! The strawberry is an insect!”
“Grandpappy Smith is the genius here!” Mr. Smith stamped is foot. “And Dad and me!”
Simon sighed and went back to being a footstool.
“Mr. Smith, there’s an important reason we came to see you today, and it’s not about the Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Grandpappy Smith said.
Mr. Smith gasped. “But that’s my favorite book!”
“Mr. Smith, the puppy farm is in turmoil.” Grandpappy Smith said.
Mr. Smith gasped. “How?”
“The government cut our funding. They’re saying it’s time to stop teaching misinformation to children in the United States.” Harold explained.
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “But we’re not spreading misinformation, just alternate information! The puppy farm teaches unique forms of literacy and education! Without the puppy farm, its students would grow up not knowing about the pterodactyls that still exist, or the dodo birds! They wouldn’t understand that there is no such thing as a Redwing Blackbird, that it is only mythology! They would have no idea that one plus one is in fact fourteen! The world as we know it would cease to exist!”
Grandpappy Smith nodded. “That’s why we need YOU, Mr. Smith. We want you to save the puppy farm!”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “That sounds like it could be a lot of work.”
Grandpappy Smith sighed. “Sometimes, Mr. Smith, you have to work hard to get what you want.”
Mr. Smith peered at Grandpappy Smith. “What if I just blackmail someone into doing all the work for me? Then can I get what I want?”
Grandpappy Smith began to count on his fingers. “I guess that could work too. But there’s something we need you to do.”
“What do you need me to do?” Asked Mr. Smith.
“We want you to run for president. Then you can save the puppy farm, because YOU’LL be in charge! A TRUE genius!” Harold said.
Mr. Smith smiled. “I AM a TRUE genius! Thanks Dad! And I have the perfect running mate!”
One month later, in September of 2023, Mr. Smith’s election campaign began. Mr. Smith was running in an emergency election. The president, Republican Johnny Boy Johnson, and everyone after who could take over mysteriously resigned, after Grandpappy Smith found out that they were selling oranges on the black market. Mr. Smith was also the only person running, as Harold Smith had promised three billion dollars and a room at Versailles to anyone who chose not to run, money that Harold Smith had swindled from the French government military funds by promising them unlimited Herr’s Potato Chips (which he had recently “acquired.”)
Mr. Smith and Philip, his platonic running mate, met in Mr. Smith’s conference room to discuss their plans for their campaign. “I have an idea,” Philip said.
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “Idea? I don’t know what that is.”
Philip sighed. “It means I know what I want our slogan to be.”
Mr. Smith squinted. “Slogan? Is that a type of slug?”
Philip sighed again. “Our saying. So people know what we believe in.”
Mr. Smith scratched his head. “What do we believe in?”
Philip sighed. “Protecting the puppy farm.”
Mr. Smith’s eyes widened. “Oh! Right. Thanks, platonic love of my life. I can never remember these things.”
“How’s ‘Promoting alternative education for the masses.’ I plan to turn all schools into the puppy farm once we get elected.” Philip said.
“Ohhh,” Said Mr. Smith. “That’s a great idea! You, Philip, are a TRUE genius!”
“Now, what should our posters look like? I think we should make our official mascot the Greenbird.”
Mr. Smith smiled. “Yes! My favorite bird! I only have one question- how many posters should we make? Is five enough?”
Philip looked at Mr. Smith. “We’ll need a lot more than five.”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “How about ten? That seems like enough to me. Ten is a big number, I’m pretty sure.”
“No, ten is still too small. I was thinking more like fifteen.” Philip said.
“Fifteen? Now that’s a big number!” Mr. Smith grinned. “I have a good feeling about this. I’m sure we’ll win!”
Twenty minutes later, Philip had hung all fifteen posters downtown. Philip had a moment of doubt when he realized that not many people would see his posters if they were only in one town. However, Philip soon forgot what he was thinking about, and then moved on.
Two days later, and something shocking happened- Mr. Smith had an opponent! Someone who claimed Mr. Smith’s puppy farms were a danger to society- Democrat John B. Watson. In order to settle this issue, a presidential debate was to be held. Philip had never heard of one of those before. He had never heard of many things until recent years. A lot of the things he heard about at college sometimes were new to him, like the solar system or ham.
Mr. Smith sat across from Democrat Watson while Philip smiled at him from the audience of twelve people and the three moderators. Mr. Smith was nervous. Not because of the debate- no, he was sure to win, he was a true genius. No, he had in fact lost his car. After arriving in the parking lot while getting here, he had forgotten to put his car in park after he got out, and it rolled down the hill, far away from Mr. Smith and Philip. Mr. Smith had no idea where it was, or how he would get back to his hotel after the debate.
“Alright, gentlemen. Let’s begin!” Said Patricia, one of the moderators. “First, I’d like you two to shake hands.”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “I have never heard of that before. Like this?” He began to shake both his hands from side to side. “I’m shaking my hands!” Mr. Smith looked at Watson’s extended hand. “Why aren’t you doing it?”
Patricia bit her lip to keep from laughing. “Nevermind. Let’s just get started. Question one- what is your stance on climate change? What would you do to decrease carbon emissions? Candidate Smith?”
Mr. Smith looked around the room in a panic. “Where’s Harold Smith? He said he’d be here. How am I supposed to know what to say if he doesn’t tell me?”
Patricia rolled her eyes. “You’re supposed to give YOUR OWN answers. What would you do, Mr. Smith?”
Mr. Smith stamped his foot. “Why do I have to answer first? Make Watson go first! This is bullying!” Mr. Smith threw his pen at the moderators, but they easily dodged it.
Patricia sighed. “Candidate Watson?”
Watson cleared his throat. “I would like to introduce more green energy related bills and fund more renewable energy institutions. I hope to reduce carbon emissions by 50% before my term is over.”
Mr. Smith stared blankly. “What is carbon and what are emissions? Are they types of animals? Can I find them in a petting zoo? I like zoos. I still go, even after the bears tried to eat me that one time. I still don’t know why they would do that. It hurt my feelings.”
Patricia looked stunned. “Nevermind. Moving on. Mr. Smith, what is your view on gay marriage?”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things, pointing to places in space. “Do you mean, romantic marriage or platonic marriage? I have a platonic husband, but as long as we say no homo, it’s a perfectly okay marriage, and we’re both straight.”
“There’s no such thing as a platonic marriage! You must be attracted to men if you’re married to one,” Said Patricia.
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things again. “I’m not attracted to men! Last month I took an online test just to double check that I’m straight, and it said I was straight. If that’s the answer I got, it must be true.”
Patricia smirked. “If you’re so sure you’re straight, why do you need to take an online test?”
“Test? Like what I take in school? Or those tests at the doctor’s office? I always pass the vision tests at the doctor’s, but I get negative and single digit scores often at college. If only they’d test me on something a little easier, then they’d see what a true genius I am!” Mr. Smith clapped his hands, proud of himself.
“Can we PLEASE move on?” Watson asked.
“Question three- what is your stance on creating new jobs and bolstering the economy?”
Watson spoke first. “I already have several programs in mind to create new jobs for millions of Americans. I intend to regulate the economy in order to give aid to those in need, while promoting these new jobs to make the economy better for everyone.”
Patricia nodded. “Mr. Smith, do you have anything to counter Candidate Watson?”
Mr. Smith began to count on his fingers, skipping fingers at random. “One, three, five, eight, two, ten. Um, I’m not sure. I don’t know what an economy is, or what this ‘program’ word means.”
Patrcia gritted her teeth. “Economy is the system of money. A program would help bring in more money.”
“Oh,” Mr. Smith said. “I know what money is.”
“Anything to counter your opponent?” Patricia huffed.
“Oh! Yes! According to this program, what will you do to help ME get rich again? I live in a mansion, but we’re running low on cash because last time we played poker, I lost to Simon after betting all three million dollars I had in the bank, and everyone else betted all their money too. We can’t pay the bills, and Simon won’t help because he’s mad that we keep bullying him.”
“That’s unfortunate,” Said Patricia. “How does that counter your opponent’s argument? Just because it doesn’t help YOU?!”
Mr. Smith stared blankly. “I’m infinity level IQ. I am the smartest person in all of history.”
From the audience, a familiar face spoke up. “Actually, I am definitely smarter than you. So is Ritchie. So are all our friends, and certainly most people. You’re probably the dumbest person in all of history, after Kitty of course.”
Mr. Smith gasped. “YOU! The GAY GENIUSES! What are YOU doing HERE?! And you are NOT smarter than me! I am the superior one here! I almost learned to tie my shoelaces today!”
Leo smiled. “I AM smarter than you! And to answer your question, I am here to warn the American people of the menace you are to society!”
Mr. Smith stamped his foot. “THAT’S NOT FAIR! Security! Security, get him out! He’s ruining my moment in the spotlight! Arrest him! He’s a bully!”
“I’m not even bullying you-“ Leo began.
Security flooded the room, escorting Leo, Ritchie, Alex, Chris, Harry, Janie, David and Kevin from their seats. “You can’t kick us out!” Ritchie protested. “We’re just trying to protect the American people!”
Mr. Smith began to gesture and mouth things. “What is an American? I just forgot.”
“See?” Ritchie groaned. “He’s completely incompetent!”
Chris protested. “Let us go! We just don’t want this nation to end up destroyed just because this IDIOT was elected! We’re only trying to help!”
Mr. Smith stared blankly. “What is an election? I have never heard of that before. Is it another name for Electra, the superheroine?”
David huffed. “He’s not going to do a good job as president! He’s a complete moron! He doesn’t even understand basic things! He functions on half a braincell!”
“Is half less or more than one? I slept through all my math classes in college.” Mr. Smith said. “College is a great place to take a nap.”
Philip shrugged. “I think half is more than one. It’s between one and two. See? I pay attention in school.”
Mr. Smith glared at Philip. “I’M the TRUE genius here! Don’t disrespect me! Our platonic marriage is built on you acknowledging my genius level IQ!”
Philip sighed. “Fine. You’re the genius.”
Mr. Smith glared. “Better. We’ll discuss this in more detail later!”
“You’re literally interrupting your debate to argue with your husband, who BY THE WAY, is your ROMANTIC partner, there are no platonic marriages! This is complete stupidity! You’re going to bring about the downfall of America!” Kevin argued desperately.
“Do the right thing and drop out of the race!” Harry argued. “It’s irresponsible for you to run! You’re not qualified to be president!”
Janie nodded. “You’re a danger to society!”
Mr. Smith’s mouth hung open. “Danger? Like I was in danger when the bears tried to eat me at the zoo, or when I goy stuck in that window and Harry’s chimney?”
Alex nodded. “Yes! We’re in that same kind of danger if you become president, except it’s not just us, it’s the whole nation in danger!”
Mr. Smith scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I made it through those things, so if this is the same thing, I think the country will turn out alright.”
“No!” Ritchie shouted as they were all led out. “You can’t do this! We’ll find a way to stop you!”
Mr. Smith looked panicked. “There are no stop signs here! We’re inside, not on the road!”
Leo, Ritchie and their friends were all led out. The camera man got bored and left, so the broadcast and the debate were cut short. Mr. Smith went home, excited to prepare for the election the following day.
To be continued
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delimeful · 4 years
the end of being alone (2)
donation drive commission for @bumblebeekitten for the next chapter of TEOBA, with the prompt: patton & virgil fluff! hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
chapter 1
warnings: miscommunication, false impression of a very bad situation for like .5 seconds, recklessness, sometimes you just gotta have a good cry
The next sunrise, they set out again, this time with considerably less weaponry and considerably more snacks. Roman held point again, since he was the one with the most practical experience in tracking. 
There had been a somewhat tedious argument on whether or not Patton should come, one that Roman had thoroughly lost, since it was Patton’s quick thinking and emotional attunement that kept the previous cycle’s encounter from descending into disaster. 
He had acquiesced in the end under the combined force of Logan’s reasoning and Patton’s disappointed look, but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about it. After catching barely a wink of sleep between restless nightmares, he was feeling more grumpy than generous. 
Still, his own irritation faded as they grew closer to the rocky cliffs where he suspected the Human was, shifting into an intense concentration on the task ahead. It was a miracle that their initial encounter hadn’t gone sour, a miracle that this Human seemed young enough to be somewhat nonaggressive, and while he hoped that whatever they had said to scare the young kit off hadn’t irreparably damaged their budding acquaintanceship, he wasn’t counting on it.
He had his underarmor on for a reason.
The other two didn’t quite share his concerns. Logan’s arms had been in an excited, information-gathering flurry practically non-stop since they set out, and he and Patton had been discussing the plants and insects in the nearby forest that were relatively non toxic to them (and so would probably be no issue for a Human), and how many nutrients they would provide. None of them knew how much or what a Human needed to eat, but Patton seemed firmly of the opinion that whatever the kid was eating, it wasn’t enough. 
“Fledgelings need plenty of food and the proper nutrients to grow up healthy! A lone child in the middle of one forest can’t possibly have all the variety they need in their diet,” the Ampen insisted, feathers fluffing up at the mere idea of a kid going hungry. 
“Another important factor to note is the planet itself is not the child’s home, and so may not have the necessary nutrients available at all, let alone in one localized area,” Logan added. 
“You two have enough variety in those packs to weigh down a mountain,” Roman interjected, “so how about we focus on not scaring the kid off before we even reach them. Human senses are ludicrously strong, enough so that they’ll hear you two yakking a parsec away.” 
They agreed to be stealthier, and just in time, because Roman was pretty sure he’d found a more solid trail than the ghost-like faded prints that seemed all to trek over the place. He gestured in Crav’n sign for the two of them to stay put and stay quiet, and then followed the fresh tracks until they came to the mouth of a small cave amongst the crevices and steep drops of the pale cliffs.
He slowly stalked into the cave, keeping his movements light and quiet even as the light grew dimmer and his vision more restricted. Before it could grow too dim, however, his gaze caught on round, un-rock-like silhouettes. 
It took a moment to identify the shapes as small, limp Humlilts, all piled up around the larger Human. He nearly physically recoiled at the sight. So, this was why the small creatures had gone missing: slaughtered en masse at the hand of a Deathworlder. Not for food nor shelter, not in defense of itself or others, just for the sake of the callous cruelty and disregard for life that Humans were apparently born with. 
Humlilts were small, but Patton was scarcely bigger. Once the Human got tired of playing at mimicry, would it try to add the Ampen to the hoard of bodies?
He wasn’t going to lose another family.
Almost against his will, a low, near-subsonic growl rumbled out of his throat. He took one advancing step forward, and then… 
And then, a tiny head poked up from the pile, small dark eyes staring at him over a long snout. 
Roman nearly tripped over his own feet, astonished. There was still a living Humlilt in there? 
Before he could even finish his thought, another head appeared, and then another, until there was a sea of fluffy faces and huge ears all pointed in his direction. The undersized ungulates were fine, each and every one of them. They had simply been sleeping, all cozied up with one of the most dangerous species in the universe. 
Roman felt a strange and overwhelming mixture of relief and shame, his scales flattening down guiltily. It was too late, though, the movement had already rippled through the group until it reached the Human. Their creepy mask was absent in rest, and they pawed at their eyes sleepily as they sat up to see what all the commotion was about. There was a red mark on one of their cheeks from where it had pressed against the cave floor.
The moment they saw who stood at the entrance of their little nook, all the color drained from their face. The Humlilts shifted uneasily, and Roman found himself bracing to have thirty miniscule sets of horns charging at him. They couldn’t really hurt him, but they were persistent little things, and Patton and Logan would not be happy if a bunch of Humlillts tried to drive them away from the Human before they’d even properly spoken.
Instead of siccing the plethora of tiny mammals on him, though, the kid whistled a few notes in a perfect echo of the Humlilts all-clear call, settling them down. They carefully detangled themself from the pile, trailing a few stray twigs and leaves behind them in the process. Roman wondered absently how long they’d been building the collection of plant matter that covered them. 
A few parting trills later, the kid was in front of him, holding their bony shoulders firm but unable to conceal the tremor in their legs. They raised their chin up in what looked like a friendly Crav’n greeting, but attitude-wise seemed more along the lines of a challenging stance. 
“No hurt,” they said firmly before Roman could say a word. “No hurt small--,” a few words in their own language here, “--small good. No hurt. No hurt. Yes?” 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Roman tried to reassure them, “I swore, remember?” 
The kid stomped their foot once in… some kind of emphasis. “No hurt,” they started again with deliberate slowness, and then ended with the Humlilt whistle-greeting. Many of the Humlilts whistled back from where they were still observing the two of them. The small cavern echoed with the sound eerily. 
“You don’t want me to hurt the Humlilts? The small creatures?” Roman asked, gesturing to the pile of fluff and hooves, and was rewarded with the kid seeming satisfied. 
“Yes. Small good. Good good small. No hurt.” 
Roman extended his hand palm up for another oath. “I vow not to harm your small good friends,” he intoned solemnly. The kid patted his hand twice, bobbing their own head in a curious motion. Roman could only imagine the sort of notes Logan would be taking. 
Oh, right. He’d left the others in the bushes. 
“I brought my friends, too,” he informed the kid, who blinked up at him. “Logan and Patton, remember them? Little critter?” 
He said the last words in the chirps of the Ampen language, only a little strained by his accent, and the kid visibly brightened. “Little critter!” 
“Wait right here, and I’ll get them,” Roman instructed, lowering a flat hand to convey wait. The kid probably didn’t really grasp it, but seemed content enough to stay put, shifting from one foot to the other. 
It took no time at all to find Patton and Logan, who had progressively edged closer to the cliff face as he’d taken his sweet time in there. 
“Okay, so,” he started, “I know where all the missing Humlilts went.” 
Virgil shuffled his feet slightly, feeling the cool stone under his toes. 
He should probably leave now, because even if the fluffy chirp alien really was there, they knew or at least suspected he was a human, and aliens hated humans. All of them, even the ones that looked soft like birds or cool like dinosaurs. 
A soft, velvety nose poked up against his hand, and he squatted to gently pat the strange little singing puppy-antelope that had parted from the group to check on him. He couldn’t help but smile a little bit as it bumped its snout against his knee, sounding like a windchime. 
Okay. Maybe not all aliens. 
He looked up at the clitter-clatter of talons on rock, and then the fluffy chirping alien really did careen into view, feathers all puffed up like that very angry owl that had roosted outside his window for three whole hours one time. The other two bigger aliens came in only moments later.
Virgil couldn’t help but shrink back slightly from where he was still crouched, because aliens were weird and sometimes they did weird things that he didn’t really… get. Typically, this would be right before they started getting really mad or shaky, and screaming at him. 
Before Fluff-Chirp could get any closer, though, the puppy-antelope had charged between them, planting its little legs and lowering its head so that the little horns were pointed out in warning. Virgil went still, eyes darting between Fluff-Chirp and the little creature, who he was pretty sure was the one with the white spot on its forehead, the one he’d named Susan after his nice neighbor. 
The cool dinosaur alien had promised not to hurt them (he was pretty sure), but would it count if the puppy-antelopes attacked them first? 
Fluff-Chirp stepped forward a little bit, and Susan let out a shrill cry like someone blowing really hard on a flute. Virgil clapped his hands over his ears as he attempted to whistle the calm-down sound, but Susan would not be budged, even as the other two aliens got all tense and twitchy.
In front of it, Fluff-Chirp stopped advancing, and instead plopped down on the ground with a soft thump. They ruffled in their bag, and Virgil was struck with the fear that they would pull out a space blaster gun to shoot Susan for trying to protect him. Hurriedly, he crawled forwards and threw his arms around the puppy-antelope (puppylope?) and hugged it close to shield it from any laser gun beams, his eyes squeezing shut.
There was a grunt-grumble from the cool dinosaur, and the click-click-click of the bunches of arms of the blue one moving around, but all he heard from Fluff-Chirp was shuffling, and then—
“Hello good morning,” the fluffy alien said. Or at least, that was what Virgil thought the birdsong-like words meant. 
Fluff-Chirp always said it when waking up in their little camp, and Virgil had said it back, because that was just basic manners, especially when someone gives you stuff. Fluff-Chirp had given him a bunch of sweet sliced up fruit, kind of with the feeling of mangoes and the taste of strawberries. It had reminded him of home. 
It… kind of smelled like Fluff-Chirp’s fruit now, actually. 
Patton watched hopefully as the kid slowly opened one eye to peek over at them. 
He hadn’t meant to scare the poor little guy by rushing in, he’d just been absolutely delighted to hear that not only would he get to see some Humlilts after all, but also that the kid seemed to have some company after all.
Some very loyal company, if the one threat-displaying at him was any indication. Patton was careful not to engage, particularly since further back in the cave, he could see a whole assembly of tiny, reflective eyes. Roman would probably just hold him up in the air if there was any real danger, but it was the principle of the matter. He didn’t want to upset the little guys! 
Or the kid, who had finally spotted the dishes of fruit Patton had set out. 
“You wanna come eat with me, little critter?” Patton offered, patting the ground near him. 
“Little critter…,” the Human murmured. Their face was much more expressive now that it wasn’t mostly concealed by wood, and the kid looked painfully young. Probably no more than seven or eight sun cycles. Patton’s hearts twanged in sympathy.  
Slowly, like they were waiting for the rug to be yanked out from under their feet, the kid scooted forward enough that they could grab a few pieces of the dana fruit, setting one down in front of the Humlilt to distract it. Patton eye-crinkled encouragingly, and took a piece of his own to nibble on. 
“Do you remember me? I’m Patton. Patton,” he emphasized, ‘pat’-ing his own chest in example. 
The kid paused mid-bite, and then swiped their wrist over their mouth before mumbling, “Patton,” back. Patton glowed with happiness. 
“And that’s Logan,” he said, bolstered by one apparent success. Logan obligingly stepped forwards and gestured to himself. 
“I am Logan,” he enunciated clearly. 
The kid, who had stopped eating to focus wholeheartedly on this new task, scrunched his brow up. “I am Logan?” 
“No, not quite,” Logan corrected gently. “Logan. I am Logan.” He cast a meaningful look to Patton. 
“And I am Patton!” he added cheerfully, gesturing between the two of them. “Logan! Patton!”
“Logan,” the kid mimicked, looking at the Ulgorii and then the Ampen, “Patton.” 
“You got it! Good job!” Patton noticed that the kid was very careful to keep their hands in their lap, and wondered if Humans were normally this withdrawn, or if exposure to other aliens had caused this reticence. 
