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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
I dont Understand...
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#fallintoyoga #challenge Day 10- #forwardfold, Day 11 - #halfsplit, Day 12 - #WarriorTwo, and 13 - #HumbleWarrior #yoga #yogaallday #poses … Many thanks for photography to @tahtiguitars #ecocuffs #bracelets https://www.instagram.com/p/6U6vIqHlpz/?igshid=11m5de39gjc9c
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shootafairone-blog · 4 years ago
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Grateful to be open and continuing in 2021. We lost a few and gained a few, but the future is bright for everyone. We fight on. Happy New Year’s to you all. #eqbcny #easternqueensboxingclub #wegrowboxing #growingboxing #humility #humbleconfidence #humblewarriors #rip2020 #thankful @christiananthony411 pic by @alxesp (at Eastern Queens Boxing Club (E.Q.B.C.)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJe7mSxF5Co/?igshid=xoppn9ppbfcz
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arsenym · 6 years ago
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@scenicoverthere vs @ifuaniemeka @fightcardent at @joesrosemont #joeslive #rosemont #jameslawinspired #kickboxing #muaythai #girlpower #valkyrie #humblewarrior #cage #strike #combatsport #boxing #workout https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxZdO8DYB3/?igshid=11rj7lbt2008b
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hiddensummitgp · 6 years ago
You’d Think We’d Learn
We, as in the great we, as in all of human kind, have had trouble learning from our past. Many great men have risen and many great men have fallen. Some of our most prolific heroes have fallen due to their hubris. Why is this? Why is it that we let pride and over bearing unbacked confidence get the better of us? If I had to guess, i would say that it is because we all want to be remembered. We all want to be the best at something. I highly doubt anyone would mind if they went down in the history books for something great and were remembered for the rest of time. Unfortunately some people want this so deeply that they let it destroy them. What do you say we talk about how to not let that happen...?
Not everyone has an ego. I believe that no one has an ego in the beginning. It is something that forms over time due to our upbringing, our surroundings, our friends, family, our success, our fame, our finances, so on and so on. Many things can bring about confidence, and in great amounts. Confidence alone is not the issue though. I actually believe confidence is a main ingredient to success, but you cannot bake pie with just one ingredient nor with an over abundance of just one ingredient as well. So there it is. The issue. It is when we let our confidence over power and take priority over all other aspects that we lose control and dig our own grave.
This is where humility comes into play as a savior of sorts. Humility can keep your hubris in check. It can be the matador to your bull, the trainer to your attack dog, the tamer to your lion...or any other cheesy metaphor you can think of. The point is, we need humility so that we can keep ourselves from loosing control/sight of what is important.
When you are on the rise and life is good it is easy to forget what the bottom looks like. When you have money in your pocket it is easy to forget the feeling of struggling to pay bills. When you live in a beautiful home it is easy to forget what sleeping in the back of a car feels like. When you driving your Mercedes every day it is easy to forget what blisters on your feet feel like. We must not forget where we came from. You must remember the attitude you had that brought you to your current success. The humble man or woman who put their head down and worked for hours on end to achieve their dreams, because trust me, you can lose everything much faster than you gained it.
So how do we keep ourselves in check? It is one thing to say you will always stay humble when you are still working your way to the top, but what about once you get a taste, because mMmmm does that cake taste good...?
Well, I believe it is the little reminders that will keep us humble and balanced. Picking up trash and throwing it away. Calling your loved ones and reminding them you love them. Always looking to better yourself; through books or other people. Finding someone or multiple someones to look up to. Finding a new goal that you will have to work hard toward in order to achieve said goal. These are just a few ways. I am sure you can think of some more, but I hope you understand my point. You will have to go out of your way to stay humble once you get to a certain level. For some it is easy, but for some it is near impossible. I am sure you have met both of these types of people. Which would you prefer to be?
Humility. It is the opposite of hubris and it is the answer to all of its problems. Our ego is a virus, and humility is the cure. Make sure you take your daily dose of it to keep from being infected because if you don’t, you will probably become an asshole. Oh and I forgot to mention, if you stay humble, you will go further than you ever possibly could have as an asshole. So become better, and stay humble.
