#human janis
frogs00 · 3 months
A bit to a rejanis one shot I might write if I can muster up the time and energy to finish it:
Regina stared down at the brunette, flabbergasted at Janis’s outburst, “Janis…”
“No, Regina, No!” She yelled, shoving a finger in her face, her voice slightly slurred from the alcohol, “Stop it!” Her voice cracked with emotions, layers of emotions Regina could hardly process.
Janis inhaled sharply, her eyes watery, “You let me fucking talk!” She whispered-yelled, Regina opened her mouth but was cut off instantly, “Why? Why did you let me get so close? If you were just going to hurt me and leave me like everyone else does?” The blonde couldn’t tell if it a rhetorical question or not so she stayed silent.
“You were my best friend! And you… fuck…” She tilted her head back, inhaling a shaky breath, attempting to blink away tears. Regina had never seen Janis cry, and had never expected too.
Except that one time when they were young and Janis had came to school with a poorly-hidden black-eye, when Regina asked what happened Janis had ran away to the restroom and slammed the stall door. She heard her crying in the stalls. Not seen. It was just as heartbreaking. (She never did find out what happened. But she found out a week later her dad left (or was kicked out), not that it had anything to do with it, but she could only assume.)
Then she saw a tears leave her brown eyes, her heart shattered.
She felt guilt swarm her stomach, like a hive a bees… that had been beaten down like a piñata.
Should I even finish this?
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Barrett Wilbert Weed, I love you, but that one interview where you said Janis would think of Veronica as weak bothers me.
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rizardofether · 4 months
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I've been drawing headshots of my GW2 characters for a while now. Got a little burned out though so posting all the ones I've done so far and take a break. Don't worry about the inconsistent sizes..
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raviposting · 2 years
Every time we get a Sam/Jay baby tease I mentally go feral lmao Baby Arondekar when
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0ccuria · 7 months
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Janis had gotten a bit of an uplift since I picked up his playthrough again.
Decided that he would be a changeling, as it really seems to fit him in a general sense. So on the left is what he looks like unshifted(which is basically all the time), then how he presents himself as "normal".
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petvles · 1 year
Every single time my therapist asks me how i'm doing today? and i just go
i am
on a plane of existence
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spyskater · 8 months
Since the Mean Girls musical is framed as a cautionary tale told by Janis and Damian, that means they wrote all of the songs for it. This means that Janis wrote some of the best songs for Regina, which ultimately help humanize and understand her, as well as writing lyrics that emphasize how hot she is, implying that Janis still has a thing for Regina. In this essay, I will...
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etherealkissed88 · 6 months
stop focusing on logic ⋆ ˚。𖦹⋆。°✩
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literally regardless of the 3d, you will always get what you want. you think about how it will come to be in the 3d, by using what? by using LOGIC.
for example, you want a car but your trying to make sense of the how in a logical way like -> "how will i afford this car?" or "how will i possibly manifest a car just outta thin air?"
yes humans in our time and age in this society are born into logistical thinking but part of understanding the law is knowing that you are beyond that logic that was taught to you.
trying to make what you want "make sense" in the 3d is centered around logic and it's an issue. if you want that car or that sp, stop thinking logically about how empty your wallet is or about that 3p. just be the version of you that has it already. apply. how do you know if someone will gift you that car or if you will win some kind of lotto and use it to buy the car? how do you know if that sp was thinking about you the whole time regardless of the 3p or that they were already broken up regardless of what you saw or heard?
how do you know you will just wake up and it will all appear? the thing is: you dont know (unless you manifest the how) and thats the interesting part. logic is probably telling you that it cant happen. logic is not something that you should hold onto regarding the law.
the "how" never matters. your job is knowing its yours and knowing the 3d is always neutral. the "how" is the 3d's concern not yours. its perfectly fine imagining the how if you want to but for people trying to manifest shit while doubting if it will happen because of logic... stop. logic is nothing but limits.
you can imagine anything, you can be anything, you are imagination, you are limitless
you be someone who has it and its done. stop obsessing over a copy machine that literally copies self no matter what.
be that version of self = 3d expresses that (always the law)
even when you see something you dont like in the 3d, logic starts to kick in and tell you that what you want could never come into play, causing doubts.
example: you want that cute bag -> you see you have no money or they are all sold out in your area -> logic says: “theres no way i can get it now bc of these circumstances” -> you doubt you will get it -> now you’re in this victim state and you logic will only keep you there until you break free from it
just know that the 3d and logic are irrelevant. literally anytime i manifest something and i see the opposite of what i want, i just continue being the version of me who has what they want and the 3d always ends up doing a complete 360 and showing me what i want. if logic tells you no, you have the control, not anything else.
“how do you keep being this version of you when the 3d shows you the opposite?” -> actually fulfill yourself & know everything starts w you. do you want it or not? give it to yourself & there it is.
let go of logic because you will always get what you want when you change self instead of chasing reasons of how it will appear.
who are you BEING? forget the logic. just be what you want.
kisses, jani ☆
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romypearl · 4 months
The Queen's Pawn - Regina George/Oblivious!Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
Summary: Everyone is interested and obsessed with Regina George, after all, she is the queen of the North Shore, so why does Y/N barely look at her? The new student, oblivious to her existence, intrigues and irritates the blonde at the same time. And she doesn't know how to deal with it.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: None, for now
Word count: +1400
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She's boring.
Very annoying.
A total waste of time.
Sometimes seems to live on Mars.
And Regina George doesn't know why she wants to get her attention so badly.
When their gazes met a few weeks earlier in the cafeteria and Y/N greeted her as if she were any other human, well, the blonde has to admit that she felt her stomach lurch into an unfamiliar sensation and all the air being knocked out of her lungs. She had never seen her in North Shore, nor in the city, and it was annoyingly difficult to discreetly find out anything about the new student, after all, she never shows interest in anyone, it's always the other way around. However, as fate would have it, she soon found out that they shared some classes. That's how she knew her name, age, that she's not from Evanston and is very close to fucking Janis 'Imi'ike, with hands intertwined as they cross the tumultuous corridors and play with each other's hair, telling inside jokes. Damn it, it's only the third week and they're joined at the hip. And she's never looked at or waved to Regina in the same way, most of the time she seems almost oblivious to her existence.