“Good job?” the kid echoed, wide eyed. They looked to Roman curiously, though only for a moment before dropping their gaze. 
“I am Roman,” Roman surprised them both by beating them to the introductory punch. 
“... Roman?” the kid offered, and got a chorus of nonsense praise for their effort. They bared their little teeth and clapped their hands together, and it took the three of them an alarmed pause and exchange of glances to realize that they weren’t, in fact, being threatened by a youngling. 
“Joy? Or perhaps, contentment?” Logan was mumbling to himself. “The skin around the child’s eyes folds much like an Ampen expression of happiness, so…” 
“It would make more sense to be happy after receiving praise, right?” replied Roman, who had gotten a bit bristly from nerves for a moment. Patton resisted the urge to elbow the both of them into not saying long, confusing sentences. Luckily, the kid seemed too occupied with their own thoughts to notice. 
“Patton, Logan, Roman,” they recited, looking at each of them in turn. Then, very carefully, they reached up and patted their own chest. “Virgil. I am Virgil?” 
There was a brief moment of stunned silence, and then Patton trilled in delight, clapping his hands in an echo of the Human’s gesture, in hopes that it would convey his own happiness and pride in the kid’s quick learning. The kid jumped, but then did that teeth-bearing smile again.
“Virgil!” he tested out, not quite getting the Human tones right, but that was okay because he could practice! “Virgil Virgil Virgil! Yes! That’s you!” 
“I am Virgil!” the Human was practically bouncing in place as they matched Patton’s energy, and Patton couldn’t help but dart forward and try to bump his head to the Human’s affectionately. 
Roman hissed something exceedingly panicked, but Patton was already using one of the Human’s bent legs to reach, and then he was brushing his antenna to the kid-- to Virgil’s forehead, and then the Human was lifting their arms slowly and curling them around him, and okay now Patton was a little bit concerned, but. 
But, all Virgil did was lean into him slightly, arms bracing but not suffocating, and sniffle once, like they were holding back tears. Any resolve Patton had to not give his teammates stress ulcers faded away like dust in the wind, and he leaned in carefully and wrapped his arms around as much as he could reach of the kid’s shoulders and neck, which Roman would tell him was stupid dangerous because necks were weak points on Humans and they would absolutely react defensively-- 
Virgil promptly burst into tears, their chin coming to hook over Patton’s shoulder as a stuttering little wail worked its way out of their system. Patton made soothing nonsense croons and sung Ampen lullabies as the kid shuddered their way through a good cry, and tried not to feel too alarmed that unlike Ampens, Humans apparently leaked emotions while they cried.
Once Virgil had more or less settled down, they seemed completely wiped from the outpour of emotion, eyes drooping, body tilting to one side. For the first time since they’d arrived, the kid looked too wiped out to be nervous. Sure enough, only a few moments later, they shifted to curl up on their side, falling asleep on the cold stone easily.
Patton looked up at his teammates from where he was sitting in the center of the curled c-shape of the kid’s body, and offered them a sheepish shrug. “Well. Now we know that Humans can experience touch hunger?”
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Unexpected [3/8]
Pairing: Dabi x reader, Hawks x reader, Touya x reader
Fluff, angst, AU
Word count: 2.4K
A/N: To make up for being late last week, here’ s an early update! Enjoy! Please let me know what you think and if you would like to be added to the tag list!!!
Summary: Being quirkless wasn’t so bad. Especially when you had two badass best friends that had amazing quriks to make up for it. That is until one of them breaks your heart by disappearing in thin air. And the other breaks your heart by wanting to focus on his hero work. After coming back to Japan after studying abroad for 5 years, you were in for a whirlwind of surprises.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Some people say that you shouldn’t hook up with your ex. Ever! That’s a huge no-no when you break up. But, isn’t it okay if you guys don’t have any feelings towards each other? Afterall, it wasn’t like you and Keigo were dating again. It’s simply… casual hookups.
It’s not like he was stopping by your place every day and sleeping over every night. It’s not like he visits you at work sometimes. And it’s not like you get the butterflies after seeing him… Yeah, it’s not like that. Not like that at all.
You had to consistently wear your winter outfits to work because Keigo wouldn’t stop leaving marks all over your neck. They were so high, almost reaching your jaw. Make up can only do so much to cover it up. And you tried to avoid wearing skirts that rose too much because, lo and behold, bruises in the shape of his large hands on the back of your thighs. It was hard enough that some of your coworkers commented on it. You really didn’t want the kids to see. How inappropriate and embarrassing would that be? You needed to be really careful and take more precautions to ensure that.
The bell rang, indicating that the class period was over. Lunch was next and you breathed a sigh of relief. You were starving and truthfully, needed a break. All your students took out their lunches while you packed up your teaching materials and headed back to the staffroom that was on the third floor. On your way to the staffroom, you walked up the stairs that revealed the open air. The fresh air, along with the warm sun hitting your skin, was something you needed at the moment. You leaned over the edge, closed your eyes, and took in the breeze.
“Hey there, gorgeous,” an all too familiar voice rang in your ears. You didn’t even need to think twice to know who it was. The moment you opened your eyes, your favorite pair of flirty, golden eyes came into sight. An automatic smile crossed your face.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, still smiling. It’s not like you were complaining, but it wasn’t an every day occurrence either. Hawks was also leaning against the edge, but on the opposite side. He was utilizing his wings to keep him afloat.
“Oh, you know. Just in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi. Hi,” he says in a deep, sly voice. Giving you the biggest side smile. You laugh at his flirty manner.
“Well Mr. Hawks. I’m hungry and you’re taking into my lunch time,” you teased. Hawks raised a brow, almost as if he was accepting a challenge.
“Fine, go and have your lunch. But what ever shall I do with this freshly picked flower then?” he pulled out a single, gorgeous, fully bloomed, white lily. A small gasp escaped your mouth. It was beautiful. You looked at the flower, back at Hawks, and then back at the flower. You knew if you reached for it now, he would retract the flower, not giving you a chance to hold it in your hands. Instead, you stuck out your lower lip even more and gave him those puppy eyes you know he can’t resist. He saw the look in your face and you knew you got him. “Take it.” he insisted, handing you the beautiful flower. You gladly took it, taking it to your nose and taking in its essence.
“Thank you. I love it,” you thanked him, admiring the flower in front of you. You then looked at him with an apologetic expression. “But I really am hungry. Thanks for visiting though,” you grabbed his hand, gave it a tight squeeze and turned around. But you stopped in your tracks when you heard Hawks loudly and obnoxiously cleared his throat. You slowly turned on your heels to face him.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he puckered his lips, waiting for a kiss. But you quickly dismissed him.
“I’m at work!” you whisper shouted to him, stating the obvious. You could probably already get into trouble with him visiting you during school hours. Getting caught kissing? You would get fired for sure! And you just started. You couldn’t afford to get fired over smooching with one of the pro-heroes. But Hawks wasn’t backing down. He wouldn’t leave until he got what he wanted. Quickly looking side to side and behind you, making sure the sight was clear, you quickly tugged on his collar and pecked him on the lips.
“Very.” He commented. You roll your eyes to show him that you were annoyed at him but the smile of your face said otherwise.
“Good. Now get out of here bird man,” you shooed him away. He chuckled and pushed himself off the ledge, now trying to stabilize himself in the air.
“See you later tonight?” he asks like hes afraid that you were going to say no. You softened your expression and nodded your head in confirmation.
“See you tonight,” you said and started walking back to the staffroom, a light pink blush stained your cheeks. Hawks balled his fists up in victory and flew away while doing backflips in the air out of excitement. You looked back for the last time and watched his silly somersaults. You shook your head and finally, finally headed to the staffroom.
In the distance on top of a large building that had a good view of the school, two villains stood watching the pro-hero Hawks. They saw him swoop in to talk to some female. That female being you. The villain with greyish-blue hair and hands all over him slanted his eyes at the hero.
“So that’s Hawks?” he asks in a monotone voice. He didn’t even need to ask. He knew that was Hawks: their next target. It was more of a confirmation than a question. But nonetheless, the person standing next to him hummed in response, not taking his eye off of you two.
“Another school. Shall we take more children this time? That seemed to rile up All Might and Endeavor. Why not do the same to the number 3 hero?” The masked man talked out his plan, laughing ominously. The man beside him continue to observe the pro-hero. His eyes flickered to you and immediately saw the pink tint in your cheeks. Ah, he got it now.
“Not the children. The teacher,” he informed the masked man, using the same monotone voice. This caused the masked man to laugh even harder.
“Even better. Dabi, you know what to do,” he commanded, walking away while Hawks was doing his somersaults in the air. But Dabi didn’t respond. He continued to look in your direction and saw you turn around to look at the hero. He continued to stare at you with his ocean, blue eyes before turning around and following his boss, Shigaraki.
 It was the end of the day for the kids, but not the end of the day for you, unfortunately. You had to stay back to finish grading and also to get ahead of preparing next week’s materials. You didn’t stay back too often, but today was just one of those days. Your phone buzzed next to you. Checking the notification real quick, you stopped everything you were doing when you saw Hawks’ name pop up.
Can’t wait to see you tonight.
God, you swore he made you feel like you guys were in high school again. Something about him just made your heart race and make you feel giddy inside. Sometimes the emotion was too much that you feel like you wanted to explode. You took a deep breath to calm yourself. Deep breaths. You guys weren’t together. Just casual hookups. That’s all it was. Nothing more. No need to feel like a teenage girl again. But the moment you saw his text message again, all those feelings you were trying to repress were coming back tenfold. As soon as you were about to text him back, your phone died. You cursed yourself for not being a portable charger.
You were almost done with your work for the day. By the time you looked out the window, the sun had set. You didn’t realize that you were at the office for that long. Knowing that your phone died and it was dark outside, something in your gut was telling you something wasn’t right. But it was generally safe around this part of town. And it wasn’t like you hadn’t gone home like this before. Nothing happened then. Nothing was going to happen this time. You gathered your belongings and headed back home.
Hawks stared at his phone. You had seen his text message so why weren’t you responding? Maybe you were trying to play hard to get. Okay, he can get down with that. He just had to show you a good time tonight to get rid of that attitude. Looking at his watch, the minute hand just hit 6. Great, he had one more hour until his shift was over and then he was on his way to your heaven.
Just then, Hawks stopping in his tracks, letting a few of his feathers sharply fly into a dark alleyway. He stalked towards the alleyway, senses on high alert. He had pinned a dark figure against the wall. Not enough where his feathers pierced his skin but enough to keep him in his place.
“Who are you.” Hawks demanded, ready to pull out his sword made out of his feathers in case this guy pulls any tricks. The figure didn’t say anything. But Hawks was patient. “Oi, I can do this all day.” This made the figure burst out laughing. His laugh was menacing enough to leave chills running down his back. Okay, he was dealing with a crazy person. He wasn’t going to let his guard down. This could turn real bad.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” the man said as he finished laughing. He lifted his head to reveal his greyish-blue hair, cracked skin and wild eyes. Shigaraki Tomura! Without hesitation, Hawks whipped out his sword-like weapon and put the tip against Shigaraki’s neck. This made Shigaraki start his giggle fit again.
“(y/n), isn’t it? Pretty name.” Upon hearing your name come out of his chapped lips, Hawks became angry and tightened his grip on his sword. But he knew he shouldn’t do anything rash. Now that they know your name, he couldn’t let anything happen to you.
“What do you want?” he asked through his teeth. He was so angry that he clenched his teeth together to hard that they could break if he tightened them any harder. Shigaraki refused to answer. “Are you here alone?” he continued to ask. Hawks took a deep breath and concentrated on the air. He couldn’t feel anyone around them. So he was alone. Easier on him then. “Then no one’s going to save you when I slice your head off!” he lifted his sword, ready to attack him. But Shigaraki smirked, his body turning into black sludge, forming a puddle below him. This caused Hawks to stop his attack midair, mortified at the sight he was seeing. Shigaraki looked up at the hero and then in the direction of your school.
“I’m not the one who needs saving.” He said before completely turning into a black mess on the floor. He was gone. But that’s not what was important. “(y/n)…” he whispered your name and in a second, he was already in the air, flying straight to your school. “Shit, shit, SHIT!” he screamed, impressively weaving through buildings. He was trying to get to you as fast as he could, pushing himself to his limits, but it wasn’t enough! He tried calling you. Over and over again. But you weren’t picking up. His heart started to race like never before. No. This was not happening. He reached your school but when he saw how dark your school was, his heart sank. But he never knew. He dispersed all his red feathers to search the school. Again, nothing. No one was there. He checked your place. Not there. He checked his place. Not there either. So, where the hell were you?
You were almost back at your apartment when you felt fear take over your whole body. You could feel eyes watching you, but you didn’t know what to do. You were frozen in fear. All of a sudden, multiple figures appeared from the shadows, surrounding each side of you. With each step they took towards you, the more you were physically shaking. You eyed all of them, trying to figure out what kind of defensive attack you could do, but there were too many of them. All you could do was run. But where to? They would catch you no matter what direction you went in. But it was better than surrendering yourself to them. So you did it. You ran like your life depended on it. Like you predicted, you were caught easily. One of the guys caught your arm in a tight hold, bringing you down. But you don’t remember what happened next because the next thing you knew, you were seeing black. You passed out.
 You jolted awake. But your vision was cut off something covering your eyes. Most likely a blindfold. Or at least, you hoped it was a blindfold. You tried to move but it was useless. You were sitting in a chair, hands tied behind your back and feet tied together. A cloth was also wrapped around your mouth to prevent you from speaking. Classic. What a classic way to wake up to a kidnapping. Soon enough, someone took off your blindfold. White, blinding light abused your poor eyes. You couldn’t help but squint at the sudden brightness and tried to blink so that you could get used to it. But moment you completely opened your eyes to your surroundings, the first thing you saw were sapphire eyes. And for a moment, a flashback flashed before your eyes: seeing the red haired boy you used to love. Coming back to reality, he may have the same eyes but he was not the person you were imagining. He had black hair, purple scars all over his face and body, and staples carved into his skin. He looks into your eyes and smirks.
“Morning Doll.”
A/N: Let’s do this again. TeamHawks or TeamDabi????
Tagged: @ditu-m9 @flowersgirl02 @snuckerfrcnicken @complicatedharry @bestgirlkonan
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The Perfect Morning
You have been asking for it loud and clearly so I decided to write the Sprace baby you’ve all been waiting for. This is part of the “Life in the ER'' Series but a rare moment that doesn’t take place in the hospital. There are curse words and mentions of a hospital/working in a hospital. As always, feedback would be wonderful and would make me very happy. And if you have anything you’d like to see happen in the series, just let me know - I’m always looking for new situations to put our favorite characters into!
April 17, 2021
The house was quiet when he woke. It hadn’t been that quiet in almost six months and his first thoughts were holy shit. The second was questioning the time. He rolled over and looked at the green numbers of the clock - 7:34.
Running a hand over his face, he sighed before letting the hand flop to the other side of the bed. Empty. Cold. Sitting up, he blinked a couple of times, allowing his eyes to scan the room.
“Spottie?” He called, pushing himself off the bed and heading towards the room across the hall.
Pushing open the door, he was surprised to see it was empty. The dark wooden crib they had spent hours debating about sat across from the door, a light blanket thrown over the side. A mint green onesie was haphazardly thrown near the hamper and a stuffed elephant was nearby but otherwise nothing was out of place.
Continuing on his journey, he headed towards the living room thinking his husband and young child could be there but he came up empty once more. The dog was even missing which caused him to pause in his hunt.
At that moment, he fell in love with his husband a bit more. Here it was a rare morning that Spot didn’t have an early morning shift at the hospital; yet he had gotten up, taken care of their child and puppy so he could sleep in a bit.
Their lives were flipped upside down with the adoption of their daughter. It had been a period of adjustment for all of them, especially for their puppy, Sassie. From the moment they brought their little girl home, life had completely changed for the good. The two of them had always been a great team; however, they didn’t know how good of a team they would be until the doctor handed them Mackenzie Jayne Higgins-Conlon and wished them congratulations.
Pouring himself a cup of coffee, Race grinned putting in creamer before heading out to their front porch. He shouldn’t be surprised Spot would do this - it’s just him and his little ways of showing love. Taking a seat, he took a sip of his coffee as he waited for the rest of his family to return from whatever adventure they had gone on.
Relaxing into the chair, he sighed, listening to the birds chirp in the trees as he held the warm mug in his hands. Just as he went to kick his feet up, Sassie came bounding up the stairs, with her leash dragging behind her. Putting his mug on the table, he bent over and rubbed his hands up and down her sides, wishing her a good morning.
“Where’s dad, Sass?” He asked, looking down the street for him. What he saw caught him off guard.
Spot was pushing the jogging stroller that Jack and Kat had gotten them as a shower gift, shirtless, hair pushed back by a headband and sunglasses over his eyes. Race took a moment to publically ogle his husband, appreciating the physique that Spot effortlessly maintained. Race was careful not to let his jaw drop at how utterly gorgeous his husband was. There were very few times he could unabashedly stare at his husband and he was going to take full advantage of it.
Unclipping Sassie’s leash, he opened the front door for her to go inside before he bounded down the stairs to where Kenzie and Spot were. Race couldn’t help but catcall and whistle as he came closer to the two. “Hey good lookin.”
Grinning, Spot looked up from where he was unclipping Mack. “Hey yourself.”
“Have I mentioned how utterly gorgeous you are lately?” Race saunted closer to his husband and daughter with a shit eating grin on his face.
Spot adjusted Mack in his arms before throwing his head back and laughing. “Right now I’m a sweaty mess but thanks for the compliment. I wanted to give you a chance to sleep in since you’ve been taking night duty.”
“Sweaty mess or not, you’re hot. Own that. And thanks, I appreciate it.” Race leaned over and kissed him. “Did little miss enjoy the run?”
Spot kissed him back before handing Mack over to him. He leaned down to grab something out of the bottom of the stroller before giving Race a bright smile. “She was fussy when we first started but seemed to settle down as I got into a rhythm. I did about a 45 minutes run. We ran through town, picked up breakfast before heading back.”
“You’re my hero.” Race said, walking back up the stairs to the front porch. “Do you want a cup of coffee or water?”
Spot waved him off. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Do you need anything before I do that?”
“Nah, we'll just hang out here. If she wants, send Sassie out here.” Race pressed a kiss to Kenzie’s forehead. “Come back out when you’re done.”
Spot dropped kisses to both Race and Mack’s foreheads before slipping into the house, only to open the door again to let Sassie out.
Settling Mack with her back against his chest, Race relaxed in the chair, listening to Mack babble to herself. “Did you have fun with daddy this morning, Kenzie?”
She tried to adjust herself to see Race. He picked her up so she was standing on his legs as she continued her babble. Race continued his conversation with her as she tried to put her fingers in his mouth. He playfully ate them as she dissolved into baby giggles. They continued that game until she caught sight of her puppy.
Soon she was leaning forward to try to pet Sassie. Putting her on the porch floor, she babbled to and crawled over Sassie as the dog watched her young sister protectively.
He heard the door open and close just as he took the last sip of his coffee. He smiled gratefully at Spot as he spied the cups of coffee in his hands. Spot handing him one with a smirk. “Thanks. Feeling better?”
“Much less grimly and sweaty.” Spot took a seat, watching Sassie and Kenzie with a proud smile. “What’s the plan for the day?”
Race shrugged. “As far as I know, there are no plans. Jack and Kat mentioned getting together but nothing was ever put into place.”
“If they don’t reach out, I’m all in favor of a lazy day. We haven’t had one of those in a while so that’s my vote.” Spot said, stretching his legs out in front of him as he reached out and laced his fingers with Race’s.
Race nodded, squeezing their hands. “If I haven’t mentioned it lately, I’m proud of the life we’ve built. Perfect husband, perfect daughter and dog. Jobs we both love and great friends and family.”
“Sap.” Spot was quick to tease him but squeezed his hand. “I love our life too. Love you Racer.”
“Love you too Spottie.” Race leaned over and kissed him. “What did you bring for breakfast?”
Spot chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s always food with you.”
“Not always.” Raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively, Race smirked. “But I’m hungry for food right now.”
Spot pushed himself off the chair before sauntering into the house and returning with the white bag from earlier. “I got a couple of different things - didn’t know what you would be in the mood for.”
“Thanks snookums.” Race opened the bag, pulling out a cinnamon twist donut before taking a bit. “When do you work next?”
“Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday this week.” Spot drug through the bag taking out a donut. “Plums is working Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday with me so it’ll be a good couple of shifts.”
“Kenzie in daycare Wednesday and Friday?” Race inquired trying to keep the schedule fight.
Spot nodded. “Yea. You’ve got what seven weeks left of the school year?”
“I think. Days are starting to blend together.” Race sighed. “I’m just ready for summer.”
“We’ll have to figure out what we’re going to do. I have a couple of weeks of vacation that need to be used up before September.” Spot gave him a look. “Maybe we can head to the mountains or a beach. She’ll love the water.”
Race nodded. “Maybe Kat, Jack, Al, and Finchie would want to do something, at least for a few days.”
“That’ll be fun. We know how much Kenz loves Addie.” Spot grinned, thinking about the trouble the two would eventually get up to, as the two were only 4 months apart.
Race groaned. “No talking about the two of them growing up. They’re 5 and 9 months old and that’s all my poor heart can take.”
“Calm down papa bear. She’s still our little girl and Addie is still our little niece.” Spot squeezed his hand. “But I do love your idea of making it a family affair. Maybe momma and Smalls would want in.”
Race relaxed in his chair, thinking about all the adventures they would have ahead of them. With Spot and Kenzie by his side, he was content and happy. A thought popped into his head as a sly grin crossed his lips. “So, uh, Spottie . . . wanna tell me how you’re such a ripped dad?”
Spot threw his head back laughing before reaching over and shoving Race’s shoulder. “I could but you wouldn’t be able to keep up with me.”
“Is that a challenge?” Race raised an eyebrow in a warning.
Spot snorted loudly. “Race you complain when you have to walk to the mailbox to get the mail - no way you’re running 45 minutes with me.”
“I can kick your ass boxing.” Race gave him a look as Spot sighed. “Want me to reserve the ring for next weekend?”
Picking up Kenzie, Spot gave him a look. “Sure and we can see who’s king of the ring. You’ll always reign supreme running circles around me but I might be able to take you in the ring.”
