#hungarian graham montague
anendofeverything · 4 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
February 1994
Percy coughed violently, causing him to spit another mouthful of bile into the toilet he’d knelt over. He let out a slight whimper, tears blurring his vision, as he leant his head on his arm. His head was hurting, the start of a fierce headache plaguing him. He should be downstairs right now having dinner, but how could he sit there stuffing his face after what happened today? Hadn’t his family been through hell last year? His father had been on the brink of losing his job, and then everything with Ginny and Chamber of Secrets - wasn’t that enough? He wasn’t strong enough for this. Sure - he was Head Boy. He was of age, nearly ready to sit his exams, practically an adult.
But he didn’t feel like an adult.
He had responsibilities: his duties as Head Boy; being a tutor to his new-found friend and boyfriend; his siblings. The twins were constantly in trouble, and Percy knew, realistically, that he should try to reign them in a little, make them focus on their studies. And yet, Fred and George’s ambition to open a joke shop was something Percy knew full well they wouldn’t change their minds about. They’d made their minds up that that was what they were heading for in terms of their future career, and nothing would distract them from that goal. Percy didn’t worry about them as much as he worried about Ron and Ginny, but he still tried to look out for them - he was their big brother. After the Chamber and the effects it had on Ginny last year, and now everything with Ron - who was next? The twins were constantly experimenting to create their products. What if something went wrong? What if something happened to Charlie, with his dragons, or Bill with his Curse-Breaker work? Percy’s chest ached at the thought of something happening to any of siblings or his parents. It didn’t bear thinking about.
And then there was Oliver, Warrington, and Graham - he cared about all of them so much, and all of them were at risk on the Quidditch pitch - everyone knew it was a brutal sport. Oliver was his oldest and bestest friend. Warrington’s friendship was unexpected, but a complete breath of fresh air amongst the chaos that his seventh year had turned out to be. And then there was Graham.
He loved him.
He hadn’t said it yet, hadn’t had that conversation with his boyfriend, but he loved him. He loved him so much. Percy had fallen for the Slytherin Chaser, head first. Almost literally.
“Percy?” Graham’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom, and there was a frantic knocking against the door of the cubicle Percy was in. “Édesem? Are you alright?”
“No.” Percy coughed.
“Drágám,” Graham knocked again. “Percy, szerelmem, I’m going to unlock this door, okay?”
“No, wait-” Percy protested, trying to stand up, but it only made him dizzy. Black spots clouded his vision as he dropped back down to his knees and threw up again as his boyfriend used Alohomora to unlock the cubicle door.
“Oh, kedvesszívű,” Graham knelt down beside him, rubbing his back.
“I still don’t know what that means.” Percy mumbled, sitting up slowly.
“Mm, I’ll tell you soon, édesem,” Graham pressed a kiss to Percy’s head.
The Slytherin Chaser reached into his bag, bringing out a small vial, and pressing it into Percy’s hand.
“This is an anti-sickness potion,” Percy blinked. “Where did you get this?”
“Nicked it from Snape’s store cupboard during Potions earlier.”
“What? Are you mad-”
“Drágám,” Graham curled his hands around Percy’s, smiling fondly. “Just drink it, yeah? Makacs fiú.”
Percy did so, leaning back into Graham’s chest. “Today was awful.”
“I heard about Ron,” Graham tucked his chin on top of his boyfriend’s head. “How is he?”
“He’s okay mostly, he’s not injured, more shaken by it all than anything else. Me, Penny, and all the Prefects have been running around like headless chickens all day - I haven’t stopped. Professor Dumbledore had to write to mum and dad, and Ginny took it on herself to write to Bill and Charlie. I just… Last year was really had, what with dad nearly losing his job, and Ginny, and the Chamber, and now this? Who’s next? The twins? Bill? Charlie? What if something happens to my parents? Or Oliver? Warrington plays completely recklessly, as do you! Who do I have to fear about losing next? I can’t-”
“Percy. You’ve gotta breathe for me, gyönyörű. In and out, that’s it, there we go. You’re alright, édesem, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Percy murmured. “I take my N.E.W.T.s this year, and then I’ll leave Hogwarts. After that, I really won’t be able to keep you all safe.”
“I can barely look after anyone I care about while I’m in Hogwarts, how do I take care of my siblings or you or Warrington while I’m not here?”
“Percy, elég! You put way too much pressure on yourself. Kérlek, szerelmem.”
“Îmi pare rău.” Percy whispered. “Graham…”
“Shh, gyönyörű.” Graham pressed a soft kiss against the corner of Percy’s mouth. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Graham stood up, helping the Head Boy to his feet, and keeping a hold of his hand so he could lead him out into the hallway.
“Percy… szerelmem, have you eaten at all today?”
“Not really,” Percy admitted. “I should find Warrington, he’s usually got chocolate.”
“Aren’t you Head Boy? Just go get something from the kitchens.” Graham said amusedly.
“You gonna come with me?”
“That’s a rather dumb question, szerelmem. ‘Course I’m coming with you.”
The pair exited the kitchens, Graham’s pockets stuffed with full of neatly wrapped cakes for his teammates (even one for Malfoy - the git), while Percy had two wrapped cheese scones in one pocket, and a wrapped slice of Bakewell tart for Oliver in the other.
“Promise me you’ll eat both scones when you get back to your dorm, gyönyörű.”
“I will,” Percy nodded, cupping Graham’s face. “You should get some sleep, I know you’ve got practice tomorrow, first thing. Thank you for coming to find me. You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did, I was worried about you,” Graham placed his hands on Percy’s waist, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend, who kissed back just as fiercely.
The couple broke apart at the exclamation, only to find Penelope Clearwater stood in front of them, her hand to her mouth in shock, her eyes darting between her ex-boyfriend and the Slytherin Chaser.
“P-Penny,” Percy stuttered. “It’s n-not- I m-mean- we-”
“Clearwater,” Graham addressed her sharply. “You got a problem?”
“Graham!” Percy hissed.
“I, um, d-didn’t realise you liked guys…” Percy trailed off awkwardly.
“Neither did I.” Percy shrugged. “It’s not- we didn’t-”
“What Percy’s trying to say is you’d broken things off long before we got together.”
“I wasn’t going to put it quite like that,” Percy shot a glare at Graham, who shrugged. “Penny-”
“Percy,” Penelope said at the same time. “I was just… surprised.”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“No,” she smiled sadly. “I needed to be on my own for a little while.”
“I wasn’t- I didn’t go look- I just-”
“Percy, you don’t have to explain. You deserve to be happy.” Penelope tucked a strand of her hair behind her right ear. “Montague,” she turned to the Slytherin Chaser. “Look after him.”
Before Graham had time to respond, she’d left, leaving the couple staring after her. 
“You okay, gyönyörű?” Graham rubbed Percy’s shoulder. 
“I don’t know,” Percy admitted. “We broke up a long time ago, but I feel… bad? Why do I feel like something’s off? I shouldn’t feel like that.”
“You loved her once. Do you think you maybe moved on too quickly?”
“Do you think Clearwater wants you back?”
“No!” Percy exclaimed. “I... don’t know.”
“You’re not going to do yourself any favours stressing out about it, édesem.” Graham said gently.
“I know,” Percy whispered.
“C’mon,” Graham laced his fingers with Percy’s. “No one’s about, I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” 
The February Hogsmeade trip fell the weekend before Valentine’s Day, and the store had been decorated with pink and red paper hearts hanging from the ceiling, and rainbow confetti suspended in the air above the customer’s heads.
“Looks good, darling.” Lark approached her wife with a smile, kissing her on the cheek. “I just dropped Frankie off with your momma.”
“Is dad not there?” Cordelia asked with a frown.
“He went to the store, they were out of milk. Don’t freak out.”
“I’m not freaking out.”
“I just worry about him.”
“I know you do, and you have every right to, but he’s okay. His surgery went well, and he’s recovering well. He can get a bottle of milk from a shop that’s basically opposite his house.”
Cordelia bit her lip. “I’m being ridiculous, aren’t I?”
“No, baby, you’re not. But you need to stop stressing, it’s not good for you. Especially right now.”
“I know, I know, I- wait… what do you mean right now?”
“Hello again.”
“Oh, hello,” Lark waved at the two Hogwarts students that had entered the shop.
“Hello boys,” Cordelia smiled at the Gryffindor-Slytherin pair, Percy and Graham, that they’d met in November. “How’s school?”
“Busy,” Percy said, adjusting his glasses.
“I don’t know how you’re coping, honestly.” Graham admitted. “Head Boy duties, N.E.W.T. prep, and tutoring? You’re amazing.” 
“Shut up,” Percy blushed, trying to hide behind his hands.
“Hey,” Graham cooed, tugging on the other boy’s hands. “Don’t hide behind that adorable blush, c’mon.”
“You think this is adorable?”
“I always think you’re adorable, édesem.”
Lark chuckled, lacing her fingers with Cordelia’s, leading her towards the back of the store. “You boys give us a yell if you need anything.”
“Lark!” Cordelia spluttered as her wife led into the stockroom of the store.
“Dee,” Lark ran her arms over the shorter woman’s shoulders. “I know, okay?”
“Know what?”
“That you’re pregnant. I found that No-Maj test that you threw into the trash.”
“I wasn’t-” Cordelia ran a hand through her hair nervously. “I was going to tell you over dinner tonight.”