The tray seems more interesting than the latest random conversation at the table, she plays with the scattered French fries and sips the diet coke. Thoughts wander far away, full of memories and expectations too, she hasn't seen her all day, soon it will be their shared lesson and she can't stop thinking about the reasons for her absence. If something serious has happened, if she's sick or... skipping class to make out with someone, which is something almost everyone does. But with whom?
Loud laughter breaks her trance, Damian tries to hold back a laugh while Janis hugs Y/N and has a hand over her mouth, trying to stop her from laughing any louder, even though she can't stop herself. The trio are walking to their usual table, ignoring everyone around them. It annoys her to the bone, how easy it is for them to get her attention, to make her laugh. Suddenly, the newbie turns her face in their direction and she could swear she felt her heart stop beating for a millisecond only to start beating 10 times faster, watching her break away from the group and walk towards the Plastics.
"Hi, girls!" she greeted the four with a wave of a hand, ignoring their lack of response, and opened a wide smile, which surprised them with its "boldness". For a moment the blonde thought Y/N would turn and speak directly to her, try to get closer, to have her attention, but she turned to Heron and squatted down, handing over a book, dozens of post-its marking the pages "Here it is, I made some notes and the colors of the bookmarks are my reactions. Hopefully you'll like it as much as I do."
"Thanks! I'll get back to you as soon as I've finished." Cady appreciates it and returns the warm smile, however, the queen bee doesn't miss her cheeks blushing slightly at the brief interaction, making her roll her eyes in disgust "I couldn't find any other copies..."
Regina watches with a mixture of disdain and envy, Y/N should be paying attention to her and only her, not some worthless girl who has just ascended the high school social hierarchy. At the same time, her anxiety barely lets her think, she has never been so close before, she can smell the floral perfume permeating the atmosphere and see the small details of the skin she longs to touch. But there is something she longs for more than that, and that is to get her away from Cady, to make it clear that she is superior and in control.
"You know, Cady, it's admirable that you're willing to sacrifice your free time to make a library rat feel validated." she cuts in, throwing out a biting comment, a forced smile plastered on her face and blue eyes directed at Y/N "But, frankly, I think she should spend less time with books and more learning how to dress without looking like a single 40-year-old librarian."
The sharp words echo through the cafeteria, leaving an uncomfortable silence in the air and all the cliques watching the scene unfold. The girl frowns, surprised and confused by the sudden hostility, and her smile falters. She really can't understand the reason for the gratuitous verbal aggression, she hasn't done anything to deserve such treatment, not even talked to anyone other than one person there before. Her friends didn't give her the same hierarchical speech and tips that they gave Heron, because, unlike her, they didn't see any potential in the other new student to stand out in Regina's eyes and quickly knew that it wouldn't do much good considering how oblivious she is, as well as how indifferent to groups she is. A being apart from the jungle of hormonal teenagers in search of social status.
Nobody expects her to respond, in fact, they believe the opposite will happen. They expect to see a puppy running around with its tail between the legs. Regina feels the temporary taste of triumph in her mouth and waits for her to turn around.
"And you should spend less time dressing up for Coachella and more time studying history, maybe then you'll get at least a C on an elementary school exam." Y/N shrugged and turned to her new friend "Tell me what you thought of the book..."
The beginning-of-semester test that the history teacher always gives to check the students' knowledge. It's this test that she's referring to, which Regina got an embarrassing F in, although it doesn't really bother her as it doesn't count as a formal grade. In contrast to her, the youngest scored an A+ and quickly excelled in the subject.
Another time, with someone else, the blonde was going to kill with one look. This time, to everyone's shock, she throws herself back in her chair and laughs out loud, head thrown back. It's genuine. Her kitten has sharp claws and knows how to use them. She hadn't imagined that the quiet, peaceful and compassionate Y/L/N could strike back at her, with her harmless appearance and silly expressions. It's little discoveries that make everything more fun.
Regina recovers and tilts her head slightly, lips curving into a subtle smile as she stares deeply at her, challenging. She's got the newbie's attention, as she's wanted for weeks, and now that she has it, it's time to put the pieces on the table, time to play.
"Oh, I see you know how to defend yourself. Well, princess, you should know that's not how people dress for Coachella. And that I don't need to prove myself in a stupid questionnaire." then leans over so that they're centimeters apart and whispers, "Now, if I teach you, maybe you'll learn something more interesting than history..."
The bait is thrown, a flirtatious double entendre in the middle of a cold discussion.
"I don't think there's anything you can teach me that I want to learn."
Once again, she has an answer on the tip of her tongue and isn't afraid to answer the queen bee straight. Y/N smiles and says goodbye to the group, turning her back to go to her own table, she's starving and can't wait to devour the pizza bought moments before. That's more important than arguing with a stranger over lunch. All that's left for Regina to do is watch her walk away and strategize how to keep the girl at arm's length.
It wasn't the quick and blunt answers or the fearless demeanor that captivated her, nor the appearance, she doesn't consider jeans and cute knitted cardigans anything special, much less the ridiculous Star Trek t-shirts worn in PE. She desperately wants to find out what it is, maybe then she'll stop being drawn like a moth to the light. When the newbie has disappeared into the crowd, Regina turns her attention back to her own table, where her friends are sitting in silence, too stunned to comment anything. Neither was she. The idea of leaving Y/N at her feet to stroke the ego and then despise her like she does everyone else is too pleasurable.
She sighs heavily and without thinking twice takes the book from Cady's hands, staring at the title with contempt. It's a beginning.
On the other side, Janis smiles to herself and exchanges a look with Damian, both coming to a conclusion quickly. In Regina George's game, they've always wanted to be ahead and finally they have the right pawn to do it.
Note: Hi, sweeties! I'm Romy and started writing again recently, that's why I'm a little rusty. Hope you enjoyed part one and see you soon in the sequel ^^ please share what you want to read and any ideas for this short fanfic, or one shots
english isn't my first language
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 5 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader) Part 4
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
Implied ED, Claustrophobia
Part 1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
You can feel Regina’s lips on your skin all morning. The aching pain in your hip is now replaced by a warm longing. It’s a pretty good metaphor for Regina herself. She can bruise you so easily and then make it all better.