“Keep up with the trash talk . . . we’ll see who’s still standing and who will get the bragging rights.” Spot gave him a knowing look.
Race held out his hand as Spot interlocked his hand with Race’s with a grin. “You’re on.”
He watched Spot tickle their daughter’s belly as a shrill laugh escaped her mouth. She pushed at his hands as he looked down on her fondly. “Hey Spottie?”
“Yea Race?” Spot looked up from their daughter with a smile on his face.
“If I haven’t said it, you’re a really good dad. I love watching you two interact.” Race said as a fond smile crossed his face.
Spot leaned over and kissed Race. “You’re a really good papa with her. We make a pretty good team, huh?”
Race nodded, reaching over and tickling Kenzie’s stomach as the girl looked at her dads with a gummy smile. In Race’s book, there was no better place he’d rather be than on their front porch with his husband and daughter.
So what did you think? Feedback would be wonderful. If there's something specific you want to see in this verse, feel free to send me a message.
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imagine-jjba · 5 years
dates with the jojos!
may or may not have started to get carried away at the end. i feel like it’s okay, though. you guys get the x reader content you deserve. my personal favorites are the josuke and jolyne ones. though, the jolyne one might just be because i am totally in love with the girl, haha.
anyway, requests are open! you can request me on anon (i think) if you’re too shy to turn it off. however, you will be tagged if you decide to turn off anon, so i guess that’s just what you’ll have to decide between? anyway, please send in asks, i love to write these little things. however, i won’t do part seven and eight characters. i don’t know enough about them to do that, sorry. ;;;
i hope you enjoy this!
jonathan ;
jonathan would love going on any date with you, honestly. he would love to go to anywhere with you, as long as you were having fun and staying safe.
he would most likely take you to the nearby river to swim in. or, you two would go to a traveling carnival that had come around.
he would also let you choose whatever dates you wanted to go to. if you wanted to do something, he would follow your lead and take you there!
during those dates, he would of course buy you a plethora of things. after all, he is a fairly rich gentleman. you would have so many gifts and trinkets that you wouldn’t know what to do with them!
of course, if you two decided to stay inside for a change of pace, he would totally do that. you’d most likely end up reading a book or teaching the lovely joestar how to cook.
he’s very shy when it comes to affection, so if you offered him some while in public, he would be very flustered. though, he would still accept it and offer you some back.
at the end of your dates, he would tell you how much he loves and treasures you, kissing your cheek and walking you home. at home, you would receive one last gift before parting ways.
after your dates, you could find him gushing over you in his room. though, he wouldn’t tell anyone what he was doing in there. he just finds you adorable and wants to make you feel special, but doesn’t have much of an idea about how to do that besides feeding you all the love and affection that he can put into his actions.
his favorite type of dates are the ones where you two can just relax and have fun together. most certainly, it would be where you two could have a picnic. you would bring a basket of food and utensils while he would bring the blankets and other things that were needed.
all of the food you packed as homemade and very nutritious! jonathan likes whatever you make and is always hungry, so he enjoys the food very much. he tries not to scarf down the food, but he has a hard time resisting to urge too. after all, how could someone be so good at cooking? plus, it was just a meal for the two of you, even better! he really loves the time you two spend together and enjoys every minute of it.
once you two are done eating, you sit outside and bird-watch. it’s something that jonathan actually enjoys. he loves watching the peaceful nature around him. it also reminds him of danny, who he didn’t bring along with him. it’s a bit weird not to see the cute puppy around your boyfriend, but you knew that it was probably for the better. after all, you wouldn’t want to risk him eating all your food, would you?
you both spot many birds and try to list out all the details of them. it’s very peaceful and relaxing, leading to some moments where you lean into his broad shoulders and get into a comfortable silence. nature really is something wonderful.
joseph ;
joseph doesn’t mind going on dates. in fact, he loves going on them. especially fun and chaotic dates where you two run around town.
when you first meet up for a date, he very happily takes your hand and starts dragging you around to the places that he was planning on showing you. of course, you love him so much that you don’t mind his actions. all you really want to do is just spend time with the big goof.
he ends up taking you to the higher-end stores that sell comics, as well as movies. he’s a geek and is obsessed with those sort of things, always raving about the newest comic. depending on your interests, he would also take you to places where it had a mix of your favorites.
though, if you want to choose a date, he would let you. even if it’s not his ideal type of fun, he’s always willing to give something a try. just as long as it doesn’t involve too much work. if it does involve a lot of work, he’ll playfully complain about it, but afterwards, he’ll get to it. he doesn’t want to be too childish around you, but he can’t help it sometimes.
he also goes with the flow of things. you two always seem to have so much fun together. especially when there’s so many fun things around to do. though, the 1930s didn’t have much available, at the time.
there were many competitions, like the dancing until you dropped ones. he would probably like to participate in one of those for the fun of it, but he also doesn’t want to put too much strain on you. so, instead, he takes you out to watch some of those. it’s entertaining, to say the least.
he would also most likely show you a bunch of weird tricks he could do on dates. he wants to impress you! there were challenges of swallowing goldfish whole, at the time, so that was probably something he would do. and then he would probably use his hamon to try and spit it back out, which would be gross, but funny all at the same time.
at the end of your dates, he would make sure that you’ll be okay walking home. if he thinks that it’s too dangerous to get home by yourself (though, you’re fairly strong, he just feels a sense of protection), he’ll walk you home.
jotaro ;
most likely, you two would be spending your time at one of your houses. or, if you really wanted to go out, he would reluctantly follow you around.
on the days where you’d like to stay at your house, he would come over with (embarrassing for him, but cute to you) gifts. some of those gifts would be made by holly, as she sees you as someone reliable and good for her son. she also sort of forced him to give you the gifts, but he enjoys seeing your smile when you receive them.
eventually, when jotaro is settled down and you get some water for him, you start putting on the TV for some movies that you can watch. jotaro wants to try and be affectionate for you, but has no idea how to do that. when he tries to lean in to cuddle, you don’t really seem to get the hint. mainly, you’re just watching funny things on the TV and end up leaning forward in laughter.
eventually, he just wraps his arm around you, but he isn’t sure if that was the right move. you’re flustered, but lean not the touch with a gracious smile. you both watch TV until it gets boring. then, you bring out your small game collection you have.
that’s where the romantic moment ends, sadly. after you get out the games that you have, you start to teach him about the basic controls. it turns out that he doesn’t understand much of it, so you have to show him what the controls are with the game on.
eventually, he starts playing. he isn’t the best at it, but at least he’s not completely lost! you guide him around and help him figure out the controls to the game.
jotaro ends up getting frustrated, but doesn’t want to ask for help. he still has to at least appear somewhat cool to you, after all. so he’s determined to at least finish one level of the game to mak you proud. it takes a few rounds of losses before he finally understands the gist of it.
when he wins a round, you’re so proud of him that you end up grabbing his hand and raising it up, like how you sometimes see wrestlers doing in movies. you feel like a mama bird who just watched her baby bird grow up, at that point.
by that time, jotaro has to leave, so you clean up your things and give him a box of dinner to eat. it’s the least you can do to show your appreciation. at first, he doesn’t want it, but since you spent your time making it for him, you insist. eventually, he gives up and brings it home with him.
when he’s at home, he’s very grateful for the meal that you have made for him. holly’s glad that he found such a wonderful partner and is proud of him for having such a good day out. jotaro ends up eating the meal happily and is very appreciative of it.
josuke ;
when your friends finally leave you alone for the weekend, you two totally decide to plan a nice date together. before the date, you prepare a bunch of things for josuke, such as nice gifts you made yourself. after all, you’re a bit artsy yourself. josuke plans on paying for the meal since he doesn’t want you to use your hard earned money (though, he just steals his from his dad).
meeting up isn’t too tough, but since josuke has many friends around morioh, you end up seeing a lot of them. you even see your main group while walking down to the restaurant that josuke was taking you too. you end up getting a bit side-tracked and you all end up talking for a little while.
but once josuke remembers about the reservations, he makes sure to say goodbye to his friends before bringing you along. he’s very proud of himself for setting up this plan! you can see it on his face, the way he proudly marches forward with your hands intertwined together. it’s a very cute look on him.
you get to the restaurant and, what a surprise, it’s tonio’s restaurant! well, it’s not that much of a surprise, but you know it’s very delicious there. when you go inside, tonio greets you two and sets you down. he lightly mentions that the two of you must be on a date, which makes the both of you blush and laugh awkwardly.
josuke personally goes to the back of the kitchen and politely asks tonio to not use pearl jam in his cooking. he doesn’t really want one of those weird happenings with the meals, especially if the two of you are supposed to be on a nice date. tonio comes to an understanding, but he lets pearl jam help out in the kitchen, at least.
coming back to the table, while you wait for your food, he starts to give you his first gift. depending on your interests, he tailors it to that. if you’re an artist, he’ll give you a nice pen you’ve been wanting for a while now. if you’re interested in plants, he’ll give you a small plant friend to grow. going along with the plants idea, you name it after crazy diamond since josuke was so kind to you.
you end up giving him your gift as well. whatever it may be, josuke treasures it all the same. if it’s something for his hair, he’ll proudly put it on for you. if it’s something else that he enjoys, he’ll thank you endlessly for the precious gift.
after you talk for a while and exchange your first gifts, tonio brings in some food. like promised, pearl jam isn’t in the food, but you’re always a little wary of it. even if josuke is eating it just fine without any... reactions, you’re still paranoid. don’t worry, though, your boyfriend is right there to reassure you that he personally asked tonio to not have pearl jam inside the food. it calms you down and you’re able to eat your food in peace.
after eating, josuke pays tonio a generous amount, along with a nice big tip (courtesy of joseph’s wallet) to thank him for everything. he’s very appreciative of it! you don’t stay for ice cream since josuke thinks that you guys should walk and see the night sky. it’s romantic and cheesy in his head, sure, but he really wants you to enjoy yourself.
once you two get outside, you both start talking about whatever you’d like. if it were about the adventures that you two had, josuke would be very fond of it and the memories he shared with you and all of his friends. this would be the time where you could slip in a compliment or two, which would make him a bit flustered, but he’d compliment you back.
once you get to the ice cream parlor that he wanted to take you at, you get your own chance to pay for the ice cream. josuke would like to pay for that as well, but you keep your foot down and insist on paying.
after you et the ice cream, you both continue to walk until you finish your ice creams and throw the trash away. then, josuke walks you home, making sure you’re safe. he knows that the town that you live in is a dangerous, filled with many stand users that could possibly come into contact with you two. though, the threat of stand users never come and you two are safe. once you get to your doorstep, you give josuke a kiss on his cheek and a hug.
josuke gives you one last gift, a very nice bandana. it’s something that you weren’t expecting, but he thought it would look cute on you. you end up wearing it all the time after your date. josuke feels a sense of pride in getting you a gift that you used so often.
giorno ;
giorno is very kind and generous on your dates. he would love to spoil you in any way he could. of course, he already does that regularly. but even more so when you two find yourself in such a romantic and intimate setting.
he finds that he wants to give you the time of your life. so, he takes you to a place that he’s very fond of and that he’s hope you’d enjoy as well. of course, this is an art museum we’re talking about. he likes looking at all the paintings and interpreting them in his own means. he just hopes that you find the trip just as exciting and enrapturing.
you both have your duities to the bucciarati gang, considering that giorno is the don to passione now. however, he feels as though he should treat you right, no matter the circumstances. so, you end up going to the museum anyway.
as you enter the room, you can smell the distinct smell of luxury. it’s not something that you could describe to anyone, but it’s there in the air. you can also smell the hint of paint. but most of all, you can see the luxury all around you. how the large paintings on the wall were framed with golden, intricate frames. how the texture of the paints rose off of the canvas just slightly. it’s breathetaking, really.
you two walk around, holding hands and whispering to each other things about the paintings that you notice. there’s so many things about them that were so amazing, especially the paintings of portraits and scenaries. the experience of this is very intense.
giorno also makes sure to keep you close to him, not wanting you to get lost or anything in the giant space. when you start to drift apart from him, he’ll get a bit anxious. after all, every time you two go out together, even in a group setting, it’s always intense and nerve-wracking. people might be out there, trying tot ale down the leader of passione.
but you come to his side and reassure him that everything is okay and that you’re not hurt. you two have a special code, just in case something doesn’t seem right. if you don’t use it, then giorno relaxes himself and starts to have a better time viewing the paintings again.
you even see other art pieces, like glass sculptures and whatnot. they’re encased in a special glass, just so no one can touch them. but even from where you’re standing, you can appreciate the beauty.
as you walk through the museum, giorno looks at your face and how amazed you seem. he isn’t new to all of this. in fact, he’s probably been there before. but he does find it very interesting to see your face light up in awe and excitement.
at the end of the museum, he brings you back to the hideout that giorno stays in. you end up sleeping over, because you really don’t want to go back home. it’s very comfortable for you to stay there. you both cuddle there, wrapped up in each other’s arms. it’s very intimate and just a soft moment for each other. you’re both finally able to relax.
jolyne ;
this gal isn’t the type of gal to go on a date at a reasonable time. nope, not at all. she calls you at one am, telling you that she’s bored. of course, you tell her the obvious and that it’s one am, but she doesn’t seem to care. she just tells you to meet her at the movie theaters because she’s bored.
so, you meet her there, sneaking out of your house. this plan is rediculous, but you love her to bits and pieces, so you can’t deny her going to the movies for a nice date. at the theater, she’s already there, waiting for you on her phone. she’s wearing something really casual, just a simple outfit that’s comfortable. you, however, look stunning to her. even if you’re wearing your casual clothing as well, she thinks you look beautiful. she tells you as such, it makes you very flustered.
when you decide on a movie, you both find an action movie that seems really good. so, you end up buying tickets and getting popcorn. though, you don’t have to worry about other snacks, she’s snuck then in the pockets that she could easily hide them in. you don’t find it too bad to be sneaking in snacks, it’s not like the people there care, anyway.
once you sit down and the movie starts playing, you’re very attentive. jolyne also is, of course, but she’s switching between watching you and actually paying attention to the movie. at least she understands the plot of it.
by halfway through it, however, you end up falling asleep. it’s a weird position o be falling asleep in, especially in a cramped chair, but jolyne makes sure that you’re a bit comfortable by giving you a shoulder to lean on. idly, she finds her hands in your hair as she watches the rest of the film.
when it’s time to leave the theater, she shakes you awake and tells you that the movie is over. you wake yourself up before getting out. jolyne would take you home, but she’s also starving. you, in fact, are also a little hungry, so you both go into a small dine in restaurant that’s somehow still opened.
it’s a little dirty there, but that’s the joy of it. there’s other adults there, some older than you and some your age, all huddled in there small groups. it’s already almost theee am, though, so when you walk in, the people behind the counter seem to be a bit tired. no matter, however, you find yourself sitting down at a booth across from jolyne.
talking between the two of you is fun as you mention how you met up in the first place. of course, it was a nice meeting together. you’re very fond of the memories that you have together and jolyne thinks the same. she doesn’t mind bringing up those fond moments you have together. it’s very intimate, as well.
once your food comes in, you eat in a comfortable silence. there isn’t much to talk about, but you’re both fine with it. you and jolyne share a breakfast meal as well, coming in with whatever you’d like. she doesn’t mind, just as long as it’s something.
when you’re finishing eating, you start a conversation again, talking about if your friends were awake right now. some of them most likely were, but you didn’t want to call them and find out. after all, even if jolyne didn’t mention that it was a date, you hoped that it was just for the two of you.
at the end, when you’re walking back home and have to split ways (you don’t live too near each other, but close enough to where you can safely walk to your house), she ends up giving you a kiss on the cheek and a small joke. as you’re flustered, you find her laughing. it’s a very cute look on her, but you decide to keep that thought to yourself. however, you do wish that you could capture the moment.
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
Losing her (Chapter 3)
Book : The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC, Drake x ??
For previous chapters: catch up here
Prompts: This is my first attempt at prompt challenge that I accepted. It was posted by @riseandshinelittleblossom and I was given these lines by @openheart12 . The lines appear bold in the story.
Special thanks to my dear friend @bbrandy2002 for pre reading and keeping up with me at all the odd hours. Can't forget to mention @speedyoperarascalparty who helped me with the texting message video in the begining of the story. Thank you so much dear.
Tags: @ao719 @bbrandy2002 @choiceskatie @drakewalker04 @gkittylove99 @hopefulmoonobject @jovialyouthmusic @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @speedyoperarascalparty @texaskitten30
Part 3:
In the morning my eyes open to the notification sound from my phone. It’s from Livy.
That last message makes me jump out of the bed. It is my favourite event- The Derby.
As I get ready my thoughts wander around the little banter I had with Livy over chat. I find myself smiling as I remember all those times, we had these talks growing up. It has always been like this. Every reply would always be to tease each other. Two years ago, she officially took over her duchy from her aunt Lucretia, who was a caretaker till Livy grew up. I shied away from there, as I found it inappropriate for a commoner to be a regular visitor to a Duchess. And now, we are left only with messaging each other. I hardly look at her in public. I shake my thoughts as they turn serious.
I need to go to the stables early. I quickly get ready and head to Liam’s room. I knock on the door and walk in without waiting for Liam’s reply.
“In the name of good Lord! Can’t you wait for a moment before I answer the damn door!” Liam shrieks trying to cover himself.
I give out a laugh and turn my back. “Okay, I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you that I am heading to Honeyhill downs a bit earlier then our plan. Ember is not well and she may feel left out while other horses are out for the race. I’m going to stay back with her. I will join you at the tents just before the race.”
Liam puts on his robe and comes to face me. “Do you realise you talk about that horse as if she is your girlfriend? Seriously, if you show even a tiny bit of same affection towards a human being you may have a real lady to call yours. And why didn’t you inform me last night?”
“I would have but that would have meant disturbing your little precious moment at the maze with your”, I say using air quotes, “girlfriend.”
Liam’s eyes give away a surprised look just for fraction of a second before composing himself. “I really like her!”, he says solemnly. “And I hope things work in our favour. But with this crowd of nobles I fear I will lose her.” Suddenly his demeanour changes and he looks at me with pleading eyes. “Can you help me by looking out for her? Especially when I am drowned in the rituals of the court.”
I know his feelings are sincere and I understand that this is important to him as Liam never asks anything of me-ever. He is a man who knows giving away for everybody. So I immediately agree and assure him that I will watch out for Riley.
I drive my truck and reach the stables well in time to give a quick check of all the horses. As planned, I stay back with Ember. When it’s about time I give her a pat, “Next time you will be fit enough to race, sweetheart! For now, you relax. I will come to check on you again tomorrow.”
As I move out of the stables I find Riley wandering nearby. “You seem to be lost.”
“Oh! Hi! Yes. Maxwell instructed me to move to the pink tents after meeting the press. But I can’t find pink tent anywhere.”
“Misinformed! You need to go to the white tent. Come on and I will show you the way.” We start walking in the right direction.
“You will be watching it from the same tent ?” she asks .
“No. I will be with Liam in his private tent.”
“May I join in too?”
“I am not sure. Let me check.” I quickly message Liam and get a prompt positive reply. “Lets go.”
We walk to the enclosed private tent around the racetrack. “There you go.”
She signals me to be quiet by placing a finger on her lips. I look at her puzzled. She moves in the tent behind Liam. He is staring at the racetrack busy in his thoughts. She makes a sound to scare him “Booh!”
He jerks up out of his seat, scared, but takes her in his arms within the next moment. She giggles in his warm hug and he has the broadest smile on his face. He looks up at me n mouths the words, ‘thank you!’ I m unknowingly smiling wide looking at the spark in my friend’s eyes.
As we settle down the race begins and we place our bets. I excuse myself in between to give the two love birds some time with each other. As the race comes to an end I escort Riley to the ladies group.
As I leave her, I get a glimpse of Livy's eyes staring at her. There is a flash of sadness before she covers it up with her cynical smile. I turn back to join Liam as we head to the lawn picnic. My mind is still trying to process what I saw in Livy's stare. I need to talk to her.
Queen Regina makes appearance at the lawn picnic. But what surprises everyone is Madeleine accompanying her. The former crown prince Leo abdicated the thrown after his social season. Madeleine is his ex fiancé. So everyone is wondering why is she here now?
Soon it is made clear that she is participating in Liam’s social season, as well. I look at Liam and we share our uncomfortable feeling over this awkward moment.
The teams are declared, Queen with Madeleine and Liam chooses Riley in his team. The game begins but my attention is caught by the pain in those green eyes.
I am not able to keep my eyes off Livy's face. What is it dear? I want to hug her right now and ask but I know I cannot be near the duchess without any urgent matter to discuss.
I lose interest in all the fun and game because, my mind is revolving around the same thought. I am going to meet Livy soon after this. I don’t realise when the game ends and when Max drags me along to the tea table.
Riley and Liam are seated already. There is another lady at the table. Riley perks up to make introductions. “ I am pleased to make your acquaintance with Lady Hana. Though we are competing as suitors here, I have found a great friend in her.” Hana’s brown eyes light up as she smiles and nods in curtsy. I acknowledge.
I settle down next to Liam. He senses my uneasiness and raises an eyebrow. I try to convince him with a smile and shake my head.
“Nothing that can’t wait for later.” I whisper.
We start eating the tiny tarts and just spoonful of snacks, something I hate about these events. I complain in the end that I m still hungry. Riley brings up cronuts and the rest of the table gets excited about trying the cronuts at a nearby bakery. I look at Liam wide eyed when I see him agreeing to sneak out of palace on Riley’s proposal. Liam is going all head over heels; my friend is planning to break rules! Whatever happened to the ‘stick to the rules' guy? Anyways, we plan to meet near the maze after sunset.
As we break off, I rush to the palace to catch up with Livy. I walk around her room for some time till I find the corridors clear and then tap urgently on her door.
“Come in,” her sharp voice calls out.
“Livy, it’s me!” I say as soon as I enter in. I feel weird. It’s been almost an year since I met her in private.
She is standing in the balcony, holding a glass in her hand, her eyes lost in the landscape somewhere in front of her.
“Livy?” I call out again as I get closer to her.
“ I don’t like it.” She says.
“Don’t like what?”
“This,” she shows her hands thrown out in general. “All this! I am stuck. We are stuck.”
“What’s going on in your mind, Livy?”