“Sorry for spoiling the surprise,” Lark smiled, sounding anything but. “Does anyone else know yet?”
“No one apart from the medi-witch I made an appointment with. It’s perfect timing, really, ‘cause Frankie’s staying with Russ and Bette this weekend.”
“You think those two are finally gonna have kids of their own? They ask to look after him all the time.”
“Oh God,” Cordelia snorted. “Mam gave Bette hell about having kids when I was pregnant last time - they’d only just gotten engaged then - this time she’s gonna be lethal about it.”
“They were an unexpected couple, no doubt about that. Who knew your old Quidditch rival would end up marrying your No-Maj brother?”
“Speaking of family…”
Lark sighed. “Let me guess - they sent yet another letter?”
“Did they address it to me, or to who they want me to be?”
“Lark… they’re your parents.”
“And I’m their daughter,” Lark said, her voice cracking on the word. “I’m their daughter, and if they can’t even acknowledge that on a fucking letter-”
“I know,” Cordelia said softly. “I know, but-”
“But nothing! They were doing it - using my name, calling me their daughter, and then they learnt I’m gay and they took all of that progress and all the learning they did away like it meant nothing to them. Like they could pick when they could and couldn’t adhere to it.”
Lark shook her head, her hands going to rest on Cordelia’s stomach, smiling sadly. “They told me I was wrong for loving you, you know that? That I wasn’t being fair to you, that I was tricking you.”
“Lark,” Cordelia swallowed around the lump in her throat, curling her hands around her wife’s.
“They told me lying to you about who I am would get me nowhere. The joke’s on them, though - you married me. We started a business together, Dee, we’re parents. You, and your mom and dad, and Russ and Bette, and Frankie, and this baby - you all are my family. Not them. Fuck them. If they don’t have the decency to acknowledge my gender in a goddamn letter, then fuck them.”
Cordelia blinked, staring at her wife in awe. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Lark bent her head down to kiss her wife softly.
“Hello?” a voice called nervously, as if the person was unsure their call would be welcome. “I’m really sorry, we, um, w-we’d like to pay for our stuff? Please?”
Cordelia giggled. “We’ve got customers who need to pay for books.”
“Mm, I guess so. You think it’s an important book?”
“All books are important, Lark!” Cordelia exclaimed, almost offended.
“Dear God, I married a nerd.” Lark rolled her eyes teasingly.
“Yeah, but you love me.”
“That I do, Dee. I love you very much.”
“Love you too, wifey.”
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anendofeverything · 5 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Four
December 1993
Sneaking out of the Slytherin dorms after hours was ridiculously easy. Ever since their first date, Graham would meet Percy in an unused classroom, sneaking past the teachers on duty, as well as Filch and his damn cat. It was during these secret nighttime rendezvous’ that Percy learnt about Graham’s family.
“You don’t talk about your family much. Not that you have to, you don’t! I just-”
“I know,” Graham sighed. “My parents… it was an arranged marriage. They were wrong for each other. Anya was eighteen and my father was twenty-three and already climbing the Ministry ranks. Anya was living in Luçon then. She went to Beauxbatons for her education and had been planning to go back to Tatabánya, her hometown, before she married my father. Anya came here in 1969 and didn’t speak any English beforehand. To this day she prefers speaking in Hungarian and French rather than English.”
“You speak French too?”
“Le français est ma troisième langue. Ma sœur parle mieux que moi, elle a appris le français avant d’apprendre l’anglais.”
Percy blinked. “I shouldn’t find that sexy, should I?”
Graham laughed delightedly. “Ils disent que le français est une langue sexuelle, n’est-ce pas?”
“Stop it.”
“Inkább magyarul beszéljek?”
“Nu mă face să vorbesc românește. O voi face.”
“Okay, okay, back to English,” Graham nuzzled Percy’s temple, placing a soft kiss there. “So they married in late June 1969, and my sister Carolyn was born in May 1970. By the time I got my Hogwarts letter Carolyn had already done her N.E.W.T.s, and started working for Florean Fortescue part-time while she started her Unspeakable training.”
“Straight from school? That’s impressive.”
“Eleven N.E.W.T.s, she didn’t take Divination.” Graham shrugged. “Anyway, my parents’ marriage has always been rocky. Two months into my first year, they had a terrible argument, like really bad. He tried breaking anya’s wand.”
“What?” Percy shook his head in disbelief. “What did your mother do after that?”
“She hexed him,” Graham sighed. “Hit him with the body-bind curse and left.”
“Back to Hungary?”
“Tatabánya, yeah. Carolyn quit working at the ice cream parlour and resumed her studies in Hungary. She works for the Ministry there now, though her job title there is actually Hangtalanok.”
“Why didn’t you go?” Percy asked gently.
“I wanted to. I begged my father to let me go, but I’d already started Hogwarts and got into Slytherin, like he did. He hated that Carolyn was a Ravenclaw when she went here, and he threatened to cut all communication with anya if I pressed the issue. I have to spend the first week of the summer at home, in Oxfordshire, before I get to spend the rest of my summer in Hungary. I don’t even bother unpacking when I get to father’s estate anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Percy turned to Graham’s lap so he could wrap the Slytherin up in a hug. “Thank you, though.”
“For what?”
“Trusting me enough to tell me.”
“Of course I trust you,” Graham whispered, cupping Percy’s face so he could kiss him.
“I trust you too,” Percy smiled. “I told Charlie about us, and I wrote to Bill as well.”
“Carolyn doesn���t know.” Graham bit his lip. “I haven’t told anya yet either.”
“I haven’t told the rest of my family,” Percy shrugged. “I want to do it in person, I think. When I’m ready to do so.”
“I understand that. Anya, just… she worries. A lot. So does my sister. And I’m not- I’m not out to them yet.”
“You think my parents know I have a boyfriend?”
“That’s different.” Graham protested.
“How is it different?”
“Because- Because- My father, I hate him. Merlin, do I hate him. Annyira utálom ezt a rohadékot! Nem érdekel, mit gondol rólam, de az anyám és a húgom?”
“Nem lehet. Hát nem érted?”
“Sweetheart, you’ve slipped into Hungarian,” Percy said gently. “But I get it. You’re scared to come out to your family. I understand, okay?”
“Okay,” Graham swallowed. “I’m s-sorry.”
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for. Nothing.”
“I wish it was that easy.”
Percy smiled sadly. “I know.”
Graham took a deep breath, nuzzling into his boyfriend’s hair.
Fogalmad sincs, mennyire fontos vagy nekem, Percy Weasley.
“What was that?” Percy asked amusedly as he and Oliver entered the carriage at the far end of the train.
“What was what?” Warrington asked from where he was lying stretched across three seats, his feet planted in Graham’s lap.
“Ollie was flirting with Flint.”
“Percy!” Oliver yelled. “I was not flirting with him.”
Percy raised one of his eyebrows. “Please, Ollie, if you weren’t flirting with Flint, then I’m straight.”
“Ollie, you were smiling at him all nervously. You waved at him. I swear I saw Flint blush.”
“Have you ever seen Flint blush?” Warrington asked, craning his neck to look at his best friend.
“No,” Graham said, nudging Warrington off of him, his fellow Chaser landing on a heap on the carriage floor.
“Percy’s here, Cassie, I ain’t a footrest.”
“Don’t call me Cassie!”
“Why do you insist on winding him up?” Percy rolled his eyes as he sat next to his boyfriend.
“You think I wanna be a footrest?” Graham asked incredulously.
“I was comfortable,” Warrington complained, hauling himself onto the seat opposite Graham and Percy, while Oliver sat himself by the window, tapping idly on his leg.
“Charlie’s coming over for the holidays isn’t he?”
“Charlie and Bill are both in England for the holidays this year,” Percy nodded. “With Charlie being in Romania and Bill in Egypt I haven’t seen them in person for the last few years, it’s just been letters. I’m nervous about what they’re gonna say.”
“You mean about you and Grey?” Warrington asked, his face scrunched up in confusion. “I thought your siblings already knew? Well, your older brothers, anyway.”
“They do. Well… So far I’ve only had a response from Charlie. I don’t know if Bill even got my letter, because international owl post can sometimes take months to reach the recipient. Bill’s been working a lot this year on Muggle architect sites, so the post piles up anyway because it can’t reach somewhere like that.”
“Perce,” Oliver started gently. “Didn’t you say that when Charlie came out that Bill was the first one that supported him?”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not terrified about it.” Percy pointed out. “And the thought of coming out to my parents.”
“You know Graham’s at mine for Christmas, right? We live pretty close to you, so, if you need somewhere to go…”
Percy smiled. “Thanks Warrington.”
When the trolly started making its rounds, and Graham and Percy slipped out, Oliver turned to Warrington with a sly grin.
“What you said to Percy earlier, about offering him somewhere to go if he needed it - part of that wasn’t because of your crush on Charlie, was it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure,” Oliver smirked. “I remember the match you played in, what, three years ago? When you had to cover for York after his cauldron exploded and he spent three months in the hospital wing. And Charlie told Marcus that he should put you on the team permanently.”
“Shut your mouth, Wood.”
“I’m just saying, Warrington, pretty much everyone on the Gryffindor team had a crush on Charlie at some point.”
“Well, I don’t!”
“Uh, huh. Sure, Warrington, sure.”