She kissed you.
Why did she kiss you?
Was it because she felt so guilty about hurting you and couldn’t find the words to tell you? That had to be it. The other option briefly crosses your mind but you quickly dismiss it. This is Regina George. Less than 2 days ago she didn’t know you existed. She’s the Queen of the school, why would she want to be anything to someone like you? The thought is disheartening but it's much better than falling victim to a disappointing fantasy.
Regina is already gone, as usual. At least it gives you some time in the morning to sort your thoughts into nice neat boxes and get yourself ready without the distraction.
You know that today's activity is caving. Working your way through a man made cave system sounds much better for you, at least your feet are firmly on the ground. You decide on a pair of jeans, another band tee (Is that really all you packed?) and throw a hoodie on top. The caves might be cold and it’ll stop you scraping up your elbows while you navigate tight crawl spaces.
You make your way to the Campfire pit to be shown today's activity. The instructor tells you all to find groups or pairs. You don’t even bother glancing in Regina’s direction, she’ll be with Gretchen and Karen. You don’t mind going through it alone. It’s better than being paired up with a stranger. It would be much more fun with Janis and Damien though.
You feel a slight not in your stomach at the thought of Janis. She’d tried to call again this morning but you didn’t have the heart to answer in case more lies came tumbling out of your mouth, so instead you just sent back a quick text letting her know you’d call this evening and put your phone on silent.
You’re led to a door in the side of what looks like an oddly shaped hill which contains an intricate man-made cave system. Some of the group drop out saying they’re claustrophobic and don’t want to go through. It’s understandable, you wish you’d been given that option on the high ropes.
The instructor lets each group go through every 10 minutes to allow the first group to be a decent way through and avoid traffic. You end up behind the plastics in the queue again. It’s not exactly accidental. Hopefully Regina doesn’t notice this.
They go through first, you try not to make it too obvious where your gaze lands as Regina gets on her knees to crawl through the cave entrance. She’s wearing a pair of tight, black leather trousers and a pink tank top. It frames her body perfectly and you understand why most of the boys at school stare openly when she walks by. How are you only just noticing how hot she is now?
10 minutes later you’re instructed to go through. You crawl, squeeze and climb through the narrow passages of the cave. It’s pitch black, you have to use the head torch on your helmet to navigate.
It’s quite fun, you like the challenge. The further you get into the cave system, the harder some of the tunnels get. Some have passages you have to squeeze through sideways. Some you have to be on your stomach, sliding under. Every so often there are larger chambers you can have a break in and stand up fully. You slip through a narrow tunnel and into a larger chamber and your headlight catches a pair of eyes. You have to physically put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself screaming when you see a human figure cowering in the corner of the cave. You realize it’s Regina and she looks terrified. Her makeup has run slightly as if she’d been crying.
“Hey, are you okay?” You try softly, but Regina is shaking too much to respond. You crouch down to her level and try and meet her gaze.
“Where are Gretchen and Karen?” You ask. From what you can tell, they’re nowhere in sight and you can’t hear their chipper voices up ahead.
“They went on ahead.” She answers, her voice barely a whisper.
She glances over at the next tunnel, you can tell because her head torch illuminates the passage. It’s tight. Possibly the hardest one to get through so far. You move to look through and see another chamber with specks of light. This must be the final challenge.
“I’m pretty sure this is the final tunnel. I can see the light on the other side.” There’s no response from the blonde, she must be really scared.
Why did Karen and Gretchen just leave her like this? You know you wouldn’t have. Did Regina ask them to go ahead so they didn’t see she was this afraid? She doesn’t hide her fear in front of you, she eats with you and she laughs and plays geeky games with you. You guess she only agreed to go through to protect her reputation, it seems more than its worth keeping up her act.
“I can go first, then you follow and I’ll pull you through so you’re out quicker.” you say, standing to walk over to the tunnel and offering her your hand.
“Please don’t! you’re going to leave me here.” She cries, her lip is trembling. You wish you could comfort her better but you’re not sure what she’ll allow and you don’t want to push your luck.
“Regina, I promise I won’t leave you. I’ll crawl through and pull you out the other side. You just have to follow after me, I won’t let anything happen.”
“....You promise?” She whispers.
You take one of her hands
“I promise”
Her hand is so soft, just as you’d expect. Just how you’d expect the rest of her to feel. You squeeze her hand in encouragement before you bend down to crawl through the tunnel. Once you reach the last chamber you see there’s an exit door. You sigh in relief.
“Come through now, I’m at the other end, there’s a door here!” you shout, hoping she can hear you from the other side.
You hear shuffling from the end of the tunnel and bend down, ready to pull her through. As soon as she’s in arms reach you swiftly pull her out and she lets out a shaky breath. She quickly puts her arms around your neck in a gentle hug.
“Thank you”
Her breath tickles your neck and you’re overwhelmed by everything about her. You don’t move to reciprocate the hug, you’re still understandably wary after what happened and you don’t want to do anything that’d make her let go any faster.
And then she’s gone. When you leave the final chamber you see her back with Gretchen and Karen, subtly wiping her eyes to make sure nobody sees her smudged makeup. It’s impressive how quickly she can recover and put her mean girl act back on. You wonder how long she’d had to wear that mask.
You head back to the campfire pit for dinner, but you don’t bother going to eat anything. Regina had said she wanted dinner with you again. You couldn’t shake the thought that it felt like a date, but you couldn’t let yourself think like that. Regina had Boyfriends, and had already bullied Janis for her sexuality. You had to be more careful.
You wait for about 30 minutes after dinner at the campfire pit has ended. Regina doesn't show up. That serves you right for thinking Regina even thought of you as a friend, let alone thinking of your secret dinners as a date. You’re just there for her convenience.
You feel a squeezing sensation in your chest. Why did you let it bother you this much? You decide you need a distraction so go to the river close by the camp and ask one of the instructors if you can borrow a canoe. You’e allowed but you have to sign the boat out and make sure it’s returned within 3 hours. That’s fine, you want as much time away from the cabin as you can. Away from Regina’s stuff, away from her sweet vanilla scent, away from her giggle that still felt like it was trapped between the walls, away from Regina.