She frowns and glares at me. “First you move away now Liam is moving out.”
“I am pretty much here.”
“Yes, you are. Like everyone else is. For the crown.”
“I am still not getting what you want.” I purposely tease her more. She needs to lash out to get back to normal. Her Nevrakis' blood needs to boil enough before the outburst. “The events are going great and everyone is enjoying. Liam is happy, I think, really, very happy.” I push into her barriers a bit more.
I see the emeralds of her eyes getting clouded red with tears. There it comes. I brace myself. It is not an easy feat to stand alone against the wrath of Olivia Nevrakis.
“Just a year ago, I had all three of you, who called themselves my friends, with me!” she snarled. “ I was fine handling the heavy weight of the duchy of Lythikos all alone because I knew I had all of you to lean on. To keep me alive and human enough. Not the robotic royal machine I have to be in front of those high-headed nobles.”
“But you”, she jabbed a finger in my chest making me loose my balance. “ You were the first to conveniently wiggle out of the warmth that kept me together.” I stand straight again. “And now Liam is going all goofy puppy around that American. Fine! He is in love. I am happy for him. But he forgets,” she controls a sob, “forgets to be with me even on my parent’s death anniversary! Something that we have been doing together since I lost them.”
“ I am sorry Livy! I am so so sorry. I didn’t realise..” I don’t know what to say. I have always been worse, never having the right words in handling such situations. I try to move ahead and hug her, comfort her. But her palm faces right at me, stopping me.
“No. Not now. Not anymore.”
“Livy please!”
“I can see it’s getting worse. You kept treading outside my room long enough.” I looked at her with a shock. Nothing is hidden from her. She knew it was I outside her room!
Gauzing my thoughts, she continues. “I can recognise your footsteps. You should better know that by now.! You are scared to come and meet me or talk to me. I told you when I took up the duchy that I don’t care if you are a commoner. But you still continue acting Mr. Weird. I can’t take it anymore.”
She wipes the tears now rolling down her burning cheeks. With a new resolution, she blurts out, “It’s better that we stay away. I don’t want to be in and out of the comfort zone every other day. It’s better I take all the pain and hurt for once and all.”
I make another attempt to mellow her down. “Don’t do this Livy. Please!” I try to change the mood. “Riley has planned a sneak out cronut party. Come! We will enjoy ourselves together. It will be a nice change from the formal events. Max will be there too.”
She looks into my hopeful eyes one last time and then turns her back. “ I think I made myself pretty clear there. I don’t want to get hurt again. One day you're going to wake up and notice that you should have tried. I was worth the fight. It was nice knowing you. Enjoy your cronuts. Good bye!”, she walks away to her private chambers.
I stand there dumbfound. Suddenly my shoulders slump and I feel a heavy weight on my chest. After few minutes of inaction, I drag myself out of her room to the lawns outside. Somehow this is one moment where I don’t care if anyone catches me coming out of her room. I wish I had been brave enough earlier too, to not bother about who was watching me.
It feels like the worst day of my life. Losing her.
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dariaviardo · 5 years
Sander’s character in quotes:
It’s really long, please don’t be mad 💗
I’m older than you!!
*curses in German*
here’s a random fun fact about Bowie-
i can mime too, how cool is that?
it’s a bird! it’s a plane! it’s britt! shit 😬
i don’t know where i’m going from here but I know i’m going away from my girlfriend
don’t break records!
i broke a record hahaha
yes, i know i’m funny
Robbe, you robbed my heart ☺️💕
see what i did there?
*someone is talking about Bowie* I’m about to end this man’s whole career 🤬
yes, I like to show off my knowledge of music history, so what?
did you know Bowie could mime? of course you didn’t
welcome to my TED talk no one asked for
were you impressed that i know that Aretha Franklin was born in 1942?
well, you should’ve been
*Amber exists* YOU’RE WRONG
*Amber does anything* STOP
*Amber talks* CAN YOU JUST PLEASE BE QUIET? have a bit of respect!
*Amber leaves* THANK GOD!
*Amber is mentioned* Amber is still sleeping 🙄
*Amber is mentioned again* SHE! IS! NOT! HERE!!!!!! 🤬
*Lindsey Lohan voice* I never said that Amber is a cunt. Amber is my friend! 😇
everything becomes healthy if you add ketchup
we’re either doing it my way or my way
get ready to be mindblown
get ready to be blown
get ready! i’m really spontaneous
these shoes were made for walking and this is what they’ll do! Britt, I’m walking away from you lol
my lines are cheesy, so are my croques
a bad hair day? is it even a thing?
dude, can you even swim?
name three of his songs or else!
we only kissed once, but here’s my heart and a drawing i made of you
“get your crush to strip their clothes off on the first date challenge” accepted
i’m taking “blonde bitch” to the next level
yes, i know i’m cute, i have a mirror at home
no, i won’t follow your friends back on instagram
in case of emergency i bring out my puppy eyes because god gave them to me for a reason
if you put me in a black-and-white movie, i’ll look the same as i do in real life
colours are overrated
*draws in intense colours*
is it too much to ask for bacon and eggs in the morning?
where’s chips and mayonnaise?
why am i the only snack in the house?
yes, i biked for 30 minutes to this bakery. all the others suck!
*Gordon Ramsay voice* I NEED A PAN
*cooks* get ready to be mindblown, peasants
*Robbe doesn’t know how to turn on a stove* THAT’S MAD CUTE, let me feed you ☺️💗
*chef’s kiss*
yes, i like to shout
no, sharing your music with someone you like is not scary
i’ll make Bowie playlists for you until you pass that damn exam
i’ll give you 5 stars on booking if you marry me
*moans to a Bowie song*
no, I didn’t do it to seduce you
how many times do i have to tell you that it was accidental? i just really like that song!
skinny dipping is the best
be gay, do crime
don’t underestimate the gloves though
you don’t have to scan everything 😏
don’t. scan. everything.
i solemnly swear i’m up to no good
you’re expensive, let me steal ya
my boyfriend is cuter than yours
my eyes are greener than yours
*is cute in 3 languages*
*is judgmental in 6 languages*
*supports Robbe in 6743236 languages*
don’t talk to me before my morning covfefe
sorry, i gotta sander
fock “netflix and chill”, let’s swim in the freezing water
*brrrrrrrr* it’s not that cold
ugh, finally my girlfriend left, let’s make out
who’s your favorite actor?
anyway, mine is-
fuck Romeo and Juliet, let’s be Bonnie and Clyde
WOAH what is your plan?
mine is to be with you forever 🥰
oops i didn’t mean to say it out loud
yeah, i catch feelings real fast
i’m a simple man. i see a door and peak my head through it
i like my croissants fresh and in bed
if i were a musician, i’d write more albums about you than Taylor Swift does about her exes
YOU 😍 ARE 😍 SO 😍 CUTE, let’s break law together
are you hungry?
you’re not? wtfock, man???
did you just lick my nipple? the audacity! do it again!!!
i bleached my hair because i heard that blondes have more fun
why do you think getting your name tattooed on my face is a bad idea?
i’m not extra, i’m romantic
Robbe, you wanna robbe a bank with me?
don’t call me a human, i’m an earthling
and you’re my space cowboy ☺️💕forever!!! 🥰
is there life on mars?
there isn’t? i thought so
planet earth is blue and there’s nothing i can do
stop judging me, i still think it’s a perfect caption for instagram
I think we won and THAT IS THAT
i don’t wish i were born in the 70’s only because i wouldn’t meet you 😋
*Robbe does a magic trick* are you a magician? because whenever I look at you everything else disappears 😍
no, you are not my boyfriend, you are my lover
in a room full of art i’d still stare at you. and ask for the manager
Robbe, i’ve packed up our things, we’re moving, there are no walls left in this city to paint your face on
honestly, so annoying!
can i speak to the manager???
*goes on an endless rant about Bowie again*
If you’ve read it this far, I love you, you’re a true legend and Sander has got you absolutely whipped.
Feel free to add on! 💖
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kingludoavarius · 5 years
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@ludogivemebabies @victoriaz2002
This is based on an old fan-fiction I wrote a couple years ago called “Ludo and the Lost Laser Puppy”. It takes place in season 3.
8 were made, conjured by magic, meant to be loved. But one was lost, sucked into a black hole, forgotten by time, space, and most of all, his creator. Alone for almost a year, this pup drifted the void, the longest occupant of deep space to be challenged only by one other. It’s only inevitable, even in the vastness of space that they meet.
Ludo: I spy with my little eye… something ummm… I don’t know, black.– Is it space?– YES! For the forty-thousandth time yes!– Well you don’t have to yell at me– Well maybe if you’d listen for once maybe I wouldn’t have to!– Gee, I wonder why nobody listens to you– Oh don’t you give me that sarcasm!… You know, I’m starting to think coming back here was a bad idea.– Sigh, you came back here to find yourself remember? Well yeah, but it’s not just that. I feel like I’m supposed to be here for a reason, like something more important is out here.– Hey wait, what time is it?– How the heck am I supposed to know?– Well, you’ve been going by that comet that circulates about every once a day.– It’s late.– HOW DARE IT BE LATE I RELY ON THAT! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KEEP UP WITH MY BUSY SCHEDULE WITHOUT A TRACK OF TIME?… Oh wait there it is… waitaminute, that’s no comet… that’s a MOON!
Ludo could feel the gravitational forces on his body. He was getting sucked towards a massive moon’s orbit. As he descended, he toppled over a hill, bumping his head, knees and ribs before landing on flat surface where he fell unconscious.
A few hours later, Ludo is pulled back towards consciousness by a few weird sensations, first, pitter patters of what sounded like tiny little feet softly tapping against the moon rock, followed by what sounded somewhat like quick sniffing, all around his body, working it’s way from Ludo’s toes all the way up to his beak, the small creature sniffing his breath, Ludo could smell the creatures’ breath as well, not particularly pleasant as it reeked of the digestion of things that we’re once alive that Ludo wasn’t particularly familiar with. The being climbs on him, tiny, but sharp paws digging into his rib cage as the creature licks to taste him.
Ludo jolts awake, started and startling the small creature, a ragged, skinny, angry puppy. The dog stood there, gritting small but ridiculously sharp teeth at Ludo and growling at him. There was no love in this creatures eyes, only primal instincts.
Ludo: Pff, oh really? What are you gonna do pipsqueak? Nibble at my ankles?
Ludo mocks the dog only to receive a laser beam to the chest. Ludo falls right on his back, stunned by the laser. The ground starts to shake around them and out of a small crater at Ludo’s head shoots a purple tentacle. It turns out, the moon was ALIVE, and it was angry for being disturbed once again. More tentacles emerged. Angered by the fact that Ludo had awakened the beast in the moon. The tentacle grabs Ludo and starts squeezing the life out of him. The puppy shoots the tentacle with the laser, loosening the grip on Ludo causing him to fall to the ground. The dog grabs his ankles with sharp teeth, rag-dolling the bird against sharp rocks as he dodged rocks and tentacles. Ludo had greatly underestimated his strength as the dog drug him nearly a mile into a cave where the moon ceased it’s attack.
Ludo: You… you saved me from that thing. Thank you.
The dog ignored as it angrily began to groom itself and mend to the scabs all over it’s body. Ludo reaches out to touch him but is met with retreat and a savage rearing of hungry yellowed teeth. This was when Ludo noticed just how tortured the poor dog was. His gut as drawn from the water left in oases that was meant for the moon itself and nutrition he received by eating the tentacles he had to fight to obtain, his eyes, where once bubbly and pure, now weary. What was once soft fur had become overgrown, shaggy and dirty. By all nature’s rights the dog should have died long ago, but whether it was by magic, or sheer will of determination to survive and see it’s masters, brother and sisters someday, the dog trooped on every day for over a year. The dog approaches, as if ready to pounce Ludo and devour him when he remembers.
Ludo: Oh yeah!
From inside his own back he pulls another similar back of potato chips, filled to the brim. This was the magic bag Star had given to Ludo to feed himself. It would regenerate chips so that Ludo would not go without food once again. He quickly opens the bag and pushes it towards the puppies’s face. The dog pulls back, but then sniffs the bag, realizing it’s food. He lunges into the bag and starts devouring chips, eating faster than the chips could come back.
Ludo: Hey remember to save me some of those.
Content, the dog walks away from the bag.
Ludo: I hope you enjoyed yourself.
The dog ignores him and goes to sleep in the corner taking short, quick breaths as it sleeps.
Ludo: You’re quite a soldier there little fella. I get that. I’m small, and honestly after all I’ve been through I have no right to be alive, but you. You’re a whole another level aren’t you? How long have you been here? How long has this nightmare been your life?
Ludo goes to sleep in the cave, awakened only a few hours later by faint whimpering. The dog looks at him.
Ludo: What?
Ludo is generally confused. The dog runs outside, prancing.
Ludo: Well if you need to go, just go. I don’t care where. Your house… er cave… your rules.
The dog walks off. Rolling his eyes in frustration, Ludo follows. They tread with caution, trying not to reawaken the moon. The dog does his business, burying it, Ludo realizing how disturbing it must be to be alive and having smaller creatures release their excrement all over you. The puppy barks at Ludo, signalling him to follow. The dog trails Ludo to a river. Ludo takes a canteen out of his bag, filling it with the water from the moon, taking a drink before doing a spit-take, the water had an unnatural taste to it, but of course, it was weird moon water. The dog had grown accustomed to it. Who knew what the water held, but for mysterious reasons, Ludo felt invigorated even though he had no actual sustenence. The experience was weird, but could perhaps explain why the dog had not dehydrated, for he rarely ever had to go there, which really, was the only bit of mercy the Pup took from his stay on the moon.
A lingering smell caught Ludo’s beak. He couldn’t put his finger on it but it was amazing. Enamored by the alure, Ludo walked towards the smell, practically entranced by it. The puppy follows him, curious. The strange smell was leading Ludo to a small crater in the moon, filled with red liquid, and bubbling the ooze tempted Ludo. The puppy panicked, dragging at Ludo’s bag and barking as Ludo kept moving. he swayed at the dog’s face, causing him to release a laser from his eye by mistake and hitting the crater, spilling the red liquid. The moon was angry as it’s bait for Ludo had been thwarted, the tentacles burst through the ground once again, Ludo running in fear while the puppy stays to fight it with lasers. As Ludo flees the tentacles he hears a sharp yelp, the puppy is getting strangled by the tentacle. Angered, Ludo rushes in. The tentacle slaps Ludo, causing him to land near an assortment of rocks. Ludo scrambles for the sharpest one, finding one as edged as he could get, and rushes towards the swaying beast, letting out a blood-curdling warcry as he lunges towards the tentacle, stabbing it as hard as he could, the tentacle writhes in agony as the pup falls. Ludo leaps in to catch the small pup and grabs him just before hitting the ground. He runs with the hurt dog as far as he could. The angry tentacle grabs both of them. Thinking it’s their doom, they look at each other, closing their eyes. But instead of killing the two, the moon decides to toss the two as far out of the planet’s orbit as possible. The puppy looks in a state of half-despair as the bitter place he knew as “home” faded into the distance.
Ludo: It’s okay puppy. A home’s not a home if you’re not welcome. I would know.
He reaches his hand out to pet the dog, and for the first time, it finally gives in and lets him.
As Ludo finds himself relieved to be away from the killer moon, the puppy continues to look distraught.
Ludo: You’re an amazing little puppy. Hey now, don’t be sad. We’ll find a place… together… you and me. We’re not that different. You had to learn everything on your own, so did I.
He looks at the puppy, smiling, but the dog returns nothing but a face of remorse.
Ludo: Why are you looking at me like that?
They make eye contact. Somehow Ludo feels like he can read the dog’s thoughts just from his expression. Ludo starts to sob, feeling somewhat rejected, but he draws back his feelings, taking one large breath.
Ludo: I get it. You miss your people. Who were they? I feel like I know you… but I don’t. It’s so faint… think, think… ow.
Ludo conks his noggin, before realizing.
Ludo: Waitaminute, normal puppies don’t have laser eyes. Puppies with laser eyes, cute and deadly. Deadly and cute… NO… it can’t be… are you… one of Princess Butterfly’s dogs? Well, only one way to find out.
Ludo lifts the dog, awkwardly looking outward, Ludo looks at the dog’s butt.
Ludo: Yup, a heart, I knew it. Of course… of all the goshblasted people why her! How could she?! How could that Princess be so careless as to leave a puppy alone in the void for all this time?… Ennhhh… I guess she misses you… If she even remembers you. I think she had like 7 or 8 of you at some point. So what do you say? Wanna go see your old master?
The dog lifts his head in curiosity.
Ludo: Now uhh… hmmm. How are we gonna get outta here?
Out in the distance, he sees a Star, golden bright, hurdling through the reaches of space.
Ludo: Wow what convenience. We’re gonna go see your master, puppy! I need you to do one thing. FIRE THAT LASER!
The dog smooshes his eyes together, preparing the most focused laser beam he could, it jettisons Ludo and puppy through space.
Ludo: Faster, puppy, or she’ll get away!
The puppy then fires a laser as hard as it can, cannon balling Ludo and the puppy through space towards Star, in her Butterfly form having one of her nightly travels through the void. She opens a portal.
Ludo: Hurry puppy! She’s getting away!
The dog can feel itself running out of energy, but then Ludo gets a plan, he plucks one of his feathers out his head and tickles the dog’s nose, causing it to sneeze, releasing one more burst of laser, and slamming Ludo and the puppy right into Star and she escapes through the portal, closing behind all three of them. Knocking Star, whose reverted back to regular form, face-first into the floor and waking Marco from his rather uncomfortable sleep on the chair.
Star: What the heck!
Marco: Who? What? No I wasn’t sleeping. Huh?
Star: Ludo? And uhhh… a scrappy looking puppy?
Ludo: I believe this is yours.
Star: Mine? But I have all ei-WAITAMINUTE! Lemme see that dog.
She picks up the puppy. Looking at him. She then turns it over.
Star: Awww It has a cute little heart on it’s booty Marco! It is mine!
Marco: Wait… we have all our dogs.
Star: OMG! Marco, you rememeber when we first met, and that one time I made a black hole in your room and it sucked one of the laser puppies in?
Marco: Oh yeah! I uhh… I forgot about that one. And then we just made another 8th… oh.
Marco looks at the puppy, feeling ultra guilty.
Marco: Ohh jeez we left a little pup out in the middle of who knows where and never went looking for him.
Star: Yeah… I guess he just fell off our radar, being as how busy we were with… you know… being teens.
Ludo: How could you two be so reckless?! Allowing things to get thrown into the darkness of space? Something so small, and helpless… and… scared.
Star: Are you ok?
Ludo: I’ll be fine. I’m always fine. I might as well just get going. I know I’m not exactly welcome here.
Star: You obviously care alot about this little guy. I think it’d only be fair if you get to say your goodbyes.
The dog runs to Ludo, standing on his hind legs pressing his paws into Ludo looking at him, begging him not to leave.
Ludo: Please don’t make this harder than it has to be.
The dog proceeds and he just can’t handle himself. He wraps his arms all the way around the laser puppy, weeping profusely. After nearly a minute in silence he puts the dog down and walks out the bedroom door.
Star: Ludo… thank you for bringing him back. If you’d like. I could give you another toss into the_
Ludo: No, I think I’ll make due here. It’s about time I stopped neglecting things too.
Star: Good luck.
Marco: Major props tonight Ludo.
He leaves by the main stairway, being sure not to be seen by the guards. The puppy approaches it’s brothers and sisters, all playfully bouncing small lasers aimlessly. At first he’s excited, but then it fades. He is worried. What if his sisters don’t like him, or they forgot about him too. He approaches, and the other puppies retreat, afraid of the more gruesome and worn puppy. The puppy looks as his brothers and sisters play. Tries to get in the action and play too, to be a pup, but he doesn’t feel it. After what seems like an hour with his brothers and sisters he just gives up. He’s just not the same dog as the others. His world isn’t the same as theirs. He’s become too much like Ludo, young at heart but far too old for his own good, an outcast, a freak.
Star looks at the puppy, watching him sit in the corner by himself, looking miserable, hoping all he needs is more time. But she too is in denial. Marco walks up to the dog in an attempt to play with him. The dog won’t even engage in so much as pounce at a toy. Marco holds the puppy close. It gives him a small lick on the nose.
Marco: You and I both know what you really want, don’t we.
He stares at Marco. Marco takes off the dog’s collar and leash and Star looks at him like he’s gone mad.
Star: Marco? What are you doing?
Marco: The right thing. Go on. You know where you want to go little fella. The dog looks up at Marco and smiles before jolting at top speed, sprinting down the castle steps, skipping entire stairs on the way down. He never seen a dog run so fast.
Star: Puppy come back! I love you… you just came back…
Marco puts his hand on her shoulders
Marco: Star, let him go. This is what he wants.
Star: He’s just a puppy, Marco!
Marco: Never stopped him before.
Star wraps her arms around Marco, Star looking somewhat worried while Marco gives a proud smile.
The dog searches for Ludo, sniffing his scent for miles, the scent of Gold N’ Crisp potato chips fresh in the dog’s memory. Through forests he trekked, through insurmountable danger he did not fear he tracked Ludo until he could see a small golden glint in the corner of his eye. The moon reflecting off of Ludo’s laminated plastic bag was indistinguishable from any shrubbery that could be produced. Ludo continued to walk, aimlessly, thoroughly defeated and uncaring as to what happened to him next. In the distance he thought he heard barking, simply brushing it off as his imagination, or tiredness. But the sound grew louder. Believing he was going mad, he looked all over. He squinted, widening his eyes when much to his surprise the puppy came like a boulder towards him faster than those scrawny legs made possible. Ludo swelled with joy as the puppy drew closer. The dog leaps into the air as he gets near Ludo as he outstretches his arms. The dog totally pulverizes Ludo, knocking him to the ground and showering Ludo with more love than he ever received in his entire life, and returned to the pup in equal amounts. It was destiny. Two broken souls, fitting together to make something whole. Ludo wondered why the puppy didn’t stay with Star and Marco, but it didn’t last too long cause it was the happiest he’d ever been in his entire life.