Hidden Summit
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akekris · 6 years ago
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Day2 #humblewarrior #wintergoddessyogis and Day16 #shoulderconnections @cyogalife #yoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogainlockerroom #yogachallenge #ashtangayoga #follow4like #like4likes #follow #amazing #igers ##picofthedays #healthylifestyle (at Bodyworx) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt8QYvlFeKs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cg3ir6trf35n
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natty-anne · 2 years ago
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I've grown accustomed to a certain way of life. I've grown into a routine. My new journey is this: maintaining it, improving it and bettering myself, all while doing it on my own. I knew I was going to enjoy proving people wrong, just didn't think it be this exciting. ❤️‍🩹💪 #workingonmyself #humblewarrior #onedayatatime https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJDdhNudrbnKZXDxhI8TFy3qpLC02hNEXYB140/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yoga--faith · 2 years ago
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♻️ • @cindy_krall Service rooted in anything other than love for another isn't service. It is slavery. God wants more than that for us and more than that for the ones we serve. I'm guessing that many of us could look back and recall a situation in which we were indeed served. I'll also guess that we may be able to remember a time when the person tending to us wasn't a servant but rather a slave. We know that because it was clear by their behavior and attitude. They weren't doing it willingly. We can tell, can't we? This is sobering because it means that people can know that about us! I look back on my children's growing up, and I'm sure there were days they knew their Mama thought she was a slave. Work was done that could have been seen as acts of love. But, instead, it ended up being nothing more than a clanging gong. Thankfully, God grows us. He convicts us. God gives us the heart and the horsepower to change. I know that He's grown me. Occasionally "slave Cindy" makes an appearance, but for the most part, our adult children, their friends, and our extended family see a servant. And in that, there is great joy! We will always elevate our own joy as well as the joy of others when we engage in life as a servant. When we feel like we're beginning to view life through the lens of a slave, humility is our salvation. The lower we go, the more He will fill us. We’re continuing our study on humility. I’ll hope you’ll join me for this week’s post, Going ‘Down’ to Find ‘Up’––– The Amazing Gift of Humility. 💛 #onlyGod #yogafaith #PostureofHumility #humblewarrior (at YOGA FAITH) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3-8V6vl_F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cybergorillas · 6 years ago
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I’ve found when you remove your ego from most situations, you get a lot further in life... Especially when learning something new, you won’t learn much if you think you already know everything. Humbling yourself also allows you to pick and choose your battles more wisely. You can focus your energy in the right places. #ego #humblewarrior #humbleyourself #mogulgrind https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0jes1Fzmx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wy2gl062zwhn
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michellerosado · 6 years ago
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Happy Tuesday, loves. 🌞 I found the top photo while searching for a humble warrior pose I did in 2016. Everything was tight that day, and I remember being upset about not attending an event that day. 😠 The bottom photo is a a bound lizard pose variation, but by that time I had let go of the emotions that held me back for so long. 😌 Transformations don’t always appear in asana, but the thought process that evolves from it. 😁 . . This is also my late #yogisstretchmonday pose with @t_om_ma_h, @arcierojoe, and @adam_earthdominion 😍💗 . . . . . . . #yoga #humblewarrior #yogawithmikaila #veganfitness #asana #nyc #yogapose #yogalife #yogapractice #hipopener #nycyoga #nyc #ashtangi #yogis #vegan #vegansofig #yogaeverydamnday #flexibility #tuesday #transformationtuesday #myyogalife #tt #stretchtime (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Botor9Olci8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11lmw74m45cnx
