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Something Worse Than A Spider, A Child.
The sequel to OH MY GODS THEY WERE ROOMMATES?! also posted on AO3. It’s been like two years but here we goooooo!
TWs: Fear of death, Spiders. 3.8 Words
Wilbur is having an absolute *field day*. He tripped and dropped a whole bundle of firewood, got stuck in a spiderweb and nearly eaten, oh and then he was also captured by a human. IT WAS FANTASTIC! Then he met his soulmate who APPARENTLY defies the laws of the universe because rules are meant to be broken I guess!
Soulmates; for some they’re lovers, for some they’re best friends. Either way they are meant to be inseparable pairs. Everyone’s got one; that one person with whom you’re supposed to spend your life with. They’re tied together with a metaphorical string, fate pulling them closer and closer together until the day they finally meet. Both bear matching marks on their wrists and have the ability to message each other by writing on their arm.
Wilbur considered himself a very skilled borrower, a very well-educated borrower. With this information you may be wondering, how exactly did he find himself trapped in the sticky web of a garden spider? It’s a very short story. Unfortunately, this house was not the most ideal for a borrower, but it was his home, and moving was a lot of work. The biggest flaw was that it had children.
A very loud, rambunctious teenager with an unfortunate fascination with bugs, insects, and mud. Meaning it spent most of its time running around the yard. The yard that Wilbur had to traverse during his day-to-day life.
Now how does this tie in (ha, tie) to him getting stuck in a spider’s web? Unfortunately, the child had just gotten home, yelling at the top of its lungs of course, about its latest school project. Involving insects. And usually said child did all its bug hunting in the backyard. So he knew he had to hurry if he wanted to make it home alive.
But hurrying when you’re in the process of carrying a stack of firewood in your arms usually tends to cause accidents, which is exactly what happened. The brunet borrower couldn’t see where he was going over the pile of sticks in his arms, and ended up tripping over a few rocks and was sent stumbling right into the sticky webbing strapped to the tall gnarled roots of the oak tree in the backyard. Wilbur had been trying very hard to avoid the webs whenever he went outside, knowing the orb weaver it belonged to was not one to be crossed. It wasn’t a particularly massive spider, not bigger than him, not like ones he’d heard stories of. But it was much bigger than any ants or bees he’d seen in the garden. And he knew how bad their venomous bites were.
His little brother had had a run-in with it once, before they’d gotten separated. It had left him unable to move for a few days, and the nausea and fever that followed was awful. Wilbur had tended to him the entire time, and thankfully Tubbo had recovered.
The tall borrower wondered where he was these days, and prayed to Prime that he was safe. Though currently, he was praying for his own safety. Death by an orb weaver was not swift and painless. He’d be paralysed by its painful bite, and then wrapped up in the silky webbing to be eaten later… just like the moth he’d seen tied up in its web the week prior.
‘Oh here it comes now.’ he thought fatalistically as the webbing vibrated, and the bright yellow marked spider started climbing down the large web, its beady eyes trained on the brunet. Wilbur stared up at it with a frown, trying not to let his fear show. It wasn’t like he wanted to die. Quite the opposite. He was actually absolutely terrified, but struggling didn’t work. He’d tried at least a dozen times. The borrower looked down at his chest, glaring down at his ugly yellow sweater before closing his eyes, waiting for paralysis to take him.
Damn. He didn’t even get to say goodbye to his soulmate…
He opened his eyes again and stared down at his arm, his trench coat sleeve covering the pictogram on his wrist. It was a picture of a music note, a sword down the centre of the treble clef. Wilbur sighed sadly and looked up at his impending doom with a fierce glare.
“I hope you get indigestion, you yellow menace.” he spat as venomously as the orb weaver’s own poison. The spider hissed in response, pinching its venomous pincers. So apparently, spiders can speak English. Cool. Unless this spider was secretly his soulmate. But Wilbur sincerely doubted that. Never in a million years had he heard of cross-species soulmates. The idea was just absurd.
“Oh go shove a moth in it won’t you? We both know you’d never beat me in a fair fight.” Wilbur snarled out, glaring into the spider’s beady eyes.
Suddenly he felt the web vibrating more, continuously, but the garden spider wasn’t moving. The orb weaver seemed to pause, going still. If spiders were intelligent, he’d say he could see the gears turning in its head.
“What? Calling your mate are you? Am I a lunch date for the two of you or something??”
Then the spider ran away.