Ludo decides he wants to try to build a house out in the woods, deciding in an almost gutsy way to build it within a reasonable distance from his awful family,  Thinking of Dennis. However. He wanted to try his hand at some of the newfound hope he’d received with his new best friend. The house he erected with the help of the puppy wasn’t a particularly perfect house. In fact it was rather flawed, but after three or four tries, he managed to make some chairs without them breaking under his rump, and even learned to eventually make a house that didn’t straight up fall apart just from opening the door. Ludo knew he wasn’t the best at particularly anything, but he didn’t care, and kept trying and trying to be the best he could be at being him every day from then on out.
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The New Receptionist Pt. 11
Pt 11.
Alice: Things are finally starting to feel normal around here. With Jim and Pam gone it got weird around here, and Dwight got power hungry. He’s tried everything I can think of to get Jim demoted back to salesman. I’ve tried to talk him out of it, but he’s not easily swayed.
Dwight: Oh, I have a plan
Dwight shows the cameras the mallard and the pen, both bugged with microphones to record things inside Jim’s office. The cameras pan to catch Dwight talking with Jim and placing the bugs. Dwight looks back, grinning at the cameras.
“What are you up to?” I challenge, watching Dwight sit back at his desk.
“Oh, me? Nothing…” Dwight lies, still grinning.
While on my break, I hear yelling from the kitchen:
“I could give a f–– about your happiness, stop dating my mother!” I peer in, worried for Pam, and who looks to be Michael.
“Oh, my god…”
The cameras follow me into the kitchen, and I pretend to not hear anything, fixing myself coffee and looking for a snack. Pam storms out and Michael looks like a hurt puppy. I try to ignore his mumbling before he starts to head back to his office.
Almost immediately, I leave the kitchen and head to Pam’s desk.
“Hey,” I whisper.
The cameras catch Dwight listening in.
“I heard something between you and Michael, are you okay?”
Pam scoffs, “absolutely not.”
She gets up and leaves the office, and Jim quickly follows after her. Dwight looks between me and the cameras and I go back to my desk. In between transferring calls and doodling on post-it notes, I catch the drama going down between Jim, Pam, and Michael.
“What’s going on?” Dwight asks me, leaning over my desk.
“I’m surprised you don’t know– you’re Michael’s wingman.”
“I haven’t gotten anything from the bug…” Dwight mumbles, but I catch it.
“What bug?”
“There’s no bug, Al. It’s a figure of speech.” He laughs nervously before walking away.
I find something in Jim’s office that has a recording device attached, and decide to help him out.
“Hey, Kelly! I saw this cool duck and thought it would look adorable on your desk!”
“Oh, my god, Alice! I love it! Super cute! Thank you so much! You know Ryan loves ducks? He’ll say he prefers flightless birds, but he loves ducks!”
At 5 o’clock, I head down to the parking lot to find Dwight washing Jim’s car.
“Dwight, what’s going on? I want to go home!”
He turns around, ashamed, spraying the car with a hose.
“I bugged Jim’s office, so he’s making me wash his car…”
“I know, I just want you to feel bad about it.” I tease him, watching him rinse the suds off of their windows.
“You’re a terrible liar, Dwight. I’ll be in the car.”
.      .      .
“I’m ashamed of my small nose.” Dwight admits, looking around the room clearly embarrassed.
I grab his hand and kiss his face quickly.
“I like your nose,” I whisper.
Angela scoffs and rolls her eyes. Michael writes ‘nose too small’ on the white board.
The rest of the day goes by slightly hostile with everyone making fun of each other and Michael in particular. It drags on without having Pam around but I understand that she needs to raise her sales.
Alice: Pam is like my best friend here at the office, of course I want her to succeed! It just gets super boring around here. Plus, I feel bad that she has to spend the day with Andy…
Pam and Jim come in the next morning looking happier than I’ve seen them since they came back from their honeymoon.
Pam: Today is my mom’s birthday, and Michael is coming to lunch with us! I’m pretty nervous…
Jim: But I’ve been doing my best to keep her calm. I made her breakfast in bed this morning–
Pam: It was great, I’m just hoping this all goes smoothly. Michael can be a bit much
“Good luck!” I say as the the two pairs walk out the door.
Dwight walks up to my desk and leans over the top nearly knocking over the candy dish.
“Remember when you said you wished the office had… a place?” He whispers.
The cameras are on us, catching everything.
“Uh… Yes?” I say, trying to brush it off.
I don’t need the cameras knowing this much about us, or catching anything I don’t want them to.
I glance towards the coat rack, avoiding Dwight’s eye.
“Well, I know a place. Meet me in the warehouse in five minutes.” He pecks my lips and walks back to his desk, giving the cameras a smug look.
Alice: Look, I may have mentioned it one night a while back… I don’t actually want to do anything at the office… Do you guys know where this place is? Are you going to, like, film stuff? That has to be illegal… Wait, how does Dwight know about this place?
I meet Dwight where he instructed strictly to ask him about it. He greets me with a grin and pulls me in a supply room in the warehouse. He starts kissing my face and neck, holding me close by my hips.
“How do you know about this?”
He freezes.
“Dwight?” I repeat.
He stays silent, obviously not wanting to tell me. I can tell he wants to lie, but he knows I can tell when he’s lying.
“I’ve been here before,” he explains vaguely and curtly before reattaching his lips to my neck.
I refuse to let this go, and he notices my lack of affection.
“C’mon, Al, don’t you ever get bored and want to… find something entertaining?”
I cross my arms to create space between us, and he sighs.
“I… Used to come down here…”
“Oh, my god, with Angela?”
He nods, not looking at me.
“That’s disgusting Dwight. I’m not just some office shag. If that’s what you thought this was…” I can’t help the tears brimming in my eyes.
I love Dwight. I’ve never told him, but that’s how I feel. And if he feels significantly less for me, then this isn’t what I thought it was.
“No, no, no, Al…” Dwight holds me by my shoulders, then moves his hands up to wipe my tears. “I just thought… I don’t know. I’m sorry you took it that way, that’s not at all what I intended.”
“We’re so much more than that to me, Dwight.”
“I know,” he whispers, pulling me to his chest  and kissing the top of my head.
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 19 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: Well, life is being hella weird lately which makes me write painfully slow but all hail the gods of the sore throats because it finally gave me the time to sit my potato ass down and finish writing this chapter! Some of this chapter is based off of a horrible experience I’ve had last Thursday, so please read the warnings carefully because some of it might be triggering. So, this time we have the perfect mix of anxiety and fluff. Cheers!
Word Count: ~4K 
Warnings: BIG FAT TRIGGER WARNING - Almost-sexual-assault. If you’ve ever been in this situation, this chapter might now be a good idea. Read at your own risk. Also, Joe/Annie shenanigans and lots of Rory.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , Chapter 16 , Chapter 17 , Chapter 18 
Annie pushed the stroller along, rambling on to Rory to distract herself from what was about to happen. It was a beautiful, late-summer day. A slow breeze caressed her skin and blew the skirt of her yellow sun-dress. If it were any other day, Annie would bask in the sunshine, sit on a bench and indulge in some people-watching while Frankie ran about and Rory cooed at the birds flying around.
Jamie sat on a bench, shaded by a tree. He stared intently in the direction Annie was supposed to arrive in, trying to run every possible scenario in his mind. In his imagination, he expected to see an exhausted, rundown version of her. When she rounded the corner, however, all he could think of was sunshine.
He stood up to greet her, although she was still rather far away. He wore his favourite t-shirt - a grey, Heineken logo tee with the sleeves cut off, showing off his toned arms. His mop of curly auburn hair blew in the light wind. With board-shorts and flip-flops, he looked so out of place.
They both exchanged awkward smiles as Annie approached. Annie glanced down and noticed Rory had fallen asleep, so she pulled the sun-visor down to give her daughter some privacy and shade.
“Are you sure you recently had a baby?” Jamie broke the silence when Annie was close enough, a friendly grin on his face.
“Almost three months ago, yes.” Annie smiled back.
They stood in front of each other. A tense silence engulfed them. Jamie shrugged awkwardly and walked over to Annie’s side, tentatively wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a very uncomfortable side hug. Annie leaned in for a split second, a nervous chuckle following.
“Well, this is awkward.” Jamie dropped his hand and sat on the bench.
“Yeah? Well.” Annie followed and pulled the stroller closer to her. “Whose fault is that?”
“Hey!” Jamie held up both of his hands in surrender. “I come in peace!”
“You really messed everything up, you know.”
“What were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t, clearly.” Jamie finally looked into Annie’s eyes. “I misread the situation. I -”
“Shut up.” Annie snapped. “Those are pathetic excuses.”
“I really am sorry for what I said.” Jamie spoke after a long, uncomfortable silence. “I know I shouldn’t have. I also shouldn’t have gone and drunk-tweeted about you for months. I shouldn’t have acted out like that. It was stupid.” He scuffed his shoe in the dirt. “Guess I just wanted your attention.”
“Did I lead you on, in any way?” Annie’s voice broke slightly. “Was it my fault?”
“I…” Jamie sighed. “No. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Where do we go from here, then?” Annie looked up at his electric blue eyes. “You can’t leave the show.”
Just then, Rory stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and saw her mum looking down at her. With waving fists, she started fussing about in her stroller.
“May I?” Jamie asked, pointing at the stroller.
Annie shrugged and picked Rory up gently. She pressed a kiss to Rory’s cheek, her lips smacking noisily. Rory giggled and kicked happily before she was passed on to Jamie.
He held her carefully and looked at her intently. She was a cute baby, that much was certain. He brought her closer to him, smiling gently at her playful babbling. She quickly took a lock of his hair and twisted it around her little fingers. Much like her mum often did at every chance she had.
“Well, she’s definitely your daughter.”
“Jamie,” Annie tugged at the hem of her dress, “I don’t… Just… don’t leave the show, you moron. Okay?”
Ben stood at the door to the garden, holding a tall glass of fruity smoothies in each hand. He wished he could somehow capture the moment in front of him: Rory laying on her back in a kiddie-pool, splashing around happily in the afternoon sun, with Annie keeping a close eye right next to her, wearing her favourite purple bikini top and one of Gwilym’s running shorts.
As if she could feel Ben’s eyes drilling holes into her form, Annie turned and flashed Ben a bright smile. He truly felt it could blind him right then and there. The colourful parasol Ben had placed to protect his favorite girls cast a rainbow coloured shadow over Annie’s shoulders. Her legs, however, were stretched out and away from the shade.
“You’re setting such a bad example for Rory!” Ben scolded jokingly as he approached her. “At least tell me you put on some sunblock?”
“Christ, fatherhood has made you so uptight!” Annie rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing the sunblock bottle and wiggling it. “Unclench!”
“Oh?” Ben raised an eyebrow, “well then!”
With a challenging smirk, Ben started tilting Annie’s smoothie towards the grass.
“Don’t you dare!” Annie pointed at him.
“Am I uptight?”
“Yes.” Annie scoffed. Ben tipped the glass further. The thick, ice-cold mush started sliding towards the rim. “Ben!”
“Annie, unclench!” Ben stuck the tip of his tongue out before laughing. Collapsing on the picnic blanket next to Annie, he handed her the smoothie and clinked his glass with hers. “Cheers, love.”
“Can you believe you’re nearly done filming?” Annie asked before taking a sip, humming happily at the taste.
“Just two more weeks.” Ben nodded with a small frown. “Unreal.”
“I’m really proud of you.”
“The movie’s not even out yet.” Ben chuckled.
“Still, you worked so hard.” Annie reached over and rubbed circle’s on Ben’s exposed lower back.
Ben wrapped an arm around Annie’s shoulders and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head and resting his chin on it.
“How was your little date with Jamie?”
“It went well.” Annie sighed. “He’s not leaving the show, we agreed to be friendly on set, he got to meet Rory…”
“So, are things back to normal now?”
Annie hummed and shrugged as she sipped her smoothie.  
Ben, Annie and Rory sat out in the garden until the sun started to set. A cool gust of wind blew past them, making Rory and Annie shiver at the same time, much to Ben’s amusement. Collapsing the parasol and grabbing the squealing baby, Ben led the way back in the house.
“We said no presents!”
“She’s three months old today!” Joe protested. “It’s really an achievement, considering!”
“Considering…?” Annie raised an eyebrow.
“She’s got you dumdums as parents…” Joe mumbled and ran away when Annie tried to hit him.
“Children, please!” Gwilym bounced Rory on his hip.
“Bloody knuckle-dragger.” Annie stuck her tongue out at Joe. “She doesn’t need another unicorn plushie!”
“Says who?”
“Her mum!”
“Oh,” Annie rolled up her sleeves, “oh, you little -”
“Annie, do you need a time out?” Gwilym raised his eyebrows.
A moment of silence passed before Rory started cooing and trying to grab at Gwilym’s lips in her tiny hands.
“Those are attached to my face, Rory!” Gwilym mumbled into Rory’s fingers before he opened his mouth and pretended to munch on her hand. Rory squealed and grabbed at his lips again. “God, I love these little baby sausage fingers.”
“They’re more like mini-kebabs, actually.” Clara quipped.
“Can you stop comparing my daughter’s fingers to food?” Annie planted her hands on her hips. “We get it, you’re hungry. The food is on its’ bloody way!”
“Where did you order the food from?” Clara muttered, “Thailand?”
“Ha, ha.” Annie rolled her eyes.
“Holy shit.”
Annie froze like a deer in the headlights upon seeing the expression on Ben’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was a good sign or a bad sign. In an instant, she felt extremely self-conscious and uncomfortable.
“Annie, you look…” Ben circled around her, his eyes scanning over every inch of her body. “Holy shit.”
In a dark green chiffon midi-dress and her long, light-brown hair cascading freely down her back, Annie looked like a renaissance painting. Her make up was soft and barely there, giving her face a natural glow. Ben was mesmerised.
“I did good?” Annie looked up at him, her turquoise eyes shining.
“You did great!” Ben breathed as his hand traced the line on the deep v-neckline of her dress. “You…”
“Did you tell your mum I said hi when you dropped Rory off?” Annie asked as she went off to find her shoes.
“I did.” Ben followed her, a dazed look on his face. “She said she misses you.”
“Aw!” Annie smiled as she bent down and slipped her shoe on. Her cleavage was on full display in front of Ben. He gulped. “Benny, it’s rude to stare.”
“Do we have to go?” Ben bit his bottom lip.
“It’s your film’s wrap-party. A film you star in.” Annie laughed. “Yes, we have to go!”
“Do we? Really?” Ben pouted and flashed Annie the cutest puppy-dog eyes he could muster.
“Yes.” Annie wouldn’t budge.
“It’s just that we haven’t had a night just for us since Rory…” he murmured and decided to change tactics. Taking Annie’s hand in his, he pulled her to him so their bodies were flush against each other. “And after seeing you in that dress, I kind of want you all to myself.”
“We have to go, Ben.”
“We can be a little bit late.” He started swaying slowly, leading her in a slow dance. “Everybody will be so drunk, they won’t even notice.”
His hand slid down her back until it reached her bum. He gave it a gentle squeeze and almost growled when Annie smirked and pulled away from him. Her dress flared softly as she spun around and shrugged, looking back over her shoulder.
“We’re leaving. Now.” Annie flahsed him a smile and wiggled her bum a little. “I promise I’ll let you see me out of the dress as soon as we get home.”
“You’re a cruel, cruel woman.”
“I know.”
“What do you mean, you’re not going?” Joe’s voice climbed an octave. “It’s the press tour! You have to be there!”
“Sorry, mate,” Ben shrugged, “I’ve got a big project I can’t get out of.”
“And you allowed this to happen?!” Joe turned to Annie.
“Not like I had much of a say, really…” Annie laughed nervously. “He’s a big boy.”
“Well, this is just great.” Joe snarled and grabbed his glass of whiskey. “Fucking fantastic.”
“Oh, come on!” Ben huffed. “You’re overreacting.”
“Am I?” Joe hissed after sipping his drink. “Am I overreacting?”
“A little bit, yeah.” Gwil intervened.
“I mean, I’m leaving Annie with a baby while she has to get back to work, alone,” Ben started, “and she wasn’t half as dramatic as you are when I told her about it.”
“Took it like a champ, really.” Annie shrugged.
“Just because you chose a heartless succubus to breed with -”
“Watch it!” Ben interrupted Joe’s ramble with a pointed finger and a steely gaze.
“Ugh.” Joe groaned. “Alright. Fine. Don’t come on the press tour.”
“You’re in some big trouble, now…” Annie murmured to Ben behind her drink.
“But just know this, Benjamin,” Joe leaned forward, squinting his eyes to look menacing. “We’re going to have fun. Lots of it. Without you.”
“I can only imagine.” Ben nodded solemnly.
“No, you won’t have to.” A devilish smile appeared on Joe’s face. “Because we’ll take pictures. And videos. And send them to you.”
“Joe -”
“And you will eat your fucking heart out because you’ll wish you could be there with us.”
“Well, this is fun!” Annie and Clara said at the same time before erupting in giggles.
In the days after the boys had finished shooting, the four men spent almost every waking moment with each other. It wasn’t unusual for Annie to stumble upon Gwilym, Joe or Rami wandering about her house while Ben went out on a beer run or a food run. What she didn’t expect, however, was for Joe to walk in wearing Ben’s clothes.
“Is that Ben’s jumper?” Annie stared at Joe, her mouth slightly open. “It is Ben’s! Why are you wearing Ben’s clothes?”
“He gave it to me.” Joe shrugged.
“Did something happen to your jumper?”
“You’re borrowing clothes, now?”
“I’m not borrowing it. It’s mine.”
Annie blinked in confusion and walked over to Joe. She circled around him. She couldn’t understand, for the life of her, why the hell he wore Ben’s burgundy jumper.
“Take it off.”
“Joseph, this isn’t yours. Take it off, now.”
“He gave it to me!”
“Just like that? For no reason?”
“I gave him one of my awesome t-shirts, okay?”
“Nope.” Annie gestured with her hands at Joe’s torso. “Off it goes.”
“I’m not taking it off.”
“Either you take it off on your own, or I’m taking it off for you.” Annie growled.
Joe’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he processed what she had just said.
“Annie, do you ever listen to the words that come out of your mouth?”
“I’m counting to three, Mazzello.”
“Come at me.” Joe spread his arms tauntingly, raising his eyebrows.
“One.” Annie drawled and scoffed when Joe looked around innocently. “Two.”
“Annie, you’re ridiculous.”
“Three.” Annie lunged at Joe.
Since he didn’t really believe she’d do it, Joe lost his footing and collapsed on the sofa, holding on to Annie and essentially taking her down with him. Rory squealed with laughter in her playpen, watching her mom and her uncle Joey wrestling.
“Annie, stop!”
“Take the damn thing off, already!”
“Um…” Ben stood at the entrance to the living room, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and carrying a plastic bag in the other. “What the fuck?”
Annie straddled Joe’s chest, pinning his hands down on either side of his head. Both Annie and Joe were panting with exertion. Joe’s - or Ben’s - jumper rolled up slightly, exposing Joe’s midriff.  
“Ben, control your woman!” Joe grunted as he tried to wiggle it out.
“He’s wearing my favourite jumper, Ben!” Annie cried at the same time.
“Shut up!” they both snapped at each other, simultaneously, while a dumbfounded Ben looked at them.
The third season's pre-production process was in full gear, but Annie hadn't been too busy with it. An occasional wardrobe fitting here, a hair and make-up test there. She only heard about the new guy joining in through her gossipping hair and make-up artists, who were absolutely smitten with him.
They said he was the perfect mix of Clara and Annie - Clara's ocean blue eyes with Annie's brown hair. He had a baby face and a bit of a country-boy charm to him. All she knew about him, however, was his name.
"Hey, sister!" a dashing young man bellowed as Annie entered the meeting with the production team and the studio heads.
"Michael, I assume?" Annie giggled and extended a hand for him to shake, taking the empty seat between him and Clara.
"Right, now that everyone knows who everyone is again," the director clapped his hands, "can we get on with it?"
"Wait, where's Joel?" Annie wondered, looking at the Line Producer's empty chair.
"We had to let him go while you were on maternity leave, we hired a new guy," one of the bigwigs said coolly and sipped his tea. "Don’t you worry your pretty little head over it. Let's get to business, shall we?"
Annie waited outside for her ride to the little production gathering. She smoothed down her olive-green, lace trimmed tank top and looked down at her blue jeans nervously as a white Seat Ibiza approached her, pulling up to the curb.
"Annie?" a man called through the rolled down window, leaning over the passenger side.
"Yeah." Annie smiled and opened the door, plopping down in the passenger seat.
"I'm Andrew."
As she shut the door closed, she caught him looking at her as if she were his dinner through the corner of her eye. She was no stranger to men checking her out, but it's the first time someone had done it so blatantly. Most men would at least try to be discreet about it. The man licked his lips and bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes locked on Annie's chest.
"Thanks for the lift." Annie tried to start a conversation.
"Yeah, it's no problem." The man seemed to be shaken out of a trance as Annie spoke. He quickly pulled away from the curb. "When they said the star needed a ride, it was a no-brainer. Had to seize the opportunity, you know?"
Annie laughed nervously, her knee bouncing. Something about this guy was a bit weird. Pushing the feeling to the back of her mind, she told herself to relax. Yes, this is the first time she's gone out at night to a social gathering without Ben since Rory; yes, the man was all but a stranger; but she's in a very public relationship with Ben. They're raising a child together. 'You're just paranoid', she repeated to herself in her head. 'Should've just taken a damn Uber.'
"So, what's it like, being the new Line Producer on the block?" Annie
"Had some big shoes to step in to, not gonna lie," the guy chuckled, his eyes squinting a little as he laughed, "but I think I fit right in with the production crew."
"They're an easy lot to get on well with, aren't they?" Annie smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease. "Is this your first job? You seem quite young."
"Yeah, mostly worked as an assistant."
"Wow," Annie whistled playfully, "so this is your first 'Big Boy' job!"
Although he wished he could go with Annie, Ben didn't mind staying in for some quality daddy-daughter time with Rory. He was actually quite thankful that the babysitter cancelled last minute. He felt a bit guilty for all the times he went out with his mates and left Annie, pregnant and alone, to wait around for him at home.
However, when almost two hours passed and he hadn't heard from her, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He couldn't help but wonder what she's doing, who she's talking to, how many drinks she's had. He wasn't a jealous guy, normally, but this is the first time she's been out at night without him. He missed her.
'Everything okay?' Ben hit 'send' and placed the phone face-down on the floor next to Rory.
Seconds later, his phone buzzed.