Charlie stepped onto Platform 9 ¾ just as the Hogwarts Express began pulling in. It felt weird standing there now, knowing he’d probably never go back, when he still vividly remembered the first time he got on the train in 1984. Leaning against the wall, he scanned the plethora of students flooding the platform ready to go home for the holidays.
He turned to his left as Oliver Wood crashed into him, hugging him fiercely. He chuckled as he returned the hug of his passionate founder teammate.
“Hello, Ollie.”
“Honestly, you’d think it was your brother he was crushing on, with how enthusiastic that hug was.”
“Screw you, Montague.”
“Nah, Wood, I’ll leave that to- Nevermind…”
Charlie looked up to see Percy stood in front of him, shifting nervously, holding the hand of who Charlie assumed was his boyfriend.
“Hey, Percy,” Charlie smiled. “This your boyfriend?”
“Hi, Charlie. This is my Gra- I mean, um…”
“Graham Montague,” Percy’s boyfriend - Graham - stuck his free hand out to shake. “It’s lovely to meet you, Percy’s told me a lot about you.”
“All good I hope,” Charlie teased, shaking Graham’s hand. “Percy mentioned in his last letter that you’re on the Slytherin Quidditch team?”
“Chaser,” Graham nodded. “Professor Snape says if I keep up an Exceeds Expectations average then I’m a shoo-in for Captaincy. Cassie’s on the team too.”
Charlie tilted his head slightly. “Cassius Warrington, right?”
“I- y-yes. You… remember me?”
“Remember?” Charlie shook his head amusedly. “When you covered for Callum York, and you caught the snitch, that was the best diving I think I’ve ever seen! And you were, what, in your second year, right?”
“Y-Yeah.” Cassius stuttered. “I play Chaser now, though. It fits better for me.”
“I can see that.” Charlie said honestly. “Your flying skills were impeccable, I’m sure they’ve only strengthened over the last few years.”
Cassius blushed, ever so slightly, prompting Graham, Percy and Oliver to all share a brief look that Charlie was oblivious to.
“We should probably get a move on. Ollie, I saw your parents out front. Xenophilius Lovegood is waiting outside with a Portkey so we can take everyone else back to the Burrow. Oh, and his daughter, Luna, is it?”
“Speaking of which,” Percy nudged Cassius. “There she is.”
“Luna!” Cassius waved at a young blonde girl who’d started walking in their direction.
“Hello, Cassius,” she hugged him in greeting. “Hello, Graham. Percy. Oliver.”
“Hello, Luna.” Percy smiled. “This is my brother, Charlie. Charlie, Luna here is Ginny’s best friend.”
“It’s lovely to meet you finally, Luna. Gin’s told me all about you in her letters.”
“Ginny said you work with dragons, it’s very sensible. They naturally keep away Nargles.” Luna looped her arm through Cassius’. “Is dad meeting us?”
“Uncle Xen’s waiting outside with a Portkey.” Cassius led Luna through the barrier, closely followed by Oliver.
“Édesem, you coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll just be a minute.”
Graham looked between the two brothers and gave Percy a soft smile before stepping through the barrier.
“So, what’s making you nervous?” Charlie asked. “Be honest with me.”
Percy swallowed. “Do you think Bill got my letter?”
“Oh, oh, Percy. I promise - I promise - Bill won’t react negatively to you having a boyfriend.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. Not really.”
“What are you worried about?”
“Mum,” Percy admitted. “I was there when you came out to her that Christmas. I remember how she reacted, what she said. I remember how you refused to come home at Easter. Charlie, I- I can’t- I can’t-”  
“Percy. Respiră adânc și calmează-te.”
“Cum să mă calmez?”
“You know, you don’t have to tell her.”
“How can I not tell her?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yes!” Percy exclaimed. “No… I don’t- I don’t know.”
Charlie sighed, pulling his younger brother into a hug. “You don’t have to come out until you’re ready to do so. To anyone, okay?”
“Okay,” Percy let out a breath.
“C’mon,” Charlie threw his arm around Percy’s shoulders, leading him through the barrier. “Let’s go home.”
“You know tomorrow is Christmas Day, right?”
Percy paused, setting down the plate he was washing. “Yes?”
“You gonna avoid me on Christmas Day?” Bill raised his eyebrows.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Percy turned back to the washing up he was doing the Muggle way.
“Percy,” Bill sighed. “Are you really gonna do this?”
“What do you want me to say, Bill?”
There was an awkwardness that hung in the air, neither of the brothers moving from where they were each stood. It stretched on for what felt like an age, before Bill spoke up quietly.
“I got your letter.”
“So you know, then?”
“Percy, I don’t care who you’re attracted to. I just care that you’re happy.”
“You’re not disappointed?”
“Why would I be?”
Percy said nothing in response, only shrugged as he busied himself once again with the washing up.
Bill sighed, but began drying what Percy washed up. “So, can I ask who knows?”
“About me and Graham?” Percy asked quietly. “You, Charlie, Oliver, um, Cassius Warrington, Graham’s best friend. That’s everyone so far, I think. Oh, and the people at The Spellbinding Booktique.”
“The people at the what now?” Bill blinked.
“Cordelia and Lark Thornhill, the owners of The Spellbinding Booktique. It’s a bookshop in Hogsmeade, they only opened back in April. Graham took me there for our first date.”
“He took you to a bookshop for your first date?”
“Yeah,” Percy smiled shyly. “Then he brought be Sugar Quills.”
“So this Graham must really like you, then?”
“It’s not a joke, Bill.”
“I never said it was.” Bill clasped Percy’s shoulder gently. “Do you think people won’t take this seriously? Do you think our family won’t?”
“Before Graham, I’d only ever dated Penelope, and the reactions to that were bad enough. Coming out, having a boyfriend - one who’s also a Slytherin, no less? It’s a storm waiting to boil over.”
“You like this guy, right? He makes you happy? Because that’s all that should matter, Percy.”
“I know. I know that, but I can’t help worrying about it.”
“Worrying about what?”
The brothers turned to find their father stepping out of the fireplace, shrugging off his travelling cloak and hanging it up.
“Nothing!” Bill exclaimed, his voice going ever so slightly squeaky. “Nothing to worry about, absolutely nothing!”
“Boys.” Arthur frowned. “What’s going on?”
Percy swallowed nervously, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“Dad,” Bill stepped forward. “It’s fine, it’s nothing-”
“Bill,” Percy murmured, taking a deep breath. “It’s okay. D-Dad, I- I’m seeing someone.”
“I thought you and Penelope broke up?”
“A different someone, dad. I.. his name is Graham.”
There was a silence, before Arthur crossed the room and engulfed Percy in a hug. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Dad?” Percy let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding as he returned Arthur’s hug. “You’re… thanking me?”
Arthur pulled back, smiling at his son somewhat sadly. “When Charlie came out, I didn’t react the way I should have.”
“Dad, you didn’t react badly to it,” Bill said softly.
“I should’ve gone after him when he left.” Arthur sighed. “Instead, I comforted your mother, and I’ve been trying to make it up to your brother ever since. I’m not making the same mistake twice. You’re my son, and I love you. As long as this boy treats you right, then I’m happy you’re happy.”
“He does,” Percy nodded. “Thank you, dad.”
“This boyfriend of yours got a name, then?” Arthur teased.
“Graham,” Percy bit his lip. “Graham, um, Montague.”
“Montague.” Arthur blinked. “As in Richard Montague’s son?”
“I don’t really know how it all started. We were friends first, I guess, but it- it kind of just happened, and I like him a lot, dad. I really do, and I’m happy. I’m thrilled.”
“And I’m happy for you, I am,” Arthur said reassuringly.
“Can you… not tell mum? For now? I’m not ready for that. Not yet, at least.”
Arthur nodded. “I understand, I won’t tell her. It’s not my place to. I’m proud of you, Percy, you know that?”
“Thank you, dad.”
“I’m still incredibly single,” Bill piped up. “Your boyfriend doesn’t have a sister, does he?”
Percy raised one of his eyebrows. “She lives in Hungary. And she’s engaged.”
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anendofeverything · 5 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Three
November 1993
The morning following Sirius Black’s break in, after the students had breakfast in their pyjamas and started to head back to their dormitories, Graham took Cassius by the arm and dragged him away from the Slytherin table.
“Mate, slow down!” Cassius protested. “What are you doing?”
“You fell asleep last night-”
“It was three o’clock in the morning. What did you expect?”
“-and I need to tell you something!”
Graham all but shoved Cassius into an empty classroom. “I talked to Percy.”
“Is that it? I told you too, didn’t I? What-”
“I kissed him.” Graham interrupted.
“I kissed him and I asked him to go to Hogsmeade with me. I need your help, Cassie.”
For once, Cassius didn’t protest against his dreaded nickname, noticing the panic etched into his best friend’s face. He guided Graham to sit down and coached him into taking a few breaths.
“C’mon,” Cassius murmured softly. “In and out, just like that. You’re alright mate.”
“I’m not-”
“Why’re you freaking out? He said yes, right?”
“Yes, but… Cassie, what if I mess it up?”
“What makes you think you’re gonna mess it up?”
Graham sighed, hanging his head. “I offered to take him to a bookshop - a bookshop, Cas. He’ll think I’m boring.”
“Mate,” Cassius shook his head fondly. “This is Percy Weasley we’re talking about. He’s gonna love it.”
“I-” Graham blinked. “I’m such an idiot, Cas.”
