#human-shaped tar pits; ETC
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sevicia · 1 year ago
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I legit forget there's people that actually think like this. Your toddler is not a master manipulator that pisses you off on purpose. They are a toddler.
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years ago
The end? When Charlie succeeds...
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Charlie succeeds with the hotel and she and Vaggie go to Heaven, married. Lucifer and Lilith stay in Hell to rule it, but Charlie is allowed to visit them for half the year. Charlie uses her demon and angel powers to spread cheer to both realms…and someday hopes to extend good influence to Earth and/or other worlds (which would be Vaggie’s job). Charlie becomes a gatekeeper for both worlds, teaching lessons about kindness and not judging others to both realms. Husk, Niffty, Baxter, and the others stay in Hell (doing their own thing but staying friends) for a while and once they redeemed themselves, they go to Heaven in their human forms with new memories.
 Acheron: principal river of Tartarus where Charon ferries souls to Hell.
 Nine Circles of Hell (Dante’s Inferno)
First Circle: Limbo, resided by virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized pagans who are punished with eternity in an inferior form of Heaven. They live in a castle with seven gates which symbolize the seven virtues.
Second Circle: Lust, souls are blown back and forth in a violent storm, preventing them from finding peace and rest.
Third Circle: Gluttony, live and lie in freezing slush produced by icy rain, guarded by Cerebrus.
Fourth Circle: Thieves, Greedy, hoarders versus spenders: forced to push heavy rocks, realm guarded by Hades/Pluto
Fifth Circle: Wrath, bad tempered, fight each other on the River Styx. Sullen gurgle beneath the water.
City of Dis: sixth through ninth circles
Sixth Circle: Criminals, heretics, flaming tombs. Natural resources/nature and human labor/art were seen to be the only two legitimate sources of wealth.
Seventh Circle: Violence, psychopaths, suicide, boiling blood lake:
Outer Ring: houses murderers, tyrants, plunderers, immersed in boiling lake of blood, while centaurs shoot at them.
Middle Ring: those who committed suicide are turned into trees and fed upon by harpies. The wasteful are chased and torn to pieces by dogs.
Inner Ring: houses those against God and Nature and Art, a great plain of burning sand and burning rain
 Eighth Circle: Sorcerers, Fraud, Liars and Thieves, pit of darkness, beaten by demons. Divided by 10 stony ditches.
Bolgia 1: indulgers and seducers, eternally whipped by demons
Bolgia 2: flatterers, steeped in excrement and fight themselves
Bolgia 3: Those who sell church offices/sacred things. They’re placed head downwards in tube holes with their feet burned
Bolgia 4: sorcerers and false prophets. Their heads are twisted backward so they can’t see what’s ahead of them.
Bolgia 5: corrupt politicians, immersed in tar, guarded by demons who tear them with claws and hooks.
Bolgia 6: hypocrites, weighted down in leaden flashy robes along a narrow track.
Bolgia 7: thieves, bitten by snakes and reptiles.
Bolgia 8: evil advisors, fraud counselors in flames.
Bolgia 9: hostile people, sowers of discord and war, hacked and torn apart by a demon wielding a sword
Bolgia 10: falsifiers, alchemists, untruthful ones in court, counterfeits. They suffer from hunger, thirst, disease, etc.
 Central Wall guarded by giants
 Ninth Circle: Treachery: Lake of ice, Satan, residents frozen in an icy lake. Satan having three heads, chewing on traitors.
Round 1: Traitors to family
Round 2: Traitors to country
Round 3: Traitors to guests
Round 4: traitors to lords
   Hazbin Hotel is located in a lost Tenth Circle of Hell, closest to portals to Earth, Heaven, purgatory and paradise. Only imps and Lucifer and powerful demons can travel between worlds and/or Circles. Circle 10 is the realm of Illusion. It’s the only place where sinners can enjoy themselves in their sins of drinking, gambling, sex etc. living lives like they did as humans. However, the demons still suffer from violence, assault and the evils of society behind the pop culture glamor and media (illusions). Those who can redeem themselves can go to Heaven (at least after Charlie helped to dismantle the elitist system of Heaven). Lucifer was sent to this realm instead of the lake of ice due to his previous service to God and the angels, but it was still banishment.