'At least try and have fun?'
'Phone's battery on 2%.'
'Forgot to charge it again?'
'I just really wish you were here.'
"Fuck!" Annie hissed as her phone died in her hands right as she sent Ben the last text. She stuffed the phone in her purse. "Fucking thing!"
"Everything alright?" Andrew threw his arm up behind Annie, letting it rest on the back of her chair. His legs were spread wide, his body acting as a physical barrier for Annie from the rest of the party.
"Phone died." Annie grumbled and had a sip from her beer.
While Andrew was three beers down, she still cradled her first and took small sips. She enjoyed her beer a lot more before Andrew crashed her table. One minute she was having a perfectly fun conversation with Jamie, Clara and Michael, and the next they all scattered away and she was left alone with Andrew. Before she knew it, he had cornered her into the back wall. She felt tiny under his huge build.
If that wasn't enough, she could have sworn he kept inching closer to her when he felt she wasn't looking. Every time she averted her gaze and tried to locate Clara in the crowded pub, Andrew slid closer to her. It wasn't long before his leg was brushing against her. Annie tried to lean back, away from him, but all she did was glue herself tighter to the wall.
She tried to maintain the small talk and keep it neutral, making sure she's not sending any signals. She crossed her arms over her chest and shrunk even further into the wall. Her body language was closed-off. Other than having a bright neon light over her head reading 'Not Interested',  there wasn't much else she could do.
Then, time seemed to slow down. She felt his hand grab the back of her neck and saw his face coming in to hers, his lips parting. She felt sick. She knew what was happening and she didn't want it to. She knew she had no where to back off to. Nowhere to run.
So she ducked to the side. Dodging him like the guy from the Matrix dodging the bullets flying at him. Her heart was pounding, because she had absolutely no where to go. Andrew physically cornered her. If he wanted to, he could easily force her to kiss him.
However, her Matrix move made him pause for just a second. He blinked in confusion and Annie looked at him closely. The close shave of the hair on his head. The receding hairline. The unkempt stubble. His short, straight eyelashes. His slight double chin. The chest hairs poking out from his shirt's neckline.
"Andrew, no. No." Annie asserted. "I mean, I'm sorry," Annie choked out, "I really don't -"
"I have a boyfriend. We have a child together."
"What he doesn't know can't hurt him, eh?"
Tightening his grip on the back of her head, Andrew tried again. Annie flinched and held her breath, waiting for impact. She could feel bile in the back of her throat. Tears pricking at her eyes. Her hands balled into fists. The entire world seemed to go dark around her.
"What the fuck?" a familiar voice boomed in front of her.
Light started creeping in to her field of vision again. She could hear a chair dragging across the floor, the glasses on the table clattering. She didn't even realize her eyes were shut tight until she had to open them. A hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her up and away from the corner she was lodged in. She collided with Michael's chest as he walked backwards, wrapping his arms around her protectively.
"You okay?" Michael leaned down so Annie could hear him over the blaring music. "Did he do anything?"
Annie shook her head and turned around to find a fuming Jamie towering over Andrew.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?" Jamie pushed Andrew, who stood up and squared up to the tall ginger. "Think it's cool to just corner girls like that?"
"Hey, she didn't say no!" Andrew retorted.
"I did, actually..." Annie scoffed.
"Did he kiss you?" Jamie ground his teeth together. "Did his lips touch any part of you? At all?"
"If you hadn't interrupted..." Andrew slurred.
"You fucking -" Jamie pulled his hand back, clenching his fist harder.
"Jamie, don't!" Clara squeezed between the two men, knowing Jamie was one scandal away from being sacked. "He was just really drunk. Weren't you, Arnold?"
"It's Andrew actu-"
"I don't give a shit." Clara growled. "This is your chance to get the fuck on out of here and pretend this never happened."
"You're home early!" Ben said as Annie walked into the living room. When he heard Annie draw in a shaky breath, he turned around to get a good look at her. "Love?"
"Some idiot tried to kiss me." Annie blurted out and stuffed her trembling hands in her back pockets, hiding them away from Ben's sight. "I didn't want him to."
"The guy who picked me up."
"Did he touch you?"
"Did you say no?" Ben stood up and walked over to Annie, cradling her face in his warm, soft hands. "Did he do anything? How did it even happen?"
"I said no." Annie blinked back a few tears. "He cornered me. Jamie and Clara and the new guy, Michael, were all but gone and he just -"
"I should have been there." Ben peppered kisses all over Annie's face, as if he was making sure that his territory is securely marked. "I should have gone with you."
"Ben, I'm okay."
"Did you punch him in the nuts?" Ben asked, his face serious. "Did you fucking castrate him?"
"No." Annie smiled, a mischievous glimmer flashing in her eyes. "But Jamie almost did."
“Never thought I’d say this,” Ben sighed, “but thank God for Jamie.”
TAGLIST: @ramibaby @xgoingdownx @qweenly @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @rogersgirlfriend @justgivemethekeys @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @rogerspoison @deacy-dearest @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod @likeit-or-leaveit
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writing-mermaid · 6 years
Lots of time to spend with you
Prompt : Sunday morning in family
Words : 1 638
Author’s note : I wrote that story for @supersoldierslover‘s 3K challenge. And this the moodboard she made of the story.
Warnings : None.
Song of the title : Sunday Morning - Spanky and Our Gang
Masterlist - Series masterlist
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Sunday mornings. Days off when none of us have a mission. It doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does, the noisy Tower becomes the quietest place on Earth. I love them, especially when Bucky is here and not on a mission, what doesn’t happen much those last times.
I’m still sleepy when I feel two strong arms wrapping my waist and lips kissing the shell of my ear. “Doll, are you awake ?” “No”, I answer, with a tired little voice. “Yes you are, I know you”, Bucky says, gluing his body to mine, and I can feel his morning boner against my butt. “What do ya want Barnes ?” “I think you know. And I think that with the way your body’s moving, you want it too”, he responds, a sly grin on his lips. And he’s right, my ass is grinding against his bulge. I whisper a small, ‘go on’, and he hooks his fingers on the band of my pajamas’ pants, before sliding it down my legs with my panties and his boxers in almost the same movement. He starts to position himself, my back still to his chest, his metal arm around my waist, keeping me in place, my right arm hooked behind his head, my hand in his hair and at the moment he’s ready to push in, a little voice makes us stop. “Daddy !!! Daddy !!! Mommy !!! Mommy !!!” “Your son’s awake, that mean no sex for you soldier”, I playfully tell him, turning my head to meet his bright blue eyes. “Can’t he wait that we finished it ?” “You know we’ll not have time to.” “Please, just fifteen minutes, he can wait for fifteen minutes ?” “Daddy !!! James hungry !!!” “Okay, okay, I’m going”, Bucky sighs, pulling up his boxers. “But you’ll have to make up to me tonight”, he adds, leaning to kiss my lips before going out of our bedroom to reach our son’s one. “Count on me.” I pull my pajamas up my thighs and stretch my muscles. “Daddy !!! Daddy !!!”, I hear James saying probably when Bucky passes his door. “Hey pal”, Bucky answers him, “did you sleep well ?” I hear James babbling an incomprehensible amount of words and Bucky chuckles at this. He’s barely eighteen months and except for a few words he manages to properly say, the rest is still a babble. He now walks towards the whole Tower, well walk like more runs sometimes, James is a real bundle of energy, looking everywhere, even where he’s not allowed like in Tony’s labs, once, we even found him in the gym, he managed to take the elevator and as someone called the lift downstairs and didn’t see him pass the doors and ran towards the mats. Everyone in the Tower loves him when I would have thought that he would annoy the mighty heroes living here. After a few minutes, I hear the stove being turned on and the sound of the whisk in a bowl. I raise from the bed and take a look down at my belly, trying to push away a very sad memory. I feel better now, but I still think of it sometimes. I start to walk my way to the kitchen, where I find my son sitting in his highchair, chocolate all around his little pink mouth and my husband in front of a stove, his back to me, cooking pancakes. I peck James’ cheek and then goes to Bucky, wrap my arms around his middle and put down a kiss on his shoulder. “Look who’s here baby !”, he says, partially turning away, passing his left arm around me to pull me to him, grinning at James. “Mommy !!! Mommy !!!”, he happily shouts, clapping his hands full of the chocolate his father gave him. “Take a seat sweetheart, breakfast is coming.” I take the stool next to James, looking at him eating greedily the pancakes Bucky put in his plate. I look outside by the window at the shy sun shining on New York. “So what are we doing today ?”, I ask Bucky, referring to our Sunday usual program when he’s here. “Where are we going ?” “Well, even if it’s fall, it’s sunny and it’s not that cold, I was thinking that we could go to Coney Island. We can go to the Wonder Wheel, go to the aquarium, walk on the beach and maybe have a picnic there. What do you think ?”, he asks, putting a plate with pancakes in front of me, another one in front of the stool he’s gonna sit on, before preparing two mugs of hot cocoa, as he always does on our Sunday mornings. “That sound good for me. What do you think James, are you ready to discover a place that your dad used to go when he was a kid ?” James simply clap his hands, giggling softy, his laugh reasoning in the kitchen. Each day I see my son’s progress in learning and I still marvel at it. James discovering the Tower, James discovering music, images, animals, other human beings… After that copious breakfast, I scoop my tiny boy in my arms, looking at his face and hair full of chocolate, his piercing blue eyes, his father’s eyes, looking through me. “Let’s give you a bath, and then we will go.” I pick James up from his chair and go to the bathroom while Bucky is cleaning the dishes. James quietly lets me wash his hair and his little body, giggling when I dry his soft mop of brown hair. I dress him with a little pair of black jeans and a cute little light blue checked shirt. Barely a few seconds later, his father appears dressed the same way, drying his long hair with a towel. “Did you do it on purpose ?”, he asks, seeing our little boy sitting on the couch in front of some cartoons he likes. “Would you believe me if I say no ?” “I don’t think so”, he smiles at me. “I’m gonna take a shower and then, we can leave.” Something like fifteen minutes later, I go out of the bathroom, wearing a black and grey dress, with a pair of black tights. Bucky is sitting in the couch, James on his lap, and they both are glued to the TV screen airing Paw Patrol, a cartoon that James likes. From time to time, he points it and shouts 'dog, dog’ and sometimes, I wonder if my baby doesn’t feel alone, only surrounded by adults and that maybe, he needs company, a puppy or maybe a kitten. “You’re ready to go, doll ?”, Bucky asks me, looking up from the TV. “Yep, we can leave whenever you want.” “So let's put our shoes and coats and let’s go”, he smiles at me, lifting James from his legs and standing up. No sooner said than done, we were outside of the quiet Tower, on our way to the nearest subway station, James in his stroller, his Winter Soldier bear in his arms, looking around him still amazed by the world around him. In the subway, Bucky and I sit hand in hand, James in front of us in his buggy, babbling to his precious and favorite bear. When we finally reach Coney Island, the weather is still beautiful and the temperatures are as good as in summer. James looks around him again, pointing and screaming at what he sees, making us laugh. We join the line to the aquarium, waiting for our turn to buy tickets, sorta relieved that no one recognize us and that maybe, we can have a quiet family Sunday, just the three of us. After a little time in his stroller, James starts to growl, wanting to walk, Bucky puts him on the floor, while I’m still pushing the stroller, watching my son trying to pull his father to one of the aquarium, running on his tinny chubby legs. He puts both his hands on the glass, and raises his little head to watch above him the blue water and the lights inside of it, illuminating the different fishes in the tank. I take my phone out of my pocket and take a picture of Bucky, crouching next to James, showing him the animals. “Look baby, that’s a fish, you see, and there is another one, oh and there, there’s a turtle. You see.” James’ eyes are wide open, looking at all the colorful fishes, and animals that he didn’t know until today. “Fish, fish !!”, he says, happily showing what he just learned, and clapping like each time he learns something new. We continue our walk, James walking hand in hand with Bucky or with me, one of us taking pictures of our perfect day away from all the stress the SHIELD or The Avengers are, we are just a family, a happy random family on that day, seeing the shows, the lives from different places, James falling in love with otters and penguins, at whom he shouted 'birds’. Before we leave, we pass by the shop, James looks at everything, and we buy him an adorable t-shirt with a baby penguin printed on and a soft otter plush toy. “Mama, James hungry”, he says, very serious, turning his little face to me. “We’re going to eat little man, don’t you worry”, his father answers him. We reach the outside of the aquarium, walking towards the food’s cabins, choosing food from different ones, buying some fresh drinks, and then, we go to the beach, unfold a blanket and the three of us settle on it, looking at the sea and eating the delicious food we bought. If this is happiness, I want it forever.
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drones-of-innocence · 6 years
To Tame
It was then that the fox appeared.
"Good morning," said the fox.
"Good morning," the little prince responded politely, although when he turned around he saw nothing.
"I am right here," the voice said, "under the apple tree."
"Who are you?" asked the little prince, and added, "You are very pretty to look at."
"I am a fox," the fox said.
"Come and play with me," proposed the little prince. "I am so unhappy."
"I cannot play with you," the fox said. "I am not tamed."
"Ah! Please excuse me," said the little prince.
But, after some thought, he added:
"What does that mean--'tame'?"
"You do not live here," said the fox. "What is it that you are looking for?"
"I am looking for men," said the little prince. "What does that mean--'tame'?"
"Men," said the fox. "They have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They also raise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?"
"No," said the little prince. "I am looking for friends. What does that mean--'tame'?"
"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. It means to establish ties."
"'To establish ties'?"
"Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world . . ."
-The Little Prince
The plains were mostly quiet, but the wind seemed disturbed. The birds watched as the grass swayed, seeming upset. Indeed, the grass was being shifted as a consequence of an almost silent chase.
A hungry wolf was visible, tearing carelessly through the field for its next victim, and she was willing to do anything to take her prey down. She had pups to feed, after all. A winding trail of uprooted wheat and dug up dirt followed her, evidence of the hard chase through the plain. Only a few tail lengths ahead, darting desperately on, was a small rabbit merely brushing aside the grass as he went. He was a smaller creature, after all, but the wolf hunting him was faster than he’d thought.
Now, such a scrappy little bunny who often challenged wolves would be expected to have been killed already, but this rabbit was quite fast and quite careful. Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t genuinely terrified for his life.
He panted and cried out when his sprint pained him, but this was a matter of life or death, so he couldn’t slow down. He weaved in complicated patterns, aiming to disorient the wolf and throw her off his tail, but he had one problem.
The wolf had managed to attack him before he ran, so his injured leg hurt terribly and bled while he ran.
It was close, but it was looking like he could make it if his leg didn’t give out. So in a daring move, the rabbit twisted around to shoot straight into the forest, the forest the wolves were too afraid to enter. He was so close, he just had to make it a little further…
Only for his foot to catch sharply on a rock, sending him sprawling and completely exposed in the grass.
He cried out loud, a strained sob of defeat. His eyes started to get misty as he curled up in pain, expecting to be ravaged and torn apart by the wolf right behind him.
After a moment, he opened one eye, and then the other when nothing happened.
The wolf chasing him had run right into another larger wolf, and that one just looked confused.
Panic rising in his throat again, the rabbit watched helplessly as the smaller wolf looked at him, and then at the other wolf, but the communication going on was unclear. Something was being said, some battle was going on between them. The larger wolf looked rather miffed about being knocked over.
The rabbit winced as his leg throbbed with pain, but he had to keep moving. He used his arms as best as he could, trying to drag himself to the cover of the forest. A trail of blood followed him.
“...And all they have are mice! I can’t let an opportunity like this pass!” the rabbit’s ears twitched as he picked up on what the female wolf was saying, and he whimpered when another rock grazed his wound. “I don’t know if they will eat tonight!”
“There have to be other rabbits around where you live. Do you even know where you are?” the male wolf asked in concern. The rabbit accidentally pulled on his ear in trying to shift away faster, and yelped out loud.
He could feel his blood run cold when both wolves glanced at him. But luckily, or maybe unluckily, they didn’t think he would be able to get away and resumed talking.
Eventually, he managed to get to a stump and pull himself up. On his feet, he could at least stand a better chance of getting away, even if he had to rest all his weight on one foot. So he limped along urgently, the forest within his reach if he could just make it-
“Wh-AH!” he let out, just passing the border of the forest and crumpling to the ground. Panting heavily, and covered in a cold sweat, he grit his teeth and started to drag himself to the nearest tree once he could catch his breath.
He got close enough so that he could finally turn himself over and lean back on it, but he struggled to because any movement hurt his leg. I might just have escaped from a swifter death...He thought mournfully, feeling his eyes sting with tears again at the slightest jerk.
Finally, he managed to sit up properly, only to come face-to-face with the big wolf.
He let out a weak cry, and immediately covered his face with his big ears, not noticing the wolf just sitting on the other side of the border and watching him. After a moment, the rabbit heard the rhythmic shifting of grass, and peeked between his ears
The wolf was watching him with big eyes, and his tail was just wagging behind him. He didn’t look aggressive, rather, he resembled the look of a puppy simply wanting to play. “Hello!” he said.
The rabbit squeaked and hid behind his ears again.
Tilting his head, the wolf adjusted how he was sitting and leaned closer. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” he said guiltily, seeming to realise his loud voice startled the rabbit. After a moment, he wrinkled his nose a little bit, and leaned forward some more, sniffing something. He turned his head a little bit, noticing the trail of blood leading to the rabbit, when his eyes finally caught on the large gash on the rabbit’s calf and shin. “Oh! You’re hurt!”
Peeking out once again, the rabbit watched the wolf warily testing the border, eyes and nose fixed on his wound. The wolf shook his head rapidly, as if trying to tear himself away, but perhaps the scent of blood drew him. The rabbit could only watch helplessly as the wolf dared to go further and further, his hands testing the boundary and his nose pointing right at him. Starting to shake, the rabbit couldn’t bring himself to look away from his imminent doom.
The wolf could also smell his fear spike. He looked up while he was crawling closer, slowly and delicately inching towards the rabbit. “Why are you afraid?” he asked curiously, tilting his head. As he got closer and closer to the rabbit, he also got closer and closer to the ground, as if trying to make himself smaller.
The rabbit tried not to sob. With a shaky voice, he replied with “B-because you are a wolf and I am a rabbit.”
Now close enough to reach out and touch him, the wolf remained huddled on the ground, watching the rabbit. He smiled. “You think I’m going to hurt you?”
Almost not able to manage words, the rabbit tried to force back his tears, to hardly any avail. “Wolves eat r-rabbits.” he reminded the wolf quietly.
It finally seemed to make sense to the wolf, for his eyes widened and he appeared to think about it very deeply. “Ohhh.” he said. “You think I’m going to eat you.”
“Y-yes, well, ge-get on with it then!” the rabbit stuttered, feeling horribly frightened and just wanting to get it over with. “If you’re going to eat me, then just kill me already. I can’t very well run away.” he shakily gestured to his injured leg. He suddenly remembered there had been another wolf, but his head felt funny from blood loss, so he couldn’t look around very well.
The wolf caught on. “She’s not here. I talked her out of hunting you.” he said softly. He had shifted close enough that the rabbit could feel his warm breath on his leg, right above the wound. “I won’t...I mean I don’t want to hurt you.”
Speechless, the rabbit started and flinched when the wolf tenderly reached for his injured leg. The wolf carefully watched the rabbit for any more signs of distress as he gently lifted up his leg by his ankle and his knee. Finally, when he had confirmed the rabbit wouldn’t move, he lowered his face and started lapping gingerly at the gash.
The rabbit screamed.
“What are you doing?!” he shrieked. “S-stop, stop, that hurts!” in his panic, he tried to flail, but it didn’t do much because the wolf had a carefully firm grip on his leg. Despite his apparent hysteria, the wolf continued to lick at his wound, gently cleaning it up.
“I’m a wolf.” he said, his tongue red with the rabbit’s blood. “Wolves heal wounds by licking them.” and then he finished up, making the rabbit let out a distressed whimper.
When the wolf backed off, the rabbit lay with misty eyes against the tree, staring aimlessly at the sky. “I don’t understand.” he moaned. “Why won’t you just kill me? Please...Please just kill me.”
His green eyes dazedly flitted back down to the wolf, who was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. The wolf then tilted his head, his ears twitching. “I don’t want to kill you.” he seemed confused.
“Th-then what do you want?” the rabbit asked, moving his trembling hands up to his ears to cover part of his face again.
The wolf looked back and around the forest briefly, before hesitantly crawling towards the rabbit again. “Could I have your name?” he asked politely, while coming up close and curiously sniffing at his ears.
The rabbit thought for a moment. He flinched away from the wolf, but was quickly figuring out that the wolf didn’t seem to want to attack him. Watching for a moment, he noticed the wolf closed his eyes with a slight smile when he got close enough to smell the rabbit. “...Arthur.” he said after a moment.
“Hm?” the wolf asked in a seemingly pleasant trance. “Arthur...? My name is...Alfred.”
“Alfred.” Arthur repeated. Then, tentatively, he reached up with a shaking hand, and gently stroked one of Alfred’s ears. “I have never known a wolf’s name before.”
Alfred’s tail wagged in delight. “I have never known a rabbit’s name.” he giggled, leaning in to gently nuzzle one of Arthur’s ears. “I like you, Arthur!”
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highermagic · 6 years
In response to the awesome support I've received for "How to Be a Good Boy" (werewolf!Will where Everything Is Awesome because Werewolves Are Puppies), I feel I would be remiss if I did not submit, for your appreciation and amusement, vampire!Will as a Cat:
The Floor Is Always Lava.
He's beauty, he's grace, he's trying to fit in every suitcase.
Running around at three in the morning for no reason whatsoever.
Getting randomly aggressive at his reflection (which startles him more often than not because some mirrors don't have the No Reflection thing so there are some mirrors that show his reflection and some that don't).
Hitting his head on a window 'cause he was watching a bird and it flew really close.
Hannibal hears a noise at three in the morning and goes into the kitchen to find Will awkwardly crammed on top of the fridge and he can't get down.
He can and will sit on Hannibal's lap, legs, or chest when given the SLIGHTEST opportunity.
Walks around the house with a toy (or a piece of paper or a bag or literally anything) screaming until someone (Hannibal) notices him.
Knocks out smaller animals and brings them to Hannibal and gets aggravated when Hannibal doesn't immediately kill them, so he has to go chasing them again because Hannibal is a big, useless cat child and how is he the most notorious serial killer ever he can't even catch a Goddamn mouse.