You take the Canoe to the edge of the river and lower it in, you hop down into the small boat and pick up the oar ready to set sail.
“Hey, what the fuck?” you hear a familiar voice yell.
All of your resolve to forget about her disappears when you see her at the bank, above your boat with her arms folded and one eyebrow raised. It’s intimidating.
“I saw you walk off earlier. What happened to dinner?” She scoffs “ Nobody stands me up, where are you going?”
“I didn’t think you were coming, I waited for half an hour.” you respond, you wish you could sound as confident as Regina but it just comes out as guilty, like a scorned puppy.
She drops down into the boat and sits facing you. Her eyes are challenging.
“I’m coming with you. I’m not allowed to go back to Karen and Gretchen’s cabins anyway.” That stings a little. So she’s not just spending time with you because she wants to.
“And I guess you’re not bad company.” She adds, rolling her eyes.
That makes your heart flutter and you hand her an oar and push off from the bank. You’re not sure where you’re going and Regina doesn’t really help row much. Luckily the flow of the river helps pull you downstream.
You’re not sure what possesses you but for a moment you forget who you’re in a boat with and dip your oar into the water, you pull it out fast and splash the blonde who is now looking at you with an incredulous expression.
“What the FUCK!” She screams as the cold water hits her.
You can’t help but laugh. It wasn’t a lot of water but you can see some droplets running down her cheeks. She growls in frustration and dips her hand in the river to splash you back.
You shriek at the sensation of sudden cold, but you’re still laughing. You see her lips curl in a smile too. You’re not sure if she’s laughing too or just proud she managed to get you back.
Unfortunately your oar can create a much bigger splash than her hand and this time you hit her with quite a lot of cold water to her chest, narrowly missing her face.
The look she gives you makes your knees weak and you regret the choice immediately.
Shit. You might have taken it too far.
She lunges for you, grappling for the oar. You lean left, trying to stretch the oar right out of her reach. Her body is sliding against yours, you can feel the cold patch where the water soaked into her top. Her face is millimeters from yours and you glance down at her lips. If you just moved forward a tiny bit your lips would meet, she probably tastes like vanilla too. She leans on the edge of the boat, inching forwards. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion.
The weight of both of you on one side is just slightly too much and the canoe flips, dunking you both underwater. It’s freezing and makes you gasp when you breach the surface in a state of absolute shock. Regina splashes her way to the surface beside you, she’s gasping and her eyes are wide, black mascara dripping down her face.
A giggle erupts from your lips and it's not long before it's a full blown laughing fit. Regina giggles too, its a loose and carefree sound, it might be your favorite.
You swim over to her and flick some water at her, she squeals and throws some back your way. No use going easy now, you’re both soaked.
You manage to flip the canoe back over with some effort and both climb back in. You have no change of clothes and you’re both so cold your lips are turning blue so you decide to turn back.
“I’m so sorry I left you earlier. I didn’t think you were coming.” You chatter between shivers.
“I even stole these sandwiches from dinner for us, but I don't think we can eat them now.” She shudders back, pulling out two dripping wet sandwiches from her pocket. This makes you both burst into another giggling fit.
She shifts over to sit next to you and rests her head on your shoulder. Even though you’re soaked you feel your whole body heat up, especially your cheeks from the interaction. You rest your head on top of hers, surprised when she doesn’t pull away.
You make it back to the bank without going for another unexpected swim and tell Regina to go back to the cabin while you return the boating equipment. There’s no use in both of you staying freezing.
She’s already showered by the time you’re back and sitting on the edge of her bed. She gives you a shy smile and you dip into the bathroom to warm up. The water gives new life to your icy skin, as it washes down your face you can’t help but remember Regina’s soft lips just centimeters from yours. What would have happened if the boat hadn’t tipped? Probably nothing right? You’re just overthinking it.
As you start putting your pajamas on you notice your phone buzzing again. It's Janis. It’s reasonably late enough to pretend you're asleep so you swipe the screen to decline the call and put your phone in your pocket.
When you go back into the bedroom, Regina is under the covers, scrolling her phone but she sits up as soon as you come in.
“Hey, uh I wanted to say thanks for today.. you know, helping me, and I had fun.” She thinks for a moment. “Having fun with you is easy.” she adds with a small, sleepy smile.
“If I check my schedule I’m sure I can fit you in tomorrow evening.” You laugh, pretending to think over exaggeratedly.
She rolls her eyes with a smile.
“Goodnight Loser.” She yawns.
“Night Regina” You reply
Just as you’re about to lay down you hear a muffled voice from your pocket.
“What the fuck, are you talking to Regina?”
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
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Humans are derived fishes. The skeleton of a human (A) compared with the skeleton of a derived tetrapodomorph fish (B), with the fish skeleton scaled to the size of the human’s and oriented in a humanlike pose (and with a humanlike skull). Red shading indicates dermal bone and, in fishes, the dermal fin rays. (From Long 2011 © John A. Long.)
-- F. H. Pough & C. M. Janis, Vertebrate Life (10th ed., 2019; p. 165)
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
A Really Good Friend
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Trigger Warnings: this story doesn't include Cady so that it the trigger warning :sob:
basically a fic where fem!reader replaces cady and it goes a bit differently? a different past, but was still homeschooled and transfered. janis and damian could still be involved, but the reader has no incentive to do any revenge on regina because she doesn't get a crush on aaron. and like, y'know, regina isn't that bad. she's so protective of reader and is SUCH a great friend. regina makes the reader feel so special. hehe
A/N: I did not know how to write this, so please be kind.
Mean Girls requests are open.
"Don't look at them," Damian attempted to shield (Y/n)'s eyes, but she gently removed his hands out of curiosity. "They call those three the Plastics. The girl with the big hair, that's Gretchen Wieners. Her hair is so big because it's full of secrets. Then, you have Karen Shetty, I once saw her put a 'D' in the word orange." Damian hissed as a blonde girl came in after them. She was obviously the leader of whatever the group was. When she flipped her hair over her shoulder, everyone was still in awe.
