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moved to @humaneradication
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leytej0kin-blog · 9 years
FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
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Viral seemed like a swell guy. A bit odd, but then again, anyone who voluntarily hung out with someone like Kittan was bound to me. Despite that, she wanted to make sure that he felt welcomed, fetching him some tea while they waited for her brother to show up. She wasn’t even sure if he wanted some, but Kinon wanted to be polite.
“ Hey there Viral, Kittan is out doing gods know what, but I’ll keep you company in the meantime. His room is a complete disaster area right now so I don’t want you condemn you to a fate worse that the deepest part of Dante’s Inferno.”
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“And just what do you think you’re doing in here, Viral.”
The General spat as she glared over at the beastman. She was in no mood to deal with this... pathetic excuse right now. She had much better, more important things to do with her time. And yet here he was, bothering her and wasting her time.
And standing in her way.
“I’m pretty sure you have duties I gave you to do.”
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mdo you have any tumblr friends? if so, who are they? 
@eateveryone (Admin2theblogger but it won’t recognize)
I’ve also made friends with
And the mun of a Tsuuma from TTGL (God why can I not remember the url though) even though I don’t talk to them very much/any more. I still love them very much.
Also 7 more people who are no longer on tumblr. That’s just a list of who I talked to almost daily.
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killerhuntress-blog · 9 years
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“Is there something I can help you with? You seem a little irritated by something.”
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