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🧘🏼‍♂️ #Guerrerohumilde #humblewarrior #baddhavirabhadrasana #Asana para enfocarte en ti mismx, en un sentido de rendición, desapego, servicio y aceptación. 🕉️Deja de luchar contra ti mismx. 🕉️Abrázate. 🕉️Date al servicio y amor comunitario. 🕉️No eres lo que tienes ni el lugar en el que estás. 🕉️Eres lo que (a quién) miras y activas con bondad. ☯️Nadie sana siendo la misma persona. La sanación es un viaje de transformación personal. ☯️Estamos aquí para sanar, no para hacer daño. Estamos aquí para amar, no para odiar. Estamos aquí para crear, no para destruir. Personalmente, esta asana me enfoca en mi #dharma cada vez. ☸ ¿Por qué estoy aquí? ¿Por qué hago lo que hago? ¿Para quién? Gracias. Perdono. Tú ¿qué tienes que soltar? Y ¿en dónde debes enfocar tu práctica? #yoga #govegan #vivevegano #yogaforlife #yogaeveryday #yogalife#veganyogui #yoguini #yogalifestyle #meditacion #meditation #surrender #love #selflove #amorpropio #servicio #humildad
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stochastique-blog · 9 months ago
I can do Better
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#fallintoyoga #challenge Day 10- #forwardfold, Day 11 - #halfsplit, Day 12 - #WarriorTwo, and 13 - #HumbleWarrior #yoga #yogaallday #poses … Many thanks for photography to @tahtiguitars #ecocuffs #bracelets https://www.instagram.com/p/6U6vIqHlpz/?igshid=1r6213bqy41bl
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classybunnies · 4 years ago
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Humble warrior comes next on my list of warrior poses. This pose looks and feels a lot different to me compared to when I did my YTT in 2018. Feet, spine, head and arm position are all different than they were. I looked for a photo from the past but couldn’t find one (it’s hard to keep yoga photos organized) to do a comparison. But there are still improvements to be made. And that’s why yoga can be so fun! No matter where you are in your practice, there are still more ways to grow. •••••••••• @amanayoga Becoming a Warrior #becomingawarrior #humblewarrior #yoga #yogaathome #warriors (at Boulder, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK69Aopj5Tl/?igshid=tuw9flehoxpp
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karolkat · 7 years ago
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Find out what it means to die - not physically, that's inevitable - but to die to everything that is known, to die to your family, to your attachments, to all the things that you have accumulated, the known, the known pleasures, the known fears. Die to that every minute and you will see what it means to die so that the mind is made fresh, young, and therefore innocent, so that there is incarnation not in a next life, but the next day. —Jiddu Krishnamurti, Inward Revolution: Bringing About Radical Change in the World #OpenSesame Day 7 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Yoga #igyoga #instayogi   #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #balance #photooftheday #yogafun  #OneBreathAtATime  #JourneyToYourself  #FeelTheYogaHigh #fitspo   #strong #motivation  #YogaInspiration #YogisOfInstagram #Yogagram #ILoveYoga #quoteoftheday #quotes #DailyInspiration #PracticeAndAllIsComing #humblewarrior #virabhadrasana (at Miami, Florida)
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akekris · 7 years ago
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Day 5 #baddhavirabhadrasana #humblewarrior #findyourwarriorchallenge #yoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogastrength #yogaflow #yogainspiration #yogagram #yogi #yogatime #yogathailand #yogainlockerroom #yogachallenge #ashtangayoga #ashtang #astangavinyasa #armbalance #strength #core #corepoweryoga #coreworkout (at Bodyworx)
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mjk-world · 4 years ago
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This T-shirt is an expression that I say from time to time. If you keep yourself grounded then you're less likely to have complaints. Hence " be humble that way they can crumble" This comes in a variety of t-shirts from Classic, to premium, women's T-shirts and hoodies You can find this on my teespring page via the link on my bio page #teespring #teeshirt #tshirt #humbleness #humblesoul #stayhumble #humblewarrior #behumble #teespeingdesign #humble #themjknight https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCtefVjkvF/?igshid=1msawynsunts2
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thatispiff · 4 years ago
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Self belief and hard work is it takes #thatispiff #workhardplayhard #mondaymotivation #focusedonmygoals #humblewarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CE058BIFUxX/?igshid=1v6t0ju9bjeop
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