Janis grumbled as she crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. "Evil takes human form in Regina George." She commented, letting her know who the last girl was. (Y/n) couldn't get over how stunning she was. "She's the Queen Bee, she always wins Spring Fling Queen. You need to be careful around her, (Y/n)." Janis warned, trying to stop the brainwashing before (Y/n) was too far in. But it seemed like she was too far in and hypnotized until she almost dropped her tray onto the floor because she almost ran into someone.
"Why don't I know you?" A voice called, causing (Y/n) to look up from her lunch tray, and away from Janis and Damian. She made eye contact with a blonde who was in a leather jacket. It was obvious that she had status at North Shore High by the fearful stares of their classmates. That's why (Y/n) hoped that when she looked around, there was a different new student that the girl was talking to. "No, no… I'm talking to you. Don't be shy, come over here."
(Y/n) looked over to Janis who shook her head, but (Y/n) felt she had no way of getting out of this. Approaching the table with an awkward smile as she set down her tray. "Why haven't I seen you before?" Regina turned her head quizzically. The honey blonde next to her leaned closer as she examined the situation, wanting to hear what (Y/n) would respond with. However, on the other side of her was a girl with wavy black hair and a curious look in her eyes despite not having a thought behind them.
"I'm new here," (Y/n) said softly, fidgeting with her hand. Regina's brows rose, and it was obvious she was vying for more information. She wanted to know more about (Y/n), but she wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Not when her only other friends were so against the idea of her coming over. She didn't want to upset Janis or Damian, nor did she want to upset these other girls. "Well, I'm not new to North Shore. I've just been homeschooled my whole life before now. I just finally convinced my mom to let me come to school here."
Regina nodded with a small smirk on her lips as she looked at the other girls behind her. "Give us just a moment," Regina said before whispering to them. This left (Y/n) standing there, not knowing if she should walk away and give them space or if she should just stand there. "Right, so we never really do this, but how'd you like to have lunch with us all week." Before (Y/n) could reject their offer, Regina held up her hand. "There's no need for you to thank us, there's no need to even speak. You're new and you don't know things, you need good friends who can tell you what to think. We'll see you here same time tomorrow." She said, know now that (Y/n) couldn't reject her.
"On Wednesdays, we wear pink!" The girl with long wavy hair said, grinning up at (Y/n) as Regina nodded. (Y/n) was then excused and she made her way over to Janis and Damian with her lunch tray. She didn't know if they would be upset with her or not when she sat down. Instead, they looked like they wanted to know exactly what happened over at the table she was at. This made her feel a little more comfortable to know they weren't mad at her.
(Y/n) then just gave them a polite smile. "They want me to eat lunch with them for a week." (Y/n) said softly, starting to eat the sandwich on her tray. Janis grinned at this, nudging Damian who looked surprised. "I already said I'd join you guys though, so I guess I'll have to reject their invitation." (Y/n) shrugged. She was a loyal person, and she didn't want to just drop Janis and Damian for the Plastics.
"No, no, no," Janis said, waving her hands with a jubilant look on her face. "That's the tits, and I think you should do it. You should take the offer, and then you should come to us with every little stupid thing that they say."
(Y/n)'s nose crinkled in thought as she looked over at them. "I'm not sure I can spy on them, but if you really want me to take up the offer… Do either of you have a pink shirt?" She asked, hoping that one of them did since she didn't. Damian nodded before letting her know that he had her back. "Great, thank you. I'm going to head to class. Thanks for being so cool on me not wanting to spy on them. You're both great friends." (Y/n) said as she separated from them in order to make it to her class.
The next day, Gretchen sat in front of (Y/n), letting her know all of the rules that they must follow if they want to remain at the Plastics table. "You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear a ponytail once a week. Oh, and we can only wear sweats and track pants on Fridays. If you break any of these rules, you can't sit with us. And, I mean, none of us can sit here if we break the rules. Like, if I was wearing sweatpants today, I might have to sit over there with the art freaks." Gretchen pointed to Damian catching some food that Janis threw over to him. The action caused (Y/n) to chuckle, but she quickly covered it.
"That sounds fair," she confirmed with a smile as she began to eat her lunch. She was surprised to see how kind the girls were. She then began to wonder what they did to make Janis hate them so much. More specifically, she hated Regina.
Regina hummed as she tried to process the percentage of sugar in her Yoghurt before looking over to (Y/n) with a smile. "After school, we're taking you shopping. Then, we're going to hang out at my place. Meet us at my Jeep right after the bell." She said, before getting up to get cheese fries instead. She was pleased to see Regina acting so kind to her, and she was grateful for her allowance since she had been saving for years, and now she might be able to use it. She was beginning to feel lucky at how great of a friend Regina George was.
"So, any cute boys?" Gretchen questioned as Regina left. She was a bit nosy, but her heart was always in the right place. That was what (Y/n) began to notice about her. Shaking her head, (Y/n) shrugged. She had only been there for a day, and the only person she felt attracted to was Regina, who wasn't a boy. "That's too bad. If you do end up having a crush on someone, please tell me. I'm great at keeping secrets, so it'll just be between you and me."
(Y/n) nodded, not sure how true Gretchen was about that last part. However, she felt it was better to agree than disagree with her. Karen braided her hair during lunch, adding butterfly clips, and (Y/n) couldn't see how anyone could hate any of these girls at this table. "Don't keep us waiting later, pretty girl," Regina flirted with a wink causing (Y/n) to leave with pink cheeks and no words. She couldn't understand how the world could be so right after years of being stuck at home because her mother was very fearful. However, she was having the time of her life at North Shore.
After school, Regina took the Plastics shopping and (Y/n) was beginning to feel special thanks to Regina. "Let's give you a makeover," Regina announced before the girls began to give her a makeover. The girls were having a blast until Gretchen and Karen had to head home and it was just Regina and (Y/n) by themselves. "You can stay here tonight if you want." Regina offered when she noticed the time. They had been talking into the late hours of eleven o'clock at night.
"My mom would kill me, but thank you for today." (Y/n) said softly. She called her mother to pick her up and she had ten minutes extra with the Queen Bee. "Thank you for inviting me to your table. You're a really good friend, Regina."