“...Uh… okay… bye then?”
Anxiety pooled in his stomach as the webbing vibrated more and more, but it wasn’t a spider. The ugly yellow bastard was already scuttling off into the tall grass. Wilbur could feel the tremors travel from the ground to the webbing, he could see the ground shaking. Thunder roared under the earth as something big stomped closer and closer, and before he knew it, he found himself engulfed in an impossibly massive shadow, a pair of giant shoes planted centimetres in front of him. Well, bigger spider could definitely be crossed off the list!
“Where’s that yellow spider… I know it’s around here. It’d be perfect!” a loud voice rumbled overhead, and the brunet hesitantly looked up, and up, worried that his greatest fears were about to smack him right in the face.
And he was proven right as he saw the creature casting the shadow, was none other than that giant blond menace of a human, standing over him, a glass jar in hand. It wasn’t looking at him… yet, instead scanning the tree branches for… the spider apparently. You know what? Wilbur was fine with this. The death traps could deal with each other. The human would probably win but at least it’d be putting the orb weaver out of his misery.
The borrower squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a small startled gasp as the blond suddenly stepped over him obliviously, still looking around the tree for the bright yellow spider. While that was scary… he wasn’t dead! Wilbur slowly reopened his eyes, shuddering as he felt the tremors still. Now was his chance to get free while the giant was distracted and the spider was elsewhere!
Wilbur focused on one arm to start, trying to rip his right arm free from the sticky silk. Then once he got it free, he could pull his knife out of his bag and-
“Woah… what’re you supposed to be?” a voice cut through his thoughts, and the borrower felt his heart skip a beat. Looking down, the shadow had changed. Slowly he looked up, and up, and met the gaze of the massive human. It was tall and lanky, taller than most humans he’d seen in his lifetime, yet had a child-likeness to its face. Massive icy blue orbs bore into his own, and Wilbur felt a shiver travel down his spine, only one word going through his head.
“Well? You can talk, can’t you little man?” the human crouched down in front of him, and the brunet gave it the most venomous glare he could muster despite the fact that he was trembling. The borrower rules, AKA his way of life, said under no circumstances should you talk to a human. It usually ended in getting dissected or something painful like that. But also, fuck the rules, this kid just had such an insultable face.
“So what if I can? What's it to you, big man?” he spat mockingly.
“Well, truth be told, you’re pretty unusual, and I just happen to be looking for something unique. You’re far more interesting than some garden spider that’s for sure.” the borrower tensed, trying not to show his nervousness as anxiety flooded into his mind like a tidal wave.
“I wouldn’t call myself particularly interesting actually. I’m a bit tied up right now, physically and metaphorically. So how about you help me out and we can just forget we ever met, yeah?” Wilbur tried, starting to sweat a bit.
“Hmmmmmm, nah,” the human gave him a toothy grin. “It’s not every day you find a tiny person in your backyard.” in all honesty, yeah that was understandable. But also fucking shit piss hell fuck shit-
The borrower let out a startled noise and visibly recoiled as a giant hand suddenly reached over and wrapped around his small frame, easily ripping him from the spider web and carrying him into the air.
“This- okay how about we make a deal?” he tried nervously, and the human raised an eyebrow.
“What sort of deal? I’ll have you know, I’m an excellent businessman and not easily persuaded.” Wilbur swallowed nervously as he was lifted higher up, held in front of the giant face, the kid nearly going cross-eyed to stare at him.
“Well, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m actually an alien.” he whispered.
“That's right, I come from the planet of-... L’manburg…” the borrower said slowly.
“Sounds like bullshit but alright.” the human didn’t look convinced, but Wilbur continued the act.
“Wh- excuse me?? How dare you!”
“Look pal, I know aliens aren’t real. You’re coming with me, and that's that.” Wilbur’s stomach lurched as the human stood to its full height, and he was stuffed into it’s shirt pocket.
“Just a sec-” the colour drained from his face as the giant started fiddling with the mason jar it’d brought outside with it, and started unscrewing the lid. Wilbur had a feeling he knew exactly what it was for, and his anxiety was suddenly heightened. His heart rate went from one to a hundred in less than a second as giant fingers pinched the back of his trenchcoat and carried him into the air, before unceremoniously dropping him into the glass prison.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
He slowly scooted back until his coat pressed against the cold, hard wall. The brunet crossed his arms over his chest, hiding how they shook as he continued glaring up at the child.