Demands Hannibal share food with him even though he can't eat it – "Excuse you this is your food and therefore it's mine".
Dramatically gags and almost throws up when Hannibal relents and feeds him not-vampire-friendly meals.
Is a Huge Drama Queen whenever Hannibal does something Slightly Inconvenient like roll over in bed, or cough.
Petting is good, yes, just like that…OKAY ENOUGH. Wait, no, come back. HOW DARE YOU STOP PETTING ME – oh God yesssss.
Loud yelling when he's hungry, and if his plate (he can eat things with blood in them) is empty In The Middle then it is Totally Empty – does Hannibal want him to starve?
Same with his wine (blood) glass. Half-empty is empty, and Hannibal wants him to Die Of Thirst.
Hannibal figures out he can mess with Will by putting his hand under a blanket and pretending it's a mouse or something. Will always falls for it and tries to get the thing.
Will hiding under the bed. Or trying to. Getting stuck because he's a grown ass man and this furniture is not grown ass man-friendly.
The vacuum cleaner is the enemy. Hannibal has caught Will trying to knife the thing more than once.
Sitting and staring with huge black eyes at seemingly nothing for hours on end.
Love-hate relationship with the bath and shower. Only tolerates it when Hannibal is there with him.
Yells at every closed door. Wants to go outside. Immediately wants to come back in. Hannibal stops closing doors except for closets and even that is sometimes too much.
Sheds everywhere.
Kneads Hannibal's thigh in preparation for naps. Sleeps for eighteen hours a day and not a second less. Made even worse by the fact that he doesn't need to sleep at all.
Gets it into his head every now and again to groom Hannibal and rubs himself against Hannibal's legs, arms, face, whatever he can reach whenever Hannibal's scent offends him – which could be literally anything, from going outside to showering to shaking someone's hand.
Perches on the backs of chairs and couches. Will not sit like a normal Goddamn person.
Maintains steady and challenging eye contact when knocking things off counters (never anything breakable, he's not a jerk, but books and pillows are not safe when left unattended).
Slow blinks.
Slaps the shit out of pillows and cushions when they're not comfy enough.
Always barefoot.
Rolls onto his back and likes to trap Hannibal's hand between his knees so he can alternate between licking and gnawing on his arm when Hannibal pets him.
Needs affection All The Time.
If he fits he sits (Hannibal has to immediately dispose of any boxes and packages after the fourth time seeing Will trying to fit his feet and then his whole body into a box from the delivery of books or shoes or something he definitely Cannot Fit In).
Never enough blankets.
Sleeps in sunlight when it comes through the windows (perpetually glad he's not one of Those Vampires) and rolls across the carpet to follow it so he maintains optimal warms.
Long stretches and big yawns.
Likes to stalk Hannibal when it's just the two of them and leap at him when he thinks Hannibal is at his most vulnerable (Hannibal, of course, always knows he's there because Will is a grown man and he's not as quiet as he thinks he is).
Absolutely Melts when Hannibal scratches his jaw/cheek/chin.
Play biting and scratching.
Kitten licks whenever Hannibal lets him draw blood.
Loves backrubs and goes absolutely wild when Hannibal scratches the base of his neck or anywhere along his spine. Full-on arching and purring.
Chk-chk-chk noise when he sees something interesting happening. Shifts his weight, bounces on the balls of his feet, presses up tight to the glass when he sees a rabbit, squirrel, or bird in the backyard.
Gently paws at Hannibal's hands when cooking, reading, or doing anything that isn't pets but should be pets.
Whether he gets along with other people is entirely his decision. Flees and hides when the doorbell rings. Will perch on the stairs and hiss at people if he doesn't like them.
Alternatively, embarrassingly affectionate with people he likes.
Refuses to use napkins or cloths to wipe his face, licks his hand and uses his palm instead.
Hair Must Look Immaculate At All Times.
Loses train of thought a lot, will loudly announce when he's bored and demand Hannibal entertain him, gets very excited when he sees a new box or smells food being cooked even if he can't eat it.
Gentle headbutts of affection.
"Hannibal!" "I'm in here." "Hannibal!" "Will you literally just left the couch I'm sitting on, I haven't moved." "Oh, there you are." "Yes, darling, here I am."
Pretends to be aloof, isn't fooling anyone.
That's all I've got so far, please feel free to add more! (And yes, this will likely be a fic in the future.) :D
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islareeveswriting · 7 years
World of Our Own | Harry Styles Uni AU | CHAPTER 1
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LISTEN TO Sweetest Thing by Allman Brown You're the sweetest thing that I ever did see Like a bird taking way Tears that set you free You're the sweetest thing that I ever did see Oh yeah See, oh yeah
Word Count 6.5k
The solid, wooden, dining table, was chipped and stained from mugs of tea that had been filled too much. The kitchen windows were steaming from the rain that hit them from the outside, but the warm breath that filled the inside. It was four pm and the world was growing dark, street lamps were coming on, the sky was edging closer to blackness at a rate of knots, and it was cold. So cold. But it was home and Rae hadn’t felt as warm, as she did then, in long while.
Living with four boy’s hadn’t exactly been part of the plan, and Rae knew she’d have to keep that from her dad for a little while, but for her it was exciting. Not because they were boys, but just because they were new. New people were like treasure troves to Rae. They were undiscovered, exciting and always filled with trinkets and jewels. For Rae no one was boring or mundane, everyone had a story to tell, and each story was gold.
There were four treasure troves sat around the table with Rae, but it was the one at the end of the table that she wanted to uncover the most. Harry, with the dark hair, fluffy and pushed back from his face in something quiff-esque. A few rogue ringlets trying desperately to form around his ears. The intriguingly quiet, but not in a conceited way, one. The one with the startling eyes, in a shade of green Rae didn’t recognise, and she was sure she’d seen every colour eye imaginable. Eyes were her thing, she always noticed them, but these ones were having an effect on her that she was unfamiliar with and it wasn’t just because the colour was new.
Rae O’Brien had always known she’d move back to the UK at some point. The moment her parents had told her and her siblings that the family was moving to Australia in hope of a better way of life, a more profitable way of life, Rae had smiled happily knowing it was ok, because one day she’d be back in the UK. For ten years she’d lived in Australia with her family, and for the whole ten years she’d been thinking about getting back home.
Of course, she’d loved Australia and the life she had there. It was hard not to love. She loved the sun, but also the storms that came on so strong it felt like the world was shaking, the family farm, and the fact she was always surrounded by animals. She loved the coast most of all though. She was a Pisces (just) and a true water baby. The sea was where she was happiest. That was one reason why she knew she’d always go back to Brighton to study, that and the fact Australia never quite felt like home.
Despite having more friends, being seemingly happier and growing up Down Under, she always felt like she’d left a bigger part of her in the UK than what she’d taken with her. It had always felt like the UK was calling her back. Even before she’d left she missed it.
Now she was there, and it felt just as good as she knew it would. She felt like her lungs filled better and fuller, and there wasn’t such a hole in the chest. Or at least not such a big one.
Strangers sat around the dining room table, four male faces that she was attributing names to after being introduced only half an hour ago. Four strangers and Rae, yet still she felt so at home, with a mug of black tea in her hand, no milk, no sugar, burning her cold palms and warming her from the inside out as she took gentle sips on it. Her dad had been right, the tea ‘back home’ was much better than the tea out there.
It was funny to Rae, her mother and father had tried to make the one story, shack turned house, as much of a home as they could. Her mother filled it with blankets, and cushions, and candles, and as much love as she could manage. Her father had each child choose a puppy from the neighbours litter of Kelpie’s, and ensured each learned to ride the horses that came with the land. Yet, everyone still referred to the UK as ‘home.’ That had never changed.
Rae assumed she had two homes growing up, until she was actually home and she realised the difference was feeling just as comfortable, even when you didn’t know a single person. It was the comfort of the place, the familiarity of the air and the movements of it. Seeing it’s beauty, and recognising it, but not being shocked by it, because of course it looked like that, it was home and she knew it looked like that. It was the sound of the seagulls as she stepped out of the car outside her new house, their retched squarks that made her smile despite how much it grazed on her eardrums. The smell of the city, mixed with the smell of the sea and how juxtaposed, but symphonious, that was.
She couldn’t wait to walk down and see it. The sea. The long pier, that she’d always had a photo of on her bedroom wall, that stretched for miles, lit up like a beacon out at sea. A welcoming sight for a weary, hungry tourist, or a school girl with just a few pounds of pocket money left, but enough for a good time on the slot machines.
It was too rainy, and she was too cold to go now, but tomorrow, she told herself, tomorrow she’d be down there as soon as she could, camera in tow.
The solid, wooden dining table was chipped and stained from mugs of tea that had been filled too much. The kitchen windows were steaming from the rain that hit them from the outside, but the warm breath that filled the inside. It was four pm and the world was growing dark, street lamps were coming on, the sky was edging closer to blackness at a rate of knots, and it was cold. So cold. But it was home and Rae hadn’t felt as warm, as she did then, in long while.
Living with four boy’s hadn’t exactly been part of the plan, and Rae knew she’d have to keep that from her dad for a little while, but for her it was exciting. Not because they were boys, but just because they were new. New people were like treasure troves to Rae. They were undiscovered, exciting and always filled with trinkets and jewels. For Rae no one was boring or mundane, everyone had a story to tell, and each story was gold.
There were four treasure troves sat around the table with Rae, but it was the one at the end of the table that she wanted to uncover the most. Harry, with the dark hair, fluffy and pushed back from his face in something quiff-esque. A few rogue ringlets trying desperately to form around his ears. The intriguingly quiet, but not in a conceited way, one. The one with the startling eyes, in a shade of green Rae didn’t recognise, and she was sure she’d seen every colour eye imaginable. Eyes were her thing, she always noticed them, but these ones were having an effect on her that she was unfamiliar with, and it wasn’t just because the colour was new.
‘So all the way from down under huh?’ It was Niall who spoke first, drawing Rae’s attention from the tea she was staring into, a little dazed from lack of sleep. Rae looked up to him, he had that Irish charm that she know all Irish boy’s had, or at least the ones she had met. There was that sparkle in Niall’s pale blue eyes that promised mischief and verged on danger, but didn’t quite get there. The lull of his accent was poetic, and would have relaxed Rae if she’d felt any ounce of the anxiety people normally felt on meeting strangers, or their new housemates. ‘I can do a crackin’ Aussie accent.’ Niall looked like an excited puppy who just learned a new trick, with his announcement.
‘Niall.’ Liam scalded, brown eyes locked on Niall, all stony faced and serious, obviously concerned Niall would offend Rae. Of course, he didn’t and Rae chuckled at the pair.
‘Probably not as good as my British one.’ Rae said, dropping the Australian twang she’d picked up far too easily, and slipping, just as easily, back into her native accent. She felt it suited her more, though everyone told her she was born to be Australian, she didn’t feel it, it didn’t sit well on her shoulders. Niall dropped his head, his smile fallen, a little dejected by the impressiveness of Rae’s English accent. Rae chuckled again, shaking her head at Niall’s crestfallen appearance.
‘So where abouts in Aus are you from?’ Liam asked, leaning on the table with his elbow, his chin resting in the palm of his hand as if Rae was about to tell the most exciting story. She wasn’t.
‘You won’t have heard of it.’ She informed him knowingly to which Liam just raised one eyebrow. No one ever believed her. ‘Toobeah.’ But, still no one had ever heard of it. Liam, looked at her confused and Rae bit back the ‘told you so’ running around her head. ‘Outback Australia, my dad’s a farmer, it’s a farming town.’ She got the small print out of the way, early on, on purpose. People always asked how they ended up out there, but to Rae it was boring, it was old and she didn’t care for it. She wanted to hear about them.
‘That’s cool.’ Liam beamed, a puppy dog, simple look on his face. Rae shrugged, it wasn’t that cool, but she appreciated that it was different, and never what people expected a family might move to Australia for.
For her family though, it was an obvious move. Her father had grown up farming, his older brother had inherited the family farm and caretaking on farms that belonged to other people would never be enough for Mark O’Brien. Why not try Australia? Everyone raved about it, it would be a challenge and you weren’t really an O’Brien if you didn’t fancy a challenge, it would be exciting.
And it was, even for Rae. A different way of life; al-fresco dining on the regular, trips to the coast as soon as her sister could drive, animals everywhere. But, always at the back of her mind was the knowledge that as soon as university applications came around, all five of hers would be UK based. In the end four out of five were, she applied to Charles Sturt in Wagga Wagga because she had to, but she had no intention of ever attending university there.
‘So what do you all study?’ Rae asked moving the conversation swiftly away from her and onto what she wanted. Harry still hadn’t said a thing, apart from the ‘hello’, that Rae hadn’t actually heard, but had just seen his mouth move, when she was introduced to everyone by Louis. By Louis only because he’d been the one to answer the door. She wanted to hear him speak, she could tell he was reserved and definitely shy, she didn’t think it was just her, but she wanted to pry him out of his shell.
‘Geography, I want to teach.’ Louis explained after taking a literal mouthful of his tea, his cheeks puffed like hamster before he swallowed, hard, and spoke.
‘Music technology.’ Liam.
‘Business.’ Niall. That took her a little by surprise. He looked like a sports kinda guy, a music kinda guy, something creative kinda guy. She knew she shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, she prided herself on not doing that, but it seemed in this situation she’d done it. Harry said nothing. Instead he continued to look into the bowl, that he’d just scooped the last, soggy cornflake from, as if he was reading tea leaves.
‘What about you, Harry?’ Rae asked, softening her whole entirety as she did so. Harry looked up to her, but quickly dropped his gaze when he met her eyes.
‘Art.’ He mumbled looking back into the bowl of sweetened milk and the ripples he was creating by stirring his spoon around in it. Rae could tell there was so much more to him than he was giving away, but he was keeping it all well sheltered. She didn’t know why, she didn’t want to push too hard to find out, she just wished he’d at least look at her.
‘That’s cool, I’m a, well I will be, a photography student.’ Harry lifted his eyes to look at Rae but his head remained bowed. Looking up at her, almost through his dark eyelashes, he smiled, just slightly, lifting one side of his mouth at her, and nodded a little before conversation rose from the table around them.
Rae was drawn to him, she couldn’t deny that and it was more than just the silence or the feeling that he was more than what he was giving away. Niall had that Irish sparkle in his eyes, but Harry had something else, something, maybe, a little more. It promised adventure and excitement, but it was clear he didn’t know that, or at least wasn’t giving into it. She could see there was another dimension, deeper and more intricate than that. It was probably a lot to do with the feeling of her stomach flipping when their eyes did, eventually, meet and he offered her a shy, lopsided smile.
The last mouthful of her tea was cold and bitter. Normally she didn’t mind that though, but it appeared the tea was stronger than she was used to, and the last gulp had her wincing and screwing her face up, the strong, sharp taste, almost burning her taste buds. As she unscrewed her eyes she was thankful none of them seemed to have noticed, although Harry was wearing an amused smile. She could tell he was trying to bite it back, pursing his lips and sucking his cheeks, but it was obvious he’d seen her face contort as she’d struggled to swallow the last of her drink. The others had fallen into conversation about how stressful university promised to be for them now they were embarking on their second year, and none of them noticed either Rae’s displeasure, Harry’s amusement or the way Rae consequently stared at him, willing him to give into the humour, and look at her as he did so.
‘I’m going to take my things upstairs then.’ Rae announced when the conversation lulled into quiet contemplation and Harry resorted back to spinning his spoon around the bowl.
‘Do you want a hand?’ Liam offered, his eyes wide and unbelievably honest.
‘No, I’ll be fine, thanks though.’ Rae told him with a smile that showed she really was thankful for his offer.
‘Well it’s first floor, right at the end of the hallway.’ Liam informed her and once again she thanked him before pushing herself away from the table, rinsing her mug at the sink and leaving the kitchen. As the door closed behind her from it’s own weight, she heard muffled conversation begin. She couldn’t help the feeling that the boy’s were talking about her under hushed tones. She just hoped it was good things.
Despite the fact she would be living mostly in Brighton for three years, she’d bought a limited amount of luggage with her. ‘Things’ weren’t really her thing, and clutter drove her wild. So, even with her mother’s warning that she’d regret it, she’d packed one suitcase of clothes and the like, her backpack with her laptop and cameras and her handbag with handbag stuff. Maybe she would regret it, but it wasn’t like she was living in the middle of nowhere, whatever she found she needed would be easily found. It meant the bags weren’t exactly hard to carry though, and she didn’t need to accept Liam’s offer of help.
Rae lugged her bags up the stairs, trying to ignore the nagging in the back of her mind that she should worry about what the boys were saying about her when she left the kitchen. She’d never worried about what people thought of her, she’d never felt pressure to be liked, but there was a first time for everything. She’d never wanted to be liked by people so much as she did her new housemates. She was desperate to give a good impression and not to come on too strong, the way she knew she sometimes could.
The last room on the hallway, was big, well big compared to what Rae was used to. Her room in Australia was just big enough for her single bed and wardrobe. The last room on the hallway had a double bed, a built in wardrobe, a desk and floor space big enough for her to have a full fledged floor-drobe if she so chose. She felt the glee wash into her, a smile sliding onto her face with it, toothy and bright. Bright like the white walls that surrounded her, made brighter due to the high ceilings that she’d been dreaming of. She remembered how high the ceilings had been in her childhood home, they’d felt unreachable, and even now at five foot seven, they were still unreachable.
She’d searched the address she’d been given by the housing officer in her bedroom, on her small, unmade single bed. Internet in outback Australia was poor and it had taken no less than five minutes to load the page, but when it had loaded Rae could have cried. She’d been mesmerised by the tall town houses of Brighton as a child. Each one had a different coloured door, the one she got to call home now had a bright red one. When she actually arrived it was a little chipped and a little faded (the picture didn’t show that), but to her that was charm and character, and that meant more than perfection.
The bed was more inviting that the suitcase that had to be unpacked and true to herself she gave into that, falling onto the bed and being swallowed by the mattress, that she knew in a week she would be thinking was too soft. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was a double bed and she could lie in the middle of it, sprawl out and her feet wouldn’t fall of the edge. She closed her eyes for a second.
The flight was twenty four hours but it felt like she’d been travelling for weeks. It had started with the premature packing that her overly organised mother insisted upon. She’d made a promise to avoid all family rows possible in the lead up to leaving, so she did as her mum asked and started putting things in her suitcase way before necessary. With three days to spare, Rae and her mum and dad, travelled to Brisbane to spend those three days in the city with her sister, as a family, exploring the place they’d landed in all those years ago, but never taken time in all together. It had been nice, those few days all together, but Rae knew it would forever feel like something was missing.
A second turned into hours and when she opened her eyes again, the room was bathed in darkness, the only light that of the street lamps filtering through the uncovered windows. She pulled her phone from her back pocket and took a glance at the time, six thirty. She groaned rolling over onto her side and just about making out the shape of her suitcase still waiting patiently to be unpacked. If it wasn’t for her mother’s voice in the back of her mind she’d consider living out of it for a little while, but her mother’s voice was indeed in the back of her mind and it was telling her to unpack.
She thought back to that every fifteen minutes for the next hour and a half as she unpacked all of her things and found a new home for each of them. The desk became more of a dressing table, home to her hair brush, makeup bag, deodorant, perfume and all the other things she’d zipped up securely to keep from ruining her clothes. She put her laptop on the desk as well, and opened it to have a quick check of social media halfway through unpacking. She deserved it she told herself.
She decided the bottom of the wardrobe would be the safest place for her camera bag and she stashed it away after checking that everything was still intact. The relief she felt when she found that nothing had been broken or misplaced was alarming to even herself. She hung and folded all her clothes neatly in the wardrobe and it’s drawers, saving one drawer for the five pairs of shoes she’d brought with her. Boots, converse, flip flops, a heeled pair of boots (because her sister had told her they’d be essential), and the trainers she had on her feet.
Then the photos. The ones in the plastic wallet, that had been hidden by her Wallabies hoodie, right at the bottom of her suitcase. There weren’t many but they all needed a space. Rae tugged a piece of blu tac from the packet she’d brought with her and started with the photo of Brighton Pier. She’d taken it on her dad’s film camera, a Canon T60 35mm. It was the first photo she remembered taking. It was faded now, bleached by the sun, but it still went up on her wall.
Next, the photo of her mum and dad stood by the side of the sign for the farm. She’d taken two the day she left. One of them smiling straight at her, looking straight down the EF 85mm lens. One of them smiling at each other, looking straight into each other’s eyes, the way Rae had always seen them look at each other, even when times were tough. It was the second one she chose to print. She might need a reminder of that kind of love at some point.
Thirdly, her and her sister. Her mum had taken it and the framing wasn’t quite right, Rae would have taken it differently, taken it of autofocus for a start, but she still liked it. They matched, Rae and Elsie, their smiles, their eyes, their features, their mannerisms. They were almost a carbon copy of each other. If it weren’t for their starkly different personalities they would be. Elsie, or Essie as Rae called her, had done from childhood (Elsie was too hard to say for a child learning to talk and it had stuck) was the nearest thing Rae had to a best friend. They trusted each other like no one else, no one else knew them like they knew each other, no one else had been through what they’d been through together.
Lastly, Elsie, Rae and their brother, Jonah. Two days before Jonah died, sat on the quadbike that killed him. Rae sat in between his legs and was holding onto the handlebars, laughing wildly as Jonah joked about something Rae couldn’t remember, but desperately wished she could. His arms were around her middle, and she would do anything to feel that strong, safe hold around her again. She’d never felt as safe or at home since, she didn’t imagine she ever would. Elsie was stood beside them cradling the puppy she was meant to be training to work but treated more like a house dog. It was Rae’s favourite photo, but it would always make her heart feel like it was breaking again and her stomach tangle.
With the photos stuck on the wall above her desk it began to feel even more like home. It had never felt unwelcoming but everything was there now, all the things that were most important to her where there. Even Jonah. She felt warmer for it, despite the fact her fingers were like ice cubes on the end of her hands. That was something she was going to have to get used to. It was only the beginning of Autumn, not even winter yet and she was struggling to block out the cold she was feeling.
The thought of a steaming hot shower had been on her mind as soon as she’d seen her wash bag in her suitcase. Now everything was put away and the room at the end of the hallway felt more like her room, she couldn’t wait a second longer to have scalding water running over her skin.