 Nine Circles of Heaven (Dante’s Paradiso)
First Sphere: (The Moon) souls who failed to keep their vows
Second Sphere: (Mercury) souls who were just and righteous but were driven by ambition
Third Sphere: (Venus) lovers who earned their place with their love of God and humanity
Fourth Sphere: (The Sun) crown of wise men
Fifth Sphere: (Mars) holy warriors whose souls form the shape of a cross
Sixth Sphere: (Jupiter) souls of just rulers who form an eagle
Seventh Sphere (Saturn) souls who dedicated themselves to prayer, climbing up and down a golden ladder.
Eight Sphere (Fixed Stars) Biblical saints test Dante (Italian writer) on faith, love and hope.
Ninth Sphere: (Primum Mobile) bright light surrounded by nine circles of angels around God at the center.
Empyrean: beyond space and time
 Just as Hazbin Hotel (goal to redeem sinners) is located in the 10th Circle of Hell, Haven Hotel (goal to encourage moderate sin for self-freedom) is located in a lost Sphere of Heaven, a realm of the Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) as well as the Sphere of Delusion (parallel to Hazbin’s Circle of Illusion.) Here, everything seems grand and perfect, but the society is filled with deception and hidden truths.
  Robotic versions of 2p characters are created to help out the worlds of Hell. Charlie complains they are not the same as the friends she knows. Angel Dust 2 goes to the Lust Second Circle. Husk 2 goes to the Third Circle of Gluttony. Baxter 2 goes to the Fourth Circle of Wealth. Alastor 2 goes to the Eighth Circle. Vaggie 2 and Cherri Bomb 2 go to the Wrath Fifth Circle. Lucifer 2 and Lilith 2 go to the Ninth Circle. Katie 2 and Sir Pentious 2 goes to the Seventh Circle. Niffty 2 goes to the Third Circle. They represent the sins of their original models. The robotic versions are there to help out until the real characters can arrive in Heaven.
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lachind · 5 years ago
Basic Information
OTHER NAMES: Mairon, Sauron, Annatar, Gorthaur, Tar-Mairon, etc. TITLES: the Admirable (originally), the Cruel, Necromancer, The Shadow, The Enemy, The Dark Lord, Lord of the Rings DATE OF BIRTH: immortal DATE OF DEATH: immortal; ultimate defeat was on March 25th, T.A. 3019 GENDER: male ORIENTATION: pansexual RACE: Maia
Appearance (in his preferred form)
HEIGHT: 7′7″ BUILD: slim, immensely strong HAIR: light auburn, long and straight EYE COLOR: red, orange sclerae FACECLAIM: Cody Fern
LIKES: power, independence, forging and crafting, organization DISLIKES: admitting defeat, losing power, being interrupted in his work, appearing as weak or a failure POSITIVE TRAITS: driven, hardworking NEGATIVE TRAITS: all of them NEUTRAL TRAITS: astute, detached, restraint
THREAT LEVEL: insurmountable SKILLS: excellent long-term and short-term battle strategist, fighting, forging WEAPONS: longsword or mace LANGUAGES: all languages in Arda
Originally a Maia of Aulë, Sauron was called Mairon the Admirable. He was a hard worker and eager to please, in the beginning; with a love for order and planning that eventually grew into a need to control all that he could. When Morgoth approached him during the First War, he exploited this, promising to give Mairon power second only to his own; and Mairon saw an opportunity to make the World as he saw fit, against the will of Eru himself.
He continued to dwell in Aulë’s house for a time, working as a spy of Melkor. But when he built Angband during the Years of the Trees, Mairon abandoned the other Ainur to reside there as Melkor’s lieutenant. When his treachery was revealed he was named Gorthaur by the Sindar already in Beleriand, and Sauron by the others, though he continued to call himself Mairon.
After the destruction of the Two Trees and the rising of the Sun, Melkor fled to- and left- Angband, leaving Mairon in command of the fortress and the war, while he sought the second-born Children of Ilúvatar to corrupt them to his service. Mairon stayed there until the death of Fingolfin, after which he assailed the island of Tol Sirion. He claimed Minas Tirith, the watchtower built by Finrod Felagund, and the island was renamed Tol-in-Gaurhoth. 
He lived there until the Quest for the Silmaril, carrying out Morgoth’s bidding. After the capture of Finrod, Beren, and their companions, he had them thrown into a pit of werewolves to be killed off one by one. When all but Beren were killed, Lúthien and Huan came to his rescue, and when Mairon realized who had come, he saw an opportunity to further please his master by capturing the daughter of Thingol. But every werewolf he sent was defeated by Huan, until Mairon himself took the form of the greatest werewolf to walk the earth and moved to kill Huan and take Lúthien himself; but her magic blinded and wearied Mairon until he could no longer fight off Huan. He surrendered at last, and yielded control of the isle to Lúthien before fleeing to Taur-nu-Fuin as a vampire.