“Are you aware kidnapping is a crime?”
“I’d hardly call it kidnapping when you’re the size of a mouse.” the human chuckled in response. Wilbur was knocked onto his hands and knees as the container jolted suddenly, and everything started moving. He took one look at the ground far below before yanking his head back and glaring up at the giant once again.
“N-not even going to ask for my name?”
“Would you tell me if I asked?” blondie raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe,” Wilbur crossed his arms. “Will you tell me yours so I can stop mentally referring to you as ‘child’?”
The human stopped in its tracks, sputtering out an offended string of noises.
“How fucking dare you! I am not a child you tiny bitch! If anything you’re the child!”
“And how exactly does that logic track?”
“Cos’ you’re short an’ shit.” the borrower raised an eyebrow this time.
“Yes well I think it’s been established I’m not a human. So you can’t hold me to human standards.”
"What are you then? Some weird mutated rat man? Or are you a faerie?" the jar was lifted higher, and Wilbur nearly fell flat on his face.
“Are you going to tell me your name or not?”
“Fineeeeeeeeeeeeee,” the blond rolled its eyes. “It’s Tommy, TommyInnit, the biggest man.”
“What's yours then?” ‘Tommy’ questioned, staring holes into his head with his massive eyeballs. “Wilbur. No title.”
“Got any friends, Wilbur no title?” the human asked teasingly, and Wilbur scowled.
“Not that I can think of…”
“So no one to miss you? Well don’t worry, you and I can be the best of friends.” suddenly the jostling worsened tenfold, and the poor borrower was beginning to feel motion sick.
Fucking hell…
He tried his best to stay upright, sitting back against the glass with his palms pressed to the curved walls.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have to pass.” he bit out.
“Wha- why?! I’m probably- no definitely, the coolest and greatest man you’ve ever met!” Wilbur crossed his arms.
“You put me in a jar, and you’re annoy-ing.” he enunciated the last word. The blond human obviously wasn’t happy with this answer. The stupid child sputtered and scoffed.
“Well- y’know- I- I might seem a little annoying at first- but I promise it’ll grow on you!”
“...I don’t care.” he wasn’t exactly scared of the human anymore… it was more like… a fear for his safety.
Tommy’s face scrunched up in anger, going bright red, Wilbur thought he looked like a tomato- He yelped as he was thrown against the glass again, and he realised the human was swinging the jar through the air… again.
"Can you not??" he grumbled out, but Tommy didn't stop swinging his arm back and fourth as he walked.
"What was that little man? You're so quiet I can't hear you!" the blond replied loudly in an exasperated tone.
"Oh my Prime you are such a fucking child-" he grunted in pain as he was slammed against the glass wall again.
"ALRIGHT FUCK! I'M SORRY!" his stomach lurched and he fell onto his back, but the jar finally stopped swinging.
"Apology accepted."
"Prime, do you humans really feel no shred of guilt?? Empathy??" Wilbur demanded.
"I do but you're being a bit of a dick right now if I'm being honest." Tommy stated firmly, and Wilbur clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms. He paused, and stared down at his arm. That's right… he had a chance to tell him soulmate his goodbyes now! The only blessing the human boy unknowingly gave him. Quickly he rolled up his sleeve,
'Techno are you there?' he wrote quietly, trying his best to remain inconspicuous so as to not get interrupted by the blond human.
'Hi. I just got home.' an answer appeared on his arm, causing it to tingle.
'I have some…' Wilbur paused, dread pooling in his stomach as he thought about what he was writing.
'Bad news.' he finished.
'Ok. What is it?' his soulmate responded, the message didn't look all too urgent, but Wilbur knew that was just how Technoblade was sometimes.
'I'm… I'm kind of in troubl-' he started to write, when the jar gave another violent shake, and smooth wood appeared below his feet. Looking around, Wilbur realised it was a table, the big one in the kitchen where all the humans ate. An intrusive thought wormed it's way into his mind at the implications of that.
Tommy sat down in front of him, just staring him down with those big blue orbs. Why did blue-eyed people always look scarier than everyone else?
"Well you got awfully quiet." Tommy started, and the borrower gave him a frown of malcontent.
"Apologies, contrary to what you might think,most people don't enjoy making conversation with their kidnapper." he bit out, pausing to look down at his arm as it tingled again.
"Alright, kidnapping is a strong word pal." Tommy interrupted, only to get ignored.