“You’re nervous, Graham. You’re allowed to be. What else do you have planned for your date?”
“I said I would buy him Sugar Quills. Books and Honeydukes, great first date that’s gonna be.”
Cassius squeezed Graham’s shoulder. “It will be for him. I don’t think Weasley’s gonna care much about what you do, so as he gets to spend time with you.”
“You think so?” Graham looked up at his best friend, who smiled gently.
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Gray. You’ve got nothing to worry about, trust me. And whatever you need me to do, I’m here.”
“Thanks, Cassie.”
“I still hate that nickname.”
“I know.”
Cassius rolled his eyes. “Whatever, mate. C’mon. We still gotta change before Lupin’s class.
As Oliver sat down for dinner, there was a tug on his arm, and a small Hufflepuff boy shoved a scrap of parchment at him.
“I was told to give this to you!” The boy exclaimed and scarpered off before Oliver could respond.
The Quidditch Captain frowned to himself. Somehow his Care of Magical Creatures had finished early, so Hagrid had let them go prematurely, whereas he knew Percy would only just be finishing his Arithmancy class. Oliver read the note, his eyes widening, at looked over at the Slytherin table where Warrington was sitting down with Montague, Adrian Pucey, and Terence Higgs.
I’m sure that by now you know that your best mate and my best mate like each other. A lot. And that they’re going to Hogsmeade this weekend.
Montague’s pretty nervous about it, guessing Weasley is too? Anyway, if you can get him to the old Quidditch shop by the Hog’s Head for about 11 on Saturday, that’s where Montague will meet him.
Don’t worry - Weasley’s in good hands.
Oliver stared at the Slytherin Chaser, who, after being elbowed by Montague, stared right back. Warrington tilted his head, just so, his eyes flickering to the note in Oliver’s hand. The Gryffindor nodded as subtly as he could, which made Warrington grin, showing off his teeth. Oliver let his eyes flicker over to Marcus Flint, who was talking to the Slytherin Beaters, Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole. He bit his lip as his eyes trailed over Flint’s - Marcus’ - face. He had a nice face.
Marcus had removed his school robes and had rolled up his shirt sleeves, showing off the muscles he’d gained from Quidditch. Oliver noticed that his hair looked rather soft, the kind that instinctively made you want to reach out and touch it. Feeling eyes on him, Oliver reluctantly tore his gaze away from Marcus and glanced back to Warrington, who was smirking. He knew.
Oliver cursed his paleness as he blushed heavily and let his head thud onto the table.
“Ollie?” A hand rubbed his gently. “Are you alright?”
“Hey, Percy.” Oliver murmured.
“I’m okay. I think.”
“Flint?” Percy guessed, asking quietly, which made Oliver sigh and lift his head up.
“Yeah. I like him, Percy. I like him so much, and I don’t know what to do. He hates me, and it hurts.”
Percy wrapped his arm around Oliver’s shoulders. “You and Flint have been rivals since first year. He probably thinks you hate him too.”
“But I don’t!” Oliver complained.
“So show him that.” Percy’s tone was gentle. “I can’t sit here and guarantee that Flint likes you back, but you never know. Stranger things have happened, I suppose.”
“Like, you fancying Montague?”
“I deserved that, didn’t I?”
“Oliver, you’re never gonna get anywhere with Flint if you don’t talk to him.”
“Since when were you so wise, Perce?”
Percy shrugged. “I’m not, really. Charlie told me to go for it with Graham, and well. We’re going on a date. Sort of.”
“Percy, he offered to take you to a bookshop, and he’s buying you sweets. It’s a date.”
“Right.” The Head Boy flushed almost as red as his hair. “My point is, Ollie - talk to him.”
“If he lets me.”
“Ollie, you’re my best friend. I want you to be happy. If that means Flint, well… I’m not letting you give up.”
The pair didn’t notice Marcus Flint sending a glare their way, as Oliver practically tackled Percy into a hug. They didn’t notice Graham Montague, who was giggling to himself over their antics, or Cassius Warrington, who had also noticed how pissed off Flint looked, and how his Captain couldn’t take his eyes off of Wood.
As soon as Percy stepped into Hogsmeade Village, Oliver took him by the hand and started dragging him along, past Zonko’s, the Three Broomsticks, and even Honeydukes.
“Oliver, what-”
Oliver kept dragging him along until he halted in front of the Quidditch shop that sat in between the Hog’s Head and Eeylops’ Hogsmeade branch. The shop itself had been closed for eleven years, after the owner, one Neve Vivian Quaintlock, a former Beater and Keeper for the Falmouth Falcons, moved to America with her Muggle husband in the summer of 1982. One of the two front windows was missing, the other so smashed it may as well also be missing, and the sign declaring the name of the store - Quaintlock’s Wondrous Quidditch Shoppe - was so faded now it was almost unreadable.
Percy raised one of his eyebrows, distinctly unimpressed. “Oliver, why am I here?”
“That was my doing. I asked him to bring you here.”
“Warrington?” Percy blushed as he noticed who was with him. “Oh. Hello, Graham.”
“Hey, Percy.” Graham smiled softly. “Good morning so far?”
“Apart from Oliver dragging me down here like a madman, it’s not been too bad. You could’ve just told me, you know.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Oliver asked.
“Fun? You thought that was fun?”
“It was fun for me.”
Percy stared at him in horror. “Ollie, you’ve been spending too much time with Fred and George.”
“Oh, speaking of, the twins asked me to meet them at Zonko’s.” Oliver clasped Percy’s shoulders. “Have fun today.”
“Thanks, Ollie.”
“I’m off too.” Warrington piped up. “Meeting Ade and Higgs at Honeydukes. Have fun, kids.”
“Warrington, I’m older than you.” Percy deadpanned, while Graham said, “Cas, your birthday is like three weeks before mine.”
Warrington sighed dramatically. “You two are absolutely no fun.”
Percy adjusted his glasses, watching Warrington and Oliver walk back into the main part of town. He shifted nervously, feeling Graham’s eyes on him.
The Slytherin Chaser reached out and took the Head Boy’s hand. “So, the bookshop is a just a little ways down the road. Wanna take a look?”
“Yeah.” Percy nodded, ducking his head to hide his blush. “Sounds nice.”
Graham laced their fingers together and squeezed gently. “I’m still planning on buying you as many Sugar Quills as you can carry.”
Percy smiled shyly. “You don’t have to buy me stuff, you know.”
“I know.” Graham shrugged. “But I want to.”
“I’m… not going to win this argument, am I?”
“Probably not, kedvesszívű.”
Percy blinked. “Come again?”
“Kedvesszívű.” Graham repeated. “It’s a nickname.”
“Which means what exactly?”
“It’s nothing bad, I promise.” Graham said, kissed Percy softly, making the Gryffindor blush harder.
The Spellbinding Booktique was a cosy shop situated towards the end of the main road of Hogsmeade. The storefront was painted a cheery yellow (perhaps a shade too bright), and on half of the exposed brickwork on the left side of the building was a mural of clouds cut diagonally, with the other side made up of a cacophony of spell incantations in black calligraphy that got smaller and smaller as more space ran out.
“It’s very… loud.” Percy tilted his head to the side, a small smile forming on his face. “I love it.”
“Yeah?” Graham breathed.
Percy headed to the front door of the shop, which was black with a silver Hogwarts crest on the top half of the door. On the bottom half was another silver crest, the middle of it clover-shaped and on it were four creatures - a Horned Serpent, a Wampus, a Thunderbird and a Pukwudgie.
“Ilvermorny?” Graham asked curiously.
“The American wizarding school.” Percy answered, opening the door and stepping inside.
The Spellbinding Booktique was as cosy and inviting as it looked from the outside. Although smaller than Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley, Percy was looking around the store in wonder, spotting the shelf of used textbooks; the display of Muggle books; an entire wall of Wizarding history from around the world; and a small section of quills, ink pots and parchment. Against the back wall there was a bookshelf painted to look like a rainbow, a sign above it declaring it packed full of Wizarding and Muggle LGBT books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Percy was practically vibrating in excitement, and he flung his arms around the Slytherin Chaser. “This place is amazing.”
Graham lifted his arms up to reciprocate the hug, burrowing his face in Percy’s hair. “My sister, Carolyn, came here when it opened in April and recommended it to me. I was hoping you’d like it.”
“I’m going to want to come here every time there’s a Hogsmeade weekend, you realise that?”
Graham chuckled, pulling back so he could see his date’s face. “I know, kedvesszívű.”
Percy flushed and pushed his glasses back up his nose. Graham was drawn to the blues of Percy’s eyes, the freckles that were scattered across the bridge of the Gryffindor’s nose, and he couldn’t help but run his thumb over Percy’s cheek.
“Istenem, gyönyörű vagy.”
“Stop it.” Percy ducked his head.
“What?” Graham smirked. “You like it when I speak Hungarian?”
Percy flushed deeper, and Graham chuckled, pressing a kiss to his temple.
“I thought I heard voices.” Came a distinctly Glaswegian accent.
The pair turned to see a woman stood by the counter. She was shorter than both of the students, had pale skin, and curly blonde hair that was cut into a bob. Her eyes were green, and she was wearing blue jeans and a yellow jumper, of which she’d rolled up the sleeves, showing off the intricate sun and moon tattoo on her right arm. Graham spied two rings on her left hand, a black and gold band, and a silver ring set with a garnet gem.