Regina smiled gently squeezing (Y/n)'s hand. She could be a good friend, it just depended on who it was and her mood. She was happy that (Y/n) felt that way about her. "See you later, loser," she said softly. "Maybe we can spend more time just us." (Y/n) nodded in agreement when she heard her mother honk from outside. Waving softly, she made her way outside, feeling like she had just made more than just a really good friend.
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Welcome to the Poly!Plasticsverse!
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collab with: @yungpoetfics (my fav bubs in the world)
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Regina George
@queenbgina/@callmereginald (she/her)
North Shore's Queen Bee
Soft for her girlfriends
The mom of the group
Basically a sugar mommy for her girls
Lifehack Geek
TikTok hater
Has rational fear of werewolves
Will fight a bitch
Victoria's Secret girly
Female rapper stan (Doja, Cardi, Megan, etc.)
Gretchen Wieners
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@thegretchenw/@greatgretsby (she/her/it (only if ur special))
The second mom of the group
Softest human
Loves playing with her girlfriends hair
#1 Twilight hater
Has a letterboxd account just to leave bad reviews
The level headed one usually, but will snap when she needs
Cuddly as fuck
Loves Fleur du Mal lingerie
Stubborn as Fuck
Wine drinker/expert
Loves vintage music (Elvis, Elton John, etc.)
Karen Shetty
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@karebearz/@karensheetty (any pronouns)
Loves Spongebob
Plant Parent
Knows Britney Spears and Lady Gaga choreo
Kpop girly (Blackpink, BTS, etc.)
Lettering expert
Has Funko Pop collection
Squishmallow lover
Cady Heron
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@cady_heron/@defnotcaddy (she/her)
The third mom of the group
Whispers when angry
Carries bandaids at all times
Always has snacks
Lactose Intolerant (but LOVES cheese)
Cries at Rom-Coms
LOVES hugs
Cannot handle spicy food
Sleeps with a teddy bear
Happy to be here
Friends with everyone's parents
Token vanilla of the group
Has diary (with a heart shaped lock)
Aaron Samuels
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@aaronsammy/@atomicaaron (he/him) or (ho/mie)
1/3 of Terror Trio
Y/N's best friend
North Shore's resident Himbo
Will do anything if someone says "I dare you"
Impulsive buyer
Has one brain cell (shares it with Y/N)
Overuses 💪 emoji
Usually confused
1/2 Golden Retriever duo
Can skateboard
Uses Axe body spray
Co-founder of Stuntmares
Dreams of grabbing a teddy in a claw machine (bucket list item)
Ass man
Owns too many grey sweatpants
Kisses his homies (homiesexual)
Has never watched Harry Potter
Watches lifestyle coaches on YT
Can play the ukulele (really badly)
Loves Eminem and Harry Styles (would fuck Harry Styles)
Writes Larry Stylinson fanfics
Kissed Y/N once (regretted immediately)
Damian Hubbard
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@hubbarddamian/@damianishubby (he/him/they)
Learned how to sew from Janis
Does drag and has a YT channel (Anita Dick)
Huge Adore Delano stan
Will fight anyone who hurts Janis
Doesn't like Rupaul as a person, but is a religious Drag Race fan
#1 Poly!Plastics fan
Has an 8 step skincare routine
Cameraman for Stuntmares
Lies about having curfew to go to sleep early
(Lowkey wishes he was a Slytherin bc it's the "cuntiest house"
Him and Karen watch The Bachelor
Fav movie is Dirty Dancing (did the lift with Janis)
Learned how to twerk from Y/N
Janis Imi'Ike
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@janiisimiike/@imiikenough (she/they)
Secret Barbie girly(live action and animated movies)
Will go straight for Ryan Gosling
Feral chihuahua of the group
Hozier stan
Pain in Regina's ass
Anger Issues™️
Secretly loves Olivia Rodrigo
Mentally Ill friend
Emotional Drunk
Karaoke Queen
Tits girly
Leather Jacket lesbian
Getting piercings > therapy
Has a suit collection
Loves her friends
Dog person (secretly)
Quotes niche memes
Kinky af
Middle Child
Y/N Y/L/N (FC: Chrissy Costanza)
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@thisbeyn/@reginaslefttit (she/he/they/it)
2/3 Terror Trio
2/2 Golden Retriever duo
Has matching fried egg tattoo with Aaron.
Co-Founder of Stuntmares
"Hi, I'm Y/N and welcome to Stuntmares" *jumps off roof into pool*
Cuts her own hair
Blooper Reel Queen
North Shore's resident stoner
AUDHD (autistic + ADHD)
Playlists range from Beethoven to ashnikko
Plays electric guitar
Has slight speech impediment
Gremlin of the group
D&D Dungeon Master
ALWAYS falls asleep during movie night
Power Nap Addict™️
Monster Energy Drink Enthusiast (collects the cans)
Oddly good at Origami
Tweets everything she thinks
Has been banned from Fortnite and Roblox
Married to Gretchen on The Sims (regina and karen were sad)
Anger issues
✨Spicy✨ Latina (do not fuck with her people)
Matching rings with her gfs
Def had one night stand with Cady
Shane Oman
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@shaneomann/@omantastic (he/him) or (dumb/hoe)
Loves Old School Rap (Biggie, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, etc.)
Hates Y/N at first but comes to love her like a sister.
Only person who can outsmoke Y/N.
Has a dropped truck with red LED lights under it.
Blasts music walking down the halls.
Always has the zoomies.
Orange cat friend.
Has elevator music playing in his head 24/7.
Challenged Damian to a dance off. (He lost. But he had girls simping over him)
Posts thirst traps on TikTok. (Regina's mom is his #1 follower)
Has a frying pan tattooed to match Aaron and Y/N.
Always on Stuntmares trying to create new world records.
Or eating a bunch of weird combos.
"Oman! Not again!" *proceeds to eat a marshmallow and spam sandwich*
Ralph Lauren man
Whenever the polycule argues, he's a "fuck this shit, I'm out" person.
Professional party crasher
Dine and Dash expert
Has nipple piercings (Aaron and Y/N dared him to get them)
Curses like a fucking sailor (Half of his lines on Stuntmares are just censor beeps)
Talks way too fast.