Mairon toiled in the forest for only a few months before returning to Angband; by the time he did, Melkor had already lost the Silmaril to Beren and Lúthien. Due to the injuries he sustained in the fight against Huan, he played a smaller part in the war for the next few decades; spending it mostly within the stronghold, delegating tasks, playing the role of the organizer and avoiding battle. He regained his power eventually, of course, and put forth more effort than before in both strategizing and physical fighting; attempting to regain the respect he lost.
With the eventual defeat of Melkor’s forces and the end of the War of Wrath, Mairon initially gave himself up to Eonwë, repenting of his evil and asking for pardon. But when Eonwë ordered him to return to Valinor to be judged by Manwë, Mairon was unwilling to lose the power he had gained, or suffer the humiliation at the feet of the Valar; and he fled and hid himself in Arda for a thousand years.
Though he longed to serve Melkor again and lamented his capture, he grew slowly to appreciate his sovereignty, and what he saw as a chance at ruling Arda on his own; but Melkor's name and image consistently found its way into Sauron's work, usually in his corruption of Men, exalting his former master.
In the first part of the Second Age he remained largely hidden, secretly growing in power, until the increasing skill of the elves caught his attention. He aimed to turn them to his service, and so put on a fair form and named himself Annatar, claiming to be sent by the Valar to teach them. He was received by Celebrimbor in Eregion, though he was not trusted by the other Lords of the elves. He shifted his focus to Celebrimbor’s people, learning their secrets, and guiding them in the creation of the Rings of Power. About ten years after their completion, Sauron created the One Ring, but as soon as he put it on his true identity was exposed to Celebrimbor and the elves. When they refused to give up their Rings to him, he waged war.
It was at this time that Sauron completed Barad-dûr with the help of the One Ring’s power, built the Black Gate, and assailed Eriador in the War of the Elves and Sauron. Celebrimbor was tortured and killed, and Eregion was destroyed in what the elves know as the start of the “Days of Flight”, for those of their people that fled to Valinor simply to escape Sauron’s wrath. But his defeat eventually came at the hands of the Númenóreans, who answered the elves’ call for aid, and he fled back to Mordor with what little remained of his forces.
Although Sauron’s resources were greatly depleted, he continued to subjugate men to the East and South, and assail Númenórean settlements in Middle-earth. After some time he declared himself King of Men, which angered the Númenórean king Ar-Pharazôn further, and he set out to Middle-earth to defeat Sauron once more. At the sight of the Númenóreans’ forces, many of Sauron’s servants fled, and realizing that he would not conquer them through sheer force of arms, he put on a fair form, and surrendered to Ar-Pharazôn to be taken to Númenor as a captive.
Upon setting foot on Númenor’s shores, Sauron, who began calling himself Tar-Mairon, set to corrupting the hearts and minds of the people, beginning with the king. In three years he was made Ar-Pharazôn’s chief adviser, and controlled the kingdom from behind the throne with manipulation of Ar-Pharazôn’s desires and fears. He ordered temples built to the worship of Melkor, whom he claimed would free the Númenóreans from death, and they performed human sacrifices to the Vala in hopes of being released from mortality.
When Ar-Pharazôn was near the end of his life, and fearful for what would come after, Sauron convinced him to assail Valinor itself, promising him that he could defeat the Valar and gain immortality. However, as soon as he set foot upon the shores, Eru Ilúvatar himself intervened directly and made the world round, sending the Númenórean king and his fleet into the sea, and drowning the island of Númenor. Sauron was in the Temple of Melkor when this happened, and his physical form was destroyed in the flood. His spirit fled back to Mordor, where he realized he had forever lost the ability to take a fair form. It was only then that he finally began to call himself Sauron, rather than Mairon.