“Hello.” Percy said shyly.
“Hey.” Graham wrapped an arm around the Gryffindor’s waist.
The store owner noticed the movement, her eyes flickering between Percy’s red scarf and Graham’s green one. She smiled softly at them. “You boys looking for anything in particular?”
“Just browsing, thanks.” Graham nodded and steered Percy to the rainbow painted shelf. “This is really cool.”
“It is,” Percy agreed, picking up a book titled The Differences Between Sexuality in the Wizarding and Muggle Communities of Britain.
“Get whatever you want. It’s on me.” Graham said as Percy put the book back on the shelf after flicking through it.
“You don’t-”
“Percy, édesem, I want to.”
“I- okay…” Percy hesitated and picked the book back up, clutching it to his chest. “It sounds interesting.”
“I’m sure it will be, édesem.”
“You still need to teach me Hungarian.” Percy said.
Graham smiled and pecked his cheek. “Of course, kedvesszívű.”
The boys spent a good hour in the store, being the only customers during that time, and eventually made it to the counter. Percy was holding five books: the aforementioned book on sexuality; a copy of the Muggle fantasy book The Hobbit; a copy of Puddlemere United’s newly published biography (a Christmas present for Oliver Wood); a Muggle book on cars (a Christmas present for Percy’s father); and Ilvermorny: A Comprehensive History of the North American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The blonde store owner was still there, now holding a small boy wearing black jeans and a black jumper with a gold star in the middle of it. Another woman, who was dark-skinned, had joined her, and she had long braided hair that fell down her back. She was wearing a navy dress and a dark grey bolero jacket, a silver snake pendant hung from her neck, and her brown eyes were soft beneath her rectangular glasses.
“Hello, boys,” she said.
Her accent was American, southern, Graham guessed, and she reached out to take the stack of books Percy was holding. Graham noticed the two rings she was wearing matched the blonde woman’s. Only her silver ring was instead set with aquamarine rather than garnet.
“Did you find everything alright?” She asked politely, putting the books into brown paper bags, one side printed with the store name over the same cloud mural as outside, the other side printed with a black coloured horned serpent weaved around a black and white badger against a rainbow-striped backdrop.
“Yes, thank you.” Percy nodded. “You have an amazing collection.”
“He’s already said he wants to come back.” Graham added.
“Thank you. ‘M Cordelia, this is my wife, Lark, and this little’un,” the blonde woman smiled, adjusting the child she was holding, “is our son, Franklin.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Percy said. “I’m Percy, this is Graham.”
The dark-skinned women, Lark, set two bags in front of the students. “That’ll be seven Galleons, ten Sickles and three Knuts. What else are you guys planning for today?”
“Honeydukes,” Graham answered, handing over exactly the right change. “Percy loves Sugar Quills, and I’m running low on Cauldron Cakes.”
“You boys have fun now.” Cordelia sat Franklin on the counter.
The young boy stared curiously at the teenagers, and suddenly his hair was a mirror image of Graham’s wavy brown hair, with Percy’s blue eyes and freckle pattern.
“Hi!” Franklin yelled.
“Frankie!” Cordelia chided.
“Franklin’s a Metamorphmagus.” Lark explained. “He enjoys changing into every new person he meets right now.”
“It’s alright,” Percy smiled gently. “He’s sweet, kind of reminds me of my brother Ron when he was little.”
“Kind of wish he can stay little forever.” Cordelia admitted.
“At least he’ll only be up the road from us when he goes to Hogwarts.” Lark pointed out.
“True.” Cordelia nodded. “You boys have a good day now.”
When Percy finally made it back to Gryffindor tower carrying the two bags from The Spellbinding Booktique, his pockets full of Sugar Quills - Graham had insisted on buying the Deluxe variety of - Fizzing Whizzbees, a few bars of Honeydukes Best Chocolate, and two tins of Sugared Butterfly Wings (Percy had paid for everything but the Sugar Quills, after a hushed argument with Graham).
He immediately put his new books away in his trunk and dumped most his sweets onto his bedside table, taking a handful with him to make his rounds. The Fizzing Whizzbees were for Ginny as they were her favourites, and she still had another year to go before she could go to Hogsmeade herself. The chocolate was Ron’s, and Percy left a note so that Ron shared with Harry and Hermione, because he knew his youngest brother and what he was like. Last, the tins of Sugared Butterfly Wings were for the twins, which was something Percy had been doing since the first Hogsmeade trip he ever went on in his third year while Fred and George were in their first, and had immediately zeroed in on the sweets when he stepped into Honeydukes. Out of all of his siblings, and himself, it was only the twins that even like them, and Percy, without hesitating, picked up two tins along with his favourite, which were Sugar Quills. He’d since continued the tradition even after both of them could visit Hogsmeade, and then later started doing it for Ron and Ginny.
“Oh, look, Forge.” George sighed dramatically, spotting Percy approaching them. “The start of the end.”
Fred nodded in agreement. “I know, Gred, it’s so sad. Soon enough Perce will be gone, and then - alas! - no more Sugared Butterfly Wings.”
“Quit being so dramatic.” Percy rolled his eyes fondly. “It’s just sweets.”
“Sweets-” Fred started.
“-that our elder brother-”
“-deemed good enough-”
“-to buy us!” finished George.
“Shut up.” Percy murmured.
“C’mon, Percy,” they said in unison. “You love us, really.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Percy turned away from his brothers and headed back upstairs to his dorm.
Oliver was back now, laying face down on Percy’s bed, a full bottle of Firewhisky on his bedside table, and a half drunk one on the floor.
“Heeeeey, Percy!” Oliver cheered, flipping over onto his back. “Percy! Percy, Percy, Perrrcy…”
“Are you drunk?” Percy demanded. “Where the hell did you get Firewhisky?”
“I’ve my- my- ma waaaays.” Oliver giggled, sitting up. “Have a drink w’ me!”
“Ollie.” Percy sat next to his best friend. “What’s going on?”
“I wanted a drink, Perce - drink w’ me!”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “Oliver. Don’t lie to me.”
“I saw Marcus… he’s so pretty. Percy!” Oliver yelled. “He’s pretty.”
“Do you talk to him?”
“No.” Oliver covered his face with one of Percy’s pillows and spoke into it. “Jus’ stared at ‘im like ‘n idiot.”
Percy took the pillow away from Oliver’s face and helped him sit up. “You really need to try talking to him, Ollie. And soon. This is hurting you.”
“He’s so pretty.”
“You said.”
“I like him. A lot.” Oliver huffed. “Pretty sure I love ‘im, mate.”
“Oh, Oliver.” Percy murmured, as he suddenly had the Quidditch Captain slumped on his lap, crying into his shoulder.
“I love ‘im. I fucking love ‘im, Percy.”
“I know, I know,” Percy shushed him.
“I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to talk to ‘im. I’ve tried.”
Percy said nothing, just rubbed Oliver’s back. “You should get some sleep.”
Oliver pulled back and leaned down to pick up the open bottle of Firewhisky, taking a sip.
“Don’t.” Oliver shook his head, downing even more of the alcohol. “Jus’ don’t.”
“This is a bad idea.” Percy sighed, taking the unopened bottle and swallowing some of it down, coughing as it burned the back of his throat.
They both drank in silence for a while until Oliver piped up with, “I saw Pucey and Higgs in the Three Broomsticks. Definitely shagging, them two.”
“They are not-”
“I bet you two Galleons.”
“You’re on, Ollie.”
“Tell me ‘bout ya date w’ Mon- Mon- Monta- Mon-”
“Graham.” Percy said.
“It was good.” Percy smiled as he drank more. “He was really sweet. Kept paying for stuff, said I deserved to be spoiled.”
Oliver frowned, trying to drink more Firewhisky and coming up empty. “So, wha’ - ya landed yerself a suga’ daddy?”
“Graham’s younger than me.”
“‘E ca’ still be a suga’ daddy.” Oliver slurred. “‘Ere, give us more o’ ya whiskey.”
“Fuck off.” Percy mumbled, taking a big swig. “Getcha own.”
“I paid for it!” Oliver protested.
“You’ve had enough!”
The Quidditch Captain lunged for the bottle and landed on Percy’s outstretched legs. He sat up, groaning, and promptly three up on the floor by the Head Boy’s bed. Percy winced, setting the bottle of Firewhisky he was drinking from, now only a thief full, on his bedside talk.
“C’mon,” he murmured, ushering Oliver into the bathroom attached to their dormitory. “I’ll be back in a minute, okay?”
“‘Kay.” Oliver coughed, swaying slightly, and threw up again.
Percy winced, grateful that Ollie had at least thrown up into the toilet this time. The smell wasn’t too horrendous, thankfully, and with a quick Scourgify , it was gone. Percy got Oliver a set of clothes to change into, and found a hangover prevention potion in Oliver’s trunk, delivering them to him.
When Oliver stumbled back into the room in fresh clothes, he immediately slumped onto his bed. “Thanks, Percy.”
“You’re welcome.” Percy said softly.
Oliver’s only answer was a snore, and Percy yawned, aware of his impending headache. He looked at his best friend, shaking his head fondly.
“Never drinking with you again, Ollie.”
