freehawaii · 2 years
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freehawaii · 2 years
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freehawaii · 4 years
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 Lee Cataluna -  Honolulu Star-Advertiser - April 10, 2020
People are getting sick, some have died, businesses are closed down, kids can’t go to school, families are shut in their houses, afraid and bored and climbing the walls. Everybody is worried about basic survival stuff, and Honolulu’s mayor decided to roll out the bulldozers on his controversial pet project.
That could be the biggest gaffe of Caldwell’s gaffe-filled administration. Can’t say for sure, though. There’s still time for him to top it.
There are missteps that people forgive and forget, and those that are so convoluted that it’s hard to get worked up about it after enough time passes and campaign season rolls around again. Gaffes that are hard to sum up in a short phrase or require too much backstory to explain, or the ones that are achingly human and relatable, don’t tend to be fatal flaws.
But then there are those misdeeds — like this misdeed — that defy explanation, can’t be chalked up to “I’ve done that, too,” and can be described in a short sentence, like this: Caldwell sent out bulldozers to dig up an ancient burial ground when those who have opposed the project were locked down because of a pandemic. That’s memorable. That’s indelible.
Just about every day since the new corona­virus took over our lives, Caldwell has been hosting his own news briefings, parsing out exactly what you can and can’t do and where you can and can’t go on Oahu beaches, emphasizing that everyone needs to hunker down and focus on what really matters, peppering his scolding with, “We’re all in this together.”
To spew all of that hectoring and then send out a construction crew to dig up land that people have been insisting contains ancient burials is … I don’t even know the word. Some have called it sneaky. UH law school professor Ken Lawson called Caldwell crooked. Lt. Gov. Josh Green, Caldwell’s most feared competitor in his quest to be Hawaii’s next governor, called it “a really bad call.” It’s tone-deaf and irresponsible.
When he announced the resumption of construction, Caldwell said it was essential to keep county crews working. Uh, don’t they have storm drains to clear or park restrooms to clean? Another implausible explanation from the mayor, revealing his utter disdain for the public’s intelligence.
And then a bone from an ancient burial was found on the site, just like protesters kept saying would happen, and Caldwell was forced to backtrack. He didn’t apologize, though, or say that maybe his timing was off, and he used the squishy word “pause” to describe shutting down work on the project.
Calling out the bulldozers on Sherwoods during an islandwide lockdown may be one of the bigger missteps of the Caldwell years, but he still has a few months in office to stubbornly mess up even more. And who knows? He might outdo himself and — burials be damned, protester safety be damned, political career be damned — send the bulldozers out to Sherwoods again.
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freehawaii · 4 years
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ACTION ALERT: Call Mayor Caldwell At (808) 768-4141 & Tell Him To STOP Construction PERMANENTLY At Hunananiho (Sherwood Forest) Or Email Him - [email protected]
Hawai`i Nerws Now - April 7, 2020
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell announced Tuesday that he’s putting construction of a controversial park project in Waimanalo on hold, saying that the risk of protests is too high during the pandemic.
The announcement comes a day after a small human bone fragment was found at the site.
“I greatly support the First Amendment rights of all members of our community,” Mayor Kirk Caldwell said, in a statement. “But I am greatly concerned with gatherings during this time.”
He said he would “pause” the project as the city consults with the Oahu Burial Council and others.
“I continue to believe this is a project that can be valuable to the future of the Waimanalo community. I urge everyone to continue to follow the stay-at-home order to keep yourselves and your family safe."
Construction resumed at the project Monday, triggering a small protest. But n the wake of the discovery of the bone, believed to be iwi kupuna, some were anticipating larger protests at the site in the days to come.
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freehawaii · 4 years
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka  Pono.
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Aloha `Aina at Selma March 25, 1965
The Kingdom Past and Future
The shocking murder of George Floyd under the knee of policeman Derek Chauvin was horrific! What happened was terrible and the outrage it triggered and demands for justice are totally warranted. But the inexcusable, yet now sadly predictable rioting, looting and wanton destruction, shows that America has more serious problems than racial issues; it has a dangerous culture of ignorance, hatred, violence and anarchy.