Without the ability to take a fair shape, Sauron could no longer fool his subjects or gain their trust; so he began to resort to terror and force alone. He continued to tyrannize men in the South and East of Middle-earth, many of whom worshiped him out of fear. Meanwhile, the survivors of Númenor founded Gondor and Arnor in Middle-earth, and gathered men from many lands to unite under the kingdoms. Due to his humiliation at being forced to surrender to them and his bitterness at the loss of his physical form in Númenor, Sauron still hated the survivors; and no less because they were the Faithful, who never served him or worshiped Morgoth. He struck first, attacking Gondor in S.A. 3429. They responded by uniting with the elves, and engage Sauron in the War of the Last Alliance. They marched against Mordor, fighting the Battle of Dagorlad (with heavy losses on both sides), and upon finally reaching Barad-dúr, laid siege to the tower itself. The siege pressed for seven years, until Sauron finally left his fortress and joined the battle himself. Though he defeated Elendil, King of Gondor, and Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor, he was defeated by Elendil’s son Isildur, and his Ring taken from him.
Though his spirit lingered, Sauron was greatly weakened without the Ring. He’d put so much of his own energy into creating it, that its loss left him unable to take physical form for 1,000 years. Unable to impose his will upon the Free Peoples, he fled far to the East, hiding there and regaining his strength in secret.
In T.A. 1050, Sauron first occupied Greenwood, beginning to build his fortress Dol Guldur there on the southern hill of Amon Lanc. Though his presence concerned the Wise, they did not pay it as much heed as was due; they thought it to be a Nazgûl that was residing in the fortress. From there, he directed his followers in the East, South, and the region of Angmar in Eriador to assail Gondor and Arnor. Angmar was successful in destroying Arnor, but was subsequently defeated by an alliance between Gondor and the elves. However, the Nazgûl were successful in capturing Minas Ithil for their master, who renamed it Minas Morgul. It was there that the line of Gondor’s kings ended for nearly a thousand years, when Eärnur entered the city and was never seen again.
Sauron remained hidden in Dol Guldur until T.A. 2063, when Gandalf entered the fortress and sent him fleeing back to the East, with Khamûl, one of the Nazgûl, in his place. He set his focus to the Easterlings once more, corrupting them and banding them together under his banner, so that upon his return he had countries under his command. He returned to Dol Guldur in T.A. 2460, and in 2845, captured the dwarf Thráin II, tortured him, took from him his Ring of Power and abandoned him to die in the dungeons of Dol Guldur. Five years later, Gandalf entered the fortress again and came to realize that the Necromancer that they knew of was in fact Sauron. Still, he remained in Mirkwood until T.A. 2941, when he was assailed by the White Council and defeated by Galadriel. He fled from Dol Guldur for the last time, returning to Barad-dûr and ten years later revealing himself openly as Sauron. Meanwhile, when Saruman discovered a palantír and sought to use it, Sauron’s mind linked with his. Despite the power of the Istar, Sauron was able to deceive him, and by T.A. 3000 he had corrupted him into his own servant. 
In the years following his banishment back to Mordor, Sauron raised massive armies of orcs and further corrupted men of the East and South. Eventually, after Gollum lost the Ring to Bilbo Baggins, he wandered into Mordor in search of it and was quickly captured by the Nazgûl. Sauron quickly learned of his reason for being there, and came to torture him himself, until he heard the names “Shire” and “Baggins” and sent the Nazgûl there to retrieve his Ring. Of course, by that time (unbeknownst to him), Frodo had already left the Shire and would soon join the Fellowship of the Ring. 
Through most of the War of the Ring Sauron remained in Barad-dûr, commanding Mordor’s armies from his tower. It was when Aragorn used the palantír from Isengard that Sauron realized Isildur’s heir was found, and he assumed that he had the Ring with him in Minas Tirith. Thus he sent an army and the Witch-King of Angmar to seize it and destroy Minas Tirith; in this he failed, for Mordor lost the Battle of Pelennor Fields, but the Free Peoples were greatly weakened, and Sauron had the military strength still to overthrow them. 
Had it not been for Frodo and Sam, and Gandalf’s idea to engage Sauron’s forces directly at the Black Gate, thus drawing his gaze away from the hobbits, Sauron likely would have triumphed in the end. Although Frodo’s strength failed him and he gave into the Ring at Mount Doom, its power stronger at the place of its making, the Ring fell into the fire with Gollum. Being that he had put so much of his own power and his very essence into the creation of the Ring, Sauron fell with it, losing his physical form for the final time. 
For a brief moment, Sauron’s spirit towered over Mordor, his armies, and the armies of the Free Peoples, but was swiftly blown away by a wind from the West, and Sauron at last joined his master Morgoth in the Void. 
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skelehawk · 7 years ago
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I present to you...
...the AU that nobody asked for...
This was pretty much an excuse for me to draw Undertale’s character’s as dinosaurs because I’m a complete nerd. While drawing all of these lovely characters, I ended up headcanoning a ton of shit about this version of the Underground. If you want to know about the explanations behind a lot of my design choices, they’ve likely been detailed in these headcanons.