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anendofeverything · 5 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Two
October 1993
Percy had spent a lot of time thinking about his sexuality. Enough time that it took him through to the second week of October - almost a solid month of researching, borrowing every book that even remotely discussed sexual and romantic attraction from the library. He’d talked to Oliver about it a lot, letting the Quidditch Captain talk in depth about realising he was gay, and Ollie’s words had helped a lot. Percy had even penned a letter to his older brother Charlie, who’d come out a few years ago as demisexual and biromantic. Charlie’s reply had turned up this morning and Percy had hastily shoved it in his bag, unable to bring himself to read it. Not while the twins were sat only two seats down, and opposite them Ron and Hermione were bickering because of Crookshanks and Scabbers. Harry looked positively bored with their argument and turned to strike up a conversation with Neville Longbottom instead.
Secretly, Percy had never really liked the damn rat all that much anyway, even though Scabbers had been his for a decade. He much preferred the family owls - it was really saying something when you considered Errol, of all things, a better pet - and he had been ecstatic to get his own owl just before he started his fifth year. Hermes was an excellent bird, and he liked to perch on his shoulder sometimes, which never failed to amuse Oliver, who would giggle and tell him he looked like a fancy dress version of a pirate.
“Just open it.” Percy sighed to himself.
He was fiddling with the envelope, desperate to open it, but also scared to. He’d come to the library early so he could read his brother’s letter before helping the two Slytherins with their O.W.L. preparations and homework for the week. Despite the sessions starting as helping Warrington with Transfiguration and Mon- Graham… with Potions, it’d now slowly started to become a proper study session for the three of them after Percy noticed that the two Chasers were struggling with most of their subjects. Warrington was dyslexic, something he’d only found out over the summer after Xenophilius Lovegood had read a supplement in a Muggle newspaper, and got Warrington formerly tested.
“My mother’s Hungarian,” Graham said during their first tutoring session as a trio. “And while I learned both languages growing up, I always felt more comfortable in Hungarian. I consider it my first language, rather than English. So does my sister, Carolyn.”
Percy smiled kindly. “So instinctively you want to write in Hungarian then?”
“Yeah, and I have to translate it in my head and then it doesn’t make sense.” Graham sighed. “It can be really frustrating.”
“I can imagine.” Percy nodded sympathetically. “I know a bit of Hungarian. My brother Charlie tried to teach me once, but I kept getting it mixed up with Romanian.”
“You can speak Romanian?”
“Pot să port o conversație.”
Warrington whistled lowly. “Cool.”
“I can always teach you Hungarian sometime.” Graham offered. “If you want.”
“I’d like that.”
“Hey,” Warrington spoke up. “Why have you never offered to teach me Hungarian? Am I not good enough for you?”
“Shut up, Cassie.”
“Don’t call me Cassie!”
Percy smiled fondly at the memory. Warrington and Graham really had become good friends of his, even if no one knew except Oliver. It was just easier, for now, to avoid the inevitable shit-show that would happen. The Head Boy adjusted his glasses, and finally opened Charlie’s letter.
Dear Percy,
I hope your final year is going well so far, and the N.E.W.T. preparations aren’t giving you too much trouble. Remember to take a break every once in a while - I know you, Percy.
Percy couldn’t help but huff out a laugh. Charlie had always known him best. And he was right.
Percy didn’t take breaks.
As for what you wrote me-
Percy took a breath, stealing himself for his brother’s reaction.
-I’m not all that surprised, to be honest.
….. What….?
You probably don’t remember the crushes you had on some of the Muggle kids in the village when you were little, but it wasn’t just the girls that you liked. It’s okay, Percy, and you don’t have to label yourself as gay or bisexual if that makes you uncomfortable or doesn’t feel right. It should feel right, however you decide to label yourself. And if you don’t ever label yourself, that’s okay too.
Damnit, Charlie, Percy thought, wetness welling up in his eyes. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry.
If you like this boy, Slytherin or not, you should talk to him. It sounds like he likes you too. He’s probably nervous as well. Just talk to him, okay?
Write back to me soon, Percy. I miss your letters.
All my love,
Percy let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Charlie wasn’t mad at him, or disappointed in him. He didn’t know why he thought his older brother would be, but the wave of relief that rushed over him left him slumping into his chair. Charlie accepted him - both his feelings for another boy, and that boy being a Slytherin. Percy couldn’t deny his feelings at this point, he was crushing on Graham Montague - and Charlie said he should go for it. He should tell Graham how he was feeling.
There was still a small pit of dread in Percy’s stomach at the thought of actually talking to Graham. A nagging doubt at the back of his head that Graham’s flirty behaviour was just a joke, and that the Slytherin would laugh at Percy even entertaining the thought of Graham fancying him.
He was so caught up in his own thoughts, blankly staring at Charlie’s letter, that he didn’t realise Warrington and Graham had sat themselves opposite him. He didn’t realise they’d started speaking until Warrington whistled, making Percy jump out of his skin.
“Oi, Weasley, you alive in there?” Warrington frowned.
“Yes. Sorry, just… distracted.” Percy answered.
 “Is everything okay?” Graham asked gently.
Percy sighed. “I’ve been struggling with something, and I wrote to Charlie for some advice.”
“What’s going on?” Graham looked concerned, as did Warrington, but Percy couldn’t tear his eyes from the worry on Graham’s face.
“I’m not gay.” Percy blurted out. “Or bisexual, I don’t think, but- I came across this term pansexual, the other day, and it feels good. Nice. It feels... right.”
Graham smiled brightly. “Does anyone else know?”
“Charlie and Oliver know I’ve been trying to figure it all out.”
“But we’re the first to know you’re pansexual?” Warrington’s eyes lit up excitedly.
“I- yes. You are.”
Graham and Warrington looked at each other, grinning, before Warrington stuck his hand out to Percy, who took it somewhat warily. Warrington shook it enthusiastically, beaming at the Gryffindor.
“Cassius Warrington, homosexual.”
Graham stuck his hand out next. “Graham Montague, bisexual.”
Percy couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter, taking Graham’s hand in his own. It was warm, and he swore Graham rubbed the pad of his thumb over his palm.
“Percy Weasley, pansexual.”
From where he was laying on the floor of the Great Hall, he could see Percy quietly talking with Professor McGonagall. He ached to go over and see if the Head Boy was alright. Percy was paler than usual, and he looked stressed. Every so often his eyes darted around the room, seeking out his siblings and friends. His view would flicker towards his baby sister Ginny, who was fast asleep next to Luna Lovegood, her best friend, and Cassius’ cousin. His eyes would then travel to his youngest brother, Ron, who was snoring next to Hermione Granger and Harry Potter; next it would be the twins, Fred and Geroge, who’d fallen asleep by Oliver Wood; and finally Percy would land on himself and Cas. It was like a routine - one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four - and something Graham assumed was calling for Percy. Making sure the people he cared about it were safe.
“Go over there.” Cassius hissed at him.
“Go over there and talk to him.”
“I can’t!” Graham protested. “McGonagall’s over there, and everyone’s still on high alert after the break in.”
It’d been a much talked about subject throughout the school since everyone came back after the summer. No one could figure out how Sirius Black had broken out of Azkaban. It was going to be talked about even more, only the question was now going to be why did Black break into Hogwarts in the first place?
“Do something Graham, please. I swear I can hear you thinking!”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!”
Graham stood up, and carefully walked through the sleeping students until he reached Percy and McGonagall. The Transfiguration professor raised her eyebrow and gave him a distinctly unimpressed look.
“Mr Montague, is there a reason that you're up?”
“Sorry, Professor, but is there anyway I may be excused to go to the toilet?”
“I'll go with him.” Percy offered. “I need to go anyway.”
“No, it won't do.” McGonagall shook her head, and ushered over Snape. “Severus, will you please assist Mr Montague and Mr Weasley to the first floor bathroom?”
“I suppose you also wish me to tuck them in and sing them a lullaby?”
McGonagall gave Snape a withering look, one Graham very much appreciated not being on the end of. “This is no time for sarcasm, Severus. There is a madman currently loose in our castle. Our students are at risk! Especially-”
“Careful, Minerva, you might… reveal something.” Snape turned his gaze to Graham and Percy. “Montague. Weasley. Are you coming or not?”
Graham nodded. “Yes, Professor.”
“Alright,” Percy grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the door. “What did you really want to talk about?”
Graham blinked. “You knew I wanted to talk to you?”
“I can read you like a book, Graham. Talk.”
“Are you okay? You look stressed.”
“That’s it?”
“Well yeah.” Graham answered. “I care about you. I’m worried about you, okay?”
“You care about me?”
“What kind of fucking question is that? Of course I care about you.”
“Yes, but,” Percy ducked his head shyly. “How?”
“What do you mean how?”
“Do you care about me as just a friend, or as something more?”
Graham’s heart thundered in his chest. Did this mean what he thought it meant? Did he have a chance? Percy was looking firmly at the floor, his face almost as red as his hair, and Graham spun them around so that Percy’s back was against the wall.
“What- mmph!”
Graham had realised Percy was slightly taller than him, and had clutched the Gryffindor’s shirt so he could pull him into a kiss, his free hand gently holding Percy’s face. Percy whimpered, his hands coming up to grasp Graham’s waist, and his eyes fluttering shut. Kissing Percy felt good. It felt right, like it was meant to be. As if this future had been written in the stars a millennia ago, as if it was their destiny to end up together.
Like it was fate.