'With the police?' the message read, and he couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped him, despite everything going on. The human stared at him like a madman.
"The fuck are you laughing about??"
"Something my friend said! Is it a crime to want to laugh now?!" Wilbur snapped, giving him a venomous glare. Tommy looked like he was going to yell or something unnecessarily aggressive again, but stopped, a new emotion crossed his features; guilt.
"You mean… your soulmate?" the blond asked slowly, in a surprisingly gentle tone.
"Even… tiny people have soulmates?" Tommy asked, as if it was some wildly impossible concept. The brunet stopped himself from glaring, and instead swallowed down his anger and worry.
"Yes… of course we do. Everyone does."
"Actually, I don't." the blond replied bitterly, and Wilbur gave him a confused look.
"What? Don't humans have them?"
"Yes, but I don't," Tommy held his arm up to show the lack of a pictogram on his wrist. "Dadza said I'll get one eventually, but I don't think that's how it works…"
"Yeah… you look far too old to not have one…" Wilbur mumbled. He'd had his for as long as his memory dated back, and Tubbo's had appeared when he was only two or three. Wait- right Techno!
'No not the police! I mean a human Techno! This isn't the time to joke!' he scribbled quickly, ignoring how he could feel the human child's eyes burning a hole in his head. The silence that followed while Wilbur waited for a response was painful, but eventually it came.
'Oh. I'm sorry… I don’t know what to do. I hope they're nice.'
'Techno. Human trouble. Obviously they're not nice!' he wrote back quickly.
'So… is this a last words kind of situation?' the message appeared across his arm in slow motion, and a few tears began beading down his cheeks.
"Are you… crying?" a voice rumbled above him, and Wilbur remembered exactly where he was. He scrubbed away the tears and glared up at the blond.
"No! Fuck off!" the brunet snapped, despite the fact that Tommy sounded genuinely concerned. His tone had completely shifted, and the look on his face was sympathetic as he laid his head on the tabletop, staring into Wilbur's glass prison.
"Alright, suit yourself. I'm just trying to help." the borrower's brain wasn't paying attention to whatever Tommy said as he watched another human enter the room. A red-eyed man with pink hair, his dark roots stealthily showing his natural colour. The pinket looked nervous, staring down at his arm as he walked behind Tommy towards the cabinet where the cups were kept. Wilbur felt his heart beating rapidly, anxiety and panic pooling in his stomach and spreading through his core once again.
"Hm?" Tommy looked between him and the pinket a few times before he realised what must be going on. Suddenly giant hands wrapped around the jar again and Wilbur felt his stomach lurch once more. Tommy held the jar in his lap and turned slightly, blocking his brother's view of it's contents, but not before the brunet caught a glance of his arm.
Technoblade's arm.
"Heyyyyy Blade." Tommy drawled out in the most suspicious tone ever.
"Hi…" he replied monotonously.
Wilbur's entire world had just come crashing down.
"So uh… what's going on with you? Why are you out here?"
"I'm making tea… and this is the kitchen." Techno deadpanned.
Techno was a human. His only friend, who made him feel safe and hopeful- and think that there were still other borrowers out there!
"You look kind of stressed." the blond pointed out obviously.
"Yeah… m' just worried about ny soulmate… he said some worryin' things and hasn't got back to me yet…" Wilbur hadn't even noticed the new message tickling his arm. He stared down at it in wide-eyed shock.
'I guess I should tell you something then.' the borrower swallowed nervously.
'That you're a human?' he wrote shakily.
Technoblade let out a small gasp, before looking around in confusion and worry.
"Hello?" the pinket asked aloud, and Tommy looked at him like an absolute lunatic.
'Help me. Techno I'm here. I'm trapped. Your little brother caught me.' he wrote desperately, panic bleeding into his writing.
There was a silence, before footsteps started thudding against the floor.
"Tommy." the pinket started, and held out his hand.
"What? What do you want?" the teen asked defensively, hugging the jar tighter to his person with a defiant glare on his face.
"Give me the borrower." Techno demanded calmly, though his aura radiated an intimidating strength. Tommy looked shocked for a minute, before he sneered and shook his head.
"Leave my tiny friend alone and go find your own."
Wilbur scoffed. Friendship was not what they had, that's for sure.
"Tommy. Give me my soulmate." the pinket tried again, sounding less patient. The borrower felt his mouth go dry and his heart clench. It really was Techno… and… he… actually wanted to help?