The knee-to-the-neck almost immediately reminded me of a story titled, “Strangling Hands on a Nation’s Throat” published in a San Francisco newspaper on September 30, 1887. It was referring to what America, with its greedy push for annexation, was doing to Hawaii. The article described a meeting in Hilo where people gathered to sign a petition opposing annexation and to voice their opinions. What ensued was an overwhelming, impassioned expression of Aloha ʻĀina. The clear motivation when our kupuna signed what we now call “The Kuʻe Petition” was Aloha ʻĀina, their deep, abiding love for their country.
Thank God that despite more than a century of Americanization, Aloha ʻĀina is still in the DNA of Hawaiians. We see it every day even amidst the pain and anguish of injustice. Aloha ʻĀina prevails.
Contrast how Americans respond to extremely provocative situations with violence and mayhem; and how Hawaiians with extreme provocations like the overthrow and seizure of our country, all the way to today’s Mauna Kea, Kahuku, Hunananiho… we respond with Aloha ʻĀina. It’s who we are! It is part of our deep culture that embraces and infects everyone who lives in our islands.
Due to many circumstances, including the destabilizing effects of the Covid-crisis, we are entering a time to envision the future we want for Hawaii. Study groups are having deep discussions about many facets of sustainability: our food supply, our economy, our education system, housing, our general health and welfare, orderly communities, preserving the environment, safe and peaceful neighborhoods… making roadmaps for the future.
So, can we Free Hawaii, jump-start and operate the Hawaiian Kingdom? Yes, we can! We are already eminently qualified — not in just with the knowledge and understanding of legal and political status — but in what matters most... Aloha ʻĀina.
Year of the Hawaiian Kingdom
If you are (or if you know of someone who is) interested in being a facilitator for any aspect of the Year of the Hawaiian Kingdom Celebration, please contact: [email protected]
The campaign to Free Hawaii continues to grow ... as soon as this pandemic subsides, we expect significant movement in gaining support from the global community. Your kokua is vital to this effort...
Your kōkua, large or small, is much appreciated and will help greatly to move this work forward.
To contribute, go to GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii  
To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, clerical help, etc...) email us at [email protected]  
Also... Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase HERE  
All proceeds go to help the cause. Mahalo Nui Loa!
Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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freehawaii · 4 years
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.  
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
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Kapu Aloha going “viral”
The corona virus situation has abruptly forced people to confront and reconsider their priorities… that it is just as important to value the well-being of others as much as you value yourself. In the past few weeks commercial messages in print, broadcasts and social media have changed from the usual obscene, “What’s in it for me?” to the virtuous, “We’re all in this together!”
Everywhere we turn, the message of caring for each other, for family and community is being spread faster than the virus. Suddenly the world is waking up to the notion that it’s not about the rat-race, it’s about the human race. It’s about taking care of one another. That if we want to survive pandemics and even worse, we have to make it a kakou (together) thing… to malama (care for) each other and everything around us… even the air we breathe.
This past year, we saw Kapu Aloha miraculously transform and defuse the volatility of TMT on Mauna Kea and how that spirit spread to numerous other tense situations such as Kahuku and Hunananiho. Now, we see the world spontaneously embracing this spirit — in essence, Kapu Aloha — to get through the corona virus crisis.
Just think, this amazing power of Kapu Aloha is what will carry us through the rebirthing and rebuilding of our nation. Eō!
Year of the Hawaiian Kingdom If you are (or if you know of someone who is) interested in being a facilitator for any aspect of the Year of the Hawaiian Kingdom Celebration, please contact: [email protected]
Things are intensifying... this year is going to see some breakthroughs as we travel and interact with the global community to support our initiatives. 
Your kokua is vital to this effort... (see below about contributing through GoFundMe) 
Your kōkua, large or small, is much appreciated will help greatly to move this work forward.  
To contribute, go to GoFundMe.com/FreeHawaii  
To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, clerical help, etc...) email us at [email protected]  
Also... Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase HERE  
All proceeds go to help the cause.
Mahalo Nui Loa!
Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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