Graham pulled back, only to attach his lips to Percy’s neck, making him whine, and fuck - that sound was beautiful - and let his hands roam over the older student’s chest, going lower, and brushing curiously against the front of Percy’s trousers. The Head Boy gasped, and bucked his hips once, twice, but then it was over. As Graham went to undo the button of Percy’s trousers, he caught his hand.
“Graham, stop. We can’t. Snape’s right outside. Not here - we can’t.”
Graham pulled back, reluctantly, and bit his lip as he focused in on Percy’s heaving chest. “And if Snape wasn’t outside? Would you let me fuck you then?”
Percy tilted his chin up and cupped his cheek with his right hand, his left lacing itself with Graham’s. Percy kissed him softly - it was gentle, unlike the furious snogging they’d just done, and Graham let himself have the rather nice thought of kissing Percy forever.
“Of course I would.” Percy murmured. “I like you, Graham. A lot. It’s not just sex for me.”
“It’s not just sex for me, either. I really like you. Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me? I heard about a new bookshop opening just a little ways past the Hogs Head.”
“Are you asking me out on a date? Because the answer is yes.”
“Great!” Graham kissed him again excitedly. “I’m also going to take you to Honeydukes and buy you as many Sugar Quills as you want.”
Percy laughed delightedly and Graham knew, then and there, that he never wanted anyone else other than Percy Weasley. He was it.
His baby sister, Ginny, who he’d almost lost at the end of May. and Luna, Ginny’s best friend, who was also the cousin of his new friend. 
Ron, Hermione and Harry had had the weirdest two years at Hogwarts, and he’d hoped - he’d prayed - that their third year would be calm. But it seems as though it wasn’t going to go that way.
Fred and George were going places, Percy knew that, even if he disapproved of their methods sometimes. And Ollie, his best friend, who he owed so much.
Warrington and Graham. At the end of the year Percy should really thank McGonagall and Snape. Not that his professors knew that Warrington had become his new best friend, or just how much Graham meant to him.
“Percy,” Penelope said, interrupting his thoughts. “You should get some sleep, you look exhausted. I’ve got this, okay?”
Percy yawned in response, nodding his head. “Thank you, Penelope.”
She smiled sadly at him. He thought that he had loved her once, and when Penelope had broken up with him during the summer he’d been heartbroken, and learning his ex-girlfriend would be Head Girl while he was Head Boy had left an uncomfortable feeling in his gut. Now, though, he knew whatever he’d felt for Penelope was nothing in comparison to the butterflies that had found a permanent residence in his stomach at even the slightest thought of Graham Montague.
His eyes flickered back to where Warrington and Graham were sleeping. Logically, he knew no good would come of going over there no matter how much he wanted to. Instead he took the offered bedding and settled down next to oliver. In the morning he’d see Graham dragging Warrington out of the hall, and he’d take a deep breath, and turn to his best friend.
“Ollie, I need to tell you something.”
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anendofeverything · 4 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Five
January 1994
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he mustered up the courage to head to the Quidditch Captain’s office after the first match back after the holidays. Slytherin had all but obliterated Ravenclaw, which was a testament to Marcus’ dedication as a Quidditch Captain, and that he was the only person capable of rivaling Oliver in how relentlessly they trained their respective teams before a match.
They’d sat there, discussing their Christmases, and Oliver had handed over the gift he’d ordered very last minute, which had left Marcus dumbfounded. Oliver didn’t blame him for that reaction - if Marcus had come up to him and given him a neatly wrapped gift, his head would’ve exploded in sheer shock.
And then he said it.
He’d told Marcus he didn’t hate him and spouted off some nonsense about being Captains of their favourite teams someday way off into the future.
“Sounds nice,” Marcus had said. “We’ll be the best of friends, huh?”
It’d hurt, that statement, and Oliver could feel tears stinging in the corners of his eyes. It would have almost been kinder for Marcus to have laughed at him. To straight up reject Oliver’s gift and continue hating him.
But as strong as Oliver Wood was in other aspects of his life, he was completely and utterly weak for Marcus Flint. And he always had been.
He somehow stumbled his way back to his dorm room, which was (thankfully) empty, and sunk onto his bed, drawing his knees up to his chest. He could feel wetness forming in the corners of his eyes, but he did nothing other than sit there, staring into nothingness as Marcus’ words echoed in his head.
“I don’t hate you either.”
“We’ll be the best of friends, huh?”
“Fuck,” Oliver muttered, swiping at the tears threatening to spill over. “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.”
“Shit,” Oliver sighed. “Hey, Percy, I-”
“Wood,” Montague tilted his head to the side. “You look bloody awful.”
“Graham!” Percy hissed, elbowing his boyfriend.
“What? He does!”
“Maybe, but you don’t say it! It’s rude!”
“It’s okay,” Oliver shook his head. “Don’t w- wait! Montague? What are you doing inside Gryffindor Tower?! If someone sees-”
“Wood.” Montague interrupted. “Everyone’s downstairs at dinner. Me and Percy were gonna- doesn’t matter. Never mind us, what’s eating you?”
Oliver scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “It- It doesn’t matter.”
“Dear Merlin,” Montague rolled his eyes as he sat opposite of Oliver, Percy sitting next to his best friend. “Întotdeauna e aşa de încăpăţânat?”
“Nu sunt încăpăţânat!” Oliver protested. “Şi de când vorbeşti tu româneşte?”
Montague blinked. “Eu? De când ai-”
“Boys! Graham knows Romanian because I’m teaching him, and he’s teaching me Hungarian. Oliver can speak Romanian because he spent the summer last year with Charlie at the dragon reserve. Băieţi proşti. Ce o să mă fac cu voi doi?” Percy shook his head. “Can we get back to  the matter at hand? Oliver nearly being in tears?”
“Perce, please. Don’t-”
“No, Ollie, you looked heartbroken.”Oliver squirmed in place, ducking his head so he could avoid Percy and Graham’s eyes. The three of them sat there for what felt like an age, Oliver trying and failing to spill his feelings. The words got stuck in his throat, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. 
Wood looked like he would faint, or throw up, or worse - not that Graham knew what worse would even be, honestly, but he could hear Wood breathing harshly, and, whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Graham thought he was good at reading people, and, instinctively, he supposed, whatever Wood was fretting about, he would not talk about it with him in the room.
“Drágám, where do you keep your O.W.L. Potions notes?”
“In a folder in my trunk, why-”
But Graham had already shot off Oliver’s bed, and dragged Percy’s trunk out from under his bed, and took out the aforementioned folder, flipping through the sections until he found the Potions notes.
“Montague, what are you doing?”
“Look, Wood, whatever’s bothering you, I’m not prying, alright? And I think me being here isn’t helping much, so I’m gonna go, yeah?”
“I-” Wood swallowed nervously. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” Graham said reassuringly. “The notes are just my alibi for why I’m up here, I’ll give them back.”
“You better,” Percy said teasingly.
“I’ll see you later, drágám,” Graham gave him a quick kiss, and offered Wood a rather awkward pat on the shoulder.
As he exited the dormitory and made his way down the stairs, clutching Percy’s Potions notes as he went, he could hear light chattering. Looks like some Gryffindor’s were back from dinner early. As he walked down further and stepped into the Gryffindor Common Room, he saw that Percy’s youngest brother, Ron, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter occupied it.
Of fucking course.
Ron and Potter were playing Wizard’s Chess in front of the fireplace, and Granger was curled up on a very comfortable looking sofa, reading an enormous book. It looked vaguely familiar, but not something Graham himself had read, he didn’t think.
Sighing to himself, he started walking towards the portrait hole. If he was lucky-
“Weasley, Granger, Potter,” Graham nodded. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
“It’s raining.” Potter pointed out.
“Never mind that!” Ron had jumped up, knocking over the chessboard, much to the pieces’ disgust, and pointed his wand straight at Graham’s chest. “Give me one reason not to hex you!”
“Ron!” Granger exclaimed.
Potter looked torn between joining in with Ron in threatening him or not, his wand dangling loosely in his fingers. 
“Look, I’m not here for anything nefarious. Just borrowing some Potions notes from my tutor, see?” he waved the notes in Ron’s direction.
“May I see them?” Granger had approached him, holding out one hand to take the notes, the other clutching the hefty book she’d been reading.
Graham shrugged and handed them over to her. With Granger closer, he could read the title of it - Ilvermorny: A Comprehensive History of the North American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
“Interested in Ilvermorny, huh?” he asked, nodding at the book.
“What? Oh… yes!” Granger nodded back vigorously. “Percy leant this to me. Their version of sorting is fascinating, I-”
“Hermione,” Potter coughed lightly. “The notes?”
“Yes, yes, alright.”
“What?” Ron asked gleefully at Granger’s frown. “They’re not Potions notes, are they?”
“No, they are.” Granger said, shooting Montague an odd look, as she looked up from shifting through Percy’s notes. “They’re dated from September 1991 through to May 1992. Why use notes that are two years old? The exams change every year.”
“Do they?” Ron asked, perplexed, which made Granger throw him a dirty look.
“If I can but in,” Graham said, taking the notes back from Granger. “Yes, the standard end of year exams change annually, but the O.W.L.s and the N.E.W.T.s, they get changed less. Once every decade, or thereabouts, anyway. Lupin let slip about in DADA once, it’s bizarre, really. Luckily, two-year-old notes will do for studying.”
“Maybe,” Granger narrowed her eyes, suddenly hostile. “But that doesn’t explain why you have the Head Boy’s notes.”