Knows Italian and Spanish (Him and Y/N talk shit in Spanish)
His ringtone for Aaron and Y/N is the remix of the Windows error sound
Loves t-shirts with offensive prints (Regina tries to make him dress normally)
Has gc with Aaron and Y/N called "Hoemies"
Would fuck Aaron
Major gossip (Him and Gretchen meet once a week to talk shit)
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rizardofether · 2 years
I was so focused on getting through the whole story on Corrow so I could have everything unlocked on EU. Finished that I think two days ago? But kept hyperfocusing on just playing, I thought I should talk about all my new characters here a little.
So here are all my EU (Corvidama.2948) Characters:
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Corrow - Necromancer/Scourge/Reaper - He/They - Commander
Ex-Inquest test subject, who always wears a mask and has a device to assist him with speaking after his throat/vocal chords were damaged by the experiments. Dies and re-animates himself, becoming an undead. No one can tell unless they remove their mask though.
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Wei - Mechanist - He/They - Freelance Canthan Mechanist
Orphan urchin who learned to work with machines and earned enough money to survive that way. Often has run-ins with the Jade Brotherhood, competing against them and stealing from them occasionally.
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Zott - Soulbeast - They/Them - Con Artist
Zott wasn't good enough at making inventions, and eventually found their skillset being their silver tongue and marketing ideas. They only target rich people though, knowing how hard it can be to struggle with money. They also have a harpy eagle they raised from a hatchling, Harry.
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Senara - Virtuoso - She/Her - Nightmare Courtier
Though she joined the Nightmare Court, she doesn't respect the authority of anyone, and only ever doing whatever she wants. Which is murder, mostly.
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Matius Rookstar - Elementalist - He/Him - Durmand Priory Scholar
Ex-Blood Legion legionnaire, who lost his entire warband, which led to him leaving the legions and joining the Durmand Priory instead. Is cursed with supernaturally bad luck from birth. This is also the likely reason for his warband's death, for which he blames himself.
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Otto - Specter - He/Him - A Strange Lone Sylvari
Otto seems to be from another tree like the Pale Tree. He seems to almost be like a subspecies of sylvari, as he is amphibious, having gills, and otherwise a build fit for swimming.
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Nicasia - Virtuoso - She/Her - Criminal Mastermind
Originally from the Ash Legion, which she left to join the Aetherblades, with whom she flew for many years, until their arrival in Cantha. There she left, along with taking some members with her, to make her own criminal organisation in Cantha.
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Vokoln Foxheart - Mirage - They/Them - Strange Fox-Like Charr
Actually secretly a fox spirit from Cantha who saw the charr and wanted to become one. Made their way to Ascalon to experience their culture.
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Vee - Necromancer - He/Him - Undead Asura
Vee is an asura who got exposed to too much Zhaitan magic and became corrupted while still alive. He struggled against it for a while, but was soon freed, as Zhaitan was slain, and so he regained his senses. Though being undead still affects him greatly, he tries his best to act normal.
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Dwixx - Vindicator - He/They - A Strange Asura
Dwixx is a companion of Corrow, who had originally joined the Vigil, where he met Corrow as the Pact was formed. He decided to follow Corrow directly soon after. Something seems odd about him though, it seems he might not be a normal asura after all. He himself has no idea either.
Now all my below level 80 characters who still don't have their gear and proper looks ready yet and use outfits/random armor instead. Will update this post once they get there later.
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Janis Witzel - Virtuoso - He/Him - Another Alternate Universe Commander
Janis is the commander of another alternate universe. There, as the Pact was being formed, he chose a member from each of the other two orders (his being the Order of Whispers) to join him as a trustworthy and strong team. Those ended up being Hukka and Kaarme.
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Hukka Wolfclaw - Willbender - He/Him - Commander's Companion
Hukka was a Vigil soldier, who had lost all his companions in a fight against the risen. He was recruited by Janis to join him in the fight against the dragons. Won over by his words, he agreed.
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Kaarme - Tempest - He/They - Commander's Companion
Durmand Priory scholar who nearly got kicked out for procrastinating on things and sleeping all the time, was recruited by Janis, who convinced him to work with him to fight the dragons.
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DJ Noxx Tide - Holosmith - They/Them - Asuran Musician
Noxx was more interested in music rather than inventions, and so they began studying music instead. They ended up making inventions that had to do with music and sound, with a couple having some visual effects aswell.
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Luxx - Scrapper - He/They - Aviator
Luxx loves flying. He has always tinkered with inventions that had to do with flying. While he enjoys airships, he wants to create a smaller aircraft, that can fit just one or two people and be more agile.
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Salmiakki Sootpaws - Deadeye - They/Them - Mercenary
Salmiakki is ex-Ash Legion. They decided to leave the legions, aswell as their old name behind. They picked a new name, both first and surname she came up with themself. They began working as a mercenary, feeling more free to do what they want, without being tied to an army structure.
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Zod - Chronomancer - He/Him - Ex-Kralkatorrik Minion
Zod was once corrupted by Kralkatorrik, though he managed to keep his sense of self very well. Once Kralkatorrik was slain, and he was freed, he decided to live his own life. He used to be Inquest before being corrupted, so his morals are... questionable...
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systemrestart · 7 months
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From Alison Bechdel's "Dykes to Watch Out For". Strip name "Au Courant", from 1994
I'd never seen this strip get posted, so I want others to see it. Mo, the character expressing 'concern' over the inclusion of trans women (as well as bisexuals) in lesbian culture, is often portrayed as being overly self-righteous, jumping to conclusions about others, and not critically examining her own biases and worldview. She was also the character in the comic commissioned for Transgender Warriors, where she learns she was wrong for being anxious about sharing a bathroom with a trans woman.
Mo is often either the butt of the joke, or receives a stark lesson in these interactions (whether by confrontation or just becoming socially isolated, because she's difficult to be around). And I found this framing important, especially as I've heard discussion of TERFs trying to claim Bechdel as one of them.
This comic was not made to validate Mo's opinions or feelings. The characters in Bechdel's comics are often messy, short-sighted, even bigoted. They're human. This comic does not valorize or 'condone' these flaws, merely shows them for what they are, as well as the consequences that come with them, and the effects they can have on your communities.