"Your soulmate?!" Tommy exclaimed in pure shock.
"Yes. His name is Wilbur."
"I know what his name is! But what do you mean soulmate?!" Tommy demanded, haphazardly setting the jar down on the table so he could make wild motions his hands.
"Hes tiny! How can you guys be soulmates when hes not even human?!"
"Don't know, don’t care." Techno stated dismissively before picking the jar up off the table, accidentally knocking Wilbur over….. again. The brunet pushed himself up and scooted back, a nervous look on his face as he pressed his back against the glass. So big… even bigger than Tommy… scary.
He met Techno's harsh, red-brown eyes, and swallowed nervously. Quickly they softened, but it did nothing to quell the poor borrower's anxiety.
"Well let's get you outta' here." Techno said before he started unscrewing the lid. Wilbur didn't have time to process anything as he was gently slid out of the jar and into the human's awaiting hand. The borrower immediately tensed up and braced himself, squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for the fingers to close around him like vicious claws. But it never happened.
Slowly he opened his eyes again and looked around, hugging himself. Techno was just staring at him.
"Sorry- I didn't mean to stare… this is just really weird." the pinket put the jar down and took several steps away from the counter, moving his free hand underneath the other for support.
"You… you knew I was a borrower?" Wilbur asked finally.
"A-and you never thought to mention you were a human??" Techno looked conflicted, before nodding.
"I figured it might complicate things so I kept it to myself."
"You- I- AHG!" he yelled, tugging at his hair.
"...So mind explaining exactly what's going on? I'm still confused" Tommy interjected.
"Nah. The big kids are busy." Techno replied unapologetically before walking out of the kitchen, and headed upstairs, taking Wilbur with him. Nervousness tugged at his gut, and after a minute, Wilbur worked up the courage to ask.
“Um… Technoblade… what exactly are you… going to do... with me?” the tall human sighed, pushing his bedroom door open with a creak.
“I’m gonna put you down, an’ you can do whatever you want after. I’d like for you to stay and talk… face to face, but I can understand if you don’t wanna do that.” he said in an honest voice.
The borrower mulled over the words as Techno walked across the room to his desk. He gently set Wilbur down on top of it, before sitting down in front of him.
“Well… I suppose I could stay for a little bit…” the brunet started hesitantly.
“Sounds good. Why don’t we start with how the little gremlin caught you?” Wilbur scoffed.
“I’d hardly call him little, but sure. It involves a web and the world’s worst garden spider.”
#gt#mcyt#mcyt g/t#mcyt g/t community#mcyt gt community#fic#borrower!wilbur#t!wilbur#tiny!wilbur#tiny wilbur#wilbur#tommy#technoblade#human!tommy#human!technoblade#g!tommy#g!technoblade#giant!tommy#giant!technoblade#giant tommy#giant technoblade#human tommy#human technoblade#roommates au#there is a giant spider
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someone should write a species swap fic
#my art#ph1lza#philza#dsmp#tw dsmp#dream smp#sbi#sleepy boys inc#minus that guy#technoblade#tommyinnit#c!tommy#c!techno#c!philza#species swap#piglin#avian#human#i give them all lil special trait#c!tommy has longer and thinner tusk then other piglin also very tall and lean same as ctechno as piglin#ctechno has brown roots and also a golden eagle#phil hair is a lighter blonde
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little guy (wip might color?)
#myart#philza#philza fanart#technoblade#technoblade fanart#emerald duo#bedrock bros#tommyinnit fanart#tommyinnit#origins smp tommy? idk i forgot why i gave him wings#obsesed w my human techno design again#sbi
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woah human technoblade? ON THIS ACCOUNT?? no way
#techno fanart#technoblade fanart#i can’t draw humans#well i can#sorta#i just don’t prefer it LMAO#my art ig#don’t look at his arms too long they’re uneven and i was too lazy to change it last second
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I wanted to make a "no me mires con esos ojos (don't look at me with those eyes)" comic but hmmm idk, who would say what??? 🤷♂️
Quería hacer un cómic basado en esa canción "no me mires con esos ojos" pero hmmm no sé, quien dirá que??? 🤷♂️
#philza#philza minecraft#technoblade mcyt#technoblade and philza#technoblade fanart#technoblade#philza mcyt#philza fanart#mcyt fanart#mcyt#emerald duo fanart#emerald duo#emduo#a little peek into the human artsyle of whatever it's called haha#idk about cleaning up but i think it's neat so far#im still working on hedgehog philza the beloved#ALSO I SAW TODAYS STREAM AND LIKE I XAN SEE HEDGEHOG PHILZA FANBOYING OVER SHADOW AAAAA#it also just made me realize i could just give the poor guy wings lmao
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late night techno with carl (comically large fresian horse) to relax
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hello! you said you take requests, so is it ok for you to paint Technoblade? I love the ethereal style you have in paintings, especially with the fae!martyn one you did!