The bathroom was easy to spot - the only room with a sliding door. It was white, clinically white. Apart from plasticy lino flooring that her bare feet stuck to a little. It was clean though, or at least it looked it, so she was glad for that. She stripped from her clothes, kicking them to the corner of the bathroom and hanging her towel over the shower curtain pole, in easy grabbing distance for when she’d finished. She planned on trapping the heat created by the water in, as quickly and effectively as possible. Rae had that down to an art. Despite what people thought, winter morning’s in Outback Australia were frosty and she knew the best ways to get and stay warm.
With the taps on the bathroom began to fill with steam. Rae stepped under the water and let it cleanse her for a few moments. The water ran over her and made her feel alive. She breathed in the steam, deep into her lungs, opening up her airways. Jet lag gave way as the shower woke her up and she washed with her favourite cocoa butter body wash and the soft, slightly sweet, scented shampoo and conditioner. She didn’t care if she smelt like a candle by the end of it, she loved the sweet smells and nothing would make her opt for anything else.
Rae felt like a new person when she finally stepped from the shower, any lethargy long gone. She felt a lot more awake and definitely a lot more prepared to spend the evening with her new housemates. She crept back to her bedroom, the sound of the male voices drifting up the stairs as she left the bathroom. Her pyjamas were folded on her bed from unpacking. Rae quickly dropped her towel and raced herself to get the thick pyjama bottoms and oversize t-shirt on. Once inside the cosy sleep wear she relaxed and smiled happily to herself before pulling on a pair of fluffy socks and a large hoodie, which she even went to the extreme of pulling the hood up on. Eventually she headed back down stairs.
‘Jesus we on electricity rations as well as heating?’ Rae quipped as she pushed open the living room door, the sound of the boys voices travelling from behind it. Louis spat laughter at her joke and looked up to her, the light from the hallway framing her silhouette.
‘It’s movie time, we ordered Chinese, there’s heaps in the kitchen help yourself.’ Louis informed her with the same friendly, bright smile he’d offered when he opened the front door to her. Even in the darkness Rae could sense the electric blue of his eyes.
‘We do this every Saturday,’ Niall began to explain. ‘Unless we have other plans, Saturday is movie and take out night.’
‘Sounds good to me.’ Rae beamed before turning out of the door and heading for the kitchen. There was so much food laid out on the dining table, along with one plate and a fork. She smiled at the gesture, it felt like they were putting in as much effort as she was to fit it, to make her feel at home.
‘Oh sorry.’ Rae turned to the voice, Harry bumbling into the kitchen. He avoided her gaze and headed for a cupboard above the sink, pulling a glass from it.
‘Why you apologising?’ Rae chuckled, she saw Harry shrug, but he said nothing so she busied herself loading the plate with Chinese food. They moved around each other in silence, Harry going back and forth from the fridge as he made himself an orange juice and lemonade.
‘Wouldyoulikeone?’ The question came out quickly, the words spilling into one another. It felt to Rae, like Harry had been psyching himself up to ask. Rae turned to him, sucking the sauce from the sticky ribs from her fingers and shook her head.
‘I’m good ta.’ She smiled, appreciatively.
‘You cold?’ Harry asked dipping his brow, taking in her swaddled appearance. ‘We have a rule, no heating until October 31st, but I could flick it on for an hour if you're that cold.’ Harry rambled looking down to his fingers that were fidgeting with each other.
‘It’s alright, I’ll get used to it.’ Rae told him and Harry nodded, still fiddling with his fingers and moving his lips around like he wasn’t sure what to do next. ‘Shall we go sit?’ Rae suggested, deciding to take the lead and making her way out of the kitchen.
The living room was still bathed in darkness, the TV paused on the beginning of a movie, the screen a blur of movement. Obviously, the movie hadn’t started properly yet.
‘What we watching?’ Rae asked as she sat down on the only spare sofa in the living room.
‘Stand by Me, it’s Harry’s favourite, we watch it about ten times a year, he probably watches it about fifty.’ Liam explained as Harry wandered into the room with his orange juice and lemonade and took the only free seat next to Rae on the two seater sofa. Rae held back a chuckle with a mouthful of rice as she watched Harry throw Liam a look of offence - his forehead dipped a little and his mouth agape.
‘Don’t over exaggerate mate.’ Harry countered, turning his head from Liam to the TV, Rae giggling to herself at the exchange.
The room fell silent as the movie began, the opening sequence familiar to Rae. She’d seen the movie a couple of times. Her dad had insisted they all sit down and watch it one rainy Sunday when there was nothing that much to be done. Her mum had been cooking Anzac cookies as it was Anzac day and the whole house smelt divine, of sweet caramel and burnt butter. Rae smiled at the memory as she chewed on a bit of crispy chilli beef.
With her food finished, and her belly full Rae began to feel sleepy. The darkness and the quiet definitely didn’t help. She could feel herself nodding off a little as her eyes got heavy and limbs began to feel weighted. Rae could feel her head nodding forward towards her chest, each time she snapped it back up quickly, blinking her eyes wide and waking herself up.
Each time, she looked around the room to make sure no one had noticed. She didn’t think anyone had. Harry did though. Every time her head fell it caught his eye and he glanced over to make sure she was ok, he saw her lift it back up quickly and looked away again. He swore he felt her body relax a little beside him, each time she gave into sleep before it stiffened again as she woke up. They were sat next to each other but not close. Harry was slumped back at one end of the sofa, Rae curled up at the other, her legs tucked up into her.
Eventually she didn’t wake herself up anymore and she gave in. It was too much, she was too tired and whatever fight she thought she’d won with jet lag came back stronger and better equipped. She didn’t stand a chance and she lost the battle with it.
Harry felt Rae stretch beside him and became aware of her foot against his thigh. It took him back a little, but when she didn’t move it back or whisper an apology or anything, he turned to look at her. She was sound asleep. Her head had fallen from her arm where it had been rested and instead was nestled in the crook of it. Her breath was leaving her mouth in shivers, shaky and catching.
‘What’s that noise?’ Harry heard Niall ask, his voice so easily distinguishable from the others. He quickly snapped his head back to the movie.
‘She’s fallen asleep.’ Harry mumbled in response, moving his body a little but not to get rid of the contact from Rae’s foot.
‘Is she really that cold?’ Niall chuckled as Rae continued to shiver. Harry looked down at her again then. She’d tucked further into her hoodie than she already had been, but her breath continued to shudder nonetheless. ‘Why don’t you chuck that blanket over her?’ Niall suggested nodding towards the blanket Harry knew was thrown across the back of the sofa. He knew it was there because he’d put it there after waking up underneath it, not quite able to make it to his bed the previous night.
‘Ey?’ Harry grimaced turning his head to Niall.
‘Oh grow up and put the blanket over her.’ Niall berated, discrediting Harry’s objection with a scornful look before turning back to the movie. Harry growled a sigh as he pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over Rae. He tucked it down behind her a little and draped it over his lap to ensure her feet were covered. Harry watched for a second as Rae wiggled, clearly a little disturbed by the blankets weight, before getting comfortable and pulling it further up to her chin in her sleep. Harry couldn’t help but feel comforted when Rae only got more comfortable, didn’t wake and slowly stopped shivering.
When the movie came to an end Harry took control of the TV, Niall and Louis making their excuses and taking themselves upstairs to their respective beds. Liam stayed in the living room a little longer but as soon as the politics show Harry wanted to watch came on he too said goodnight and wandered off too his bedroom. Harry relaxed back into the sofa almost forgetting Rae was sat next to him sleeping until she began to stir and he flicked his gaze to her to watch as she woke.
She pulled the blanket over at her at first curling up into tightly like a ball, stretching her back into a curve. Slowly she rolled onto her back and began to stretch again, Harry felt her foot tickle along the edge of his thigh and he saw her face crease in confusion. She stretched a little more, her foot pushing into his thigh. It was then her eyes snapped open as she remembered where she was, and what it was she was pushing her foot into.
‘Oh shit, sorry.’ She cursed, speaking quickly and pulling her foot back from Harry’s thigh just as quickly. She sat up a little more, leaning against the arm of the sofa, clearly a little flustered. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle, he felt almost certain that if the lights had been on, he’d have seen a slight blush on her cheeks and that had his stomach twisting into knots as he chuckled.
‘Don’t worry about it.’ Harry told her with a subtle smile on his face that Rae could see in the darkness. He tapped the TV controller on the arm of the sofa and looked back to the screen, the politics reporter digging his heels in deep with some back bench politician even Harry didn’t recognise. Rae did the same a few seconds later after watching Harry for a brief moment and noticing the way his eyes narrowed to whatever was on the screen. She knew it was no longer the movie, but she felt the need to address that out loud anyway.
‘Ah I missed the movie.’ Rae acknowledged turning to the screen. Harry hummed with a nod in response before the same old silence washed over them again. Rae started to take in what Harry was watching, her brain still half asleep meant it took a little longer than it might normally have done to click into place. When she really started to listen to the conversation though, and took notice of the format of the show it wasn’t hard to work out. ‘You into politics?’ She asked glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, not sure if he’d just nod or give her an actual response.
‘A little.’ He admitted, and Rae nodded still with her eye on him. She turned her head just a little in his direction, half hoping he wouldn’t notice and she could just watch how engaged he was, but the other half hoping he would and he’d turn to her and start up a political conversation with her, that she knew then she wouldn’t understand, but would nod along nonetheless, enthralled.  She wasn’t sure if Harry could tell she hadn’t taken her eyes off him, but later she thought that might have been why he continued to talk to her more openly than he had at any point so far. ‘Thought about studying it for a little while.’ Rae nodded and tried not to appear as shocked by his admission to her as she really was.
Since she’d arrived he’d been overtly shy with her and a little shut off. Rae quite liked it though. It didn’t make him mysterious and she didn’t feel like that was what he was trying to be. He wasn’t dark and didn’t feel dangerous the way mysterious things did. He felt warm and homely, soft and gentle but shrouded by a cloak of insecurity that she wanted to slowly peel away. The way he kept himself to himself and didn’t come running forward with all his information at once was endearing to her and made her want to work him out, and also appreciate each word he was telling her now they were alone together. He was like the deepest buried treasure trove she’d come across, but she didn’t want to rush for the jewels with this one.
‘You went with art though?’ Rae commented now full on looking at him, unabashed and unconcerned how that came across. Harry shrugged in response, and for a moment Rae thought that was all she was going to get. Then he continued again.
‘They’re more intertwined than people realise.’ Harry explained, his voice dropped a little softer, less rough around the edges the way it had been so far.
‘I can believe that.’ Rae muttered, knowing that their two art forms were closely linked and being very aware of how political photography could be if the artist chose to pursue that line. She couldn’t see why fine art would be any different.
Silence fell over them again, but it felt a little less pointed now, more like a soft silk sheet than a rough woolen blanket. Rae was struggling to keep her eyes open, she wanted to sit with Harry until the show finished, see if she could coax anymore conversation out of him, or at least until he went to bed, whichever came first.  However, she didn’t want to fall asleep on the sofa again. She’d already had a good attempt at bruising his thigh and she didn’t want to repeat that. She was sure that couldn’t help in coaxing Harry from his shell.
‘Well I’m going to go to bed.’ Rae announced swinging her legs off the sofa quickly, having made her mind up about going to bed. She took the blanket from around her and folded it neatly before placing in the arm chair Liam had been sat in before she’d fallen asleep. ‘See you in the morning.’ She offered, standing up.
‘Yeah see you.’ Harry mumbled in response as she padded from the room, her socks loose around her toes where they’d slipped down to her ankles in her sleep. Rae looked over to him as she left the room, pulling the door shut behind her and catching Harry looking up to her, watching after her. It felt like progress, but she was acutely aware that it didn’t matter how much she wanted Harry to let down his walls for her, he just might not want that too.
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So, here’s the first chapter at last. I hope you like it. It’s been so long since I first had the idea, it came to be before I even started writing Fool’s Gold so it’s been in my little brain a long time so I really want you guys to love it! Please let me know, my ask box is always open! What do we think? Where’s it going? Thoughts on Harry and Rae and the other boy’s. I want to hear ALL of it! 
@cuddlemusclestyles and @harrysmeadow have been gunning for #HARAE since the first concept came to me and it would NOT be being posted if it wasn’t for them. They know how much I adore them both and you should all go check out their fics cause they’ve both got killer stories underway! 
Enjoy xx
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funnynewsheadlines · 4 years
107 Inbread Animals That Are Hilariously NOT Gluten-Free
The lockdown has surely instigated many genius and not-so-much ideas. As boredom kicked in, hoomans turned to their pets since they were the last sources of entertainment.
Sooner than we knew it, the pun of "in bread" animals came to being. In fact, people found it so hilarious, it became one of the biggest internet crazes. The recipe is simple. You take a piece of bread (of your choice) and put it over the head of your beloved furball. You laugh out loud, preferably hysterically, at the priceless sight. Grab a camera and snap a picture. Voila! Your in bread pet is ready for sharing.
Bored Panda compiled the most hilarious examples of pure bread pooches, but beware, the post is NOT gluten-free!
#1 Inbread Puppy
Image credits: Noxull
#2 Purebread Or Inbread Doggo?
Image credits: yuriya375
#3 A Rare Picture Of An Inbread Dog
Image credits: LaneJennifer137
If you’re wondering why the heck people are putting slices of bread on their pets, you’re not the only one.
One Reddit user has posted a question on the subreddit r/outoftheloop: “I keep seeing dogs around the internet (specifically Pomeranians) with slices of bread fit around their head, is there any reason for doing this besides that it looks cute? And why bread? Does anyone know the origin of this meme?”
Luckily, people were armed with many theories in their answers. One answered that the meme has to do with “them being purebred, bred=bread.” Another suggested the joke went back to cats. “If you put a string or rubber band around a cat's whiskers they will freak out and start backing up as though they are trapped halfway down a pipe.”
#4 These Inbred Dogs Are Getting Ridiculous
Image credits: reddit.com
#5 So This Bird Got A New Bread Necklace
Image credits: Proper_Shiny
#6 This Is Bob, My Cat. We Tried To Make Him In-Bread
Image credits: Moeferd
In reality, the "pet breading" pun is thought to have emerged from the original cat bread photo posted on Tumblr and Reddit way back in 2011. It resurfaced several times after as a viral photo fad, the name of which refers to a pun on “inbred.”
#7 Breaded Fluff
#8 You’re The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Image credits: river_the_mini_dachshund
#9 Quarantine Got Us Like... We Can't Decide... Are We Purebread Or Inbread?
Image credits: eldoodlegang
#10 All Family Of Pure Breads
Image credits: george_wertie_bosley
#11 I'm Pita Bread Now
Image credits: marniethedog
#12 Waiting For The Butter To Spread Like
Image credits: cece.pomeranian
#13 Who’s Hungry?
Image credits: greyborder
#14 An Open Faced Sandwich
#15 My Dogs Are Inbread, Send Thoughts And Prayers
Image credits: BenSerius
#16 This Is My Ferret. She's Inbread
Image credits: chonnes
#17 Not Impressed
Image credits: josh.alexander93
#18 I Think The Humans Have Gone Mad
Image credits: cassiopeiathecorgi
#19 I Ate Toast. I Got Stuck In Toast
Image credits: clementinethetiny
#20 Tigger Was Not Much Impressed By This Challenge But He Did Get Some Bread Out Of It So Not All Bad
Image credits: waffalynch
#21 So Tired Of Everyone Calling Me Inbread Just Because I'm Purebread
Image credits: bariparty_golden
#22 I Am Inbread
#23 Inbread Conehead
#24 What The Heckins Is A Bread Challenge Anyhow? At Yeast I’m All Done With It
Image credits: its_all_about_the_boo
#25 I Am Bear. Take Two Of This Weird Bread Thing The Pawrents Are Trying. Either The Bread Was Weak Or My Snoot Is So Powerful, Either Way... I Still Wasn’t Having It
Image credits: bear_the_cockedup_poo
#26 Who Benji? He’s 100% Purebread
Image credits: babybear_dachshund
#27 Inbread Companions
#28 "I'm Bread Haha"
Image credits: marniethedog
#29 Pippa The Hot Dog
Image credits: twowhippets
#30 "Unimpressed With My Humans"
Image credits: professormeowingtonscat
#31 Glam Has Started Taking Loafing A Little Too Seriously
Image credits: glamdring_cat
#32 No Animals Were Harmed In This Study, Although Delicate Egos Suffered Mild Bruising
Field experimentation with live subjects has revealed that the cat breading reflex is remarkably similar to the ace bandage torso wrap reflex of instantaneous involuntary total body paralysis and a facial expression of disbelief. 
Image credits: duffs007
#33 Guinea Pig With Bread Hat
Image credits: errathingistaken
#34 My Cats Reaction To Being Breaded
Image credits: MyPicksAreHiding
#35 Babycat With A Bread Necklace
Image credits: Bread-Dog
#36 My Rabbit Is Inbread
Image credits: regokey
#37 My Puppy Roo
Image credits: Harley Rescelo
#38 My Girlfriend's Cat Is A Little Inbread
Image credits: TheEngLife
#39 This Is My Inbread Cat Smokey
Image credits: iWontTellYou
#40 Inbread Cat
Image credits: localanti
#41 Think This Dog Is Inbread
Image credits: pawsclawsandteeth
#42 I’m Pure Bread Today
Image credits: happyyorkiefamily
#43 Inbread Fails
Image credits: pomquadsquad
#44 Our Sausage In Bread
Image credits: Stepan Cerny
#45 Thanks, We Needed It A Loaf
Image credits: robdenbleyker
#46 An Inbread Cat
Image credits: DishonestAbe
#47 I'm Dying
Image credits: jmezzzzzzz
#48 Tina Wearing Her Bread Crown
Image credits: jessholmes_
#49 There's Bread On My Head Hehe
Image credits: daisyytheflowerr
#50 Who Wants To Grab Brunch?
Image credits: orkyeh
#51 Another In-Bread Pup
Image credits: alice_piko
#52 Pug Loaf
#53 My Housemate Has An Inbread Ferret
Image credits: Fresleven238
#54 I Think Waffle Might Be Inbread
Image credits: octaffle
#55 Bread Cat
Image credits: DrewCareyIsHairy
#56 Inbread Cat
Image credits: jiblet84
#57 You Think Your Dog Has Got Problems? My Dog Is Inbread
Image credits: Skyrs9
#58 Just Learned About "Cat Breading." Can't Find The Cat
Image credits: peaceluvpenny
#59 My Friend Sent Me A Picture Of His Cat
Image credits: gawktopus
#60 Should I Be An In-Bread Or Pure-Bread For Halloween?
Image credits: thosepoodlepups
#61 Why Mom
Image credits: hachi_man14
#62 He Was Fine With This, Just Really Wanted To Eat The Bread
Image credits: konservatiivitaavi
#63 Inbread Bubbles
Image credits: bubblesdoingstuff
#64 I Know This Is So 5 Years Ago But It Was Our First Time. He's Adorable
Image credits: go_cortnie
#65 These Pedigree Cats Are All Inbread
Image credits: fluffy.boiz
#66 There Was A Pigeon In My Garden Wearing A Slice Of Bread
Image credits: colmgrant
#67 Good Morning , I Swear This Is My Happy Face
Image credits: archie.the.devon.rex
#68 When Breading Goes Wrong
Image credits: ajax2lexi
#69 This Is What Happens When You Wake Mum Up Early On Mother’s Day
Image credits: parkerschnauzer
#70 I Cut A Whole In My Bread
Image credits: darkwayyy
#71 My Inbread
Image credits: techdek
#72 My Friend's Inbread Kitty
Image credits: theroguehero
#73 Inbread Doggo
Image credits: zzgoogleplexzz
#74 Baby Loaf
Image credits: reddit.com
#75 Inbread Doggo
Image credits: kenshin_boffo
#76 Me And The Girls Amusing Ourselves However Possible
Image credits: springboxphotography
#77 Merry Christmas From George The Awesome Breadcat
Image credits: patchman71
#78 Make Inbread Cats Bready Again
Image credits: condog1035
#79 Look! I'm An In Bread Cat
Image credits: torbiereese
#80 Inbread
Image credits: slayalldaywithstanley
#81 Just Wanted To See If She Would Let Me Do It. First Try
Image credits: shiana.montanari
#82 Happy
Image credits: happyleolife
#83 Inbread Patch, In Four Pictures
Image credits: c8lingbot
#84 It Took A Few Attempts. Oakey Thought It Was A Weird Game But Great Fun. He Especially Loved It When The Bread Fell Apart And He Got To Scoff It All
Image credits: oakey.the.very.good.dog
#85 She Said She'll Bring Me Breakfast In Bed
Image credits: barkstreetboyz
#86 Harder Than It Looks
Image credits: taylerelyce
#87 Bitten Bread Dog
Image credits: alice_piko
#88 I Don't Have A Pet, But Here's My Friend's Inbread Cat
Image credits: rootale
#89 Inbread Border Collie
Image credits: stratreddit
#90 Inbread Cat With A Blep
Image credits: AerodynamicCat
#91 Wheat Are You Looking At?
Image credits: sodypop
#92 My Cat Is A Bit In-Bread
Image credits: CyberPinUp
#93 The Best Out Of 10
Image credits: bouledepoils64
#94 Chihuahua Head In Bread
Image credits: sweetnsassysailor
#95 Whoever Did This, You're Toast
Image credits: sneakersthecorgi
#96 Not Impressed
Image credits: baileyk.90
#97 This Is An Inbread Cat
Image credits: tomarro
#98 Inbread Dog
Image credits: NikolaiDimitri
#99 Fluffy The Pomeranian Is Inbread
Image credits: m0nde
#100 An Inbread Cat
Image credits: brianstk
#101 I Have An In Bread Cat Please Don't Make Fun Of Him
Image credits: RedHeadNerd
#102 In-Bread Minnie
Image credits: Luciditi
#103 This Was The Only Shot I Could Get Before He Ate It And Got Mega Cuddles
Image credits: wildheartsammy
#104 I've Never Seen Such An Amazing Inbread Cat Before
Image credits: Fartikus
#105 Hefty Bread Chonk
Image credits: TheOriginalNav
#106 In Bread Cat
Image credits: reddit.com
#107 Inbread Cat
Image credits: CandyRunt
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3eaKXP1 via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/3eaSA87
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