“I recognise Percy’s handwriting,” Granger continued. “What are you up to, Montague?”
“Nothing. I said I was borrowing my tutor’s notes, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
Unbeknownst to the four students, the Fat Lady’s portrait had swung open, and a tall, pale man had stepped inside. “Now then, what do we have here?”
“Nothing,” Graham answered hastily. “I was just leaving.”
“Is that so?” Professor Lupin asked, amused. “What exactly are you doing up in Gryffindor Tower, Graham?”
“I’m afraid that’s my fault, Professor.”
Thank Merlin.
“Percy,” Lupin greeted cheerily. “Ah, yes - the tutoring? Severus mentioned it a few months ago. After some goading from Minerva.”
“Ron,” Percy turned to his younger brother, voice sharp. “I’m taking fifteen points off you. You will report to Penelope on Saturday morning after breakfast and help her with her rounds.”
“What for?”
“Threatening another student.” Percy sniffed. “Professor Lupin, was there something that you needed?”
“Extra lessons.” Potter murmured, tucking his wand back up his sleeve.
“You git.” Ron rounded on Percy, after Lupin and Potter had left. “You can’t just take points off me and expect me to go swanning after your girlfriend-”
“Ex.” Percy whispered, suddenly pale.
“What?” Granger looked between the two Weasley brothers, awkwardly clutching the borrowed book to her chest.
“Me and Penelope broke up months ago.” Percy said, looking pained. “That’s another fifteen points, Ron.”
And with that, Percy turned and fled back upstairs.
“Ron, that’s enough.”
“Lay off your brother, Weasley.” Graham snapped.
“What do you care?”
“I don’t,” Graham lied. “I’d just hate to fail my Potions O.W.L. because your brother was too busy having to deal with you being an insufferable prat.”
Graham shrunk the notes and stuffed them into the pocket of his robes, before storming out of Gryffindor Tower.  
Jobban kellett volna csinálnom, drágám. 
“I don’t believe it,” Cassius whispered. “I honestly don’t believe it!”
“Warrington,” Bletchley said, shuffling in front of the Ravenclaw student he’d just been snogging. “We weren’t doing anything!”
“Right.” Cassius eyed the Ravenclaw that Bletchley couldn’t hide from view, as the Ravenclaw was taller than him.
The Ravenclaw had short brown hair, ebony skin, blue eyes and freckles. He pushed his square framed glasses back up his nose, and Cassius grinned in response, showing off his teeth.
“Alright, Fernsby?”
“Warrington,” Fernsby crossed his arms. “What do you want?”
“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.”
“My, my, my, such language, Fernsby. And from a Prefect, no less.”
“Cassius, please.” Bletchley pleaded. “Just get on with it.”
“On with what?”
“Whatever Pure-blooded, homophobic rhetoric you’re delaying in ranting about.” Fernsby rolled his eyes.
“Well, for one, I’m not a Pure-blood. And for two, I’m gay. Surprise!”
“You… are?”
“I’m sure Bole and Malfoy are the only straight ones on the team. Don’t get me started on the reserve team. It’s a well-known secret that Slytherin produces the most queer students each year.”
“Who produces the least?” Fernsby mused.
“Hufflepuff. But everyone in Hufflepuff is accepting, so that’s summat, I suppose.”
“Everyone?” Sputtered Bletchley, finally finding his voice. “B-But- you- I- Flint?!”
“Bisexual.” Cassius nodded. “Don’t tell ‘im I told ya, dear Merlin, he’d skin me alive!”
“Of course,” Fernsby said, slipping his hand into Bletchley’s.
“Look, guys, you can snog each other to your heart’s content for all I care. Maybe don’t do it in the alcove right next to the entrance to the Slytherin Dungeon, though, eh?”
Bletchley blushed bright red, and Cassius cackled loudly as he walked down the hall, only stopping to mutter the password - Salazar - before he entered the Slytherin Common Room.
“Wotcha, Flint,” Cassius grinned. “Or can I call ya Marcus?”
“Screw off, Warrington.” Flint muttered, returning to his book.
“You’re reading?” Cassius asked incredulously. “I’ve never seen you read. Should I be worried?”
“Don’t be daft, Warrington.” Flint scoffed. “It’s the Montrose Magpies’ biography. New edition too.”
“Bet that cost a fair few Galleons.”
Flint paused, idly thumbing the cover. “It was a present.”
“Wood?” Cassius smirked.
“So what if Ollie got me the book?”
“Well, that proves it.”
“Get to the fucking point already, would you?”
“The defensiveness, for starters. You didn’t call Wood Wood, or even Oliver - you called him Ollie.”
“Mate, you don’t call people by their first name. Accept Pucey. Sometimes. And that’s only ‘cause you knew him before you started Hogwarts,” Cassius pointed out. “The way you’ve talked about Wood-”
“I’ve barely said shit to you about Ollie.”
“-an’ the way you look at him… Marcus-”
“Cassius, don’t-”
“It’s not just a crush, is it?” Cassius asked softly. “You love him… don’t you?”
“So what if I do? Nothing can happen between us. Not like that.”
“Says who?”
“I’m a Slytherin. I’m a Pure-blood. And he’s a Gryffindor and a Muggle-born.”
“So what?”
“Just drop it, Warrington.”
“Flint, can you stop being a bloody coward for two-”
“I’m a coward?” Flint laughed harshly. “At least I can talk to the guy I like without becoming an enormous stuttering mess!”
“That’s not fair.”
“Oh, Ch-Charlie,” Flint began mockingly. “Y-You work w-with d-dragons, that’s s-so b-brave!”
“Stop it.”
“M-me? I’ve only b-been in l-love w-with you s-since s-second y-year!”
“Enough!” Cassius screamed, throwing a wandless Flipendo at Flint, knocking him over, which resulted in him colliding with the armchair he’d been sitting in.
Enraged, Flint roared out a Langlock, but Cassius dodged the spell, and fired off Impedimenta and Oppugno in quick succession. A flash of turquoise light slowed Flint down, making him unable to defend himself from the flock of small birds pecking at his head as they circled around him, and became a blur of yellow and green. Suddenly, a powerful burst of magic echoed throughout the Slytherin Common Room, a pale blue light swirling around to separate Cassius and Flint from each other. Adrian Pucey, usually rather cheery in disposition, was glaring between Cassius and Flint, before silently casting a couple counter-jinxes to eradicate the birds pecking at Flint’s head.
“What the hell are you two playing at? Having a pissing match in the Common Room? What if there had been other students in here? I cannot believe you two! Twenty points from Slytherin. Each!”
“Warrington started it!”
“And I’m ending it.” Pucey snarled. “I should give you both detention, if I didn’t know Marcus would give me hell for disrupting Quidditch practice. I’m giving both of you a warning. You dare do something this foolish again, I’ll- I’ll-”
“You’ll do what, Pucey?” Flint laughed humourlessly. “Tattle on us to Snape?”
“No,” Pucey answered. “I’ll go to Professor Dumbledore and get you both removed from the team.”
“You can’t do that!”
“Watch me!”
“Guys,” Higgs reluctantly dropped the spell he’d cast. “You can’t just duel each other every time you have an argument. Flint - you struggle to control your anger. Warrington - you don’t know when to stop pushing, and you can be manipulative about it. You carry on like that when you’ve both left Hogwarts, and you’ll end up in Azkaban. Or dead.”
“Terry’s right.”
“Of course he is,” Cassius muttered. “Perfect Terry can do no wrong, can he, Ade?”
“I don’t know why I bother,” Pucey shook his head, roughly pushing passed Cassius as he stormed toward the stairs to the dormitories. “Go on, keep dueling! Kill each other for all I care, fucking jumped-up, pig-headed gits!”
“Adrian,” Higgs sighed, following his boyfriend, stopping only to tell Cassius and Flint to ‘fucking sort yourselves out’, and descended into the dormitories.
“I’m not apologising.” Flint snapped, picking up his book.
“Me either.”
Cassius scoffed as Flint went back to reading. “You’re fuckin’ unbelievable. And you are a coward.”
“Right back atcha, Warrington.” Flint mumbled, sounding almost defeated.
“Aw, what’s the matter, did I touch a nerve?”
“Yes!” Flint yelled. “You don’t get it Warrington, you just don’t. It doesn’t matter what I do, or what I try, nothing will change. It’s never going to. Don’t you get that?”
Cassius blinked. “You’re… are you crying?”
“No,” Flint protested. “Allergies.”
“We’re in a dungeon.”
“Dust, Warrington, I- I’m allergic to dust!”
“Well, that’s new information.”
“Just- just piss off Warrington.” Flint said, his voice uncharacteristically small. “Please.”
“You gonna hex me if I stay?”
“Yeah,” Flint’s voice wavered.
“For what it’s worth, mate, I think you’d make Oliver Wood dead happy. If you gave yourself a chance to do so.”
Flint said nothing, just shook his head, and tried desperately to refocus on his book. As Cassius walked out into the dungeons in search of distraction, and Flint sat shakily, silently fighting off tears, neither of them knew about the intruder to their conversation - a third year Slytherin slumped on the stairs, out of site of the Common Room, their heart beating wildly. Marcus Flint liked Oliver Wood? Flint? Quidditch Captain Marcus Flint fancied Oliver Wood?  
Maybe their own crush wasn’t so hopeless after all...
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