There was never a war between humans and the inhabitants of the Underground. Before humans fell into the Underground, the creatures there never even knew that they existed.
The dinosaurs of Mt. Ebbot are hundreds of thousands of years old, fled to the caves of Ebbot to escape their mass extinction event, and have settled into a routine of sorts to keep them sane. Any deviation from this routine causes them to panic, which is why they attack the fallen human in the first place. They did not all enter Mt. Ebbot at the same time.
Mt. Ebbot itself is old as dirt, and contains a lot of shamanistic-type magic. The dinosaurs that live there are only kept alive through this magic. Leaving Mt. Ebbot would result in their immediate death.
The ruins and any “man-made” looking structures do not exist. The Underground’s inhabitants live in dens, nests, forests, and thickets that take the place of towns. Any manmade items were gathered from the dump.
Dinosaurs such as Blooky, Sans, Papyrus, Grillby, etc appear to be ghosts, skeletons, or elementals that are shaped like their living forms. They died in some way in the vicinity of Ebbot and were affected by its healing magic, reanimating them into some twisted form that relates to their demise. (Grillby died in a volcanic eruption, Sans and Papyrus and Gaster were trapped in a tar pit and fossilized.) Most dinosaurs who have been reanimated in this way do not remember their lives before Ebbot.
The mysterious first shaman of the Underground, Gaster, discovered through experimentation on Chara’s soul (post-mortem) that human souls could be used to empower the Underground’s citizens to leave Ebbot’s magical field. Asriel was the first monster to attempt a soul infusion, and was able to leave Ebbot until he was attacked by a group of terrified humans. It is thought that if a human soul color of each type were collected, the combined power would be enough to restore the life force of the Underground’s dinosaurs.
The artwork above was drawn in my sketchbook and colored digitally. If anyone has questions about this silly AU, please feel free to ask! I could headcanon for DAYS.
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eritvita · 8 years ago
meta - faults he finds in others vs faults in himself
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on.
I think the only time Roland would ever judge anyone simply at face value would be in the very rare circumstance when something doesn’t seem quite right about the person under the proverbial microscope, face to face. I have a theory, based on my own experiences, that a negative-addled person, i.e. a douchebag, a misogynist, a racist, can solely be recognized aught by a person’s facial shape and detail. A person with positive aura is a beautiful, calm, sweet-living human being, because they have Something that resonates in an incredibly beautiful way, whereas a negative person is one of the ugliest creatures ever left alone to rot in the nastiest patch of grass ever grown. There’s a palpable ugliness, i.e. fuck ugly, evidently made by the size of the cheekbones, the width and size of eyes, the amount of hard wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, etc, etc, all muted by the words that would ever come out of their mouth, or the opinions and judgements that they do hold behind their eyes. We all do this. Our actions speak for themselves.
Anyone can be beautiful if they are truly a good person, neverminding the propaganda of “beauty standards” made for beauty products essentially, and I believe Roland has this ability to Recognize it too.
He believes he is a zealot, a proud man, and a Fool for putting aside a ne’er-ending string of problems and personal grievances of anyone he encounters aside for his own happiness. He wants to help; indefinitely. Anything that could be considered something for a “mental health day” he puts under hard scrutiny. He believes he is a drunkard, because he drinks to nullify and cope with the problems in his past, and current issues notwithstanding. He is an Apostate, capital “A”, because he grew up in the Circle, and focused intently on the religious beliefs of the Chantry while he was there.
Every wise piece of information ever made says to be humble, to be wise and thoughtful; to think before you act. Buddha says this; that was the point of his meditation in the first place. Anything that derails from that single thing could be considered a fault, and something he strives to fix, or work on. He’s increasingly aware of who he is and what he can be capable of, both in a negative stance and on a positive, but he never says any of that aloud.
That can be another fault, and one most prominent: he doesn’t think he has an adequate enough reason to ask for help, for anything. He could be bleeding on the floor with a white-bone protrusion, and he’ll laugh it off and ask very politely if he could have a bandage. One of the lesson I’ve learned through Roland is to understand why so many people can brush off a helping hand when they’re in the midst of being sucked down into a sludge of hot tar. They don’t think they’re worthy, or they think, “Someone else has it worse off than me; I should/could/can handle this,” and they’re already waist deep inside the pit, and their feet can’t touch the bottom.
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