[Update Note: Recently learned some new things about Bechdel's feelings/choices regarding trans issues (particularly transmisogyny), link here if you're interested in reading. It seems that beyond DTWOF, Bechdel 'supports' trans people in an esoteric sort of way, but is seemingly unwilling to unpack deeper transphobic feelings/views, or her ties with TERF-aligned people. Deeply disappointing.
I don't think that impacts DTWOF itself much (except the framing of the character Janis, may make a post about that someday), as again all of the characters in DTWOF have wildly varying views, and that's The Point, but, it's something I think people ought to know if we're going to have a discussion about Bechdel in connection to TERFs and transmisogyny]
Transcript of the comic below the cut:
[ID: A "Dykes to Watch Out For" comic strip by Alison Bechdel, featuring the characters Mo and Lois. The conversation is as follows:
MO: Oh, jeez. Here's a submission for "Madwimmin Read" from someone named Jillian who identifies as a transsexual lesbian.
LOIS: Cool.
MO: The cover letter says, "I hope you'll consider changing the name of your reading series for local lesbian writers to be inclusive of transgender and bisexual women writers too." Oh, man!
LOIS: Guess it's time to get with the program, huh?
MO: What am I supposed to do? Have bi women and drag queens come in here and read about schtupping their boyfriends?
LOIS: Why not? I'm sure they'd have a unique perspective on the topic.
MO: Lois, I'm still trying to adjust to lesbians using dildos! What am I supposed to make of a man who became a woman who's attracted to women?!
LOIS: Love is a many gendered thing, pal. Get used to it.
MO: Well fine. Let people do what they want. But I'm not gonna add this unwieldy "bisexual and transgender" business to the name of my reading series. I don't even know what transgender means!
LOIS: It's sort of an evolving concept. I mean, we haven't had any language for people you can't neatly peg as either boy or girl.
LOIS: Like cross-dressers, transsexuals, people who live as the opposite sex but don't have surgery, drag queens and kings, and all kinds of other transgressive folks. "Transgender" is a way to unite everyone into a group, even though all these people might not self-identify as transgender.
LOIS: In fact, the point is that we're all just ourselves, and not categories. Instead of two rigid genders, there's an infinite sexual continuum! Cool, huh?
MO: How do you know all this stuff?
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erikahenningsen · 1 month
Rejanis idea that's been floating around my head if you want it: Gretchen shares her "Songs Regina Hates" playlist with Janis. Janis plays it whenever she wants to annoy Regina (often).
"Ew, what the fuck is this?"
"You've never heard 'Don't Stop Believin''?" Janis asks, a little incredulously.
Regina cuts her eyes to Janis briefly before turning back to the road. "Of course I've heard it. Why are we listening to it?"
"Do you not like it?"
"No. Change it."
Janis bites her lip to keep from laughing, and hits the skip button on her Spotify playlist—the one Gretchen had shared with Janis when Janis and Regina started dating so she would know what not to play around Regina. The one titled "Songs Regina Hates." The one Janis has been waiting for the precise right time to play.
There's some big accident on I-90, which has resulted in bumper-to-bumper traffic. They're going to be in this car for the foreseeable future, and they're barely moving, which means that, if necessary, Janis can open the door and roll out before Regina can kill her.
The opening notes of "Mambo No. 5" start playing and Regina visibly grinds her teeth.
"Next," Regina says shortly.
Dutifully, Janis skips to the next song: "Uptown Funk."
Regina turns to fully look at Janis, eyebrows knitted together and mouth tense. "What the fuck is this playlist?"
"Just some of my favorite songs," Janis replies, clenching the muscles in her stomach to keep from laughing.
"These are not your favorite songs, you hipster bitch," Regina shoots back.
"You don't know everything about me," Janis says.
Regina lets out a big sigh, like the fact that Janis is still alive and in Regina's presence is some enormously burdensome gift. "Just... change it."
"You got it," Janis says enthusiastically, hitting the skip button and letting Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud" play.
Before Janis can blink, Regina's hand shoots out and snatches Janis's phone out of her hand.
"Hey!" Janis protests, reaching for it.
Regina knocks her hand away. "Janis, stop. I'm driving."
"You took my phone," Janis says incredulously.
Regina ignores her, looking at the screen. "'Songs Regina Hates'? What the fuck is this? Are you so obsessed with me that you keep track of the music I don't like?"
"The only person obsessed with you is you," Janis says, grabbing the phone back.
"Says the person who texted me I can't stop thinking about you this morning," Regina replies, eyebrow raised.
"You've literally texted me the words I'm obsessed with you." Janis crosses her arms.
"I said I was obsessed with your boobs, not you."
In retaliation, Janis changes the song to "Old Town Road."
"Who the fuck made this?" Regina demands, reaching out to whack Janis on the arm without looking away from the road.
"I was sworn to secrecy," Janis insists, dodging the hit.
Regina narrows her eyes. "I'll find out."
It's probably meant to sound threatening—and it probably would be, to someone else—but Janis just rolls her eyes.
"Can we please listen to some normal music," Regina says exasperatedly.
"Okay," Janis says in a mock-defeated tone.
About ten seconds into "Lose Yourself" by Eminem, Regina reaches out and presses a few buttons on the console, disconnecting Janis's phone from the bluetooth.
"Hey!" Janis cries. "That's so rude."
Regina cuts her a withering look. "Second option was throwing your phone out the window."
Janis huffs out a breath, irritated despite the fact that she was deliberately annoying Regina for her own amusement.
Regina glances at her, looking amused. "Don't pout."
"I'm not pouting," Janis denies. "You're just mean to me."
Regina's smile morphs into something different, something almost... predatory.
"I'm not mean," Regina says. "In fact, I'm very generously going to give you a chance to make it up to me when we get home."
Janis frowns, confused. "Make what up to you?"
"Allegedly enjoying the worst songs known to humanity."
Janis snorts. "I'm sooo sorry."
Regina reaches over and places a possessive hand on Janis's leg, fingers digging into the inside of her thigh. It makes Janis shiver, and, judging by her smirk, Regina notices.
Regina gives Janis a look that makes little sparks zip down her spine.
"You better be."
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