The man himself!
#ive been wanting to do something with his human design for a while now#so thank you for the request!#art requests#fanart#mcyt#acrylic painting#technoblade#dream smp#dream smp fanart#asks
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I think this officially makes me a fanartist
#it is mandatory for every emduo fanartist to draw technoperch at some point in their career. i have come to fulfill this quota.#reupload cause i forgot the gold streaks :(#emerald duo#technoblade#dsmp techno#dsmp philza#philza#dsmp#dream smp#i have completely forgotten how to draw humans but fuck it we ball
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i've fallen back into my high school gacha obsession, so i made him into a cookie. idk what he'd be called but he's strawberry flavored 🍓
#his coat fluff is icing ruffles. heart shaped by the way. if you even care#does this count as my first ''human'' techno art in years? i think it does 😌#i wanna make him rebloggable but i remember people being really fuckin rude and argumentative kjhfg i dont want them to find me....#ehh maybe later#technoblade#my art#i finally thought of something i wanted to draw thank god
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techno redesign with some new headcannons
#technoblade#techno fanart#piglin techno#human techno#shifter techno#i was watching the minecraft monday strean with phil
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Fancy scp Technoblade, for all your stylish needs!
#Techno in dress is best thing to draw when down#technoblade#sbi au#scp techno#sbi scp au#fault au#technoblr#technoblade fanart#techno fanart#technoboar#Dress#tw blood#Scp techno knows little and cares little for human gender roles#But he does know when he’s being teased by tommy#sbi#Mcyt#something to nom on
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two page for today for special occasion
prev | next | first
#my art#the comic tag#sleepy bois inc#sbi#piglin!tommy#c!tommy#c!techno#c!philza#human!philza#avian!techno#technoblade#tommyinnit#ph1lza#species swap#tw dsmp#dsmp#dream smp
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I'm done arguing about oldest or middle child Techno, this is a safe space for youngest!Techno truthers only
#/j#but also kinda not#in the sense that AUs where the characters are some flavor of immortal bc they're supernatural creatures or eldritch beings or whatever#and Techno is a human and thus the 'youngest'#SLAP SO HARD#SO FUCKING HARD#VAMPIRE AUs GOD AUs DRAGON AUs#technoblade#thoughts
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so I just went digging in my old Word Docs and found like 30000 words of an eldritch fanfic abomination I completely forgot existed? It’s this weird mesh of what is very obviously Emerald Duo and Beeduo In Space (plus what I think might be Tommy and good-guy Dream? Unclear) just with slightly less Videogame names and a completely original plot that is eerily similar to Titan A.E. for my having never seen that movie before and ALSO for my NOT REMEMBERING I WROTE THIS while watching said movie. Also a strange sort of thing where I think every remaining human in the universe has a very strong compulsion to sing? I was perhaps making a statement about how music is what makes us human? But it feels a little weirder than that like maybe I was foreshadowing something else but I Don’t Know. Humans have sorta fallen back on as much Old Cultural Stuff in the face of Earth’s destruction, every human has a name like Athena or Theseus (three guesses why I think this guy is Tommy despite no other similarities) and the AI are like… super weird. Apparently AI were considered way too expensive to run on computers so aliens figured out how to implant them into brains and run them on that but then it was discovered that if you put an AI in a sentient brain it’d just become a sentient AI, develop a whole-ass soul, and start cohabitating with its host, so that idea went out the window and now a small subset of the population just has weird sentient beings in their brains. Techno’s Chat is apparently one of these. I think Dream is also one of these, but like, a brand new one in Tommy’s head. I say I think because again, I CANNOT REMEMBER WRITING THIS. It’s very humans are space orcs I like it a lot but like…. Where did it come from. When did I write this. What do I do with it.
#molten rambles#The heck???#humans are space orcs#humans are weird#space australia#Sbi#technoblade#beeduo#Or ig#Benchtrio#philza#mcyt#fanfic
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day 21- map
how could we ever doubt him
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